Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 23, 1855, Image 1

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• ~.;a2, t.
1 atineaticiairoaplATl ON .
, PiritOlpeeltegulailoisir ' •
Ago gfilbstager .; Postage, on all letters hf
, orteledffeutqa weight or ut4r, 8 cents pi* .
Paidl (exePt California e California bregon, which
10 tiihts preSid,)
.•: , Postade on .rttit STA* iliiiniXNElL"-'--1;1111i.
.(1 yiwthoiVounty,fntel ' the gate, 13einite
t,, ,Iper,prar...t To say' part of the United Stitt*
," . - / •
ostago tin ati transient papen under .3
1 1 ounces Weight,l cent prep aid or noun;
, ! , -onpatd. • . • •
, •Aalyertised letters to be' charged with 'the
c 9 4 ,4 ef,advettising. • • .
Mails : , Coaches', w . ith mails , to, Haiti.
and Philadelphia, (and interyeeing
!point,) :lea* at 5 o'clock, A. M., daily, ex,
r: riAlettlaburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and
I, . 1 1' 614 1' , flt 6 ;.4. .4 • f
• gerstoria, ori l i ttesday, i TiMrsday,an,d
• tio• lraturdnY, A . JAE ' • ' • '
•,111Xco Mambo:thug,' foL M
At ~ daily?:.o.l ,„o,,goamittshurg,..3,,P. ..•.
Nail to tlenderseille„Middletown,Muminas•
taidie 'Arendtatown, ou )Vednit9 l
day , iteld Batul'daf, IA. M. '
. ~ T a,Hunterstown, Tuesday, Thursday and
~enturdaY, 7 tt. /Id
• TO New chaster, and Hampton, on Tuesdati
' eta Week . ' IA. M.
cent of the trailed
Adult:ft : Frunklin Pierce.
rce Prdidt: i : Jesse D. Bright.
&trek:x/I'OIBMM : Wm. L. Marcy.
Seddary of lot Prior Hobert MeCelland.
.Sccrelary of Terutury : James Guthrie.
." 1 Secretary qf War: Jefferson Davis.
. 4 kerelary of Nary : James C. Dobbin.
Post Mater G'etecral Joules Campbell.
Atiorofey tiendra: Caleb Cushihg.
Chief Jualice of the C - Slates : It. B. Tone •
Stale Oniceric
Cove-nor JUnies l'ollock.
Vecretoy cf Slate : Andre* 0. Curtin.
livatly Saorriary John M. Sullivan.
Barneyar General: J. Porter Brawley.
Auditol. General : Ephraim Banks.
l'rearttrer : Eli Slititr.
'I wile" : J. 8. Back, K Lewis, W. B. Lowrie
G. W. Woodward, J. C. Knox.
beintly Superiatesulatit of Common &hoots :
Henry C. Hickok.
. -
• • County OM Cent
Congress: David F. Robison.
Senalc ; David Nellinger.
: Isaac Robinson.
'Preritteni JuOjc: Robert J. Fisher.
..I.;isocintes : Satui it. Rueac.ll, -
lliylricl .Alturney : Jay. G. Reed.
Sheriff: Henry:lmns&
, Ci.roner : J. W. Hendrix.
,Prutkoi;lary : John Picking.
• lagialer iG !recorder Win. F. Walter.
Clerk qllhe Codas : J. J. Baldwin.
eounty L. S c hi c k.
it!anisty .8 it r awn r : Gen. B. klewit.
....bapreror of fri:ljkls and Area:army : Franklin
Comilarrioaers - .Ins. .1. Wills, George Myers,
Henry A. Picking ; Clerk--. 1. Aughiribaugh;
Or mi. , -"bry - Joseph Bony, Joh;
Htiroer, Gtirret BritikerhOW; Clerk—Ruh`t.:
Paxton- Treasurer—Alexundereobetto
itowartl.-Juhu Scot; ; Physielan—Ddrid .
..dr/ttord : Erlttonol F. Shorb, Abel T. Wright.,
John Flatijn nm.
Alerranlile Apprai.wr : Jneoll A ughinbaugh.
Sitpviatentleut : David Wins.
loroisgla Officors. John Culp,
Amu Council: James A. Thompson, Huh
I.),enitlilie, Samuel IL Ittuinell, S. 8. 11 c
. Ciettrv, D. liondiell4rt., John Gilbert.' B.
ArCreary,"Clerk undTreusurer. •
'Jinglers ()fil m 144 we : George E. Bringmau,
Joel B. Ihintier,
equertable : John L. Burns.' •
Places of Worship.
reilloyferian : Balt. and High street—at pres
, ent without a Pastor.
Nyman Calk()lie : 'West High street. Pluto' r
, 7 -:-Rev. Mr. De Necker. , •
'Versate Miertned: High and Strattonstreets.
Pastors --}led. Tueob Ziegler.
.Rpiscopal &est Middle street._—
,p,stors- 7 1leva. J.. W. DoSh,.Wni. Earnshaw.
Aixociaic ildbrmol : West High street. Pll5-
' ' . l6r—ller. Mr. Werner.
loitheran t Christ 'Church, Chambereburg
streset ; Palmer—Rev. Dr. Krauth. St.
Janos, York and., Stratton streets ; Pas
tor—Rev. Reuben
L 0. 0. F.—Gettya L ge meets on Tuesday
evening of eneh week • •
S. of T. Adams Livia u meets on Monday
evening of eneh we
Tenkperanee Beneficia. Association meets on
thsrd Saturday evening of each mantis.
Gettysburg Beneficial, Association meets first
Saturday evening of each month,
'rout* Men's Lyceum meets on Thursday
eYening slash 3Veels. "
York ,Springs Lodge meets on Thursday even
ingof. each week. •
Borba Beneficial Association meets on the first
MidaY 'evening of each month.
Batik or Gettysburg
litsident : George Swope.
CawWer : John' B: lifePhetsoa.'
C7erk: John LL
Direclore : George Swope, D. Kendlehart,
Alexander D. Himes, I.Vin. Gardner, Henry
Wirt, Wm. Douglas,. David Wills, 'Georke
Xoung, John A. Swope, Nat.• A. Stewart;
Joshua ?latter, Joseph L. Shorb, John K.
•Longsiell. '
, , .
