, r.)‘) •I‘ti '''''4 4 9 l 4 4 t $.4 '1 Dr. J. .Lavvrence Hill, (J FF/CE in •t'hnmhersburg street. op P polite the Lutheran Church, 2 door utter Mitklleeotra store where he may be found ready and willing to attend tit "Ay ease Within the province of the Den tist, Persons in want of full sets.of teeth mars reipe 'fully invited to call. • • • REFERENCES. Ur, C. K. 13 stssvciaT, Rev.C.P.K*Atrer,l) , l) 1). Iffiast a; Prot. ." 11. S. tiusatit. " H. I.: Divourt, " D. Git.aiwr, — ILA; Nermix gm's Rev Muir. Jonvison e U. L. lirarsa. , July 7..1848: . ; • D. 'I‘27CONAUGIIY , T CAR N E AT LAW, arIFFIC,Ii: in the Sonth-airst turner of ‘•lr 'the pal blie square, oat tlinir west id (tecirgti Artalirs Store: add lOroterlY oc cupied as a, tivit,ollice by Jolla 141'Cuti augliy. E.g.. decorted. • , 41(tthritef and 'Solicitor for I'aVitts and. Pettsitons, - Can furnish very desirable ftieililies to applicants and entirely relieve thrin from %bit ‘ neeriaiity Of a journey to Washington. D r lkicp. is prepared to .attend to the prosecution of Cluiins ibr "Bounty Land ..,!n„otiper, oldie. War of 1812 and others r—tbo select:1911:0 ghoke lands and loca ting tbeir,Warrarste--procuring Patents `and-soiling Soldiers!, lands to the best ad 4Flustitge.. Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettyphttsg t ,. ,I‘ , lne, 1, 1850-11 i' l .'# , 1+ 1,.... 130 u,.. ..; t i ,, . it r i a .. .. a. '"--4,,,- .1 .., - r. trp m emitted to flAtinty Y -.,' hermits under the nets of (Ito ,' gietletall tie ..13rliteti States `ran , G,bame their:claims' promptly and ' , h. . t'-efNclisutly attencled. to by e pplic a . • '- titan eitlnic penonially or by letter tittle aubieribet; at his olfiee in Gettysburg. eibilleMirn whited appliestiume bare been ; etsailetided vtn 4 ateuttott of deficiency in [woof may find it to their advantage to call -14* -7. ellitOileditred'it*" ftFtre„e. W ti. rt i4litliveil of dte *arrant. The subscriber gill shin atte claims o claims . for Ons ohs subscribe r :Revoutionary or tither tiitruireil,arid'tle location of lands. The ,alif e anc%pureftime of fAtati Vi'afrants id teniferltialintl die' bighest issi , i; Five mad fur tli,e, sante. R. G. 14 et: RE A Rx. 'rittio4L-fr: -. ' . "Ittbrife' . l' at raw. • ~ TY LANDS. - 2r0.1 , 311r.:0:4313T1Z3. IN eonsequence of ill health, I have lila ,'ll, 'cell my bilainera nail papers in the handcar Ws. H. SI —TEVENsON. ESQ.. whom I recommend to the confidence tit the pub. A.. 11. STEVENSON July 2 W. IL STEVENSON, ATTORGIVir AT ELAM. giFEIbE ' wil __EtyetcPwc, 7, e t P 11 1 'est (-miler of the Cen tre mageare. tiemehtot. 11.41. 244 - - 41vut)_: , 41.3.08 k , .114 HE gutioetibi , r respectfully informs. ) the pithlka. that Is has opeued a per- I mftnent Oallcry. in the house formarryi gist, it is.:.'rempet :ince hbuite i t reintiatheraliurg street,e fern' duears the Diamond.. w.ierelfs vfrintred, es I dimes unil• in all Weallleis, 10 taker t 7 EDS: E et S. lif'beittisife; of till sizes and kinds. and at 'ilticlOw4lerafatil: "linty pientres do not elkt" SitittfiteiNn. there toiltbi 710 cktirgt. -116 6 4tvis silo SAMUEV - IVEAVEtt. Gettphuiii,MAY :42,.7- 1v . ' r 4 Diamond l'onwrs---New Firm. 1 ' 1 .111: Vton Sr. ISrotber,' evortior f klit;r.igAßßi;its" AND !JAM Dikti*ElVt4: r•CA N ill lintels . be - found 'prepstiett•lo 'littettel 'rtie calls of the