BY . to: A. & 'H. 'BVEHLgR VOL.I I ME A Lovely Woman's Kiss By as Eatkuaiastic . Young Man. I'vo bariganted on luxuries, Produced in every clime ; I've feasted on rich turtle soup, And supped , on optersprime,; , But nothing so delicious is, Within a world like this, As soft caresses, seasoned by • A lovely woman's kiss, . I've gloated o'er the'festive board, And drank rich draughts of wino—. I've listened at the opera, To melody divine ; • But, oh I I itever, never met, Such sweet excess of bliss, As thrills the soul, when lips roceiie A lovely woman's kiss. • ' In glittering halls of splendor rare, I';rf•assed themiduight: In iens beautiful and fair, lye wandered 'mid the flOwers,; But there's a dearer joy, titan these— A joy I.would nut A heavenly raptuye which is found in i'lovely woman's kiss. •• In my tuft hours, when death draws near, In darknecs and in gloom, • • May woman ' s smile my pathway cheer,. And light me to the tomb ; isid when my soul shall take its flight To other worlds than this, Ilia ; it be, walled to the skies By lovely woman's kiss. An Indian Execution. The Clinton County . (Mich . .) Express, publishes the following and vouches for its authenticity. It is certainly a curious Story In different puts of contralliliehigan there are two tribal of Indians, the Otta was and Chippew:s9. They are friatidly to • 4ench other, and during the hunting sea son, frequently eneainp near each other.— In she Fall of 1853. a party of one tribe built their cabins on the banks of Maple river, and a party of the *other tribe, a bout eighty.itt number, encamped in what is now the town of Dallas. It is.unneces /wry to speak of their life in these °lmps— suffice it to say that - the days were spent in hunting, and tho nights in drinking "Are water" and carousing. In one of the rewls at the camp ott Maple ricer, au maddened 'by lignor, 'killed his squaw,and to conceal the deed, throw her I.ssly upon the tire. I.b . vovering from the stupor of the revel, be maw the signs of his, ~ guilt before him, 'and fearing the wrath of his tribe, he fled 'towards the other encampment. ab,:clice Wail noticed—the charred remains of the poor squaw were found, sod the city for blood was raised. The aven gers were soon upon his track—they pur sued him to the encampment of their neighbors—he was found, apprehended.' and iu solemn council condemned to the 4 , . sired' which, iu the sterit old Indian code, seserved for these only who shed the blood of their kin. It was a slow, torturing, -cruel death. A liateitet was put iu the victim's hands, he was led to a largo log that was hollow, and made to assist in fix icg for his coffin. This was done by 'cut ting into it some (bonne° on the top; in two places. about the length of a man a- part ; then slabbing off, and digging the I hollow until larger, so as to admit his bo dy. This done, he was taken back and tied fast to a tree. Then they smoked and drank of the "fire water," and when even ing came, they kindled large fires around loot. at sumac distance off, but so that they would shine full upon him. And now ,commenced the orgies—they drank to' in toxication—the,' danced and sang in their • wild Indian wanner, chanting the dirge •of the recreant brave. The arrow was fit-1 led todhe bow string. and ever and anon with its shrill twang it sent a missile into the quivering flesh of the homicide ; and to leigliten his misery they cut off hiseara and mese . • Alternately drinking,. dineing„, beating their rude drums, and shunting their arrows into the victim, the night 'was passed. .* . . • Thu nett day was spent in sleeping and eating, the victim meanwhile stilt bound to the tree. • What hisreflections weep we of courses:gm% tell, but •he . bore , his pun shment AA -a warrior should. Whet► night was closing around i brought his executioners to their work a gain. ; The lope of the first night was re , enacted, and a it -was the next night, and the next and the next, and so on for a week. Soiree long and weary dap did , he stand them tortured with the most cruel torture, befbre his proud head drooped upon 'his breast, and his' spirit left its clay tene ment for the hunting. grounds of the Great Spirit.: And when it did they took the. boob, wrapped it in a clean new blanket, and placed it in, the log coffin he had help ed to hollow. They, put his hunting knife by his side that ho might have something to 'defend bimielfon the way, his whiskey bottle thit he might cheer his epirite With . 4 draught now and then, his tohaeou and pipe; that he might smoke. Then they put inv the-cover, drove down' stakes 'at each side of the log,. and filled 'up between them with logs and bush. The murdered :squaw was avenged. The camp was bro ,keu up. and the old stillness and quiet once more reigßed over, the . forest spot where was consummated this signal act of re• tributive juetice. du'r informant has visited the spot of ten since then'; the log instill there with its* cover' on ; and beneath may still be seen the skeleten of the victim. Let no ehe-mo-ke•mum call this a deed of barbarity. It was an set of simple • jus ties ; there was a double murder it is true; but, the. pale face who, sold the "fire water" that erased the poor, victim and cpmsed him to shed the blood of his s q uaw .bas them to answer for in .the day of final RULER FOR STUDY. 