==== 14111TIIMIVIV HARDWIRE STORE. Subscribers would respeetfAlly •nnuuord to their It - tends stud the 1.,,01ic, that they h9ve nruiell x NEW II A 12 OW ARE tl rota: in ttiiitiinorts st.. ciljoittint_+ the residenee of DAVID ZIKCII.F.R. t:enyyhurg. in which they are opening ire and A - encl . :ll assortment of HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, GROCERIES • CUTLERY, COACH TRIMMINGS, Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils, & Dyestuffs, n guitars!, including every, deqeription of x 1.6910101 the Above line of business—b. which they insiie the attention of Codelt ntakers,Blacksmiths, (;arpenters, °Odom makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the Pnlotilli,4 l .lKaily.... • Ottr stock haling been selPeted with great earn and imreltial,tetl fur . C.ash, we quart atitee.Cf.ti,4te Itett,f,y lo4oney,) to thapuse of any part 6r it on is riationahle terms us they can be purchased any where. „ WA, purticolao request eel l from / our ffteltpitOdear*s4 it* iel pubheiavor, as Itvet are detCrioned to es. 441401 t, character for aniline, Golds ,at prieifi,m l acting business on (sir prin ciples. JOEL D. DANNER, „DAV 44.601,01 i. GetkOkbiirstiii% ISt at 111,11,1eini-Ps u Ai The. Richest, sc Pest Assortment OF SPRlti'g & SUMMER GOODS, For, tienAtcmcil's lyear., EiMil, 4111i401111311k IN dirtilictilaillta! ...._ 3111ELVI a NOLLIED3ARDAH rriA,KE pleasure in calling the attenti9,tt ' oftheir frieede and the public to their eitensive.stak...ol Fashionable Goods ft IA ipiotletneti`i..au. just received from the eati' l 'iSltielt, for variety of style, beauty of ittisit Ti and eitperinr quality, challeng,es eiP. Our assortme y acerssen with an other stock in the placent Ciotti, plain and - fancy Tweeds /t 0 Cassimeres, Vestings, Sitinets, Summer Coatings, Sze. CIATIPT , BE iIEAT ! Give us a call, and examine for lourselves. We have pur chatted tier sleek carefully, and With a de sire to pleate the tastes of all. from the mom praciirel to the most fatidinus. ocerlirtmuNo. itiall its branches, attended, heretofore, with the assist atioe.or 'iStfikiikiii). " • titellse FASHIONS for Spring and Sommer 'have been iecei red. Elettlysteit 'Aprll 30, 1852. FOIE INSURANCE. t ,„„. dams County atrial ire In surance ,t r Canspany located r.t Get tyaburrg, (stow in successful operation, and for lowineas of rates: economical manage ment Of its affairs. and safety in Insurances, haliertges comparison with any otliet similar company. All its operations are comPtcted under the personal supervision of 'tanagers selected by the Stockholders. Tlta Hooks of the Company are at all times open to ilia inspection of those insuring in it. As no travelling agents are employed, &sons desiring to insure can make ap pluratiou4lK . , , ISCUICK'S. - " Lair gattilk TEiritimrkiibei hereby gives notice to hilise who have promisep hint WOOD ,iitoriniKihst he is in want of it, anti that unless it is delivered forthwith, without farther netire, t h e Accounts wifoe pieced in the hands of an facer for oulleetion, and the Money requireil. 0•1P - ati EitilVieeP, zu zr tir • att kinds, Cap and Letter Paper of / die best geality, Note Paper. Visiting 'plain and fanny Envelopes, Von itattos, Quills. thild Pens and Pencils, dte:. itink.soll band and for sale /ow by ,The Pataphlvt Law& pAssErt, die lasi session of the I,eg a• Mature or l'euniyhraisia, have heap teititiVed at thic otliee, and are ready lor, dielttittatitio to those authorized to reteive 'title". • , - WM. W. PAXTON, Pnith`y. Peathaestarea sake, t 3t. 01414.2 1 2 Mr• t7ott Wt. '32 - , • S. 414,skigoak. ckAus Perfumery. flail Oils. Mn gob. flortataniea, &c.. a new ita: 0~1 net opened at 1111E1111.ER'3 and thug Since, to Cliambereburg sifini. !!!HEME!I ..... . . i l itio , , ITTNAIPSIiftyNTII,I4I. I : ' s'- 1 . L' ' liMoilfEif tol , • ,i. . t , . ... , , rvi t E ntorit) . 