BY D. A. & C. H. BuzilLirt . VOLUME #V4 Winter , A oradolosoisto for Janis oak!. eutetner'deye I till the ground; ".And tug enittoll. end get 93y bread; (o interval can them be found ' 141)1;r - end toy hed. My' Wedge:lines to knltet night; And Ito read by candle-light. But when .1 he south receives the sun Haydn(' the equinoctial When all my summer work Is done. tiuhstan int pleasures then are mine limn Jane: bettinitti knit at night, And t to isad by candlelight. • • theh coinent'und osier . Ndt Afloat home soma bliss to find ; AO Juno is pleased as well Al If 114 i Completely remits her Mind. - To sit her tMarn to knit by night, And hear me read bycandle•light. tor ?Oen I . read, mho elvvay, hears, And what she hears ehe trim to scan ; When aught to her obsieure'appears, • Then . I explain it—if.l 0! how she love+ to knit by niirht, And heir hid read by cehdle•light! A CHRISTMAS TORY. Childrn In Eutopla. BY - MALIY UItAY. It was . Christmas eve, and I was seated iu my easy chair, drawn up before the Meting wood fate In my quiet study, lost iu a golden reverie. Beautiful pictures of long ago, kept greetvin memory through tunny twilight musings, were passing be fore tali. The present, too, with its cheer ful realitieii, anti the far i .off future, ivich its hopeful plans, canto to fill my heart with happiness. ifuw lung my reverie lasted I scarcely 'know, but I was suddeu ly aroused from it by seeing the old oak door—that door , witioh. had been closed foi many a yetir, that passed into the chain her where mother died—slowly . open, and timidly and uoislesslY come fut - th my two little Mica,' .31ary and Fumy. By what 1110311 s they had obtained ingress into that long deserted room, the key of .which keep iu the private drawer of my secretary, ' I never thought to asst,. So I seated Omt ' due on oldie!' kuee, while' they twined their little arms caressingly about lily neck, and, kissing me with their red lips; soil they' lied come for :'papa to - tell thew some Christ Mas stories. I felt that God had t, eu very kind in bestowing upon Inc two such precious gifts. 3lary, toy elder child, laps the dark hair .111.1 , 1 the lieg black eyes el her mother, nu .1 Lim vcry look which, in my early man- i hood, had such power to draw we to that ut:lther's side. Foamy, my babnirl, has Lgut hair and mild, hitle.e . yelii, and resew- blus— , -11://' a" L. think when iu the musing tar. dream of my, l.uute'l at distiugnieh betweOu love and alLietiou. Mary 'is all Jove and vivacity in life; Fauny is reserved and iquiet; Airy laughs aloud; Faulty only smiles; 313 ry moves about our home like siugiug turd, Foully like a gleam of suu. "..1.11 what," asked I, "shall papa tell to his tittle dataglitPre r -Ott." said Mary, quickly, "first of all trll us funny verse about Santa e , ui,iuodnwn the chimney, dressed in furs, currying a big pack on his back, AIM with a pipe in bis teeth, to fill our stockings " "Awl 'ben," ,said Fanny, "please re p :at, papa, that pretty hymn of shepherds totting On the grouud watching their flocks by n ight, when the angel appeared and told their of Crises coating:" Anilso, while I 'repeated - good Bishon, Moore's well-kuoivii Christmas Verses; they listened quietly. , and When I elided, Mary aulainieC alitppiug her hatidi with child- lib glee ; • "Olt, lit 4 t should like to see SaUta Claus and the reitideers ! and don't you think, papa that if Ishould sit up to-night fur Saint Nick aqa ask him to give inn .a large wax, doll, with oyes that open and shut, just like the one cousin Nina has, ho , , "And tue a book, full of pictures and. Pretty stories F" chimed itt Fanny. 1 had not the heart to tell them that Santa Claus was but an itusgivary being, fur consider , that these mysteries of our childhood—this belief in. fairies and good i spirits—are of ton poetical and beautiful a nature to be; rudely t iiseneltauted of at au early ago. The ideals .uf ,our childhood disappear•fitst enough before actualities of I lifer ; Sol promised ,my little onus that I would speak to the old saint in tgoir be-. half, while ,, they, nestled snugly iu bed,' should be dreaming of , dolls .and books, I. Alma doubted nut but .their wishes would, ba gratified.. Here-Mary kissed my cheek i .and called km her, good papa, while Funny laid her hosd, upon my shoulder and' look ed up'fiee. berinild eyca beam ing With. gratitude. 'rimy were both very quiet and atten tive while I repeated the Christmas hymn; and wheul had finished it, they. asked me fur .snother,, And , then another, till I quite stock of hymns and carols, and bad to bring my inventive powers to tha task in conjuring suitable stories for tbh Clifiktn4aS eVe. 