. BY D. A. & O. H. BUBBLBB VOLUME XXVLI G,E71)1EBIIL111 IPORIP4IIOI I /1. It is rare that we meet with anything more •• ... _ • • ' . p•'•••* ' true to nature than the f9llowing little gem, Poet secglitegulatlons. descriptive of frontier life: Rate: of Pott4tlci;Postage on all letters of THE BA? KWOODSMAN. s one-half ounce jiglightly ur!der, 3 cents pre paid, (except toTitUfarrila and Oregon, which 'ln the deep wild wood is a lonely man, . . , ulO cents pre..pai4r • And •he swings his broad-axe like a slight Postagepn "Tail isTAB AND Bstrtten"•••--with. rattan— in the County, free. Within the State, 13cents His garb is uncouth, bnt,his step is proud, per year. To , any part of the United States, And his *ice when ho speaketh is Arta and 26 cents. . loud ; . Postage on all transient papers under 3 The forest recedes as h i s strong arm swings, ounces in weight, 1. cent pre•ptud, or 2 cents And he letteth In light, like Smiling of kings. unpaid. His but is of lok's, and his infant brood Advertised letters to be charged with the Tumble forth to rejoice itr that solitude ; edst of advertising... They chase the honeybee home to its store, Tha Mat : Coßchesi wit h mail° to Balti- And the old trees gives up what it never bore . ; more need Philadlphi They hide in the brake, that' rush throug h . ea, (and intervening pints,) leave at 6 o ' clock, AA, tn . M., daily, ex- the stream; ~;.: cast Sunda ys . And flit to and fro Writhe things of . a dream. To Ha rrisburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5, ArM. The mo th eriipale like the sweet moonlight, To Hagerstown, on Tuesday, Thillidah and But they say, fffifter youth no' rose was so Saturday, nt 7„A. M. bright ; To•Chamberdnirg, 5, A. M, daily. She moves in the cabin with a gentle grace, " Enimittsburg, 3, P. M., II And the homeliest things have their regular Mail to Bendersville, Middletown, Mumrantk • place; burg, Centre Mills, Areridtstown, on Wednes- She'snuts as shg, works with a sighing smile, day and Saturday, 7 A. M. And her far-off home riseth in vision the To' Hunterstown, Tuesday, Thursday and while. Saturday, 7 A. M. To Now Chester, and Hampton, on Tuesday of each week, 7 A. M. °dicers or the Pelted States. President : Franklin Piero:), Eke President : Jt38140 D. Bright Secretary of Slate : Wm. L. Marcy. - Secretary of liiVrior : Robert McClelland. Secretary.qr Treasury : James Outhriot Secretary of War : Jefferson Davis. Secretary of Nary: James C. Dobbin. , j'ast Master General : James Campbell. _Attorney General: Caleb Cushing. Chief Justice rur the U. States : B. Taney, State Officers. Governor : James Pollock. Secretary of State : Andrew G. Curtin. Dgmly .c.?rcretary : John lit:Sullivan. Surregor General: J. Porter Brawley. Auditor Genend : Eplirnitn Banks. Trey:timer : Ell Slifer. Judges: .1. S. Black,E. Lewis, W. B. Lowrie, G. W. Woodward, J. C. Knox. Deputy Superint.ndent of Common PChOOll Henry C. Hickok. Calmly Officers: Congress: David F. Robison. Senate : David Mellinger. -Assembly : Isaac Robinson. l'resideta Judge: Robert J. Fisher. Associates : Suml R. Ru.sell, Jno. McGinly. District Attorney: Jas. G. Reed. Sheri f: Henry) Thomas. Coroner : J. W. Hendrix. Prothonotary : John Picking. Register IP Recorder: Win. F. Walter. Clerk 1).1 the Courts : .1. J. Baldwin. County Trea.nrrer : J. 1.. Schick. , At‘tutty Surveyor : Geo. - f 3. Hewit. .Impector of Weights and Measures : Franklin ( ardne r. Myers, Henry Jas. J. Wills, George layers, Henry A. Picking; . Clerk—J, Aughinbaugh; Counsel—David Wills. Directors or the Poor : JOseph Baily, John Horner, Garret Brinkerhoff ; Clerk—Rob't. S. Paxton ; Treasurer--AlexanderCobean StewnrklJohn Scott ; Physician—David Horner. Awn/ors : Edmund F. Shorb, Abel T. Wright, John Hauptman. Nrrraiiiiie Appraiser: Jacob Aughiubaugh. Coulay Surrintouient: David Wills. Borough Officers. Burgegs : John Culp. Thom Cnunril : James A. Thompson, Hugh Ilenwidaie, Samuel R. Russell, S. S. Me- Creary, 1). Kendlehart, John Gilbert. R. G. il'Creary, Clerk audiTreasurer. Juglirea of the : George E. Bringman, Joel B. Danner. emulate : John L. Burns. Places of Wornlllp PreAbylerian : Bnit. and High street -4t pree rnt without a Pastor. Roman Crilludic : West High street. Pastor —Rev. Mr. Do Necker. Verman !Mirage,' : High and Strattonstreets Pastor—lteo. Jacob Ziegler. Methodist Eat :rival 'East Middle street. Pastors—Revs. J. W. Dosh, Win. Ear nshaw Associate Reformed: West High street. Pm tor—Rev..Mr. Werner. Lutheran : Christ Church, Chambersburg street; Pastor--Rev. Dr. Krauth. St. James, York. , and Stratton streets ; Pm. tor—Rev. Reuben Hill. Associations 1. 0. 0. F.—Gettys Lodge meets on Tuesday evening of each week. & of T.—Adams Division meets on Monday evening of each week. • Temperance Beneficial Association meets on third Saturday evening of each month. Gettysburg Beneficial Association meets first Saturday evening of each month. Young . Mon's Lyceum meets on Thursday evening of each week. York Springs Lodge meets on Thursday even ing of each week. Berlin Beneficial Association meets on the finit Friday evening of each month. Bank of Gettysburg. .Presitlent : George Swope. Cashier: Jahn 11. MaPheraon. Clerk : John H. McClellan. Directors : George Swope, D. Kendlehart, Alexander D. iIiMCD, Win. Gardner, Henry Wirt, Win. Douglaa, David Willa, George Young, John A. Swope,Win. A. Stewart, Joshua blotter, Joseph L. Shorb, John K. Longwell Adam; County Mutual Fire Ineu. • rance Company. .Presideni George Swope. V. itesident : Samuel R. Russell. Secretary : David A. Bnehler. livasurer : David M'Cicary. Ezeitake Committee : Rob 't M'Curdy,Andrew • Reintzelman, Jacob Ring. Managers: Geo. Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. Cindy, J. King, A. Reintselman, S. R. Bus se% D..4l'Creary, J. L. Noel, A. B. Kurtz, S. Fahnostock, R. G. M'Croary, J. J. Kerr, T. A. Marshall, IL Biehelberges, J. Aughin bough, II Wills, FL A. Picking, D. M Con aughy, • Jacob Griest, Wm. B. Wilson, Jo seph I'ink. wirThQ,Exectitirs Committee meet on the • the first Tuesday in every month at the office of the Secretary. Tennyson, in his poem of "!Fatima," re ,siwp,rks the Boston Post, relates the strong est ease of suction within our knowledge at present. Speaking of a lover's kiss he says, or rather she says : %est night when some one spoke his name, From myswift blood that wont and came, -- A Thailand little shafts of Hume • Were shivered in my narrow frame: ,0 loyal 0 fire I Once he drew, With one long kiss my whoie soulikrutr9,k K,liPs; v4rilight . drinketh dew" iiiiiNiiiiii "The Old.FolluiVl "0. sharper than a serpent's tooth it is, To have a thankless child."' "I suppose I must go down and see the uld folkn pretty soon, but it is a dull job," said a fashiouebty dressed young man to me, on evening. "Tbe country is so dull, ;after living in the city, that I dread to go there ; there is nothing to look at, and nowhere to go ; but mother is gettog pretty , feeble, and I ought to go I" I perceived that the "old folks" he so disrespectfully spoke of, wore no other than his own father and mother. "I could get along with one day well enough," ho said, "but the old folks an never satisfied unless I stay a week, or three or four dayt, and I get heart-sick of it, it is so dull. I used to go and see them once or twice a year, but now it is between two and three years since I have been there. I could go oftener, but it is :too tedious ; and then they make so much of Mg, and cry so when they see me, that it makes me feel bad, because I do not 4 go as much as I ought ; so sometimes I think I will not go at all." • How little had this careless son thought of his aged parents, and yet how daily, how' hourlylad those aged parents thoUght of him, and how many fervent prayers had ascended to God for him from that quiet fireside. He knew not how many evils those prayers had averted from his ungrateful bead, of how many , blessings they hapotired upon him. But all sons are not thus ungratefnl.— A young friend' of mine who has resi ded sixteen years 'in the seine great me-. tropulis, has never failed twice 'rr year to visit his parents. and goes often, or when ever it is possible fur him to leave his bu siness. I accidentally saw a letter he had addressed to a sister a short time since. which shows that a young man can be immersed in extensive business, and yet find tittle to love and venerate his mother. "I received a short note Irmo mother," he writes, after hearing that she was ill. "I am fearful- she is not improving. If she is any worse, or becomes dangerously sick, I desire to know it. I dread the thought that our, mother cannot be spared to us. many years—at best—it may be but a few mouths. I have thought of it very much for a few weeks. Although she has lived nearly her threescore and ten, and nature has almost become exhausted, yet how I should whim her; how we all should mourn for her! What a mother she has been to us ; what an 'example ; what a ebristiati ; lam sure of it; I know that she haa been my dearest object of love and affection all the days of my life. How 'ever I may have strayed from her bright examples and her teachings ' my mother has always been before me, beckoning me to walk iu the right way ; and if 1 have not prayed myeelt, with the fervor and devotion I should, I have always felt that she was supplicating for me. How much she cared for us ! What a sacred treas ure, even to the ends of our lives, will be the memory of our mother." "I see her now, as she looked to me, when elle stood at the bedside of one dy- . ing brother, cheering him in his suffer ings ; and , I hear her say, "The same clock told the hour of his birth, is now telling the hour of his death I What a scene was that I We know, dear sister, that these things must be, and it is not in a melancholy strain that I write, but ev ery indication of the approaching end of my mother, stirs within me all the tender est impulses of my heart. Her. removal will be to the brightest heaven, die when she may. Old age is but the thresh bold of death, and after a life spent as our mother's has been, the portals of apother world can have to dreary look." How ennobling, how touching are this young man's words. We cannot 'but re spect him for his beautiful reverence and love for his.mother. Years of life in New York, subject to every snare and every temptation. engaged' in a business, with the heat and passion of youth upon him, yet,the steady flame of deep lova for his mother, burned undimmed in his heart. Mothers, she was a 'mother worthy of such aeon. She was a Christian Mother. Wonidyou inspire similar love and rever ence, be like her, an earnest and heartfelf follower of the blessed Redeemer. • And let evary heartless, neglectful son, remember the thorns of agony his thought lessness implants in the hearts of his pa rents. Let him call to remembrance • the helpless years of his childhood, and the self-sacrificing love that fill their hearts, and now return to them and to God the love and gratitude which are justly due.