i;rtv r &T. 11. 4 ' -. VOLUME XXVI,.I Reineinsbrances • ppm at he hour when evening throws • ,„ its,gathering shades o'er vale and hill, • While half ibe,seene in twilight glows, And half in sunlight glerma '''The thought of all that we have' been, And hoped, and fear'd, on liib's long way ; flehiembranees of joy nnd pain— , , Come mingling with the close of day. ,! Thd distant scene of youth's bright dream, t; • The smiling green, the rustling. tree, nturna t ar of the grass.fringetl stream, , • ~• The ,houuding of the torrent free—. e friend;,who.sa fender voice no more 4 ' 'bhalf ikweetly•thrill the listening e.,arr-••- : • 1 Thd grew 'thiii, I . .. Orb's. first vision worts.— pangs--aro here. .• . • • ~,;Aut soft oe'r (mob reviving scene The chastening linos of Memory spread; And smiling each dark thought betvVcen, Hope satttms every. tear we shed. , ' thut,..wheiii)euth's long : night comes on,' • And its 'dark shades around Me lie, • May parting beams front' l'ilemory's sun softly in tuy (treeing sky: Burial Of. a ..,,ty4o. following touching description, I/ria:for graphic :power,' siniplicity and .:pathos. is hardly equalled in the English llhingsage, doseribeti the interinent of Dung and beautiful child, whose sweet . fleas of disposition and purity of character ,articaloulated to interest deeply the heart of every mutter.) "Along the crowded pathway they bore borwow ; pure as the newly-fallonymw that covered it ; whose day on earth had ..been as fleeting. Under that porch where ill', had sat, when Ileaven in its mercy brought her to the peaceful spot, she pas sed again, and tho old church received her itt, its, quiet &unlit.. _They carried her to one old nook; Where she Lad many a time sat causing, and laid their burden softly on go pavement..T!io light strcanied vti it through the colored window—a„:wiu dow w here the bows of trees , Wqrd''ollol' rrustlingibe sum_mer...and: whore the birds sang sweetly all day long. With every breath. of air that stirred among those, brunekett in the sunshine, tome trem bling, illatiginglight would fall upon her graye, gud' to earth, ashes to ashes, duatja dust.. Many rr young hand drop. 1 pill its its little wreath, many a stifled sob was /marl Some—and there were not a few—At - mit ,down. All wore sincere and truthful in their sorrow. The service done, the mourners stood apart, and the villagers closed around to look into the grave before the pavement stone should be replaced. One called to mind how pe had seen her sitting ou that i•ory spot; 'Mid hew her book had fallen, 'in her lap, .1% she WAI,9 piing with a pensive upon the ski. Anoill'or told how her had wondered ritual that - one so delicate as she, should be so hol.1; how she hail never I feared to enter the church alone at night, but had loved to linger there when all ! was quiet ; and even to climb the twer' stair. With no more light than that of the l • swoon's rays stealing through tin:loop-hole in the thick old wall. A whisper went about among the oldest there, that she had seen and talked with angels; and when they called to mind how she had taiked, and spoken, and her early death, Some thought it might be so, indeed,— "l'hus, coming to the grave, in little knots, sud'glancing doWn, and giving place to odors, and falling of in whispering groups ,of three or four, the church was cleared I in time of all but the Seaton and the mourning friends. They saw the vault c °tared and the atone . fixed dawn Then when the dusk of evening had (novo' on, and not a sound disturbed the sacred stillness of the place—when the bright 1110011 poured in her light no the „..sOttib and monument, on pillar, wall and itch, and most of all tit seemed to them) upon Ger quiet. grave—in that calm time, when all outward things and inward thoughts teem with assurance of immortal ity, and , worldly hypes and foarek are hum bled in the dust before them--then, with tranquil and submissive hearts they turn- od away,'and• left the child with lied.— Oh I it tehard to take to heart the lessons that 1114s41ailis will teach ; 'but let bo 11: . 111Sejspilt. for it is one that:4log, learn, and is a mighty universal truth.— 'Whet; , death strikes down, the innocent and' young, for every fragile fortu from Which ho, lets the panting spirit froe, a huinlmt, virtues rise, •itt shapes of mercy. charity and lova,. to walk the world and. Id* it. Of every tear that sorrowing mor tnle shed on such green , graves, some good ?is born, some gentler nature comes.. In 44 deatmer's steps, thereopring upbright creations that defy his power, and Ib is dark path becomes way at light; to heaven.--- hiclrens. , A.Gets FROM AN OLD Boox.---it ha el ioquotltlgand truly been said, that if Chris tianity. .were - compelled .to flee from the4mansions of the great, the academies of ~ Philonophers, the halls of• leg islatora, , or throurr.of busy men, 'we should find 41'hoclast retreat with women at the fireside. Hot last audience would be the children ~githering rounu the knee ot , a mother; the Itelreaccifice. the secret prayer, escaping in ~..sllettce from her lips, and heard,perhaps, r Audy.at khe. throne of God. .H#RIPTo no.