PROCLAMATION WHERMIS lion. ROIIRRT J. Figitilt, Esq., President of the several Courts oft Common Pleas, in the counties !composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Tertniner, and rums' JAI Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said dui triet —and Samuel. R. RUIMILL. and JoliN MAOINLRIT. E'sqs., Judges of the Courts of common Pleas and Genera'. Jail Delivery, for thetrial of all capital and other offend era in the county of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 19111 day of Istmary, in the year °Cour LORD, one thousand eight hundred-and fifty-two and to tits d reeted, for holding a Court of Com mon Pleas and General Quarter Srsmons of the Pence and -General Jail Delivery, ane Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get tysburg, on .4fonduy the 18t11 day of April nee— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within he said Cough , of Adams, that they be then and therein their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations and other Re membrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will prose cute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Js fit of the said County of Adams, and to be then and there to pros ecute against them as shall be just. JOHN er, •;:begitr. Sheriff's Office. °foram's. Feb. 25, 1552.-4 J Jieroro for A rill Term. GRAND JURY. floniMmon...isase N. Wiegman. (Amman.) Oxford—Jobe C. Ellis, Jacob Wenee. lamasii—Java F. Filumatook. Da.ill Sweeney Daniel DJlglvvin, Tboa. Langh:in. John 0. Frey. Straban--Sionel Foilsman, Wm. Slack, John 13 Hotrmsn. Hamiltonhashoopts Kittlager. Saufurd elute dor. Mountpleaaanc—John Hauptman. Weal!vv.-John Burkholder, Jac.b Clomp. Fninkliro;•Philip Hann, 090. Hoover, David Goodywor. Couthooland..-Hoob Ml3aushey. Hoot, Lou. Reilog—Moses N. Neely. Butkr—Jorooiob DIAL Mourajoy—Heart Benner. GENERAL JURY. Lotiomo—lorid O. Bills. Ntratoon—asows Gilliland, John Crow. John N arattoilelia 8. Low. Lilirty—Harwell :Aikido. Joseph P. St'Divilt, Wm. Grayson. Tyrone..-Artbor Stephens Femur' Fitudehreker. Mountpleasana,.:David Zeck. retetatiaa Weaver, David lieMler. Peziom,Joha Pfizer. Thom. IS J. Cooper. Union—Joseph Stmeb, Daniel Whaler, Wm. Skit kr. -- Mamilumben•—Thomas A. Marshall. Jahn P. Cur. rens, H. W. Riley. Wm. Culp, Rufus Swope. H a militia —Grew *kb liars. Butler—Jacob Y . Bushey. Joins lisuithtelin. Berwick--Samael Harter, Michael Estrum& tztatsh. Moilllen--Valom tine 8. P.M. Cumberiangl--Oeorge Splnglor (Of A.) 'Mew M'Culllauh. awned Hama. 04rd—Alea. 8. Mmes. Couoanugo--Abastent Aulabaugh. NOTICE. Estate of Geo. Slagle; sen., dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given in the heirs and legal representative , of GEORGE SLAGLE, Sen.. late of Oxford township, Adams county, Pa., deceased. : Bar. bare Slagle. (widow.) George Slagle. (pe titiriber,) John Slagle, William Slagle. Eli Slagle: Simon Jonas Slagle. Sarah intermarried with bean Rife. who are the surviving children ul raid del-eased, and the lame. of Solomon Slagle. (son to George Slagle. ten..) deceased, to wit : Elizabeth. Barbara Ann. Simon, Sarah Ann. Mary Ann. end Lydia Ellen, who are minors and have for their Guardian David Slagle—that AN INQUEST will he held on a certain tract of land, sit uate in Germany township, Adams cnun• ty. Pa . and adjoining lands of John Stein. John Wallow, Frederick Horn, and nth- I ere, containing 145 Acres and 27 percher. more or less—on Monday the 4th day cd April next. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. on the said premises—to nrke partition thereof to and *monist the heirs and legal repre sentatives of said deceased; if the Saida will admit of partition without pointlice to or spoiling the whole thereof; but if the same will not admit of rush partition. then to inquire how many of the solid heirs it will conveniently accommodate. and part and ditide the same to and among as many of them as the same wilt accommo date ; hut if the same will not admit of di. vision at all without prejudice to or spoil ing the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the saute. whole and undivided— whereof all persons ititeirtrsted are hereby notified. JOHN SCOTT. Sherif. swims °Mee, Gruysburt. stud' 4,10413-3 t WINTER IS COMING, ANO Jew Arnold is ready for him His Clothing store is, as usual, filled with a large variety of ready made Oohing of the best styles and qualities, huitable ftit Winter wear, such as Dices Custs, OCjr costs. Sack Coats. Pantaloons, Vests. lil • key Jackets, Currying Shirts, &c.; all of which be will sell cheaper than the fano quality can be purchased anywhere else. In the county ; Also on hand, and for so*. a great variety of Cloths, Casstuteres and &litmus, of everr style and 44 the best qualities. from which he will have men's and boys' clothing ofall descriptions made by the beat of workmen and at the untied. Oct. 1. 