Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 30, 1855, Image 1

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    -BY D. A. dc.#3.. H. BUBBLER
, • ..
Post ORlce itivilat ions.
Ritter of lbstage : Postoge'on all letters of
qmeihalf ounce. wellth4 or 1 1ndort . 3 , cents Pro - !
raid, (except to California and Oregon, which
ta .19 cents pre-paid.) , •
Postageon "1:11E STAR AND BANNER".7with
dotuity, free. Within the State, l3cents
per year. To any' part of the United States,
26 cents: •
Postage on all . transient papers under
ounces in weight, 1 cent pre-paid, or 2 cents
' Advertisedietters to be clArged with the
cost of advertising. • •
TAi Mails : Coaches,. with mails to Balti
more and Philadelphia ) (and intervening
points,) leave at. 5 o'clock, A. M., daily, ex
cept Sundays.
•To . Harrishurg, on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, at 5, A. M. ,
To. Hagerstown, on Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday, at 7; A. M.
To Chatnbersburg, 5, A. 1.1., daily.
Emmittsburg, 3, P. M., "
Mail to Beadersvillo, 51kIdletown, Mammas
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To 'Hunterdown, Tdesdity, Thursday and i
Saturday, 7 A. M.
To Now Chester, and Hampton, on Tuesday
of each week, 7 A. M.
• Officers of the United Staten.
Prest.leul : b'rgstik ha Pierce.
Veen Jexsu 1). Bright.
tircrcbu•y of Slut( : %Van. L. Nlarey.
S•rret gry ul fo , ..rhr : I{o art IfeCiellautL
Secretary o/• Tolvotry : Jnwes I;uthrie.
Nrereinty 0t Mgr : .lelforAon Davis.
&a•dury gl . Soggy: James C. Dubbin.
POW .1/ogler Grog , ' gil : Jewell Campbell.
.Itiorne!, G,girral : Caleb Cushing.
Juolier gy'the : R. 13. Taney.
State Officerts.
tf:urernor inn's Pollock.
&weary ty . : AndNw (1. Curtin.
- 1) PIN try ': John M. S illiviin.
.tittrrtyta Getier s d: J. Polier Brualev.
It sulitor litntral : Ephraim hunks.
T/rMiiret : Eli Slifer.
: S—iitek, E. LoWin; W: B. LoWrii,
G. W. Woodward, J. C. Rio
.I.h.ittay Superiamtdrnl et/ Cumnion Schools :
Henry C. Hickok.
Couuty °Music
Congress: David F. Robiaon.
Siwite : Moinger.
slssemb/y : Isaac Robiasom.
Preaident Judge: li.cohert, J. Fisher.
alsnoriatex : Sane' R. Itte>sell. Jua MCG illly.
-Martel Attorney : JIN. G. Reed.
Sberif: Ilenry Thomas.
Caruner : .1. W. lleadrix.
Prothonotary : Jo iii Picking.
R.:jitter it liesurder: Win. F. Walter.
Clerk tithe Courts : .1. 3. Baldwin.
l'orrniy Teen.rorer : 3. L. Schick.
County Surm-yor : Geo. B. liewit.
Is fp,tor n'e r iyidv and Mea.aires: Franklin
Jas. .1. Wills George ilyers,
!teary A. Picking ; Clerk—j. Aughinbaugb)
Coons,!— I /livid Wills.
-.Dierelara -fg . the I'uter Joseph Baily, John
Horner, Garret Ilrinkerlaill'; Clerk-11.°h%.
S. Pn.uan ; Treasurer—Alexiiiider Cobean ;
•Steward—John Scott ; Physician—Das-id
Ati , litort : Eihnunil P. Shorb, Abel T. Wright,
Jahn Ilatiptinnit.
Mere.itaile Appraiver : J1Lool) A ithizaliattgli
G'wtiity eittivrinerlithiel; David Wills.
Borough Officerti.
liffrgemg: John Culp.
-niel< Council: A. Thompson, Hugh
Ihmuhlthe, SOMIIOI R. Russell. S. S. Me-
Cre:sry, Nendlehart, John Uiihurt. R.
6.2'Croary, Clerk mid Treasurer.
Josiires of do. Pcore ; George E. 13ringumn,
Joel R. Ihinner.
'Cu/trio/de : John L. Burns.
Places of Worship
iPretkafrriaii : Belt. and High street—at pros
, etit withinita Pastor.
,Jtuinoo Catholic West High street. Pastor
ltuv Mt. De Necker.
'Oeranott,Reformed: High and Stratton streets.
Nu:tor—lto% Jacob Ziegler.
irelhotlist Ejli4coiml : Eas,t !diddle street.—
Pastors—Revs. J. W. Ilosh, Wni. Earnsbaw.
,Asswirde Ilrjhrined: West High street. Pas.
tor—Rev. - Mr. Werner.
laitheran - : Christ Church, Phatabersburg
street; Pastor—Rev. Pr. Krunth. St.
James, York and Foratton streets ; Pas
lor—Rev. Reuben Hill.
Apisoclat lonN
T. D. 0. F.—Gettys L ge meets on Tuesday
evening of each week
S. of T Adams l)ivis at meets on Monday
evening of each we
Temperance Benefipia. Association meets on
third Saturday evening of each month.
Gettysburg Beneficial Association meets first
Saturday evening of each month.
: Young Men's Lyceum, meets on Thursday
evening : ofeach week.
Yerk Springs Lodge meets on 'Mirada) , even
ing 'of each istek.
'Berlin Beneficial Assoeintion meets on the first
Fritley evening of each month.
Sauk of Gettysburg.
President : George Swope.