-4 pugnadoas anonymous .1, correspondent of the Richmond Christian Aidsocate,., threatens to stop the Editor'e ..thoutl4 jibe does not shit pe.his words more ;to , hiti liking. To • this the editor humor untidy-replies t-- ."To such and all others, who seem very ;col:MMus, to atop our aloud), we beg to suggest that they may be laboring under .:a.erirall• mistake in the matter of their abil p fly to,do that. Wo are persuaded that fiber hips% not seen our mouth. II they t would only "come and sealer themselves' -,mselook at: the gash nature made Amiss bur lace, would satisfy them of the fruitlessness of their efforts to stop it I-- 11011 m visaged resolve that sings, nt,' first you don't succeed, Try; t#agaiu,'' wettiot, pale' bpforo .thal opening ßettor • It -- • gtve it up. • _ From Sapdtv4City ( Ohio) Mirror. THE LOST BOY.-' • AN INCIDENT IN. THE OHIO PENITENTIARY .WkIIDEN4,I , . , I bail been bu t a tew months in charge ~. of the -prison. when my attention attrac ted to, aiu deep interest felt. ..in, ,the, nu merous boys ,arid., young men who , wore conlined : therein and permitted to : work , in the same shops with old and harderindeou.", viols. Thin Ipterest was hicreitsed'an ov.-,1 cry oven . . . . ingos I. saw, thorn, congregated_ in gangs,parching to 'their ,silent and thence - to. their gloomy ,bedroems, which are more like living . sepulchres: with iron .shrouds, that. 4 sleeping ,apart meats. These young men and toyer ,he kg generally. the shortest„ in... height, brought up the rear of, the companies, as they marched to tho. terrible ,e.loak-st.cp," andeonsequently 'nom easily attracted pt: tention.: To. see . Bo. many,. yeuthful forms and bright countenances mingled with the. hardened scoundrels, whose .visages, beto kened vice,.malice and crime, was: sicken ' ing to the soul. Bet.thero waaoneawong the boyn,,a lad aboutaoyenteen .years of age, who had particularly attracted my,itt-I tention ; not from anything,auNrior in his countenance ~ or general.,appearanee, but by the look of utter despair which ev er sat upon his ,brow, and the silent, nh complainincumyner ia. t which he submit ted to nlf'tho hardships and degradations of prison life. 110 was often complained of, both by officers and niou, and I thought unnecessarily, for light and: trivial offences against the rules of propriety ; yet he sel dom had any excuse or apology, and never 4„,;,,i a c h arge . li e took the reprimand, .and once a punishment without a. tear or murmur, almost .as a matter of course; I Seemingly thankful that-it was no . worse:l He had ovidently seen better • days, and I enjoyed the light .of home, parents and .friends, if not the luxnries of life. But the light of hope seetnedtohsve gone ,out, -his health was poor—ltiefacepaleltii frame fragile—and no fire beamed. in his dark gray eye I thought,Awry -night, as I saw, him march- to his gloomy. :bed. that I would go to him; andlearn his his.. tory—but there wore so many. duties-, to performoo much to learn, and do; that day. after day passed, and I wouldmegleet him—having merely learned that his name: was Arthur Lamb, and that his crime was .burglary and larceny. indicating. a very: had boy for one so young. Ho had alrea dy been there a year, and had two more to serve I lie never . could outlive, his son. tettim,and his countenance indicated that he felt it. Ile worked. at stone.euttingi len did State Mouse---lietuxi. my. apportion. L tiesfor sexing.: him .wyre . less Chita, tliounb , had wo ked a tho prison -yard-..-still his pule face haunted ine.day end .night—Jj and I resolved that 013 the next Sabbath ; { as lie came from school, I would send for hint and learn his history. It happeued, however, that I wee oue' day •in a store, ! waiting for the transaction of sonic -hush: nem, and having picked up au old paper I: read and re-read, while delayed, -until at, last my eye fell open an advertisement of , l "A Lost 'Boy !--Information wanted of a boy named Arthur —," (I will not give his real name, for, perhaps he is still lir. , ing ;) atid.then followed a description' of the boy—exactly eorresponding with -that of the young .conviet—Arthur lamb 1.-- Then there was somebody 4 .w . ho.'eared for the poor boy, if, indeed it. was him ; haps s mother, his father, his brothers and sisters, who were searching .for The advertisement was nearly a ,year old: —yet I doubted not—and soon as the con• i victs were lucked no, I sent for 'Arthur Lamb. Ile came, as a matter of cootie, with the same pale • uncomplaining face and hopeless gait—thinking, no doubt, that something huitgone wrong, and been laid to his charge. I was examining the Convicts' Register when ho came in ; cud when I looked , up, there he stood a perfect image of de. spair. I^ asked him his name. Ho re- plied : "Arthur." "Arthur what ?" said I sternly. "Arthur Lamb,"" 'no answered hesitatingly. • "Have you a father or mother living?" His eye brightened—his Noice quivered as tie exclaimed : "Oh'. have you hoard from.mether ? is she alive ? .is she well 1" and tears, which I had never seen him shed 'before, ran like great rain-drops down his cheeks. As he becotne calm from suspense,. I told him I had not heard from his parents, but that I had a paper.l wished him to read.: lie took the advertisement which I had out from • the paper, and as be read it ho exclaimed : • ~T hat's me ! that's ntel and again sobs and mars choked his utterance. _ I assured