, ~ ',, ~ LIST OF LETT7gts, APsaniirting is Me Peg Qfike tee Gettysburg, January Isi. 18A3. *new 'Allitabirth i Keit Ple JolloPh BP* John liaillitian Jacob i Bendtr - John •• ilerr Mrs. S. " Beetrher John --- , !.Hunan Daniel M. Drawer H. Al. 2 !Little David lineMstmon Jesse :I,ittle S. Cower Eli ,iti tiler Jacob - Crisawell Samuel !McClure Miss M. Dail* j. - 0.9 !hiller Franklin Devine 'Llerstard . t Ale hesson James the ttrolreitherine iMarks Charlotte Epley' Geo. A. 2 !Moore John Boirenrode Miss M. J. !McGrew Mrs. Jane Fine' O. 9 !Noel blowy Filler Magdalene !Plank Jacob H. Fettifierhaef Jacob ;Pitzer John 13. Frirdt Philip !Hal Jacob th.beig,s,ilain ',lath Mi."! Sarah Gobtreht A bdiel i llteok 111• n linty Griat Hiram • ;Initial) SHichnrds . Gallagher Samuel „Sourbeer Dirrdel Hall William ;Sanderson !sane 9 Henget' Mrs. Harriet Schellins john Hartman John Slieskly Catharine livOer Magdalena Smith Susanna , " Heiman Jacob Scott Ifni. Juliana' HAwit Jacob • Wireinan William H. Ilugertnan Genre,' Vt'intrtide William Humphrey %lies E. 21Young.,Siteuel P. I Hoots Heinrich • 'Young Alias Mary ' . ____ ~• • A. I). HU Efil.Bll, P. A / ToB.E. SPRSNGS (Kr Femora calling for letters in arse above i Air, 7,7 - v” ,- r A`jyrei -, , ITILS Lint will please say they are advertised. i L ' - ` 441 • 41 - 41 "." 1 A 11411 ‘.. A • _Jed. its, 10353. - .. ) fErlillS soliord is I , ,,tited in a pleasant ' • SIXTIETH VOLUSIE. 1 -....` bi min! healthy situation, joining the York Sillphur Sprigs, in Ada tits Couto e, "tom- 'Eh, rritirktitt .11Lopository dt Whig ' . sYleania, and is ea r• of iit'el'Sil In Ilarris. I li I ' - P P"" dED AT cmailsaßBllllB ° , Pa . ijurg. Gellyshnfa, Carlisle, ant :, ItiliMe. i THEL Pnutkiin •Repoeitory Vat WhIK enters by daily stages passing between those phi.; ita atrium* Year, enjoying a degree of i i.ii drosperity in all Its deprornenteunekampled in .. • . , ! The course of hist/neon.' emu prises al. • Its Isriner history. Its rirealation newer was so hole, its adstrtisine‘and Oblate miser so earn I the brunettes tif a liberal I. tig I n.it r.ilucation. 'sive ; and ire rapidly ineresaind list of reeder, (10g 1/ler with ALitheilliffit . :ll , tiirlit's,Draw.! affintleittri•lart edarentee' that 'the vitriol's iin• l ing, and :he French and l;eritian leeeini. .7 movemaintiintrOduceil by the present Pmprietnr 1 1 , e , hare ~ 6 100.we1l appreciated, nod will be amply ' r. • • I Diktat; the spason of !lowers. frequent rewarded, liras intetherio plibliC. Tin; RIPPCIfitOry 30141 Whig kof the larger? 1 I.:""rui‘na will be , ma de 111 I.l , ilVrt and , j , .. elate of Miners' containing thirty-tyro lone col i Pl . c . """ s P et "mel's "'r t h e lierbarnun• , amils,-iiid is pi ' laisii On nutty pen • type an,' I thus it,ruting 31 healthy exercise with a most i the halt quality et parer. It. advetrisenseitts i interesting and tisetill surds. I • ft" sot mown/tally In the smallest type. let that } • The summer session will commence flu empla ro om is left for a , quantity and variety of ! / p it 0 W.. . drat eei•ond :I,i 1, ' ki.oi,,:i' „) in the , read* ,meltsr rarely offered to the patrons of '.. - •. '' - 1 littli month. (Nlay,) and that !or the winter Ei z ...7. ~ p z .-,-, Country journals. U U 6 A The orrangernenti for conducting the ,liff.rent . 11 t the first tee"" tar 1 " t he e l" e " 111 1 departments 'Kilns Repository and Whir are Ht I mouth. (November.) and each continues 1 g - k FF ICE. w the most complete character. Tne.P.Mtmail loci ,22 weeks, • some*, Editorial thmartments are: under On, fin- ! • TER2IY..S. 'L." in the N mediateatmervieroo of the Proprietor; and the ' F or . Fuitim l , H unr. b nc. &e.. trrEt per , 1 - re "...`1"-;'r!'• I;,. • Lucid's* Literary Denertitnente are in the charge el g ise q t ,‘„,„ w h ose „ putty co „ sper i ence bio „, I session, payable unit halt in ad ea Ilee. itlld . ' nirdercii.these comparatively Raw features in 1 the remainder at the end of the term. Couritt i y piepew:e t onne.soseresting and useful to ! Extra-elturgessre made for Drawing and the lenine) reinter. A smelt portion of the paper ! the hingiciges. The use of reading hooka will be devoted asonibly to Medical - Nfileeliont% ! without charge; and other boo" and '''' as prapaned from our medical exeharraes by ons! of our leittlive Physiriens. Particular unet tton !"","," r Y at I I "' " 131 Pl ices. will hi pant to : the ii.t Eri „ of the ph i h u t e i r hi iii, t !Saab pupil mink furnish her own watitt. &hillier& .4 tbianiharsburs Illarktirs, winchratin anti !owls. and hare each artiele iil wilt be given weekly her clothing marked with her entire The first number of Ilia Nit.. Volume, which i name, will - be niiiridam .Tituryalay, 3:11, if., 1851 null ! t0n9 11 4 - I.l,tttAtitgly sreurste likerie-tate i •Noe.'Tlesiiel"Wehater,:with a biugraphicsrsketcii I ainirbithfaikenesneorwerteit with his life; and i iturittethe'year'ee wiii publish pirtraits of Pre l It i'FFIIEN CF.:S. . aiderstoFilletore,. fli,n, Rufus chuste i H un , s i s, , Dr. J. Gibbons. b e terprise. I.sileeirer Co. Pa. Plertfteek,H u n i, w,,, if te,,,liiiLli,i. R. C Win ; WIII. tiltnattl, Mausn,rou,4ll. t til.sn, County, 1.. ilai Nk _ . 