**lloiiit . Advreisternents 'YOUR MONS?. • I I ,i 1; FURMAN & CO., t mows& & co.) X AND SO33IIERS, *144 Thifiedway. l none South °PLO - erty Street. NEW YORK, 111 AVE now on hand, and will be receiv -111 ing daily through the season. New Getilikailliiect from the European mann falterers, tad cash Auctions, rick/4.th limn*, fancy Silk Millinery Goods.— Our stock of Rich Ribbons comprises ev ry intriety of the latest and roost beautiful designs imported. Many of our goods are manufactured expittealy to our order, from our own de signs and patterns, and stand unrivalled.— We oiler our goods for nett Cash, at kiw or prices than any credit House in Ameri ca can afford. All purchasers will find it greatly to their interest to reserve a portion of their stoney and make belections from our great variety of rich cheap goods. Ribbons rich for Bonnets; taps, Sashes Belts, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Crapes;—Lisp see, *Carleton, Embroideries, Collars, Chemisetts,Capes, Berthas, Habits, Cuffs, Sleeves, Edgings, Inserting?, Embroider ed Revier, Lace, Ilemstich Cambria Hdkfe. Blonds, Illusions, Embroidered Laces for Caps, Embroidered Laces for Shawls, Man tillas, Veils, llottiton, Meehlen, Viten chines, Brussels Laces, English ands/oily Thread, Smyrna, Lisle Thread, Cotton Ladies, Rid, Lisle Thread, Silk, antr.Seti ing tint, Gloves, Mitts, French atid Amer., joie Artificial Flowers, French Laces.telt lish, American, and Italian, Straw Bon new and trimmings, March 26, 1652-25. Philadelphia itihrerilhiehoeuto MACKEREL 1, On hand' SHAD, CODFISH, and lot sale by SALMON, J.PALMER &ix) t HERRINGS. Market Israel PORK. Wharf. HAW AND SIDES, PHII,WEIr . SHOULDERS., PHIL. _ LARD , & ,CHEESE . March 12,—;am. Cheitii" Ifitratchi Jelivelry and Silver-Ware. A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! 71eenhipix!ceil4 at lease less (Am aver ;,hawk bsay,n4l in the, flailed &ales I . COLD ; LEVER, iyArcaEs, fun jewelled r ,lll karat case only 1630 - ' -Unusually sold for 035 • OuIID LEPHVE WATCHES, 18 karat 24 EIMER LEVER WATCHES, full j Usually sold for $lB. DILE& LE P INE -WATCHES, jewel -10 SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half da. en, 5l GOLD PENS; Silver Hidders, 1 Persons wishing a IVatch or WatcPes, orArtirehy;nn han,thetri sent by mail. with: pitifect wifely, to any part or th m U. Stites or Weis ladies by , first sending the autrtitt of gooney. All articles vrarrait ttit as nprennted above. Orders from the I=a lAdly„ P _ P,ld 1d.., L ) WIS LAI:MMUS, .unlit opposite the Franklin Howe. is puut,fni. Void bought or nianaracturedinto Jerrelty. March 19,--3m .*..BADLY it sow, ) 5v0t.....t0.5. is ISM* Milk= • wenn It•TIMIll. . ;roma,. on.nnwns, me. 181•0•••4 Man AID 1•••••.• N•111Ct •IMOL it M. an _ta• 1•14 11 S of Or AMP 90.04 *kith in oared ol Imbisaii tit Maul, at • 1 0021001/0 81 . n. *lnn Sink nes ' WNW ann. Pindeinn. , : 1 1` , ' anninto ng on AC ~ ~,:_ onnowl to is ond ny 40 A Ph4lpipliiipi April 2.11,1852,-}y. A T . wuniuni & zenary. lE9Ore NO. 29, 3rd street, Philadelphia. Mt woo MANUFACTURER'S. CURRIE S, AND IMPORTERS. Commission and General 'PRATHER BUSINESPS, 111110162111411/421 & BLVIVIL*6 rifinerfactory 15 Alargaretis greet, Philadelphia. Mareh 15.-Bn. TO .9lntarTax 211711LCZAZIMS , undersigned have just opeited an . \Antionsive and general tasortainnt,Ut, a , 6, TEAR, witions„ AO. IC Jim ,`,!' WHOLESALE, AT , Illtio,fll4l, North pus street, ab ov e - Race Sreet, Philadelphia. , Where Country Merchants will ftud'it to **kitting's& to as L' as iey are dommin ad to sell so cheap, that buyers need not goon tibithei; in any instince. • ,: vrt disire to call especiil &Hewlett& to a Hie fOt ' ' • . " • YEAS 1! AUabpib Oiiitoreil commend .dkeinselves . *IN molt perneular. ' 'Mali Atql) • '.ALTER mik, WILLISTON, Groceot , No. 143 North:Third a*. "bore Race, ?tamest • APril-k-7314. • " ortiaiwscrlitiactictoo 110A1#8, Perfumery'. Mail 'Oils. Motto P. 7 Woks, Porttnaniea. &c.. a new a. imetatent jort opened at BUEHLER'S asaik ik ail Dalt Store. in Ohatitireniburg street. Vlte , Zt 49 air '` Lt all kinds, Cap and Letter Pa* of best quality, Note Paper. Visiting pude, ; plain and fancy Envelope's, Pep' illaivitic uilla, tiold Pens and Pencils, titd, aalinqa ott hand and for sale low by S. H. 13UERLER. B ONNET RIBBONS , Florence Silk ' and Silk Leese. all colors. just -re epelee4 el FAHNESTOCKS', Jim 4 Red Front. ..__ AND SEE, ,Iter f large supply of TIN , i ; ~WARE, on hand and for iitittlehler'sTin and Sheet boallimablisbnient, opposite the 1 1 .0 0 .0&%, whit will be sold at low 4 ' WE. BUEHLER. "Weak abowe Zia*. •weigh ragout Oast her , hff the hewers tlonfry: Mark ye Well ACT bufirerk, oder her palmvs."—"Psaim zt.rtit , 12. 