him that. tho:advertisoment Nts all I could tell him about his pare nts —and that as it reque,sted information, I desired to knotv what I should wriM in re- The advertisethent'directed informa. Oen to• be sent to the editor of the Chris; tian Chroniele, New York. . "Oh, do not, writer' he said, nit will break my poor mother's heart 1" • , I told hint I Must write ; and that it would be a .lighter blow to his. mother's feelings, to know : where he was, than the terrible uncertainty which must hanq hpr mind day and night. So ho conscntod, - ; and taking him to my room, I drew frOin him, in subStatice, the following story r Uis father was a respectable and.wealthy mechanic in an interior town of iho State of New York. At the holding of the State -Agrieultufal pair, in his entire own, he got acquainted with two stran ger oys, older than himself, who porsua dod him to run away from home, and go to the West. Ho foolishly' oonsented, with high hopes of happy times, new scenes and great fortune l They came aslaias land, where they remained Several days. Ono Di orniig . the other two boys Came' to hiS room oarly, and showed hint,-a.largo amount of jewelry, etc., which they . said they had won at cards during 'the nigitt. Knowing that ho was in nml of 'funds to pay his &mill, thoy pruased. hial to' tilt(' unlit; of it, fulr pouus,tv pay his lawiluil]. qr,',g1' : !1:.',TA'f1..,17:8 : 0;...., t 4 ..., 1 FR ID 4 . .Y: . .P‘V.4 - N !.Pi G,: . A.U.q . U.1..T.:1..d.8.4; . . . Ent:-beiore to ha d . dispelled of tiny of it, they were all i urftreeredted-' for burglary, and as , a • portiqu of the epropertY 'taken from the store whioli,had boon robbed, was found in his pessessien, he, too, was tried, convicted arid ' sentenctect. • He. had, no frionds,'no'n:bney; aritt'dared not to Arad home—ao, hopirsank within: blin—fill re signed himself to, his fate, never expect r ing to get out of prison,, or 6CO his parents Upon ifl quirk of the two young , con f' yids' that cattle" with him' on the same I . clutrge,'t learned 'that What' Arthur had stated was strictly - true, and that his crime. ,was ; keeping bad i company, . leaving,, his hem, and unknowingly, receiving stolen 'goods. tfitiestioned separately, they all 'told the same Seery, 'atid left do doubt in my Mind 'of Arthur's' innocence. ~' -' Full of compassion for, the unfortunate little .fellow, I sat. down, and ,wrote a full description of Arthur,, his, condition and history, as I Obuttned it froth him, paint ing the' horrors of the place, the* hopeless ness of his being 'reformed, oven if guilty, and the probability. of• his never living out his sentence, and.. describing the • process to be used to 'gain- his pardon. This I soul according io'the directions in the ad .vertisemeni. But Week after Week passed, and no'unswer canto. The • boy daily' in quired it I had limp] , from , Lis mother ; until at last, "hope long doferred, - seemed to 'make his heart, sick," and again he• drooped and pined. At last a letter came —sucli a letter I It was front the Hey. Dr. Bellows:of Now York.:-$e had - been abseut to a distant city. but the moment , ho road my letter, tho good man responded. l The father of the poor boy had become al •znost insane on account of his' son's long and mysterious absence. Ile 'had left hip former place of 'residence, had moved from i eity to city; from town, to town, and tray • - I v 1 elled up and down the country seeking 'the loved and tho lost ! He had spent the tuost of a handsome fortune ; his wife, :the boy!. readier, was-on the think-' of ;the ;grave, , "pining' for her first - born,. and would not he comforted.", , They .then lived in a western city, whitln;r they had gone in tacohope of finding or' (Or l i - offing ' their boy I or that a'cbange of - scene might assuage their grief. Ile thanked moo • for 4ny letter, which he had sent, to the lather, anti his assistance to procure the young convict's pardon. , This news I gave to Arthur; he seem ed pitinc.d and pletised:LAOpe and feat, ; joy and 'grief, filled his heart alternately; I,but from thencC,his eye beamed 'l.)iighter, 'ail(' lh , hter,:aild'hope snowed to dunce in every Iterie:,,,, l , Dafs pa's - 0/i•--anti at last there came a 'manta ttr.the•priedp, 'who rushing fraud ' 'ea Ily'l4 l 4itho''o.l",it,,•-416t4Utitill`to . p;.lo."lis , ["My boy I my boy ! Oh, let me see him !" • The clerk, who knew I:lecithin' of the matter, calmly asked,hitu for the name of his son. "' . "intim: ---- 4 No shalt inttiliPed our books; your 'son cannot he here. , • “Ile is .here ! ;,,BlieW him to 'me 1-- Here, sir, is your own ,letter! ' Why 'do You mock Me I The clerk looked ov er the letter, saw at once that Artluir Lamb was .the con yid wanted, end rang tho hell for tha mes senger., . 