Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 23, 1852, Image 2

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    PlSet Bias Mile hied Manly Speech.
Willie P. Mangum is one of the best
members of the U. S. Senate. He has
been it member for man} , year., and has
always commanded -a large influence.:-due
alike to his high personal end political rep- +
mullion. He Wes the Whig Preisitlent nil
that body for-several years ‘ and discharged
his responsible duties in tfie most credita- I
bleAltent:ssibifiretory manner. He is a ,
true Whig and e reasonable man. On
l'hutidaythe Bth inst., he made a speech I
in thiSEeriatii; ithieh compares must fa- 1
voriddy.witit the absurd rant of too many
'Whig Congressmen upon the same sub.
Jet annex:a report of the material
pottion of it and commend it to the alien.
Mbar reidere„ We are sure that the
excellent temper in Which his views are I
presented, together, with their unquestioh
sble soundness, will render it most wet
come reading s
"He thought that in the burning foots of
intrigue herein' Washington, as notch had
been done to promote agitation ai had iv
sir hien thinelif ilie abotitioniets of the
North, or the dieuniouists of another ens- •
Lion. He had AO sympathy in such apts.
lion. But there was, he thought. one man
whottainhl present as clean a bill of health'
in this respect as any other. • That man !
was 'Winfield Scott. Ho was his first
Choice, Audit he is the nominee, he had no
fear for die result. He knew how diffi- I
cult it would be for him, powerless. with.;
out patronage, without official
lege; the nomination -against the power of
an adminietretton..whiels wielded in its;
support a hundred thousand tillice.holders j
and their friends mid dependents, amount
big perhaps to halta million of persons.
He knew. if the admini,.tration should un-
IllerUpUllously use this power,. it would be
almost impossible for General Scott to ob.
tain the"nreitination.` He thought the Ad-I
miniktradtiti had a right to accept from him
the declaration that he never could sup- I
pose tin- Presidept would use this power 1
unscrupulously ; but hi', could not say sit
muctit; for:the dispositiots of twine of its
friends. - •
Anshe-qoestion of re-opening agitation. t
he tumoral to express his conviction, lie I
might almoat eay his knowledge, that G I
eral Stitt can present to the country as
clear' a bill ahealth as could either the
Preside : M.*. Webster, or even Mr. Clay.
He could say that during the pendency 4)1
the Compromise bins', and an on after their
paosege. 'Men men stonil in tear and tremb
ling NOW to proeeed, General Scott stood
forth unfillichingly, and urged their pas
sage, inhave them his support. lie was
not prepared' to say that General Scott ap
proveni, of everything in those acts—very ,
far trom it. There was not a member of
the National Legislature who approved at
them in all their details. He himself did
not approve of everything contained in
them.; and in this General Scott accords
more with - leis own opinion on those hills General Scutt was
• '_ ` feelings: He' desired to
see no teitimplt by the North or the South
over each. other. -
But it was said there mutt be a new
platform, and that this compromise should
be made a part of it. This he opposed.—
Those acts were passed by a small fll3.
• joiity of Southern Whigs and Demon-11,3. t
and . a Majority of both at the north. lie
sawaso reason for thiesingrse. There was
no -territory. td be S ued upon which
agitation could be reAtwed. The highest
shall_ was not required to make the best
civil Governor. It would be unfortunate
to the world if it was, particularly for A
. anstica... Itigh Lit itentiO us, a-sound heart.
:firmness of purpose, and•a good share of
tomtits-in sense, were all that will 'required
in the Exeoutive to,make this people hap
py prosperious and glorious.
There was another circumstance which
induced him to prefer the individual he
had named to all others who had been
spoken of as the whig candidate. This
was availability. Gen. Scott Was, in his
opinion, which had been unwaveringly
fixed for more than a year and a half. the
only Whig in the country who could be
elected President of die United States by
the suffrages of the people. He admitted
that General- Seott's prospects had been
somewhat crippled and damaged by the
supporters of the President, and they hail
endeavored to ally hint with the Free Sod
en andabolitionists. There were uo Free
Boilers in this - country who could candidate
upon General Scott as an instrument of
faetittir.. either North or South. lie be
hi.teds rAe . ottly Whig in - the Union
ratio Add an# &fruiter of being elected. He
sympathised woit Mr. Cass to Wads a roil
iest.' - After giving Mr. Cass the highest
credit for his course on the Committee of
Thirteen, he said diet in a contest between
• Gee. Seen and him, the former would
come off as victorious as he had Over the
enemies of this country at Churiibusco,
Chapultespec, and all the other battle fields
crisis country. He then repeated the mer
its andigealities of General Scott, which
had Induced him to prefer him to the ode
er perilous - who had twee named for the
. office."
Excrranuarr VIRGINIA.—'There its ,
considerable eteitement Grayson town- )
ty, Vs., growing out of the doings of abo
litionists. The citizens have held a meet- i
kyr and called upon the committees of wig
ihmes • for increased activity in ferreting
out all persons tinctuted with abolitionism
In, the (Monty, and offering a reward of
$lOO for the apprehension and delivery of
IMO Jonathan Roberta to any one of the
committees of vigilance. The clerk of
die weedy court (which - tribunal we pre
sume opposed the doings ofthe:p - npulace)
tendered his resignation on the first day of
'lhe term, sod Judge Brown being unable
)040 S person to accept the office was
compelled to adjourn the court until the
next We.
„ ine
ctsmisitto Acc i tcr.---en Monday
**vetting. about 9 'Mrs. Duffy, resid
ing at No. 4 Bridge' - street. New York, and
her Hide datighsar, 12 years of age, fell
through the Soo of a posy in the rear of
their premisei punk to their necki in
the ozeresetkee beneath. Mr. Duffy, oh
heathy their cries for help, haatened to
the spot. and in endeavoring to effect their
rescue unfiatunetely fall into the saints
horrible pit. Their cries alarmed the
neighbors, and, after great difficulty, they
;Iwo an rescued alive. The little girl
westlearly suffocated. The occident was
amid by the dour giving way
Peeoeves b 7 Sorrr.--The recent
otteeluetkoe ti Gen. Sc.,)tt by the Whig
etershotts of the N. York Legislature is to
ttO s4ollllllWtan address to the people
treeolkeitetletoett. it that out
OM *kit Sotetete 13 art for Scott„ soil
sue ts(IN Whig",reisroteutatives b 9 are fur
Late Europeanlntelligence.
The American tuair,:eittamer . afeelic sr
rited at New . York yesterday morning.
after a passage of about ten and a kalif
days from
. Liverpool.Arhence she brlngsi
dates of the 7th instant. Our Telegraphic
correspondent has forwarded the Mew
ing, summary of her news :
Etentodeo.—Parliament has, finally elite
ed its et salon, but we find little or mutt
ing of interest among its proceedings.
The London Times of the 7th announ
ces the death of Prinee SWARZENBURU,
Prime Minister of Austria. lie died at
Vienna on the sth instant, of apoplexy.
The war steamer Birkenhead was
wrecked at Staten's Bay, Africa, on the
28th day of February. She had on board
638 men, chiefly reinforcenmuts for the
troops at the Cape. 'Of the beige number
on board only 184 are known to be saved
—leaving 451 who are supposed to have
A vessel_had arrived at Liverpool
Sydney, bringing X 500,000 in gold dust
from the new fflliraila, and the miners
were 'reported as meeting with greet sue-.!
FRANCE.—The,speech of Prinee Presi
(lout Napoleon. as he styles him4ell, has
been wall received in the provinces. and
the general impression now is, that, all the
threatening and portentous features of the
new owe of affairs having pas, , ed with the
general approval, some years of quiet are
in a i•torn for France.
The Council of Suits is to sit the whole
year, except a vacation of two months,
when the Co,llllllllen
Tt:e Emperor 01 ILissin has antinnneetl
that ha win emt &mum! pay ment of the fifty
williunsnl fr mos immod torthc 13tnk of
]Vranee, but clutnantla twourny 01 4 per
neut. interest.
