BY D. A.A. , 10.•Ef.. BUEDLICR. VOLUM Up XXV, 1411INE T-1V It ERO 011, „..., • GEORGE ARNOLDr HAS just returned' friiin Plinatlelphia' , and Balthnore ' with' as Itu:ge end handsome a meek ofINE W .GOODS, , es liaa been olfered to the public: at finy, time, in this Waco, among which it ~every varii , . 'ii; k1"1 irgl l 3Uli6;, Psi,. !Ladies' DresslBz, Fancy Goods; pa , rsße zt. Detain?, BerageDelitins t goplins,:pmr. MEIANKFUL for the liberal ,1_ age heretofore extended to him the , elan ()folk, Alliaca Bertige,'BoMbriztne; subscriber would respectfully inform his Al ta r s, ' Girlghainr. c iillze ' n. ' " : Mites; Silks, Caps; Collets, red but s : w hitit ;.1d itiet..ffiers and the public generally, Crape and °met-Shaws i great .varietP4 (hat he Miff continues to manufacture every tarimy of , ~. 1: !linnets, Bonnet, Silks land s Tri t unnings,of ,___ et cry variety. plain and embroidered linen 11 1 1 0 U S : FOR 0 L ill, I Dandkerettiefti,' HoeterY, Glevee, Neils: ' FURNITURE , ' ' ' , 4c. 'Also, the '''•, ' 1 he : Capest -Cloths; Onsitm erei, and at hie Old Establinhinnot, m South Belli- ] teeny Made tllothing - , , noire street; ?ennui! eqtia'rei a' few thiont I in town, with : every variety of,Goods,,for loath of the ..9 , rAn.. printing office •Gettysburg.• •Ele will have en .Insid, , for ,enliol!il's ; ,, Ntv. .(4-Isn,' a lerga lot'of ka l e , an d.o. , ill , eonstantly be prepared In I ' 6BO tiame' sties ! Itard ' var ' , Cl u f ene " 1 ' 4 4 manufacture, frOm (he ter' best of mate-hacks! A2,s ~2,, ay. . rods, St fits ni the 'rate of from $2O to $5l) i ore- The Undies! attention _particularly ... _ = Centre, Card, Piers l, is invited it\ a large anti beautillit eeleotion of D [LESS AND • FANOY GOODS.-- a 8 4,,. 'rode:, Dining l o and Break 'The Gentlemen's attention ill invited l last fit IMF'S; Dressing Bureaus 0 e @Owl of ° I Cheap g Cloths. Ceseimers, every deseription : French Bcadsteads, I ~ s z ,, , 'V ashst a n II , s, Werdrobes, Secretaries. Give ;is a call ; ; -,we pledge ourselves 1.,'Io":1k0-°sin::P:is;.f,1::;:e17.t.v1"a'm"oirta'si.o7,.h:tilo"::4191:!1.10t to be underneld by ?ny, establiehmint 11l lot this or'any other place.' • • Mg Chairs, Lounges. Toilorens. &c., , GEORGE. ARD101.1). trize., wliteit fur neatness, titiralohtv and t P. S. Old I4chts thankfully-received. , be.tuty of iiitisli, cannot be nurpassed by br ach 31, 1854, any in the country; - , - ' - ~ tivaPersons wishing good and cheap lb ' U RN I' ll' t' It 141 ....lit do well to give hitn a call before purchasing elsewhere. - • • . a frinti• is MAO prepared 'to manufacture Coffins eit Cloth, Alpaca & Walnut. lie has a neat and autistantial Hearse, and is prepared to accimitninlate ['ennuis in town and coun try at the Alti)rti?at notice. Ali kinds of work made to order, and Wlrrilllied tit titiiglird in the best work inan like style. (11E0..E. Utittyahurog, July. 22, 1853.—tf..• GROGERY & LIQUOR ftirottc. 11/IE3IOVAI - 4. •r E undersigned has RENIOVED 41 Store ,u few doors south of his old stand, to the three-story building of Mr. "Vs •.iitila, - (ilex( door to the ••Star" : ollice.) ‘vi,ere lie Will alwa'y's'-keep 4111 1111r141 .largo assortment of goods, which he is prepared to offer at prices which cannot be heat. His stock CollslBlb of Git OC Ell I ES' of all kinds, Sugars, 'Molasses, Coffees, Fish. Salt. Crackeis. Cheese, Pick. ;pled Ctielinibers, !LC. Also, Fruits Si; Confections, ll angel. Lemons. Figs, Raisins, Prunes Also. Powder, Shot. Tobacco, r,•..Gail's celebrated German Smoking 1 . 411,,...r.), and a variety of oilier artielxe Ai," a iftll•rittB, absorintent of the best s4ctuoilsi, Atitillralittiei, of different kinds, IV. K. gnu,. litillsnd Gin, Old Rye: tItC., tif which , can hehad' on tint hiwest terms at the. Store or the subscriber, in V ooth Baltimore street, next door to the ...Star" office. • Ir• Also, always on hand a variety of a call. • :s BMA NUM.. Z1E,(41,1 1 :R., Jr: 0013tiiblir4. jan. 27, • 2 lIILL ACADEMY. It!MS=2= rifE,Seventh Session of this flourish. UR. in n Itistitutien" will . Commence en filtaiday . the Ist day of May , nett:• The advantages which it aNtrds, it is •belirved, are 'of 'a" superior character. and parinus'snd giiardians are respeetcrilly So lisited to 'inquire into its merits, before A.lttlivig their;sons or wards•eprwhere.-- V is favorably situatedi the instructors are all ititin'peient, and experienced men ;, the course orinstrrunin • is extensive rind intone', Slid special attention is paid 10 flie"eilnilort'atl Iteslth of the studeats. • TERMS.• • ' Batdisi,lWashing: lio , lging. anal Tuilinn in English, ondV,uulMosley pet session. of Bye . Ipstruction fn Ancibn or : hiodgm Lap• lattrunifintelimtglo.