Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 20, 1852, Image 3

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IF *IMP; A 111 Ts IS
MIL F8721T8
:10,11NIP:0442 ,11 Ai12h144
, • 9n, ! satecrday the 2846 of Sugust next,
t striae of an order of the Orphans'
dlr Adams county, the faintest-
Amet.,ltimintatrator of the E,tate of isAnt:
,f(Jmnitetrent, deed., will eXposo to
A / Uttkio Sale, on the premises, the va luable
IL L 'i .i$L. Tan:
of said deceased, situate in Latimore town.
ship, Adams county, Pa., about 4 utiles
ef the York Sul phhr Springs, and ad- ;
jojning lends of Abraham smith, Mahlon
''''ithluretson, and 'others. The improve
'"' 'Willits ate a ONE & ONE— y
34 , .
yeather.bnarded, with a large:mil chnsem
ient atone Back-building, con taihing a din
leg room and kitchen, with finished chain
bent "hese ; also a log Barn, and a number
'Of. convenient int t-builitings. Convenient
to the door of the &yelling, is a AV elletol.
cellent water. The farm contains
4® E '•
of gond Patented Land. There ie a gond
ORCHARD on the premises, and aside=
tent quantity of Timber. •
• 11tr9ale will commence
, Itt 10 riebilek,
A. M. ofsaid day, when the nitwit will be
made known by
By the tolitl—ElAN NORRIS, Clk.
• August 6, 186‘,Z.—td‘ , • •
2172212 0 IZ 121111 '
On Saturday the 18th of. Septonber-nart.
ta 2 o'clock. P.M. • ,
r r illE subscriber, Hteeutoret• the iwill
AI, of Janes G. Psicros, lam ofrreeklie
plw alt . . ,ii), Adams county, decewsise,_4l4ll
at at Publio Sale the weft ktiowterlep•
erly. Of 'aid deceased,• situate in said iowu
ship. and ' . ', - • . .
„ Containing
. 140 Acres,
snore or les*, adjoining lands of William
White, Hugh billhenny, JohnProuti, and
°thus.; • > The imprdiernener are st
, , ;., - ,• 7 .
TWO- TORY -, '.• , aa I
r ithaPAii Nig' Kileben, a datibie lot Baru.
Wagon Shed, Stable., and i 'good orchard.
400151kotinetitin tilii ditiber anti mead.
The land will be shown to any who
imay - kb! diikpubscriber te
siiipt ou Ittllr nitie't. ' , ,- ',----
,1- q !lift ,LIA
lyirot 1 0 AFr*?$, p*'.x.
~ • 1
__.,.. idA,S''ll't:l4l.Elll4 6 .
'Tin a
.4. ~ ..1 0
~ f...._ ,
, .
..ifiliWiloaribeie4f 4 Gettylliurg Circuit
• a, . int the M. E. Church" ' will held a
Vemp.,Miteting ow the- land of Mrs. M*l
- lifelinight,: bordering on the Cham
bgmborg turnpike, 'six miles west•of %Get •
tysburg, torminermeafittraii,2oth. Our
brethren4,4olo4 ti 0411 1 ,1 are invited to
fire,aq 14 oblia 11 , 1r 11 411 to
P:"'Tis. . ',.....? 1 :.., - _=,
10)-101ts,kiorithi who may not tent with
us sue yet Attendlbe meal,. we wish ‘ to
itiliti l ii. itiggestiiitilthe pre* ety Of w Welt
their, provistone witriliiim, or come ex
-1' ki and , prePared to Procure them at
g ,
ritpigi s it l i or some other place,
- ' lsiors wilt be entertained.
, MitOrlate
WR 'tbe'llitititle' portion ; of the t.
liigiii/ fitAilliii hire been cen pet! d
, of ) , e. to 09-
u moor I
!I, continuo:_ round „ n ell
trtiators, "WO not only deprives
I ifelo, the' religitais privileges of the
"illiiii . P . Vtint sistibriuga a 'reproach upon'
NiftteiMtiiiitd' fritteritintat rkth the success
alibis effilitsimide in . beluilf if religien.,—::
1111*fihit *it are happy to are our friendi et
. 61 1 th: lei aittl'ikiinitito them a warm vl4l'-
4810 it ad t ithe , our duty to ourselves:
liigritilthit ante of our Mester constrains
*Mint Priblicly' to expriett our determi
italiolt, to effect ;,reform in this thing at
naiappitteching Meeting.
By order of the Quarterly Conference.
eicerge Warren, George (2u!ynn. , ,
4i:ilel. lisiftmat. , ` .11,CUtosberiar , '
Jonas *mkt,. [Com. of Mrangesn't.
July Bo. 1802—td. . , ,
-- yii~i /,(~~
'4 , 4
, 4
4,„ 1){1 9111EililLER
ENDERS hie thanks — to hie kind,
Ar,. for the, liberal patronage: so intit and
uniformly extended in bini, and 'informs
Own sloth.) has reedndy recteived at his old
establishment in C'hushberdstrg street, in
biltletkon taiga former largestock nf. Book',
oi nnis,nmortment to,which he Insites at.
motion, as being lbe largest, tidiest and
beittrortnient of
Classical Theological, Sehool
liridellaneous ' l4 -‘ BOOKS
eier opened in Gettysburg, and which
us usual. he is prepared Jo sell at the
IGettyaburg, ea, Jitne 4, 1852.
