BY D.- A. & C. li. BUMMER. VOLUME XXV.I REGISTER'S NOTICE. PUBLIC SALE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Lege- undersigned Executors of the Es -I'l6 Mee and other persons concerned, 1 tate of JOHN CHRONIS'rEIt, '*hat the Administration iheounis herein- l een., late of Latimore township, Adama after mentioned, will be presented at the county. deceased, will sell at Public Salo. ;Orphans Court of Adams county, for con-; on Tuesday the 26th of September, at Lunation and allowance, on Tuesday I. a f 10 o'clock, A. M., qn the premises, in 2014 day of September inst.. viz.: - ;said township. on the road leading; from 2136: The first and final account Ur Ren !Deardorff's Mill'to Wolford'e Mill, 'Adel al ,- Spangler. Administrator 01. the estate of i I Mile northof the former place, the fol- Alia:Meth Spengler. deceased. j lowing. Real and Personal. Property, to ' 267. The first and final account of 1 wit No. 1 . fJohn .M. Stevenson, sen. and Wm. H. 1A PLANTATION; theietison. Esq., acting Executors of Al- I will oder R. Stevenson. deceased. 'situated in t he township -batinturs. .• 268. The account o f J o h n wa w a. county aforesaid, adjoining lands of George Administrator and Exe,tor of die estate Deardorff's heirs,: Moses:Myers,' Daniel :of Holizinger and Ferate. deceased. Hooper's, and others, containing' ' 209. The first account :of lion. Daniel heffer..aciing Executor of the last will and.-testamentofJelio Wierman. Esq.. de ceased. . 270. The second account of Dr. Aaron 1.. Bishop. Administrator of the estate of Jacob Bishop, deceased. 271. The first account of Alfred P. Starr, Ailitsinistratot of the estate of Wal ter J. Bishop. deceased: 272. The first account 'of Simon S. Bishop, Administrator of the estate of Al exander P. Bishop. deceased. 273. The first and final account of Isaac r Wright. Administrator of the 'ertiald or Daniel White, deceased. ' 274. The' first and Seal account of George J. White. one 'of the Administra tors of the estate of DariMhite, de ceased. 275. The firsland final account of Mira . ham Wavbright. Administrator of the ea tate 41 - tacit' Muju ioi er, dece red . 278:-The first and final account of Aiwa fisin ' W aybrigfif ; 7ldroinistraioi'of'the ea- tate of Elizabeth Munahower.deceased. 277.. fife first account of Samuel Dor. boraw;•Esq.. Executor of the last will and , resterhent of John Strealy. deceased. 278. The first account of Samuel Der horaw..El4, Executor of the last will testament of Joseph Miller. deceased. 279. The account . of John Elder. Ad 'eninistrator of the estate of Eve Allewell, iirceased. DANIEL-PLANK. Register. nrsi stet's Unice. Gelltlsbll% Seplelapber I, 1854. PUBLIC SALE. Y virtue of an Order of the Orphans COURT of Adams county. the uo.. 41ersigned, Administrator of the estate of JAMICB X. McGanany, deceased, will sell at Puplie Sale, on the pventisen.On &tur d, ..1 3 • • 1 FARM origin! deceased, situate in Ramiltonban 'township, Adams county,-Ps., adjoining lands of 11.obert,Rflythe, _James Marshall, .and Duren, and containing 133-ACRES, more or less. The improvements consist -els TWO-STORY AWFA,LING lOUSE 9 I n d with a Log Kitchen attached, double Log Barn, with frame end and sheds, and ode -1!1" out.huildings. . There is an Orchard of choice fruit on the premises, a well *lewd it iiier-failing water at the door, sufficient Cu water all the stock: also running water on the farm. Three is a fair proportion of good Meadow and !Timber-land. The ham is in an excellent state of cultivation. conveniently located. - and well calculated for growing , grain. There are two Lime-' stone Quarries 'opened on the farm, also a Lithe Kiln. There is also: bank of Lime. Stolle reek. which wouhl supply two Lima; kilns. Any person desirous of going into the Lime business would do well to examL ine this property. Ttte Fara* is under good fencing, a con siderable portion being post-fence. Also, , ai the same time and place will besold a Alountain Lot, , containing about 8 .