Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, May 18, 1855, Image 2

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    Regally Ir Nancy Letters.
I:Waist : sat ttaijtain:
oil a serial of instrirtsioas for tye gnidsne.
of iostinseters. upon .'the - intrados tion of
'the oew system In, the registration of
valnablelletters. We quite the material
portion of the instinations : -
Letters alleged to. be valuable, ;foaled at
One postoffice, from and atter the
first day of July, 11455, ho registered at
'jilts office of mailing, on the application of
the persou posting the same, and the pay
-4 merit rifiCrigiatrition fee of fi ve cents.
.1"" , Postmasters are instructed to enter all
ouch lettersin a book to bo 'prepared and
kept 01100ifitopose. to be called the Re
reipt Wok, (which, in small offices, will
otoevemeremeeti.brotitching together the see
elte,e9.of Malik, receipts furnished by
Containing blank receipts,
07,11,s is
..„,wide . .,margin for a brief duplicate
esct, as, iii bank check books. The
p i tßiptipnee,will inlet; in this margin the
i, t tYg. receipt, the data of filing it.
of the person to whom, the letter
. „ 0 18,etldressit;' a nd the place to which it is
, - „RbOrtaifeti,. lie will then till up the re
, leiato correspond with the marginal en
,thy, t (co the margin, and de
liver,l(4to this person who deposited the
; •1•1 1 . 4 „ ttr t...,
'registered letters will not We entered in
1 ..
A din eidioary Recounts of mails received,
enkeent, but separate accounts el' ouch
',',:fet / rfos„viili lie kept at each postoffice, to be
„( 1 41. 1 10 account-of registered letters receiv.
2 ,etl,#o, tieequut of iegistered letters sent,
~f , 6 4 1 3 4 1 ./}),!%,01 , ch will be furnished , by the
tl at "Ylgm•
,it letter has been received, regie
„,terpted,,,rSeelfkied for, directed in sec
„tit's” !Il.pristmaster will enter its num
her the sit) of mailing, the rate of postage,
— lite name of,the person to whom it is ad
:llceeled.,entl of the office, whether of die•
er,clegvery, to which it is to be
spoi l iii is . account of registered letters
OM. US will make a separate letter bill
tor 'snob' registered letter or parcel of regis
tered letters lor the same nine° of delivery
• et distribution, entering therein the num:
tOieri-addres.s, registration fee and the rate of,
7 , postage.oteaeh. He will then mail such ',
tilletter,,ne 'parcel of letters in a separate'
‘, ipdekiget frotn his unregistered letters, and
• n ssill)sial each package, after tti ing it in
p,,iltehitral 'mimic. The letter hills orimch
, regietered letters will be encloaed in a
~ i mparate Wrappers:or envelope, sealed and
t!, the postmaster at the office
,towhiehthecorresponding package of reg.
sistered•letters sent..
11 10" q the receipt of registered -letters 'St
- ,, the postmaster, or jiis
tvill Compare such letters with
1 -their letter bill, mike' a duplicate upon the
•dtlittlk 'rettitrridll ..enrrect,” or note upon
'it any error found in the original bill, mid
'villa:Me it in a sealed wrapper or envel-
Ave, 'and niail:ir direct by first mail:to the
eaddress of the postmaster at whose office
1 6'0 , 88'i:originally mailed.
"It dpon, the receipt of any duplicate or
• iteliir , n letter bill, it bodound on examine
'Hon tltat:aletter originally mailed with it
Viiiisithig_„ or Ili:tunny important error or
tilr4reptiney'le endorsed o m it, the fact will
- bo t chily noted on
. account of, registered let
ieis 'Sent, anti imiriediately reported to , the
'fil l e"frAeilt of this department ; anti if the
diserepmey implies a robbery of the mail,
1 11,it money letter or package of consid
,oreble,yalue is ,'found to be missing, such
report will be, made by telegraph, If pos
, will, also be the duty of the
postmaster to,report by telegraph any mail
robbery of which be may otherwise re:
eeire early information.
~ .',Ost,the delivery of a regithered letter at
the office of its destination, a receipt there
for,•twill • be visite') -from the person au
thorized, to receive it, and such receipt
whittle carefully filed and preserved at
that office:
v..Tue , CoNnuer'or tHR EARIERN WAR:
4-.. The London Times keeps up itsassaults
410ponAhe-government. It says the great
battle the English have to fight hi - the
present war is at home, against the,lfor
reVitian,ited• imbecility of the government.
••Whlte 'we are 'pressing Russia on the
nortitand south we accomplish nothing,
nnleas We deal 'with equal vigor with in:.
temitie entischicli. That' this country'
ahnulit be governed at such a moment by
a-itoiguemf a few•great families ; that the
admiaistration our war departritent
ehbuhl' be . abandoned to a valetudinarian ;
that our War department should be work
eloh priuciples solemnly condemned and
unrelentingly adherred to ; that the mu
tt? ahnbld distrOst the government ; that
the gmarnmencattnuld have no Confidence
in-tteeK and arlittlein 'those it employ/3
and:.ther Pediment should witness all
theme things and 'make no effort to amend
thent..4thiet more fatal to our interests
than all the myriads of half starved serfs
that are marshalled between the Baltioand
Boxinel ;lean the hordes of Cossack. and
Itatilikire, 163 rove' between the forests of
the. Ukraine and the frozen morasses of
Kaintschttika." '
R , l ,••• . :4 •
•••Burdtttli's Bootc.—l'het case of
Miss Josephine M. Bitnkley against De
wits-&. Davenport. for injunction as to the
'Work walled "Alyttook," &c., was farther
argued before the U. S. Court, at New-
VOW; bn Mendip
.An affidavit was read
MarY:Jtitie Upshue of- -Virgin.
ii;'W;li t o testifies that she is the authoress
,airpost, the whole of the book, and that
she undertook the task at the of
11,r:+ Beale. 'Ati Affidavit' wait also read
frinti t `Me; Beal, or Norlork, stating that he
and Misatryisherwere the authors of the
boaktli' Mien D.. alert put in her affidavit,
citietingle have written a great portion of
themork; and alleging that other portions
ofit.were written by Mr. Beal, at her clic.
tstiok - kShe also testifies that she was
visited 'atiNthfollt by . Mr. Tisdale, editor
the New - York' Crusader. who brought
*3attiit; fret De' Witt dr, Davenport, and a
reerittwiendatiop from the Hon. Daniel
4lthbakto%andeavoar to settle ihe dispute.
The emit *het' aigumerit from , counsel,
angaiiikeett 'Meek Wouldreserveits decis
IffisPosaatts ?.—The pres
oten:till,roatayettin College . it 'Easton,
Rev. .IlcLaax , recently stated. in a
lecurcitnarunton, that New Jersey, with
" a P a ria 4 . l 9 , gltrifiwe Ausdred Moulmein/.
has Orover two hundred young men in a
.course of College training. cad Pennsylva
nitttwurarlesert hundrerl, lie also sta.
tett. l l. k 1,47 J,esuit.9l uge P induction. that
wkda.'ono in 'tate%) autmbent of College*
are reared' , one to four of the young nten
embar4ed ht tnereantite lifu turn out badly.
i "11 ourptsi.reotencilo outrolver to our
4,oorpi‘rrirritiralCaM el l f eS ,. ! 'remark "
244 .441 4 10: ) ,twite :ratted' Ai si us cf
4 ,1 4 TT* it t-7, I t
The Mast destruotivi fire that has vis
ited our town for a number of years broke
out about half pest five o'clock on Monday
afternoon last, in the stable belonging to
the Buck Hotel, in North George etreet,
in the utcupecny of Mr. John •Luturian.---
The alarm was soon given, but so rapid
did:the flames spread that in a very abort
time the adjoining stables, the Hotel, and
all the buildings between it and the corner
of George and Philadephia Street, together
with several dwellings on the !atter street,
including the dwelling of Thomas E.
Cochran, Esq.,'were enveloped in flames.
Several dwelling houses, three shops, and
four stables, were entirely destroyed.—
The Beek Tavern, stable, and the store
room adjoining; we believe„, were owned
by Dr. Robert Pattersouotif Middletown ;
a twoostory frame dwelling house and
frame stable owned and occupied by Mr.
John Mitzel ; a one and a half story frame
house, two shops and two stables, °week!
by Mr. A. J. Frey. The house was oc- 1
by Mrs. Rupp, Who, tve learn, lost
all her forniiiire,'hesides some forty or fif
ty dollars in money. One of the shops ,
was occupied by Mr. Frey ass hatter shop.
The brick. house owned by 'Mr. Daniel
Ford, amid occupied . by . Mrs. Kitimat., was
very much injured ; and the dwelling of
Thdinas E. Cochrtm,Esq., had the roaf
entirely burnt off, and the inside of the buil
ding considerably damaged. The build
ings destroyed, we believe, were all in
sured—some in the' York Count) , Mutual
Insurance Company,.and others in Phila
delphia. The lose of furnitore. however,
will be considerable, as a great deal of it I
was much damaged by the hasty removal.
It is atipposed'io be the work of gin incen
tliary.—York Ripublitaii. wir
THE Estrojess Evoente.—lri the Penh.
correspondence of the Precturieur d' Any
era, under date of the 52th ult.. we find
the following: • . .
