i . . . , r • • . . I . .. . 1 .. ~......__ . . , 4 LEGISLATIVE. LIQUOR LAW IN PLORIDA.—Tho" •., ene .nf clettys- LEGISLATIVE. I f - IND 11,1NNER. ~,17,' 'moon tx by . iht.Legisluturo of Merida failed to curet a '.43 which Maine Liquor Law, it has done the next ' alba , f . , al4 l' OS DU ig t., . ~; vi, ,,- -heti i thing-to it. According to a bill just puss ,a 1 ed, all licenses hereafter to retail Npir i t u - . : _ l, ! FrWay. gvailig...liin.. Ql, 185;3. - I' ous liquors are to pay a tax of 8'2.00 ; and , persoint offending are to be - fined $5OO ota - --*-- iln view of the-limited notlee of the meet -, ' greet Im es "^" "H""` me ""`""" hued; i seeng that it wail --4. the ahort.st and utoet i conviction. The tax, it is thought, will -' • -- nn the ringing of! direct tome from Phiitdelphla to Wheeling. It ' no small portion of that trade ' operate to prohibit licenses to a large ex - tent, if not alt oge th er. . ..._ Sri . _ . • . _ : -......... , - UPS AND DOWNS Or MNRCIIANTILD LIM. i SCIEWARD. ( I..rQuou, LA— - • ! .gotten to Pit- (41Palt.—AtiOrtilftroe, 1 illa AN away from the subscriber. on R Wednesday, the 16th inst.. NAPO- i r i p HE Conamiss;- - ---- 11116... A bill has been reported in the Le. I :A- - ~.ences amongst V 4 gentleman of dila a man in that city is going from vowel • THE LENS? FaSini -u-, LEON SOW ERS, an in Appren- I dill- hereby nierbe discussiwof what is termed . the Monroe doctrine in regain] to the ex- gisluture, authorizing the Ponnsylvarda _As Royal, which -iderable to store soliciting alms, who twenty-five -..,, u _R epu blic - States ; —The Pittsburg Post • mentions the facit i - -- - -(11 years ago Was the wading merchant in ' burr gIg,CfERED, : tioe to the Blackarnithing business. Ain filed -- .Railroad company, if they deem it expo- ..et Philippe , is to be that city, and whose name was known to ! —1- ' .-- • persons are hereby warned not to trust, ,•• clusien of allAirther European interfer- diem, to extend their road from any point ts Jerome ; 'the Elysee business men in all the leading 'parte tif, once with the Zaire of the American con- thereof east of thii Susquehanua river to ~ Led by Murat. King of ' the United' States. , bim under penalty of•being prestige ed - 16 - es to the 'silicate of Gettysburg and j bur . .. i ,e the nesidesee of Prince ' __________.—Xi..., tinent, still engages the attention of both th e c i ty o f Philadelphia; and for the per- . its vicinity diet he hie commenced the 'against accort mg to aw. , zw Rm. :be Grand Dateless Ste. J. L. HOLf 0 branches of the National Legislature.— TarLORING: BUSINESS The matter was started in the Senate a few ; company pose of constructing such extension, the is to have apartment, rilliE undersigned esspeetfelly announits said Apprentice on my account, or to I d iat- ; SS, Dec. 17.-3 t weeks ; ago by the introduction of Oen. Case' resolution, re-affirming that doctrine. are empowered to increase their l i capital stock to any amount, not exceedinz that " DIA MON D CUT DIAMOND. the Princess MP. Pawillion de Id- a all its varied brunvlies, in one of the rooms , ill"Conaug•hy's filahlitig,adiot o tog the , — .laLtil - dils7 ellitaaa three _millions (Adel:as, provided,• suede the et' mice to the Sofa; of Temperance Hall. i W,CHICK'S Stock of Witte' Dress TEu leading mien of all parties seem die- - •-A south- Orkraas. ...... i ,. it will atThot gr a t . ! b t lieu the ' , • , portion ofsuchex Lesion, eii and an eirnesi eflert to please, to , Silks and Satins.llembazines. Cashmeres, --... or rapid and a.ley coiuuuhie-ti.m “ - posed to adopt the policy, the difficulty be- ern gentleman was accosted ott the street. Jerome' ; river Susquehanna and the Schuylkill, be!. d receive a liberal share of politic De Lames, De lame. Alpacas, Gitighasue, .... and win. g reit t cities— pi* ci ng this her...-. Per ' ins to determine the full intent and con -1 • in New York one Ili dit reeentl • b . three li.aioi chia nem Balth , - - sequences of a rigid enforceint tit of it by ,; located within five miles of the Philudel- ' t" ) ) Or Goods. eati't be beat !It embraces ...i., appointed Vice Presi- ! the fact that' .- reffiane who asked Pa ng tli , Drecibe tin, • apes :. that scr ti . y G a:t o ri ti e s t l a it e t a el l i l i ...oor ion to bus- \ i • produce taken in exchange for ; Oct. 29. 1852. phia and Colombia railroad. Thu °b i g° 'of ni ' L . t. -_ , .tuna ; and E. B. Buehler mid Keller ; "I•''' 'est Flgleons have iti'srheen re- ' _ " • ~... ___.--- ur Cloverninent The Cuban svinpathi- I ght. "I will tlyou," he said, iu 1 ..... orally. Then Kurtz Secretaries. our ' • ;of this extension is to bring the trade atol l his blandest term lei his b d ' lIENRY CLIPPINGER. ° C a licoes. &e. Give him-a call. I lit " give " their heart y su pp ort ' me "P e. : travel of the West directly to Philadelphia : . . •if Bau '" _.....„ roper-maker, and other Bred- i The object of the •••••is2—ly• . . one of his pockets us to take out his titut _.. „y e , nors, say they cannot live ea air alone— 1 , briefly atrx) , ' ' ' !over one coutinuott, road. -- ---- - - piece, and drawing forth a revolver Mead, T OF C , .uvertake that ; of and wo have tonne to the C , Jlo:lWiull Clikk. ' ' : he presenled the latter, and cooly remark .. site next n ational census. Printers are not an exception '•• ! • •- - --------- _ . .. ; tat, "It is just about to birike three." The _ ._ _ _ • ruffians vaniAnal in an instant. . ' AN" ""seirmal." ny Ilt°tlr AND; TIIE - STU IND lIINNFR TOOL littliltla STATCS.--TiiS area ;4 tho 1 • Amodllitur Illasilrentd .111'esetIng. . more favorably received by thil eitiseneer Cetus ' 1 A • --- 'A large meeting of thF frieudsof a Bail he % t hew the Ple , ert I m ietleti saferPitui l' by VOW BMWS is but one-seventh lees than • 77 -- ;-----,- --,- - --• ----- -- -- ------ v- . ... „.„ , , . .. thevitiaeree of Hanover, thin the' impulse which that of &trope. ineluding the two jai/isms, , aI4TVVSI34,9Ith 11,01ROF convened in the Courthouse ou carries it Westward of the borough limits of the ~ . 0 ..; Weduesday , last, to hear some statements letter place, will nut he spent' unlit it has reached In population, however, is less than ssue•l . , tits goal by a connection with the autmn. and I edinclialh II !Segel. 'Ate pointlation of p r w al t, g v ell ig it , . AID,. QI, 1853 -- ! from Jr. E. Sickles; Elgin in regard to toel tniin ItaillOed on the West dare of the Potomac.' jEampeaverages seventy-one to the square , -. _ ._-_t_,„-_-:„. ~-,-_—'____ working of the Hanover Branch Railroad. i !Camila diet) be an linghnentlink in one of the, MOOS !Philo that of the United Stott•tt is 1 lbaulut. lln vievi of the-lituitcd notice of the meet ' greet lines , whic , h e'l"..,",_th°, West with th '' tea-1 ?I, . ~ ooaru ; seeing tnat tt old oetne shortest and most hist,leettn. Russia has el,:lit tittles its i , 1,05)„Wa teuder our thanks to those .of : lug, it having assembled on the ringing of '. direct route from Philadelphia to Wheeling. It raft h'Eumpenit territory as any other tia• our patrons who called, to see us during' the bell, the large attendance certainly in- will receive, too, no small p ortion of that trade ' tirm. and twenty indiums more of popts• 1 i w hich now ' niotard ies he Cumberland lotion. Her populattou. h„ wer „,. , is but' past week, and left some practical tokens I dicetes a healthy public opinion as to the Volley Rosti g°e Vi:th such pilinpe r c i ty there should thirty to the square mile, while that of of the important fact. that our labors during; importance and necessity of a rua 1 .„ The t be no hesitancy, no holding back on the p a rt ...1 Belgium is '3Bl. Of the Unitoil State..' the pail; few years have been dnly u • • . • organised , • • ppfe. meeting was on motion A. B . . ', the c:Oaeneof Adams county. AI art from she atluuttattvil it will afford as a 3111011413011Ulletle itt the tnost densely peo- f • itte a ' , • tot by them. 1 hero are still, however,' Kurt; Eaq., by calling Mr. Joux PPOUTI , means el rapid and cast' communic-tion with the pled, having 127 inhabitants to the equine , . a . number whom we abould be pleas. to the chair. Leonard' Bricker and Wm. ' gnat eities--placing ; this borough oust, shout 4i mile. Texas , the largest hi area of th e gutty , ' hoe., ado Iron. Baltimore ; anon mg out eat clew slates, has 20,000 square owes more lei , ,ed to hear front shortly. , Bun% be afraid, t S. Hamilton were appointed Vice Presi- i . the fact shot by the connectmn at 11anover. some' rstory than the empire of Feauee. mid friends, of bending us lob much. We need 1 dents ; and E. B. Buehler and Keller ;of the richest limestone in the State, soul ineshaus• nutty twice as much as the United-King-"all y ou . cau rive; us , and that todlu Tiles Kurtz Secretaries. fink. in atoeusst. will lie to ha its oveava• tint s " have not the farmers of Atlanta county a ' thins of Groat Britain end Ireland. The ' - - ' t Tv c-founder l i s er-maker and other trai l - I The object of the meeting having been I der o interest in the construction of this road.