4. Learn , 00e thing at a time. t.:Learti that thing . well. • Learn its connecting), u far as possi ble,: other things. 4: 'Were that to 'knots‘ v 76111614% of sinnethiisi; ie better thaw • to khow tome think of 'everlibiag• Au Antei In Every There is an angel in every honae. No "There is something in the very aspect matter how fallen the inmates, how de- of a "Friend" saggeetive of peace and pressing their circumstances, there is an good will: Verily, if it were not for the angel there to pity or to dicer. It may , broad-brimmed hat, and the straight coat, be to the presence of a little child ; it: which the world's people call "shad," 1 may be inclosed in a stooping or wrinkled would-be a Qiisiker.But for the' life of body, treading thellownward . pith to :the me I cannot resist tile' effect of the gro wive, (Jr perhaps in a cheerful-spirit, tempo and the Odd. X must emile, often. lotikipgupon the ills of life ,as so. many est at myself. could .not; keep within steps toward heaven, if only. bravely over- Lirab garesmits and the boonds propri. come, and mounted, with siniess,feet. sty. Incongruity would read me out of We knew each au angel once, and it meeting. To be reined in tinder Wplain was a drunkard's child, r On every . side hat would be impossible. Besides, I doubt wherever sho reeved she saw only, misery whether any one accustomed to the World's and degradatian, and yetshe did not fall. pleasures could be a Quaker. Whit, once Her father' was 'brutal, and her mother faro* with Shakspeare, and. the opera, discouraged, and her home ' thoroughly could resists ,favorite sir on a-hand-organ, Comfortless. 'But-. she struggled • along' or pass, undisturbed. "Hamlet I"' in erapi with*angel endurance, bearing with anal.! tel letters on splay bill ? To be a Qua. most saintly patience the infirmities of leer, one must be a Quaker born. Io spite him Who gave her exiitence, and then of Sydneybith,•there is such a thing as hourly etnitittered it. Night.ifter, Dxght, a Quaker baby: In I heie iseen,.the at the hour of ten; snd even one, diminutive dentarity, stiff-plaii. in the barefooted, ragged, shawlems, and h iinet. bud. Ii had round, blue eyes, and a face loss, has she been-to the den of the dren. ,that expressed reeignation in spite of the kard, and staggering hOme with' her arm stomach-aehe. lt had eo lees on its baby around her father. Many a time has her cap, no enibreidenid nonsense on its petti, flesh been blue with the mark of his hand, coat. It had no beads, 40 ribbons, no rat when... she stepped between her hapless tie, no' belle, no coral. Its plain garments mother and violence. Many a time has were innocent Of inserting and edging ; its she sat upon the cold curbstone with his socks were, not of the color of the world's head in her lap ; and many a time knew people's baby. It was punotilliously si how bitter it was to cry for hunger, when lent as a silent meeting, and sat np rigidly the mow that should have bought oread in its mother's lap, cutting its teeth with out] spent for ruin. ' ont sintering. It never cried or clapped And the patience that the angel wrought its band], and would , not have said "papa " with made her young face shine i l3o that, if it had been tied to the stake. When it though never !acknowledged in th e courts went to slacp it was hushed without a song, of this world, in the kingdom of heaven and they laid it• in a drab-colored cradle she was waited for by assembled hosts of without a rocker Don't interrupt me. I spirits, and ' the crown of martyrdom have seen it, Hrs. Sparrowgrass ! Same ready lay waiting fur her young brow. thing I have observed, too, remarkably, And she, was a martyr. Her g e n t l e strikingly Quakeristie. The young mai- 1 spirit went up from her oeueb of anguish dens and the young men never seem inch'. —anguish brought on from ill-usage and ned to be fat. Such a thing as a maiden neglect. And never tilt then did the lady, nineteen years of age, with a pound father recognize tho angel in the child ; of superfluous flesh: is not known among never till then did his manhood arise from the Friends. The yonng men •sometimes the du e t, o f iie.dieh o no r , p r o w h er h um , grow outside of the limits of a straight coat, blo grave he went away to steep his re- and when they do, they quietly .change solver for the better io bitter teats ; and into the habits of ordinary men.