D. A. & (3. rt. BUEHLER VOLUME XXV.I CROAT ITTRACTION! '"PAHNES'POCK & SONS has just f received and are now opening one of the la , kgest and mast complete assortment of ,Spring',and Summer Dress Gerids ever cdered . ,to'she.riablie. _Our selection hav ing been made with greaticare; i and our stock pnrchasee -at reduced prnces; we feel prepaVett to present inducements such as are rarely offered*. Our stock.of Dry ' has. :never' been surpassed and , addition of our .last pUrchase, comprising as it does Clothe of all pri ,ces and qualities, Caasimeres, Vestings. :_Kentueity Jeans, r Plaids for Children, ,itirage De fiaiites, M. De Laines, Bersqr4. AlPseas, CalicoeS, Ging. hams, SHAVLS,:(CaShmere, Thibet, & White.pcam of Avery .; variety,) we chat, lenge the county to produce their equal, cars:regards in quality'and.priee. •,1 ''! Having- added largely to our variety of GIit)CERIE:S, 3V are prepared to furnish the- 'finest ' ofqualities Syrup, MolisSeiti, at reduced. rates ; our Stock' of MO- jaSses and Sugar is .regartleil:lls the ..most cmup(ete,.everoffered,in the cottury. We I. deem it neediess o _to, cooperate, as we have always on Hind a complete assort. Mein of Diy Goods ; Groberies,filiciwaie, Qukerisivare i • , To satisfy you or the truth or our n'sser -0011, wt' ()Alfaak you toeiiTraUdeiilii'iline for, yourself, if ( you want bariains. Call 'early ' ' • Slqh of the Red i'ront. March al, 1854:—tf. I FRESH SUPPLY. , rrilg:•undersi g ned lies just. returned JR•: Winn the: Citt', With a large • assori'l of FItEBFI G001)S, which he is .pre., paredto self at pr ca Which .cannot be best . . - Atilsteek consists Of GRIACIPAIES et: all kinds;'i:lUitt'es i Molas . see, Co' ees, Teas, Fish, galt, Orackers, Clieese,•Picit eled Cucumbers, .Ir.cs. , Also, , Fruits Br,-..ConfectrOns,: OrangeS, - Litinona.'Figs, RaiOris, Prunes &c.-Alan, Powder, Shot, Tobacco, Se gars, Gail's celebrated • German Smoking Tiotowen, mid a variety - of other articles-- of n`a tim , rate assortment of the best •311:thiir, tagroits , • iVinis :tad 11rant4,..., of different kinds, N. Rein. I=ll/11.31111 Gin. 016 Rye, &c. --ail fit; whieb e4n. be had on. the lowest terms at,the,Store, of the qubsoribei, in Sorylliiisltintortt tteet.'„neott.ttoor att. the "Starr , ;,,Thillsot, always;-on • hand s.vatiety of Stone Jugs, &e.--Give,us it call: .11,MANUELE,7.IEGLER, 'Gettysburg. Illy 19', 18944-4 f. NEW GOON! NEW GOODS! A DRANt tiliNPl4l) has just returned -Lm-' /icon , tlie'City the Largest,Clienpeet:lo3est Selected Stockof Sp . itig a n ti Qoods, ever belore offered, (hq !own or country. .eurtaisting.iit part 4s-German, FroPelk and -DontessioLlnoths: Blacki& ,Fancy Cassi . • mere's', Satim &t other ~Vestings, Italian ;Cloths,: Coat ,Gingliams, ' a Tweeds , Ky. -•Jeaus. , Derege Delaainea, NI; De Lines, ,Printa; Dinghaltts, and a great varier t of Moodsotoo neinerous to ).mention. Also, , jarge , tasatitiatent; ore Bonnets, Para •,‘ • ~? - ~-..(crOalltianct;see,, a s. am• determined :to/undersell. any , 4 eatabliahment t in the , Toartr.otAlo,unty,:l • , titiatich; 3111864,-4f.. MODE NDIV GOODS.! , aA.141.Z0 0111 Z) ;s PP Za A iGEORGE , ARNOLD I ' II . AS just returned . Iron' the City ''with ~anoilior supplyof seasonable Goods, •ii ring ?atilt-11U '' ' '• ' - .1 4 adies' ,Dress Goods , tifeyery variety , " very Initiation's and cheap BlesVse;Ctillers and Cults, in great variety and of thr latest styles, White and 'Red Cr'ape and other shawls, eiribroidered and illtkin Linen . Slier .:1., Itibliens,.l beautiftil variety, tfohnets, Trimmings, Calisges, Gingliains„liusiery, Gress Silks, Bonnet Silly and SaitinW, Edgings, Insortings, &c.. dre.,—with ahubst 'any artiele in the DAY .qooD line r ash' a lot or • ARESH GROCERIES, lan a *Malt es cheap as they .bin be had at ally :other establishment in the place. Please , eall, examine and judge •fir yourselves. May 12, 1854. ANTI-NClintAsICA:. • . :BATS CA.PS,BOOTS.