./A4191 County utual Fire juin
,. ramie
Pre:um/ : George Sw4e.
lf:Protickn4,: Samoel'a.RuaselL
Secretary David A. Buehler. .
nor: leCrearp
, fiti ltm
Coptmikee i" Rol*, IrChrdy, Andrew
titzehrtii; jaeob King.
Ifirriagersl. Geo. Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. his.
.y, J. , King, 'A.4 fleintzelman: 8. R. Res
11).•)COreary, L. Noel, A. B. Hui*
Fehnestoct N'
o.'Oreary, J. J. Kerr, •
Marsha aedl4.-Ekbeiberger, Aughin-
IL A. Picking L D., ld:Con•
;well Jacob Grieet, :Wm. B. IVilson, Jo
'aeph Fink.
4007 W Executive' Committee 'Meet on the
the first Tuesday in every month at the 011ie
of the Secretary. ' •
.n600,0641°11 °flour families,, who
are" with our benret hours', heir our
prittteloobverse,ltnotv "the; habiti of our
lives and the bent of our, dispositions ie,
oq should he. to us, far more pleasing and trittiaphentt,flum the shouts of Ike multi.
tudsi or. the worship of the world:
Fe.!uttli(ifJuly celebration, a young
altOred following tout :
write 'y(iiiing m 4 q of America—?h eir artni 'fink stiipoit *Otti 'ulna theii
Vartt i t 11/, g
404...u 1 in.,
. .
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. „
Ekiid Bi7fll , 4s tilammit'zriai talel down the
I 14 44 te go shooting-41a have come
tPli " hutt, foal iriehatv
"`• taro) . _ „ '" •
yes,lll get:Livid: 7 Z will,
Awl), t:4;uing;./11ght.
Till peiehed'bifii'Oplar 'Whii , c), met hulk eyo I.
Bang l el bt o tn i I went • the' tnuelcat--;that smoke
cl And i flat on the greerurward, poor Billy Ilion
Ile raised himaeltslowlyeAo gazed aU Tone
The bird he hid, oboe stoeaknot 44 be found : •
Ili Omni" ibiiii aardHilly 11 ar da had.
, • been' nei'L -' ' ' " ' ' r!
Had . yon only been' at oily and of tlie 'MA I
foist liiappeg
A piiOrtidfan came one night to lob
at Litchfield, In the early: Any* tifq,ll4eitil
England;4iid'iiiked kir a merest . orfood
and, a few ; boors lodging. aikk,o , ; h o
mid ; "I bunt all day, end ;totems in the
forest."'" Th o hostees,,opt liking, his ag,i,
pearitice, "drove him ,off;. and as he wile,
going,*leoking very sad, for diere was no
other inn for pally a mile, soma! ! who
was sitting oda bench before , , the• 4.. e,
told the womb to supply the ',mis or
the red man, and he would pay her.,7,Ap
soon as hie' supper was finishitt:Ablitr
dian thanked his benefactor, ittaistlitl %IT
would some day tepay him., •
A great many years alter, the settler
was taken prisoner by a hostile tribe, and
(carried off to Canada. His life way spar
ed, but he was kept in slavery, till, one
day an Indian came to hiin. amid
him a musket bade the captive follow him.
The Indian never told him where they'
were going or whet was his object, but day ,
after day the, eeptive folldwed his strangel
guide through the thick forests, until one
afternoon they Came auddenly on the cul
tivated Janda of, the white , than. "Do
you kiwi , that place 1" asked the Indian,
pointing to a group of houses. . 4 Ah, yes,
it is Litchfield 1" and before the poor cap
tive could recover fron,' his* itiprise and
joy, the Indian exclaimed, "And I am
that ;tarring Indian you once look pity
on : ail now that I have paid you for
that supper, you Call go home to young."
Alisi no opportunity of doing a kind ic•
seas is a tear of jny ,end a tear of
grief. The tear of today ' May, net be
forced by 0011144) cause which overflow
ed the eye yesterday.': , tear may be
sent up from th6Fheartbrjoy or sorrow.
It is the lame liquid- diamondlit either
ease.' A little tear drop on the cheek has
a language of its tiwir. A . , It speaks to per
sons of all fictions.' It is litteepritted read.
ify Py persons of all collittries. The tear
,of, to-day memos joy ' or
.fl irorrow r 1,1350
face, ado wn hick a' tele iensi tells ' ift heat:
er•ii springs from the fountaiit of juy oil
grief. • ,
A tear draws forth. sympathy because
it is the emblem of Love. of Hope. ,or of
Grief. When is grief our pulse beats
faster, (or our heart is agitated mid touch
ed deeply.- The true feeling of the heart
is seen iu a tear which. lingers in the eye;
that, little
,bright widow of the soul l The
tears, of, tu,dey.,il ..they do ipritig .froin.,
grief may . to-morrow be wiped sway, by
rainbow hues'-of peale;;hipttiniss and
prosperity. Nil' elesperitridioi. Niftier de.
"Whin I reflect," observes Pope, in a
lever to Addisen;'"what an inconsiderable
atom every single '' man is - with respect
to she. whole creation, methinks it je;:a
shame to be concerned at the removal of
such . a trivial man as I am, The hiorn
ling alter, my exit. the sun will rice "a's
'bright as ever ' , the flowers smell 'as sweet.
the plants spring, as green, the. World will
prnceed in its old course, .people will
laugh as heartily,, and marry • as, last as
they were used to do., 'flie memory of
man passeth . away as the, remembrance
of a guest that 'tirrieth but one day I" i
A MAN.—The man, Whom I
call de
serving, the namy, in one whose thoughts
• and exertions. are Mr, others; rather than
hitneell—Whose high' purposes are adopt.
led on just principles, add never abandon
ed while heaven ' and:earth affunle Means
el accomplishing. thein. , He 'is one it;lto
will iteillTr seek an siuditectadvantage by
specious road, ror take an evil path to
secure a real good Waller
A Pets Fut. CA,es.—A ypung man, son
of 'especial:de Jeweler and Watchmaker
' Was arrested in Phila4tilphie, on, the
charge of robbing fathees 'store of
ailver.wate and ostler valuible
Theft. ware clearly 'established, and that
young inan who was to his father a ion
of pride, would, no doubthavit.met a fei•
onts doom, had not the' father refused, to
prosecute. The' stolen propeity was re
covered. • '
CORN CARRE4..-A' special, premium
was awardid to Mrs. Charles Wernpole.
at the late Fair orate igontgonuny
ty Agricultuial Socieiy,'for a corn oake,
I mode after the folltivviBtereceipo..