'I reinettiber I told theta talentVitihrein'tlie words 'plutn-pntl-' dln laid' utinaelplea, ' roast turkeys and pre g n tti hn f tp le l ` a c t e h . e fliduet l alfound w t a h s asat il t h ha ey etbo/MI d best to bear me tell of -things tlathippeiied many' long years before to niyalilf, ikon I was a little boy, and hung up`iny'stticking on Christmas eve s ; an d, °miffing other stories, I told them how, wYten T was 'a very small' lad, not bigger ittliterany, I had gone with their great tindliattior Gray to the house of an old friend of herli:'who lived in the country, to' spend ,this;,:holiilays. It was Christmas evst.when we arrived, and, as we had rid, don ii,lonircliainuoe in; an open sleigh, I was very tired. auesleepy, and,so, soon af ter silkier, I asked to be put to bed. Hero Mary interrupted me to say that I must have ; been, a, yery,, very ,little boy Indeed to m:0 4go 4 bed BO early on ,Christmas 4svo, and that, ,for her part, she shouldn't have ; been sleepy' in the least; but would hays. lik!id to sit uji all eight. This I Anew wasiuteudedes a hint for me to al low hoth-Fanny and herself to stay"p be-, yowl the usual bedtime ; so I let the hour .go by iiithotiV dismissing them, and con tinued my story. The chamber Which I was to occupy with my grendinother, ,was. a very large' one, filled with old-fashioned furniture ; remember that she told that the -greater part of it came over in the May flower along with the Pilgrim ,Fathers; and while she undressed me, she told me a long story about Captain Miles Standish and Governor Carver, and the Indians, and Plymouth Beek, the greater portion of which I can still recall to mind: Heti) Mary *anted me to tell her what it was, but Fanny'said, "ne. wait till Papa. has finished Matti; tui about hims elf." So I cm:tinted us tAlows : , • "Thor.: seemed to toy sleepy little eyes to be quite an army of chairs ranged a heat 'the room, and, with their high, I lstraight backs and long slender legs, they limited so strange, it was difficult forme to keep from watching them. I buff expect et to 'gee them step out into the middle of the room and make formal bows to each other. There was u large black walnut book-case on one side of the min i filled with great dusty volumes, that looked as [ if they never could have been read ; and I recollect of walking boldly up to it, iu my night-gown, and findiug that .the books on the lowest shelf were just as , tall as I was, and wondering whether I would ever be able to read such huge volutd es." Here Fanny clapped her hands, and wanted to know if, when I came to be a mai,. I had ever seen those great books again, and whether or not they had many pietures in !heal. Sol . told her thaesome of those same books were now in'my libra ry, and that they were .the very ones she and Mary so 'often, of rainy Sundays, were fond of looking at, add having me explaih the pictures to them. 'rid', piece of newt' seemed to astonish them very much, 'so that they both gut down and went to the book•ease to look at those wonderful books, which, so many years before, I had won dered at, when a little boy. They were very anxious to kcow how it came to pass that I. now owned them, and .1 told them that,. one day, the good old lady, their grandmother's. friend, who first possessed them, died, when all her furniture and books were sold, and I had bought those with teeny others: Here Fanny said, "poor old lady," and crossed her little arms meekly over her breast, looking up into my face most piteously, while her eyes filled with tears. Bat Mary asked, "whore watt her husband 1 why didn't he keep the books ?" 8o I had to tell her that be was killed at the battle of Bunkers Hill, soon after their marriage. At lengtb : l eontiuned :—"4motigqther traded iny atteictiiih"Were several portraits, in guilt frames, upon the walls, so old and dusky that 1 thought to myself, they too, must have come over in the Mayflower.— There were twit' oval framed mirrors in the room, and a great bunch of peacock feath ers in one uorocr. But the bedstead itself was the orowning wonder ; so grand and gloomy did it look that I quite feared to sleep in it. Heavy, blue velvet curtains surrounded it on every side, Olield by four tall posts at the oor• ner. When toy grandmother, however, parted the curtains in the middle, and roofed them up at the sides, with the great silk tassel, thereby revealing the white counterpane and lace-edged pillow-cases, began to think that there might boa worse place for sleeping in titan that wouldprove to be. So raised was the bed from the floor that I had th bo lifted in twit, as itquito f zee II ed my powers of climbing, even by the aid of a chair. When I sunk, down in the feathers, I could-but just see the top of my grandmother's turban, as she stood at the bedside smoothing the cover let about we. After I had repeated my prayers, and my grandtnother had gone down stairs, and I. was left alone, with, only the ticking of the clock upon - the man tle, and the light of the biasing upon the hearth, to keep me company, I remembered that it was Christmas-eve, and that, occupied as I had been, I had forgotten to hang up my stocking!' Here Mary ,got down from' my knee; and crept quietly to the chimney corner, where she hung up a clean whitm stoeking, with which her Laotiaer provided . her, and coining bank laughing, said she wouldn't forget such a thing fur all the world.: uNor will I," 'said Fanny, seen