(From the Ilieten Atlas. 1 A Patriot lc Call. akokleor . elip., settait • . We ropy .fromahe Itiehmond papers. We tousle . thet man . , y ~ of flier,ffeliiiiicratirf ; thel , fogoiving spirit-stirring call from au papers Are lammed, in the enprehtable 1 old settle'—one I.vlt'o hail seen service, and hosiallite of decrying the military timuts. land the ' who his been as' unwavering in his poli. thin of nen. Sontt, whilst they heroic deeds of Oen. Pierce. It heroines tics us ho was i n the ranks when battling us to inform those papers, that they are against the minty : engaged in n portal I that will end in the To the gallone old &Vier; of 181'2, end the /ware defeat of the objects they have in view. fi u,,„., ~,,,,,,f , „,4 , ,,,,„ , U„.„.„ : Glop. Sco tt 's military ch.ir,eter has been ATIFINTION! fairly sed honsinlY won. '!hors is ""' in !lave von forgotten the bloody field of the Union an in telligetit,in PII who Win relliSe I.!liiily's Laile, when 1111y011et crossed bay to concede to him the remit:men of one of 1101 , 1. and steel d as h ed w i t h steel, amid the most,. successful chieftains that ever the rattle of musketry and the roar of call. fought the battles of his native land. 'They non and of many waters r who attempt to tarnish his repo:anon as a Have you forgotten the plains of Chip. soldier; 'urn seeking his election to thu . pi. wa, where you met the veterans of many Presidency.... a well-fought field, and drove them at the %Ye the not i sympailtize with the party ' inimi o f the havimet ? pnlitics Which Gen. Scot I h , " . einl" . "° ( " 1 ; I LiVe you forgotten Queenstown Heights, net iir It rrobahle that he will receive our where you washed out, in your own and votes. , Still, we do not detract from him the blond 01 your enemies, the disgrace it single merit claimed by his warmest' cast tynn the Anierican siame awl the A• Iriepht,,, ~ ttirrie.nt arms by the surrender of Hull ? "rhnOkrattrinan people are always grate,- have von forgotten Vera Cruz, Cerro ' , ,iii , MI. shut ever stand ready . to (I 'le" ! Gordo, Chernbusco, Chemiltepee, Moline and rewnrd the Pik" s o ldier; and i t til eY del Rey, end the pity of Mexivo ? discover atny attempt on th e part o fthe Have you forgotten your victorious palliators of Gen. Pierce, to thsil"r"ge I mrch—olio of the most splendid iii the 1 Gem Scott's well-earned tame, they will to oh iniii Lary operations, that excited instinctively fly to the regime. I'lle ytv--1 il i the astonishment and won the plaudits of not 'Miter Gen. wintiold Scott to be tradtic- i all Eiirope—front Vera Cruz to the Grate! i of with impunity. . Plaza of the city of the :Montezuma:4 : But little lE:actit will be derived front 1 lure, yea lim tacor the lecitioz of prid 1 e j competing Gait. Franklin Pierce wi th i —geitiiiiie soldier-like pride—with whielt Gen. Scott its a soldier. Gen. Pierce wit . you followed the vieiortoug banners of modestly and justly shrink from any such •,,mir emintry—the glorious stars & stripes comparison. lit: would not do Gen. Scott 1 :_ as .... e ., to ) were borne onward aim onward injustice. to :,squire even t h e Presidency i on the route of the relceilliti4 foe ? itself. Lone but fools or impudent:sl)lmq)- ! 11l v e von forgotten witlt what confide/tee guards, will contend that the achievements f you marched wherever vim saw wave the ' of Gen. Pierre should bo mentioned in tail !dente n( your gallant old commander the smite day with those of Gen. Scott. lin eilivi. leading you oil !, Several communications have been sett, Ti tiavii yyouforgotten that When lie pollu i to this office for publication, in which the i ed out the enemy, and told you when,: morals and religion i i i G en , Scutt itre de- : where, anti hazy to titlark and conquer., cried. They were addressed to the wrong , you felt Ihmi von It'd only 1., obey his quarter. We know that Ocnetal Stmt's , commands, and victory would, as it ever, private character is beyond the breath of i did, perch upon your standards?. reproach. !lie whole life has been in . Fellow-soldiers, and fellow.veterans !—. i keeping with the strictest moral cede : and.. !lave von forgotten all th is ? NO! To I his religion is a matter that concerns him- the lat est moment of your lives you will i self alone. lie is., an Episcopalian, and; snot. and canton forget. I 719 such, conformsto rho laws of the di11...c11.1, ! Forget not, then, nor brave Old mom if he were a-Catholic, as by some it, is minder , the gallant scorr, whit has so, pretended. he is, he would he entitle d i" ' often led us to victory, but never to (le tt, our respect. 'l'lle subject of his sours i /eat. salvation, is one that dime not, ill the. re- Let 115 once more rally around him, as mutest degree. concern us. We find it iwe have heretofore, where the tire was quite enough for us to take care of our own !limiest:lnd the enemy were the thickest. souls. :,qiis enemies Were then OUR ENEMIES Cannot a presidential erinvass be con-I—let them be so still. Ile never waited ducted toll successful issue, without calling . ' for a call from us—let 158 now volunteer into requisition the whole vocabulary of to stand liv him. and see !thin through the Billingsgate blackguartlism ? We remind ettlit. nlfp Guards, and at 'em." One those eager partizans and asses, who as- 1 of the Old Scott Grtqr.l. sail Gen. Scott's military and moral char.' acter, that they are only adopting steps to secure his election. We shall not defile the columns of the ./Mus, by publishing the foul scandal that demagogues lurnish. We shall stand aloof; when asked to publish libels op a gallant soldier, which carry on the face of them the impress of detraction, falsehood, and infamy combined. Scott 'is a good, as u.€ll as n great inau, and entitled to the report of his country- THE. CHOLERA IN EUROPE. —The tic. counts from Warsaw, Poland, are of the most distressing character. The cholera has raged theie with unprecedented vio lence. On the 18th ult., the number at., tacked was 402, of whom 207 died, and 1,474 eases we're under treatment in the hospitals Of the city. From the first ap pearance of the disease, about one-half of the attacks had proved fatal, but a slight improvement, m the returns gave some hopes that its fury hind abated. But, how ever distressing these accounts are, it is far more alarming to learn that this fright ful malady. is advancing westward. From Landsberg it seems threatningH Breslau, and its progress towards Berlin is watched with deep anxiety; whilst' northwards, along the whole course of the Vistula to the Baltic, the inhabitants of:the numerous towns and villages have been carried away in great numbers. In some of the villages two-thirds of the inhabitants have perished. At Berlin the alarm is! very great, and medical men have been dispatched to the 'metiers to use their el- I lorts to stay the pestilence. As the course Of this destructive disease is precisely that which marked its track in twiner years, the nen accounts are looked fur with greatl anxiety. A letter of the lith, says that the chole ra, at present comnotti»g such ravages in the neighborhood of Kalisch, arose from waking some excavations in the cemetery of Lask, near Kalisch, where the victims of the cholera of 1832 were buried. Almost immediately after leaving work, several of the workmen employed in the excava tion, were seized with the epidemic, which has spread with great malignity. E;LIOCRINO MURDER AND SUICIDE.—A terrible tragedy occurred at Cincinnati, a few days ago. the particulars of which are thus related by the Times, of that city : John Melding and Christina Kramer had been living together in rather close in timacy, and it appears he had often threat to kill her if she ever married another, which she did on Friday last—one Ru dolph Brent, of Covington, Ky. As soon as Bidding heard of the occurrence, lie resolved to csrry DUI his purpose, and with that view, armed himself with a sharp axe, and proceeded to the 'louse, where, after waiting snore tune for a favorable oppor tunity, rushed upon her as she descended a stairway heading from a porch, and bur ied the axe in her head twice, sna king two frigbtful wounda. Supposing her dead, lie ran into the cellar and with a razor cut his throat front ear to ear. The cry of murder was raised, and Officer F. Smith, attracted to the spot, gut into the cellar in time to catch the murderer and suicide as hi. was falling to the ground. Ile was taken out, but died in two hours. The WOlll3ll lived over an hour. I'm 'll'naKSTeNsu INVAtiIoN OF CUBA. —The New York Timer states that, on Tuesday. Coin. Petry received a tele graphic dispatch, requesting him no enure immediately to Washington. Those who profess to know, say that the Government hart information that an attempt will again be made to invade Cuba from ports io the United Ntmes, and that Com. Perry has been ordered to Witahington dirt the Gov ernment may have the benefit otliis ad vice. It la (kilter said the Commodore will in a telsr 'days' sail fur Navaho, in the IFirAiltOr Slit6r4ippi, for the purpose preventitig • nos infraction of our treaty anpulationa *lth Spain. The editor of the Democrat says that lire ras ► goetini at yiii nicank Falk ;o relefr! "I wonder what makes my eyes so 1, 41 ,1,,, the ban% Of 'Lowly I Lane %V 3.4 "C I weak." said • fop to a gentleman. P Why, Witte,' 1 4 0110i : iron what he soya of the ! they are in a weak placer," replied: the bettle othnr. Plain Talk by a Democrat. A certain man, living sot a hundred miles from Evansville, and who has in variably since be has been a man voted the Democratic ticket, lately declared to a friend of ours that he was not going for Therce. When asked his reasons, he re plied : Stmply because I consider it an insult by any party to my itidependenee and reason as a 1113 n. and to the intelligence of every Democrat, to be asked to vote for a man who has no earthly reeommemlation id ability or !List services, and whip is ut terly unknown, when the party eon tains in Os body such men as Casa, Buebanan. &e. I intend for one to resent this. I voted I. Polk because a party feeling took away my reason, rid when she great (lay was his•uppiment. II heaven ,ever fur. give me for that, I will never be guilty of a similar thing again. Scott was fighting the enemies of ins country when we were children. if not before we were born. Pierce is nobody, and he.can not get-any vote." That's pretty plain talk, there's some truth in it. lie in the representative of pretty large ela, , s of Denteerats.