NovIE, ie hensby Liven that the
' e 1,114 unclog of, the,elOck-holdera of
tilit.l444ims unik Altaual lire .Inste 7
racl i Ompuily" will be held at the otace
or 1 30 pr I tp, r y, in gettytieurz, Aton
-4 ell; day of A'Vember next, be
tween the hours of 2 410 4P. M. at which
time anti place an election will he held lor
21 trlinmera of said Company. each mem
beeliitrigentitled to one vote for each pol
icy NM by him.
" D. A. DUEDI.ER, sec'y.
rreitatilmil and Compiler copy.
will p o ratle fur inapeciionat
gu isttur st *u g um 28, at 10 o'clock.. At
M. . Strict attendance, with accoutrements
in good brder, is re q uited. An Appeal
orkbe i fieblon the !time tl4.
ly,order Oldie Captain. •
lid 'to 1852—ul
rpi +
rNll' 'undersigned holds himself in
4 riiiiiinces stall times to set as A t/ C.
itiKIA. for the selling of goods of all
twit 4 PulalieOldes and at auy time and
eve ith , dteeoutity of *dams. .
Hs say he found at ill tlmai at the
le* nog, of U. W. - Illesairig, next
4 1,4tti 1/441e lintel; Gettyshurg.
Ai 0-11*
Btiths Mitts . I .
1(:4 'idvi;'6l.ltri• 'Fa ;ix;
114/MlOllll atm .uhlsidluazetze
HE subscriber, at the solicitation of
numerous persons, has put up a
considerable expense, for the accotemo•
dation of the citizens of (;ettviiburg. At is
located near the reaideitint el'the slibeeri. I
tier, on South Paiiimure street. in a retired
and I.4)llVelileiil place. It consistsof brithl
which' will ,always'lr lreptiti gocitriittler.
The baths are now ready ftif k uate;_t will
he mute t 6 subsciAliers on the ft*tviot
conditions :. • ..••• • - i
1. Any person leaving his triune with
the subeeriberesad paying $1
trill here the.parilegen of thotathti forihe
entire/season. Persona whit hove not thui
subscribed, willbe required to 'pay•o* sots.
for . eacla• lwithint..mcwriolieeriher to hoe
die:privilege of bathing , mere than twitto . a
day withookentra elienre. • •• •'
i. hhaibatLnsaill fie open each dety . be
!wee , * the .hnttre of 6 end , 9 51../br the
warty" the Latlits athreivety. All' the'
otherhuors of ilia day. they will be emu •
for Gentlemen; until 10 o'clock, P. M.
riits,•persort will 14 privileged to use
„toe baths unldunday..
4. No • one person- stall oecupy the
• batle:houemlonger than wit minutes at a
time; and no diree• persons longer than 80
minutes. t• and-uot more'llian three persons
,114 1 41 ettier at any one time. • •
.1 5. - Good order will be-required of pet
eons using the baths; and anYMMeenduct
in or about the bath-house will debit the
guilty, person Inam.forther privilegetrin it.
'l.l4oditrAny using the baths whoa, any
improper or disorderlv conduct takes place,
lirrilU fur held reeponsible therefore Mild t h e
guilty person is deteeted. .' •
nee r& soap in the Plunge Bath
is prohibited altogether.' t
7: The key to'tlie Bath Ilouse Will be
kept ill the residence of the sobscriber,
:wtterelt in all cases, be returned,
Iti;Pefstittif wishing to subscribe, or
obttin further inlormation, can call upon
the subscriber.
Gettraburg, June 4—tf.
TLl.lE..eabseriberfunt been'induced to o-,
am. pt."' an • OSlablishineut for the acenin. l ,
modation of Invalids, and also for persons
who'widh toleare the cities and to wnsfora
*hurt period daring the warn; and un
healthy setulinfaf the year„ for a healthy ;
end etturfartableidatie in the enti ntr y-. It is
situated eight miles north dffeitysburg; on
the, State 'road leadingfro nalet t'sfittrg to
IVewville n half way : between Midilletown
and Beadersville,in a healthy and bentni.'
fel .eountry.,nut
mantic scenery by any in the State. There
for - the benefit of persons desiring to two
them ; also many place. of resort an"La
[ timsetient along thit•romantie streams, ra
titles. pine-woods, tir.e.
• The subseriber . Will also nerommOdate
.partiethfrons the rum' try nd adjacent towns.
Persons,boarding fora week or two will
person-leaving his name with the subscri
ber and paying one dollar to advanee, will
have the privilege of :he Baths for the sea
son. Persons who hare tint subscrarti
Will be •required to pay 6! els, for each
Peptone miming to Gettysburg in n
public. conveyance. Ede have immediate
conveyance, to the Springs by applying to
Mc. ,Juno, L. TATE. and also have ready
convoyaisce back, to Geoosbnrg. ,
Ternit SOAP per week fur boarding.
• J. N. SMITH; M. D.
,llendery f ille, Pa., June 23..-81
rirtflE subscriber has just returned from
•••• the City With a large assortment of
Gtoodii, 'to which he Wiwi the - attention
of the 'public. and' irlhich 'will he sold at
prices that can't be beat. The stock is
large,. arid OrnbritOes, among other things,
Candles and Confections
of every variety, Oranges, Larkins,' Figs,
,Iliteittinsi Prunes. Cocos Nuts. Paint Nuts,
Fiwerta4—.Letnon, ;Ginger mid Sareepa
rilla Syrups, , pcpared to be utter! al a de.
ligo.tful beverage,- Preserved Ginger, die.