& 610 ES, , . .4rJomE,ONE, POII,E and ,tell 'per, neiglthore to come, to,the Store -of the "Two-Extretnev," and see . the splendid , stock of . &TS. CAPS, BOOTS' and SILOES, now open ing, of the latest style and of every varie -47, „gettable for.the. Spring and, Summer season, far Gentlemen, Ladies and Asye matte,,arrangemente- to have BoOts„and.Shoes made to order, by the 'test of morkmen, and of good material, in ItteAttiokeetposetble•• time. PAXTON. • . 9c4yOurg, MATTA 01,,1254.--tf ,NOTICE.- TO, TEACHERS. - T!E School Direcors of Gettysburg district will receive' applicationsun tit'Thtirstlay tlii3d of kugust next, from Itertnins wishing to ,engage as teachers in ealddialriet for the ensuing year. By &der &Pie Floarty • 'lt. G. MeCREXRY, Pres'l. July 14, 1.854.--a • . . SIIERIFF'SIiIiEL _..„.._ IN pursuance of sundry writs of Vend. r O, let us be happy when friends gather round us, Exponas, issued out of the Court of i Hiiivover the world may hire shadowed our Int; Common Pleas of Adams county. Pa., mid When the roso.braided linki of Affection have to me directed, will be exposed to pub• ' bound as: Let the co r d attains of ear th b e denim] and lic Sale, on Saturday the 12th of Sugust fo go t . .:.. ' next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at,the Court- And say not that friendship is only ideal, .. • 'house, in the liorough of Gettysburg , the That Truth and Devotion arc blessings. tin- i following property, - lo wit s : ' . knOWn, . . illl the interest cf Jan us Cu rrene , . . in a For H h as e s'om ho oth be in li g eT u e ns e o v u e n ri d s h t ° th a o a c i o . re uti of his r6nl. o - wn. . . .. cerpfn , ' Tract of Land ~ • . Hav e brought to our presence the dearest, and situate in Freedom ' 'toWnithip, Adams For the palm alWaye beats' to 'moat liiiiriMiy 1 county; Pa., containing 15 ACRES. more ' measure, , • • • . , or less. adjoining 'lands Of David Rhodes, When love and Good will sweep the strings of John Wolford, and others, on which are i_ . the . bieast. .. • . . erected a'one.half story Ar...1.304Ca- I • ' il i il, • Vi i 1 & ' 16 I t_ ll' log Stable, and other out-buildings: a lan , ~ on the premises an ORCHARD "i", , Ct.i . ir -of choice fruit and a spting of water convenient to the dwel . mg.—Seized trot taken in ex ecution teethe property ofJsieseentieste. . ' —ALSO— ' A Lot of ground situate in. Ite.ading township, .Adams county, Pa., containing 3 .ACRESt Lenore or. loss. ,adjoittingi 611115 of the heirs, of floury Overholkzer, Elijah SPangler. and others. The interovementa are a . ' .ON'ErAtiD-A•IFALY may - 100 DWELLING- Stabl e ,A s , 1 a lo g n some rut ,etzvi and taken in eteention as the esluteol.la: coa S. Viinanthirin. " On Treclimsdali the idtli of on the premtaei 1Q 'o'cick, • .; . A Traci-of, Land situate in ' Latimore township. Atlanta enmity,' Pa. containing'lo ACRES, mitre Or adjoining lands of-GeOrge Rotii netr, the Iteire , of Caleb Reales, dticid.; and othersi•on whidli are . emoted ' . VIVICI•STORY ' '' '• . , ~ LOG. DIVOLLING ; 1 : a frame Statile anti littler out-buildinge.y.— There is a YOUNG OftpllAltp of . ..,',...,.. choice fruit'on the premises, and .:..4 , ,il i i; a wel(of water near the door,— ' - It is in good farining . ortler. 