Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, March 23, 1855, Image 1

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ev Icholqi. , . : Know IAO I I4II 1
in alluding $o
. The following it Mr: t , 1
-q. the etperienee hi innOng! .. e
kr .•thiagt 7 ", 13,inithl, pii. a
'- , 1.;, tanifilltit i .
.20 4 !,
T ; BY , C. IT. BUBLIVER l.;
B' virtue 7 sn Order of the Orphans!
Court of Adams county, the under
signed, Administrator de bonis non with the
wiltsonexed of rlBftAEf. 90011(i, law of
ioivniltip,' Adams CiL:Pa.„ilee'll',
will sell at Publie - Sale on Tnesdny the
21lls'ilag of March insi,!'at AO o'clock; A.
AI., on the premises, the valuable Real
i:jtaits iirsithl deceased, situate partly in
Latimore township, aforesaid, 11111 i partly
township York county,
intitnriing lanuls of Abraham Sinith, Adam
firoWit, and others, and containing ,
30 Acres,
, .
friore,nr less. The Improvetnents consist
of a
014$ TWO.!lngle mot
J;( md. patn„ and: other ont-huilqings.—
.Iheie is a weil of iv:l6.r convenient to the
(I.i'or, and an 011.0 Aanof L. lfitiit . on
reintsev. The larnt is under good pnl.
„,.." AI the atone lime and, place,
sill be: sold a W 000.1,0 T, to Laiimoro
township, adMining lands of help John
:inn, and others. apl containing FOUR
l!RESoniorn or leas, the property ol
said dere:wen!.
Persons wishing in view the premises,
can call on PETER F. reAill
ritg thereon, or on the subscriber, resid
ing in-latimnre towindlip.
A tleinlance will he given and terms
matte knawn eu dsy of ',III(' by
. JACOB .ddrler.
INlarcli 2, 11355.—td
PUE11..14. 1, SALE.
Y. H 4irttte of no Order of the Oro - tatts'
jaAF Court of ildanis county, the undo'.
signed, kiliniotstratq, of the Estate ot
c , !riolliiis Mel:'l . l4in. late id Ulu riy town
-14144 4 1d;i:ns,. comity. Pa., dr.e.eastil, will
at Public! Sale on 7'uesittih , the 27114
they u/ .11ureli itialatil, the valuable
of saidsdeeeased, R;itia ii i R aid l owio d ; i p ,
about :nde ingn Emelitsberg, ceetain
ieg 93 AcuEs. ,wore er less, adjooolig
to l ols ul \laxu•rll SlOelds, lone% llowey.
Samuel. tpuplykr”, owl ethers. The im
pro veil - sews Co!lsist era two anti:Olt:Motor.)
Stoite Spring House, with two Spriugs
of tiever.dailing waver, near die dwelling,
a timid STAIII.E. and other out
hil l /d i n gs . About . 15 acres are, in good
sioklhe tislanee cle4retu an outlet good
Cothvidion;' — isilla a 'lair -privortiotf'of
"Persons wishing Vs si4stv'ille premises,
can call on JOSEPH WCALI,' ON. re
tiblimr: nn flin bfltllV, or on the subscriber,
residing , . iu Eninsitseurg. '
Atmsoleitee will he given end terms
• inalle k nes wn on day of sa hr by
JOfIN MT:A.I.I.ION, dieter.
• Maidle U. 185.=-3t
./•tiont , nn hand, ready for
a""ale deliOery, in fouta to suit pur-
1(0,04) lb. ROMAN TYPE of now cut,
' 51,00 u FANCY TYPE,'
10.0 , 10 SCIIIPTS'of TatIOUS styles,
5,000 GERM ANs, - •
5,000 ORNAMENTS invest variety,
5.0.0 liOItDERs, ,
. 34 . ,000 feet
AIk:TAL . RULES, and all Ihe i novelties
itt the btisinesill
, . •
the above Types are east by steam
plower. of the new composition' of ; metal,
peenliar-to•this foundry. and which .is.cer•
candy superior to any used before in any
part:of ,world. Themotoualled rapid
icy in the process of resting, enables me
to sell Om more durable types: at, the
prioms.of ordinary types, either on credit
ur (or eash.• •
• Presses, Wood Typeo and all ; other
.Priuting Materiala. ,except Paper and
. Cards,.twilleh have no..fixfai quality or
prico,).furnished at 'manufacturers' prices.
The latest Spacitnen. Book of the. Fenn
.dry is freely given to all printing_ officee,
on•the receipt of fifty cents to prepay the
IffirPrintets of. Newepapers who choose
.to publish ; this advertiaement, including
this mote, three times before the , first day
.of July. 1.855,,and forward. me,.one of the
papere, ' VI be„ullowed their bills, at ,the
time .of purchasing five•times The, amount
of sky wieflufacturea,„.Address --
j ar, ,
11, , BV,PIVER t keenconstantly,on
140,, fer•enle, the - Gentripe ES—
SENCE OF COFFEE, rif beet quality.
Nhe eee,of.thie article_in farniliae, will be
-tooadvery : great paying in the courecof
31:10. year, Ire'r For eale, 3VUOLEBALE. and
Rimini, at the Artig ;st. Bqok Store of
s • • • 8, 14. BUEHLER,
, 30, 1803,, ' , '
TOBA . PEO,,in itoro apd . for
r .. 7 .• 41. No. 1 . 0 'Franklin Jame.
