BY D. A. it'O. ItyI;MEHLE4 vnumE XXYLI The American Girl. Our hearts are with our native land, •`' Ouriiieg is with heiglti. • ; • I.ler warrior's Wreath is in our hind, Ottr 'lhothreathe out'ber story.. Oerlofty and valley's green,' - Are shining bright before us; _And like a ramboWsign is seen. Ifer proud,llag•waving o'er us. • • And thereere Smiles upon o u r lips For those who meet her foeman, For glory's star knows twreelipse, iiVhim smiled upon by woman. 'er those ho brave the„mighty deep, A till "heorri the thieet of danger, we've smiles to cheer, and. toareto weep, • For every ocean ranger.. • • , , o,ur hearts are with our,ul4 • , t)Ur songs are forte; freedom; Ohe prit”rs are for the, I,ntllatif batid Strike where honor leads them. ! We loiii'the • taintleas) air We breathe, is frFedom'a apdless power; • We'lliwmo'for him a golden wreath ~ .'Who'Seornew' tyrant's plower: Thai , thaof Fridee's heautiei fair ;- Ofltaly's proud dan,eitters; • Of,rotland's lasses—England's fair, nymphs of ghunnoii's waters. • We need not boast their haughty charms, iThitugh lords' itroend them hover, Ow glorc lies iu freedom's arms— 1 . A freeman fore Loveu..l o HOME SCENES BY T. N. #ILTIEVIt. "I'll 'not live thiS way !" exolaimed Mi'st' •- Lyons 'passionately. • "Such disor: der, ',dangling and irregularity, rob' mo of nit iny peace. , and make, the, house a bedlam ' instead of a quiet home. Tom I" she Spo ke sharply to a'bright little fellow, who wat phubiliiig . away with a wooden hammer on A chair, and making' a limit' iiitolerable dim r •tstop that, noise, this in stant,! And you, Em ! not a word. more frlii , " your' lips. If you cOO% live in . With you •iistor, lII' separate you.— Wye hear ! Hush this instant !" make Jule give ma my pinOush iorti She's got it in her pocket," "It's no such thing . ; 1 havn't," retort .. You have, Isay." "t tell you I !tacit% !" "N%'ill you hush ?" . The face of Mr.. Lyons we., fiery red ; and she stamped urin the emir as she spoke. "1 want my -pint:Million. Make Jule give. lite my pincushion." Irritated beyond control, Mrs. Lyon caught Julia by the arm; : and thrusting her Ivied in her 'pocket, drew out a thin,. Me, a piece of lace, and pen .k . nifi.t. " 1. told you it. was not ,thistol .oettlthe lielieve me ?" wits :Mire than''' the' mother couhl endure; ' and • acting from her indiunant impulses, she boxed the ears oof.filia soundly ; ennsei avi, at the saute' flare, that Emily was chiefly 'to blitnie for all oho trouble, by a wrong -ac cusatiiiii.of tier sister, she, turned upon bar, lithuitiktpriugauequal ; punishment, Frichtened by all this. the younger chi'. 'lran; whose incessant noise,, for the last hoar, bull contributed to the overthrow .of their mother's temper, became sudden ly l ;Mil skulked away into comers —aniFtlio'bthyw t hitt was sawed on the' 'fort. between ::, pillows, curved her quivering lips,: and -glanced fearfully 'up ar the distorted face its which shu had been used to ACii the love-light that made liar lieiiven. • A deep quiet followed this burst of pas• shut tike tips hush that. succeeds a storm. Allis; , fir the evil traces that were left be /liter!'Allis, fur the repulsive image of iliat'ttiother, tiaguereorypeil in an instant; on .the Memory ofiter olaildrou, acid never to I effaced. Bow outay.times, in after years, will not a,sigh leave their bosoms, as that painful reflection looks out upon there. frano authl the dearer remembrances , of of ;rind impulses, but with 'L rr seare_./ b uy self-control,wan _3t . She dewed her,children, and desired their. That they showed se little for bearencel one with the other, !manifested en Mitt() "fraternal affection, grieVed her deeply. yltole life is made unhappy by it !" she would say. 7•What is to be dou'a d t ' It Is dreadful to think of a fami ly growing up in discord and disunion,—; Sis(ygy t titvariiinee with sister, and brother hiit hand against brialier." As Wa.s'aSual after an'ebellition of pas. siou;)lllrs2 , Lyori, deeply depressed in spir its, as well as discouraged, retired from her family to grieve and weep. Lifting the frighteuedrbaby,froat Ale. floor, she drew its bead..teuderly against her ,hosnin, eel leaving the. nursery, sought the ,quiet, of her awn pew, There to repentance,and huntlialtiouodut recalled the stormy -scene through :w hicks she had , just passed ;, and blauirl.herself for yielding blindly to par siorinstead of meeting -the trouble among her children with a quiet discrimina. Tomeeping calumets succeeded < Still vrris perplexei:. in mind; ~as well as griesed ntiber. want-of self-control-- What was io be done with her children? H ow. Woo t hay AO! be I. governed Aright ?•••:.'1 j'ainfullyodidadie,feel her, owe un6tness for thethlsk.on,l3y :this. time Ahe,baby , was asleeil.tutd•iho mother something of thatitisatittil.ipeseetthat every true-mother Itnowsittben eyoung !babe is slumbering on heNbottonr. rti . A.:bool‘tsy on .the! , ahelf nean where shecwap sitting; and Mrs. Ly.. oty scarcely' 0011640 u. orthe act,, reached out her hand ,for the volume. She open. ed ir,,,+ itlisint. feeling any interest, in, its contents; but she bad read onfy a few sentences, when this remark arrested her attedtimia:. , -*; , - , ; uAll.right government of ••children be gins withwelflowerwatent." 