"Take the white of eiglit 'egke ; ~
fourth pound each, of corn „ starch; lour
and' butter; half pound ,suipul,o,ne ”Itts
spounfur of 'Soda. Flavor with Almond
to suit; the taste.
Wool and its Nantsfaclure.--The non,
sumptiOn 'of wool' in - this country for,the
year" 1858 and 1854, was taint three hot .
dred millions of pounds. Of thie aniount'
sixty millions of pounds were •raised here,
twenty-one millions were imported in the'
raw state, and one hundred and nineteen
millions in manufactured goods. Is it not
apparent that by this system we are driving
the productiof our own country from the
market, ' inviting those of other countries I
Just as good wool can be produced and just
as fine 'cloth mad() in the United States as
in any part of the world.
limp Republics Grow .in America.--
i l i wouiT-five yew' ago lowa wee a wilderness,
' . only by tbe amnia. Now she, be
a oitilizod . poiSulation estiosied sarthe4t.
iii hundred thousand, hnd.
°rearing:" The inolgrittion the i Strife this
jest btW boehlety
, , , t ., • NINO •
• 1, •E V E
,• . •., •
- --, -------..„ ---_,....—.
444 0 . 4 ,..A minipxodny. :',, , . 'llliltir eln , el_ 7 lt , 110 Governor , was - g Do ri st piA T '. - .
,1° - *.sicild.” ,• . , • • , • - instrument ,
0- . 'bin I don't play on any i
i:youtii i t ,* s oi oglyool,and •t„,ritnio metiwetilth'dohlO,o. great favorite
. tmong our question : . • 'To tell the truth, I became,
!i.41,4 - ti:•, ..7- 7 ,HinA wOiyart; - 1 - "" `• A'ceitaiti `Governor of the great Cam.
'biaii;li:int i ing - bik Audio., ' The he ladies , add `iituneumberedwithoomes- discouraged by
said o ' ur friend. Tnni'Prigle, in answer , to
a alightiniietineeption,
t.liiittla &lin rig iiken hit; ottellectim) Poti'-' ti'olnir ,cd;fikiiniOnle,''llltn a 81 !ofroful caw - 'ben I.wate. young man. ' !Wsnt entire,
era toirbelaalL w itiv hing,ssM. Ina l'ittli f bat 'Pioihtdi i°' "iutniPil Ow r ~,,• 4ged, you know, and all that sort of thing.
teettiat•gladistni . bifiiiiiiit l enter. ilie. arppa s P onsi biliOoyipro,fromade i Pieltaunlc 61 P
,-, f,WelliAtou gee , said he;in reply to a.
and: win - the " lant4l, or I stirer' idefeat'.l-t 1 1 4'Ongliaiitt. ..1 1 e."11! public man, ,and '# Other qtimition,•tt was about twenty years
Thellist ' &we of:Merril:4ond thit'i`glribiti. successful ' ail? 10 Pr. °° ung' .was ° l'. 4 ' d '.' t ° 'lgo. When. I was studying law, and my
':of midnight , ,bavel •btiliefd' 'him' Pretiaribir
urotner was medical student, that we 1
filmy body,nro„ts handawith aid, hitu,- he , both 'fancied that We had a ivonderial tat=,
the congnitt4iforieOf Ah?,00996x 40 ..... 1. • t. a ..
for the struggle ; and novrikreatitidll,'c'x:'
ertimr, tbe,influenee of Sleep biomes iiiii. 'tele 'trhofe #l4 tiite* • li4o. • The dfl, emiebe music. i. So John bought 'a flag;!
litioceirdltiehli irniii be took, a faisea 401 2 fiddle. and turning and of the attics
sietible. ! He dreams...of •.the^ home of 'liiii
down the priocipai„Viter Punk ~etreee''ar tig
hta • ettKly.. vve„ practiced there half the
boyhood, mut of the minnyhoursArcl
hood . lkl l i w . . A
. gcriius 4 4l. • g en tl y . ; leading . theTgreat'Attirstrlcati.llabel., He bad not g ihroegh. tile dt •want, any one
l lia; and rev : .• to 3e wondering. Ore''c,e'ethid' fiii:' 4l ` , * 4 was accosted ,bY to knoWlhout •it especially our father,'
n ''' ' ' ''' r e'l - - ”1: ;I ;Au
APOtt - 4,a.F*4.4 • glAurtenWi sehofhad.verY strict frothiness ha the value'
(1 • . f ,,,,,.. ,:: , 41.:.Oroeq,bubble,•or ma:. • fl°,"'"al4 ~.,. . : , -_.! ~ of time r• and to make him 'think us use.
~ ttr, , " ,* ;!4f:T`.;itiltiftlis'44,'-yrith his wild. . "Goo4'i l ihi fibitigO.i+lf9r7r-,•401:4.'Y dn." lolly,
eloPlifY,cd, +I had quantities of law
~ 1101.' , '; ... .';.` etimiiiittl'H . :......'.;: ,, ..:, ', ' ' tuntli "if L tiel t id (Fir ~ ,, . ,'l ' hooks heaped up pr and John, had ,a :skull
i' Thwidreiliner slefiiiii4i'liti4. l 'lU scene " 4 ,7 0 . t. - ,ve, 1 ,Y2 an i.r, ( l. : °ir,r,Planglii INN.'
W e all aorta of bones icatiered, about.—.
We know htluitnii iii Mir •study.' no One
L .., °° ,', 'Lt .., ; i° ,i ' n, l-# .• : . ' T i lleN h - I °°king i
fi t .
opuhrii;geofsPar? Huasesiesse;l46stigi.3li.ithhtirtiiegyead'evlt': Jel""duedlwehaiie3l9oBl.TiM pu , 00110,09 , had could hear us. but Betsy,'Ther hoesekeeper ;
:fixtirt % ma its temple.crowed. summit, iiteadi= the a d'iati4lo ,- ! , .;-'' ~., ;/ and.swebe,eMii oar old'auraeo we felt sure
„it,L4.o4upward .wendeth ,, bis; way. ' - 11. ' I '''' 'p erceive " `,Y , 0 3 .1,.., '.t. kttqw,fuos? Was she ,woild, IJeep,our, sump ; : . One nuirninr.
eindoc ,, ',' .., ,4 . ~. ,--., : ,0 .. after
~4,tk ee . whiling die d , longmight
11 ' we ha 'n • •
irP,W . ,4urna , feveriehly,!•and his:. blood '.'lir' th,te,reJ
-Ai . . . My Kunio is Brown ex. 7 -,,- r - r. oo?ntyei hoiiiiiiiik.Witk our inustwo one own
Vldl,l coursing, , but what matter ?
shrill blast is beard. adovn •clie,,mountain Ohio. I had Phlasure,mforming your . thutoil' , 4 l 4%bi: ' wii' • (Janie ' Woivii lite to
acquaintenee•n few ititeksi ago o , hoo , yo 4 breillfaitt.:loaking,l siippostrOitinititihat
elope, tolling of fame and .„olory . ; and
unrefreshed. ~,,, , ..n, , ,i1-...). , ; - 1-I ';.-' P .
