Ausiti - ei"tiypiey A bpd of Gypsies baring been sojourn. ' ing near Fiaehold, Nt J. 'have sueeeelkd ib swindling a farmer eut.of about $1:100. Thethlefactor was a female fortune•teller who, on'pretenee of being able to reveal to a farmer where a largo ,amount of gold, was concealed on bis anti, induced him to raise the BUM abot.e stated by 'selling and I t ~.lx? wing, telling him that it was only to - liit set' for alit* days in prfeating the cli ";aticattatipt6 tiro itarehttibur After .much hoeus pecan she folded up the lunacy, ho suppoeed to be it, locked it up in 3 hoi grtrii . fiitu - the koy, owl told him tn.opt4 fob' 'aii . pt after , ut midnight , xj.l.4ll.lll9'l,riyty or the gold world lie re: reale to At time app limed the farmer eallebteil 'tidbit fatuity and rel,vives, ios,pitnea4hir box, and found that, the bundle i,} Putt ilt' s the box,did not contain his, nvint3y 61.0‘. 11 11641! Meantime, the • gypsies had left vv with the; plunder.. , Perhaps such riiliou bake& ortsittlityrdeserves ne batter fate. 3 , .7;ol*. l CoMine's WU , ~,,ythile• joker was,n me mber of the General Assembly of the State 411 . 7 011fit,"ia' brought in a' bill for the 'abolition at whipping 1 1 ,j1.95L, i ”pTatle,n speech thereon, to .slyltiih am elderly tnember replied somewhat as follows : , "liStr.Spiaker; the gentlethan is not as old ,es •1 sm. and hea,never ikon. so much of 1 - thelifaclicai °Potation of the aystem of he deeliesio, 'Wlieu I lived iii COnit . ert,iut,. if A fellow ianie a Ithise; . br cut uct any' uther rustics. right up, and give him ; and he always cleared rtght out, and we never saw no Hitt.- tne beet way otgening rognie'thiit ever w 6 tried,Otid out expense to the roie in reply : 4 •Mr. Speakes, 4 "hiveVeil Mien puzzled to-account for the effiiiratien . frith' Connecticut to the ' l •Voreititi but thei gentlenian last up has ex• h '"filitineti . ii to my potiresatisfaction." .. The kill passed without lurttbeidiscuesion. • i . A Sinake,Sloir.i. • 'ten:fling the Florida wur," said the '.'llep'eaket, was with this Atnerican army. l'slinuldered mygun and tient in ' In passing thotegh a sa'vrimnething a' few feet ahead of me lying upon the gt mind, which hail ism:ea:fa nee br a log, it being smite Int ty fßfeeilit length and about one foot in dime ptisttive was I that it was l'ut I "Ttileg;iliat I paid no attention mit; the fact is, I would have sworn before a court of - jitit'iciiltiat it 'was a leg, and nothing else. You see, I had never 'heard of snakes,' sueliqinge dimensions, au& the is,:l never should have believed it if Ijtad Well;" he continued, ' , between me The took it to be-2Vvaa a miry place 'which itwai neeessaryfo'r me "''id it‘toitl.' I thOrelore plaped.the but ehd h'idttiellnit'om the 'ground ahead of me, and' upon sit',lirright on top -4 tv 'You ht • • • ..A boa-constrictor;" said one, , 4, Ntiltitaberii szwitl 'second. 1 :4Wh'it ontild it hail! tieenl" "asked a ttboiest'itv. heft supposed it to be—a-log !" said the tog.. • • • - • get6tDairtu PIIoM BURNINCI.-011" ThUre , Ay night last whine boy,tled_threevears. ,rnitrof Stuann:kle . .Tosefiliti; residing Rich tminnd'steelii 1/vll3l6lllore city,' was butti.. in..auch a horrible , manner !NON' koldath'ecinirredat 'tow o!clork On the same + It appears that the mother of the vr..lnld , stipped out for a'fetv ittioritee, !cart. ;,:ingqthe• little anti Jstantling near Ole stove, WhAretlpon it commenced playing, with I:ithenfire.:•• The flames sdnit'conlintintea led clothing, And burned it , tt hill a color -ledv *mien , he ring, hoc piercing screams of ittasortyorushed-in and • extinguished the pinworm; burning. herself in the'act. Ott ,Saturility...inoritio6. between the --heore+of,lit and-8-o'clock, a little colored t 8 years of. age . ; suffering very severely from the cold, applied at Mr. Duvall's office, corner of Camden and Pace stresstlifiirtiEsairivileke:br *tinning her. tritelfo tilte-ttloctor, of course consented, sAttultledihe.littleohild• into' the back office ltuthe-mean time. heinguir ittel;ski ittr.fierl 'mine and, friends, but -she iceulti.give no satisfaction' lurthdr than it ,oraeilosta,and knew'imi; where tier home i ostatrir/Vsome fifteen minutes aller, he left ~the office in search of an officer to have ~ tovtlnveyecl,:to the alms house. Return-. torgo-after,an , absence of fifteen 'minutes, time. found that she had .ventured too pear .Pleftleould was..envelopod in llatnes::— A gentleman passing at the time , WaS at : ..;Inhaled by the screams` and the harking tit stAleg whist! was in Lite , cdfice,•and 'rushed imtand• extinguished the ;games by, rapping the child in a blanket. IXofeothentwo.thirds surface of the child opith tuned to a ~cris lingered in 40111:•ogony, until Arbiter one -o'clock on t asnilay , morning . when her stitreringv . we're relieved tiy death. t , • - • ' -, • - • iTRE Summar. TO TRZ Rahway (N. .I.)Atlrocate followiogAgood , story at the ex *pellet, of one of the "upper ten" of Now is'one of the"rnerchani prin . VW:4IAm .Empire City, and though lir. illitill•fineml the moor sparicius mansions 91 1 144 , ,fifth , avenue, his entire family con eifqof Inmselfrand his wife. Meeting's f,tionti from the country 'one day, he' invit -4.10414.up. 40 view his house. The friend was shown the gorgeous rooms, with tea welshed floors and magnifirent frescoed eeilfege; ind finally waif taken 'lnto the .1044 r todins, in one of which he found a anualtegiinent of colored serfMnta 'sealed ibountlTul • dinner'. ' On his,return Hunter: he was " asked if he had seen Mr. 80-iintl46l`..oh yes "Whit is he offing Abit ttl 'Well ' ' , when saw lain. he was trim,- bourding•housi on 'the • Pinblitienue • frpitcnirNlM WHILA lad gitifletLiintocis Lynne. weut out a ska timinAdos. Michigan. a few days Ago..— .* Itefute toe boys started . for the ire, - - timettplbef, of little Frank .culled hint to lope,: k aANteautihtted Jilin to be careful and ittsArstsi through.the ice: . The little fel= 411Sp{,viould ; Ind. stopping :`a 1 94 1 01 4 0 4 4 ailt told his (Bother ""if heiahould flf;drsawtiedi not to let any of the boys '.,4,46 / 1 / i s playthings', aud to have them tie% 044Ais,little ' °wait' Oiticinnati."— lie then kissed his mother and went to •"44141r..it0 aw .short • time he was' brought -, • ,31 ..M,ber PrOPOilell IA th e L ei.. ii lAN ,4 , I f. 4 0, , retinfing,gle sieUete i 1 . - , , timifytto , 4A P ike, kltesea„thet '''' . W wtwice a loe pritroasucare . , „ 0 . , , 1.. , , • T. , ^ ,‘ :;?'''