The. Empress is enchanted at the • Weft
of her visit to the •East, and, ihe ik proud
to find that. the 'Emperor has ended by
gaining every one over folds side. The
journey to England fatigued her greatly
but she always endeavoured to conceal its
effects, from an apprehension that the
Emperor, would not ,consent qi take her
with him to the East.loeneverthe sense
of fatigue overpowered her, she hastened
to say that which tired her moat was the
continual efforts in public to . which she
was eoridetkned. - Yesterday evening, as
she was• pßealltg with, enthusiasm of her
approaching departure for the . East she
inland that there was only one thing that
troubled her, in connection with ibis jour
ney. and that was the idea of her stopping
at coustainimip:e. t , What, would you do
at Sevastimle 1" inquired the Emperor,
,I•would.. you accompany me about on.
horse!iiick 1" '!No," replied the Empress,
wherlyer, there_ is suffering. to ris
e nage, IntiOlot woman, &sublime duty to
fulfil 1, Whilstiltm would beat the head
of year aeltlier4,.l.would be. the leader of
those meritorious '.woinen who visit. the
battle-field to attend upon and console the
. • .'.`
alreirthr noticed the fire in the mountains
near Carlisle. The Baltimore Sun learns
from a gentleman who witnessed the con•
fiagration, that it was awfully grand; ex•
tending over several thousands of acres,
ranging tbe two /immense mountains eur•
rounding the celebrated , White puiphur .
and Chalybeate 19Prings. ,a l / 4 ,Dou bling
Gap. The fir e originated by tree being
struck with lightntug. and ,epread over
one 'of the most *ld and picturesque parts
of this country. Although Doubling Gap
was completely sitrrnutilled by the fires.
'the buildings attached to the watering
place, and belonging to SCIM (lOYLE Esq., I
were in no manner, injured.., The sight of
such'st'conflagration running throUgh the
mountains can be better imagined than
Faunas Tom- ntom SWITZSRLAND.--
Theodore S. Fay: U. S. Minister to
Switzerland, writes to Mayor Wood, of
New york, ibat the• cerittinial authoritiee
of that cointry ate adopting eery precau
tion igainst the shipment of paupers and
criminalsto the United States. Mr. Fay
thus disPlaY, a fact not gyerally under
Numbers. of, Swits, on: leaving their
country, lenitive a , sum of money, front the
county authorities without being paupers.
It havens in this way. A part of the soil
belong to the commoners, and eery mein
ber has a certain property in it. Al
though the Swiss enjoys _ the privilege of ex
patriation, be does not lose the rights of
nationality, except with consent, even by
foreign naturalisation.. When het emigrates
therefore, he sells these rights,and receives
in return from the , eomniunal authorities a
sum of money, not. an eleemosynary do
nation, but the.payment of a debt, or an
equivalent for value received. •
Tux TELEGRAPH...A-The Electric Tel
egraph is now established almost without
break, from London, semis Europe, on: ,
tier the Black S ea, and into the Crimea—•-
a distance of some eight hundred leagnes,
which is about equal to four-fifshs or the
actual distance beotween Liverpool and
New York, and inert,'• than equal to the
whole route Irons Ireland to Halifax...—
The last newspapers from England, by
the Asia, contain intelligence from Balik
lava of - the previous dale. That is, .iieh
intelligence was committed to the wires at
Badaklave, at 4 o'clock in the morning, and
received in -London on the afternoonof the
same day.
The sub.marine cable is laid down some
300 miles at the bottom of the Black Sea.--
It remains
,to be seen how far it may be
affected by
_under-currents and other ob
structions. t3ciantlfic satin in Europe have
little fear on that score. The principle
once established as successful. we may
speedily expect to have a sub•marine tele.
graph line between the Old W orld and the
New, and there is no reason that once so
complished, why the daily news of Lon
don and Paris should not be published in
this country within few hours of :,its oc
SLID Bid= or Jevrino.—On the 2d
instant, in Memphie, Tenn., a young man
in a spirit of levity said to Mrs. ORRIN, a respectable lady in delicate
health, that her luutband.had been serious-'
iv injured by a dray running over him.—
the -announcement gave her sucks 'hock
that she immediately fainted and in a short
time Wiil a corpse.
The wain lame of the Pennsylvania
public Work" will be offered for Wale - at
air lion, iu 411.1441,i4,,. Do the e 24th of
;fY .. - ..
w ~
;, ~.
• . . • •
• "PCF••=A: ' , oo•prpowiip. .«p-Appp,,, cusp.
Another Destructive Fire.
Friday Evening, May 18, 1855.
KrPublip Worship may bo
.e t ted
(Providence permitting) in the, seer
Marsh Creek Church, on next gabbatii
afternoon at 3 o'clock: . • -
169^V. Esq.,lour author.
ized Agent in Philadelphia for receiving
advertisement,. subscriptions, &c., for the
, •Siur." His Agenctbactiscentli been
removed from the N. Wi cgstrr,ol Third,
ind'Cheitrtt atielti; to Brown's new Ikon
Buildide,i N. Ea - corder of Fifth` mid City
fr:rA gentle rain during' the greater
part of Wednesday night has considerably
relieshqd vegetation in this region, which
had been suffering from drought.
ICY*The general aFpropriation bill pass
ed by the Logislatuie, at its fait session,
contained in the aggregate' appropriations
amoundng to $4,600,004 45, of which a•
mount $2,000,000 was for interest on the
funded debt, $125,000 for the expenses of
the Legislature, $230,000 for the support
of 3ommon Schools, $277,730 for tho
completion of Portage Railroad, and R50,-
000 for re-laying the south, track of the
Columbia Railroad..
o:lrThe Derooeratio State Convontion
will meet at Harrisburg on the Fourth of
July, to nominate a candidate for Canal
Commissioner. Hon. J. B. DANNER was
chosen at the last County Convention to
represent this county.
The Aall-LlcenNe Law.
o:77lie,enti-License Law enacted by
the last Legislature, as it becomes better
understood and its beneficent effects 'bore
clearly foreshadowed, is girth% in popular
ity and confidence. As explained by its
friends, it will pretty effectually, in its op
eration, close up the innumerable grogger
ies and retail liquor houses by which the
State is encumbered, and pave the way for
Prohibition. The extension of Licenses to
October will enable dealers to sell out their
. present stock, and prepare for a change
of business without essential pecuniary
sacrifice. Wo notice that the lbw is very
favorably received by the friends . r of Pro
hibition in the State generally, girt more
particularly in the Northern counties,
where it is warmly supported by the
In Philadelphia a... very large meeting
was held on Thursday evening, at which
resolutions wore adopted warmly endors
ing the law, and thanking the Legislature
for its enactment. Mayor CONRAD pre
sided and made a speech in which he
pledged his administration to a fair and
fearless enforcement of tho law in that
city. "The act," said the Mayor, .4iis
now on the statute book, and I say 'it in
no profane - sense, ao help inc God !it shall
bo enforced' l" This declaration was . re-
.coivedwith immense and long continued
Dr. Durbin, Hon. C. B Penrose, and
others addrei*ed the meeting; also Col.
Cummins s of the. Legislature, who detail
ed the difficulties they had to contend with
in getting an Act through. Ho admitted
that . the Act as it finally passed was not
perfeCt ; but it was the best that could bo
got, and they took it for tho good it would
necessarily accomplish, looking to the
next Legislator° for such amendments an
would be fouind necessary. As to "repeal"
—that was out of the question. No mom
ber of the late Legislature dreamed of any.
thing of that kind. "Prohibition" has be
come manifest destiny, and its march
The following is laid down as the national
platform of Americanism, until the meeting
of the national Council. which takes place
in Philadelphia next month.
I. Americans Anil rule America.
2. The Union of these States.
3. No North—No SoUth—No East—No
t. The Unitpd Slates of America as they are,
one and insepaiate.
b. No sectalqan interference in our logic.
lation, or the udm:nistmtion of American
6. Hostility to the aasuniptions of the Pope,
through the bishops, priests, and . prelates of the
Roman Catholic Church, here inn republic,
sanctified by•ProtestanCbkiod.
7. Thorough reform in the Naturalization
laws. •
8. Free and liberal educational institutions
for all sects and classes, toith ,the Bible,
Crod's holy word as a unirerstll tilt book.
NIVERSARIES.—On Friday o'vening
tha'Msniversary meetings in „Now York
were 'brought to' a close. As te. general
thing they haie - dotAxeiteti'muchriuterest,
nor been as fully attended as in" .foimer
years., The 'following is a table of th e re
ceipts of the fourteen principal societies
that Lave held meetings, for the,two years
past—from which it will be seen thitt there
was a considerable falling off in the past
year :
• • 1854.. 1865.
Am. Tract Society, $416,159 $413,174
Am. Bible. Society, 394,340 846,811
*Am. B. C. For. Missions, 213,209 213,683
Pres. Board For. Missions, 174,453 184,074
Am. Home Mission Society, 191,209 180,137
Am. For k Christ'n Union ,
75,701 62,867
Am. Bap. Home Minion 50t..., 62,730 64,346
Am. & For. Bible Society, 46,097 40,034
Am. Seamen's Fund Society, 26,173 22,845
Anti-Slavery Society, 11,000 18,000
N. Y. S. Colonization Society, 17,609 17,571 Female Guardian Sm., 17,870 10,869
Jon Society, • 14,050 10,000
Con Val Am. Education Soc., 9,711 4,323
1,669,252 1,689,664
*For first nine months of the financial year.
trot- eigintontha.
wsa„The li. S. &senile Cutter 'Joseph
Lane sailed from 'Norfolk last week,
bound to the Pacific , Coast. • Dr. L. De B.
,g 1 : 11 IN1 (eon Of COL J , of this
couuty,)goes MO in Wei as Burrow'.
I Presidential election in &win was in, have
taken plaio on the tat, fist:" President
Ilitherts had declined a re-election. Ed
ward J: l noye and Stephen A. Benson wore
to opposing candidates. Roye some ten
years ago, was a barber at Terre Haute,
Ind.,and, On emigrating tirLiberiaybecime
a successful merchant at Myrovia. He
has been a member and Speake#of tht
House of RhPreientatives of tbat lapublic
4as a candidate. two years ago, for the
Presideney, against Presuifftltoblrts,and
is now r editinenid liublisWa liapOr in
that ocountry•Li'lleis Bildt* be a pure Al
-Bcosp,mnigrated ioXiberia when
a child. Heist, the principal merchant at
Besse Cove l: has filled the office of Judge
of ono of the highest Courts of Liberia,,and
is now Vice President of the Republic.—
Ite isieprOented as a man of talent, and
of groat poptilarity.