tis papa finishes his story." Si) I kissed my little daughters, and continued "What to do I did not know. I could not get out of bed with ,any certainty of being able to get back again ; and as for going to sleep 'with never a stocking for Santa Clans to fill, it was not to be thought of. So I determined to keep wide awake, till either the good saint or my grandmother should arrive ; but I found it very diffieult for my sleepy eydi to keep open, as every few minutes the old samituan eatfie along and, dropped black sand into them, till first oue closed and - thou the other, and at last, in' spite of all I could , do, they ibeth tihut up tight and went to sloop." • Ilere Mary opened her largo eyes , very wide, as if to let me seo that uo sanduian had °omit() trouble beilet. • ~ . Altcr I had slopt'what seemed me av lon time, I was suddenly aroused by hear. dor, the- tinkling' of' sleigh•betls, 'airea, 1, raised myself softly in bed, I kaw just' by` the lire-place, Sacta• Claus, himself, like us ho is described in the chrititmas verses." Here Mary clapped - her hands, but Fan ny nestled closer to my side: ~ "He appeared •to bo Jooking for my stocking, which he could' not find ; and just as I had Mastored courage enough to tell him whore it was', he stepped up be fore the portrait of a grave looking gentle man, who wore a powdered wig, and dis played an abundance of rtiffies to his shirt front and around his wrists, • and asked him—these are his very words--could ho tell whore Barry's stocking was hung ?—. but no answer emu from this fine gentle man; be only shook' his head, and seemed to draw back into the depth of the canvass. So Santa Claus put the same question to the neat portrait, which was that of ,a prim and Bunched gentlewoman, evidently the wifo of the first ;• but she only pursed her lips and said nothing. .So he queationed the third, a jolly looking peilon. with • `GEITTSBUIIG, PA, FLIDAY WI dose, and yellovrivaiStcoat andgilt bat. tone, who nodded and winked in return, but spoke not a word. 'At last in despair, he taped to the portrait of a dainty look ing creature, dressed in 'white satin, with A red , rose on ber breast, and who had golden hair and blue eyes, and 'evidently wanted to get up a flirtation with the gond saint. But he seemed so, indignant at. the treatment be received, that he turn ed his back upon 'her and would have gone off in a' rage; lied knot aoftly wished tat a merry Christmas. ' _, "Oh, papa, how bravo you must have been," said Barmy ;, "I am sure I wouldn't have dared to speak to hint." "PshaW," exolaimed Mary, w,uh i. and I would have told him, too, exactly what I,wanted.'? .T. oontinuedi "my greeting actedlike a ahem. for ha instantq 1 - }t openedliih pack; and took from it toys, and books,-iiiti candy; Which he put upon the table, at the bedside. just as •he fin= ished a loud gush of inunio,dame frog the rooms below, and quickly shouldering his pack, ho passed, With a "Marry 'Christ; luau! on. his lips,-directly hp she chimney; and the next moment I saw the shadow of 414 sleigh aud, reindeers glide nerosa the froited window panes, while with u beating heart, full of wild wishes fdr the Morrow to come, again I fell asleep." As I finished my story, a soft, hand was plaa4d over my eyes, and a fond voice ex. claimed, "Barry, Barry, what a romancer you are l How can you fill our ehildren's minds with such foolish tales?" But I soothed my too inatter-of.fitet wife with the promise of a new sot of furs on the Morrow, and taking her hand in mine, drew her to the chair beside, me. Fanny' crept close to her mother, and putting up her rosy lips for a kiss, told her not to scold dear papa. And so, with the fire light still flickering on the wall, and 'the ' wind rearing and bit:toeing without, we passed our Christmas eve. And - still I re ; peated many a pleasant tale, and my wife sung many an olden sons, and the children 1- prattled on my knees. But as the midnight came, th') ligt,grew dim, the fire mouldered on the hearth, the songs and stories ceased, and the children's prattle died'away. And as Litt-etched out to take my wife's hard in mine, I .groped, about in vain; my little Mary's arm no longer clasped my neck, nor Fanny's head rested upon my shoulder. .1 started up and found that all had been a dream --thin wife and children of mine lived . not yet or! the earth, but had a place only in that far off land of Utopia, where, so many : ., possessions and treasures over remain. —..Ettit, I heard the Cherub "bolls ringing the isorl is born, in the city of David, a baviour. which is Christ the Lord.' And my voice joined in the mighty chorus, which from all Christendom arose, "Glory to God in the highest ; and on earth peace, and good will toward men." Ruth Hall. The editor of the Louisville Journal has the following notice of -Fanny Fern. We have never heicre seen a description o t t the lair Fanny, and think the following from the pen tif the accomplished editor of the Journal will be read with interest : We have not yet read Ruth Hall, but we shall do so