' " 24, 1864
R . , i lep, Hagerstown. ,LOtlieran.
! .,f!rlffkjeriap, C Kristis n, Farmer's and
• , oqp,c,tlseopei`r,,ar.,HV,HTZ'S Bo o kstore.
Oand for 'ale by
No; 167 Frank!hi strsit. Baltimore,
Nov,, 24, 111164.:-41 • • • 'L.
The rhinplom.
Attain left within, the mention,
' in the old WI at tent; . •
Anil shade end ounenino chase each other
O'er !ho carpet at tny (eat:
nut the sweet•hrier'e arms have wrestled upwards
I !In the iumntorsolist gra piseed, • •
And the willow trails its brunettes luwee
.Than• Whoid I.sper. them last. • ; . •
They strive to abut tho sinishihe wlolfy
From nut the hiuOtriliciolit
To fill the house that once was joyful,
With illence and with gloom.
Anil mini kiniLlemembeted faces.
Within the doorway omit--
Pf voices that watie the sWeeter muffin
Of nne that now is dumb.
Thhy sing hytones se glades ever,
The :ones she loved to he.r
They braid the rose 1111110 summer garlanyts„
Whose towers to her were dear.
And still her footstep . * in the passage,
Her blushes at the door,
Her timid words or maiden welcome,
Como back to me once more.
Anil all forgetful duly morrow,
.tinmiii;ifui' of my pain,
I think she; Iterliut nearly left me,
Aiursonit will come oguin.
She stave perchance a moment
Ilrem her thick !imam hair ;
I hearth'. rustle of her garments,
Her light step on the stair.
o,llnttering heart ! control thy tumult,
l,rst eyes [Jamie sirould 6co
My rheeks,betray the rush of rapture
Her coming brings to mu!.
Bhe wile/ Inns : but I ! a whioper
Pe" . i uillhe open door,
And I lidiug Itnoudi the quiet nm■bino,
A ehuduw on the floor.
AG ! 'tie the whinperinu pine that calls me,
The pine, ‘vh..e ebadm. ntrnve
And my patient hear: mid vital await. her e
Mo. rhiae her lung delays.
3ut my heart grecs rick with weary waiting.
Ai litany n time before t
Iler Cint IN ever at the threstinld.
Vet never passel' At.
Not yet. and not quite.
Pert trembled and answered. lip 11)y way fq
gti,iam,—.Acts xx , s - .%5. And .Agitniat srid
m,to l'aul, Almost thou persuaded me to be a—Acts xret.:2t..
In recording the effect of the two last
discourses of Paul, the MO Spirit has in
dicated with emphatic, distinctness, the
imial state of mind of those who hear the
g..,pel and are 104 eared. Felix said, not
yet ; and Agi ippa said, not quite.
. j.tilgutent is•eutiriticeil. the heart
i.s touched, the.knockings of the ii. ily
Spirit distinctly heard and recogitized.
Will the sinner absolutely ' refuse N..,
he dares not. Ile can only say, not yet
That is enough. The Spirit is•
and is gone. Man's 'ext ioinity. is God's
opportunity, but man) convenient season
Master,l' ern rea
dy to be a ; Obristian tioW.".• The, Saviour
explititis what it is to be a Christian, and.
the young , man sorrowfully adds, "But
not quite." Not yet arid not quite! Fa
tal words I They are Satan's ctpti reCaiire
ii. nyins for tamer and nit at all They
look towards heaven and take hold of
Fellow Christian, let us, in self exami
nation, ponder these words, when the Mas
ter says; "Take up thyerus , and follow me.
Seek first. the 'kitiOotit of God. Go,
Feat% my gospel. ' LoVe thine eneMies.
lf thy right hand iiffen.l thee eut
When the, holy Spirit shows ill sills /.0 be
Mortified, and duties to tia dune; when
coast:twice:makes end talks to us l let its
listen,lest, perchance, in: the recesses of
our hearts may be heard the echo of these
sinful words, not yett l —nol
Too Soon.
Upetn the monument erected to the
memory of lion. G. Atherton, of : Now
Hampshire, is the following iuscrip
tiou . •• ,
"This I expected, bUt 'tit; too soon."—
How sada reflection, and how expressive
of weakness ! Too: soon, is the last ex
pressiouof,pll things human and earthly.
When the : smiling' flowers deck the hind.
seopd With their gayest dres s, the frost
too soon nips their tender lives,- When
the Merry sleigh•hells jingle, and when
"at littine", "compliments" and
. "will be
happys`' fly' about, thick as snow Hakes,
the spring • with its ,"merry,, merry sts•
shine, 100 soon ends the' frolic. When
old age, With 'tottering, step and eirver'y
leaf, it is yet too, soon. .When the middle
aged, with elastic step and manly air,' vie
fronts the,rough world, then falls iuto the
grave like blasted fruit, his wife and his
little miss iu bitter anguish cry, "'Tis too
soon." When the infant, a frail blossom
that bloomed upon the verge of the grave,
has been garnered to its kingdom, the
Stricken parent iii humility - bows to the
affliction, but • writes upon his memory,
"lie died too doon.t l Too late we discoVr
the,deception which too soon makes grief
doubly sorrowful. ' ' • • • ' ' •
-r-IThe!correspondent of the . Ngw York
Eveninihost , ,
the_When Col.... Benton was being . tried . in
. (upace,.o afflictiTt by the burning o 1
his dwellin g , the, President called on him
and tendired to him
,st ; home Mul ;he,
'rntlilitien,of the Thin eras
! too mu ; o4 oi r the. mere „Mil :gluten, .erho
m tfefg ; ?road in arms
but elked leers t 4 such 'eonsitkeritinn
and kindnese from the,President.,
expressions of
I thile; accepting i iMerever, the pr . oftet•uil use
Of the aiaiy anti manuieriptc..