PE.RVVIAN GUANOO- 7 Wrkee it eta
ted in the Patriot that the price of Peru
vian Guano, is boon to bo 4uced to 845
per ton. It is stated thatTeru has ap
pointed a chietagent for th; United States
who will have poweeto appoint numerous
subordinate agents and agencies, at , all
important points—these agents to be, A-
merican citimtni---and by them is the en
tire details of business to be transacted.—
Sales in all onsets to fo made directly to
consumers. When this system (which is
intended to break up any monopoly in the
guano busineas) goes in so effect, any, gu
ano offered or sold as Peruvian by persons I
not belonging to or connected with tho le.
gititnate agony, will be pronounced spa-
lES.—The red discovery of a rich
gold mine on Arkansas has created
quite au excite nt on the borders of Mis
souri. A letter from Springfield, in that
State, dated April 30th, says :
"Yesterday fifteen or twenty of our cit
izens started for Neosho, whelk+ they are
to join a company ot" . 4lcar ono thousand
parsons, all bound for the Witehetaw
Motintains, about four hundred miles from
this place, arid up rho , Arkansas river.—
Several persons, residents of the county of
Newton, have receeitly returned, some of
wboin are said to have realized three thou
sand dollars in fifty days digging and
washing. Quito an
,excitement prevails
here, and another company is to go out
as soon as the guides and pilots return."
11Asovnt 131tA80u R.anatoin
ComPA:stv.—The anual report of thliCom
pony has just been made, showing Wl:re
ceipts for the past,,year
,to have amounted
to $23 051 80, winch an increase of 82
300 44 over the previous Year. The ex-
penditures wore 85,800 35. Of the earn.;
ugs, one half goes to the Northern Central
Company for stocking and working the
road, leavin e ; the Hanover road $ I 1,525 93,
out of which expenses were ,paid, and tho
balance (85,711) 57k) appropriated to pay
ing debt,'iuterest on bouds,:ta. During
the past year, 19,992 passengers ware car
ried over the road without the slightest ae
LYN.—Proceedings were commenced a
gainst some twenty-five liquor dealers, by
the Corporation Counsellor, in Brooklyn
last week, for violating the law by selling
ardent spirits on Sundry. Several of the
parties against whom complaints wore
made pleaded guilty and paid the fine
850' in each case, Mayor Hull bat made
known to the dealers his intention, not
only to enforce the Sunday laws, but also
to commence proceedings against all who
sell liquor after Tuesday, the Bth instant,
the day on which all licenses expire. , He
is determined to lost the matter and bring
the question before the Courts at once.
Arrest at Halter.
llC'The bark Grape-shot, which left
New York in pursuit of BAKER. the mur
derer of Bill Pool, returned to that port
on. Tuesday. having the fugitive on board.
Baker had sailed in the Isabella Jewett,
immediately after the murder, bound for
the Canary Islands. The Grapeshot being
ono of our fastest sailing vessel% started in
pursuit a week or more after. She arrived
off Palmos in 19 days, in advance of the Is
abella iowett. and upon the latter. heaving
in Sight, officers from the former boarded
her and captured Baker.
rThe'Grand Division of the Sons of
Temperance of Virginia, recently met at
Salem, in that State. "A committee of the
Order bought out Capt. Whaler, the only
licensed liquor dealer /Aube county, and
after initiatingthe. Captain and others in.
to the Order, formed in procession, march
ed to the hotel, took tho liquor ,casks, to
the College hiii,i;plieed thens on a pilo, and
after sundry addresses, burned them to ash
es, in presence of a large number of citizens.
The students ofßoanoke College expressed
their approbation of thiikpraotical intreduc
tion of Prohibition into Roanoke county by
th re e ,hearty deers.
*7Ae the vtiginitt election approach.
es. the can van grows more exciting, both
parties confidently anticipating triumph:—
WISE himsellolaitns his election by. from
12,000 to 20,000. The psendo.Densoomt.
io papers are busy pabliShing wholesale
withdrawals from the American Order, in.
dicating rapid dissolution of Know No tit
ingism in Virginia—if true. The same
game. however, was played immediately
before the New. Hampshire election. If
not more successful in Virginia, the De
mocracy may as well give it np.
iss.Gen. James Irvin - has generously
offered to donate two hnndred :and fifty
acres of land, in Centre county, to the
Pennsylvania State Agricultural oticitH¢3r,
for it Faimer'o HI LO tohooli
The New York Tribune ind
taucaater miner am.two of the bitter
opponents of the American movement
on our exchange list. The fOrmer--a rad
ical anti -Slavery journal of the progressive
school —objects tb,cho movement as a pro
fflaviry concern. The latteran ulna
aconservitive'ljournal of tbe OM Hunker
school—objects to it because of its anti-
Slavery tendencies. Observation of the
same object from different stand points
frequently give singularly dissimilar im
prom:dope. •
- -
"Por.Locit'a Couyse of Time" has been
de hennaed in a 'Virginia' paper onenOcotint
of the foliowingiinei, Whioh it contains.
We would suggest to Mr. • Wise that be
migh4ccuse Oov. Pollock, the Atnellin
GorwrSor or Pennsylvania, with the an.
thorship, and thitmakes quite a Sensation
in the Old Doniiiidon : •
"Unchristiaitthoughtl on whatpretence soe'er
Of right inherited, or elms acqui red ;
Of loss, or profit, or what plea you name,
To buy . and•sell, to barter, whip and hold
In chams,A being of celestial make—
Of Aldred form, of kindre faculliiti,
01,111fdred feelings, pas : thoughts, desires,
Born See, and heir of an mortal hope :
Thought villainous, absurd; detestable I ._.
Unworthy to be harbored'in a fiend 1" ( • 1
since, while Mrs. Danforth, of Warren, Pa.,
was engaged in her Taal duties, a•heavy
thunder storm frame Cip, and in the mid*
of its fury a lightning stroke descended up
on her, burning hor hair from the crown
of the head to the back of the neck, mel
ting her hair pins, and proceeding down
her body—lenving its mark as it went—
until it passed through the floor. Strange
to say, the lady lived and rapidly recover
tr:Pßta.watt, the novelist, in his speech
on the stamp duty, remarked, "you have
been led to infer that the American press
is in the hands of ignorant adventurers,
whereas the remarkable peculiarity of
the American press is that it absorbs
nearly all the intellect of that country.—
There is scarcely a statesman of eminence,
or author of fame, who does not contribute
to the American periodical press."
"The Buffalo Democracy considers
the cholera now, one of tho institutions of
the country, "like our inalienable right
to elect knives to office, to blow up steam.
boats, and to build bankrupt railroads."—
The statistics of cholera mortality for the
last four or live years, it says, however,
will almost confine the malady to those
who live badly, in unhealthy eircumstan
oes;nr who have recklessly allowed alight
ailments to bo ripened into ungovernable
-" .
According to tho report of the New York
State Engineer and Surveyor, over twelve
million passengers wore carried over six
teen of the main railroads of that S fate du
ring the last year. Out of this immerom
"number but twelve were killed, and of
those twelve eleven fiver standing on the
—The Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia Inquirer states that within
the past few days the University of Vir
ginia has been the seen° of inciden ts hard
ly creditable to the chivalry of the Old
Dominion. Miss Beecher, an able and ac
complished lady, the sister of Henry Ward
Beecher and of Mrs. Stowe, visited the vi
cinity of that institution!' Her presence
was soon known, and she was treated to a
mock serenade, and Mrs. Stowe was burnt
in effigy.
A bill is before the Massachusetts Legis
lature which makes it compulsory on pa.
rents, guardians, overseers of charitable
institutions, prisons, the select men of
towns, and Mayor and alderm en of cities.
&c., to see that all persons who may come
under their charge aro duly vaccinated ;
and nuy neglect of this duty shall be pun
ished by a fine of five dollars for each and
every year of such neglect.
HIGHWAYS.—It is no uncommon
thing for persons to dig for sand and stone
on the aide of the public roads. They 'ire
as a matter of course, liable for any acci-
dent that may occur in consquenee to
travellers or cattle. A ease was tried at
Chester County Court last week. in which
a party sued for acd recovered compensa
tion and damages sustained from falling in
to a quarry on the side of the road.
LUOY STONE, the celebrated "Wo
man's Rights" advocate, was married on
the let instant, at West Bloomfield, Mass.,
to Mr. H. H BrAcTrErl, an aetiveiipostle
in the same cause. The parties, ;daring
the evening, read a written protest against
the laws of the land bearing' opon the
marriage relation.
przrThe Louisville Journal states that
the scurvy is , prevailing to a • considerable
extent in,thaccity, and among the railroad
laborers in Indiana and Kentucky, attrib
utable to ' the' I dcifloierioy in Vegetabie'food
for the Last height months.
We understand that . 'there are several
cases of scurvy in this neighborhood. at
tributable. .34ct. PreaUlne, to the same
ma„,Rev: JOAN, M'CaOrtv . , President Of
Mount st. illa4 l a College, Enunittabarfl t
Md., hut been appointed .Bishop of Savan
nah, Ga., vice Bishop Gartland, deo'd.
--The New Yoric City? COUVIGiIe are oho-
Adoring the propriety of having' Aroh.