as aeon as we can obtain a copy ? Though we' are a warm, friend of one of Fanny. Fern's relatives, said to be crucified in her book, we rejoice in her literary success, for we believe her to be true, hearted and noble hearted, though she may be too fierce in lter resentments; amid we know, that, in talent'and getting, she !voids a proud rank itanring'the 'first writers in America. We have a very vivid recol lection of her as we used to see her daily when she was a school girl about seventeen years of age, and when'tde , were younger than we are now, and this recollectiotreer tainly increases ,the interest we feel tor her. Her face, though out decidedly beau tiful, was ' intereeling ; her chestnut curls fell luxuriantly over hei brow, end shoulders, her form was, as per fect as "a sculptor's dream,'aud her step as protasis tharof a young eiteeti 'over avow' querettrealm. We )knew then - •that,,slM bad giniutt,, but we presumed that her life woold,heliven• up, to the fascinations and thetrium pita of fashionable society., We lost atilit of her , hit. Many Years, and in thi3 Connie of 'Those yearei she had AM bone and griefs, and the effect 'of them was. to impel her to flitch an exercise of her s great powers as,haa rendered her name a familiar wort. throughout the nation. CON VIIEIIiD POLITK:g RSP.--Jult before the passage of the Mattis ta'AW in boring Sitde.'itiya` A eorealiolidel l it of a oa teniiiorttry,•f me out Ma little eatiflllah matt t in N--. ofa dark and 'rainy , even iug, behittd a very4renkett who ~b eat,up" the aidewalk a coup:e of rplle in adiance. tire:lenity he "mtaaeil'aiaya" on the 's•atarboitid' ttiak,"'and rah' "iiitu st tree. He ,pulled oti'what-watt intended. for . a ,hat.: liteetered" a', pitmen& on It's ,topa, and apologized .to . the joatlzd between every , etlieelvtird . "Shun met ahir l'shure ,you, l 'iirely(teutional i on, my part,, Sho dark, shirt li didn t Sliee you. , Shuze me, ehir --4huzettio, yeti, please!! Alter which obsequious explanation, end an abortiVe effort to put on his hat, he es sayed tticentinue on his way; but brought up again on the first lurch against the Narita tree. "I really beg your pardon, whir. Fin 'lraid you'll 'spect I'm etossicated; but, I 'allure you, 5114, I never was more' alto• bet in my life. IN. dark and splashy, and really, shit, I sphoseit, tibia you'd gone along I" ' . a feitei fiom Idlowild, in the Hume Journal tritely says—speaking Of th? provident, distress in , New York— there is probably more suffering endured by the seemingly proud and p,rosperous.. before confessing went, that , by 'the abject to _whom cold and he ngei are all. Pity ,vrotaltl go first to unexpected-Owe - 1,4 all hearts were unveiled. 'ITEAALEM Rounding' A subscriber irtthe annual subscription fi example worthy of , (the following: s qu i re ,1......___ tee y aspired to rep. resent this piano in ;next legislature, and in holm of obtain the nomination he, sleaed all favora, pportuoitiesi to itddress the million. saw night's since 1 there ' was a:'erniaus ' e schoelhouse, when ignite S. delive one of his - flow - , erg speeches, which t o dated somewhat as follows : , , , . , . c , . "I say, fellow cid! that.thkinalie* I 'able rights Of man are amount and -cat sinonnt to'all daunt, I he whit' canriai put hit hand ' t o- hii rt, and thank God that nothing tit kling within , de• serves .to lie in a bed a a bed—l ,PaYe gentleman, he deserve lie in a bed—in a- hOrl—'' ' "Withscracker eru • •in it," 'shouts'. out the shrill voice of • rend anxious to roundiheperiod. Th. ugh was women. dous, and it is doubtlu !he Squire gets the nonsinatien: It la pposed that - tlie cracker cnimb.snau ii t 'father Of a ereill family, Bell experietio the delights' of such a bed. DICATIIIOI wit sun We should be glad if- a the. following sentence work! df the writer df equalled in our day., nese and beauty of thou , We Savage - Linder : take away the sorrow lions ; the flower fucP 4 ' filet that enyeloped it fel t We way well believe th it, let thi cease to bb absence, who have but er chamber. We are Ike those - .who liar: oierslept the hour . hen we rejoin i r our friends, there is di y : the more joy. tingle and congratulait n Wiatid we break 'a rimeions vase b • se it is as carl, hie of containing the bit ' as the sweet t No,: the,very thinks w h touch us the most sensibly, are those Lich, we should be the moat reluctant top get. The ea-, He utensil:hi' is most . diem 'Shed by the benuttful images it retains; r beings parised away :.anti so is theAt : le ntlinti. ' The tamps of autumn sink intii..tlie leaves. and I prepare them tot.the neiessitylof their (all : and thus - insensibly are we, • as years close around 11§, dettnthed from nur tenaci ty of lifs by the gentle prefetire of record. .ed sorrows. When the iraceful dance and it; animating•innsio'are 'over, and, the clapping -or hands, so laiSly,,.linked, bath ceased; when yGuth and comeliness and pleasantly are tleparted, :t The dud and desolation lelt behind 1' But, whether we desire tt or not. we must submit. Be who bath appointed our days hath placed their contents within them. and our tains can neither cast them out or change their quality." GENERAL SCOTT ON THE EARTFERN WAR.