--Evana ville (hid.) Journal. Recovery of LOPSi Itioney. A very curious ease of recovery of money missing from the mail for several months was yesterday brought toour notice. It was that of a letter put iuto the mail at Sharpti. burg. [Md.] addressed to Mr. George Waters, Flour Commission Merehalit in the neighboring town of Georgetown. en closing One Thousand Dollars in Bank Notes of larger or smaller amount. Of that Letter nothing had been heard, since failure to arrive at its destination until Wednesday morning, when it arrived at its destination [Mr. Waters, in George-, town] from the Richmond Post Office, I with the endorsement of the postmaster of that city that it had come in an envelope without postmark or any thing but the ad dress to Richmond. The package was ad- dressed to Mr. Waters, with a rolitrite let ter, purporting to be from a person emwern ed in tile taking of it. The contents the banknotes] had, by moisture nr water. be came so matted together that it will he difi cult to coma and separate them ; but with care we suppose it may be done.—Nat. In telligeneer 11'e have seen a COIIIIOOII black-snake attempt to swallow a toad. Drawling his struggling victim in, little by little. not as it his snakeship relished the mouthful, but as if he took it from a sense of duty ; when at last he has acemnplislied his task, lie stretehes himself out for it to digest, harmless and stupid from his surfeit. We thought of it when we witnessed the ellorts of a distinguished New York Free-Soilor to swallow Gen. Pierce and his platform. it is not John Van Buren of whom we speak. Ile took It down as one swallows an oyster, smacking his lips as if lie only wished that his throat was I as long as a well-hole, mid lined with a palate throughout. DREADFUL OUTRAGE.—We Team that a man by the name of W. Male, residing on the Alleghany Mountain, in Allegheny enmity. Maryland, wax killed by his wife, last week. It appears that he was intoxi cated. and in a great rage was beating one of his children, when his wife entered ; lie beermie exasperated with her, and attempt ed to kill her when she seized an axe and with One blow nearly severed his head from his body. The woman is now in jail in Cumberland. MILITARY ASYLHN THe Gen. Irou, MIA uf the Board of Generals of the Army, under n late net ni Congress, to select a sits for n Western Military Asy lum, left %Vitsbington on yesterday after noon for the West. The Asylum is to be located between the Blue Lick Springs in Kentucky and Cincinnati. It is said Gen. Scott will decline all public demonstra tions during his trip. ' THE STAR AND BANNER. MiTi7Bl3a9Hi. Thursday Evening, Sept. 16, 1851'. - - FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. WINFIELD S OTT. VICE PRESIDENT, WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. Fun SUPREME JUDO); JOSEPH BUFFINGTON. FOR r.vsnr. COMMISSIONER, JACOB HOFFMAN, (Berks) FOR CONORKSS, SAMUEL L. RUSSELL, WilIG COUNTY TICKET. ASSEMBLY. David Mellinger, of Eest•Herlin.) It;011)11:SSIONE11 John Mickley, Jr., (of 11 ) A UDITOR John Dickson, jr,, (of stroan DI NE:erous OF TOE POOR Peter Smith, (of Mout] Vensant ) Joseph Daily, (of Cumberland.) "1 HAVE SI:RVED THE 1:NloN FOIL FOR TY-ODD TEARS, AND PEEL 3IYSEI.F A CITI ZEN OF EVERT PAWI' OF IT: AND WHAT EVER OF I.l{•'E AND STRENUTII 1 3IAY HAVE SHALL BE DEVOTED To 11%4 PRI:SF:KVA- TioN."—Gentral Winfield Scott. 11111111171711:1 Alliance Between the le tiers of the Loco/bee party in the U. Storrs and the Free•ttoders of Great Britain TO BREAK. DOWN AMERICAN MANI% FAcTDRE-; AND TIIUB SECURE THE MARKET FOR ENGLAND ! From the London Tents. The triumph elf the , usdirPtte of the Democratic party, brought fortrtrtt by the Wit of the Swath: trill xerisre, probably for ever, the ntrenelaory of lib. cnrst ronimerrial prowiplet and If Lord Derby . should next year he disposed to take the tneacuin :arid' for his model, we have little ilouht that It, will serve to remove the last illusions of the pro. tredve system front hie knind. In this respect, anti on this point, we take Gen. Pierce to be a fair . reprtisentative of the opinion. of Mr. Calhoun, and. as such, A VA I.IIA 81, E PRACTICAL ALLY TO THE COMMERCIAL POLICY OF THIS CU UN'llt V. • From the Lo.uloms Leader. We are without information na to the views of (len. herr° ON THE 811BJECT OF CO.OP EKATION WITH ENGLAND; BUT WE CAN.NOTsIAY THAT WE FEEL ANY Al"- Pin:HEN:3ll),x ()x Tilts POINT, eta we xholl await Me floe elereion net lei/knee than 'is the rnofidrocr of many antericasfritititt Mai it will result From Me Maw-hater Exfoliate The erection of Gen. Pierre will twit InaW Thal 1 ll the Demorratie trenjwity, wbatetar tilt? ba their other thtrereacea. striwtinrowcirt their lie- . tintony on behalf of s liberal einninerrial. , policy. Rini any anverninent he may rum will be one on which Tills COUN'T'RY 61 tY gt:k FOR EFFECTUA L COOPERATION in Waring. wherever practicable, existing impetlinienta to ia teroutionsi intercourse. Emit. the Liverpool European Times reganlii England's publie sympstlo..it is needless to say. is enlisted on the side of thaiDent orratiecAmlidat.. NOT 'lll AT URN. PIERCE IS CONSIDERED TILE BETIT.R FAR OTIHER WISP.. Ili tnereli XCCEP Ell aft Ikn rwy fir the , fro. ion WEE) DHSIRE TO PC•fil THE PRINCI PLES or FItEE-THADE 11.11T43 trr.mosr In briefly noticing therdoingsof-the Opposition County Conyention laf3t week, we omitted to state that the,eOtination for Assembly had been tendered , to fir. B. BUEHLMII, Erig.i of this pliree, , but -declin ed ; also that the nomination for Congress, instead of boini'linaniqiiiii; was m de° in the Noe of a bitter and aoti!e oPPoei4oll--. H. L. Frsula...Esrp, , of this place s , and Da. W. R. Statvityr, of Peterilatrg, ceiving the support of the, Itepiesentsthee of the "Young Dernmaseri.!'. Bustuae, Rub was appoint ed Senatorial delegate to the next SW.' Convention, and Capt. Wet: F. Wayrtst R vreseu tati re delegate. give ini4noth!F colntpit.o9l47 munieation from a ...tkoaeawf." WhO,tas presses his dissatisfaction with• the doinge of the late Conventioti of bbt . 'party:iii strong latiguage—stroriger, part, lan we have deemed proper to. admit into, oUr columns. We have taken the liberty to omit portions of the• conitnutikation; iti duly severe in expression : and not essen tial to the writer's , purpose. We,have we comment to ,make on. the article, save ,to say that it is the bona fide production ors prominent, consisteut, sad hitherto ,hard working Democrat, who has probably nev er cast a Whig vote. The domestio culties of our political opponents are nett' matter of particular concern to us, and in yielding our columns to a •'Democrat,' we but evinces willingness to see fairplay between the rival interests of the De- wocracy. co The meridian line for Adams county, and the standard of a 2 and 4 polo meas ure, from the Surveyor General's Office, has been erected and established in Gettys burg, by CHARLES A. PROCTOR, Esq., un der the direction of the County Commis sioners. The polar points are placed in the Diamond on the west side of the Court house, near the dwellings of Prof. Stoever and Mr. Stevenson. The Northern point is surmounted by a horizontal Dial plate, by which the solar hour angle can always be seen in clear weather. By an net of the Assembly, approved April 2.otb, 1850. all Land „Surveyors in said Adams county, are required to test their compasses, and try their measuring chains, as soon as can be, by this meri dian and standard pole distance. The book of record in which every surveyor will on. ter the variation of his compass needle, and the date of his trial by this established meridian, will be kept by the County Clerk in the Commissioners' Office.—Sen. tine!. arm,. little has accepted the Free. woil iscisilhatibil for Preaidept. Mutiny In the Camp. 1111"I'Ve referred incidentally last week to the doings of the Locofoco Convention, which assembled in this place on Monday week, whet' the "Young Democracy" were deliberately thrown out of the Convention and the Old Hunkers appropriated the spoils. Tho following communication, which we copy from the Sentinel, affords evidence of the dissatisfaction which is brewing in the ranks of the Opposition.— Mr. McNam does not stand alone in the views ho holds, and the numbers who arc this fall throwing off the shackles of "Old Hunkerism," affords an indication of the result which is not to be mistaken. We have more than once wondered that the independent honest masses of the Oppo sition should have so long and so tamely submitted to the despotic rule of the clique of selfish leaders in the borough who make it a point in every contest to have their power and influence felt in the defeat of every aspirant fur office who does not fall into their views and counsels. "flaying been sent as a Delegate to the County Convention held in Gettysburg. by the Democrats of Atlanta county, my seat was contested in that body, and mass ors given by rin• opponent why and wherefore it should he so contested. Ti.e reasons given were that I Was a Fidler Mall. and wanted to break op or disorganise the Dentorratic party 01 Freedom township,. where I was appointed at delegate. • The COliVelittun went to work and slated, and hoisted we out of their limning, fur no other reason than because I was a !Maass win, and WAS Opp Used to Mr. DAN,YRKT-r an idea, that I moat obey the u,andatepr of Mr. DANNER, or, in oilier words,. be Wink winked and forced to yete against loy:0W0 will, That I don't dn. I haveheen a, werM friend of Itlr.-.D.irtsea for morn _thee: twenty years, and the first rout fever Men,' was east fur him, and I have supported him at every alaction when , he. was , a can didate shine Mat. thne. and have dime, so , with, p i .eirure,And would hare dime ewe gain. fur /minable; him a very, obligi n g, clever gentleman, / but,. I am .onti• to be. dragged ahem by, the one tnan power...F.! My motto is Rotation in true. and for that reason . wishcd to bring a new aunt Pe fore the public. I therefore will vote the Whig County Ticket throughout in the ensuing General Election. SAMUEL S. McNAlft. Fractious towntralp, tape. e, 1552. PCPWhen in./887 there was imminent danger of a bloody collision between her Majesty's Canadian Subjects and Ay evil can citizens on the Northern frontier, 'Pres% ident Vatr.Burert sent Gem Scott to the frontier to prorent invasion and bloodshed, that must hare' led to a war between the two countries:Gen. Scott maintained tho laws and honor of the country, and by in defatigable °torsions, proseried the peace between Great Brittain and the United States. On hla 'return from the frontier he was honored by the citizens of Albany and the members of the. Now "York,Legis. latent with is public supper. Governer Morey presided. , The following` were among the regale ! teirshi : ' -art:min t•cora. a , Nut ;ego she. ' , choler than the soldier, whoa.. pen andanord have been with equal skirl in the defence of his cuntry. . " The dottier: ever matte thehihi of the tarsi his oupiensti rite of action, who, while he bag atiatatis fulfilled its_ ntmias4 require wants, has never ins Ouse Instentai. transcended it* limits." 