Tile Uompan y 4boul In e.itablish a rail
way between Lyons and Sardinia have
been fully ofiviiiized.
Swtrzsnt.asn.—i ' he Government of
Switzer/and has reolie4 to the note of
France, declaring that they hair: done all
they 'could in the affair of the refliares.
Without sacrificing the right of asylum.
which it regards as the most ilreetoui
!cge of etvilizoil ttation4. tipimarilt of tiity
refugees Imre. Bern
Post Of Establish:23oot.
The first mail route on this side of the
Atlantic was put loom:mon by CA: cottony
of New York, Gov, , rnor Lovelace having
established. in . 1672. •-a post to go faunally
between New York city and Ogg 101 t and
The colony of Massachusetts created
the first post office, the General Court
having, in 1677, appointed John 112 y ward.
••the scrivener," at Boston, take in
letters and convey thtmt according to their
direction." in 1711, the !nails ran be
tween Boston and Maine once a-week, and
once a fortnight from the former place to
Connecticut and New York. In 1717.
there was a weekly route from Bostim as
far South r.s Withainsiturg, Virginia ; and
in 1727, a fortnightly one between Phila
delphia ptiti Annapolis.
Sixty-three years later, in 17-90. the
post-roads in the United States did not ex
ceed in lengtii one thousand miles, consi-t
ing of a long zig zag route from Wisrai
set in Maine, via the priori pal towns on
the Atlantic sea-hoard, to B.i-ran pan, in
Georgia, with a new ennneetiturros•s peas,
on no portion of which was the mail rot-
veyed oftener than tri-weekly, and on a
part of it but once a fortnight. The entire
annual ecett of the service wax c2'2 .7 tYS.—
The number of pneamiiiet;s wa= ,eve..ty
five, and their gross yield .. -;37,365 per
ann mn.
At the period referred to. there were hot
ten (Aires, yielding. a revenue of i,vor
000 per annorn, viz : New
York, Boston, Baltimore. Richmond, Pm
tersburg, Alexandria, Norfolk and Charlmi
The amazing rapidity with which the
post•otiiiee system has advanced to its pres
ent slate, is shown by the fart Iberia 1651,
or only about sixty years subsequent to
the date lAA mentioned, the length of routes
in operation was 196.290 miles ; the an.
:mai cost of transportation there to. 63,1'2
754 ; the revenue of the Department. 153.-
686,498 ; and the number of offices 19,604.
The Department has on its register over
6,000 mail routes, and nearly as many
mail contractors.
Only twenty-five years ago, the hoot
of a single coach sufTiced fur any mail
leaving our principal cities. Now, at
New York. Washington. and other of our
commercial towns, they amount to reveral
tons e , tch day.
"ErrECTO Or loicilk-ucu ituLF.—'rte
Sheriff of Clarion County that
he will offer lor sale on tae tiros day of
May, sirly-nine rico:trill pieces of real
estate, embracing NINE furnaces. several
mills, and many well unproved I.iritis.
The description of this property tills near
ly six columns of the Clarion Register."
Who wouldn't sing pxmis to a tariff
policy, which was forced upon Pennsyl
vania by the basest fraud, and is now al
most beggaring an entire class of her ciii
zens, that a similar class \til men in Eu
rope may grow rich upon the bounty of
our citizens it be a chilling curse
upon the tmcolnco party, that their coun
sels and their votes brought this monster
into being.
'the Washington correspondent of the!
Philadelphia Inquirer, under date of April
15, writes as follows about requiring
pledges on the Slavery question front the
Whig Presidential candidate :
• , No Whig President would veto a bill
amending the fugitive Slave law, if passed
in a constitutional manner, by an tactual
majority. It is therefore mere "leather
and prunella," to talk about pledging a
President to the “finality" of.. any meas
ure. The people, and the people alone.
Must decide as to its being a final and un
repealable bill.
..It may begood Democratic doctrine to
make a President pledge himself that fur
four years k come, no nastier what the
people may desire,' ne matter how
tutional s bill may be. it shall be vetoed.—
Such a Pledge; if carried:out; would-verge
' closely upon desptiiism. as, to render the
difference not discernible." - '
••An old lady wile was sot° be troubled
in her dreams. and rather superstitious
withal, informed the p.srson of the intrieh
hat on a night previous she dreaine4 she
her grandmother who hid been dead
tor ten years. The clergyman naked what
she had besWeating.''Oh I only half a
ruince-meat pie," *Melt," said, he,. 44if
you bad demon* dwather half, you might
probably have silen t ' grandfather
too. •
MaryMedi Colonization Society.
From the annual report of this society
we find that it has panieipated largely in
the increased impetus which has Seen
given to the cause-of eolorazation general
ly: During the year 1851 it sent tot:ape
Palmas one hundred and six emigrants.—
For twenty years the -State has made an
annual grant of ten tholisand dollars. which,
with the coins raised by the society. have
increaseil to an auregate of e 3 1104 9.
They hare sent to Liberia one thousand
and forty nine emigrants ; purchased a
territory extending nate hundred and thirty
miles along the coast; erected public bniid
ings opened roads into the interior; and
provided for the education of the children
of the celonists and natives at the public
sell:eds. The Sate app opriations by_
which the society hare been enabled in ac
e plish such beneficial results for the Af
rican race has expired by ns own limn*.
tom. Etiorts are bt log made to have this
grant renewed. end we can scarcely dount
that the Legudature of Maryland. seeing
what good results are doss tug from their
original action. will renew. ti they do not
increase, their annual ai,propriAtiati.
Av ELE r gm. C Lac e- The Boston
Journal *levet-Mei a one of 'Le curinsites
of the :toe an electric flock. recently com
pleted by Mr. N. Farmer on att entirely
new priliciple, and pronounced by !iciest
till, men to be t.'e periect and simple
of any. AU ts lied-work to the time-keep
part i. di-penned itirrefore all
f:Il'tt1 1 :1 11 0% efrOale. The unit -keeping
part 01 the elucl. ig ample a pcsuluhan. an
elen•tnp-ma;.n•t. and tato arnimtre... The
vlsraynn:ol ;he pendulum break and dose
t irruit ufe!ecir c tv. whilk the combined
Ae3lllll ,pf the eictgrJ-ns.iviet as:d :Inuatures
ke••1) It :9 nic,:itht
It tA a dock that runs ari hoot weiglrs
or gpre , T2= or ant thuner of II!, kind. lis
moil:1z power l+ a gAratur battery, which
It-It:tr.,. 411:1iy of rulptninc tioid
otioc or t Wire a y car ; or if like IA or l; 11l a ft
shy of the etorli. tleitcee. a copper ph:e
frlrteil to the tro . unti Ws.) keep it :ion.
Tnt re. LI no frielnoo ;4* be Inert-nine. Farr
•;;.:1,1 1..1.11a of the lIVIIdIIIIIIII.
CI , lait araiaturr.4. lii a I._
t:,e prrltr Ii(.1111 .7,s
11111 , -%erpr . r or any 11 7 1 - / - in ekl , tell , e.—
0 ;Ulf, "r thou,ln.l cinck.i. all o-
cer the city. di Etc . :sir:a att!:e same instaw
;IA keepi-tgthe S mu! ume. wry be ear
tied by 01:e pen,!u:ara.
SUPP.),EiI DEATH run* Er ii v rt ._(),,
Saturday Werk . a rt....:0tie1.1 4 . :1,15ra had
ael:,iuisterrd prrylous In MI-
a 501'g:ell 1 , ,,CrA.51410 10 reitattvea
W.. tl . l whirti granr .own awo the
Tate ,tlree.i.i tt4il jutati (.0,1%ft/rip-et! in
that kaiak, ic!La-as :he pati.:,ait's liatit•ae rapid !y
derttaae.l. R mut, were apiOleti ut
Vain, arta de tail €.l:lied in about use
uses.—ti)alu,t rai,rikr.