1 . . , There is the warden, sir, it was his let ter'You shewed. ~ • much , ' Too w& of a good thing is often uu 'pleaannt:'. The old: tp. Ul embraced tile and wept; like a child, ' A thousand times ho thanked ma. and; in the Mitre , of his wife, heaped blessings upon my head. .Hut the rattling of the .great' iron door, and the grating sound of its hinges , indieatA the approach orAftbur, and I• conducted the excited parent into a side parlor. I then led his sou to his ouibrace. Such a half shriek end agonizing groan as the old man gave', when he beheld the altered appear ance of the boy its liostond clad in the de 7 grading stripes , and hOlding a eonvieen dap in hin (thud, I never heard before ! I have seen inany.sitnilur.,stenes aineo, and be .couto inured to them ;.:but this one seem odan ,if it would buratlny brain!, • • ' 1 drew up and 4dgned a , petition for the pardon. °fib° young oonvie ; and 'such a , deepsond,faverable impresSiou did the pa rasol' of the letter I wrotein answer to the advertisement make. upon.. the dil l eetors, that they readily joined in . the petition, though it was a long:timo:beforo 'McLean cona:mted.• He was onieedingly cautions and prudent ; but the old , man citing to Itim—followed hirn from his, °thee to •his eountryrresideneo, and there in the' pres ence of his family plead anew his cause.-- At length; excited by the earnest, appeal of the fitther; the aireetor •looked over the p a po rs again—his., wife, becoming- inter, ()stet!, picked up the answer to , the wirer= tisoruent, road it, and tears 'came to the rescue, Mao said.'rather harshly.thatshe wurden.would let; all thosoltbung' rrtseals out if ho could. Those. wit'o' linovr. Gov. Wood will not wonder dna ho was prevailed upon in such a tase ; ',and ' the pardon *he grantod. , ••• •• • , 'Netldi'deseribe inan'Ei - joy=49w he laughed and.iept=-:•walkeitand ran, nil impanentlo seeC his ion lite. Whiin lie lad came out in eitisen'a dress tho!agba, reiat'wes 'foo full forutterance: hug ged the released 'eobrtet- to, his bosom-.. kilised•hitnept and pray ed ! Grasping my hand; ho tendered`Me his farm—his wateh==anything I Would tuke. Pained at the thought of peenniaty reward, I took the old Unties arid in Mine and' his boy by tho hand, and'escorted them to the gate ; literally , bowing theta away. - I never saw • them ' more ! But the young man dotng :well;'and' long li my ho live'to reward' the final 'affection of his parents. - This eaie tuay, be bdt one uipopgn lAlu dred. Where guilt is„elear, th'ore : idieuld be pity youthond `ad:oo properpepne takon-te restore:thetu to the paths of 'ref's. titude and honor.,, The l*aSon ; why mati.i , ladies ((mkt: nu olfer of umiKriago ial)44.laOta: thy yuc p tian is ki)l4 ai . 11 W/ 1 1— . • • 14 F . A.ItLESS AND F1t4,." A Beautiful Sentliutibt. "The moon looks calmly donut whpa maa is dying : • , The earth gill holds her way; Flowers breathe their perfume, nnd the winds keep sighing ; Naught seeMs to pauso or stay." Clasp thy hands meekly , over tho still breast—they'Ve no morn: work to do; oloso the weary eyes—they've -no timbre tours ter shed; part the damp locke. , there's no more pain to boar: ' Chised iii . the oar a like to love's kind Voice,, and 'calumny's stinging whispers. , ' --: . • .0, if in that stilled heart you have s ruthlessly planted a thorn ; if frout , that ,pleading eye you have card ly t iiirned awaYt; if your Itivineglance,' ild kindly , word., and clasping hand, - lutvii•tionto4-017 i 'too.lute—then God forgive' . ' ou I No frown,gath,ers, on tho inarhle brow as'you gaze—no eeorn 'Aria the chisekl lip--uo }lush of wounded feiking' . initints to. the i blue veined temples. ' !, God forgive you:I for your. ; foot, too, mush shrink appalled froin,pf,liath's cold river—your faltering tongue ,Zatilts: "Can this be death 'I" Your faAug eye lin gers lovingly on the subtly, eakth ; your elaniruy hand yields its last tledito Lit NI. • , u t •• 0, rapacious gravo ; yet a tor victim for thy voiceless , keeping ! .., v that ! no words of greeting from the .honsoltold sleepers 1 No warns welcomarout a Sis ter's loving liptt ? . No Oro!) kf pleasuro from the dear maternal hoseuf? . .Silent nil: ' ' • - 0, if these brhken 'limbs Woo never t i gathered u 'I if boyonddeatrif otkelling flood the •era no eternal . tilicirtif If fin' the strugg ig bark there Wig no port. of peace ! If athwart that lowtring oloutl sprang no bright -bow of prom* 1 . Alas4lsr love if thht be all, j;„ ; And naught beywul—on eartp- . . . A C O NTENT E D FII*II Ali..-A - glad VI -aro to record an s nettlete . a ppa rently:yten tic, fit 01 - a farmer contented . with his it ' ' The „Cincinnati Commercial of last: tltiY, afterstating that a friend w ho lirptreeently C le ,rittiiwed from &lour throtight ertlidru and . \ Southern Illinois, contirti I. the previous accounts °like' vast graircrops mow on the ground And being gftlored in that country, adds the followiiio.,l• Bet Ween St. Louis , and Vineetmel a great. dtial of wheat is rotting on the greinid, lor want 01 labor or maehinery to sil; re it.,— Our informant hailed' one well,' do old 1 farmer near Carlyle, Station. whit:thougli hall' a dozen plethoric' , Meeks. st . 4.guarill round his barn, seemed iti haye! ;twinned I twenty or thirty acres of 110' *4 . 1‘; . • and, ..,:k4,i_i. wiry:lit:o;e •u.Drirt*EW r t; "" l vest that graiii ?" O L-o-rd," drawled out 1 the farmer, looking towards the barn, ! 01.. -R-r-d, I've got enough." A SPIRITED WOqN ja Mra. Smith, wh6 publishes the following advertisement in the MC Willi.' Mirror. We cheerfully; ie publish thts;raey doomnent graiii; and shall feel, amply: repaid if it will. enable her to atlinknister the punishment she desires upon her faithless husband. She is ev iuently one of the...strong minded sort." M, 11tesbatt4.Goile!