'Thewurdcseemed written for her.; and the trot/Ili:pressed. was elevated instant. ly into - perception. She saw it in the clearest light, and bowed her head in • sad acknowledtment of her own errors.— Thus:fer/aometime, oho had been hitting, when ithe murmur 'of.' voices from below greiremoni. and more distinct, and she was arousedito theyainfnl.fitot that, as usual, when left alode, the children worst wraeg. ling among themse l ves. Various, noises, as - of pounding and. thrOwing about chairs and other plecei of furniture, were lieard rand at-length, a loud scream, min .gled with angry. vociferations, smote upon het ear. - • Indignation ' awaitedinstantly • 'ho limn of Mrs Lyon; herriedly placing the-sleeping babe in De crib, she started for, the Scene of diserder. moved with an impulse to punish, severely the young reb els against authority ; and was half way down the stairs, when her feet were check ed by a remembrance of the Sentiment "All right •government of children com mences with. self:government." • • "Will,,anger, pubdue anger ? Whew !storm meets storm is the tempest still ?"--- Whoa° Were the questions asked of herseif, alniost involtintarily. "This is no spirit in which to meet my children. ft never has, never will enforce, order and obedi coca," eke,added, as „she•stop& upon the stairs, strUggling with herself, and striv ing 'for the victory. From the nursery came louder Bounds of disorder. How weak the mother felt! Yet. In this Very weakness was strength. .41, must not stand idly hero; :,,she acid, as a sharper cry of anguish smote her oars; and so' he moved on quickly, and opening the,nursery door, stood re ealed 'to her bhildren. Julia had just rei.ud het: hand to strike Emily, who atom confronting her with a fiery face. Both ere a little startled at their mother's Budd. u appear once; andboth expeoting the sic, m whieh usually came at such times,. beg.. to as. 1 flu me the defiant, stubborn ' air wit which her 'intemperate reproofs were a ways met. A fore moments did Mrs. Lyon sta.. look lug at her children —grief, not anger, upon her pale countenanue. How still all becatue. What a look of wonder came gradually into the ehildren's faces, as they glanced one at the other. Something of shame was next visible. Aud,, now, the mother was ,conseieus of a new power over the young rebels of her household. ~ E mily," said she, speaking mildly, and yet with a touch of sorrow in her voice she could not subdue, "I Wish yott would go up intopy, room and sit with Mary while olio sleeps;' Without a' sign of opposition, or _even reluctance, Emily went quietly from the nursery, in obedience to her mother's de- sioe. “This room is very much in disorder, Judie." • Many times bad Mrs. , Lyon said, under ~Ice circumstances, "Why don't yes put things to rights. I" or "I. never 'saw such girls I If all the room was topsy. turves!, and the floor an inch. thick with dirt; you'd neVer turn over a baud to put things in order ;'' or , "go and 'get the broom, this minute. and sweep .up the room. You're the laziest girl that ever lived." it &luny, , many times, as we have said bad such language een addressed by 1 Mrs. Lyon, under like circumstances, 1 to Julia , and her sisters, without pro=d clueing . anything bettor than a grunt- I blind, partial execution of her wishes. But ' now, the mild' intimation that the room! was in disorder, produced , all the effect desired. Julia wont quickly about the work of . restoring thiugs• to their right places, and in a few minutes order was ap .parent whore 'confusion reigned before.— Little Tommy, whose love of hammering was an incessant annoyance to his mother, ceased his diti nit her sudden appearance, and for a few moments stood , in expecta tion of a hexed ear; for a time he was puttied to understated the new aspect of affairs. Finding that he was under tho ban, as usual, he commenced slapping a stick over the top af an old table, waking a most ear.pierciag noise. Instantly Ju lia said, in a lois voice, to him : ~ D on't, Tummy—don't de that. ' You know it Makes mother's head ache." "Does it make your head ache, moth- ' 1 or I' asked the child, curiously upd with a pitying lone in his voice, as he came creep- ing to his mother's side, and looking at her as if in doubt whether , ho would be re pelsed or net. "Sometiniesit does, my' eon," rep lied Mrs. replied Mrs. Lyoti, kindly ; "and it is always un- Plualutut- Wen'tyou try to play without tusking eo tnuoh noise ? ' "Yes; mot her, I'll try," answered the little fellow,' cheerfully. "But I forget sometimes:" ' , ' • He looked earnestly at his mother, as if something more was in his thoughts., , "Well, dear, what else ?" said she en couragingly. , i . '. "When. I forget you'll . tell .me, won't 1 you. V' , "Yes. inve." , "And thee' I'll stop. ' But don't Scold are, ,mothor; for. then I tan's-stop." ' • Mrs. Lyon's ; heart was touched. -.She caught her breath,. And hero her head down, to conceal, its expression, until it rested on the silken hair of the child. .. 