'''BY b. A. & C. H. BITEHLEIt VOLUME UVLI apsrestAL OPORMATION. Post once Resulatlons Rates ofPosiagi: Postage on all letters of onelhisHounee weight or under, 3 cents pre paid, (aireept to California and Oregon, which is 10 eentb pre : paid) Postage on "Tim STAR AND BTxxxa",—with. 0 the County, free. Within the State, 13cents per year. To any part of 'the United States, 26 cents. Postage on all transient papers under 3 DUDCWI in weight, 1 cent pre-paid, or 2 cents unpaid. Advertised letters to be charged with the cost of advertising. The Mails : Coaches, with mails to Bald more, and Philadelphia, (and intervening points,) leave at 5 o'clock, A. M., daily, ex cept Sundays. To Harrisburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5, A. M. To Hagerstown, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at'?, A. M. To Chambersburg, 5, A. M., daily. " Siamittsburg, 3, P. M., " Mail to Sandersville, Middletown, Mumma burg, Centre Mills, Arendtstown, on Wodnes -4a7 and Saturday, 7 A. M. r 0 Hunteritown, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 A. M. To New Chester, and Hampton, on Tuesday of each week, 7 A. M. °Ulcers of the United Stales. Premix/al : Frankitt Pierce. Vice Presidenl: Jesse D. Bright. ,Secretary of Stale : Win. L. Marcy. Seerelary or Interior: Robert McClelland. Secretary of Treasury : Janice Guthrie. Beerdary ql War : Jefferson Davis. Secrdary of Navy: James C. Dobbin. Foss Master General James CampbelL Attorney General: Caleb Cushing. Chief Justice rde th e U. Staler IC. B. Taney Stale Officers. Governor : James Pollock. Sdereiar,y of Stak : Andrew O. Curtin. 1):puto Secretary': John M. Sullivan. - Surveyor Genera: J. Porter Brumley. moTilor General: Ephraim Banks. Treasurer : Eli Slifer. Judges : J. S. Back, E. Lewis, W. B. Lowlie G. W. Woodward, J. C. Knox_ Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools Henry C. Hickok. Cogan!, omcers. Congress: David F. Robison. 8. t : David %linger. -desespady : LRa.a Robinson. Preeidenl Judge: Robert J. Fisher. troci , ttst : Sant . ' R. Russell. Jno. McGinty. Lirlricl Atiarney : Jas. G. Reed. tilterijr: Henry Thomas. Coroner: J. I. Hendrix. PooSonotorg : John Picking. wieter Reenrder :1V ni. F. Walter. Clerk qf the oourbr: J. J. Baldwin. (Sturdy 7'eeaenrer : .1. L. Schick. Conrdy Surreyar : Geo. B. Hcwit. /a,pector of WeiyAts and Meaearee: Franklin Gardner. CommissionArs: Jas. .T. Wills, George layers Henry A. Picking i • Clerk—J. Aughtabaugh Counsel—David _Diredors of Me Poor: Joseph -Bally, Johi Horner, Garret Brinkerhoff ; Clerk—ltob't 8. Paxton • Treasurer—Alit:ander Cobean J Sit:ward—ohn Scut ;. Physician—Duvii Romer. _Auditors : Edmund F. Bltorb, Abel T. Wright John Hauptman. Nerroutite A preaiser : Jacob Aughinbaugh. .Counly Sitperuitendeni: David Willa. 'Borough Officers. Burgr.ts : John Culp. .71orm Owned : James A. Thompson, Rugh Denwiddie, Samuel B. Russell, S. S. Me. Cleary, D. Kendlehart, John Gilbert. B. G..M'Creary, Clerk and Treasurer. Juslienw th. Penec : George E. Bringman, Joel B. Danner. Constable : Johu L. Burns. Places of ll'orsalp Prexbytarian : Rait- and High street—at pres cut without a Pastor. Roman ratholie : West High street. Pastor —Rev. Mr. De Necker. German Reformed : High and Strattonstreets. Paster—itev. Jatmh Ziegler. ltidhsdist Episcopal : East 'Middle street.— Pastors—ltem. J. W. Desk, Wtn. Kartisbaw. Associate ReArmed West High street. Pas. tur-6-Rev.itir. Werner. Lothezaa Christ Church, Chambersbarg street; Pasta•—Rev. Dr. Krauth. St. James, York and Stratton streets; Pas. tor—Rev. Reuben Hill. Associations. LO. 0. F.—Gettys ige meets on Tuesday evening of each week S. of T. Adams Division meets on Monday evening of each week. Tempexasee Beneficial Association meets on third Satutday evenieg of each month. Gettysburg Beneficial Association meets first Saturday evening of each month. Young Men'a Lyceum meets on Thursday evening of each week. York Springs Lodge Meets on Thursday even. . ing of each week. Berlin Beneficial Assinistien meets on the first . grAny, evtiniag of each month. , Babb of Gettysburg. " Assideu George Sirope. .Cashier John D. liefhenson. clerk : John H. 4411ellen. Directors: George Swope, Henry Wirt, ' Jacob Young, 'Oleo. W. MeGlellan. Dr. D. Horner, D, Willo,•Hent7 hiyen, Wm. Gard ner, Lewis Motter, 41ex. B. Hines, Wm. Doaglis; MeShertY, jr. IL. Longwell: , AdapMl COlulitY MlNtesitrire Maw rsencr . 4 94T1R1PY 4 Posidefit : Room, LiWO_Pe• .P. Prafdeet Samuel It. Russell, Beci*try Dayii A. 13U'ehlei. tietutster L' David Wenner Areclittive Oojaiiiitee (Rob M'Cusdy, Andrew '''Hhieteembio. — Jiteeb'lling. • ,itimegsse Swoßs, D. A. Buehler, R. W. ILIClem. As. Fleioteelloso, S. R.cßue ;; AKlteer.b. 4, 1 Noel s Kurtz, 5.4" M'Cree,g, J.Eitr,r, „ L T. The ; st. Fiehelbeiger, J. Aughio• LWlllie.; r ll. A. TiCh 4 log, Ti. M'Con set O e dob Cifliese, Witt.' &Nilson, Jo. i; 'The Riteenttve ' Committee znelt oil the the fitst Tuesday in orgy; month at, the, °Woe t.ogithe.koretall• „,„ 4114; 1214,ntmPe Nap li!ititer : &spit- I lin 'Nee aPriPCorl ~I],orsager.,,tlle .groat • r,elltitt Ttedt „Tykers,".tbe great Frenotitistorian, was a pnatrw,l , • 044.