4....... r ii, e ,,,,, and Gut_ H unt. ati n , i Daniel Cob... near iluc , ..l , iwn,Coo.h. C , , eA., WhitA-riette'efpitpt to th 4 * , v.v., best aryl, on i flel.ert C. !•terret, near Uartode. Ciiirib. o .. wood; Hrortraphisal, sketches will also appear . Alathias Boner, `iiireins'!•'" , ' tt•i " " " with each pertratt. . • . - I loin. litosc. Cleaitie;d, 11,a-id, '. , - While k wiliest,. be the aim of the Proprietor ll'. E. Cluiton.o, Phit'wfo!Ph! , `• ef 4144,I4p 0i t' uty A ti d , whi iit to render i t ii ~,i, i Di. J Crain. liar...atom o, CuttiLerisud CO., P•. coati'ridlor to eierY chits of limiters, he Mill en- iA•J• Ka °ln. '" ne“ ' .. '' • • dei t tik to _ ip e o vo i ~l o: ) , „,,, 1 'Liu , ii dh . pi ,„ : •11. Slirlily. .atifv:ll.l3lS3oll,l3. '. ."' habfielitilirliii" 'lts columns will nut tkifivt h. ,is furs lilac!, hurt, :40.t.i.d. .. " " ted:fielaty eventide! ewe attnt with Political nist• I ' I " h " tv°e ` l ''' .6 "3216 ' n "" . " ter %ilia thivi is little or no interest Nit oti ile.'--------- "---------‘=--='----'="=--------.--- atit.4 o etTfitit - ishert tbenreasion demands it. it w.P.I 1 U"tliltll°Te '4.4ilve4r(i'''"eil'lS* . be aseadad to•emyournal • in a zealous support of 1 the Prisetpi.a: 0.. 1.1.......,...s .1..... C.....«..1:4.a..... ...' the Whig,p a rty, ~. AdVinigertiiiti.-Tbe circulation of the Repo sitory iisoll'his Is 2,200. and it is certainly the nery• osit adrihnierny medium in this section of the State. ..'.' . " TERNS. One copy, if poitt-whine three months. $1 75 " within the year, y tto • ape 'paid aro don Ike year 2 25 Eve -5 neweniteeribers, s o 0 Tea " • 5 `. Wit , eieeinbe,ate ordered, the money meet toes. eishifaCeOettpiitty the order. Letters most he eettioutekitoeliseid, to Dee. 20, ALAM. K. McCLURE, Chartibertburg, Pa N1C+22031) IN THE MATTER F the , Petition of JOHN ECIINNRODN. O tbr a eecree• lor the specifie perform ance of 'contract, entered into by Hymn. Eramtsaorm, late of Tyrone Township. de emed, fortisJo to him of certain Real Es tate.... • At en Drphans' Court. held at Gettya burg.in and for the County of Adams, on the 22d day of November, 1852, the Wt. duvr. end_ other heirs, up peering and consenting to a decree_ A Rule was Granted, nn the remitting heirs, In *rimer cause why the prayer of petitioner should not he grant, ed and deuree made accordingly —return able ou the 1714 day o/ January, D.. /852....n0t1ce of amid Rule is hereby given Alary. Aim Kendall and Anna Catharine Stutpauu, heirs resoline out of the county. By the Court. EDEN NORRIS, Clerk. December 24.-3 t I i 500 AGENth VNILD. , eiliton SC Vrotbtr 0.000 AL I'lleat. , FASHIONABLE BARBERS AND HAIR litV ANTED, in every (Aunty of The; iitisEits, C. Slain, nclive node ntelf Prisi"g ' if 'AN at all titneti lie found prepared to v teen, to engage in the sale of stone of the " 1 -• attend to the calls of the people, at ! best Books. puhlished in the country. •T„ the T e .„, ii h.. i n the Diamond. adjoining men of good address, posseathug a Oman i the County 111611141 g. From Long eXito• CACTION VS. LAMM capital of truliti 8 . 25 to tiioa. s uc h tot/ two- riet t ee they flatter themaelses lhat . they cat, • ..110111$ Wlll be ott•rud as to enable tlieto to ! gut through all the rnhatheations of the --. ! ruake from 53 to gin a day. Tonsorial Department, rThomas 7 Chemical Soap. i ~.. 'ri,,,, n,,,,kt, pithli , dttil by its are all : with t tell au mantic degree of skill, as -"--- ; " eful I " their , r) ,"" acter ',""", b " l Y " 1 ' 61 "; wiil 1.. ;iii with the entire satisfaetion „f , grffiC public are hereby informed that i and commlllth la rdy sa'" ""'""r they ' Ja• the yard of I. Tfloass, in the last ; are "flared. For further particulars ad- a il w ho may submit their chins to the' ' York Republican, is entirely destitute of 'dress (postage paid) keen „rde..l of their razors. They hope, I therefore, that by their attention to bust trails. The undersigned has a full and le- i DANIELS & GETZ. , ness, and a desire to please, they will iner• gal . .patent far the making, vending filld i ettociassurs to W. A. I :s c.:y r & `;';,,y., \ ,,'', 0 1 , 3 1'.