DY R, BUEHLER, VOLUME .XXVLI .: The Praynirleoni One. Be; never: prays l The God of heaven hai watchal O'or all his, steps, and with that.carefal eye Wltich,never sleeps, has guarded him frori death him' from danger. Through the hours , . Thelhotight:fess hours, of youth, a hand unseen Has gearded all his' footsteps o'er the wild And thorny paths of life, and led him on In party through them till. In later days, Still Same hand has ever been his guard Prom dangers seen and unseen. Clouds have '• lOwered,, • Atallentimatioft have burst•above his head, But that.prolecting bandit:to warded off The th ituder.s crakes of death and still he stands A uto,nunkent of mercy. . Years have passed, Qf varied dangers and of varied guilt,.. lint still .the shelterinw wings of love have been Outtiptead in mercy o or him.. Ho bath walked Upon the 'beauteous earth for many years,. Andlkies and• Atom, and dat magnificence 'Of mighty waters', and the `warning. voice That.speaks 'amid the'tempest, • and• the' notes Of ,stiflor kale that float .on evening winds— All 46134:we told Om of a God who (Anima This homnouof the scud., And ho has lived, And thpin in tbeirglory as they stood Tlid"'alorkiaiinhllip 'a cod ; tied there-juts • lire:idled Around him, even from infancy, a voice, That told of mercy bending o'er him With looks ligul streetoCHß.--)Ut btayed Ilythat seraphic mercy, still he, stands, Coldll%W anitimling.as the , rock that braves The ocean : still he-Lnever prays ! • 110 never prays I A leuely.wandcrer cast On life's wild thorny desert, urging on his beeilless steps through many a secret snare And mutiny a (laagor. Parlitwsi closes round Ilis dubious path, save hero hint there a ray That fills' along the gloom, hat still he seems From some bewildered nicteor of the To usk for guidance and direction. still. • Ito never prays— Earth's many voices mend their songs ' Of grateful rake up to the throne Of the Eternal—moraiag, now:, and titght, • On crew Alfl annul, mu, ove the n o t e s Of adueation, gratitude; dad joy ; The laka,'the grove', the.valley, and the hill, Swell the loud chorus—and some happy hearts, Redeemed from error and restored to peace, And pleat communion with the llolv One. in the glad, the humble, blissful strain L. 7Put . 'still—he never prays! OVJuing sprmidm Her solemn shales ammud him and the Ivurld r 4.). diia upon his eyo, mylmany stars, 'S'Llateiell in glory O'er the vitith of Leaven, MI the spirit to retire awhile From earth and its low vanities, and neck The high and holy intercourse with God Vouchsafed to mortals here—hit uever prays When morning kindles in the eastern sky, Willi all its radiant. glory, and the sun COMM up ii, majesty and o'er the earth Wakes all her 11(61.` trines to busy life, And Urini solitude that, reigned Eretrltilrt-e'er Nature's face ; when on his eye Earth smiles iat Beauty 'neath the lucid ray, fathtiretr s'oli*ters pew. their strains of j oy '''Upn his ear ;still not a note of praise Innoble prayer arises from his lips. .2klnrn after mord trs,urns in ailAs,swect , AO peaceful loveliness, and oftinvites Ilis spirit to commune with Cud; but still lie 'spores the 04r—still lie never prays. Short is the dream of life. Its day of care Its hours of pleasure soon will pass away And on the wenderinz eve shall pour the broad Iltmetising splendor ofhlternity. wlcm the scene of lifit : have faded ell Like Menhir , visions, and toy' spirit stands Vetere the JudgmentThrine,nod findsits deeds And words and thoughts all registered in heu 7Up 1 . 1111. V n. not k found recorded there f tee—l : `e, never prays. Tun. LORD'S PILAIINIt.