13. THF. ANCIRNT EV OP JERUSALEM. subscribers have the bonne to crooner* to the public, that they have just published one of the most writ:stenol specimens of modern Art yet produced, the "..ifeeirat cup of 'tram. /on" previous to its destruction by Titus, A. D. 71, pointed by Geo. Wiirelerlieh—drawn on atone by J. Queen, and Lithographed by P. S. Duval— The prima are tinted end elaborately colored to represent the original picture. The print is 4C by 31 inches, accompanying it is it History run Key, which point. nut all the remarkable place", making the whole picture easy to be understood arid highly instructive and interesting. Chi this picture may be distinctly traced the following remarkable places :—Hill orEvil Conti cil, where council wan held to kill Our Saviour; Valley of Elsh,lVllent David slew Gotha); Motor tains of Judea, Mispeh, Upper Pool of Gihon, which oupplied the city with water; Road to Jon. pea; Road to Bethel and Samaria, Sepulchre of the Kings, Aceldama, the place bought with the thir ty pieces of Silver, for orhich Judas betrayed Christ ; Catacombs in the Reeks , Valley of Hu nom, Valley of Idolatry where the image of Mo loch *as erected; King's think's, Fountain of Emote!, Brook Cedron, Pool of Siloam, *here Oar Senimeraenit the blind to receive sigh t,Stsira that led from Mount Zion to the King's Garden. Sane When the Holy Ghost came upon the dig. `elides on the day Of Pentecost. The three Tow er* built by Herod, Moriamne, Hippieus, and Ph.. ,glue, Comacukup, where the Saviour ate the Tisover,• David's Tomb, House of Annals, House Cssisphes. Palace of Herod, who caused the caldron of Be.thleheas tie be slain. Chief Mont. a ,* Palace, Palace of Moneibugus, king of Adia bane; Prison from which the Angel delivered Peter, Lower Market, the Tower of Siloam, which fill and killed eighteen men, mentioned by Christ. House artful Mighty. P.lscie of Herod Agrippa, irlippedrome or Circus, built ,by Herod; Palace 'of the High Priente. The tyrenty three noted Gates, including the besot iful'lSate of theTempie, oaten: refer and John bested the lame men Temple which contained the Holy of Holies, in hich were deposited the Ark and sacred weir ails, within the porch or portico stood the Pillars 114111Chial soil Boa:, thergreat Altar of Burnt Of- Ming!, Dol Bravo Candleelicks, the Court of the Gentiles where Christ expelled the Money Chan gers. ',The Gate on the east side in the external dull is the Shinhan -or Golden Gate, through *deli Christ entered from the Mount of Olives. thrsonth ot the Temple lies the lower part of Monet Moriab, called Ophal. 111ount Moriati stns, originally a trilogy rock, where Abraham ellikred Inane in sacrifice-J.-here Jacob prayed and I the Vision of the Ladder. The platform rid Monk Pavement of Marsh overlooking th e Tyrolean Volley is where Solomon dedicated the Temple, in the, year S. C. 1004. and burnt by Igebuchaihenuir. 416 rare afterward/ ; was re- Wilt by Zerubabel B C. 515, end anal,: moth Monter in ,ioxtent and gmadeachy Herod, biting ennead ;with plates of gold. "soil shone more , blight than the morning sea " Where it wash not gilded, it was white as milk., At the end atthe Bridge stood the High Gate of Benjamin, the tower of Antonia, here Paul addressed the people, the Pretorium, where Christ was bmiieht bef o re Pilate for judgment ; Palace of Pilate sod the Court of tot tee, Court of Records, School of the Ventura.l Palace of Acre. built by the ' Asino nein Kings ; it - warts - ere Agrippa erected a high Tower overlooking the Courts of the Temple ; Dolorose, extending from the Hoare of Pi. la e to Calvary ,where Christ was crucified ; the Owe of Judgment, the Tower of Phephinus, the minous roads leading from the city, Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Offence, where Solomon allowed otrange worship, and where Christ pre dialed the destruction of the Temple; Pools of Bethesda, Gihon sod Siloam, Valley of J ehooha -ghat. Hill Scopus, bout 4hieh Titus first beheld Jerusalem and its splendid' Tempts-. ; Mount hoc, and a number of other places co interest too numerous to mention. The Publishers have been about three v.ars , m{. SidUollily employed. in completing this Picture. GEO. to JOHN WUNDERLICH, .N 0.4 Fayette Street below Arch, between oth and Ruth Nts., Philadelphia. irrThe Pictiarea can be had of the Pohio.hers as above, or at No. lOU North Sixth Street, (Odd Tellrmit' MIL) Philadelphia. PH.ICEN. Plain Sheet in tint, including History and Key, Fa rut Colored dn. do. 7 UU On stretchers, with muslin back and var nished, $1 extra. Persons desiring their Piettires Framed, can have them at the following Law Rates: Thu , " inch Gilt Frame to suit the Print, $6 00 Rosewood Frames with gilt bead, 4 1 / 1 1 Three inch, imitation gilt, 5 OU One inch gilt bead, 150 All Orders. including price of picture, prepaid directed to either of the above places, will re ceive immediate attention. RECOMITENDATIONS. I Take pleasure in secommending to all lovers of Sacred History the Engraving of "Ancient Jr,- nudism," by the Meaua. Wunderlaths, as a very beautiful print, and as far as 1 am able to know from a comparison of the best ■utborities, tt u os veered as it is besutilul. A. A. WILLITS, I'a►tor alto! lit R. I). Church,—Crown St Philadelphia, May 1852 • I have procured and examined carefully the Mews. WunderlOW Engraving of “Aneieut .le trosalem " It is decidedly the largest. the hand *omen and most accurate one that has ever been published in this or any other country. With 'the aid of the Key and his Bible, the Christian pay obtain a better knowledge of the Holy City es it we. in days past. than from all other sour s-es. As a mere work of Art it stands high. Mr. W. deserves the gratitude 01 ell lovers of Zion. for his taints to make them better acquain ted where Our Redeemer lived and died.—where the•Shechinsh once did and again will dwell. WM. RAM:4:Y. .