—Tile Washington correspondent of the Charleston Mercury writes .as fol lows : .41 had recently the pleasure of hearing the. criticism of General Sou on the war in the Crimee. \ 1 look upon §critt as one of the great captaina of the age, and Ilia. idled with grist interest He says the allies cormnitteita der in delaying the auaak‘imon Sevastnpol att tong, a° they . did ; iliatitninedintely of, ter the raising of _the siege of they 'should Iti'vti ittack°d:§eeatitriPol, at which ti defiler° Wei; abiepardi velY email force in the Crimea tthirtlie allies :can- not take . Sevastopol unless they receive reinforcements,;iving ; thein,a superiority ul liirce to the eitent offroin thirty to fit:. ty per cent ; that the regular sol diers arethe hest tromps in' the Weild fee delenre ;,they never fly. bit perish unless ordered to retreat,,tie ihinks the allies labor under great disadvantage ,in. having two' cointnanding geoirttle ; that • the road to victory i.. throoglfanity of designs The inference 1 would draw General Scott's idea is that Sevattoopol, will not be taken Tint I douht whetter ilia allies ran throw such a prepondersi,ee of .force there as.- 18 PeQello4rV. 4aaaral fu r ther said that.the aliiee coulti, not ,rternitrk without faxiiiente less ofnten, , end' ell the nt atariall'aNkar in 'citertpineept the wda• pone in their , hantlo."- -". ' • Tun "01. kdT INI(ABIT. T. --I,'corre!- pcitident tot Richmond Cnqtater" Chinni that. th's , fi‘oltiest inhabfant'' resides in Powhatamoounty, Ara. says:, •.. "There is,a itegro.wonien inTowliatart, now li4itig id my immedi,te uoigbbtirliood, *brim '1 -hiive. tef'y refiday seen` and talked with, who was 'bin the'year'sifter 'George, 11. aseended al 'throne •of "En giand,and four, years bore • tbe birth of Gorge Washington lEllsjs now one hun died acid' t*enty-six. yetis - old, and was, Of course, very nearly' Of a' Century old at the time our declaraion, of Indepen, deuce Was , the 4di of July '1776:" , u pon Lawsprs.-,,A, conductor the road beiween taw,,London and Nuiwick,' Ct., put a'mat'ont of the car not paying , five cente, th extra itiarge on a ticket paid for in the cam. The.mau had 'avplied• at the office, but I was abut, and he had ohly fifty cents'; bt the conductor •would not receive it, an, thrust . hint rude ly:out of , the car, by mirth his knee pan was, hroken. .He auedthe .company and recovered $8,200 &mgt . 's. We are in clined to: think' it wont have beeu more profitable to•have forgivn that five cents. Extortsvorr.--Durirt ,thy year ending December 27 th, 1854,he number of for eign emigrants arrivingt New York Own abroad was 313,797, qainet 283,332 for the previous year, Wilton inerease of 30, 415. Of this t0ta1,16,723 were Ger mans; '79.090 Irish, 31018 English,'B,6 90 Swisi,7,so3 Frenc, 4,814 Scotch. 1, '7sl_ Swedes, 1,289 hitch and Welsh 1,283. yhe Gprtnanslaave been consid erably more than — doute the Irish. Boom no man for birpaverty., FREE." ENING, ANOARY 26, 1865. • erlod. at, remitting hie be Gazette—an iation—appenda A Contorts 81RD..--FOW persona have ever heard of the Camapanero, or bell bird of Demerara. It is of snowy, whiteness, and about the siaq'ot a jay. A tube, near• Iv three inches long, rises from its fore head, and this feathery spine the hird can fill with.air at pleasure. Every four or five minutes, in the depths of the forest, ha call may be heard from a distance of three miles, making a tolling noise like that oh a convent hell. Anyramrrro or Lovr.—After an intro duction find nut if you have any rivals, and if none, the following rule may be followed ta'advantage : 4 Compliments make 1 Blush. Blushes,,B .Tender look, 4 Teoder looks I "Smitten;' "Sinitten," " I Moonlight walk. 6-Walke, 1 Proposal, 2 Proposals (1 to Pa,)t 1 Wedding. - - • Cotts"Cal.i.-i=Permit ni .to Advise you not to sell,your corn on the cob, but lowa it Shelled and keop the Cobs Inflow cat: tle. By crushing and istraming.the cobs, when mixed with cut straw or hay, they make .st good mess for ,1 7 cattle, and if a quirt or meel 'he added to &telt mess Rim% and made into •slop, a milch row wilk thrive well, ;and anitribute generous ly to the pail.--.ilmer. neointi 'ono -who ready 11l turn to the tem-works ton. erhapa s for rich. , - thuse of eath can limn our and -4.; the calorie.. elf anil,aerialicl. and; helieveing, quieted 'tor their etireilinto'nunth: An lowa paper ears that the penpin there have added annther measure in their arithineties. It is "drunkard's wought,nl measures." It is as foilnwe 2 glasses make , 1 dram. 9 ilrinut make ltirtnikard. .13 titnnkarthe make ' 11 ,r grniiery. 4 trmoreries•make: 1 jail. • 5 jnils make , . 1, penitentiary. 6 penitentiaries make 1101. Some idea of the rapid strides that ~ Young Anteriea" is making tpay he ga thered ' from the fact that just fourteen years, ago, ,but a single houie . and' thai,a log eahin, stood upon what is now the Site of tat. Paul, Minnesota, a city that supports four daily newspapers, and where upwards of forty-three thousand passengers have been landed within a year. "Tlis 1/11(41! ,AIfALL. nc:tasx.".