Tilt: rArlr , _.l.. rinc.--.1 fire
broke nut iq the El.TulyClerk's It to:n tti
the 17. S. Stii.relne Court at 11 . 1shin,1m1.
on IVe•hr,!ty the 1 : nits tidt..-
Attovcti a dt-tt:t.. Itte 1111- - s 0l etteltst term
tit r•ttar, t tzt- t...c.arth it.t-
pers. net,
eritor,t;!l to 1:X
.?t VI es re r.
••eittt , .,n
the Pf tne - StIOW'
11 , 0,1. an.; the i” ijA - 1
..trraita: B,r
to tr;l Ile dt, , ertS,_-4 the w.::1
ter at sev.-: - .2.-1 ever Enos rt.
. 1 1,1 the tsi ,i.ti:v ;if .:10tt C.lll Las falictt
Sc•eirr IS K t Nirt-(-toc.—Tittt
i 4 an t mrArt .•1 4 !rttur. viii,l,l:(ll ut t!!.
Louisville ('•,nrii-r, wriiivrt from t!ie 6:11 ih,lrtet of that Slate
-Toe V of this distri,t 1%14
UIMn either Fillmore or Webster as the
nominee, but it is useless to fry 10 &mem'
the fad, ties, 5e901.1 :re, ult.., the battle
trills duritde the 121.11111111(1 of victory tinder
Geo. Scutt! Besides. he smith! get 111.-
11W Dem ierdic rotes In this district. that
Fillmore and Webster could not get."
Rayanl 'l' .ylor. in one of his letters to
the Tritrirrie ,acs the Turkish name of A
int.cira ti f maxlt Doodea. This 6ouilda
very murk it e y anker-Dootiletio in. Ivo.
',Jill to I.e. an reality. the Turkish for
son, (Mts..; Star, sags
was ita twir 133 3 1144 lit GoV.
a ilotin2iii•olcil citizt-n 01 an ad) iningcoun
ty mate Ell 41TIchilill ag3lllSl 11141. ClE,rgtilz
hill' with a 'iota:son of the neutrality a.
of 1818, and praying lot a %warrant lot hu
arrest. The application was rriused.
In the north part of Herkimer rotinty
(N. Y.) there was sleighing oil the
of November last and it continued. with
out interruption, up to the 11th of April
-163 clays! •
At Harrisburg. Pa.. on Wednesday night,
the dwelling ul it.dge Pearson was robbed
of $2OO worth of silver plate, and Mrs.
Stichley's boarding house of several arti
Maur Char's Scuothurare.—The
Richmond . Whig says We met a few
days ago with so oUgendewan from Han
over, oldie same age of Henry Clay. and
who was raised within loar miles of his
parental residence. They were also school
mates together. Tile old gentleman said
that Usury was one of die best boys he, ev
er knew ; that he never had a quarrel with
a schoolmate, and arcs a quiet. gentleman
ly lad—not very smart at marbles, but a
good deal ahead of the schoolmaster him
self in urering. arithmetic, Le.
Tux Ice mr Lama Ems.—Buifulo, A
pra 19.—Lake Erie is blocked over with
ice for a distance of 100 miles above Buf
falo.: The ice having again moved towards
the South chore, renders it dmigerous to
go m Erie. sad the steamier' mow refuse
to go there.
Exearriort blaartaxn.--ilaftirnore.
April 10.—Tbe blarylied House of Del
egates today passed the bill exempting
8150 worth of property from execution
and sale.
cha rov
The House •also speed to est coun
sel setterend Ifeensu7, :wi t * kid..
napping Rat:basil Parker. of ressectxtens.
I, Ps. " ''
Friday Evening, April 23,1552.
For prer.smENT., ,
WINFIELD St 0114.—'
uslrTlie April term of Court is still in
session as we go to Press—the attendance
from the country being comp tratirely thin
ill consequence of the unpleasant weather
and bad roods. Judge GRAHAM, of Car
lisk, presides, iu the dee nee of Judge
Fn.:IIER, who has been holding Court for
the former in Cumberland and Perry.—
The usual list of Court doings will be giv
en next week.
Illt_73•Ilw storm of Sunday, Monday aw l
Tucsaity last seems to have eNtendt•il thra'-
oitt most of the )lidille and Eastern Stat. s,
doing considerable damage along the lark
streams and on the sea roast. The Poto
mac Ricer was notch the w tier
running into Pciiwylvailia Avenue, Wash
ington, and isijarimt a number of elw stores.
Sasfith hatma 1% alski Lich, ear-
rein ~if a gm.,l .10. At
11 light . “iiie I 4 ' •d11:111.1.1 „I . tLo
wen , r of
gia:us, bcc it cal 6.1 ti
rift t N. York, tal
fdttrii 1101: Mit re unro,ft Ai, or
for the s,af,•ty of ti: :111011g ;Jug tLr
A (I,l..itch fr.
t;. ,. %1.1.1 ti ul,l
11 i ur ,, perty t t,
att.l 11 t wi!li•at (LOLL:, ‘s.ii.ll
, t • Ij-,rly
I \ l•I pia , ' ill IL.' I Ily 11461,
kel t I[..=r+. I t . .. , N
vu:. I jug, the a,1%.,1)
of atirntire S ai tt nit
alit , . r sail ,„ton tilt I him
tiell "at login... 11:ti ing ha,l a ret,•itt nl
porttitiit) ti ,t thi• tilt tits of tluc
wit itntit making our, !i t•-• know n tot a mow
tho (*oi ,tl . l Tient
ly rot•.•i% ini nut king i.ut t;.O 11...;,..1 at t,
tion, to tlo• I•car
ing of the proprietor tLe and
tL it .tr. oninto.l.tting
ptrvi...t 1. , : t 1... r .61.1 II 111..1 .11,1,111
t .
.% I 1-tit I
11.1. k . 1i.11):
f Y t' 1 11 '
- .f . th
: It :smo!lw,rk
I .1 . I Inn 1,1 urg. t
RI! NV.Arrt 31i 1
1;1:,k II .1 1
.1, II .4 rA,
Prot:v (Law (Jr di,: .1%6
Ve".kt the annual Comment...mow. of
the l'iliNTriity of l'cuil-ylvania, ❑ Ili: 3.1
Ikgrve of i?octorof )1,•41i,•it0 Was
aturin : : others, upon JA:uts
Rom ssoN and JACMI 3111'11, of this
,t , ....r•Withitt a few wevits the entire de
strue'ion, by of no 10,.A than
ihrie L;Arits, wit!: their e.nitent , , in this
county, has tweil annotinee.:—Tie
13.trus of Mes.sre.JuN.tA !trim, in Butler
towa , hip; cwitcto Mrt:a4, in Latiniore
town,hip; au l lIENttY rtinwilSTEß, of the
,37.110 UlllLlAlip. There was no insurance
on either of the Bares, and of course the
loss falls heavily on these gentlemen. The
rates of Insurance, especially ih companies
based on the Matual system, are now so
modcrote, that is a mutter of surprise that
persons twglect to insure their property
and continue to risk their all. A few dol
lars tjusely applied towards Insurance may
bring thousands in return. The existence
of an Insurance Company at home, for
home purposes, and judiciously and eco
nomically conducted, should induce every
property holder in the County to secure
himself from loss by fire without hesitation
'or delay,
Wlibirg National Conwontion.
iscrAt the caucus meeting of the %Vhig
members of Coygresb, held in the Capital
at Washington, on Tuesday evening, it
was determined that the Whig National
Convention for the nomination of Presi
dent and Vice President of the United
States, should be% held on the 17th day of '
June, and that Baltimore city should be
ice Owe. The action of the 'caucus, wo
understand, was characterized by the most
friendly feeling, and the greatest har
mony prevailed, saving the dissent of a few
impracticable Southern Whigs, who insis
ted wpon the caucus laying down a pro
slavery platform as the basis of a call for the
National Convention. The Chairman of
the cattenat (Senate!' Itawgnm) ruhiii the
preposition out of order, and the tnethbere
of tbe carom sustained this, decision by a
deOdcal vdte. , The subsequent proceedings
vire cimeacterismi by much harmony of
vietre. • . *
v,.:.11. L..,.;
Insure your Property:
os..ThoughCongres3 has nlready been
in session ahnost, five months, the Mem
bers seem to Le in no haste to terminate
the Session. Both Houses tool; a holiday
on Saturday List, and. we,have iip) proceed
ings of either Muse on that day to report.