"Why don't 'i'ou a. little Greek
and Latin tfccaiiiinally ?". ash'ed a country
deacon of the war -
`"Why; do yOt! t Underatand these lan
guagea he„reidied.
"No; but we, pay for- the beat and ire
ought' to have it." .
"One of oar eititiens was thus accosted
by the landlord :—"As every thing is on
the rise, I feel it my duty to raise the
rent." "Sir," said the tenant, "I feel
dilly grateful. for; times aretto hard, that
h is reallytlmpotsible for me to 'mist 'it
The New ;York Courier, dn alluding. to
the reported• deuth rif the
. czar, givea,tho ;
following interesting sketoh . Of
"Tho youth ofNiehoiaa was What might •
be ba.said. to' be moral, ln . the,..gallan,t
Court of his brother, tho :Rmperor Alex.
Ander, be •appdara :to have ..kepp
.hi soli
marvelously free from intrigues, and to'
have concentrated all his'pleasures on mil.
itary biereises nod uatusemenis... In 1414
Nicholas loft the CeOrt Of his brother for. a
'tour abroad: . visited - Franca; Ger.!
Imany, Engl Ind,' and various other. Doan ;
tries.' and returned knnie enrlyinlBlt.
"On the .130 ofJuly,lBl7, being then I
hardly twenty-one years °rage; hii•in'ttried
I3llaria Charlotte, oldest daughter of: tbo
I King' of PraSsia; The bride tins abiiiit
two year younger than the bridtigrootw.-
The marriage was aOleninized at , Bt, Po.
,tersburg, and the bride, in accordance with
Russian law, although she Claille er IV Pro
testant fondly, adopted't he Greek religjort,
and with it the Christian fiantes'of Alex.
andra Pe,od,orowna, The tnarrioge.iksuid
to have been ono of love on both sides, al• I
though there was, doubtless, political ex.l
pediency mingled with it. There was a!
a great similarity between theta
,ttitt only
iu the majesty of figure, but also of"lttitid;
and character.. • I
At' he time of his marriage', Nicholas
held the military rut t k of head inspector!
of engineers in the service of his• brother,
the Emperor, but lie was not admitted to I,
the council table When political timid diplm
matie quentions word discussed, nod his
sphere oroperation was confined to mere;
garrison service. Nicholas" felt his sulair;
dintite position and lived with his wife, re•
tired from the 'court, a 'domestic Man; de-;
riving his. liappittess in performing, the
part of a husband and falter in such a Man.:
net. that the example or himself nod. wife
has been cited as u Hitt - del - of d foie,tij e
bliss. Ills eldest son, Alciiander Nieoltd
witch, was bore one year, 'after , his, 1111:Ir.
riage: In 1.819 followed the birth °rills
seettal child, the Grand Vueliess
in 18 . 22 that. of the Grand Duchess
[ Parini Taylor
Alexi:3:ler diet] December ISt, '1825.
The news urrivcd , :4, the wh4er
Where'the hnperial firmly :void afiAeitibliA
to the chapel to retide'r - thitliks for the tiles
s.gem reci.tved the p evious day, ennoun
eing titr C.,° of, the Gear. It
oa, N:eltobis who reeeiviid the fatal news,
he only, of the t tree twotheri, then being
re-dent to St. Petersburg, It !cis sup.
poNed by the Russian people that th e
Grand UulteiConstanline, !he next brother
in age to Al,:xnedur. (the latter haying
died without any direct liar) would: s . tie.
aced to t he throne. But Connountine had
sonic ,y ears previously. re,itated 'Os". 0041
int& TO-1114el.i,,e!1"1"t tilt rie l Wing iglep
nenoe . 1 ,, 5 4 -:-P-tiths.Attotltut
liar touittid•itt the streets
burg, Nicholas obtained a . hrief interview
with the Empress -mother. What passed
at t h e interview 14 not known.
afterwards Nicholas repired to
the Senate Palace to take the oath of al.
legianee to his brother. Constantine:—
The state Council app,
scaled' packets &visited by Ahxander
with the Senate to be opened, after: his
death; The'packet was foutt.l' l the
resignation of C,Atstottina ad lressed to
'4le.iluder, a letter, of Alexandorasst..nting
thereto, and a decree whicit gave the throne
to Nicholas.
Nicholas was then invited to . a seat at
the State Council, but ho utijwered he had
no right td sit there is. he was not a incni
ber of the council. but lie was ready tore.
ceire any communication' which ' they
; might have to *aka at his, winter palace.. : -.-
.1)o the palace the cUuncil accordingly re
paired, and were aboht to take the oath of
nllegiaitce to hint, when be refused, ,to re !
ceive it until his elder brother had signi
fied his deterrninatien to' resign.
