. t ; • • r it . " • 4 . 4 11%: t ,41r.41 if 4 • g o u!! Nieji . • n!tool 11,.t I . • ; ! 4 '%•!='• , '. ; B / . ./ ' ~t, • I. • ;.. • '• 'O.l ; , fi ~.! • • .• . . • B y D. A. it C. H. BUEHLER. VOLUME XXIII A 13eautlihal 'Toms ou a clawhose rocky height tabled the briny wave ; . Whose cultured heights their verdant store To Many a Want gate: A mother, led by rustic are., Had wondered with her child Unweenal the babe, yet on the grass He frolicked and he smiled. With what delight the mother glowed, To mark that Wine joy ; ROW oft Would pause amid the toil, To contemplate her boy. Yid soon by othei cares clumped, Her thought. the child (amok ; Oanellsi ha wondered on the ground, Nor caught his mother'. look. Ornpp'J was each ewer the( met his eye, Till, scrambling n'er the green, H• gained the cliff s unsheltered edge, And pleased, intrepid the scene. 'Twos now the mother. from her tail, Turned to beheld the child. The urcbio gone ! her cheeks wore flushed, Her wandering eye was wild ! tabs saw him on the cliff's rude serge, Now careless peeping o ' er! He turned end to his mother smiled, Then sported as before. Bunk was her voice—'twos vain to fly Trims vain the Wink to hrove— Oh. nature. it was thine alone To prompt the meant to save ! f the tore the kerehiefirom her breast, And laid her bosom bare : Ne riaw, delighted left the brink, And sought the banquet there. HUMAN NATURE ; OR THE BANKRUPT MERCHANT BY C. M. KENDALL. Raymond Wellford was considered, al though a very young man, one of our most flourishing merchants. Ile was a wel comed guest in our so culled highest cir cle of fashion, while many a calculating mamma regarded him as a very desirable hon-indaw in perspective. Suddenly he was overwhelmed by pecuniary losses and -embarrassments, while the news spread as fast as gossip tongues could report it.— Strange to say, although his elegant man sion had to be sacrificed, there was not a .debt which remained unpaid--while some ouotiey was yet left with him. Wise men, in the reviewal of his conduct, were heard to say that be was exceedingly honest or an immoderate fool. "What think yen of human nature, my friend ?" said Lo to me. "It is a philosophical enigma," I re plied. ' "So it was with me, until I solved it," said he, "I found it a strange compound, the larger portion of which was selfish -hess. ' For" instance—When the gilding of wealth covered my name, I war sought tifter by the very men who now turn their hacks upon we. I was flattered by WO men, who, if my name was now mention ed in their presence, would affect a forget fulness of having heard it, After dinner we will make some calls, during which you will perceive some ample illustrations of what I have said." Accordingly, after dinner we set out.— We first entered the counting room of a merchant, to whom he introdueedlue as friend. I soon learned that my friend was not held in the highest estimation from the cold formality with which he wan received. We did not oven have the courtesy of chairs offered us. With a meaning smile, Raymond bade the mer chant a good afternoon, and we soon found ourselves in the street. "This is illustration number one," Ray anon sail, laughing. "Is it possible that you could ever have been intimately acquainted with this man ?" •I asked. "That man has been reduced to the ex tremity of being obliged to beg his dinners. Time after time have I thus accommodated him. I oven loaned him money to com mence business, and you hoe bow gracious ly he has entertained me and my friend." We next paused at the door of an ele gant mansion wherein Raymond bad been a frequent and honored guest.. It was the residence of a professional gentleman of large fortune, who still did Raymond the justice to'regard him on all occasions as 'his 'friend And to treat him as such. 'His lady had profeesed even greater friend ship for him than her husband, if not for , her own, atleast for her daughter's sake :.to whom rumor once reported ho 'iris ',engaged: Since Rayniond's misfor tunes had been ' whispered, she no longer 'spoke of kim as , a dear friend, 'but etodea libied tOliblituade her husband to "rid the ,sense 0 1 1ild,'" 4 Which provoked the calm mllefis a gentleman, and an; such it, le ' taiy'erill Ala -you should entertain him whenever hi nittYlietikir your house With ids presence." . , , ~ , On title secionnV.l:eeppose we Were tOl. mated,* Oa preffAti.i l 9"ReeAfg Pkotgon• denten ;Ara ncrt:at home. The lay trust. ad phi rather coalplwhieh I was prepared 'to' nee. After 'we Were edged' , Raymond eiminliA tiViiiiisa ittilt ! aOs p lier . !iilbeer, which the lAdy xeplifd with an apparent ;t`l i t i 4 o”l i 4 .l dPrb 914 4u.irili well, but.o.pcpww epps!,2, : .