Cashier John B. McPherson. •
Clerk : John H. McClellan.
,Dwactors, , ; . George
~Swepa D. Kendlehart,
Alexander, D. Mitnes, Win: Gardner, Henry
- Wirt, Win. Douglas, David Wills,- George
Yottitgi Tohn Snope Win. A. Stewart,
'Joshua •Motteri Josbph L. Short . ), John ;K.
Longwell. . •
Adams CountyMul ai Fire 'Weil
• • ranee'
.Preiteleal i George Swope. •
V.'Presictent: Samuel R. Russell.
Secretary :• David A. Buehler:
..11xotitnn,...; David, ht'Creary, . I
Akccutivc coniraitiec IrCurily,indiew
• .Ifaliagers:'o63.'Sirojad, D. A.Ruchlir, R.
Curdi,l:' Rink A: Ireintieltaaii. Itus
-1%41, DirM'Creary; J'l.). Noel, A. B. Ktirts,
8. .•Fahneatook R. 0' WOreary,. J.-J. Kerr;
T. A. Marshall / M. Eiclielberger, J, Aughin
• bomb,A., Picking, D.. hi,Ton.
au h 200 1 ? :Wm B. 4c)
e Execitive Cenimittee Meet "on 'the
ThesdaY • month at th 4 office
,ofAhe Enixretiry. - ' - -
A birniater , obterved:lto , a learntaj broth
eotto, that therwatiring of:;lmiskerti
am unpr9feasioaal... ritight. teapond-
aid ,hie f tend, "a latFyernaanot be
'WiNitittruct Suage.--A Vennoot
iiiikemriomid , inE amnion about 1t0 , 6
- ,kituOrita "Itiebp' on wheat straw. with one
14 PhtiOrtill oaks Inlaid to the otteinfittied
'sheep dai,"ind 4h4 are
ibittiglf hut Ibis V Ought,
, . .
"Abide with tx.P9
,• . ,
[The 'followink beautiful ftoern is from 'the
Kniekerhoekerfor July.l. - 4
"Tarry with met 0 my . :Savior I
For the day IS Rrovilng 1 6, I
See,.the shades of evening gather
And the' night ikdritielog nigh,. '
Tarry with me I term with me I •
Pass me not unheeded by.
"Many'friends were gathered round Me,
• In the bright:days of the past ;
But the grey°, bail eloped above them,
And I linger hero the , last ;
I am toilet) , ; tarry with me ;
Till the dreary night is past.
"Dimmed for nie is early beauty
Yet the' spirrit's eye would fain
Rest upon TIIY lovely features;
Shall I seek dear Lord in vain ?
Tarry with me, 0 my SAVIOR
Let me see thy smile again,
"Dull my ear to multi-born musk t
Speak Thor,Lord, in words of Clear,
Feeble, pottering mrfimtsteps,
Sinks my heart with sudden fear ;
Cast Tuitte arms, dear Lord I around me,
Let'me feel Titr presence near.
"Faithful memory paints before me,
Every deed and thought of sin ; '
Open 'Non the blood•filled fountain,
Cleanse my guilty soul within ;
Tarry. Titan tbrOring SAVIOUR I• •
Wash me wholly from my sin.
"Deeper, deeper grow the shadows,. ,
Paler now the glowing west;
Swift the night of death adimnees—
Shall it hethe night of rest ?
Tarry with me, 0 my Samuel
Lay my head upon TRY breast I
"Feeble, trembling, fainting, lying,
Lord, I cast myself on THEE ;
Tarry with me, through the darkness ;
While I sleep, still watch by me
Till the morning, than awake me,
Dearest Lord, to dwell with Tilka:
From the Child's Paper.
Thanksgiving Day In the Ilea&t.
Alice Tracy was a bright pretty girl of
. thengi she often
attracted the attention, of strangers, roam no
favorite among " her companions ; they
never wanted her to join their plays or
walks. Alice often felt angry ut this ne
glect, for she did not see clearly, why she
was treated so.
Oue day at recess, while a group of the
girls were in the entry talking about
Thanksgiving; altoo went to wash her slate
ut a little shelf behind the school-room
"We always have such good" times at
grandpa's," said one of her cousins ; "or
we should have," Auid another cousin, "if
it were not for Alice Tracy ; she is such a
little fitebratkod, she spoils all our fun."
-"Yes, that she is !" cried all the other
girls, joining in.
It is said, listeners never hear any good
of themselves, but Alice could not help
hearing, and what she heard was anything
but gas] of herself.
"A firebrand, am I?" thought Alice,
her little person swelling with auger and
_mortification ; "I'll never speak to those
girls again ;" and she went. back to her
seat in a very unfit state to finish hersutns.
"A firebrand I" she kept saving to her
self, "a firebrand I I wish I could born
them all up !" and with such wicked
thoughts the little girl spent the remain
der of the afternoon.
When school was done, she ran home
with; ut looking or speaking to any item—.
Nobody seemed to be at home ; she rang
-ed the rooms, hoping to find somebody,
and vet,hoping not to : what if her own
brothers and sisters thought her a fire
brand too ? At last she saw her mother
looking over the round yellow pumpkins
in the wood-house chamber.
"Alice, is that you ?" said her mother.
Her mother's friendly tone sounded very
sweetly Co the child's camas with a burst
ing heart she flung herself on the rude
bench by her mother's side, end hid her
face in her hip. "What is the matter ?"
asked Mrs. Tracy ; "you have been run
ning ; how very hot your heed is." "I
Elm a firebrand," cried Alice ; "the girls
say I am." "How is that ?" asked her
mother, and presently Alice related what
had happened : "Yes,. mother, they have
treated tae like one for a great while, and
I will never play with them again."