Thus far, owing to the intrusion of some
subjects foreign to the duties of Congress,
and others (the printing gut Abut, for ex
ample) magnified into an undue conse
qnence, and mystified by attempts to dis
cuss details with which it would require
little less than a live years' apprenticeship
to make the, younger tnembeN thoroughly
accquainted—the Kossuth advent, besides,
anti its incidents, and his doctrines—the
action of Congress has tkecn cutharrassod
to em h n di . greo t ha t hardly any question
Of real consequence has yet kelt determin
ed at this seszdon.
'1'111:11 , taw tathsol.ttitin,•r, which
iwcstatt.s itsrif on this as on ail oc•-
cetsiots, ccbit his, that mut 11 thliberaiion,
caution, and evon procrastination, is prif
t.ralth, to 6a t am! rash resolves ; rind that,
tartly it, ;Ito nto‘oinetite of Coligres. aro,
Ciert , is 110 two,l of ,ippr,hon , ions that all
the nwasures of 1.-,ti,Lition neoos,ary to
keep cite I; . ‘t - r , rritniott ill regular anil
operation will not Lc acctinpli..lod Mort'
I:trectr of I.ocofoco
1 ' I:11'11111 county
Vert i,es dint hp will thi.r for Talc on the
fiat ilny 4 .f .:11.1y, sixty-nine s
of real e,tate, N
tit toy wi II
farm,. Tho (I,;;icriptioll of this pr,ip.rty
till, twat of
r. It i, ptinful (ri:iti.irk. Cie
tte, t to think of owl— Ow
..1 in 06..1 , 1 pif•tilro, to,t
.31 , 1111: from : vi -:136"11 .1 Pro% ik lII'
un• G. 1;; of 111.;.;nr.:
•tiiritc .1
to :I 111. , 11 sti t , ii.,3,lcr•L•
!.. th , . 1 .1 , 1 , (• 11 I;11 . 11T ' •
4:f w lii,
,"1111 , , titi. , u ‘‘itit
v. And iv.
t. , 11 .mr 1, w wrati.• riari,,n, that
lwwover 1311:,ly kadurs
1 3 1 k 4.11•1•,41. Mid I . f tine
1 , %t• for 1..1.-lin; 111,11, tho , o I 1, n talk
'll,l th, v“te, no.. to tli
111Hall'.11 MCI) v:•r pay /heir
loo.:Nz. No a :tt, all. IV, no an,
i•.il 1.-t5Vt.41141, , }M,1
r.ders 00:111i :II ',,, rlE
111 , ;1,111 1110 Cii{l,illy 1
t •t, :" •
lir) e
i Lk. • I
in Import:11ml
"fr . .l I.;1! 11. i. »r. 1-1 t. l iii i!lt , 1 .‘s
I-u I hi I,
r0 0.f., 4.r ~;!it
nith ink on rc ry ,urit
for 1 , 52, or Ow a,
~ s niont mar maao."lt i=tsclll;;im
thAt ILu awe ulit of won, v at int,r,
Wlll , ll 1..,C:11?( . 3 IS N't ry
llcu c the f•T tlic
,:l,! of tho inl,l:w act.
rirth %vas ei
,itirittr,l in Ni w York
by a r at the .\
1;110 p..:r.sons part iciptcd. I.o.tors were
read from Danicl Wrbstcr and from Mr.
Clay himself. ExAlovernor Jones, of
Tennessee, was the chief orator and made
a beautiful speech iulogistie of Mr. Clay.
The declining health of the object of all
these honors made the oecasion one of pe•
collar interest. Mr. Clay has ju,t, com
pleted his seventy-fifth year.
The Legislature having been in ses
sion over WO days, the daily pay of the
members is reduced by law to $1,50. We
notice that the House, however, has voted
to give the $3 per diem to the members of
the present Legislature.
KT The Burlington (N. J.) Gazette
states that a dilapidated bank note is going
the rounds of that vicinity, with a piece of
yellow paper pasted on the back of it, on
which is iAscribed—"Go it bill 1 I'll back
ocrJohn P. Hale, U. S. Senator from
N. Hampshire, has concluded to remove to
N. York.
jrzrA Bill has passed the Legislature
and been signed by the Governor, which
makes it an indictable offence to sell any
quantity whatever of spirituous, vinous or
malt liquor in Lancaster county on the
Sabbath, under a penalty of $2O for each
offeueo—slo_to go td the informer, who is
made a competent witness iu the peso.—
The law will fake effect on the, first of Ju
ly next.
criTenny Lind Goldsokinidt gives three
Conoorts at, Tripler Hall, New York, on
the' 181 h, 21sL and 2401,0(AV.
YortOtulate are not opened.
rir The Monthly Maguzinq for Atay are al
ready upon Our table—Jill apparently hasilig
MOO au Cirolll to bent oir the palm for the 'notch.
8,411,1.1 y has :10 original articles and I 0 emboli.
ielimrulti including contributions front the pens of
on kers of arknowledged reputvt ttttt and several
finely finished ettgra ings Henri/ H erst, Chas
Leland, Imo Carey, W. Cilittore `dins and Carts
hue eliesehro, are lumina the contributors.
The illudrattons tiioiry consists of an en
graving Or liOrw is +lsl.'s i•Jailliari• and M.l v ;" a
fine deo.tit a f i NI or V among the Juveniles,"
3101 sow, t -11,. Of Carty wood cult, Col,
tirih u tiol o t from Ntes.duirs Neal, and 11h t, NI. t.s
Ituneon, I%*. I:. (lilinote, Clara ,Il~ueiou, Kale
t•utherl out. and numerous other well uri
ne., grace the pages of the number. This rnag
szine, the Oldest of the kind in the country, main.
lair., its high reputation.
Ir;io , otoi has an exquisite engraving, by 'nicker.
le 'Dal:lrian Nlay Queen." 'flirto are nuttier, '
ou t s wood cuts iiitriallieed, and we arc glad to see
thi. commeneed Th.. hut of ciiiiiritnitork
entlirace.. t'rederika Bremer, Oakiiii :Smith, E.
Alma Lenin, U. Hail, tiliariis 1) Preatiec.
James the novelist, 11arace Greyly. Thompeon
NS rsteott, and nuateraii, other!), and (1111411 AV
hiuwrll Wires u, 3 Chlyter nl hi., gassippitig ,mall
talk. Thenardier is an eiteelletit mar.
Prie , •”.l lain a ful uteri...tint ha Gross,
the •'M Iv Ilat Party," wirb other embellishments.
and rout, bot..n, I Cnr t .y, Ann S. si t ..
ichriia.l•ll3rlvs 11. Ilitrhm t is and a 6, re, a Revicw
of New ltioakii, 1'.1,411.31,6 for .11 at
S,4lj) .L 11111111 ," i s tiro tillo of n non ,
motithly publiAlted at Lnnrowtr•r br
I . /111,1, x , ',lll COIIIIIIOI 16 ivittes,
4nd it 1.1 Is 10011 stibgerilwrs •ary
octvii, at ; 7 %1 eat•:l. In illeft`.l.4. it to 3 J pagril.--
Mr It. I at oevertAl )1 . .1!'s t•tillt•rilitett , leill 1 , 1
Uttiontoti tttt hools, and the 111/1111W! 1 , 1 aLirlt hr
dt.t . tvirced tug duty whtle in that ratlicitv, 1 , nn
etinv , i' Dircctorq, 'l'ca c alit' Parente n Ito
world elev.ite the of our Comition
Scivook, ,111.61.1 Sul.cribe fur thin work.