1852—tf. NOTICE. THE undersigned, having been appoint. ed Assignee, under a Deed of Vul. votary Assignment of DAVID TRIM— MER .and Wife, of Tyrone township. Adams County, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate, to'make payment without delay, and to those has. mg otainis to present them, properly su. Simonetta& to the subscriber residing in laid township, for settlement. JACOB B. HOLLINGER. Feb. - 8-4 k Assignee. • DRUGS AND INCEDIOIINIES. 4 lf all kinds , from the but w all in the City, con. mind, on hand and for alai at du Drug and Bookstore of 8. H. BUEHLER. Sem 4 lOU CITA dlXtliciliD ILA in great variety. anti atnear ty ell cab b• had at SCHICK'S. Issodiee.,,,tr i Alien is invited to the'es t Oast the tuts &every WO OA lift 4 tbr Matter OF the intended application of J*MY. FURRY, fur Liceume to keep a Ptitaio House in the township of Franklin— it being an old stand. WEL the undersigned, being personal• ly seqssainted with the above na med petitioner. J*tsss PURIM, &liege. by ceitity that he is well provided with house-room and other convenienetar Mr the lodging and accommodstion of strint• ens and trnv.lleri, and that lisis of good repute for honesty and temperance. and that the house for which license is pray. ed is riceitimirt fist the accommodation of the pistil's nod the entertainment of straw ft I'S VIII travellers. S tone I Bingaman, henry P. Walter, &lag M'Clure, James C. Rodger*, Andrew &inter, Billie! Kuhn, Daniel Brough, John Storer, Isaac Rife, Christian Baker, John Carpenter, Henry Biorman, John Walter.' 4 March 11.-81 In the Matter Of the intendnd application of Joins D. DEMUR, for license to keep a public housi ib town of Petersburg, Hunting ton townaltip—it being an old stand. ?EIRE undersigned, eittzens of Hunting- Inn town hip, du hereby certify dist we know the above eismed petition er, J.,tiK D. IlEcxca. and the horse low which license is prayed—Vint said !louse is necessary for the accommoda tio' of the piddle and the entertainment of strangers and travellers, and that said pe. mintier is a person of g 1 reptile for hon esty and temperance. and that he is well provided wills house-ri m m and other coon sentences for the acemninonhotion 4.f the the public and the entertainment of stann• gems and travellers. Isaac B. Troatle, John Trimmer, Emanuel Smith, Charles Lafferty, Joseph A. Wierman, Jonathan Gulden, James Wilson, Peter D. Little, David Lnrew, -Abraham Sheffer, I. W. Pearson, Samuel Weaver. March 11.—St In the matter of the intended application of DAVID N. STOVLIt for h ceuse to keep a public hour, at Caledo nia (formerly Sweeney's) Cold Spring, in Hawiltenban township—it being a new stand. TII E suit se riles, citizen, of the town. Philp of Ilamilionbon. in the cumity of Adonis, recommend the above petition. er, and certify that the not or tavern a bove mentioned is eesorritary to tieripenino. date the pnblir and miteriaitt strangers and duo the petitioner above named is of good repute fur honesty anti tor, v enther, mail is well secommodatbd with In Ilse. room and conveniences for the lodging and secommislation of bintogers. TobiaeCauffman, Neer Dick, Leonard.Cauffman, Solomon Young, George Riffle, James. Andrew, Martin Cordel, Thua. A. M.irshall, David blow', Samuel ;'eabnooke, John Mickley, jr. Daniel Miffltiliy, Martin Mickley, David Mickley, Adam Diehl, John Moritz. March 11.-8 c - In the matter of the application Of JACOB B. TROSTLL for u license to keep a public house in Butler towuchip, it being an old stand. W E. the undersigned. citizens of But. , let township. Admits , being well acquainted with JACOB B. Tinivit.a. the above petitioner. nod mlytto belong a knowledge of the house for whiell license is prayed, do certily that such hot or ins ern is necessary to are 111111 l lodate the puh and to eetertainstr:togers and travell..r.. iltht the :then.