"Do not make any rash promises," said
Mrs. Tracy, "lug us first see if there is
any just ground for what they say. I
suppose every little girl has a reputation
aiming her companions, and that repute
thin is pretty much what she is ; is it not
se ?"
"IVhat is reputation,. mother ?" asked
Alice. ,
A good or a bad name." answered her
mother ; "that is, if a child has a goad
or a bad name at achool 6 she generally
deFerving of it? think a while."
Alice thought "The girls think Fanny
Blake is a good sehhlar, And she is; .and
they thick Emily Cowden is - mean,
she to; and they think"—Aiice was going
on with her estimate . of character when
her mother asked-- ' ' '
"And what do tboy think of ,Alice
The 'ohild . blushed. Her mother waited
se`ribiory Un in ansWer.
"They thiak," at last Alice said, "she
is it 'firebrand I" -
4 , That is," added )her bother, "they
think she hems quick, fiery temper, which
blOws up on) the smallest occasions, and
spoils everything pleasant. And is not
this my little daughter's besetting sin ?
Has it uot often grieved her mother, kin
dled,quarrels among her brothers and sis
ters, and tilepleased hor Saviour, in Whine
eight a 'meek and quiet spirit' is of treat
price ?"
Alice beeti',iold all this before, but
how she felt it, and she suddenly saw heir
eelf!a Ws glass, dnloved and unlottely, in
consequence of! violent temper which she
had been it little pains to restrain or sub.
due. It)wasa sad hour for poor Alice, '
and her mother improved the opportunity
of making a deep, and as she hoped, a list:
jug impression upon,the child;
,for, if our
aultashut us out of the society of ,our
friends here, how much more. will they
shit( us from the society of holy, beingeb
"0, mottei," said
will itriproVe ; I yen"'ate. and•Jtatte
will help teesitfidll will help myself
, . • ,
G'iTtY0,611G,',..F.4., FRIDAY . 8 . ,..yEN1t0, • 141.0 ir EIRE ji: 30; :1.8.55:
d 'trying,
will try an try, ano never give op
Mother, am Ito iorry."
Children often say thdy 'are sorry, but
it is more apt td be for the 'consequences
of limit faults than for, the faults .tliona
solves, which unfit hent,to the children
of God. If any ott'e . iti really sorry fir her
sins,'slie will ask God to foreve her,' and
pray that all disposition to am may be ta
ken away from hor heart, and she will be
no tba lookout to bar , her heart against
any temptation gottiug in and leading her'
astray again.
Baer littie.Alice Was in earned as We
' shall see. Itt a few weeks Thanksgiving.
day came, thaigreat family holiday when
a score of cuestas and ;',their mothers and
fathers and uncles atUI itunts met at grand
father's, not only to eat' (urkey and mince
pie'and crack nutir, hullo recount the
goodness of God, and thank him for the
mercies which crown'the' year. I cannot
tell you nbout the plentiful Thanksgiving= ' ,
dinner at grandfather Tracy's; or 'hoW ma
ny turkeys he sent around to the poor for
their Thanktgiiing, or bow many pies 1
his wife baked to go with them,. or all the
pleasant words that *ere spoken. But in
the afternoon it was the fashion for the
grandehildron to recite Utile poems, and
this year Alice was old enough to say one,
and she had spent much time to commit
to memory one which her mother had se
! !clued for liar. Four or five of the coo
sins had said theirs, when Alice's turn,
came, She was abashed, but began well,l
and finished the first verse, when she bleudered sod stammered : some of her con-;
sins langlied and tittered, which confused 0
her more and more. Mk was unkind and
vexing, but Alice kept her temper ; she
turned to grandfather, who was master of
ceremonies, and said,—
"Please, sir, excuse me ; the others can
do a great deal better than I, grandpa;"
and she stepped humbly aside and bid
herself in grandfather's arms, which were
stretched out to receive. her. Au'd he
was content to have .the speaking go en
without her. After it was over, Ned ask
ed her to excuse his laughing, for it was
very rude.
"Yes, indeed," she answered sweetly;
"I nun sure you did not mean to trouble
"0, mother," she whispered, after they
got home that evening, "I have had a real
Thanksgiving-day in my heart."
"I suppoto grandmother's pies tasted
better than over," said her father smiling.
"Not that, not that," cried Alice ; awl
putting herrnsy lips almost into her moth
er's ear. ..the firebrand is almost ofd," site
whispered; for the tittle one had begun to
learn that God hal in store choicer lies.-
sings for thie soul for which to be thankful,
than anything which lie bestows upon the
body ; and that day Ole felt the joy of her
first viototy ovor a besetting sin. No won
der it was . a thanksgiving day to her.—
Flow many children who ,rend this, have
enjoyed a thanksgiving4ay in thebeart, us
Alien did 7
At first ;he had resnivoa to play with
her cousins and companions no wore ; but
on second thought she saw it was better
to get rid of her faults than to be rid of
her friends.
Front the New York Quarterly.
A Teetotal Monkey.
Dr. Guthrie relates an amusing anec
dote of a reasonable monkey. which we
Most present : "Jack, as he was called,
seeing his master and companions drink
ing, with those imitative p.iwers from
which his .epecies is remarkable, finding
hall a glass of whiskey left, took it up and
drunk it off. It flew, 01 course, to his head.