4Qo .bushals of,..lime hav,ltig been put on 'the Lot.—Seized ant) taken in execu tion as the estate of Jour; W. ftleßition. .On Thursday the ‘l7i h of durat,i'on • thipremises, at 100? clock, ..11‘ lvl.- , A Tract of Lattil ' nitwits iti'Franklin township, Adams con iy, containing 10 ACRE'S, more: or lees, adjoining lands of Ctinriid Walter, Andrew Heintzelman, and others, ,on which are erected a ' two.story BRIIK DWISLIaNG-80111321 .1 - 1 with a BRICK KITCLIE?I. attached,'lst Double:Log Barn, with 'sheds' attailied, Blacksmith Shop, Wagon-maket Shop ; and 'other out buildings. Mere is a knot: Orchard and• a well of water' neat' the door. This property is well improved, ! being partially limed.- • ' The buildings on this tract are' insured in the Perry , County Mutual •Inetiranre Company,lor five years s from" June 25, 1 --ALS(I— Me interest of John ft:alter in a certain Tract of Land situate in Franklin ttownship, 'adjoining the above tract, and lands of. Jacob Settle, Andrew .Phoinas, and whet d e , containing 10 ACRES, snore or, leas--Seized and ta 'ken in execution as the estate of 'JOHN, WALTSR..; =F - Ten per cent of the purchase' mon ey upon all sales by the Sheriff intim be paid ,overinnnediately after:theproperty is struck down, and on tailors to , ' comply therewith, the property will spin - be Tut up tor sale: • JOHN• SCOTT, Sheriff. stuuifrs Office. tiettYlburg. Julv 21. 1854. t . , . • CALLAND'SEETHEMI. MeCLELLAN;• uqJ just returned; from Philadelphia , , • with' a large and well selected as sortment of FANCY GOODS of: every variety, (to which she. invites the'attention or Ladies and .Gentletnen,) comprising fashionable, • • . Bonnets.& Bonnet' TrinitningS, Silks Satins Ladies'Dtess ;Trimmings, Velvets,- Ribbons ' A rtifir;inls, Black 'Veils. Blue do. Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. French worked Collars, Cambric; . Jaconet and Swiss Edgings, Inserting!), Muslins, Sleeves, Mohair and Silk Mite, Blaek Lace, mid Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Braids, Fans, Gentlemen's Collars,: Combs of all kinds,. &e., &c. and Gentlemen are requested to call and ez amineour Goods. It is ill givi us pleheuee to show them. March .31,. 1854.—tf • • • Ladies' Dress Goods. , r,A 4 DIES, do you wish handsome dress. es,. for Spring or Smuttier'? If so, call immediately , at the long established cheap Store, where we tire"prepared 'to exhibit the most beautiful variety and pret. iiest patterns of Dress' Goods ever opened. Do not defer the matter too long, nor Idea the opportunity of selecting froitt the en. tireassortment. If you wish to save money and at the same time secure for yourself the prettiest apparel worn, call immediate ly at • FAHNESTOcKS`. gam!! 31 , 1554.—t1 • • . =MEE ',`GETITS4tTRG, P.A., FRIDAY tet w f be riallPy. BY ELIZA COOK. 0, let, us be happy when moments of meeting Bring those to our side who illtuninionr eyes; And though folly, perchance, shake whelk at, the greeting , • . . • Be is 'dullest of fools'whit forever is wise, Let the laughter of Joy echo over our bosoms, As the 411.1173, of the bee o'er the ,micl-summer flowers, For the hone, of haPplrieiss cothatifrom , Lovers • , blossoms, ".' And is found in, the hives of those exquisite " j • Then let us be happy when mements:ef piessme Hoye brought to out,preionce the clearest and „ For the pulse always .heats* tO meet heavenly measure; , , .