pittiple,tal die 'temple. in- the Disutontl: adjoining From hang eXpr• rienee thes i llatier thxemelves that they can pth stWilitnifiiatiatiitittlie • • Tonsorial Department, withirtglkyast, infitsimslegres , ul [ tiliß. as i4tik uPtOr0:1 111 ' 41 of all trios mey submit their chats to the Ica& areleol.afaheir valor& .11'Itty toppe. sboostiiteolthks ,Ity abets .sotentien to Nisi - itaaa,,ae4 a iteeire 4o Mese*. +Limy will ast.i , its* well , moreeelite. i s liberal of, pub. ,sis•psirouite.' Tbetoielt 'will be attended Ilie.aaftheiriinieate 'twain litga.l ; 1 1 0 ...V 1 /0 T,IIES kUZIXIC. E 'undersigned holds himself it' tiliatlhtesa rtal amigo ' , ferret es A tie. 1 113 EEL,. fur the selling nrginitis atilt ithnliest Public Sskt, and at sny time' sad tilstfe!in the ettutityotAtisms. .ins We found it , ell timer at the Veifeetionsry , A` O. W. •BlessiOg. next dent to the Eagle Hetet. denvstnint. -• JSM.44(trAce brGiuoity: 'PP , I* -11 : ' VIC ILatfitti j iii requested to tall and eXame #; -- m ...„re fIiikNESTOCK'S lags mid heml ine' Itocil Ell Dieu Vocals, eim.istilig 4.1 1 4_ willi tie ilopini. hlrainot.-0, De 13age. 1)a -muumeney. Tlithet Clotile., ecasolio Lao. ltes.Canton Cloths. Alpacas, elm) Black and Finley Rona bilks and Satins, all for salsolmuip et the sip Ofilie ~' ' • ; ...' t. RED FRONT. Aeliiitiiiikocg* s' i0r,43.4,,0i11l NO Cloths. • *i. ~. d-Attop v ilipera h Satin. liliikt' iliiii ' MBV"1.11 0 1-CB, Oeereollings t7usvi. lkncl .lErtwurkY Jeans, cheiiim omit altittiin be had elarellere. Give thew a oat* tiro Sip of the RED FRONT. TgU.NKS ! I TRUNKS 1 .-_:: IA Y.l)pat riwiard a large lot of Good * I JU NKS which I will sell viivip. Oai. A-41. A. ARNOLD. RENE .11Eit lIIAI' 'JP till Guitaro, krer:rtrinits. bittitti awl Shirt to:lars. Ne k and 4,41P1 itarta Suovendrriii, War. Jere 1116046, CLX * A* and le wetly of 44011, rtir & .ON S. ';s tgr tiie isairtn• is 'and With it 'many' a' chan%* Strict'. Faaltioni 'and, qualititia 'Dr Lg.: if/RS' . 411 7 1) GEN7I2INEN'S YARCL. But many, and gm; es Peso changesAßNOLD will tic, JEW A is, as mood, prepared to accommodate all who will Illation als"aut the aplitrinti) nr Win ter, kr 'Was at • Ore 16 iiiinte.4lr rant of Fashion. Having just returned from the east( tit cities, with the largest, cheap-. : 0146nd : best velecred smelt. of',, . '; • • • 1 . Fall and , iirintOf'Cliciols fveil lieftiie l 'utiVrAl iii tiliii'fatril' im (;oun-• ey, be inviies..4lll , (thei world '.ored de i sa, i I of mankind," in eall,..eitailitrke, silt. II ineltie bay. ,, nlitirkat *.wii. .out moult ' d i woliout price." Id 'l)i,a large .and. t rend - . , . . Iraq, 41 stork, f.l 11.41 ri ,X., f t lk.Slrtntll , lII.E, LA lilla,ilf 11411 (lON ri.E.Nik.:N. , 3, 4)rolitt (;.efils: elmel4tiug:ilt period' 'Rack. iirowit, Blue. mid. Olive CLOTii.V.i.di- eticirAl Felt.. Few). (leaver. Londnav D/b and..rotereliain CllllllloroVereligiek Mao ." Plain end Fancy Casamit:rea, lilark and' Fancy. Sailiello. Velvet Cords. Buckskin Tweeds, Keifiaaky JeAna. Black 831ili• FAIICY ND'. Ned Waolett Veittags, Lin sey., Fleettels. Clueltino. &e., also FOR LADIES' . WE IV R; B1,1;115,11141 Clinngenble Dr,'lt, Bieck Alpitits.. Fin c pion! Bilek *Ni de La Cashmeres, Print*. 0111013:11%. &c., ati..