- 'stipulation of the Untied States will eta- ! - P . ` P . i • , Th, cost of hatthog 0 barrel of door 15 /111100 Call pass that of i 'say theyeantnit live • . . • ' G reat B r i ta i n w i t hi n li ve ' tors, y st, eau air alone— !briefly stared by D . A. Buehler, Ile. Sick- n „,,, 1,, 1,,,,, th sr , 2 1 ~,,,. H, ii,, c „,t,,„ 1 ,1,,i„d I year.. and probably .overtake that : of and wo have Caine to the e•ruclusion that : ley took the floor and read the annexed ' t 0... I. it ems to canted for d , cent . ; thus praettvall once by the next national COIIOIIIII. priniera are not an exception to the rule. i letter from the l'resident of the lianover ! 1 " "Iing "" the p....tietiof the farmer 15 cents (Or ev , er barre of floor, or 5 tor every bo-livl of ' Virg AT WAS IT OUT WtTH .?-21. pnrty of !road, accompanying it. with arteries of inter- groi n call. s t d eser it ; ..0 thst tie who Seed. too tT The Wa• !Hinton friends had assembled one evening. told; house. ; eating statements:is to the importance efrail- bunch or t o ' ' I •ot•lto•taitt•tht 't-• ,, oli• co'dit 311,1 .. litrierditscoiming the various topics, of the !•• 0-7" The card of the proprietor or ' this : watts to eye _ • , h , 0,,, 11111 e 1,11 italtl Ito diahlehd, to sottotithe r) conflation) t hrough w Ic4 : es 0„, $ i 00 tv ov stock without lss. day, one of them remarked:--" Well.' old and favorite house, nt Harri-barg, will' th e ley istss, an d :Wale Speculatious 118 to the' sly this computation-reit...nay a fair gnu-it' boys. 1 1 suppose you ' ve heard 01 Eitfre !be found in another &Num. It ha 1 • • 9 04, : probable resume that would be derived wiit eprear thin to o citizens ol ,liiii..... coiii.ty , DlUOistatil tuarriage t" Soule of them 'b y roa , ion of- l o cation and clever mans re - • w.ll tie esvi:d elineeny by this road, a sti , i not had hearth of it. and some hatl.,not• "Wells' - - to ' from a road from Gettysburg to Hanover : . s•-.. utast $21, - 100, or Cho inteiest 01'93 '... , ,t. , 00.- - : went, been a favorito with the travelling : I I !,,,, i., the ...tog gag rie. g ht n:Lo.e ; .o .d ~;,,ce the euntimatid the speaks 4; "be is niarried. Hamner, Jan. 17, 1853. ! v 10 W.lll'a 0411' of land is ileoernimud b y i' ITVCI I ' I and I was et the wedding. A right merry ; public ; and more particularly since it pass- JaCllsoS E. FiraLes: glendv yearly, It follows that the -e farms w hi c h fit tins we had of it too, - I assure you ; hut ! od into the hands of Col S.ANUERS, the Dear Mr-I received your note and sin ,it , C o llllllolit . Chia freight sill be enhanced in value there was one thing that surprised nie I present clever told popular _ _,, . OM to wawa the followitni gratifying stateditmt i __;;,,, ; ;;;;;;.; ,., ; ;,,, i - ; , pr iprietor.— , e,* course—On. ainimot ;ot the business which our rued has done since it... 1 . very much, and that was Me manlier m 1 We besp eak fur it the esi ecial atro ' completion: • I i u m a A are that thietitilemem will he receive. which they out the wedding cake • I can't ! t' P , na g ° . it will be o„,o, _ t,,,,,, the ior th, tiro t I 'will, some incredulity ;1111.0 the rom;lit on odter , help thinking eau i t. N ow w h ist 'd o , you •of bur Adkins county friends, inasmuch us I . . It. nor, o. op u Z .a. the road was in . att 17 it.alroa.ll. iii the rotintry' will vu !Ills tleduc• suppose they cut it With 1" "'Pile wed- Col. Sanders huiLt film/ uur i 1 t. I 1 h 1 iii -4.0 - /1 1 1(. a-- ke.....ei.nletr: there urge tor coots:1111.11C! % our Use ' Li o n . ;• I nerd "rdl i V t) ".llY". I'''. I Prr7. ' : :',.- r t lict. :test o,t Li t toe ding ring.' said one. • • No." answered wais ' taket care to make our people •,,,t, tr/111 , p0T:alion of passe,,,:ete or Iteight, yet our re. ~,,'„' "u a ''• VA • ° • % I'.l 111 I.g.l.eliV 111 ill ‘.. C 10/0 41. , 81/et d 50 the fiat speaker, "you must guess again." b„, 11 ts • 1 0, when under hie cite. ; ....lots welt 0 Ark . /VIA 10 I.loy /01 tt.e wit ellsev of t ~,,d 1 , 0 I,e; ",,,'; ; ;,; dead, sy: , , ,i, 1 n ,,,,,„ i i„. "A string,' said one. ••No." ••A suck • v. . works, c and matostaitottc, the road, all incidental ; 1 Ni t,,,,,,1 „. as 1,,,,„„. cull i i „, h m , 4 l,i ;,,, :1;30 at e understood t list a ss,:apatty of gen., expea;:::., to.s. i.et t : t 0. , , , ,t...,,, i 00, Hood., and , three I ~,,, ,„., „„, „„,„,„ a ,,,,, ,;$, ,I au,! I, t 0 , .,. , a„;.. whistled to au edge," suggested a third.— "Nu." • Tkpiece of tits,' ventured the denten" in Has ri.•burg have determined,: 1::,.i.,"i, ~,: :::, 17 . 11' . , b ,k,i,,,, b u t . ' ,, r ; " , ";';':" °I . ' I c ''" / . - I ildb.e lamis :ti the ‘lvittity Bees almost eorres- ' . . 1" " le '' "" '" I tr, , lot lc lily ti • I Worth, thinking he h d it -4-- hit --; ' ' ..NIL." i /01100ditady uuou the adjonrhutont UI the to,rst. skive 11/01/in..l,ed. watiki ju.tilv a do. idettd I - '" " '• • • hlevrtllng the cow at this road. I see no 11/11/101 • •Well. what was ill" e.xclaimed they all .1 ..,' 1 t, t . 0 ,,,1. a ure, . 1 CUU/Mlwrie../ th e 'nee oat o f ~ , . t • •.el Si pet cent. ma the Stock. 'Plus Is to Chu ist to vary my Mr ll ler retinal, exv .L 1 01 to A / 1,1 ;or In, ill une breath. alter guessing every onagi- . of January, lo:i3: `eaureased etas ~,f hoc Rods > , l es, Its It email de U I,s, e. sii-atory Hotel, in the.tuost appru- ii.,,w,,,,. ;'re R. N. c .... ; sh . . ! sable article they Could think of except the us (i)or Earnings. , one imide which o toad make the reset,' tightens, th i ef triluial either p o s s ibly or i, b ,,• veil style, on the sue of the present Vu In- , August, . [617.40 Ic. ens ot volt, ~...! oh eat 31s5.ueu; and w.th -s - tut iot 1 '; i w hen ;t .. +, w i ll' ',14,111.wr, possibly he put through such a rike. ' its:,; i I le, m a L.t, l. iisht..l, 0c,,,,,,, 57; , ,7S ' sisbsoipt.... 0: it',, 0 0 'tither, will be nu d.lliculty ' . 799.75 110 iilliltllg ft/01/1010,64 0)11V:1C/tat 10 utolertske o t, Why,, -" 'said the..quix,••they cut it with a' throw the ether public houses into the • ,N„„,,j,, , 883,61 the route our WI /Us/ 041111. 110 i vast 11l g etseutilidy knife, to be sure." . ohotie. " • , Do.rfolief, 791,83 i limn tli:S. nag° wit Poustcs.—lioraee Greeley pidthaliet a leiter from an - old friend and 3116" /1—" e notice an article astiociste, invoking his aid- in the organi- going the rounds of the papers, to the el . feet that "P. A. 31tAti.tsuctut, A. XL, at xenon ors pew political party, and 3 p reg4 g ,tuagauy i hefolhoriag paragraph present Professor of the tireea' - ' Language inali Liter-aura in Pennsylvania College, friend.. go ahead with pair pot has 1))441 Profes4or et ities'anti new ,partiee ! You have. had is OuttrY4bulg , long rest, and can well Wu/11.w ba Languages in Franklin :dal-shall thr"ulgli the Poo smujug.- -.Hut we "ye ecktego, by the Tru+tee.»...f the Litter two 1- blielt hunt id work, and' have closed up : tutu this is a toistako. With i.most decided beating. Our pre:ntt of , . itiqfination.ht Acriettlture and llor- I'u t.l net W lllOOl prztt e tieolutie for the rear 1853. Can you givo; M.i.rahidl College, the Gorman it...form, ): tte e tty„bittyr sasho the-rhaap and thorough 1 Church WITS - reiftire,l p.. over to t 111.• tlls69"iii" of Rug uumiuw ? HOW much I Trustees of Petin'a College a huh! occr !loom arre would lnu apply at the out -817,000 toerolow a ..Proleit-,n Alp et Au- IMO Whet opitiium have you the Hear c ulu srit : Hntr would Syracuse, or R o .leieut. Languages," to the lacier usti t t ion , t;',,,igruy e tti —the right to COM te the first ineunib- Lillis al - Wein - Chititer t If you have ,/ out veettug in the Lutheran inont',., e r. of 1.447. 11 4 2 4 ( 4,0 1.4 4 4 0 t ihree and • kindred the old 'Laird of Friiiikttut Cottt'gv. Tuat pomp, be glad In bear bruin you roe ib whh.; sod, ,bv.elid.hy we It cunier ant !amount has been paid user, and Prot. 310 the Polities o f t h e future. Fur ti,„ present lenburg has beet, appointed to the new wit hart on fixed pnneiple--'cits Mame j Prefe., , sorship. plc , of cent 4 4 , relllalll3 Sow yciu liked!" I connected with l'enn,yiesuia College. - .--Exattastort To 'Euaore.—A wealthy stoandmat owner of N. York proposes to! rig up, for an European trip, a steamer ' . 7.7,r1Ve annex a record ot' the cases di.. Y 11141 14. now nearly completed. furuisliing i posed of by Cart during the pr.'sent cror I: her in- the richest manner at a cost of $50.