'Our guest : The intr.ineible champion of our rights ; the trim:tenet :dedicator of our laws?' Al their Dirty Work orolou ICJ'The Pottavilk &aperiet - states that the Locofoco 'leaders are circulating among the German districts of ths t t coo ty that Gen. Scott is a' Chlhefie--while in she Obai Regions of the 'conety, where the Trish pvtiktiou predominates, they, attempt to prove that he is a Native and opposed lathe Catholic. ,This is the game the alluded too week at two sinee as being played in this county, Ind which seems to be the reinlfot a general *ton t:M.odd movement onithe part: of the Op. position. We a little etniens to. see whattbeee tame leaders-will do wait; n* that the Opposition has , been seddiedieritt the nominatida of Judge WOODWARD —who in the Reform Conventionjfkbored tointrodeoe oNativeism" into , the ()midi 'tntion, by urging the ildeptied of 'provis iou which 'Bl,lO MCC,I4I3,IjA iDuku og)tO, coming inta.the . 0 ; 1 041 after thesitit of July, 1841, FROM, THE RIGHT TO'. VMS, OR 'MOLD OF— TICE IDT THE GOMMON WEALTH. r • j nut is Nativeisto with , a Tolima) ! 4 44 014 / 4114*Pf 0 4 0 011- 0 11 . 1 4 bad a wasting on Wedaraphiy, wbAcb was addreesed by.Mlr. lioNgAlity 'of Va.- •liele,. and. Gen. WYSK6O*. The Whigs .got up a inceting.next day on,two' bouie notico; i l 'o4krine Xmparium represents to have been fully aa large as the Locofoco Meeting. The Emporium Says the-Wldg Meeting was addressed by Ilon, Jews Coomts, who "delivered a powerful speech of nearly two hours' length—it was a noble vindication of Whig principles and the Whig candidates, so vilely traduced and misrepresented the day before. It was just such a speech as every honest man loves to listen to—clear, dignified and truthful, carrying conviction on every topic. Irrilimmex 11"Aurr, Esq•, the Gener al Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has resigned. his office, for the purpose of accepting the Aituatiou of Chief Engineer on a Railroad in Georgia, which was tendered to him at a salary of $5,000 per annum. [COMMUNICATED MESSRS. BOEHLUR v---Please have the goodness to thank, for me, through your valuable' paper, the young lads of Gettys burg for their politeness and care in not disturbing our points of observation, to establish a true meridian, erected in the Riatnond during the past week. I subscribe myself yours, Ate. C. A. PROCTOR. • Chiliyibarg, R•pt: 140052. Local!bee Ar OtrlYe find the folloyjng paragraph pa rade4ortafaffliusty in 01 1 ie oolunaint cf cry loWneo newatiper In tte country:: "It is sold to.be a tact that every general officer ho seetred : iinder Gen. Scott in the Mexican war, is oppo*d to his election to the Presidency—he leiving that he glees not possess the civil goolifi cstinuslo fit his for that high end responsible station. Does not this fact epenk volumes against Gen. Scott's fitness for the highest civil Office in the world V" Every general officer in the volunteer service is a Locofoco, and was appointed by Mr. Polk because he was a Locofoco ! Is it very suprising, then, that they may be opposed to the election of Gen. Scott ? Is it not a shameful recollection that Mr. Polk proscribed Whigs as he did, in the army, whore Whigs and Democrats were alike gallantly supporting the flag of their country? Almost every General in the reg ular service is a Democrat. Yet, where is the authoriry for the above sweeping state ment, either as to Volunteer or Regular General Officers Y Except Shields, Quit man, Butler and Pillow, where or when have any of them spoken Y The three former, though pciliticallyopposed to Gen. Scott, have spoken in the highest terms of him. . OIL %Tuned !Orz iron or Gan. Scare. "Goa. &Mitt huntlit.lo the,nation, end o w the. world ; and ea it is not my province to paint Whig potrait I wouTd .141 Ciintent to Oximitie his pthil• dos Wool thMwoeld without aging alvthiny of him personally, hut fur the known positions we relatively occupied in the city sit Mesita,. and for the ;tarpon* of laying publicly dint thmovhout one vehuivintaecoutrao. thuulh delicate and gouts,- moving. he acquited himself in a manner to aria my command odatirmioni." • Gan. Soisins'Ortwune. ,• • '•' Gies. Winfield &oft is , the candidate eels Whig petty, For him 1 entertain the higkestper., vomit 'regard ari.Lesteem. T admire him u moth es Ido any maciiiing for his Omit military tel. °Pt.. !"I t eta him ettiktted to the gratitude of his country furhiq glorious military sereieett° • awl: (tintless's Oirstos. *Some AVMs* himism been mede to his tiseaseq reputation, and . y opinielfitskedi I saw it would behave* in us [the Dereocralill fPort7l to dehy to hies thibighest military distinction.— Thal this klesicatiessppign. frediShe dal -gob at Virg Ores, to the tdi of the Uspitel, was 01311 , Or the mom Military an Milita record. helium, win dimmed by some klimidies about white I would not now ipso*, bet that when the Anton! of his victorious march from the ma Went to the Dinkins! Ohne, shall be faithfully detiiied. : end f+^pairrised. it Will reedy add 4 0 the hid *WO linte lasi.tw be at . p . rrom ,l t enjoys, not only in Awash" We appeal' to candid men, if sea et presmons as those, from honorable oppo mute, ought not to ensure the highest dm; fidencein'thyn: Scott 'l' Yet the lAteef6. cos elte their Oti . pcisftiotral'evidence unfitness for the Prokidelay. 'Bach ire . the pDor arguments theTactlfocia press against Gob. Winfield Scott." , Description or a, Failltlwa.filawe Last Itkatstrt i , Illy Edna rad Wltickek. In the befektreted' sTietiO of .Edlinted Burke in the British Parlitnent on "Coned!- , lotion with`America'," Occurs Thiel palmlike, 1 1 in speaking Of the Courts of Adtniralty': Incommailiainer situated. in egkiadiny justice ; and R 0061.1 partaking is ar forih , 4 U. week:n*9l4N, i,ets cooper." It would &host seem that Burke must have had a prophetic eye on the extraor dinary tribunnis created by the Fugitive ISlave act of the hurt Congress„; or that the courts of whish the British orator made this declaration, must have been theruodel after which the others : were framed. Both parts of the,deseriptionxre tree. The un cnnstitutional trilogitil of ,the, trlave-oatch iog commiabioner is often far from the home of the , fugitive, In the _Midst of strangers he finds it.irepassible teestablish his freedom, although he may have alma dint evidence of the fact. Most of the wen of the aims tried ender the Fugitive act, illustrate this point. But the latter clause of the daaription is, most "A, court partikim the fruits of its . own conthiquation, is a robber." Did Burke hive baprephetip eye the paltry live d o nlitif:::::044: ered. to the, Commiasioner to induce hint toleade against, the freedom of his fellorman "Tit ~Pengrens Anlcrinny'," continues #.4rke, "Pomoabh • We grieNvoleet;! 1,1094 Ato TOO iPf 44 8 elirquent sintestopn , lova/ *mourn ,thst ip three-fourths of p atutttry, this ; anal gen vesimonld,thenuelirep =let hap liar,this very ilriavance:4 its wont 0 4494 1 0P.,ra11ny it would hsse *lied his tones sad rata ,ed him beldame hilie *4(10, for raising his voice in defence of such atm*. ,Could lids opportente,*therit,etruggle 14041 ,Auterkwatqueqtion,har,e foreseen thatoin sev,enty r four, .%years, this stone , American Congress would establish all over the turri tory, petty, irreepensible and uncontditu 00Pal courts, "abariug in the fruits of their own condemnation ;" and that men in the free ,states would boast of their agency in enacting this irquiry, such a sardonic laugh of scorn would have rung through the halls of Parliament as would have shamed the friends of America into utter silence. Alas, how arc the mighty fallen! The , very wrongs which the American Congress rose to resist, arc now enacted into Jaw, by their degenerate posterity of the second genera. tion. Thu strength of the colonies was in the justice of their cause. Having, in their independence, legalized the same robbery of which they complained in British courts, they have introduced the same element of weakness by which Britain failed in Ler struggle against American independence. [Christian Press, XOll/" We understand that Mr. BANNER was nominated by the Opposition Confer enoc, at Chatnbersburg, on Tuesday, as tbo "Democratic" candidate for Congress, without opposition—the other candidates named having all declined. The next thing in order is to determine whether the majority by which he is to be beaten in the District shall be 1,000.0 r 1,500. pc:PThe Whigs of Baltimore hold a grand Ratification Meeting last Monday night, which the Baltimore Sun character izes of the most imposing political demon etratites trier witnessed is that zity. reownonsersysa. 7/0 compeer. &WO Clique, C4poily• Orwreeilier PartsicrdArofirowit. be. litarsia s. /3'n to av s—Althouchgreatlirlififeriltsg from the political principles which gos'avow; I have ever atitnired the fearlessitessi'ettergy and sincerity with which you have conducted the edi torial column, of your paper. Dellesing you to be the advocates of what you hold for truth,. you will not , I trust, deny a place in your journal to one whose only object is the exposition of error find corruption. Tit true, the so called county organ of my own party would seem to be the prop. or channel through which to seek the attainment of my object, but humiliating as it may ap. pear, it is nevertheless true that that worthless sheet is so completely identified with the errors and abuses in questiint as to be utterly unfit for such a purpose; hence the ntresiity, which is my only apology, for troubling you. A corrupt faction, having its head and its head quarters in this llorough, unfortunately exists in the Democratic party of this County and is (nitro clueing that little tarty to a suite of utter div organicdion and ruin. It has for its lender a pro- Jested democrat, but really an old federalist of the "Jimmy Buchanan" school, who seems to hive been thrown among us ass pest that should torment I the delconsonian Democracy of Adams County for". time, times and a half." The part played by I the clique alluded to and ita distingushed Champ- I ion on the day of the late Democratic County Convention, to say nothing of other day•and oth er doings, was no more successful in manufactur ing • county ticket from the manager of the clique and kindred material, th ill be in disorgani sing and distracting tie party and thus winking its most t for that very ticket, that say tick ned. ,; Mow emit be othw ambitious, waktrernaking demag ; D emo . credo party td; f to bey ridden fort' wee th - by ono' man without olticking 1" it Abe time list bind *Ken they will be ondeoefirit * Allrill they' expect a man to bow subrnhaively et at ttuir command and lend his support to astir • ticket, and bk sanction to such disgraceful proireedings when treated MI Mr. McNitst was treated at their hand 1 Mc. McNein answers for Woolf, and so will hundreds mote. Not that they have changed disk Principles, but that they 'lnd it their'dtity submit no longer to the bighbandidablises'inadlen pertinent liddings Offhtpetty rind ernr* Winne end its selfeesWilluted leader lir . the' berriegif tit Ordtesburg. " ' • Wboorner a prohnied demare4 and empedally a danocranq betlaktomenbe tto exorningly .yoapeo jar with the Whlcrany a. le minim alma* as Many votes from that, a. horn hie own Pen), yaw may justly oenelede, tbete's sometlifig miaow in liatunartr, dad arbetteier a mea, no Mahn debit party, nianifirtir as it a thief for Amon to to before the public inid.aellelliMor and ewppeit gstolOWig 01 44•IffeAlePr'ioaptir-allisanY eptielnde".be'e fit fen neither,. • • • • • •. •Aq open !ea *banes 41411 Wet* Went. by' 4 41 Pmaask have a ' l 4 OA Mir 1 . 