• n hive lot of Sii.4 l / 1 /.8 just retti otl.nanl will bt sold nbennet. darn • Can : he butogltt at any other lioube in town* Call null sett for yonirstrlvon. • . Oat, y. 1135* -4. WIN Tim Is,ccmiNG, A Li I) Jew Amid() is ready . hir him - 1 rmi• His clothing store is, as usual. lillrll with a laige v:,ricty ready inside clothing disbestetyles and to:duties. siinah:e for Winter wear, site!! us Webs- Coate, („)cer• roots, Sack Coals. Pantal,imis. Vesis„.Sll/11- key Jackets, Currying blurts, &...; all in hick lie will sell elle:1144 iluie the amine quality can be purchased any!) iere -else in the county ; Mat, on hand, and for 831 e. rent violet) . of Cloths, Cassimeren and Siviineits, of every style 12141.1101 e bust quauies,64ll4l Wisidi be will have nien's mud buys' (lowing 4,41 desrripnons wade by the best of wotitiben autlut thu ►hurtcat Oct. I; 11352.r—tf. uNritlit sampi AND Dit A W E linve on hand a very excellent as- V V Fortmentof Wool, Cotton site. Knit qaeryltirts:en t a Dr:i wers. Always t re member that SAMSON gets and glees Borg ins.. -499 ,111t:'S IVA\ TI._:1) /111 0 perchaFe n euperior lot of 'Thick.' Al Blue, 1.1111 Fancy ciiliired Englisdi. and Anterwan Chilli, Oress and Friwk COHIs. 'These COMM are well made. all we of you is 10 route and judge for yourselves. Remember the plell./.[S SAM. SON'S One price store oppuaiie the !lank. VESTS ! 'VESTS ! VESTS ! 1 . 11/ E have on hand a large anti very I V v. genteel Assortment of Vests, such es Plain and Figured Satins. CaFsimercs. l Classinets. Veneta, PION. &e.. Re cavoth ee that SAMSON'S is ilte place. comt A ong NI) Fee a first•rate aFFin totem of Pan- Awlisssoit AllikifaNl.6.' pracr mere. smell as Mark, Freindi Cassinieres. Doe Skin CAbgillierth4l Fancy 1. 411.111111t•rett of verY kind menii 111 l esesteet4 of all cults shatica,• and at priers to suit till. Oet. I. -45.1V1 Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons JAntE§. if you wish to !ea a 11(111- OW iiiiortintuit ur Bonnets aiid tall at • . . • SCIIICk'S. 4 .... , ,: 0! HOI TRAVELLERS, 'EMKMBE li a.poi go ';11.11;,, , , that , SAMSON litia un li.ol mid ,Cor P:ile 1144*-tit.:-. Traveling,. Trairita. CaiOet Bap for !Althea and Gentlemen. and at prices that viu will tltiult, ittiposiiibla. 111111eilfAltoL§L—the heat and ei.ieapesi in town. Only come and kink, and you will say, so. Glee us a rail and you will be iguityineed there is no ISUIIIVUll( about. it. . , . KURTZ'S Cheap Canter. ,XOO3l ,33MRE 1 , R Y, I.4loveti, Handkerchief:, .1, A:unarm. 'saves, 13sthi: Row, Irook anti , Mull 41 Irish en, Black Silk I l see ,sus: Fringe, &c., &0., to be had in great variety at , SCHICK'S • 8 1' LADrg HAVE jin.t received a very large lot ' IL 4 At LAIIVA4, which I Wlll 1 . E41 cheaper than any: miter in the cieur•ty. . Call and exaiiiine thew. nF.it IN no yetibill tbhitniv parte. ISU V f 014.4 downer is tl.e pra4.lo 11.,t0N NET Sj Vvlvet."l649 • heauittul ato'ck of Ribbons fur male cheap at ' Oct: I.' FARNESTOCK'S.'' Keep - it terore the People - fill! A T MARCUS SAMSON Ilea iiipt roteeifllll ltf!tlitt iarg4 t.t and moat varied nattortment of O'er Coats of every iteacriptinnever filleted iu the county. and at prices that/mill not only plea.r, but re ally Give ud a call before ptir• rharung. QUEENSWAIIE, Ceilmrwatre, C. veries, and I)%c St 141 T.:. cheap at Oct. 8. NESTOCK S. S tt i ja QUM :Ztla litt W LS. iii great variety, and at near ly all pi ives.ean lie had at S11111UK:S. Ladies. your :locution is u. the as sortment, confident that the Lace ul every one cau he suited. Oct. 29. 