4 , 13 e a good boy; Tonimy, and 'mother will never scold you any more," she mur. Inured gently in bis ears. , , ,* ; • .. His arms stole . npwards, and, as they wore tWined'Olot'ely Arndt her net*, he pressed his lips tightly against her cheek --.=thus sealing. his Jiart, of, the contra/et withualche .- ' . *" ' ' , How' sweetie. dietnot 'it taste' Were these fi rst. fruits, oftself ntrol. In the , t . t efforo govern herself,4 itt it ,pow,er -lied she acquired . , , In stilling the tempest', of, , passion In her own hosom, she had poured , the. oil ' or ixtien ever the storm-freeted 1 hearts of her children.'. Only . first: fruits _were these. In' all her after days did, that mother strive with herself, ere. she entered into a contest with 'the inherited 'evils .of her children; and just so far a$ she ;was able CO nverconte evil in hersolf,,was she able to : overcome, evil in them. Often ' very , often , was self resistance Only a light effort ;. but_ the fee, ble influence for good that flowed from her words , or„actions whenever this' was 'so, warned her , of error, and protapteda more, vigorous self-control. Need it ,be said that she had an abundant reward F. 1: is better to be worthy than wealthy. in one's grave at least. ! _ . . - cr .: p...,T.Ty , ..ApA:q. - ! ,..?:.4.,.. , FR1DA A FLEETING Intr.—The Boston Tran script say a, that a b out three weeks since, two Meni.b the'illlMO' of Rufus M. Rose and Francis Godon, discovered, behind a bridge abutment in Wiekford, which they were repairing, seven . ' pieces 'of copper pipe, filled with Mexican quarter-dollars, amounting in value, to about three hundred dollars. The diecorerers resolved to keep the matter secret, and Godon,' buying the share of Rosa, carried the whole to the Oltekstone Canal Rank. in Providence, and exchanged it for gold: Subsequently, the Teller discovered that the . quarters were remarkably well executed counter feits, and 'seeking ad( Godon, informed / him of the fact,'and effected a re-exchange and .the poor, man, who,-a few days padt, I had been , building castles in the air, found hie bright hopes dashed to the, ground as suddenly as they had been awakened.-- The Transcript says that entrant' quar ter-dollars similar to those countetfeit coioe have recendrimen •discovered -in circulation in Providence, which leads to the supposition that the .rogues are, not far distant. 4 BLESSING TO THE COLINTBY,-.4 la dy now on a visit to. Paris, Tenneesee, has written to a friend in this city, some, par ticulars of a remarkable and most exam phiry matron in that vicinity, which par ticulars' have been communicated to us as worthy of a place in our columns. The matron in question is a Mrs. D—=—, now eighty-seven years old. She had 'twenty three living children, and prayed to the, good Lord to give her one more, to make the goodly and round number of two doz.; en. Besides these she has raised fourteen orphan children. She has educated thir ty children— her own and a portion of the orphans—and for many years sent nine en children to school in Paris and their dinners with them. She says that none of those she as reared and educated gave ever disgraced her or themselves. The girls have all married well, and are rich. The boys have all done.well—one of her orphan proteges has been in Congress, sev eral others in the State Legjislature, and all of them in the constant habit of using Hostetter, Smith & Co' celebrated Bitters. VALDE OF AN EDITOR'S TIMR.-M Hau ser, who has been travelling among the Sandwhich Islands arid in Australia, gives the foll ? wing idea of the value °fall editor in Sydny : , . . "A few days after my areal, I paid my visits to the different editors At my first call I ca me to a gmace-like house, the ground flour occupied by the printing office. On ffie.,first fluor, awing other advertisements 't fOuti'd a table, In forming visitors tiat the editor his be spoken with unless - paid for his valuable' time; accordingly everybody, without ex ception, is advised to buy a ticket of Al i , mission atthe door of the waiting room— one hour costing 10s ; half an hour 6s; fifteen minutes 3s. Snob were the con: tents of this singular price-current of time. CUSTARD PIE WITUOUT some of our fair readers try the following recipe and give us their opiaiots of iw ef. ficaev nice a quantity of new milk, as much as desired, over a slow fire, and allow it to heat slowlyuntil it boils, taking pains not to scorch it, as that imparts a disagreeable taste. For every quart of milk take' four' tablespoonsful of flour, beat it wel! with colt! milk to prevent it from being lumpy, and as soon as the milk boils, pour in the thickening and stir it well until it boils a. ga in, then remove it instantly from the fire.. Siveeten to suit the taste, and flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon, and it is ready for use either (fold Or hot. Prepare the crust as usual for custard pies.. fill them with the above preparation, and hake them an hour, in an oven, moderately hot. When. sufficiently cooked, they wil! resemble in appearance a genuine "egg pie," and will bearcely be distinguished by the taste. A SECOND WRITPIELD.