•. ~, .., , .. .., oplo.mattima, lam not," sai d theAean.. i " . ' ig ', !4 1 4 6 1 1 :04 41 404 l ie t i l w° 3 . tY I;,fe OrkffriYowßi..o ~4141filiRdi i 1,4 I .40.4 me, is, net taw • man,welannoily Was "Iniftitutime k- I 't: - ' .l lll reallt"ttirvAld 'mot mot ace Riyaioner their meeting was now so heartfelt that I could not fora moment doubt the affection of either. I saw also the cloud. which rested upon the brow of Mts. Richards, nor wu I surprised to hear her my : "My daughter is so pleasantly engaged, gentlemen, that I trust my presence is no longer required," and without ceremony she left the room. "Clara," said Raymond taking her white hand, "are all my fondest hopes to be real ised ? Can the daughter of a wealthy gentleman condescend to acknowledge her affection for a poor bankrupt mer chant ?" The fair girl blushed and looked doubt ful as me. "Do not fear to speak in his presence," said Raymond, "for Ponville nest to your self is perhaps my best friend." "Then listen," she saiff stniling sweetly " a few weeks since by the consent of my parents, I solemnly plighted my love to one who has long sigee possessed My heart's best affections. I did not ask the weight of his money-bags, nor the depth of his coffers—for those were rustlers which did not form one item of consideration with me. I found him a gentleman and as such I gave him my hand. Until I am con vinced 1 am mistaken, why should I desire to retract my words l" "Clara, you are an angel," said Ray mond, covering her hands with kisses, "and this treasure I value more than my existence; for in adversity as well as pros perity, it is still true to me." "Miss Itiehard,," said I, "you have perplexed tue. When I entered this house I thought I had solved the problem of Hu man nature, and was about to write the sum total—tellishness ; but I must recant. Human nature is not quite so bad after all." After a happy conversation on the part of the lovers, who in their earnestness, al most forgot my presence, we ut length left the house. "Now," said Raymond, "ono more visit, one more illustration, and then we will return home." "No, my friend," I said, "we will mak.: no more visits this afternoon. This last terminated too pleasantly to be marred by a trash picture of selfishness." Raymond did not urge the matter, and we therefore returned to his house. When Mr. Richards came home that eveningto - tea, his wife and daughter found him in a most excellent humor; something had occurred which pleased him. Occa sionally he endulged in a silent fit of laughter, which, fur hint was very unusual; and once an unconscious exclamation of "capital I" escaped his lips. "I am glad Mr. Richard to find you so happy," said his lady, "for I never was never in a worse humor. That Wellford has agaia called upon us, and Clara has honored him with a long private cuufer- "I have received a note from him," said Mr. Richards, "wherein he desires me to sanction his marriage with our daughter." "Flow presuming 2 Id , declare; I quite detest him." • "And I admire him," coolly replied her husband. "Several daysaince I offered him the means to recommence business, which be deolined—toAlay, I have learned the reason, as he also informs me that his fortune was never impaired. Ilia mansion house had not been sold, but he had al lowed a friend to retain the same as the apparent owner. The fact was that he was envious of his wealth, and played the brankrupt simply to attest the friendship of his acquaintances, who have generally acted according to the fashion of the world. Those who have alighted him will suffer a just mortification, of which, my lady, you must bear your part." "I have never disliked him as a man," 'aid Mrs. Richard coloring with shame. "My daughter's welfare ha* only governed my conduct.' She who has experienced only affluence, would make an ill compan ion to poverty. I have toted as a prudent mother." Reader, all covnediesiend with marriage ; so dogs the ruskirity. of tales. 4nd in t i tio instanee I shall not be out of tubing. I have lived to see many oloudless years of happiness past over the oilier'. Raymond is very cautious in the selection of his friends / although their numbers are legion, while he and myself Still retain the sten) opinion, that "Amman nature is not so bad qfisr. 9 11, " • • ' Ina& Foot.s.:— I. The' Entine* Matt ==wl►► sends 'sway mutton: battens, the 'person next to him 1* eating Itemised: •' 'ff.! The Jealous Man. , sehe spreads Ms bed arith stinging nettles end then sleeps Si The proud Man-.who gets wet dim!. await Alan ride in The carriage of an in ferior. 4. The„Toitiptio.up Men--wito poi tpi law,.ip *ape ,o 1 ruing hyt,gpponent. aTift/P , rut fOleelf. itnivagant Man—whO btiyira i herring and takee a cab to carry it home. ' 1 .1., 'Oleo Alger ,Maammwho ...leers& the. .4011194iti0 boomw.„ ai , tho Pin/ tif 9, 4 olLhtlii,TP. ~. !If sienutiipup an—who boom - 1 nit (1401161041dr %Wis Will heftily, and thatt. GETTYSBURG, PA., FletiartittlipiG, NOYEIBrit 26; 1859;' Prom the . Jefordtor &pub:kind , of Mestto, Orl. 0 ablibbibt of Half in Hour's Dtt- ration. Between One , Man on Font and Eleven Robbers on Horseback. At a 'time like this Or ours, when there ere so few that know that valor is a senti. meat sprung from love and glory and the desire to acquire renown, and that it. prompts its possessor to brave and even seek the greatest dangers, we shall per haps be excused if we give our readers the details of a combat, which only came our ears yesterday. In our narrative we shall studiously a void all exageretion ; it deserves implicit confidence, although it presents facts cer tainly very inaprobable,and Owe reproduce it, it is to prove the unquestionable truth , of the Latin adage, audaces lorluna jo wl, and to incite travellers to defend them selves whenever they are provided with arms. Some four