1 " 4 "' abis'too' *trove? isittei a man tistiydiStr ,etittt you ; hoireilor inMOrNA'yonlitild his views 'ilia ptimiipbe Mai; if hnidormant tbetirwith the holden's, lbw condor sad alowirdly at a 'lnan; ha will extort yeti vanpern mid ;ear newenied mini lotion., art on the el* bend. liow cadeltsPniks the sycophant ; ha "h°, 1041 bow, dRPIWV,OI 4 7I° about the, world with no ereed of hie' own, ifs at /east none whiel be daiespV.ii In whit ; end he iiieaktte with Peter, be Women 'Peter end ail hi. friends ; when Neer isithwiit end Prof pres ent, Peri Ii Wowed and ?ebt caned;• whin he mil Peter end Paid are toslither they ant on only doer friends." "The friend who hail; you Tom or lock And prove. by thumping on your beck, Iris sense or your great merit— Jo web' n / 1 604 glisk .ooo h*l-1P4 4 Be eery mach kis friend indeed To pinkie Or II beer it." But of all mbar speripharieg the political eyes. pbadi is lbs and intolsrable, the anus who • will probes-- mbar". no ane beanijiisn,4 remain POitteld cr,e4, 3 , 54 pricligaVY le.anshisqpi to all men, that , by all wane lerp nag gain mom ruts; who will 'deign ramidieraidir is on party, and yell play his' temeherous gamer of darplicity Cinema ml among all 'other punk. to'ealch tdo valet of alt 'ware Once at ibt ' espied at )prfricipird r , tang 'May It be is th>t public mind of the good people of this congressional diatrialli, iliPd thill'onFifillt mud, honorable comosammeraltb et~il be tar imposed upon, silo Amite ouch man to a position for Which be N so totally MAI, gid of Which Leis io utterly atierrniky. • ' 11/pillie• Idocoroco press teems w4ih a n. . iro Oen.:4Coti for havlnf i ; at one e written a lector irt favor nf alive 4.. , W. 111 if t .91,? a • n 0:1 .0 ,F: ' 11 1 1 "If ou i t . ..1e11,(4, changed. his riewa and renotnieetl the ppiw Luna, parent expressed..4nd yet, tiwee eme journals float at , T t,hirdteatl , of , slick Tierce and Kiig electorld : ticiet, the paste. of geerge Vii. Woodward , Who, ih the Re.; form Conrergon, nured tcr l inetruC; a 4ont i/04e ( P 4,1P 0 K( ff zcial(gP tP, FP!P.(d. 1 4 constitution s 9 al 10 prevent avy . foreign. era, who might' arrive' in this State after , the ifitirof f lirly,lp4 14:rpm, eiiryiring the nigh; (o .votepr lo..hohf oilic in this Cont. "monsvealth... He not only? Egret) such a resolution, bin he made a s pe ech in its , - fa vor, which may be found in the Debates of the Convention, and from which we wake:the following extract : sir, !Appreciate as much as any man living, the many political rights and privileges which I, in common with the people of the United Mates, em now enjoying; but it is my honest impression, that We do but squander those privileges in con ferring them upon every individual who chooses to come and claim them. 110 knew that a great portion of those who Caine among us from foreign countries, consist frequently of the worst part of the population of those countries, that they are unacquainted with the value of those privileges, and that therefore They do not know how to value them. 1 think that in thus conferring them indis criminately upon rill, is e are doing injury to our liberties and our institutions; and I believe that, if OM time has not coins, it will speedily, when it will be indispensably necessary either for this body, or for some other body of this State, or of the U nited Eitates, to inquire whether it is not right to put some plan into execution by which foreigners should be prevented from controlling our elections, and brow beating our American citizens at the polls. Such were the opinions, freely and pub licly expressed, by George %V. %Voodward in 1838, who now heads the Locofoco e lectoral ticket, holds a commission as Judge of the Supreme Court from Gov. Bigler, and is a candidate lor nomination for that office. Does he still entertain those views ? If not, why then not abuse him in the same style us they abuse Gen. Scott for changing his 1 Perhaps the Pennsylvanian can explain, or will it keep quiet. lizrahe Borough of Jersey Shore, Pa., resolved to subscribe for IIK2b,000? of the stook of the Sttnbuiy and Erie Railroad. Ledger froze au Old deddler. We haerlpetieved. (says the Huntsville Sotaterialißteati.Pinee the rannisa ?ened actively: that Trott wotild carry Tennessee. There was some disaffection at tirst—some few soured politicians flew off—but the bone and sinew stood firm, closed their ranks, fixed their bayonets, and charged upon their opponents. This indications now are that the soldier State is sale for the gallant old soldier *lto has always led the columns to victory. As one of the many indications -we 11.5, we copy the following letter (rein tiiiitenant Shields, of Sevier county. East- ilinume., see. The Knoxville Register says be nil one of those who volunteered from Sevier county to serve in the Mezietin . vrar;was afterwards a Lieutenant, coninaiseinned by Polk ; fought in every batilw'iin the valley of Mexico, was se.eral times wounded in battle, as the scars on his body testity!"— lle now is enthusiastic for. Scott. lieten how lie talks about his old commander— his words come bursting ;from the tiSart. and communicate an electricthrill:o the hearts of others:, Santini: Lux. August 6. lOU. To the Editor :—I leans by .themews papers that some man in "Little Kenfilch" has become very angry at me Manse I. a Democrat, should support my -old com mander, General Scott. I had *Upward this was a free country, and that e'man had a right to vote for whom he pleased. The writer of that article says I am *Con - yen, In that you are correct; I eras a Democrat. and at first felt like supporting Pierce ; but when I remembered the trials and dangers! had gone through wits under Scott, Idid nut leel that I could do my feelings justice and vote agaium him. When l thought of the loug andooil some march from Vera Crux to tfie t etty of Mexico, when we were fifty dayciu the heart of an enemy!, irountry. out off from all supplies. as Wan sa. [Ma 41califituoi eatioa with our own comity. awl *lends. surrounded by guerillas on every, side ; and whso you hosed of ea Nabs we had planted Our star•stpanglesi-baimer upon tho Halls of thediloasesueses. sad was still floating triumphantly in the breeze over as bears an' army sad is noble a woman der as overweat fsedrieLbstdes;•and irrheo 1 heard my brim old cansamander abused. 1 could stand it nolonger. Welt dpi I re member With iiblit !dadaists he vielied the Oak tesi woondeel he that . wripaigm; anti boil be adlshibitertiffto , th ear *mils day alter day. :1 tilf,froi, Mr, Editor, the *i ntent and soldiers under his command loved Mot. You, ally' brother ionisers. loweilber bow be vistaedhiiiiihog in the city of Maim, suitd - how haaadminis tered to the wants of,tbtsiek- r f e ntishing inch w twitVe ;shirt. a filaikits a•Pair of shoes.msd ono dollar's wristb, of tobacco sad 1 kw ism drew zillehisemoenforto, am) a knapsack, alai; aihdiaa who lust theirs beaks.. Sat aear.li am io be a bused- bosenevilaireses.aa sesiehir my hind', generows.mibleread' brave old WM maaddir i lOW Abeastoo.,ityrresan who fires from behind a issaked. battery sad won't sign hiratimit. - • - trUinte to inty die mini 'her hie writ ten spinal me, and who is trying to tear down Scott. never slept on a wet blanket ; never livittY'arriigtd SWIM country ;. wee never pit on Ihdtrmiess er lardwelek era, and was sever compelled, to *fah warm water. unless it was to work, oS dose of physie. &nil lam not miatakea. in November next we will give you a hasty plate of Scott Soap, that you aid find warm enough for year comfort. and tole wow of it shall be real Naomi water. But I aid the_old soldiers under Soots* command loved M. brother aid dime, remember when lie was arreited4 you remember the moonier he left tha inn for As United tiitrttnrand wbot mos dossibeillay:;yeri every iregisseni ad mod his quaver% clad 'jai.* Iledde of isoeming. in order to show how. :11ey beamed sod loved him. `row lemma t i had orders its to *hew bet onew9 the volume" eourpssise was abligedlodiew and bask the sake"' silence, esaktOmper heydid- ,Thie Wee 11-‘9 I IIPIMI Qisharir shooterswho took, a part at era Craig in Cerro ()Milo, stursilto done so ' the guerilla fighting eirtharoad to the valley bf lltaxico.. :They were sable set dist km% told di4 their dilly Ilci.e r torat. ,u•r*"rbfr pow slow Pod 4, 0 4000 wamarihed 'tip the. hilithat brookht us Via* Of the Capitol, befdrit the ' f Oebutras, tind on arriving at the uip,tiftli, them was our old commamier lookiNg through his spy-glass and crying ont.,to lot as we passed him the capi tol, the capitol. the capitol I" My MN*. soldiers how did you feel in that hoirrta- Didn't you feel new tile take hold of-pair weary, toil-worn limbs And Were. Me not led on from victory to victory, ,ontil Scott was arrested and torn away, from his noble army by his own Governance fist by the blessing of God, we will it, and be with him again in Novemberviind whenever Scott leads victory is inien.. r ..