• i it as Well as receive,a liberal share ol pub using said Soap within the Counties uf ! Sept. 10 1 , 05 ,.;" al % te " P 1 lie patronage. The sick will be attended Dauphin Franklin. York, Adams, Lan- ; : to at their privatedwellingig caster. int... Cumberland, and Lebanon.; NifiliT.it-C - 1at.17 ! .. . - signed, sealed and delivered by said J. i ' vl• 1, , , c 1) . DRUGS ARD IMELDICIIIIEB, Thomas M die presence of witnesses. i TOLIAI. I -CO, i 4 ^,Atir.F. ..A —NI) i , ,i',‘.. asi. d IF au kinds. iron , the best i 1111Cr'rficaubscribe is prepared to sell i Vid AREHOUSE. : 'I a. "louses in the City, con. and make legal video for family, township. ; i siantly on hand and for sale at ~ • or county Ri g hts. withi n said district. ,'- • HENRY G. CARR. !I[llHg Subscribers respectfully 1 the Dru g and Bookstore of It Country Merehanie that wo w. = S. 11. BUEHLER. tli"Toit Republican copy 3 times awl see d : now bill to this Ohm. ott hand a general .assurtment til l _.....:_r the best ______ , . —..._ I- June 4, 1852 LOOK OUT" . - ; V1EL61301.41 SRARED 74=411.000. I ' Cavendish .54. Lump Ba. LitiTi 6s. Fin* CALL AND SEE. ~,,,, :L _---• ike-., at s h e Manufacturer's lowest prices.) , TH-.11°""r"'" litt'et'Y Oyes Italica to i Also n tine assortment of Foreign Mill Do. i Very large supply of TIN • ii,... f 110 iItAVN prenitised him WOOD l latioti tt Segaso. Homy; ,molcin g Tobacco, ! V. AI; on hand and for on account, that he is in want ail, and that ! Pipes. Pipe Heads. &e., wi unless it is delivered forthwith, with ou t ; sell et the !nicest priers. - titth we will 'sale at Btlehler'aTin and Sheet tposite the and the furth e r sours, the Accounts will he placed 1 S. WWI/WARD _44. (..70.. Iron; ala' hlis , . , hment 10. , in the hands of an officer fur collection. ; 22 North Third .St:, Philatielphitc. Post-oflice, which WI be 801 ,1 sy required. &pt. 3 , : ii ~ -- 1852-3 m. 1 T. WARREN.,--!!!--• !!!----!-- at low prices. TA GEO. E. BUEHLET M ! Doe. V* 142 ATIII3 R. ; _ ____.- ._ _ _ , } ZOOll, 'tuna : ' • w s 7 -- ' NJP.IifEMBER 'IIUAT TO GET i lilts, ithams 14 Itend". I - HEAP Guitars . Viol . its °gig io (i on u l ,„`dk erohieff. `S tore No. 29, Ward street, Ploilidelphib t C. iros. Accordion(' Shi . rts and Shirt ' Collars, Neck and o ' ` " ' • 1 ilr 't,/oi i ?dorm ' RTII I O '1 . 411Avonto. thout344,lll4.4E44lltiailriaLline/40714ii;tt' B ia n i b t l i : I CU' RRIZ II RIS n . II, A 14. 11 .. 4 n b an ip PA G eTr . p a o ier ß a . l lZE R 8 8: Pocket Handkerchief,. Sueptinifers, Wi n . dow Shadow Cloeks and Jewelry ofwvery t:I4Z" fj" a"Ill141 "" 14 " 4 ' 2. ! i .1, A 4 ' 7'llL' t i 811 SI AVE $ 'S. 4n4 e#: ii • SAMSON S. • • i"•immi ',Pal' '" —' 1 W 21 031111.4L23 tk naITA2IO. ------Wt.S ackingleT"--11--.irui."'' ' ,• - SCHICK ' S L fig HA 8, onne o, gat, , , , .. i 340.31anufdaory 15 ilf!reAreita street, K 7 and Dwaso 'rrimusiogs is great "Iris irko itt l iktitt — witii. ii)l. l Pitiladtlphus. , ty, and cheap at '7 144 Ng *As Vottir low 61 i KURTZIi " July 9, 1992--ly. . Oct. 9. LATEST FASHION'S JUST RECEIVED. KEW,,,EMBLISJIMENT. 9111 HE undersigned re. epectfuliyiannounces i to his friends and the pub: lic generally that he has commenced the • Tailoring *nine's (in the room recently occu. pied as a Shoe store by JOHN BARIM, on the, I South-west corner of Baltimore sad Mill i die atreets. Gettysburg. opposite Fahnes. 1 rocks' Store. Hating made Art3110111E4; Ito receive the !LATEST FASEI3O2t '• reenlarly from the elites, and personally superintending all work sent out, tho.e ; who favor.me with their custom may du p•md upon having work dune to their entire antisfaetion. .Country produce will be taken in i exchange for work. 'v I. T. KING Gottymburg, Oat. 15, 1832-6,n. e-,-,-... 21t , E12::ONS emoted to Bounty.. • r; • scl It i ' ..,,,tor', , in•, I th 1•1• e 1,. of Coo- 1 : :,! • 1 • • : it-oi ot iii , . Um o. 1.. d Nr:o.s e:ort i ! . 1 I h. 00.• t; sir o Isoi.Ls pootiiptly and r!,,.•,...0t.., a; 1 III.C“ Al .;, ~nrkea• ,„ - itv_., __ . .t...v,: 0 .,, ::' --. .75. ..../...c1•:..11.r.. 1 , ''''x., ;.,. ...:-. 4 '..!.... •,,,, o.,1.1: 1 ; i.,1,....0t, Hor by letter ' ' . :' , ., , •,, , :1..Y...41 4 0 \ ...;.7.41 - wwki1 i .J . ,.•; 4 1... . otile,..ohForth,r..,i Hs •.t. l• 111 Gen % ~.! Ue. ' :1 , . \ -- 7.A :: ;:.. 1 .1.,,,...., ~,, ( . 1.11.11 4!11 i%l tlll , l. ~!/1/.:i• a . . .01, 1 , .1 . t . beln rS'''''''''''l.--,...".,:''''"i'Z10::?":1,,,, .........- ./CIO'llV 111 ~ 115,1e11, / ..1 1 "''. "" i (''t . ,11 q LEK 2it - Irtfiv lath( way bull it :.• *.i.v/r ..1k,.t0.p4.. nwrill- Li;,t;.1",..,... L to v t. s ;vi lc. go ld i RP :,;,, , t i 3. , . rite lee r10,0,,ed is '41;3 in C..t•1l Cit Me. i: :::: , !•",:i?i:, , , 0 .. .IA I \ 0 \ i i... •i . p'SV:11)11.• 111/0110,e do hoer% ,+( the AV: rrant. Tilt: roiht:erllner W:11 al-. .hurl to e1....ns r _ N _ IL iimlerNrglq'll lAR made Ilrrrmze• (or Pensions for Reroleito.ours or oulici 1 I useuts to run a DAILY LINE id . Fr ; l I.• e s sod iho 1,., .0..0 ,•1 I: hil.. Thi• std. , :did porchaJe 'ol I.at d Warrants tot- ,-, ;!... ~.'...'';, - comionble Coaches. tended to, and the 1•10,....1 ete,ll price (laid , .L.,; . - .--- : ht•ltt ~ , 1 1 mit, t...