or five days since, at half past one in the afternoon, the mail coach or diligence from Arroyuzarim was attack ed near Tepekdel Rio. It had been rain. ing slightly jest before, and the roach was closed on tine side. In the interior of the diligence wrre an Engliblonaii, three Span. iardd, one French lady and our hero, Mr. A lbert Speyers, a wealthy merchant, a Ger man by birth t on the top were seated thiee Mexican,. All the passengers at the time of the tack were streaming of anything but dan ger. and the first news of the arrival of the robbers was the insertion. through sine of the win d ows of the coach. of a pistol, nod the cry. ..Give up your arms. or yod are all dead." ..Ye a." answered Speyers, lean ing forw ird, "hut bullets and all," and he showed the robber a small iwo-barrelled pistol. On seeing this ilie robber crouch ed down to shield himself behind his horse. Speyers, who had taken his a in. discharged his weapon, while the robber, with five others stationed nn the orlwr side of the vehicle, slid the same. The dis charge was happily without fatal result on either side. Speyers, upon this, heedless of the en treaties of the passengers. who sought to restrain him, opens the door of the roach, leaps to the ground, and, pistol in hand. pursues the robber that had fired at him, and who, in company with the five already mentioned hail gone to join the six more, who were stationed at amine Ilttle disunite on the road. Regardless of numbers, Speyers, with his other pistol, fires into the group, and then returns to the coach in quest of more weapons. When he reached it, he found all the oilier paimen. i gars accumulated in the bourn° of the coach. He speaks in them—encourages them, but in vain. He then takes out his watch. fed and the motley in his pockets, and lays the Whole under the cusinotia, when he draws his oilier .tive.harrelled. and 0116 six•harrelled pistol. with Witch lievirposed to pursue the campaign. The further weapon lie presents to one of the passengers, exhorting him to leave the coach and defend himself. Speyers him self prepares the pistol, and offers to place it in the hands of the passenger, but he trembler; so with fear that lie cannot grasp it. On seeing thus, Speyers becomes still more excited, and exclaims: "Since you are all cowards, I shall defend myself, a. lone ; remain where you are." . Meantime the highwaymen were cry ing, "He is loading again, fire, fire I" and they poured in the coach a deluge of Ind. lets, which respected the valiant Speyerti. The latter, however, looses no time ; Nei*. ing a firm hold of his involver. lie darts forward in pursuit of the eleven rubbers, who, on seeing him, leap over the wide. trench on one side of the road, there to re-load their weapons. Shortly after they return towards Speyers, surround him at some distance, and cry to him, "We see you are a brave man, so are we—surreo. der. ‘Ve do not wish to kill so valiant a man." "Very brave, you are, indeed." "eleven against one." This said, he sets forth in pursuit of the robbers, who fly at his approach. "Why, do you fly 1" he cries, ••did you not say you were brave? Come, cowards—come, every one of you—taus by one 1 await you here." But their only answer is a shower. of bullets and slue, which whistle %round the undauntetrttlpeyers. He replies by h discharge of four barrels, that 'proves in. effectual, in consequence of the incessant movement by the horses preventing his aiming with any approach to certainty. This general discharge having been made, all the passengers advance towards Speyer. ; they seise hold of him. they eu treat,him to yield up his arms, for they are all going to be victims ; he should recol lect that there is a lady among them.— Speyers resists : the rtlbbers surround him once more; then he, pistol in hint,. vriea : "Cense, you say that you are brave, we Will ace if it. be so. , I shall sur render ,my arms on two conditions. "What ate they 1" cty the rtibbert ; "we "wear Faithfully to 'respect them." them „ • avid Speyer", o•the,first that you will mike Ito attempts, against my .pertun ; tha;second is, . that „yept will. touch Tot/. ing belonging to Me.'' '''Tea,' we (Wear it," riehilmed all the robbeiii 'in it bteith. • Hers, then is my weaporv,'! answerii Bpeveis; "there are set two barrels •,‘ The . rsitinairt 'Of. the' band • the pistol. !anti all putetieded • togeihec wartl,4ll.lliltaltre. f Ift,one„initlet .ill! Ike tme kit i ltra tote, open, the Owe t hag? turned inside etit, - ,46,—the. 'peellfitn'othieg but SixtYkiiir, 'nUi • • prolierey. lYtran-whNa~ dos -bero. seated Eon it One 'ennutiniag /the 40114. pbni l .pf pods :whieh,hs etnrrit.d. , leap drawing tigers" in the sand o with a coofneia and song/reit! iailithlitg iltitrialthile fithlin• ~ ' • II :Chti robbery. beingese tpleted. the high. way men laving resumed ~theirAimata„t" horseback. saluted Speyer:v. taking losve tr; Ifinitinthese . wnnlit moihttevellilitave 1 11$4fietetnitrobsir ; shaii.wc4oblento , kneftr: It'd" , To War ttee•tierdeNicPersaidYtins.! . Weretl•Spetirs.. o 4.lad itianifthat piney netl he (dreier. '•. . 