--/ltifalltillisilefar •pc ,?! • .: ,, Wreralalteit (rent the, dome Piff;4 o . ll he 411 the vasurna ts alum; , Vetter 1. t,oirs a't .• ' I HMidrn° 0114 NP From as linismmith Journal. The old Church Bell. Every holy Sabbath morning, While the sunbeams are adorning Sloping hills and vallies fair ? Or when wintry winds are sig hing,. And the shadows think are lying On the uplands, bleak and bare— Still I hear that silver ringing pealing out up. on the air. From the ry's station, With a co nstant, sweet vibration, Floats the sound from door to door— Calling to the sad and weary, And through by-paths lone and dreary To the wretched and the poor, All earth's toil-worn children hear it, hear and bless It evermore, On some happy, festive morning, Long before the rosy dawning, Have I heard that merry sound, Ringing out across the meadows, Waking all the sleeping echoes, Throltgh the misty, quiet town— Starting from their peaceful slumbers all the dreaming world around. And when dust to dust is given, When earth's tenderfoot ties are riven, Still is heard that plaintive bell— Tolling mornfully and slowly, While alike the high and lowly Listen to the passing knell— List and learn the solemn meaning of the deep toned funeral bell. Peals of joy, and tones of sorrow, Sad to-day and gay to-morrow, Thus are life's great changes rung ; Strong emotions, upward, starting From the deepest fount of feeling, Uttered by that iron tongue, While the sweet reverberations die away the hills among. From the N. r. independeni Little Alice. Happy, loving little Alice, lVith her soft and sunny curls, In the cottage or the palace She is still the queen of girls ? In her young and guileless bosom Only Infant thoughts repose ; Though we often call her 'blossom," Years must make the bud a rose. Playful, winning, artleas'Alice [lad I power to drink to thee From some fairy's neetared chalice In a draught all rich and free— I would wish thee days of gladness, Nights of slumber deep and calm, And no transient hour of sadness But should find a healing balm. I would give thee, merry Alice Truest joys for riper years ; Ne'er should envy, grief or malice Fill thy gentle eyes with tears; But in sweet and sheltered places I would have thy pathway fall, 'Till thou seem celestial faces, "And the Lord is all in all." 0 my tender, timid Alice, There is no such lot for thee I Thou must tread life's solemn valleys ; Tbpu.must alljts,unguish see Mar' still shimi befere thee Through the journey dark and cold, And our God at last restore thee To the blessed shepherd's fold I Grandeur of God DT O. 11. JUDAII • • Go abroad Ulm the paths of nature, and, when all Its voices whisper, and its silent things Are breathing the deep beauty of the world, Kneel at its simple altar, and the God Who bath the living waters shall be there. [ Oft, when plowing the mighty deep, I've beheld His grandeur in the placid ruffling of the waves—in the gentle breeze of heaven that wafted me to a far off clime —in the fury of the tempest—in loud sounding bursts of thunder, amid vivid flashes of lightning -4y° at a time when fancy pictured to nay imagination the jew elry of the ocean as my tomb, and my dirge the eternal music of its roar. Then, again, I've viewed it in the abatement of the storm—in the ceasing of his anger— in the renovated splendor of the sky—in the returning brilliancy of the stars—in the unparalleled beauty of the:luminary of light--and in the tranquility of the winds. Reader 1 Dost thou think that man can adequately portray the grandeur of his Maker T Bost thou suppose that he can dilate on that which is beyond the ken of mortality T The student, in the solitude of his little chamber, may trim and replen ish his midnight lamp, and out watch the slow-paced eve; the poet may call into re quisition his breathing thoughts. nod array them in the all powerful garb of burning eloquenoe ; the orator may summon to his aid the force of that mighty mind with which He endowed• him; the learned di vine, in the hallowed temple, may ()Staid his hands, uplift his eyes, and bend his knees'in the solemn attitude of prayer, and in accents of thanagiving and praise. But 'Lis all in vain to correctly discuss a theme Which is ad infinitum, sublime and magoid,vmt. Grandeur of God I Ye can witness it in the glorious gift of intellect to man— read it in the purer language of his brow—i in the splendor of thought—in that viola ry, of mind which causes the might 7 of earth to icoogiise the magnitioent Arnett nese of bis , name, and the beautiful! to bail the brilliantly of his talents u a talis man of love. Contemplate it, in the mechanism of the human heart— T in the , construction .of the casket by which it is enclosed—in that immortality therein which will flourish in eternal youth, long, long after the - encir cling dust'has crumbled to that froin'which it etnanatoi , Behold ,ii 0 the Pleeei„ ng melody. 