64 ,.. Toltro t ihe.in thw iihont .. ! (pF the POASifmck is' taint, i itildlie i pine" i „i nn ,' ti &i nt l y . e t p f ro , pitot i w i 1 ,h 0 r,,,,,i,"/, 5 .. 14,0 w ;111 it minty a ellen:A . ,in ibe and jnilhilons Wimionti 111 variant iiections of the; Style*' F:i.iiimis dra qualities hi /Al enunfrY* have decided• In Commence.. on the., JA I g ~..V .9.V1) 446:4 1 1riit.:Iiii,'N'S Ark Fumy er JAAIVARY. 19 , 53, AN 13NTlitNIS ORIUdNAL PERIODICAL', under lhellb , " eltatiges will lie, ' I'AECEL. But tiothtv gull ten at nu these JEW A IINfl1,1) in, PA (kit!, usual. prepared to accommodate rill who It h intended t. rinithine the lighter charm , will s•hutton ii r at the approach of Win teri.tieq of A popular nintratine with the hiSlier awl ttrovri (violin."' of n qiinrterly 'review ; ter, or how at the mandates of the Tyrant folio!! a position hitherto unoreupied iu our of Fashion. !laving 'jest returned from literatent, the eastrrii cities, w i th the lamest cheap r, • While attractive vattirm - far the aeneral reeler iq thus obtained. there wifl h e ;In ut . tempt to/4.4.0re substantisl sacettllNCE inench departtnent. To areemplish thin. tvointend that the work, in nil of its mechatiMal nod hosineqa aspects, shall be sock' ta shall meet the virwq or our attest di.lietinishml writers ; stint a medium ea they nt coda , rrk ft , . in communiratinr with the world; and soil' Ins may tempi smite to N{ . lilP, ably sod profitably, Who have not hither to contributed to We intend that all articles admitted into tho work shall be liberally phi for. IVe believe that on "mole ninterin' exists for such a work; Mot there is no lack either of talent among. ow writers or of appreciation sin the part of the reading; puhlio; and that a prnperly conducted periodical of this kind may bring to light much true genius. as yet undeveloped. P111(411109 Monthly" will he, devoted to the interests of Literature, Science and Art—in their hest and pleasantest aspects. Entirely independent of ell merely selfish interests, or partisan, or sectional leonimm'in its mann ement. it will , he open In competent writers far free discussion of such topics as ere deemed important and of public interest. The critical department will bn wholly inde pendent of the publishers. mid, as far on passi ble, of all personal influence or bias. Whole sale eauti t rations of public abuses will he al lowed n fair field without fair or favor. An elevated tuitional trine rind spirit. Ameri can nett independent, yet diseriminatina nod just. both to the Ilteratare and to the social con dition and prospects of both hemispliems, will be Cultivated as n leading principle of the Won:: Special attention will be given to limiters connected with swill policy, municipal ream latimys, public health and safety, and tho practi cal reountnies of every When a subject. ner:olß ration nr pictorial example, Rapt' illeforatien will he occasionally given ; but it is not expected that the sneensta of On work IR to depend on what ore termed •Lerobelli4ltmenic:' l'he =row ninny other., liner ex pressed their hearty