►acres, well cowered with Oak and Chestnut Timber. situated .In sametownship, about three miles from , thd F'artn. IrrAttendanee will be given and terms 'rna t tle known on day of sale by JOHN HORNER. .tictr,er. August 25,1854.—td VALUABLE _FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rrIFIE undersigned will sell at Private Sale his Farm. situate in Cumber , township , and 'towhip, Adams county. Pa.. ad- 1 joining lands of Francis Bream. Jamb liertiter,Henry Butt, and o th ers, contain-; ing 235 Acres, more or less. The improremeras are a large two-story Db BRICK at, with a large Bank Barn. pan none and part frame, with sheds all around, Wagon ,Corn Cribs. Smoke House. and all necessary out-buildings. Them are a boa t 70 Acres of first rate 711EBER. Rama), the balance cleared and under cultivation •iviilt the• usual proportion of good _Mead- Ow: There are two Orchards of choice fruit, of all kinds, one of them composed of young trees ; a well of water convenient to the house ; running water in the barn yard, and on different parts of the prem ises. This Farm lies upon Marsh Creek, is, in ant rate order, and is in every respect one of the most desirable properties in the county. Persons wishing to view the premises, will be shewn them be calling on the subscriber residing thereon, who twill alsd give all requisite information as •to terms, &c. MARK FORNEY May 26, 1854.....4m- pa'Blanks of all kinds for sale at this office. _lO6 Acre.s • of Patented Land, neat measure. The improvements on she preitihms ',are , Oyu Two Story ' • 11017011.441111 1 1 . '.? . g 11101JSIES: I , j Lag Barn, Hay Shed; and _other out btfild: imp. There is a never , failing Well:, of Water between thedwellings.'4hilccinie , nient to each. There is also' itrOrchard ;of choice fruit—s Apples, Peaches.; Cher i ries. &c. There - are about 'l2 Berea of ; Meadow land belongingto'said Farm,' and !about . 15 scree of 'good Thfilterland, aled the residue is, under a state ofiliKod, ration and good fetfoing., gm:4r put. of it had heed limed. "'Theis is run. ' ning through the farm a fiever failing stream of water, With 'Convenient access thereto fur, cattle. . • No; - Laiid situate in Franklin tbwnship, York cone. ty. adjoining lands of Henry Lerow, Joiw i Johnson, and others—containing 8, barest more or less. ofgood ,Timberland.. There is convenient access to saidlot. PERSONAL -PROPERTY.-i- ALSO. at the same time and place, will be sold the following PeiNional . Property, to wit:—One first rate working MARE, one new ROCKA.WAY; 'one otie-horsi 'Wa gon and Bed, Winnowing Milh.the; inter est of one-half of a Rolling Screw nine head of Hogs. Horse Gears, Plough, Har rows. Bedding and Bedsteads, Tables, Chests. Chairs, Carpeting, Barrels,' Tubs, Stands, Forks, Rakes, &c., together with a large variety of other Household - and Kitchen Furniture, too numerous to in serf. I.r:PAtleudirme, s Ink terms ITAVI CITRONISTER, J. CIittONIS'I'ER, jr ., PUBLIC SALE. . . . n y virtue of'an order of Orphans Court of Adams county, the . undersigned, Administrator of the • estate of JACOB BEST, late of Germany townaltip,-Adams county. Pa., deceased, will offer at Putilic Sale, on Saturday the . 