9f. the mrocas they tune to, heaven their son gs. in the placid harmony of the the lovely flowers as ihey:throw' around 'their rioh6it perfume =— in the rivulets 'as they leap 'on 'their ' oo r irsel--in the glowing loveliness and u nasked beauty of na ture— iii AvAry, ptrpatn bieboanty flows, Diffaeing joy and wealth ; Ia oferY'breeze hSe dpfrlt blowd-'• .The breath of Ufa sad heajth." • A Facrr TO Noss.--Out of the nineteen atone Goiters employed on the extension of the Poet Office. Wilding@ at Washing. tonottowrairearti foreigners. Americana apply in vain foil labor. Such the pol icy of the adtpiniatntioq. GETTYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY HVBEING, DICENBER II n--"?Re Mika &dad Papaw." A Thanksgiving lONamer. , Elder Sniffle*, having preached the Thanksgiving sermon, was invited to dine with Mr. McGuire. ELDER esurnas UNDER PEOULUR aIMB7'AN43IIB. "Elder Sniffles, let me give you another piece o' the turkey." "I'm obleeged to you, Mr. McGuire; you probably recollect that I 'remarked in my.discourse this morning. that individu als were too prone to indulge in an exoes sive indulgence in creature comforts on thanksgiving oocasions. In view of the lamentable fain that the sin of gormandi-. slog is carried to a sinful mess on this day, I. as a preacher of the Gospel, deem it my duty to be unusually abstemious on such occasions : nevertheless, considering the peculiar circumstances under which I am placed this day, I think I will waive objections, and take another small portion of the turkey." "That's right, elder; what part will you take now ?" "Well. I'm not particular ; a small quantity of the breast, with a part of a lug and some of the stuffing, will be quite sufficient." "Pass the cranberries to Elder Sidles, Jeff—Elder, help yourself ; wife, give the Elder some more o' the turnip sass and potaters." "Thank you, Mrs. Maguire, I am an advocate for vegetable diet—and have al ways maintained that it is more congenial to individuals of sedentary hrbits and in tellectual pursuits like myself, than ani mal food' “Jeff, my son, 'pass the bread. Sister Bedott, eend yout plate foi some more o' the turkey.” es "No, I'm obliged to ye—l've had imffi- Meet." ELDER 851117ILES DEPAILTS ISOM Die USU AL DIET. "Jeff, cut the chicken pie." "Sure enough—l almost forgot that I was to carve the pie. Aunt Sally, you'll take a piece of it won't you r' "Well, I don't cue if I dew take a lee tle mite ou't. I'm a great favorite o' the chicken pie—always thought 'twas a de lightful beverage—don't you, Elder Snit flea f" "A very just remark, Mrs. Bedott— very, indeed ; ()Molten pie is truly a very desirable article of food." "Allow me to help you to some of it, Elder." "Thank you, my young friend ; as I be fore remarked, I am entirely opposed to an immoderate indulgence of the appetite at all times, but particularly on thanks giving oecasions. However, I consider it 'my 'duty - at the • present time to depart, to some extent, from the usual simplicity of my diet. I will, therefore, comply with your request, and partake of the chicken pie." "Take some more of he cranberry sass, Elder; cranberries are wholesome." "A very just remark, Mrs. Maguire ; they are so ; nevertheless, I maintain that we should not indulge too freely, in even the most wholesome creature comforts ; however, since you desire it, I will take a small portion of the cranberries." Emu. BNIFFLES HAS AN ACID STOMACH. "Husband, dew pace that pickled tongue it hain't been touched ; take some on't, Elder Sniffles." "I'm obleeged to you, Mrs. Maguire— but 1 confess I am somewhat fearful of taking articles of that description upon my stomach, as they create a degree of acidity which is incompatible with digestion.— Is it not so, my young friend, You are undoubtedly prepared to decide, as you are, I believe. pursuing the study of the medical science." ir. "I think you are altogether mistaken. Elder Sniffles. We !should always take a due proportion of acid with our food, in order to preserve the equilibrium of the internal economy, and produce that degree of effervesenea which is necessary to a healthy secretion." "Exactly. Your view of the subject is one which never struck me before. it seems a very just one. 1 will partake of the pickled tongue in consideration of your remarks:* “Take a slioe on't, sister Bedott. You seem to need some tongue to-day—you're onoommen "What a musical Mali you he, Brother Magwire 1 but it strikes me that when an indiwiddiwal has an opportunity of hear. in' intelleotiblo conversation," they'd bet. ter keep gill and improve IL Ain't it co, Elder Seillee r "A very, jam rework, Mn.s Bedett ; arid one whick,kakoitim occurred today ova "Take some more of this chicken pie, Eller Sniffles." "Excuse me, my young friend ; I will takeCothing more.