-..: 1121" For circuler4 and rill particulars adtlips! • D. DUNPROPIL `• '‘ '• • P. March' 8,1~85~i-'srd A STEWARD WANTED at Pennsylvania Colleffe. , 1111HE,pres i ent Elteward orTennsylvartin `Collit's - beitig ihout td leave, cations will be received by the nittlersign 4, opq,„ persoir:desiring the situation. Ilifpt al out to regniii.l ll ,terei n q can he list! ofilitt,ter,pf.Alie j undersigned.,. Irr Possession will he givgn on 4lte , I of April, or sooner if desired. y`tt .- f; t; -; StOBES.MCCLEAN, ~ • 13. FAHNE/ 1 311 ) C1C. .-• Committee of Dowd pfTtlist!es. pt4tieiirg;') i larch, 3, 1334Ltf IAI EI T 1 WIRE!, - fLUEO.- E., BUEHLER informs his 1011 - friends and eustomers• that he has a teitletge assortment of • ' " TIN .WARE MEI on hand ready ',for the, Spring male, made tigiiiperitinted'wrirkinio and of grind ma terials, which will he viol(' low for OASti, 4 1Tr. , P9P.FM, IMAPPCP• .og7Pail 64 .z EM=ll GREAT ATTRACTION! FA lINESTQf,Kaz,SONS has just "• received and are now4pening one of the iratest and most Complete asitortnieni of Spring hutifinmmer DresOondfi . ever offered to the public. Our Selection !wr ing been made with great care,- and Mir stock porcheitet:' "at • reduced- rives, we feel' prepared to present inducements such as are rarely uffered.• Our stook of--DrY Goods has never been.surpas~eil and with the. addition of our last Jintehase, comprising as it does Cloths''of all and 'qualities, .Cassimeres, VeStings, Kentucky Jeans, Plaids for 'Children, Bcrage De ',sines, -11+1. De',Litines;' Be rhges; Berate Alpaeas, -Calicoes, Ging ha ms, - 8 If A W LS; (Cashmere. Thihei. and White Crepe of every 'variety.) we chal lenge the conroy in produce (heir cqual, as regards to quality 'and price. !laving added largely' to our variety of G 114)C R ES, we ere „ prepared to furnish. the, finest tfeilli 11141 aSy ift Mulass - , ; 11 qui t r-ttec.- &c,, at reduced, rates; Our,stock of go lessee, and Sugar is regeriletl es the meet eorpittete ever offeredinAlte counry. deem it nectllCse to enumerate, asr,-,we hrlve ways on hand a complete essort. most of Dry Goode,' Groceries, Hardware, . &e. To satisfy you of the truth OCltir 11$8(lr -11011, we only ask you to call ant' examine fur yburseit, if you want Intrgainii. Call early' at VA HNESTOCKi3. 'Sign v/ the Red Front. March 31. 1854.—tf ito.q . Ks l .. l ',...sT i Tippig.r4l iplitteu..coaps. One piice—and that as low as at any Establishment out of the City. • II 8' H BIr e IEHELE'R . , 13 Ei'UtiNs neknowldegineros to his ,frientlq , for . the tong continued and liberalpalionageextenited him. and 'invitee ;mention to hit i?reaett . largely in eryneed "spick of kends just received from itit&lsfe tv* York fie deems It unneceimry eintmerate the aioiirt: `rill be ' fonnd to "embrace every 'variety d?fgoodsin Itt!i hne) viz Clasieat; Theological, School, AliacellapeOs -. 112 /0 ,-, 0 and Siationery of kintls, embracing, as halieves, the largest and beet assortment ever opened to Gettysburg. Ile also invites attention to .his large supply of, L....„1 1 :111VC3r GOODS,,, ernbraeing , Oaltl and o,ilver. pens and P,ettm ribs. Pen-Knives,',Plain and Taney Note Raper and tiivelopes., Mpltn Wafers, Sealing. Wax.: Portictlllextlf, .PeTl 'flttery. &a., dia.—all , 01 which will, be . 61Piki at fie, ICr V4"/?)•',, ,LQ I IPE,ST R,l/2.TR5,..E.* , • • ga•Call ,and egarptott-cor ,ynuraelyea at , the, old eanthlishad, SOQK /:012,1Jg store in GlicuAersburg alreetot few dottrel • 1 . 911 1 ,t110.51P1Mc141. . ') , Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 21, 18p. Ho;for Nebraslia! NEW SPRING GOODS. G 11, .1111k1 it As the pleanure of informing his friends and the:public, that he has taken the store room recently occupied by D. MIDDLECOFF; 'in Chninhernhurg street, Where he has just received from the Eastern cities and in now openlng ex temple and splendil assortment of • P,MY? which have been selectMl with great care and bought entirely for and, which he believes - will enable him "to "offer rare bargains to all who may be pleased tn - fa. vor him with a share of theirpatronnge, Which is hereby very respectfully invited. Gettvp,burg March 31, 1,854.—tf ALICOES, a large assorttnint; , new styles, also Gingham, Domesties initrrithertOvith a large vsiriety of DRY GOGPS inn large to mention here, , CsIL Eld.see.o lo l4.44VlOWS clurAert '.,. ', - •:hig:;T:TS.S' : BIJI:G;:PiA., FR.I.D:iii,Y.E.TE'N'IN.4,•.:A:I)II.I.I:‘I.t;':,IBa . , .Robhew 'COme. • ' rintit the elrii•tien'sinpninst.baugh, ' ileth !'the Robin's early sung ! ' • Telling•nne mid nll that now • • Merry Pprifig:•time bastes • Inng • Welcome' t itli n gr. th o u Jost bring 14 Ole kiarbi,rger . of pri og. • . „ ! . Rubin's, camel 7,ofthe, W inter we OTO.Welq• ry of its. (real and isnot!. f Longing for the sunshine c ,beery Arid the lironklet's gurgling flnie ; . 