Also catAciiKli,B ofritrious kintls,(Med.
foril,ANAtter, Au e r:and'
Aldo; a aisorttnent of
Snag}, Coffee, (best JaV'2 , ;) *r'eas, tles
6).tops; Spictea, Alva a fine atksort
Qpeemsyvare and Qlassware,
Hardware, Cutlery, Cedar Ware, Willow
Ware, &c., &e.; aft of sq . erior quality and
just from the - City.
The subscriber Itais receiied
lot,of • •
Boots St Shops Hats $l.. - Caps
"01 1 9 , eicelitencle, aati.chettPaess can.,
not bg beat tkktt marital. •
Thankfiil for past [nitrous, the
be fospeetlylly,itivitos hie , Criendtrto giro
Itiu usatilis ilia goods; ,tolloce•
purt4tasiag,olarwltere: •• ,
Gettysburg, Jiant 4 t( • •
atsts maziiis:a2.4tic4 4.yz mow
atl oa 2
TE sulpreriber respectfully, „itifiirms
the public ihit he We opened. per
manent llegueilematiPti - dalleff,,in the
house formerly tent—eir 'a' 'I
house in ellilniberPliorgistreit,A feitoors
from the i)iamond, where ite if prepared,
it all times and in all Weenier', to Okii,
In bsirt style. of all sizes-rind kinds, audit
the lowest rute.s. If my pimmes do :not
give satisfaction, there will Ito thaw. ,
KrOivek lii tk call. • ,
Gettysburg, May 14, '52..-1.3r1
I anuos AND
4'F all kintle, ,from the tent
Mouses; in she City, con
staritly oU band and for cute at
', be Drug and Itookaurrrt of
Awe 4, 18.112.
,•.., • '.' . -1-.... ' ' . 4.:: , ;.. " .
On Sa turday, the-101day of ;I uuse. S •
D. 081 5 .2 , at-11).' 4004 •,^ -
rhlin iof ciitain ii 4 t o . iiii atiect•
ed for that purpose,-will be
at Publta.Sate, at the Vuort-Ilotiati: 'Wilts
BoroUgh of , Ylwl4 the following Real :';.r.s
late, viz r. • , , 1 ,,
- . •
A. the &tate of Iskso•TistansZlei to wit:
:A. ' ' tertaid 'T ic . ' ibr ilia.;
partly in Par at "i'"' hip
,sittige ars tee owns ,„York
rtirmitty, Pennsylvania, and partly in liam-,
lllWteisriship, ih the adjoining iounty , of
:rerittilits:ratil'Siite'Vertisaid, With, ,
1 ' aTWO - 4'l'oW"; .:: ' ' • 1-f-H
'6olot, it*644Y(4'.; OUFIty LIB '
"iv . d iw' pito r",Sliiti t ack Building, a itto
story, feroNg .GIII§T.MILL, with four
,run.p(4tonsts, and Stone Still Oneee. ,an
Drying Min said Mill,;,a,large!
BANIK..BARN, a one and a 101( story
Log Weathtrboinlett'Tenant Itentie,With
• other 14'pm:ism/tents thereon eribled. - 000- 1
taining =•''' •
'96 Acres and 114 Perches,
more or•less, and is bounded and limited
as folloWs : . : t
Begining at a : stone, thence by land for
merly of Philip Ilaveratnck,-south five and
a quarter degrees, east one hundred and
forty ~three and four-tenth perches to a
stoat, thence by land of John trove, south
eighty-five and, a half degrees, west one
`hundred and three and tone-tenth perches
'tort ttrliiti oak„ thence by land of Jacob
Bohn, north thirteen end a half degrees,
isift forty-two anti six-tenth perches to a
stone, north nineteen and a half degrees,
east thirty-eight and seven-tenth perches
to a stone, north, fifteen and one-fourilt tle
,grees,, West forty-three and one-tenth
perches to a
,goM, north forty-right and a
h i
ball west seve ntee n and six-tenth . _
perches . . to a
white oak, north thirty-sal lllHElgnblicriber being desirous to die.
degrees, east twenty-three and, three-tenth 1 Jll. pose of i portion of his Farm, will
Pufel , les to a po.t, north six
perches In a i sell 100 Acres .hereof, at Private Sale, on
post, then by land lortorrly.6l Samuel Fah- l accoinineulating terms. ' It is situate in ,
neitock; north thirty-one degrees, e 46 t i Mountpleasant township, Adams county, 1
Pa., and is well fnellt to make of itself an
sixty perches and seven-tenth I a stone, l
north thiry-seven mid one-lourth degrees, i excellent and desiral...e Faros. About 50
west twenty-lot:emu) two-tenth perc h es) acres are Unproved and under good lime
to a stone. north threeperches at Collo- i jug, with a large proportion of excellent `
wago crock, south thirty-nine degrees, east meadow.. Tie liahince, 50 Acres, is coy.'
ten and eight-tenth perches to a post, south
fired with EIIZST-It ATE 6. 1 0 ~.
thirty-three and three-fourth degrees, cast
thirty-Iwo and two-tenth per. lies to a post, i '' ;
south thirty-six and three-fourth 'degrees, I
east fifty-nue and eight-tenth percheb to a I not stmtnssedin the entire township. It
post, south sixty-three and otiodnurth de- lies about 6 Wiles from t /ettysburg. near' ,
ad leneitte to III:lover and atom
grecs; east forty perches to the place of 'lto
. T" s • , •
beginning. 8 miles (rota the latter place—so that the
'-• Seized and' taken in execution as the convenience el the railroad at the latter
imitate aforesaid, and to he sold hy place could he had. It is surrounded by
' GE;t3RGB ALBRIGHT, Sheriff. Mills, and posiesses other advantages that
Sheriff's Office:. York, ? ' . ' would he ilee'vehle to a larin.