1 1 1 to hp,: lit this light toots than thirty shots , am • ”.0'..1 • ri oViie triltrtV discharged , etSpeyeri; Two pair spent balls wees-tite Indy ones that reached him, when he 'was tesrrihing for , his resolver in the diligence ; 'one' struck him on atm and the Other in'tbe back, ti third' he foetid in his bool,nn goilik to beif; ivithoOf knoW- Mg whence it c.itne. The'EugiiihMan hail his hand badly injured' by a bullet, which even now cannel nbe extracted. The driver was. also evotietied, and the French lady received in her dress four bullets, which did not, however, injure her. Mr. Albert Sperm inslin tbii sirsir nothing but his watch am) tonne money, deposited in the thligenceoittd which he did not claim. liarin4 nu wits to back his demand. We have been informed dint Mr. Spey ors it a merchant, established at Near York, and seas dated toirktiel in caravan* among the Indiana of the :forth , and on i one mansion, behind his vii ons, with ten s companions. sustained n et seventy: five savages a cilmbat whie lasted Irons sunrise lib sunset, leaving more than twenty-five of them stretiphed on the ground. We sincerely wish dist. there were in Mexico a few hundred oven of the S'peyef stamp. in order that the ttioliway banditti 'night receive the only treament and tie only indulgence they desetr t! dAily, not withstanding the phiilaittlrmis tenderness of the honorable representatives who, at most, presofibe a 'change rf climate to the cure of what they dam s kcal in tisinity. Gornto of Brat. "Talk shout your darned fait lines." said a Yankee to a cockney. who was so impudent, in the natural way of his coun trymen. to commence bragihig on English railroads, while the couple were progress. ing at the rate of forty miles, an hour on the Birmingham railway. "Why, mister, this ere road is partly considerable fur England, hut it won't do for We ride a straddle o' telegraphs there. when we're in a hurry,; but when we ain't, we take the radraml. I was coning from Philadelphy to New York, when I aes to a feller sotto' by me, 'who on girth owns that hit garden with white patina around it ?" M , I don't see no white pahns," pea lie. • • ;Tarot% see notinn else, tea I, "an d a mighty tall fence it is, ton." The feller burst ntit'a laughin,' "Why you darned fool." sair he,: , thesolethe telegraph poles." And sure ennught-when the ea' gine feller supped, I saar,thein posts a hundred feet,apart, and we, had been going so alfired fast, they Joelied fur, all thy world like white'Pallits."' "At this moment, the beiliplig at a Mg nal station, Aeliers'. Ahalokso , `ArileY, kid fully recovered from 4onatlian'a hist dose." ..W hat's tliat bell ringing fore?" inquired the latter of Ma Englielt frtnd. - ' 1.11'411, them Itin t .l do" Jnr lltette, ere aluw ears, but tve can't use them are itonirivancea in 'lVlerilCy.'''' ..Ah why not 1" ' " . Travel tan NM—fat,' heal sound 'all to.smaish. We would be smack through the village belore ,the sound of a first clap per was in the neighbordood." "Nly heyee !'is it piissdole," exclaimed the astonished cockney. ..Fact again, by thunder! Why I was on the York cars when tbem are steam whistles were first tried. Met• be you've ateern of the terrible accident?" Well'sir, we Were going , it strong.... . Burrowing, where on wliar—,all nature seemed shakin to peace,. when. several miles off, something wits /10011 on die track. The whistle was let boo* and she did screain arful'; but it Was no manlier of use, for, alter tumbling ever a apse .of smart horses, and a bug market wagon. I was just rising from a pond. when along come the whistle NANG mixed up with some big CllBOOB 1 mind to have herrn the cogine loan rip out, when. hr first saw the wagon. Bui the poor feller was dead when his voice ariiied. Feat, got the doc uments." "Hextraordinary," exclaimed the horror stricken curkiiiiy. ”And do they Wile whibiles yet 'Bless your soul, no. Congress stopped 'eon right off. and now we act on the p4i- Insophic rine:pies, that light travels an allfired sight raster than sound, which will do. perhaps, for this generation. We now tett 'em we are cumin' by bursting outs light that sehmiebes all animal creation. and I reckon rather surprised the plane tary system at drit. When it wais tried at night; the' roisters' on .- the road . enm. manned rroWibg, and the' chickens all got down fr um their rousts thinking it was day light." the eine entttlenly stepped, when Jona. than ltetibgatrived at the point of wades. tination, :ottlerd arouud stthe astonished enlkney nodded his heakatta taking hie carpet bai *tinder one arm and tin urn hreHa ander the other, took .his - leave as sober as a deacon. Our Mike has beep extendiug his atoll• tint) lieretof?re given to gee light litera ture, to Paine of the tender sex; but with whid'eueeees is beet 'Onrtriyetrby bin in inwikble Jailiek • ,•' • • , sTerearinithe mecinlk ddedalty • 'Neeith the Wanting! tree, , Thit she leaned spell& my waieteeet. A si4 vihlapers4l , 4. 6 deify see r , • Oh, that sprimutint nonneek ,• , )I , neow shell brims. - - ' • • 1 17 litt w it: l ty ItOru .• I i tem yet. /het di tlrla h t Nee H , ApPerelhol A gruff vole. uttered orrely- 7 ., "W 6101.41 this 'fair ' Aed then , liGite cropped Mot, Applg ,erito might 40, pro-- . : • . t fell open the And air went Mary ,len• 'Arc Anom pivot 00,1041144,ELP4 41 0 a ° a i r" I :4 II O R AN P l'olitiltirr It glair t. f, essidilliklall!i . ; lag bitdtelyielf tibin canary, 4toodir: .119 ''11114 4 . l ' e s a l iordiio464l*sii t iiiini 1 1- %Mil. Mhas We% COWIN avultreislipb.