'Churn then 'we hOor ttire . sine ' The teeeille orate Spring. • ' • Rohin'enoine I . a Ring it' out over hill end` daln," ' • , ' l'ehrough the gertlen'eleilely.loweis: Till tlie green leaves &nice :Tilt the air ; le sar , t with 110ster!l • , Wege.the cuwalips by the ill • . I.Wake the yellow 1)11E11;41111 • , enthel • , • .J . • • *,, Then, as,thou,vtert punt oftora. Huild thy need and t•iir, thy young, Close obi cottage annr;: ' In the sieodhltie lesvet ninfing. ' • Hurt norhermthoti3Oietret not fete, ‘,Nothing nada shell venture nem. . - . :! , Hottin 7 e cOalqft • Swinging, stilt, on Yonder lane, / • • Robin anewere merrily t , • , '• ,Rerished by the,sweet AAlicecloepe herhendayr: h glee, Calling from die itwn:door ' Whit' 'lV.voies, b'er alb) o'er; - ' • • • connir • '• be Burial entUthe,i-nalldat. ttY gONTOGICIErti. felted is the firtite whom the sun abipre ors .„ . - cued le thetorpee which the ion fable tni. 1 eaw thee' young end betiotituf, I iiw''th6' rich and P,,y'; -In the tiretth'il:h of YwirninhoOd,' Upon thy:wedding-41434V r - • The chiirrli.iwils ran a, , ,Atl4;!llniiP. l l , FhiYrP,T! 0 . 1 5%7" !.! • •Rieweril. tsp. be! Feist ;„, the'muie9 t The winter Blessed is the bride whOiit , • : r • • stiNv thee poor and desolate, ye'w tbee,fade, firmly; • • • ivida - Whond, grey-;' - • • l'lte detb-beit rang, ~, , , , And the little children smog— • • dress 4indirig sheet • P'vieets Jo the swept ,I ;; - • • , • 't . - The summer 's past, the itais!iiiite's,gewr Elected is tlict'aorpeu which Thu ralit rums on." [Fn.'s?" t`Lights. nd Shadows.i)f Ric:l'lW! .9111011.1 AII,M,IIIIE MIN - "flow can you "recoticile it to Your, con science to Continue: your present` bust nes4,l Mr. Muddler r." l *:tiskotl. it' 'venerable clergynitin of a ttivera.lceoper.:as :the two walked home from thelinicral of young man who had dial suddenly. . I find no difficult:y on that 'supra," re plie e taut rn-lcc.eper, n a 'confilont tone : "My business is us necessary tirtile public as tbat.of any other tunn..! "That branch.of it, which; regards the comfort and accommodation of travellers, I *instant to be: necessary. thnru is another, portion Din. which,. you must pardon Ille fur staying,is notonly'utp• called fur by the real waute of thecatutuu nity. but highly ,datriumutal;to health and good:morals. ' "And pray, Mr. Mildman, to what pot. tiOn of my business do. yin allude 1' . "I. allude'to that portion *of r it WhiCh btu: braces the sale of iutoxicating:driako , "Indeed ! the ; very bust part:,of ray 1) LI T , But certainly, you do not pretend to say that I am In be held siceouutubte fur the unavoidable . eltedsses tilfiCh`lietne; tituessrow out of the uge: of liquorii-hi beverage 1., "I certainly must, say,, that, in my. n piniori,'a ierY . large share of the re4porisi bility. rests,'upou r your shoulders.' Yoti uot,onlylnuko it n business to sell liquors, but you useeve,iy device in : your, power ta induce` pies to Conte and driii,k You infobt now cOltipbutls'with - new'and att nemes;'i>i oVd'er induea die ioj different or the lovers oi variety, to'' fre; queht your him-mini. this you: totr'nflen draw the' weakinto an' eiteeis' of self indulgince; that ends, aka! indriiti kenness and'flual'ruin of bOdy You are, not otilY responsible for all. ' Mr. Muddler, but you bear the weight 9 r a fearful responsibility!" ' • 4:4itinot sen the subjeCt in that-light, Mildittan,l the tavern-keeper, said; rather gravely. , ‘ ; ‘,)lino is au ; liouest',llll.4 lionoruble, toy duty `t ., aliny. fuunly find' to society, to follow diligence and dipirit of ente4ifse." " "May I ask yott a:plain' 'question, Mr: Muddler ' • ... 9 11 y e *, C cli iii , l , l 3j • I N I marlY,.49 you-, please:, , i‘Onn that eallittitioan honest andhon-, anthla antioirhiCh "td.lieg''sii4eittineif tram' the community; and -glies . ''n6thing in re kurl),r. , . • d.o net lf,ceW„ Aft /- 1 49derete0 the nature 'of your question, Alr. "'! , ConSidWiliefi' society es a Man - ie larger form,' us it really is 'ln this gfeat body, as in the ; lesser body of. Man, there arc various functions of use, and re; ciprocity betweenthe whole. Each fuec tion: rheeiv....ti . n portion of life froli l the others, back its own proper share for the good oft the whole. 140 , hand d'oes not work 'for itself alone—receiVing Strength atieseltishly appropriating' it Without. rehiring its quota Of good 'to' the general system. And so with the'lleortorid lungs, and every other organ in the whole body. Reverse the order—and-how.soon is the entire system diseased Nov, doe s that, meinber of tho great body t of.the peo ple act, honest and honorably, who regular ly receives . his pertion,of ,g,ood from the general social' systeM, and gives nothing back in return ?" To this tho landlord made no reply, 4134 Illildman continued— "But there is still listrimger , view, to be taken. Suppose a Member of the, human body-pis diseasbda limb, :for initanao, in, a partial state of mortification. , Hero thero is a reception of lift) Item the whple system into that limb, and a sonstant giv. itig back of diScase that gradually pervades the entire body - -; and,'•unless•th'tit bOdy possesses extraordinary vital , energy,'iu • the 4114 dOt i rOye manner, if in thy Pgrior 407, thore, be 0 . 