- , rti, Jurors Weft: r:sterda y at 000 over ordinary ships of the kind.--- About the Built of May he will take utt tertitrun. board' his , sees and daughters and thrtv or t fifty other guests, and sail for London, Joss Copenhagen, Stookholin. St. Petersburg., : liamievartitletuX, Lisbon, Gibraltar, M-dr- aut. seines, Naples. Malta, and such other ports v!.. 'atiitl 51.1 , •!.. " ybe desirable. staying a short time: ,sigti Ari acii mew, ; V, 1 ! ; ,. ! at °itch port, giving fetes and seeing the t Bret L, r. II oos.rr ••• lons. '4'he expense, rrltt —; . tt_ll,,ll 10 tb..i , t: at more than $200.000. will be borne by for s,Tri Gi woo nit,: !s; , the projector. i 1s Qt A11.11..it 1.• quasi rebellion has. °everted among C .111:13 lIIWC IHI VS I, . the students at Columbia College. South :,r, ti is. . if, !Carolina. Of the 135 students t h ere . 110 ; t,:a 1.;, -have left. because the Trustees refused ~ 1 litst, otiv 11/.• abolish eompulsory attendance at the Coll,- (':ll.)ta t nen It ;,. . mons Hall. For several years past. thry o f ;.cu SdlliartZ. I t.., petitioned for permission' to board where : lop 1 mt,.l r i; •', 41 - {hey ohmic. Their petitions were 1114 r- ?;,oteneet.l )..ors l'aULI114..:111 /71 garded and treated with contempt. Time at, Eastern Peuit-tititirj. then determined to present the oettli"li [Thu dellqll/411. in Ilith•C eta. - . IS a young once more.and if not granted. u. lea" thie luau of ra•Ler prepos.,e,stilg appe railer College the Ist of January. 1853. The t petition of sod the Court iu passittg .scutence addro.,,_ Faculty were in lavor of the dir4etedents. ied to hint stone excellent whim:11101y te i ---------- , marks, in the course of which his Honor, Mr. Joieph Rink, a dealer in toys, No. , Chesnut ,fteet. was! amigo r s aid that this was the first • iiiirdem " d about 4 o'clock last :Wednesday . ea alliCe hip e.eVatiC": the bench, in - aftevituon. in his store. He was stabbed ; which it was mode his duty to b ent e n e o to ha the ^abdomen and head, and died in a', the penitentiary a perten, not addicted to OW minutes alter the comtnisonon of the' : I Iltemperate habits.] deed. , The murderer was fern coining l „ tAiiiinionwealth vs. Isaac :11arks.—.1.s (rum the store, and wog pureuetl, but es caped run 13attery : I latieltllC . l . !: . i:41i . 0 , ri.t.l by smiied tinder cover of the severe snow l'ssu t ,ti ran d Jury and prosecutor, c.li .4 (.ottley eturto which was raging at the tune. , , , . 1 ! . n iere , were hot row persons on the „ rec. ,. oreu to pay the co:As 2. pror.e.eutie,l. ! Mitt but one person saw him With Stiffieitllll 1.N.111. VS. Tobias-Laughing:al.—Assault .th o t ot o tetto to id ent it y hi m , , i and flattery t Ignored 1,3, Gran , . Jury and , ' -- ---- - ------- -- \.. 'pi °scent or, Isaac ,'lark's, ordered to pay I , ' Fliers is an army of at least five buts-; th e e ,,,,t,, 5 , 44d ihttetuakers in Marlboro', .Massachu., i Coto. vs. Frederick Vandorslnot--As- 1 setts. who uninufacture six thousand pairs .t m vault no d Buttery : iguered, and pro:en-1 a. ebildren's shots every working daY!! --- I tor, ..4..brahaus Trestle, to pay costs. Ooe journeyman has worked on the bench{ ~,m n s., Frederick , imitz...... , osault 1 , for thirty yews. without losing a day iii! I - „:. • • -•; - . - ! 1 iored untl tee prosecutor, . toosequetice of siekness. and during "11 r a eb lu ri.,7 Y ' 'l l 1 heill, Orer to pay cst.. OM* has saved ten thousand dollars. tine . 1411 • ' •- •fwei during the last year bug 11 1 1111 l4Cilirtli , eltin. vs. Christian Schifferer.—i'utting 117.00 e pairs of „h ors , A no th er „r th e live timber : ignored, and the prosecutor, Ikons ' doing an istnitense h u5 h,,,,,,, ~,0 , , i Ft eticrii:k Shultz, to pay costa. ' played Ante hundred men hi Mitssatsliu-;,..,, . setts, and one hundred and fifty in their ' 10 t Br, H Ur.l G ! .. , .110 s village in New lisetPshlre• /At" ' 07" The motion for a non trial in the leittheY "lade 2 00 ' 963 pairs of shoes in case of OitisENE (twiorOd loan ,) couviutk , d ' the Siete, and at least as maul , more in ' ' ' at the November term of the murder of N ew it unpvitire. - • - I, lurtuutat.—The New . York National 1 -- ---- -- ---- Nara, was over-ruloti by the Court Ibis •••k, , ! Deiniterat tenterks of the lest number of morn i ng , an d his ii°ll°r, Judge, Fil'her, .-. klarpitee Magazine, t ea t the engraver has - after a feeling , address to the priaouort Pre ,... tefulaelttrid NOUnt sititti. while Slooes is i flounced the usual sentence of death- The IP, Wilt rink 11* to the iareelilvt as eeel . prisoner bore the announcement of his try a win and rail fence l and ill th cat ' . • , ' doom Mita more apparent fortitude than or lite • 4tigore feeding Elijah, the •iikcs . , nave been , . 1 14 41 tin .toprooontod as baktitg uto s n stern migut nave expected . in , replyzo a indina, ll This, the Demowrat thiiiits, is { questionfrOW th 4 Ctiturtant to whither he ,Ouptal in tho uld Dutch painters repreeent. had spy realm to assign why sentence of Litt the centurions witching the sepuleitte 1, death s h eu i t t not to : pronou ncedupon him, p( 44Pitrist ** *rated o - ttli ntuaketo. • ~ . • ' ':-----. ----.3---t---- ihe said be war not guilty of wt.toi, delibe #` L ' 1 itele Ito ? A toes. reme.--k man•-rate murder.. , ‘ Wes tried at Cambridt4day ot two oil so ' --..... • . .0 111 l l il la o l th l 4. l Pak of " P ll / 14 . " Th. theft I p"The people of Kanawha (Va.) Val o : OH . lit wag 'dolmad for the de- ley am diisensiting the propriety of eatab. • tattoo it** att ouch eminent al .pasti" was 1 r a t i , 1. 'f • t topl y betwe en t i* fly • ' rho pbjeetion Wall al., I ' ll O a me o a munets '. 'r ii*ltiktok, b l ip complaint dismissed, . i Charleston and Wheeling, to conueut with ~' • ...'-' 4 .... 4 .----.-- •-- -, ... , ! the ihthintotwand Ohio Railroad. •',. gmmutoot 'a nonny utricor la wowed i • ......r 1 „ slue ,. 04f114:htio he can settle sit hunt1....1 oseaeLA LANte,-..one hundred ~ • I°oll at . o ins it,toolged„ itAiet magi ,1_,..„, o f 1 d • 'l3 b ...gg.gwe Nig• y,, pre i x i ud ; „ n lre ~mama IMMO ab m the out west -0,4 - la *natty at * . lila *ICU pirt of Georgia are advertised int flew iatiora i • mos ' -: Court t➢oluw T tor !t!tt , =MEM I a al. Ell et aro art r.::,),;.!0 ; M.. I rn :.l of w tve. h.. I et ',Nuked the leer eej el 14.1. rr the op. 11-1.1 1.1 of 1 it i.;tio lil ; 111 , 11 . 11,P1.: tnrll.. pt0.,11 uunl..fl tioe tr.l•l , 't .ti' 11;. it v•i:',,,ut 1,:!1,1 , t•(,ti FiIIZNEY F U. 1.. R. Co E. IL iII au abl Hrgunictit in 43.1 deviSiVe efforts to s , •ctiro :Lc(' . I ,, t)tv tL I.:neli:s of if2uces as to t!i. hue isnc.tt,ou, ua others no dolt)! hal, but tirtt na n t 4. ._( ,, (1 , 1:41, 1“"'It"1 a rt , ..,1 —the t I lido er2. A.1a,5 Ulu mount l,rrUS Ft•t•tll-11:L! =MEM j..iu: 't t 81=111 cd. o.,•rit•r,f! IP:: MI i! 3110 P.l`+“ • 1•I 101 ;:cr• P:1 I P I e P.Il In y ~ t v iwn-t;:!1,1 A ! EIEREI MEM 1.. I I1:NI• =MEI IC C i1:1\11 11l I.‘ i , It !I , MOM , I r i i 111•11111111 . ~ a ~~ iv IT to I I Ti..• lio thing to .It. tll4. CHINESE' company of genuine Chinese J uggle rs have lately found their way to this country, aura are performing at wo see, jil,4 With great Stil'el'iS Their feats of leger- ni.tyie, dexterity, k.e., ate repre setited to surpass auy thing I,ltiiat sort we have hitherto hail in this country. W3''Setitor Soule is said to be matu ring his proposition to grant ten millions of dollitrs to GNI. rierec its a private fund to be used its he sees proper, in managing our foreign relations. Both Houses or Congress are Loeofoen, alai. it is notitopro-; hablo they may be willing to give the Pre sident this corruption furo:. 11117'Itcv. Jo N WF:LFIAN haii ac c e pt e d a call from the Ev. Lutheran Church in Eintuitsburg, Frederick county, Md., and has entered upon the disehario of his 'du ties. p -- 7. The snow storm. of last week, ex tended all through Western New York and the New England' States, in many places blocking up the roads, and putting a temporary suspension to ratlrmul travel, At Narrowsburg, N. Y., it was 20 inches deep. Illr"Unele Tom's Cabin is already translated into French, Italian and Spanish, and is advertised in Danish, Swedish, Polish and Prussian. THE WESTMINSTER RAI L ROAD.—Another railroad meeting watt held at Westminster, Md., on the Bth inst.. when the commissioners reported that 1.228 unconditional shares of the stock of the Westminster railroad had been sub acribed, nt 850 per Mare, amounting to 881,800, being 11,800 more thets is requir ed by the charter to form the company by the election of a president and directora.— Another meeting is to be held on the 14th of Februriry„ to organize the company. tern. collector of tho Maryland State Capitol Gazette thus implores .delinquotite to fork over the tin: "Meet,'ith meet nm, I Implore you; Meat me Must. I most odors you,. 