° "What 1 you don't mesa to give it up yet, I hore, Elder." icindeed Mr. Meguins, I assure you I would rather not take anything mere ; for, ai I before remarked. I am decidedly o posed to excessive eating upon this day. =Ma PIL1117•18. OVilingli me mum. soimmmi .7°V9 11 , then , we'll have the piee a n d puddles. Jeff, my. 8014 fly round and helpyour mar change the plates. , Pll take to 41PlimYr you may tend to the me. ! telt eel on the cider- 80 , bore'.;; plum,puddle' .' 'it look's nice.— i PP*3 7.°OL hid good luck to:dai , w e. sudex Ott, ;pit% have some on't 1" - I'm obleeged to ye. I've got ruthett,.of a. headache to-day, •co' plum puddiu'a rich: I guest! I'll, take a =Ol :piece o' the pumpk pm.'" . • 1; • ...inlder Sniffles, you'll be helped_ to eome °let, 'of oeumal"!, • ' • "Indeed, .111 r. Maguire. the preeke.of indulging in articles of this deportptioa ter tatting mass is esteemed highly pitni eionsi2 and I inwardly protest semi /Li furthermore, as Mrs..,Bedott, has very irlktFolparked, plum pudding is rich— , 0,1240 r, cewsßPr*Ohe Pauli " °lmilm ftlke# el:ilto occasion 1' will for Mute. gIFEARLESS AND FREE." overate p the boundariea which I have pre= oribed for myself." "Am Ito understand that you'll have some, or not f" "I will partake, in Onslderation of the t ime and place. " "Temima I wife, this is as good puddin' as I ever est."' - • ELDER SNIFFLER PARTAKES OP PUMPKIN AND MIROE,PIBB. "Elder Scillies, will : you take some o' the pie? Here is Its mine pie and a pumpkin pie." ,r will ;aka a insult portion of the pumpkin pie, ii you Please, Mr. Maguire; as I consider it high! nutricious ; but as regardsmince pie, it an article of food which I deem ex ely • deleterious to , the constitution, inas nob as it is compo- j lied of so great it. varikty of ingredients.— 1 I esteem it exceedingly difficult of dirs. ties. "-Ila it not so, ' young friend ?" "By no means, El r.—quite the contra ry. 7 and the reason i ‘ obvious. Observe, Elder, it is cut into ' most minute parti -1 cies ; hence it mann' , follows thavbeing, as it were, oompletel calcined before it enters the system, it ties, so to %peak, no labor to be perfo ed by the digestive organs, and it is die of without the 1 slightest difficulty. "Ah, indeed, you reasoning is quite new to me ; yet I fess it to be quite I satisfactory and lu ' 4 In consideration of its facility ofdie ion, I will partake also of the mince pie 'ELDER SEMMES T KS SWEET CIDER unnuknons: j "Wife, fill the .11C r a glass o' cider." "Desist. Mrs. M ire, desist, I entreat you I I invariably 't my face like, a flint against the use of I intoxicating drinks as a beverage." "Jimmeni I you don't mean to call new eider intoxicating liquor, l hope. Why. man alive, it's jest slado--hain't Begun to work." "Nevertheless, I idiom it to be instills brious and detrimeiltil to the system. Is hot that its nature, my young friend ?" "Far from it, Elder—far from it. . Be fleet a moment, add you will readily per ceive, that before lie pure juice' of the ap pin—wbolly free kom all alcoholic mix ture—it posaesseaall the nutritive prop erties of the fruit., with the advantage of it being in a mort condensed form, which at once renders it usore agreeable, and fa cilitates assimulsilog" "Very reasonablX—very reasonable, in deed. Mrs. /Slip:Lira you may fill my glass." i- "Take anotherilice of the pudding, El der Sniffles." "No more, I'm. obleeged to you, Mr. Maguire." "Well, won't yaakba helped to some of the pie ?" "No more, thank you, Mr. Maguire." "But you'll take another glinis o' cider, won't, you ?" - "In consieration of the nutricious prop erties of new cider, which your son has a bundantly shown to ' exist, I will permit you to replenish my glass." ELDER SNIFFLES ILLIUBTRATES HIS PRIN. WPM/ BY EXAMPLES. "So you won't take nothin' more, El der ?" "Nothing more my friends—nothing more. whatsoever; for, as I have several times remarked during the repast, I am an individual of extremely abstemious hab itslit endeavoring to enforce by example that which I eo strenuously enjoin by precept from the pulpit, to wit : temperance in all things." "Walk into the sitting room, Elder." A Cup of Coffee. Henan , Ward Beecher has a "realizing seine" of wbst good coffee is. He writes thus :—"Breakfast is ready. A most useful and salutary custom is that break tan One may work with the hand with out breakfast, but not with the head—the machine must be wound up. The blue must be taken out of the spirits; and the grey out of your eyes. A cup of coffee —real coffee—home browned, home ground, home made, that comes to you as dark as a hazel eye, but changes to a g?ld en bronze is you temper it with cream, from its birth. thick, tenderly yellow, per fectly sweet, neither lumpy or frothing on the Java; such a cup of coffee is a match for twenty blue-devils, and will ex orcise them all. Inioluntarily one draws in his breath by the nostrils. The frag moralism 'fills his senses with pleasure for no coffee can be good in the mouth that-does not first send a sweet offering of odor to the nostrils." FRIDAY. NOT AN UNLUCKY DAY...