-- -thwerican Messinger. A Dandy in Broadwv, 'New , York, wishing to be witty, accosted , a young bell-man as follows :---"You take all sorts of trumpery in your cart, don't nut" `Yee, ump in, jump in." The story of the man who had a nose so large that he couldn't blow it "without the-Ewe of put-powder, is said to be, a • dETTYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER is /845 i. The German Cook•—a liiving Ser te on. . "Do you want to bay some good books, sirr' ask ed a colporteur of the captain of a vessel . ' "No," answered the captain, "I'Vti no time' to read ; my cook is so good a- man , that he does all the reading add praying on the ship." "Then you think there is such a thing as piety ?" said the colporteur. • "Certainly I . do," answered the cap tain ; "no man can go a voyage with my cook and not be convinced of that fact." "With your leave .I should like to see him, sir." "Certainly,"•answered - the captain,, and kindly leading the way to the galley, he, told the steward , who the colporteur 'was, and what had brought him aboard ; and while the men stood round his basket of books as he read over the titles, the Ger man cook pointing to the basket, ex alaimed • • "Chesus Grim in dere,' and Chesus, Grise up dere ;" and clasping his hands on his breatt "Chem Owe in here too." This simple burst of pions feang touched the heart/Jr the' sailors., "The captain bought a 'package of the books and gave one to each of hib men, and tifrning to the colportour, said :. "That is our Christian." The poor cook was a living sermon 'to both captain and crew ; and the eaptaiti, 4 though professifig no religion bimetal, al , ways allowed his men fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening for the ir private devotions. ~ N o man has a more orderly crew than mine," he says; lathey are always ready." A Beautiful Smile.' A few days since a lovely little child of four summers was buried in this town. On leaving the house of its parents, the clergyman, Rev. Mr. Jay. plucked up by the roots a beautiful little lorget-rne not," and tyk with him to the grave. After the little embryo of humanity had been depiiited in the grave, the clergyman, holding up the plant in his hand, said : "I hold in my hand a beautifnl flow er which I plucked. from. the . garden we have just left. By taking it from its parent home it has withered,. but 1 here plant it in the head of this grave and it will soon revive and flourish. "So with the little flower we have just planted in the grave. It has !men pluck ed from its native garden, and has wilted, but it is transplanted into tho garden, of inanortality, where it will revive and flourish in immortality, glory and beauty." —Ohio Farmer - • - The Preaching Monkey There, iv a curious animal, a native of South America. vhinh iv called the preach ing monkey. The appearance of the an imal is at once grotesque and forbidding. It has a dark. thick beard, three inches long. hanging down from the chin. This gives it the mock air of a Capuchin friar. from which it has acquired the name of the preaching monkey. They are gener ally found in groups of twenty or. thirty, except in their morning or evening meet ings, when they assemble in vast multi tud es. At these times, one of them, who appears by common consent to be the leader or president. mounts the highest tree which is near, and the rest take their places below. Having by Reign commit- tied silence, the orator commences his harrangue, consisting of various modulated howls, something sharp and quick, then again slow and deep, but always so loud , as to be heard several miles. The min gled sounds at a distance are said to resem- 1 ble the 'rolling drums, and rumbling and creaking of cart wheels ungreased. Now ; and then the chief gives a signal with his hands, when the whole company begin the most frightful chorus imaginable, and with another sign, silence is ;restored.— The whole scene is described as the most ludicrous and yet the most hideous, that imagination can conceive. VARIETY' OF FOOD NECESSARY.