* When Love and flooil.Willsweep; the strings Of the breed: `.ll'el de plead nor ipiriftno anti artd.the.vieitry . : To yield the, kiretwOrd, The heart. Tiie the tree; mutt be '' fesi-ftiily ' Jreety; . Where ihe'rebin of hdperwill not warble kfvhile. -Let- us "aro,' ip I, , rioe r khat4ve earn not.for otlrers,. Anillive in our wealth like ah'oX , hiwitall !Tie , the.cuOinieree or love with !our! brothersy s , JO eTent gietit to the Fal) er Then lit us'be happy whets momentenfpleiratir.o Have brought:to !apt. presence the doe!e.st'. best, For the pulse ever 'beete'iviith: . 'When Level' ire] stiings of•the breast. 1 , • • EVery :Man makes his. mark. Every man Who coons into the world, makes soMe Mark upon it eke he goci to his final rest rti mti„f- b'e a stniatineL-hard ly Visible to the plodding pilgrim on life's highway—but,nevertheleas, in the future , time. it will attest .notne service done or some,Aluty neglected. Every niMu iileijoises smite influence in the sphere which he oceepieS., 'No matter how tiny his degree—how obttnie his intel- 1 lect4-how vile his diameter, be letro wake his mark, upon the times in which lie lives, either for good or for ill.. If fOr rod, fu ture tigts will °burgh' that indel of as 'they Vould the natograplt'or some great conqueror. on the world's.battle fields ; tf for ill, it stands out'as a beacon and•ti warning Upon the.pago ofbistory.--= Washington .made „his, mark itt,bold end distinct characters, when he aided in lay ing the foundation and'. establishing the charachr of' our Republic,' and, a nation ponders over it now with revereritialadmi ; ration.., , Arnold Made his mark iu no Las distinut,; characters. when - he would have i betrayed the liberties of the o°l°o9 ; but our nation 'and the word point to it now, and will'phint to it id ell thniutute, us a blot upon' the escutcheoit'of Iminanity, 'and a stain upon the otherwise fair frontlet of Atneri can. patriotism These are the two j sorts of marks which ditrereut, men make upon the' world while thiogling in itestrifes l'and labors.. ''Even l the babe who lingers but a day-upon the borders of time, ere it returna,,to the pearly strand, makes its int- 1 press, upon, the -world..:' While it lived a t ray of divinity'was lighted and when it died that rny burned on, as it willeon tinue Ito do for all bias, gilding the rugged ways of life with light, and surrounding the dark places, with a holy influence. 'The .smallest atom of crated matter, has its place pnd pupa's° ;"so the smallest hand traces, on the sands' of time . Seine antohraph' that tempestsmnd' waves can never wash away. 1 Every wan, 1144 an influence audit shouldbe I t his aim at all times so to exercise the pow ,Cr inherent in pod radiating from him, as 'that the world ,shall be wiser and better that he has lived, and that future geneilt -1 tions,- in searching 'the records of hos'life, canisay with one acclaim :.--“There was a man—an honest man—peace bu with his , name !" . • . „ . Tint has"been truly said : I"The first being: that rushes'. to the recot- Aection of-u Soldier: or a sailor, in his heart' i s difficulty, is his mother. She clings to his memory and affeetion, in the midst of fill the forgetfulness and hardihood 'indueed by a. reving i .life. : The ; last,' message• he leaves is for her, his last tvltis perbreethes her name,' 'Tlie'rnother:' as slielnstilla thelessen 'of piety and filial iilinttittiiiit in to the heart of. her infant son, , should feel that lier.labor . not in vain: She ',nay drop into the grave, but she haitleft behind her 'an infleence that' work, for ber. The boiv is broken', but the . arrow isepeT and. will ild'its 'office." . !