LIST L .OF LETTER, liensainuis , in 1... 1 e P s i Office at Geltye /HOC. April Ist, 1658. .. Allison *rands McCarty Michael Arndt David McGrew William Brian MLiae Hannah MoCleaf John Bayer 'ftdatian Myers Isaac Rellikelle Cornelius Orthwein Frederick BrioitieWilliam packer Anthony W. Becher Jesse Roiley 0. Henry Belch Mathew Riley Miss Margaret Beeoher & Hoover Rathfon John Black Mies Mary Reuling Valentine Bleak Miehael Stump John Biting William . Snyder Mrs. C. J. Osslma in Jacob Scott Mrs. Juliana Deardorff Andrew Stultz Granville Epley Goorge A. 2 Samels Miss Rebecca Everhart Jacob Study Dad. B. 3 Ellis Miss Sarah J. Sanders B. P. Rikart Henry_ - Sanders Samuel Guinn Mary A. Smith Anthony Hinkle 0. F. Sanders Mrs. Susan Homier Pins Swisher Franklin Helmer Mrs. SusannahTolen Jaines Hahn Henry Thomas Benjamin F. Iletnler Joseph Unger William Irwin W. Valentine John A. Jonea John E. Wintrode Mimi Sarah Jo'inan Widow Mary Wiermati lease Junior J. B. Zimmerman John Lott Jacob A. D. BUEHLER. P. N. lir Persons sailing fur lettere in the above et, will please say they are advertised. - In the matter of the intended Application of SEBASTIAN EIKAITIR for Booties to keep apublic bowie iu the Borough of Berwick. WE.. the undersiened citizens of the Bortikh of Berwick, where the a• hove SiilliviTlAN HICAPTUR resides, and proposes to keep a tavern, do certify, that the said tavern is necessary to aceornmo• (late the public and entertain strangers andl travellers ; and that the aforesaid petition• er its-iiii of gond repute Mr honeety an d leinperance, and is well provided with house- neon and other -convenicnees for the mionaentudvtion of strangers and travel• low. t , . r i• Oeorge Strubinger, James J: In' -- ' Michael Strubingcr, rn W. liittin ' „ Frederick Wolf, '; F. J. Wile it n, John Pfleiger. Michael Hoffnian, John Spangler, Henry Kohler, tioutael Wolff, . Henry Stevens, 7 \ March 25. 1833-3 t .., - - In the mutter of the intended Application of JOHN L. TATI, to keep a public house in the Borough of Get tystnirg—it being an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citisene of the Borough of Gettysburg, certify that we know the shove houie fur which li cense is prayed, and that it is necessary for the arcontmodstion of strangers and travellers—that the petitioner is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance and that he is well provided with honk room and other accommodations for the entertainment of strangers and traielleri, James A. Thompson, Daniel Gilbert, David M'M urdie, H. ,Saltsgiveri W. Wisotskey, H. Comfort, C. R. Shaffer, E. Lungirell, George_Little, Samuel Little, Swaney, WM. Shiflett. March 18, 1858--8 t In the matter of the intended application of Ona.n.Las Muse, for li license to keep a publio house in the own.hip of Menallen. 'WE, the undersigned, citizens of the v • toemehip of Menallen. being per sonally tognainted with Mvitas. the above named petitioner, and also ha.. ing a knowlege of the house for which license is prayed. do hereby certify that such, house ia necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and trav ellrreohat-inr-is-a-persotrof stunt repute far honesty end temperance, and that he is well rhuvided •wiih bouse-ronm and other conver.ienees for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. We. .therefore. beg leave to recommend his him for license. agreeably to his pe doe. - George Thom Win. Aran, Solnmott Meals, Samuel Johnson, Chrit4fipber Rice, Henry Rice, Solomon Omer, Solomon Peter, Janet, H: Jameson, Barnet Myers, • Jeesee M. Hutton, Gibson E. Ross, March 18.—Si Blake's Patent Fire and Wate Proof Paint. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE: for sale at Fabocatocles, sion of the 111672:111:20/1771% woo azaassiwowao .110 EVD`W gla THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a per utstwnt I)aguerrentype Gallery, in the , house formerly kept as a Temperance house in eltainhershure , street, a few doors Irmo the-Giamnitil, where he is prepared, et ell times aud,iu all wetitheriqa take 1146 ifIERREOTYPEN, in heat style, of all sizes and kinds, and at the lowest rates. If my piritirrs do not give eatiefoistion, there will be no charge. 