, •The N/it• 1 , / , ,t. Trll•lfile cntitnleneeil tht
k. with licw ;ypt•
0,14t.ii,5. d.ulc, rOi' large
poxes. and otter, when rtait,l.,l with .I.lNertislitt.
sulit.leinent 01 11.10. 0 4 In liter, -
OIL; Ailitge . lll4 . r the most coinprelierist.e sheet pull
1,!Ii1 la. this rnunirc. There is uni.loitrarit iu th. ,
country conducted with wenter nbility--tione a.
in and tl, ridrd to tts tone nn .t 1 I the Icaatiitt
questions ul the d,). It is I.lll.tiolied
11 , 0, 3 ,111 V,
0, i v A; I, —a si•ir;l,ll:intl
ur I emo.utt tionuv roper —e 011 TTTTT •need
I,C Oil NI 111 All t 14'41'41111.4111. It
":11 {ht . tit 1!,•
1.11 1 1,11 of Ih it
of our
r I' . ..,tre ht... been
e Ste!, .1 • %sill. II N 111
, t .I. I. . no.
p. 11..• lii,• I/lit II WI 1111:f I,• WO.
11.111 . .. ZIA 1t I / 111.r1 I 110 /jg
coui•:y niuJuelyd I.3per
. - The ll', •. 0,,,e nn! bflO /i
too, J •111, 1: 01 1.11 . 0 up uml
Ah'v I ditt . li MOP 1111) (4,, 101,1 , , 3 dt,1.1.
and 1 . .1•11 . 11Cr 111 C S. 41••111. 11,14' .16 d
eir !trio , - 11'1111 14 I"!V. 11• , 111,
1,4 11 Ilf 1 I II :11.d
1111 i. , .1 1/^1!,11
t kk .
u.rc N. 11 I.LLS, .Lbit. , 4, I
1.. t. orr
I to:, .0.0. J A ...c.0.. o•I ,o •.I m
ittt,tt,l .t0.01..' hit I to' .I tittor !11111 , •1/1 1, • t., .1
.Pll „I • ,r Ist Xi OA, l • I . :1 N• 1/,.
kr* I orr, 1... !
• tr•rrrror hru g runt.. OA i. 0.• r
rir•to,, the I ,lter Lite ul
uccre. to the Iles f
17 — rho /),ly t rip.
Ise, J r•ri, 111141114)W
.11111, More L n_lrllt 1'1,1111,1r. Ti tir, ti , •111, Itt
So, v. thillL: 1.41" Mg in i!llr Ml.lllCtlloi W;c11
it 11 ,0 r,---tO Make it. N ”
1,1/..4.1.! there. NO paler is in re M.l.lCullle iOl
owl I Ode.
kurn larrishorg, that a
de:pat, h was received there on Wudnesday
Crow tlreenJirr . , announcing the (h ath of
Judge Con:ITR, one of the rein}' elected
Jud e .... 9 of t Supreme Court. Mr. Coul
ter was elovted for fifteen years, having
drawn the long term.
Ir7The Now Appropriation Bill, now
before the legislature, at Harrisburg makes
provision for paying the back debts 011 the
public. %vials, which are said to have ac
cumulated to a large amount under the mis
erable management of the Loeollico Com
Tha Virginia House of Delegates
has passed a bill abolishing public execu
The Legislature of Texas has passed the
'paint Liquor Law. The vote stood 46 to
ICS Swcedcn, when a man gets drunk
for time third time, ho is deprived of his
right to vote.
licrMany of tilt opposition papers ex
hibit at much hatred and fear of General
Scott, as did the British and Mexicans in
times gone by, and abuse him a groat deal
licrThe British steamer Birkenhead,
on its way to Southern Africa, with 638
soldiers ou board, on the 26th of February
struck a reef about 3 miles from the slime
and sank in 20 minutes. But 184 of those
on board were saved.
en in the Lake Superior region die past
winter vover' Mud Lake, between the De.
tutir and Saint Marie, the elem. hard ice
it still three feet thieli t most part. ofibe
lake being frozen Willie bottom.
II •1, \ II II .•11
Drunk of Judge Cooll er
A Treithrld Plccarr.
KrJ. T. Stvvolson, Li -9., of
recently in a powerfal sp-..ech in the
Massachusetts Legislature, on the subject
of the evils resulting front the Liquor
Traffic, from which we make Ilia annexed
forcible but not over-el:orid d 1 n 'ation of
the simple. truth. To ray that the com
munity:Las no right , in any constitutional
and legal way that promises to accomplish
the object, to protect itself front the abuse
of a traffic whose inevitathr teadela ies are
to ac such a picture as this a aid
hourly realifY, iu th.iusanils of clw., is to
say that the community ix bound to let
ally and all plagues and ctirsca do their
diabolical work eta hct ked alaftinnioltsted.
There may be a difference of opinion as to
the be :t methods of preventing the terri
ble ctil ; but as to the right and expe
diency of doing something, and the utont
effective that eau be done for its curtail
ment or removal, there cm be no question :
..Portrav the evils of inteetperanee ! did
I say ! Ile does not live who can tell the
whole story or its woes. Exatweration
there is impossible. The fatigued fancy
tapirs in its flight before it comes tip to
the lart. The mind's eye cannot take in
the countless miseries of its motley train.
No human art can put into that picture
shades (holier than the troth.
Put into such a inciiire every conceit.-
palm leak!' io ruins, hopes destroyed, af
fections erushed, graver silenced—paint
the chosen seats of paternal rare, filial pie
ty, hrothrrly love, of matyrit;tl devotion,
all, all vacant : paint all the crimes of eve
ry stature and of every hue, from murder
aghast over a grave which it has toot means
b. eover, down to the meanest deception
still etmildctit of success; paint home a
desert, and shame a tyrant, mid poverty,
the legitimate child of vice in this commu
nity ; and not its prolific mother ; paint
the dark valley of the sh 1,1,,w of death.
d a ith rat ; paint a land,rape
n till treys frilit is poison and whose
shade is tlralh, with tittruilialii torrentA
Itri. ; 111:1 in OW Mils( dial
il.e ennitthtno ‘O,l t:ts ot .1 I,li•vme.l
!1...4, and Into the tort• grotPiil the ttbrril)le
fortti4 arc 1 , .;1111wIl 141,10.
tt u 6 I 111.0!I l% hose lair. nil swift
1 . ;111 :11 . 11 %11/I:IV/1 111111 %1110ISC
rhr•L 111r1.1%1` II .Vt' hrrn rrn hr,nal.v
wltolg he .1110111 - 01 fflllll
surh locturr, and when yo.. are
v to .41low u, .lo nnl let s to the r:VSI of
the IIV;11Pilk . enn ; h IL iLnnunO it with 1110
t!llres 01 tl . O. slid vim
%%ill 111, !). 1 1111.1 01 It 11 ,rrii)
I. p. t \ 8.1.1.•.-11.1?;7:‘hittz
111 111(
L lure : "1 . 1,1 I,lli )Ite , r,, , rAtliti! the IS oik
• tVl.lid 1,11 , 11 s ;
;Ind oil., :11 ; An-
ii:. \ I ', II 111 e.lrr,•,.
I; 1..11
U. \trnr,r -- \ I (;,n
-er,A ,h t• I
/11 1:11'' I. ill l• 11111114'1er ill 1/11,.