approval of the plan, and will all vi,e it their ornenil cor.o;ieration— while nearly all of them will he contributors to the work : Vashli!ton Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rev. Dr. Hawks. R. B. Kimball. Don. Bancroft, Rev. Dr. Robinson, Prof. B. Milli insn, Jr.. Rev. Dr. \\Tayland, lit. Rev. Bich. Potter. Pa., Fime Green Ilaßeck, Rev. Ent. Chapin, Professor Gillespie. Pres. 11. P.Tap mh, H. \V. Longtellov., W. (I. Bryant, Gen. Wm. Curtis, Prof. Lieber, R. Waldo Emer son, Mrs. Kirkland, lion. I.:quier, Donald G. Mitchell. Miss Warner, author of Wide World, P. P. ‘Vhipple, mi.. Cooper, 11ev. Orville Dewey, Miss Sedgwick, Geo. Summer, Professor Henry Reed, &c. &c. a' * *A full list will be given hereafter. Each number will contain 1:28 amply paw,. Price $3 per annum, or :25 news per niniong. Terms for clubs, &c. will be given in sepurute cireulars. Orders received by all booksellers throtieh.. out the United Slates and I,T the ilultlisher9. P. PUTN AM & CO, 10 Park Place, New Yetrk. Kir-Piitnem's Popular Library is still con tinurd semi-monthly. Nov. `29,'1R5.2. 3t NEW ARRIVAL or S QJ ®, Sj Atthe Fanners' Cheap Corner A B. KURT ' ! 11219 just returned front 1111 -• Baltimore and Philadelphia with a large and desirable lot of Spring and Sum mer Goods. We would invite the atten tion of the Ladies to our complete assort ment of Dress S:lks, Berage de ',antes. very rich styles, Silk Popleine, Plain and Figured Alpacas, New Style Mous de Laines, Lawns, Silk Tissue, Berage plain and figured. Also Ginghlms, Muslin?, Calicoes. Checks, Tiekings, Ate. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Cloths, eassimeres, Summer Cloths & Vestings, in great variety. Also. Linen and Connit Pints stuff, at all prices. A handsome assortment of Goods fur boy's wear A very large lot of Carpet vai . yinz in prices Milli 12'2 to Eki,oo per yard. Coll and look at theta, if you e.int to buy ur not no trouble to show our goods, QUEEN4WARF. Our assortment of Queens ware is admit -led to be the cheapest its the country ; we -are receiving a large addition to our form der stock. Glassware of every description, adirect from the manufacturers. A very full assortment of Groceries— the hest tip sugar and levy coffee in town; also mol3sses, teas. pepper. starch, spices. &c., all very cheap. NVented in exchange for goods Butter, Lard, Rags . ; Eggs, llama Sides, Shoulders, Soap. &c., lor which the highest price will be given. i v Pll you want to save money, KURTZ'S Cheap corner is the place to do it. Gettysburg, April 16, 11352..rtf The Richest and most varied assortinynt, of FANCY GOODS, VVER brought to this place liss just ••••‘ been received by SCIMK, and is now opening at his Store in. soutl► more street. The public is invited to call and examine goods and prices. both of which cannot lint hlerree. tie feels hilly is mired. Among his stock 'will Ini.friund LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS . . such sa Silks, Satins, Popleins, Tissues' lierages,' Berne de. Laines; Lawns, Al. Boinbazines,Ginglolins, Swiss, Jac bast and Cambria Muslins, and Calicoes, in great variety. Also, CLOTHS, C:fahrimFß,nr:s, &linens, Tweeds, Gotonsties, Nankeen, Linen Cheek, Vesting' of all Soils, :Ike. In short his sleek is very large, and cup , bosses all in his lino. • , T. WARREN. Call and judge for yourselves—no trouble to shoo* goods. krilo, 1851 131IFF CASSIMER E. frHE attention el 'gentlemen iviiiiited in a wee) , super* qualitrofAlUFF