. TUE STIR IND DINNER. • GETTIBBURt. Friday Eyeniag Feb: t, 1851 POSTING UP THE BOOKS I try. We are now engaged in making oot the Accounts of all persons in arreer for Job Work and Subscription, at this Office, and shall transmit them by mail, to Ruch as live at a disttnce, while those in town will bf.) delivered in person. We are compelled to take this course, in order to avoid both •011tSCiVel and reroits the expense of a t'ollector tlfat 'Mu' Mends' Win' be prepanal to moot these bills, without further delay... We have been publishing the ~ S;ttr'f over• nine yours; and have never hitherto attempted to our , hooka, relying upon the promptness of our Ipr.trous to enable .us to meet. ,our , floes. In this way a large amount of un paid subscription and advertising hies at. eitinulqed rm our hooks, and it is absolute ly necessary, to enable us to meet our en. moments, that those account,' •be now shared up, . Besides, we are getting tired ' ;of this thing of ; working year after year, .amid laying out , money 6Jr•paper,ink type ' , ,and labor, without, remuneration, and aro disposed to adopt a different ay stem: in the ' future. We believe we have, on the whole, att generous melsas of patrons any es-:1 tablisbutent in the State, and ate : under obligationi to the great. mass of them for their promptness and their, punetuality.— There are' a number. however, in arrears for one, two, tide; four tend five years.—, nod some from whom we have never heard. al all. Doubtless this delinquency, in tunny oaks, is the result .:thoughtless ness, and we may,.expeet. from such a prom[ t liquidation of the now sent, to tin:* At all eventt+, we want to know! who intend to . pay. and who don't. If there be any of-the latter class, we, shall it.least have tho gratification of paying any , further,outlay of capital or labor on, their Account. Some of our exchanges have commenced the publication of the names and residences eta Certain class of Jelin-, quoits, with 'the atvintant indebtedness. A gond idet , in 0 1 4 deoonest newspa per patrons- 7 for the meaarat of all kinds of ..diShouesty we Wm Jo be 'that which will induce a man, year after year. tia take and read a newspaper. and then ref use to pay. We leipe that there are none or that class on our list. Btu, LOOK OU't FOR. THE BILLS I Alpine Lectures thirßy the card Of the Committee of Arrangements in another,eoluMn, it , wilt be observed that . Rev. Dr. Manna, of Bal timore, will, deliver two Lectures in this place, on the 21st and 22d inst.' Aside front the meritnridui 'object to which the procCeds of the Lectures are, tebedevo , 10 (4.1 7 9 cau guaranty to, our citizens a rich 'entertainment. .:Dr. MOrris is already known in this community as an attractive Lketurer always interesting and Instruct Ire..,' Those Alpine Lectures,have been de livered in a number of plices,by special request, since 'the Doctor's return from Europe, and have been warmly cont. inettdc& the Press. TLe Crand Diviainp of il i a:Sil ls et Temperance ruei in York last week. A pnhliemeeting was held on Wednesday evening, at which addresses were deliver. ed , by MObSitACIRKPATRICK I of Pittsburg, NICIMMON; of Philmdelphia, sad D. bl.'- CorfAtquir, E q., of this' place. 4 'Of tho 135 'members composing the Pennsylvania Li3gishiture,only 35—a frac tion more, than onmfourtb--atihere to the ohl line “einocrany." Was over a party so suddenly crushed ?" Star.' Will the' "Star" -inform us, haw many adhere to the old Hap <. ;- • . Failituoil 2. PENNSYLVANIA STATE WoRKS.—It is Staled that several New York capitalists, in connection with parties immediate! y identified with railroad interests in Phi hi delphia, are making arrangements for the purchase of the.Pennsylvania.main line of public improvements. .If they are ounces s ful,- an arrangement now suppoied, will be made with the New York and Philadelphia lines for the transportation of through freights upon a favorable basis. SINGULAR CAUSE OF DEATH.—The Rockingham (Virginia) Register relates a story of a man named Lough loosing hie lile by walking some distance with a sharp axe, without a handle, in print._ Itions picket. After reaChing home it was found thiit the blade had cut entirely through the abdomen, and penetiated the intestines, - and, in spite of medical. aid, the man died , two - days afterwards., lOWA LtotativrttnE.--Since, the election of United. States Senator, the two contest ed seats in the Legislature lave been de cided in favor Ur Mr: Clark, Democrat, and that in the Sen'ste in favor of Mr, Jordan' , hig. • By the latter der:Whin .the politics. of the Senate ere:reversed, thnt body now atanding.sixtren Whigs to fif teen Democrats. This gives the Whigs and anii-iiebraskaites.a clear. majority in both houses. • LOOK OUT.—Counterfeit SO oaten 'on the Farmers' and '.Nfechanics' Bank of Frederick are. in circulatiOn.' They are dated May 10, 1854 ; W. Tyler; Guiltier ; Thomas W.7Mtirgan, President. The names of these two gentleman should, be reversed for the offices they fill, and the coat•ol•arms on the note le that of Penn.; sylvania insteklef Maryland. Nsw ENotArrolium FOR Sevas4oPoc.— The Middlesei (Masi.) loom! says: • , We learn from good • authority that Trull Brothers, distillere, are now engaged in filling orders for this 'native jniee' to gn to the Crimea. • They get 45 cents per gallon, and boast ,o 1 making. Aelve hntis died dollars a week. Think of that in 'these hard times.". PAYING eit Tim YICAR.•••••A man in Wor cester, Masa., says tiieSpy, who had been fined a number of weeks in succession for getting drunk on Saturday night, bpoii the occasion of paying his last fine coolly pro posed to thejudge, inn busineas d like way% that he should take him by the year and let him oil cheaper in consequence of his attendance at the police court. Dro,Pm luer has written a letter to the New York-Observer in which he argues that the 'reports which State that Gen. Washington ateore,et the.hattle of Mon mouth are 'not correct. - The tradition, where General Wwashingion, was best known, is, that ho never uttered an oath, or called upon the Doity irreverently. MORE MIMI( TROURLES.—Four of the priests in the Catholic College, at Chicago having been removed a few days ago, the parishioners have held'a meeting and - resolved "to appeal to the Pope lot their restoration.- A padlock umbrella has beeuinvented, for security to owners. A small padlock is :Axed, which cannot be taken off; nor the umbrella opened except with the, key, which the owner is supposed to have el- A TRAITOR'S SON.--Lietn. Citeo. JaMPS ROhillBoll Arnold, died in London on the 17th ult. He was a gallant otlicer and much respected, though theism of Arnold, the traitor to our revolutionary cause, by Margaret, daughter of Chief Justice Ed ward Shippen, of this State. CHICAOO, Jan. O.