• Pastor of :he Cellar St. Presby tenet' Church. Phila., May Mb, 1x52. UZYThe Publishers hive in their possession a 'great number of Recorcmendiations, some from Andiciduels who have visited Jerusalem, which will be shortly published. Juue 21. TO Van PUBLIC. IrEEE tmderttigned holds himself in • readiness titan times In net as A UU. , TIONEEIt, for the yelling of goods anti kinds at Public Sale, and at ally time and place in the county of Adams. • Ile may he found at all times. at the Coat:twittery of G. W. Blessing, next , doorto the Eagle hotel, Gettysburg. TEIEODORE AI'UA . 'UGHEY. 3larch s.—tf Inn. WIDE aubieriber 'hereby gives not ire in - 21 - those who have promisep him WOOD. on account, that he is in want of it, and that unless it is delivered forthwith,- without further notire, the Accounts will he placed in the . oflita fur aolleetitin. and the money required. NO2IIOI, VOTICB w hereby given to the mem bets of the “Cuttdmrland Vali). Su; tnal Protection Company," of Dickinson: ownahip,, Cumberland county, Pennsyl vania. that in - Mwessment offour per cent. has been laid on the premium notes of said Company by the Board, which amount is' directed to be paid to the collectors, of said Company that shall be appointed fur re ceivimg the acme. By order of the Board. JOHN T. GREEN, Sec'y. June 18, 1852-3 t; Ladaess brews Gioods. SMKS and • Satins, fderiaoes, M. de '%paeas. Calicoes. SHAWLS. ca st e. Glo Oltockingii,Ase.; ke.. are to kma bad st • • . SCHICK'S. @MI A..40.4. t =MEM 2000 . LADIES . ARE willing to certify that the HATH AWAY COOKING STOVE is the very best Stove now in use, inasmuch as they will do more Cooking. Boasting and Baking, and do it with less labor, and .last as long again as as any other stove now sold. - These celebrated stoves are con stantly kept for sale at a very reduced price at the GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, Where the subscribers feeling determined to suit all persons have also the Parlor, Sexton's Baltimore Air-tight. Peskekell and Cabinet' Cook Stove, and Air-tight and Ten-plate Parlor Stoves of the roust beautiful patterns. THE SITSLOH PLOUGHS, which cannot be surpassed for lightness of draught or in the character of their work, aro constantly on hand for sale, and in view of the fact that the Mouldboard of these Ploughs is one-fourth heavier than that of other ploughs, it is decidedly the cheap est that can be obtained. WITECEIROVir PLOUGHS and nth ere, Castings for the Woodcock Plough, Wind-mill Machinery, Castings and BM low-ware, with every article usually made at Foundries can be obtained here. Blneksinithing and Shoe Nlaking as usuul. 61 s 'is most revolting crime, and Court as• is near at band some of our. citizens will be celled tip on to discharge high and responsible clotted de judges of evidence and facts that may be proven before theta. As their verdict will necessarily i.e final, it should be based upon truth, justice and farits,_, So should our verdicts always he loaded, whether in rustlers concerning life, liberty, or pro. perty, or in business matters Every father, moth er, son, and dabghter is iiderested where they can buy to the best advantage ; and we therelmrd tidy to them, that it is fur their interest to call and elm an in rr Ready-made Clothing and Vari ety Store, in Gettysburg, slier° Goods are sold cheaper than fit 11 ny other establishinent—iietwithetairding the talk of others about alter than the damp est," "30 per cent. cheaper," he. If you dolt this—or that he defies minipentiosi either in Get• tyaburg or elsewhere—just give hint a call and Mihaly yourselves. There are those, who. prompted by seltioli mo tives. oaametiines Jerry heady-made Clothing. de being delectively mode up or inn& out of damaged • materials. Tina miry do to Mord the unthinking, , but nut those who will take the tiouble to cram ine my large assortinent of goods I Mote rpoi tlemen to call arid cry whether they have nut pout as high as !Sri and. lit per soul for chi ho no tot ter than that in my coats, It Lich are made tip too by a regular Sew York tailor Occasionally all article may prove defective, but wh e r e to th e hoer . chant that' ties never r.old a plede . 1 cloth, cosei nette, valimio, or muslin, whtyli did not two out to be bad. It is itmassarlde tosprevent toil alto gether, even wiih the brat of judges. Time is said to be money, end money it said to Ise time. Su they are, it properly united. Anti herein lies the comet of my ability to eell geode lower than ally hotly else. Instead of (uniting to the city, and spending a tea dove in hardily put chasing goods at market :•rices. I spend 50 adltV weeks and even months se others do day a— ibue buying to advantage, with care, Out ftripaeo.a'V . at utmost half the market prices. limn. , I J enabled to cell the saint geode to my rtlStutilers much lower than others, nod flittptelally lower. Resider, 1 adopt no two-price Ayetem, by which one customer is reqUiied ter p.iy 10 or a per ccot. more than others. Putting my goods down to the lowest mark, end hot in.! bUt USE, Niles, It. pur- Clitti.rf may rely upon h inr, honestly It is very envy Ito put II 11i ue on t..odn. and then allow customers to .Icw" down in a Lif •elee oecssiolially, but when that is 41.mc II Is WM' to look out !