1. 1 11 11/1' a 1 111 \t 1111/, ill / 111A1
II t• (.. h
1 , •2h emirt .•1
8. , 1111 , Olt' 1.1;.: , 111 : //1111gl'a
1 1 1111.'1111 1 1W' :11111'114 1111• S1.11.•14 1111' 111,11'14'11S
ol fl r ,tOl.ll. laml.. 'Thin hall
IN:Is 1111101.4• ti %%Atli Violence ht the I,,eoliwo
v.irty and ili-nililllllllll teas illl.ll
A proposition is now liclore Congress to
nut the proerc Is of lit sale ill
pulihe lands, but the public kind themselves
among the States, the funds to he disbursed
as each State FIN'S proper. Tlits is tho
old 11 lug doeirine. will' a very light 'nod
ilieation. All the Western Imeolocu mem
bers of Congress and a large number (nun
tither sections have announced themselves
iu favor of a doctrine which, a few years
ago, they bitterly denounced. Such is lin
etifocu consistency and regard Sur iirinet
The young whip . oldie city 01 New York,
favorable II) the election of Mr. Webster
to the Presidency. held their meeting in
that city, on Nlontlay evening. Morgan
Morgans, prebided, assisted by sev
eral %lee presidents.
A series of resolutions were adopted.
announcing the name 'of Daniel Webster
as their first choice for the Presiency
the United States, and declaring the must
implicit confidence in his transcendent a
bilities, self•sacrilicing patriotism, and un
tiring devotion to his country.
A LEOIPLATIVK Row.—On Thursday
last. in the Ohio House of Representatives,
a disreputable scene occurred between
two of 'the members, Messrs. Weller and
Heckel, who, after making free use ul not
verY choice language, resorted to sand
boxes, which each hurled violently at the
head of the other, until the intervention of
the sergent-atitrma compelled them to sus
pend hostile operations.
Mr, Magnum, of North Carolina, it is
said, voted for Gen. Jackson, Gen. Harri
son and Gen. Taylor, and iSw, desires to
vote for (len. Scott.
furniture of Chevalier flulsententh the
Austrian Charge d'Affairs, is advertised at
pbblic sale in the Washington papers.—
From this we judge that his mission to
this country is about to be brought to a
Eirem•s.oe Rpot.--If all the money
cast away for runt and ruin in this country,
in the lest two years, were accuMtilaied,
ft would expel want from every door: end
leave • furplus sufficient to pierce the
aloud. with trawatiamint to Vireshingtoa,
t. or re‘olting,
1 ",
.4 %I h.r .Nlrih.n:l•i
;:i Stales.
lioN. J. M. CLAYTON FON Scorr.—A
I'v hig meeting was held at Delftware City,
on Saturday, which was addressed b) the
John M. Clayton, in favor of the
ttttt noition of Gen. Scott for the Presid,o)•
cv. lu relation to the compromise, Mr.
Clayton earl lie, himself, acquiesced in
the propriety of sustaining thew, but that,
in Ids judgment, there never had !wen
nit real danger of a dissolution of the Cn.
ion, and therelore no °erasion for the
'elation professedly resorted lu in order
to protect and save it.
Ilonain AccinesT.—Mr. 1131151mM
hull lost his Isle at an iron foundry in
Birmingham. et., last week, in conse
quence of being caught upon a shall by
his clothes. 'I he Berl).- Journal saes the
tmlorninate nein VI,IS it lotted around the
Shaft at the rate of or,r and sixty
revolutions per minute, mull was whirling
at this speed it hen discovered. The shaft
was within a few bet Of the window, and
nt the first time round, the legs of Mr.
111111 dashed out the window and sash, nod
strilsteg the edge of the shop, were whip
pet! taut a my ri ul number of pieces.-
IV lien tiau mutilated body Iv:a?, taken down,
it was thst•ot rt d that die oval: w•as brok
en. The decen , rd %vas 2t ) ears of ago•,
and leavem tin aged and infirm inotlicr,
)eung wife, and an infapt babe.
Hundreds of our ritizamm complain of
drbtlity :1110! 11111g11111" 111 Ili t•
of the livcr and ,tonemli, wain ,t 1 a p
rp.tite, &e.; they .ire Irriiiicolly the remelt
of too dome applwation, and a ilionNand
other causot we claim: here 111111 e ; but we
would say to all so atiliettl, tlu :is we
t a book! or two of Dr.
Hoolland's lierinati term, prepared by
Jackson. 1111(1, tier word tor it, 4on will
he mired. We recommend this inertwine,
knowing from VI that it 18 1111:I'll
superior to the generality of Intent medi
cines, We %void I say to our ream•rm. pur
chase none toilesm pra paraLl Its Dr. C.
Jackson, Philadelphia.
merchant or the retail elistomikr will
find their arrekrlll . ll by
ine any nrcler for an ariteht of Jewcire
that titer mar Ikt:ire at the siore
sr:t. n.iily & Son, No. 911; Mar Let strop!.
alto% e Sixth rt. olcHht:i. This tirm
1,.r ,• ~ • 11
ar.ll thv ro.t.:n:lrriit thek c.,;,..111)1 , .. eon
r•c,itintl% ~f
BALI 1310ai: 3241tEi.E1
f rnom THE RIITIMOiIr. 11, nl rL>n nI ‘l.l
F1,1)1'11 A:\ 1) 11: /•• ‘...1 1
11.1 , 1 11.. elrl • t .4/
t I 'lt yr..
1 I •• I I j I.
I,l i l ;;;• ; )11'1; j ;
\!\ .1N1) I'l ;.;...!-r
I) E i).
Vr. I ()
•r' I )
ILi rI: lwre t.
;,) ot,•11 .ti
‘vl!i I,s:'se a1.‘11.1,11.11l
or IA VI. IZ CENT, 1:i1(111 :11l
ti J Ii
p.okl to rode. tors oil or hrlorr
41-j fl .1•I' ‘..` it "" 1/u !Dili day e/ fun , to :and
%yowler. For S •
VI :err11 , 1"1•1/V 1 - I•4ll:rt.ri to I/1310 .
;11.1,! 1.11 1011.1 4 1,1 LI all persons pay tog on
t or ',role ',ld .11%. ( I I .•
wi I rtworol to rmtke
remark:o,l,l,m priee..ll""j- j 11.1%11;e:it o thr ('Quids Treasurer Ott or
hie ham: .plendt.l....sortno.r.i o 1 For, Sdlz. l . f„ rt , /h e 21 m v l,_
Em s. " 111 " 11 ' ;! '" 1 "I' r h 3 " .1(. '1t` ihr% will not 1,.• rot tled In :toy
"I . the "Y . 1 " 1 "I F"'"""• Ila w""!'l a atrnnvil, It will he the duty I , fColley.
111.1`,11 . 1 , )11k011olly little permits In nal!: tors to cll upon indit idtuds
In r.nnally.
and evoittite themselves, and aston-:
.1(11IS \N,
ished to see the exeellenee and Ow:times,' T.
of the goods. .'";. S. 11e( 'RI.' ICY. ABRAHAM IiIIEVE,R,
N. B.—Merchants and others n Ito put - -
(•0711111 $.
ni.. 4 • to Het; invii,d to (...11
fore porehat,ing elsewhere, it they want to
bur goods so as 1(1 create an exriteinent
and make money fast 1481 it will almost
frighten 111e111. So COMP a-1 - 111111ing, but
don't tall. Keep running until you land
sale at
April 23, 1832—52,
got Administration on the
M-4 es
tate of MARY LA vixA Swill, deceased,
late of Menallen Ip., Adams co., liming been
granted to the subscriber residinir in Peters
burg, (V. S.) 1611111:e is hereby given 141
all who are indebted to said Estate, to
make payment without delay, and to Muse
ha viiig claims to present the same proper.
ly authenticated, to the subscriber.
April 23, 1852—0 t
fit ANT? PW4
' i;) bAealo
gET'rERS ,of Administration on the
2A Estate of BARBARA YETI'S, late of
Ilentinglon (p., Adams co., eee'd, haying
been granted to the subscriber, notice is
herebygiven to,al I whoare indebted tosaid
Estate, to make payment without delay,
and to those having claims to present the
same properly authenticated, to the sub
scriber, residing iu Latimore township for
April 23-61.
eta rEirs & DIATTILI G.
1 4 1 AHNES TQ CK 'S 118V11 just received
-in-' and will sell very chenpolio largest
mock of Venitian and ingrain Carpeting,
4.4, 5-4 and 6.4, white and-colored mat
ting, Druggots, L inen Floor Cloth, Oil
Carpets and Oil Stair Cloth, ever before
valued. . *EIGN RED FRONT.