-..Thie day. which has been long superstitiously regarded as a day of ill-omen, has been an eventful one in American history. OR Friday, Christopher Columbus sail ed on his great voyage of discovery ;on Friday he, unknown to himself, discovered the continent of America. On Friday, Henry till. of England gave to John Ca bot his commission, which led to the dis. °every of North America. On Friday, St. Augustine, the oldest town in the Uni ted States, was founded. On Friday, the May Flower, with Me pilgrims, made the harbor of P rinceiown, and on dm same day they signed that august compact, the forerunner of the present constitution.-- o n F r id a y, ortrugeWAshington was born. Oa Friday, Bunker Hill wad, weLved and fortified. On Friday, the surrender of Saratoga was Made ; alid on Friday the entrender ofOorowallii at Yorktown on curled, theereweingglory of she American arms. On Friday. the motion was made in Conceits that the ,United Colonies. were and of right ought to be, free and indepen dent,: Americans surely need not be afraid of Friday. ' Theseus Awes thins a woman cantlot do—to pass a boonet.shop widiout lodk ing wee baby without kissint h— and •io adithe a - piece of law `witfout *airing bow `much' it was per Yard.. The man • wbo imaginer• himself wise because he detested some typographical error in a newspaper has gone east , to get :a r or r adioular Maw of the rainbow., A New vlevt-of aplrlts.. , The Brandon (Mississippi). Register im ports the following curious, , sermon, preached at the town of Waterproofs. not for from Brandon: "I may day to You, my breethring; that I am not an edema& man. an' Ham-not one o' them . .0 bleeus that efiecation le necessary for agospel minister. fur I bleeve the Lord edecatei hie preachers jest as he wants 'em to bo edecated. 'an' allttoilfih I say it that oughtn't to say it, yet in the State of Indianny. what I live, thar's no man ,as gits a bigger congregation nor what I gits. "Thar may be some here t a , 04 T my breethring, as don't know what perenaition I am us. Well, I may say, lb you, mi. 1 breethring. that , I'm. • ardsbell Baptisti but I'd ruther hey a ?hell as . no shell 4. at ail. You see tn. - , re tod ay, my, breethring, drePt tiVin liner close : you moot think I was priiiid, my breethring; and although I've been a preacher or the Gospel for twenty years, an ' although I ' m capting o' that flat boat that lies at your landing, I'm not proud, my breethering. "I'm not gwine to tell yon edzaekly what my tex may be found ; suffice it to say, it's in the leds of the Bible, an' you'll find it momewhar 'tween the first ch sitter of the book of Generatioy; aril the last chapter of the bank of Revolutious, and of you'll go and such the Seriptoree. you'll not only find my lex Char ; but a 1 great many tither tern as will do you 1 good to read, an' my text, whin you shill I find *, , you shill find it to read thus : - "And -he played on a harp us a thou.sand strings—epintyijnatlnen made perfeek.' "My tea, breetheting, leads me to speak us spirits. ficiw,,thar's a great many kinds of sperits in the . world—in the lust place, that's the sperits as sum men call ghosts, and then thar's the smite us turpen time, and then that's the sperits as BUM folks call liquor. an' I've got as good an artickel of them kind uv sperits on my flat but as I ever was Niched down the Mimaissippi 1 river ; but thar's a great many other kind' of sperits, for the tax sez : 'lle played on a harp us a thowsend strings—sperits of just men Made perfeck.' - "But I'll tell you the kind or spirits as is merit in the tex. my breethring.' Now, thar's a great many kinds of fire in the world. In the lust place, that's the com mon sort or fire von light a segar or pipe with, and then !liar's cam-fire, fire before yore reddy, and fall back, and many other kinde us fire,fur the sex sex :'He played on a limp uv a thou.sand strings—sperits uv just men made perfeck! "But I'll tell you the kind us fire ae is Iment in the tex, my breethring—it's hell fire 1 an' that's the kind'uv fire se a ireii t many uv you'll come to, of you don't do better nor you have bin doire—for •He played on a harp uv R thou-sand strings —.petits uv just men made perleek.''' • 'Now, the different sorts iv fire in the world may be likened unto the different persuasions of Christians in the World.