* prtiliiieer is a pers..ll of good repute lot I *sty and Wilipersilee, 21111 that he is well provided With house room and conveniences for tlw seeiiinino• dation of strangers and tracellt re. Edward Stalf;y, CB. Hanes, Henry Snyder, Win. Gist', Will. Gardner, Jacob Oise, Paniel Fidler, Christian Weigel, Bei.ry Hartsell, Wru. 11. Wagner, Henry Haldeman, Andrew Creglow, Henry Becker, Janice A. Miller, Jacob Funk. Jesse Houck, Imo Yount, Abraham Myers, Leonard Slaybaugh, David Bricker, Christian !dinner, Amos Myers, John Boyer, [March 11-8 t TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS & Confectioners in general. (WUundersigned would respectfully JR. iidorin dealers in FRUITs. CON FECTIONERIES 11,111 GRocERIEs. that they are receiving daily. Ora Nit s. Lemons. Figs, Pruhre. Raising. Al Is. Filberts. Engliali Walnuts, Alrican. Ten- 1 `nessee and Calilortita Ground Now. Pecan Nut., Pine Apple cheese. Eastern Culling firest.. Supra, Coffer. Teas. all kind,. of Spices, w 110111 and ground. Cons( reed and Preowned Ginger, 141acaroni, Ve mill, Dory Salt. &e. 200 Watts Or.loges, 25 boxes lemons. lOU boxes Raisins, 25 boxes Hock Cal dy. red, white and yellow, 25 burrs Goon Drops. Orange. Lemon. Vanilla. dtc.. 25 boxes Jujubepaste, Orange, Lrmu o 25 boxes Cloacidate Dope, 10 boars Stick. 25 boxes Cheirolate, Eagle and Bpictd. 100 boxes Prunes in holey 'mare. 100 Winne Fig.. 10 hag. 8. 8. Almonds. 10 bag. Fillu no. 100 tombola Groom' 50 jars fine Prunes: 25 gruel Duo l lip'a Premium Blacking. Ate. The subscribers being appointed Pole agents for the sale ral spices tut the iiii mu. mental Mills. they would reapcedully in tie dealers to call and examine their stock of spices. whole and g room!. which they are determined to sell as cheap u they can be bought elsewhere. They are prepared to sell their yule. which are the beat make and quality that can he had in Pity market. at ('N Prim: and One Pries on/j/ ! For sale Wholesale slid Retail :t1 No. 42 Market Street opposite y orb Dank. by ALEX. ltEl •INUEIt & NON Cell and Bromine for Yourselves March, 4.-1853. 499 NIEN WANTED purchase a superior hit of Black. Blue, end Fancy colored • French. English, and American Cloth. Drees and Friwk Coats. These Coats are well toads, ill we ark of you is to come and judge for yourselves. Itentrinber the plum :a SAM- SON'S Onr price store opposite the Bunk. LADIES ! IHAVE jukt revetted a very large lot nr AI. DE LIIIIVES, which t' will sell cheaper than any other houre in the county. Call' and examine them. se it is nn trouble to show goods. K U KTZ'a Chop Comer is the piss, to get bargains. Books 1 Books I I S. MEHL Ot /VENDERS his tionokA to hi. Trends •,, for the liberal Inatome an Intl tits uniformly estended to I . sold informs them that he has rerentiv received at 1114,01 d eatebliohntent in Otainterabetrg street in atklition in hie fortnar tante ottiek of Book.. new assorionent to which ha invites at tention, as being ti.a largest, lulleat and heat assorntient I,f Classical, Theological. School, Miscellaneous Mfr BOOKS e,cr opcnri: in Geitvelirg. end a Lich a; md. he iiLyr..pere.,l is. tell kt the Kr VERY LWEST Gettyebtirg, re., Jun, 4. 1852. CALL THIS WAY THE LATEST IFASHOOKIS ZIOST RECEOWIED. 1. HE undersigned ru•pertrotlly sem-tune s e s to the citizens 1.1 Cirti !burg and its vieittity that hr has commenced the TAlLtuitiNki BUSLN t SS, in all its •arinil brandira in thr room r,. r • iteoly orelapi:4l by the ritort. (.11. IsA WV :0C SCHICK, and store. 11e hopes, by a strlet attention Itilotaitwoo. rarorpt rllortt. please, Wilbert and revelV.• a '&M1; sham oil public pat ttttt Hee. ,00^Give 11/1 Country prodoer takrut iu ex:l:Huge for work. Lale-IF I.l.tons ha yr i ttell 10 , 11 re ceived. -HENRY CLIPPINGER. April 10, 1852-Iy. 1. A 'lr PsT PAS IT lONS JUST RErEIVED NEW ESTABLISHMENT. untlersighed re. • peetfully to his frienili nuiti the pith lie generally that he hits etwittletteetl the TailoriEg actiters in the !Twin recently oven• plod as a Slum Mitre. by Junta BARRKT, on the :4011111-webt rttritrr ,t 1 tilr miff ts, Gem•pliorli. oppopittt Falott.f toekg' Store. Having tootle ,Irrangeotrots In receive Ike 11,4471i'17 FASHOONS reettlarl from :lie rides, lona per..,iirdl iniwrititetiditig ell work grill 0111. tho-e who Wow toe With their etiotteitt inav dr p tod upon having their work dome to their entire ontielnetion. len.,Cniitr) produce will be taken in exchange tnr work. vim. T. KING. okty.hur g , On. 15. 