-bishop Efrighee five milliks worth , of real
estate taxed. It is stated that indepen
dent .of properly, the is_
'holds "lots and parcels of land"• in whi oh
itthtlY its I4tiitii4d but wawa.
able article in the last number of the West.
mintter. Review, upoW s poimiltuliona
and Glifrumenti of theariiasciountries.
oldie twill, says that itnis uO longer
England, kat the North Amiorrantitepub
lie, that has become dr pole4tar
fforn all sides, the eye hof niiiiiisting nations '
turn." A significant admission to oome
frcim anenglisb source.
rGov. Pollock presided ma meeting
of the Anuirbian Sunday School Union in
Philadelphia on Tuesday evening, and
made a handsome
. eh eipch. jhe . t.treislptu
of the Society i - dUrine yhr mounted
10248,804 15. 9ti the same day he was
formerly welcommi 'to phe city by the
COunciltb and aubsequently visited a num
ber of Common Schools.
IrPCol.'Kuvwirr has been arrested on
warrant 'from tho, 11. 8. District' Coati of
Philadelphia.s answer a charge of viola.
ting the neutrality laws, by fitting 'out a
vessel in that dibtrie to not against Hioa
rages. It is alledged that the vessel is at
that port all ready to sail, with ammuli.
lion ) stores and three hundred meu.—
.13ail in 34,500 was required. Hon. GEo.
M, DALLAS app3ared as counsel for'
11114 - Art election for President and Man
agers of the Hanover Hrtinoh Rai!mid was
held on Monday last, which resulted in the
re-election of A. W. Ercissraizacum, Pres
ident, David M. Myers, Charles Wills,
'Jacob Sterner, David 'Norte, F. E. Metz
ger, and Akins Lefever, Managers.
Sir Th e Liquor excitement is said to
be inoteasing rapid throughout tho
State of New Yor 11 the cities and
large towns IN have organized
associations to test the legality of the Pro
hibitory law before the ovum.
. _
aA letter dater April 27th has boon
received in Boston by e Asia, from Lon
don, which announces that, on' the 19th,
yet another, or the lifithAtusteroid, was ,dis
covered by Dr. Luther, at Bilk, iu Prus
sia, or but 13 days after the 34th wtts seen
at Paris.
co The wheat crop in South Carolina le
said to he larger then usual and is consid
ered to be beyfind danger. In Michigan,
the Detroit Free Press, of the 11th, is sat
isfied that the crop is in excellent condi
tion, and the quantity upon the ground
is largor than in any former year.
Serb Chatham county, North , Caroli
na, Willie Mater was executed hullarCek
for stealing a elate. He dcnied'his guilt,
alledging that he purchased him from ow
other for the sum of eight hundred dol
Friday, the 4th 'instant. was obser•
ved in Giffin, Georgia, as a day of hu
miliation and prayer, in view of the
drought and want with which the country
was threatened. There was a rain in a
few days afterwards.
IL -- e-The,editor of the Kansas Herald of
Freedom, published at Lawrence, being
threatened with Lynch' Lew, warns all
bands that he is prepared for Cie emergen
cy, and will blow up the office and all that
enter it with such an intent.
A law has just been enaLted by the Span
ish Cortee, ordering all the lands and
dwellings belonging to the clergy, to reli
gious fmternaties, and to pious and - sacred
works, to be sold and turned into money ;
breaking up all accumulation of ecclesiasti
cal property, and stripping the Church of
its immense possessiOns.
tr:r Cholera is said to have already
broken out at Cincinnati, and the papers
of that city are calling on the local au
thorities to make early preparations for it
by cleaning the streets, and removing ev
ery cause of unwholesomeness.
CIZrA bill practically nullifying the na
tional statute has just passed both branch
es of the Massachusetts Legislature. It
is styled a bill to protect personal lib
!CPA dostruotive fire occurred at
Springfield, Illinois, on Saturday last--
The best business portion of the city, in.
eluding the State House Square, was con
sumed. Nine splendid stores wero destroy
ed, and the loss is estimated at $150,000,
which is mostly covered by instuanco. • ,
7 There was another alarming fire in
York on. Friday. Two- stables• of Mr. Jo•
seph Enron; were burnt, and two horses
perished fu them. COneiderable damsge
was done to some dwellings near. •It is
supposed to have been the work s f an in.
cendiary. •
P. S. Another fire, still more dimes
trona. occurred on Monday evening•last.
See particulars in another column.
irrA ten-milo foot race came off at Bos
ton, on Tuesday betwaea Gamma, a
New 'Yorker, and Strrsom, s Bostonian!
won. --time, 57 miti. 22 see.
gzioTtio slander , suit of Butou,
Vow T. H:•BF.N24:) It, was decided 'at . St:
Louis oh , Friday - last, by tho ,jury 'render.,
log a, rordbit of it 4,000, !lamages for PIM
. 4 01 d Bullion" intends carrying, it to the
Supreme Court.
The Know
in Nothinp lave been Inn.
. .
oessfni i he , unicipateleetlons all over
the State Of Califbroia except at'fbin Jea t e,
where they , were dcfeated by n fitajort of
the two old,parties, . •
egi6S Poor liisimpin, who applied for a
license to sell ardent spirits, being qua*.
tioned by the Hoard of Excise as to his
moral fitness for the" trust, replied-I'AL
shore; it is notinUeh charactar a maa needs
to aOll thas iluae,!!
K' Mr. Wats in a meat speech called
the ig poi:lffig#l4party "lousy." The
Ldultrrille Journal; in reply, says, "We
'thiakftfi VIA wide the remark after
aciatehlne his head for an idea."
ir:rl.!' ; A; SIMPSON has been elected
/bat Wink- Grand Patriarch of the
Grand Enoaspment .of Odd Fellows for .
'The Bi
atty• The OiWorlds Know-Nothing State
Council his rojeotot from it platform rho
eatholio toot. 411Irisafix, thrum° thing
has been dove. '
'Orr Hos. A. IC firuntinslit t;
has published a longlettirldeclioing a re
election to Coop", atd apreuing his
strong opposition to the Know Nothings.
OtrGov. Mumma, of Mausahusetto,
.luto refOsed to °empty with the request of
the Legisluturo • to remove Judge Lo-
tho Dunkirk barber, who rob
bed a gentleman of $l4OO by nainOlilo•
roform.• has been sentenced tito 15 years
/CrGene Shields, it Is said, is to be
made' Governor of Minnesota, if, upon
inspection of the Territory.
.he likes the
PO"The Atuotican Colonisation Society
has resolved to commence a settlement in
the interior of Africa.
ELLrorr made a balloon aaren•
aion from York on Saturday. He landed
beyond Columbia.
ICrA, Know Nithing National Conven
tion is to bo held in Philadelphia in Juno
Da..Butter is acl!ing at 56 canto per
pound at Richmond, Va.
Hoo. Walter T. Colquitt; of Geor
gia, is dead. ,
11:7"Ex-Governor Seabuty, Ford, of
Ohio, is dead. •
IC:rA. thousand dmiiin of °gear° among
tho impiiitations from Havre to Now York.
ICTTbo Legislature of Kansas will as
semble on the 2d of July.
ANOTHICR Doctor Harris,
addressing the Deutocracy of Rietiontintt,
styled the K. N's Pole Coup. Wise pro
nounces them lousy, Cristless, cowardly
ins and conspirators, and says he
would rather be ruled by Me_ Pope at
Rome than by the love-feset rulers of these
parts. Prior,editor of the Richmond En
quirer, says the Catholic Church has ho.ot
the hymen friend (as a elitircliY thatßes
publiranism ever had, and thitt, to Irish
man had ever turned halm', while an A
merican had betrayed . his cnnntry, and a
Jetty betrayed his Saviour. Olt. Benedict
Arnold, Judas and Riley I.what vile things
Americans And Jetys 'must be.
Rtcn.- . --An Irishman presented himself
at the polls in Chillcuthe, Ohio, and his
vote was challenged. lie said that he had
his papers. and swore jahers" Lo
would produce them. HOME Ile went sell
returned and presented to the judges hi.
papers. What laughter convulsed their
honors we need not sac, when nn opening
the supposed papers, they found them to
he • dismissal from the New Jersey Pen
'Pus more it (the Demitcratio patty) in
assailed, the more strongly it oillierea to
its principles.—Washington Union.
On the same prinitiple that the more
you worry a dog With a bone,. the tight••r
he looks hi• jaws . to the marrow. Our U.
S.'Preaaury is a very great hone, ■nd lilt,
Denincratic party a very "adheering dog."
Scioto Gazelle.
The U. 8. Supreme Court has g ranted
a writ of error, in the came of the U. 8.
V 9. Booth.of Wisconsin, for a violation of
tho Fugitive Slave Law, for the purpn , e
of determining the question of the lim
it of the jurisdiction between the Gonna
of the States and those of the UnitcJ
Fins AT YORK, PA.— The Risible of
ua Fetrdw. at York, Pa.,
was destroyed by
lire on Friday. awl two horses perished in
the flames. The house of Peter E. Wilt
and Alexander Piffeger was considerably
_uatcAL Floc.—Every or
chestra edntalha at least two musicians
with moustiaches, one with spectacles, three
with bald heads, and one very modest
man in a white cravat. who, from Wee of
circumstances, you will 'observe, plays on
a braes instrument. '
S. B. Wright of Brighton. lowa was
robbed of $l,OOO in money and $2,000 in
dmfts,.on board of aitcaanboat, while on
bin way to st. Louis. Mo .! and a Mr. Nutt
Wino lost $5O in money ands breastpin.—
The. wallet was taken from under Mr.
Wrighu pillow without awaking him.