30th day of . Sep. Mother. at 1 o'clock, P. AI.. °trete fireiiii ses in said township, a"part of the Valuable ulu !of said deceased, adjoining the prop. lefty of Thomas Bittle, and lands of Peter Bittle heirs'ofinitti gieircir, and Miters. The whole Farm contains 131 ACRES, Imore or less—of which about 07 ACRES ' lie in Adams comity and will be sold 'un der this Order of Sale ; the balance,' ing in Carroll county, hid., 'and adjoining the former, will be sold at the same, time, so that the par Chaser can get : posseasion of the entire tract. The improvemente consist of . . A TWO-STORY ROSS IR-CAST , , ~,_ , . • II ''''. i "'I with a two-story Sack.tiilding attached, a Sauk ilarn, with -Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs attached, and other outbuildings ; a will of good - water in front Of the house, a running fountain' at the 'kitchen &or, and running water in the barn-yard ; • also fp, . no the premises an exce:lent Orchard al . . , CHOICE FRUIT. About 30 Actes aro• in good Tiinber die balance improved, . with a fait'. propor tion of excellent Meadow, The land has been recently all well limed, md is in ; a good state of cultivatitni. The fenchig is in good order, nearly all .chestuut rails, part beink post fence. •The Farm lies a bout two miles front. Littlestptvn,,:or, the Baltimore turnpike, about eight miles !rum Hanover. rm.Persotis wishing to vienz ises can do su by calling on John Mes singer, residing thereon. 7'Auendance will be given and terms made known on day of into by • • • ' JOSEPH FINK, Airier September 8, 1854.—td PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned, Administrator of the titanic of CORNELIUS' 'Mc- CALLION. late of Liberty township; AA ams county, Pa., deceased, will sell at Public Sale on Saturday the 71h day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., 'on the remises, the : 3F.23.11LANE of said deceased, situate in said township, adjoining lands of James Bowie, Maxwell Shields, Sborb, Duphoro, sad others, and containing 93 Acres, more or less. The improvements are a two and a hall story WEATHER—BOARDED ■ „ LOG 110174 E. Log Stable, and other out buildings. ,The Farm will be sold on easy terms. r:rAttendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN C. McCALLION. Sept. 8; 1854. RETTV'SIIIEG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER '22, 18 54. .Tmume.,., OA% Ili t. lIHE subscriber, Administrator with • the will annexed, will offer at, Pub lic Sale on the premises, on &jinn/ay the 14th of October 'next, at '1 o'clock, A. M,, in Latimore township, Adanis Co., Pa., the. REAL ESTATE, of CALEB BEAL.S, &cid, adjoining lands of John Wierman, the York Sul phur Springs, heirs, of David S. Beals, the subscriber and others, and containing 174 Acres, -.more or lese, of Patented Land. The i. mprovements are a double TWO-STORY BRICK w 'DWELLING with a Kitchen attached, 1 large "atone i Bank "Barn, ',stone •Spriiig-louse, Stone iSmoke-house, and frame Wagon Shed I and Oarn-house, There is an 'excellent ,noverfailing,springof water near the Atom% herniation creek gasses along the pram ':iitei: . Titeriiis' a * good, PrOpoitien ' OP TIMBER-LAND ~ a nd also of good ileadow-LaptP TitWah i ce is inn - gotta stale of cultiva . lion. '''An indieptdable title - Will be giveit: ICrAttendanci Will'be given and.'terms made known by. .. , JOAN WOLF9RD, Septemtie; 15, 185,1.-' ©HEM FOIR IFAREERS. A. - 7,4,Z1TA.1311,Z,VAZ*, • AT PrtIvATE ss.Lt. Tundesigned. will sell at • private sale,,the Farm on which he re4ides. in Freedom township, Atlairis County, PA., , r .adjoining lands of James Itinninglratn, James Meefeari,'Davia ,l3ossermati, and °Mere, containing • • 263 Acres, 69 'Perches, with the usual allowance. The ionprOve manta consist of a • ' • TV7O - STORY , HOUSE, . part