—there is tiosirettllr4 III! , prite and small profit.; in the only fair umd true srstern• My present stock consists of every seasonable article that belongs to len's and Itoya C lot hing, together with a very luge variety of FANCY GOODS,Jewelry, Accordion's, Violins, Revolvers, and other Pistols, Clocks, Trunks, Carpet-Baas. Violin and Guitar Striogo, Arc., all of which 'sill be 'sold at prices to satisfy any reasonable mind that SAMSON'S is the place to buy the cheapest goods. Thanking my friends and customers for their past patronage, and hoping to merit a con timiance of the same by a toilet adherence to the ova-PILICE principle, I invite them to else me a call at my Store, opposite the Bank, in Genyaborg. MAACLIS SAMbON. April IG, 1852. NEW it.artzvs.L or %I? riGeQ . )O At the Farmers' Cheap Corner. A B. Kuirrz has just returned front -nit • Baltimore and Philadelphia with a latge and desirable lot of Spring and Sum mer Goods. We would invite the atten tion of the Ladies to our complete assort. ;nem of Dress Siks, lierage de Laines, very rich styles. Pupleins, Plain and Frguied Alpacas, New Style Mous. de Laines, Lawns, Silk Tissue, Berage plain and figured. Also Calicoes, Checks, Ticking*, &c. GENTLVIREN CS WEAR. Cloths, p - tissitneres, Summer Cloths & Vasilrigs, lu great variety: Also. Linen and Colvin Pants Inuit at all privet,. A handsome assortment of Goods for boy's wear A very large lot of Carpet varying in prices from 124. to £41,00 per yard. Call and louti. at 010111, it you want to buy or nut no trouble to show our goods. QUEENSWARE. Our assortment of Queensware is admit ted to be the cheapest in the country ; we are receiving a•large addition to our form er stock. Classware of every description, direct from the manufacturers. A very full. assortment of Groceries— the best fip sugar and levy coffee in town; also molasses, teati;popper, starch, spices, &0., all ,`very cheap. Wanted in exchange for goods Butter. Lard, Rags,,Eggs,Hatus Sides, Shoulders, Soap, &c., (or which the highest priest will.* given, 10:741 you want to save . : money, Kuß•rws Cheap eorneris thelace, to do it: Gettysburg. Apriti 0, 111162-1( T. WARREN. BUFF .CASSIMEREI THE attention of gentlemen is invited • to a very .superior quality of BUFF CASSIMERE, et the Establishment of SK ELLY 4t HOLLE BA UG H. Merchant Tailors, Gettysburg. where. may be found FANCY CASSIMERES, of every vari ety and quality. 11.11 OSER Y, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, 1 -AL Collars, Edgings and Laces, 80bi... netts, Book and Mull Minding,. Irish Lin en, Black Silk.,Lace and Fringe, dte" the., to be had in great variety at SCHICK'S T. WARREN & SON MURDER SAMSON'S lll3A2llaq.ciihs,Vo Groceries ! Groceries I Loom =nil! BUS,IINELLOP 11111RBAL & (PE IN, ASuperior article .of Mineral Paint warranted equal to any Paint ever before offered to the public for painting on Wood, Brick. Stone, Iron, Tin, or any substance which is exp ; l, to Weather, Water, or the AtmospheW It is Proof against Etre, Water. and Weather, AND UNCHANGEABLE IN ITS COLOR. It mixes readily with or Composition and la a beautiful dark blown or free-atone color. This Paint received the Premium at the New - York State Fair, Held at Albany in 1850, in competition with the Ohio Fire-Proof Paint, and sev eral other kinds of Mineral Paint, as being superior to anything of the kind now in Use. CERTIFICATES. We the undersigned, having seen and used BUSWELI.'S Mineral Paint, can safely recent. mend it to th e public •s being au article superior to any Mineral Pond ever before otrered for use it is not unpleasant to use, like the 14Viwny Ohio Paint which i• har;ied about the country so much, but mixes up withoil like pure white lead. It is sold et ball the tines of cognition paint, and we believe whero the color is desirable, it a worth twice as much, and as a Fire, Wenther,or Water proof Paint, are think it cannot be surpassed by anything in the Paint lino now in use. I. Mavon, Politer. James Tomlinson. Earl John Phelps, du John Tomlinson, Bag Ii U Glesaon, II Brown, Esq Jame,. Moore, do B B :Stoddard, J T Manning, Jo G W Stoddard, L Joalin, Jo S P Doolittle',*4 John Allen, O Parks. ti Dyer, N P Wilbur; W Dodge, Oneida Depot. Oct. 30th. MO r Bushw ell. Dear sir.: We have useJ, with in the past month, some 2,000 lbs. of your Miner. al Paint, in painting cars, car houses, and freight Aouvee upint nur road, and WO ran safely rivoin inend it as ai very impeder. durable and cheap ar ticle of Paint. HEIMAN 11. PHELPS. Superintendent of the Sy racuse k I.l:ien R. R M r Burwell. Dear Sir: I have toed for the Syne,- ciao & Utica It. R. Conipatiy. over a 1011 01 your Mineral Paint. and I and upon using it lo be far preferable to the Oil Paint, or any other kind now in use. I can 040 recorrintend it aa being ant/t -rio/ to White Ltittl for any Linda outdoor paint ing, as it appeals toles imper Viotti 10 water, and flicheneeedile in color. HORACE JOHNSON. Painter for S. dc U. R. R Co. APiany, Dec. I, 1850. Mr. Boswell. Deer : flaying used a consid. -able quantity of your Mineral Paint. in painting brick end wooilin houses, the p vat season. I have token extra psiss to try and test it in various ways, from it. Mal and composition I can War rant it to he Jumble both in quality and color ; it in:yes heautitilly with oil—p into very easy— o oil for ship or Mat painting, I think there hes no Intl Or pawl ever been littroduced. I have used onstilerable of a with wafer and clue ion, for coarse, cheap painting, and it exceeds an% dung I oval saw. 