1852 Cnn . NEW A lIRANCr EAI ENT: 11 411 117- e - A .1i• .11g1L,u111.41, %M\Vl BET W EEN Ernmilahurg, Gei yabeirK. F ork, Bahi more, and Ilorri4burg rrilE undersigned are mow running n Duly Li,tr u 1 eglaif.rt:,l,l • Ct,:tvile. between G,Utrburl and 11 , 11.0/er. and Gent thurg and Enpuit-Inirg, null inade Nrrangemeitis oon the I(ailrond Cinni,nme•, HALT) ORE. Yt MK II AItI(I~ Flul{(i, hl, Whieh .ve are raahled ;" I. 1'11110E:G11 TICKETS (;et tystiurg to Ours., places at the l u g tetltterti rates: Fruit) Gettysburg in Baltimore, $2 50 York. •• •• llarriAnirg, 2.0(1 Alan. Ti m t¢b Ticket„ from Enintitidnurg In Ilia '&l%l° ial,wea, Via Gettyodmrg and 111. mover, nt the rates: From Emmit.burg Baltionnre. E 3 00 ~. York. 225 to i • Ilerribhurg. 273 OJ The above arrangement furnish,,, , the must e -al room to p.n,settgers, vrh.. by reuelt York xlll Ilarripluirg by noon. and am% eat flaliiii‘orr at an early I . iv l'irk• is ran he had by applie.lll.l,l at the Eagle Mgt.'. Gettysburg; Ag• new . * Marl. Emmiboihrg ill ihr Itailroxil Others :it Ballo ttttt rr, York end ilarrtrburt TA•TE & CO. Gettysburg. Ps., Fib. 18, 1853-8.11 . CD UTZ alLtal iitBeJNSSEI LE.VIT 6119 g) a 2 /IDE sithseriher reopeeifially informs 21 - the piddle that lie has opened a per inanent D,glierrentype Gallery. in the house formerly kept as a Temperenre house in Clialither..htirg street. a few doers from the Dia I, where he is prepared, at all times and in all weathers, in take O.IIG U 1.; it It E/'S'/'Ii P4. in hest style, of all sixes, end kinds. and et the lowest rules. If my lortures do mot give satisfaction. there will be no charge. I - PM we me a call. SAMUEL WEAVER. Gettysburg. May 14. '52-Iy. NOTICE TO COL CHES.: COLLECTORS of StAle and County Taxer sire hereby monied dint their Duplicates must he up. on or before the 18th any of April nest, at which dine the Couttnisriouers will mill to al. low exonorationo. Qtr. Mier that day intermit will 4y:barged on all balance* un. paid on their several Duplicates, and suits will be instituted against all delinquent Collectors for years prior to 1852. By drder qt die Cominipiourroi. J. AIIGHINBAUGII. Cll. Feb. 25. 18511.—id kg IA lIINESTOC4 & BONS - would respertfully inform die !iodic dint their stock 'irof .11.411DWARE'entl IlLEßrims been greatly increased. 1;11/ Harpies eau be had, Ussil and eglintlino their stock and prices before purcbruring elsewhere. hooters , Dr. so Gotfis.' &MKS and Satins, Merinon. M. do La inn, Alparaa. Ci Hales. 011 A IN IA entlarr, Glutei, Mocking', &r. dte.. ao, i to be bad at • , 90liiegli TO W! O:,'IZSITTO. IVennieq rir lit e ntl, IIIIIIN pia. tral my hominy's null I n l ay's iu .he tonal. sat Wm. 11. Stunts*san. FAQ.. whom toruittamend to lIIC thr lie. 4 1 , A. R. STEVENSON. July 11, W. H. STEVENSON. ATTORNEY AT LAM OFFICE. with Si EVF:Ssf 1 14, E.q. m ihr North Ilfest vortirr of thu Cep- Stiostre. liettyghore. BtfUN'l'Y LANDS. pEtts()Ns I B tmlit.rt to molly Lnudr un.l..t the arts of Ceen• titers or die Vuiirll mules rim bare their rlaitns promptly and rffwiently aoendrd ttt 'oy Pprheu• teem either prroounlly or by leiter ittlteruhl.eriher.nrluteollire in (,/etty :1; Vinittittils whose appltraittlig t• hear ettsprittivtl oil ;me of deficiency In proof may awl it to their advattmgr wean * flue li o eliarged is *5 in e 1111./W. pay.shle talent the delivery of the ev: The stilleMriller will also attrml t.t rl:,nne Gtr Pensions for lievoloomoiry or "tilt r rrrvi.•tot and Mr for.otott ol Tlir r3le and purchase of lotto! W:,rrsiolr al• tirmte,l to, n,. 111 P p,i.l nor Ott, cone. H. G. ,Nl.•Ult E IR Y. fly I 4 1". lnunlrt ni law. U. Ml l O N.t 1 G 1 IY, ATTORNEY .17' 1-811", OFFICE in the South-west corner of the public square, one door west id I)eiorgu Aniold's Store. and lorintirly oc cupied as a Law 011ie, by John a ugliy, Esq., deceased. .111110*III•U If It d Nolirifor for rat nts and l'ensi• Can hirstisli very desirable fwilities ut 31.1)1w:tots and entirely relieve them front the necessity of a jouriwy to 1V ashingioo. 