—II is in vegetable as in animal life ; a mother crams her child exclusively with arrow root—it becomes fat, it is true, but, alas it is rickety, and gets its teeth very slowly end with difficulty. Mamma is ignorant, or never thinks that her offspring can ma k e beee—or, what is the same thing, phosphate of lime, the principal bulk of bone—out of starch. It does its beat ; and were it not for a little milk, and bread, perhaps now and then a little meal and soup, it would have no bones and teeth at all. Farmers keep poultry ; and what is true of fowls is true of cabbage, a turnip, or,an ear of wheat. If we mix with the food of fowls a sufficient quantity of egg shells or chalk, which they eat greedily, they will lay many more eggs than before. A_ well-bred fowl is disposed to lay a vast number of eggs, but cannot do so without the materials for the shells, however nour ishing in other respects het fond may be. A fowl, with the best wilt in the world. not finding any lime in the soil nor mor tar, from walls, nor calcareous matter in her food, is incapacitated from laying any eggs at all. Let farmers lay such facts as these, which are matters of common ob servation, to heart, and transfer the an alogy, as they may do, to the habits of plants, which are truly alive. and answer as closely to every injudicious treatment, as their own horse.— Moine Farmer. BIBLE LEMON , ON PROPANE SWEAR /No.—"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takoth his name in vain." Exodus, 20: 7. "Swear not at all ; neither by heaven, for it is God's throne ; nor by the earth, for is his footstool; neither by •any other oath ; but let your communication be, yea, yea, nay, nay ; for whatsoever is m ere than these cometh of evil." Matthew, 5 : 8447. -- "Because of swearing the land mourn ath." Jer. 23: 10. A. wise man, thinks all that bleep, and ,a 1901 mays . all thstlse *inks. “FEARLEBI3 AND BUIL” A Lady at the Storming of Sebastopol. A letter has been,reoeived by her friends in this city, from -ige lady of commander D'Aivicau, of the steamer Des Cartes, of the allied fleet in the Black Sea. Captain D'Arricau is the son•in•law of Mr. William B. Le Coutenix, of this city, and both himself and lady are known to many of our city. This lady, who has her residence at I Cotintentinsple, becoming uneasy about her • husband, determined to see him, * possible, and, with this purpose wont to Sebastopol, and was permitted to go on board the vessel be commanded. As fate would have it, the day she had chosen for the interview was she notable one of the bombardment of So tobtapol, and she was scarcely on board when the orders were received to commence the attack. The situation was anything but agreea ble to a lady, but there was no 'escaping, and she was obliged to remain aid witness the terrific scene from first to last. With shot and shells, and danger on ir(ery hand, the deafening roar of the cannon; the sky Mirk with clouds of smoke, the airlreighted with tho odor of battle, and the sA lashed to unnatural fury by the storm of iron and leaden rain, one may be supposed to have funned a correct appreciation of the pecu liar beauties of war. When the conflict was titer the lady went ishorein company with others, and, while surreying,the envi rons of the partially conquered strong hold, narrowly escaped a cannon ball that came whizzing past her with anything but a mu sical sound. Mrs. D'Arrigau was, perhaps, the only lady who witnesdfid the. bombard ment of Sebastopol frem shipboard. Our •fashionably sensitive ladles would hardly have encountered the deafer °Tap to visit their husbands, or survived the fearful shock of the battle.—But CO O% Nov. 1. - Food in France. It is stated that measures are in progress all over France to provide su4 cheapen the food for the poorer Owes. The Munici pal Council of Orleans •hu voted 1160,-, 000 for the works of public utility, and for the distribution of bread tickets. Iu the department of Loire, the wealthy people have formed a commission for the purchase of rice wholesale in the seaports, and sel ling at reduced rates to the poor. At Mai dines a similar assooiation la importing ox en end selling them at ood, ,Theinanufac turers in different parts furnish their work men with bread at s low fixed nits. • A Aliser to some Porposi—The fortune left. by the late Baron Nitrieh, of Vienna, to his grandson, PrincesSitilttorski, amounts to eighteen millions of lioritii,(B9.ooo,ooo.) Thera were found in the cellar, 22 bags each containing 1,000 ducats 1 :V arid in different chests securities our, and ' lost - forlf--miur *4rtetinkr practice of hoarding gold is very common in Austria, where the paper currency is greatly depreciated. Over Sensitive.—Samuel Weir, a highly respectable citizen of Clinton county, Indi ana' committed n imble a few days since. Ho had been drawn u a juror, bin owing to his limited knowledge of the butguage, he was set aside as incompetent. I4e seemed to consider it as a reflection upon his hon esty, and put an end to his life in ounse quence. Death from Cardesniess —On Wednes day last, at Concord, Ky., Lewis Strickland put his foot on the hammer of his gun, while he blew into the Mink, in order to see if it was loaded, when his foot slipped, the gun was discharged, and the ball passed through his head, killing him instantly. An Army of Orate seekers.—The New York Times wigs the number of candidates for office in that city, at the late election. wee a little overeight thousand, being equal in numbers to the entire army with which (ho. Scott made his descent into the valley of Mexico, at the time of the war with that republic. Cheap Labor.—An instance of the cheap ness of labor in the island of Tahiti, is given in the fact, that when the stenmer Golden Age touched there to coal, fifteen hundred tons were put on board at an expense of only 4s. 2d.