0 11 member rho ( , VEATILgS .EREE"' takes hiA share of life from the whole, and `gives back nettling diet tv.pOisonous prin ciple, whose, effect: IS ''ilisoaso nod .dentlii surely ha cannot be called a good member • —uor honest, nor honorable. ',And 'pray, ,l!ir. letilduinn,' asked the tavern-keep3r,, with,farmth, .twh ere w ill you,fied, in society, quoteli an itUlividual us yoU describo'?" • ' • • • •lho , 'mi aster panwiti . at thii question; and looked 'his coil:Taejon , steadily in the I face. Then raising 14 1 , long, thin ,finger 1 to give force to his ~remark.. ,he said with aep Pia) lfi;iiis:— ' .; ''''"7"Yd d t the'rneiir , . 11 i . , -`'‘lller, Kr. - Mildnuiii i me l" exclaimed the tavorn=keepur, in hurprim and,displeus gro. , !'You iturelmanipt bate earnqst.' di.t iitter_but U. solemn triitli, Ur. Mud. ; I aid: gnaw is yotirs Os, itib i n in soointyl= ' Yon receive 'fold, anti clothing, and ebtn: I forti.;and .luxuritindf,Alarious kinds ~for yourself and family Om the social body, and what doryotOgivit btio for all these ? A. poison:. to ,steul.. , alvni th health' nd 5 haPP4, l 9as of thlt. IlNitil ody. ! VII: 4s, far worfe than a perfietly dead member—r ,st 2 yell exist Upon . 'fhe'iffiat'liody as a mere 1 pangreue. Reflect calmly upon-thi ' ' 1 ject.4 , . Gtillionnoind in the. Silence .ydur 1 tim . . _ . I own chamber, oqter.aitilo mndipa. sinned' 1 and-solemn communion with yog i s be , tr*.r-e.. , Bowlronest.wirli ;yOurielf. . Exclude r. bias of selfish feelingw„sind selfish interests; and honestly • defiedtOlyourself. your true position. ./4 0;,',1 .1. , “But , ,,;Mr. , MildwitWl 4 .J--"• The two moil had paused nearly in, front of Mr; Muddler's' -iiiiiiiiitrni 'establishment., and.weke atandiugithite.when the tavern.; keePer contutended , ti' itply •to the , militia ter's. las t, re Marks. '.. , ffei had 'Uttered bilk tho first'wnrd or two,..whe 'be was iiiterrurited by a pa la thinly , dr , fd male, +who:hold tv little girl. by the qt d. • She came up beforeb on tind . lookeii. him steadily iu the' face. for u moment. tor; . . - :','Mr. Altddler,..l . 4, "Y,,5..P44niz ,. 4 1 ii, 1 his replY, : — , `'"l'll'aveleinite i ,'lllr." ' u`ddler ” the tiro • m ah-then'taid - ,' with. te effort to sin i le , and utleaft"Criolite itir.lia thank you fur to.', PE oB 4 l oi.trecok94; ll . l l, 0i11.t." .: . "Thaulc lee, uod4 il__ 'nem certainly. must be some mistake I never thad63toti ii 'prekiiiii: 'lncladdl; , tie r not the' pleas urnbf your .iatiquitin nett." . , ... " ' ,"You sa id yont „ft me was Muddler,. I til believe r ; , .. ..,, ~ ~ . , , . 1 4 1es, madam, iti ikild'yon Vetere, that is my name.'" .. . t„ ~ 91 1 q" , ,Y9u, aYe4 p f nuft. : 1 / 2 , 0., made m y little girl ' herei4) went also, and wej havii hMtli 'come tyith'fb ;" thanks." " "", ' I ."You deal in tidal.' Meanie. Speak olliplainly.!' ~..", ...':...-•' '-'..,, P . :Via sitialefOW' r e •- tiohnin replied' with, bitter irony ,iii her tones, ~ I have come with. 114 little; girl to "thank you for the present,' we 'received lust night :—a' present of wretehednebs and abuse. .1 "I ant still; . ass far .frum uuderstanding you us ever," , the tuverudtOoper said—",l. never abusedyou, madam lad not even know you. "But j'ou 'Trebly my husband;.sir! You , have enticed hint to your bar, and ' for'his money have girun him a poison ',that -has chapel, him from one' of the best end kindest of nien,..l,M if demon. To'yoti, thou, I aive all 11 - 5 wreteltedueiS 'I Mira auffered,,tind the,htittul tit . .. Aton a l" shar ed with my: helpless children Inst'llight.— ; It is' for'. this' thut,l. 'have . comehi Amok `."Surely, - madam;:, you. m u st be...habil:lo PA Ir4 9 I L, ' r 1; 4a,0 nothing 4 1 , 4 9. vfigi PM'. husbutri," • ~ .,.T4 e iltinirtadoW" ith him !" the Womini eicliiiined,`rut'itc ` excited tone. -' -4 ‘ Weald to heavon . that.iit• 'were so l'': Before ' yOu' openetityour accursed ,gin palace, be wits a sober:luau; und tho ,hest and .kialleat M' hasbanda-,-,•but,mnticed by yeti, youi ad.! vprtisatuunC and display of ftiney , iitinks; , , he Oas tempted _within !be. 'charmed circle of your. bar-rooth. _From that, inottiont be-, 8 0 4 his "dow,ofall ; ittifi :noel he is (losU'.,to self.oontra-r-lest , to feeling,--„lostii to, ha, nOWI7 :Ax the Woman .said this, . she butai,into tears, and, then must' and walked slowly ;away. MX° thatipainful illusttatioe Otthe troth ,of what fl c os:lid," the ruinister,renuirh. 'ed, ils the two stood one, ntorn alone, "I iiitre'nntliffig'ititidd. 31fty the - lessOirsink deep intolyourheart. , Iletsieen .ye'u and tilet , woutun's. husband totietati .1a it egitlar :iluslpessi tripsuctieri. , Ilia, it result , in ~a 2/ititiii#t Ikeefit . ? .-. s Aa.siie! that „question . to your'oir# eonseieute.' • , How "thb,.taveinjleeper onswered it, lie ktiati not!' But if he receivhaiyi benefit. / ~ arty front ;the double'lesse irirttit • • that ot b. ers•may,;. Anti in t a hope that the prae, tical truttt we hay codeavoreti briefly., to, Mu:atlath; will till oitiewherci upon good ground, we east it forth for' - the:' b6Llefit of but: fudlew-tuen , - , . A ISTurtacc Pt.A.NisYnait.