--Two. &liana 1?e -ward,--i feel it to he my .duty to inform the publie:that husband, George Smith, has left me witliout suy just cause—and as . it is believed . that he Ito: hal t gone elf witlymother man's wife, I desire to warn all .wonten from . having anything to do Willi hinf—lor if lie will desert one, he will an other—and: no eon fidoce eats be'Placed in him. is short in stature, rather smut, dark 'complexion, jet Mack hair, and pretty good looking. II he has taken another woman, with hi m , as Lett ppase he has, j, shall consider bin) rather "small ,potatoes," and never will live with him again—but I should like to see'llini for about half atiltour, just to let have the length of my' tonguu--- and oh! wouldn't I give it to hint. Any body who will bring him back. se, that he can hive' my opinion of him, slttll receive two dollars of hard-earned money. : ; It ENRIETTASAIITB.'. Mt. Holly,' July 30 : 1b55. Iliormottous--;--Two gen tletnen, of oppo site politics, limiting, oua iuqu4ed the ad dress of some political celebrity, when the - other indignantly . answered: " I aiti proud to Say, sir,, that 'I am wholly ignorant of it.", ,‘ Oh , you aro proud of, your ignorance, eh, sir r. " Yes, I am," ' replied the beligerent gentlontan,"and , what then,ltir 1" "Oh, nothing, air, nothing 0 only you have a groat dear to be prou of,, that all." A SrtfitUortri silittir.---111111 Portland Transcript tells a good atoll : of Col. in Washington County, Ps Who had a great .aptitutte for ser ving; tta a r lttror, W hen !hot serving, he had a very great anxiety th'at his ,opinion &kinnd be largely Consulted in ticking up a verdict. Soule years ago, while upon a ; case, after•inuity,ilol/rs. trial to' agree,' hut ,he iriitrsheled Abe delinquent jury from tho room tu dieir seats court. Where the intptient crowd awaited the result of the trial. • • . .11ave you.agreed.upon a verdict?" in qui k ind the clerk.'' i.‘ • • Col. N. arose, turner' a wither ,glance upon Ins brotherprors, and exclaimed : • `"May OMB thetourt, we !lave not; hay.e done: din bestj coulddo, but here are eleven or the. moat contrary devils I am had any &aline with." I.t NOT TOWLATE Td COMIIENCti.-44.9 it is never too , late to amend: I therfore, neither uegleet the , present, nor despair of the time past. If I had been manner ,good I inight have been better .; if I 'rna longer bad, I shall, I am sure, be' worie. 'filar I have stayed a lung time Idle in the market sphipe deserves renrel;ension ; but aa Tam late Sent inn) dui vineyard, have eneobi ag'• , inerit to work --"I-will: give unto this lasi as (you Wham Ma N. r. Tribitne. me what' Occurred' beftieeti you and Tinto , rollce Cotirt. ",:, ' thy riluiroottey:' , ••• : • ' . Judge-Timothy Mulrdouey. * 'Witneisit---Hoiv.doklknOw but ye'e`iiill. Hero, Sir, said . a young Milesian. iatherrept latr . ailitt helOre I have said Ave u ere si r I am. , ,words• 4 Judge;--Tithothy; . you are charged with Judge-You may may rest assure that!, 'being disorderly.' - ' • , ''l I will riot if ' you WIWI ell me . what Tint. ."Yes, Sir, he is, and ha me that char. Mulroontiy hula dotie that is contrary 10 4 . gee him wit' "the same,", spoke up an old,; law. -' , . . , ''.': ••: - 1 woman .dressed . inaikeavy hltte °loth cloak. I . „Whittles-. 1 could. tell se's enough ; to i an antiquated itapWd' bonnet. hang, him a half-dozer' of times, if he, had'. Judg&-Are you the witness. ; .as many nceks alt that ; (to the'priatmer) Wontan--Av coarse I am; your Honor, ye's know I could. TIM, yo*"--; and it's me peitlo that I can spoke against, Judge: (perspiringly)- , -Alts; O'Flaber- Tiin Mulrooney-tho dirt thief of the I ty- ~ , - -... , . ; , : ' ....,.., , world 'dint lie is, (to the prisoner) I won- ' 1 , Witness 7 Flaherty, widout the 0, yin., tiller that.yotere not ashatuedio hOwld up' ll'onor. ' • . ', your head before his Honnor. Ali. 1 Judg e--;Well, whatever Your . atinie le, Judge-Madame state, the facts as, they you.say must not atiytliMg to the prisoner occurred. ' ' in this Court. to on ;mite,' and. if you Wittiess..-Well,.platie yonr. IlOnor; it will tell what he has done nhaot interrupt was on Friday morning or Saturday morn- . you. ''' ‘' ' ' • :'- . -' 1 . ' . 'Ong, I dotes know which ; but be that as it 1 , Witnese-,.. Now!remembir yer,promise may, it doesn't !Hake any diligence, be- yer Honor. .: ii w 4,6 RH Friday! N4fr!ilig--- %Use it's about'what followed that ye r Judge (dispatringly)-iroti're at it a 7 Honor wantit ) for to•kiihw ; when'l l ien rd gain. I- , ~ , . .... ' Out horn of a fish cola's ' front of my do or, • Wittiess r -Ihnily =niter of Muses . ! t said,l to myself, now Michael has come :told yer Honor how it would Si. wid yea , 1 wid the porgies, and- .' ' '.,,• Judge-who ia Michael 1 Wittieas-And. dim% yetis know Minh 7 - Judge-,What did - Timothy .do - . with aol, sere ? he is my own child, and 'a bet T your fish?, • •, , , , to behaved and more dacent . buy Mir hirn Winesi- He didn't ' do anything wid never, sang at It wake ; and Ito t Call ttlthi theini that time, barrio' that he ban , ' %Ol and write, yer Honor, as well as anybody, out bring Mem - ii, 'the linos°, and I Waid barrio whin he comes to the big tviirds,lnt. him tell. Biddy Mulrooney, hie =Owl., heal° kip 'them and •guites'at Whit' thPy who lives in ,the, next room to me, that lie mane.; but that is net his fault, yer Honor, woold rather live on pra licit and.bread,. as feriMichael'hadnever time to go to school; 'hey was a &u', than to ate stiok the poi.. still ' . - I- -- .7 --- --'7 .