„. Newspapers may talk about Sevier 00 , 41 t. ty lilting off time hundred votes, and ell that kind of stuff, but with old Stioti tie our leader, she will roll up the knelt Whig vote she ever gave. The..ipists -o.init" boys who served under hiiii,am here, and they will count it: any crowd ! , And now, fellow-sokheis, "It i" long poll, a strong pull, and a poll' Alb gether," for our brave old chieftain. {li toot. Scott. "Eyes right, forward uteri*" J. W. SHIELDS„ Southern Rights Commentlnallig MONTGOMERY. Ala., Sept. , Southern Rights (Locofoco.) Contibithin organized here to-day. Eight counties were represented, numbering 62 deMates. A letter was read from Gen. QUitmai4 in favor of nominating another (Indian, for the Presidency, but adding did not wish the nomination himself. letter was referred to a special EORitßhAt LSECOND DEsPATCH.) MONTGOMERY. Ala., Sept. 14th.t ii f The States Rights Convention tollay noted Geo. M. Troupe. of Georiiia, for President, anti Gen. J. Quitman, of for Vice President, and after ippidatif% so electoral ticket adjourned sine die. t ,OcrThe coruer-stone of the neweile male Seminary at Ilagerstoirn, IS' bo laid on the 29th inst., at 10 o s cloCii, l t lifk. A number of distinguished persons are ex pected to be present. This Instittition is to be ander the patronage of her fhatlatitan Church, and promises to be >r fal tide. A German paper states that 7 po. lineal prisoners ire now to coo& in Europe, and that over wpm* bite to ovoid like inearcaration. :". • ilhialim Eleen•d• ,;,..-* ! "44/lo.PsaitottirooiCompttkr . . . onday the AMMO for Je"spiv jthort, Sfeepify 011 I Go tio b erv orf . ~.. c., i n speeeh,before the Granite Glob of , to. Maine, k iiii ii m i f. . (Tk r o . w i r a,,t o „, „ a „, li. ' phis.' As th e report goes, he first pitch inin Gem Scott and then alluded to Mr. dates forl*Oliotw—Whig,loeo, Free-soil, th.„1,8„, in this wise ; _.....fi e b e li ce ,i M r . and sAl4l.4oolavri The returns indicate Graham was a gardenia!' of unimpeacha the irditiatoofillubbard, the Locofoco can- ble honor. Ile could say nothing against didate,.ieho loses some 11,000 votes. Ile him, axaept that he was fimind in very bad " I gi A 1 1 3,444 Aigh"t candidate, l '"' v e"rt ' (lii' l''ly:t 'Th o ugh stations, ‘tr‘ditrin.„ G raham ~,,,i 1, 1 0 iri act ii ti( rid severall l and tho ,boxing a small majetity in , his had 1 1 _: r„ ver ni: attracted Ilis - nl;sarvation so , joinq' Cifill deubtlas lie chosen as to make any !narked impression, and he , govaillbor hellogistature. Ile is friend- ! would " V 1., ilim as Johnny Brown said ly to thp....Ditipe Law. , The Item candi thatreoety, about 20,000 votes. The Whibi &it'd to l fitr gained 4 Senators and filutteltwii.but it is thought the Locos • dill'have'"a majority on joint ballot.— Thnirlosisioriti last yeti'. Was 80. There will bs alargo,ntajority in the Legislature ftrorioteoitinuing anti-Liquor law. The 'Whigsitl t•tinemembers of Oong. Tea; tee die Lona 'dike. In she last Congrofftlis •Vliigp f ro, bet. two peril' hers and tho linear tit , e--Igiiiine 'having opo anember, ss ,"tie r the pow appor women . t t -veia - kat Elea'vibe; firni 211 Nino; plow a hPl a % 4 2 1; - 74 11; 4‘ 1 .° r ef‘Pdi ditAJot,49NCßl4r• 4.l*Plukr. 'Aar Atkkei vf-Lis opponootawliutlardly. equal to • the combitiod•LooefocoJand‘Free Soil rotes— iilitolt.'didio the' Ooolfoki Ca upon 411 611 iiA044!i .4 . Whig° taFge Laskjoriey I, s- oiat :Xbo, ~ Boutto 25, , L0iy0 and Fro& Soil 6; ilouse--IN hip 98; LOcOo bid !Tee Soil 88. Moth Maio sad Vermont nra,certain for Scott add Oridaim. - • Geo; seseetni Lowe thailiatry. 'a Eipeeeli 'Of the M. Clay , ton, at the 'Ratification 'Meeting held rthrl. ) ,lune 28, 1882. we find the following authentic. amount 01 a passage iwthe life of the Whig Candidate 14 the Preeideney,:whieh ire •havelterer before seen so. lolly and sathentieellF tleaa• cribed. We copy iC for the benefit of our readers. . .• EXTRACT FROM MR. CLAYTON'S sPk;ROH. "Let ate advert, to elie fact for which I have antliority.and whirl, I know to be true. A 4 the very, samisen( when peace was about iii be matte betircen this mein try and Mexico. when Winfield Sim it could. with honor, itave,aceelfiell *Ow° in the Mexican amity. he was termed time million two Initudrett And fif9 thousand dolls:24e cash, if he would resign the Ainericen orate and take minimum) of the Mexicans, with a prOmise that a ration far superior to that of the American army elututil he given - to those who would join his'standard and en- ter the service Of . I .ll6ticti. And, further, lie was offered the Presidency of Mexico for five years, antiwar desired ut.keep It durititi Oita time lu orthiii.texestore pagea nts civil administratima Widower' won the admiration of Ms eneoutes. and lit was look ed upon as a savioiiri and they offered him this large aunt as an indurententdo take the office. Do you not supporta lie was stung with resentment after he had done, all fur his comotry-,-after be 11114 perilled lila lite tit every field, and conquered an empire for her advantage and glory-4in finding him si-lfdismiased (tone offiee t 'At 'deli 'Criti cal perkerti teittriter'severieed ante(- End,- .Take the command of the army of Matt ice and the Presidency of Mexico for five years.' What chic Ihit but the diadem of Mexico, and the office of Emperor, if he had chosen to be such ! !UM! had taken h, suppose We - had fent In , aroty to chastise the Mexicans when they were commanded by Winfield Soot ; don't you think we should have come, hack with a eutisidenible •number) of bias* "eyes and bloody itoileirt [ tiaegtiter.] ' Now leek at tractoditie•;'shil *hit do' Info flOd"tb simpers itfi . Ile 'libeled all these Weft.' end said t rt, am an American soldier, end tap blood: hawbeen freely elied , fur A- .I meriese andoefrill Ihe shed for no , 'tither cite tote fiti' ettrilris CA rilitaurte./ it I " will die forillis A mietictine, litn fne . 'htil outer 1 people 'OS ever ,nade. [Fuithialititle applause.) :Ile eresidency'of lexititt. 1 the Empire pettiest me by Mexicos,can net *thief *brow tbit loVe of my native labd 'whit 'tefildh, thitelletfittl; r iris 'Corn, Mitt, Which' lr Itieretehtinlett frown my *r ile* ' 0 1 6 1 04 to 1 444' 44; 1 : ,E4l'iblau")' ~ .Falurviillinoor, • I 4ve • ;meek diet° is nettling in the Moiety of the ;matte equal the ingritikede , whlheeitich this gallancold ioltlietAteireteetteint, ' &Obeli 'frit qefffr tie 40tittlite'110 Iriettntiittl. ibAiltifiif. i'u be sure be dilkolltill11,111iciut: We eYee be ie. p.i.osi is bet JO s a floor Meth sad, If Ice had`, 060 Seek to Mkt the,Presidemay of blexitteohirmighC baser been one of the millionaires of the jihte r said ' indeed tit wapiti he .dilliMil e to' 'ittlithatir What lie might hiv e, noviired. I' point to these riots te.theW the , patriotism and Petit,' of the asen‘sethareeter. Again, I ask, what can' yea End , tomurpass it? You have ' been edweirere 11 Jitikeistr, , Garrison', and Taylor, and God knows I shalt continent to he. tehtte there is life in my body, an , admirer of he eharacter of Zachary Tay ler. But I cannot be made inaeusible to the•meriestal Winfield Scott. All of those who have 'known hint intimately, and 'hose cipittion is ' worth a straw, consider that a truer (deed of his conotry never mated. .. "When he came back front Mexico he *air seek Antos' to death in the public ser vice. The whole power •of the Govern utentowasii against him who had done so much. Ile landed at New York quteily, sot)erlAg paw lion fur the first tone after he* T t, Ifon M i exico he was pale and • ex e it y feeble. T h hat gtgane form, si four or five inches in Ins stockings, lon as it prepiniug for the grave ; but, 1 God, helm now as hearty, hale, and ble4ed i setiting to, do service and battle or Janigmenry as he ..is at Chippewa and I lagers , , i:Altplaose.] A GRATIFYING FACT.—Slityinski, the w4tr44titt4o.elurtatt. eonlesaed before ho that he had inorulered two ogps,for, !which eirenees two iii blWeint.it Pr teit . lint) hoett hanged. The only exeunt) it ketirderer has to offer for Ina tho tortogling authorised ..l l l, !! ..,, t o .0 crime that capital punish jo huh mit d eter from crime, it is an as moellippyttl rapt that every great criminal hie hod a tralrbitt appetite to wileess executions. The New World, of nos- ton, has some excellent remarks on this !~,ep,~~~.gnlerH. JAPAN. EXPEDITION.--41 if, rumored peopmird , expedmon 10 Japan, en * 4 - I 4, ottemudore Perry, will be abandoned, I, for the present—the Government 'WA! kidinraide to spar(' 11 number veseols, tnjustify the undertaking., of his deg. when asked why he was going to hang him—. hat he had never done any thing !—YeA,' 831 d John, .that is the rea son lam going to hang him.' Here the orator is said to have made one of those emphatic rinses imheative that a proper response is desired from the audienve. The response was inn delayed. A tall hunter from Tippet], instantly excinimed—uliang Pierce, too, Colonel." The pith and pertinence of the reply convulsed the au dience'and confounded the speaker: DOING* 01 , A MANIAC.-At Charlestown, Massachusetts, on Saturday evening, a mew mongol Jul. • lifitionagv 'their id** of delirium tremens, Oaths A mai ftira9uP and :desperate attack., on inim KAlnmar scsb);•ing, wit!! f kuifoin aewera4plapeqv so as to.entlanier hif /I"!Wil'F"P' etl ia,4 Al* 1 4re4ts 1 1 0. 114 44 0 4‘ eig l ►4 ior nine persons before he was arrested end BenVkt inikk ,` DR. HOOF . BITTERS.- That this militrmil rt`. • liver com plaint tindllyerte can doubt of ter using it ird cts specifically 111 1 0 n the *lO • aster; it is prefers• hk toaido homes; it sets se *peel; - . • iver se calomel ; calomel )`4l system—the bitters strengthen and never prostrate the patient, and will give renewed life and health to the delicateinvalid, end restore the liver to its functions, and, give digestion awl appetiti in throes severe cases wherein die ordina ry medicines tail In produeing any efiect. Illstiotin NE . Chirry THE C;REAT , REDY FOR Andvdie besi medicine known . to man for Aittfuna of viers stage, Liver Comptsint a, Brnitehitis; Influenza, Congba, Colds Bleeding of the Lungs,' Sheitnese of Bteiltb, Pains and Weakness in the Ride, 'beast. he., and all other diseases of the PUL'MON'A BY ORGANS. ' BEWARE: OF 'IMPOSITION! The greater the value . of any disco Very, the higher it is held in the esteem of the public, and po much in pmportion is that public liable to be imposed upon by the sperm" imitations of the ignorant, designing and diahonestmen; who, like the drone In the hive, have_lnd id l er yhoghility nor inclination to provide for themeahres, but thriVitini Illituttie upon the earnings of the deserving. ' Noar that ttilj preparation is well known fit be a trioni 'cititain sure for Incipient CONStJM TION ASTfi NIA . 