1)• is prepared to attend ill the prosecution of Claims for Bounty Land to ~ddiers of the Wnr of I bl 2 and others —the seltriiiit of choice hinds nod loca ting their Irtnironts--procioing l'wents nod soling 5..1,1a..n5' I.tnds to Ihe first nil. viottinge. Apply W hint persolinll) or by letter. (lettyalnirg, NOV* 1850--t1 Dr: J. Lawrence Hill, Dt.INTM-T, A rk rricE Its I'hnmberFhurß Pirret.r . r II posite the Liiiht r 1111( 111.1. 2 u•I I r east of Middleciill's store a hrre lie iniiy be found ready and willing to anend to. any ease witliin the province of the !lop , tint: 'Persinilt in wait iil lodise's of teeth are respeofidh invited tii Iti:TERENcEs Dr C. N. RioLisAIT, I Ittoi.C.P.Kit %.-ro, I) I/ 1101041 n. eroi. o 11. S. Itematt, .• 11. 1.. ILUI:11P.11. GI LICHT, I 11. 11 . 11LANIIr110 Rev Itoier. Jo 15.0 T, M. 1.. sris kn. July 7. IR 18. TO THE PUBLIC. rINIIE m11'11.'9101.11 holds him Full" in rr:illittert• 1.1;t11 tours ht art LC TI()NLEII.I.or the "1,11 knt le :u Vtitilic Sale, mild at ,ffi) tune and in Ail:011S, may he al all !imps al die I .llllcruimary Of G. lill'S , lllll. ill NI the Eagle 11.,11•1. (.;,e1 ii.g. T111!:01)01/1: 311lAUGIIEY• Mardi 3.—tl 0 YIES! 0 YES: JII. T. w II;IK re ell to Ew • witvlirg, here be will attend to Ike Aoettourerteg ot Public Saki.. Pt Ilan pbwe, and wherever lie novy be rallyd 111.1111 n. gll in Fredertek awl Adams 4...t00te5. Ills rharger will be lerute, and wurk %VLII dune. Sept. 24. 1852-0:n. WASHINGTON HOUSE, i t i e.)RNEit OF :t1 tliKlir NT I • AND M A RICE 1 . . (41;;\ iiE, I I lisirri•burg, ru. • ' 11111 itutlerstigurti has fitti it up thi I well Itluntll 111111 IN Vllllltl Iluu o. Midi rvery rittivettautteu requmiu titt• 111.1.1/11 111111111 ;if the public, Reid Polwito a ...immunity', of the puirmtPdP pi. lilwr• ally extended ti, him by iliv tracclliutt pub. lie IV Al. I'. SAN DELLS, Iltirriithurg. Jan. 14. 1863.—if Diamond Tonsors—New Firm. etpton $ Brother, FASIIIIOA Alll.l. 11.11141 F Bs AND HMI{ 1.1 It CAN at all times he round prepared to attend tit the calls of the people, at the Ternpif in the Diamond. adjoining the C y Molding. from I .on•if rape. mere they (lever ilieniaelves that they call go thrui•gh all the rioitiliettoona of Ile Tonsorial Department, at. infinite 'levee of iktll. as will r ?et with thc entire satiehienint ur aft Wius may submit their chine to the keen mle. lof their razors. Ti...y hope. 11 erelore. that by their ;menthol milling net's. soil to drake to Orate. they will mer it as well as rerrive,n aliareol ',eb be patronage. Tic sick will be attended to bt their uttiatt uwellings. 5\ Very large supply of TIN W AKE on -hand and kr s Ile, arllnehler'sTin and Sheep Iron - Vonablishment. opposite the Post-offittloy4cli will be soira at lovr ,priees. y .GEO. E. BUEHLER. 'MONKEY J A Cii,.ETS. A. good and theep enielerto be found at the eee pie* Eon of SAMSON. 1 2000 LADIES ARE willing to ireriik ring& 1. 11'1111- A WAY C0()K1Nli MVE is 1110 1 , very- itust:itsivit of w in tier, joinvistirli es I the y will ilit Illare , C..i.klitg. Itimetieir niitl 113 .k trig. mill ill, it with less labor. end loot 1 he Intl sir:tilt se hey i.ther moire now 011111 Till'eU 44 I. hulled stoves are rtmstniedy keel for Dille ill 111 very reduced ;glee at the GETTYSBURG- FOUNDRY AND . 111ACHINB SHOP, Where the sithseruhers killing del, mined to stilt all perttotot have Ilk" the l':irlor, Sexton's Baltimore Airoug . ht. l'enkt•kell an d Cl,hoteh took Stove. kild Air•tieht and Ten.idale l'srlut Stores 111 the most heautilid pativn s. TB 13 S s irLort PLCII.TOTIS which cannot he sttrpnrsvi! for 1011111'PP II dpi,ght erie the eitar:teter of their %slit k, HIT eioilPtal.lll) 011 lo 1111) lilt SHIP, :Intl iii view of the fart Oho the Ml.,tildhosrit of t h sse Pl..tifflis is ome.lotirth hest 'let than That taf mher 'thought'. it is decidedly the CIIV:11). e,4 that 4 . 311 he t blatiot 11. VITITFIZIROW PIGIIGES ~,,,i nth. yr.. Casting. , for the %Vomit...4.k Plough, Wiwi-m.ll Alaehio pry, C;o.tolg. :old Ilol low,t:ire, wi , ll evert amyl(' tt-11;111 wade , at Vottitdrit.s van he tdo.l tied lore. lli.o.kbinttlimg and Shoe Nla!sii,g as 114ilal. I'. WARREN & SUN CI)II.. • .t.. •"iI; '• • " '11 Yolt ,r '? : ; 1 10 i 7C • 7 7: • 7 7 t . 61 - _ VAIDIACiIE DIi,CRZEIS:I Ili:1,10.0qm .11 1, MOS 111 CA BIN FT FU RN ItE, at lute E.U.I/11.1.111 , 1 . 1/1. 