—The condition of the railroads south and west from this placo has become quite , desperate by tea son:of the .8110 W. • We have had no com munication with St. Louis or Springfield for eleven days. There are seventeen lo comotives frozen in or buried up beneath the tomer on the Chicago and Mississippi Road. NEW YORE, Jan 31. —The Rev. Mr. Goodwin, the Know-Nothing candidate, was elect(l State Senator yesterday in the 29th district, formerly represented by Govener Clark. - 'Mr. Goodwin is it Main Law Hard Shell. fits majority will be about 2,509. • The Massachusetts House of Represen tatives has inatrueted its connuitee on the judiciary to consider the expediency of re porting a bill 'making convents and nun neries, and Roinan Catholic schools, as open and free to . publie visitation and in spection, as Protestant institutions." REVISION OFTIIETARIFF.-A despatch from. Washington the Journal of Com merce says that a conforetice on the Tariff question•wai held on Saturday, by Mes- Hers. Houston, .Hunter, James, Guthrie . and Edmonds, and a project, was agreed upon. . • A sovereign is dead ! The illustrious Kamehamelia 111, of the Sandwltich lands, is no more. This piece of royalty was aged about 40. He was chiefly dis tinguished for getting drunk, whether on those French brandies introduced st the cannon's mouth by the French, or on less refined liquors makes little' difference. He was of medium•size and dull' physiog. immy. His predecessor, King }Camelia meha 'IL and his Queen, both died in • 'London, while on a vistt. Under his .reign the Sandwich Islatids were: near be ing annexed to the United States ,but Li. holiho, his son, who traveled in this cois+ try and in Europe four years since, is said to be unfavorable to the measure. NEWSPAPER PATeorteon.--Newspaper ' , patronage" is , a curtous thing to some people. The following; which hits in every community where newspapers are published, is as good' as true : ~A man lives near you;'never took- a paper, It is too small ; tioniike the editor; don't like the politics ; too whiggish ; or too locofocnish, nt too tromethinrelae ;yet goes regularly to his neighbOr, and reads his by a good fire; finds fault with its po sition, and quarrels with its type. 'Oc casionally 'seep an article he likes : saves Wl,B dune and begs a'number.• This iti newspaper patronage."' /Fhb Ban Diego "Herald" publishes. an epitaph copied from tbe totnbatone of one Mr. "Jeems Hambrick,"- of California. It is a queer composition, winding up in man ner following "He, was accidentally abet with one of the ,late" cnlt's rerolvpre, with no titop. per for the cock •to teat . 9n, wu, on e Oldie old . fashion kind, brass mourned. and Vaud is the kingdom of heaven." An exquisitely dressed yosistr grad slie r buying another seal to ifimarlie about his deficits person. s. I n the jew e r er that 'he lite w haire.ab some thing engneerl ors it.ah r o &owe what he Wes." "Certainty, erstairslya will pat a cypher on it." said the rrasksisso.' Who Kill ester! When Dr. TOBIAS? attellewsa Ireuntim Vi meat, will insmedisrsery gnaw eholfeenolinwsweey, so tolling. thenttsuiL 4oo -"ta e4wen%tiiceee. ire. Depot 111) Cott'antic-sr.. Pies Y. 8114/1111 , e p druggist sant slorekeepers. AGENCI IL arehlak and s wam i Getsy.../ung ;IL ** risk. Plinio's* ; Spalding & Brother, Linlnraourai ; Saba Boaalley. -Mltherrystosin Sensed raw. Jr , Linares: Mill ; .Jesee Houck Starer larvainkip ; An u ip ro , Creglow, Centre ; Abol WinicAa. anals. villa ; Jacob. PerrosyL Slifilketwww; l ac y Lower. A ierultsaille ; H. W. nbianniar- Winn minburg ; Philip Hann. ILlCrakkaimille ;11kno m Groper, Franklin Ir.:Jacob ?lark Caarinans Aulbanei & Spangtee. Esint Illealita; l. 3F New oxfunt ; J. R. Henry. Ablkosiorwa Jan. 2tl, 1855.—tua . Sal Rheum' or 'Metter. I hereby certify, trot Ism ntstswi..(* h ten years of so) war. Lit Sepoasher. seueta with Salt Rheims. Jr.), s,ar melba obese use deep sone on the 'Wet frielliwroriansifmayesmg. the mouth. whicb &admixed bray. We Ina several medicines, wittvwst obosiiiieg sal ntielt At last, we tried Myers Extinct Or DEA Roe% which haselreeted n corr. Illeroveciecs healed. and his raml hwebb um& impevwnill. HORACE W. 5E71.4 A Erns -a. 0 Beettbeir. Getrirshung Houck, lblanallini P. 0; AML IllrifOlet. *- dororille Jacob Stark, rashtnane Sperltran Yt IBrnther, !Antennae's I- Atallabirelli lc Sparnallrr. 'East Berlin ; Jacob MattillkNott OtAlltd: Fink, Pleasant tiilL WOOD WANTED. MirWe are out of WOOD, nod want soma immediately. thnsa friends 'who intend sending as Weed, at tend to it AT °Nee.? Don't wait Go rOlth otlier,-but send it So danger of ten much cow i4,-.-provided it he goo& • limurrnone NARK Me- Birrtmoaa Frs. I.IBW FLOUR,—Ectropraa Whims Uwe &ea di. market more firmness tasks Nis monsise 11500 bhls: this morning at $8 ItmeaDirr swine 11 owerd-st. brands, on bre "diersge at due alma pride. Connie! Coen Meal ea 4 2/f a slllr4 Small sales of Rye Misr at 1$ per MIL - O RAIN.—W• note wins of gaol is pane white Wheat at 1 95 a VI , a% Weswisssob at 91./ a 42 00 per bitsheL lainine bars limas 2 . to 12 cents less. Sales of Whinveasa at 13 a•S cents, and yellow et 37 a 59 (awes pee issikelL.--- Sales of Pennsylvania Mac at 62 a 54 wales per bushel. We quote Rye awatinolly at IMI a 122 per bushel. Iroverantill rerfran at $7 SV and Timothy at 3 2 • $3 5(11 per brunet PROVISIONS.--New Mews posik LAU at $a Prime do. at 13 ss) • *Li, mu. N ap as 11421 175 per bbl. Mesa Beef ff. CS - 5m per bata.. Bs eon—Safes of new sliosares er. 7 a 11 wet% sides at 71. a 71 cnns. end hisnss aa it a lot cents per lb. A sake' 25. IRe. La 41 ea a alas. and i n kegs at 111 a 114 mans per Ok WORK .11 AR II T. Tunic_ J.s- 30.. INSS FLOUR. per Rol, from maggots. WHEAT, per bushed, Timmy' seIED. per bashal, 3 01 CLOVER SEED, i .56 FLAX,sEED PL:ASTER OP PARTS. per taw. UINOVER 311411111LICT. - - Inniore .10 k , MSS FLOUR, per hbf.. One vitogea) fa 97 RYE CORN;' OATS, TIMOTHY SPED. CLOVER SF:ED, FLAX HEED. PIAsTER OF FARM MARRIED. On the 9th nit Me Rim J. et. Fronk- Ur_ JOHN P. STUDY, wad 3Com LOUISA ROOK. of Ftectirlits manse'. On the !Sib ult., by the Rev Lune, IL Der borne. Mr. JOAN AIitrMPER. rod Woo K%- RA H JANE, eldest rberrattere ad Mc Simiamee Gardner, of Petersburg. Y. tL Iu Imliartopolis, indium. es the utorimit December 27th. by theft's , - CAG-11kLess., R. ILE. Mr. CHARLES N. TODIX Attie Lama" Fe male Seminary. and Mir MARGARET Me- LEAN, daughter of the adicieding elogyensa. DIED. - •0n the 2RII aa,. Mr- PETER BOLLINGER. or Tyrneelownehip,. se an elenerel ape . On the 21 at lA. Mier • painkil illnese.JOHN HERR R D. sou el Antimer iniJeonnot 'MAN of Freedom tonmehip, ago 5 .Irers 1 anende am! 17 days. On the et Mr, in Aimee ceselty. SFATTAL M., infant daughter et EIG 4pasersirotgal fl dere. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Ak SPEVIAL MEETING 01 the 4-3 L Atlanta County Agrrealtaral flacieThly will take place at the Coews.kamse, i Get tysburg. on Thur . sclay, dr 224 day of Feliruary, l'ehtuary, 10 o efoelt. A. 31. The ex amination of the *ethical -The appiiiatio® 01 Lime to Land: . wilt be eewlistartiL JNO. 3FGINLEY. Pfeil H. J. STABLE. &t 5. Feb. 2. 1855. NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration ow th e estate of =Alf COOK. hie_ of Lutimore township, Adams assaty. Pa, deceased. having bee t gram ma to the subscriber, residing in the same toramthip„ notice is hereby given to swell as are ia debted to said estate to make 'osmium Without delay, and those haring daises alt requested to present the same, pnspedy unthenticated, for genies:rem_ JACOB CRUST. Ildorm. Feb. 2, 18541.--fit EVER-GREEN I AC I; TIN. Last Notice tOSubscribers of Stock. THE lan instalment of the selhataip . •i lion to to the Capital Snack is sow Atte, and immediate payaseat in all rases in required in order to the eassplietasa of the improvements etratesephated. and is the meeting of the ettgrgesseans of the Company. ALILXANDER COMM, appoimed ca w . tor of the , unpaid sitbsenption., was evil upon all in meats; and it is hoped ilktat the response will make any farther gasps unneeessaty. Deeds are ready &sr &Every bail such purchasers of lob as have not yet paid purchase money. and it is sipeated dial they maketpayaseat sad bft dais. • The thanks of the compaay atr assierw= ea to al: who hare etnadv made psymea‘ D. WCONAgGIiIf. Aral: H. J. 8 . 75111LZ. See} . - Feb. 2. 1855.—d - 9tdl.3(a L it 1 &DU 1 74 IiECEIPTS GILD EAPENDOTJEES OF nuns gvi . . . ~ .. A OREICABLY to an act of Assembly, entitled igAn Act to raise County Rites and Levies, requiring -the Commigoinners - 47 1 8, of thelespeceive counties to publish a statement of the receipts end expenditurti yearly, we. the Commisinners -of 'Pastes foe said county, deireport NI follows. to wit: from the sixth 4ay of January, A. D., 1834-, to the second day of January, A. D.. 1835—both days included : George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer, and the Commissioners, in account with the • County of Adams, as follows • 'To Cash from T. Warren, Esq., late Tnitunirer: T‘outstanding Taxes and Otis Rents in hands of Collectors at last settlement. ' County Rain and Levies assessed for 1854 &►rough of Gettysburg, $1230,00 do Quit Rents, 178 50 ()timberland township. 1184.02 Germany '" • 802.25 Oxlonl - - 972 68 Hunlitigtim " 1159 60 Litimore, " 760 28 Iferniltooban, 1436 25 Liberty 655 47 Hamilton. 907 68 Menallen, if 832 1/ Straka'', - 1252 62 Franklin " 1388 00 Conowago, . 925 87 Tyrone, " 637 30 Monnijoy. 833 84 Dlountplessant, 1209 71 Reading. " 1128 35 Berwick. 519 90 Freedom, 385 57 Union. '•. 1069 34 Butler, 787 09 —20,214 87 2,292 33 691 . 33 24.00 18 52 Loan from Bank and sundry persona, Anatemetit on State quote, 1854. Dividend from Water Company, Additional Tax for 1854. Cash 'received from John Scott. Esq.. late Sheriff, for Jury fees and fines fur 1864. Cash received from L. Deitz, (finej 'Fixes refunded to State. The Outonnding County Tar and Quit Rent. appear to be in' the hards of Me following Colledors, to wit : TSARS. COLLECTORS. TOWNSHIPS. 1850. Samuel Studebecker, Tyrone, $5 73 13 4 52. Peter F. Smith, Lattimore,t 84 45 1853. John L. Noel. Oxford! • 3 11 • Michael Fissel, Huntington, 201 93 George W. Fickel, Latimore, 76 55 " Jacob Noel, Mountpleasant• 118 - 94 George Brown. Reading,* 183 93 1854. Ephraim Martin. Borough of Getlysburg,t 401 50 _ Hugh McGaughy, Cumberland,t ' 370 76 • Benjamin Landis Germany, - 151 25 • James Robison. Oxford,t 172 68 •' John E. Heiken, Huntington,- 535 10 4 . - Michael Schriser, Latimore, 156'28 " Eli R. A. Moore, Liberty, - 105 47 .. George Baker. Hamilton • 107 68 *. John Burkholder. Menallen,t 227 95 .. Jacob King, Straban.t 264 62 .. Joseph Hartzell. FranklinA ~ ' 223 00 .. J.,srph Klunk, Conowago.t 277 07 • Contad Bream, Tyrone,t • 172 30 " James W. Barr, Mou.nijoy,* 375 06 .• Henry Hemler; of H., Mountpleuant,t 528'71 •' Samuel Owerholuer, Readine 828:.35 4* Isaac Wolf, Berisick,* 59 90 " William Gin, Union,* 169 341 .. Henry Slaybaugh , Butted' 833 691 ' • 35575 35 Hamilionban and Freedom had paid in full before fiettleptent. Those marked thus (') have since paid in full. Those marked thuis (t) have since paid in part. TO THE HONORABLE THE JUDGES OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ADAMS COUNTY. WE, the undersigned, duly elected Auditors to settle and adjust the public accounts of the Treasurer and Commievioners of the said County. having been sworn or affirmed; according to law, REPORT the following to be a general statement of said accounts from the 6th day of January. A. D., 1854, to the 2d day , of January A. D., 1855—both days inclusive. George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer; and Commissioners, in hecount with the County of Adams. , . DOLLS. CTS. `To cult from T. Warren. EPq., late Treasurer, 52509 58 Outstanding Tax and Quit rents in hands of Collectors, •4416 24 Amount of County Tax assessed for 1854, • 20214 87 Loan from Hank and sundry persons. 2292 83 Abatement on State quota.lBs4. 691 83 Dividend from Water Company, 24 00 Additional Tax for 1854, Cash received from Jno. Scott, Esq., late Sheriff, for Jury fees and fines for 1854, Casl► received from L. Delta, tine, • "Tax refunded to. Slate, . WIVE, theundersigned. Auditors ol the'Connly of Adams, Pennsylvania, elected and meth in pursuttnee' of law, do REPORT,. vlr rift we met, did audit. settle and adjust, according in law. the account ol the Treasurer and Commissioners of said Couhiy, commencing on the Bth day of January , 1854, and ending on the 2d . day , ni January, 1855—both days inclusive ; that said ac. - count, as.settleit above, and entered of record in Settlement Beek, in the Commissione're office of Adams 'mittic, is correct, and that we find a balance due to the. County of Adams, by George - Arnold, Treasurer of said .Cottuty, in cash, of Three 'Thousand One Hundred and Three Dollars and Fifty-Six Cents,'and in outstanding taxes, Five Thousand Five 'Hundred and Seventy . . , :Five Dollars-and Thins-Fore Cents. - ' . • Feb. 2. 