Attees are cheerily
,hidchnt him to , press . spike al -1- . 1 : , ' ' - ''' ' '..• • ''' .
Vianki. ' • ,
— re - colfeet...-sir !, y z ery.glad o see you Mr. said Oor:fattier...conindoratelY%L...,
"Oh .eh ! yes. tend the Governor, "I quo , mune% 'study too, iberdi i boys,'
The .aleoVir is uiiiwiluined at yet,, and
a change:Once Mora comes over the Beene: i tiit o sseld'i; . giii , velx. ~, . ;... , .. • ,
Pale, glittering, beautiful, the moon, 'with 1 The twain had unoonibiriu4ly approach, , 'Jug ii. Baty :iipp4tired at the door .
her starry attendants; bedeaks the ethereal ed an auction room, and'auddunly were 14- and lqoked,Misterionsivii thycither.•:..
'Brown,"' •.: Ii i . : m
terrupted in rho pridstof,a very animated
zed Y,C Behit is;,lo.r...a•mother;lsOrpri..
' canopy . .. From iferlootorbed the . night-,
political' discussion bye hoietereus outcry ' aeilSoa ,excited minner:,.. , l l Vhat• hi
iugale has arisen .; 'and, as . eho soars high,
coming from kliight..Ut, am hammer, "A it.,' Retail I' --
' ', • . ..'. , „, ''' '
er,, higher, stilt higher towards the ernEy
splendibargain, . pe • Well. m , . . , ••••
d " gentlemen '' A rfect ', 4 l'aiii I Wish ib 'stay ma'am '
rents regions ,: utters her orison, carols er
beauty. Fulhjeweled mid warranted sound Betsy -always epokiin•thirelttirOiiiiiiiiii
envying lay to. the , being who created ' her.
in, every pm:Ocular, Going I Going . ' Only way, when she Walt what she called ‘ work
gooling zephyrs are playing with the foli
twenty-se7en and a half, gentlem en I, A ed uoil must Prove you, ma'am%
,: .: , ,
age '; and, as volV:t are inturehanged be-
tow , two ki o di od spirits. the b reeze oom , wretched sacrifice 1 . , •• . . ' '.save inch I" asked, mother.. -"'
to whisper — ' "By George l Governo r!" quoth Brown , , •Yes, ma'am; is tiventy., the years that
• ..., 1 , - '- '
earn° II Iran:pet 'blame depart,
Let's see." .• • . ''aui. , I abet stand it, and
But . lore'd sweet lute Yields . melody
• That lingers in the he ar s ; . • Poiting the action to the work, Brown I ain't. going to. . It's not , Christian une e
stopped in, followed by, the Governor., too tna'arn.'.
. • And the scroll of fame will burn
When earth and sea consume, polite to refuse. But few nonenta o. .Whitt h4i
But the rose of love, in a happier sphere, lapsed ere the ticking toreaure'wee knock.' ed murder, ave the.b4s been4oing vr ilt.;
Will live in deathless' bloom• ed off to Mr. -
Bown. at ail "awning ()heap ' .IVIMr.Joh,."O,, toe'inf, - ;and sometimes
bargain." .Handing the.lever to the Gov." 1: !hid' ,Mi . Tons, helps, ..bini. ~ He's-got
()rum., Mr. Brown felt for.his perm; loon= 'some PcOr.cretur up slain. ma'am. and, he.
Utile, when suddinly; with an exprattaive roiiiriedie )mutt svifills. : klexereaks,all idle'
air of surmise Stealing over hie ianieten= .nighiihrotigh. l ,lt, hi.woree Shan, the •hes.; -
twee, he- exelaimed - 14 7' '' ''' ' ' 'thea..' l'lqt stood. it tor more nor e weekt'
.:Why, Governor, praf•tacuse 'me, but' IlIti!* gefi wink . 9(eleep lost,:oighi, iirid
really; I've left my purse at the hotel o=e what i4tfiretur wept through woe:dread.
Willyon favorme by advancing theamount; fel: 1 I liiitit, ‘ thiy , Apo pitch, th ing._ Inuit
while run up to the hotel , L it% only a step, biAiiiiby4betors, hut ,I.ain't . going hi'
and 111 return immediately ?" ' . stay .wlirci.,l.titi,aud• l' never .thought John
"Certainly, sir," anj , dth ~, e ,v4tti , nor, 'wits the tinetti,J4,K
~, . ~
droning out a , : ~tr,:..,.;',..',.:-00,Xtid '.Atifßenly gatvelm; brother a ;loolc-of
counting the su y • 1 *':" • • ~" , V ,l anded Withernig emidennatiun..,....,
- ...'....i5... ... '.'. 1 .'t,P.,. •' '' '..- 4. .
I over. '.• '..-,- 04...;.. -...,-,._ .