• , Alfliqr 5111sinritairp: • imieg, watts Awrigit: I Ny dearest, ire' you vim; °oil " Indeed; Vis very cold— • Log ono, meet lore, around your neck This bendkerthief oefeid. roe kneei hoe initiate, Ow year been", My :rani deer Ueoree,'ent i. One "pies biws befunp we put, Good bye, sweet thud * gexl bye. ls•tu ♦iris , Yotine.eoingtout:—why Joe% you gel cannot help the rain; You wouldn't grill!e nut mightily, 7"ti .Wee tome beck again. unihretto 1-1 do n 't know wins* it Is, Whit'll you want twit, j wends/ 1 Doti% pester ine theta your poll— Good grsebiatk—op to thuniter.! The Japu nepedltlmu, The N. Y. Tribune has an interesting article on'the /Tait Eipeditiod mid na val Matter.. Wimpy the following para graph : . "The Mississippi takes out a variety of articles as piesmds to the Emperor of 4a pan•--to conciliate him. astonish the Wise*. and prepare the way for the desired nein tiation. A locomotive and a quantity of ...armd iron will ,be taken along pith . which to show him the operation. of, a railroad. Telegraphic apparatus and wire will be taken along, With which to demonstrate how the lign Ming. have been converted to the nee or eivilitation.' Two of the ship's' engineer.' [Messrs. E. 14.1 Roble, and W. Atexander.3 are learning] the use of the apparatus, in order tip ex-1 plain it tie the Emperor. Am' apparatus' fur taking daguerreotype. will also ticiiited and explained for the inlorniatigin of H ie Majesty, by Lieut. Build. A beautiful I barge is on board to be presented to him. Also boxes of domestic goads, roniprising a great variety of manufactured . articles, which are to give the Emperot an 'idea of the industrial pursuits of {hie country. and perhaps awaken a desire on his part for an exchange of commodities between Jap ari 21111:the United States. The Altastssio.. pi will take; tel boats for her use. Thew are four henul ful brass nine pounder* mounted on carriages. which are lobe used it necessity. by parties of engineers owl gaged in surveying. ;- They can be hued in tie bows of She boats which. may be em ploy-ad in surveying the coast. Should ores expedition succeed in its undertaking. sad establish commercial relation. be. tateen the United States and that - exten sive and secluded . nation, it' will rich. ly repay the risk and Cipendittlre ift earred. ' . . , UNPRoI/lAIILE BOARDKR.-4. p lysician xyleiee the egad ofa li.W poly ;la years rit age. trim, frnut a feeling *mills a craving, dim, 1 1 0.C1,101:gity•'1)14 awn flesh .w lieu not supplied with food ; 111)11 when he awake lie was constaudy eating. l'ho I , nrd glrcu. lo_Litw Coll.l6l4tluf, bread. illrat, beer, mdk. water..chreeile. sugar. tre. agile, pudding. pies. fruita.hrodw. potatoes, 41i)., and of these. ke swallowed, to 41x aueceorci4e days. three hundred ,aoil eigh ty-four pound.. eight ounces, avoirdtipoia, fheuig sixty-four pound. a day on 'the average. The Seioto Ohio) Gazette reports. a sale or improved Short liitrn Cattle. at which higher prices were realized' ehan, was everbefore paid for the tame number cattle. at least in thin country. Sizteen animals were sold at the aggregate price One bull, "Nobleman; Was bald for $2,610! Scaler Psawraces.—The Springfield Re. publican says that John Van Buren ,Ints been to Concord since he election. This; is a *harp praciire. Thane will be Pill thing but concord, in the party if John tits a place. And the gauss• way to said if he don't gat a place. A BiluenT , Spor.—at small town in Montgomery enmity; North Carolina, call. ed ...Die Forks," 1 , 01P4 unanimously! fur Seott and Graham at the late election.— There are 128 entre in the Mere, but there is not a military Pierce end -King wan in that spot. Omens or &mutat. F4ll/1191111.--Faals ions have been frequently uriginaterlin en deavors of the inventor, to hide some de formity ; hoops, fur instance. to conceal as ilimbaped hip ; • ruffles. a scar on the neck. Perhaps ; large sleeves, Macey dims not mention. and conjecture might not he acceptable,. Patches were invented iu the reign oli.Eilwaril the VIM, by a lady.. who in this atruner covered , a sum on her neck• Charles the Mtn. of Prance. introduced Inegcmits to hide a pair of crooked Peaked shoes. Nil two feet long, were in veined by the Duke of Abject to conceal . a delimited font. .Francis kit, was obliged ?rum a •wound in his head. to wear short hair, and heure the 12101111114 Isabella. of , Bavaria. was proud ol her beauty. and in. bothered timeusinni of leaving the neck, and &Moulders uncovered. Charles Pil l ,. by'severe edicts., banished tight, breeches and is the reign of Elizabeth. enormous , large breeches came in fashion. : The, beaus ~ of that day • atadiatl their breeches, with rags. feathers. wool, wed; mho light suiff. till time resembled huge bales of cot ton: “Ter edibei op le them; the' bales 'in vented Mtge hooped petticeous. thattalitilotere could nieconwriorithid sesetil feet of each other ? At one time Wield Mee maim esett.wiiidt. thet a petit' ametion weaveitied lima no person sbottld be idiom. ed more (thane siz , inchei at the' loss. b ,A,yesibg greenhorn ; woutokl thito.if he pressed alsortoialbeeliful young lady shill froshl sing. .The *rut .svesting he aril* hgr dim. and •thic.,exceied f•Why.: Tlutreh.'l, he. *ilott'A you &birth, yod Gould thing if I.thquesead pou Bider}.s ••; i~YhYIN 1444 11 , , 0 1 111,91 1 1 1 1 1 Idis an Iriii4plivt I .rllollt Pr girl . HOCIUSIN he wants to .i pa $ 00 ,14 A:ratites mouth. iSIIf , 4II I PIONVRPHIAIp% P l 4 rOPP? ; mpe 0 gp mf VALthe 44 fift9 11 M104 11 4 , 1114 x, pr sit ~, ,ii /7t .! _ ._ _. ~nit .6044,14,1' ‘, 4 LI t f '''' °" i'il" 110 % 1 ,R i c -- #.3, .?,'Cllesk : were, nekattling Aar thi v uE it9o! tri jit it ,. :.