After a lapse.ul.fourteett clays..:during
which the official acts of Government were
perfumed in tho time of the Einperisi•
t;onstautine,,Niettelas received the ue‘rs
of his brother's refusal of the throne, unh
on the 24th of Deeentiieii 1625, he•fornial
ly accepted the, goveraMent. lie
)wwever, December
the day on , which
Alexander died, as the comtheneetnent df
his A conspiracy was, the .first
greeting which NieliolaS • received ilio
very moment ,he Ifeatud himself upon the
throne, and the ,promptness, daring and
energy o•itti:which ho, met.aud Trolled
shadowed forth the determined character
which he has since exhibited: .neeti
not repeat the, detaila—a
.portion of the
army revolted' arid• refused allegiance.—
Nicholas used mild measures at first, but
when they were foiled to bo of tio,avo r il,.a
few ehoiv - of 'cannon did the resi,"atitl
throwitig down their aruis the rebellious
who hasurrivea, the fire Ili , kgetl for mei-
cy. Some
,of thiLlouticro wepi,ltong,fionto
scut to Silittritt, whiJe Ahe,puttiittment ot
few were of a lighter character. ' 'i,' , • :.
Frotn'thrit, day forward, Nicheltts,, Ow
of Russia, has,been!trinly...seated on the
throne: ' How he hall governed, howl ho has
improved on the absoluto sovereignty of his
predecessors, until tioWinore- than erer all
its•paople are but ono mighty piece or hu
' Tan tuachinertr,'ntored and controll#by
his will oldie; we nebd not relste •
' - In Person6l aPpetutitnie, Niebolab its said
to have been the bolt looking, reg! in Ay
rope—tall, commanding , iiith' a 'Yelled
outline : et form. 4h ' iteally : a fitting mon
anima to viark`the uory i of the .prorp,t
ago. 'A treid ehes ~ 'p face - in which so.
verity and ctutsciemitcp of rualepty
the preiloinivant characteristics, a mouth
regularly chisolod; , :sinisetinies beaming
mildly, but ; never smiling, eyes which,
glared terribly' in anger, but were ealrn
and utild•wherrilic soul was . nitruffled-r.
each was the nnln Nicholas of
Russia: Besides his eldest son, Alexan.
der,.atid the tiro daughters we. have. then
tinned, he loaves another son, the Grand.
Duke Constantino, his prohablem.tzpessori
ae his eldest son, Aloicander, was ,horn 4V,
fore he ascended the throne. ' •
• Sir -Philip Sidney defines' • h ealth '
these- winds•:—"Gresit.
air. easy-labor, huts sera' • I• '
• • t•
G:EITiSB(TR:GL: . P.A:,';F 0:1:141
Emperor XlcholMs.
; : Know Nolte
, The 'allowing is AI
eXperienee • iti ,
brothiogp," Smith
pose, explode, sniii
what. fie. tisys
My first 'idea
till I found one,
'ea sorted tilint
It melts entn ns !!
as a fog. I tieda 'emo
itthey. ,
so I In
ilrll'tl ht
t in tendet
' and de'
1 country
Wits the
in sack'
get `trn
17tV of, in,
him yet
by 141 e I
; •o.
mid 'lli
• Cliairtut
'cm if
t I IL
It 3 look
we hatliL
not only
mobile ;
IVe wall
me a dew
lie, 'Neu
I tell yet
' . gether,
at stake,'
nerved In
Inr, then
passage igi
wv.y'liti told me to give him all toy Money.
.kolieyeil pf - e?n rite. 1110111 h I like
to part will' it. :OMR
passage till tto came ;Olen lie
.gsvn the signal, It was, f,Ry.iy , :twps. ~ The
411(11' (vetted.; ilea think were tvliiime,ring.,
I)iremly a voire said; 'bring itti'llielreliepa-,
situter,";atid .1 was lbeit.,T(itrtsard.: I
heard 'tin talkie, all summit:me; end mam.
antes they wiittlitpitieli yt,t,.')ltl snip- i
Red ine sea!: tottml, leiV?itt! itSet. a, smelt
lot me Mil 'my'rittoilt Ingo: .51Vityint‘ re-,
pent, old s,innerr said one to
on illy ; ka
. .
1 . 11111 - a lash eight . uhrtteir'
-rn---nrm Tra
-n-nrlnrllllVOTritr lie, lei P 110
pitsit ion . tor
, tw n .A 1T• ries!), , Then
he gave me o tottire ,whacks with the.,
lash, and
,pul tt heavier ; blindfuld around
my eses.
"Then the Know Istothiigs. ell , enmr
Illeneed he Si -, 8113" ' , led 11:i.
tier; trl
Pc/1111/ 11/I
1 , 111/1(1 It
Alter lit
with led
ell 'the g'
" ' That
' , The
tinued SI
• • Wlt
"ill ' Di
street ",
j Noah
old ego
ors piriut,
Now ono
his wife,
dy,` 'dull
asked Ni
firilii fioni
' Noah cot
start off
by, Of 'ecii
oblivious _ g ,
seated himself in the old ern
1 , ,1,0uh wes, very much tittuchd
chair, for, like'hiinself, , ago b
retteringmnd, weak in the baci
.• "Wi . f - 0,7-,tatitt, iitt, "do yid
Lnrd in his geOdnesi (tic)
into fire overlustin' ?"
' No answer frouthis wife.
~, -.