111°Give me a rail. SAMUEL WEAVER. tietlythurg. May 14. '52-Iy. PAIINESTOOK & SONS would • respectfully inintm the Puhlie that their amrk of HARDW.PIRE and SAD— Pr.ER r has been greatly increased. um: Iltargaine ran he had. flail and examine their stock and prices bridle purchasing elsewhere. HO 1 HO ! TRAVELLERS, EM EMBER as you go along that Jaw SAMSON has on hand and for sale l'rinke. Traveling Trunks. Carpet Bag• foe Ladies and Gentlemen. and at prices Wit , on will think im ,fissible. • . rortinentot WOOl . Cotton and Kni USiswittirta end Drawers. AlvVsys re - ember that DAMSON gets sad gives REMEMBER THAT , TO GET • drHEAP Gaiters. Violins. Accordions* and Shirt Collars. Neck WI diet Neadketekiefi. Sespeaders. Won. .SAMS O wad Jewelry assay tai: at PROCLAMATION WHERE AS Hon. Rosnwr J. Rents, Esq., President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and general Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said dis trict—and SAMUKL it RVIIIIILLL, and Jour; MAOINLEV. Enos., Judges of the Courts of common Pleas and Genera: Jail Delivery, fur the trial of all capital and other offend ers in the county of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 19th (ley of January, in the year of Our LORD. ODD thousand eight hundred and fifty-two and to me directed, for holding a Court of Com mon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and General Jail Delivery, ane Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get tysburg, on /*fluky the 181 h day of ✓lpril next— NOTICE"IS HEREBY GIVEN To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the 'aid County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper twrione, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations and other Re membrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will prose cute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in-the JAI of the said County of Adams, and to be then and there to pros esute against them as shall be just. JOHN HUG CT, zberitr. Sheriff's Gillet, Gettysburg. Feb. V. it 453.—td TREGISTERIS NO - TICE. • NOTICE is hereby given to all l.ege. J-‘ tees and , other persons concerned: 454 the .fihninistrotion Accounts herein alter mentioned. will be preienied at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for con firmation and allowance, on Monday the the 18th day of April next, vix 100. The wend and final account rif Simion S. Bishop. Executor of the last will and testament of Worley J. Stonesifer, de• ceased. 101. The first and final account of, Jo seph Bayly. one of the Executors of the last will and testament of Jane Bayly, ceased. 102. The acconitTof George Robinette, Administrator ttl the estate of .James Rob inette. deceased. 103. 114 .. . account nt John Hoffman. Executor of tke last will and testament of John Marshall. deceased. 104. The first and final account of Pe ter Diehl, Administrator de Ito* non. with the will anneited. of the estate of Henry Hemler. deceased. 105• The first areount of John Maring and Jacob Maring. Execistnykol the last will and 'testament of Jacob-blaring, de; ceased. 106. - The second and final account of Andrew Polley. Executor of the loot will and testament of Wm. W. 8011. decd. 107. The second account. of Leah 0. Taylor and Wm. D. Taylor, Administra tors of the estate of Min W. Taylor, dec'd. 108. The . first and final account of Ja cob F. Hoover, Adminiatrator of the estate . of Feronica Hoover, dec'd. • 109. The first and final account of John Boyer, Administrator de bonis nort,, : with the will annexed. of the estate of Jacob Hoover, deceased. 110. The first and final account of Ad am Butt, Administrator of the estate of E ligabeth Forney, ddc'd. 111. The first and final account of An• drew M'llwain, Executor of the last will -and-testament of Mary Orntlorff,, deeeased. 112.. The third account of Mary Myers. Executor of the last will and testament of Henry Myers, dec'il. .113. The second account of Mary My ers. Testamentary Guardian of Mary Ann Virginia Were, minor daughter of Henry Myers, ilec'd. 114. The second and final account of Mary Myers, Testamentary,, ,Guardian of Louisa Henry Myers. der'il, - tilinor daugh ter of Henry Myers, deed. 115. The first and final account of Da vid Noel, Admintatrator of the estate of Joh). Noel, deed. 116. The first and final account of John Diehl, Administrator of the estate of Cath arine M'Knight, deceased. DANIEL PLANK, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg. i March 1853. Juror," for April Term. GRAND JURY. Hunticaton—lease B. Wittman, (foreman.) Oxfonl—John C. Elßs, Jacob' Willie*. Borough—Jim:nes F. Fehnestoelt. Derid Sweeney Daniel B dth in. Thos. Laughlin. John G. Frey. Straban--nruel Freeman, Wm. Block, John B Huffman. Hantiltunhan—Joitoph Kitting'', Sanford