- --,' - 'glee - that onbedy:Cliio'ivoitid biiy, 3. - rkithoi .-alittge—Natlame, you abotildtet lel. your the Muhl:it:eve was jealous. ' •-• i tongue fly 'dr hi a tempest in. 't4l.iiPay.-'--- , , Jedge--ilid ,Tintotity create . any dia=l What we debit° to know, itt refrlV , ° to'flie turbanco_fben.l. ........ . -....-,-- ~-,. - ----,; ,- - I charge pr ef erred - b y you awned! r 2. ..'llinoth, Witiieos -- r Na, yer, Wenn, lieditlntt ' Alulroodey, here.. %I itness-Yes your worship, I was among! 1. •," ' ' ' .. 1 ''''' '' " 'Plat Ctllllllllllg to It. When ye'e,intorrupted• , Witneks--11,-was.,afther. thin that': OM m e. (Ti the priatitier )HAlt ? ' you ,titrespalpeen, Mad e, the detterblul9t.. l' t' -;,,7 tiering thief, It'a - iit:thei - StatetsTriliiiiiiiiii : - Judge--LWlion Was that( .. .: ~, I ye's ought. to be, ininead of being, her° to ' -- WitneSslt wait veo',Prifity inorning. face his limier in the inilacem Way yo 'r ' Judge----Whatdid Tittiotlik - dir?:' I doing now. (Ti the Judge)-,Well, your „ Witness -lt %violet Vim. inn Ida eat.. hinfor it wag on Friday,tnornhig or Satter Judge Thou iffleol/10 that you batmen-. day morning I cao't tell Which, (but be tered-apharge agaitun Timothy Moltoon: [ that as it may, it doefeettot mike any dif- ey of di s orderly rondoet. which by r!glle , ferenco, because its .aboin what foll Owed you' should. hove' made 'agaiiiiii, Muliouti. that ye'r honor wantslor to kutiw, ) when ey's , eit," always provided that cats are I heard, the horn 'of if'' halt cairt iwfrout amenable ,to municipal law.: : . ' - of me door. Said ,I to Myself Michael Wittotios-,Will yer booth. allow tut) to , has cot with.. tiie porgies. You , son explain t - _, Your holier, Michael owns the fish coin, jptige:---Go on-I ani rectomiled to my and Ate, sell, ar.li; 'end what lie ' does'ut faro. ' /I.s 'a partieulur favor, ‘I siMillii' like sell he brings tonne 'for us to sta.', He 46 havir you finish .withiii a half-houi. I, towld.me Mille Morning he would Limy to. W,inres- .Well; yer , honor. 'es • I stVaa nie siono.of the porgies fordintier.-. tel yea,., the ,AtlrTneys was jealous IThitt I who out ov the door, end sure fi- of tip bee?uee mut:had rise . owl they flithP.• hi, i t rn‘ i t i it a li ItliVhhiti.:::oiiidiael,7 Ireite.Vestiexilay.,'MoroM'Al,Mkae-i-6P0441,44.1P Ii ; - Wlitit," said Ile ;'"ls it Ink, yo's tire?" more - - porgies(the Judge' here honied U . .. saidl ; "sure it is," said he ; omit you , deep sigh) and I laid them oetliii top of e I save the porgies ?" said I ; ''av . coorse I barrel in the passage to wait. till I eim NV Ohl," said he ; and with that ho continuo- dress them ; what, next, yer lionor;,did I eed takiii' l filil the fish from oho cart. see but Tim .11101romiehs bug loin cat tai Judge-What has all this to do with the barrel ail,,' the fish; I heaved a pratie Timothy p uiroonny's offensive cOnthici ; ut the cat Bud. it ran oir wid the ' porgica ; you have. out shown as yet that holies justkAllit, I saw Tim Mulrotmey laughing' dune any tlithg wrung. . at ighet thU cat woe ;Wont' ; alt, ' I Itinov•lliu' Witneso--Yer, Honor . need have no blackguard told diticat so me the porgies:; I fears - but I'll convince yes that a dirtier Palled, io Mielii.el, and I ran - thward Tim gpalpeen nor him Myer *as it Ilownd to go to hate the thief ilk lie deserved, when my unlaing in oolong a dacint people. '(To foot slipped end I furled ovPr tin me hark; I the pritioner)-Alt, Tim, ye villain,. I wid that firn laughed the inore;aiiil Mich woodther that the old ship didn't eiuk wid apl ran to him and Watt about ; ttlgti'4l Mita ' Yes on board when ye left the mild coon- a ' lap on the sconce,. whin ,Tim, struck thry ; I'd like to bee'yei show *a receipt Michael a blow in his botiols, witieli:qnito wid yet passage-looney paid, yea - ' . prostlira tell 'him on the flour; ‘iitii• tinit, Judge-Madam, t_must insist on your I ran and got tho AL P.,. whd brought:the addruttoing yourself to 'the Court; you =Merin' thief to s h e etation.house. : have no business to spook to the prisoner Jutlge-Well,, Mrs. FlehurtY l . Liiiink at all. Although be may have donti.wrong, according to your own story, the . prisoner yet so long as he is in my presence 'lie acted more in his own defense' thin any shall be protected from the'assaulia tit you r other way ' -' • ''' ' ' . tongue. . , ', .. . Witness -in his own defense ! Bad luck Witness-The assault of me tongue r to, the tonguo thateays - eo. .IS••••••••, Iloly St. Pathrick-, does yes hear that I'm; Judge-Tiingthx AluiroontlY, lam. by I yer Honor, a &chit woman wit!' ano inuans sure that your eat did not eat family of children, and died a word Wits the Flahertyie fish witlAyonr Connivance. ever spoke against me characther before. If the cat ilitl so you did 'Wrong ; rot 'that Judge-I alai/ nothing :against your von are imilieenily punished by i yeur im• character. I want you to confine yourbelf :prisonment,last,night. I think.,yon might to what Timothy Ittlrooney did to disturb h a ve been less homy in striking Mielniel: the peace and quiet ot your domicil: ' Is' Michael in Court? Witless--I will, yer Honor. 