"Wife, kin thq,,,Mrd _ into o b:burn
AO al!iß 61 '9 PledWile.l l 7: ,; ;,- .
Mre. 13— by tfiimtime ' eke, in
icensesl.?,t :INF l4t***lB;tlorn es; still
no answer., ~v , ,,,\ , .
, :i "ft , jfeilthie.) lip, ypr, think ?cord, in,
tends (lio) to- burn'. us all.- ro over.
lastin' ?" 2,1 1 i ;.• :: 4f.'
Thia,urat• more then hu patience
could endure, and •abmnoul hold her
t.engue,any.looger.; plultd s. ut if she
died for it: "No, yer A old f • not if
.he w,aitolor voft. to chop the,
. „ !Leo
''TO titik - sti 4.„
Ait•acow- Dile' may ,
be relieyed'hy ilionning a lit west oil
and, lauilaut~at, ,warm, into th , and ap.
plying Lit salt in flannel b o as In
Jeep the part' eutitaiitly war
ery, thyme,: sage onjnne , ga nil other
4easoneri, ehnuld not- : be put soupsur
stews until the,aoupjs o neer le ; chop
fine, anal, ;no in five .minti fore the
.coup is taken frog; the lire.
To Cianin
else can be obtained; '_mix"
mnal with the coffee before
Etoap.—Whet , preparing ke soap,
still a little soap to ihOtley reuse,
-Thief will kreseitly.fanilitato a Ole
*;•• .
G, MARCH 23, 18 55.
Income good advice to consumptives,
Dr: tall says :=--
"Eat all you can digest..and exercise a
great deal in the open air, to convert what
you eat Into pare; healtliftil bltiod; Do
not be afraid , of out•door . air, daY or night.
Do oat _be afraid of sudden changes of
weather;. let no change; hot or cold, keep
you in doors. If it is-rainy weather, the;
more needliii your going :cut, because you
eat as much upon a rainy day as _upon a
clear . .lg..:snilUf you exorcise less. , that
much more remains. in the system of what
ugh to be thrown oft byexercise, end;
untie ill result, ionic' consequent yniptona 1
'ill feeling lis the certain issue. If it is cold 1
ut of doors, do nut -muffle your 41yes,"
tooth and nose in ~ furs, ,veils,, woolen
oniforters, and the like f, nature • has sup
lied you with the best • muffler. with 'the
tilt inhaling regulator,' that is, lips
tut them befOre you -step out Of 'a warm
tom into . the: cold., air and:. keep .them
tut until have. wal ked! briskly,lore
tr, rods Bud quickened the lircitlatimi:a
ide ; 'walk fast ettough . to keep nit aleel
ig of chillinese,o and hiking CON will be
npossible. :What are 'the facts of 'the
ise ; look at ,railrood 'conductors, going
at of the hot air into,the, piercing cold of
inter, and in again every, trvoOr ten inin 7
tea, and yet they do not *catch rohfOltent•
r than others.. You' will tidy:eel): 'fi n al
consumPtive - man itr:.a - tlitiusand . : of'
tem." . ~ • . '. t• .: !
t"inuld do nothing
was sartain.
tdflonsiddiable. all
nifitnni as multi'
I ntl privately
II is wonderful how afraid consumptive
nre of Frei's!' air, the 'very` Thing that
ould cure themt . the oillymbitadletita Care
!log that they do not get enough o 1 it;'stitl
what infinite pains they oke t toavoul
'tattling, ikespeciallydr. it is,,coltl4„telieu
is known that the colder
. the air is
firer it must be; yet if people caUttoi 041
ti hoicliinaie, they Make an'
il one, had imprison -themselvea%fari
Rule winter in .a - , warm
.-roinn t With PL I
iiperature tint varying, ten,, degree, in i
months ; all such ptiiiPle die. aim yet
tonilw in their 'lMitstepti., ir were
'Musty. ill 111 conistimptiottil Wouhl live
of doors day and night. e7teept
alning or mid -winter, then 1 would sleep,
in implastered dog 'hiaisei
semptive friend, you went air.nopliyile •
you want pure air, not ,meiticated air; yot;
want ntltritioili sticluas"pleUtT of - meat anil
bread will five, .and , they arime (drys ic
!tat; Co'nutriniciit;inipings
, canhot
Cure you-: monkey capcni in a gyin2aaitins
171111101 cure you. tvautin gEt well,
go in for, ',ref .and ,out•door Jair, and do
nit ho deluded into .the grave by newspa..
per advertisements, and unfinable certi
fiers. • •
• (4 ecf)o R U I es,t,.--•‘jiiiiesoylltis ieog•
setts t"
•, . • .
"All riglitiwn In one Know
tsliniliinge—dmllly jilted 'on later iveek." .
oSilenne—next--Itchert;"how the
S:nle al Maps, humilit! ?"
•"13nunded by the Maine ,Liquor : 'Law
nil Atlan tie, fhtean on the Pant sod norl,
nt • ibeSoursod west by wooden.nuttneo,
hoirtitittists, rail roads, and Nebraska
It:ethos. . • • '
•.Wh.ifbra its productions !"-: •
.“..snotv-storms, , bud ,up :nohow!, fish
11, bikes, Know NOthinels, yeller
ogs, newspaper, and ',Wilkey. MI 31on.