dine der. RED FROM. Mountpleasent--John Hauptman. Menalien—John Hurkhnlder, J.coh Hmup. Franklin— Hann, Geo. Hoover, David Goodyear. Cuneheriand--Huab Waaughey, Henry Lott. Kraelmg—Moves Id. Neely. Haler—Jeremiah Diehl. Mountjny—Henry Benner. GENERAL. JURY. Letiomer—Ladd 14. Hales.. letraben—sasuual Gilliland, John Crews, John N. Grail. John H. Lease. Libriy--Mazwell bhielda, Joseph P. NFDivitt, . Wni. Graywm. Tyrone—Arthur :lephens, Saline! Studeheeker. M tpleaaant--Havid Zuck. &Amadeu W , David Hemler. Franklin—William Paxton, John Pitzer, Thom as J. Cooper. Uniim—Joseph Shorb, Daniel Whaler, W m. Shif ter. Hamiltonben—Thomse A. Marahalidahn P. Cot tons, 9. W. Riley, Wm t ,t,etilii;Lßutea Swepe. Hamilton—Genrge Schwartz. • Butler—Jacob Y. Bushey, John Housluelin. Berwick—Samuel Hiner, Michael Hoffman. Germany—Luc Taub. Meuallen—Yalentine S. Pahl. Climherlaild—forge Spangler (of A.) James All:ullnigh. Samuel Hartzell. Ozfird—Alez. S. Nimes. Conowago—Alwelom A ulabaugh. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. COLLECTORS of State and County Taxes are hereby notified that their Duplicates must be settled up. on or before the 18/h day of !April nest, at which time the Commissioners will meet to al low exonorations, &c. After that day interest will be charged on all balances un paid on their several Duplicates. and suits will be instituted against all,dclinquent colliiiitors fur years prior to 1862. , . By order of the Commissioner.. . J. AUGHINIMUGH, Feb. 26 - . 1853.—td , VESTS ! VESTS ! VESTS ! WE have on band a la'rue and very genteel Assortment of Vests, such as nide and Figured Salim • Cassinicres, (*siesta. Velvstrelaids. dto. Re nihnaber that SAMSON'S is Me place. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS & Confectioners in general. r HE undersigned would respectfully inform dealers in FRUITS. CON FECTIONERIES and GROCERIES, that they ate . receiving daily, Oranges, Lemons, Figs. Prunes. Raisins, Almonds, Filberts, English Walnuts, African, Ten nessee and California Ground Nuts, Peean Nuts, Pine Apple cheese, Eastern Cutting Cheese, Sugars. Coffee. Teas. all kinds of Spices, whole and ground. Conserved and Preserved Ginger, Macaroni, Vermi celli, Dairy Salt, &c. 200 boxes Oranges4s boxes Lemons, 100 boxes Raisins, 25 boxes Rock Candy. red, white and yellow. 25 boxes Gum Drops, Orange, Lemon, Vanilla. &c., 25 boxes Jujubepaste, Orange, Lemon, &c., 25 - boxes Chocolate Drops, 10 boxes Stick. 25 boxes Chocolate, Eagle and Spiced, 100 boxes Prunes in fancy boxes, 100 Drums Figs. 10 bags S. S. Almonds. 10 bags Filberts, 100 bushels Grouqd Nuts, 50 jars fine Prunes, 25 gross Dun. lap's Premium Blacking, &c. I The subscribers being appointed sole agents for the sale of spices for the mono ' mental Mills. they would respectfully in- vite dealers to call and examine their stock of spices, whole and ground, which they are determined to sell as cheap as they can he bought elsewhere. • They are prepared to sell their goods, which are the best make and quality that can he had in any market, at City Prices! and One Price only! For sale Wholesale and Retail at No. 42 Market Street opposite if nrk Bank, by ALEX. REIMNGER 41 MIN Call and Examine for Yourselves ! March, 4.-1853. - BARBER & HAIR-DRESSER. SSAMUEL. B. WlLLlAMS:respectfully informs the citzens of Gettysburg and strangers who may tarry' here until their beards grow, that he has opened a Shaving and Hair-cutting Saloon in Chambersburg street, opposite Buehler's Drug Store, where he intends prosecuting the ••tonso rial business" in all its branches. He will shave you as clean as a city broker, aml• cut your hair to suit the cut of your pliiz. Then his whole object is to im prove the appearance of the human race. Front tong experience he flatters himself he can go through the ramification, of the tonsorial departinent with such an lull !lite degree of skill, as to meet the entire I approbation of those who submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. March 11.