1852 WEBSTiIi & IINGLINt , (Successcrs to A. 3. NUM) 121y4TNINSZ411 ROTA AplD , . 02444 it:3024210 - Corner of Nolo & CoOrt S treets, ' • lirlisiTMEzlaliVt. Mari .4f. gh.4.4ANJlttad., of . 4 VvvellPtift" •L''944ovilid DOMPOisoS of every . . .leocripouss elteip at FAUIVESTOCkIa Oct. S. 1844. •-•• /1 -2!).. Thegichest*Rest 'Assortment 'OFSPRINII&SFIMELGOIIDS For umitte*i l en's Wtur, OPENED Oirryfitsulted 31111111? riIig,LEIMIIO2IA. riNAKIi pleasure in oatlwg the•attention 21 - of their friends end the nubile 'admit. extenelyty snuck of Fashionable Goi ils fug gentlemen's wear, juitt ,reeeited from the city, which, for vaflety trolly of finish. nod superior oddity, ehn/jesigcs 2omji,aiison with aity• itnek ill the 'pinett. Our assorturettt or Cloths, plain anti fancy 'Needs ~and Cassimeres, Veslings, 'Satinets, Summer Coatings,&c. CAN'T RE BEAT ! Um; lie a uatl and •xamitie for ) ourselves. We heed par. •chaSed our stock carefully. and Willi a de sire to pleave the tastes of all. Intel the moil prat-Heal to the most fsditlinus. • s TAILORING. , in sill hit brunettes, attended to as heretofore, with the assist ance of good urdrkmett. dCDP The FASHIONS Inc Spring Ind 'Summer have been received. ‘• Gettysburg. April 30. 1852. mr ARrottAiter 0,40 , Atthe Farmer' Cheap. Corner A.R. KURTZ lino jest returned front 1•• Bah 'were and Philadelphia with a tinge and lieSirible lid of Swing and Sem. flirt 13.10110. We, would in.Wite the iitien• thin unlit Lailiea in our runipldte :newt. mein of Dre, , s S Ike. lierage . de Linne , i, very rich t:i lea. Silk Puldrino , 111"1" and Flinired Alpeeiiii, Nei Slyly :Onus de L o 61..5. 1.9 WllO. Silk Tissue. lierlige pl-iii and figured. Also Gingham's. Minding, Calicoes. Cheeks, Tiekingi, Ste. GEN ruczeLEN 'A' WEAR Clothe, Cat .timeres. Summer C•lrihs Lt. Yestinvs, iii great. variety. Also. Linen and (Argon Pants *ilia at nil rives. A handsome assortment of Goode fur boy's cotta tntes, at the cures attest in many cases after ekilliul physieinns have tailed. Thet.e hitters are wnrtht the attention of inva lids Misusing crest virtues in the rectifies. tinn fP$ of the Liner and lesser glands. ex seising the most searching N.% ere in weakness and affections of the dige•tive organs, they are withal, Pare certain and plen.ant. READ AND fir. t ON VINCF.D. From. the 'lloston B. ie." The editor rant Dee 22nd Dr. lloollsturs Celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Liyeegrompinint, laundice.Dyspep sin, ( - bionic nt Net , nue Debility. Is deservedly one fit the most popular medicines of the day These Bitters have been well by thousands. in... a fri e nd at nor elbow says he has himself lertiv el an effectual find permanent cure at list Complaint (mom the use of this; remedy. We are convinced that in the use o those Bitters. the pa. tient constantly gains strength and rigor- a tact worthy of peat consideration. They ate pless• ant In taste and smell. and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs st lib safety, on der any circumstances. %Ve are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their Use. "Scott's Weekly," one of the best Literary pa pers published said. Ang.2s.