'South the. shadow or the bower. Meet mu Mari at any•bour ; /LW we Mem or where you will. • Meet, and-pay 1014 p twits, (I , 47fAt a masked ball held is Paris,' a mong the principle themeless Were ,Uncle Tom. Tepseri Eire, and Cassey s from .J Stowe's noval. - 7 , .: ; I 111•111 ettrA number of citizens of Chester county have offered a reward of $1,900 for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of Joseph C. 31iller, the citizen of Penn sylvania who went to Baltimore after Ra chel Parker, who had been stolen from his house, to effect her release, and was found dead at Stcumer's Run, the morning'after he was seen at the Baltimore depot, on his return home. A Long Dvlnyed Doty l'erformed. On Monday, the lower !louse of (7oil:- gress, passed unaniaomsly a resolution ap. propriating tiny thousand tiollars for the rec;i1)11, in NVaithinghni city, of a Bronze Equestrian Statute of (lettere! GEtnauc. W Ab ti : thus substantially carrying out the resolution of Congress of the year 1753, and in the Bash of a moment, dis charging a bight and solemn duty. wheel, fruit time to time, for hall a century, been [noted in vain. Yesterday Gen. Sitird.os report tell it to the Senate without iiiiirtithiteitt, mitt it was pascal by that body with equal illialittritiv. the residuum' pru%lulwg LI et Clark Mt& shall execute the work. I . IIE RIuI tL Cll.olltElt.-A Western man in New York, writing house ah,ut the St. Nicholas Moe!, thus speakes of the britl.il chamber : I'lie walla of the .bridal chamber' are eutiirly covered with thitttl white r.atih, null I find lougtiage to illitieribe the i airy, 111124 draper), etc.-- . I . llr hid its tle,imiled ax a I:111-V bower—lt 441,tlitk iii the eilitre of the floor, lhool cushion of winte with'. with tairr ,, r4 at iii toot. 6,1 is covered with Ow rielit•-•t Brii-,.ei• I .111.1111441 fwiteria :11.1 of trimmed with I tee, UM} 11144 tir.,loery Is nu,taiiied by a Call4lllV 1.1 1/111'11,11C11 4,141. Tills tooth eati he "yeti lwr Send nn the. happy 1.1.44•1 t... N. 11. I.t.c; -1.% Ct,Tirotil 1,1 (kV ad j , )11(1111.1'111 ..( 1.1 , 1 tv 11l •r 1;. Ole rxit if,t, Il.• i . U'1 IN 1 , r,ic CIA N I 'l, •i .1•N 4..,11 n g,otit:: iill! Drtitids September 14th 1852. To the A,...embiy we will lei you uow no not willlng to stand e,e Q ,- thwg that con sic go and to pill on It hos/ Illir roilliaissioners yori,; got 11 publish ed that every man that fetuses to pay hit niilllary tilled the collector Shall take Lou to the iiri.riou in cork 1... w we are uilhu~ u. Itac the tint d iiture ae+ luny its the viiiistuutiiiii us to it drat is pit tf we earn muster ur not then we, luite ill pay our titt.•.l. And if you timid make this thing like it was for 9hmr years ago We have to. bring our liteliatks to harristoirg we will not stand it as lung as thet-itki is hilt altered. Manchester Township York C ty Paradise Township York COnnly CallaWilgO Tt,Winlnlp Dover Townfilop West Manchener township INCREAhE II? THE ARMY AND NAvir.-4. tle,paielt Friuli Washington states iis view M the situation ol toreign affairs, the mili tary and naval committee of the Senate have under consideration several propos'''. tiona for inereasing the effielency ol the army and navy, and will probably recom mend a thorough hirtitication of the Parities coast, and perhaps report some measurn lor the employ 1111111 of a commercial steam marine, should be vontingencies contem plated by Soule and Marshall's tett millioat propuniiion require it. IMPORTANT TO TRAVKLILERO. - It was decided by one of the (mum at Cincin nati. laat week, that if a passenger in a railroad car purchases a ticket, but acci dently loses it, the company have no rif t la either to make him pay the fans a second time, or turn him out of the cars. provided lie can prove that he actually paid for the most ticket. A TELEGRAPH TO THE PACIFICL-A. memorial was presented to Congress a few days ago, asking for a grant of 1.500.- 000 aeres of land, In. be located along the hue of a telegraph, which t h e metuorallit proposes to build between . St. Louis and Sao Francisco, by the way of Salt Lake. City. 'nil memoralista propose to give to the Government, in return for the grant. the right, forever, to transmit. tree of charge, over the line, all official dispatches and communications, with a prelerruce over all others. THIS CVSAN Exirsorriots.—A. depesta. lion of Cubans, it is ssia, has slatted Washmoon, and urged vary strongly tha: the Government would abandon its at tempts .to purchase Cuba, for the' reason that it will be abortive.and that it thocuurs. gem the ezertions of those_ who really desire to procure olitir indepen• deuce. ' ; • PINTAOIC EINVIIMUIPSI..••4 I is arid that dm' yerently pre. paid postagi envelops bare been rejected by the Derriment, rod Wet tit* o°lllam:tors *to to forMbis bettor *Pm* mini by tire bat 0( 1 rbtuary . ..v 1..n1p.iur.•.. 1 OP , tit I ( lreasce. FgAT OP • GwaY.-Ratonishing Pelts- The Emperor has not forgotten to Par- soon.-The Washington -Republic :states notion out the royal residences amongst his that Captain Robert Perry, a gentleman of family. The Palen' Royal, which be. respectable standing, and of considerable hinged to Louis Phillippe, is to be given means, recently visited with others a band toe:-Kith Jerome ; .the Elysee. Tartulormely of gysies. near Bristol post office, Anne I I inhabited by Mom' King of Naples, be the maiden°. of Prince Murat, his son : they could put them on the trail of the I t r J( without eP Fully-For i i t sumi aisri iian a gee. g l i t r l l ol t c o i iy e i x it,hi l i t e e h e f e ta, i ii.) t ou o oliri a t h ya a ok p ue p n y ga :be Grand Detehess Stephanie , of Hamlett, robbers of a store in the neighborhood.- is in have apartments at the El) see ; and One of the gipsiee, it appears, selected t h e Ni eces/1 Methilde will occupy the Captain Perry as a victim, and told hint p ee d' . de Kansan, in the 'ruileries, for- that if he would grant her a private inter mother. merle the chambers of the Doteliesa of view with him, at his house, she could Orleans. aides this, Prince Napoleon, ' disclose to him a treasure of great value . DR, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF W 11. 0 J aime *• oissi, is to have 3110,000 francs 'on his farm. The interview was granted. CHERRY, FJr Consumption of the Lungs, I,l‘er per efi nunk and the Prince hiathildo ZOO,- when the gipsy told Min she could do Ito- ' Complaints, Coughse.ctu...tiglhd.S.hAs,:plinlizik.a: Bic. 00 000 frames. i thing until lie exhibited to her $l.OOO in : Croup. Whooping , , 'P his celebrated and infallible reined was disrov. There are so many rumors respecting 1 current money. Captain P. 1 "" I ( ""Y ' ered come ten ve I. Mace rio t Y limo . h" due Emperor's matrimonial views, that it *B 3s in the house, but subsequently bor.. by 0 . ow , / /0 :H ." e i i , Vaasa been a l o. rapidly, i e s ur el y eil it solely . &hardly worth while to entire them. The rowed $2OO more. when atiother inter- 'working its Way through the opposition of q uack.. latest is. that the Buichess Stephanie and I view took place, the result of which is 1 a cir, ti i : v l 7,,, c ,l7 nterleiters, until by its true valor and in- Priam Murat are now on a iiii4Aion w i thus detailed by the Republic:- le e r l s e . ' l , ul leuce, l e a y r t it e ; a'itntdinesatKa'll:lZhdellfiotsrel itself n t a he n c i ;:i i :. ]'. Dusseldorf. us solicit for Napoleon 111 that The money was counted, placed in a t rr . o 7 , :ce ui e , : e a n t , l l i :) . f te th ll e is c e , r , i i t oi n n i c ii , l t e t n , I tr i l , i p te n u t e , put . lir. r , t. Ihe hand of the Princess Stephanie Frederica shot bag, enveloped in brown paper, and Wdhelmine Antonieue de Hohenzollern,' again wrapped in comm cloth, and was les:jimmy of thousands who bays been relieved a young laity in tier sixteenth year, mid placed in it trunk, which was lucked, and and cored by this valuable article, will show that 1 : the key ;liken by Perry. It was there to i i t icii, s i t ,,,, i d, i , ::: l l: 7 l;lv/s u l r l e ei n l - hi s i t ee ll . O l t e l . i V iv i : : w o l f .l7 l h l 8 : : I l i: i r ,,,, 1T 0 i e n 1 1 1: i ! nearly related to the Murat family. i remain for 80010 days. In three days the mother, allitti:Mru-ss-eTsi.lehad:aglii,i,eonf r K is t e " ,.. ll , ll :7. gtpsy returned, and she and Perry had au 'w.ila Cherry . / l i, le , :::;: ,, I . 