- It seen.s he will tell . you to-day how th e memory of as if they•lose their hold when they get her much enduring life, keeps him from too round and too ripe, and just drop off. the bowl; how he goes sometime, an d Remarkably Quakeristio, too t is an exemp stands where her patient hands held him; tien the Frieeds appear to enjoy from die : while her cheeks crimsoned as the drunk, eases and complaints peculiar to other ard's child. • , • people.. Who ever saw a Quaker marked Search for your angels in your : house- with the small-pox, or a Quaker with the bolde, and cherish them while they are face-ache ? Who ever saw a cress-eyed among you. It may be that 'all 'encore Quaker, or decided case of the mumps nn &clout] you frown upon them when a smile der a broad.britemed 'hat ? Nobody.— would lead you to the knowledge of their Mre. Sparrotegnies, don't interrupt me.— exceeding worth. They . may be among Doubtless much of this is owing to their the tenet eared for, most despised, but cleanliness, duplex eleinliness, purity of when, they are gone with their silent in- blood and soul. I saw a face in the cam, fluence, then will you mourn for them as a not long since—a face that •had calmly en jewel of great worth. dared the storms of seventy yearly Meet log& It was a het, dry day ; the , win dows were all open;, duet, was'Pouring in to the cars; eyebrows, eye-lashes, ends of hair, moustaches, wigs, enat-tollare, sloe. yes waist-coats,and trowsers of the world's people' wore touched with a floe tawny color. 'Their faces had a general appear ance of humidity in streaks, now and then tatooed with a black cinder ; but there, within a satin bonnet, (Turk's satin,) a bonnet made after the ashion of Professor Espy's patent ventilator, was a face of seventy years, calm as a summer morning, smooth as an, infant's, without one speck or stain of dust, without one touch of per spiration, or exasperation, Mrs. S. No, nor was thereon the cross-pinned kerchief, nor in the elaborately plain dress, one at om of earthly contact ; the very air did seem to respect that aged Quatieress."-- Putnam's 'Magazine. Fall WWI Love. The gallant Sir 'Thomas Trowbridge is about to lead to the altar Mks Louisa Gurney, daughter of DatderGurney, Esq., of Norwich, and sister of the Lion. Mrs. W. Coopet. Seldom bas that proud mead of homage which beauty loves to pay: to valor been conferred on a more worthy re-' cipient. The descendant clone ofEngland's greatest admirals, 'and among the bravest of the brave at Alma, the horde valor of Sir Thomas Towbridge at Inkerman hat become one of the glorious facts of histo ry. Those who record the great achieve ments of England's soldiers in the present war will emblazon, in the iirightent colors of military story, how, when his skill and courage in directing the fire of a battery. had contributed to turn the tide of battle, and when a fatal cannon shot bad carried away .both his feet, the wounded hero re fused to be eoi,veyed to the rear, demand ing of his fellow soldiers hut to carry him to the front, and raise him on a gun car riego..that, before bleeding to death; he might witnosa tie successful issue of the couilict ; and then. coolly, in that posi tion, contiguing to direct the fire of his battery until he shared in the final tri umph and ahouts of victory. Preserved by alnioat a miracle to life— his services crowned bYevery applause that a petioles gratitude could bestow—bis hon-, ors hallowed and enhanced by.the . tear of pity from his sovereign ' herself,' While placing them upon hie shattered frame, the noble soldier bow reaps hie'final and great est reward in the happy consummation of a long cherished attachment theleau tiful and, amiable lady who is about to share his titles and honors, while she,con soles and repays his- sniferings.--:Englieh Paper. This intereeting marriage reminds us o the, similar , case_ of the gallant . - Captain liirolay."who was married . while. in ,cotn mend of the British squadrini in . the bat tie of Lake... Erie. It is said thatafter the disaster he wrote to his betrothed, desiring that she would consider herself released from the engagement, but 'his misfortune only increased her affection, and she insist ed upon the tharriage, It is also related 'of the great Duke of Wellington, that Miss Pakenhant having been badly disk ' used by pittitigs of the small pox, with which disease she was attacked after her betrothal 'to him, she released him from his engagement, but from motives either of honor or affection, he refused to be dig engaged, and married her. TEM PRECIOUS LUTLE PLANT.—Two maidens, Bridget and Bertha, went to the city, and each bore upon her, head a he*- vy basket of fruit. Bridget murmured and sighed con stantly i but Bertha' only laughed and sported. Bridget said, "How canal thcht laugh so Thy basket is as hoary mine, and thou art no stronger than L" Bertha replied, hay . e placed a certain little plant on my burden, and •so I scarcely ? feel - it.. Why don't you do ,so too " "Ay," cried Bridget, "that Must be a precious little plant. ' ' I would gladly lighten my burden , with • it. Tell me at once what is its name '• . Bertha answered, "The precious little plant that makes all burdens lighter ) is called—TaTrasn, For. • When thy hurdea's very vreightY,, Patieno.'nestir makes I-ETTYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY , EVENING,: NOV,EItIBER G, 1866, Quakers BAGGED AND DEOWNED.