„ am . Ha.. tor the soine. H. G. .M. ii I' IZ •E A li.' Y. " . I ~ I ever—le:li leg Gray bog in tile initiating May lit —tr. Attorney at law. in time to .•.otilleCl 1% . ' little eat: , for I'l 11., 1 .11. i I: Intlitile hilt-inn- Piii-liut i . VI 1 , /, iri ,CM, i._ v '' el f.. . 4' . c.' i • . . .t.'. . i.. ....; • ....! ti. a, . . .... v. rs a a/4 Ii it , AIM I.lil•rm, tli.ite to is: :.nol reit run_ ...7TT (./. a.V ./... Y .'/ . .1' .1... i ll', file .:lIPt . d.I V :..attir tl art ioal .ortlie 8ah1c,,,,,,te c,,,,,,te ~,,,,,,,, ~ ,,,,L,... ~,, ... , Allift! :111t! I ' lllialiVil )1 l Sal :... L.'••• -• %, Flit:F. in tlie ,rush-west corner of the-?'• ' • ' f . ' __ _ . --- F•ir ceats ai.id at lhiler's II "lel V702:1 , 4U PT- Ars2' 21 1 . . (ieoreo. Ai - Ito:Xs SI.;ro• r';' ,l 1 "r""'''';)" ""; 1.4,.,.... r;or to the srdersigned. in Gel • Wi ;fil4I,S 11, 1 r; Oft' , Ct!Li',:, eupted a, a L.tv: ((fil er. by John M . Coli- : t ,"., Ff. , Jr J. No: 110 P.ratt S't. betar:)en caeap- augh) ' L"4- react ' • steed/. a - 40;2th s ' t , Itaiti•nore. , • .11i Orli( f, ti t)d .iirol irii vir for E would melt.. the Litetwoo 0131er.! l'at , nts and Pensiints, chants aid drooter•. in our even- .IVO:fler... Can locni,ll Yery de,iralde Cap.:lite , . to sire stock of Gmt"es, 'retie, Wines, Li-' , , - • voloivinii , and entirety retic,e them front quors. Spices, (Le., which we are preps 7. R ETTE ES T.--oni p , t;iri,' on the es• the necessit • f . ' • W ‘ o .. Joni ioe . tio .. asnineloti. At . • ~ ~ , I . t' ll to sell on the most favorable serniti.--, D. Mel*. I, prepared to atiei - td tit •41 • I " 1 w ."" ' lit ' iLV. 'L U.. I.lle We pay partieular attention to Consign-. ~ of %lon-, joy ittii at.i.•t, .1 (.uric comity. toe ' rtroi•eentioi, 01 menu. of Country Produce, and make: ' ' . deo...J. ha. oil het,' Er , o t o ot t o the subsert prompt returns. 1 Cla ims lor lionnty Land 1,-, re.1,11/1 4 i f; iii e ~, I , wtislilp, iintlet• 0 . . - ... z Orders fur Groceries punctually at to s ,, ldicis 4.1 ihe %VAT' of Ir'l2 and others I. to re'.., given to suet .tsars indebt e d to tended to. : —the seiee:holi of elieire ht,d, and i0;,.. 0 . 0...,ti0l usime to 'hake irivirent without de- EDNWIND WOLF. ' tiiii.r, their This larnie--proett i on! / - 'atritta I 1•', : , 11-1 Ilio-k!li tvti; f.fatii, are requested Cli Alt I.F.S W. SLAGLE. and setting Soils, is' land, to tin hest :nit LO (,resent the ..imt.. proierly sult.eutica- Balt., Oct. I. 1852-3 in. vitut.tge. Apply to huh pursunioli) fir try : ted, Inc settlement. letter. SA II EEL DuRBoRA w, Ex'r rhiladeiphin AdveriPictitents. Gettysburg, Nov .1, 1850--tl ; Nov. 3. 1832.-6 1. 1 i TO 'IZI:3-7 PUISI.IC. 1 2 . 70`1",7 - 4. t te ! --_`..._ -•..'-'t.:-.N.,!tr,,,0'1%-' ,DOE(. IVIERNIAN LYDIA S. WIEVIAN, 4 11 , WM VA IL Yfi3 OW rul, i• • A 6 , 1.4 I,AA, Aum., a: • 1. • • 11. \ • ti.r s“ vria.s.tt 4r 11,11. /1 No. 1 . 16 I. loon Ss6. thlra, Philadelphia, A prii 23. 1852 41.904 D aamigiaamas) .2681 MAW Tin subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a per manent Daguerreotype Gallery, in the house formerly kept as a 'Temperance house in Chainbershurg street. a few doors olrm the Diamond, where he is prepared, at all times and in all weathers, to lake DwiGUERRE T 111: in best style, 01 all sizes and kinds, and at the lowest rates. If my pictures do nut give satisfaction, there will be no charge. er7.Give me a call. SAMUEL WEAVER. Gettysburg, May 14, '52-Iy. Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, P.ENTiifY, FFICE in I'hnmt•ershurfr street, op polite thu Ludo.' (711111cL. 2 doer east of Nliddlecotrs store where he may be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Den ton. Persons in want of full sets of teeth are respec'fullt invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr. C. N. tbEnt.rcur, I Rec.l•.P.livarTn, D. D •• D. Dom+ r %R. I l'rot. 3 .11:n111, Heal..., I •• H. L. 13 tunntrt. •• D• GILIIKNT. I . • D.A. 1,1ruir,.% ni•no ties lion'T.JouNioti, I •• AL L. STCRVIK. July 7. 1848. confequenee el ill health. 1 have rile -a ved nn beatness awl paper+ in the lintels et W3i. %%leen I rceutiutieinl It) the. emit - Pit:nee of the pu) ~/ I ..._ THE undeisigot.,l holds linneelf inl LETTERS of lihnionnrntion, on the readinesa al all torten to aet ae A VC- I estate ol Enwann 1 liatNEs, lam of TIONEER, for the selling of goods t . all I ilamtlioll towllehip. A"flOtis co, Pu., de• kinds at p u bl ic S a l e , ant i a t an y t i me and ceased, haring been grained to the soltsert- Wave in the county of Adams. her. re•vlotg in said to/osil ip, !mime 14 lie may b e f oam ' at a ft l i mes at tl,e herelv eivm t to Mose int;ohted to said es- Cooleet.miary of G. W. Bleto.iog. neat : Tau'. lo make payment w Ono t de:ay, and to dour ni the Eutr'e Howl, Genysilug. ' those having. chums In Ircrent them Fno- TII EODOR.E ',VEDA DUDE Y. i perly authenticated for iletlietneot. March s.