4 1 a d l ti l y ": 1 ": 1 : a lr ; , interview alone. The trunk was opened. and the bundle was found ea,t('Llv as it bad II I agealli, fish ;ill respectable dealers in meil i t ' c l' ine. it) I been placed. He was required then to the' United mates, Canada. and the British Pro.' a.. 0in.,0 Cities and timiortain towns throughout ' plantations. Softie unpleasant rumors are 14.62.11:sta"atheatraii7coullryeanatectrtiwy:itnipillirseir.eieol,;feisihat,lielijoillifssgtot:11:111u:tessidie:I';:1;1:'.u.lbirfiegli fi ty i i i i i i i i i g i l il l: is ha k v n e ee i s h , c i i i r i . f i t r i i i l t er e that her Mean- vin , ce .. s. CAUTION ! 'rbe original and opts B.'nellie '! ' i u mis •rforined over 11. e trunk and title Get. While IAII-1'.%0 :s lt.all.sAl Or WILD CiIERI(VO Belgium by a police ffieer. It is utuler. ao engaged her cloak fell upon the trunk, :..I,it;:i:.,lui:dallthiehyonri.it:firwi:i: t it is s "" her " j eo th it a llo t t i t e V u e b n ui cr i a t b to k b l o ad d y eg h r e a r i : k e n i g i a Ur e g o P il d . but site quickly replaced it on her al I re"ffir7a7i,",elladeada's r. F .n . i r sly en fit y r el'a C r ' s, :e i g t l l . i s a . " ( P i r l ' Cl ' !:, 'l t il .:l7. tiers. The mysterious proceeding being dation. .._ .... . over, Perry Was called to examine the (qua, Bronchitis, Astlona. and Consumption I l i I TIIIIC Esriarre SANTO.-This beautiful trunk, and lotted it ill right; he re-locked its inei l aent Maar., lon say other medicine. 'lower a ppears to be a deacr.ption of Illy, it. and poeketed the key. He w a s now 1 •_e_lwaFy,sitscigoliti,eilluLG,,ll,ll;,T.hl.'scatittiiytt6te.OHr.iiiyurE: BUSH- , i, , v , HF, umiey.iii i , pivasessing a bulb root, long fly:tile:lves, told that Ole work was dime, and that on ..Llt, and by Dru g gists generally. 4 well k now it soda stock front three ill lour feet in length. the moth day she would relent, and if the i with every eiinvent The Espiritu Sumo is oi . ie of those rare money, &c., in the trunk were all right, Anisexcellent ItentetlY• 1 ev e ry o' i flowers that is said to be found only 00 she would be at liberty to point out to him In - Thof our friend.; afilieted with! // 0 /1////010 0 0/ 0 one particular part id the isthmus, II short the exact location of the treasure on his Coughs, tolds, Ate.t,iitv,vistills(fintiilftili)erniiste.lv;fis. .. iiii : l : y. e - x , e : liie c .ll to iNivol: distance from Panama. It requires little tarot. She further told him that if she greatly relieved by Ili -e a rth f o r vegetation, growing among Ili/lip. were detained by sick hess or other cauae, Higbee's excellent Reined y lor Pulitimot. , e of stones. which fibres alone emiered, the lie was to open the trunk himself, and •re Diseases. It can be had t the y a Dian; , _•!....rrisbur ": Jun. 1 bulb he.tig almost entirety e xposed, would tied the necessary lustre; lt buns. Store of S. H. BUEHLER, ill Gettsburg 1.000 B oo k A Tlie plant plisseaaeA little le-atily beyond it eau scarcely be credited that a man at 75 cents a bottle.__ I -._, _. __... _ ._.:___ ___ 'lO :710.1. elt"l'Oltla.', what is contained in the Bower itself, possessing los ordinary senses could have ---- which is of a most elegant and peettitar been led away by the hopes of gain, yet 11.111.1131()RE MAILICET. Ettl: 'POE , ~ formation. The /Mtwara part which is it is true that the trunk was 'sacredly kept - *l.OOO r t i :a n' ' ' l 7 l• T l. H E E . I l k: I : t r .: r7s i e l K er7.71f, 7 1• V e,1 7 ES e T t R i n il: •T urt j . les i smaller than a ililigeilds el, r esetioties ;I Closed for tutu 11111111 day, (a tsattirilay,) and . It r iiT ANTED in e curious shaped vase. 011 upenitig the lid of the gipsy tint not return. 'Prelerring to v States. netivt. to-Jay 13'41 brad id Larval , at Whlrh untidier , Whieli the most perfect and beautoul bic recet , u ocular re,tl iza lion of Ins hopes by • itiou - ,,,,,, ~.,,1.1 ~, ~,,, 1, 00., . ~,I , Is, r . „ 00 t.O enlV.tio In Ilia 8:i siosik of a dove is found within. The the persolial aid of tne gipay 1.0 truslill4 „,.„ „,,„„ ht. „,, a h ea d is t urned over its hack. appear : lm', a"' it. Written Instraellulls trios the ilit imlbie p,i,,.., ~,,,,,,,i h„„, $ 10 ; ..; ‘I I ; i : ' : : i -. 4 ;' , : „, e t i ; : ;: " I '' , 1 :„ I' , I: : 1" „ : „.,1 .. s i i " t " ; k :ora i d '1 : 11 ; 1 : : ;: i . " ; ,, li if it ',rile about LI take Ile farewell of Wtorld, tie delayed (muffing the tritek. in ta .i.'•s s') a 7 75 nt. 3 , 1 *Veat4lat! $3 50 v .,,.. sal 011 . 0011 tc..:5 lull' e arth and suar tel scone brighter region.. hopes of tier re-apiwariog, iii last ` lon- F1•0 1.11 -The inclemeery of the Westlier iio will he o ffered a s t i l u :il F.i ' duo l2 'l i l t i i i , " l: wi d . 1 . gdm a t i:tt ) " . - Fi r . t :;, l.l.. i 'l l '::. s r i i b 7:1:1 14. t1 1 7 2 1 .. i1 ::1 (.1 1 1 1 4 :: . "11111:1 ft h.r1::::e 1 ult " l:l " ‘.ki . i' N o p e rson e lm see this extraordinary day. Ile men nioloeked it, took out Me fiii,ffer fur the first little witliiiiit a deep bundle, removed the %anions wrappings, f e rhag of wonder and admiration at the and mood a shot 1).1 1 4 w bleb: lie 11:141iy ~,,,, Lot el ,„ e d i,Vy N „ th i„g^d„,i, n. ,ty Ni/b.., useful ia their elia vcr i ecti ,,„ vi a beauty d i s p layed Hi its :or. opened , am! lotintl-- I .soine two 'Mildred -die I ibt niticei were st ti:`, '24 p er lad. W.. 9.1.11. Illar, and ruminate' f usions, and every sitee , ateig ulna it is eopp,•rs and a le w leaves. of lit'idecti. The Rye Hour at $..1 :•0, sue Corn Med 3 .56 a 7,'J tiV I they are oliered. furl with the observer gazes upon it with gi psy eau substituted t h is bundle fur the l'o Itbl. i ll v. 2 ( f i l t l .: A i v% 1 1 74 . 3v 7 - 1 ,.1 1 1 ...1 , : e t: \ i ‘ i r i , e . , i , e l:l , :s t r i ' :ies i n ;:i I: , i d r i a :% n ti v 1 , ,:t.:3 „, " t t i i t . :: 07.. For lirlli'lllariii,R timreased ailituration and nn-lit'. nosily. one .•tititaiiimg Ins money. ItO Milli' 01.11 the r eally brawn til plenty floe - N 1 iti,oot wioroliog his latetly or friends I; e ra w e leave ever seen. we recollect none of Me IIII•lia 1/, he obtained Ilie serum, 4 lit ~,,,I very ,t,,it.t, d,,.. for I .,, i ii v flour, $1 ....5 pe r Jan. 14, 1553. ..„ b egists i,.l as the Espirito Stioro. in IWO t.l tart , : pet sons, :tail. mounted, they totsiiel. H. ,7. c aws par 1,„.,,,i, wh o ,. 4 .,,,-„ -limy spi r it." sod we are sure 1'..11 II .1 ii.imleiti.ti b' Hits city to pursuit 01 the gip. 58 ,t 59 cents. and yellow do. ail a 63 veto. per' spertiliteft could lie scot. to the U oitc.i S;.,tvs t. 1 ,, ,It ta•l;,g ,i,,t,,', ti,.,. 1,,,t1 come tills , hat•hal. Mort 1 Lad 1 hits 3- ti 40 cent... and Pe.,11- ' ri . i . . , l . l, : ii_i G ill ai i. . 4:e tl It . Val lIR per It..•liel. Giovrr- , or EitglAild it would have liciiii lookoil W A!. , AeCtiftalllllig thilt volute Ul Illeill ulioti as au invaluable curiostiy.-/'attatritt t o li r e ....: iu r , e ,, , , i , ilt i t :: ; :ic tit t, t , ite .h l , ll , r i s e t , \ i 't ) . ~ ,:;.r 1 ; !lo w e l i t , ... t i e: . l .. 3 . 1,;1 5 „1 ,: . i.:1,11::11:817_.:::0,5::tymld,art::::::::, i per wit ...e.. Slat'. _ aunt .1 ii .ill.iiil 10 na.l I e l l • L 5-.0 -i crao a Ital Ili SU:iitia and Molasses utichmed.- liter 4 nois e It ' r lb. l , l'o' ~',i . ens veiled the p‘,. al', an d the 't HI •V 1-10NN.--The trutionetions sue sly ' '''' ''' t" ' • l' "t ' - l''''''''''' el 1: " . ....I. \%e 4 jute new Menu Poi kat 1...0 :..1 lif $ 'it '' " 1 ' 1 ''''' :"" ' n Y , no . •ds ~,,., At 'lion .1 . It, 1 .., •-,1. \les- Beet $.16 per bid. Barns' sliA)ul t.•, al .1, , • ~,,,. ' t ~,o's. chi.. smiles Io,i it 111/ nuts. ..,.,1 :I 1..,,, . 3 .1 .:t i Celltki ter lb. Lard m tibia i ,e, Is. a, ,I in ~r4 s I'2l a l i i COMA per IL - ~, r in l,e, 1 , . a 19 cents, to I'Z:l.lZ:ie. - Mei per Titlamist; I N calws r - setders un %I 4.1 AIWY 11112,1 jr,.urllll e I .I • 11 11 S% 1.• 11,11 A lIIItI4 .1 I 1.1,,rr a 11...1,- ! it? .11'. 'I. a. OW 1:/2•111ai 1;.01, mO4l It•rte'tous• bit"' lit'l :"` .1 0111..ers, lie I, .to•-tt of all• rard " 1 " "1"4 11"1" 01 V trtri.tia ;ttul :11a hv sevt. " c l , 'er' and tutu , his r‘ taut.ttit Stuttlay night, had .416- victhas resin inn maim , ' pertittaettA. 1;lowd r .0 nn Kowl , d , o, tos i • trllrr. ncident wltlClt 1 :11111 about to re!.titt, ret!rt . t to leave It t0,.:1y Ih.tt alit' one curred in li° earls sboold tuns broil so uoiortunalt• as to I.lli A man, Who lIII'II 11 , ,v.: tot I.lrin only ,L.t,a, neer:rum! by Mr. 11.. .is Wit,,111 , 1 cn soil bi L.l lo „ t.t . f tve 111 riTret to add! th .t r a g " I T lollin g lri:`,4 .l t tin Perry, .1.1 Sattitav, not etteteitt watt fr the 110111 e. 1114 Ill!ii• HerIWIN le , sott Ito hid riwt.ivcd. ;WM veAlro " 61, " 3 ' 4 "I 11"1"1. "."'n " 18 'sort] a itrolet.soifiril lii ttitte-tt•tter ill 411 " / I I" lina Y with tins coy, in te ininru•Ll wILL....e Il n,L ru g twl nun thy LiL•bi” w "'"' likely he could lied Itts 10.1 titottttY• round the Iniu.r. 41111 011k•Ilgia11114 101 , (l • 'the lather was at wort.. I) ,t- &iv, ..li'• the , tress fin d reh i e .d the tree ,. „ i their i „ thi2 ,,. IVri.itcsTlNn LICOAL 1NC1.1.1%. The ' the lather felt his win!, sooner than te.tial, Neu! r,iii'y Lou'.;l the United Stales.