111 surret. i•eriiii.l • yore. one dln.r untlll.ll - ^Comp ler" limiting a fliee, eu) r. burg. Prri•otto 11.1.11. ti ITU RE, =win do well 1,, roll Anil examine 1..1 I..e.iiselves befiort• rurrlinsuog else ‘l nel hr be// die op• et limn I;,r che prat. eis,All kind- iit LUMBER nnil Plig• DUCE ti.kt ii in italic 1.4 Furniture. ~1 every ileArrivi,,a. made ll.e Oorte , t !laving a livai burt..l grequid 11l tl C , ex ita I)vr. 17.1852.-3 m ":4 4) 6 110 a 4./e LU.170 ‘OIPS. Nrittinery. Ilad Yowl I • 77 lValrr P.altuaaws. d... II I , PW r...rimulit npuited ;.! BUEHLER'S 11 , ..k and Drag Siore, iu (*hand). r.loarg Pirret. tlt 411 te ;I 4) 4)> 1 at Lis 'X grit' :111 kinds. d Leif. r l'• rer 'ILI' N 101.• I r. V I I g ;I I pry E. it,. and alaat a .;11 fraud ai d for f r S 11. IWEIII.ER HOFFMAN & WARREN h l'tt<tlS''k‘ WITH THE LATEST Emprobcti lIE undersigned et mild respeer ..mare t the public that the)• 113‘e eutiert d 11111. prim rO.lll h.r i 11.1 1 91 hasitte.. 11l the well knntcu FA (1 . 01 i)( 1.11 Al 111 , 11 e Creel.. tit Frretl ,, in A t:ittis (;oilikly. P. 1., on the rood troll' Get tyehtst g to E mai are prepan•d to till till tirilvis it their lute 1,1 bilelt ttx Carding, Fulling, Dyeing, .11wittl nein hr. (:sl,l,sibrii a, ('ar peis. 81.)cl:tu g -yin rt. chaiw.. 4.r.. ire Ilir brat style find 111 E.R 504% .9 II LE ESTES. The F ariliry I.a. heel, re•titted and paired w tilt i•isissit;erahle ea re mill expo! , e layst improvements ut machinery lisoing been o troolnerd —so that nisi,. we're w iv rely upon hits ins: their orders Tilled pr pity i.l dln the heat advantage. For the enliven il•tore and nrettritisi..thsliori evaisstiterrt. 11 1 1...1 will be railed Issr gourds; deliver - et! ;.t the hillstwitts; vlaree.: ever) lew ,reeks, tr. wit : All tutu h.q../ ill 1;1. ; Britiklorlarop I ,tirr3 1d; 131111., & 'vt !Abell) , tiowto•ltir ; (Jr.'.'. mobil!; el'.. ro ; I M , .triolis.) too ; 1....... r . end .0,,n ; mare, Are. &lot% i• ; Mtaietii6.l.lll2 ; town ; Mwerionnor au.d Itoonalloon'o. tan n A , 114.41 (i 101.• 1:1181z . d 2 4 1.. re, ; lore. 'I 1• it uo. M.l, Credl•t . ,i Moue. I mill, )14/0 nil. All of our work is warranted to i rlrner. (Limb. HI i• Itiglter.t prier paid r Wool. IS.. r..xp l issse or bobble will trimtr d fir girtittirettrirtrfneriosit i t i..l l .irrera. CS% its to a cull, nud bat ....r ur rk. C. W. 1101:1?NtA N. FrItEN. DAVI!) WAIHIEN. April 23. 1852-- 11'. THE STAR AM) IiANIII.I. Is published every friday Evening, in eadisle sired, Iwo doorsfrom'' he Diamond. ty D. A. & C. H. HUE II I. E R T v. ii, If I. If paid in advance or within thr year f 2 per annum—if slot paid within the cos r 2 tali. No 'paper dimensitinued until al nriestorser are told— except at the optima oldie lal tor. Single copies •61 cents. A failure to ..... ity a diseutatinuanc will he regarded as a slew enaggement. .dderrimmrar , s not exceeding a square inserted t tee timer rot 10--ively tultsequitirt tb ser ij o m 6 emits. ',entire ones in the same proportitm.... %II advertisements not specially oidered bur 4 . /Well time will he rontiotied until forbid AN. i ral reduction will be made to those who adverting 1 by the year Job Printing of all kinds ex eruirenestly and . prornptly.aliti on reesonsbleArtnas. • Muir and 6nmmontritiAlilo Mr v.diror. (ci. yeptinsi such ne• 4 Idoury• Of 40 hinit ► of . i pa* gubeeribem must Ye :moss rum is ,orii•i iii' wMiiitAii. ==r.==2 LEAVVER. rrits, di Merdry. Shore Nn. 20. N. 3r,1 stakTo,i , Philitelelphin dO, ccv AlAsvpliertaxim. CfUE jLILIIi.. AND 'tilt 0 1111• Ell S ..:41'airdaiiiiii‘n and General . I.X".VeIIER• BUSINESS. 1 11801§111141.4111 451 *IITAZZ. Maii)./iielnry 15 Niter arena street, Philadelphia. Italy Q. 11352-Iy. Egrt anti anniutl, Fourth awl airch airee't. A RE hasty r.priving. lor Spri n g atul Culured Silk 4. 111,. IV,•w I) •Nimoutul I)reqs t, wl I tuna Guothi4 full Rim.k hli A mertrau Cumin ntnl nousliru (;,.• Luria Damo.ks Muni«lim i t (1"0110, M"7 IPludr•sale Imyers lupphrd with PPArPe and de:irublu Goods ut low prices for 1.11 rfo.ll Full. IS. 1853.-3 in 390 AO.N is II AN'ILI) *lOOO A TILAR. W ANTED. in every nitinly 'the Slate.. :1.11%e• null v111 , 1111'1,1111! !Hell, 11. rule Igr ille sale 4.1 Ftlllie Ilf 11. e hest 11... k. lit ilie 4•1 1111111 - y. T 4. 1111.11 of elowit ...Wrest , . lel VSKlita :I Mihail ~ 1 Irmo 125 1n $ 1, •ooi 111 , 111 ,. - 411•11 IS 6 l . ..firruil a citable them la 113 1., $lO a ay. The 11.... ks pu6llMl 1 hy as are all ellarturter...x.remely ull! large sales .