'LIVER' OpIPLA I wire' :CiIIIGHS, BRONCHITIS, and'alleimllar *Wee, thins. than any oth , :t remedy erer known, there '14 , 4m, and-NOW ARE found those an villain. molly ,wicked u to 'contact si spurious, and per. hips a poisonous mittine; and try to to palm it off as the genuine Balsam. • • Thia is te caution dealer end the public gen erally against purthaeing any , other than that RAVING THE. WRITTEN SIGNATURE OF 1. BUT l'S.on the wrapper. The rest merely im itate the militia of the original, while they possess pone of its virtues. ..„ Originally prepared by Wil & Co., Phila. delphle, now prepared and sold, wholesale and retait_prity by BETH. W. FOWtrE, Miss, to whom iN orders should be addressed. add for sale by his agents throughout the coon- tr7For side In Gettysburg by E. H. BUEH LER, and by Drugtists generally: • BALTIMORE MARKET. • . ''[eretelf"Thi t twlreol stew at saws re air.] FLOCRACkee oe were make to day, of 3,000 bide. City Mi11.6" . $ at $4 26 per . bbl. Bales of 2011 bldo eitedsr, breads Reward ellen •at $4 28. and ROO do. at $8 ; IS$ per bbl Rayers :were •net moth &posed to purebase above $4 1)19i whiob Ate offered. Ry. Mar 3 87 *Or mud Cam Meal It 37 $340 Per bide , GRAlN rvaboreeelpteof.Orala aap .Rintr aPo setiowof Winneadreepirag.-- Wonemoretee of geed to prune ,eredept,6o3 Ii 91 WWI* Anheasest 91.98: dente, And very palineideo , 43.2.oesl.93 pesinebali. r7O 4Tg COW white Corn 83 aO4 meta. and renew do. OS a7O as peer *WWI.— Oats 33 awl 38 slats per Weisel. Seeds steady. 50r9.440 1 119 1 - - tilloCo RlF:O.—elites is quiet ; .mail W e . of Rio at tit sliEsaptelieitib..,..6m9k leaves 014,610kbektuoleffe leallitipar.gf Rice OtVISIOPer 3O )B e . HA" talltlo4l,Le :e , are e. e•AL: PR ON " We acme *pas f*,i . t,ikt L 46, a ,tO 37,4 , Adige Pork 1117 ST Iffei Beef 1118.. war . itteatisF *Atilt/4i afoi , aided 10$10$ cents, Slid What, tl'a 1 Cents per lb. Laid 4n 19dit veils, ainPlitteipe 124 oenti iutt Itu , thmktie 3. cant. 'per k :Bader is key Ilk orate, roll 14%47 eivalOperibe Oo the 1.40 jet by, Rev- f /PP* 40T , Mr. Asro,F.6 H. ORNER. Mensflen Own ebik.' and Mhos , lOHHISIIN.st AWV . Bll`; bf 91.iebdtirlIht. • ' t2th•inbt.; by, the Name. Mlr. OROitfie of Fnmklisrenanty, slid Mist bo• ?HIA WQJ.F. of Butler, township, Ap/reut re. On the let inst.. by the Rev. Mt:. Mullah; Mr. PHII.IP auptir, orildilme'cowlY; and ° Mau SOPHIA 4-o'll.ll.9loo,,,Fre.brittltn DIED,, On tEe Tth inst.. in the eity.a HaJtimore,,i Mr. 'FRANCIS TIMMINS, fin tnerly dr he of Now Oxford, Adams' county: 'rho ; &nestled can,. to hie death by the tire Which op:wired n few Jaye ego, at the store !tonne of P. e.'MNOtin'At On Wethireilay, the JOHN MHO— STAN AN , S en.. of Hamiltoobart township + at an ntivdoced age. The ileceasei! lead beeit !dug ie. teethed in our community espne jtour most hon est, uptight. anal mewl citizen% At Pipe Creek Milk Frederick coonty, o n th e 36tli tilt., MARY SITSAS, Odra datidliter of Rev. 1). P. caylor, aged 17 years 16 days. On the Oth inst., In Cumberland township, LIZAIIEI'IISI,ON AKER, aged 45 years. On the :Slit ult., in Oxbird township. Mrs. CATHARINE MA wife of David Martz, raged 77 :hems and 5 months. On the tuh inst.,at Hendinaville, MARY RUN, raged 71 years I I months anti 2C duya, OYSTERS, ICE CREAM. MEAD & CONFECTIONARIES, E subscriber tenders hie thanks wale Public for the liberal patronage hilh erto extended to hint, and would respect fully inlOrm them that, in 'addition to his usual variety of CONFECTIONARIES and /CE—GREILV, Ire will keep con ' scantly on hand, during the Fall and Win ter, a supply of the best quality of tr zu vc, Rooms will be reserved especially fur the Indies. No pains will be 'spared to Mike the calls of visiterspgree,sblo and *limit. A supply of fresh oysters just re seised. Give us it call,. EIJAS EIHEADS. Sept."l7l-3t. n I:st eOlpicitorriffete. bet, itiMritintpleit'sant tiqviishlp; am county, on or about the 18th of Aug ust lust „ TWO sTn A Y HEIFERS, 4' 1.1 white and yellow spreekletl, 191 pk supposed to he about 3 year% old. The owner is desired to come lortvard, pay charges, and take them away. ABRAHAM lERVER Sept. 17, 1852. 590 AGEN'tS WANTED. atio A. WEAR. •W ANTED, in every County of the U. Stales, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. 'co men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $25 to $lOO, such induce ments will be offered as to enable them to make from $3 to $lO a day. KI - The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and cumin:mil lair males wherever 111(7 1 are otteied. further particulars ad- Arens . (Postage paid) • • DANIELS & owrz; ehiec.k m . w. A. loa.sty do 'Co , 138 N. Freund strait, Philadelphia.' Sept. iO, 1862-.-6 m r• • COMO6 Dr, I: Lawrence DENTIST, in }TICE in eltembersburg street. op ''Pilte the I; uthiron IClfitrrolr; 21 &IS rs nest of Middlorofl's siert:l,4o,er° he muy be found resi/j itr..,wilitni to, qtend to any eisb..trithin the provincetof list. Persons in vane of fullsets of teeth are respemliiii invited to evil; RbrEittlsig.a.;S. . 4 4 Pr. C. Por.r:PACK•visi, V.ll " D. Kootz's', 'Prit M.7Aenegi, Illtraira, • I " BAtronitif, D. OI , I ". H.A. Muut.stigtono RirrAosettidithilitikl Stet nal - i7 , July .7: 1848.. 1 1 11), r I,l r 6C r a g a r i p "fail 107221130 A7;41;40? 4,45,4 y Z4O ,011 2 rill RE su6soriim 7 reipciiiilli informs the public that lie has ripened a per manent Daguerreotype Gallery, in the house foretesqy kepras a ; Tempera nee house in ChiinberiburgWeet. a'rew doer,. front-tipit Diemend,,where ie prnpared, at .•alt•*Ml*sui ut all wetuters, to Aake AP.IIIJE ABRAIRSOiIi '43 N. ,beet style, ot all sizes and-kituliso:34oll at the lowest MUM. If my% pismires tlu nut gi re ea tisfaction..there mill be jay charge. .fl 3 ° _ SA AtUir f WEA.V.Vri. Gettysburg, Sty I y. DAILYAIN Ift4,iiiill7, - , trlt'..i*Ds Isubscribers announce tOjhe tray. 1 tiling public that they are .. w run itingiDAlLY LINE , bel4lll fjettysburg and Chamtnisburg, leaving , Gettysbnrg at 7 o'clock( A. M., and returning by 7 o'eloolter:M., or tame day. Fare each ars'' , $1,50. Stage Office it Geny,sburgott themEn gle itotet."' • • TO ICT •'01•2311T wN. consequence. i 'heal thi share pht- ALeed my: business and: parer* in the hepatica'Wit. H. Bre mission. , k.sit.i ;whom recommend tco•the confidence, of die pub ' - A. R. STEVENSON. t. , • , .;;' 1 H. ,STEVENSON nockirvarliw. 60 1 bty 1 1 11 45ES'ilttfi'N' ,1 1;X,VI. to ttid . North Weil 0,44- t sq4F ..G ettysburg , A • TEACHERS WANTED. rfinE Efitthol th - WletibinMe . tioiTifetau. "0600Iiiithip'*IjI r tti‘ertft ,Schqal•hotuie; , /testiOt Vont Sittemy tWittlreet*vi ,t .19 . olikidik;Ita ielithi• NI 14 It TR sp TI ERS of the public ephoole iu Ntitl lbkviV• ship! ittiereitrd' - Aittltiviteir to fr 4 431k0. " 6 14prit: 10:18511 , g , 8e: t'''' , , r •-NIITICTO . :1111SESIRRIL: OiiC , . fit frt 'OOP' kin -IL Spring Election'itgrihereitif the tilFiee in me Bt rtiligh 'or (it.ttjailfix . ;' lit" tet4iie Blank Ataitisenitiitt nett eairaiir instruftiontwat'fnllntrit'll'h'e'4 - 'earner for Union; Attneirivvogct, • Bertricii. Oxiord, Hantiltnni-Itqading, Motinipiroa anti 'Gorki :lily, • Straban and wile attend nit trednestloy the 13th of oe /ober riem'il; end die 'Assessors for the Bor. ottgh, Cumberland, Freedom, Liberty, Hamiltonlian, Pratikliti, Butler, Nlennllen, Tyrone, litintington and I.ottuore, will attend on' l'hurattoy the 14th of October next. Re order of the ComiitiFsionere, J. AUGIIINHAUGH, Clerk Sept. 10, 1852—td. Assl Ail3Lf: rpri HE undersigned will he an Indepen jl- dent Candidate for Member of the .Legisluittre, and respeetfitliy solicits; the rtilirages of the , friends of TeMperanie and independent voters generally. Sliettill I be fortonate enough to be eleelPtllo the honorable station, I shall feel mybelf Sol emnly bound to support the Temperance reform, ,in any, conititutional elmpe it may be presented. JOHN L. fiIi.JHNS; Gettykblirg, Pa., Sept. Id, 1852; Ty:sentinel and Compiler copy and charge ad dig(nkr. WEBSTER & TINGLING, (Illucoestors to A. S. Ridor,) largiallUNSTUß g6TIL AND , (DIJP/A249/12 0 COrner of Main & Voigt Streetg, IrlaiThrikEiTEß. May 21—If. lEgiktvT ll 0911,00 SALE. 11111 E subscriber. having made arrange ments to remove on the first id Apt il next, will offer nt Public Sale, on Satur day (hr with of Soptrin6er next, at 12 o'- clock, M., on the premises, his 11E4 -1 IRA L. - rear, lying and fitome on the State mail lead ing from Harrisburg to tivttysluirg, in Huntington tutvusluip, Adams county. Va., two and one half miles s of Petersburg. f, Y. S.) adjoining lands of J. A. Myers, John How. John Ms Leer and others. within three miles of the hue kilns, containing as-2 Allniqg of gravel land, (patented.) Thu Farm is ruder good fencing, and in n good sums of cultivation, having some 30 Arrea cov. erect with good I in Ii e r, and n due proportion of ME A 1)0 1V ; also a good Slone Quary, a young thri‘ing 41 co_us4,Ltalin.) of nigqietisivit, and - :a goodisupply and var. ietyof Peach and limn trees. The lin prevetnents are a One and a 3a CIA LF—STOICIL , IR lft z . tr x 0-is Wutr ta , Artished with a vellar, a good l a rge Kitchen attached, a, never fatting of water'o the door, end a good pump yt Kali() pipe i 0 convey the -Mute water of the pump to the cellia in a trough'. 'Whitlh maketi.a good place for keeping tudelt,'4e. in the atimmei senenn. tifa DO lin r,1 1 : IMO ItA,lO ('arr4ag 4nu y e slat!' either ouYhttihli anti pur;ti,4 l ers I will either sell it all tagiaher, nr nbhul 85 A flee wtr)tylll4lBFirattfavenseatsqltilat 25 Aeits of "toiieh 'catered 'with - ran• her. ' ; ; Ai:end:lnes vrill•he given and the terms, Which will be easy, idols:Anima dry torssilii 4,y Sept.- lei 44' , -. 4.;• BENDEiIL (lizote ydrilmo ropy until 'silo, mirk emit, ind thergir drill crake. 4 1 44V.'.',.'....14Z).141 TOWN PROPERTY AT PUtLii) Sotterthw the 9.0 qf October nr.rt. LottilOwi.:Pt riri)tr. subscriber, : trill. infer at l'uhlie Side the toillisbla properly. for lowly years lit* resitlenep. „the 11oritugh of ItholYatulrit. 11-omit:tic on, South Wiltiniore Strom, and . wiork ruaveilienee, ul locution sinA .arraugentent will ..11a, Wolof 0 .,1 1 P W: 64 100 1 4 Plenttuat inenres in the, IoW Impt , weinolso ' emtbist ,of • a wejl,finiallo. DISSE ST 0 Y • - _ - .111.1C1C: DWELLING, whit a 1' wo.Story Bark Building,' a Our &able: Witifithluise. Cisiern, renew well of water With a kon4ptittiP in it„ sathosonfenicupesirrall;tis,sptattl leltlPAPl:- Ten. term's, tjitAl:aql,l he Arrommoiln- Sing. till by wade linotyn.On the tlay of, sale by: D. M. SMYsEit. serf. le. '1 , & Chatihtee rig* int] charge att. vortison • •. . • A S 51G.1111.1. 