—Recent Eng lish journalit'meution that a young Preach er of the ,Methodist church is ereatingas much excitement as Irving and Whitfield did in their day. The Loudon correspon dent of the New York Sunday Tiines says "His name is Spageu,',MA be can scarce ly have reached his 22d or 234 year, I. should think. His eloquence, is extracir dinaryif. overwhelms you with., force and brilliancy ,; and his voice has the characteristics which'Whitfield's is said to have possessed—a ringing tone, and capa ble. of being heard by au assemblage of ten thousand persons. . Thy Mu, BE The late Mr. Kilpin, of Exeter, writes, "Uknew a ease in which the' minia4r, praying 'over a child apparently dying, said, qf it by 114' will 'spareThe =libel's soul yearning for„ her beloved. exclaimed; 'lt must be his will, I cannot beer ifs' The miniSter stopped. To the surprise of ma:: cy the child recovered ; and the 'mother, alter almost suffering martyrdom by him while a,stripliug,.lived to see him hanged before ho was two and twenty 0 it is good, to say, 'Net ma will, but Mine, be done.l" - • ! .. , A Itticisbipman asked - it Priest to 'tell the difference bet %seen a Priest and a Jackass. 'The Priest gave4t up '"One'wears'a cross on, his taci.ttid the other on his' breast," - said the mid.' abiP9l4ll, • . , "Now,"; said'. thou Priest.--"tetl me the different* hetyreen • a midshipman and a jackass .7.',, • , • • The midshipinan•Sato-it up, dud asked what it,svas. , e The Priest said that he did not know of any. , •, • , • • A Goon 'Nano—Woman the morning •star glom. youth; the day star of our man hood; the evening star of our old age.•. : - God bless our mars ! • DOIIOLAR 'JERROLD says ihat old baelie• lot ate like dry wood ; when they dO take flame they do burn prodigiously. 'Although the want of religion ar ,aften regretted 'on a dying betl, no one Wier re pented of hating lived' pious' life. "OAR AND FitHE." NOVEMBER i t 1855. Pennsfliania • • , tnre.—Eleasion '56 The iollownig 1 . • !an of the persons °loo ted to the Senate d' Flown) of Represent fives of thin Statc,. 4,i names of the Don' oorate are in Roman, Ainoricaue and Whigs in Italics. .. , . 1. Philadelphi,4l'—:E7iA .. . 'Price, Yin/. A. Cralob, ' , -4(4.g , ,'' Fl -. 2. Philadelphialsdiintirl—N,' B. 'Browne, Harlan Ingrain, J!... Pratt. 8. 'MontgonierT4VhOttias P. Knox. ' .• Li 4. Cheater and ,, , lueare—Jemea 'J.' Lewis. •,, ' vi' ~..; i 5. Berka—dolin''' ;'gri UN.' , !. 0. Buoke-4onat ,It . • ' 7. 'Lineage! , lingftett non—John W. f lillinger,•Jaeolt 0. 4 :iii*an. ' ' ~..'. 8. Dauphin • and likuniserliddlfikt vid Taggart, '' • '!,...,_:' f * ' 9. • NorthatnOton'4o4PLehigli-6-Joseph Laubaoh. ''.' : i' 4 ' . '"__,'' '' t ' 10. Carbon, Mond e, Pflre and %Inc-- Jas. H. Walton: . : '.i . .!,.." .• 1' '' ' ' ' 11; Adams and Ftintilitiai—Dovid Mel. linger. ' 12. 'York W, EV:;:gretsh:' 18. CumberlatiCluid Perry—Sainnel Wherry. ' •tF ., 14. • Centre, Lycciling4linton and Sul livanAndreto GrOP,c` 15. Blair, Cambria' awl t 'Huntingdon— John Creswell, jr. 18. Luzern°, MemOtt;itid 'Columbia— Charles It Buokalow.i 4 ::: • 17. Bradford, St*Oanna and Wye ! miug—W. M. Piatt. 18. Tioga, Potter,"Mcilrean; FA, Clear 6eld,JeffersebancliForia=lleary Souther. 19. Mercer, Venangdiand Warren--Tho-: MSS 20. Erie and `Crawrord---,D. A. Finneg. 2t Butler, Bearei and Lawrenee—Jno. Ferguson. 22. Allegbour—jcitias 'R. McClintock, Wm. Wilkins, 23. Washington . .stpd . Fleniken. . • 24. Somerset; Bedf6;ii Fulton— Francis Jordan. 25...A.rwatrong, ItuiPmui and Clarion-4 S. S Jainison. 26. Juniata, &Min ,and Union -- - ,Ana M. Sellers. - 27. Westmoreland ~ ettid Fayette— Wm. E. Frazer. • ' 28. Schuylkill--G. -Straub. • geirDemoerti„ta 17 - nskion HOUSE HE REPRi ENTATIVES. Ada ins—rsano Robinvq. Allegheny—Jritnes BP;Frult,in, Samuel Smith, L. B. P4tteisbn; , ,Phtiatian'lllngee, JatuewSidiktparr-r-""*P.'"."-aa, AttuatrOog,'Clarioliand4efforion-7-Dar, win Phelps, Philip Glover, Minimal K. 'Boyer. Beaver, Butlei , and Lawrence—D. L.lm brie, A. W. Ortzteurd, R. B. Me'Conibs: Bedford, Fulton and Cambria--G. Nei. Bon Smith, Joe 13ernard Berke—J. L. (lets, Benj. Nuonemacher, Wm. Heine, Geo. Shenk. „ Blair and riuntingdon—q: ',"; Money, J. H. Wintrode. • • Bradford—B. Laporte,J,.arlsoa &tomb. Bucks—Jno. Mengle, Alex. B, Johnson, John H. Lovett. Carbon and LehighTlionuis Craig, jr., Joshua Fray. Centre—Jacob Strabbli. Chcster--Andrew Buchanan, Robt. Ir. win,Jog. Dowdell. , Cearfield, bicaean and Elic—,-Seth A. Backus. Clinton 'looming and Potter—Sauel Caldwell, John.a Magee. Columbiaand Meateur--4. G. Montgom ery. , , . Crawford--Leonard Reed, Jos. Brown. .. ,-- eutoberlaed—L,Tdmea Andersen, ' IVilliam Harper. .Dauphin--Da rid Mineta, in°. Wright. Delaware—C, )Inoley. Erie—Clideon J, Bull, Mt tray WlaUnn Fayette and Wdatmoreland—P. A Julius, J. Fausold,'Saumel Hill, Henry D Fester. Frauklin—Jaa. B. Orr, Jas. Boyd.: . Groene--Attfue K. Campbell. Indiana—lt . : B. 'Morehead. "Lebanon-- A'. Barry: • - ' Laucaster,-IGeorgeG. Rrush,Jesse Rein hold, Rm. Liiimition, P. W. llousekerper, C L. Honseiker. Luierne--H. Wright, Henderson Genf 10rd...: Mercer, Vonangn and Warrnn,—S. P. Ikealmunt, Daniel Lot(,• Samuel Kerr. Monroe and Pike—Abrahatii Edinger.' Montgomery--Josiah George Hamill, A. 13..Longakor. ,- Northaiiiptoo--,.Tolin A. = Inoue, Jeaae Pearson. • Nortintaberlan a 8 . 