1855 fOLLITERIL IMIERITINCE. TATEMENT of the Tax on Collate will Inheritances received by Datum. PLANK. Esq., Register of Adams county, during the year ending Nov. 30, 1854. Additional tax from Estate of • John Duncan, dee'd. P 255 64 . ;$ Letitia ICNeely, 8 49 .11 ' Sam'l Mier. 15 00 Apt i s Sam'l Smyth, 19 131 da H. Overhohier, 100 25 U M. Patterson 102 50 John Dickson. 5 00 4 Marg. Runkle. 28 75 " 4 James M'Rarron, 12 50 • It i - 1 4 Harriet Biehl. 45 72 1( 1 SI • 4 Julia A. Eckenrode, 1 97 • gg „ Peter Kitchen, 11 95 - ,ts ! , , " Mary M'Connel, 95 00 is Joseph Kitchen, 142 50 , r ; i *llkorr'sey tea ' paid for ser . in collection of 4. borese - 15 00 5 , per coot: eornmisaioo, 42 22 •Vt.l • " Net &dance, " • R, .0. IiVREART I JikNion !!,lob,-, 11185v4-41 . ' • weal aatc COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Adams County, Pa. nous. ars. 2509 58 $30,465 99 AUDI rows , REPORT. $30465 99 REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Lege l‘ tees and other persons concerned, that the Rdministration Accounts herein alter mentioned, will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for con firmation and allowance, on Tuesday Me 27th day of February tuxt, viz. : a. Second account of Jacob Shealy and John Sheely, Executors of the labt will and testament of Nicholas Sheely, de. ceased. 4. Second account of Thomas Bin's,. Testamentary Trustee tinder the will of Thomas Binle, Sen., deceased, of Henry Bittle, Peter Bittle, Thomas Bittle. b. First and final account of Alexander Cobean, Administrator of Frederick G. Smith, deceased. O. First account of J. J. Kuhn, Ad ministrator with the will annexed of John Diehl, deceased. ' 844 41t 7. First and anal account of Alfred T. Horman, Administrator of Conrad Wagon. er, deceased. 8. Third account of Jacob Diehl. Guar dian of John Diehl, Lavina Diehl and Daniel Diehl, minor children of Daniel Diehl, deceased. 787 19* 9. Second and final account of Chris ban &trivet. and Lewis P. Sohriser. Ad ininistmtoys of George.L. Soltriver?deo'd. By orders paid out as follotys, to wit': • By auditing and settling public accounis, 42 00 R. G. McCreary. Esq..' Auditor; appointed by ,the', • Court to audit pubilo Offices, . ' . 7 • 15 00 Assessors', pay,. , • •• 485 00 Clerk's pay. , 200 00 Cminsel fees and extra Suits. ' '45 Oil 4418 24 Fox and Wild Cat scalps,' 42 82 Abatement to Collectors of 5 per Cent, • 1000 67 Wood & atone coal and hauling, &c., for public buildings, 177 25 Repairs at public buildings; &c., 109 Notes and interest paid Rank 'and sundry petsons, 2647 99 Tax refunded to sundry persona, 139 87 Treasurer of Alms House, 5712,00 Quit Rent paid to George Hitne's Heirs, Sheriff's Bills of Court costs, . • Road damages and amigo elev.!. Genera: Jury and Tip , Sta yea' pay. Grand Jury and Tip Staves' pay, Court Crier's pay, Justice and Constable fees for committing vagrants, Prothonotary, Register anti Clerk of Sessions,' fete, Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Penjtentiary, , Certificates of Coo/tables' returns, • krioting and blanks, '&c., Officers' pay at Spring Election, Directors of the Poor pay, Jnn. Scott, Esq., lati Sheriff, summoning , Jurors fin' 1854, 55 50 Officers' pay General Election; • • ' " 489 50 Repairs of Bridges, • -- - -- 1 •-• - • -- ' 347 71 Abraham Reeser. Esq., Commissioner's pay, 177 00 John Mickley, Esq., .g 174 00 James J. Will,' Esq.. GI ' . , 174 00 Coroner and Instice's fees for' Inquisitions. 33 st; Jailer's fees for keeping prisoners and Turnkey, • , 218 28 Geri, Chritxman, pay in ,full on Marsh Creek Bridg,•, 1975 00 Jotted Routzahn do.. • Opossom Creek Bridge, 1450 00 Keeping prisoners at Eastern Penitentiary, 29 32 I John C. Ellis, Esq., in :rust for survey of State ' 'Road from Gettysburg to Buck Tavern, Lan caster county, one-third of entire cost being payable by Adams county, as per Act of As sembly, 422 66 Medical attendance on prisoners, 111 50 Stationery and Postage for Office and Court house, (HI 441 Exoneration to Collectors, • 2015 03 i Collectors' fees ' ‘. 904 471 Outstanding 'Fax and Quit rents, .5575 35 ' .. Treasurer's salary, ' 395 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 3163 50 IN TESTIMONY that the foregoing statement of Receipts and Expenditures exhibited at the Office Odle Treasurer of said County, is . a correct and true copy . , , ; wkeu from .apticumpereti...with.the, re.pailop :r tha •q'ti books in this Office, we !lave hereunto set ottritatitl4 ' I. and affixed the seal of said Office at Gettyshurg, the. second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty five. JOHN MICKLEY, JAMES. J. %V I LLti. Commissioners. GEORGE M YERS, Attest—J. itIOHINBADOII, Clerk. By outstanding Taxes for 1850, 14 • 11 1852, re 1853, 1854, Fees, • 1850. I. 64 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, Diebinsements on County orders, Treasurer's ronimissions 04 00 20 00 185 12 Exonemtiono, Cub in hands of Treasurer, JOHN DICKSON. EDMUND t. SHOHB, Auditors A. T. • A, . , WRIGHT,. 10. .First: and' final account (A.11'141143 Thomas, Guardian of Henry P. Quickel and Mary A..; E.. Quickel, tninor • children of George Quickel, 'deceased. , WM; F. WALTER, Register. Regiater's Office, Gettyaburg, Febr nary 2, 1855. s ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of the subscri ber on tho Gettysburg road, one mile East of Fouu. taindale. Hamiltonban tp.; n pi t HEIFER, supposed to be 2 years old, of a white color, with red ears and a few red spots 'about the head:— Come about six weeks ago. The owner is requested to prove property, pay char ges and take her away..otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. O, WALKER Feb. 2,11354.-3 t LAST, NOTICE. 7 . NEIE Subscriber takes this method of givingnotice that - he- has left 'his Books and Notes in the hands of AI. W,.' McClear.; Ens., for collection, where he hopes all interested will oil! and, pay up without further , delay. D., AIIDDGEotiFF..' Feb. 2, 1864.--41, 0 • • IN refiring Irom business, il desire% in return his grata edginent to his friends, and generally, who have so Jibe ized him during a period ni • century, and solicit for hiel , New Firm, the generous sup art so long extended to him. As it is. cessary 611, his business he clused, ,lie I vehy gives notice to all persons knowin themselves indebted 111:11Ins by' note or‘vi ier.wisa4, that his aecinlnis have - been place( iii - the hands of R. o.4lCOrearyi Esq:. it collection,- to whoin,all persons indebted ssill please, melte immedlate paymenv.i - Ile hopes ; this will be the LAST NOTE :E required. . , . . zis the long indulgence give(; hem btioulil prompt them todiscliarge . th trobligations inintediately; ,:.. 