-31 Diamond Tonsors—New Firm eivton $ Brother, FASHIONABLE. BARBERS AND HAIR DREssERs, CAN at ell times he found prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at the 'Temple. in the Diamond. adjoining the County Building. From Long expe rience they flatter themselves that they can', go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department, with etch au infinite degree of skill, as will mmt with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of their razors. They hope, therefore, that by their attention to busi ness,and a desire to please, they will mer it as well as receive,a liberal share of pub lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. iIWCO NA UG ATTORNEY 37' OFFICE in the South-west corner of the public square, one dour west of George Arnold's Store, and formerly oc cupied as a Law Otlice by John M'Con aughy, Esq., deceased, Jitorney mid Solicitor for Patents and Pensions, " Can furnish very desirable facilities to applicants and entirely relieve them from the necessity of a journey to Washington. ac't D. McC. is prepared to attend to the prosecution of Claims for Bounty Land to Soldiers of the War of 1812 and others —the selection of choice lands and loca ting their Warrants—procuring Patents and selling Soldiers' lands to the beet ad vantage. Apply to him personally or by letter, Gettysburg. Nov. 1, 1850—t BOUNTY LANDS. PERSONS entitled to Bounty Lands under the acts of Con gress of the United States can have their claims promptly and efficiently attended to by applica tion either personally or by letter o the subscriber, at his office in Gettysburg. Claimants whose applications have been suspended on account of deficiency in proof may find it to their advantage wean ry.The fee charged is $5 in each case. payable upon the delivery of the warrant. The subscriber will also attend to claims for Pensions for Revolutionary or other services and the location of lauds. The sale and purchase of Land Warrants at tended to, and the highest cash price paid for the same. R. G. 111cCREARY. May 14-4. Attorney at law W. H. STEVENSON, ATTIDIRRIEV AT LAM OFFICE. in the North West corner of the Centre Square, (between Smith's and Ekeaenann'a,) Gettysburg, Pa. O YESS 0 YES! JII. T. WEBB has removed to Ern. • mitsburg, where he will attend to the Auctioneeringof Public Bales, in that place, and Wherever he may be called upon to go in Frederick and Adams counties. His charges will be moderate, and work well dune. Sept. 24, 1852-4lm. WASHINGTON HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET 8T • ittl AND MARKET eQUARE, Itlarrldburg, Pa. THE undersigned has kited up this well known and favorite House, with every convenience requisite for the accommodation of the public, and solicits * continuance of the patronage so liber ally extended to him by the travelling pub lic: WM. T. SANDERS, Harrisburg, Jan. 14, 18113.—1 f MONKEY JACKETS. A good and cheap crude to he found CIL at one rice more of SAMSON. FIRE INSURANCE. E .4.#ltlone• County Mutual Fire In s wans Company" located at Get tysburg, is now in successful operation, and for lowness of rates,' economical manage• ment of its affairs, and safety in insurance% challenges comparison with any other similar company. All he operations are 'conducted under the personal supervision of Managers selected by the Stockholders. Th 3 Booked the Company are at all times open to the inspection of those insuring in it. As no travelling agents are employed, persona desiring to insure an make ap. phi:lotion to either of the Managers, from whom all requisite information can be gained . , ItZT•The Managers are : Menallen—Wen. B. Willem, Cumberland—Robert McCurdy, Streban—Jacob King, Franklin—Andrew Heintselman, Hemiltenben—Amos W. Motility, Liberty—John Muss.!man. jr., Ozford—John L. Nan), Reading—Henry A. Piling, Latimone—Jacob Oriest, Mountjny —Joseph Fink, Berwick--Devil E. Malinger, Borough—Demme Strops, D A. Buehler, Wm. H. Stevenson, A. B. Kurtz. ki H. Russell, John Chrimmen, Alm Casten, Eden Norris, J. H. Sitel Valentine Werner. President—GEOßGE SWOPE. Vice President—tismoss R. Emilia.. Secretary- I D. A. Brants,. Treasurer—JACO* GUIST. Executive COMMiItOII—ANTIRRIT Hit X 41.1, ROSIRT J•C011 Kiss. 800.10, 1852-11..- NEW ARRANGEMENT. " : : j it7; •• Wetii BETWEEN Emmilsburg, Gettysburg, York, Bahl more, and Harrisburg. THE undersigned are now running a Daily Line of comfortable Coaches between Gettyiburg and Hanover, and Gettysburg and Emmitsburg. and have made arrangements with the Railroad Companies, running from Hanc,ver to BALTINIORE, YORK and HARRIS— BURG, by which we are enabled to fur nish THROUGH TICKETS Irom Get tysburg to those places at the following reduced rates: From Gettysburg m Baltimore, .. *. York, .t 6' Harrisburg, 2,60 Also, Through Tickets from Einmitsburg to the above places, via Gettysburg and Hanover, at the following rates : From Ellllllittburg to Baltimore. $3.05 of 6. " York, 2.25 o " " Harrisburg, 2.70 0:7 The above arrangement furnishes the most convenient, comfortable, and e conomical route to passengers, who there by reach York and Harrisburg by noon, and arrive at Baltimore at an early hour. (CT Tick,ts can be had by application at the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg; at Ag new's Hotel, Eramitshurg ; and at the Railroad 011icea in Baltimore, York and Harrisburg TATE & CO. Geitysbulg, Pa.. Feb. 18, 1853-3 m WALL PAPER. Borders, Fire-board Prints,Win dow Curtain Papers, YEARSPAREHT SHADES, with Patent Fixtures. FrII E underslrned has just receive from New York a large variety of ' the above named goods, to which he in• vices the attentioll of the citizens of Adams county, which, on examination, will be found to contain all the new and splendid styles, from the Cheapest article in the market to the most gorgeous styles of ec oration—all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Also, our usual assortment of School and Blank BOOKS, Writing Paper, Sta• (tottery, &c. KELLER KURTZ, S. E. Corner Centre Square. March 11, 1853—tf Books ! Books ! ! S. DIBEHILER TENDERS'. his thanks to his frends for the liberal patronage so long and uniformly extended to him, and informs them that he has recently received at his old establishment in Chambersburg street, in addition to his Corner large stock of Books, a new assortmentto which he invites at tention, as being he largest, fullest and beat assortment of Classical, Theological, School, Miscellaneous dif# BOOKS ever opened in Gettysburg, and which us usual, he isprepared to sell at the Kg- 'TRY LOWEST PRICES.„EA Gettysburg, Pa, June 4, 1852. GALL AND SEE. Very large supply of TIN tAI wARr, on hand and for sale, at Bueller'sTin and Sheet Iron Establishment, oppbsite the Post-office, which will be si' at low prices (CEO, E. BUEHLER. APPRENHCE WANTED. A N APPRE4TICE to the COACH -ca. 13MITHIND businegs will be Wien by the undersign d, if application be made immediately. Tie applicant muit be oFI good, steady halite, ar4l must come well recommended. a 1 boy from the country will be preferredi JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. March 11, 1853.-3 t SUB-SOIL PLOUGHS OF thebest quality--•always on hand v.-F and for sal, in Gettysburg, at the Foundry of 'F. I WARR &-SON. 'Naiad.!Vita AdwirMeaseats. LEATHER. Writs, Williasts'et Mondry. Store No. 29, N. Brd street, Philadelphia MORRCCOO MANOTACITVIIIIRS. CURRIERS, AND IMPORTERS Commission and General LIIIITBER BUSINESS, VITIZOL11111*Z013&1111WAIM. IrrAtanufaclory 15 Margarelta street, Philadelphia. July 9, 1852-Iy. Tigre nub nantiell, Pour:la and Arch streets, Philadelphia, ♦ RE now receiving, for Spring Sales, zw. Black and Colored Silks, Fashiona ble Shawls, New Designs of Dress Goods, British, French, and India Goods, full stock of American Cotton and Woollen Goods, Linen Damasks and Furnishing Goods. Ls -- 7. Wholesale buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Goods at low prices fur net cash. Feb. 18, 1853.-8 m 500 AGENTS WANTED. *woo A TEAM WANTED, in every County of the U. States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to 5100, such induce ments will be offered as to enable them to snake from $3 to $lO a day. Uz:T'Flie Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars ad dress (postage paid) DANIELS & GETZ. Successors to. W. A. Leary & Co. No 138 N. &world street, Philadelphia. Sept. 10, 1852—Sin SCIIOOL BOOKS, PAPERS, &c. THE subscribers o ff er to Country Mer chants, Teachers and School Corn. miitees, one of the best assortefl stocks of SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY to be found in the City, which they are able to offer at first prices. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find all the leading School Books, Writing and Wrapping Papers, Curtain Papers. Blast ing Papers, and all ordinary Stationery, Blank Books, Pens, Ink, &c.. on the most ' favorable terms. HOOL COMMITTEES, Teachersl and °theirs purchasing in quantities for Schools, are invited to call and examino our stock. We have had considerable experience in supplying School Districts, and being publishers of a number of ex tensively used School Books, our ties for getting such stocks are unaurpas. sed. Amongst our publications will be' found the following : Conily's Spelling Book, Revised edition ; Primer ; Young Orator ; Gummere's Surveying, thestandard Trea tise on this Science ; Bonnycastle's Mensuration ; Anderson's Davenport's History