CASSIMERE, at the Estehlis,bment of SKELLY & 1101.LUBAUG 11. Merchant Tailors, Gettysbarg..where.may be found PA NCY CASSIMEILEBof every sari. sty and quality. • , • S. IL. FALllipBTOCli & (341 4 18, tXtoeld • reaps lolly inform tle , Pubjie . iihat it stock , of 1.141 1 1)11:1 R and ..SVlD— has been greatly increased, and Bargains can be had. Call and examine dhi•ir stock and prices before purchasing tt. hers. 0a:12:Pz:..0•7J?:th74 Groceries ! Groceries! est, and hest selected stock of Pall and Winter Goods ever behtra offered in this Town or Goan iv, lie invites tall tho world and the rust id mankind," to call, examine, and by all moans buy—almust "Wit!leat money and without price," of his large and well se lected stock of PLAIN & FASIIIHNA— BLE, LAOIES' mid GEN Dress Goods, consisting in par!, id Black. Brown. Blue, and Olive CLOTHS, as sorted Felt, Fancy Beaver. London, Drah and Petersham Cloth OverconiF, Black. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Black and Fancy Satinetts, Velvet Cords, Buckskin Tweeds, 'Kentucky Jeans, Black Satin, Fancy Silk, and • Waulen Vestings, treys, Flannels, Cloaking, &e., also • FOR LADIES' WEAR, Black and Changeable Dress Silks, Black Alpacas, Fancy and Black Mous de Laines, Cr.shincres, Prinur, Gingham's. &c., also, a large lot at SIMIT./..V just rafeiv ed. and will lie sold cheaper than can he bought at any tither house in town. Cull and see .for yourselves. Oct, 1, 102-11. lIMIIIEI WINTER IS COMING., . AND Jew Arnold is ready for Ills Clothing store is, as usual. lined with a large variety (Arcady made clothing oldie best styles and qualities, suitable for Winter wear, such as Dress Coats, Over. coats,tiaek l'oats„Pantaloons. Vests, Mon key Jackets, Currying Shirts, &c.; all of which he will sell cheaper titan the same quality min be purchased anywhere else in the county ; Also on hand, and for sale, a great variety of Cloths, Cassinteres and Saticeos, of every style and of the best qualities, front which he will hate men's and boys' clothing of all descriptions made by the best of workmen and at the shortest notice. Oa. 1, 1832—Lf 17N DER silueri AND DR A WEIZS. WE have on hand a very excellent as stoitnnnt of Wool, Cotton and.K nit Undershirts and Drawers. Always re• member that :SAMSON gets and gives Bargains. 499 31 E.N W:►ti'l`E i) r 1 purchase a superior lot of 131aek. Blue, and Failey (-ohms! French. Eardisli. and A merirnti Cloth, Dress and Froek Coats. These CoBls are well made. till we ask of you is to collie and juike her yourselves. Remember the place is SAM SON S Otte prier store opposite! be Bank. VESTS ! VESTS ! VESTS ! E have on hand a large and very v reninel Assortment of Vests, such AR Plain idol Figured Satins. Cassimeres, eassitiets, Velvets. Plaids, &c., &e. member that SAMSON'S is the place. eoille 2110ITIV 4 ND see a first-rate asportutent of l'an tainons at SAMSON'S one priee store, such as Mark, French ('assinier•s, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Fancy r'assnuer•s of every kind mentionable, Cassibets of all colors and shades, and at priers to snit all. [ 0..1. I. Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons ADI ES, if you wish to sec a bran . 11 - 4 tifol assortment of Bonnets and Bon net Ribbons, call at 110 ! 