• .laly 30, ltb2-141, 5 (c.:7-The tents, which will be reasona
- —"-- tile, nail be . ascertained nn application to
4 f the subseribet, , •l Two Taverns P. Office,
Adams County, Pa.
Philadelphia, April 23, 1852-11
THE ILAVE`If. FlA,c..] - 11r:.(TVIS
a 57 LEZilia,,,W.
TII E underSigiled fle peofelly aenotinc
. es to the citizens of Gettysburg and
its vieiniiy that he has commenced the
in all its varied branches, in one of the rooms
to Ar tonavgity'x Buildivg, adjoining the
entrance to the Sons of Temperance !Lill.
Ile hopes. that by a btrict attention toinis.
japes, and an earnest eflort to please, to
meet and receive a lihera: share of public
patronage. irjr.Give us a call...krz
Country produce taken in exchange for
work. Latest Fashions have just helm re
April 18.1852-Iy.
AM tailoring
meld most respectfully
inform their friends and
the public generally, that
Ley have entered into
tartnership tocarry on the
Tailoring Business,.
in all its .hrenches, 'and
luty will 'lie glad to ac
comrnodate customers, ,at their establish
ment. in smalaßaltimore street, (abloom]
of Jacob Sheadd.) next door to Schick's,
and nearly opposite Fahnestock's. Their
charges will be moderate, and all {torments
war•antad to fit. They ask a trial, feeling
confident that their work will Mew.
07Country produce taken in exchange
or work. • . .
The FASHIONS for the Spring and
Summer have. been received.'
Gettysburg. April 9.
1, 1 1 1/sHNESTOCK'S hare jlat ienelred
Al: arid will sell verreheap, the largest
stock. of Venitian and Ingrain 'Carpeting,
4.4, fe.4 and ,=D•4,. white and colored that
ting,'rDruggeos. •
•Pl&at-• Ohoh, co 1
Carpet* and Oil Stair Oloth,ever'hefor.
ollered. • ' 'SION RED kRONT.
hods's' Drettm Goods.
tigILKS and Merinoes. .M. de
k." 7 ' Lain'''. A I pacao, Calicoes. SHAWLS,
Collura. Gloves* Stockings. Ato.i Sie:,are
be bad at. ' •
02 ., :4 4 G ' ,
IiacLARAT* eqr,f4lioary. Hail OilioNotto
•JklfiCrs,crlilurimaniase nor
enr41,1414 Apened at. BUBJILEft'S
Bpok and Ocul*tose, iu Chambersburg
street!Cnit' it
un-gOIL Plibearits
F the bes,.,gioeitty,-..ralmtaya,,en hand
`LY ind for. side' hit'Vetlyabsirk;'-at the
:Poundry, of , ,
• r-vATIRErf dor:
VIA RA,SOLSNwthe , heat. and cheapest in
AL . totv,n. Oelynbine and lbok, and you
will say so. Give us a call and you Will
he convinced 'there is no humbug about it.
KURTZ'S, Cheap Corner.
AN additional eutitily received and
potted this week at
"-WOKS. e5551i.WW05....t.....V., ~ ,W .W....... '..5...... -,
: , 4 --k , . ••'‘. : • 1
i / 1- rig..ita ‘ i ii 1 39
Vir (Mil iillisitribit, intearie f remove
from the State.offers at Private Sale,
the Form Atk • whicivlte,resides.:situits in
4trehan township. Atitur.s.coulity.Pa.ituk
joining, lantti elJottirplxon. Esn.i Col.
Janice Neely, Solomon Longenecker, J.
B.,Holitnan,and others. and containing.
155 ACRES,
. of . ' , patented' land. , The linproveidelits
sawn huge. TWO-STORY
. . .
iiimidet,Xlwilliiit Uouse, tru
with Kitchen sitathed.'n 'large Barn, par
frame and part lug, Wagon Shed, and oth
er out buildings. There is a well of good
water. With pump in it. convenient to the
door. and knever failing spring near the
house. The Fano is well etlPPihil with
runitingWater. There is on tbirprtatises
sk a young and thriving. APPLE
. ,
with a large variety of other Fruit Trees.
A good portion of the land is covered with
thriving TIMBER. There is also n due
proportion of good MEADOW. The laud
is in a good state of cultivation. The
fencing is good—a large portion being of
board. Persons wishing further informa
tion can obtain the same by callibg on the
subscriber who resides on the farm.
iii_ - .7-The subscriber, being determined
to sell, those wishing to purchase, will find
it to their interest to make application.
July 30, 1832—tf. , _
MI Erriaß VC
Juno 18, 1852—:1m.
jti:A.', ksT.ATii AT!
subierther will Sell Ina FARM
itIJA te Qt the State road leading from
Harrisburg to t.;ettyslitirg, in Huntington
township, A.tbins county, Pa., two and
one halt Inilet south of Petersburg. iY.