Amid their loud roars of laughter, he be.'
gen to skio, hop and dance—Jack was
drunk. Next day, when they went, with
the intention of repeating the Inn, to take
the poor monkey from his box, he was not
to be seen. Looking-inside, there lie lay
crouched in a corner. •Came out !' said
his master. :Afikid to disobey. he came
walking op three legs—the forepaw that
was laid oft' hie forehead saying, as plant
as words could do, that hehad a headache.
t'llabing left him some days to get. well
and resume his gayety, they at length car
ried him off 10 the old scene of revel. • On
entering. he eyed the glasses with toglli
test terror, skulking behind the chair: and
on his toaster ordering him to drink, he
bolted, and he was on the Imam-top in a
twinkling. The called him down. He
would not come. His master shook his
whip at him. Jack, astride on the ridge.
pole. ghtuted defiance. A gun. of winch
he was always inlich afraid,
,was, pointed I
at this disciple oE temperance: he Auck
ed his head and slipped over the back of '
the house ; upon which, seeing , his predic
einem, and less afraid apparently of the
fire than fire -water, the monkey leaped
at a bound on the chimney top, and get
ting down into a flue, held on by his.fore
paws. He would rather he stored than
drink. He, triumphed, and although. his
master kept Ilion for twelve years alter,
he never could. persuade the monkey to
drink another.
,drop of whiskey."
• Front that admirable work,
lions of Instinct," we take the following :
monkey tied•to a,stake. was ,robbed
by the Johnny Crows, (inthe Westlndies)
of his food, sod he' conceived the'follciw
ing plan of punishing' the thieves. He
feigned death, and lay.perfeetly motionless
Ott the ground; near to his oaks. The
birds approached by degrees and got
near enough to steal .his food, which he
allowed them to do., This he repeated
several times, till they elute so bold-as to
Come within-reach of his claws. , • He cal
whited his distil nee, and laid.hold of one
Of thorn'. Death was not his plait of puo
ishment ; he . efell.M9fl3, reflood lie cru
elty.,, He phicked every:leather out,of : the
bird, and then • let hits go, and show. hint
aelf to-his companiona.'. He made, a„ntatt
of, him,,-,aceortiing to the, ancient .defini
tion of a ibiped _without leathers."
old Northumberland song lays
Ai r men may spare,
r. . 44 yet be bare, . .
If iii,:wife'be nowght, if hie wife,be tqwght.
But a ma n may spdnd i
And ' have'liidtfay to lend, ,
, viri44iire be 'ought, if his'wife be'ewitit:
Ow old Grairdamillher.
'"I find the marks of my shortest steps
beside those dory beloved mother. which
were measured by my, own," says Alexan
der Dumas, and so conjures up one of the
sweetest images in the siorld. He was re
visiting the home orbit infancy; he was
retracing the little paths "around it in
which he had once walked; and strange
dowers could not efface,, an I rank grass
could not conceal, sod cruel ploughs could
not obliterate, his 'shortest footsteps"
and his mother's beside them, 'meowed
by his own.
And who needs to be . tad whim
steps they wera that thus kept time with
the feeble patteriug' of childhood's little!
feet 2 It was no - tnothef behind whom
Aseanins waked '"with equal steps" in
Virgirs line, been strong. stern num, who
could have borne him and.. mot been _burs
dened ; folded him In his 'arms from all
danger minoe been wearied; everything.
indeed, be could hava done for hint, but'
just what be needed most--could not sym
pathise with him,; be wield not be a
child again. Ah! a rare tat is that. fort
indeed tt is an art, to set back the great ;
old clack of time, and be a boy once more!!
itlan'e imagination' mat easily seethe child
a man ; but how hardit is for it. to see
the man a child; and he who had learn
ed to glide look into that rosy time, when ;
he did nut know that thorns were under
the roses, or that clouds would ever return
after the rain ; when be thought a tear
could stain a cheek no more than a dmp
of rain a 'lower ; when he fancied shut
lieu had no disguise and hope no blight at
all, has come as near as anybody can j
to diseoveriug the northwest passage to
And it is perhaps for this 'reason that it!
is so much easier for a mother to cuter the
kingdom of Heaven than it is for the mast
ot the world. She fancied she is bedding
bee children._wilen....afier_sll,the._,thildren i
are leading her; and they keep her indeed
where the river is the narrowest and the
air is the clearest; and the beckoning of
a radiant band is ro plainly seen from the
other side, that it is no weeder she so often
lats go her clasp upon the little fingers she
is holding, and gees over to the neighbors,
and the children follow like lambs to the
fold, for we think hi - ought' somewhere to
be written, "Where the mother. is there
the children will be also."
But it was not of the mother we began
to think. but of the desi old-fashioned
grandmother, whose thread of love, spun
"by band" on life% little wheel, was longer
and stronger than they make it now, was
woued alend and .about the children she
raw playing in the childom's arms, in a
true love knot that nothing but the shear;
of Atropos could Sever ; foe do we not re
• rgrine the lambs sometimes. whew eon'-
, e'er days are over, and stashes aiiitda are
blowing, as they come bleating from' the'
yellow fields, by the crimson -thread we j
wound about their necks in April or May,
and so undo the gate and let the wander
ers in ?
Blued be the children who have an
old-fashioned grandmother. As titer hope
for length of dais let them live and honor
her, her we can tell them they will never
find another.