—The follow ing story is told in papers brought by tho steamship Pacific Near the villa of the Pasha of Constan- _ . tinople is, the hospital where the wounded and debilitated French officers are' healed and quartered. Some of the convalescent managed to open a communication with some of the:Pasha's wives , .who,+obtaining permission to visit rot—four days others of that functionaryte .wives in-a diatant se raglio, took up:their abodein the ‘hospital, and Were having's jolly timb of it .with some of the French Officer! aforewtid.— The Pasha, howevqr, go{ wind Of the affair, and surrounding ' the hOspital with bis tioops,' demanded thO women. The French refused to give them up until the troop were Withdrawn; add thee - Only, on a prote in that thdY should not be harmed. But the Pasha; on getting them one more in the portals of ins eersglia,•iutteediately had them sewed nit in bags and drowned in thc.Bosphorons, according to the require.. mend; of the Turkish' law in , such eases made and provided. " Matins'°Ne 'op lictvgle.—"And ;•he measured' the city With the reed,; twelve thousand Turlongs.,_ The length, and the breadth, and :tint %height ',of it are, equal." Rev. 21 : 10. , _ Twelve thousand furlongs, 7,920.000 feet, which, beitig cubed, is 498,793,088 e 000,000,000,000 cubic feet. Half of this we will reserve for the Throne of Ciod and the Court of Heaven, and half the balance for streets, leaving a remainder of 124,198, 272,000,000.000;000 cubic feet. Divide th is 4,096, 'the cubical feet in a room 8 feet square, and there will be 30,321,843, 000,000,000 rooms. We will now suppose the world always did and always will contain 900,000,000 inhabitants, and that a generation lam 33} years, making 2,700,000,000 every centu ry, and that the world will stand 100,000 years, making in all 270,000,000,000,000 inhabitants. Then suppose there were 100 worlds equal to this, in number of inhabi tants and duration of years, making a total of 27,000,000,000,000,000 persons.-- Then there would be a room 16 feet high for each person, and yet there would be room. A WIStITSRN EDITOR %ye that many of his pairons . would make good wheat' horses. they hold back so well. The editor of the Easton (Md.) Star hie received from• Mr. J. Williams a earn , pla of a second crop of peaches (hi. year. aFEARLESS AND FREE." From the Nero Fork. Journal of Commerce. Thrilling Adventure. Some of the episodes encountered dar ing Dr. Kane's search, have wild inter/at. At one time it became necessary to !teed a fatigue party with provisions, to assist the main party under Dr. Kane is an 1- tempted passage across Smith's Sound. This party was under the cotntnasd of r: Brooke, the first officer of the expeditif . lie was accompanied by Mr. Wilson a d others, volunteers, During their ~tra I they found the ice completely hapinet • ble, and a anew drift at last swept Attil y over the tioes..and in the midst of ahe y gale from the North. the thermometer to their dismay, sunk to fifty-seven degr es below zero. Human nature could of , support the terrible cold. Four of i he party, including Mr. Brooks and Mr. Mil. smi, were proatrated with frozen feet, ind it was with great difficulty. •that tines of ,their companione„after eneounteringgriat Suffering, reached the Ship and annottnied the condition of their cornrades Thtir chances of being rescued seemed'estrehe ly small. They were in the mitat,sf a yrildernese of anew, incapable of noion, 'primed only by a canvass tent, attl with no land marks by which their Won Mudd be known.' Even to drag 'este maimed men would have been, und idi nary circumstances, a, work , of diffeally, but to the slender party left at the shii, it seemed .to be impossible. Dr. lime. with the boldness and courage Whietie.' tified the warm attachment felt to Os him by all under his command, dm est than an hour organized a rescuing, p ty,;, leaving on board only these who view's cessary to receive 'the sick, end stir( ,nff in the teeth of a terrific gale; steer! 'by compass, to reeene the sufferers. ' her nineteen hours of constant travel, d Mg which two of the party fainted. and , ens required to be kept from sleep by lirce, they struck the trail of the lost party4nd finally, staggering under their burtlentrine' by one reached Merton:, which was al nat hidden by , snow. ' .41 The scene as Dr. Kane entered ihe tent, was affectiog beyond descriatioti , - The party buret out into tears. A bib. 