S.) adininittplands of J. A. Myers, John
tto—, J 111..“- and who a v
three-milemf the lime kilns, containing
110 laTica l ,2l.
of gravel laid. (patented.) Thu Farm is
under good Ivocing. and in a good state
of yulovatict, having some 30 Acres cov
ered with fltid i 01 b e e , a l so a
good Stone 4uary, a young thriving
of choice trit. find a good supply and var
iety of Pear' and l'lunt trees. The Im
provetnentstire a One and a
well lini hct with a cellar, a good large
Kitchen attatieil, a never failing well of
water at the loor, and a good pump in
it, and pipe 6 convey the refuse water of
the pump to he cellar in a trough which
makes a gum place for keeping mild], &e.
in the annum. season.
The ont-htddlngs consist of a DOUB ICE
_LOG HAIM Carriage house and other
4ltat boildingd In order to suit purchasers
I will eitherVell it all- together, or about
85 Acres wit' all the improvements, about
25 Acres of .vhieli is covered with "Tim
Persons deirous of purchasing a farm
on reasonable terms would do well to call
examine amjtidge for themselves before
purchasing eliewhere.
July 111 'l2-4f. • S. BENDER..
lErflanoverleizette plraae copy until forbid,
and charge the/office.
t k Flkkati
On &fordo] the 14//s of lingual next.
subariber, Executor of tlio Will
-IL of JAMF) BELL, son., deed., will oil
er at Public; !ule, that well known prop
I.IT 111.AN 7 dOll T 1 11
of said decear d, situate in Straban town
ship. Adams . wiles south, of
Hittite: mown. adjoining h i nds o f Jacob
Tatighinbatigl, Heins ol,David McCreary;
.Bucliei and oilier., containing
218 AallES
about 60 Acretpf goed TIMBERLAND,
anti tile reaidni,in,,c,leared arable
;There are eitcut 30 Acres of pouf MEAD
OW, with routing .F,etur.on the plage.—
The Farm is tpder- good fencing and cid
tivation. On it aru erected a TWO
wide l~ Story Bacl Building,,a
, fleietlikiling wilt:loth penap,,and idle it
spirit. :Intl .64060161 w near '
~ !hit Dwel
- %%en id 4:14 and Corn
Crib, 214 otherittOuiltlinie on the Fern-.
Persons desiriag to see , the property
betbre dity of sale will be ohcown ic by
ROBBRT BELL, it., resitliitg oil the prem
ises. •
Attendance will, be given and terms
made,ynown'on day ) i f sal, by •
July Etcectitor.
, „
THE subtedber heieby nodee to
as those Niko hiVe prOMblephim WOOD
on atieount, 114 he loin Torii ori .nd that
unless it is deliveredlorthwith, without
lorthehiotiee, the Aceouhts will be placed
in the' bands d an officer fur collection,
and the money required.
R nw .....- : t rta.t:r i _Ct...._
lir• most revolig eriMe„ and as Goad is near
et hand swine '4 Will hi isifed'up•
on. ut discharge high andquenonaibleJilutieaos
judges of evidence and' facia thauftegr• pfteel2
before them. At their verdletwill neeaaatily be
deal, it eboald be bend viion Mitt itistleViiid
feeto 130 should OUT , 'Willett; *buys be Weed,
whether in 'batten ooneerning Mb; liberty, or pro.
I petty, or in business matters. 'Broil futher,initth
er, son, and daughter is interested whets theylesn
boy to . tho beet advantage • and we therekvi uy
to them, that it is for their interest to eslt'ettd
Ready-made olothing and Vari
,Stnre, •
in Gettysburg, ethers Gooyle ere !old cheaperthan
at any. .other establishment—notwithstanding all
the talk of others about "cheaper , than the cheap
est," "30. per cent. cheaper," &c. lI yourdouht
this—or that he defies competition either in Get
tyahurg or elsewhere—just give html call and
satisfy yourselves.
There arc those, who, prompted by eelfiah mo
tivesolotnetirnes decry Ready-made Clothing, as
, being defectively made up or made out of damaged
matetiels. This may do to blind the unthinking,
but net those who will take the trouble to exam
, toe my large assortment of goods I invite gen
tlemen to call and say whether they have not paid
iis high se and*lo par yard for clothe no het
iter than that in my coats, which are made up too
by II regular xerr York Miler. Occasionally an
article may prove detective, but where is the mer
chant that has never sold • piece of cloth, cessi-
nette, calicos, or muslin, which did not turn out
to he bad. It is impossible to prevent 'hie alto
gether, even wilt the heat of judges.
Time is said to be money, and money ia said to
be time. tSct they are, if properly applied. And
herein lies the secret of my ■hility to sell goods
lower than any hotly else. Instead of running to
the city, and spending a law days in hastily put
chasing goods at market Prices. I spend **ma"
wake and even months as others do days—thus
buying to advantage, with care, and frequently
at almost half the market prices. Hence lam
enabled td sell the name goods to my customers
much tower than others, and frequently one-hall
Itesides, T adopt nn twn•priee system, by which
one customer is required to pay 111 or 20 per cent.
more than others. Putting my goods down to the
Lowest murk, and having tint on r iticK, the pur
chaser mav•rely upon being honestly deal► with.
It is very easy to puts fictitious t•aloe on goals,
and then allow customers to ••jeer" down to a fair
value ocelmotiollyi but when that is done it in time
to look out !-- there is something wrong. (lire
price and small profits is the only lair anti trce
vs stem.
My present stock consists of every seasonable
article that I,l,miga to ‘lens and !toys' Clothing.