-,---"tin our re. turn to the ship 'We visited a nutmeg plan yl'he.treea, which , arelrom ttienty to ,thirty feet tit/might, unt i planted in, towa,•l at, interyale of about kwenty, feet. leaf is ih,Ulc'green Lind - gloosy iese rtibling,l tliat (tithe burel, tourthe - distance, might be taken Or ti small rutuet.l coloured ;apple. When, ripe the Muck husk, splits in the ' rentre, !showing a, scar let net-work of niece, enveloping an inner' pat; black as ebony; the lUlnel of Which is the, nutmeg of cornitteree: The'eltitte icee l not now in its , bearing steason, hilS some tesemblimee in the nutnieg: but the.' leaf is smaller' ind the hilfage mitre l it 6se ntul spreading. As we drove thrriugh the I orchard the ..warm. air of noon MIS. heavy 'with, spice. The rich odours exhaled from the trees penetrated the frame, with a seriaatiott of languid and: volitPtinttisire pose. Perfume became an appetite; the senses.were drugged with an over -pawed; feitlit of luxury. "1 con tinned t slitUild / ere hug' Lace ri , •' Sybarite , eomplaint of. his .roes lcaifirtrmlittyarit' ova you Igolq• in the Vt•-:7 A Vest of Klndnells. The falletriiig incident is so beautiful • The carC'with' Which (Amaral% have 'and touching; that it should 'be read in ;ulways kepi: . their wives and daughter:lj every housdhold'in the cOuntry.' It (level. preVails . in Conmautiueple. iro ,opesthe' true' alive prineiple' of kiiadit6s: !ask a Turkish gentleman after' his wife or How many no erring mortal, 'Making . his 'hitt'dangifter, is him mortatt!derica first stepin'erime, might'be' rddeetned by If p4 , italudas to them he callS them '"the tile exercise of. this sublime trait in the hotne," ur . "the house." He will tell You character of the tkind-hearted. Quaker. ' that the house is' well: Also when tie an- William Savery, au emitient preacher ; ifeetioes'to his friends the birth of adaugh among the,Qaakers, was a tanner by trade, ter, lie• Hays, "a veiled one," or e•ti stranger and was kn o w n by a ll as ~o ne who walked has Lech given to me." He is taught humbly with his God." One night a ; the Kursn to' honor his Wife, and to' be quantity of hides were stolen from'his 'tan- lievelfMt ishe will be, equally with him. neryi and he had reason to believe that the I sop , a participator ia 'Heavenly felicity.— thief was. aquarrelsome, drunken neigh- Tito teaching effectually displaces the vul whom.l..shall call John 'Smith. The , gar error that'declares the kahOinedans to next week the following advertisement hp. I believe women have no' tioule: Potygarny peered in the country newspaper : • t, is allowed to this day iti,Turkey. but at is so 'Whoever stole a quantity of Hides owl turrounded With i'oeittl'aud 'religions (MI-, the tifilrof this month, is hereby informed ditties' that it rarely 'practised._' Tho that the owner liaS a sincere wish to b e 1 1 Koran' allows a 'Jf.ussultuan td marry four his ' friend. — lt poverty tempted him to leiiitimate wives, but 'tells hits .eipressly thiti'false o'vriier keep the that" iris meritorious m marry only one. *hole tranSlietion secret, and Will tln Cedstatitinople ulemas, the great put him' in, the'Wity of obtaining money . by boches of government officials, the naval tiMeall; Mere likely ta brini him' peke of and military ellieurs, the trades Men, 'and t j the workmen, have generally one wife --- This singular ' advertisement attracted tttinaiderible attention ; but 'the ,culPrit a lone-know who had made the kieil'offer, IV hen he read 'it lisleart 4:lied - within , 1.6,' and 'he 'Was' filled 'with sorrow for: what he hid dories' 'A. few nights' after:. Wards . ; . tis ' tho' tinder's taniii•Y'were ithout retiring:toicst,q);eilleard a CUM kpdok, and- when the 'door'Nits'e'perieci there stood Jehit Smith, with :a load • of hfdes cubic s . lihi.ildettic' , "I ' liiiC* 'bit:AO t theSa:back, MI: Stkver'Y j" iitieip shill I put them ?'' - ' l, Wliif'till'l clan 'gei a lantern, dnal will , gti tolhe hardy; th thce,'' he roplied; •‘' t hell 1 piihhpifltiu*ift; 6134 in and tell me how.; this blipVeti:ed,'. ' We will See what eau be. d'imiler thee"' Ati'sticiii as theliscre, gone out, his wife Tirol:Mica -iionie• he-tabl'e'd,hotne4fe tind'pla they pced ies li wA meatn' t When re-, tithed'finahhe bard, She irtiii, '.