1 Arab:az:die aziciztat
EmprobtZl faactifiterg.
undersigned would respeetlully
la: announce to the public that they
have entered into partnership fur doing
business 741. the well known FACTO Rl'
on Middle Creek, in Freedom' township,
Adams County. Pa., on the road trims 1..; et
tyshorg to Eatmitsbitrg, and arc prepared
to fill all orders in their line of business,
such as
Carding, Fulling, Dyeing,
monufacturin g . oaths. I 'rissindls, Car
A•c., in the test
:ogle and al
The Factory has heen re-titled and re
paired with considerable rare and expense
—the latest improvements in machinery
hat tag been Introduced—HO 111 CllSlO
incrt. I 113 y rely upon having their orders
tilled prw:iiltly and to the hest advantage.
Fur the convenience awl ilevommodation of
Wool- tt ill Ile raked hir and
goods delivered at the following places.
ery low weeks, to it it :
All the ti.ri it, Gely Akira;
l'air.hl;l; Blythe A; ;
Nl.ll, ; eike•lfn Num., rirei•ti
rnotini ; ;-;tore TM% ; }NMI'S
1. , 1110 .1 0V Il 111d111 , ; two, Ar.
co d .!„sea ; c ri ;
; r•r , al's Ca"h
-; .11111 lieuidiaw•s, rP ;
a m t.l, Lorna, Oro, n ; Smith
•••tore. l'',.11;.1k1.;;;;;T, M.I ; It.,110;111 "ri,;ry
toa ; (reglo'n alum,'lsane)l , rvn
All of our work is warranted
lit if,a (;1111,1S at all illlWg PXI•IIMI ,, NI for
VOOl. Th e highest prier pit, (.4. Wind.
Nii expense or trouble will lm spared in
give entire satisfaction to enstoiners. Give
1114 a call, and lest iitir Work.
VV. ii()FrmAN.
1) , 1111) \VAItitEN.
! . . 4 ( 11(10I. DEPAI: MI. \r, Ut::I•I!: • ItC:,
.In .1..11.r the I'TM:won mid etintitim,mq•
111 a ,‘ v
pa“cd the 71h tidy td April.
I tn.l9. I twit. \‘ lilt transmit I!) i.:l n nl:tr.
umut lit allll/1/111 01 %ditch "u( (iNtriet
111 tnUi' riimitv Ir entillott. till .01 the ;in.
car iuUuss
• I• I
I'ur•nril to law. :Ind I t the I , llwlit 1,1
v• II Ai (.11.
J .(.. n A1:1.111 %VG Clk.
, 1111%•1 , 111e1 . 1. office
'ICE GREilril l
ram E suhscriher has now commenced
-a- operations lor the summer, at the old
stand in Baltimore street, and is prepared
to fill all orders Mr any quantities
er at the shortest notice. Thankoil for
pest (lams he leek confident in his ability
to furnish his patrons with an article of
pure cream, unsurpassed for flavor,sinooth-
Hess and richness. My rooms are now
where Ladies and (..;eutlemen will
ever tied this cool and agreeable confec
tion, in all its variety of flavors ; also iced
tel of the very best quality. No pains
or expense will he spared to make the calls
of visitors agreeable and pleasant.
April 23-3 m.
rip H E Church edifice recemly erected
by the German Reformed Congrega
tion of Gettysburg, will. be consecrated to
the service of ALIKIOIITY GOD, on Satur
day. the Ist of May Wirt, at 10 o'clock,
A. M. Rev. Dr. VoctINECK. of Chambers
burg, has consented to be present and par
ticipate in the exercises. All are invited
to attend.
April 23
_IIUST received, a few more of arose
!LIP cheap (loth Sack COATS. Alao,
some fine Casaintere, PANTS, of every
variety, ak SAMSON'S.
13 - t. , 5
II 1;
I.l'l 72
174 11
Duilding Committee.
C lilli H r''' W . ' M. DA ' ii: i r it . - 11 - 0 - ?i,
lorlrtrr• m 1 D , ...4 , 1 .1
1,01 Mi. 111 A, /1 . IA Nr iP• 1,6 - 1 , ,, , ,
) ab. 6 tat." bit, I 1•NV411.1 , .. rf:ar..
wrAn OM test "r 41trun.LA.
:km rmart4oCy gm-warm the. Inter,. or.rirs
a ti,-..!.r thw.ll, vrl.l“lt kra r...feregl al
.h 01,6 6, or rtiftll, st
Nu ',...16 Y,arl,r.:-:,..a, at.nre Sixth. war
ihIC-Volf SErt...t. Ilillanelot/11
. S, . , • . I '.
„ Ll 41,...K1M11 IN 1 M. .. • ,
.., ,
',-„, • .......ntall , , tott/ 4,i, •"
...- •
Philadelphia, April 23. 1852--I
Subscriber having been 'aitipoint
-Ig- ed . Assignee of Vi tutu* M wino!! F
'lna IV Wt•:, 411 untinglim township, Adams
motility, Pa., under a deed of voluntary as.
signment, fur the benefit M creditors, here
gives notice to all persons indebted to
said Mundorl, to make payment without
delay to the Subscriber residing neer East
Berlin ; and all persons having claims are
requested to present the the ...ante, proper
ly authenticated. for settlement.
J. J. KUHN, Assignee.
April 23-6 t.
J.1.1).W.i.13''-a4.+V.1.c41 1
E Book,' in the Library of the Salt
ll birth School of St. J,IIIIIIS' Chorea,
LI Get it ,liarg, brim offered kir side,
others can inereilioi their
Libraries advaiiiiigi•ously, making carry
appiiriiiiiitt to either la tilt:committee, alto
are audio' tz , il to the came.
(:. 1•;. 8R1N( ,. .
NV. C. S
April 23
will pracle in Nlinninaslttirg. on
- 111 - .Ikothty. Me lid of Nay rtes/. :u 10
o'elnek, A. NI., at wl.irh time :t Court of
Appeal ‘t ill n 1 ,4) Le held. Pottetual a 'ten
dative and lta went ot lines IS earnestly rt
Ily ordcr tl ilitt Captain,
April •_!3
llonats and I)r:s ( nods.
41 :\
Siraw Iler:lge IN:! d ti,s
DresNits just rcovii vd an l ror rate cheap
1'.111:\ Fllt'K'S,
iti tt 1..11;ht.
April 23
A N Election 111.1,1 tit tit
('hurl-hour(, On (o-tnnrr,ou
I) hetweeti the Irwr+ t,l 1 aihi li
~, 00 7
.10.9 A... •
t•state uI MA IZTIN 1111.1.,
I,lhcity Intcu,lilp. Adam~ elpotity,
hio 11,-141,, in the ,:11111' 11,1%:1
li( /Brill' 311. 1111.1,, .1.1.11,r.
Dl awl, I 9.-- ti
Itt g CO i''".ll
rt . cooe; 1,110‘v0e! Oa He, s he it ih
will 3se cali and il.e
niti-t ht. clo-vd.
,11.1 firm ()I S. I'.lll
TI )( ‘1,.. ‘‘ll,), 2r;itt•ltil lor
FP% 10tI.i
Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons
!LADIES, if von wo-11 In see a beau.
au: assortment of Bonnets and Bon
net Ribbons, call at
rtd :c DWI Gocds.
: 11,KS and Satins, Met - mous, M. do
" Laines, Alpacas, Calte(WS. S ‘V
Collars, Wm., s, Stockings, qtr., &c., are
to be had at
riNotre given for tools purelinsel
at Rev. B. 'KELLER'S sale to Oviober
last, are now doe, and have been iilat•ed
in the hands of the subscriber for immedi
ate collection. Those interested will
please call with as little Oelay i possible.
Gettysburg. April IG-3t.
vitom the celebrated .shaker Gardens,
JL just reeeived and ler sale at the. Drug
and Book Store of S. IL BU Ell LER.