The Legislature of New-Brunawitik has
passed the Liquor bib by a vote of GI to
It is .'very stringent. prohibiting , not
only the sale of liquors,, but their importa
tion. It , goes into , operation on the lit of -
the pottmaster at union Star
Ky., in letter to t 1 Louisville,Courier,
notices a singular fact : • •
i In that greener] throughout every peach
°Tabard 'there - been - a greater bloom
their for Many years Pest, and upon 'nun
ining the blossoms 'a singular pheneiderion
is observable. Iri setae orchards for' eiery
blaisom sustained there bee been found in,
side the cups from one to as many' as seven'
well formed peaches, and a large majority
of the blossoms have• three or four sups in ,
them. This has never been obearrod
that part of Kentucky before.
Cardinal De Donald. Archbishop of 14 on*,
in a pastoral letter for Lent. declared that
the cholera was sent merely as a punish.
owns for the eagerness with which the la.
dies of Paris run after pleasure—. joining
in a certain lascivious dance called polka,
suffering every man but their own 'hus
bands to clasp them in the waltz, which
hitter dance may be considered the,last
sigh of expiring. virtue." And this in
France, where polking and waltzing. ire
aniversally regarded as quite Cpwase
fatal What will our yankae gi rt. say .
, A las! . CONSTANTLl(o4l—rOon
atintifi'ople elands Upon seven which
gives it the aspect of the lariat:thy in eh,
world. It is built in a' triangular form
at the extrensity of the Bosphorael where
it joins the Sea of Marmara:. There is a
treble line of walls around the city, of a.-
bout eight miles in circumfetenee, flanked
by a d3nble row of houses. Constantino
plie contains 12 imperial mosques, 850 or
dinary Mosques, 30 markets, faint° than
1100 fountains.'ned 100,000 houses. The
population is about dOO,OOO. The Impe
rial residence may be said to form a city in ,
a city, the walls being thief) miles in oil.:
cumferenee, with twelve gates, 'and the
number of the. , re:adepts-ilk between six
and seven tholdlend. Theinarine arsenal
is a fine establiahment, built upon the
northern bank of the harbor. The naval
arsenal is near the quay, close to whore
the Turkish men of war are moored. A
large and magnificent barrack for sailors
is built near the dook-yard, in which there
:aro large basins for the ropsir of ships.—
At Tophani is the barracks for the can.
noneers, and at Scutari, on theopposite or
Asiatic coast, is an extensive pile of bar.
racks, capable of accommodating 10,000
troops. , The harbor of Golden Horn, of
Constantinople. is a quiet and safe anchor
age of the length of 4.000 fathoms, and
the breadth 8,000 fathoms. Its depth is
so groat that the largest ships of the line
approaching tho two banks, can almost
touch the houses. The city is surrounded
by a girdle of natural fortification, and her
position enables her to become the first
naval and military port in the world.—
The two sides of the triangular promonto
ry on which she stands are washed by
deep water, and she is assailable on one
side only.
E. Qtiltes Smith has published an indig
nant Orotest against the use of her name
in connection with Barnum'. prrposed
baby exhibition. She 'hum spnalta :
I am conscious of n aenso of profound
fain and humiliation to think any woman
will couutenance, in any way a demon
swollen Ike the one proposed. No wo
man ran or will do so. Indeed I hardly
think any full-born American woman
would. It seems to me the natural modes
ty and 'decent - common sense of the sex
might be 'enough to protect them from
what la utterly repugnant to the spirit of
womsithood, Theft,' is something
revoltini in this attempt to force
aside the soil which screens and protects
th e chaste matron, where she and her
“preity brood" within the sanctuary of
home are.exenipt from the rude gaze of a
prying curiosity. and thus thrusting her
tinblinthinglyt into the public eye, with all
the suggestions and none Id the decencies
nl materilitV. , .
The tuirmoninua woman, to whom has
hem' delegated the fostering culture of a
beautiful miniature of the Creator, will
hold heramf as one mtide holy thereby, and
she will prnlane neither herself nor child
be:any unseemly or ostentatious display
of either. If her culture be of a high or
der she will shrink from it ea from deadly
sin. It she has a shred of womanly pride
in the fabric - of her being, she will resent
the,implicd insult offered her when invited
to njzore personally in a human "live eat
.euh•tttarine cahle from Cape Kalerga, in.
Bulgaria. to the monamary of St. George,
in the Crimea. lies a length of three hun
dred and one miles across the bottom of the
Black Sea. It was laid down on the 10th
.Ir.ib, and 13th of last month.
Tux PoF:r somewhere speaker of "winter
I i ogoring hillye lap of spring," which it needs no
gnat to tell U 4 is the csse this season, the last
wo days have been decidedly wintry. Nor
does it need a poet to inform the public that
for all sorts of weather thereisa very abundant
provision of suitable' and fashionable clothing
Rockhill Wilson's cheap store. So. 111
Chestnut Street, corner of Franklin Place.
May 18, 1855.-2 m
"Eureka.) ,
A remedy has •at length been discovered,
not for all the ills that we endure, but some of
the most afflicting. Scrofula or "King's Evil,"
that inveterate foe of the human race, has at
length mot its fiste. Salt Rheum "or Tetter
must release its away. Dyspepsia, that misery
of miseries, yields :to its antagonist. Vicid
limners (the cause df all diseasce)are changed,
health is restored and life prolonged, by My
ers' Extract of Rock Rose. Don't lie startled,
reader; these are bold assertions it 'is true, but
every one is verified by the best of evidence.
We speak the simple truth and lie not. Cull
on Agents and satisfy yourself.
AGENTS.--.S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg; Jes
se Houck, Menallen P. 0. ; Abel . T. Wright,
Bendersville ; Jacob Mark, Casbtown ; Spald.
inq & Brother, Littlestown ; Aulabaugh &
Spangler, East Berlin ; Jacob Martin, Now
Oxford ; H. S. Fink, Pleasant Hill.
Toothache cured In Owe rnluuteo
by Dr. TOBIAS' wonderful Venetian Liniment,
or nopey—Headache in half-amhour. Sold by
all druggists and storekeepers. Depot 60 Cott..
landt-st, New York.
AGENCLES,—S. IL Buehler and Samuel
S. Fornoy, Gettysburg ; H. S. Flak, Pleasant
Hi l ; Spalding & Brother, Littlestown •, John
Bushey, M'Slrrystotni ; Samuel Faber, Jr.,
Sowers, Mill ' • Jesse Houck, Butler .township ;
Andrew Creglow, Centre Mill; Able T. Wright,
Bendersville ; Jacob Penney!, Middletown ;
Jacob F. Lower, Arendteville; H. W. Whitmore,
Mummesburg • Philip Hann ' MCKnightsville ;
Thomas J. Coo per,i Franklin township ; Jacob
Mirk, Cad:down ; Aulhaugh & Spangler, East
Berlin ; J. Martin, Now Oxford ; J. R. Henry,
May 18, 1855.-2 m
At Santa Cruz, April Ist, by the Rev, Wm.
Santa Cruz, and Miss MARY CAROLINE
GALBRAIM, formerly of Adams county.
• On the 16th hist:, by Rev. D. Clarke, Mr.
M. VAN LEAR McDOWELL, of Franklin
coun4y, and Miss HANNAH MARGARET
H AS, of Mune county.
Op the 10th ;net, SUSAN LOUlSA,thingh
-tei of• Mr. Daniel Lashell, of this borough, aged
2 years 3'inonths and 6 days.
:On Wednesday last, MARGARET ELIZA
BETH, daughter of Mr. Daniel Lashell, of this
place, aged ,44 years 6 months and 7 dayL
Atln_the '4Bt., but, 'JACOB E. EYSTER, of
BelidirsvillS, aged 27 years 6 months and 9
, , . .
the 9th ,ust., near Arendtrrille, ANNA
MARIA, daughter of Mr. Thomas Bittle, aged
22,years JO months and 17 days.
on rho, 6th inst., Mr. DAVID P. HEIN
. ARD, of New , Cheater, aged 46 years 11 months
•Andm-- dirs.
• -At.,Columbia, Pa.,on Tuesday last, ire
~;PAROLINE E. wil of Thos. J. Kuoh, and
' , dengiter of the late Samuel Armor, of this
plaoe, in the 26th year of her age.
On the 7th inst., in Macomb, M'Donough
'county, Illinois, of Typhoid Fever, WM. J.
; p4ogi In the 49th year of his age.
On the 26th of April, in Hamsrille, Ritchey
T-sountY,Wa., Mrs. LAURA JONES, wife of
fin; D.,13; Jones, and daughter of John Oar
, "tie, late of this boough, dtfeasedi aged
goat 35 Yon.
Pennsx's otrr terrarateute—The Commit
tee appointed by the Shareholders, in this affair,
to distribute the 100,000 Gifteiunongst the
ticket hohleri, have deferred, the dhtribution
until the 6th of July, on amount of there re
maining nnu4illitime few thousands of tickets:
Mr- - Perham, ever anxious to meet the plays of
his patrons, ofiers,ettnardinary inducements
toAgents engage lathe saleofthere mslning
tickets, an that there may be no more delis,
which are tingueetiotmbly as vexatious to him
as to those who have purchneed tickets in, his
enterprise. We commend the reading of his
advertisement to nor patrons, and bops' that
each and all will lend a helping . hand to bring
the matter to an early and satisfactory masa
)13atmattikt, May 17, 1855.
FLOUR.—FIour market is q uiet, but hold
ers firm. Buyers not muchslisposed to oper
ate. Sales of Howard st., at .510 871 bbl.
City Mills do. Rye Flour—supply moderate.
We quote at $7 25®7 44 "P bbl. Corn Meal
supply moderate. Country, $4 81} bbl.
GRAlN.—Wheat—sale of good to prime
$2 6002 70 WI bushel. Red, do. Corn—Re
ceipts very large. White,,sl 04@1 06, yel
low, $1 0 6a i 08, and mixed, 51 03 1.1 bush
el. Oats—Pennsylvania, 674368 eta.' bs.—
Rye—none offered. IVe quote Pennsylvania
at $1 58@1 60 11 be.