--, ~ • .•"••ftr,.....M. ,f.cAltelnuwext,?,ttset,,
4utnilsoo . '•:".• -.-• :, , .' . , ~ mir: ,
~,.,• o metliteg unotinal,Weil going.od. )iii
appeared. ' Five minutest soon passed kten 'Mir etisdy;',ind.telling ,Betsy(elie . would
the Governor's vexation bectuue untilifsat.. tideilhodgli not the t eritt of the atm, :for
elapsed; fifteen sped. • and yet no Mr. imitilie into
‘ it, 'he dismissed her ,for:,the
,13rnwn. The Gevernor.began to' get int; pressor '
,„•, . 1; : .,,..,
patient. . Twenty min u tes disappeared , kid .. ' "that ivi s . the end, of our musical
1' Twenty•fire had drum, when auddordy the our father took ' care we should .pot.ferget
, Geveroor•seerned'struok with in:idea. - lire. . it: li Wis i lubg 1 t!ine i be f ore we heard
had, bon sold: impudently phiaked! ' His thelid
aalinto 'that I ppercroter op
rage . , was unbeunded.,. He demanded hie -New ,Voik,D,Litiqini,ith.
money,, but the auctioneer had. gone 1 .713 e '
ravad;'and it is' Said swore roundly,; but
we don't' liier'. ' • -
- "Gentlemen of the jury, have you a
greed upon your verdict . ? What say you,
is the prisoner atr thu her guilty or not
guilty 1"
During this interrogation, there was a,
repression of breathing, and a fixidity.
gaze, which vividly indicated with what
intense solicitude the verdict was a
"Guilty !" tremulously responded the
foreman,; and then a tihrick—un utterance
of the heart's doepanguish, echoed through
that Uro,w,ded, Court-room; and- many, a.
heart bout in, sympathy, and , many an eye
was lioditnitted with tears, ~as the grief
etrickeu wife of the prisoner was led away
from ' the scene.
, glimmering lanp partially dispelled
the`gloom, and threw a flickering , glare
around the,. dreary cell of the . coetluinned.
Ever at/ci t ation , the attenuated frame ofl
the prisoner writhed with the• intensity of
his emotions ' and the whole •powers of his
mind 'seemed, presumed with the bitter
nelur. of his; grief. By the,,lews pf, his
country he was condemned to death, and
ere to-inerrciw's Sun would 4.cede below
tlie:boiltee; his iiody would ,be mingling
'with the duet.' But it was not"it' the'op
proich of the grim' oonqUerer that the
Inescles of the felon quivered se spasmocl
ically, Crass:lions of his innocence;. Ito
„cared •notior, the scaffold ; but when' ho
tbonght that she, whom he had .vowed to
protect,. %Tula, be left alone m bear, the
worl'd's rude contumely, then nature am-
Med The 'Mastery, and the strong man
• 'Cheer up, 'then downcast one I Will
notitbe judge of all the earth do right ?
Fear,not. 'He will Bend his guardian an,
gels to cheer and protect her.
"All hands on deck a
Keep . 840
look-out at the forecastle I" were the rap 7
,id injunctions•ef•• the •iktfitain. A l Vivid'
electric Ilasb , shot across the borison,' - and
the cry of . "breakersahead," mingled with
the, voice of the• compost. Fratitically•the
Passeugers. rushed; towards the dock.—
runlet wealth)P4o 6o lll ltilivore , forgotten
in the terrible struggl e toriiie. The moth
er pplifted her eyes beaveuwa,rds, ,as •if
supplicating protection ;, and •as .sbe mut
tered a . prayer fur the safety ef her babe,
pressed it coniulsiVelY her bosom.* .
The tempest-driven•iessel dished 'onwards
loud Wail 'iinethe airy then there
was a• momentary gurgling of the wa
ter, and •the storm-king had achieved•the
victory. • .
• •• ir
During the night; signal lights had beeh
seen,.and the booming of cannon bad been
heard by , the coasquard ; but- as the vie-.
!coop of the , ga!e. threvened with destruc
tion any Who unght venture how. the Ahern
.no assistance could be rendered to the Jai
ferers. As the day broke r the fate of tho
vessel wee no . longer envelopecrin 'arys
teri.. Donjons of the wreak were strewn
along, the ,bvachpwhile ever and anon,' a
.waiseen. Poiticg ou.the
face of the water., ,On , the, strand, cold
..lajr • the .nrother and her
b,abo.' Death . pad not unfastened, her fond
einbniee; arid, ai a reqpieuil arcs& frou .. .
the'disli of the 'Wild, waves, gently the
slumbererselept the' steep thatknowS . no
• * • • •' *'
Love ! thou spirit celestial, such is the
potency ditty amyl ouch 'lit thy won
drous influenbe i Unlimited is thy do
minion I. , irresistible are' 'thy deerees !
,The co ttage.and the patio are alike visited
by thee, - At thy.approaoh , the inmates of
the prison :rejoieo, and death is divested of ,
its terrors, • The grave and the gay-:—the
floes and the,,bold—the beauteous maiden
end tottering
. uld age. all . kneel' devoutly
at thy shrine, and offey thee thing °Win
-wh04951 Prer";givosspatpany lied don't
Itleite the folks wha,ljtvg ae,st,rieerAi
-:eve that pelt of the story 7 .
It is on record, bOwever, that he.threaten
ed general destruction, and no dmlbt would
have raised the d--I generally,,bad i not
'the auctioneer, frightened by his viefence,
made his appearaucoland after demurring
.aomewhat, returned the money.
• It it Deedless to,observe that the Gover
nor loft the
' establishment a wissr and
Madder man, than whoa he entered it,—
'is likewise to be remarked that after that
time he' wasp , universally sulipeotfur of an
who claim aeiluaiutanoe with hitn: entitle
More of Ohio residence.
justice Co the 'Governor, we
,will 1
wise'remark that in eitenuation of his be:
jug victimised; he was induced to advince
;be „money in tbe feet that
Brown re,preeented himself as a Bookeye:
and he ' 44 eouldn't ice, a fellow 13uckeye, jn
tionSle without ''helping ." is 'a
well , known het, however, , that Gov.'
!.dowu on" Peter Funk institu.
don.. '
• loweritilone.
_The dates of ;the following inventiiiiie'
may be'of service come' of our' renders
es aluatter •fir reference':
windows were first need in 1180
Chimneys in houses 1236
[Lisa pipes for conveying water 1252
'Tallow! candles for lights ' 1290
F'Pec.taolus invented by an .. ... 1299
I'aper first ,mado from linen-. .. .... .. .1302
,Woiden cloth first made in England 1331
Art of painting in , oil c010r5.... , .;.1410
Printing ; invented 1 . 1440
Watches Made in Germany 1477
, Variation °tem:vase fink noticed 1540
Pins first used in, ' • 15-13
Circulation of human blood, first discover
• ed by Harvey' 1619
First newspaper. published '" ' -. 1630
.First steam engine invented .... ,:..::::.a649
First fire engine invented 1649
First cottilin , planted' in' tbe• U. States 1769
Stearn, engine improved by Wait ,1767
Steam cotton Mill 'erected , 1789
Stereotype•printing invented in Scatland 1785
Animal magnetism invented by Bleismer y 1788
Sabbath School establiihed in Yorkshirer,'•
, England • ' • • 1789
,Elettio.magnetio .telegraph invented •by
Merge ,.....,1832
, . •
1` • Okatoma Piteaucrioate.—Antorig
thetionderit ,at the State Agricultural, gz
, hibrtion'kn Qalifornia were a calf, .seven
'naafis' Attie's - half old which weighed
eight•bundred 'pounds ; two Bo gs which'
, weighed 000.poundi: a sunflower, tliVert
feetin,circumference r peanuts two inches
long; a cluster of twelve large pear. on
a single twig; and a steam of a peach tree
five feet long, containing thirty wawa-
Cent peaches, Atom of which measured
seven inches in circumference. •' '
Cliandlet;' of Ctirolide, • Virginia, raised
the Out teeason eight htindied and thirty
bualtelq,pt . pritne wheat on'eighteen and a
half scree of accurately measured land,
being nearly forty•eix-Intalris per !aclat 1
He rretbire'd jpredlitini;ol 020.. (pr.