— "Dr Hoolland's German Bitters, marmfact tired by Dr. Jickson are now recommended by rome of the most prominent members of the tacultv as an antis le of much etficacy in ewes of female tweet:Hess. As .uch is the case vie would advise all mothers In obtain e a bottle. and thus save theoneli es mach sickness. Persons of del bit ri• test con%tit towns will find there Bitters advanta• germs to their health. as we know from expel.. ience the salutary erect they bare had upon weak system■." • &tour EVIDENCE, The 'PhiladelphiaSaturday Gazette,"thebes family newspaper published in the U. Elates. 1 he edam. sa• P of DR. HO ELAND'S fi,F.RMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom we reeom mend What are feint. ed Patent Medirones, to the confidence and put • rnnage of Our readers ; and therefore whet, we recommend Dr. Hoolland's German Bitters, we wish to be 116.1inctly understand that we aie not speaking of the nostiono of th e d a y. th a t are noised about far a brief period aril then tniget ten alter they hose ir one ilieu guilty Tarr el mia. chin', bin of a medicine long es , alilist ed. uni,ei• rally prized, and which has met the hearty ap pros al of the lOr thy idence upon es iileiace het been rereised(like the r ratiing)fioni al Alert iom of the l'imin. the last 3 ctort, nod the strusugest test in niiy in its is lhat there 'a noire o II 1.4.11 to the- praa• lice nilhe ,c filar of Phil:44lolm than all o th er ono rurra POPI , ne.l. a tart thaleall easily be earalilialied, and lolly pins toe II at a arir 111111 C preparofmh still treet with their quiet apt m% al w hen pierented et en In flits form. That this nieilleme w ill ciiro Lts er riAnntainh and Ds apersin, to one ( . PllllOlllll nutef mine it as dilecleil. It acts specilitall) upon the atoni ftet and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bit inns ili,eases—t he ellec t is immediate. It ran be administered to females or infantb with safety and reliable benefit at any 1111. P. DEW RE OF CA lUNTERFEII B. This medicine hos eitnitcil ll st high charac. ter thick is tiesiersary frir ell niedirii ri If stimuli to induce cnutilerlearti to pit With or at the ii-k in tile tit es of those %haste in nocently dectited. Look N . to the marks of the xennine. Seib'se the wr)tien tient/tine Shin in iipon'the venipper eat& his'netrie Shinn in the Wide, Kilbei iv hk i therinispitribbt: For sales hclessis anti 1411114114 lb! . " 1618iR.1101(ltinpu - • No. 1411 Arch street OP* door below Sixth Philiiiipleallientbtlrespectalite.desileissiMesal ly throaiiikibegesuPPY.H : •i" , , Irks. naduced. Taaaatile ellelanitsal invalid: to enjoy the advantage* of then great vestoratitepowenk Pas Isla is Geityatots at thi Dam lataka N. H. DIAliLeRe Dee. It, IMl.—l.y ear L AT It s JusT RECtIVED. 1 NEW EStABLISIIIIIENt. TH undersigned, re• speethilly announce, to his friends and the pub lic generally that he bar cotumsticed the Tailoring Badness in the room recently ocru• Sied ass Shoe store 13! ong BARRItT, on th South-west corner of Baltimorelind Mid dle Steens, Gettysburg, opposite Palines tor& Store. Having made irrangementa to receive the LATEST IFASOCIOES • regularly from the cities, and personally superintending all work seat out. there who favor me with their custom may de. 