SEEDS—No sales reported.
PROVISIONS.—Beet—no sales reported.
Bacon—sides, 9(493 cts. Shoulders, B®B}
cts. Canvased hams at 11 cents per lb.—
Bulk Usage—sides, 8} cts., shoulders, 7@7}
cts. Lard—no sales.
CATTLE.—OnIy GO head offered at the
scales to-day, and all sold, at $5 to 525 100
tbs. on the hoof, equal to slo@l4 net, ander.
eraging 16 121 gross. Hogs.—s 7 to 7 621 14
100 lbs. Sheep—s 3 50 to SG 'f head.
Hsworea, May 17, 1855.
FLOUR /0 bbl., from wagons, $lO 25
WHEAT, bushel, 240t0 2 55
RYE, 1 37
Yons, Tuesday, May 15, 1855.
FLOUR, ..e bbl.. from wagons, $9 73
WHEAT, 0 bushel, 2 33 to 2 55
RYE, 153
CORN, it
OATS, il
TIIE subscriber, thankful to his friends and
patrons for past favors, hereby informs
them and the public generally, that he has recei
ved and has now open for inspection, a very
large and beautiful assortment of
Spring Snutaner Clothing,
made up in magnificent styles, and the latest
and most approved fashions. In regard to
Workmapshtp, they can't be excelled by any
customer tailor.
Having enlarged my place and stock, I am
able to sell
Ready itiode Clothing
of every description, cheaper than ever of
fered before in this or any other place this side
of the Atlantic. My stock consists in part of
41ID 411:11112111—'11r
'of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up
iu a superior manner of the finest English,
French tind American cloths : also of Duck
ing, Linen, Bombazine and Italian cloth.
in the latest and most fashionable city styles of
the finest Doeskin and fancy Caasimeres, of
every color and shade, - also of Linen, Ducking
and cotton VESTS of Beautiful fancy patterns,
and silks richly fringed, also White Marseiles,
Satins, Velvets, of every description made in
elegant manner.
Boys' Clothing,
of every description, made up in good and
taatful styles. A large assortment of GEN
sisting of extra quality linen bosom Shirts, Sus
penders, Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck and
pocket Handkerchiefs, and an extraordinary
assortment of Black Satin and fancy Self ad
justing STOCKS, and various other fancy ar
ticles, together with Umbrellas Trunks, Car
pet Bags, Hate, Caps, Aoots and Shoes.
Hy Goods are selected and purchased un
der the most favorable circumstances. Quick
sales and small profits is always the motto, I
am determined to carry out at the Money Sao
ing Clothing Emporium in York Street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20 per cent.
lower than can be found at any of my compe
N. R. All Goods bought of me will be ex
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, May 18, 1855.
Standard Lutheran Books.
THE Lutheran Manual, on Scriptural Prin
ciples, or the Augsburg Confession, Illus
trated and sustained, chiefly by Scripture
prooth and extracts from Standavd Lutheran
Theologians of Europe and America—togeth
er with the Formula of Government and Dis
cipline adopted by the General Synod of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United
States, by B. S. Schmucker, D. D., one vol.,
/2 mo.
Life of Martin Luther, Edited by . T. Stork,
1 vol. Svo., elegantly illustrated.
Kurtz's Manual of sacred History, translated
by Rev. C. F. Schaffer, 1 vol. 12 mo.
The Sepulchres of our Departed, by Rev.
F. W. Anspach, 1 vol. 12 mo.
Life of Philip Melancthon, translated from
the German, by Rev. G. F. Krotel.
The children of the New Testament, by Rev.
T. Stork.—Also
of the leading Book Publishers, regularly re
calved, and tor sale at publisher's prices. The
followingjust received.
Family Prayers for each morning and even the year, with reference to appropriate
Scripture readings, by Rev. J. Cumming; Cum
mings Signs of the 'Times ; a large assort
ment of School and Miscellaneous Books, Bi
bles Qf every description, Blank Books, Wri
ting Paer and Stationery, for sale at low pri
ces, at the Book Store of
May 18, 1855.
Wan Paper.
TI ELLVI KURTZ invites the attention of
House4teepers and others who intend
fitting up their houses this Suring, to has stook
of Bide, Cel ing and Border taper.
Marlon Rangers,.
VOLT will meet fbr mining audjuaTlautiaa
JI. at the public house of Moses ReMumps' ,
ger, in Idol:tunasbur& on Saturday As 16th
day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., with arena
and accoutrements in complete order. A full
attendance is requested. By order of the
Brigade Inspector.
J. F. BAILEY, Captain.
May 18, 1855.
Dr. Mickey,' Cholera Props.
VCR the cure of CHOLERA. Dysen
tery.R.! Croup, 4to. Prepared - by D.
Wsatisx and for sate by SAMUEL H,
B UEHI.ER, Gottyebiug ? Ps.
To Agent for procuring Subscribers for
The distribution of the Gifts being definitely
Sized fOr July 6.1666.
A NY pardon sending $lO may deduct 10 per
cent. or will receive 11 Tickets.
Each person sending $lOO b*re.the 6th of
July, will in addition to commWsiona, be
Presented with a Mammoth Odd File Gaul
Case, valued 114 slp.
Each person sending $2OO before the 6th of
of July, will, in addition to ; commissions, be
Presented with a Saar' Fratekeedued ai $25.
Each person sending $3OO before the sth of
July, wi in addition• to commissions, be
Presented with a Gold Watch, valued at $5O.
PrOi person sending $5OO before the fith of
July, will, in addition to commissions, be
Presented with a Gold- rroch, valued at $lOO.
The person who shall send, before the Gth
of July, the largest amount above $5OO, will in
addition to commissions, be
Presented with a Rana, valued at $2OO
I have been induced to make the above lib
eral offers in order to remove a settled objec
tion in the minds of your committee, to having
the distribution takq,,,,,place while there remain
in my hands tickets %timid, and for which cause
they have seen fit to defor the partition of the
gifts, which was fixed for the 27th inst., to the
6th of July, as will be seen by reference to
their proceedings, published below. I assure
you that the postponement is as vexatious to
me as it is to those who have purchased tick
ets. I therefore hope that each and every one
now interested, will cokiperate with me in the
effort to dispose of the few thousand tickets
remaining unsold, and thus advance the inter
ests of the whole body of shareholders.
. Respectfully yours,
At a meeeting of the Committee of Share
holders of Perham 's Gift Enterprise, held at
the Academy Hall, Broadway, on Wednesday'
Evening, April 18th, 1855, the following pre
amble and resolutions were adopted and order
ed to be published :
Whereas, in view 2f the fact that several en
terprises have been started and carried on with
a seeming positive purpose of defrauding those
who could be persuaded to purchase tickets
there in ; and such fradulent proceedings have
exerted and injurious influence on the sale of
tickets in the enterprise of Mr. Perham ; and
whereas, it is deemed essential that all the fle
ets should be disposed of before the distribu
tion takes place, be it therefore
Resolved That in order to allow timeforthat
purpose, the distribution be postponed until
the sth of July, at such place as may hereafter
be determined on.
2 50
5 25
1 37
6 50
Resolved, That the committee have undimin•
(shed confidence in the integrity of Mr. Per
ham, and in his disposition to conform to all
his published promises to his patrons.
ROBT. BEATTY, Jr., Chairman.
The Tickets are only Si each !
and each Ticket admits four persona to "
Peri:tuna's Burlesque Opera, 663
Broadway. N. Y..
and that among the Gifts which are to be din
tributed are __
A splendid Farm of over 100 acres, $16,000
1 Loan of Cash, 5,000
1 do. do. 2,000
1 do. do. 1 , 000 .
2 do. do. of $5OO each, I,ooo'
10 do. do. $lOO each, 1,000
Trotting Mare, Lilly Dale, 1,500
5 Posewood Pianos, $5OO each, 2,500
5 do. do. $3OO each, 1,500
The Great Mirror of N. E. Seenery, 22,000
3 Splendid Carriages, s22seach 615
10 Gold Watches, $lOO each, 1,000
40 do. do. $5O each, 2,000
100 Gold Pens and Cases, $5 each, 600
5,000 Gold Pens, $3 each, 15,000
&c., &c., &c.
All orders for tickets, by mail, and all letters
for information, must be addressed to
663 Broadway, New York.
110... Orders will now bo received for Tickets
in Perhatn's Fourth Gift Enterprise.
May 18, 1851—57 .
Last Notice to Subscribers of
THE last instalment of the subscriptions to
the Capital Stock is now due, and imme-
diate payment in all cases is required iNorder
to the completion of the improvements' con
templated, and to the meeting of the engage
ments of the Company.
ALEXANDER COBRAS, appointed collector of
the unpaid subsciiptions, will call upon all in
arrears ; and it ' hoped that the response will
make any furthe ,steps unnecessary.
Deeds are ready for delivery to all such pm ,
chasers of lots as have not yet paid purchase
money, and it is requested that they make pay
ment and lilt them.
The thanks of the company are tendered to
all who have already made
H. J. STATILE ; See''
Fob. 2, 1855.—tf.
. County Agricultural Society 'will be
held at the Court-honse, in Gettysburg,
on Saturday the MA day of May net/,
At l 0 o'clock, A. M., when the business
of the highest importance will be present.
ed for consideration. Several speeches
on subjects connected with Agriculture are
JNO. MeGINLY, Pres't.