—' and started fur home. Just tit the edge (Any' iiieue . : Talley delivered ail i mport. • al the lorest he saw a curious pile of ant decision HI the U. S. Supreme Court, 6,-, s v r a—witi iiiii l dlillppilig to tittlik what a !ew days ago, in the ease of certain A.- had made It, he cautiously rem,,ved the meztolin ctozuns iivitist Colonel Thomas l eases . w h en w h at was h" ~i , „,,s h i n, .„l I. Chambers, al Texas. W title Texas to find des own darling hoy 'yin.; there was i:oulleiiiling :igaiii•a Nlexiro. bet before j sound asleep. , T„„ s hut l i i „ work a a her independence lid been acknowledged moment to take up the little Bleeper, put i n Ity our government, the deletelant, Chain ing place a small lot, carefully replace the here. des•ring to carry on the revolutions- leaves, and conceal himself limong the ry vaii.e. sold large 'nets of land to the nearest beaker, there to watch the re- Plaintilrs—htle to whilh he covenanted to sult. make at any time 'When coiled upon by the After waiting a short time he heard a loirchasers. The purchase money wiia 'Wolfs distant howl, q uickly folltiwed by expended in equipping soldiers tor the re- , another and another, till the wood seemed volutionary army ; and after the establish alive with the fearlul iumnd'• The howls meat Of TeX4ll IlldepVlttleilee, defendant came nearer, and in a few minutes a large received the thanks of Congress of the gaunt, savage looking wolf leaped into the new Republic, and was reimbursed all the opening. closely followed by the Whole expenses incurred by himduring the war, pack. The leader sprang dtrectly upon in the public service, including the price the pile of leaves. aud in an instant scatter- 01 these lands. Subsequently he was log them in every direction. Soon as lie called 'iron to make title to the lands sold a nd the d empt i mh his Inuk of !tin to plaintiffi, which he refused. Suit was an d confidence eh , „g„il . t„ th „ t o f t h e brought to compel him to the perforinnnee WWI abject fear. He s hrank hack, cow theof los coveiroit, and he set up in defence tiered to the ground and passively awaited ' allegation that the contract was void, big fate ;for the reel, enraged by the sup- because in uontravention of the neutrality posed cheat, fell upon him, tore him in laws of the United States. 'rile court thlti wined this defence, deciding the eon ream and devoured him on the spot.— Wh en way h a d f in i s h e d the i r comrade, advanced to he null and void, and those who they wheeled around, plunged into the fur- advanced the money were liable to be pun iest and disappeared ; within five minutes ished in a criminal prosecution, for a vin o(' their first appearance not it wolf was in lation of the neutrality laws of the Ulated sight. The excited father pressed hi s : States. child to hisbo and thanked the kind l Providence which led hiip there to save s his dear boy. The boy alter playing till Jae was weary. laid down and had fallen asleep. and in that situation the wolf had found him and covered him with leaves until he could. bring his comrades, to the least; but himself furnished the repast.— Hiddeord Journal. , IA ~ANIEL W ELIATLR AT TIE GRAVE. OF ,SnAnser..tittt.—Ms. James T. FlLlkhl, of ' lit Boston, Who has been to Europe a year ' or two ago, related in a !cetera, the other night, that he saw an old gentlemen in England who met Mr. %abater tit the grave of Slialtspeare, and heard him repeat there, in the most impressive manlier, passage (roan Flautist on the humor- T tuat be Bii tttt us Coal Smoke seems 1" tidity of the soul. The old gentleman fur- be particularly annoying 10 the to, Pittvburg ore at the present time, the Vamp at : I a m said that lie had seen and heap! Burke. 1 Pitt, Fox, Sheridan, and other brilliant pSere halving condensed the.. immense luminaries of that .day, but he never looked deadest( smoke constantly thrown out. by the like tit Damal, Wubsier. tbenumemus factories or the city, and caul. i upon edit to descend in showers of sooty flakes ! -- ' ---- .7., ------- ';., -. 7 ‘, rendettingf die city more 'than usually corn: ! Tits Simko MOUNTAIN UOAL Y FIN, at turnable. the Gazette is . 110116[1g the iv-{ Coal thistle. Pa.. whielt .took fire on, the inito &,, * o b i comm i twoo by o ur city c oon . 1 131.11 of December, thirteen years since, the - edit* I z d z Ws% the subject of t ented e . 1 Pottsville ;tumult soya; still contioneli to ...,;.., ibb , b i b , „ w i n , coo „,„„b on ' of pour forth its sulphurous gases, and in wet . 7..„„ d sona b e. ' . , f. , . ~ .r , i weather swam, itielf be seen rising in yoll ..... sen ..-. :: --- , —,—.. .. , • limes . . Fur, a IliotaiolOrtir half ~a mile lbw, • I Illeott.ft s t. Om i brilliant' , large veitt has.bean :entirely rot/Maimed ite ", poly iu Watilsitigture,l•l'B3liiitiy clout. hove Water ;litist..hos, lei below is not , known. . . . . 4 ;' - I h.• tir-1 t , „, r rcr from ."tgons, m.l Lfl ‘ , . ,8 11 ,11 II 110 to 1 i 8 Ir ' 6l '.•!"".” !ht. IcWll,lll \OW had pr11:111 , Cli hill) 763 !:i .! 111,11, %%Jul ito• of • t c, ‘V‘P'l \V:I• Alt rim 1,..- a moderato tlemami We .1 r q WA , No. 111.1.kerel at la 50 a ..t:.er, quuitt.f.a, YORK - 4UKET I), per buhliel, I.ttVl IZ FL\ X•t , F,Ett 1. t.t F P.11:1S, per tun (to the Stit stet,LEAH CA Tit A RINE, .1 .. : 11•••r ot 1. ~;. ers, of dears co., yea s . 111.1..i.t4e.. ;;;Id tiny, Tir J. LAWRENCE SCIIICK has removed hia Snore to the room oil the Soutn• W rnt co( i•er of the Diamond, recently occupied by George Arnold.— Ifie friends and customers are invited to call and ..ee Jan. V, 1853. FOlt SALE. FOR SALE—A. first-rate large size, HATHAWAY COOK STOVE, with pipe and trimmings complete and in good tinier. It will be sold cow. ply at iliirt Cleilyehoig. Jan. 21, 1853.—tf SOLUTION OF COFFEE. 11E 1 ' qINGER'S SUPERIOR SOLU TION 01' COFFEE.—This artie!e is warranted to be a BETTER AR'FIC LE than any thin of the kind now manufac tured. Warranted to give satislaction ; if not, the money will be refunded. Nianufavitired by W. S. REISINGER, No. 42 & 67. Market at., York, Pa. orders promptly attended to. Jan. 21, 1558.—but LET.PERS testamentary on the estate of JOHN smrrki, late of Conowago township, Adams county, Jemmied, hay ing heen granted to the subscriber, residing in Oxford tp. he hereby giSes mina to all persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those havin4 claims against the same to present them properly authentialted for settlement. JOSEPH. J. SMITH. Ex'r. Jan. 21.-1853. Keep it Before the People HAT MARCUS SAMSON has pat ' A received slue of the largest and most varied assortment of Over Coats of every description ever °tiered iu the county. atid at prices that will not only please, bitt re ally netoi irh. Give us a call before :put chasing. - Igif ILL sell. Blank and , Fanov Cloths. v T. ~ and Cassinterea, Satin. Silk and Faitcy vEsTI N GS, Overooatinge Cassi. netts. find Keinunky, Jeans, °below. ,}hatt 'haycan be had alsailiete.: Girt • itleni a call aL the• , ' Sign Ofs a RED .FRONT. .1 , ...0....0 F.A Ntirislits assortment put raodlv. o,al Ritrit'/ cheap ountarb ~ 'i' I) I E fIaCVAL. N OTICE. FA HN MOCK'S CALL 'THIS WAY: THE STAR AND BANNEL Ile published every Friday Event stria* .. THE LATES7 EFRSHOORII rrH hereby giveE Commtssioner e notice that they have, Di of Adams county 1 C ag ligh; at H al ed A b e d oor s f ggig sib...a.•:' , . -In-iatri. /141 ~ IRDST(MERU. , filed upon the following Woes and places D. A. &0.H.8 0 EH LEY.: ''' 4 i -1--- • for the holding of Appeals in the several __ .., Trost rip HE undersignedesspectfolly announcs boroughs and town s hi p s in the tiounty. _l_f_p_ . ts Ln_aodirapatiadertwoirthiwnebthemyteis J s e s a oo r sw . 4 , Jo- es to thu eitizetei of Gettysburg and when and where they will. attend to bier ''' p :';': ' discontinued until ellarretragesete poiti—a. its vicinity that he hap commenced the appeals between the bourn of 9A. M., Bad, except at the option of the Editor. Simi& copies TaLCORING: Bustistbss, 3 f i " - M„,,.' 1 . . . •- ; - 164 cents.. A failure to notify a diaeontiossasts 1. rhr the townsnips of Cumberland & . will he rogardeal as a new en.gageinelit. ,.. ~ in all its varied brandies, i n one of the rooms ; Mountjoy on Thurtakty the %la of /an- I t .ddeutisentrins met di•c!edlott a miaara.gai llo . lll . , . in M'Conaughy's fluilding, adjoining the i tee Met for sl—"liver subsequent mew .., vary nest, at the Commissioners' collies. , , s '- ceiit.i. hougoi ohrii iii ow porosp,pookoi..... ~ entrance to lire Sois of Isemperance Hall.', in 13ettyeburg. ! .All advertisements ton specially ordered : ,tat 4, -: lie hopes, th at by 'itatrica attention tilbIlle• 2. Fur the borough of Gettysburg and ' time will he continued / until forled• Wilt ~ Meas. and an earnest effort to please, to the township of F141°1'904 on holey the cal reduction will be wade to those who •adaSOisli ineet and receive a Itherai share of public 21st day of January, at the Couttuisition-; by the year. , patronage. 