—The following specimens °Oho Lord's Prayer, in the style in. use, at various periods, will exhibit the .changes which our vernueular has undergoes slow its i9rtikatiOnt six centuries ago: A. it 1258 Fader uriii Iteune, hale we hie heoth thi menne, eunten ilti kuneriche thi wine booth henite and in erthe. n The enerych Notioe kindly her little er ; so• soon us I gets op and goes Ell de 10101111QU and efforts to promote your door mut opens it ,`I goes on di, b i lte p walk nainfort. Do not take them all as a mat• end nano loht ahlips, mid I.talla ilowil•iiii teeof courbe rind pass them by, at the same mine hack 'and breaks all de bones in mine time. being very‘ sure ta observe soy ontis;• body ; I feels mitte , hatitl ott , de t.litep valk biou ef what you consider duty to you -- and- tied it bin all , covered mit soft seam Do not , treat her with indifference, if.you I dries to'rase mine self; but -I but•Serdieß• would col sear and palsy her heart, which, try dat I Junin fells beture I getup; oust w4t.ereiel 4y, kiiielll49b,, Wilkie SO the, latest den mine vile 'Croille end help me, unit boils' day of your exibtenceolirilb, With, sineensi me from de shtep valk in (de door; ye del aud constant affection. Soma:nein yield not hear de cats den, null so ve go'sie to do I your wishee to hers. She has preferences beds'again ;ten soon as ve lie down I heats is,stroegas you, and it may. , be just,- as de eats ao vorse-as do oder tiniti , --1 holm trying to her to yield her choice as to , you. notingit , but cuts ,; I miter 'vas sia.,mnelt Do you elauk it hard to yield someAtucle? afraid except:intice ven a lager beer barrel' Think you tt,is difficult for her to,giso up ily in , bisects; I gtnotrui •tl w vindow and 1 always 7- if you never yield to her, wishits, dlnksi hoar* dem mil Ate awning: I ' gits there is slanger Mat she will illicit jou. ma 'lad my tint trips on route shiringa are ectilsh. and camel:ly for yourself; aod pod veil I hill I hear ono loud cat shquall with Pugh feVliugs 'alie cannot love as star dal fright Me CO din I ilioks 1 tip flit out m o t : s A g „;„, show pur4 ir t wukty, Jo More Nihree !Mottoes! ca's ; van I , Cali i Olaf, tour wife eau look up to ,zou, and. gel' tip - I -led* -'-oia -de ititrios, nil,'l PO that you will act nobly, riud,tltat she Valks 01'1 fi nd it belt t . I brine' 'de - 7 3air - curi6le in your judgment- . box to de vincloW e Katrina gets. de lump i --•.:... , ~.„.....,, _ t ......,..,— , ti nil dere, ye tind in do long vood „ slum hlsatY ettullitions areolilty iboilPiti br I ) 6 x 8.6 ' 60 e ats 'eat iala Oxell the 3 v ; 'RI - silence, (or the abseteAst 41*w! lii en noteli'hiales,sins clitid;ll6 side of ile box ; g o * wo w thought piatc i ig - 4. ( spar ~, I unit do Ok i * 0 "0 P °l in d'' box iqit liir rcktyko. . , . ; :*. ;. ?r - ,i, ..% I heads shtick. out,' of 'he hole'; init At't t ipl.i.. -, -- - - 7 -7,- 7--- -rit, ',- 1 7- "' - ' , l • er side de box:vati eieseitlnetle noteltfiole,s i = i llff: who, imp ,N4l 4. tutvt , vitro vaa Jo ouni*itki• 140 A il'illiiilf, VA t h4r. h v ar .0:4 4,04 1 ,,A. v 011t0, .. . :. , TWO DatLAP,4II:4•ANti,U3I. NUMBER t 4. to altde:cat's delis; I know dat tle,eats' tome florin de box by demselves, and so I look to see veto vas de boys; I'eomes do sliming down againi. goes on de etite,o. valk so soft as I cad, and I finds , vere do slitrings comes down from de awning; I keeps hold ee attiring till I find it come to a big sugar hogshead by de next homes, and dere I find - done boys ; yust tlen say oVateh l" and de. he'll:emelt cornett and (lakes de boys to de'Dooms ; I Nevus day lade seine boys as trouble 'me The Court—Boys;'what have' you got to