of the U. States, used in the Public Schools of New York and Philadelphia ; Gummere's Progressive Spelling Book ; Coinlv's Grammar ; Latin Dictionary ; The Book of Commerce, &c.. &c. UKIAH inuNT & SON, 44 N. Fourth st. Hided. Feb. 25, 1853-3 m CIH WINDOW SHADE DEPOT AND ETADUTTAOTOBIir of Gi L. Miller & Co., S. W. corner of ..tlrelt and Second sts,. P HILADEDPHI A. EVERY Variety of Shades, Whole sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flow er, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Land scapes, are to be had at the lowest prices, for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades ex ecuted at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. We will try to please. Brasses, Trimmings, &c., always on hand. Rrignember S. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. Feb. 11, 1853-6 m. WM. BAIL! k SON, loweriers met Desk. M INIBLIIM. r 110.31. By.. VICIVRIA .11Mt1.117.1 , 10/ 101.W1111,..1.157161. W•IlL •50 roaCY &AiIcLY.I. Al. CulLotantly terOsTille the lateen styles a( the stews Goode, etoch ate oared at et holeoole or rtptatl. at No. 216 Ilarket Stmt. stem &Oh. oifte Neuter Street, Philatteletua. 'ti, A. 0.,_, 15TA1.41.111, IP 416. .07 -... ...road WM whet As, et* Philmlelphis, April 23, 1852-1 y BOOK AGENTS WANTED In every county in the U. States, ryio canvass for the following Works, J I L to whom the largest commissions will be paid : PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD a frtlm the earliest ages to the present litne.—Three volumes in one, comprising Part I. Ancient History.— Part 2. History of the Middle Ages.— Part 3. Modern History. By John Frost, L. L. D. Author of Pictorial His tory of the United States, Pictorial Life of Washington, &c., &c. New Edition with additions and corrections by the Au thor. Illustrated with over five hundred engravings, from drawings by Croome, Devereux, and other distinguished artists. This work contains over 1100 Soper Royal octavo pages, and over 500 finer illustrations than have ever been engraved for any History in this country ; it is handsomely and substantially bound in embossed morocco, gilt back. Price. $3.75. GREAT EVENTS IN MODERN HISTORY.—By John Frost. Compris ing the most remarkable Discoveries, Conquests, Revolutions, Great Battles, and other Thrilling Incidents, chiefly in Europe and America, from the commence ment of the Sixteenth Century to the present time. Embellished with 'over 500 engravings by W. Croome and other eminent artists. It contains over 800 Ruysl octavo pages, and also a large col ored 'map of the World 20x25. with side maps of California, Oregon, Hungary, Austrian Dominions, &a. Bound in em boised morocco, gilt back. - Price $3,00. THRILLING ADVENTURES A— MONG THE INDIANS.—By John Frost L. L. D. Comprising the most remarkable Personal Narratives of events in the early Indian Wars. as well as of incidents in the recent' Indian Hostilidies in Mexico and Texas. Illustrated with over 300 Engravings,fromdesigito by W. Croome, and other distinguished artists. It contains over 500 pages Octavo, bound in morocco. gilt back. Price, 111,75. Skelehea of .1.01 and Characler.—v,By T. S. Arthur. An octavo volume of over 400 pages beautifully illustrated. and bound In the best English muslin, gilt back. Price,2,oo. Lights ad Shadows of Real Life.;— By T. S. Arthur. With an autobiogra phy and portrait of tLe author. Over 000 pages octavo, with fine tinted en. grivings. Bound in the best English muslin. gilt back. Price, 82.00. Golden Grains from Life's Harvest Fidd.—By T. S. Arthur. 12 mo. of 240 pages. Bound in muslin, with a beau tiful mezzotint engraving. Price, 75 Cents. The Way to Prosper ' and other Tales. —By T. S. Arthur. 12 mo. over 200 pages, with a mezzotint engraving. Price 60 Cents. The Nome illission.—By T. S. Ar. thur. 12 mo: of oser 200 pages, with an engraving. r.t Riches, Price, tih un cents. thoul Wings. —By. "f. S. Arthur. Over 200 pages 12 mu. with a fine mezzotint engraving.— Price, 50 Cents. The Fireside Angel--By. T. S. Ar thur. 64 Files, 32 mo. with an en graving. Bound in muslin, gilt edges.— Price 26 cents. Conquests of the Bible.