— In the filst place, we have the PMCIIDA- Iions ; and they aro a high Bailin' and 'a high-lain tin set, and they nrty be likened unto a turkey bOzzard, that flies up lido the air, and he goes up and up, till he looks no bigger than your finger nail, and the lust thing you know, he comedown, and down, anti dowtt, and down, end 'is ii filin' himself •on 'the karkies uv a dead host, by the aide uv 'the road—suid 'He played one harp of a thou-sand rtringei-=- 1 sperits of just men made perfeck.' • "Alui then tittles the Methedis, and they may be likened unto the sq uirrel, rennin' up into a tree, for the Methedis believes in gwine on from one degree uv graee to a nother, and finallyon to pisrfeckshun ; and the squirrel goes up and Op, and up and up, and hb jumps from lim' to rim', and from branch to branch, and the toe thing you 'know he falls, and down he entns kerflumtnux—and that'l like. the Methodis : Mr they is oilers fallin' from grace, ah I And - - •He' played en a harp of a Thou-sand mringa--eperits °U lm, men made perfeck.' , • "And then, my breethring, Char's tha Baptist, ah ! and they haw been likened unto a possum on a 'iimon tree ; and the thunders may roll, and the earth may quake, but that possum clings there mill. ah I And• you may shake one foot loose, and the other's !bar ; and you may shake all feet loose, and hilaps his tail around the lim, and lie clings Weyer, for—'He played on a harp uv‘ ft thoti-eand strir.ga-- aperi la of just men made partook.' Anecdote of Shelley Shelley took great pleasure in making paper boats, and floating them swine wa ter. So long as his paper lasted he re mained tinted to the spots lacinsted, by this peculiar 'multilane,. !all waste pa. per was rapidly consumed ; then the cov ers of letters ; next. letters of little value. The most precious contributions of the most esteemed correspoidents r : although eyed wistfully many times, and ellen re turned to his pookets, were ; to be seen at last in permit of the former squatlions.-- 01 the portable„ valumes which were the companions of his ranablis--and he sel dom went out without a book—the fly leaves were commonly wanting. He had applied them as our ancestor Noah applied gopher wood. But learning was so sacred in his eyes that he never trespassed fur ther upon the integrity of die copy. The work itself was always respected. It has been said that he once found himself on the north bank of the Serpentine river, ,without the materials for indulging thoie inclinations which the right of water insa tiably inspired, lot he had exhausted .11i1;; supplies in the round pond in Konsingtou Gardens. Not a single scrap of paper could be found, save only a bank note for £5O. He hesitated long, but yielded at last. lie twisted it into a boat with the extreme fineness of his skill, and commit ted it with the utmost dexterity to fortune, Watching its p . rogress, if possible, with still 'more anxiety than usual. Fortune often those who fully and frankly trust , der. The north-east wind gently wafted, the costly skiff to the South bank, where, during disinter part of the voy age, the venturous owner waited its arrival with patient solicitude. , , Scriptural Iliustratlonu. The' Arabs 'of the desert conanonly clothe themselves also in manufactures of camel's hair; and the.article most prized by theM Loh& "balk," or cloak of that ma. Calif: it is either black or white, with or without brixid . stripes;it consists of a senate piece, with holes or the gnus, and has oci seam. • The erases of Lebanon, and tbe4reple of .Mesopotamia not only wear a coat which is "without seam," but , , "of ready colors," having variegated stripes preleeeding , a point dOwnwards Not 'the shoulders, like aireversed: pyramid. This is believed to he of the, same description as that bestowed by . Jacob on ; his favorite that 'We are informed that ' our Saviour also wore "a coat without seam, woven from the.top throughout r'.l and, did, in the Wilderness, St. John ."had hie raiment, of camfre heir/ and a, lethern girdle about' his I°4lo' The 4ackcloth" of the &rip., habit was ii manbfactute. btit of the roughest' laird; like that' which is still worn by: dirvishes 'and, reputed saints.— It is still used for sack.and tent. covers.— We can easily • understand the necessity of agitiae; no prim with loose Sowing robes can engage in eative`aezuriations without first ' girding ' up the loins' --that is talc. ingvip a portion of their dress out of their way. Some lay aside ; their ; 9akergar,mellt for t he time ; others prepare to put,torth, their strength by, fastening a belt u round the *shit, and by layai bire,the arms to the shoulderi. Trine Elijah "girded up his loins..end tan before 'Ahab to Je - z• reel ;" and the sacred, 'writings abound - in passages whick , like , this, ;illustrate the habits of those who wear the Oriental cos tume., , ;'•;' Aiwa'ye ao what it, Mott ' The truly'great are tfinee who always do what is right. Tobe witheld from act. ing wisely and nonscientiouldr,,by Motives of temporary policy or fear, to behave like a traitor to the principles of