1 , SALL, rimgel)rritier, A isingnfr at. Nus ! eilitre. will Fell at hada! hale, an Saturday. Me. 4501 .of :Septcyl4eil next. at 1 4 y etdele. - Iv. At, ori tfri n StiliTaiMto Z4iii4Lo containing ' 1 ; 4 6, AS:(itg,S itc I#w)li. .N 41413 1 .0 Wiitintingion towsinliep, Ad ul t, ro mity . pg„,,,*joining !amid n ( Col. qtr. Hives' 4Mrt Itiarti"tillifilthrrA. 4 —"ritce• proiannews are Si: Y . 7 111111141 , 11 . fitt a large Bank 11arn i w $044 neeeeoir,itlt a pod rprilig We donr. About 30, jleretl covered ; r 'eavy Thatker. • The midge jejo a big/14 , 01,p toreJottliesion, haviegft&rikeilsoffir 440 ifteadilit;el id a fine MEADI.)W iitainan :20 Aert.g and *life enti'he :that'lel thb 4444 end' renEek. %"11(tire'fit Ntni Atiiiitilktehaid beating - ' ' VA . 'efy t ‘ii re - T '; 114 Volitlie4ostl frmn - DiesuOlieeter +l* Peterebittettitts throujith'thei 141 4 4 chi ibhth ihtettititileil hoof. the :latter , The priverty 14'1'04 entire, dr 'ill 'Me to suilitutltlittitenr2-1 • " . .1 " I > ..!Nnimiwwishin g to 'tear , tho;•propertvf previous to the day of 011kt...eau - du 'lty nirolling Mt. - Muitalnifft , tesitlitte thereto,. AV ill be •riiitl!; ann. inistkokirotritslion'tlity • J OSE Pif . l4-10/11N . Setit4 411511. F, . -% Assignee VIILU.9/11.E F#'lllr. ~ q i.k 01 /:,I).'T.J:t Tiff: subscriber. Committee of at:0110R W. 1). berme, (e I.uttetie,) will off er front' this date till the tat of October next, COQ. KENT, for one year from the first April next, the valmitife Parra ul said Irvine, situated in Ham ikoultan township, Ada IDS County , coPtoilling '4lO 4 011.1j.5. Farm is in good order, with fiue improvements, and a largo orchard of choice Fruit Trees. Ontiul riiiVtitelj• bijou! Ftidus / the Ist October ntst, it win fill that (1.1) I:te offered fur rent at public outcry, on the preinibes o'clock. P M. ABRAHAM 11,ENNEIti Sept. 10, 1852. Cmmittee. .311.'CON AUGI 11Y, 1/7"TORNEI .'IT 1-41 r, O FFICE in the South-e)est corner Of the public square, one door west of George Arnold's Store, and formerly oc cupied as rr Law Mien by John M'Oort itughy, Esq. ; deceased, attorney and Solicitor for *,, • titv -t 3 e nts and 2.l l i ons, ea . n furnish very desirable facilities to applicants and entirely relieve them front the necessity of a journey to Washington, IVY' D. WC: is prepared to attend to the prosecution of Claims for Bounty Laud to Soldiers of ilie War of 1812 and others —the iielectioti of (Mace lancla and loca ting their liiirritntitproturing l'ttle*s and selling Soldiers' , lands inlflb best ad vantage. Apply to hint personally or by Gettysburg-, ' Nov. 1, 1850 --If 11,VIIIIE AR, in ahil - hy'ltie Act of the v General Assembly of this State,, entitled "An act to regulate the' general Elections of this Commonwealth," enact ed on the 2il of July, 1830, it is enjoined on me to give Public Notice of iincli Elec tion to be held, one: to enumerate in such notice what officers are to he elected : I. Jon x Scorr, Sheriff of the County of Adams, do, therefore, hereby give this pub lic notice to the Electors of the said Coun ty of Adams, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in said county, on the Second Tuesday of October next, (Me (211 i ) in the several Districts composed of the following townships, viz: lii the First district, composed of the Borough of Gettysburg and the township of Cumberland, at the Court-house in Gettysburg. hi the Second district, composed of the lownship•of Gerniatiy, at the house now occupied by Israel Yuma; in :lie town of Litilestown indite to wiiship of Germaity. In the Thild district, composed id die township of Oxford, at the Iffiest, of Widow Miley, - iii the niwit of New Oxford. 'ln the Fiiiiiih district, composed of the tnwtishipt. di Latimorn and I I tiotingtoit, at the house of Wm. W. Hamilton, in the township, or Huntington. lii, the Fifth district, composed of the , tOWriiihips of Ifsmilintilmii awl Utterly. at , the pithlin School-house in Nlillerstovvii. In the Sixth district, composed of the township ni Hamilton, at the house now oethipietl,hy A. 'l'. Green, iii the tewit of Berlin. . ' In the Seventh district, composed of the towThip of Mettallen, at the public schoOl !Rinse in 'the town of Bentiersville. In the Eighth district, composed of the tewtrithip or sinihim, a: the house of Ja 0041«igittitse.' in II tintenotown. , I I ate Plplllt disltict,,comported of the towlitifilp.o . Pranii lin, lii , the house nowoccupietiby.lUenrv''llarniian, occupied tr'y Ifinry 'Hannon', in said town ship:, i . • ::' ,'. - • . ,„Inltltiii %reo.tliglistrici; enniponed of the tittumshdp ,of Cntiowago, al the - lonise oft Jiihil flusbi?,:in ,31'Slierry sto wit, Ad tilt' gibirefitli 'district, 'composed of thtt township of Tyritith, lit the house of Samuel Smiler. in,ll6lllershitiA. 'lit tint Ta:elfth Aititrim, composed of the tdwitsliiP of :iltunitjity., it thu house of GtfaiSt`tydur.in Add ... it iw Mill iv. . In. the Thirteentli,tlistriet. composed cif the !itnytitiliiit of Montitplemilitit. at the house of Atitlinoy Smith.. in said town: ship; situate .at.ilie ,ercifis-ritarla. t Ith one hAtting,trion,tfainriLto the Two'Tti cents. and the other frtAnt,llutiterittnwitto ;Haiti over. , 44: EM '4,'% 6 . . , r.: jellitr,"Ptigua ltiiith: diratietru!'oinp , oseil of Ole •Aueenehif ,11 Resdingott the house. ol Atu!tint Cox, in liompton,- . ! 1 I teslltt ' ‘.l.lgrii.l)47:l")3l:,'.l::,:friii;;l'oeflce)ri)Wlith4lkil of ai 1)V14 4 ? . ..,in , AC 1 P114- n. . iii dtitbuitsfirwis.' ril 4,.ilitt, SiXlf4'4llll,4lifilriet. 4:inirkpoolitl. of i the toe m. 11; :4111 . trtrilini. lit the house of ' INi,(dyd r ie Atorilfviu 1 041 1 , M'IlOtii , -,,,.t . . lit illsOSeieti s teetith , f(istrivt,,, eitannoted 9( flee''t '' fi f 1./ ti 'i 11 I . f nu pa ,p. ii i on ; A i e. omaq y Kiloch lefet:er. to In utwnsitdp. ut i Jii,lll liiglitrenjh fhstriet.,,taimppsgd m i tile titictitillip,? 1i011er,a111.1,04. -,lotl091,.0(1 He'll FeltL, tit, AlidAtvwtl,lo,ohattl, 4WD slaira 7 6". Ir.. :.: 4;'' . : it• 46" A , 4.1 , t'll'i 1 ,A t 'tv Weil , tiitte' tind 'plares 1 -krill tiat;' , 6: i i =BE One'enritit Comini§a4iiinet; • One Judge , , the t-tpro 4 trie burl, .One meniher of ;ongress,,,. c. One member of Aiiisembily. One I CtiirtilYoiiii,inissioper, Two' I)irectors Of the l'xtr I (one to fill the unexpired term, 01 IliotoPts 144Afp0 Oriel Mt) Partirultir attention is directed to the SEa. 11i16 IL LED/ARP'H fiel' 'AE pleasure, in tau ;mention relirtiitr, 11;61 . -Au K• ill their ft it'll& and the piddle to their In wnllng rn Ad ' une ..VlPß l lf , l• extensive mock of Fashionable Gott ds tot's gentlemen's wear, just I t-c.-it ell from the Go i ntre;Tllneiff', fin& viX which. Ito variety, of stele. beauty of fAte'elfifoss 11 1 Ue itst.. le f Ity'net fiterettO And (loose of Ile pilicer i ur qua li ty, cha u en ge , presentotivos of . oh,„i " „.,,. . 34111pU1 taint With any other stoek in the it is hereby eitactra by •Itinaltilliorni: ,tithe eon, !'1:1".• Our a""r"l"'"1"l .4011 tp lowfid vote, s irr Cloths, plain and fancy Tweeds hinplllll 1, toesster, York, ristarlift'.l(iititherfttia; (Mulford, c,;ittre, (frene, ' Cassimeres, Vesting - s, .1141 , utfiq'frum Stithikeellie protsdee of this' et. Sa t i nets, Summer Coatings. &e. fOr Mr; V 411.1011 felee. to CAN'T BEAT ! thee a Call, mad IN " filled " mayj*liDn'cwtone or Ili. '" examine for 3 ourselves. We ha cc r- Pro.i.ted. Tho.ffits tor whirl. every Candid ill' Itl vnatl 'stud! be di ' .signstell. 11. itsptired by the nit I. 811°./ ` with a de ' oustimulows of :Ida lionbtiottwealtlt. sire to please the tastes of all, from the '{'bunny howl vonntielled by lily most prietival to the most latitlions. person votineill the , ulatoier a iN/1141 rTA (LORING, in all its branches, shall he panishist as similar frauds :Iry directed to at:ended to as heretofore, with the assist hilioutiolull by the existing 10w...it - 11dt Common- of ~,,, wor own r.. 4411-1 j "n— -„ : I lie I. ASIIIO I\S fur Spring and ALso—llii and by virtue of the 11111 perm , n. Snootier have been received. ste ' tlitto,Of Mr :let aforesaid, evert' exrelaling dustiest „foie P eace, who shall Gettysburg, April 30, 1832 hold any tare or appOillilllVlO, 411 profit to ! NO TlCia. trust under the Government of the United States, or or any city or meorperated whether a eoulinissioned officer, or Milerwise, a subordinate olliecr or agent, who is, or shall he, employed under the iggi;lative, excretive or judividry depart. meat of this State, or of the United States, or of any eity or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Clumnott Conned of any city, or Com missioner of any incorporated district, tp by law inearible of holding or exercising at the same time, the olliv ' e or :appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of B.ly elec tion id this Commonwealth, and that no Judge, inspeetor, or other Mil :er of oily ruck tdeetion, shall be eligible to any race to be then voted for ALso—that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating fo executions; and for other purpitsee, ap proved April 16, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13tIt eectinn "shall not be eonsfrtieffiroi to prevent an 7 otibu n officer dr borough officer, from serving as a judge; inspector or clerk, at any general pr speeiat election in this UommonlYealth,i' find In and by an het of the General Asßembly of this State. passed the •ld day ofJoly, 1839, it is directed that the In spectots and Judges be at the places of their distriTts on the day of the General Election aforesaid, at t) o'clock in the fore noon, to do and putforni the several du ties required and enjoined on tltetn in and by the same act. ~, And he it further directed, in rind 1:4 , the set of the General Assembly of this' State id'oresaid, that one - Of the Judges of each Of the different districts aforettaid, who Ahall lerve the hharge of the certificates of the nontbet of votes Which shall have beets given for each candidate rot the different offices then and there Voted for . st their respective (nitride.. Altail meet on the third day alter the eleetittt, which shell be on PROCLAMATION. Oki DAV Till k t lifilLow i f i elta at.lhir f)ou InSibill, '.il . life tiell i t i 14 Getlys4rjalien)4l titita).4 Oak fair JA NM r., D 8 .O,iA , V ib 0 statement aid Of Mt! mim ter nt p 1 Nnityoll,);l3lLlttiitnyirtiqfpf votes, which shall ha r e 'iletifi .en al the I •••• ' ,, tt 01.• K t different districts in the eittinty of Adams, for ally person or persons for the offices aforesaid. JOHN SCOTT, She, ;thorax Office, Getty t burg, Sept. 10, 1 85 !. te. FIRE INSURANCE. I E ...