-; things' ibet niorning-Lliatticarrwi t t• testa in.:, , to the holm. . ; Ilag coupe dipspiee whilst. Indietallratilt mtir ar e ''"L.. ' ° 6 l d . -1 " ' lli ki r""Wer ,, O. r ". 4 11 11.#41 qi„1it.,..,t,0) " 04 at We die)ier: ,4' '' , , ttseet Km on die l , yt, e, 14,,tugdir,.. g. , i , .-,..i- T . k af , aprit, , tabs. Defeo,. i ~,,,i i . ~ 4 , 11 ‘., i, 1 411cP .1 1' 7' I'm .i*Ftiond.../49tuoity.' 1, ,th,"Y„,:pt,?. dlgti l t i hgt , 1 1 . 11, ,,,ii 1 ", ~t llll, 1 a ~,,,, .1. wil tee 101,. up,to _,rph. . L o t, JUROREL' ' '' ' ''' ift"vA g"' 11 ." 'ii ',V . • 1. Ernie'', Noidieh,; . 7. Henry Folty, . ; e n T, I L t r . ,t,ft ( l t d I'a , ip . ' ° , l P li cl'Y '2. ,Jehn;GOsbon,- , ,, , ' 8. , Hea. IL thank** ; 1 1 ;:litl i r ii , 4 !'ll r .T, , S n Y L PFA . I , ‘• 9, Jll'es et. 8 , iri,.. W. litattY; I .9 J:Friibidirdierab, a iii i ti ) d pj ~ ii t‘ ; ',.37,m ,ißst f4i , kpy . - I 4. Joattpb .t. , rr o 10.. klep# !Mayer, t ~,, , 4 ?,* ,4niur,t' jytktil., , *etc diem 1 5., Sebent'n,llieffee, 11.:,(1Mi. , Chiiteresitt u T,,t Mar. lln' ii ti ed untfiltr e t ~ ~ ..,• 8 . Sanwa! hiller, ~ .12..! Gne. 11.140/11 . 1160 , e ,!, '-•: "..W70 1 1 4 14.1 11 1/4erßanot# i' , Counsel for the Cotumouweelth, ItHEIY , R4t/.174.15i0W,8RE11..*M1nd i'V'trair 0 • and HIiPBURN ;, for Defenrianti M'OCiN- 1 JillinulWooool an friliedatitsfiAirrii. /set.-I'% AUGI - IY , COOPEitand.DUIIKEE.it'Mviiee/elletneli3OreenonitelludeeLA4dtirthere. Ratan' opened for the Cummonueulth, -;o l, l lll loweestwitlekbig hilt, asheritWontlamnved -. fraying to the legal distinetion , bettidon the' tine' lA' Weittfill , ibtelfelt 'tits-+bitellenr inns • different kinds of .fiernielde, Murder iorthe. Ilitsgisynit. o t l,iseartt area& weiluirw feared Brat sad ateend degree, and lie detalheithe. ) oo.otot.lietiuttl s slOsetireid ditin't fear” , evidence expected to be offered. : i • , 'tf , ' ,' oWtanisto Justithe , ,..ditlttle mere fnertiim. I TESTIMONY: , ,• '' i late. gorNieup edmisfogeillsokisrao /Man' !MICHAEL WA RNE/i,e'Worb; ''t dii i i ... . 101 . 1",hichnadnttidIfisoftdnhitrbotatb t. ,end f . arquaihled with the / 1 11111H W:: atiti theca: 1 7"2 0 , 1 , 11 . 1 .22," 4 2,? w 1 41 1 "1,!,' "" •,_mu tint ceased, Was with theta oh Mil" 1ii:",_ ( . 11 ., ,11"111",',"1"etilli'"'"'°°°""1" the of April. Green'rent the iltile'lidid,,uoijoil l ' i ! i tnn , f ilap ilhhe i tor hos it i tas , ollpassedoose atr the to tell' tree lie wanted tit !tektite, or' ii Ili ! no salleritits.o ookesireway the told luili.. Tufa me he ivetiliii 4 4, '', 1 11 1 (In , 1 nu t . : and " * ". i ...., ' ~6 1 t f r „,,,,...,""4 a1 h0 1 b5 .e ard t ter tell MAry W nods, to retell ' ti er bah* kelt wil ). l ) !,7 # ''',.„.' ~_ l a '"'r_ 77_,, 11 . n'l to IMF house. I toltl'ltitiaini she' ehid Ail , i l l. i 'l, e , ~..t ilti or"'l " "' t• wi n et''''' '.. n !.!, 14 .!!' would. 'then the tiigohl'Patil tti4ittor'ill' I li% ,' "Jtu" - ! o 4 l **hinflfellittlinollunro , ' , Ile started at the house 'of itiloh' 17&oilVellir' °*11/411s ru! t h . 46 . 441 " IWI I II " s a i l l "T° lan the lot ni A oril li i go int to tlie l ltill." 10111 4 4tlet fO l g*, t'AVI 4 I InOltett'uPlu *duke and fut. , • ' , , t !lowed. lion, about* . reds tinntsithwithouse. Woods, Samuel Mar" end lAMI ' Sowtits. J • sighed togeiliet with the watriiii. , J it'n ni v't 4 FP' 4s A l4 ‘ 4o " . l '4 l4B inattedtsdnnuo '' back and felt. Woods helped.humnakteg , moved to the hill. Abu. they Martini - , Green called In Join, Wooill to tontiehat.4' •!!!!'t l „ o . ,_ r .. ,""1 . : w ; 2 ol _ . . r4 .3 4ll °_,..e*f! .. , unt____. l'_",,nun_, loo _ .!fi ; He didn't hear. 'rite ertimelii stilt-I , lqt? `:"'"; ; ;L:1', 1 : 41 ,,, /. 7, ,. ..727:: . q=7... ,.. 2Liir k. go over, and atier'they got to the big rode, ,/ J ul io `r 7 1 "'; - , "'„ , ;.i '" 7.,;""`,',T: """ 11 Green helloed' th Mary Wands to etititoc- :I n P.rtur,l 2 .• , *0: 1 7/ 1 1 4 fr 1011Pluill'itillVII.111 hack. Sloe came 'back, ameloolires toll! At7 r."tk.t l ) e frPris" l l4lll4 Mil l "ilat' n 'T'''' harshe would'm dente hark if ilia Went. Damp! 4,ling 4 s i ake him / y,hist:seglq him She said she Would. 1 told Jon to let tier $161° 3 k!'" Wi ffl inii Fyiresolfllit. ',,itiLsoiflori go. o il he would. "rh'ey smiled.— i mi49 t 1 tj 1 4. , R N 41. ,'% I i i ii a , 9 . 1 . 91 .PV 4 4 111 . 4 ..:1n Then Jim acid, heads hung togeitiee,' 1.11 . 1 YY s iP l lCi ll, i.. l I , fi , c ' f iFiktl9-32/ m giliPlir —there will be a revolution on dm bill in. '''' "0 1 :1 9TNE 1 1411,,k 1 11 t11191 31 h 0 4,1111.41111PriA1l day.' He repested it, Green asked me if i lfpcit, .Wf11y, V ,... 