—tf I DEO. HAINES, Adm'r. Dec. 31, 1852-60' - - Y. Diamond l'onsors—.New Firm. 2' k4213211:211101 avz *a I aw j a ' HE Count, Mutual Fire In 311rThiCe Cempany Lt Get tyshurg, is now tit stieves ful operation. and for lowness of rates. er nominal manage. 11 1111 Its a triltrS. atilt sa l iii Insurances, challenges eiiiniiiirtims yitli any oilier similar company. All is opelittiolis are etolittirtett under the pm finial supervision . 111 1""a"" Th., Bunksnl the Ciiitvrty are at all limeu Olicit Co the, tlitHw ilisitrlng in it. As no travelling aftius are emplmce,l, persons desiring to itStare can make ap.; pileatiott to either oldie Managers. front ivlmin all requisite nformattiiii ran be gained. W.7-Tlie Aluingere are : lei,ll %Val. Com! , erlatid—R , bert Mehittly, I'EVENSON. stratun • &J. A. R. STEVENSON Elf iia 7 caizzi. A. IL Evergs.oN, Esq 11,•tit c ,, t tier of lite Cen - L . ►'n FA HNE§TOCK'S. will 110 well to fall and examine to in r tbevelees before ; tirehasing else. Where. as he iv determined to sell cheap. er than bier elrefrpe4l. rvaX_All kind,. of LUMBER and PROJ, DUCE taken in trade fot Furniture. eo of every dezieriptian, mile at the tiborteat notti.e. Haring a neat and snlistentiar Ileums, he will enure}' eortives lo aux' burial erT•tiitti in the ro,ity, without ex• tra eitarge. Gettysburg, Dec. 17, #352.-3011 Era MU IiNGE. Fr. , l,l,llo—.lhd!“s Ileinttlman 11/ml.lllolli W.Alagitsly Vii., () '" , .!—Joi , . L. 1.3' I 1110, e ocob Nli,tl:iljoy Fink. Rvrn - -Dow id C. 8m0u , 21.--17em..:x r.wt.qr,l) A 'Buehler. '‘l'm stev ,,, ..m A B Acts. R Ro,xll. l'hrr zm m. A lox. Cohen, Eden :siurn•, J. H. .....41“.!;y. ‘lerliz. `e;,t. I r. I Ss::—tf. JOHN L. TA I'E Gctfyrlikirg, Oct. 8,16T2.—ii A word to the wit• Ir AMES pin wan •••••• ce,t, heat and eileart • in unvn, il/ K CRT ricr,:is on will tind there t theta in the county. .09 M W 10►0 perch:lBc ri super AL Blue, and F'aney English. and Ainerieat? Freek Coats. These eon all a•e mil; of son ib to your/wives. Remember SON'S One price morq ebt TIRE reqw sled r FA HNESTOCK" Dress Gin, Moue de Lain,, Merinoe moo:vies, Thuhet Cloth Ices, Canton Cloths, Al noel Fancy Dress Silks a sale cheap at the sign oft If die Drts 6,IILKS and Satins, Woes, Alpacas, Call Collars, Gloves, Stockin ! to be bad at gig FA [ME:4II3OK zONS would P ' 7 • reopectitilly ittlonn t e Public that their stock of HAW /111:), .E and MD M,Vir has been greed") , twanged, ant liargaios can be had. Cnl and examine their stock and prices bel a purchasing +else where. Me (I LA IN'S eele iced premium •L'a. TOOTH•PASTE.V : stable HAIR OIL, and FANCY BOA '• , a tresh.sup• ply just opened as. MIDD M0R1.% pt< eibp ibb ban quality...al va' and, for sale in Gen Foundry of T. WARRE The richest and beet assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, EVER! OPENED 'IN GETTYSBURG. ► -A-K E pleasure in calling the attention of their triends and the piddle to their extensive stock of Fashionable Goods for Ontlemen's wear, just received Iron the city, which, for variety of style. beauty and Finish, and superior quality, Mallen ge s conil,ari sun with any other stock in the place. Our assortment of Cloths, Alin and fancy Tweeds and Cas simeres, restings, Satinets, Osercontingn. CAN'T BE BEAT! Give no a call and examine for !,(burseiveo. We hare par. chased our stock carefully and «•tth a de. tore to plea4e the tastes ol all, from the most practical to the 111118 L st NG, in all its hranelies, attended to as heretofore, with the assis tance of good workmen. orD.--TIR, FASHIONS for FALL and WIN TE u have heen rtiecived. Gen) shurg, Dee. 10, 1852. NEW ARRIVAL Or! Atthe Farmers' Cheap Corner. At U R•rz has just returned li-out Lla-• Baltimore mid 1'611;1(611,1mi with a Imp mid desirable lot of Sprig and Sum mer Goods. V e would invite the atten tion of the Lathes to our complete assort.. went of Di ebs S 11,9, !image de 14,111104, very rich sit les. Siik Plain and Figured Alpacas, New Style Mous (IC La 111,-.13, I.twus, Silk Tissue, Illerace plain min figured. Also C: ingliants, Mottling, Calicoes. Checks, Tic k GMAT zz.lo Chubs, Cassiffirre.s, Sommer Cloplls Vez.tings, in great variety. Also. Loci' unl 1,1)11401 Skiff. 111 all prices. A 11,1idsolae assortment of Goods lor boy's wear A very hap! lot of Carpet varying in prices Irmo 12i to $l.OO tivr yard. Unit and look at thew, if you want to buy or not no trouble to show our goods. S 'IV A E Our assortineni iii(44vens ware is admit -ted to be the clieapet.i in tlie ; ae -;ire rerviving n I lige addntun to our (;::t,s ware ol eve, dr,criptium nodirtmi irom the utnnuLu•turers. Groceries! Groceries ! A %,.1 01 I;roceries— ; the hest tip sug.o ;rod levy roltee iti town: ..!su tt , :ts, pepper, keel. elo•ap. %rattled to tor g...1:4 ISuitcr . Lin% Rnes. , Shoultler,, Strip, &e., hit st hich Ihu it!gio.:.