—less than dollar. A Long Wet Spelt—A correspondent at New Castle, Ind, says they have had a wet spell four months, without a week at any one time dry weather, yet corn p is re markably good. Cost him Something.—ln Kentucky, at the Flemington County Court, a wealthy man, who courted a girl "jut for the fan,' haa been ululated in $6,000 damages for broach of promise,. ' Signs and Tokens.—The Indians regard a thin husk of corn as an indication of a mild whiter. This being true, the one just approaching will be of the, gentle kind, as the husks are said to be very thin. . sar•Rum continue its pranks. A for mer, associate judge of Onion minty, Ohio while intoaioated, sat down on a railroad track, near Urbana, recently, and, was kil led by a freight train. Overheariivg.—The Eddyville (Iowa) Free Press states that a lady of that ,place, under twenty-one'years of age, has been the mother of seven Children: ilarTwo steamers, were loston Lake Michigan during the gala of yesterday week, and all bands were drowned. The Teasels were lost. Lotto. Duans.—Speaking altain.st long prayers, Elder Knapp soya :—.'W hen Pe ter was endeavoring to walk on the water to meet his master, and was about sink ing, had his supplication been as long as the introductio n to one of our modern prayers, before ho would have got half through ,he won Id have been fifty feet un der water." A lady advertises in the Glasgow Her ald that she wants a gentleman for break fasvand tea; The cannibal. Gratitude is the musket the heartwhen its cords ma swept by the ,bream of kind-' /101111.• ' EDWARD Err ERETT'S SPEECH., ten or fifteen times as much as the Collier. AT Tall NATIONAL strwicemece.se sue, 11/iadi V ill r ; taking their produce at sixty 15..7),:ren; , :irawczessjmezetimerent.innem: million . s of dollars. . Then, sir, this gold of ours not only (R.. C. wiztop„ t ) ; exceeds the California in the annual yield -Mr excellent briefed ____, ,of the diggings, but in several other re who has just taken las amt , was te E` .. "" i Pperli. It certainly requires labor. but enough to remark that he was waitivig with i not nearly as lunch labor to get it out.- impatience for me to E. , peak.. Far different i ~: Our digging may be depended on with far was my feeling white he watt a P eak `L t g: ;greater confidence for the average yield on for I listened, not onus with pa • tieace " ;given superficiee. A certain quantity of with satisfaction and deli hr. ars I am were 1 moisture is no doubt necessary with us as you all did. If he spoke all. the etaharra ‘ ek with them, 'but you are not required, as went under which he eraser:out/Amor such j{ 'you are in the placers of California to an easeethl Y -aa eatbaremaerat a;hse ,h stand up to your middle in water all day , all, however aectroomed to pul.lie *man"' rocking a cradle filled with gravel and gold ing. eannot but tool-how moth He g l; ,_,, eater .... dust. The cradles we rock are filled with 111 : 1 ,.. t ,, b ; I f F , eal _t eram .,.. liatil aac i. h; . -e ...—. 7 something better. Another single theadvan e,n--- only with tags of our gold over the California gold is, `"' occasion. and 14. '"" n''''''' '''' ---r1 - that after being pulverized and moistened. follow the mart eloqueut gesolearan from who 1 subjected to the action of moderate r........ A hi1ade1 . .. 5 phi11 5. : ( MUMS' , 31e3helhe m , l ' ) ' 16 17:: I heat, it becomes a grateful and nutrious _ i l k "w"w, ~.., `" . ,,,,,L, da. hav e ..... ,*_ tr ! f etta ,,,,,7";. ; _ te w" article of fond : whereas no man-not the ..” that `''''''`'`' l T'' "'"" '''''' t -. - '7 l. ' aalt ; long-eared King of Plirygia himself only that gentleman, who deli g hted un ' all could masticate a thimble full of the Cal ea meek but alas my meat eloquent bread ifomia dust, cold or hot, to save him Isom who Laskin takes' his seat. When two siarvation. such geodesists have pesowd over sire Then, sir, we get our Atlantic gold on ifeatial'lttaaa with his wide a „_ ; ,...7 l L itt X a good deal more favorable terms that we reaper, other , w ith his - ,____'''`'"" - „ L I get the Zlalifornia. It is probable. nay it =Ph% what fa febt_jew:..........._a pear f:= 'w e ' is certain; that for every million of dollars' •Ea r el u d .......... (Cheara == .l t worth oldest that we receive from San -- .- ' la— --- laanairr" stria' Francisco, we send out a full, million's which Foe have beers so rood as to ion°. worth in produce, in manufactures, in tan dem: my Mat to thieeempaay. it is Oak" ' ttlons= gemirelly, and in freight; hut the that I hare milli * * na l atiad " lila " lal " gold which is raised from the diggings this „. lta ,„, le , n l L e el s rP lit ,.... tti Lt he „ "...... lettiell ir tha lL a 1111Z 1 .2 side. yields, with good management, a -1-- t la ',...„__,„ww` --, • w ho, ~...._; a-w vast increase on the outlay-some thirty somein q uisitive _,.,...,,_=,. - _,, nem ,...,_ lllaste aw 7 . _; llll .' fold, some sixty, some an hundred. But ; 1 a1 ,., 1 t i ..„' 7... -- 0 .,,` - '72.".,' a r"... ".... ........... 