‘eighbor' Stitith, - T tharglit see hot Sniper' . wo uld ha keen] 'flit' t fieo."'". , some Ile tiiined h 1 back te,warils,her and did not speak: ` Aker'lpani,ng, against the 'fire pl#ea la siler i iee„ il l 6Vi '1110110.110,*4 said : in n'elitlitid'vnitte ) •:' lire 'is ' tlin first ~qme I c.'er 8 t tab rtit r ythitt r g,. ana, I lifiVe _fel t very bad about 'it: "'I am ' lidig'l ' dkin't: once Think that I shduld ever come ,to what I am: But 12toolctcVdrinkiiii, and then to, quarreling. - SinceTbegan t 6 go 'dcovn bill' every hody'givis nuke Itielc.' ' You ate the first man that - hati'eVet " c iffereif'nie a helping hand 'MY:wifo, is'aieklY:antMy children atttvintt. ' Yea 'lttiv l e c itert(tbem many a:mel: `''Go d bles4Y , ln'l'huf'yet Il stole the hi d e'.'' But I tell you the truth wheal-silty. is the'Cat titne',l was 'ever 'a - ibid.' -" - ---' - '- ' " '''''' - "I:etrit'bethelait,iny_ friond,", replied William Savery. "The secret still lie' 'be tween- ourselves.' Th6u art[still ' yotrig, and it is in thy powerlo rnalco:Up for lest , tittle* Vrtitnia Me 'that thew Wilt 'tiot drink 'any' ittertiicating liquer for it 'year,' and 1.-will employ thelito-morrow on - good wages'. The little' ):MYS can rickui.tittnies. But. eat' a' hit'. 'nevi, - and dn nk ' soine''hot coffee';. perluipelt Will kotii'theeftleir'erti ring itnything,atiiitiger, to-night. Doubt less thou wilt 'find it 'hitid 'to'`rtb4hiiii at &tit; liatireell oft it hirtisehetift, 'fin the sake . of thy Wifdand''eltildrenran'd it i *ill soori'h6eotne easy. When tbou fie:sipeed' of etiffue, - telillary, and she will gi ve i r e thee! , ' ,-'•,, ~ ; • ! •,• . • ' The 'prtni•fellott tried tai eat and •driite, but the 'foltd soe'''inta to Ahota hitii.After , . VO'ilk trying tdb:oitiPos6, his tetiling,l, lie boiVed ills breed tin the i labfe ida*ept .fike ethilii. ' Afti:i'le %A ild he' ate 'Mid' drank, and hikfitost pa *iki th' hi'm' foti',ihe itigh'i with tha friendly wordS': aorrY fo'ile Well, John, and thtnrwitt always find•rt friend in'me:" t 1 Jolin ehterelf into" his' amply tilt)! neit day;'.drid retnained Witli him' ma rtrytitra;•ti'ildbOtVhoriest.itrl steady ' man. The lide - fet ttf iiiirtheftr wag kept between 1 them I' tin t/Aker! 'John's . death, William' Slivery initrintitnetrt7ild the efor i v, to Prov'e chit titil , Wight be 'overcome wit h 'good; ; : t,...1 -_...L.i...._-.L,...._..... _ _____......' ' • , . .1111nieryliir b* Prolity.; ' . 'Thcilslittiotitil bit elligesicer has the PA: - kiwing front a correspondent , , , , ' , .. , 1t is .hut .recomly that „ I h eram e, aware , of iltp l f:tut tha( marriages by ,proxy. ‘ were. allotybla in the Olth.Dotnininit.,,,Some years ago a sable son of !Africa, ,called Gencral- n a title, which he had non earned by' gallant, ,aervices. on -the .battle,-field, neither Iliad . he ~neguired it as .General Matthew, Arbuckle did• his .ot the came gr ade, but had received it frotn his spun• sors itt bapiism,.if he ever hit any—sued and ,won tile'toee of,rt colored : lany,sporting thq rural name, of lilken. Silly. A (lay w,ce.fiied fur their wedding, the officiating elergyman being a colored gentletnnu,,a s ii i ve : ,ou in adjoining plontation, a stickler tor dignity, and a firm believer in,the rve ololions. of 'OB and 'O9. „ Those, *he needed his servals bad , to go to his enbin. General and N ilken had to Make the hest of it, and ss the 1001111taill would. tuft go, to Mehemet, it remained tor ~Sishumet„to go to the mountain. Tire eventful evening I at length arrived- , t he guests are assettibled, ibe.groom,.hes cootie; but the brideis Mice- Mg. The !venerable clergyman's - I length becomes impatient. sxpresses his, 101 . 1011. 1511111elli, at itliikett'e , absence,': when. the General, rising. from his seatohns delivers himself; . --, .. , . "book here,:hrptlar Culliferi %muse. wailing for dat .karkee , ;..l knowel.lierlike ;ialle bin gone trilleep, settinvfore lie fire..; authorized to ppook :fur her : so jpa.go ahead:jos .tle . sante-. if Was here." Old Cullifer thought it a wise eug- gestion, and proceeded (0 Mate theta in thpholy bonds patrimony. , •WheAT the Generpl. went over to Milkmt!a eore enough, there site carts fast asleep . 1)y the fire,,with *imp of Iter wetlillog finery in ,her _hand, ~§hp ~was terribly provoked to le:tro her wed,ding .44 goine..oo: site ; !a?:( l 9 ll )'e,P4-".. , • When Hath.lix's wife kiiskitt him mit' tit belt,"enn`en3il'nigKt'Pabt ivintar, Kaye hi-- here. now ! you'd better"taiietio that , 4,99 d 919 usie c,91. nesis' 4 ," . 1,, - IMII=EI Turkish WlMlten; Ito the provinces one wife more udiver sally the rule. And now, all the great effieers of iitatd intike'u'uterit of :wedding Unti wife only, to show tigood "exionple . to their'dodutiymen. 'Nor is the'Wite a shivo entirely.. ,In her ,owe apartment sire is sitprtitne niiiiire.s.• 'She May receive her femahrfriends, and her male relations; ehe may go out in the day-time (eAiled:and tittended); and her husband consults her on all affairs. 'She is not the 'polotad doll weltoict reit.' of SIM is thoroMthiydo , tnestie, arid is e ff ectually proteettalby the state, frota cruel treatumut. The 3ltissel [nen is bound by law to maintain her 'ac cording to his rank; ii he fails in this alto may Clara a dtvtiree. -Whenhe, mirries her he gives a present to her relatives, 10- stead orthqiectin4 a dower, as She has the,dure of the household ;` and if he 'be Peer, she employs her len-Wire in spinhing. She bai . tho eiclusiCe right by law,.to'bring up , her tiltildreio—the girls untilthily are married. the bOys',until they enter one of the public schtiols. If, .tho Ottointnis hwe . 