‘ price will be .i; i vett to save 1111 , 11e:t K t; heap earner is the place In tln it. Ge:ty , hurg..l.pril 16, 1832—tr 111111111.111 E /l . 'll Subscribers would reqpvellell) atimotitt.e to their 11 , 1. public. they love opene,l N 11 NI)1V ARE :`Cl'llitE iu il,hunure ihe resitlettett of DAVID ' LILL:LER. Gott% slirg, in which they are oiteittitg large :out getiertil assiutineut of 11101 V 11110.%, GROCERiES, CUTLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar it Shoe Findings, Palms, Oils, & Dvesi Has, 11 general, inending every description of articles in the above line of ) business—to! which they invite the attention of Coach-' Illa ken', BlACkffillil ills. Carpenters, makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the!, public generally. Our stte]: having been selected with great care and purelnished for Cash, we quart; atitee,(l'..r the Ready Money,) to dispose' of ;my part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased aoy where. ‘Ve particularly request a call from our! friends, mid earnestly solicit a share of publie favor, as we are dmertrained to ei._! tablish a character for selling Goods at low prices and doing husiness tni fair prin. ciples. is sufficient JOEL 11. D kNNER, D %VW ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 13 to buy tie nr dl ICI/.lu Sloi win Cheap Cor e largesta.ssorl- FYI TEII IS COMING, A N D Jew Arnold is ready for hnn h is Clothing store is, as usual. filled with a large vnnety of ready made clothing of the hest styles and qualities, suitalde fir Wittier wear, such as Dress Coats, 0% er coats, S'aelt (21tats, Pantaloons, Vests, Non. key Jackets, Currying Shirts, (tr.; all of %Odell he will sell cheaper than the same quality can he purchased any where else in the comity ; Also on hand, and for sale, a great variety of Cloths. Cassimerem and Satmetts, of every style and of the best, qualities, from which ..he will have men's and boys' clothing oldl descriptions made by the best of workmen and at the shorn-st [Oct 8 \T E D of Binek. d French, Dress and s are well made, e and judge for ,e is SA M panne tile Bank. U and examine large and beau e‘no.is Ling of ne Bage. Da- notice, Oel. 1, 1852—t( I ()nitrous "'us ! am's, also Black tl Satins, all fur NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! r r imbseriher Las just returned from Philadelphia with a magnificent as sortment of, D FRONT 6,1001f5. rinoee, de 'oes,SH AWLS, . &e., &a., are NEW GOODS, embracing every thing, staple and desira ble, which he is prepared to sell at min imally r3"/ow rates. and respectfully in vites the patronage of old and new custom ers. qcnicvs Nov. 19. 1852 UNDER Sal RTS ,AND DR. A W ERS: WE have nn hand a very excellent as enrtmentof.Wool, Cotton and Kni Undershirts and Drawers. Always re member that SAMSON gets and gives Bargains. , Swiss , and Muslin Edgings A 1V D INpERTIONS,Flouneing, Che. iniseiteaaPrench-Worked and Thread Collate, and Fine Embroidered Linen Cambric Iblidkerehinbycheap FA HNESTOCKII. VOUS 170 on hand 'burg, at ifie 7 & BON-. MORE NEW COOL SMELLY & HOLLEBAUGH 4:4? Ili agi 01 , 14 11.4 V ,"1 L'i :1- 4 :1"...i' 1, , ) ) 4 fj V 4 111 WM, D. MIDDLECOFF MAMA itin &sAtttllßlAlk e PLR I-N pursuance of the Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July, 1842, the follow ing statement is hereby published by the Commissioners of Adams county, which exhibits the amount, description and value of the Real and Personal Property, Trades, Occupations, and Psolessions, made taxable by the several Acts of Assemblythis Coin mou weal of th : Burou6. Cumber! Ind, Germany, Oxford. H um ing ton, I,mlianore. HRmultoitbso, Ltber t‘ , 11.1111 on, Nentill n sit r ihn n, F I Ilk I in, Co now ogo, M )ffiltjoy, Nlountpleavant, Rending, Bero lek, Freedom, Unson, Butler, A ttest—.4. A uOili NBAUCIII, Clerk Dvccmher 2.1. 185•_'.—St BUSH N Ritg,IMAL nEN:r",, A Superior aruele of Nlineral Paint warranted equal to ant• Paint e%er before of to ;lie public lor painting on Wood, Ilrielt. Stone, Iron, Tin, or any stilistative which is exposed to Weather, Water, or the Atmosphere. It is I b rour ugaii'l TOrt, 11 uler. tepid Oil% AND t r N O II.IVGEA!: It mixes readily with and in a beauttiel dark This Paint receive(' the Pre whim at the ..Vell , Fork State l'air, Held nt Albany in 1850, m competition with the Ohio Fire-Prool Paint, and se(- eral other kinds of :Mineral Paint. as being titipertur to anything of the hind now in use. CERTIFICATES We the eittlesettotstl. !Hieing seen antltteed 13 SI Paint, elm .111 V re , et' ee* , ttl it It , the jtlthite se being nit urt int to anv 1;11 1 1 . 