3;iala , ind the Ghats-fife Id Itiehmouli - ,lBll‘
, 'Alva Cltr or Newark; f
.On the, 11th of 'July,' 1067, ii nOlo . ny Of
Connecticut' . Yankees , clodecr-ii'btirtifte
with the Hackiusack Indians for
right to 'the tract , of !add included tit' the'
present city' of Nevrark; and thy tewtt4hlii's
of Boomfiald and Orange, 6:ir'the "stride:
tailed .ptice 'of "fifty donhimliaailifel
powder; Onehundred 'barb - of lead, Jinn ty
axes, twen4 , eoati, ten gulls; ittrentY'''pito
tole, ten kctules, ten swords, fditr blanket:it,
four barrels , of beer; ten• pairs df tireedhes,
fifty- knives.,tlanty ehoes,''eight !buthlred,
and fifty ..fathoms of waniuM.,4,weintit'ait`T
kers vf liquors or same bthtit etinivalent;,
and three troopers'aciats." ' l '
'lle history •of. tbie ,'
dravin by the • able pens: of Rev.'"Dr:
Stearns,-and A. Whitehead; !Esq.,
proved that the 'people of thismblonY were
unusually:select as td.character And/antic.-
gy, , endeavoring "the carrying on of ipirr:
itualconcoruments, as also of and
town affairs. God• ande:godli
government," as they, , said' in' their ori
ginal_ cputpact, And.yet when the'Rev6:
lution came, one hundred and nine lleare
after the ; kit treewas 'felled, ;Newark wits,
still. a sisal! place.— Its "streets • wite•nitt
compactly built up.:'r It , Was a 'fkrmin i r
community to all intetitai , ; with• bit little
sign of 'that vast cuatutfacturinetenteiprise
which haa canoe givent titbit iMportanee tS
the place. In old times cities and' tonne
were, slow itt their progress when oornph
red, with some founded bl•eaterda in
the West. In 1830, .one t " h y undred Y
seventy-tbree leers I after its settlenieni,
it had a population of only ,ten,lhousittid
nine hundred and fifty, but, int the nen
d 'Et
ten years it gaine d two- aat owe *a
in its previous existence; and ip 1850 it;
wore than' dOubied' its population,; which
then *Mt tttirty,'eieht 'thousand, nine
(Iced and ninely : four.
• Its now not far'
from fifty thousand.
The•Pbrenolosist Posed. '
An itinerant phreoologist was ' passing
tlirottigh one of our New Englaud'eallages,
stopptug at each house ise , passediin hopea
of tuaktog his seieltifie.acquirements 'the
means 9f putting. astray quarter into a which was tar' , froui being
plethoric. - , • ' •
toonenters, he stopped? at a rustic
fatale house, the proprietor of which was
busily ecgaged in the buck yard, in split
tiug up wood for euusutuptioa iri the coin
iug winter. - •
The old farmer did not take .tuloh' no.
Lice of our phrenologist, who, after Watch..
ing the axe ascend and descend a few
tittles, ventured to hroach•tho ()eject of hie
visit, by saying •
"Sir. lam a phrenologist.- Would you
like to barn me examine the heads of
your children ? . I will,do it cheap.'a
the farmer, pausing be.
tweeu two strokes, rayther guess they
don't need it. The old.woutau comhs'em
thith 41,fine loot cono ()met) week r 7"
, 11l ,0 0.ade,IPttio• as Aba` Kisumu slate,
%here, is gyakt fstaktvprersiling moot the
hcwiftg - r - Alliika..Citunhaitites ;died with
iris day or two of a disease of the hays..
A 811migidair Ater,.
The following was publiihed several
years ago, says the Baltimore Clipper,
land we believe proceeded originally from
the pen of a Washington letter. We re,
vivo it on account of its eccentric signifi
eance, and comment! it to the attention ol
the Charleston Merdury :
'rho otherquerning at the breakfast ta
ble, our friend, the lion.• John 0. Cal
houn, seemed very much troubled 411 d out
, or spirits. ' You know he, is altogether a
venerable titan, with a hard, Stern Scotch
Irish, face, softened in its expression a :
round the mouth by a sad smile; Wthicti
wine the hearts of .all who courant° with
him. His hair is snow white. Ile is tall;
thin and angular. :He reminds you very
much of Old Hickory. That he is hon.
est; no one doubts ; he has sacrificed to
his (anthem his brightest hopes of political
advincemem—has offered up on the
shrine of that neceseity which he worships
'all that cart excite ambition—even , the
Preeidency •of the United States.
Presidency ;of
But to my story.' The other'inorning ,
at the b reakfast table, where I, an,uttob'•
served Spretator, happened to be :present,' ,
'Calhoun was observed to gaze frequently
,at hitt tight,. band, . and brush`it with his
left du d e hurried .and nervous manlier:—
He diti this an often Meiji excited midi].
non'. "'Ai length, one of the persons coin'
tieing , the breakfast party—los name , 1
think. as' Toombs; end he IS einember of
,congross from Georgia...took .upon him
self, to ask the occasion of Mr. Calhoun'.
~D des Your hand pain you 1" he flaked.