% lieu - vier 1111. y In, ollvreil. For further partiettlare ad dress (ImM:we 'Ilia!) 1)A NI ELS & GETZ. Succtlotors to W. A. 1..4•) & 1'... f 138 N. • ~,, I street. Philutlelpl,l2. Sept. 10. 1.852 —Out BOOK&_PAPERS, ri • 11E Pliburribi•rp.l.lTer to re•lintr ,hams. Tearhers awl Seim"' I 'mit unit tee5...1 1 .. u(thr 11( . 1.1 110•1111.. l r•ltto•kß or S( litlol. BOOKS & 'HON EllY to lie foitutil ht il.e City, w h ie h t h e y aru able it. fir nt fir-i rives. c()UNTItY NII:ItuIIANTS will find nll the Sllllltll 111111 %A' g (.7oirtnin p„, 101 Prbe, luL. &e.. lin the mi.l , •r3hl.• T I 1(101. CO \I M ITTE ES. Tearhers puir..1.14,611 ill 1,.1* wett..ll by eal I hull 1•:c ,seitt our r.frek. Vu• 11,1 t.Niourivilo . t. lu .eribk lull Seim"' I)l,tri.•l-. ;,11.1 M , .1.11.1/ iti,lilloolorrpt of to toittoolicr t frx it•otoollelv olsoll S. 'wool litortkot, "fir lari:u. fur puteli el.•lo sere itoto , toriuts• 00 0 001. A,11• , 111114 uur lotolt.lvallotots tvtli be fout:11 the I;.ll. , witte : . 0 1111% `pr ll iuy • Ury erd 1 . 81111.111 ; ; Ymmp Urau•r ; Gummrre ' v Stir , ey mg, it. stout ru Trea• rt•r on this Sviruce ; Ilnun)rntth• • e ; And.•p.n . ,. I) ‘inipnrt'. ihr U. St In.(1 in Opp tirinnas 1/1 York and ; Gitionwr.••••• ro.gressive SITMelt 1114,k ; (•.,1111‘'s (4.l.lrita: ; Dieltl4.fir) ; The 1.1„„k la . ...ettio.r..e URIA II lIUNT k SON, 44 N. Florfis 11. I'6ilad. rtl,. 25. 1553-30 u 11M111111 , SHADE D ISPOT AND NIANCITACTORT cf L. Iftiler & Ce., clorsirr of .Irrh and &rand ,ts., I'IIII,AIIEIII9IIA FIN' Elf v Itel>lll. RIU•)1 MM 8 , r.,11„ I1uw• rq (;,1111w. Viglwiw A/11 and Dry Liti(l. ttrt• to lw :it the low, 10 for quAlily of tv..r♦;. Orden. for I'l,lll Siori.. 10-tirreil and oilier Shades rrulvd :it -11..111101We. \len•la.uth and other. :Ire invited tit girt 115 .1 II pd. We %Oil try to piram.,, itr:thsett, Tr.inistirgo..dari.z niwiya on 10.1011. IZ..inember S. W. rormbr SECOND anti A 111 'II Sireei.. Pittlx.6ll) Fel , . I I, I 853 —Om \ WM. DAILY k BON. 11 woe Ma,* .4 1,.111•114. re., II A 1,111. i A . ve tee, n.. 'RS,. 1,,,,,V111 tIM Int.. ieklem eh. me..n. twbois. WIOCIA tokrel imetrook 04 Irta3l. Kr ltlel Ilm.neve &w 4. ikon kith. Dor.. blevele.. IloeWeeeget.e. • sem 0 " Id rho elm ex,* Philailelnliin. April 23. 1t152,—1y BOK AGENTS - WANTED In every county in the U. Slates, 0 Inr lolltin irg Wnrks, - 111 - in whom dm largest entinnissitnis; n ill IN. 11:11.1 PICTORIAL lIISTORY OF' TOE 0111.11,from the rarliral ages Iv the prelrni limr.—Threr t.iluisse• ill rinttprisibit Psrt I. Ain lent itonry.— P.tri Iti.u , ry of dirt tllititlle Ages. Ps.. 3. 51...1t.rn 1.. 1.. O. Author ) irttnntl Ills tinv I Ow United $1.1... Lire lit Wutbinginit, NYW 11 u., 1111111illilili and rurrrr , irun he ibs An• Otor. Illtipirstinl with nrer fire !minimal ritgrsvings, twirl drawings by (Itnottn.. Of it DI to It Ortill'lr 116.1111111 p 111110.. ibis a • , 1k iiver 111111 Sh irr 116 ortims ',l l lus. and or. r 511(1 liner till 1113111 lisle es rr 'writ ritgrist cut . sity Ontnry in this rummy ; it is 511111 ptibetsitibilly laininl in stiorort n, gilt hark. Prim. 75. GREAT EVENTS IN MODERN ORY.— Ily Jukti Frot,t. Comprts. bog the ittest tegosirliable Disetiverien. Cssequerits. Revisintions. Urea! Bottler. and udirr "l'lsrilling Ineit rktotly. i n Enter end Antetien. ft the COMlllellee. went of the Isiguterinit Century w Ilse sre'ent nine. Engin.llitlital with neer enprmegettns by W. Croome owl oilier loin. sit artipto: It twinning fiver 800 11 , 1•1 iwinvieimerP. mid nip., it Into, col. 141.41..11V11 111 Hitt Wsitlll 20126 with side was , " llt Culifisruik. °prism, II (allay. A liPifine Dowsnints", dt.r. Rnund in rm. 1" 171 1 1111471/I gil A t O 'V b ark:EN MONO , THE, IN I/ John Proof Paint, •111.),u6111:0A0:1,Blake's Patent Fire and Water 1 .,„„,,1,. 1,, D. , cgrieing :' the 'nowt A su. rum'? .AWIT; LE. for . 808 minigokuble Person* 'gullet sor et ems- , • Fulfilv elurk.° ' 6i " " r the RED FRONT. in the rugly. ten es " 1 1 rl to in Aft retei l de 11 11 Witt T I fit tbßiloaird f kinds tiaelico end '011:1440:W141 i k . 'Amor $OO Engraikpoif 'lO/ ; - - - t. moire. And tither 111Plitignisket1 tat', ts. It 4111,8114ns over page 0114111, billinj iii ',swore°, gib hark. Pi ire, $1.75. A'keichea of 14e and Charader.