'bar fire was, immediately built, peminian cooked, and the party ate for the first the aft, r leaving the semi.: lee was - sloe rid ted, they havini been to this time wytiiir drink. iVorn out as they were, , lei four hours were allowed for the her The maimed of the frozen party ,w sewed up in Buffalo robea, placed on Slr gets and dragged , along by their comp - inns, Dr. Kane walking in advance, 14. ing the track. Cold of the m o nists efi. ty again , overtouk them. Bonsai lid Morton, and even J ,the Esquimau viii Hance, sunk upon the snow with trip, It was only by force that they were roe.' sed and made to proceed. asithe cold' : qw, ed to destroyed allormcepfinte - ger., A large bear met on their way Alt fortunately scared off by Dr. Kane, hints: simple waving of his hand. They r / ch • ed the skip after a walk of 62 hours. till ii . dragging their companions , behind i m - but insensible. Dr Hayes, the intelliOnV sergeon of the ship from whom we ah. tattled the'partieulars of this fearful at en nue, reeeivetFthe returning patty. wo of the number died of their injuries. nd two others underwent amputation wh re now restored to perfect health. The n ditinn of Move who filragged'.the sick. as most lamentable, Their memory In a time wai entirely gone, and the to midst of muttering delirium,. resembl a hospital. l'he surgeon and remainin t tendant were in stele elteige of the We— in this state of semf-madnesa the sick e• inainedlor two or three day s, but atm wards they entirely recoveredaiod the pr. ty under Dr. Kane Started three wets. I afterwards and resumed their labors in 1W field. Intrepidity like this has never beat surpassed. It is spoken of witti'emoticsi even now, by the stoutest hearts in ire expedition. The Frenchman end him English Studies. , Frenchman—Fla, my ; good friend: have met with one difficulty—one vet' strange' word. 1104 yod call 1 - 1.6-u-g-iii 'Tutor—huff. - - ' . ' ' 1 Fr.--Tres bien ' HO; and Shutryoi spell 8-n-o-ti-ch, h a I . , , . 1 ! I Tutor-01 . 6'nd, no, 'Sniff is til.n.' - o-do . ble f. The fact , nk-words ending in oa are a little irregular.' , • .!.., , 1 Fr --Ah, very., good. ,'Tis. bee i( language.' WO att-le/ie. Anil 4 C-o• is eke: I have' one bati al; hal Tutor—No. - that is wrong: , W an Koff, not CIO. ' • ,! , Fr.—Sauf, eh, bien. Huff and , rau and pardones tlloi. how you eall D-u-h•g4 Duff ha! ' ' F T r u .-- tor N — o N t °l f ) n uff nl l Thiffl Att . !. oui ;'l . uncle stand—it is Dauf, hey I , • Tutor-;- , No; 1.1.0-u:g-h *petty doe.'' • Fr.-4•DOe'l It ifs a .very , fine, womb ful language. it is Doe, and T.n.u . g.hi Toe, certainment. My beefateak WAS v ry Toe. ' • i Tutor—Oh,' no. no; you should sa: Tlif: . Fr.-7 1 / 2 Le Diable I and the't yi n farmers use; how you call bun. P-1-o-u t i- Pkill hal you smile; I see I am wriiag it is Plauf . 1 No! ah.. then, it is lyor like Doe; it is • a beautiful language, Vet . fine—floe!, , ' Tutor—You are still wrong, my friend It is Plow. Fr.—Plow Wonderful language. ] shall understand ver' soon. Plow, Do. Kauf; and one more—:-R-o.n-g-h. wh tiuu call Gen. Taylor; Rary.antt Ready No 1 certainment is Rnw and Ready 1. Tutor—No R-o-u-g-h spells Ruff. - Fr.--Rte, ha I Ler me not, forget R-o-u•th is Rtifi; and Ei•o-ul-h is Dui ha! ' Tutor—No, Bow. Fr.—Ah 1 ., 'tis wee simple, wonderful language: but I have had whlt ,you call E-11.6-0 g•h . l , Int I what you calkhim The 'New 'York Evening Peet, of th. 24th ' 'say? Whigpar!y lora ed over twits coffin sterclay,bu t gave no! ,other siatie or life. • How - Jed Mimed ft. "I love you, I adore you; But l'iou takiug in toy sleep." Some folks are in the habit of talking In their sleep, and Miss Betsey Wilsoo was of that number, T his peculiarity she ac cidently revealed to Jediah Jenkiris in a careless conversational way. Jediah had had just finished tho recital of a matri• menial dream, in which the young lady and himself figured MI hero and heroine, he having invented the same, for the sake of saying at conclusion that it was "to good to be true," and thus, by speaking inpar ables, assuring the damsel of what he dare tint speak plainly. "I never dream," said BetseY, 'but sometimes talk half of the night, and tell everything I know in my sleep." • "You don't say so." . "Yes; I can never have a secret from mother; if she wants to kontv anything she pumps me alter I've gone , to bed and 1 answer her questions as honestly as if my life depended on it. That was tke reason,l wouldn't go to ride the other night, I knit'w she would find it out—it is awful, provoking." Some days after this, led called at the house, and entering the parlor unannounc ed, found that Miss Betsey, probably overcome by the heat of the weather, had fallen asleep on . the sofa. ,„Now Jet!, as the reader has surmised, iffidlong felt an overweening partiality for the yonng Indy. and yearned to know if it was returned; but though possessed (of imifinient courage to mount the "imminent .deadly breach '—or breeches--(coromer- Mal ones, we mean) lie could not Muster spunk enough to, inquire into the state of her heart.. Bui he now bethought him• serf of her'confessed sorrinoinbulicloqua city, and felt that the tithe to ascertain his fate had come. •Approching the sofa he ithisperedi— "My dearest Betsey, tell me. oh! tell me the object of your fondeet affections." ' The fair sleeper gore nigh and reopouded: NI love ,= let' think—(here you might have heerrl the beating died's heart throUgh a brick wall )4 love heaven,, and