justice, a roan should think less of what maple - said of 'his conduct at the time, than of the'ward. ict that may be, pronounced a low, years in advance. .by neglecting - this, by sacrificing'lprinciple to expediencY,"that character' 'is lost (*treater lost 'ts with difficulty regained:, Besides, the firat (Wink fret') right:Nadel°, others:4— It is like the start in,sliding down hill, ,there is a werseiesitUre then even in 'tftietimliftig hi hirmieed. I 'wrong. .illebits ition'tfrilt the mtiril per -I ception, so that in timesiten collie to per-1 petunia without 8 remerseful peegy;sels at whic h originally they urauld,have,licep, astoUndCd. thy 'servant a ddg that he should do this is the' indig. mint exclamation of many a‘perion who, , eventually, commits the very deed he ab-1 horred. A rnold 'e treason gre,w up in his mind by slow degrees, nurttirMl by eittray.s tgance, and supposed neglecl: Washing.' ton, always being rigidly correct, left be hind,* mine, , ,that eease to he reverenced. 'ro say merely that 4 .honesty is the heAt pidicy'A' and' thin; Appeal' to the seltish part of 'Maitre, is a' phor' way to educe's' man to'do right conseientious-, ly. Better the nobler mid higher ,grouud that right ,should, • be done for:Tighe,/ sake.' 'Ledker, As lacideriL 9ne.day, Laaw a.littleLfelltw with his arms-10nd! a little witch of a girl., wndriav 7 Wring, it I interpreted the manifeetations right, to kiss her. *Tommy,' said I, 'what are yott . 'doing here ?' •Nothin; eir, spoke the bright a p ed little witch ; .he weth tryiu tolithihe, ho he wadi, and she eyed keen• 'Why: Lucy, what prompted.'him(to acts°, ungentlemanly right , herein school 1' 1 asked, anticipating Pomp Itln. t , • 'Oh ! l.e hitched 'up here anti then "he wanted inn to kith him', sniff told` him that 1' wouldn't kith thuch'w thumPy boy ash, he Ith : , then , te timid lie'dbith mt, and 1.,t01d him that he tuhan!t, but,lte,thaid he geoid do 'it, and I told him that I *mild ten the machos if he did, but he thaid he didn't este a thinip t for the inithet and then tried to kith; me•tho • bird,' arid the little thing sighed. • 1 , Why dida t you ,toll me ea yclu you would r I asked in a pleasant man ner. ' • ' • Z . ; 'OIW she replied, , with a naivete I did not often ,ree ' r:idn'r care much it he did kith me, 11161 let 'irn. Here the whole school, who hod been lietenintieteutiv; broke out in truptos rioue laugh, while our little.hero ani he- Feiue bilrelied very deeply.7-,Cincinrudi, The Jew.~ By recent accounts-we learn that efforts helnalf of the Jews in Europe are at tended with encouragiug, success... The London tibieiety ,have nTe,Cylune laborers , of whom fifty-on e sire conv erted In Poland: . daring that alit thirty 'years four, hundred Jews haye been converted ; in the' Duchy ,oh Posen eight inindreil Jew ish children are in, chrtsttan seliooli; in Berlin there are two theesand bar sized Jews; in one chapel in London sewed. hun dred adult Je If 8 here, , been Peptized, and Other effinris are wade in.Conatantinople, Basle; and'Sirasburg. T:BIISTMG INNoolttiCli.—A backwoods mut, who'hild miser seen a pair of sugar tonp, being invited to a tea-party, request. ed a. person who unhappily savnear hint to give:l,lnm some information teccting its use. "It is a very ingenious trn. Mont,'" Said' the cruel wag. u'which ' he. been lately invented (or the purpose .of blowing the nose. It is now in use in genteel Society, and it is expeoid that the disgusting custom' of 'using the fingers will be altogether abolished." The augur dish was handed ameba ; the unfortunate "lion seized the tongs, ann the polite pal of the assembly were svandalized at the outre application of the instrument smi ths tremendeowi explosion . whcili follow Mao's happiness spring manly from mod• elite troubles, which afford the mind a healthful atimillotni, and are followed by a ruction, which produces a flow TWO DOLLARS A Wyonawy County Bid► Beirlfor 8500.—Tbe Olevoland Pleiadesbreak Ole following : , • . 1 "A lady passed through here a acis day.. since in hot pursuit of her husbaadorbo had been smitten with a smart attack of 'passional attraction,' and bad tan away with another woman from Wyonsiog county, New. York, to Loran countjr. t3he took lb brace of officers from this Sky, and went Mb , Flyria. The gentleman anuffmg. the 'ap proach of danger, left his money *till. nephew to effect a diversion with the onemy, and took the oars for the South. Otiiileo tion, be suspected the honesty or iiiiiejikr ow, and took the next train back to look err ter his money. liens he 'encioatitered the pursuing party, and negotiations sielskopetf. ed. It resulted in the Padre Out ill her right,' title and good will, in' and to 'her husband, and his purchailingidiehenca.bio peace, for live I:kindred dollara:' They returned to Wyoming without 'a busby but with a pocket full of rooks." iiirThe Metropolitan Hotel, New York, which 'contains over five hundred rooms, and cost about half a million of dolling to build and fit up, has 1 cashier and &often men ;' 2 stewards, 8 barkeepers, 1 wins man, 2 store men, 2 housekeepers, 8 polies watch, 2 linen women, 1 carpenter, 2 paint ers, 1 engineer and fireman 1 oabinet-nni ker and upholsterer, 1 looks;nith, 6 firemen, 20 porters, 16 ironers, 16 elsanintr gbh, 16 , ohamber.maids, 15 washers-*ladtee or. didary, 'mon.