- , ,;The Evaoavillc (Pid.).Joorna/ says }hat an old gentleman egad sky five years mar ried a' feiv days a go, - eistitity . in that Slate:to his sixth and he' hsa only married/ins wtimen.- His fiat wife is hia,last wtfe,,tool she is now in her,for.! ty-fifth year. She,ltii been married three iimel, and 'her ket husband is her last husband. . 7 ,../VERtriap who waata a ehoritablejleal!, she judge harshly, her feelings are not deli•' eate. Her experience is her own, and if that is adverse, it ought at least to impose sniffles. It:pries:we is, not suspicious, but guilt is always ready to turn informer. A rogue asked charity on pretence of being dumb, A Indy having naked him. how long he had been'dumb. ho wa s thrown' off his guard. and answered,' !From my birthoundani." , :: • "Poor fellow l" said the lady, and shit bestowed on him a dollar, with perfoot good nature. , , . "Johnny," isid a three yenrold to an elder brother of six, "Johnny, rwhy,ean't we nee , the sun go beak where. il..rblel?" "Why. Jim, you little gooney, 'enunn ). would b'ettiliamed to tie neon going down 'East !" To ceiT lII' A HOLIDAY.—Find Rome detnitutn family to whntn . ypu eau nand a barrel of flour Gni your right hand pay for it,witlintit allowing the left to know of the deed. Try it, Ind your heart will hare aholidayt if von want to aseertain'whether a soil or siuheMnee contains Was. - you may pour .upon a small (timothy of it , vinegar or (filmed ,rn (triads sold. If time is present the mixture will froth up or effervesce. "GOING, .711* Wunt.a Hoo."—Nr. Stephen „Wyckoff, residing ,at, the Dahl ware ',Water Gap, Warren (minty, Now Jersey, recently slaughtered ,a ; hog of, his own raising, two years old, which weigh ed when.dressed, nine hundred and twenty pounds. , A. virtnnua, and well disposed' person is like a good metal-..the more he is fired the more hkis,refined the more he iv opened he more the is approved. Wrongs may well try. Itim i .but they cannot imprint on him any false stame.—Rtchelieu. Thertere twenty.eeven ‘housand re. males in New York out emplo'yment, and wholly' unable to support themselves in vonsequetice of the general depression 'of business. A. poor fellow, having got hia skull fractured, was told by the doctor that the brain was visible ; at which he remarked, "Do write to father, for he always declared I had none." . , • "I don't like .to patronage this line,"aaid a culprit to a , haagalaa. ."Qh I never mind this onei," was the reply, "it, will soon suspeud its operation." Mar(in Ellis, who fell and broke hia thigh in Boston, in consequence of the ice on the pavement, has recovered $l3OO damages from the city. There are seven Univers%list clergymen in the '3lassaehusetts Legislature—all members of the Know Nothing order. Littlefield, , whose testininny convicted Dr. Parknian, of Heston. has been insane from a disease of the ear. Pennsylvania is the 'largest domettlie missionary field of the Presbyterian Bawd —having 78 missionaries, . The thre e brothers Waabborts, alt mom• be of Coogrely/, are, plater§ by trada• _Honor no min forlis wealth, Thursdiy i► the Russian Suuday. Politics and the PaIOU We hate nntionht that a vigorous Land lord, having sharked it all the week, sere*. ing and griping among his tenants, would be better pleased on Sunday to doze through an able Gospel sermon on Divine mysteries, than to be kept awake by a practical sermon that might treat of the duties of a christian landlord. A broker. who has gambled on a magnificent scale all the week, does not go to eliVirc4 to. have hin practical swindling analyzed and mitiunired by the "New Temament spirit." Catechism is what he wants, doctrine is to his taste. A merchant, whose last bale of smuggled goods was safely , stored nn Sat urday nighi, and his brother noirehent, r who on the same day swore a false invoic e through the custom lionse•--APv go to' church to hear a sermon on faith, on angels, on the resurrection. 'rimy have nothing invested in those subjects—ther expert , the minister to he hold and ordindoz.— But if be wards - respeetable wierehanin-to pay ample pe wren'''. let him not vulgarize the pulpit by introducing commercial sub. kr". A rich Christian brother own, a distillery and is clamorous about letting down the pulpit to the vulgarity of tem: peranee sermons. Another matt buys tax titles, and noes about all the week to see who can be slipped out of a- neglected lot. A mechanic who lilies his-craft with the initcritpuloun spplianee of every means that will win, he who wants ininetrine" on the. Sabbath—not' those secular ques tions, Men wish two departments in life —the secular and the religious. Between them a high and opaque wall is to be built 'they OA to do just what they please for six Icing days. Then stepping on the nth- . er side of the wall, they wish the minis ters to assuage their inars.'to