There ise large old kitchen somewhere
in the past, end an old-fashioned fire-place
therein, with its smooth old jambs of stone,
smooth with many knives that had been
sharpened there, smooth with many little
fingers that had clung there. There are
andirons. too ; the old andimps, with
rings on the top. wherein many' temples
of flame have been lbuilded. with spires
and turrets of crimson_ There ha a broad
worn hearth bmad enough for three gen cluster on ; worn by feet that
have been torn and bleeding by the way,
or made '"heautiful." and walked upot:
floors of tessellated gold. There are tongs
iu the canter wherewith we gra sped a coal ,
and "blowing for a little life. lighted our
first candle ; there is a shovel, wherewith
were drawn forth the glairieg embers.
in which we saw our first fancies and
dreamed our first dreams : the shovel. with
which we stirred the 'sleepy logs, till the
sparks rushed up the chimney as if the
forge were in blast below, and wiftbed we
had so many lambs, or no many marbler,
or so maany somethings that we coveted ;
and wit was we wished Our first wishes.
There is a chair—a low rash-bottomed
chair; there is a little wheel in the corner,
a big wheel in the garret, a loom in the
chamber. There are chests full of linen
and parr, and quilts of rare pattern, and
"samplers!' in frames.
And everywhere and always the dear
old wrinkled face of her whose firm, elastic
step *inks the feeble Igllliver of her chil
dren's chit& co—the old-fashioned grand
mother ,of twenty years ago. Slie, the
very Providence of the old hnnieAtead ; she.
who loved ns all, and said she wished them
were more of ns to love, and took all the
school in the hollow for grand children
beside. A.greq expensive bean washers.
beneath that woollen gown. or that More
stately bombazine. or that sole herr-Vain
of silken texture.
We can see her, to-day. those:Mild. blue
eyes. with more of beauty M them than
time could touch or death do more than
hide—those eyes that held both an.iles and
tears within the faintest-dl of every one
of us. and
.soft reproof, that •emned, not
passion but regret. A white tress has es
eaped from beneath lhersnowy cap ; she his
just restored a wandering lands le its mo
ther ; she lengthened the tether of a vine
dud was straying over a wituldle, as she
tame in. and placed a four-leaf elover'for
Ellen. She sits down by the little Wheel
—a tress is ronnirg theingb her fingers
from the dieters dishevelled bead when a
small voice cries "Grandma" from the old
red cradle. and "Grautbsta" foamy shOuts
from the top of the stain- Gently she
lets go the thread, for her . patience is al
most as beautiful as her charity, and ale
touches the little red bark a moment, till
the young voyager is in a dream again,
and then directs Tommy's unavailling at
tonpts to harness the cat- The tick of
the dock runs fiat and low. and she o-
peon tbe mysterious door, and, proceeds to
wand it npp. We are all on tiptoe. and we
be in a breath to be lifted ara onaib3r one,
and look in the hundredth time utton .
tin casts Of the weights , and
.the peoillibe
ly pendulum. Which goes !o 'and fro brits
little dim window, and never comes Out hi
the world, and our petitions are :011,grant
ed, and we are lifted up, and we. all, touch
with a finger the wonderful !eights, and
tho music of the little Wheel is reenthed.
Was 'Warr to he niarried, or Jane to be
wrapped in a shroud,l Scr meekly did she
fold;the white hands of the one. upou her
t ill bosom, that ; there seemed to be
prayer in them there . ; and so 'sweetly did
she Wreath the White roseein the hair'of the
other, - lhat : dne would not have Wondered
had More roses' budded for company.
dlowehe stood between Its and appre
hended harm ; bow the rudest ?fin soften
ed beeetithlho gentle pressure' of that fa..
dad - and tretimions handl Front eiamt-•
oleos pookei that' band was ever withdrawn
closed, only to'bi" openedin our eivn,,witiv.
the nuts she had gathered, the elletriep, she,
had plucked, the little egg she lituffoutul,
the "turn-over" SIM had balted."-the trinket ,
she had ptirehased ref eis as the' produCt of
her spinniug,.the blessing she had' stored .
for :us--the offspring el her heart.
What treasures °Eatery fell, rom these
old lips ; of good ftiries and , evil; of the old'
times when she was a girl ; and 't`ve'wen.
dered if ever—but 'then, 'she coo Itlutt ' be
handsoiner or dearer—but that -she evert
was "little."; And then, when ; we, begged,
her to sing, "Sing us one of the old songs
you used to siug mother, grandma."
"Children, I can't sing," alter always
said; and mother used to lay her knit;Mig
soltly down, and the kitten stopped playing
with th pun upon the floor, and the cloud
ticked lower in the corner, and the tire died
down to a glow, like an old heart ildit is
neither chilled nor dead, and grandmother
sang. To be sure; it wouldn't do for the
parlor and the concert room now-a•days ;
but then, it was the old kitchen and old-;
fashioned.grandmother.aud-tbe old ballad,
in the dear old times; and we can hiftdly I
eel to write fur the memory of them,
though it is a hand's breadth to the sunset.
Well, she sang. Her voice was feeble
and wavering, like a fountain just ready to
fall, but then no* sweet toned it was ; and
it became deeper and stronger;• bui it
couldn't grow sweeter. , What ley of
grier it was to sit there arena(' the fire,
ull of us, except June, that elasped a pray
er to her bosom. auditor we thought we
saw, when the hall door MN opened a Me
went by the wind ; lint then we: w'ete 'not
afraid, for wasn't Utile old suiile she wore?
—to sit there around the , fire. and weep o•
ver the woes of the "Babes in tile Wmids,"
who lay down side by side iu the solemn
shadows ; and how strangely glad we felt
when the robin red-breast covered them
with leaves, uud last ofall when the angels
took them out of the night into,day over.
lasting..--. • •
We may thiuk what we will of it now,
but the song and the story' heard arouud
the kitchen fire have colored Ole lives and
thoughts of most of us •; have gtceo with°
germs of whatever poetry hire? our !marts;
whatever of memory blooms' in our yester.
days. Attribute whatever we may to the
school and the schoolmaster, the rays
which mica that litter's day we call life;
radiate' from the G-ol..swept circles of the
Then she sings an old lullaby she sangg
to mother—;•her mother sang to her ; but
she does not slug it thro,' cud talors mil
' 'tis done. She rests her. head upon her
hands, and is silent in the old kttehort.—.