To this 'AIL Calhonn rePlied, inrather
I Buried 'lnanner--"Pettaw I ' It 'is noilt
ieg I',, Only. a dream I had last Hight, and
which makes me see perpetually a 'target
filack'spot—lilie an ink-hlotch---•opoe the
'back ditty right hand. 'An optical illu
aion.ilauppeie."-• - , ,
Of 'course these words excited thireari•
osity,o(the company, but no one ventured
'io beg the detakt of this Muggier dream,
utitid Una's tilled quietly—
~ What' was your dream no
like 1 ' I'm t
very superstitious abilutdreame ; but some
times they Gave a_good deal tit truth`' in
them." , , '
' "bait this wassych• a peculiarly absurd
dream'." said Idr. Calhoun,,again brushing
the back of his riglittithil ; "however, i(
it doeil , not intrude too much on the time
of our tripoli, ,I will relate it to you."
..orcourse the company were profuse it
intheir expressions of anxiety to know al
about the dieitn. In'hir singularly sweet
, Mr.. Calhoun related it
' "Atadate hour last night, as I Was sit.
ting in my room engaged in writing, I
Jgehitete,nistrad Attr , iturraittra newer , : ..-Q..,it ;
tor, wbo entered and 'withOut a word took
ir,,,yeat 'opposite me at my table.'" f lue
surprised me, as
.1 had given particular
'orders' to the earratit that I should on no
account be' disturbed. The manner in
'width the intruder entered, 'so perfectly
'elf possessed; takinchis seat opposite to
. i)po, without a word, as thotigh toy robin
and all within it belonged to, him, excited
in" , ,
me "as much surprise as ,indiginition.,--
' As I raised my head to look into file lea
tarsi, over the top of my shaded lamp, I
diecovered that he was wript in a thin
cloak which effectually concealed' his
faceAttilfieatutes from my view.:: ; And as
1 ritihetYinyYead he spoke :
t' - '‘Wliat are Yeti' writing, Senator from
South-Carolina V'
'11.0h:131ot think of his impertinence at
first, hut auswcred, him voluuntrily,--
' ' "fiat writing a plan for the dissolution
tit the Americaii Union (vow know, gen
tleuitinithat I am expected tu produce, a
plan'of dissolution in the event ol certain
"To this ,the Intruder replied, in' the
. .-: ,
coolest manner possible: : 1
'Senator from South Carolina, will you
'allow me- to look at your. Jiand—yeur
bight hand f' , '
' „"olle role, 'the cloak fell, end I beheld
his, face; Gentlemen,' the sight Of that
face struck ,m 0„ like a thunder chip. . it '
waetlia'fsee of a dead tnap, whom, ex tra
ordinary events' had called back to .1 i(e.rl
- lettutei Wire 0°1444(4mm:el George
' Washington ; yes, gentlemen, the intruder
'was none other than George Washington.
He was , dressed in the Revolutionary' ecie
tutae, such as i you see praserved in the
Patent Office:"
Here. Mr.' Calhoun paused. 'appareut
ly; much, agitated.; - His egitetion; I need
pet,tell youov.ari altered by the. compan).
'Toombs at length broke the embarrassing
pause. "Well, w-e-I-1, what was the is
pee of this,seamer" . Alr.,Calltouu retinal
; "Thelltitntdeti ai I liaie said, rose and
indted.' , tolook' at my . right 'hand. Ac
thooigh.l had„ not , ther power to refupe, I
extentletA it. The troth is I felt a avenge
thrill porvade me, et,his touch ; he grsap
edit aitillield it near the light, thus flor
ding-me fall time “M 'oiaintue every le
turf Of his face • Iteois tte fare of %Yeah
ingtoo. Gentlemen, I shuddered as 'I be
held the horribly , !lead alive of that visage.
After holding my hand for a moment lie,
looked at me steadily and said in a quiet
waV: ' ' ' •
"k4nd with
' thie
.right - hand. &pater,
from South Carolina, you would sign
pour• name to a 'paper •deciaring the
ion di4soired r •
"I answered in the affirmative. Tes t "
said I. 'if certain contingency arises ,
will sign my name•to the Declaration of
Dissolution.' ' Buiat that moment a black
blotch appeared on the 'back of my hand,
an inky blotch which / seem to see even
now. What is that r said I. alartned,. I
know not why; at the blotch on my hand.
"That,' said he, 'dropping my hand,
is the mark by which Benedict Arnold is
known in the next world.'
"He said no More, gentlemen. bUti drew
from beneath his cloak an objt'ct which he
laid upon the table--laid it upon the very
paper on Which I was writing.' That ob.
pct. gentlemen; was a Sketeton.
o'nete," said he, "there are the bones
of Isaac Bayne, who was hung in Charles:
ton bribe british:..He. gave his life in order, tnestablieh'the Union. ` When you
put voUr Dame to a - Declaration of Ms:
solution, why you may as well hare thej
ro it o i o ti ew im
t • ! • fguyipg.k..l,ol,4l;v
b•onev of lease Hay 4iviryciiatie weak
a ,Souih, Carolinian; anal/Slit* Ybii. Bet.
there was op blotch on bislrighthand.'
•4 With th'ese words thil,int(uchultell ibe
••roo m. ' 'I /lariat) hack iron) the
with 'ihti dead olio's Inin'el', anal—awoke.
Overworn by; laboi., I hid :fiillelii "asleep
and had been, drowning,' (Waglii not a
singular dream ?" „. ~..,: • i-q.. 0
This unfortunate RePublic, wkle6ii now.
,prem inn Ily, before. it4tt i.itrtrici bY
tfie bperations,of fillibustqrs, is,cm a pt the
largest of the Oontiiir Ameridito tiltes.-...
On the westit is washed kt Ala, a esenn i
and, pertly, on; the east by tke'ligteli4" 'ihe
C'qribbeakeesi, the Mosqujld Tenitsxf,fbrm
, ing a largo share, o,f,ite.,eastnru,Oniteidary.