'DOLLS.' ere . . SAMUEL. FAUN Jan. 1.2;1.555. AI the some Hine and place, 1 1 will sell as aforesaid, the PERSONAL err IIE partnership, heretnfore existing ; PROPERTY of said der•ea,ed. consisting between -the ,Stsbscrihrs nudes the -a u „dal. of Household Furnitura' to name and stele Of S. Faluiespick dr, Soap;• is , T wo Stoves day dissolved by Ihnitution. All: persons indebted to .us Will phase call and , BiliElES BEDS & BEDDING settle, as it is necessary that our Boo ks 9 slionld be closed immediately. Either ! Ttobits, Chairs. member ''itf the Firm is auttirriSeil to use Cloc4:, Desk, Book-Cise St Books. Stands, the Darnell of the Orin in settling their busi- also, a Saddle and Bridle, ness.' iVagOn and Harness, Plows, Corn Drills, •,., SAMUEL FA N . FisTiocK ; Culiivatons, Iron, Umber. Castings,Plow-• • ' jAMESF, FA II N'El3 rocK. :Stuff, Patterns, Tools,'Grionlstone, Wheel ' HENRY J. FAIN COCK. ;harrow, and a great variety of other arti -1,1855. . !rtes too numerous to ' , welly. Alen. one SHARE OF STOCK in the Gettysburg Ew STORE . f Water Company. s ' - t • I Sale will commences' 10 o'clock:A. m. pA It NIERS, look to your interests. If i when Plielidance will be given. and terms wi t t,• 'you Want In get back the inuneY you ,• made known by • , lost, just call at the Northwest corner of: WM. H. WITHEROW, the Diamond, where . save at least January! . '.! 25 per cent . ; anti get the Ijtll worth of your money; and where' yinewill no: have to pay for those who don't pay. Don't forget to bring your money. Also bring a tongany thing and, everyittlng you base 4 00 7'20 27 803 28 003 88 317 13 85 00 36 67 183 51 69.50 87 44 310 81 341 47 60 00 to el:n-40,01ms BUT 'ER4 EGGS, BA CON, LARD, • RAGS, mil everything yoil !hin: will sell—and twil buy 21 what they tiro - worth. Jutt call at the People'g Store 11:7* .The stock conitlielts or MI GOODS, Groceries,. Clothing made to order, Sze. • JOHN HOKE. Genymburg. Jan. 12, 18515:—tf OH ) WHAT A ME (0Y VIEV7 GOODS CAN NOW . . u . yool . AT SCHICKS CHEAP CORNER! and : Swiss, Edgings, Jiwgriinga; nami ng .- . , Mohair and Silk llits,'lllack j L. SCHICR. has juseope - ned ore of ' Sreeceis ' ',Mi. and ' Embroidere II Handkerchiefs. •°' • " t he 'largest, prettiest and cheapest ; Bra . i . s. it FanS,Gentlernen'seitllarti Gumbo , works of- . .. , ..... iof all kinds, &e., tVc . . ' lizrLailipit, and Sall tze: recuttr Coauxi t I•Gentlemen are requested to-'cill and ex ever brought to Geitysbu gi:= He invit eg . lain. aie our G.ulds. 1!. st ill pt. eua plea sure the public. hi call, exaniiiie, and Judge fur :to s how o , eny. ... themselves—an trout le to show Goads. 1 i OCL G. 1851.—if • , - - His now stock embraces, very large i . . . viiiiity of .4. ; i CO-PARTNERSHIP. ' Laclies' Mess . pcisid, 1 7 . 2 , 11 E 1, ridil. iguelliase this day form such as Silks, Turk Satins, Sinus Di-t-1 led a Ci.-', -- pai - inervidr. under the name. Wiwi,Tilifinhazinas . A ip it eca.,. c,,bur c . „, 1 ,,,,. 1 ,„ tii , 74 . 1iNE .i . ;1 ..9.(. BR - Igol . ll. Glo4ou 'Firwieli. Merinocii,;.'DO. Bagel. , E 1.1.5. llf - iiiitig fur. a - iiistinuance of the Ging:rains, • Itboral -patron** bereh t fore exteinledtothe In die line 01G ENTLEMEN'S WEAR, old Finn, tt.ev wilLin return do their tit: he has seleoled e clioille - lot of 'all styles : most in merit the confidence reposed in and Prices :—CloilitiCassimers, Vestings, , them he pre p ublic. . . Salieens. Jesos. & c. .' '. c 1 JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK. ll is stock of FANCY GODDS is also , HENRY-1 FA HNESTOCK, ... . I very fine, and too numerous to opacity.— EDW. G. FAHNESTOOK. Call a n d see. 1 Jan. 1. 18V.3.• 'Thankful for past favors, Sentorsulicits - a comintiance of public rummage.- He will always endeavor to licserve ' it, by 830,465 90 selling good GOODS, at 14!...Inarest tir ing, prices,"Quick Salek and Sna4ll Profits," is his 'mew. " October 27, 1851.—ti NOTICE is hereby given . w the heirs . 4 - • and legal representatives if JOSEPH •KrrdaEN, date of Readmi !township, Adams county, Pa., decearctliviz.: Mary Kitchen, (petitioner.) Jiihn Jtuchen, Urn. ry Kitchen, Edward 1G:ellen; Esther in terinarried with. Isaac Bereav,„deeealed, Ilunnah intermarried , with ;lilliatti Ber.J '3:vv, deceased, Margaret intergarried with Dr. Isaac . Patterson, deceased ,-, aid Richard. Kitchen, who were brothers a)d,eisters of said de c eased ; also the eltilden ! of Sarah . King, a-.dtreeased sister, to wi: Itebecea intermarried with Samnel !Va ! neirs3el,l Sarah interinarried with. John iliehl, Mar garet King, and Mary King; the chil. dren of Stephen Kitelten,!a dee, Jed broth / .er ;_alto,. , Abraham Kitchen,! brother, (found a lutiatic,) who has .1%.1 tin. Getz for his Committee—that DULLS. CM 0 73 84 45 529,46 4955;71 27.63 68 60 103 60 79 4 - 39 90 26 53 1,2:23 135 70 16 23 20279,58' 305 00 AN INQUES will be held on.a certain Huns sittlate in the 'town of natty! iowiniltip itf Reading aforesaid: the general plan of said town as 42, fronting on Gettyshurgstre and having in depth 200 feel, tit erected a hvo.story log womb, House. With a onemtory•K itehet with other ireprtivementsH,on:l 1he2141 day oflibruai‘ynext.a ettid-preinisee,to-ni thin thereof to and amongst the legal. reptisentatives _el said 4 , the 'Salim 'Will. admit of partitii prejudice to or spoilingr the wh of ; "hut,if the same twill -not ad , partition, then to inquire how m f iel t . heirs it will . conveniently date, and_ part and divide the sa among as many of them as die accommodate ;.hut if the same w mit . of division at all withimt pr or spoiling the whole thereof, it r ue and appraise - the same, whole vided—whereof all persons inte hero notified. • • $30405 00" HENRY THOMAS, Sberitis Office, Gettysburg, . Jan. A,1855. - LAS T NOTIC T HE Books and Accounts KURTZ have heen place hands for immediate collection, a is 'hereby given to all persons in make payment on or Were Thu 151 h of Fehruary nexi—,—after: wl all unsettled accounts .will be pu wiihout respect 10 persona., R. G. MICR January 19, 1855—td ' • Almanacs' LIOR 1855, Hagerstown 1 40 : Presbyterian, Christian, F 1 Housekeeper'.; st KURT Z'S B • LAST NOTICE :r•oubseriher 11l ai•kunwl •the public I .lly patron• quarter of a ons, in the 3TOCK. DINSOLUTI rtc,qllic,ll3., 3 DOCTOPIP 24, iya Th, (HOMOEOPATHIST) LATE from Philadelphia, would re i epectfully offer his services to the cit. •••-••.. -iaeits or Bendersville and 'Adams county L an I on lin general. • n, in • the r .-7-Otlite in Bendersville, where he can nown on at aft 'times. be Inane snit consulted, Lot No. not proiesssionall,-- engaged. 