Something glitters down between her
gars it, the firelight, and it looks like vain
iu the soft sunshine. The old grandinoth 7
er is thinking When she first Heard
. the
song, and the voice that wain it ;, wiled. - a
light haired
.and light-hearted girl, :she
hung around that "thother'a chair, nor saw
the shadows of the years to come. 0 ! the
days that are no more I What' spell can'we
weave to bring them back again ? What
wordri unsay, what deeds nude; inset back.
just chi 4 mice. thi4 anoieut clock of Limo ?
So all otir hands were fore verelitig.
ing to her garments and staying her. as it
from dying, fur roliga!ro she had been dohm
living for herself , ninflived abide in us.—,
But ihp old kitchen wants a preacuoo to-
dny, and the rush-bottomed chair is ten-
How she used to weleinno us'when wo
wore grown And tame buck once more to the
homestead. ' ,
We thought we were wen and wanton
but we were children' there. The old-fash-
lotted geatnitoether, was blind in the eyes,
but she saw with her fieart,n :she ultrity's
thd. We threw our long shadows throuib
the open doer, and she, felt then], us they
.fell over her feral; and she looked dimly
ups4nd saw toll Shapesju the door-way,
audrshe says, 'Edward rknow, en 4 Lucy's
voice I can bear, but whose is that other.
It roust bo Jane's for sbe bad ohnost for.
gotten thu folded, 'Oh, no, not
Jatm, for she--let me see—she is waiting
for, me, isn't she 2', and the old, gratltuoth
er wandered and wept. •
"It is another daughier;giandainther,
that Edward has brought," says some one,
"for your blessing." .
"Has she blue eSei , my "r 11.; Pin her
band in mine., for, the is, my latest httrn.
the child of my old age. Shall.l sing you
a song, caildren'M • Her hand is in her
pooket'as of old ; she is idly ttimbling for
a toY. for the children that
come again. , .
One of,us, men tut, we thought we wero. -
is weeping; she heirs the half-suPpressed
sob; she says, as shey•extetids her feeble
hand, , ffere my poor child. frost :upon
your:grand mother'lS shoulder; she will pro
tee! you from all harm.
"Coin% children, sit- around the fire a
gain. Shalt I sing you a song;" .or tell
you a story? Stir the fire. foi it is cold ;
the.nights are growing colder I
The clock in the corner struck nine, the
bed-time of those old days. The song 'of.
life was indeed sung, the Story told ;" it
was bed-time at last. Good night to thee..
grandmother t The old•fashioned grand
mother was no more, ana kve miss her for--
ever, But we will set . up a tablet in' the
midst of the memory, iu the fll i c t e t, of the
heart, and write on it only tine :
"Sacral to thJ, tamp* Qf oil' fashioned
Graiichiligher=eod &le s uhtijinvor.",
Dow. Jr.. on Pork. you know that it ie for want of stirring,op'
[This clelebrated preacher has strayed that causes times to settle into obtltiraqy.
out to California. We find the following But more especially are you like porker**
sermon in a late number of the Golden because you refuse to be driven. Yon's-.
Era.] I gree together wittily enough:: to abstain,
"My discoune for to•day, will bear I from work. and close year alarms on the
chiefly upon hogs. You may find my text Christian Sabbath ; but whim [does law
In Thompron'e'Castle of Intioleuce. makers undertake to drive you into,yoer
"The filthy beastethat never chewed the cud, Pella with a b ig stick. all your doggish ,
Still grunt and sq ueak , and sing their trout) r tributes manifest themselves in open deft
lous song.' lance. '!'hat's . natural ; end what LI aS.,
The hog, my hearers, is hereditarily a! tore, to right. Why. my friends,,there
filly beast,i teeteriling to my text. • Mud, i more concentrated strength and virtue lot
peck and mire claim a legitimate affinity? fashion. moral suasion and popular, opio.-
with the animal. In his early pighood he.! ion, that in, the syrup of all the arbitrary •
looks clean, phre and spotleos as virtue rt laws of knation boiled down to a gallon..
self; his swinish propensitiee don't ritick • You are readily governed by the forming
out, much, and they : are but latently bud `i but to the hitter you make asetiffaed fetr •
Cling within him. = Ile Iriske round a brier.; real a bow as if encased in Malvinas *
bush with the nimbleness of 11, rabbit, and , copper waistcoat, and sheet-iron crass(-•,
turns oven a potatoes paring with all the So mute it be. ,
dtlit;acY Of a youn g Chesterfield. • But un
c on i a ,,, drunia. • , . •
im—take' hint gently as you may, t+ talking of
conundrum a , o taad Old'
and you get a 'spied' sharp enough a nn
rechtng tuel oler fidetal
pierce the, heart of awhile oak,:crack a Halt a n d vuttlliie out tine of thae ed g il y
ii yingpeu. and choke die Hareems syetem, pain, Havana smoke which Had givja°
~fletter him hi :n his name. "Talkihg of Contiiid nn
alai " iti;
drop before lime maternal' ancestor inquires can ani you tell when Viltipi
innt`the ;row. ' or thrsemoonreafterl • s • aid to be in ince
Wards behold flak 'l'llere he is— , cun can,"
chapped opt city
the. hpg,perfected I—.l-taking h I
- nu. -" • 4, 1 tie Turtle. ' adietfelie` Trams to ,
mud bole and grunting utesaimfartine at . .1 •
the 111 1 11 "'" e ' s •" f tub' hug ' alustinieseil It s ," qtioth linii;
nothing a enthodi b y a m i t a . Trt i• sin ; . 'who ' . p eaks'e
greedineee.rtud contrary opiiiioried in all f irm vo J I
bra internimrses. , He 14 nei to beltersua, „ wa uneale" world
/led, reasoned with. tier driven. The no. when'she want, a m '
!'ikaY get l' 1 " 1 °P'a.r"ad 1 1,, aa '" 1 "/".1. "Mit edema," replied hurrican e . "rho'
to epee him down it ; then he bai t( go up .l quctition s it i owl tvea. t.. .