H. J. STABLE, Seey.
SEALED Proposals will be received at
the office of the Comnsisetonerr of
Adams county, ,uptil 7'weaday the, 29th
inst., (or handbill WOODEN BRIDGE
across Bermudian creek, on the toad lead.
ing from Gettveburg to Harriaborl,
Petersburg, (Y. S.) The Bridge it; to be
of one Span, 75 feet, and built Aor the
style of the bridge across Rook creek, on
the road leading from Gettysburg to Han;
over. •
lifirPlens and specifications for the
Bridge can be seen by persons wishing to
bid, on the day of letting, or by applies.
lion to :►r Avouttlexaos. Clerk of the
Board of Commissioners,
JAMES J. WILLS, Coneatira.
Attest—J. AvOmetatess,
May 11,1855.—td
WANTED. from 111000 to $l5OO
on loan. for which ample real
estate trecurito in Gettysburg will be even.
0:",r For further information apply to D. A.
Bugman, Eaq.."Star" office.
May 11 ? 1855.-51
iUSLlNS.ibleacted and unbleached,)
Drilling' and 'risking"— It, you
want-to boy them good sad cheap call at
• SOHK;10.
rroretudolial Cards.
D. 111 9 CONAUGHY,
.477ORNEY AT 14cv.
(Office removed to one door West of Bashi,
Drug & Blook..Btore, Chambersburg street.)
oilltorney and Solicitor for
Patei4o and Pensions,
Bounty Land•,Warratits, Back-Pay sus
pended Claims, and all other elsime against
the Governattipt at. Washington,,D. C.:
also American claims in England. Land
Warrants lonatedand sold, or bought, and
highest prices given.
Lands for, sale in lowa, Illinois, and
other WbstetnAlates ;and Agents . engsged
locating WarriNte - there.
illiirikpply to ‘bitn personally or by
letter. • • - -
Gettysburg, llov. 11, 18811:
1 A ChM.
Attorney at LAvr,
nF ROE on Chambersbarg street, Get.
"' tysbdrg, two doors from Geo. Ar
nold's anise s will attend to filing claims for
BOUNTY LAND, un4er the late Acts
of Congress, ,Pensions, 4. All business
entrusted to his hands will receive prompt
April 8, 1854,
Attorney at Law,
HAS taken Mr. STivarmotes office
North Wail Corner of Centre
REFERENCE.—.Hou. Thaddeus Stevens,
Esq., Limeade..
Dee. 30, 1853.
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
OFFICE in ehattikereburg street
one door West .iff the Lutheran
Church, nearly npposnetrammer's store,
where he may be found ready and willing
to attend to any case within the province
of the Dentist. Persona in want of full
sets of teeth are invited to call.
Dr.C.N.Brittarterr, Itev.C.P.KaAurn,D.D
.. 11.8. fi truism. • •• H. L.DAusass.
" D. GILA SIM, .• H.A.Munumeutto
ROV. R. Joussopr. ' I .. M. L. STIEV2I.
July 7. 3848.
U• go 32Mintl o
'LATE from Philadelphia, would re.
ALA spectfully offer his services In the nit
izens 01 Bandersa ills and Adams county
in general.
- r Office in Bebdersville, where he can
at all times lie fouritt,Amlconsulted, when
not proleassionally engaged.
Benderssille, May 26, 1854.—1 y
MOO Reward !
AARE W MID of 8500 is hereby;do - 00
. for such information as will lead to
the detection and conviction of the person
or persons who fired the stable of Geo. W.
M'Clellan, Esq., on Saturday night last.
By order of the Council.
• JOHN CULP, Burgess.
May 11. 1855.-8 t
arAt a large and enthusi
astic meeting lately hEld to devise wave
and means Mc the better protection of the
people from imposition, ' various plans
wore proposed and discussed. and after ma.
tore deliberation. they nannimonslY Re.
solved, That to secure the most desirable,
beat and cheapest Goode, of every va
riety, you moat go to 'FA HNESTOCK'S.
FOR the cure of Heal!ache, Cholera
Morbue,Toothache. Bre ism Spraine t
moat excellent reinetly—for tale
of the DRUG STORE of
Bonnets! Hats ! !
WHO wants Cheap Bonnets 1 Pub.
lish it to the world, and the ladies
in.particular, that FAHNESTOCKS keep
the prettiest Bonnets in town.
Also Panama, new style Leghorn,
Straw, and every variety of Summer
Hata, m be had cheap at
The Sign of Red Front.
April 13,1855.
Breioig, Froneiield & Co's.,
0 by 8. H. BUEHLER, agent for
&dame county.,
Deo. 80th. 1354.
THE President and Directors of this
Institution have this day declared a
Dividend of Four per cent, payable on
and alter the 7th inst.
J. B. IdoPHERSON, Cashier.
May 4, 1855.
TOBACCO. in slurs and for
sale by WM. BUEHLER,
No. IV Franklin street.
Nov. 24, 1854.
vs , TOBACCO, AO Bales, Havana.
26 do Siva. so do W l , - ` jago, 20 Osseo
Boni Loaf. Just recel.ed and for tide by
WM. luctiLEß.
Na. 157 riinkun Eitnet.
Nov, 24, 1824.
lia'w and for tile by • ,
WH. 1111E11LE/to
No. 157 FreakUm lona, BsWaist,.
'Nov. *4, 1854.—tf
Come one! Come all!
TO see - those cheap , Goods 'just rto
caved by
VIOLINS, Guitars, Accordion', Flu:
tinas. Harmoaicatta, Guitar and Vio
lin' Strings, at
L.ADIES can be supplied with every
ALA variety of Dreu Shoes, by calling it
THE undersigned , having entered into
psrtneship to carry on the Foundry tin.
sinsw. under the firm of WARREN Ar
SOLO, hereby make known'to tho citi
zens, of Adams and adjoining counties,
that we are prepared to make every thing
in our line of business. We have con
str.n*ly on jiand, the HATHAWAY . and
the Parlor airtight, and nine plate Stoves,
of various !Kyles and sixes, Pots, Kettles
and Pans, and all other Iron Cooking
Utensils, Waffle Irons, Washing Machines,
Boot-scraper., ate. Castings
glt. Mille and other Machinery, PLOUGH
&STINGS of every description, kr--
We make the Seylor, Blocher, and differ
ent kinds of W iiherow Ploughs. We
have also Rot different patterns of
for Cemeteries. Yards and Porches. which
can't be beat for beauty or cheapness. .
lf:7"All the above articles will be meld
cheap for Cash or Country Produce.
tinued. •
BRASS CASTINGS slid every thing
in our line made to order.
ed at shorteat notice. Being MouWere
ourselves, we will doour work Rum.
Gettysburg, May 11,1855.—H ' ,
/PIE undersigned respectfully"ao.
nouneas to his friends that he con•
Hilton the
• Tailoring* Misfiles*
at the stintlitceupied by - him" daring the
yaut year, in Chambereburg street, nearly
opposite the Lutheran Church. Having
'made arrstigelleine to receive"the.
regularly front the cities, and personslly
superintending all' work sent .out, thole
who favor me with their cuetorn may
pend upon having their work done to their
entire satisfaction.
OV-Country produce will be taken in.
exchange for Work.. .
Gettysburg, May I t,
• AHE undersigned; buying been appoint
ed by the Court of - Common Pleas
of Adams county, Auditor to snake distri
bution of the assess remaining iu the.bands
Assignees of Col. ROBERT CO,
BEAN. to and among the persons legally.
enthleddliereto, will attend at his office in
Gettysburg, on Saturdqy the 2616 day of
May ins!.; ai 10,..A. M., to discharge said
D. A. BUEHLV.R., Rud'r.
May 11. 18§5.t-3t
LETTERS of Administration an the
NER, Sr., late . of Gettysburg. Adams
county, decd, having been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the !tune plare,
tics is hereby given to those Indebted to
said estate to make payment witittnit
lay, and to those having claims to present
the same properly authenticated for settle
April ;a, 1855.-6 t
Wren . the convenience of parties, persons
having claims against the above estate. or pay
menu to make. can call on 1). McCunatrout,
Esq. Attorney for the Admkiiii rotor.
IETTERS of Administration on the
estate of JOHN CRIST, late of.
Menallen township, Adams county, dec'd,
having been granted to the subscriber, 'T
ickling in Bendersville, he hereby gives no
tice to all indebted in said estate, to call
with him and settle the same ; and those
who have claims. are desired to present
he same, properly authenticated for oettle.
April 20, 1855.-6 t
LETTERA Taramentary on the ee.
tate of %V ILLIIIIOI bIETRICH, late
of Tyrone township, Adams county Pa.,
deceased, having been granted to the
subscribers, residing in the ssmetownship„
Adams county, Pa., notiee in herebk
given to such as ire. indebted to said cc.
tate to make payment without delay, and
those having claims are .requested to pre•
sent the same, properly authenticated, for
April 13, 113/15.--6t
LETTERS Testamentary nn the estate
of YACOB FERREE. hte of Ty
township, Adams co., deceased, having
been granted to the subscribers, residing in
ttie same township, they hereby give no.
the to . all indebted to•said flews,
With ihem and settle the same; and those
who have claim!, are desired to present the
same, properly enthenticatetl, for settle•
• ,
May 4. 18*5.-•.Et! ,
Reaping and Mowing Machines. Machines.
MBE undersigned takes this method of
informing the Farmers of Adams
minty, that he has been appointed Agent
tor the sale of McCormick's. PATENT
REAPING & MOWING Machines in
Adams comity.
For particulars address the agent at
Fairfield. or call at his residence Mall
mile Sottth of town, where a machine can
be seeu at all times.
J. S. WITHEROW, .figeszt.
April 18, 1865.-3 m
QUEENSWARE.—A large and cona•
plate ageortment of Queenaware just
just received at FAHNESTOCK'S old
Oro iic c.
iIiT3MG;IV -
THE Subscribers would respectfully
announce to their friends and the
public. that they have opened' a NEW
HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore at,.
adjoining the residence of Ditytrr Zutot4R.