..Wlint" are iIQ animal productions
"Mince pies. Sati4Agers.iloughnuts, clan
us and Nwallemnileticonis.".
"Sit down—Class, in Geography take a
ress. Robert you u•in itt home mut tell
or lather take some apinfal.pioduc
itq for Monet."
'Yes sir—Ws've some bunkum sanagei p
r terrier died Jolt week." , .
Net.—We have in thiltowu an inuurri.
le tvag h o dotnetinits gdeu by • the
ne of "BILL C,otrros," who a ,short
le since perpetrated the following' ruse
obtain a seat in a crowded' church
ill" went rather late one elettr'hight to ,
at preaching in the Methodist Church
this borough.. On entering the Church.'
I passing up the abglea short . 'distance,
took a survey or the .territOrY,. and
nil every seat full. He was . not long )
laying his plans.. He well know tberel
re a number of beaux ,sented, there,!
:ing to csaort their 're : ipecac° ,dulciues I
hotie'at the . close` of 'the' meeting: and
that they had come anpreptired - tO pr6:l
tact their lady loves from lite pelting:3:ot a
pitiless ruin. He at once made his exit,
Went' houie, nt his inutirella; wet' ii' well
at the pump, and returned . fo the 'elluichr,l
and on entering : the aisle he gave !I he . u t t t ,l
brella a good shako to
. get,t4u,rnitt utr
which operation being noticed by Elie
swains,' some halfdezen'ef theni'wcre'UO.'
and 'Off in a trice for 'their uttibrellas; erh4ii
4 .flowtou" quietly , took one (if the ' , vacated
seats. : The,b , buys: op, getting uetikle Abu
door, found that it Was siear.l . 7. a
Bill's' 'Oneiif 'eta; de;--hfi
Wrightsville Stan
that old
'mode it
'link the
stud us
:Klollf4 PAVIENTS...-A else of Habeas
Corpus tiaine heft& Judge Jo'rep, of Berke;
county, last vipek, involving the iptetition'ai
to whether, ontler;the eircanistinees, the
father' orthe mother had the right to the
ctl•itoilv of the boy enure 15 years
old.'•The hither resides' in 'Pottsville, and
the mother in':Earke county. They were
divorced 'When• ihe inn; was. 2 .years
and both have again'inariled. 'rite lather
alleged that, lie wished to obtain possession
en ,the boy, to give him a' good English
education, hufa well written 'English !et,
ter from the boy , was pretluceif by' the
mother, in evidence, showing tliattbe boy
.was. not .ignorant of the language.. The
court .gave. the , child in charge of the
mother. , I • ;. • '•
e Indian
ng it to
The Worthiest people are post injured
by:alanderera ; as we usually:find tiler. 'to
be the beat fruit 'which 'the birth' 'have
beeti,petikingat.—Dean Swill.
'1 know every. rot* on the, cowl,"
oriel the Irish pilot, when the ship then
bumped. #itsta that's 01/11 01 0111111:1,
Advice to Consumptives.
The Wrings Box.
Larry Mi!dollen wee a eh..* in deter.
Where dry garde by wiwleiale tonne sold t
The meet of his hederna was sweep4ie the fker,
And knotikiirq the bate* area the deer ; • •
01 writing and nudism hr knew wahine more
Than the tilt that is half • year rid.
NcOs • fie 6 widow from litioareeri seta
To pntrbase Wow Mni'LltimhZo firm.
And to peaveyr_ it op io • box Ln.ry went.
Bat, • little bit earraial, an web ! a l..
Be stumbled and fel! io a box that ws• meant
• For • different il'oerti;Ais . aof ware.
All night be lay song in • svrantifnl dram%
Till morning meted over the
Then to reed up the foores thr carpenter came.
I According to °niers he farteord the same.
And the place was ea dark that nobody could
If Larry be al net espv.
Then the fellow who marked an the boxes drew
And • bed piece of botimme be made.
For he wrote no the hot in which Lorry did lie
-for mnr..take car., and keep dry."
Alas for poor . Larry. hew eoon he would die
Ultra scurvy command were obeyed !
The box was wet en hy the railroad in baste,
In the aridoves fiord iv -elfin: it sat.
And the widow. who hod a mechanical taste,
Next seism! on a hatchet and quickly ruwased
5114ulltn. who morel like • terrified bane.
"(hit! smitherenw, urbal stele at I"
Tb• Widow was horribly frightened at first
At what e,mend an infernal machine. ; •
Expecting to we fifty deeds from it buret!
lint when she discovered II matt was the nurse,
ilec,frars.were an aged her doskin went dio
"Aiki beir raptures were plain to be wen,
"deb ! alnNt, look here l• thus &heeded to her
..Cerne see Whit the tnanchints bum sent !
I Wrote far Such Minton. a avid ler might rude,
And faith bet the Mlles hare strictly obeyed, 3
Bad hack wme new bat we them well paid.
For they [ire we mine contest !"
*Where am II" mos Larry, — Faix,darlint, you're
• here.' _ ,
The sidemrepsul with a unite.
Cries the lad, I am. ware enough bat; fear;
I have sent ;Si woo; loix." ...Never tumid it. my
said klistreusSrLauebiGn. and men him a leer
to his beau like a fee.
"It's happy I am. then." .111 - .llollen 'vision&
the geode sett your ladyship's tone: •
II Pas-goods yoo'll outudy find •
That I'll suit agar. is I'm that eery kind."
thee; says 44 •'s the goods to
And nor let us send for the Praiser
Yellow Fever Prevented list Inoculation.