=though he ecare your hat khnek „m ien e itc . e
tt , ship
treaty ke ,„„
not your UnderpinntnE in it" l' e "ft re v e * — lisigha;) prophunde'dMilindtith"
Wnv, friend., even.harriteeing hepaq.t v. ,
Patine has Pita little inure '"'"warYnelF 1 4. vWhen ehis s it lender lo a Mart d
e f
its composition {llan is contained in vitali..,
gild the Chlditel regarding thd
zed pork ! • hie rich in hie hoots. "
Now, thy deer friends, is I can find no
merit in : tLe hug _ while--alive , t ; but correctx.
ut i rrieane.
*huffier ha is to be apPretelated, like a ' P c ' 'she's struck aback by harry
et, after herds-dead turned to pork—
swell suggtssted Starlight.
It 1181 , been said that a sure cure for love it, I
"No; es yet," saittflorridane. itCo'ne,
"titled perk," taken in rtonjeuetion with a
I hurry along! " '
hoe handle At medicine, then a•I "iirtien she makes mirth of split oda,
be allowed tile eifittled "th°'ll " er a s; " a 1 lee." cried ' , Sibitilpipes. '
it must•he fatten in hoineitalti(l diVe's, and
Here there Was a great great, eta
st l Tt°l7 b " aea • ° ' fatal c "" ent i snme7J ' en ' a r. Sintithitimis 'was throne out fife *in . =
enque. I once knew ' 10 3"'"• 11 4 "I ke e me " . Whenpeace was resioitid `Old
1/e telenap.who tried the remednhotgeing
Hurriedne wp'ropelled" again. ' '
the w h ole 113 eame near k i ckin g " ff Yon 'might have 's 'when she huge
the mortal "ctiverild ; anti Pridlah/Y wou ld the wind,' or ‘when she runs dollen 'for
have mad° a die of 11 ' 41 "" t abasat e n " smack,' or sw lien efie is after a ebnibit s .'
etl the pork and taken a vrow.. , (lore air aolnet fling of that cort. Hut
his , collieasten I ' I have beeinrht The real solMion
l• • ii
fiSoroutituo l i I+oll teats von pig capper I trawls whenehe'rhatiachtel to a buo . O.'
pat mina Hammack is pit fun of • oph a v a 1,. i s it s it i ash „t riett, who
Und out in minekleep, lard ter tifel I Beim:tints, , . r .rx ,
Und kicks ardor pad 'clothes and growls : ; TY" ', u7L u 118,"
"014 vat shall pe tun for. , ts boor man like me,
Vat fer do I lest such a life 7 alone of you tell Me when a ship la bets
'hived t " • '
it'il wn i e tilts Min rll d d e rt4 l 'll'a ll nlai d ln l e dr a- 9nh wl ti re ° s ll!Yrz 1 W, hot the ttailten P
lel re aid eller."
•' , n
w• t ho windda , 1 quoth Meister Karl..
eSmashpipee :yon•
A wise choice .'any ma', nines ' fi nd th e cigare."
prefer a wife a at any time; might to A rid •sa a i biiii . ine
nut me , tom
bo"shut up in a hog-pen every night at sun- l of Ihigalitut. and behold there camegreat
down. Let epicures t i ee•whal the ll d ea"" s cloud over sod.' mai. r
about the, beauty iti roast pig it is nothing •
but thseat(e-breeding pork in its insipid ie. t A child when asked why'a certain, tree
sipielicy, Lisiee to iiitivaitegyrie 01 a pig grew crooked, replied : •Sotnehodyltred
smitten country editor. end ea) , it the fel- upon ii. I suppose, when• it was: a little
low is safe tietrode the Walls of a mail lellow.' t
house : rotating 1-=.-he is How painfully 'suggestive im thins* ,
an pa.lahre as he twists (tempi& the airing Giver.! Hew many, with selling Omens.
that he dtlClllB, to be ,enjoying .refreshing can remember the doye n ( th e i e thodh ea d,
warmth—he weepe nut the pretty, eye., Heil whe n • they w ere • t h e o f, l i a di aart , at
they aemn to be radiant jellies. Now he-, repression, rather than the happy,eubjesne
hold Min in the dish,liie teboht!
,cradle,: ot'eoote'kind.direction and coltute. The
how still he Roth ! • How lueky he,isliot effects of 'ouch misguided 'discipline have
posecosed of that 'grossness whieh so often bans apparent itc their: history Ind chariot
itecomeelliee Inalurer hums!' nature, uteri- ter, and by no process of Ilumanidellitting
lewd !--ite,•could not then have repea t ed m sem the I wrong he rectified. greed
the diet', but would have been a glutton, error of their edueation continud bans
iintllowiug in ell 'Memoir of filth, I ardent of arde of rigid restraints ; without earn*.
Which now, be is happily snatched away— pending efforts to develop and. dultiVate,
. .