'lt was ''Mrs. Flaherty--He is. ' Stand', Michael, on Friday morning ; I don't kuow which, ,belore his Hon to.. - ' ton hi, that as it may; it don't make any Mro. Flafterty.Miehuel, and. Timothy difference, becanse it's about what follow- were eta tiding, together iti,..a row.. , ' I !• ed that your . , Honor wants for to know ; Judge-Now, I ani, goiug. to inOare per oh, yer Honor, I have it now--it was . Fri; ' feet InirmniiV in your house fur six loofahs day morning-we wits to have porgies for to eome; I shall bind each . of yon ' over in dinner and not mace because it was Fri- the sow of $2llO to keeP Mb ;niece'. This wag almost too great dav-- -7 . ' .' ' ' ' , eat a humiliation .. 1 - . JudgeAß this is Worse than nothing, for oho blood of the O'llrions to b-t • lout , you are taking up the time of the, Court there Was no alternative. Alia. 0' Wigs by your tedium! „talk, which ao, far i Flaherty 'satisfied' lierelf as well - 14' she us I can sou hao no boning, whatever could by jooking serew-driverenttheJud6; on the charge you have seen fit to makete. Michael . looked , demure, and , Timothy gainst this man Timothy. , '' .' ' jolly. The bends ,weregiveu and tittl ill. 1 WitlikatS-Ilasen't I keen trying for the tereefini trio left the Coml.. , „- last ten minutes to tali ,yee and yes ,yrill ----------- --"•--- 1 .----- nutlet toe : it's wida bad grace, that : yer Honor rePri!rves' me fur not, tpllttig yer what I kftow. whin its - yet-self that is' iu- , terruptio Inc ; well; yer Honor, it was on Friday morning whin I ileum:. Otis horn of a fish Cllct,i/l, front of toy door, said I to I myself, now Alichael- . . , , 1 Jutlgti---I ,:out went ,to hear thiWatory any more. You have told that 'story Sea etral timesoalready. St 3 le. the facts about 1 Timothy. Come doWn:. JO the titne lie I calumet:ups to figure. , • . , VI inmes--Aii, bad luck toihe threat . meat that I get ' liere. Has : any of toe il lustrious family the O'Briehs eveedotie anything against yer Honor that yes should ill-thrait me in this way 1 Judge-Not.thaff alma aware of. Now . go au with your evidence. , ._. __. as 1 w415 about to tell ',yes, it was on Friday porn ing Where I heard the or a titiliquirt in front of my door. Said r to ..pilyfieffi "Now Michael has come w,itu ..the por - .Judge . (inipatiently ) , =--arti, O'Brien, P Witness - 7 '441u name's nut cl Bri en: m a married woman, and, memaine is. Finn erty ; We name was O'Brien tilinn 'Wits a girl. Judge--Well, then, Mil: , Finnerty., 0,, Brion, or whatever your name in, I have heard of thous wrgies and that fihti.eart so oltim that they tiny° grown stale; now tell Iv we wont° in all our intereouilieenl risme pure and warm affinitions,initeadof a cold morbid ,selfisbue6B a•JoVe,uf genu ine use. ins Mail of an unineaning display iv! oSe of she true'itd M , tlierilian of lalse and Might „mingle. with, ours, as.gently. ins Morbing thPws,feqr heC,rOBY. Algid) or:eve- Ring its manileof repose. ; . -- n • ',A•Gnon 'Way N ova.-I t Omit oNs.lt a good plan ,to boil 'onions in milk and water; it diminishes the strong taste of of that 'vegetublv;.' It is an excelent- - way, oi serving up. Onions.. w elicip• them, alter .they are builedtpnd pm them Ma stew , with a liOle lipttur,, salt Ald, yapper, and 'lei them stew abniit 'fifteen niinutes.— This gives them a }lava, aneilMY can be served up very hut. .• _ , //Au rUNCTVATioN.—A catimieringeom• posilor, inlietring up ihe toast; ; , Wriniati; witlito4 her, lima would'hd a savage," /ht .the punctuation in thu,wrong place,,whielt inadu it re; 4 1;: ‘• Woman ; ker watt, would tie u Carago.', - Ito inteta e was n'otifitaveretl 'on:il the tftlitueit` wire un dertook to road the proof, • ,• To be thrown - upon one's resources- brl to be oust intik - the verylap-Of Imam°. fur [our isetrftiugt dolt tualeigo ff ilerelopmeot atul tlisvlay- au Cuarg,y, of which they wt.iFo i)euviously 'uutu4ceptjtole. - , . D J\.J - TWO DOLI I ARS AiNtlM. ' , . . [From the Jadmon (Miss) Mercu r y.): . 'ldiotsTestineovi, of Solo[: Wesley. 'John litingstreet, in his diatribe againt the American party, taunted his brothel Methodists with tarnishing the name of their great leader;Jolin IVesley. Follow the ,iiint; the an ti•Amerioati orators 110141 t times invoke “the shade of Wesley, whis founded a church amid persecutions and Oppressions," to rebuke the American party. Somiroming Weeley in derelict! of Rd. maellin ! Can braxen assurance go fur than this'? Let him speak for himself, with his uccustonted words of wisdom, to . i his followers, and to all melt who think to n% this country. The subjoined' letter was written by Mr. Wesley. addressed to the 'editor of the Dublin Modem's .Journal, and originated in a controversy that sprung uppri ,the English Toleratiou Act. , It may be found in :the Miscellaneous works of iVesley, volume 5, page 817: Rein! it, and, to borrow, the word,. iii the great au , titer, , mnewer if. you cat," ' .. ~ r.v.rrett r1;0311 .19 5t 411.E41X1Y. • "Stir-45(.1m1') tittio: AV it pamphlet was 4 liitilt ana. entitled' iAn Appeal froniVilift Protestant Association, to the 'Pimple of . Great , Britain. • A tiny or ...two sine* a kind put into my of •tinw tier to this .was , , -Wand, which pronounces its myth) contemp -111110, its' reaaotiing' (toile, and its object 'lititlioioun. , On ofte . contrarY. I think the style of it is clear, easy 'and nevi ; the !ea:toping, in general, tornitg sod conclu sive ; the object or deiigii, kind and ,bO- . nevolent. And in pursuance •of ',leonine kind - did .benevolent deSign, namely. to preserve Mir happy. cciustitution, I shall ondetitor'to confirm the sitbstancetif that trod by 'a'retv 'plain . argilinetite. -... , _Witli•peraeoution•-I have - nothing - to do—l•perseditte no man for .his religious prieciplus.,Let there -bo as boundless . freedom in religion as any,man can eon ceitie. ''' But this dints not touch the point. 