—By Vincent W. Milner. Comprising Important E vents in the History of Christianity, from the time of our Saviour to the present day, 336 pages, 12 mo. Illustrated with numer ous engravings. Price, $l.OO. All the above Books are beautifully and substantially bound, printed on fine white paper, and the Publisher would especially call attention to the fact that they are sold exclusively by Agents, thus giving them an advantage which cannot be had on most books, as each Agent has the sole and exclusive control of the sale in any section of country he may agree to can- vase. For particulars, address, post paid. J. W. BRADLEY No, 4B North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. March, 4, 1853-418 PAPER HANGINGS, •11 1 E undersigned have just opened a I fresh and complete stock of WALL PAPERS, among which are GOLD and VELVET. FINE SATIN, and the LOW. EST PRICED UNGLAZED PAPERS: Also. DECORATIONS. BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, dec. , iSte. Which they offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The hest workmen employed to hang paper either in the city or- country. Blank Books, Stationery, Ste We I'ave also our usual assortment of WRITING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Blank and School Books, Sta tionery, ac PARRISH & HOUGH. No. 4 North FIFTH St., 2 doors strove Market PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country rags. March 11, 1853-3 m. SPR LIG MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERS GOODS NO. 4S SOUTH SECOND STREET. PHILADELPHIA, HAVING received by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to offer their customers, at the lowest market prices— Glace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons. French and American Artificial Flow ers, C rapes, all colors, Fancy Ne:s and Laces, together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March li, 1853-2 m. GAS FIXTURES AND LAMPS. HEIDRICK E HORNINOB4 BROTHER No. 221 N. Beyond street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. AVING had many years practical experience in the business, sodas all work sold by us is manufactured under our immediate supervison, we are enabled to oiler to purchasers superior articles in every branch of our trade upon the moetfavora ble terms. At our store may be found, in every va riety and style of finish, Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendant% Side Brackets, for Halls, Chur.eliesy &a. The improved Pine Oil Lamp, isfsofluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Guedolee,,,Wuquet-holders, Par lor. Night and Reading Lampe, Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicks, Shades. Ste. All Work Warranted or no Sale. Factory, No. 86 Noble st. near 4th.— Store, 221 N. Second street, next door to .1. Stewart Depuy's Csrpet-store. March 25, 1853.-3 m New Wall raper Warehouse. BURTON 4. LINING, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sizth, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found the largest and heat selected stock in the City. COUNTRY PURCHASERS may here be accommodated, without the inconven ience of looking Wisher, and may be as sured that they will receive the advantage of their motley. BURTON & LANINO, 124 ARCH Street. above Sixth, Philadelphia. April I, 1858-3 m. CANE SEAT CHAIR MANUFACTORY. No 182 North Sixth Street. opposite Fran/din Square, Philadelphia. THE subscriber is constantly finishing, and on hand PLAIN and FANCY CANE SEAT CHAIRS, in great variety of Elegant and Fashionble Styles, For Potion, Hining-Ronms or Chamber', made in Fancy Woods, Imitation Woods, and Fancy Colors, &0., Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and beautiful designs Cane Lounges. Cane Settees, Chairs, Counting House and Office Arm Chairs, large and small Rocking Chairs. Store and Steam boat Stools, Windsor Chain, and Settees, &c.. Housekeeptre, Hotels, Steatiboat and Rail Road Companies. will find it to tbeit interest to call at theF sclorY or N. F. WOOD. No.llll North6th St. opposite rattails+ Nur* Philadelphia. April 1,1533-3 m. • PROUTY & BAISIRETT 9 II, ilgriculissral fivare-114se and Seed- Sloe* . No. 194 j Market street, Philadelphia. 