14 , !, 1 0 1 111 4 11t 1 hll4loll l lff , hill. I told 't •or , w11)i; 1 ;ii8Pe omign,.l,wmiltiAtir9/1 1 101 to go along to the h 0... . to.o. JIM .Lo i ~, ‘5 ~, , . . not. I told Idlo to fat lier go. ' 'The hill' ' lle , IV ° Q, "6 ; 11 41 1 401P111P1OPIANCtiO o , t, is what we malt the big" bill nark rof , Pen. l ' i. ' r•h , . 14194 1 Y; • 4114ffnii•Vfniilffli'llefuSft ' rose's. Joh ii Woods lived' abobt Si Mile,. 11 9,, ' l rPrifiC "le ~ ye i'A iNflif litoukith ' ''' 14 from , the - • lid!. lie said 'nothitert about , i 'lh , f, An f 1! ,sl4_,-.. ir, impopt,,,, .himi rig. Don't know what Ise-Julian' by A,.._1111k - CIPpl, &1/71„.. s!I illitguott, ...heeds hong together." , Ile Wei. tillritti S L Y 9 ) ( 4 I ,IM` I ue ,.MVPSV ti gri l l' 4 . 7 about Net vi Wi Ale , - ''. I, ''' . / ,'' 'PI "' ' gmirit,lol 44 f! Fut tlitvwivi, - ie . H . °''t e 4. ' 1 1 h' )1 0 ,1 1 `i 41 S tu? Ps k I thar. :X-Eiamined. • 'rite eisin!lv kid ettiretd ,G - 1 .1 . / . I°ll but shwrainv bat theirthe h‘artl ‘ on , to** or a i idi rr leakvintwr nnw. 6., , il ' ffi rt'r, VII I , fl'f , l lo ~ d , '17911 11 1, occurred a" l'ivire telated. '' ' '' " ' , 'llT 1 " 1 7 4 i. "•'' . ''• '' i • , • • ~ ti ' • " !.• , , i .anY , ll'*;!) 1 ~Y tt• ' ,noPiTyrl o .l-.0 , wing PA R i if c• V,ON DS , (o 9l orrif) In n rtm 10a..1111 1, 4p ItifiliPiPP 1 W:AltfltiflPtiiktf. ,, I 1110 1114 'wife se ,John ,Wanis. , )7iti tae t? ; 11,, , ittew he id env, so I k remember ~its twitting on the first if r itk i 1 l'ile 1 1 , , ap e i i .dln 4. ,"plisiiiii;prl',4/thild'hei t tall y , tiow. Samuel 'Mari that mnriii_itglnifiirewp,.weint Z tea ihk.if i lnlie g f:',M6ye"th# tie c ', a til t ; to the hill. ' I ilaA; Sin clrfint ~X ti tlitletliiil'ite 4 'vitidfliiii4 4 'httil 611'r d re. ' a talk #itli him gii!ligWp t o , tliv Vilt. , L iki,, , ,4, - dit ber,"telpill s .'l tll4 i tell: litin li:'' said lie .. wo_tild,,irpilli'lltip464lo'' , olol thili to'iliktitflillf r , ~, • up to - iIAS'. 'Lr.--, 'lle 1,,,,i7 , invinl, stirmlibile • ...i. ~ ... .+l - . I •,,,f1 I Inked hill tidvf.` , ' , •iiid'ii°'tWinnit i ll r 11164 . 411111 'Wier iiiiiircoh la rv i i nu si, (lief , 1'1144 wim going' ttp;iii die'liii 1 , 'b e T o rt'r'' n th '11p; . Tai , M4 4 hi 'l,*,; I 'saw him and filers togetlit4On ;die litii. 0, - t.iv pfik i , 4, l •tritiiihiTi_. ',I, 10,, , At i ,, f . ,„1„., g Mir . .61111 Green asked Mara irhe iv.'. ni.tp I, 41,, , , j1i4,11 ti linittkl fier' mite ~ Iwo ii it.,-.., , Raid he N''4B a matt. 'Greeii Si id, "lit - • ,77.e., 1 lot 4; ilitikikiliiiiii'v7l4Pe biliadedp' I tin a man too. Mots Mill 'Green he '5,z a1 1,..it d''G'r e ifierleilk r ifik:" ya 1,,,,,,, wanted nothing to dri, With 'ItIM. ' l'l4:if f e i#w.'' did )41, 1 40;fi 1 y iilehjiegfal.:'4,l4' ' Green shill lion. Did it with a In oo,- .,- utiliiiidd;'" i rlilVillltiP tiplinid n l'iltl,,i" Green tithe said that hih'riad, "a revenegAt 110 ,11 i iner 4,l. l faiiiiidiiiii,....wrw,fp , ' 6 4 1 Marl, *nil by --: IA ;thu; ni l hunt." 'fla y kitcheri ' iilibil' ?fie iilllMlfili/114111 ed. ' were standing f;teti Ini ' feet; he/ore . Marc ' 1 don ) k.'lleritensBii"ef 4icsitleillieitig told Gr e en I, e w „,, te d iipi hni i i i n' d r , ,witit' rillseriiv the Iliflllitiw. ,4 I ( 1,a,,0r•, 1 Joie; ~ him. *ifs wliSlol . AtirV. A fi e rhe iiii6l, • cjAragtjt i pimplisy.; sw ir ft ..l: e , wil l N t h Gruel' went utti. and rat* r''ll'ii'ini likut ,the house ot, the (till on the-Iliff i tilittlifttl' and threw a tidbit 'atithii, l tind had him'i n ; Fumed. 1 _I. heats!, yktirrrsombOismit come biek. Mars toned do come 6 41406 no nienjiving, , itlitjaelAiit.for,ll4 . Olffii- -, the house, and fell. lie Mad 'MAO en allowed , be didn'l, fear, loci t K ai ./fe..- 4 #ll. hour and a half after h. Tide wig abiiet dull!ft car. Wr- bi, 41 . , . 7 rhek iimr,, Aig , I I o'clock 'l' hey Were in the 'remits, it jilattig e pieta! enntjust eei s lmw..ttwkliee , the house where tVe i Ware ninitAng hi it to I „tu to , 4 44 , ,,jo ulfget t y , . „A m* 40 , 0 hill. 1 wag ste i nding'behl)tct l'ilir 0. I '6.9ii Thßy, 00)), ; iwpit , RIO.. orraffiva, gati4 insk ? f diiing involving - half beet e:iiititik 'the pie,: :Ag fir , pj e ko qa .4 , S ic i i ,.. 9 , jk lp; b9l4 , l ,, ,ro d tti , jl Mare seid, ilbout ill teen' minutes before Ili , andillOWt;strtur iine;AtAllif49ll 10 ,94.0titi , died. Green'tvonld not kid any Mute thee. tning - ,eedoell t , ,Then .J,ol, , eettift.itaell e .enit,4 I Saw'qreolt it , ( 11 Plow:olii Aliiiili hiP " 44 'ent TroiliP 4 104 ilkkeitlillicf.#l l ,4 o 4oo4- doge 'pp to hoot • ; Mars pushed him Frick s yc p w#o l lgt 4„,tuitiplo t , ~ upLapikl! 4 , with hit oven blind and thed‘tnitf. *4l 4vdit i h it +' , ttir,,flf*lPAL, Ajffmlefll, 'ft to lints nothing:lu do with ysm.” ,- ' , a s iii 101 } t aw cu I n t o . 11 ., r u m t i tm., ,a, , It. , • ~. '', ' l4 tr W' .--11 _1" 71 ' . i p X-X.Vnailidd. j /110114 behind Marx.— . wse tlefope he watt sit t . lle-,Y,441"1 1 t9Wi1e ,' I He was a Middling large man, 'I could together. Retook the`ptistol forwardltesew ,:, see Green. though. I have told all' that his, thigli, !bee, be eltot 1 lot, time% laws . ~ , Wall sail. I did nit ' hear M ,ra swear any riosedtiotpletee„.. ~„,,,. ,; r,. .