10'•Give us a eall.„keig ors' lame, tit G ettysburg.. Jab Printing of all kinds extenterfneelly anal Country produce taken in ex,chatme for 3. For the township te tennis. , ~. • , teeeutiab ._ _ ~t , work. Latest 1' Ist - wins have, jii'sr have re- of Butler, on Mon- : Prmetly,and on I Laws end Vantlaellistreintes In the Vlttlf,,,t, day the .4th day of January, at the house, ~; itioc ouch to roorelo Money or ...0 ormoit ~ , calved. HENRY CLIpPIN GER, eoltte Wong . iof Henry Blaybaugh. in 3liddletowts. 1 i :l w „„ i „„ r ii,,,. - „, regal b e p „„ „,„ i n ofe k ert , April 16, 1852-1 Y• ! ! .4. For the township of Franklin, ' ; on ,„,,,,,,m. a figation. A ND see a first-rate assortment nf Pan - ----- ------• i 'I uesday the 25114 day ti JanUar y . at the ------- --,,-,---..---,-,-- , , ... :,,, EX'rRACT OF COFFEE. 1.1.. m. at BANNON'S one p ries '• ' aline, such as Black, Frenrii•C'essinieres, i house "I -M" 111111 Smith. 1 " CSSIIIIIWII. ' ti ANOTHER C HANGE" •- ' .. ‘, .T *---- O. For the townships of Hantilumban . Doe Slott Casa : lmams, Pitney I .‘ass I 'nerve A -k F. the reatoine is about to take Plaing:' , rigranE genuine, original EA - Tn./1(71 , f 0,, , ,, , r and Liberty on Wedacaddy she 26th day, N. ) 'i nd wiii, it, ninny a ell ante, in ilie, kind mentionable% Caseteet.4 ol -1111- OF COFFEE.' which has been re- ''„ ,- A , , A 01 January, at the 1. tome of Peter Shively ,1 ... .• • I I . - 1 l A .; tin co l o rs :gnu thilltsCW, and at prows to . . , Btv lea, realism's and qui, nom 0 , rently so extensivelr brought ton 05 ~.eu i suit all. r Oat. i. in Fairfield. , ; LIM S . .,,14V.1) (lENl'l,Eill i gN'S &lA.' - a substitute for Cofee. arid which ree..in _ _._ ____— ....._`• 1 -----,..'"--,--, -:- - ; ~,, „ ~,_, „,,, .., ~,.. ' 6. For the townships of Germany and , ea ite:L. Bot 01011 y mot gat as m ew num & imelf by Wallin of its elit'apiles• HS 4. j Lt. 1j a . „„t 40 , J „ r Z r , s .J.,a, t a, Union. on 17turechty the 271 h day of J:01-1 thang„ will Frei JEW , AEr ,t o L,Lvi c , ses ,..l , well as itr excellence, can be had, a all ; glib' a ll kinds. Cap awl Letter Paper of 'tiory.'at the bowie of Israel Yount, in ion. trues, a . Ole Stortiof (Moat, prepared t . li 1113entifintette all. who `i--/ the hest guiltily, NOM Paper. Vowing : tleatowti. 1. H. HU EH !XII ; Cards, plain :Intl faiicy Ea velopes, Pen; 7. For the townships of Moontplen estit will `.blilloll tip ' at - lie approach of Win. i , ter, or bOw it the inundate.' of die Tyrant . ' -- V ASIIINGTON , HOUSE, . knier'S. Quills, 'Li old Pens and Petwils, &e., and Conowiiew oil frid"4 the, 281 , 4 11 ,' ', of ' Fashion. Having just returned titan alway a urn hand cad fur sale /ow by January. at the 'WWII. Of , g 8.'7.4 Peter " lilt ' ' it ! the ensure cities, ,with the la r ----- ' Cheap: . ~.., cooNl3t of' M Alf KET s T . ! . S. 11. BUEIII.EII. Nloutitpleasant township. . ! Lest. nod hestselected stuck of 8 For the township of Melodies+. on , .• • !.. ', - • ' • ' . - •', Fill ind. Winte r .Qoo4*. ~,-? . : ii# AN DA A Itg.Ef' ::QUARE, 1 1 For Gentlemen's Wear, . Monday the 31s1 of January, iit the house ' . *...i. 1 • fit - of Charles Myei a. tiißendersville. .ever .beliire trdimeil in itini,Twatn.sitcool.,. .4 , "' ' ' ~. Igi l lgra6bterg• Psi. ; *ACHICK has opened a splendid atraort- • K." n „.„ t „i ch o k e, c a „,„i mer ". c„,,,„i. 9. For the townships of littatingintr ty, he invites•ilall the world and Om feat net ,. 1a1t,,,,iii,. Jesus, ices.. iti ... c „ii and' and La throne. no 'Pog g ,wy the lid of Feb. , ' ol mankind," to cell, eXHlllitte, and by etll see for yourselves: and you will conics,' ruony, at die house el John D. Becker, in i mai m bay—alottist "writ out money E. that cheaper goods you never saw. • • Petersburg. Y. S.) .., ' withon I Priite.''. of his !aloe and wall set - , ' _— ', ~,hlO. For the township -of l'yeinie, ou , f..,. t . d „ 1 ,„,k ~ypt,AIN ar ,..p owif i N i c ,,.... _ 1 if-e,h,,,,y the 211 of FeArtiany,aisAloi! utE, LADIES. a im GEN TUMEDpo. ' house of Samuel Smiler. in liiiidlersburg- ! Dr i oni.Goiiile, condoling in part. of Meek* il. For the towmiltipa nib Reatliti4 raw, Brown. Blue, and Olive CLOTHS. as. ' IbiallihOli tin ' I . /aura/toy lire ad pi I.elaa.! waled, Felt, -Fancy Heaven, Lottilon, Drab l ary, it the innate of Aaron Cox., in Hatutui goal Petersham Cloth forOvereorar,BlecL,.. • 4 • ton. . i Plain. and...Fahey (Athenaeum, Black and 12. For the townships of norwiek anti.' Farley Satinettay Velvet Curds. Ilueltakia --- °idiot!, int Friday the 4th iy'rebruory.l, Tweeds,. Kentsicke Jeans, Black !Satiny; at the house uf Ilenry Got, iu Oxlurtl p a 4 44 sag, g m] Worilim Vestiogs, UM*: township. • - I 'nye, Flatitiels,:Cluakiitg,a, &e., also . • II For the township of Shahan. •on Suittrolts9 Ihebth of February. 2a the house i, FOR LADIES'. U EAR -'- - - $ • „/. Jacob L. Grass, in I liititersiown. ! Black awl Changeable.Drees Silks,,filack,.. • J A UOll GKt ES' l'. Alpeette;•Faney and Oink 3141u* tie Leine!. AII It All ANI BEL:NEU, - Carlimereas, Prints, Gingligiatio. &e.. &c.. JOHN SHCK LE y . :jr• ohm. in large lot n i t Si/Sin S just iiembins Cotdotivoiutiera. . I mil, and will JHI iiold Uhicepet than can tie A tiest—J . AVollt:DAUlill. C 41%.. i lemett et alto oiliSr limekiln town. 'CA . Dee. 24, 1852 --ILl tend 'Me for yonreelvei.• • - . ' • 'l, Oct. 1,11162—if,. •: - • . 1 has fitted up thie xud laeurite Hemet.. knee requinite lite the he !white. and ludieite patrousup , NO Idler. the Ira vellum . pub 'l'. SAN DEUS. 1853.-11 gents Wanted., I & uscrtn, srotai: r , rntinir of Ole C. --- -'-, '' ' ::. , 1 1": -•' • atd ell:prprising mull , ' - .. ...JA,. ; :n• 14 . pr '.,• , . 41'...'"' g ,i . 4 ,,iii f• id li ll' lit :•1 I „Of. - , ..........i . if 4 1 iN t tr1;:'1 , 1 1 0747/, ' %." q . l ,r 3 Z 1 ,, ,, 1. ats l' . t •-•:, ,r,iintry. To awn 1,4r .4 1 5. : 1 ; v 4 0 ,,, fry , 4 ,, 1 .,, 4. e,,iniz a viirdi ealli• .0-i....044! , 57'. : 1 r.: Fe j r :g g ~:. : :,i . ., 7:',;:z .0, rtit'll 111.4111'1'1111'11H 44 4/ji 0 ~.2 ..Ai, q ~„ i . ,*.1:!. " :':, r,i,,ble lit,t. n. in,tkr 411 Vt-:le.:& - 'ialitiTriqVt . ,:- . ' ;''' ‘• ' "• 4 i 4 V o ":l'"'''' ftab....u.0.t.,. sa • hii,ited by us ate all BiaLe > s pamit ,t' i rea i I►II Water ...,r, t.,.xii.,•111..k. 1 ,4 1 ,. Proof Paint, urge el il ll:h %V tle re Vr r S u PERII )I{ . A WIT ',.1 -E. for bate nt Falinenctiek's, siun.of ll,” 0, being nhottt to lt•avr It.reby gives notice In ) him t) (.911 and r figikure Ihr 15th flay After that flay all bnplaced 111 lilt' hands 11111 E ifficlerstgli Goityzborg, prrsool lotkloe to; . ‘iie pnyinent urt of February next. settled ..eoutits wi of an otlieer ti.r ro ['crawls baring de,iced lo call for tp *Ode. ' I' e i '" ;:ir nj v ' t; II r : . : 'l "- 1 J 4 11. 11 11 141 F: / Pliil on 1.1 l ands a larg - ES. which Ile is diapo,ffig of at re prievs. !wiles 11CrglillS lc; y 111111 111 that lice It) Cail Gild examine tl• . , AI.E.:ANDER FRAZER Goiy,burg. J n. 14, 11153.--If - - r -- r HE subst•t ~h en. Itaving been appoint ed Assigntro. , under a lb ed of Vol untary Aostionntint lar the benefit of credi tor:: 01 ROBEltr (3011EAN, of Cumber land township, 4tl•ons Pa., Iteroby to al peroons indebted to said ptyinont to the tinder dein) ; and all persons •requested to i.re-tent uthenticated, lor oettle• 2 50 51) 1 25 0 Cube:to to wit swoed without Ii vwg el:IIIIIS Own'. ruperly Dar The firs in Cumberland 11.1 dwu WWII/3111p. SAMUEL JAMES C NNINGLIAM, Sen., dissikpiees. A LE persons " a • 111611 T (2.oes. corder, are notifi• be ut Gettysburg and also at the 0 Esq., on Friday to receive said fe: suits must be hr Dec. 31, 18521-81. HAY WANTED• ILIERSONS hsing Hay to sell will do AL well by ca iTig on the subscriber, in Gettysburg, whols desirous of purchasing. The highest Maihet price will be paid at ill times. ri - js he intends having the Hay, after being packed, hauled either to Hanover or Baltimore, the preference to haul will be gives to those from whom he may purchase. SOLOMON PO WE RS. Dec. 24, lBs'2.—tf NITICE. ALL persona knowing themselves in. debted to uii by Note or Book Ac. cOunts will pinata cell without delay, se it le absolutely necessary that all accounts should he settledut least once a year. S. FA HIVESTOCK & SONS. Dec. 81, 18521 TO THOSE INTERESTED. 