‘: • • The Wowing linen " hou presenting: lady,with a roae,",are Aimed neatly turne d I pray thee on that brow of thine,•'• • -. To wear this blushing flower for me, • For of a love as.pure . as mine The rose will fitting emblem be. Its leaves pre like thy lips in hue, Its fragrance like thy-baltny breath; Ah. I if thy heart were teat I'd love thee, Jennie, until death. There is nothing like courogelli.misfor tune ; next to faith in God, and in his over• ruling Providence, a man'a faith in himself ie his salvation. . , , • Wanted, an intended bridO wfih`is wit= ling to begin housekeeping in the same style in.whichberTarents began. The inutltbeet water :can bug;renslerecl clear and'pure ne eryettil, by mixing with iv_shaell•partiCle of pounded Generstl, happiness .an have other basil than the universal 114 of juitic'e and Life is toost . westisornewlien i; is worst spent:' ",FEARLESS AND FREE!' The Roma ItETORMATION 0 - WNI WIRT—A TRUE INCIDENT IN TITS ticronv.--The. distin guished Wm. Wirt., within six or seven i months after his fir t marriage becamead ; dieted to intemperance, the effect of which operated strongly or the mind' and health aids wife, and in a few months more she was nufabored with ho head. Her death led him to leave the country where' he re- OW, and he went tt Itiehtnond, where he soon, rose ,to distinction. -But his habits hung about him, and occasionally he was found with jolly, frolicsome spirits of bas , chanalian revelry. I . ;., His true friends expostulated with him to convince him of the injury he was doing' to hiniself. But lie ;till persisted. Ills 'practise b , 3gan to fall off, and many looked on him as on the mile road to ruin. Iln was advised to get mill -Tied with a view of • correcting his habits. 1 This he consented to do if the right persim offered. rre ed. cordingly paid his . 4iddresses 'to . Miss Gamble. After: some. months attention he asked her hand in: marriage. She rc ' plied . "Mt. Wirt, I have l.en well aware of your intentions for some titno• post, and should I have given yen to understand that your vis ius and attentions were not am:rabic, . had I not reciprocated the, affection which you I evinced toward me. 1.13ut ,I, cannot yield ' my misent 'until . you pledge me never to. tench, 'taste ofhandle any intoxicating drinks.":' , ; i , • !.: This reply to Wirt,,was as unexpected asinvas novel. ' His,ireply was, that he regarded tint pirtosition as a tenr to all ! 'further' eniisideration' of the subject. and he i left ' her.' Her 'coiliwe: toward Itiiii 'was I I.the. same • as-:over—his,.resentment. and ,neglect. . . In the course of a s weeks ho went r - 'gain and s.oliclie'd her nand.. But her •re `ply•Wint•that het mind Wes made up . . ' tie -beanie:indignant, and regarded• the terms ,prpposetVas i insulting to his, honor s and vnwetil it,,should be the last meeting, ,thoy. should eysirbaye.' ile.took to dr inking wors - d tind'werso. and Seemed to run head. 3ofig to ruin: Onedayi . while lying in the •outskirts.of the city, near at little grocery (*grog shop, drunk, n:young lady; whom it .is not necessary; to .nanin., wits passing; that Wily to htir 'Nome' not far off, and in 'held him with ' his ;fah •up-turned to ate rays of the burning- sun. She took her. handkerchief, .with 114 r, own name marked; upon it, and . placed it ,over his face. ; I APer ho had reinnined in that way 'for some hours he "was 'awakened, and Ins ' thirtit being so great ,""lie ‘vent - into the little grocery or grog s top to get a drink, wheu'he discovered t p handkerchief, 'at which 'hi,.16011.1, , t,..,; la 41-,:ibe 'i)tstng t lin I' true nu it: ' After pausing he