;t ~ , oiler pith a rely large variety of FANCY
; GOODS. Jewelry, Aerateirons, Yinlins, llevolvers,
and other Pi s ttles.ks, Trunks, Cat pot.l.loge,
Violin and Cutter strings. &e., all of which will
be sold at pries, to satisfy any reasonable mind
that tithA) , lSON's is the place to hay the cheapest
goods. Thanking, niv friends viii customers for
their past patronage, and hoping In merit a con
tinuance of the mime by a strict adherence to the
loas rater. principle, I Invite them to give non
call at my t.tore, opposite. the Bank. in tiettysteurg.
hi A al: US SAMSON.
April 16,1852.
[ll ZDIO
tm.probar filacbttterp.
undergigned would respectfully
m• announce to the public that they
have entered into partnership for doing
business at the well known FACTORY
on Middle Creek, in Freedom township,
Adams County. Pa., on the road from Get
tysburg to Eminitshurg, and are prepared
to fill all o rtharc in tlioir line of inisoo.s.
such as
Carding, Fulling, Dyeing,
Mataufaeturirim Cloths. Casiinetts. Car
pets. ,Srocktng-yam n, arpet
audio., AT.. in the best
style and at
R.E.41 SO N. llt E R./77'E S.
The Factory has been re-titted and re
paired with considerable care and expense
—the latest improvements in machinery
having been introduced—so that ensto
mere may rely upon having their orders!
tilled promptly and to the best advantage.
For the convenience and accommodation of
customers, \Vont will be called for and ,
goods delivered at the following places,l
every' few weeks, to wit:
All the Stores in Gettysburg ; Brinkerhoff's
Store, Fairfield ; Blythe & l'azum's do.; Loudon's
Mill, Liberty township; Weikeres Store, Green.
mount; Myer's Store Freedom township ; Ifitnn's
Store, Mounijoy township; bower's Store, Ar
endtstowu ; Werta's Store, Arendstown ;
mer's Store Mummasburg ; Scott's Stare, Cash
town ; Soreriuger and Renshaw's. Littlmown
Arnold'. Mill, Locust Grove'; Smith & Clutz's
Store, Einnsitsburg, Md ; stare, Tonti
town. Md Creglo's Store, Tanneytown Road.
All of our work is warranted
to please. Goods at all times exchanged for
Wool. The highest price paid for Wool.
No expense or trouble will be spared to
giveentiresatisfaction tocustomers. Give
its a call, and test our work.
April 23. 1852-Iy.
fA i Very large supply. of TIN
L f .l WARE on hand and for
sale, at Buebler'sTin and Sheet
Iron Establishment,opposite the
Post-office, which will be sold
at low prices.
Bonnets and Dress Goods.
AN, additional , kupply of Ginip and
Straw , Bonnets, Herne De Lathe,
Popleins and trotted Swiss for Ladies'
Dresses jtist received and for sale ehesp
FA 11 N EsTo K'S, -
Sign Ited Front.'
April 23
HONNET RIBBONS, 'Florence Silk
anti Silk . Leese, all colors, just re
ceiyed at, FAIIN.F,STOCKS',
June 4. •
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons
I,AtiltS, if yoti wish., to see a beau
tiro asenrtinent of,Bonneta anti 4on
net Itibbone, call' at ,
SC 4IcK'S,
CIN. hand abd kr sate pocust :
11 4 r tlltlay , 7, 1852 1 -4 '`"
t .
lot just, opened send r , lbr 1 sale
•' 214 . cheap at .;.' SCI4ICK'f,3
mptAcK OkiC 131 , kttlff 9 P'
' Prtilget s iIeAV 14PP1.1%.14/1.
•O Joni 4. for iale voiri Orip10401!
COUNTERPANES—White tott a rm
for aah•rery' lets at KURTZ" *. "
VANS --a large assortment just recolv
AI ad at ifartz's cheap 'corner.
' ' • ' , disarm ari
. a • . wing from, diem , :
doled ,Liyerer Stomach, Constitudjoni inevard
Piles, Fullness orhlogil to the head
Acidity of the Sioniant. tense'', Reart-bum
Diegurtter Food; Ftillneka,or Weight in thettotu
eeti.l4our Eructations, Sinking or Flutteri
-Mist the pit of the StomothAwimming ,
of the,Head, Hurried end dillToult
breathinp.Flutterittg at the
Heart, Choking or. Soto,- ,
' catintesentatioits when
• Mina lVlng'postote,
ot cis
,ion. dots or
• webs Wore the
Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency o
Perspiration, Yellowness of tbe Skin and Eyes,
Pals In the Side, Reek, Chest, Li robs &c.. Sudden
'Flushes of Hest. Horning in the flesh, Contitant
Imaginings of Evil and great depression of spir
ts, can be effectually cured .by
OE. C.
Arch street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not ex
celled—il equaled—by any other preparation in
the United States, as the tures attest, in malty
cases after skillful physicians have failed.
These bitters are - worthy the attention of inva
lids. Possessing greet virtues in the rectifica
tion of disevees of the Liver and teeter glands. ex
ercising the most searching powers in weakness
and affections of the digestive organs, they are
withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
From the "Boston Bee."
The editor tail, Dec. 22nd
Dr. Hontlund's Celebrated German Bitters for
the cure of Liver Complaint; Jaundice, llyspep
Sus, Chronic or Nervoits.Debility, is deservedly
one of the most popular melicines of the clay.—
These Bitters have been used by thoneanos, an,:
a friend at our elbow says he has birnselt creels.
ell an effectual and permanent elite 01 Liver
Complaint tram the use of this remedy. We are
convinced that in the use of these Bitters, the pa
tient constantly emus strenetband vigor—a feet
worthy of guest consideration. They are pleat.
ant in taste and smell, and ran he tt , •ed hy persons
with the mot delicate stomachs with safety. un•
der ally cireum , taTlCV4. We are speaking from
experience, and to the afflicted we ad, ise their
.ycott's Weekly," one of the best Li:erary pa
pers published sabl,.A .