bake drbeane, b ait if I have ave one - pansion above allethers, it is for roost omens: 'The indignant lover ditl`nt wako her. but /Japed • at ouee; a , Tedder- hut not a At" hist accounts. Jed was ' , shining up" • to another youngiady. Bacheloiem Itetti3c!lonti. Bless nie l• I'm thirty nino_to-day ; six feet in my stockings, black eyes, curly hair, tall and straight as a cedar Leha nod, and still a bachelor ! Well its an in dependentlife, at least ; no, it isn't either! Ifere are these new gloves of mine full of. °Mile 444; siring - 7)ll'one of my most tail less dickeys, nice silk handkerchief in my drawer wants hemming, buttons off my shirts ; what's to be done ? How provo king it is to see those married people, look ing-so self-satisfied and consequential, at the head of their familial, as if they had done the State a great rervier. As to children, they atolls plenty tia flies in Au: gust, and about as troublesome ; every al ley, and 'court and 'garret are swarming with them--they're no rarity; and any - Poor miserable wretch , can get a wile."... enough of them, too, such as they are ; !- It is enough to scare a man to dead, to think how 'mobil it costs to keep one Silks and satins, ribbons and velveta,feath era and flowers, cuff pins and bracelets, gimcracks and fol-de-rols ; and—you must look. it the subject in all its bearings—lit tle jackets and frocks, and wooden horses, and dolls, and pop.guns, and gingerbread; don't believe I can do it, by Jupiter ! But •then, here I sit, .with the toe of my best boot...kicking the grate, for .the want of something te do; it'a• coming awful cold, dreary weather, long evenings_; can'l go to concerti forever, and when Ido my room looks se touch the gloomier when I come back, and it would be cues to have nice little,wife to chat and, laugh with.—. Pie tried to think of something else, but I can t; 4 if I look into the 'fire, lam . sure to see a pair of brightt eyes ; even the Windows on the wall take fairy shapes - I'm on the brink of ruin—l feel it;l shall sead . my doom in, the marriage list before long—lknoiv 1 shall I—'(dd Bachelor. NtITIMMT Yrt THE APPGIi....---The val. uis of the:apple i as an article of food, is far underated. Besides containing angar, mucilage and other nutriment matter, ap plea contain which' acids, aromatic quill. Wes, skit., which' are powerful in the ca pacity-of refrigerants, tonics and anticep. Om; sod when freely used at she season of mellow ripeness r they prevent debility, indigestion, and avert, without doubt, ma. ny of ihe "ills that flesh is air to." The operators of Cornwall, England, consider ripe apples nearly as nutritious as bread, and far more so than potatoes. In the year 1801—which was a year of much scarcity—apples instead of being conver ted into cider, were suld to the pour ; and the laborers asserted that they,conld "stand their work" on baked apples without meat, :whereas a potato diet required meat or biome ocher substantial nutriment. The French and Garman' use apples exten• aively. as do the inhabitants of all Euro. peen nations. The laborers depend upon them as an article of food; Ind frequently make a dinner of sliced apples and bread. There is no fruit cooked in as many dif ferent ways in our country ns the apple, nor is there any fruit whose value as an article of nutriment, is as great, and so lit tie appreciated. A PLAIN SPOICKN WITNCBB.- 4 •Facte are stubborn things," said a lawyer to,a female witness under examlnatoln. The lady replied: "Yes. sir•re,and so are women; And if you get any thing, out of me, just let' me know it." '"You will be committed for' contempt' • "Very well, I'll suffer justly , for I . JeeL the utmost contempt tor every lawyer pres ent." "You 'are a hula bear, maditax.' sigh. ,•• . , • • • ' , Aboutthe ihoulderei I meai*ft 14 and Doing, Little Christian. Up and doing, little Christian, Up and doing while 't is day ; Do the work the Master gives you, Do not loiter by the way.; ' For we all have work before us, You, dear child, as well as I : Let is seek to learn our duty, And perform it cheerfully., ' • Up and doing, little Christian, Gentle be, and ever kind ; Helpful to thy loving mother, E'en her slightest wishes mind : . Let the little children love,you For your care, and harmless play; And the feeble and more wilful, Help them by your kindly way. Patience, patience; little Christian, No cross look or angry word ; Follow him who died to save you, Follow Jesus Christ jour Lord. Help the suffering andneedy, Help, the poor whom Jesus lovus Tell the sinner of the Savior, Who still lives to bless, above. Up and doing, little Christian, Trust not to thyself alone, But work out thine own salvation Through the blood of God's deer Son. Jesus loves you, little Christian, : 41 Turn not from his love away ; But go forth and do his bidding, Up and doing while 'tilt day. A New Way to Detect at Thll4. The .father of the great American States man, was a humorous and Jocose per sonage, and inumerable are the anecrlwes related of him. As he was journeying in Maseaehusetto, not'far from his native town he stopped rather late one night at air inn in the village of In the bar room were about twenty different persons who, as he entered, called out for him to die- Cover a thief. One of the company, it go peered. had, a few minutes before, a, watch taken from hie pocket.' atul: he knew the offender must be in She •room 'with them.. • .