say fur yourselveit, for edett con duct t ? Well, one, day we were a paying in front of l ib's 'ere:rdan's;lsiter'beer *ltems and he come out and threatened , to lick ue if we didn't atop;. .We kept on and hum-by lie..comes, to the ; ,Moor when we wean% a looking in v ent, othreal., a pailful of dirty water on 'Us. Wa. thollght we'd got as good a right lo the street as he hatl,, end so we made up,enr minds to be evets with, him, and so we. got, the box,and OP?, and serenaded him, ' - • ,11r,-1-lolzankamp stated that ho babti the boy ' s a few days before ; as detteribed. Tile boys promised pot to .bother lager beer saloon keepers any mores in. : coneid• oration;of which they were discharg4 • A PAINFUL SCRNII4—We find Ike fellow ing aketelt among the correepontlenceif the Boston - Journal. No, reflections of ours 'can add twits beauty , and pathos, or deepen the force of its, simple. eloquence. l'lt'has brought tears to our eyes,, , albeicuou. sed to weep.' and. that' man or women Must be hardened indeed on whom it ` dries nOt preduce's shitilir efibk'. ' The Writer says, As painlul a scene met my • view in the cars from Philadelphia to New York, trt ,1 had ever'seen iri li my joartulys. 1 A lady iand her, husband c ame into the oareelthe Inner.. place, and , were seated tietir„ug— vtrV, reop.;eta i ide n appattranceatfil theledy in particular, uncommonly ,interesting.-- After a little while i noticed a edrange man -1 tier iu the gentleman, whirl' ,seemed as indicate he was not in favor al Alw Maine Liquor Law.. At every place the cars stop. ped he evidently .replen islitvl the vacuum ' Mid! , throat by a . new ./Irink, until he [could notsit willrmt help to his seat. He Wen rose hashly and went and opened the .ar...lour and seated himaelf in it. wig hide ,feet limiging ()inside ilia wife was.rouch !distressed, and tried to proutil upon /dm I to come in, and he gave her a push which i a I ittoatiu . r. t lici tu the tiettir , Twege it tletrien it And, w Ith the aid of the : conductor. he ~ was Itelia,o,4itt and placed Ma reclining po t slitoluttfunfer•of •fink sydlsgottnentis ,:a. win.. I diptr. , , He ; noon 81)1)0 , m:illy fell' asleep— and it was eaough to fireak ons, heart to. see, the attention 9 lit that. ( holed wile loisheil, it pett her senseleas, hiiShand.,— She covered ,Itint up with her ahawl to keep Ate, dust ,frem iaaking him, uncaught- I table, if Ina hands fell in an . milkmen po. lanion she ,gently replaced them,- and per.. hap 4 bedewed them, won a tear. lia.tore arriving in New To& aim seemed anelotts to have him wake, 'and asked one, ol the guatletnett io "pkase wake lair tie it ,was 1 4: 9 44 11 0 4 4! aim5 . ;.. 141 4 411(1 not know.what o A I. tL", , Two pr s tlirep reused Wm alifile, and then .alto weatii, him with -a street 'autile, and, , eye ; ".We, have got almost to. pi, ivy ip T jt o mi t.on.gl;4tl, you are , so tir ivi ;' a' 14 , 1 /eo ( r;fek kr in Etefece• ~ Slims had the sympadtv 4 9f all in , the ear,, I know, for there was many a niniat.eye. among the 'lpilie4,imil aptly a . bitter bud... m.4110010(10 cheek. , Arrived in New York,, he 'would Ill4'l leave ; the carpi till Ini,was ordeal by the condurtor,; and her attentions in ,pritattitig• the ferry wire nVIISSIOOLIS ItB ever mid met with push..a and blows from her brutal 11ualiaitil. The 'bat J saw of her she was liu the hfnffell9 on the Now York side. beJ• ging him to go ,and see to their baggage. land hra.tatvered her site. was a fool—to uniiii her own .busineas. &e., My travel. ing companion remarked, .. Filet le Wom. only love. and when l i e, ;peaks kindly, to her ay , tin,l. she will forget, it all.''.