>,, , , ~ before this happened. Mars did not ptialt , X4gertwrSed. ~tirAiiitflefilili ilk* • , Glean hard. I never told any person that' 'Mei iwllellitn., . ~.1 r ,t ..,, n nit-4 , . ~ r I was not behind ildars'—l did not tell iiii- CHAR! l:t SANDERSVCIAMO,Citt= 4 , „ , se Cook so. Did mitt tell liiin Mars geve I went with, 4 1 18:01111111111p.10.41111AW0011* Green a hard push before Green shot- on;the lekOt 4j/1,44041. ; aging Pktust Akti . never tad any body en. pid not tell him' .road opt ilteattatint,PaY k1i14110181,,W 7 010311, ^ that there WAS hard swearing, and I thit „s oa p Mars •did,,0011.490101s In •twv ,104tV,e t t: , they both ewore. I never told hien I hail sk e, „ y , 4 ,g4w e ,h o r ~ 14 00 , 1 04 0.0 .5 44 .,. a mind to get out of the mob), there ' win t om navot 44„,4,1 0 , i iii,j5y 4i0,04,1i01,,,Q4 0 , such a 'swearing. I' never mid Ar. 'Otidk ,the hill 1 SAW Alerellay.ki. isowklmeriumteo I was not battled Moro. , I , told loin justt,i.g in ie e brews'. altd„leilk . ki1441 1 101114 elid e the risme that I - told Ilei l / 4 1; Doll'i l rind / ,110,,did n9i , wen( to heya ,encythjet,tei t tgo • that I told Cook that Green said he had, h 1iyjd,0,j 14 , , ,01 6 eiga,te,the sigen,4 figesto. revenge attunes *ire And now 41, wee 'out, 1 ,,,,Ti t i k „.,,RT,,,,+ i i, yeolare nel t rill giagithb 0 I donthink' it Wig 'mom Than a week ''or.' rue, 4 1.,,d, w , li hi s. ~,,, ,0 0 000404 ter Witt happened that Collk talked to me p h, h ,hi l , hi, c i ii h t han k .. t wilip t ioromil *heti' it. , Mars i l olloweil Green' shier two n r ! l,,, ,4 1., yr , 1111 4 ; I. kolgrd ,this,. pjetpl,,pmeg„, rode from the house, 111161 k. lifter he rriort.. o ff . , • . 4 .1931 ,1,..! M./OAI , L Ant. 1 th; pieked iipllte flub 'at ; the tider. X r Axandped, i ,ilietie,miltliing„,,kg, pia which he threw,. '' ' ' ' sloogr,y, lottlVl , M , Xliftroo. l l.l, 4444 ItittZtl. , . By' Mr. Cnormt. Thetoom Whit obleare ett-v0 1 ,45 , in OR .4114t11nk,„ ,• ,t,'doit'Atkß4,l i In which we were. ' pliers Wes d'',tlO,lr it' thal,l,l lone aphystige# .191". 4111t1110p. 044, it opening lout the kitehem The door is ,17Spokie t ihpni ptedinte,4l.l‘,M,M fir. 'in the eSrtier, 1 Isaac Wiiiithi; a' led.' *al lti . I ,IP ,whaktt .witriftit ..,11diAtoc414)41tet, die Nom." 'Green tomtit next' the littd,Weri": that ri,did tint hel4l4, l ht,,tbat par,Sy ti r,,.„,l, , , door. The table I cut Mit pies ii...wiaiii at' tN fey,.59,09,t9. 1 1))4f, *eft Atgq, . &told; . the f ar entl'ltom the thipraiiti' Mars'ln*" hif. l l,,i . 1 14' Pit AinW, .11,1tet5ing44. 5 4..1 , 1!**, betide me. The hey *li.l'bje the witidOwo party. - . ••.,.., ~.,,,, , ~,ii 1., t " / Green did mit'lnon l iblit`' o4 hf 1158 bll'"'''' JOHN WOOlnoisputs,(ltelhis)i. Al Mutiv 4 lever,'' Om h° l4i itellic ' ill Ithd .:tool' wititpret*mPast3ny. , ktostall Whew slip.wileir door.".'The first thintrOMit did 'When l lllo ' o,ooreet4.,spon,this Imola, of illoprililsel.,i At , aline in, was Itt'llik•MiiVir h . * tire (b * 44 '. ' Wag ,Ito:14 big AtiAlis ..eTlut flew 4 ItreSti It** 'they had , hilt.einversaticift 0 befohe. I ihat ii , jogialoitillsgentseillittgo4awinel4lars willahv ' 'heard, I wortheidellaille tieurthityiwerti „Th.; w4O , „,,,,i,,,1 4 , 4 two said 1 „„ ) „„* *, ,in the rheas.' , Heard notbingideferielthat,, , 140 ,*,,d 1' e ,"4, 00 , 0014 . .1. 14 ,,, Ji ** ,„ l , p „. I beekkl ell.sheY did thy...! .- 11 441 ,1 ~ ' , , ov , pad up olose tel4l6,,and ositl,•,odv 1t5.,, ,, L, 11) 4 Me;'DttAxidit' Thetio;iiiii lib' tisMti tee' r.,o, , thsor,„lletng.” ;Dien Suet Matti hing dens in thethuirti befOritliktittionreittlt sturvell,bitpligatt with lur open liauti•and. Diet% 'rentltrnber that I that'll' theittt4whiet:: tohl,,h,jrn o lte ;IWO, went no hare anything, linlirl salt' INIlh havthhilivhlsh&V.ll ultolo iiiii))..hia!, And eller lion he idiot thihlisPenl etivoitesi‘Oltarityltividers.• biol. bhp,. NI soon.ea It eindd he duos.' 1 11111/ . ; del Cline. Niiiby Moods andlohlit WOollii itt,tkee ,he •intstentod it i ho hrun6 l P 4, Wit were hi the . 'Wooni 'Wilder, elision, , Altund. right' hoed jwit opposite the stmuitelh, •1 Mfgelfiwitlrlinidit. Doter inind4if iitylini . lt raw the hatidle of the ennui an hie pnela - st Wee in•thi vitalise thith.'" Thil kitchen about hull' AIL hunt bol , tre it haPpcned.- , , *nil *td ablinitArlt trirtettiu'iloniti 11 4 1-tiela (intuit then went net and Sam Itilleweg i l alp Iwilltiews 414* tonuivtAgiitiltil Ise . ivaa Iµl,lllW : 'itched up it 'tick; followsti 1 411 , - hr ' thellwittdroVil Maw dial kitehitte dean I 1 4 1hiiip two, tods. and ti ito wed it. Ile *O4 saw him there, . Can't tell'Wehern 'lle' reel itirit . etVincitine back eutl fell i• I hill lII* , stood. Martcasidithi Raid »! and sleeves up and he fell, again., I,ll4P,Jiajoi, rims) lil'PO ° 4 of , w,hila $ 1 014 0 1 , 10, Pisret 1 ittlid . tlnallta hark awl I told lion, he "wot4l l /if4AliP jepiq, witetbeeMewee'emiesmits,on or nit. hemp liir diet." lie eatt!,, , .l dosn'AltlMA i Del 10 Wm w ith it GM , sca poet to hung anyhow. g . 'lliad hi • • . MES 0 R EEN. ffENIMM • Two,,Dottalctit • ~i! tilt . ~ COL', . : ': l.ii.) 0 ,1. 4 J V.i,i) , eriiiiOi iiLiii :ii P, . 1.. ,• it . 1141 4Nru . i a tta7c , 0, i ! `ill VNO P'l II ''' , l' , o' . : 1 0 - 1 : . ' 1 11 , gt• ' , til 11 t . .. 4- trti ,.... " ! , . .. r..' 4l•virvi) : 7 4 ,15' t fctarosivt.!.V.:l; L 1 fYSI qcvvil fru( )pr.d. otih ...• •. ,0 )11 J . 4 44 :VW kt1""406 15.4!1i ! ,,,. 411•'' ));.'O.•