'wild upon having their work dune to their entire satisfaction. M9o)Ennitry produce will be taken in exchange for work. WNI. T. KING. Gettysburg, Oct. 15, 1252-01 n. Frosts IP INGB SERECNAka FOX LULLS. "Inns 8,1.00 is located in a pleasant and healthy situation, joining the York Sulphur Springs, in Adams County, uettn sylvanin, and us easy of access to Harris. burg, Gettysburg, Carlisle, and Baltimore, by daily stages passing between those pls. era The course of instruction comprizes the branches of a liberal English education, together with Nldtheinatioal studies, Draw • log, and :he French and German Lingua. gee. During the season of flowers. frequent excursions will he made to collect and preserve specimens for the lierhariton. thus uniting a healthy exercise with a most interesting amid useful study. The I. Sedtlinn will entrunenee nit the first seenntl day, (M lay.) in the lilih,ut..nth. (May.) anti that lor the sinter .111 the unit day in the eleventh imnoi., (November.) anti each ctnittnues 2i weeks. T 21 R DI I. For Tuition. Boarding, Ste., $5O per session, pat able one halt in advance, and the rtleainder at die end 11l tht• term. ENtraelwrges an? made lur I)rawilig and die Ling,' ,ges. 'l•he use ol ‘eitliiii.t eiiarge; buok and sta. usual prier.. EArlt pupil two.' h.thish her "wit wanh barm [owl, artietr ott hur clutiting iii..rkcJ with her eutirr JOEL WIERNIAN, LYDIA 8. WIEIt)IAN, rincipais. REFERENCES Pr. J • Gibbons Eeterprtle, lometurer Co. !laniard, Marlborough. t helmet County, Pa Dunn I Coble near Hogestourn, Co Fs.. terret, near Carhale. Cuutb. M u. 11140 Barter, !Ali rem anNorn " lohn Iturove. Clearfield, Bedford, " t• " 'l' I.:. Chapman, Philadelphia. Ili .1 Cram, lioar•town, Cumberland Co., Ps. Kaullmon, near ' " Shelby, tiltiresumitown, " ot datneeli.acklmrst, Bedford, " ,lot ertilea, Baltimore. Ballliksure Athert ISCIIICIIIN WOLF 4 SLAOL.D. 11 . 1101.1.5 A Nc..l/0 Pratt Bt.. between . Cheap nue & South st r Baltimore. 1, 1 17 E would invite the attetition of Mer• chants and dealers. to ou r exten sive stock of Groceries, Teas. Wines, Li plum Spires. &c., which we are prepar ell to sell un the most favorable terms.— We pay particular attention to Consign ments of Country Prudure, and make prompt returns. lt:/ Orders for Groceries punctually at tended to. EDMUND WOLF. CHARLES W. SLAGLE Balt., Oct. 1. 1852-13 m. Philadelphia Advertisements. DAILY SON, Woorgrr. on/ Onam 1.011011. IZON,II a owl. Or glnannk MUMS... tar. PLOT.. VOLOO. 010 FANCY .aOI,.LA a1...M0W/di tenni*" MO WOOL .irk. to slaw 11...1► ogoola ato afornd at waaicallta a. Ma 11... Mu 2,16 MOW Wan. .Ana MAX ant LloCablur Otroet, Plgilottolphga. • OOTOOYOLIWO LO %wow/ lOU YAW , M' •'~~ • Philadelphia. April 23, 1852-1 y 500 AGENIS WAN'IED $lOOO A TEAR. 1117 ANTED, in every County of the IF U. States, active and enterprining men, to engage in she stile of some of the best Books published in the country. To own of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to 8100, such induce ments will be offered as to enable them to make from 112 ut $lO a day. I.C.:;• The Books publisltud by us are all uoeful in their character, extremely popular and eonimand large sales a herever they ore I,llered. For further paruoulara ad dress (pomp paid) DANIELS & GETZ. tluceettsoro to W. A. I.roy & , N.. 138 N : tOrt.l,l, Sept. 10. 