1i " 1 ' 11 ""'.... j ...........'' beside' , all this, there are two discrimina ''---" te w - "'" "www """"',.,_„.ww.,__' tiog. circumstances of a most peculiar piety anion his flock. be Wall s "lewwwwg character in which our gold differs from to bieest of?' (ieellnee that of California. greatly to the advantage - - inhle were aLa n) teale r l " i laalead of " of ours. The first is this : agricultural seelety"tal if I_,___t nose your On the Bacrainento and Fttathnr river's. Provinces liat jin_. " l. di . ..._ tl 'e___, al an"w•" , "" 11 : 1 1 throughout the placers, in all the wet iligg hate laalthe we'l'ani,.. ref the '" alana _,. " it "I". lags and the dry diggings, and in all the de not be aurprisiag ° in sons "" P a g el "' posits ofouriferous quartz. you: can getout oil you should str i ke apes Nick altos one solitary exhaustive crop from one lo all " at l raell- Bet Ithea I lea tattalal cality ; and io getting that you spoi lit for a ir, Y ear ...„,..„ etthil ,,,....._ ; „,„ attalala t_,," ealtute any use, - The soil is dug over, worked -- " tt etti--- `"'"""w'n www - ww ww•www" over. washed over, ground over. sifted ov. the life, the fire-tlho trisect!! goods of en-in short, turned 'into an abomination ardeotlre°,..._th " 4 _, eland" . aaaahata L__, ."- of desolation, which all the guano of the "IlahlLid frost almost lee " _,Plarit,' the Chincha island,' would not restore to ler, country. „_. actors or a P eeta _.___, laea ,‘" l "7_,. sera _ vs e laity. You can never get (ruin it a second -lama fro fwellfr the Pa"°° ; "wr 411 ,.."• - •'"1, - yield of gold, or a nything else, unless. fashioned itike ” atellatallied to l a "' '''.•^ Probably. a crop of mullen ors tramonium. r, ; ___ashk'net"_,„ l " 7B, - :,...._ 11 " 1 ,_"'", 1 °_,... _hat li" the The Atlantic diggings. on the contrary, ,a'un"'"„w elaall ',... wi ll ' i rr_ l iw w' s __,l= gala- with good management, will yields fresh "a_teire' Loma w "....„."""'"L ettalt r",7____ latelailm ,_ mop of gold every four years, and remain' , t ''_ . ,' mat - ''',."ww_____ w w"'' a l„'"" ~....,'''''wirn in the interval in conditionilor a success- 1 and admiring its mascots „ e'w""•' t hat ion of several good things of nearly equal ' he wondered at eeerythion be saw. and value.; most of all, at tiafieg h i na ae ffl l l er en,,,_ Time other discriminating circumstances Since, .._hatteler____,;• sir " 4alth ,, wat ',M lle are of a still more astonishing nature.- cam ' ta =2", ll; - '7"' The grains of the California gold are dead, e.,.nna_,lw..„,heidael," l ., ...lama/ •....- - ,, -----_,r. i uir. mussel!. How they got ion the laap"tmirk at b0m. , .. in' .-- . 767. our , W "'" gravel ; between what mountain millstones , ing to "et Yearaatil by the Wide of 'am' a whirled by elemental storm winds on the specimen of palmate/au as myself. I bosom ofoceanic torrents, the auriferous have much pleionot int malaria' g you that lodges were ground to powder ; by what I bus witnessed, „ mil* the„hithett.,,_ satin - Titanic hands the coveted grains were faction. the Proof wwwwow !J . ""°C la w" town broadcast in the placers, human exhibition. that the alkoicantate of °I I science can hut faintly conjecture. We country, with all the inteteme enenevle" only know that those grains have within 'with it. is in estate of aetive itopersenient. ~ them no principle of growth or reproduc- In all things, sir. thane* I approves e l- Min, and that when that crop:was put in. ' helms elataareaelaill ‘ it is tact merely tar Chaos must have broken up the soil.- itself. but as the basis of a safe progress. Hew different the grains of our Atlantic I own. sir. there - ale game old dime- wilt gold, *own• by the prudent hands of is nature and alt' sal society, that I like man, in the kindly alternation of seed ' for themselves. I all but wo r shi p ..._:___u the time and * harvesti - each curiously and mys ' grand old hills. , the old avers that roll ' seriously organized ; hard, homey, seem heLaree,a theta ",.. L . the .., ihat odd trees, '.....adt g .Mg lileless on the outside but wrapping with '"atte'n'"w" centuries , • teettleme __, up in the interior a seminal germ si living an old h 'aea tead . all old le s!T l ail ig raaaw f principle. Drop a grain of California gold the good men of olden dimes. I love old into the ground and there it will lie Uri friends- g o°dald beaks " aad I "n.l als°. changed to the end of time, the clods on lately dislike's glass of good WWI wine, for which it falls not more cold and lifeless. the stomach's sake, providing it is taken Drop r grain of our gold, of our blessed fratit an ati lf illai 'V ail4 ag e • Bill these gold in the ground, and to 1 a mystery.