1 will eet:religion, minor rase, utterly out' ofof+r the, question, • Suppose the Bible,. if you plotted', ,lo lie a fable, and the:Koran to be the yord of pod, , 1 . emixidee not Weedier kegler the Roman religion is into •or false Lil build 'nothing err one or tho' oth er supposition. ' Thereforo 'away with all ,your cominou place fleclarations about in tolerance and persecution for religiun ! Suppose every word of. Pope Pius' creed to be true- 7 euppose.. the Council of Trent to hay! been itifalable. Yet I insiet•upon it that no government not Roman Catholic °light M . :fifer:item:et of the Ituntau Cult oliit peraeaSion. • "I prove this by •11,,plain argument (let Piet atiewer it that Cil 11 ") . .-411111 no Rontaii Catholic duel. or ean.give ,security .far Ilia ati . egiance or peaceable behavior..., I erfi *e.-ii. pee ; , .:.,11.- 1 4.'4 1 :./.0)41.8 1 4: Pai1144143 • . astir,rll: tg1:11/iigifilt ll tll by private then, hot liy pubtie council,- that , Lislo faith is to' be kept with heretics." This has been openly avowed by the. Couiwil of Con smite ; bin it was never openly diet:Jahn et!. ' 'WilelilCCilrivate persons event or disavow it, it is a fixed Maxim in the Chute!, 01 Rime. - But as lung as it is so, hunting eau be more plainolian that the members of that Church can give no re- , , . afionable security to any government fur ~ . Mee allegiance and peaceable believinut. llicrefore they ought , not to be tolerated •bY iiiii government, Protestant, illoliatu 'Meilen or Pagau.': Yon' say,' ionty, but they taken a oath of allegiance." ''!` rue, live Ihindred oaths : but A ' be maxim "no laill , , i is to he .kopt w ith' hereties,", sweep them all a wa'y as a spid e r's wed. SU that doll, no, (itivernors Jliat are not Roman Cattioljca eon_, have auy, ~accuri.)•uf their , • alliiiitince. • ' ' i "A'gain, Abase who ecknowledge ibe spiritual .power of the Pope can give no sueurity, of theirmllegiance to soy govern ment ; hut, all Roman Catholics , acknowl edge tiiia ; therefore. they dim give ato AA. eerily I,ir their aliegiance. The power of grandifg 'pardons for all siiis- 7 -pa.at, pres eut . and to come—its, and has, been fur iii,titY edithrieti;one brand' o(ltis, epirit oat power , .''But those whiiacknowledge litut to , have this spiritual;power can give m,. sqvurity fur their allegiance, since they . belteve . the Pope can, pardon rebellion, high_ treaOit s aid . all other sins; 'vlittisoeicr.-4 The Po , wer of dispensing 'with any priiinitie r •oaili or vow, is another branch of the spir. ' ittial power of the Pope; all who aeknowl. edge, his spirited power must acknowledge this, put w lioever , acknowledges the dis pensing power of the Pow can give no security tor any allegiance to any go vern nient. OatEs and promises are nine,; alley are light as air—a dispetisation makes 1„• them null and woid. Nay, not only the ,pope, bet even a Priest has power to par don due ! This is the essential docents Of the Church of Rome. _But they that ticknundedge this cannot - possibly give any. security for their allegiance Many government. Oaths are no security at all; for the Priest can pardon both perjury and high treasoo. • ' • “Seitingibeir religion aside, it is plain thatt upon pridbip:es of reason, no govere meta ought to , tolerate men who cannot give 'any 'security to that government for their allegiance and 'peaceable behaviour. .But,this, the Romanist can 'do; not only whale he holds that "no faith is tole kept with heretics," but so long as he ackliowl edges either priestly absolution; or 14 eptrittial power of the Pope. "If any one pleases to answer this; and set. his name, "I shall probably reply.-:-. But the, productions of anonymous , writers. .1 do not promise to take any notice of. • ' • ' 4 41 out, sir, your hula*, servant.., • ' • .• • ' "u ' 4, Joint IVzsLitY, „ . .,, 1' ~. - ' rrir RoAD, January 1, "1780. . Now, who, in th e chaste phraaecilogy of • Dr. Lopgstreet, odeseerates the memory ,or Wesley," Jie, or . the 'inetithent of. the letbtidist church who prefer Protestants for ofliCial nations It 4 ttifl r logewers of the' -- - 'l;epe r. :- W e'ilo - 0'01'144; this Ivisei %lila'. , in; to enlist a great eltureir in politteti-e.. that . would he followieg, tlfA eiuutpiti- of the liontheists--.hut only in defettespfour . . Nlethodist friyult who totre,l . -:" . • A - MeAian party, Ait(l who Itattl . , ~ ••• ~.. l'.l3lotteli therefor. Agana, lii 44.t.Z.t* ,: I .',-- attAtt him , unewer it •who:caul" . ,2-: •'• • .'',.,.! .t ,_, '• , MIMS NUMBER' 23,