Gettysburg. in which they ate opening t
large and general assortment of
Springs, Axles, Saddlery,
Cedar Ware. Shoe, Findings,
Paints O i ls,&Dyestuffs.
n general, ineuding every description of
articles in the above line of business—to
which, they invite the attention of Corelt•
makers, Blacksmiths, C srpenters,qabinet.
makers, Shoemakers, Bandits, and the
public generally.
Our stock having been selected with greut
care and purchashed for Cat At. we gaud
antee,(for the Ready Money,) (Repose
of any part of it on as reasonable tartness
they can be purchased any where.
We particularly, request a call Irom dui
Meade, i.nd earnestly solicit a share of
public favor, as tvp are determinett tu es
tablish a character for :telling Goode at
'ow prices and doing business on fair prin.
1 4 1404 .
Gettysburg, June 13 .1851.—A1.
„ ra
1 7 ._
Ar S. GRAMMER, lima jugs returned .
from Philndelp,liia with as lialtd•
some and cheap en assortment el
Spring Sr. Summer Goods
ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting, in
part of CLOTIIB, Mack and Fancy :Cale.
eimerea, Marseilles:for, Pants and Ve/IPI,
thalami &e. Bairges, Ritter, de
ehili Barege. 'Silks,
fawns, Gingham', Calieoei,
Cloths Sleeve, Jaokonet and B,iies
Flounclnit,Munnete, Ribbons,
A:so • ,
Groceries 4 Qtreentararei
%dial will be sold at redurctl 'prices for
Cash or country Prottune. To. punctual
customer. a ctedit of mitt months.
April 0, 1850.—tf ,
• . .
LIAO JUST received from the 'pities
as large's sold i f NeW Goods as
has .ever °been o ff ered to ihr publ ic at shy
time, among which area '
Cheap Olathe, 'Mick, aloe.' Olive.
Brown, and Claret, Plain end Fancy Cos
pimers of every variety,. Vestige, Ready
Made Clothing, Ladies' Artois goods in
great variety, Men's, wear of every de
scription, a cheap lot "of Domestic and
.Debege Aliments, Popline., Alpacea De-
Mtge, Clinghttm,e, M. Deinittes, Calicoes,
Silks, Satins, Bonnote r : Hata, 'Groceries,
Queens were. tko..,
Being deterrnined not' to" be Underseld
we pledge ourstilves to sell as cheap u
any other establishment in this place tar
elsewhere. Please call, examine and
judge for yourselves
March 80, 1855.
TNA S received a largely increased as
&mimeo. of Classical. Theological,
School and --
\ .. '
1 , . neons .
of all kinds, including ''--.-- ---
a large .number of handsomely bound
Standard Poeta of England and America—
Annuals, dtc.(suitable for Gilts. Also,
WIT mrioNratir
4 every variety, Gold Pens and Pencils,
Pettknivee. Envelopes, &c., &e. All of
which will be sold at'et small advance on
coat. N:7"Call and see them .
Dec.. 22. 1854. .
-.. , .6. . .
, .
vaIAxTON k COBEAN have, pint re
turned trout the City. with it olden
, did aneortment of SPRUNG & SUMMER
Hats 4. Cope, Boolakt Shoes, of every de
scription, and. price. .
White Benner Kota. White and, Black
Silk, do.' Panama, Canon,. Straw and
Chip Kati. Kossuth, Outran, and every va
riety of Soft fiat.
AlsiHtentlemen's and Ladies' Boots
41t Shoes, (Wets. &Aloft, Jenny Linde,
.ke. All of which will be sold low, for
Cash, or Cetietry Prentice.
May 4, 1855. ..,
> ,
111X.CON., dle.
JILA turned from the oily with the largest
lot of GROCERIES he has ever before
opened, to which he invites tho attention
nI all, convinced that he can nffbr RARE
BARGAINS. He has also a fine lot of
Hams, Shoulders, &c., Shad,
Mackerel and Herrings,
Oranges, Lertions. Raisins; Figs. Dates,
Almonds, Nuts, ("undies of all kinds. To.
bane°. Segars. Snuff,
.Brnoms, Brushes.
Blacking, with a general assortment of
variety goods. jive us a call if you waist
to buy cheap and good—next door to the
°Star" office, Baltimurc Street.
Gettysburg, May 11,1855.-1 f
_ _
IVOU pill always find plentfof Gen4le
intti's Ladies' and Children's Suoss
Mesa, floods at Lfss . Prlst r..
IPIARINERaIook to your Interns:o. it
J.. ou went to get bath themes? yon
lost,net call at the Northwest 'Omer or
the ismond , where you will s eailt at Islet
l ir
25 per cent. and get the Mt worth of
your money. end where you, will not have
t '.l pay for those who don's 'pay. Don't
1 i or jet to bring yourmoney.= /deo brill
along anything and everything you have
to son—euch as BUT'I'ER, .ESOS, BA
CON. LA 4,8. IiAGS, and everything
you think w.. 11 sell—end I wills buy at
whet they aro Worth. Just:car at the
People's Store. . . 1-.. V
Ct: - .7•1'11e Stock rotisiste ; or Dia
GOODS, Groceries, Clothing 'inadb tir
older. kn. , .. ,
,Vein Quiens•ware and f:edar-trarc-
JOON 1-1010 E:
Clettymbtirg, Thruh 2, 18156.—if
,rery Cheep.
LAS just received at Jai . Merchant
Taylor Shop, where he has ,
Ciller 'effaced Workmen
constently employed making up, an eaten
RIVO assortment of , Black, Blue. Olive
Green, Brown, and Elaret French Clothe
suitable for the sessdn, also a large stock
of Plain and Fancy Ciiaimers,Silk , Betio.
and every variety of Plain and Fancy
Vesting', Linnen &tine. and
l)resa goods, of every kind, for Men's and
Boys' wear—Cnnstartily ott hand I large
lot of Ready.inade Clothing. and on short
notice will make op a garment et any
time. The clothing is all of our own ma
king, and we will warrant them to be done
in the very best manner, and as to prices
we challenge. competition. Our Cloths,
Cassimers, &c., &c., are unusually cheap.
Give us a call—our object is to please.—
Quick sales end small profits. is our
motto. ' GEO. ARNOLD.
Minch' 30, 1855.
Fancy Goods of all kinds for
Ladies and Gentlemen.
MISS M'CLELLAN hes just returned
from the City with asuperior assort
ment of FANCY uoons. to which she
invites the attention of Ladies and Gentle.
men as belngequal to anything in the mar
ket,tind which be sold low on the
prin iple of 'Quick sales and small
profits,." The assortment includes the
new and fashionable styles of
Cashmeres, Silks,
De Laines, Gingharns, Calicoes,
De .nage, Coburg Cloths. Muslin, Lin
nen. Sack Flannels, Bonnets. and Bonnet
TrimMings, Satins, Ladies' Dress Trim
`ming., Velvets, Artificiale, Black Veils,
Blued°. Gloves. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs.
French worked Collars, Cambric, Jaconet
and Swiss Edgings Inserting., Muslin..
Sleeves, Mohair and Silk Mite, Black
Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs.
Braids, Fanny Gentlemen's Collars, Combs '
of all kind., &c., &c. irrLatlias and
Gentlemen are requested to call and ex
amine our Goods. It v ill give us pleasure
to show them.
March 80, 1855.
A ARNOLD has just returned from
• the Cities, with the largest and
cheapest stock of Spring and Sommer
GOODS, ever before offered le the' riti.
aeon of the Town or Coning, consisting
in part of French Black, Brown. Blite . and
Olive Cloths, Fancy and Blank Cassi.
metes. Satin. Cassimere . Marseilles, end
and other Vestings. Tweeds, Kentucky
Jeans, and Satinetts, for Mena' wear.•
Bereges, J3erege'de Laines,Mous
de Laines, &e.,
for Ladies' wear, also'
large and splendid assortment of BON
NETS, Parasols. Men's Clinton, Stiaw,
and Palm Leaf HATS. •
He invites all to tonne and examine hie
Stork of Goode. He moires them he' will
sell 80 per cent. cheaper therm any other
house in won.
March SO, 1855
another arrival of Spletedid
. ..Vetv Goodsl
I HAVE the pleasure of annnuncing to
a• my friends and the public generally,
that I have just received and opened •
lirgs and splendid supply of
They consist in pert of French, Eng
lish and American CLOTHS. of all colors,
from $2 to $5 ; Plain and Panay Caul
mers. Tweeds, Cashmereite, Plain. and
Fancy Linens, together with a variety of
Pant Stuffs. from In cents up. Vesting.,
in large variety.
we have SILKS, SILK TISSUE, Linen
Lusires, Alpacas, Lawns. Gingham from
10 rents up ; beim Mullle, Plain and
Plaid Jaconeis. Lama Plaids, Mous de
I,ainea, Calicoes (rain a flp
Kid. Lisle Thread and Cotton Glove*.
Hosiery, Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs,
Thread, Suisse, Cambria and Cotton
Laces and Edgings. Mans
Bonnets, Ribbons and Flow vs.
Our present Stock , is large. and has been
selected with great cam, both sit regard.
Style, Quality and Price, and as oar motto
is Sr»rt►l Prod's aril Quiek Soles." we
hope all who wish GREAT BARGAINS
will give us a nail before porabasiqske
w here.
April 13. 1858.
_EWERS of Administration on the es.
A-A tate of YOIINDILIIERTO S tau of Hem
iltonban township, Adams comfy, 4,41 e.
ceased, having been granted in the sob
scriber residing in Franklin township, no.
tke is hereby given to such as are ladened to said estate to make payment without
delay,aod those having claims ammo**.
ed to present the same properly aetheetke
'tad for settlement. •i'.'
May 11, 1855.--8 t
P you want a ano Beaver of j
call on fArilgra COMIC