6ne • tetider chord la . their, hreasie; iiis"that which fialivays awaken-. ed within theih 'at',the sound"of , the miter: Mil • inlaid. ''Woinen may even - Perform the KinCtiona of ''the Itnau recite prayers and under extraordinary circumstances they luny be invested 'with political , pow ers: Yet, undoubtedly, the Turkish' wo tnen is not ,et free.' JIM law ulloWs tO'llee'her distant'relativea'onlY once in obeli year;if heihirsbaticl objects to more freipilint visiting;,'her relatives are Ailso snbjectio legal tiSil , ll69!sy s, To share , pr not to shaver the question is Wfiethbr"tia ltditer on this hiantapliis To lit occur/dation °fear heir ' Cover the chin:lend lips which now are bare ; Or. to continue shit to scrape sway , . '1 lee Wraith; run:tumid horn Joy to day—, To lather, shave, perchoi;ce to emit the lace 7 Ay there's the rub ; for, in this latter pais What' Mi.iery'r tmrs this aithit And rnasirusrathtr bit Slone our Jaws,- Than by cm/hansom is the burbeio , us use. ' Cut. scratch, and lacerate them like,ttiv dehco., Wet:wally ,were tne cis,e; Thal,,Naiatai never meant the hbniah roost be 'no teased and tortured 'es it-is—'' so, I say: why thin what business HavornOrtslar.vistually Id cry onbti That nature knew not whet she was aboull evidently ,rneaat TO grins., should aerobe weinitigly inteuit Oli {4i11;i11.1 prove iliat Nature was a dunce, Arul'dttl hot kithvili,:r trade 1 , Why'not dt once Pluck out and extract the nails,' A n d ehave the heads of females and primates Slrunuu'tie that Men ;6110Uid worship fashion, so . As to be willing thus to undergo 'rite Petits itrsttiviiiii,:railier than permit l'ibittAuche sod beard to aeon 'es they think Ht.' How singular that men ahttuld still delight lit torturing thoir faces. when they might • iltemselvea their comfort,eaae,and health obtain, Hy vowing they will never shays ug iu lint 'lie ilie dreed "(ridicule and scorn Makes the foul fashion easy, to be borne. ' hit alluettdiflif h'eu‘Vtt ids 'Make ; Andior this savage cusitim - then, we take 'the trouble and theyaitts oui'chins to mow, , I.secalPts is thofatiltion cod() so.. . . Hut thus our chins ,tvillsoon ito more.,lhtwo, Hp lathered Xer With the pale suds of wisp. §t - tiitc,lllll moustache cud like ma re on a Our thin' wag 'merrily ii, street intl'bsil! '" A'- , 'A. VOUTHieL TURKISH IIRRo.--;-The London Ciao/tide I cotrespondeut relates the'follotivin iiiieresung incident ' ."Atriongst the extraordinary oveuts nes currittg-in„rlteau poptderful tunes, I mould. We1:4911 , thu arrival at Constantinople of ii,yucili frmil lourleen tn,surieen •years Of . age, acuoinpanicil by several, hundred W 111710114 youth, who ova native.of a reunite country in the interior !it. Asia Abney, ,ia the pi:raining of ii,wontan . Years ui, age, aint,on dial account his moth- er looked. upofi,licu,..ifs,. devilled fur great. thitige--a,•letling which scented; to lave, been shared by her neighbors and all the pryvance. The ..child was, taken to the pique -0,9:11i5, right arm an. Arabic Verse has Ifeou insertion', signifying 'Thou wilt the l a Inartyr t' whilst on the left site happy,:; prophccy;. alien wilt -be a great VV.) EdStern eitaraiders,s-, This youth was (rico 4lfis birth .tiestineti tor, , a minitary career, and generally re gartled yvitlfleelnigsot reapectful venera tion by liis fellow-conntryinen. kle.has nciw grasped a standard. a n d, surrounded by hie friends awl lullowers, is hurry-fug lo the year, youthful, appearance, whilst, riding through the streets td Stain at the 'head hatfollCc'ers, bad giv en rise to the report that a lier . onitt•a fu Manna hat! 'atrarteil up fur the cause of the Crescent.” • • , rho wns nocnpinti in hyr , ctibb;igee. souk the i!piii)rton)ky, cahtlaumg„ hnr tnis trpo'a, eay , iug, : . ii made no ditieF. At twenty ,e, the will re; EffirE . y- ige, 14ME. g. ttiirty the ;Intl pt larty;thtLjutip- Teo•7l;Grafi,#o,-, rjylkielis ?ike 1%.1,yk1• • 4 r ii - TWO DOLL , AItSPER A 41 , 1#1 1 .1e '" . /NtimilEß A TouchintScene. • Weitiko the folio Ling tou'rhing vicerief frnru'Nay►• Yokk" piper of of ihi Idjh This worlitis a great diea-itnx and no body : eau tell ,what "turn - , op At .thp next throw. There, are ,iiinident and roi 'nave enough, transpiring every ,dvy. . in the streets ,of the inetronnlisr,in,.furnittit nylier,icif for the .potit nod ,novalipt ; end of time. , • ,Irepterday afternonn,o well,dreased gen tleman,p,xmaiog up;i3r9a4way... :t Yor ! , alga suns- had,evidentky , given to :a 4see once fair a , tinge nl, bronze,. and :, thpnph nearly, half a century might. have called aver hie , head, yet it bed lett- few.traeas behind it, and, no evidences tbal,the shat own were, lul film Inr i to the, ,Near ; Trinity,Church sat ,an ; Old.,soctle woman, tattered icloak ,of tlitown neer lier,shoulders„ hex eyes were dim, her hand trernbled.und the iltitt,grey esqa ping from, neap guiltless of.laeu. lay upon ,her cheek. *The old ,womau w w a tchiog for. pure lin se ra, hurley. anti hur". rested upon the form of,a stranger so -he priweed,e,d lleisurely along. pausing, now tdid.then,as he teentingly recognizeihsorne I pot familiar in . i day 11. r 41(111A1 fisom4 unexpected,,aud to him, doubtless, painful ..'i• ; The old ,woman ,suddenly„ dropped her I basket and. the apples rolled ; hither. and thither. but she did not higed them.