07 . :11llit est . , IWiole oared for it It not lillplea4Hisl to line. like i Ohio l'aint mill eh leh1:11 . . , 1,1411.111( I:, 0 , 1.11111 y Si, 1111.11, I.IIL MIX., up svit!t•til 'lke pins Whir tem!. It is s tltt at 6.044:61 te pine of C. 51.111011 1111;1, N be iese Wliene the e,; lon is ;I, Nu 1;d,., ;t s rn , ii twice 411 mur6. uud n • n Nine. 1,1, 4. , •ilier, or \Voter proof P.uid, Nr thud: it cannot Lv stirl•asesit 1 , 1 1111 lhing ill the 11110 1.15 111 use. I, NLIS. , II. illtltCr. .1,1, 7 •011 1 ,14. 4 , E m i .I.al at Plwr i ,g, ,h, J•.h” T0..h...,,, 1;,. 1 Dlf Gae,t•on. do II litoys la. Egg I.IIIICS %/„C, Jo II II , 1 , ..1t1A,1, J T Nlaltraisag, Jo G 11' 5t...!.1.111, I. Josataa, do s f' Doolittle, N I' ‘Vaibur, Joh. A ''en, i; W Dodge, 0. I tarla, D Justin, N Deer, Oneida nopit let. 30th. lASU . „.„ ne Mr Hush w ell. Deal :ie.: e ki-t.J. In the pinta month. some utlii lbs. Sit t vur Minei , th. rinan .: for Hitter tail idler. Itt „0, it In p. 11111111: Cale. Val liallern and 11,1,111 1, h• , u•rs upon trill load. andcan sorely retant, its ,s„ ,4„ „ 1 1 1, e ,ly, ‘ Mend it , cry superior. and cheap Ur- I•,, ; tale of Paint 4'; It 1 . 11E1.1' , . 1. al our anhat. lerel%• 1..111.0 ilelielenl of the iieyrnelniii 'lea ht. It Dear I hasr leo d .or the la Chet , & I tica aver n I°o 0, )"ur , ft f. .e r M torrid Paint. and :hid upiot using it to by it” .4.4; tan I itr, nl.- I I ',referabl e to the Oil Paint. or other kind linty in Situ. 1 1.011 Mtn ft roffillientl It 101 Lru,g sop,_ riot to White Lead for an ) kind of dian p • ; trig. as it appears 'oho iiiiptir,ioua to water, Lind , „ indium:ethic. in color. „ lIOH.\CE .1011N7,0N, e ,1,1. 10 the Slide:et! we at:, iit 114111 use. Panay! for R. 11 re. „,„,,„•„ utr 0: the beet it , , Al ! ,"" V . P er I ' I p n' ...oh Ai 1 „,g '•f BUIlWeli, Dear Sir ' Having ell 0 Caneld. rallie till:111111y of yule Mineral Point in painting rot ,r„, :trick and wooden Inoraeh, the I lied ...aeon. I hare „, „,mer hi, taken extra l oins to try and 10. a In V4111441;s • ofr Intuit} nu 1.1. rlLc art u: rears nl le.n , eir (tan its trial and t'i"iti , d-ti , n't , I "11 I,ll'A, the rase tie 0 silvi•e riot it to he hot li in quality mid eolte, till mn: hits In oLinn v „„ d ':',.k"l,4,""li!UllY with ll.4•lloeit I erstitis Sir cl sate and no s hi p or omit painting, 111,111 K 1141.11. 111” si n 111 find a th a w n. vier been inticoluetal I have 1.00,1 ge^otis 10 Uteri iiviillll. as Sir I.OOW lion, etif.cr• 01 it with water und aloe inn.fit iel.re the salutary effect they have bad upon e finale. cheap pointing. and it exceeds we " any thing 1 ever Trot ) Vo w .. MORE EVIDENCE. ILnnsr 'Flue“ Philadelphia !••rit iiiitav Gazette. - the es !'..lnlay. ram dv new spaper published ill the II Stales. Numerous otherrertifentesi n hands of Agents which wilt he shown to ilei.tors. Th ., e ,,,,,,, 110 t s i c AD t 'S MAN Brill:RS. iriPTltis Paint is fur sale by S. 11. at n, se se %Oa t % Ste 111,ER, Gettysbur lelm g, ed Latvia Alialir int-. to t om rte reran, he confidence and pat- Sole A g eot for Adams County. , I l iiiogr o 1 out traders : nit) ttieleforti ttLen h• Gettysburg. July 11-0 re, material lh.llnnllnrd s I;ei man bitten., at e ;„ be Jtatincriv wulrrstood ILat we err tint 0 1 1 1 1 S r -ikint... of the yoked about fora brief period R a i l then impo. Estate of JOILV NOEL, deceased. I ten ones thee lame one Meu titillty raft 01 bill 01a medicine lung rrlaLGahrd , waver ! o'l'loE is hereby given to the heirs -LI salty priced, nod which has met the heart)'ar. and legal representatives of JOIIN primal of the faculty ' NOEL, late of Alen:lllmi township, Adams I E,Otire upon evidenc e has been receited(like emit".deceased, viz A d a N oe l . li:_i i i l o , it , o n in r, g e futon, lhu Barbara. in termart ied with Abraham and the D ttit i t ,i Noel, (o , lttitte ittterret iii the estate t t a a: ( or o ,' l is ti, t e lia re t g llie4. is mole io it used flit [orac ular Physicians Sit Philadelphia, ill hie hither has been livers:w ooe d t o David than all other nosh otos combined. a tart (lust ra n Noel.) David Noel. (petitioner,) Wiry. in- malty be ectuldisheil. and !idly Not ing that • term:mm(l with Peter Kittle, Elizabeth srif oldie tor , pn t t p i quiet Noel, John Noel, Harriet Noel, Susanna Noel, and Autos Noel, the three last tlPP r i l ' iat n : l ie n:Z . lr toe will cure Liver Complainh whom are still in their minorty, and have and Dvspepsia, no one ern doubt after milig it as d i,„,. 