• "Come, Mr. Almanac maker, you know the signs the iionetr, the hidden things,of the season; tell 'wlyiis the thief:" • "Fasten all ditroors of the mom aitd ; lit no one leave it , ; and here landlord go and bring your wife's great brass kettle." !•Wlte.ew l wont to .knowl airsiarst I my wife's Whew-ew !" good' tionlface; "Why, you wouldn't he more struck if I. told you to go to pot !" Boniface did as commanded ;the great brass k rule was placed in .the middle of , the floor, its bottom up—as black, sooty and smoky RS, a chintnephack.. Thy landlord got into his bar, and looked on witlf ,his eyes as big as saucers. • "You don't want any hot water nor nothin" to take ,off the bristles on a crit ter do you, Square ?" said the Landlord, the preparation looking too much like hog •kijling.. "rue old woman's gone tubed and the well's dry." • 4 •Now go into your barn and bring the , biggest cockerel you've go;." "When ! you won't bile him, will you I he's a tough lone. I can swear, Square, he didn't steal the watch'. The old molt ler knows when it is time to crow,''with out looking at a watch." Go along, or I wont detect the • Boniface went to the barn.and 0 0 011 re turned with a tre , niendoiti fat rooster, cackling all the way like mad.. " New put him under the kettle and blow the light out. The old rooster' was .thrust under.. the iuirerted kettle and . the !anti) blown out. “Noiv. gentlemen; I don't ''stiose tiro thief is in the . companY : but it he is the the old rooster will crew when-the der touches the bottom of the kettle with hie hands. Walk round in a circle, and the cock will make known the watch steal er. The innocent need not be afraid, you know. '" . The company then, to humor him and carry out the joke. walked round die ket. Ile hi the dark forthree or fobs. minutes.. "All done, gentlemen f" • . "All done, was the cry : "where's your crowing ! , We beard tthitcockadoodeltloo."' "flring'ita a light. A light wee brougliht as ordered. . • 'Now hold up your hands„good They were' of . courie froni eon): . ig la contact with the sbot of the itet "An up,?" "All up," was the -esponse. don't know ! Here's one fellow who hasn't held up his hand." "A hpha I my old boy, let's lake a peep at your paw s. " • • They were examined, and they were , not black like those 'of the rest of the company. • 'You'll find your welch phew him-- search." And so it proved. This fellow, not be, ing aware, any more than the rest, of the trap that was set foe the discovery of the thief, had kept aloof front the kettle, lest when . he touched it the crowing of the rooster should proclaim him as the thief. Ai the hands of all the others were black ened, the whitenese of his own showed of course that he had not dared to touch the old brass kettle. and that lie was the offen der.* He jumped , nut of the frying, pan in -19 the fire, and was. lodged in as unto m• tunable a place as either—to wit—tho jail. A SMART Box.—A boy of our acquain tance recently attended church, and after listening attentively to the parable of the wise and foolish hOuse buittlem, said to hie mother on the way home, dim% think that man was so wise after "And why not, my son f" *Why if his house was built on a rock, where would ho Bad aidace tor,his cel lar ' "Sure enough. sunny; where 'could he t -That idea wryer struck us before. " . The other day q man was discovered mounted on a ladder, with his lips press.. ed ko the_telegraph wires. He. wee kiss ing his wife in Philadelphia feligrapti." Nei, .voSsov-ks F ree nonnthrey--ean't a man kias his wife as he pleases i - • Proiraitipation.—.lt is with guy; good Inusutions u' ciur mor row is but to Often' t4lO tiuSh Or 164tai; TWO D014!,/kIM PER, ANNUL /MEER • Paddy Going to Sea velltarait by ~ Consent. , ' A correspondent of the Newark Dally Advertiser tells the folliowtng story: :" As: the half-past three o'clock fairy 'boat, with the passengers (or the Carl, was leaving the slip at the foot of Cott lad street on Tuesday afternoon lasi, an Irishman was observed with.a heavy triink upon .his shoulders, making all the ended his burden would admit, to be in lime, to get to the baggage ..aboo rd the ithlp,.',' As he expressed it. From his appearance it was evident he had not long since left aowld Ireland." Depositing the trunk, he turned to leave the boat, wheri, to his horror, he found the boat : several yards 1 from the shore. "Captain, captain:l say where is the Captain I I want to go ashore ) " he exclaimed in the arildeit ex. ciiement i I,jist came aboord with a gintle num', chMt, 'sod don't want to leave Antal'. kay." A wag aboard, person4ting the Captain, advised him "'to run to the bows of the ship, where he could find a place - to jump ashore." • the required no urging .bis way five r th e wagons. which were so,crowded. 