- tastes and sentiments are • all centiliter% „. in a few days is softens, it swells, it shoots with, nays in laYinkl"tr _ . the Y are "'''! upwards. it is a living thing. It is ye,. vorable to a genial grow& lenfletensten low itself, but it sends up a delicate spire, and improveinentonch as is rapidly taking Which comes peeping, emerald green, r lace ta l lat r afflia steers. of theeasala Y" - through the soil.; it expands to a vigor n a wo rd ' aw• 1 h ave •,aeart bees, alialaa coos stalk, revels in the air and sunshine. now, for both ilabillilY and famg raw; lea r n- it arrays itself mere glorious than Solo ing frail* a rather antiquate.; but not Y et Mon in its broad, fluttering, leafy robes, -wholly discredited authority, 'sea prose all whose sound sui the west wind whispers things, and bald latualhattahlehia g atal:" through them, fall as pleasantly on the I know. sir. that the modern rule M., ''try , beebandmarr's ear as the rustle of his ail things. and herd fat Ina analhi ; . ____,,,__ l 4lf." a enteetheart's garment. still towers aloft, believe 1 shall adhere aa the old teaata g a spins its verdant skeins of vegetable floss. little longer. displays dancing tassels, surcharged with But. sic, to erealekbefme practical, and Iknilising dvst, , and at last ripens into you will probably think. More appropriate twe'er three magnificent batons like this topies,l will show yew lam so many so (an ear of Indian coot), each of which is- I new discoveries ientrieoltate.or sorbing studded with hundred of grains of gold, else. So far from it. lam golog wears- every one possessing the same wonder- Monica* to you a new Xancowely er ay tat properties as the parent grain, every own. which* if l do not greatly ornate its one instinct 'with the same marvellous se importance. is as navel* M. Ibrahimy and productive powers. There are seven bun " auspicious of great ""11116 a " "ele" dred and twenty grains on the ear . which heated discovery of Dr. Franklin ; sot the I hold in my hand. And I now pay, sir. identity of s the electric Bald and liellostiag of this tratiscentlantgold of ours. the yield -I don't refer to that,, but los other fa- this year will be at least ten or fifteen Owes discovery i that is the Winkle °f times that'of California ; Paris the sus tines several" hears before But it will be urged, perhaps. sir, in he neon ; that he heel* to shine as sons 89 hallo! the California gold, by some , mis he rises ; sec that thesolar ray in a cheap- erly old fogs. who thinki them is no mu er light for the inhabitants of base cities sic in the world equal to the ehinck a I than the candles mad oils which they are hit guineas., that though but one crop of geld in the habit of retesting bit. I say sit can be gathered from the same spot, yet my discovery is somewhat of the same • once gathered it lasts to the end of time ; kind ; and I really think hell as important, I while (he will melanin) our vegetable I have been upon the track of it for sever- gohi Is produced only lobe consumed, and al years - ever sine* the glitter of akw I when consumed is gone forever. But metallic particles in the graveterashed out ; this, Hr. President, would be a most egre of Capt. Suttees mill rare first led to the ; roue error both ways. It is , true, th e discovery oldie gold &reins a/ California; , California gold will last forever unchang which for some time past have been pour- jed, if its owner chooses, but while it sa ing into the country fifty or sixty millions j lasts it is no use, no, not sn much as its of dollars annually. j value in pig-iron, which makes the best my di sco very. sir, isnothing a b o rt o r lof ballast ; whereas gold, while l it is Enid. this, that we hare on need to go or send lis good for little or nothing. You to California for gold. inasmuch as we ' can neither eat 'it, nor drink it, nor smoke have gold diggings on this side of the cont.*. Ybu can neither wear it, nor burn it tinent, much more productive, and, eon- las fuel. nor build a house with it ; it is re sequently. much more valuable than theirs. ; ally useless till you exchange it for con- Ido not, of courm; refer to the mines of 'sumable, perishable goods ; the more plea- North Carolina or Georgia, which have *Ant it is the less its exchangeable. value. beeu worked With some success for sews Far different the case with our Aden- al years, but which. compared with Cali fornia. are of no great moment. I refer to a much broader telc of auriferous earth, which runs wholly through the States on -this side of the Rocky_ Mourtraiss. which we have been wortimrsecosscionsely for many jeers. without recogrusieg itstraes• etudes% impoitattes; and which it is sets * eelimated will yield the reveni year ;lc Gold; it does not perish when consum ed, but by a nobler alchemy than than of Paracelsus, is trastnitted in consumption to a higher life. "Perish in consump tion." did the old miser say? Thou fool, that which thou lowest is not quick ened except it die. The burning pen of inspiration, raging heaven and earth for a siatiltode to tourer to our poor minds TWO DOLLARS PZit;AlintniL,.,t,,:lt I NUMBER 36, some net inadequate idea of the mighty, doctrine of the Resurrection, cati'flilopo symbol so expressive as bare ograin: ' ;r1: may chance of wheat or somenther grin,",,' To-slay a senseless plant, to-morro*Y i, human—bone and muscle, vein and 'artery, , sinew and nerve; beating pulse odd heevi ing lungs, toiling, sh e soinetimei Ovemoli ing brain. Last June it sucked 'from the' cold breast of the earth the watery flour" istarnenf of its distending snpressele, sea' it clothes the manly form with warmeord-; ial flesh, quivers and thrills with flit-Gild mystery of sense ,purveys and minicabs; Ito the higher mystery of thought. Ileari ed iii your granaries this week, the next it will.. strike in the stall wart arm, and glow in the blushing claeek, and flash iii the beaming eye :—till we learn at last to realize that the slender stalk which we have seen bending in the conifleld, tinder the yellow burden of harvest, 'is, indeed tho "staff and life" which, since the. world began. has supported the toiling and struggling myriads of humanity, on t h e mighty pilgrimage of being. , Yes, sir, to drop the allegory, and speak without figure, it is this noble agrl, culture, for the promotion of-which this great company is assembled from so many parts of the Union, which feed, the hu man race, and all the humbler orders of animated nature dependent on man.