—We notice in La ()realm, a Spanish'jun,-
nal, peblieited ip New York, that Dr. Wm.
L. Humboldt bas discovered a means to
Fraomoes Assavvr sir • Mao Boo.— I prevent yellow fever, by inoculation. The
On 'rue,day week. the 20th ult., Mr. Wm. , Government of Cuba, as La Criniea is in=
Freetnare a respectable farmer or East • formed, b" directed the inoculatied of the
Beindywnte township. Chester coutitv,.; major Part—enleenting to one tbenrand-
bad an adventure . 5c ,,,, „ snug , sing. 'of the newly arrived troop', which has ter
whichcame 1 i hi = premises under tint
tufted in rho grea,teet success, since, none
most violent ittifyienee_ oflot drooSobia.
have been attacked by the terrible'disease„
whit+ generally decimates the foreign pops
llt vas in the afternoon. The thl had
ulatiou ehortly lifter their arrival. The:OP
liven seen in them -rnitie up,in the preen - . . ~ . . , ,
s „„„ .3 „,„1 ,41,,,,,,,„1 t h e a l arm o r t h e e qu it s , eretieti is Similar to mamtulf; ,
Ptr67 - ttrr:lmprieurcr - irr -- Trre - a:winioon: - gesork;AlnlYve iktril l ler'ii l " itirblli W'sllfir ----'
toward one ban), Mr. Freeman awned this trifling operatioa, the symPtient ot'a
himself with a doable barrelled gun, and miniature yellow fever commence ' anit.all
advanced to meet him. When Mr. Free. ; the puthological eonsequeucca fo llow Ta
man got within a few pares of the dog. the ' iii(lly pod slightly, rarely exceeding forty=
falter turned toward him, and he snapped eight hours in duration, and with nothing
his gun at him. At the sa me eminent th e more thau a Might feverish notion.
I dog sprang; 21 Mr. Fretlltel, wi th savage I --
1 fury ;he received hint with a well aimed : What wont the love of 1174iskey e7o ?
blownf the musket which struck him
Last week one of our Phyeicians 'wee called •
to see .ti sick child that seemed to be *vast
acroes, the head,. This only rendered Om
iog away for want of proper nourishment, more iletennitied. The infuriated
and suspecting that a want of money made
animal wits repelled with repeated blown,
yelpine wits pain and franticwith rage. .a want of food, he ,gave a little brother of
when furumately a. well trecvd blow
the sick child a shilling, and told hint to take ,
prostrating hen on the ground, Mr. Free - it to some person who would give him the
seized a
and worth of it in good rich milk for his sick littlb
ear, to she doe . hie The Aster. The little fellow, joyfully taking
the the money, with many thanks from the
dog, however. kept op the battle to
last, and manifestel a determination h imother of themboth, set nut' with' his little
brown mug in search •of milk, and the doe=
i b e i i l u e n .
t a iu nd t. wh d e ra ti g u i t
b. le id long r
to e , :
a t r o d4 sta h l i t . i.), a an t :
tor went his way. .An hour. /efer be met 't
tag nib's. lie
was a stout yellow bon do ,. the father of thole) children beastly drai',
aryl on his visit next'morning, learned that
a stranger in the neiehtterhood: The eit . ii.
witnessed by the family of Mr. he hid met his little boy with the ning-;
Freeman, who were greatly alarmed for and pink the money from him, and with it
hi s 11 ,t riy , an d b ertc .d i„,, to 5 i c ,,,,, ; but bought a quart of whiskey,' and left: his
helpless, babe to starve or get its food from
he had no alternative but to conquer, as re
was impossible. . nie contest wail the ravens. The child and family were
Provided for, but not the wretch who gave
the animal under.
-the- the frightful disonler.
gnashing his teeth and foaming a, the !theca whiskey for their mil k-money.—Amer: •
mouth. was well ea/related to iuspire hot- l i m n Fnwin nn•
kw and to nerve his arm; and he des.; Fearful Rencoithe with a Bear.--' Ou the; '
eribes himself as completely exhausted '''Bth ult., a citizen of Iklorgan county, Va.,
when the Peri l ous fight was over—and washunting on the Cacapon mountain, whe n
feir thankful C'r the alums' ee t raertiwan de - his attention was drawn by the builling °t'
lifetime,. ide escaped entirely without: his dogs to a ledge of rocks. Approachi •
injury. Several dogs were bitten in the ; the spit, be percei;ed some object which .'
neighborimod, and hare been killed- The !appeared to be the head of some animal:
cattle in Mr- Freetown barn barn Yard 'were I He raieect•his rifle and fired, and i d
protee.tenity a stone wall, or in all probe- ' su b., huge bear rushed upon him. InWni6lii
bility they wfwid net hare ereat-wtl— l l 'est `ensued -
l ' "
- hug diseribed by the Bath Beier.
t'herkr Record. 1
prise : Time attempted to defend him
, .
. r . Titus __ Tb . s yracinse ..s ia ,,,,_ !self with his empty gun ; this the bear threw
. , .
, •. 1 from him with a stroke of its paw, and
are.sayst 4
' ; hurled him"upon the ground and' bit h .