'l•ruly Yours, THOS B. JOSIN. imse Nuinerous oar r certifiestesin L viols of Agents which Will be ehowe to dealers., tr - F-This ."sint is for s Ile by S. II BUEHLER, Geilysburg, Ix Agent for Adams County. Gettysburg July 11-11 The Greatest Historic: d and Al- legorie'al print of the Age, In Conlynemoration of that vioNl impor twit event the .I , lleriertn The stirrrnderirtz Meir arms to (; E E IL! 11*.lS G TON fifier their driest at °rho/en, Virginia, October. 1,81. rimiE Engraving is exerutod by 'fan ner, Vallanee, Kearney Co.. froin an original &awing by J. F. (tenant!, and published by Benjamin 'raiier, Engraver. l'hiladelphi:. The size of the print is 25 by 31 bolos. and was originally publish ed to Stibseibers at $l2 in the sheet. ENNA NTION. THE Ilisrosy.—ln the tirst and grand plan are ealithited three large groups of the principal dicers, who were present at the transaction, with a faithful likeness of each. In the fist group is seen Gen,nal. Wash ington, G. Itochnunlicau, Gen. Lincoln, Cid. Hans Iton an old farmer eager to con template tle Beene, Billy the servant, and the llnrse of Gen. Washington. In the pent(' group, are American and French °firers ; General Knox, Secretary Wilson. tie Duke de Luazua, and the Marouis de La Fayette. The thud group is descriptive of the British turreodering their arms. Lora Cornwall s, General O'Hara, Commodore Simmons: Cotonol Tarlton, with two ling ers em of, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph All errrotnbit, Lieutenant Colonel Dundas, Lord Chiwtun, &c. Lord Cornwallis ap pears premising his sword to the first General °freer he meets, hut General Washing.on s pointed out to him as the only person to whom he is to surrender his sworl. On the heights and in the dieance are, the (lament armies and crowds of specie- tors. The House of Secretary Wilson, occunied by Lord Cornwallis and his staff,' which Was Immbarded and pierced with balls ; de t%larquis de La Fayette having remarked ffiat they were carrying dishes for the diner of Lord Cornwallis. asked leave of G ieral Washington to serve him a dish of h own cooking, and immediate ly after se , rill bombshell fell through the roof on theltble, and wounded some, and dispersed tin party. Tin: Al4,aoortY.—On the left is erected a monumeit in honor of those illustrious heroes wh, lacriticed their lives anil for tunes to insure to their citizens, the Lib erty and irdependence they now enjoy. Published at 0 by Wm. B. LANE, Phil- adelphia, and to be had at the office of the "America* Courier," No. 141 Chestnut Street, kledelphia, as premiums to.that paper. 0. 3 A j Ayer al discount to Agents. , April 10,11852—58. THE VAR 'AND BANNER. Is publishr4 every Friday Evening, in Carlisle street, two doors from the Diamond. by D. A.idr, C. H. BUEHLER. hr in it gt a. If poid int/Advance or Within the year 12 per 111111/111A—ificit paid within the yes :,$2 (O. No paper distoitioned untifillarrestagea are paid— except at de option of the Editor. Single copies 8* cents. A “fsilure to notify a discontinuano Will be regirdea Ms a new engagement. Adorrtioneds net eracedding a square inserted time; for" $l-4very subsequent insertion' 45 cents. ;Longer ones in 11/0 saline PrOPOrIIOIIO, advertlemenut not spenially'ordered for a 0 , 011 time Will be continued until forbid. A libe ral reductiln will be made to those who advertise by the yeaC Job .Pcisting of all k inWe emu te dneatlyand Promptly,lnd on reasonable terms. ' letters aid Comensisications to th e Editor; (ex. 4opting emit as contain Money or ea ' statues to new subscriber'', must, be POST Pun in order of secure attention. thus of for kinds fO sale a this office. Baths I Baths ! ! NOW OPEN FOR '` .141aguae a& entottatimmsi. THE subscriber, at the solicitation of numerous persons, hair put up a BATHING ESTABLISHMENT, at considerable expense. for the accommo dation of the citizens of Gettysburg. It is located near the residence of the subscri ber, on South Baltimore street, in a retired and convenient place. It consists of both a PLUNGE and SHOWER BATH, which will always be kept in good order. The baths are now ready for use, and will be open to subscribers on the following conditions : 1. Any person leaving his name with the subscriber, oral paying Sl in advance, will have the privileges of the baths for the entire season. Persons who have not thus subscribed, will be required to pay 6i as. for each bathing—no subscriber to have the privilege of bathing more than twice a day without extra charge. 2. The baths will be open each day be tweon the hours of 6 and 9 A. AI., for Ike use of the Ladies exclusively. All the other hours of the day, they will he open for Gentlemen, until 10 o'clock, P. M. 3. No person will be privileged to use the baths on Sunday. 4. No one person shall occupy the bath-house longer than ten minutes at a time; and no three persons longer than 30 mlnutes ; and not more than three persons shall enter at any one time. 5. Good order will be required of per sons using the baths; and any misconduct in or about tie bath-house will debar the guilty person from further privileges in it. The company using the baths when any improper or disorderly conduct takes place, will he held responsible therefore until the guilty person is detected. 0. The use of soap in the Plunge Bath is prohibited altogether. 