--gent! ordinary; 20 'milt .4.80 rotunda or bell men, 4 pastry .06,, 8 halters, 1 head cook, and 20 assuitantain 4itohro--making in the aggregate 229 por tions ebiphijed about the house. better hotel, in all ireeirots, does not'perhaPseklit id the'viorid. •vt 4 , , 7 . • ilannibaliamokg the indiavu.—The WiMews recently .returned to Di troll from a 'visit to the Chippewas. who *- aide near Grand Portage,' within • f l ew - miles of the national boundary between the Unb ted StAtes'and 'Canada. While thete'le became acquainted with the Bois - Torte If diens; tribe that often Heifers kola a waft of provisiouh. The lost winter wee pe culiarly' hard one; and in the course Of it this tribe were reduced to the revolting add horrible strait of eating their own childref, which they did to the extent of almest' eit termination. Ho saw and conversed with 'two) *omen of the &Me, ono of whom had given u p two and another three chlbliiip, snobissively, to , be slain and eaten. W e i laid 'hardly oupposed Chet cennibals eFfetti EO near; our ,very bordeis. ,„ , - eilnanit Towne BLowN DOvrrr.—:-Hmsim Cal'in . 7'ivain.---Early Saturday morning 'the Wirer the new Episcopal Church In Haddon, N. Y., the tower or steeple being Ards of two hundred feet high, we. Iltow down by a gale of wind. It fell With terrific din, and in its descent out's'triiiie 'dwelling literally in twain. The inhibit ants had just arisen, and fortunately noun(' was injured. Had the accident'. occurred tom minutes bofore, several would bayi in evitably heen crushed to death, as the stee ple fell in Auch ammuner that the beds they had vacated were pulverised. The buildiDS was cut in two as , cleverly as could be done by mechanical means. . . "A Few Daye." This seems to be all 'the rage.ut prtee4l. The' Louisville Times thus takes it off. which suits this section exceedingly wells "You prevent a man a small'seobinii he Will pay yeti io a few days; pretty girls eX• - Peet to marry in . a few days; nigger boy. .whistle a` few days; brass bands blow not a few dap; high fellows sing a few day . 4; and we expect to give our readep' abate tn. tereetine local news in a few days." ~And wo are hoping thee a great many of our auhscribere send the amount of their dues in a few days. In fact we know they will,' for Boum of them have been , pro• miaing to "do that little thing" every few days for a year or two. We expect them to be Nu' funds" ill a few doye..—Bellefila Advocate, , . . Phairie Fires.—At Bloomington, Dm', for the 'fait three weeks the skies have Peon rendered so brilliant by the burning prairies that pedestrians have been able to 'maiie their way safely and pleasantly without other light; even in very cloudy nights with no'moon. These fires may be seen in. a cloudy night a distance of twenty or thirty miles across the prairies, lighting up4he heavens halfway up the senith, with the most gorgeous colon, and as.ohangeable al. most, as those of the kaleidoscope. The Liquor Pratte in Indicuso.—Thers is a statute in Indiana that prevents the tai l simony of a negro from being received in the courts. This disability, just now, gives the .negroes the monopoly of the carrying trade in liquor in that State. As they aut not be made witnesses, and the liquor deal ers are not afraid to sell to them,' they ere very generally employed to effect the , eV change between the seller and the conk mer of the prohibited article. , We insert, for the benefit of oar begs readers, the following elegant end poetised' receipt fur making a fashionable boned.-1- We hope the "deer creatural" will "appresi• ate our civility : “Two.terspo of katodatioo, MOM* of WA: Ithower of Nrooch ioiobtodi to droop dor the tiont, Irina irtbboos and hathin, 'rant trope ” Tbon mli sod &ramp them to gruotatooolidool. , Inrolglo eons* fairy, out rouging tar Plidomok, • ; And beg the slight haor of taking to astimpi: The' length eat the bradth of her deer littlepeli o And listen a miniature faun@ to creedal glum pour, ma above, the brlibi *Wan lip• it. ♦nd 101 you possour ouch '0 kno kuU11111.". Young America at his plati• tog match for boys came off Jul week al the Blask Boar, in Backs cora% Pa t ■ben nine lads, the oldest only 17 inmost age, started for the prism', htiskingAmis allotted work in a superior .Hiss. =•3'ltsi first prise of $lO was woo by Isales'ffsse nell, aged 15. The other eiglAsatisald primp varying frost ill **IL." ' ' • 4 ;;;• I NUMBER A Love of a Bonnet.