11 - . tininernian. Perry—Kirk &his: _ _ . (lobtiriti , Geo. Smith; E. Joy Norris; 444 Dock„‘ :Phila. County—Charles N .Leisenring, John MoCsrthy, John Thompson, .John ihnooek, Townsend Yenrsloy, Chu. Carty, Yroderiqk : K.;Natter, ;Samuel A.. Hibbs, John Roberts, Riebsrason L. Wright, Jos. 'Httnneelter.. , , • Hippie, W. R • • Somerset—Jonas Airgustinr. • 7 Suquehanna, Sullivatt. and Wyoming-- John y. Smith, ; Thomas J. Inglusm. Tiogs—T. L. Boldiein. .• Unpin and Juniatti= Gra Strouse. Mrashingtoo--G. W. Miller; D. Riddle. Wayne—Nathaniel W. Vail, York—hue Rook, Sainuel:Manoer, Ramsey. • • < • . . lierDeroonsts 66—Opposition 34. , THE CRANBERRY CURE 'Olt E,RTIHPELAII. --Yho New Haven Palladium records another csse of the complete cure of ery sipelas. by the simple application of raw cranberries' pounded - fine. '!'he ,palient was a _young lady; one' side of w hose-face had become so `swollen and inflamed' that the eye had become closed end the pain excessive. A poultice of cranberies was applied, and,. after several changes, 'the pain cented, the inflammation subsided, and. in the course of a coup* of, days, every vestige of the disease hifttisappear ed. THE PAPAL SYSTEM. six Protestant of the North, 'An . trim, Down, Lehtionderry; Tyrone, Fer 'malt agh, und.Armaugh, with a population The following Prue , w Itich we take of 1 "00.000, the numbet convicted .of i• from the - September number of eI He crimes was 2,038 :or eighty-six /cm than ~,.. . . . Axenicate AND foattiort IiiIRISTIAN UN- were convicted, in the single and thorough ; lON,':' .differs so much from the usual mode ly Popish county of Tippernry. with st .pf discussing the question of Protestantism" population less than one forth as numer ' and Catholicism, that we tire' induced to one. By the lest census of the United States, overatep'en ordinary rule and give' it tet the whole Population was returned at al our readers notwithstanding its letegth.- most twenty millirem, (19,084,347.,.) Of 'lt is with the question oPreligfetts feith la theee. 2 1 21 . 13 , 8 ? 8 we criminals eet in confinement , a t beeitin-trien. The in all other things.; 'facts •and.figures are .at t i me number o f me was a bou t 'th worth a .world of - theortical end abstract twenty-seveu them and. of whom more than hale or fourteen discussion. and it is, therefore, that this thousand, were foreigeers. Hence, the amide commend.' itself to leaders of all latter, furnished about fin •limes as man)" classes and all i e r ea ,` / i t t,,„' ;.' ", : criminals as they would, have done,, it the •• • , '. ~.- Papistry a n d P enult" -- • - - standard of =ra t tily hid been as high ' a • ;re. To der July 'leather, we gave a brief mong them its it was among the natives.—, By prison sedisties of the lour cities of article oar Popery and Pauperism, which • attracted some attention, ind Was transfer- New York, Albany, Buffalo, and Brooklyn in 1858, it was , found, that out. of 5250 red to the:column. of some of the prints, criminals. 4005 were foreigners, and ol hotii secular and religious. The, subject these last 2500 were of '10.41 birth. A is it' pore 0 4" fur , 01 ,1 .j,eauitielti eamite ° I . very striking case is a ff orded by the re, Itonid. 'When 'compelled tti admit the turns 'Riede last year by the City Marshal toolmipable feet of the poverty or Papist,. of Jersey . City, who states the whole nu in as compared evith'Preitestant, populations, her who have bette cominitted to the city. they g i°B° . if !"- er b Y la Y i "igt • wiffl • alumii prison finin thin beginning as four thou. monious airs fA that "the Gospel . is preach- r sad and one hundred, (4100 :) of whilst:" ed t° the poor, " an d el,"g them fi n de t 9 ° only„enfeely five were natives. or the a hmereal 'and mm"' b x eM P l a r Y dleei l he ' refit, three ihnuenne five berthed were This is true. —But •it is lint to their -per from Ireland. the other fureignere being but pnee..unlette. they :can show that it ill the five hundred anti . iwerity.fiee. , intent and , tendency ,nf, the 'Gospel ,to make Now the religious connections al all, Tee Pon!, keep ;them P9P 4 and, re " - this popoletion are not given. Butt as the der' them poorer and snorer to the . rtiry whole member of Ruffianism in this mien brink fifisteritation 8° till ri.°M fine ' at. ' 'try, ;according to their.,own eletemems, cin. , beffoorally deinonstrated, I hat true' y threw millions, doe* not very greatly. . po l o, aa, SO enlightner Of the; mind '" nd ' a e sa xceed the euniber of foreigners here, and refiner, of the heart, promoieeintelligenee; Ifs it is known' that the emit majerity of virtue, 1 ".. (1 " 8 " . .Y , PO !m il " ; and Ill e r 9", imittigiiints who land DO our shores ,is ( " re h "" l4 " rat " Mil t " e """ er Y ien ' in9 Y Papist', especially oh those from Ireland. towards temporal comfort end prosperity . tbs.isfersses is irresios his as Id th e . easi. Ignmanee to "eithe r ' to " ththe'r " f -de ' ly inferior morality of the Romanis's. ‘votion nor of thrift. As to tleyetiOit, the .But our labor 16 this inquiry, is 'greatly anent virfitithiP ilfey'keitt*do‘ heat 'ant, +mailed by th e theeankaliell of th e nee. as ur•thrili, it' is truly said by Soldninfi; a H. ;'-liteyrnour. , 'Tilts gentlemen wss a oaltich food Is in. theltillagelof thin poor t •ertnan.ef the , Church of Eitgleritl. but, thereM,teatli ilestrpyed for went of . i . , tu iing in PueeYfren, "that cress-mad judgment.' ; Out ignprenee ttut,the-k . 