— With the exceptiou of what is yelded by the fisheries and the chase (a limited though certainly not an insignificant, source of supply ), Agriculture is the•stewi and which spreads the daily labia of man. kind. Twenty-seven millionsi of,. ,plant beings, by accurate competition woks? this very morning in the United tatee 4 , f all requiring their "daily bread," whether they had the grace to pray for it or ticit, and under Providence all looking to thn agriculture of the country for that daily bread, and . the food of the domestio ent ails depending on them ; a demand .per haps as great as their own. Mr...Presis ' dent, it is the• daily duty of , your termer* to satisfy this gigantic appetite ; to fill the mouths of those hungry millions—eof there starving millions, I might say. ;for it by any catastrophe, the supply were cut off fur a few days, the life of the colt.' try—human and brute—would be extinct. flow nobly this great duty is performed by the agriculture of this country, I need not say at this board. The wheat crop 01. the United States, the present year, is variously estimated if from one hue. aired and fitly to one hundred eiet seventy-five millions of bushels ; :be oats crop at four hundred millions of bushels ; the Indian corn, our precious vegetable, gold, at one thousand millions of bushels t Of the otter cereal And of the legurnieoint crops I have seen no estimate. ' Even the humble article of Hay—this poor timothy. herd's grass and red top, which not tie. ing•to the dignity of the food of man;ser/ yes only for the sustenance of the mute fanners of his toil—the hay crop of :the United States is probably but Hide, Reny, inferior in value to the:whole crop of Cot ton, which the glowing imaginition of Cite South sometimes regards as, the great bond which binds the civilized nation* of the earth together. Alter some further remarks on the im portance of the present exhibiticati, Mr. Everett concluded by expressing his cordial good wishes fur the prosperity el the Vet ted States Agricultural ,Sneiety. . . THE ORDINANCE or 'B7.—"An lnqul rer" wants to know just what is .411.,0 r .. Idinanee of '87." of which he heave no much in the journals. The Ordinance of 'B7 was an art paitieil ' by die last Continental Congress under tiCe old Confederation fur the got.ertiment.bt the "Territory north west ,of Ohip7 7 :- that is, of all the territory then belonging to the Confederation. In that Ordiniumee the proviso t h at Slavery or involuntary servitude. except for crime, shriold never be allowed in the Territory, was the first time enacted, though it had been dratted by Thomas Jefferson Omer years before,. Phu In provibo saved whatir now Ohio,- 'liana, Illinois. Michigan and WisConslit from the curse of slaveholdings-;=tmairetl them in spite of a petition from all the au thorities of lndiine Territory (iticlnding what is now Illinois ) to be allowed to legalize slaveholding for a' term'olyetni, owing to die scarcity of labor.. This pe. tition Congress, on the report of a coot mitiee emnposed of two ' slavelmolders out of three. unanimously refused to grant, leaving them in get along as well u they_ could with Free. Labor slope. Suck was “Popular Sovereignty" fifty ; years Igor— time sovereignty of , the whole American peo ple over what vitally concerns them aIJ, and their posterity after them. - Remaly Fon_ Boos.—Shortly attar 13 o'clock; on Saturday night, the atteniori at officer Spear was attracted to a house in Race Street, east or Sixteenthi tn coms. quence of an unusual light sppearitips the windows. The officer on opening Ibi door found the room in a sheet of &int o and instantly went work to extinguish 'the fire, which he did with the greatest difft culty. The house is occupied by en Irish family, and being infested with rosahle, the master of the premises bethought him. self of a capital idea of exterminating the varmints; accordingly be poured man phene over the flour, tables and Alas. and rominuni,ating a match. to the liquid, was horrified to see the effect of hpi qx penmen,. „This novel idea of :he Hiltons 'bin, it seems to us, would effectual], rid the house of roaches, and at the ins time rid the occupant of a borne, and the lani. lord of a message.—Philcukiphia Sint. A Greek maiden being asked what for tune she would bring her husband, replied in the following beautiful sod lona!, lay gunge "I will bring what gold. pm not purchase—a heart unspotted and vit.. tue without a stain—which is - if) Alas de scended to inn from my parents. " • • "I bate foga," said Jeremy I ;Us ""in a fog, one is apt to plump tisdell , ...Nat what ars you leaning ow, lbw empty cask far t• ,Jo MIIME=6