'JIRO/J*l'Y & MEARS' Patent Self- Sharpening Ploughs, of all sixes, right and left lianded—liub-soil, side•hill, and double-mould, &c. with Steel Extend ing Points. Bar-eliare, Beach and other kinds of Castings for repairing. Ihe Eau peror of %foals awarded for the above Ploughs a massive Gold Medal. value $3OO. Also, the great medal, et the World's Fair. was awarded P. and M.'s Plough. No. 40. Cultivators with double point polished steel teeth, which can be reversed, thus getting double wear of the common teeth. Also, Cultivators of all kinds with steel teeth. Spain's Atmos pheric Churns, Corn Sheller% improved kinds, Hay and Straw Cutters, Hand Corn Mills, Corn & Cob Crushers, Gedda' Improved Harrows, Square and A Har rows, Horse Rakes, Grindstones, ready hung. Dirt Scrapers. Agricultural Fume cer, Ox Yokes and Bows Forks for un loading hay, Man May Rakes, Bow-Pitts, Apple Pearera, Ox Muzzles. Mole Traps, Pruning Hooks and Chisels, Saws and Scissors, Iron Well Curbs, and Zire tube ing for Chain Pumps, Corn Planters,Tur nip Drills, 4 to $5, Grant's Patent Fan Mills, Garden Engines, Wheat Drills, Horse Powers and Threshers, Mowing and Reaping Machines, Chain Pumps, Cattle Ties, Bull Rings. Patent Iron Snails& Grubbing llnes, Transplanting Trowels, Hay and Manure Forks, Shov els and Spades, Giattlen and Field Hoes, Garden Rakes in variety, Children's 'fools Darling Scythes, Smiths, with patent fast enings, Potatoe Hooks. Also, Horticul tural Tools, (of every description,) Gard en and Grass Seeds, for sale at the lowest price, wholesale and retail, by PROU'FY le BARRETT. April 8,1853.-2 in Baltimore Advertisements. 111 MT C NV; 8, GOLD AND SILVER WARE L, IL MILLER Jr. CO., Trholesale Watch and Jewelry House, No 227 BOIL in., 8. E. Corner of Charles Wool-. M PORTER of English' and Swiss I Watches and tools of every descrip tion, Watch Case Makers and Manufac turers of Fine Gold Jewelry. We call the attention of Southern and 'Western dealers in Watches, Jewelry and Silver, to our very extensive stock, assuring them that in no article in our line shall we al low any establishment to surpass us, eith er in quantity, quality or low prices. We are the only Wholesale House in this branch of trade in Baltimore. and shall use every fair means to induce Southern and Western merchants to open accounts with us. Our terms shall be as liberal and accommodating as can possibly be found in the United States. We will take great pleasure in showing our goods to Southern and 'Western mer chants, whether they open accounts with us or 001 L. IL MILLER k CO.. Importers of Watches, Baltimore Feb. 4. 1353.-1 y _ $ 33rottoro, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTEIb or Paper Hangings, No. 207 Baltimore sired. Baltianore. AM. IN VITE attention to their very elegant and extensive assortment of Paper Hangings, embracing fine gold and'velvet decorations, fine French, in plain and rich colors, with an immense assortment of ordinary, satin and common papers. Al so Curtain Papers, Borders. Firs Prints. 'rester and Centre pieces. &c. H. and B. were awarded at the late fair of the Maryland Institute, II GOLD MIDAL for the superiority of their Paper Hangings. Feb. 4,1853.-3 m ROFFMAN & WARREN'S diIaWZDZLNQIIIRItiIbai V%llitib‘l%4 WITH THE LATEST Onprointir Sitattotutvg. fi 'HE undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that they have entered into partnership for doing business at the well known FACTORY on Middle Creek. in Freedom township, Adams County. Pa., on the road lroin Get tysburg to Emmitsburg, and are prepared vi fill all orders in their line of business, such as Carding, Fulling, Dyeing, Manufacturing Cloths. Cassinetts, Car pets, Slockinryarn, (lope:- chains, 41c., in the best style and at REASONABLE RATES. The Factory lies been re-fitted and re paired with considerable care and expense —the latest improvements in machinery having been introduced--so that eusto mars may rely upon having their orders filled promptly and to the best advantage. For the convenience 'and accommodation of customers, Wool will be called for and goods delivered at the following places, every few weeks, to wit: AB the Stores in Gettysburg; Briskerhors Store, Fairfield; Blythe At paztou'sdo.; Lowlon's Mill, Liberty township; Weikert's Store, Green minint y More Freedom township; Hann's Store, Mountiny township; Lower's Nom Ar endtstown ; Wertz 's Store., Arendskown ; W it wee. More Munimasburg ; Scott's Store, Cash. town ; dneeringer and Bombes''s, Littlentown Arnold's Mill, Locust Grore Smith dc Gluts's Store, Ewirnitsburg, Md ; Rudisill's Store, Taney own. Md ; Creelo's Store, Tenseytewn Road. All of our work is warranted to please. Goods it all times exchanged (or Wool. The highest price paid for Wool. No expense or trouble will be spared to give entiresatisfaction to customers. Give us a call, and test onr work. C. HOFFMAN, THOMAS WARREN, . DAVID WARREN. 28, 11352-17. DAVOS AND •1111133DIOINNO. IF all kinds, frllm the best %Jr 'louses in the City, tron= stonily on hand and for sale at the Drug and Bookstore of B. H. BUEHLER. June 4, um Mir Blanks of all kinds fo at this office.