1 ---- , 1` HE notes gitee for articles purchased 1 at my' sale Itet Spring, and fulling due on the 28tlef January next, Iv/Owen placed in the hiideor-D. A. lluguLem, Es quire, for colisiniOn. The attention of those interesteti is desired, as it is tny wish : to have, said n *promptly liquidated. D. NI. SMYSER, 'bee. 24. 18 ..--81 41,N tr ctit,i444a)4,. Perbtrtery. Oita, Matte ^ -7 Waters. Pfrireantea, &c.; a new as. *mermen' jut , ' opened al BUEHletit'S Book and: Drug iu Chuutbereburg street. moNNET sAcoTs., e A 1:4,6410am arkicka 4o bn ludo& AIL l a the. and prig , siors ul $40413Q PI. I HAVE juht received a very large Int ; JJLL tpl‘ L.IINES. which 1 will sell elleaper than any outer Inman In the eittitity. Call and examine them, at. ii ie no trouble to ahnw goods. KIJIITZ'N, Cheap Corner is ti.e plaee in get hargiiiiib. I ( I)I ) E 11,..111,..11, .1. .r ESi'S !V Es I'S ! ESTS ! Tretyr IV.. 1111 11.1116! 11 1.,r0• r.-ry Ar,outlitesit nl Vi ,u,•15 Flglll , l{ SZ11111”. 17;111.6111C11,. Velv etr. Itholds. 61.1 . .. &X. lie. thht SA AISON ' S ia the place. Ell2l (11. , u02Dgto Ffillilllll' IND gio IBIJONS, hosiery, Gloves, Needle JD' Worked Collars, Edgings, Lace.. SUCIP, and a thousand or more- articles in the. Where tho subseribersfeelnw determined saine line, to be had cheaper tl.an ever ail to 5011. 1111 IsnrKrm. havll nlsn the PROM.; Oct. '.U. scineK , s. Sexton's Baltimore Air-tight, Peakskell and eabinelt took Stove, and -Air-iight ARASOLS—the best and cheapest in! and Template Parlor SIAIVUtt of the most AL town. Only come and kink, and you heautilul patterns. - - - will say 60. GIVO Us a call 11111.1 you Will! , i , I;TE SiErII"I.O3EC '27,013'071S he convinced there .e IRP .Itoloig about whieh cannot he 5ur1,00..i.11 I . or. K RTZ'S C heap Corner. ' ugh or tu 0 • • .l the ir work. Beautiful Fall Styles den constantly on hund ior Shit!, 111“110 vie e of the fact that the Moulilhiraril of these 4V Goods for Ladies' Wear, embracing • : Ploughs is mieMotrth heavito than that of every variety, J"" opened and for other ploughs. it to d. niduJly the CIIUIIII - at astonishing low prier's, at I est that nun blamed. ' Oct. 29. SC ki KS. ! WITILUILOW :1' LOOOIIBI oil t- in my care are C lame as 60011 US 1105- r:o castin g . t... %\ nonlenek Plough. Carding,. and 111. general aasortnient law-ware. whin r•ver.. art 11,11Nny Made Donnie and Single Barreled ri , nne., at P be had „t die one store uisA M — ntintlrier , (lan Ire there. Sand ONS. Blaekennitinng and Shur Making as usual Wl' Of' (11,01 . 115. CaSSI inures, (Thmiitiets, Kett.' ItiekvjCaliti, ESTEN GS ul 8111,111415, 1 Q•Old'isn SUSpell,k/S. Ilantlkeretifritt. e 11A VATS bil Stockingt, &e., 434 e., akuy iefuuwi, AND PLENTY OF THEM, awed Assignee resides ashy, the other ui Free- :,clitcx..s. i At the Store‘of . __________ , , gal, Meeig . Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons' . —•--- tibb ilf . ADIES, if you wish to see i. hew , : Ishii absortinent of Bonnets • eiiii 11.os• I 11111 E TWO EXTREMES. at the Old J4L-1 call tit Ja- Stand, two iliouriii I...tiliW thtt Piisli 111- net Ribbons, - firs ir, Chumberatitirg :.trt.rt. If v4.41-Wl.ii to have your money. e and buy your 11A•I'S, CAPS. HOOTS and SHOES. at W. W. PAXTON'S E.ltillittitilllV , . t. He buys his Goods with great .are. awl la prepared to offer birrifullts• Cull and judge for yourselves. He has for Gentlemen, Calf, Kip, Aid Heavy Boum, of the beet quality—prices. films SI 75 to 53 75. : Calf. Kip and Coarpe )liiit's, Irmo 51 00 to 512 00. Slippers. (loiters, Ite., do. For Ladies. and cheap, at OBEA N. LE tP. itlebted, for fees, to Ro• . as Register and Re. that the Abloom; will during January Court, ce of D. M'Coleationtr, e 4/h of February next, z. and if not then paid lii for the sumo. LADIES ! RED FRONT LANkETS, Flannels of every pm " and color, and Domestics of every deecription cheap at FAHNESTOCK'S. Oct. 8, 1852 EMIFIFS! MUFFS! Asupply of b 9 U F.F S. ofa vuperiur quality, just rocotved at SCHICK'S. HO ! HO ! TRAVELLERS, REMP.:MBER as you go abmg that SAMSON has on NMI and for sale Trunks, Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags for Ladies and Gentlemen, and at prices that you will think impossible. Cl LOVES and Hosiery, Black and Fan `ll- cy Cravats. Ladies' Shoos, Cloth and Plush Caps, cheap at Oct. 8. FAHNESTOCKS". WRENCH WORKED COLLARS & Au SLEEVES, in great variety, awl cheap tuo, can be had at YIIDDLECOFF'S. SHAWLS, Bonnets, Ribbons, and Dress Goods, a select assortment, just open• ed, and cheaper titan ever, at MIDDLECOFF'S. Long Shawls and Dress woods, A, NEW stpPiY just trimmed aitti fur PUla vary cheap by tt: FAHNES- Tocw, & SONS, at the 'tip of the RED-FRONT. BONNET Silk end Ve *leo s beautiful block of Ribbons for bale cheap St Oet. Y. IfAHNESTOOR'I3. aU5g.15471 cialfitai2,2)B A Vi r LA, in t tfu r ty lid At t t ear ly all plauecean byhad at SC Ladle'', your anal:thin it4ittiatetl to the at. attruuettt; eimt6dent that the tarts loleveri Oat, ,ena be :suited. • • Oct. g. 9, 1852 TitIJNKS , ! TRUNKS' r tiogiup iicoived a 6 % 11 1 01 1 1 9 00 d AL•rigiNKs *11.441 will sell clump, 1 Oct. I—it, A, ARNOLD. TAX APPEALS. 2000 LADIES 1tt.1%,,14ing 'hat ihe Aw cooKiNo sTovE Very hi•sil. O'l4-. il ' OW Its is . •••• • Islats1111.1.11: na they will do MOW Cook illg, Itmorting and li ,kung, mid do It to itli lenv laltor. and Item 9$ long again Hs 'thy other pion . no N . .41111. 1 . 04 . 41:1 eeletli .IoV, rs sirtf e,onoutoly kept /Or aide sit d ugly reduved inlet at the , SC HICK'S. , Fine Lasting Gaiters, Half (Liters. Mo. roceo Shnucleimy Lind jeirMftlfill Slippers, &e.., Morocco Gaiters, Iliss'ses Boots and Shoes. Also, Bogs' and Childrens' Bnois and Shoes, of every variety. a very large as sortment, tomtit all persons. Also Trunks and Travelling tinge. Also, and geoter . Bata, of ell kinds I a very line article of I w% • style moreAro tut ; Knasulf~ sod n p Non-Inter ventioets. soli groat variety iir Fur and Wool Slouch Hats, from 50 els. to $2 00. Cows one—aume all. w. W. PAXTON Oct. 8, 1852 The Richest and most varied assortment of FANCY (3.00D5, ,VCR. brought' to this place bui jail . I , beau received by SC LUCK, soil is i L ..,..... 4 .. „„,, now opening at Ilia Store ill South Ettb.6l la ALN. it , V, 111,„ inure street. The public is inviieil In call • j• Nl* quaiditY nr wit EATI! . re let and examine goods nilli prices, both of 'Awl- y pilaw COON. tor which !tom ce which cannot but please. tie loath' hilly anal prices will be peal: in lii , dein Virgil hi my bored. Among his stuck , will be round j Mills at Locoed Grove.. I ' 'tiF.O.' ARNOLD. LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS S ! sod, .9 Silks, Satins. Popleini, 'Ftsitueii 1 t ligi e f A ItAr. RS whitingn hileret 414,.. Seines. Ilerege (le Luigi's, ; Lawns . Al-1 p„fine Flotir 100(lie fit 2410 I'OUNIII 4 isf mint ;BomaazTed.Gipgitittrati. SwisP• Jae - 1 wheat, by Donnell 's new . pmts** , 01 grate* nn sod Oaudiric Mastitis. awl Calicoes, inc. will Please c o ,d„Leeints ,flreve, to in greet variety. Also. Gerinsity towns i . cLutira, caswita 9, JOE IN CR+ lll / 4 0103 .1 lkilffiet* n , Sellouts, Tweeds, Oetnttritleit,„ Nankeen, CiAty`ibilr/irpo • so: Isitf-;.1 , 0t , ,t, Linen Cheek, Vesitings ~,r all Surto, itc. ---- -- 7, ov i toto k , I ,:k ot. in sitign his slink ill very lino. !n d sm. f •Itoif 1 41 , 114 . 4 — . -444 , 01 . ',rapes ill table line. J , ' 4.- _, ' ?,•,,,„. la t ,a'a 10:7 0 01 anlit iuligll liar x.4#. 104 „ 2±"6 9 ‘ : ; 4 ? -1 ” "")" ''''' S trouble in Avow goods , ~ 4;)'0; .. ~, , r . ~ t "'''''' , i't '' wt -E r 3 Ar. 11l 4•1410 Aprilo. Rah , , , r 1, , - ~ „., i ,'v ,— . . ..,...'. ~.;, k „,,,:,.,10.4., 4 • ',"" I, -,.. 7 : , ri - 1-:',44l'i •T' -••,' 4,00 1.x...t"'' ,1 00 4 r i • '. l . w yi t 0 , ~.-t it , 4 t . t.O 8., 0 , 04 4,..4 , 1v " I '—'"fsr•-,---. , - - - • ‘' - it t ' o ;a.tr 4. : l'l ;tAt , .` - ' T. WARREN At SON Books Books 11 t DO. I4tiiioll,lE.l2 , riIIIgINWERS hit thank" to iiiii.frende for the liberal patrimage long itad uniformly extended tip him. and infonaut them lI the line reciently received it hi. old 'iitablivliiiiesititi Chambersbu rg ;Eirset, — fa nil di tii in to hie forinev . largetitoolt of B(10 kft. a new avviiriiiiettilii whit:lt' he isiviien' "at tentio; ni being-41.e largest, lulleet and .tent gegoriment of— Classical, 'I heological, School, _. l ( !iq BOOKS I gyp" , opened ni Geltveherg, awl with+ as usual, he ie pr.p nred in veil et thei IA& L01:1'1187' .in 0 , 04,44 , erg. Pa...liate. 4. 1852.. . ' 46 . - - - • - -''' , lIOFFMAN & :WARRE D .. . WITH-I'HE It.AT*IST EMVVJOCZI -IRflaCtinttl2 . ti , ki h.:. atitlersipeett, atieltl respeetlitlll utiotottiett< to , the .1•1011lim that they ". hare entered Otto parotenthip