Dr. Elomland's Gorman 'littera, manufactured
by Dr. Jackson are now reromnu•eded by some
WI the most prominent'mem hers of the faculty as
an article of much. ealtacy in eases of female
weakness. As such is the case we would advise
all mothers to obtain a a bottle, and thus save
themi.elves much sickness. l'ersons of delibita
ted constitutions will find these Bitters advanta
geous to their health, as we knnw from exper
ience the salutary effect they have bad upon
weak systems,"
The•' Philadelphia sato May Gil >tette." thebest
family newspaper published in the U. States.
editor says of
•'lt is seldom we recommend w hat are letm
Patent Medicines, to the confidence and pat
ronage of our readers ; and therefore when we
recommend Dr. Ilootland's (mean Sitters, we be distinctly understood that we are not
speaking of the 1101341/Ins of the day, that ale
noised about for a brief period and then tot got
ten after they have done their guilty rare of mis
chief, but of a medicine long established, univer
sally prized, and which has met the hearty ap
prove] of the (acuity itself."
1' idence upon evidence has been received(like
the Cirs ))) i t 111) from alt tart inn. at the Ilotnit. the
last 3 years, and the strongest testimony in its
favor. is. that there is more ol it used in the pras•
lice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia,
than all other nostrums combined. a fact that can
easily. be established, and folly proving that a
scientific preparation will meet with their quiet
approval when presentede‘en in this Corm.
That this medicine will cure Liver Cornplainh
and Dyspepsia, no one con doubt after using it as
directed. It sets specifically upon the stomact
and liver; it is preferable to calomel In alt bit•
ious diseases—the effect is immediate. It can
be ialministered to females or infants with safety
and reliable benefit at any time.
This medicine has attained that high charity
ter which in necessary for all medicines to attain
to induce counterfeiters to pet forth spurious ar
ticles et the risk of the lives of those whom in.
imeently deceived.
Look well to the marks oldie genuine.
They have the written signature oh C. M
Jackson upon the wrapper, and hie name blown
in the bottle, without which they arc spurious.
For sale wholesale sad retail at the
No. NU Arch ftreet one door below Sixth
Philadelphia; end, by respectable dealers general
ly through the country.
Prices Reduced.
To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the
advantages of their great reatorative powers.
For vibe in Gettysburg at the Drug Stuns of
Diamond Tonsors—New Firm.
D It fie4sEßß,
VAN at all times he found,prepared to
‘-- 1 attend to the calls of the people, at
the Temple. in the Diamond, adjoining
tho County Building. From Long expe
rience they flatter themselves that they can
go through all the ramifications of the
Tonsorial Department,
with such hn infinite degree of skill, as
will "fleet with the entire
. satisfaction of
all who may submit their chine to the
keen ordeal of their razors. They hope.
thereforei that by their attention to busi
ness,and. a desire to . please, they will met ,
it as well as receive,a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. The sick will be attended
to at their private dwellings.
21liE genuine, original EXTIMC7
OF COFFEE, which has been re
cently so extensively brought into be a go
a substitute for Coffee, and which rec i m
mends itself by, reason of its cheapnee t se
well al Its excellence, can be had, a all
times, e.lO e &ore of
Is published sacra Friday £veuing, iu
Curti:sic street, two doors from the
••Diamond. by
D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER.
If paid in adianceot within the feel' $1 per
annum—if not paid within the yes 02 613. No
papendiecentkotted Wall al fat Yea rages are paid—
oreggi M.Aleggption of the Editor. Single copies
,Of cants. A failure to. notify w ilispeentinuano
will be reseeded as a new engagement.
Ahert"TrWit4lolo4lll. i t sigote likareea
*r 1 0 - 111•= 40 V9Pnt k"* 11 + 1 41
in an*: idolor ono i proportion,*
sll intieirtiiiniiiiitth - not orris h& ear a
,gledretiim grill be twintbined
ra t reigyiptowill beninds dam wini_ailleertinr
by die year. 0, /II
' Job Printing ofeill kiniiiitaeon44loo4 sod
promptly, atot on eteuninable Inenfai
Lottery Ind' Coinerenteations ti thiMilliar, (es,
itipting ouch ao contain Money or as own*.
new outioiriberi. unto be ens? • ail; in 'Order to
wore attention. '
atr• ~ . r+Kr ssrrweanacsr:a+r-+s+x
1114.11 kiv lave
AStmerjor arti tle of , Mineral ,PAtat
warranted e gl ral to tyl;„faint am;
tinfoil) offered to t iit'publio for painting.ep
Wood, Brick, Stone, Iron, 1 iti: or iffy
trubstaace which ii exposed' th Weather,
Water,• or the Atmosphere.' It is ~ . ','
ProOf iiigistisitt• Eire; lrekkO,
~ , . ated - liVatisei', . 1 :
AND uNcii.ikazina; k* its '6°,011.
, -
It mixes rea d ily' with Oil . of . gotxtpcialthat,
end is a beeutilul clerk brown or free-stone
color. . .