00 we'f ' wile,' lie went 'over to 'hitt "seat of edge oeit4 rue Gotla n d his retrileuwilt si n an. o Vi s i ting R ome ; m e. , where he, i 4 the fated, likkietY:` 11 ° 11 "m" dev "' in , his in eeerity and exalted , fereor. 'expert , tioe is the dlidetCeouteti of ' ptipitler - igno-* taiteet:reouhing in ,much equalid and beg- yd to 6" th e rv"ll` air f m gmilt .w ith the dor of sanctity; be found die ettnespherc gayly pauperism, and in gonerel, priya now ~ il., , rouoleitt- of corruption, heave sod ilahk of inorals, Havieg ii:erelttt°r"h(jell.V.nia' . with the feel stenches of Papal volution, coiseil ilei hornier of these re trite W, 5 o°. Sliocke'll end astonished, he reviewed his on " I ' the " e """ i ' ! "" ii "" "f th eititi " r. religious multi . ..none; , and: no the result.' The keaat and M e " " ab l e ''' thl Vl t Y, i ," went penitently back 'to the Church he the W n Y . 1 i th e Popi t h ' l thit". - g at t " e bud forsaken. Moved , by what lie had I # l, felt_of - this practioal argument ' upon hi.; poverty which 14104 II panel his en re !' refill's 'tied ,- reettiltwee . et w pere hie, awn multi, lie. busied 'deem ffin collenting , . I ... o.4,Aegi tt. ' 1 .iin.!.,o. tilt. etiontimitta:,Agtoorrateiettirreee - rghflig: a". lloved,Yi • 141 ' 'Pt`vel? 74 ' nfril O i n thil European etiontrfer4 coilllfiiiii:'lffiieeltiii made honorable and .eeneratile by .14k , ,e." 11 'denims :against. the Sixth noel Seventh piety end 'hared' treasuresOfgrace .te tette. .cemaisetheeele. or offencelf- against life On tee mitorery, it )5 that sir le ef. lnwee• and chastity. Front. an 'able review. of ty Which is made sordid by . laziness,. by this pamphlet, in ilie"Bultvark.'' we give untlirift. and Fry dir t i aunt '' is allied ml"*". tish sensuality, to tette? and morel prtifliga. the following condensed emitters; 1. As to Murder.—From tables laid Iv ey., Let ue be unAretood. ;,We say out fore Perliament, and published by order flint there are tin uP,riglit rich ,mee eminig, of the House, in 1852, ii appeal! 'lint the Romanist, ; nor do we say there are . no rotate mother olconfiniiirds fair murder. iit' virtnetie poor Batting them ' % V° fully England end W aloe; 'or the ten veers en concede that there are' many 'indieitifrift d ,,,,, "5 ism, was 718 ;: whicii gisiis All aver epee of the one class . or the Other. licit, age ill : less- than 72 for eaeit year---iiot what we say is, that,. Rs eompared . with , POUR 111Nafth lilaillOo,ol 1110 Ip;Spolation. Proteseint „ eneillations. : t h efete!' A Vile. ' Again from a reture laid ou the ti n ! , 'le of prepeittleramie of 'ioti vice and . crime of th e ilaa . o ,bf . caremaas.„.4 , nprests that every grade chargeable to the Whale b urly . front Juts, 18:30,, to April; 1839, the total of pers ists. •.' 1 t• • , , number of motemiitalit ter murder iu Ire- Innpureeing our remarks, we shall "r e ' r farel was 645—being X. yearly'average of state thefects in the ,case, and. then trace 295, , , . 295, or TIIIIINV.THRICH , inurtleirs to each this. Stale Of 6,,,, to it s qiVI. 55 0 5555 5 (nation 1 'And ' it' is .it remarkable fact, in P o itee.Y. itself a system 4 rel * i "" that within the legit ten years . jos, since and morals. '' ' •• • the relative :proportions of •the Pruteetam .As to thefacfs,. we shell 'abide by fertile , ,r . elm iipish populations of Ireland. blew early learned, and; lonupractired. by. us, begun to change in- fa vorfof the 'former, 'mutely to Le: sure o o h s! lii_eini. wil l TheY,," Ireland's moral condition haa'been getting be drawn from respble , anu , refiebi3O so much, better that ace orating tit' 'mother thwthhet'lle: • ' -- 'return laitlbefitre Padtainetiu in 1851. the The ' mm" et melu a l e &M" de "f treat; annual average ofm cominals • for murder this branch .oft the, subject •viteuld . be, to , ii , the preaawa seven years was' only 130,, iitsthula 5 . S er i e,, L p r 't"Mt l) "thm"" 4 ,,."'" , ‘ fa , r or about NINETEEN to emit" milltior ! instance, but weeu the repuhlice of, Qmittl- Ag u i,, , f rom 1 1, teat return , la m w are . 'eel America and the United , Stetes 9 , 1 the King of Belgium, by mite' Meister of North= 'A imirice';' or 'between 'the 'Pattie ,Juntice, and publholiell in 1852, it appeara cantons of Switzerland find the Protestant the , ;be yearly average 01 . , murder ilcillat cantons, ell being under the ea me civil goy. I country is 84, which gives KISIITEEN e'er ern went ;.or between. Popish Irelaed,a , nd I tiers to the million, 'fir four and a Itaif Protestitet Scotiand,..both of these aloe b e-: times mere the ill th itEdigian ' ' ' 1° e the'r,a me tii'vil . geveritinent • or even en tli b n etvie en ihese (metics Of Ireland it.' " A g M ") from the " C °MPle E'Eneral de l' innde la paler aim :tulle en self-where , the invitee! prevails,' and those admistratio itl•ence, 1851." presented by eounnend to in which the Reformed religion- predotai nate/ ;or the (Impart/pp. ,night d s