65 fei.t, flendersviEle, slay 2G, 1854.-Iy . which is -boarded DOC . I'OR attached, t thanday XONM A. 3W.© lE, • O'clock, !A VING located . Pernninently,in Get e "Patti- I " tysburg; offers his prOfessional set , eirs antll vices to the public. - • eased, if ptficrand residence in York Street; without; opposite the Bank. there- April 28, 1854.-I . y. of such' y of the COMORO e to and me will udiret - to nJ unalt red are D. 31 9 CONAUGIIIr t ATTORNEY AT LAIL, (Wee removed to one door West of Buehler Drug& Boat-Store,Chambersburg street.) 4111urney and Solicitfut-Tor Patt:nts and Pensi,ins A. B. &nutty I.uttl Warrants, Back-Pay sus. iu my pended Claims. and all otherclaims against notice the Government at Washington, D. -C.: Wed to ; also American claims in England. Land lay the; Warrants located and sold, or bought, and It d.i highest prices given. n suit, ' Laitito for sa:e in - lowa. Illinois.. and I other Western States ;'and Agents engaged locating Warrants there. Sfir.Apply to him personally or by letter.. I IDMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ft Y virtue of an Or:!er of the Orphans' Court of Acants enmity, the un- I ler•i , nke4l. Adtninifttitor of the Estate of S.tovcr, Wrrucaow, decesserl, will sell at Public Sale, on Trttsrloy, Mt 20th day of February next, upon the folh , witt4 &scribed REAL. ESTATE, to wit: tltat 4 Valuable Lot of Ground,' situate on Chanthrtshorgetreei. in die Bor ough of Gettysburg. with a twi.i.viory . BRICK -;;: DWELLING HOUSE, f 1 titi' •a BACK BUILDING, Frame SHOP, and STABLE, and odier improve ments. thereon ereeiftl—die late iesidenee ni said deceased. It is a very desirable :ocatiun for euher reeidence•ur business. ALSO_ - LOOli DOE, LIM NEW FANCY GOODS. MISS II'CIAIELLAY RESPEtTFUF.LY informs' the Pt- Mel and Gentletnen 01 Gettysburg and vicinity that she has juist returned from with a superior assort , spent of FANCY GOODS: including souse Iseausilisil new vsylisi Calicoes, Gmghams, De Laihes Silks, Cashmeres De nage. Coburg C!oths. Muslin Lin net,. Sark Flannels, Baguets - atitnintingt Trimmings, Salim,. Ladies' Dress lrri Vcirets.. ArkifirialS. • Black Veils, Wife do: GlOres. Handkerchiefs, Vrench worked Collars, Cambric, laconet Cardx. i' : -4- ~~~. Dr. .7. Lawrence 11111, CIFFICE in l'hamberiburg street, one door West of the Lutheran Church, nearly . opposite G Mitimer's store, where he may be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Dentist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth are invited to call. REFERENCES. C. N.Bcoaccour, ReT.C.P.Kaav-ro,D.D D. tioassur, Prof..D.JA,colgs. D. 3. Hosta, •r H.' L. Dicortut , " D. Gp •• H.A.Moouto sone Rev. FL Jowcros. . I •• 31. L. B.roevto. Jody 7. 1848. DAVID WILLS, .11,1torney, at LatV, H AS ken Mr. STEVENSON'S office. North West Corner of Centre Square. REPERENCE.—tiou- Thaddeus &swear. Esq. Lancaste•. Dec. 30, 1553. • Gettysburg, Nos_ 11,1833: akrßlauk,s wf all lea* lcr sale ithis ...:..,..:---,-, . . G --,-, ;'. I , . ."" ~... k .... 11; : ..4 1 ~,,,,; 'o, .1, • A'”; g. tt,..„,:f 0,44 ~.., ' ', rt. .• / 0 0, \ - a - _ ..... WILL WONDERS NEVER OUSE. 114 D EE 11 1 , Are the Original Einonritint of - ebean • DAGUERREOI Y:PIES, No. 5-.1 , Balli ll wr e street,' Baltimore, API., would respectfully inform the eiiizaint of pimp biirg. Mai lie bii* taken tliv Room Olio? .so; mipied by S. Weaver, trillii;main . for a abort time mil);, and • all 'who with ref; ally Goodneap I)42,nerreotypa, aliould avail tliem , selvea of, Pieturp • laken at 'the idlouini.i3OW PRI('ES: New York Ftze,• in case complete, SO ets. Philadelphia '•' • . 75 o. Baltimore • .". '• , Pictures inserted in -Lockets; ,Breast. pins, Finger limp. do Jail. 20 11354:-3t 110 21. LErrEits Testsmentary on '.the es tate of JACOB ‘VINTERODm E, la . of Germany township, Adams, co., dec'd. having been granted to the subscriber,. re siding in Monnujoy tp., Im hereby gives no. tice to all Indebted to said estate, fo call, with hint and settle the same _; and thos e who have claims, are desired tifpreseo the same, properly authentic:4d, for 1 , 11.1110. anent. •JOSEPQ FINK, Rdne . r: Jan. 26, 1855.-0 t SONS OF , TIM SIRES , 1776 64. 1856: A 11111 TORY Of VIZ zust,4llcomikss AND itiTilft OP TOE AMERICAN PARTY. Alit ite probable influence on the 'next Pesidential Election TO.WHICH IS ADDED A REVIEW OF THE, LETTER OF DION. U.. A. lIVIISE Acaiipt 1120.1E110w .Nothingi:, 8Y ,AN AmEtticAN: Contpulb. Chiptcr I.—'fhe American party. Ha 111;;!-Principlost4tsted,Illustrated and En , IV.--Thu Objects which this Organizstion , • aims to accomplish. V.--Thechiscessity of such an Organists. 11011 examined.. : YI.-:--TheAdigeneles of h'e Times demsnd 13"Ainericati Party. • VII —ThF rine Positlini of the Petty. VIII.--The Rapid Pnigresteritid wide Extent • • , of. its Influence en argument for the Excdilenee of the•AMetierin Par ty. , . IL—The Plan of Operation adopteil by ttM ;.. American Putty. X- 7 —Thei ProhatilelnOLtenre of the Amer ; icsti Periren the'next,' Preilden list Election. . XL—Review of Ifam H. A. Wise's Letter. The -above book is now in press, and willVtritemedin 'a kw dap.. .It' Is finni 'the pen of ono thitintighly.A..quainted - with the uhtlercurretit of American fitilities,.antl the causes which have led to..the existing , corruption in high places. fro' liacea nut clearly tho operations til tt foreign element in our: governniental_ institutions.. — and show, iitat the Sop* of the Soil Nhotald Goviern the This id the author's amnia posilion, Which he maintains hy irrefutable arsuitteuts, The book is . one that should be in the hands of every native, horn citizen, as well as foreigner. The politicians will Jaye the book of course, ler they have a per. soul!f interest in the question...."WHO Vir.ll4l, um OUR NEX PRESIDENT.?" It wtll produce, a raidi ig • among. the dry tionea ot old political partizans. Published by LIPPUNCOTT. GRAM -110 & CO., Philadelphia, and fur sale by all Hooksellers, • Price7s cents.—A liberal discount mlti° to those who purchase in quantities. The13,04..wi1l ba sent by wail to July part of ihe United States, free of postage, on receipt of 8l: Jan. 20, 1855.—1 t , THE NEW BAT STORE; a r AGAINST A 1.1.. OPPUSITfOA,t ' S. S. m , crtuAny, l ap IiA74BESsSURG FASHIONABLE Hatter. The.. beat 82 Q. Hat sold ;n Gettysburg. made by myself on the premises. Call and see them. Also, the best S 3 Hat, superior .1.0 many sold at $4. _Being an experienced and practical insaufacturer; I nm deter mined to he ahead dull competitors: Oct. 20, 1854.