110 ! TRAVELLERS, 't E MEMBER you go along Ow SAMSON has on limn! and for sale Trunks, Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags for Ladies and Gentlemen. and at prices that y on will think impossible. LADIES ! I Il AVE just received a very large lot of dl. DL' LH I NES, which I will sell cheaper than any outer house in the county. Call and examine them. as it is nn trouble to show goods. KURTZ'S Cheap Corner Is the place to get bargains. H ONNET Silk anti Velvet. also 1 beautiful stock of Ribbons for sale cheap at Oct. 1. FAIINESTOCK'S. Keep it Before the People /mu. MARCUS SAMSON has just received one of the largest and most varied assortment of Over Coats of every delicripthin ever offered in the county. and at prices that will Milt only please, but re ally astonish. Give us a call before pur chasing. 117 AR A6148--tthet beat and cheapest in towni Only eomelinil look, and you will say so. Give us a call soil you will he convinced there is no humbug about it. .KURTZ'S Cheap Corner. LOOK HERD. ! UFOS E R Y, Cloves, Handkerchiefs, AAL Collars, Edgings and Lures, Buhl netts, Book and Mull Muslins,, Irish Lin en, Mack Silk beet and Fringe, to be had in great variety at Art UEENSWARE, cedarware, Gro 104+, ceriea, and Dye Stutra. cheap at Oct. 8. FA UNESTOCK'S. 471Ztal lattaivi.S. in great variety.' an akiteur -1"' prices,can be had at SCIIICK:S. Ladies, your attention is invited to the.as sortment, coptdeni that the taste of every one can be' suited: Oct.,2Art/ 852 • ,Vl l .4l3STErt,'& Y.INotiN . . to A. 3. *idol, worninsTß , A N D Walla 4),Witaitage COrneisof Main •& Court:Streets, • • anwrzuNirrizi. flAriiKETS,'Flanns s of every piing and color, and Domestics orevery description cheap at FAIINESTOCK'S. Oct. 8, 1853 Falllmore Adverilmcments. . . 4 4' 0 44 .' GPM* li r OYANAlit Pro.llol 4 iiii iietivien Cheap= aide drt South at ,'Baltimore. E would invite the attention of charts and dealers - , to Out exten sive stock of Groceries, Tons, Wines, Li (lours, Spices. Ar.c.. which we are premr ell to Fell on the most favorable terms.— We pay particular attention to Consign ments of Country Produce, and iota° prompt returns. CJ) Orders for Groceries punctually nt tended to. EDMUND WOLF, CIIARIXS \V. SLA(U.E halt., Oct. I, I t52-3tn. Philadelphia Adverlistaaralos. Philadelphia, April 23, 1852-1 y 500 Ali LINTS WANTED tcaooo YEAR. WANTED, is( ercry County of the SZutc.x, active and enterprising men, to engage in•i he sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from 325 to $lOO, such induce !nents will be oflcred as to enable them to make from $3 u. hlO a day. (CrTbe Books published by us are all twilit in their elanracter, exaemely popular and command large sales wherever they are tittered. For further particulars ad dress (postage paid) INUELS & GE 7.. :Foccessors to W. A. , Leary aC Cn., IS" Flg N. eeontl street, Philadelphia. Sept. 10, 18132-0 m TRIaTiIMW TOR NCCO, SNUFF, NI) SEG AR VUQIIRIEHOUSE. rwiliE Subscribers respectfully inform Country Men•hants that we hive now on hand a general assortment of the hest V.T. Cr 'NIA BIAND TOBACCO. Cavendish 5... Lump Ss. Lump Gs. Plug, &c., at the Alanuf.mturees lowest prices. Also a fine assortment of Foreign and Do mestic. Seers, Snuff. Smoking Tobacco, l'ipes, Pipe peat's, &c., which we will sell at the lowest prices. S. WOODWARD A: (70., 23 North Third St, Sept. 3 1852-3 m. LEATHER. rritz, Etendry. Store N. 29, N. :Ird Ftreet, YhiladclpLia DLnciu cap MANUFACTURKIt 9 . ANO 1 M I'ol{ 'l' E RS Corlintirsiun Grricrol I. E TII I? Pl' SINES S. IXTEIOLESALLE V.7".llllm,litelory 15 Marg . arella July 9. IS 9—ly. LATEST FASHIONS JrST RECEIVED. NEW ESTABLISHMENT r 1!! E eilder