—By T. s Arthur. Ail news° volunte . of over 400 pilaus beautifully illustrated, and hound in ilia hest English muslin, gilt haek. Pike. 2,00. Lights (Ind Marlowe of Beni life.— By 'l'. S. Arthur. Will, tin autobiogra phy portrait of tl.e author. Over GOO pages With fine tinted en gravings. the hest English muslin, gilt limt. Nice, 12.09, • Golden Grains frnii - Life.v Harvest 9v T. S. A stints. 12 11111. of 240 paw's. Bound in muslin, with n titul mezzotint engraling. 'Price, 75 The Won to Proeper, and other Toles. —By T. S. Anhui. 12 mo. over 200 pageg. willu a oo•zzutini Priv° 00 (7rivi.. The Horne Illisminn.—By T. S. Ar thor. 12 .of over •200 pages, with an eograriog. Price: 50 tents. T 1 If l?iches, nr II eallh scilhota —By. M Arthur. Over 200 pages 12 um. vb lib a line ine2zutini engraving.-- Pri..e. 50 Cetrlo. The iireAide --fly. 1% S. Ar- Omr. 64 iagt p, 32 Ill". With 7111 VW' 1)..11110 ut niushn , gist edges.- 25 cos. ('otry , f.q.r of //it /li//r.—By Vincent %V. 11,1111. r. Iln• 111.1" r) "1 Chrisilantly, Iron' We Mott. I 1 . 11111 S.l Vlllllr Iu Ilrr pretkrili day, 336 p..gcs. 12 nu". Illmornied n•uh 'limier. 1111. eilltravttig.. l`rici.. *l.OO. All the abnye 11.atIss are herrn/VW% ami sidalmilitilly I ound. printed n it ti n e white paper, awl the Pitt wntilll CP 1111'1/111y rill ;MI.IIIIIIII to t h e 1411 . i ill:11 they are sold est•lnsively by Agents. thus givlng them tat IttlYantage whitth P:IIIIIIn he had on -t tionkft, ax each Agent has the POlO 111111 es thisive eantrtil of the sale in nay feetititt of country lie may agree to can. Vl5BB. For particular!, arldrer•, peel paid. J. W. BRADLEY No. 48 North Fourth strett, Philadelphia. Mardi. 4. 1853—50 PAPER HANGINGS, lIE itinkrsizote.l have pi,,t iperell 1r.—.11 .11 W AU. 1).% (;()LI) VELVET. FI N E N. and Ow I,OW. Es piticEo %ZED PAPEIIS: A DECOR VII/NS. BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS. CURTAINS. Ale the•y 1111 , hilt The %vot r.l to liatig riper riliii•r 1.. the ri.r Blank Books, Stationery, &c ‘Ve• I :frt. r 11811:11 ~r I N i' APE Wlt N(; PAVERS. alai Sr 11,.01 Sta n 44444 &V. I'AMilsll k 110CGII. N. 4 North Fit' ill t4t.. ‘1 gket, ;DI 1.1 . 111.% CAS!! paid for rages. M troll 11, 1851 —3,11. WIRING 11111,1.11L0W GOODS. JOHN- S'IONE & Ns, I \ll . (ilt I :us AINI) DE ‘1,1.:1t- IN Dlll.l.llElltV GOODS. N. 43 Sill. I'll sEI`ONI) ,rltElEr. 111 A VING recetvcd by late arrival., a AR". and .% rim ill of 111,1.1NEItY GooDs rrr prrpArv.l t , . off or Moir customers, lowest 'woke' 11111 . 4 . ,...... lor B 1' unrc llonoo C.,1) Fret.- Intl American Artificial Flow- r:1111.9 . . eolr•. raues . Ne:x and fore.", . trellier with every spperia ining I. the Millmerr !rude. rill ;, I 853 --21 n. Bat'Unsure Adverlitionients. Ir. ITe t GOLD JIND SILVER !PARE L. 11. MILLER & 117tolesole u lrli and Jayelry house. N IS ilt. 4t . S. 11. Corner of Citatlem wirret., 1 volt FE It of Englooll and Fmk. A Watullus and tools ol every oleserip tion, W urh C.uooe M 314111111,11 e• ttirer , 4 ..1 Ftito (;tthl e oxll Ole :mention of Solothurn and Western dealers on %Vaulter , . Jewelry niut Silver, to our very extensive stork. WllOlllll them h 1 nu Prlielt! n 1 our hike Khali we el how unc uststoloolinoent to surpass us. eith er in (phonily, (lushly or low rives. We are the only %V holes:Ile Donee in this branch of trade in Baltimore, a nd sh a ll urno every lair means lor undue., Southern and Western °tenth:this to open net-omits %%jib us. Our terms shall Ire as liberal loud aertommodatiolti 1111 ran possibly be found 111 Ihe United Status. IVe will take great plenotire in Phowing our good!. In S.,wheca and Weotent lIIYr. Ileiller they ovett areottutte with os of not 1.. 11. anI.I.ER & CO.. Imptn 1,•ra.1 .V ulclii4, Bah F. 1.. 4. 1353.-1 y PcAult Sr' ilrotbtra. m.thurm., uKi, ANL, 1111 . 01 ell OF Paper liatiginp, No. 207 nightmare at reel.llimore, INVI E 11 rein , II ill their ift ry cletratit itrorielt.l4l of Paper fine gold and frivol 414.1.0r1i0na, floe FI 4144.11, in Wails nail rich eiders. with ue iuuuenru ei.sertmeitt miltoury. satin and 1 . 1 , 111111/111 papera. 1444 Certain Pap.- rs, 'birders. titre Prints, Tester and Goitre pieties. Ace. 11. an I IL were a warded at the late fair of the Maryland Institute, a Gold) Mkost. for the sope.l44rity of their Paper Illsegings. Felt. 4. 1858.-3 en • . , w• lAi .110 e ." , • • ':.. 4 0! • , •.4.1 r'k ^ •