--if RAILROAD MEETING. A MEETING of the Stockholders of A the Gettysburg Railroad Company" will be heltf at the C.lourt4inuao in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Thursday thc 22d if February next, at 2 o'clock, M. to consider Atte proposition in regar4 to the building or the Road, inaile. to the Board, of Directors. by Mr. PATRICK O. REILY, of Reading—also the propriety of emitting ing for the grading and bridging of said iry.The Directors are requested to meet et the, on the Ea : at 1 o'clock; P. M. - , By order of the Beqrd, R. M'QURDY, Pres't TOWN LOT IT PRIVATE Obi 211 L. IGLAIHJ • . • • T HE ‘°' adbseriber offers Private Sale, Lor,S ..• • - situate the Borough of Gettysburg on West fkliddle street, adjoining lot of George Little . on the South, with AlleYou the bleat! and containing 4 ACRES. incite or leas. ,The land is iii an egeellenistate cultivatieu. - - ANNA MARY seLL ICTFor terms nrilv to G 420 E grin , • • Jan. 19, 1855.-3 e RISH LINENS, •Muslins, 'fieLinge, Vleneeis,liinen Table. Cloths . rove , (ding. and Drillings--a large wur?e tall al :80.1110K8. f , m.~ti- ~i.~ ~.; DO YOU WANT A WELL MAD AND CHEAP SUT OF WINTER CLOTHING? if i'so,yon than he arearmandaten by sailing 111 on 31 AIICUS SAMSON, who, his itl.t operkll noes . sellingrspally nt hie A'1 , 14, in York streetrNtPtlttie • ih! Malik, a very ta . rge choice anti Osap as of:". FALL and WINTER GOODS, , \oo, he inv :04 the inentlion of the 't hey lu. a With great cnre in • the Down] eities. haye been Impgit cheap 'tor cash. end Will hit ;sold r he , ,p 'fol'i+sitt—ehiciper than at any other extnblishatent Gettyobarg. Itio stock ~ n ionne in' port or Murk, Blue, bli 4 t, and th.penci..cervf..()ATB, withfrock.drese, and sack - noels ; 'also Tweed; fleshtiteret. limb its Cloth';:also, a `large Stock of OVERCOATS, hitch - eliti s t !be heat .in vatiety, quality or price, out of thecines ; alum a very superior stock .PANTA LOON:i, coiteietitig in Part or excellent well made Vreneli' Bleck 'Due-akin aissimere; Fancy Cassitnere, filatinetts, Velvets Cord Linen and Cottoned..— . The stock 'of., VESTS eomPrisps every 'variety f manufacture—fine black` Satin. Silk. 'Veliret. Italian Silk; white, fancy and buff Marieilles; Summer cloth, Jko.,, ' Also ronsiantly on hand 'a largo lot of TRUNKS, Hate, Carpet Bags, Unibrellas, Boots and Shoes, Window Shades, Vio lins, Accordenns, Guitars, 'Flutes, . Files, Melodeons, Mirrors: Razors, Specisclea, Slionns..lVatches a tad Watch Guards. silk soil cotton Handkerchiefs, °resets, Sus penders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring Storks, Shirte.ind shirt Collars, and a splendid assortment of JEW ELRY--in fact every thing im the way of Boy's" and 4len'a furnishing line. Firsi-rate chewing Tobaceollways on hand—+a .t are article which ithetiers are requested to irv. • • • MARCUS SAMSON. Nov. 10, MONEY LOST! Ir is an ESTABLISHED FACT, that. many persons lost money, by. not pur chasing Goods at the well known CHEA P STORE of Abram Arnold, at his old stand, on the South East corner of the Diamond, where, he is now receiving the cheapest, ,prettiest and beat selected Stock of • . . Fall .and Winter Goods,, , ever before offered to , the'citizens of, Ad.. ame 'county, conefeting in , part?—es fol. Brack, Blue, and Brown French Polite, Fancy,'Fell. and Beaver Cloths for' Over • Uwe. (Nosiest Styles) . Black" and Fancy Casimeres,Tweeds, Jeans, Casinette, &c, &c., for Men's ware, Silks; &Lomita Lame, Alpaeas,'M'erinoeri. Plain and Fancy Sack Flannels, also a beautiful assortment of Satins and Silks for Bonnets, Bonnet Rib bon and a great variety of other articles. all 'ol Which the public are respectfully re quested tocall and examine for themselves,' believing that it is only necessary to see our . goads, price them, and examine, to in duee persons to purchase. A large lot of Trunks afro received which tvill be; sold . IoW. ABM. ARNOLD., Septeniber 29. 1894.---tr FARMS FOR SAE, .O.G!{ 0., . , No. I=l6o Acres : good Stone 110,,,e nu l l Bare. with other uue-Iniildtngs plenty lit good tiinber, meadow, and never. luilleg waiter. • , •• • r• N0.:2-1 76 Acres: large Stone [louse, largo new Barn, Sl:ups, Sh'llg.; Corn=cribs, water iti . nearly every field ; plenty good Irtiit, ufficient" timboi: and good meadow. Acre§: '6l'st-rate !louse antlfßrn, And Out-builditigs, excel lent meadow,,good. running water, choice frUit,!tioibcr. ; near the turnpike 4—i 80. Acres: good large Brick !louse, with . out,huildings, plenty never. failing. water at the house and • in, the fields 69. Acres excellent timber,.plenty sp:o4 weadow,.first rate, Orchard, 0f . ..i1l kind.; of fruit, good tenant house, No. 5-200 A cres . : large brick. House,' with 'beck-buildings, large `stone Batik Barn. with sheds and cribs, and all other. out-buildings, such as dry-housal smoke-house, Ste. ; between 80 and 60 Acres. in good meadow, plenty good' tim ber, good fencing, Orchard of all' kinds of choice fruit, several wells ul water. &e. No. 6-247 Acres : twit Pipe ereek. , Frederick county, Md., laige Stone House, Barn, Smoke-house, Spring.houei, sheds, pens, cribs, plenty of water and fruit, from 60 to 00 acres good timber can be.bOught-cheap; No'. 7- 7 105 Acres :'adjoihing the above good Stone House, Swiss Birth outtbuildings; good water, &c. IThese, two Farms are handsomely situated on the public, road.] ' • , - No. 8- , -A Mill with 30 Acres of- laiid.' gond buildings, skips, Shed!, other out•buildings,&e. Any' person desirous of buying or loll: ing property wilt please colt qua °F.' E. VANDERSI.OOT,-*Agent. Gt:ttyabura. Pa., Feb. 17--eow ' IC/"Dr. F. E.' VANDERet.otre. G EON DENTIST will be at` home hen. afierthe jam two weeks in every won PtOTICE. LErrints of Administration, on the - estate of„§/IMUEI;..VVITItEII.OIY, late of the Burueglt . of Gettysburg, Athens county, deeeased, hiring been itaitt. ed:to the subscriber. residing in Fayetville, Vratiklin county, Pa., unties is hereby gir en to such as are indebted to said estate to wake payment without delay,. audl those having thiiins are'requested in present the saute,. properly authehtietited,,lor settle. ment. , . ' IV . VYITIJEROW, 4dper. Den. 29, 1554.-43 t 10 6 'Periott having claims against s• hove estate; oi•knotoiltrgiberuselver ihdefi. s ed thUreto, tan call upon IC.ll.Ztrettiatit, Evq., hi Gettysburg, slut inakoisettlemint • - MONEY WANTED • Avipa -purchwo. 4ho-omperly nuw occupy.' will wont Mono,' to fur it in :the aprleg;..!•Thilatt therefore that are te theati thei•by Aoki or book aetount of long ata`nilieg;"vill ' 4ll and 'pay the came' on mbefem the !Ina day of swell next; Ind:oblige.- !Very tespecilully.' 1111Q1 AINOLILY