7. The key to the Bath !louse will be kept at the residence of the subscriber, where it must, in all cases, be returned, after bathing. IlliO"Persons wishing to subscribe, or obtain bother information, can call upon the subscriber. JAMES PIERCE Gettysburg, June 4—tf. HOMAN WARRENS' l lkk , 7T,„ A \ k to WITH THE Improlortir iffatt Inert). FIME undersigned would respectfully -A announce to the public that they have entered into partnership lor .doing business at the well known FACTORY on Middle Creek, in Freedom township, Adams County. Pa., on the road trout Get tysburg to Eininitsbur, and are prepared to till all orders in their line of business, such as Carding. Fulling, Dyeing, manufacturing. Cloths. Cus.rinetts, Car .Slueknig-yarn, arpet ehaim, A•c., in the test style and uI R E3SO.V.MLE TR S. The Factory has been re-titled and re paired with cousiderable care and expense —the latest improvements in machinery having been introduced—so that custo mers may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly and to the best advantage. For the convenience and accommodation e l , sumer., Wool will toe called lur and goods delivered at the following Naces, every few weeks, to wit: All the Storrs in Gettysburg ; Brinkerlion Store, Fairfield; Blythe Ar. Payton's do.; Loudon's Mill, Liberty township; Weikert's Store, Green mount; Myers Store Freedom township; Bann's Store. Moutitiny too inship ; Lower's More, Ar endtstown ; Wertz's Store, Arendstown ; Wit mer's Store Murnmasburg ; Scott's Store, Cash town ; Sneeringer and Renslisves. Littleetuon Arnold's Mill, Locust Grove ; Smith dc Clutz's Store, Emmitsliurg, Md ; Rudisill ■ Store, Taney town, Md ; Creglo's Store, Taitheytuwn Road. All of our work is warranted to please. Goods at all times exchanged for Wool. The highest price paid for Wool. No expense or trouble will he spared to give entire satisfaction to customers. Give us a call, and test our work. r. W. HOFFMAN, THOMAS WARREN, DAVID WARREN. April 23, 188'2-Iy.• • nett) eatioting ESTABLISHMENT. SIIEADS & KING •ould most respectfully 'form their friends and to public generally, that tey have entered into lartnership to carry on the Tailoring Snsiness, all its branches, and ley will be glad to ac commodate customers, at their establish- ment, in South Baltimore street, (old stand of Jacob Sheads,) next door to Schick's, and nearly opposite Falin^tock's. Their charges will be moderate, and all garments warranted to fit. They ask a trial, feeling confident that their work will please. 0:7 - Country produce taken in exchange or work. The FASHIONS for the Spring and Summer have been received. Gettysburg, April 9,1852—1 y CALL THIS WAY: iNIE LATEST IFASHOONS RUST RECEOVED. THE undersi g ned respectfully announc es to the citizens of Gettysbur g and its vicinity that he has commenced the TAILOSING BUM/OSC in all its v a ried bronch u s, in one of the rooms in Ai' Conaughy'a Building, adjoinin g the entrance to the Sons of 'l'emperance Hall. He hopes, that by a strict attention Id bus iness, and an earnest effort to please,) to meet and receive a liberal share of public patrona g e. pzrGive us a call.. mg Country produce taken in exohan g e for work. Latest Fashions have:just heen to. coived. HENRY OLIPPINGER. April 16, 1852-Iy. ' EXTRACT OF COFFEE. , . THE genuine, original EXTRACT JR. OF COFFEE. which has been re-' °end) , so extensively brought Into us n * substitute for Coffee. atiol which recom mends itself by reason of its iiheapness as well u Its eminence. can lie had, at all times, s'. the Store of • . , .13.1 H. BUEHLER. MILLS ! MILLS ! - MILLS! ALL IMPORTANT DISCOVERE T A 111 11.11 In P►l t rwel AWARE TO YOUR INTERESTS. . BONNELL'S NEW and improved Patented process of - I, ‘ flowering by which a barrel of super fine flour is constantly made out of 240 pounds of Wheat. The subscriber having introduced the above process of Flouring into his Mill at Locust Grove, in Germany township, Adams county, finds it to work beautifully. and is now realizing all he anticipated from it, by constantly making a barrel of superfine flour front 240 pounds of good wheat, on a straight average grind, without stoppage or interruption for re-grinding purposes. This process can be adapted to country work to the same advantage as Merchant work. The Milling community are respectfully invited to call at my Al ill, one and s half miles S. West of Lialestown, where they can see the whole process in full operation. witness its simplicity and perfection, find that it works to admiration, and no mistake. The undersigned has procured the right, and is now prepared to sell County, township and individual rights in the following Territory Adams, Franklin, Cumberland, Daupli• in, York, Lebanon, Chester, Berks, and . Lancaster County and City, in Pennsyl vania, and Allegheny. Washington and Frederick, Carroll, Howard, Anne Arun del, and Baltimore County and City in Mary land. This process has been introduced, and is now in use in many of the most extensive Flouring Mills in Western New York. Michigan and Ohio, all of which are mak• ing a barrel of superfine flour from 240 pounds of wheat upon a straight average grind. For further particulars refer to hand bills, put up in the Hotels in Gettysburg, and most of the towns of note in the Coun ty, containing a number of Certificates, &c., front practical operators, men of the first standing. All the neeessary informa tion, together with a draft of the bolting ar rangements, hopper, plan of feeding, &c., &c., will be given to any individual purchasing a right. Any further inhuma tion can be obtained by calling on the sub scriber, or by letter, (post paid.) to him at Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, April 10, 1852—tf. pi In a letter from Mr. A. L. Spalding of the State of New York to the undersigned, dated October 10th ISSI, he says have Winners process of flouring in,Any mill,—it is right—and 4 bushels of good wheat weighing CV pounds to the bushel is enough for a barrel of superfine flour; if you think it an object to gain from 15 to 25 pounds of wheat in every barrel of flour, come and see my - arrangements.