comfort their Conneietwes, and furnish them a clear tick et and insurance for heaven. By such a alireWd our modern tiers -are determined to Pillow that a Chris tian, can serve two masters, both Doll and Mammon, at the same time —Rev..4 l . W. Beecher., The followimkscotch balldd, sol'akehank the ring, dear Jamie," was sung by Mad ame Anna Biallop,!at Musical Hall, San Franciscri,Septembei, 11$84. ..T'he words are' - by JaMii Liffeit: Muria' was composed, and detliimicd to Mrs. R. S. Brooks, of San Francisco, by Stephen G. Maslen • ' • • , Take back the ring, dear Jamie. ' • The'ring ye ass to me, • , An a' the vows ye inane yestreen, Beneath the hirkon tree ; • Bat ale me bark my heart Amin. It's 2'l hae to ale. bin' yell no wait 4 limn' Bata, Ye canna marry me I. .—• • ::..- Wliate'er suit her be I'll fiiithiu' keep my . mm4*, For a' that ye ran wet 1 Sae. Jamie, it ye Winn , * IVAits . , Ye'ne'el can Marry"tne t • canna Imo% tuininie.'' She's been,ace kind to mu, • din; e'er I wauttbarnie, .• 1 werfthirig'sn' her knee. ' Were I an heiress o a crown, Ttlie Its honour , tins. To"watchhelpless age, At she in youth watched m in e ! • .Beantifni . incident: correspondent ,of the Preston (Eng land) Chronicle gives the follutviog atom dtAi: • . . • ~ . • • ~ • A good while'ago hanied • Charlie hail a large .douwhieh was • very fond,Of the water, and in hot weather he used to swim across the river near which the boy lived. Quo day the thought stittelt him that, t'fitte , fun, to, mako.the dog miry him across the. river, so he tied a string to the doles collar, and rail down ,with him to the water's edge, Where hi look off all his clothes ; and-then, -holding liard,by the dog's neck and the hit of string he tweet into the water, Bud \lte dog pull 7 ed him arenas. : After playing about on ; the other side lor some time, thefrelorn ed in the way they come ; •but when Char lie looked (or his, clothes, he could find 'moiling but his- shoes I The wind' had blOw,n all the rest into the vvater.— The dog saw What had happened, and making , his little master let go the string:, by making believe to bite him, he dashed into the river ; suit brought out first his coati and. then all the other.' in success ion. 'Charlie dressed, and went home in 'his wet clothes, and told his mother what fun he and the slag had bud. His mother told him he did very wrong in going aeross the river us he had done.. and that he I should' thank God' tot making the dog:l3%op loin over and baek•egain safely ; for if the, dog had mrde him let go in the river he I would mast likely .have sunk, and been drowned. Little Clairlie said. ''Shall I 'thank God now, mamma 1" and he keeel-, `ed dowit•itfhis Mother's knee and than ked . ! ~ God : then, getting np 'again, he threw his arm round' his dog's iteek,'saying; ..1 thank you, too, dear doggie, for nut letting • go." Little Charlie ut now Admiral bie Charlet; Napier. • 'T A` BOLD Pattscut;a:—AVlten Samuel; Davies was President of the Prinnkoto ,College ; he visited 'England. for the Or- i pose of obtaining donations fir the institu tion. ; George-I L had a curiosity to hear a! preacher iroin the "wilds of. Anterink"..„. i He accordingly attended, and was tut much I struck with the commanding eliititience'rif the preacher, that he expressed his•aStilli• i islinnedt loud enough lii he heard half way across the church, in such terms as these :1 "He is a wonderfl man ! Why, he i beats 'my bishop r Davies observing that 1 the king was attracting more attention than . himself, •paulting and looking "his 1 f majesty full in- the fare, gave him, in en ! emphatto tope, the following rebuke: , -• oWlien , the lion roareth, let the beast - of ! the forest tremble ; anti _when the Lord i speaketh, let the kings of the earth keep Si- I, lance," The King instantly shrunk back" I in ;hit seat, and • remained quiet during' the , I the of the sermon, The next day.' `the monarch sent tor him, and gave : him ; flay, guineas -for the institution over. Which ,be pptei4.liobserving at, the same, ; thpe to his c'outiers—dhe . is an hottest - rmen- sa honest. man."' .:' 1 . ' • .' - - I' TWO.DOLLARS VCR. ?tuitions* Agricuttisre. 'rhe tuts) value dill 1111f1Pli_pf011011111 of the soil of the United States is now as, h. ni One Thoneand Million' of Dollars knows what . and tin one who ain't Namur," h a s done for Agriculture, will . dnuht that o ths. Fame amount of labor which is now played in Producing this aggregate. might' be so applied as to secure a total prodnet thirty per rent. greater, or One Thousand . , Three hundred Millions. Out schmtllle, skillful', thorough Agricdlture always ploys more than the shiftless, slouching sort too generally prevalent; end it ita ner! tainly within linunda to estimate that our Agrioulture might be au improveo t N , the help nf additional labor now itnemenre . elf and unproductive, in eve an addition! nchievement which would double the wealth or die country er,,ctry r eight or len years. Whosoever will,sere! telly review the Agriculture of . a ,single . state, or