1 Reudurns botdars, it on, q l n , e c tft 4 l4, o ° 4 l# ll ',_ ..
tßica upon 'the' soutb.' ita` ' out is evens
, fortyloinelithOusand sq,Mire itkitmCilid the
population isotatitnitedut two liondi#l and
forty-soyttn thousand. Altei;lhataitie are ...
mild to greatly exceed the intOetin mimber. '
Net more than twenty thousand 9 44,pe0.
ple are whites; Ehe test bein • q re, in
4isucand mixed mobs. ' Aliteb ,
station live, live, in ,
town s , r
tonity - of" /to ltolog
I several milea to labo in ; tho lie* . The
. iiliiiitiiiiociii
are scattered prtiyile,g44oset
the' 'ea 'Miry, ' itid are reecho: 4y , , paths. so
obscure meld alniost'eslutpe di 114,11 of •
travellers,. who Cr, thus' liable"' tii'lt.3 l into
the error of, supposing that thellt*etty is
almost uninhabited. •The - dwellinge of the
(people Are neullly of canes,' tki,..kitilal wi,,th
palm, although, the:better.olesste** hoz,suet
their residSuces of adobes, and tiyAteohelp,
of fruit and Shade trees planted in titsstenrts'
Staid, 'tender ''Many , of .thorn 94VIZ
pleasant. • A range cif' niolitiaria' n
along the west coast of tbS`Statot it'll' dies 1, '
mime of a few miles from: the' i maa;4ltal al. '
shining no great elevation until oilier , sp.
pilnieh the confines of Opals. lirtuai ,when
they reach the height of fiv e
,to eleFet *boil- •-•
sand feet. 'ln the central.'pait'ilt tkjejtxter
is AO immense , level track;knotallie she
plain. of •Nittamgtta. comprising' lealeltraa
the lake of that name.. PlutuvOtit..eolian
°es exist along the, Paei6o i cortat.• l Miter°
are a considerable number of //vent, kat
none of thdini excropt'the Elnulnin, errs is.
vigablo in a cointaaroiat lane.: '`Vend of
copper and silver ore of exceeding; riebtiess
are found in many parts, but *MI MAW°,
almost all 'of them, either,, uuesopAup4 or
only superficially' worked. ,Gold mtio, is
aid , to exist. 'The 'climate
,is" Itigth r y,
though, various.- Initho interior irati intam
-1 tainous parts , the temperature is, -mom 'dry
op a and rn il
t; i
j e o a: u p:p , l ;,
sor thanl
t at h e : °u g B :t . b .
A .Sta ge oe , c oast, ,o h e u rs
l i 0 d . : : b .
1 :
). o r m ai i
i j : 41 .
.4 4
. 1
. h t
4 :1 _ .
1114 W ater
of whioh but a 'mak pert,iou is leadelo,til.
able. The ProduCiions are
,i y
udie,,,gug c ee
coffee, °m ri
oo of . SuPerieit'q'ulthii.. q •
rioo, wheat, do. The great linit '4(
country has been its civil.want ilitAti Viiiio
one of these which , enabled•aWalipeelqicr.
achieve his almost bloodless nano
&Prom gin aboye description it wil!•,bl men
that 'NiCaragui 'pommies 'ell'ilte 4 tiv:tit
resources requisite for's nal:mishi:4(Ni
needing, only an energetic popellatfoieitYth
veloptham aod'make thpul,tribolintp.ktilii
wants of tho World.—Bosten Jourpal t • •
, ,
A flubstit - ate for Tea.' l'o ''".
Among the announeemenia of Ike &iris
ono to the effect Oat a botanist. ; its - ,ota lot
the interior topes of France head' scoefire4 a
native plant which 'fdrniShee ap iii*l9
closely resembling: in CO!kr,' aroma, - ail
taste, an infusion of the bleak lei draft
The matter having been brought 13•IthVail
teution of the Empe ror ,, a cougnitiee,Okeit
limination WAS Appointect,,and,,llll,l.'l44,9s
his return to Oatiorsi l sent ib'ent 1 7:,, ,
r 4,
of •Ur dried wild herbs. Thii'autiiit
spent several menthe in its fit Vail ' iii:
and has but lately made , hit reportl' - .TN.
,of Agriculture haa
.just grill**
to M. Perio that, besides ths,.qtkalaie ll o f
taste, smell and color, which are those Al;
the beat China teas, thelaeWinflititMii igotil,
io and slightly astringent. Thegillo.iiiiiiiiiill
tion of price, ho added, le;all:lhat.requirell
to be elucidated. Tile botanist rispitee AN*
the plant is a common, and, tht . nt fitr A t%
serviceable weed, and that, even if ault i rm,
ted, it may easily be produced'illi shilifol t .
of twenty, cents a pound.. Thai PAU!
~P resse," is delighted with shisAlisvioiorni
which is indeed one of more, shin 0114410.
interest; especially as it is eiatod ttake,pst it
pound of the French ' weed'yieldi tni lit t i ßm
dred cups of tea and requires only ten'iliiiit
utile of preparation.
Granite Diet for Vegetation.,t , i,:e 41
While eiamining the granite, querAlerweltit
Northbridge, hltuisaabitsetta,.2a feWadytit
since, I had a ooilversatioi 'With : the work.
men who were dressing out the itoti4siiiiiif2:'
erenoe to the duet
,they were:l:and* erf' /
with a flat strip of board.frogi the heel nitm
the etoue they were bammeriug, ~ Thiadntt.,
is reduced in' he hammering of, it'eltfetw kf o ,l
an impalpable powder,.and will Beit in the
air. I
.said that it would be well ikitryWii
vegetating powers of this Veld* daft
Lill of corn. They replied that it r bad,lnten
used in gardens and on grilse . 1 , 1 4,
great success, and that if wee veinal . to
best manure. This fact is of immenaelM.
portance to agricultural science); •for "bpenti'
a newly-discovered mune of wealth. in Ahe'-
,rocky laucTh. Tho granite realm jilts):
now barren may k ground to ea, ilfellei
oa r.
hle powder and used as a 'fertilizer. F.M. „-
sr, a component of - granite; in reiniaii-'•: •
.iricts is abundant, •and ,
inalisie. Granite . is regarded PSlk.gelioW
' tive reek; and ma y th'erefore,i,eyepprttkc s , :
p9asess traordinerY gsriniafFg
i rw•fl • •
it wail in Using bcforertlie" nand '
on the earth.., l'ortsble tottlrmilltiirb NW&
by Bogardus, of New 7orkivit . :
coat. These could bit'oseit by, thipails .r
pulverising incle 'which now an4nubak,
the ground- and give-. emplikiatefif t
idle portions ot, the.year. ; The Wei
hcifeeinyyjiheptehr4,lwifbriMuhcl‘gilkie . P u b ee l t. °1
4 ) .oolpiefti ki 41
P .4 :: :1;
white lead, could be need for ma rkt
ite durL • t'
40-The Graad Jury orPlitataii ate s* -
"presented" female ?gasstritudai at
Italia:al fain so a guano&
i-4.ogi I
Rioaragp .. t,