— lam making the yield daily. 1 will net/• er go back to the old method. I have had 23 years experience in the business, and it is worth all other improvements." 0. A. P. S. Mr. Spalding is a large opera :or, grinding upwards of 30,000 barrels of flour per year. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. 3 barrel of superfine flour out of '240 pounds if wheat—viol no mistake! ! GE©Et'.E' ARDUD HAS introduced into his Mill at Lo cust Grove. tlermany township, BONNEL'S PATENTED PROCEss OF' FLOURING, arid is now making a barrel superfine flour from '..!40 pounds, or fun* bushels of dean wheat weighing 60 pounds. This brings a gain to the farmer of from y to I, bushel of wheat to the barrel over the ordinary process of grinding; there is also a gain in the offal, in there being more shorts and shipsuill and little or no, bran. This improvement consists of one continuous process of grind ing, bolting &c., until all the flour is ob tained, separating the starchy front the glutinous substance contained in the grain, and by it the quality of the flour is improv ed, tint grinding so close the first grind as to injure the quality of the farina or mealy part of the grain. and grinding so close the second grind as to take out all the flour from the potnon of the berry which remains in the offal with the old method of g rinding, a nil w:tich is the most imincious part id the flour; this being combined with the whole, improves the quality of the flour, makes it more nutricious, will always insure good fermentation in baking, rises better, is not so liable to sour. will make a better yield of bread to a given quantity of flour, as white, and sweeter than flour ground in the old way. preset, ing all the good quali ties of the flour. Farmers wanting a barrel of superfine flour made from 240 pounds of good clean wheat, will please call at ImensT GaosE. JOHN CHABISS, Miller. Locust Grove, Aprtl 16, 1852—ti Great Labor Saving Invention 1). P. DONNELL'S Patented Process of Flouring, BY which a barrel of superfine flour is constantly made out of 240 pounds of wheat. It not only economises, hut is a great labor saving invention in a Mill. With this arrangement as now introduc. eti in Mr. George Arnold's Mill, at Locust Grove. one hand is enabled *ith ease to manufacture and send off 40 barrels of flour per day, saving the expense of one hdnd in the Mill. It is not liable to got out of order, and besides the great gain in yield, comes as near entirely doing away man ' tial labor in the Mill as is possible, leaving for the Miller little else to do than overlook the machinery and see that all works well. Millers and atHere are invited to call and witness its operation. JOHN CRABBS, ? Mitten. GEO. H. EBE, S Locust Wove, Malt 28, 1852—tf. ICE CREAM ) MEAD) AND CONFECTIONARIES. THE eubscriber has now commenced operations for the summer, at the old stand in Baltimore street, and is prepared to fill all orders for any quantities whatev er at the shortest notiee. Thankful for part fermi he Welt' confident in his ability to furnish his patrons with an article of pure e rearnonsu rpas se d for flavor, smooth ness end richness. My rooms are Dow open, V! here Ladies and Gentlemen will ever find this cool and agreeable confec tion. in all iq variety of flavors ; also iced Mead of the very beat quality. No pains or expense will be ipare,d'to make the call of visitors agreeable and pleasant. L. SHEADIS. April 23-Bm. DALLEY'S MAGICAL I'ArIN EXTRACTOR The Orivista Lund Truly Genuine . ROarticle but Dalley's (4141171 Kr EXTRACTOK tcan check the inflammation instantly and allay he pain, from the wont burns and melds in from one to fifteen minutes. In millions of cases where it has been Lried. it has never once been known to fall I It ttands infallible, and a lone I It does riot alone draw out the pain and inflammation, but CMOS the wounds WITIIUUT SCAR/ I will forfeit 11(0,000 if any other article, 1111 matter what it■ name, can perform the some functions, as are reported in my eight pogo Pamphlet s--" The Flamm atreet explosion" rate. The Extractor is equally efficacious in curing Piles, Cuts, 'Sounds, Bruises, old and in% etrrate Bores, sore and inflamed Eyes, Felon, Sores Nip ples and all cutaneous and (external) inflamma tory Diseases. I hold myself responsible for the truth of eve ry word advanced in my printed circulars. IMPORTANT CHANGE AND CAUTION. DAIL.I.VeIINIAGICAL PAIN EXTIIIIcTOR ill a new wrapper and boxes much enlarged. Counterfeits of Dalley's Extractor in the old wrapper, flood the market. Avoid It as you would poison, for its application ie as dangerous. Mind the emblems on the new envelone ; Tel i- ASOLE, SV4,SIIIII.IINT, MM. LION ASCII I . :1111.t. Buy only of Inv authorized agents, and the new size, nod you will avoid all danger anti iinr . obi- Lion. 11.7 See printed eiretilarx ! DALLEY'S ANIMAL GALVANIC Will positively and elreetmilly cure Humors, (Wk. Swellings, Stains, Broken Knees, QUlter bone,l3ll.lltetl and Bone SpaVl/16 H. DALLF.Y, Sole inventor and proprietor, tient:qui Depot,4ls Bionilway, N. V. rjrur nate by S. H. BCE!! LER, Getirdiurg, Witmer and Stick, Munimaplitirg ; J. F. Low r, Arrendtaville ; John McKnight, Betideraville ; D. M. C. White, Hampton ; W. %Volt, Berlin ; Jacob Cieiselman, Abbottatown ; .1. Busby, ,Mo- Sherrystown. May 23, 1851—ty Price Reduced VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIMO MIXTURE Large Bottleo—Only One Dollar• rho Proprietor of the Great American Remedy " V•ro nll . ll Yaaaraata I.IIIIOIITRIPTIC MIXTURE." 