1 ,0, I t acts specifically upon the atortiret fur their Guardian John Walhey, that nod liter; it is preferable to calomel in all bil- OHOUIEST Mon diseases—the err et is immediate. It run be administered to females or infants with safety Will he held oil a certain tract of land, situ- and reliable benefit nt any lime. :RFEITS. ate in the township of Menallen aforesaid, BEWARE OF COUNTF m containing about 98 Acres, adjoining lands Thin edicine has attained that high chaise of George Black, Wm. Watts, and others, ter which is necessary for all medicines toenails In induce counterfeiters to put tooth !Turku* Cr oil which are erected it one-story log Douse, 1 t i„ te , at t i le t i s k of t h e .ll,. as o f t h ose whoatc i n log Barn, with an Orchard, with the op. nocently deceived purtenances—on Friday the 14th day of I . Look well to the marks of the genuine. They have the written sienaluze nt C. Al nacre Januaty next. at JO o'clock, A. M., on Jackson upon the wrapper, and his me Moen said premises, to make partition thereof to hi t t.ie bottle, without which they are spurious. and amongst the heirs and legal represen. For bale wholesale and retail at the tatives of said deceased, if the same will , GtltilAN DIEDICINF. STORE, admit of partition without prejudice to, or No. 120, Arch street one door below Sixth spoiling the. whole thereof; hot if the,same Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers geneisl will not admit of such partition, then to in- Iy through IheentutlrY• quire how many of said heirs it will con- Prices Reduced. To enable all classes ot invalids to enjoy the veniently accommodate,and port and divide dvantaaes of their grealveatorativa powers. the same to and rtiongst as many Of them a F cir site n Groyatiu t o the Drus Store of' as the same will aecommothite ; hilt if the 8. H. BiJEHLEIt. sante will not admit of division at all With. pee. 12, 1851. cow out prejudice to or spoiling the whole there. , of, then to value and appraise the same, whole and undivided—arid that the said Sheriff do make return of his •proesetlings, herein as well as under his own hand end seal as under MB hands and seals of %hi said Inquest to the next Orphans' Court ' , afterAtlte same shall be held. JOHN SCOTT, Shoff. eho - rirs Oman Ginty abuts, t . Dec. 24, 1.112. - C 4 4 : 1 , 1 r. • - V 47. • - n fti 5: ? 2 : 5 : I 'i, 2 ,1, .± i 4Z' j 1? ! _ 0.1 6i,,,, r,' B . 52' ;4 ct s — ;i s g' .l Z . l". i'S I , — . k I . .i 5 : J 2 , ~ 3 ii-.• -e;. g . 2 L , ..i ag t --st • ~•., -, i 13 ; • . - 7 . - r'' Z,.. • • 4:1r— , 1 6- -. ',' ' l. - 0 m;fl: el t ; ; r - .? .S - ; `? 1 8 il . 81 P. _____ 59044__ , 51724 :132 .'3 1300 34185 2850 1800 1 3501 117‘.1 1.1'.:97 1 111071 2440 : 7735 . 65u • ; 1926 09119 32160 2005 600 . 1118751 1 1 1904 i^ '7 908' 5617 4112 6 40' 593 7815; I 90; 1200 14'..114 3871 1 01 21351 1 128151 I . ' 2490 101 , 0; 31077, 3 ' 111 ; S 6 1621 1 250 23.10 18326 27174; 3, 1 36 I 1:1100; 2345 85:,9' la 1 rl! :too' 41301 ; 1270 81811 31275' 21,..1. 0439 I 1022 12 4 5 s s; 14040, 300 i 9095 I 1 1626 49'4;2; 2/ 1 43 , 9 14201 77701 1 3365 , 226851 32•q/31 5833 1048,11 I 96201 314391 130' 5,576; 1087 ; I 5674 s 408' 575,1 11718; 14095' 4001 37501 17 , 1.211 '26451i 1600; 03901 ; 111: 1660 I : 1 4 2 1 0 2 °1 1 17'21 14307; 358441 200, 6700' 1 2293 51631 18565; 61 1 ::5I ' 1 1 30 466:1 8371; 6'.0. 2 15821 ; 930 87401 2851 4 5 1830 40921 50 1 1421 144551 25813 1 5001 7355 ; 1 '2690 I___ • ; S. B . 2 _ , g 5 77: • c r • I r • 19,088 .8 0 905 13943,4 16 469 1 1114112 290102 141395 171' 9 25 10 8510 9 8815 200 68 192,31 13:993 170'3C 1 , 5386 99681 094,1 4272: 15,60. --- - - -- -- - -- I -- ' 3 1 1 1659523002 't '5610 , 10 .5304 2693 2023 t 2 3;4)0 1;410, 730' 39265558 00 JACOB ORIEST, ABRAHAM REEVER, Commissioners JOHN MICKLEY, JR. file., Pu Hues., of Hood to the bead, Avidit of the •14.hiach. Nott.en Ikatt-hurn htneuah.r Flloll, Fol the, s‘etttht 'he ton •.our I.rortntions. Siok'itoz or Flutter og a t the Tot of the Stomach, trot imming or the nod thificolt Flette:log Al the t'llohlue 01 :.utl.o - 11C0 I 'wel !err, ii: IN ITS C01.()1:. Oil or Coolim.iiiot, brown or r l'etrr and dull rail, in :lie Fiend, Deficient, t. l'ory.i,ohin. 'o eai%nc•- VI the Skill and Pain :be •ide. Had.. Delo. Ilinnine in the 11.4 A, Co..t.nr 1 , 11.11 . 11111ie% ill EN Ki Y.ll ekift,.loll 01 ypir CM) 11! • nyi. neer.travws (1.7.1:1W.171'D GI: 1? AI r LI ;". .1;„6:• - • A , Al' I III: I.: : , 11/1,1; 110 0.1 , , t p;i I he., bit:ei, air %tooth the IMPIIIII•h 411)DVD -1.1, sh.o. loi. 0f , .. e ,/••• ;lir 1.11 I' I .lild INAter t or,. ni % , ea;.l I ah .. !..I . tgr -I 14 . 01g.41,.. they :tit , .1 0 YES ! 0 YES H. T. WEBB has removed io•E -411. m • mitaburg, wheie he willtaiendlo the Aumioneering of Public Balm in that place, and who a he may 1 1 : fellenaedvur Hisnto gt retterktk and Adas caoo chirpy will ke, mciderale, and work wull done. Sept. 24; 1622-61 u. LIVER COMPLAINT. ,uNDirE, oysprpsiA, GIRO! 1C OR NEltvol.:s DEBILITY, DISEASES OV 'rm.: KIDNEYS, MEMO rtitiv li orn adisor. drn•d Lnrroi Stomach, foiell .14 ( . ..ii,tlpatho n , thwart' 81.1111tv“ I ,, h.re the b 1.0.1 Pli I ho.f r. rr I;li . aLrnr ti ,, yal.e: to not ex 31,1 -it !;/ CIINN INCEI) I • i 1 e." $2B :10 4 25 2 75 I 25 4 Ov 2 75 5 00 75 1 26 1 60 1 00 119111:MEE11151