//r/anis County Mrdria/ nre In -. suratire Crimping" located Et Get tysburg, is now in sticeessful operation, and for lowness of rates, economical manage ment of its affairs, and safety in Insurances, challenges comparison with any other similar cowl - tatty. All its operations are conducted tinnier the personal supervision of Managers selected ky the Stockholders. Tlizt Books of the Company are at all limes illicit to the inspection of those insuring in it. As no travelling agents'are employed, persons desiring to insure eau make ap plication to either of the Managers, from whim all requisite information can be gained. lic7-7The Al:wagers are : Melia lien—Win. It. It ikn. 51,.(;1,1,1y, Straktil —.larob Kin g , I I umilt.ffil ais—Amos %V. Nlngisily, lobetiy—.loll ll L. Noel, Itrndmg-Ih•nry A2Pirkird, Laiiinoto--Jecol) (Meg., \lnantjny—J.rocpli Fink. Brnvick--Ildvid li.. 1101 limier Borough—George Swope. D. A. 9w•ltler, %VT. If. Sh•eennou, A. 11. Kum. It Hi .ell. Joliet (Athol ut. Al,•x. C,lrnu, Ea,•rr NOtri d. 11. t 4 kelly, Voloohoe %Verner. : . eiot. 10, I H 5.2-1.1. CALL THIS WAY' g.alrEgar VagiiiaiMB XUS7 REC(L'IJIVIE'[9. T HE undersignedrespeeifolly ;Immune. es to the eitiv.ens or Gettctihnr ß r and its vicinity that lie has commenced the TAXLOBING IiSiNt.ISS, in all its varied hranelies, in tone HI the rooms its M'Condieglty's littilding,;loj..iiiiiiir the entrance to the Sons of Temper:llll.e Ilan. Ile hopes, that by a strict :men lien to bus. '1114! .ait earnest ellort in please, to meet and receive a lit era; share of public Inittage. ittg"ttlice ui a call (7nuntry prothare takt it in exchange for work. 1, 4 0. 0 1 ”1111111 S 11:1V1. j ust !well re. cetretl. lIENIiY (.71 , 11'1'INGElt. Apill la, 1852-Iy. BoOlis ! Books"! ! 2. H. WEIR ER frir:!sti)EitB his ,*; his fronds lor the liberal natrmi"ge H o lu ng : mi l nitif.trinly extended no bnu , :nal inferne3 thein that Ito has rereiiily reveiveil at him lad establirdnuent.in Chmithersbrirg Jstrcet, it] gthhtiun)nhia h)finer large i+ II wk of Hooka, a fiver ;is orlllll . lll to %Odell lie invites at !potion, as being tl.e largos!, hillest end heat asenrtinent of Crheologial, School, Miscelhtneous BOOKS elirriipened in..Geikvaleirg, and whirl' fra.pftwri; Int is prepared to cell at the teen IE2r , V 4 / 1 / LoivEsT Pieb.ES..,E2l ti„ Gellyhburg, Pa., June 4, 1852. thnn ensi! fej Tim highest S. Best Assortment OFSPDING & SUMMED GOODS !tor Centleincii'ti Wear, IVER OI'ENED IN GEVIIS.IIII46! /- ETTERS of Administration de limas . 4 1 nnn, vim) testamento annexii, on the estate 01 111:Nity (IF MIMI, late of Alumni pleasant township, Adams co., (luc i d, I u been granted to the suligeriher, resid ing in New Oxford. notice N hereby giv en to such as are indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and dinso having claims are requested to present the Sallie, properly audit:Mit:Med. for settle ment. PETER DIEHL Adat'r: August 6,1852-6 t. ri•IITIC E. frlfE undersigned Auditor, uppointed by the 01 pliatis' Court el Adams County, to distribute the balance remain.: ing in the hands of Geottott E. STARRY; Administrator of the Esta:e of 3semitS . rs R• Re; deceased, hereby gives moire that he wilt attend for that purpose at his °thee in lleidlershing. Adams mutiny, On S'atttr.: (lily the 251/i itott., when and where ut persons interested may attend. JAS. N. 1 3 1 - IfENTUIiF i . Sept. 1-3 t. Auditor LOOK HERE! I3OS ER Y, 011)Veg, Collars, Edgings And Laces, Mtn; Ihiok and Mull Mublitts„ Irish Lin ack Silk Lace awl Fringe, ste., tad in grew variely al SCH!CK'S il A Itl/1:121., ANli SADDLERY. AN additional supply just received at PAlirrEsTocKs Red Front, I nr.Ack SILK, Black Silk Lace mid - 02 - 1 " Fringe, a new supply just it:celled I and for sale vary cheap at the Juni 4. RED FRONT. ALL • • (lite/vex ali ning (roil.' al the!' nr giomaih, na Cohstipattrrn, - inward Piles, Irirtlo.mi bi binpll to Ihb beta , . " Acidity brirthat•h, rifairitee,Renttlibtrett , ' Disgust tar Farm!, Filthiest!, or %eight in rleirricm. gout Eructation., rittokinx kg at the pit of the Stomach. Swimming 6f tNe newt. Hurried rittd ilifficeat • ' Flattering at Ike lleart 4 Choking er eating. admattiniia %ti hth , it, !Ong posture, 111innets ignit ion. dots dr helere the , . ucr F;;l* rind duff Pain ih the right. held, Niel net Perspiraltion, Yellmvuessof the Skin a Path in the Side. !Ida, Chkst./.llphsBsegi blialhes of Heat. Burning ill the Flesh,,. Imaginings of Evil arid great depression o pr. Is, call be efFectually cured by , DR. et L. ELMS Tr l) C3B AlJllir B'YE' T T e l PR EPA R LI/ RY o c e. AT TILE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Arch street, Philadelphia. Their rower over the above diseases is not ex celled—il et ualed--:.hy any other prepritation in the United Staten, aqq 016 tittles Allen. id many cares afterekijhul physieinhs loth fiffletl. These bitters are Worthy the attention did lids, Possessing etent virtues in the. fermi tine of dise..!NS of the Liver and fosse} glands.ai I cruising the nitilst searching powers in ,weiskasaigs. and ntrections of the dige,tive organs, they ea; withal, safe. Certain ant plea-ant. READ AND ill: CONVINCED: From the "Doetoi The editor raid. Dec. 22nd Dr. lloothin.l's Celebrsited Geritial'a Bitter*, fp( ) the cure of Liver sin, Chronic or NervOirs Debility. in ilettervedif one otthe most popuhtimediCines of the '1114)0 1 .4.r These Bitters Incv been used by Ihonsanttst stki n li send at our elbow tai's he has hitins4ll,o,intniv. cd ant effectual and, permanent Cilia. ol,Posen Complaint from the use ot this remedY. Wetidi convinced that in the use of these Bitters, t,iltflryli t , tient constantly gains atrengthand vigor— a 44 i , worthy of great consideration. They are plitta., ant in taste and smell, and can be used hy personal, with the most delicate stomachs with tat, der any circumstances. \l'e are artaakifig fro* experience, and to the afflicted v‘h ads ise the tt . , "lientr, Weekly," nnc attic f,Ost i:eraty per. pt,blihhml Ha hi, A eig. Ms— • '.llr. Hootland's German Ditto's, inennifsctetted by Dr. Jackson ore now recommended by king at the most prominent members of thettscuilv elf art artit le of mucii efficncy in eases of Imitate' weakness. As such Is the case tie would adsise all mothers to obtain e. a hmtle, and thus tiara themselves much sickness. Persons nfdelibitir led constitutions trill find thesisaitters effrafilns germs to their bealth,,es we kimir front expel... - More the salimity effect they bare hait 'type* weak systems." MORE EVIDENCE. „ The “ Viti Trifle I ph i a Saturday Gazekteioe besi family newspaper published in the U. P 11415. •I'lle cot itot Pa , P of DR. 110D1'LAND'S DERNIAN-t , atf.RS. "It itt seidom we recommend wharritelerte rid Patent titedicines,'to the t onfirlonce and pp ronage Of o n r residers 7 ahrl therefore viten 114 recommend DI. Iloolland's Lerman lilitterre.We wish to lie distinctly understood that we ate, not Freaking of the nostrums of the day,' that ,ate noised about Mr a brief period and then tottbi.; ten alter they have Tone their guilty race Of tiffs: ch Mt, but au medicine long established, uhisw. sully prized, and which has met the bratty aisi Koval of the faculty itself." .. . .. . . E‘idetice upon evidence has been receiycd(likai the f rgoing) from al I sect ions of the Union, tlist , last :I years, and the strongest test iftiOnV in,, ifs 'or, is. that there fs More ut it need In tire' tifac. : , i of the regular Physicians Of I'hiladelrthi4 n all other nostrums eotribined, a laet thatnisti ily be ertabliabed, and folly prov ing that a' sciiiittlic prepuratita will meet with their quiet tipproViil u lien hikented even in thin form. i That this medicine will titre LA fr tromPliinh' and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after oting it as directed. It nets specifically opoh the etnnunet and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all WI: I ions diseases—the effect is immediate. It ' be administered to females or infants with Olaf land reliable benefit tit any tithe: PEWAizr, OF cotN • rEkFtirs. I 'This medicine has attained that high eherairi 1 ter is !deft is necessary for all medicines to •11 . 04 to Milos. conateileiters to put forth srurloUsi sr :ivies at the risk of the lit es of those %timbre id imeently ilteeiv ed. Look well to the tllatiti bfltte gentt They litive the written signature, of C. 111 incksnn upon thie whipper. and Mir tiatne, hlra in the Vott le, without Whieh trey nee spurious: For sale whetestile and retail at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 115 Arch ttre'et one floor below: fix Philailelithid; nod by rehret table dealers gioniN ly thiough th6toolary: ‘ Prices RedUCOdi '4l Tri enable' allciat.sts 01 in% ahtls to ctijoArAff zfvnt.tagrit 01 thrvi gi rertor4tiverumers.. Fur salt in Gcity.botg nt the Drug toe "' N. H. BUEHLER: 4 i 1)et..12, 1851.--ly Cow . MILITARY NOTICE. 1 It having been made the thitj.nrflrignde . Inning:tort to (mike( nil IVlilharj.' nrms ni oilier military propt.tir Ol this Qtmtrit Il ii' wealth, ti.ltieti itnty be in the fnisSeiti4l any 'person or perstifis riot tutklred 6t? I tb hold the stall : 7 't (' RII pereteris hn4itig nti!fr tents, regimental or tootttlieni shy other inilitary property- of the Statl l il his or their potisession. ;Ire lietebyi'dkult- NI forth tSith in deliver the Saiiiit to iti4i stilmeriber, otherwise they dill he iteld.re- spotisible nevoriling to la*. John I,leclier, Petersburg; A. T. Oreert: Epst lierhu ; Nehhstiati .f.Ltfer, Aibhll town ; Nicholas Slorriii. Freedom it.xw'fii ship; 1111(1 Juieph ilarker. authorized to reeri've nett hold thosarud for the use of the Slate. scbrr. • Brigade Intrpector, 114k.S3apt. Jamb Mark end the ;itiffE:l 4 9ffirets ot the ..I%sehington independetitl Chinrdq,' trill meet tl a metnhern Company tit the Pithlie Hduite isf 114#e: Sehwariz. in Miimmusburgi. bn klitherf the 18 1 / 6 inst.; for the purpose of -delivt Mg over ihe military property draWn Wet the State for the use of said Compeern tut the proper Officer aethorizeti to receive' them'. •.) Sept. 3-3 t, „ NOTICtI, 'it m 10 the residence; Of the tOntaililitill her, on the 28th DI July st a Sint!, . '• x 22312642 apparently nine ntoinhi Adel. yellowish '• tor. fl' hind legs. is and port of the back being Oldie, With a w lute epot on the fore. head. The owner is . disired 1044 ptoperly, palr elialea and tails h stvai. Hamilton &pt. IU, 1852--St' PARASOLS 6~ PARASOLS - I 1 1 ARIC Ht ot just opened sod f eplit cheep at OCHIOWN. .11.!