"Bre sin could blight; ur tiori•ore fade , i and•trainin a right attraction. • -•
Death coma with ustesi-Y care T.AiispoWiric*,..—vvlia} itte
i At tJ. now hue rneniftrV i i s tii ‘! e d t it o r in ifi t: C e ° ll li tlaTf . B b utc li,ee and a.
.9. 43 °erjor
I.lle!l9ltner k tq uress, the Haile
rojeeteth the ran atm cea I , a , km .
tolieth t:iin in reeking etatisagett—hut he t is the difference betireell Dr.
%nth a few se ptillthre 111 the grateful stn.
nrandreth and a bill ',ticker
inach of a Ititilewas e fa cure * ' :' 'F r is a.pill-boaster the Mho'
Charlet? Lamb's ethender:' but i n uN t • ;, ta , • • •
ti ink inside more orlamb 2si . ,‘ • , I
Ray t hat it v h e! le the difference i restweera Inning
thi 'dal' 'all your ehildreu "down with,,lke mein;
l'oucli nut pork, qty,hrethren, telt ye •
. Ti er hil me stuff never 1 "" a ex ec u te d cc 'a n 'a r , l b‘,‘
be defile" ' se ° • met ie a sick faintly and the other at, foe.
wits aecipiable in the sight' ` of Heaver.— •. . 1 - • • ,• •
I don't believd it WWI ever tofteret as a• ' • granary . . •I ,
d h be , limn is i the,ouaretYnetween a man s
sacrifice, and .1.. t eve. s..t u
' granny anu ? Answer—One
sure it would be rejeeted he the ,etteele t t • I a .
~, wee itt and the other hia, i entm,bin.
with, uptureed,eneee. , J.tii`inah R I Q4'I4 an ' '—ExCellent °nines!
into, the ark, lie must have intended it for ,
ylig T EN . OM
some Chines market ; for throe days. C MANDUSPITIII—T4IfRik
the tooth of eivilizatiou Inver ventured to t o w i ngi .p eet i e !ere," of 'p e De ca l, wet
penetrate, a piece of pork. ' San Francisco ,' l i s oe ofi e nbe en printed, bi l l ca nnot be plait.
haviug a serfeit [Lion, to 110 W really to itetlio6 often " •,•
walk tete one bod 3" 6 63611°4 that ' P. ree e n ' a Have t Lou no other gods but me •
itself, well cov e red with fat. lhope and Unto no itnagebow day knee
what. my friende.• that pork for the poet Take not the name of God
t has hid dealt •in the , innuntains.-4-• Do uutthe Sabbath day Profane, •
There let it lie and rot in oblivion), or be Ilonorthe fitther
At. t ntid . mother loo t
devoured by, greasers , • bud see that thou no murder,do t
. .rote
From vile adultiry keep thee Meant
yen you iron-nerved, leather-pauitaied mi-
Andsteal not. tho' thy statelitsmese
tier. biveepon it exclusively I r' not ti- "
e a - oath; no fulso witness--shun 'thin blot
and you will file.' emir backbone convey . - t l,Vhst is thy neighbor's, covet not.,
led into volcanio chain of mountains- 7 - Write these thy laws, Lord, fumy hone.
with a Yesuvius s between Your ehotilders. And let me not from them depart,.
'll Heels at your hip, and Y Commix upon [Richard ,Chrictiaa,
your nose.. Eat much of %And you are
sick; eat less and'you are better; eat none
et all, and you get well.. ant down up
on. pork in simmer hote, with forty par
son preasure. It is neither fit for the old,
the young, nor the athletic---the major.
the miner, nor the digger. The hotlence
is rank, and smells; to heaven."
. this . .
- ' that the , eintroort crop in to2loo la Noe
As to Bulging a troublous tong, my , -, . ~
ugally Jorge., Si) far we have bed quitika
friend Theinipsotesinurieal' discrimination
must' he've been yeti' nice it he could dia., mild fall--Predertek (Va.) Weiiikl: '
cent any kill of song whatever in a nog. t , -h plain and unschooled matte :AO bad
As well mignt a donkey try
ici stag. " vll ' 4l I received' his education principally. bensoith
fairy like music,", as lor one of Inc par.
' the open sky. in the field or, tbe - ,fastiaN
eine species to attempt to breathe out tnel
i and who had wielded the. axe• awro,lbita
ody in any shape.. I shall give the beasts. ,a
pelt. while speaking of children r resatk
credit for no song—good, bad and trouble.
'!ed with true and besotiful simplieitv i ATI*
eortia,nothing bdt his, everlasting wooh /, little ohipi are nearest the heiiri, •
waugh ! interferes with, my serenity of ' ~. - ....,„_ l , It
mind, perpetuity of patience and evenueas 4ll Love you, Mary.--490 hireavely
of teinper.
My brethren. : in some respects yon i Alen( and smeeia--oh, say tbat yt, 49 7
him .a ,similarity : to bop.: You. twit two it 1" 4ittUr.etit,;Charlay L,,
'more iislusr. than you con' ifit ,or make !pot 1, .,:, ths-so Ifiti!Pa • i 11 i4," 4 , - •
use of. `...When you are too fat and hay `to kand,notc Va'al l gal it, b, VII , ' , 4
"root," you want sbout hard tittitiv-raud,noo; fax rifßinih7 . ;
~„4 a t41#0,',":-
Partazmainv Canr AND TNII WIx T
711;die eetTle believe., that,s persinirnon
crop is a sore siktrof a “driadfulty` ebid"
winter: I,elltis free, than look
comening winter —Lett ready I 'pleatifal
s'uj jilt oriiiicid; and enal as bed
tilethes. for . we ire Revered ,by.• (rioted