the Emperor by' the Minister of Justice, between Popish Ausiria, sip' p riissispt tool printed. in "1853, mid :also from' the Pruida, lying side by side at:between Re . P , Sialisque moral de la' France," by M. ,', Guerry. himself it member off the ChUrch mish Belgium `lint! Protes lent Holland, et sti next-door unignborm . Him, t hie. t v eti m k of Rome, whinh has been 'approved anti take „„ l adopted . by the Royal Acatletn v of Steen'. require a vjew. Parisi tv'e'fitel the annual a,e &volume in its d g e n e e e lc ri t e tm ti,: t i t v , e e ,', a 4 . i l t , " , t i, t i e il t r . iin er two wide a eeepe fpr time , apace we lorconimittils'fill murder in France itt a• can, ' ; bout 4089. whichrgiree THIRTY ONE Pflii'- iii)tirb:' %%olio wishes ro'eurveY' all th is dere 40 each Million, 'or seven and a Miff ground will - find it laid 'fullY ) dperi to '1 in:a inert valuable work tiy,R ee . N enn t e l n ial t , i limes , more , than r in 'Er/gland. , Rommel ,p 1 , Paris, entitled, e",Calllolie end I,: ::Agtliti; the siiiiiitica . f At . istla c ir , e l 'inesi ,: Protestant m a i." c pulpore o_ i n . th e ir i.carelully kept by an minx's, t ninis• Th ree 4 o l4 'Rhbitin ts t o ' w ea l t h , K aa wi.liionfur Statistics ;" from. the later tof edge. - snd Morality';'" traeslatrid ' into En these Published lag Year. in two volumes: 1 glish, anti recently reprinted in this wren. I slid entitled "Die AYalistik des, flealerr. try in, a tdatmely-printed octavo. .Itis a I etehilehen Kniseestatiltee ,''_ w e . find that W the yearly average of murders in Austria, perfect: t esourusAp ,this settle" it • "1 ,. . .. „. , would also refer " t„ Dr. Dill a "Irelerees one of, tne utmost intettratey , Pop i s h cue nt. Aliseries';'"'and tcr , Mr. - Virylie's treaties onlr-i oB .io Europe, iti 13.20.; bailie THIRTY' u r he p a pab i . o ~. ' :, =:,.. .' ' -.• •' I elk murders to each million, or nine tittles But. are we mint go a allover. way to Moore than in Englend. work, ,contenting ourselves, with: a brief 't . Fart her,-:the governmental return• of bet conclusive array of facts bearing Upoll ',SH OWS in Bavaria, whieh lir" also regulary the question. In . England the populatton I published, and the latest of which are ee ls; twenw:orei` millions'. Of these, less flitted . elleitrage „rim Slidishkides Irani:. than i'quarter' of a million were feoinitfi'.. retch. 'Bayern, von Hermann, Munchen, istti when the last census was taken. Ily.! 185:3;' thaws that the•ye.mly uverege, of ar;i g ientat u returns, obtained and printed . murders in that country is 311. Which be the zealous Popeling Lucas in his „when compared with tu the' a'ount rif the . "tablet." the whole number of prisoner ' s , ptipitiniitin, that bribe cense!' Of 1849 Was' in the Oily of England on tile' 25th of Sep- '4,320.751, gives *bout sneer moue . inua-' tember, 1852, was . thousand days to each milliee !! or 'seventeen. timee six hundred and, twenty...two,.( 21,622.) 1 more than in Etigialid- , • , As to six hundred and, sixty-two (662) . It appears that, there ar no. official or of these the religious beiief was not know ; , .. !governmenal t returns from Spain ur Port - Of the rest, two thousand nine hfindred . ogal : therefore Mr. Seymour, whose fig and fifty -(29501 wets whet are' culledl tires are drawu exclusively from such Roman Catholics. That is to say, the i latter, though but vne eighty-fourth part I . * The Master of the Altashouee in the sawn of the population, furnished aseventh part iyt reported that, lest year, 242 were admit of the criminals, or tweive limes as miny ly whom bufierhe were Natives, 2 ticotele tf tin, 4 Euglish antle22l Irish ! Of as_ they they would have done , had , the murals 'ly 500 families of outldoor poor relieved, only of the Romanist part of the population :sa t were American. Thus, hat fur the foreign been as good us those of the Protestant population, the • city might almust dispense pa • rt In Ireland in the year 1851, in the with almslio---,..... and prison both. TWO MijUit.i iiPt:'IN;g1111; 1 NUMBER , 34,' '`‘ semen, is obliged to pass igen, by. pot. in order to give some proximate idit pr. the state of erime'in that penlititill.' he. quotes, in pasSingp a French intlfririty, , who state that in Spain the murders arid' ettempie at murder amount, on the'Yearly Average, to about 250 to each Million of the population! ' And now as to the Italian Staters. The first of these isSardinia. which Wet pris• , maim distingdslied above all the rest for its progress in free institution,. . . 'And it ifppears by the returns of crime giken ' from the police in , Alfieri; and cited by' him in Mitterninier, that in that kingdom the yearly . average of murders is 101 So that the moment We come' to a . ?eolith ' country in which the struggles of the' pen. ple have snmetvliat 'relaxed the 'PROW yoke, the proportion of murders' instantly drops down to 7witrirr in the million' 7 .