even an average empty, In, "my part of the Union, 'AO estimate how intact; its protium might he enhaneed by . irrign", lien, manuring, deep ploughing, dralning t . &a , will perceive that our calculation in tar within the truth. „. • But suppose that only hall of it. or, an nddition to our national wealth ,Would thereby be insured ! Four fifths of Ibis won't' probably be permanently, edded to, the wealth of the roontry—that is, the firmer whose annual prodoet shnold he. swelled from $l,OOO to $1,850, or from . , $2,000 to $2,600, would not 'eat or drink, up the surplus. but would invest the great., er part of it in new buildings , reeve., barns, implements, f urniture. giving profitable employment to , nroho :7 ., ice anti taboret-it, and largely increion, the husiness of merchants and the inemneis, of profersidnal men. Suet) an addition to the annual, product of our' Agriculture Would increase the consumption of. Mins. ufactures, domestic and imported, in far greater ratio, since from the annual _pm ! duct of each farm the fond of those malting, a living on it must first he hiked fnt home use, Wording no business nr profit to any, one•else, leaving only the surplus to form the etcple of mule ; and an .addition: of twenty-five percent. to the annual pr o duct of each fnrm would probably doubt gm, annual excitant:a and general trade of the country.—N; E Tribune. The Curpahle. A correapoinlsnt of the American Farms. or giies the lollutving is hie experienceln , the use of wrappings of g , cotton lope"'ote remedy for the cumuli°. lf,any of our. Irian& have hall any experience in this matter we shall be happy: to heat from _ — ll-tri_ f oe the nu mum,wtot..s . united at the time with unespented ahem*, 1 It'conairted of three banded cotton fatten., ed irntind tlie tree • at intervals of about. one foot, It did not prove to be a pertei4 security. menial the' pert of ell plum nem het enabled me to Nave the greater my plume, and encouraged me to do alit- , tle.something to renovate my trees. which. since ;the appearance of the cureulio bad: been growing in award lend. According.. ly,l dug tip the ground around them. :and removed the turf Irom all save one to the bog pen. From that tree I gathered about one peek of phone infected with the hug, idea a bushel of *timid fruit, (it being small tree,) while from the otherethe fruit wan all sound:. I allowed • the . cotton to rennin on the 'trees the year round, taking no trouble to renew , or repair itafter icon I 'put on. 1 ant now nearly lid of this "critter ;" indeed. I have not heeniable to find one upon my trees thin season. Anti 'wren examining the cotton have found but three egg., , , The Arco.. look finely. and . are slready bending under. their burden of fruit... Kin any, ease, cotton has foiled to protect piny body's plums, I ant persuaded it is because , , they bave:been, ton stingy .The heat way Wm bliy, batting. and split it in two several times. they, cut into stripes': three or.four inches wide, and,: tie .with piece of twine on the. upper. edge. me. • Inmils at least eliould•atwaya be used, and more would be better, unless the land is in greet'. in which case .the, sods can bale moved, together . with the larvae, which spend the winter in the,earth directly NM,: der the tree." , To Make Hens Lay PerreheallY. - .Keep no roosters ; give, the Len.. Erich meet chopped up like sausage meat, onett' : , a day- 7 a very , small, port!rm, say lisken ounce a day t o each hen in winter, or frnea • the time insects disappear, in the..fali,fill they appear again in the spring. Newer allow any , eggs to remain in the nest fee what are called nest .eggs. When . the 'rooster does not run with the hens, end no. ; rteft eggs are , left, in the neat. the hens, will not ,cease laying after the. pro. durtion of twelve in fifteen eggs. as they. always do when roosters ate allowet,but minium, laying perpetually. If ;Ito- above plan were ,gettetally adopted, egg* woulC he us, plentiful in winter as in summere.r. tine reason why hens do not larin winter, as freell as in.suounter is the wen; of anl, mail loud which they get in enamel, in It.- .bundatire in the fore' of, insecte. When', the ground'.is , covered-with snow live them arises to lime and ; pebbles., fres. which the egg shell is formed._ BI ITIM Lintn& Trty.,Thot erituihm., rue, ..jinn published, give sews reenerlos.r.. hie nistaneee of lougevay. It appears • that 'Phonies Pare.iiied nue' hued:Wiwi fifty-twn yehrs.and 8 months ; HensyJea kinh; tone hundred and sixty-nine vessel. 'Thomas Caru, two- hundred ind . stroa - years. Front 1769 to 1850 forty-40i : persons died, the youngest of .whoes one hundred and thirty, sod the *Wet ase , -. hundred and seventy-Ore. Dr, lohnioo , was one night at a aonoloa, where en elaborate era florid etottruto art `the violin was performed l th • at wan. over, ke,iallted *gentlemen. who sat maw: hint, ,whit a miettt c , 'VW quell** Mei* ; what puzzled lito,aankitpq, who snit WO , 0 1 *, 'kaki; wac,Taridarke",. anatvarao: the teuroed NOW ; 'lad bon ippOslittif r ,