;('his, Paint reCeitttei the Premiums/at 4he
New York State• Fair,
tisid at Albany. in IEISO, in competitiOh
with the,Oltio)fire•PrOof Paint, anti'etr4.•
oral other lands of Mineral Paint, its being
superior to anything , of the kind now in
We the undersigned, having seen end tid
BUSWELVS Mineral Paint, can safely teen .
mend,it to the public ee being an aside iniperiew
to any Mineral Feint ever before offered for ova ;
it is not unpleasant to use, like the some Ohl°
Paint which is harped about the country an much,
but mixes up with oil like pure white Iced. It is
wild at half the twice of ennimon 'paint, and we
believe where tho'color fa desirable, It a worth
twice as much, and as a Fire, Weather, or Water
proof Paint, we think it esnnot-he surpassed by
anything in the Feint line now io use.
1. Marion, Fainter. James Tomlineon, Esq,
John Phelps, do John Tomlinson, iill4l
D B Gleason, do H Brown, EN
James , Moore, do B B Stoddard,
J 'l' Meaning, do GrW &Stoddard,
I. Josh.),
N I' Wilbur,
E W Dodge,
N Dyer,
Oneida Devit.'t 3lMh‘ 1880.
Mr. Bothwell. Dear Sir: We have titril,
this pairt month. some 2400 Ibi. of yew Miner
al Point, in painting cars, cat house*. and freight
hooter' upon our road. and ,we ran wifely talow
mend Bona very superior. ilornble alirelart p ar
ticle of Paint. JDJIAN B. I'HELPS.
I) J oslin,
superintendent of the Svractioellt Dries R. R.
Mr Unowell. Dear faire I heap used for the !wa
ggon, & lilies R. li. Company. over a tun of your
Mineral Paint, and I and upon' using it to lie far
preferable to the I hi I's nit. o r any other kind now
in use. I cut also recommend it as bring supb
riorto White Legit for 4try kind of out loot paint
ing. as it appears tole impervious to warm. and.
unchangeable in color.
Psintei for S. & U R. R
Alleiny. Dec 18311.
Mr. Tluswell. Dear Sir I no nig nerd a conaill,
ratite quantity of )'oar M inersl Paint, ur painting
brick and wooden houses, the past season, I,ha vu
token WIWI puius to try and test it in various.
ways. (tont its trial and composition I can war..
rant it to ho durable both inn quality and rotor
it 'wizen beautifully with nil—punts very easy—
and for shiner host pninting, I think there. hes nn
better paint ever been Introduced. I hare used
coneiderstile of it o ith linter and glue compost
ion, for roar,,., cheap painting, and it exceed*
any thing I ever 111.1 W. Yours.
Douse Psinter.
Ntirneeoua other certificates ill hoods of A gents
which will be shown to ilea Irr.•
p'7' - This Paint is for sale by S. H.
BUEIILEIi, Getlyshurz i —
Sole Agent for Adams County.
Gettysburg,. July lit —ti
raw . coons.
I._ a. t
114^. JP./X TO.3* him eon
stuffily un hands, at his :`, , lture in
GettyFburg, a very large and lull assort?
[new. of
Bats, Caps, Boots & Shoes,
of Eastern and Home manufacinte, which
he is selling at extremely low prices, amt
can suit all customers iu sizes, quality and
Come one, come all, on can he ignited,
arrangements are made to furnishitll voile
promptly in our hoe of busilICSP.
TWO DOORS below the Post Office its
Chamliersburg street.
June 4.
A RE willing tocertify that the BATH
very best Stove now in use, inasmuch as
they will de attire Cooking. Roasting and
flaking, and do it with less labor. and lust
as long again as as any other stove now
sold. These celebrated. anises are con
stantly kept for sale at a very seduced
price at the
Where the subscribers feeling determined
in suit all persons have also the Parlor,.
Sexton's Baltimore Air-tight. Peakskelli
and Cabinet' Conk Stove, and Air-tight;
antrTen-plate Parlor Stoves of the most
beautiful patterns.
which cannot be surpassed for lightness of
draught or in. the character of their work,.
are constantly on hand for sale, ;Indio view
of the fact that the Mouldboard of these
Ploughs is one-fourth heavier then that of
other ploughs, it is decidedly the cheap
est that can be obtained.
PLOUG7IIII and oth
era, Castings for the Woodcock Plough,
Wind-mill Machinery, Castings' and . Hui
ldw-ware, with every article tiguallY Wade
at Foundries can be obtained here.
Blackamithing and Shea Making as
f ETTPA B PritlittbiDislistion 4e, bents
ILA non, cum testatpento anee4o, on, the
estate of HENRY of Mount
pleasant township. Adams co., 'he'd; has
ingireen granted to the subscribei,i Wind
ing in New•Oxkirtl, notice is hereby giv-
en toenail as.ate indebted to said estate to
make payment Without delay, and 'those
haring.chtims are relocated to pressotlhe
isame, properly authenticated, for settle
August. fi, 1852-411.
THE attention of icentlemen is instead
to very 'aupdrior quality of BUFF
,CASSINIERE.Iat the otstahtiahment of
SKELLY &HOLLltill&UGH.Merahant
Tailors. Gettyaburo„where may be found
FAKY , :pAssimuse, of teary Yeti; /
' el 'Y
Vet tr/f
0 (0 ill' nds, L eap rid tatter Paper 'of
the bass itistlty. Nine - Piper; Visiting'
Cards, plain and: &Soy , Envelopes'. Pen.
knives, QuillikOoldrtai and Paneik&s.,
always on hood aad for sale law by
a. 8 P DqolBBe,
John A I 'en,
0, .