-"When a rakish aftraY•firiewh' ; severely . The hunter then called his dog,'"
gather around Lim in order to restore 111111 to hi s as.istance; which engaged thw e ti o s
k tit in 'sett
~p ,itti of vpriue. G.enneness and I Lion of the enraged animallatalenable-d•-t-he
enes ere lavished upon him to win i prostrate ra , • f ,
IA to regain hi s f eat , He then
Lint buck sem° to intinee"" and Pelee I had recourse to his tomahawk', ' and niter a • -
NQ one, 'foul , ' susPeer III" be had e l er I tremendeus struggle finally sucteeededift
einned- Bet when a poor "'ending girtl destroying the monstir. The hunterefter
is bewaYed she receives t he brand of 'wei - I ettered the den icaptered two eubs.'
!fly; Ilia fietii4. re driven from the ways I
orvittuel:, • The betrayer is honored. re-1 Turning the Tables.—At Wasbingten • '
spoeted, esteemed ; there is no Bence her , they have had' a delegation, for the past
her ibis side 'on the grave Society has I month, of the chiefs of tho Chippowas and
no itelping nand lor her, no smile ofpeare, I Winnebago Indians, who have just coneln-
no voice tit forgiveness. ThesWare earthy ided a treaty. for the disposal, of their land
moralities unkilowu to heaven. There is I west. of Lake Superior. They bad an; io
a deep wroug in them, and learfal are the; terview with the President and Commie
consequences." Isinner of Indian Affairs, on Friday laat, •
when Flatumuth, a Pillager Chippewa, told
i the President "that two great men there
met, that the whites were often seemed of
cheating the 'tidier's, but that this time the
ludians had cheated the Commissioner; for
they had sold him a tract of land for a good •
deal of money which was worth hitt little."
At this the President and Commissioner
laughed heartily, and the chiefs- took their
departure, well pleased with their: "interview
with their Great Father.
MAD , Holtsts.—The Turks in the Cri
meat have a taring% way of amounting furl
' dead horses. It is Oriental, but saustic-1
tory. One of the, men left in charge Of
horses at Verna came down to Scutari to
render up his accounts to the Cusatuutsar
let idficer of the department. The first
thing, he did was to produce a large saek,
which was borne into the fuactionary Ly
two men. ...Two ha zdned of your horses
hare died," said the Turk. --Behold !
what 1 have said i. the tru:h and. at the 1
write of the halm& she men tumbled out
the contents of the reek oa the door, and
In ! 400 horse-ears, lung and short, and
of all sizes antl.shapc•a. were pi:ell in a
heap before the eyes of the aswaishateG
The stepping gime to fame, is not. to
be found ins jeweler's shop. •
Noble Dee&
During. the night of November 28th, hots,
lin a thick snow storm, the wind. blowing a,
heavy gale down, the lake, the wati3r . chilled
I and making leeriest, the CanaditOa selitioner
Coriditctor, Captain' 'Becket; struck ori
I bhr outside of Long Point , Cut, on the in
land side, bent over 'and filled with water
immediately, twine distance from the shore,
the sea making a complete breach over her;
driving the crow to the ridging for
lives. In. 'the. morning, at daylight, they
were discovered clinging to tho wreck by
Mrs. Margaret Becker, a trapper's wife, the
sole inhabitant of that end of the island,
ber hu4band being over on the Main. land:
She immediately went down abreast of 114
I vessel on the beach, and'built a firiy of log*,
%made some hot tea, prepared for
' them, in case they reached tbo shore, and
to refresh and cheer their; drOoping _
by showing them anceor was at hand. All
that long day, with' the tempest 'raging
around her, did that heroic woman watch
the suffering seamen clinging to the rigging ;
of the wreck. .
J.tist'at nightfall the 'Captain called to
the Matc p ,whp was on the other, side of the
rigging, that they would all, pedal; if they
had to remain , in, the rigging another night,
and that he was going to attempt to swin
ashore; 'if he succeeded the rest could' tot:
low hint—if he drowned they should' tiling
to the rigging and run their chancee:' 28
leaped overboard and etrupk out. Aa be
reached the undertow and back taster, ,Ide
strengtt'failing, and chilled and benumbed
with cold, be would certainly have been
jdrnwned, had not the•women gone to his.
rescue. ~She waded in through the surf up
to her neck,.grusping him and dragging him'
out safely. The balance of thom.ew.then
foil wept him one by, one, with rthe'same 're
sult, this noble Woman Wasting the twee,
and , tneeting and dragging them out singly
as they came ashore, being the main instru
ment in saving the whole crow., iduclt
noble conduct deserves mere than a passing
notice.'' She is a woman 'of :most huMble
position in life, but showed'hers'elf on this
occasion a true heroine, and Possessed of
the noblest qualitioa of heart. and -soul,—
Buf Con. Adv. • . • • • • •
An onthusiaitio down•east Poet thni
immortalises tho "prineipil stream"
runs through the State of
,Wooden Nut.
wags :""
.uitall:On, laved Connecticut; long Nu . t , tboof
Gioia& alma Horgord dm/ Nedow kill
Mho 'Yankee who , was .elyisitose Sl* .
point of death" whittled it of witk leht,
jack, hails 4214 is ooW,r4O,olltAtib,
........ 1
",..7 . r, i
) tf
_ 3 F ft ,
7-I': .- .! .4. ,
C . 1,"?" I'o