'ado materia:ly impede,his progess. Grow,ing momentarily more excited' y the cries.of the' teamsters, who had caught rhi Pike, beseeching him "to make haste," to rim /his way, then that, Paddy in his bewild-. 'outlaw, rapidly following . the ,direction Of each until he had made the eirepit of the boat, when he found' him sell again hieing the bogus Captain. Him' he be sought most earnestly ..toput him *shiner ' “Why didn't you tell me, you wanted to go ashore, and I would have; now it is too late," answered the wsig,r— „Arrah, arrah I indade it was thesaine I said. to .ve captain.” "Yon said no'shat thing," persisted the wag, "Shure andit would he a lie to say it,' he eardaimed.,in an eicited tone. ~ C aptain, aayel , (want. 'to •go ashore.; says hi, go to 'the boWilinf the niver ashore did F qit nid - now its to say ye are takin me Agin. my - • cousins." "My friend," said the pretended Cap tain, with a very serious lace,•oyou have came sheard o my ship, and I now must in+ tiist upon you paying your fare." "Silfra eint have I' wid me to pay the insane, Captain dear, nor a hit do I want to lave Ameriky; mind me *poor, and the Holy' Vargin will bless ye and yarn." Same. one remarked the ship was going ,to rey. An is toJersey ye's a going 1 Deb yer honor, an when will die ship return to Amoriky 1 At this poiut:he boat arrived al, the slip. on the Jersy City side, and we left the passengers enjoying a hearty laugh at the joke, thewag still insisting upon Paddy's paying the passage, and he as earnestly protesting "he had niver eent." RANO FOR INsEcrs.—A correspondent of the Horticulturist says: . . .' ,, Some lime last summer, while budding some,young peaches, I found that ants had taken possession of some ten feet in' one row. They very earnestly resisted ; my attempts to inoculate the trees, indicting Many unpleasant wounds on my hands and arms. In order to disperse 'the war. like little nation, I sprinkled near pint of fine guanq. along the ridges.,,;Thitt threw them into immediate consternetioo, I nbticed little collections of winged ants huddled close together, and seeming : Mire quiet, while those without wings! .rattseg bout in great agitation. The following day note single instill milt be found Where the day previous they appeared to be hind.; inerable." 'l'o which we add the following (roman, unknown source : "%Ye had a very, find ; melon patch which was well nigh 46007., ed by the striped ling. The vines' bad commenced running, and in taro or thnie. days the, bug* had stripped, nearly every. le4. As' a desperate remedy. we applied, a handful of guano on the top of the hill. as far as the vines had run, taking Care Mat it did not fall on the leaf. In twenty.' litur, hours not a bug was to briSeeir the' vines had assumed a healthy and vigorouiel growth, and , are now loaded with,lttijt.—.F-4 The' experimeet was not on one ri nd wnlY., but hundreds."—Wesfern October 19, . NTELLIoNNot or AN ELNPHANT:—.The attachment between man and elePhiur , Was so . great , that whenever .the ,. foriiiei' , went to, hie dinner he alwaysieft „a litt/eti . ugly black infant under the care of the,latre, ter, who watched the child With the great. ~ eat tenderness, and 'prevented it 'erawling: out of sight. One day the elephant Wei euperintending his charge in a spot where.: some trees tempted hint to browse i .sad while doing so the swarthy, young, imp rolled into a puddle of muddy clay. The , elephant heard' a scream; and irate , scrape he had got into by neglestin,chfil trust; he therefore t ionuediately took ,tueaeiw urea not to be found out by . his kind inee.. ) ,; ter. Going down to a stream, liiithared, , , l his mouth with clear water, and taking the equalling blackey with his Wuuk'be - ' tureen it on vile aide and educed his dirty , skin all over with a deluge ill wenn...—. •:, The turning the child round, he performed:, a similar operation on the other'side. Olean. . ding every ' speck of mud. When kce , per returned the, slephini had just pla6' ced . th e infant in th e sun to dig, and 'Wk.'' , eti as , attentive over his charge as if nothet nig hail happened. AN UNFORTUNATA vidtim, of unrequited love singain this lamentable swain throw myself into the briny ocean, wh?re, , . tnud-eels and catfish on my body shaleroutt and flounders and flat fish select ma hit '"'' diet; there soundly I'll *lumber beneath+ ssi rough billow. and crabs without • nuinker shall crawl o'er my pillow. HN' my_ spirit, shall wander through gay coral: bowers, and frisk with the ale f unOdarrit, aliall, by the powers ! A machine bits receitly been *MINI • !r. to enalAe ladies to manage the sign" tote,?; , their dresses -chile going op, or dim, stairs, crossing muddy strests,4o.' is called the hPstent iletticost Uwe.' 4:7Ysought walk Sitogits:o4. - like a eipt r ikii leavetli,ben. t 4l: EWE