1852—0 w Ida U 'I 0 B (: tF. Al \lt SEGA R t7QREDiJOUSIE. SuhserMers respectfully inform Country Merril:oils that we hare now on hand a general assormient of the best 171.01.03N1A BRAND TOBACCO. (a,etli-1115". Lump 83,. Lamp Ott. Ping, &c., at the Mantifmturer'a lowrst priers. Also a fine assortment of Foreign nail Dm incline &gars, Snuff, Sinokiiig Tobacco, Vipen, Pipe Mails, Ate., which we will sell at the lowest prices. S. WOODWARD 'dr CO., , 23 North Third Si., Philadelphia: Be' it. 3 1852 =gm.:. ' LEAT'HE;R. iletratili n'endrp. mord lifitl,o; NI *id'siioiri, *mai lliforJOAdietrienti, CU/9"1 8, f . 4 1 : 4 P 1.74 P ti I . nenisiibaarld Giaertil A , Left NUS ,ffroll' r ; t .4, 1 1111*01.21111A A is .114aufailiaw 15 Margareales street; Philadelphia. July 0. 11,62-17. A St f fer ior article Mineral . Paint Warranted, equal to any , Palm'at'e} hefore ()Rena In the to for iniinitnicou Wood, Brick, Stone, Iron, Tin, or any n bits net which is exposed . to Weashik, Water, or the Atmosphere, It is Proof against Eire, Water. and Weigher. AND UNCDANGEADLE IN ITS COLOR. It mixes readily with Oil or Composition and Is iikieautilnl dark brown or fise.stodt color. • • .Pl'Mo Paint reitived the Pre»thins at t) New York State Foie,: Held nt Albany in 1850, in competition with the Ohio Fire-Proof Paint, and sev eral. other kinds of Mineral Paint, as being superior to anything of the kind now in use. CERTIFICATES. We the undersigned, having seen and used Bu.swELL's Mineral Print, can safely recom mend it to the public ae being an article superior to any Mineral Paint ever before offered for vse it is not unploasant to use, like the mu sink Ohio Paint which is harped about the couniv en ouch, but mixes up withiol like pure White lead. is is mold at half the price of COIIIIIIOII paint, and we be.ieve where the color is desirable, it • worth twice as much, and as • Fire, Weather, or Water-. proof Paint, we think it cannot be surpaesed by. anything in the Point line now In L Mason, Painter. James Tomllneon, Es% Joint Phelps, do John Tomlinson, Ear; ll 1.1 Gleason, do H Brown, Erg James Moore, do B U Stoddard, ' l ' Maiming. do G %V Stoddard, 1, Joslin, do S P Doolittle, N P Wilbur, John A I .rn, E W Dodge, 0. Parks, 1/ Josh!), N Dycr, Oneida Depot. Oct. 30th, 1850 Mr. numb well, Dear tfir We have well, the past month. some 2,000 lbs. of y cur Miner al Paint. in painting cars. car houses. and freight hotiNem upon our road. and .we ran safely rettatti , mend kale a very superior. durable and cheap ar ticle of l'abat HEM AN H. PilEi.ps. superintendent of tlie ei.traeurw & U:iew R. R. M, Boswell Dear Sir :1 have used for the !,yro i,se & Utica R. R. Company, over a lon of your Mineral Paint, and 19ud upon, using it in he far preferable In the Oil Paint. or any other Mimi now in use. I rail also recommend it as being auto rior to t/S' late Lead for any kind of out duo' paint ing, •• i 4 appears tube impervious to water, sod liclakligeable in color. HORACE JOHNSON. Pointe! for & U If. R ro. A Pinny. Pre 1, 18150. Havtog u ed • 4,11..4- Mr. Burwell I)rer -oble quantity of )IIU r illt . tlll Yamt.lll peiuuna Jrlt•k 0.. d ISOOtII . II Lours, the 1.1.4 Yealt.ll), I have I.lkt . t. , Xl,ll polo. to try and lost it ill various yvyy 1,111 Its trial and comportitioo I eau 14' lir runt it to be duroble both in quality amt color, it mice , . beautifully mll6 oil— rint• cry cs•y— rthipo or