— `George !" she exclaimed,. as she sprang to ~her.feet.; •George . 1" ,The .stranger turned in, the direcitun of „ the voiee, . In an Instant his quiet manner vanished,* "George 1" "hloclier 1" and Me , twain were clasped in each others , ,so,ine !wonder they scene.* "Has tbe,olll women lainted,7,7'Aried , one. "Has she been stealing 1" asked aninherJ Yes she has, heen stealing*ltealieg-whole years from Time, and flanging ; it tit.thia. winds, c,.Brt "one touch of . noure,makear ,the,wholu world , kin,". and „there t was many a, heart beat softer atilie.ecene..* 'l'wenty years ago "George Ina(' left his home ; New ..York. and ,gene "..lawn to the spa," and done, bneinescon the geent,waiera. Alter varied:, fortunes; which brightened af ,last,,he:had returned; to find the . old liotneatead razed jn the ground. a block of, stores ..occupying bite, every inch Of which s ha d been dangle, hitu—but an old man pointed, vitt to him his fipher's.grave ! was ; sunken ' en d. without a atone to mark where ,heltty.—: Of, his,mother he could obtain no ,trace., She had left Utica long ago to se e k,4 er i son in ,New and,:had never:lre. ean tell„ how she watched and. waited for the firstborn, wandering,aoni t wh o !elk wlist a., painful ,:deseeni: 0,, 3 w pm, dirso from ,comfort and. lining, to ,the streets, old age. and,,por.• ,But yesterday it ,was ell.inade. right. "the tleiol.,wse alive egaitt and. ihe,,lost was: tonud,'!, sod so-day ,who thinks.he would. exchange places with the, siost,.fasored,iit foriohe that dwell iti oirtorions,or marble?: yoo grant Allpt much •joy tireah out !lie, Ocher at the fountain or the wheel ar, eiskrn,, ,Gutl grant rnany such (uceijug, in, *liiv worltrgf,parlings.., Thu' Vl° tifcC ' Sohie dayeSto there itrekented before a dealer in 'etirtositeii';iit 4 0 y al, a young Alin' it9iirly .l elltifiedsr-. W." said he: elibwing a carried, .`I ant a the•ileastititif -balls soirees t mute Duet, bad, s long illness, Asko+,t l;4 y, hansted tuyi.pufse in ; I would be much ohliged ynit leud'in s n'teii r fritiea reileein I would leave as security 'oner'brilie'viiill lins you see, for Lhave ovoa . It is an ex cellent i nstitntent retnet,tutafs it1%314, 0 . to .irty•copt,•,4 shell have earned ipine Money at baltsaind i The young man such. au : honest bearing dun the dealer lent him ten; 'cretins pod kept the up in his shop. , Tjte next day but one, a gent)eman,,avell ; 'ressed, wearing at his Ininuti;liole,tbei riband of the [even ,of ,honor, wait elipos.; leg front the dealer's sleek of goods some ; shell werk. §oeiiK,the violin ,he took it : up, examining it, narrowly. ritie of ihis instrument:l" ; said he. tato! Mine," rsplied the Shop-keeper ;ati'd. he . tehtfed,hW came Paaqesa-ig•—", „Thi s slopo'," connatiedthe unknown,,•Ais: Worth money, it,is a,Cremona. a Perhaps; its owner himself is ignorant of , its value.; If he reams offur,hint tivl hundred Irtinet,. for it. Ile is' a needy artist, wh0..j1,111,4y4 41. pd 111 V Call ;play pot ",wt" 11 „ 0 U 7,1114kr violet, ": 111 ,04 Ninti-i jug fifty francs, ,tti' the shopmen tltit„tin t known added in, taking his leave, ,'.Yours tvill keep that for yourself if tits oXiir succeeds, ..1. 1 ruturn in a,11.4 tlttys., *Pwo days after the, young man, re r anit pealed, !wingingthe ten Iraites,to •,rejleeuri k 1115 t julin. , fur I , liniti him two hundrpdfraara,.A fief, itation he ,agreed, pocketed, the,moneystmit withdrew, lamenting the Sad ,useeitsatte l coin hjin to- part ,tvith favorite tnstrumeid. At ,the ~end .of t, Week the Dealer, not having seen the tisea.. °rated gpittlernan, beramp ,suspieintltr-v I-be carried the violin to no Austrp,meith maker, who offered him threefrenee fiXA. atiknoWledged. then, though a little ; late,,that he . had been the,dnpsi of twat/ tw ad-pit knaves, ivlnam he deaurgie,tl4o,,i4j., A- Lady ,10 , 11 ting the cutio.itift,lnt Bilnusn'i! 11useum, came to _carpi' -at Inge sea doy,s, and . altar gpeinl * 1 .44 11- 4 1 ' wolider.inqqireil Id a wog labnAloOd near, ,il;ltry ever barked.? !!Ala, ret)lierl hat .!•1ict.tictw..... 4 40 1 /,:loirk. ' 4141 the sea." The wine imatsair.* gispfir.4o _ , , it of, pign sure ilto 'wood, 01, OrelpOnnilill is Ifi ". 1111 i 1 . 1 .• offeMAlliel""AUP r that ii' !high hta WS a subsilace; but a 'Faris 4 a tallow dam, INEMOkid