-r The next Italian province is the two lotrit.. , *dies, where the Pope is still 'impoline. and 'aetuntlingly 'the pniportion' of crime iustantly arises again for by the remota' of blinerinaler, the yearly average of - ma.. dery in the' lointbardies is a 226, 'or 'abmit . Per-Five to each millioh 'irkthii pupal"- " don !. Next hi (polaris higineto Testan'y.. in which, according to the same authority.' the returns of all' climes for the nifie years ' ending 1838. giveB.l murders on the yearly average , making PIPTY MURDERS to Mitt million, or twelve Wad' lOW times 'More than alt England! In Sicily again, the re turns for several years, ai given in Mittel`- " snider. make the annual average ormur.. tiers 174, Which gives ahem fvustrif"to each' million, Or .twent:y-trio end it laff donee inure than in Eugland. ' And now as ' to' the Papal States.'' The Pontifical government, naturally arlainua to enshroud in"darkness the dreadfai state iif the motility, have taken are to ,, puldfilli no' fficial returns of crime; `'But; happily for our subject, front - the stshadcaf inforda. !ion which Dr. Bowring Procured endue tune since, by order ' of the Britleligoverw. metit,'for of immeicial' purposei, end . *liieht has b'eeti'grin ted by (infer of Parliament, the anntlal aierage or min:dere in the Pap al States , cen he lately reckoned et 339, widely, as die population is only 3,998.116, . givessaluive 'ma: ituennen AND THIIIITRik to each midiou of the poptilef,on. or twen ty eight times inure that iirEitglandl 'But it.sbeins that Popery owns a more fearful Art(1412111;1 than this. , For in the neighbor ing Itin,gdom of, Naples, whieh is, if posei*, ble, inure Popish thou the Pape, States themaelves, and in which, in tB4B, the- Pope took refuge .when , flying from, 'hips own subjects, the criminal calends, ol ono• year,, as gicee in Minernutier—end th',t the year. 1832. long before the scenes of •ilre , lasr, ; revoltition- 7 .uotheins-. the - awful 1 iftiMber n1;19,45 marders.r,- , ,wliMhout 442.. (tepid:ohm wits then jade over 5,000,990, , makes ONE 1111:41RED AND, nevem:ll.'o,w murders to the millinii.• or fortskthrec mul. a half times inure than in heretic England t Whitt, iii the whole of Italy, where the Church of Rome is supreme, and ,where neither Bible ,nor, heretic is tolerated, ,we gather from t• be same authorities that the vearly act-rage of murders is 19138! Wenak Dr. Wisenimi if he can find any thing to retiel this aiming the Nollawks, the Olieru , ! . keep'', .n. the Uziffres; and this lathe land. in, which there are upwarda of 1::Q,000 priests, monks and nuts! And yet there are stilt . liiultd Popish priests ; and newpepaper•edil tore whir itusFe the ignorance, or the,ttittis• city. or both, to rase the question or . comparative onorainy of . Prelettlant. allo • Popish countries. • ' , , Who in not struck thig continuative disregard of Inuits!) fain land, which are,—initt ever have beim, under Poptile leeching end Oontrol r 'Papery hitt the was in the days' when . she. tfie.ttlell'it. gainsuthe 'llefoniters the potent Weapons of the tun+ and the en.ortl, se if tlitly- were- diseased Limbs for which . lio remedy Witl left but the knife'and cautery. ';Cruel and murderous' as over. she still miints her own (portraiture in blood,' though it is mnsity the blood of her own hapless'ehildren: Weprueeed with the secime branch of= Mr. Seymour's investigation, availing our of the, same' condensatiun of stateinonts: • ' 2. As to breaches of the seventh corn . mond:newt—Mr. Bsymore . takes first a few , . . nr me great capitate, commencing , with , f ondun ' 'NS Registrar General's returns to ParliaMent of the numbtr of birth' in , England and Wales l'or 1851,-gives 78.- , 31W for the' London divi,:ion, which eon• . tiins population of 2,36'2,237. Of ,ihia number 75,097 wore legitimate. and 3303,, illegitiMate, Which show' that , .ply four , per cent of the births in that greaipetrop. olis of . the world are ; and the returns fin' ilia previous year give the time proporiton. , , Now. in Paris,tweoty year. ago, accord- tag to M Gamy, in the Stutestique Mar. ale, the proportiun of illtigitiniate to mate' births was ,'1 to 1 77-100; and the Prefeet's returns for 1850, piiblished by the Bureau des.Longitudes, give the total' number of births in Paris lair that year as 20,628. of hicli 19.921 were legitimate: 9707 • were illegitimate. In other word., in the capital of France, twenty years ago, 35 per cent, or more than one third of the native population were bastards Turning next'to Belgium. the militant! /mast of Popery! 'Flue goverment returns for 1850 give the total number of births in BRUSSRILm at 5281, of which the legitimate were 3448, and the illegitimate 1833, mak. ids; the' illegitimate births Own 35 per cent ;.or nearly onedhird• of the whole 1 • Yet, even this deplorable state of thing* is better than the condition of Popish MUNICH. the capitol of Bavaria. By the returns (or the year 1851, the Intel num ber of births in, that city was 3461.' and of those 1702 were, legitimate, end 1702 ills. „sitimate! In other words. fort, deli per cent. or near one-half Orate population en illegitimate!! Turning next to Vissea, we end from the statistical table. . prepared by the lir penal commisolok and pnaland then io 1852, that the total number ablation Oa; oily in 1849 iva, 19,24101 which Nitk legitima e, aogl 10,880. or soitok ova* ome Hail, were Oleginiton,,44l4 from' thi. ease tables, it iiPplain MEWS