ht.ll,llllllillg, I think there has so bvtiri ISilut over 14,11 Itit11 , 11114,i) I have used eoiovarroble of it With cr MCC and OW' CIIIIIIIO.M. ion for C 4,111., cheap prtintitig• and it cliotedra airy thug 1 • v. Yours. TIMS 11 JOST'S. Hgviow Numerous other or riiflepte.itt hinds 01 A'nd• whtrh lit 1.. •hnwu 10 Jrnlrr•, Print is for bale by C. II Gyttysborg, solo Agent for Adams County. Gettysburg. July 1 I--II DRUGS AND TVIEDICIATES, 10 all kinds, (tom the best , 'louses in the City. c u p• -••••••*,, rostitly MI hand and for sole at the Drug and Bookstore of 11 S. 11. BUEHLER June 4. 1852 p r. 5..• 5 4 t;1 t , .2S • • 4k* ROFFMAN &WARRENS' atzmultotarzawa= l'\.tSo 7 l(4 ,l ltlic o WITH THE LATEST *mprobtly Inactintrg. 0 HE undersigned would respectlully announce to the public that they have entered into partnership fur doing business at the well known FACTORY on Middle Creek. to Freedom township, Ada ins County. Pa.. on the road Intim Get tysburg to Emmitshurg, and are prepared to till all orders in their line of business, such as Carding, Fulling, Dyeing, Manufacturing Cloth a. Cassinetts. Car. pets. Stocking-yarn, target chains, Itc.. in the Gest style and at - I? E.1801V.4111,E IMTES. The Factory low been re-tilted and re. paired with considerable core and expense —the latest improvements in machinery having been introduced—so that ,eusio mere may rely upon having their orders filled promptly and to the hest advantage. For the convenience nod accommodation of m e lon:era, Wool will be called for and goods delivered at the following places, every few weeks, to wit: All the -torrs in Gettysburg; Brinkerhoff 's Store, Pair& Id & l'sx ton's dn.; London's Mill, Liberty township; M'eakert's Store, Green mount; Mr,er's Store Freedom township ; Hann's Store, Mouritirly toe uship ; Lower's :tore, Ar euellitewn ; Wertz's Store, Arendstown ; Wit mer's Store Muninweburc ; Scott% Store, Cash towii ; soorrioner or d Renshcw's. Little,wwn Arhohl • Altll. Lone. Grove r t-mith Sr. Clutz'a Moro, Emoot•hurg, Mri ; Itwlisilt a more, Tanty- ON : reit more. .1 moor) to% 11 Road. All of our work is warranted in pining , . Goods al all 11111 CF exchanged lor Wool. The highest price paid for Wonl, No expellee Or It-made will be Spared to give entire altitafaction to cosuinters. Give tie a call, and teat our work. C. W. 11OFFMAN, THONIAB WARREN, DAVID WARREN. April 23, 1852-13% THE STAR AND BANNER: Is published every .hiday Evening, in Carlisle street, two doors from the Diamond. by D. A. & H. D HLER TElt at • If paid in advance or arkthih' l thr . year $ll per annum ia—if nOt p n;ithin the 'yas $2 50:, Na dideontlnuedaiutt it Ilifitakigelita exeePt et the option of tbeitrafitov , 1.1111111 avian 0+ cents. A failure to notify a diaeouttananc w ill he regarded Se tow loetnewr* .Adveriontists not extending a squire inaerted $ s ssse siinsc /or/ /0 1 711 ,01 /'•Olitogglnt F uierlion Alifflg"; RH* in 4,, T ,Ffo rx 4 M r' 3s44l,vtrijelmsnts not apediyl orde a elish tiln continue 42 I filibid."Alito hal rMdu6titth widbe Wadi tokboisbbritdaftporlibio bpdie yeari , ”,,,. "• I'l .:.„ Job Printing of ill kind. eseentednielly and promptly, and on zeasonable Owns. , • , Satoh and CammeneWetiette beet Editaii (ex. wiptioit slob ow Conte:* Mower or to nub.. v i now webeetibere. null be ewer Pal) hi OAS! 110 aeon Loonies.