1.1001.11 by t argent collimation of his A genu. throughout the United &awe and Canada. has now Rednoed the Pries of hi popular and well known stick; from tbh data. Iteneefonli. MI will put up but um alai only,—hi gnarl bottles: —tho retail price will b. ONE DOLLAR Tins public may rest assured that the eitaractss of th. KO. eine. its strength. and curative giroptroole WILL SINUS 11,11411111111. •nd the erne on Will be bestowed In pre paging it an banal-ore. As tho meting., under its reduced twice, win be purchase] by these who have not hitherto made themselves acauranteti with it. int., the PNWIttOt MuUhl WI to Intimate that hu article is sot to he classed with the vast amount or " Retard. of the day ;" It claims tor Itself a grimier Amiens peso, to di diseases, that. any ear, preparative wow Wert Ms world and ha. enstained Itself for eight years by Its superine snedira! smote, and, until this redociton, commanded iodide the price of any other article in this line. NOTICE PAIITICCLAILLT. this article &CU with great heal. lag ;miser and certainty, upon the • Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and hn other otgatw, opoo the proper action of which life mut health depend. Thim swelicine ham ■ jostle high "pate .. n remedy fee Dropsy and Gravel, and all diseases of that nature. It may be nlied none whoa the intelhemt physician has abandoned his patient, —lll.l In thefts distressing diseases. roan specially lisone, the PiOPA• et. would earneady and honestly recommend it. At It. 11111Vetil Sone* it is easily obtained try nil, and the trial will prosy the article to be the Cheapest Medicine la the World! Itir Ileum auk for pamphlets the again.. give Mem .war th e y c o n tain over cheat Ream of receipt.. (in addition in fell medical matter) valuable foe household purposes. and %latch will Galli many dollar. per year to practical housekeepers. These receipte an introduced I. mike the book of great •aloe, aside Ire nt its character as ad. otediunt the fr. 11.10, Me testimony in Newof which. in Lb. forte of letter from all parts of the country. may be relied upon. Vaughn'. Vegetable Lit lionuiptic Mla Mee " ilw Great American Remedy, now fur sale in tinart Imitim at II each, small bottle* at (0 cts each. No ...all bottles will 6111 6•11.1. i all,. the prevent stock is dieposed of. Prtncipal otfc., Bulte.o. N. Y.. 907 Main Phew. G. G. VAUGHN. Bold Who&wale and Retail by OLCOTT 111cKE48ON k CO., 127 Maiden lam. New 'York City. N. 11.—All letting (al...Piing lam neat. and dacha with whom he transacts bunions.) meet be posi.paid. or 641 ILIMOUDO will be d•.o I. thorn. AOr NTS—s. Ir Buehler, Octtysbuca Jamb Martin, %fir] ; Wm. wnir, E.t.t Berl Jo seph R. Henry. hbottstoun ; J B. Cool. l'ac ettc•ille; Lewis Dcnig, Chutuberranirg ; a ) Berlin. Hanover. Oct. 18, 1801.. Diamond Tonsors—New Firni elpton St - Brother, FAtiIIIONABI.V BARRI. Its AND HAIR Diti:z.ostiffs, C AN at all times be found prepnred to attend to the calls of the people, al the Temple. in the Diamond. adjoining , the County Building. From Long expe rience they !latter themselves that they can go di - _lt all the ram itieations of the Tonsorial Department, with Emelt an infinite degree of skill, as will in3et with the entire satisfaction of all wl.d may submit their chins to the keen ordedl of their razors. They hope, therefore, that by their attention to busi ness, and a desire to please, they will :ner it as well as receive, a liberal share ol pub lic patronage. 'flue sick will be attended o at their private dwellings. IL a. IL. WM: P.I.XTO,II* has con amity on hamle t at has Store in Gettysburg, a very largo and full assort ment of Hats, Caps,, Boots St Shoes, of Eaaterfi and Mims manufacture, which he is gelling at extremely low prices, and can suit all customers in sizes, quality anJ prices. Come ono, come all, you can be suited, arrangements are made to furnish all goods promptly in our line of business. Cull TWO DOORS below the Post Office , in Chambersburg street. June 4. NOTICE. THE subscriber having been appointed by, the Court of Common Pleas of Adams County, Committee of EB Y SEMPLE, (a Lunatic) of Union town ship, in said county, hereby gives no tice to all persona indebted to said Eby Semple, to make payment, without de lay, and those having claims against him, to present the same properly authen ticate lor settlement to the subscriber, re siding in Mountjov township. • .. • ,SAMUEL DURUORAW, JuneolB--61 .• CARPETS &244.. rtzeia. 3:7IAHNESTOCK'S have just received 4 a..: and 'ill sell very cheap, the largest mock of Venitlan and ingrain Carpeting. Al, 6.4 and 6-4, white and colored mat ting, Druggets, Linen Floor Cloth, Oil Carpets and Oil Stair Cloth, ever before caned. • SIGN RED FRONT.