Al-a' ITSLINS, one yard wide for 4 cents,
Si Siiirlll4.'B, Li
Napkins, 'Pickings, Table diapers, Mar
acas Quilts, Checks, &c., all can be had
cheap, and good, at
AFINE assortment of Black and Fancy
Colored Cloths, Cassiineres and
Vestings, just opened, and for sale at the
lowest cash prices, by
Bonnets and Millinery Goods.
LADIES in watttitf Bonnets, Ribbons;
Silks, Florences; Flowers, &c., will
find them in tine style, and cheapest et
PARASOLS—the best and cheapest in
town. Only conic and look, and you
will say so. Give us a call and you will
be convinced there is no lairninig about it.
KURTZ'S Cheap Corner.
A RICH lorjust opened and for sale
cheap at , SCHICK'S
griOUNTERPANES--wbite twilled
V. 1r sale very low el KURTZ'S.
NEW and improved Patented process of
flowering by which a barrel of super
fine flour is constantly made out of 210
pounds of Wheii.
The subscriber having Introduced the
above process of Flouring into his Mill al
Locust Grove, in Germany township,
Adams county, finds it to work beautifully.
and is now realizing all lie anticipated
from it, by constantly making a barrel of
superfine flour from 210 rounds of good
wheat, on a straight average grind, without
stoppage or interruption far re-grinding
purposes. 'rids process can be, adapted to
coition , work to the smut! adeantage
Merchant , work. The 411!ing romintinitv
:Ir.! respectfully nitited lo call at my
one and a hall wiles S. %Vest of ',nth
win they eau bee the whole process in
lull operation, winless its and
perfection, find that it works to ailin iraniiii,
and no mist ike. The undersigned has
procured the right, and is now prepared
to sell County, tow:lshii, and individual
rights in the 1 !lowing Territory :
Adam., Franklin, Cumberland, I)atipli
in, York, I,nhanini, Chester, 'Jerks, aiiil
Laneaster Comity and City, in l'enil:9l
- and Alle;:lienv. NVaslomitim anti
Pred-rick, Carroll, Ilnwsird, Aunt• rtill
dvl, and 13:11iiinOre County and (21. y I/1
ttlarr land.
This process haq been introduced, and is
note in use the most exlciisive
Flouring Mills in II estero New York.
Aliehigan aril thin., all of whieli are 'til
tug a barn I id super flour Irani 240
pounds of a heat upini a straight ay . ( rage
grind. l'or further particulars refer to hand
bills, put up in the lintels in Gettysburg.
atid niiut of the hotels ul, floc tit Ihr (',,, 111 .
iy, containing ; number of
• A:e., trout practical operator=, 111(11 of fill.
lint sltiadliit.'• All the ncee.ssate informa
tin. tivellicr m lilt a dealt of hie hoiuu2r in.
raogrineins, hopper, plan of deed', g,
ttc., &c., will he given to any 'unlit uhial
pin chip ;nil a Any further 1814,m).1-
111)11 ran be obt,,iletl uv C.lllllla
by laser, (piit paid.) ci him at
tient slair2. t; I:th
(;eth shirr'. April
In a loiter front Mr. A. 1.. Fpaltlintt fir
Torn 1.. the 1,,,,E•r,1•,..,[1,
.I.lled (11,,50t r Nth 1831, he .sa)s :--1 1
hate inocess of ,
mill,—it t riglii—and 4 bush: Is of good
u heat a ei)hing, to the
eNolig!illir a 1,3 , 11-1 of sups rime
If yOll 0 1 j1 . ,n to gain (row 15 lu
[;‘:,1,01,2 Ihe ) ;Ho
111,1 . 23 ) 11!'1!1'1' 111 1111`
.0111 it is ‘ I:ll;):,,te:n.mts."
P. S. Mr. Sp.,l,!ing i n I Iro.
aids ul :10,00J 1,./irci, ul
ILuir per ar.
1'1)11T:1NT T 1) FA 1;
/ l. nrr, I 0/ ..olpirl:d,rft:iir f,/
poirui.v uin /40
c 1N 111'1 , i ' fil . f•ti 111!11 1114 •I I.
I• 11.1 (;.• (:4 , !•I
P')V s t 1:1: 1 . . 1 ITN it!)
(tip l'1,(11 !:17•;(;,
1.11 , 11.1.'
n.l• 1,111 li)
111 ' ": 111 T , 11'1 1,1 ,11' 1 1 111 . \% 1 ;1 . 11
1 1 1 ('
.IN I ~ ‘ •I. IL-
I!:nie 4aiii
ut Ihnrc In in" iinirt•
1/t 1111 tn. This iiiiilrnsninent
I (1...”.."ni'Vt14.11S
-,1111•,1, 11 , ,•!.1 4'!,Cr II g
otil:t11111. ,11!1-.1:1'111! i•Mi! 1;1"1 ill 1 1 .1 , L'r 1111
I.y it the of th,ar i.
11,4 Er ~ so ti,:l , the prim! a.
(1.1.1.iiV (II Ow farina ur Dipaly
p ;gala, , frinrthr..; w, ,thsi•
L'Ll• (11)iir IrutU
the ca , rithn the la.rry ivLa rvnthins iu
th• t , ll it t tth ILr nl l nit Ilthd , Lriiitliall,%.l
IS the ilakiMl tintrivi , a4 part 411 Ilic
thair ; this In'iatr v.)11)1 , 1;11 , 11 with the wla,lv,
iin;•rovi-s iirike4 it
uunc nithiry , us, it 11l s ith.ure
rincithlithn Is
ththlt. to sour. wi l make a In•llyr vii
(11 . bread to a Lilt quantity of, as
while, and aivenler than (hair ground in
the uld way, pru•q•ri ing all Ow good quail
to: of Ow grain.
wanting a barrel of qn ierfinr
made from 210 ;am:al-4 of rand clean
‘vilcat, trill 111,•.k , v voli at I
Lncust Crurc, April 16, 11132-11'.
11E1,11' f 3 3a S
k'gi'l , ,P.,E Ar&H,nrui
11_11S juut returned from Ow city kith
stork of Frei li Goods eitibraeioge%ery
variety of
Plain and ti : vired Silky, all tei y cheap
Itmuiets. Bonnet Silks, and Satins.
hhotts, Flowers. &e.
Alpacas Black and lanev colored.
Delaineo, Berage (Mantes. Lawnw
Boheinian e fi wits Cloth, Hosiery.
Gloves, &e:.
: Also, superfine
Caslimareits, Paramena Clotlie,Jenetts
Tweeds, Velvet Code.
Black Satin Vestings, etora good, &q.,
Also whole lot of
Fresh Groceries, Qfiecosware, Sze,
All of which will ha disposed of on the
most reasonable terms: KrCall at Sul 'e
Corner if you want Bargains„cs. We
pledge ourselves not to be undersold by
any establishment in this p!aeo or . ele
'April 2,-1852
VAST Colored LAWNS, at from 13 to
20 cents.. Prima, warranted Madder
Colors, at 4,6, 6.8, 10, niul 12; 'cattle.—
New Patterns in great variety,. just open
ed twM.IDDLECOFFIi. Latliesitall and
aid therm
will I %
1 II A I
- RittliS Mt* _
47 ,
a l o s 2a3ggPaaa t el(ga°k3
'"•• again inform their friends and the
!Ville, that they have just returned from
the Cities with their usually Large, Cheap
and %cell aelected Stock of Goode,. to which
they invite the attention of pincliasers,—
Consisting ul
wltri evo.a2x:74
Groceries, Queensulare, Hardware,
Sad!cry, Oil and Pains, Dee
Staffs, Cedar Ware, 4.c.
Our Stock of Dresn Goods, to which the
Ladies are particularly invited,,is the Larg,
est and Prettiest ever otTered—Berage De
La Wes. Pupteins, M. de Laines, Lawns,
Berage, Tissues. Alpaca's, &c.
To the Gentlemen we offer the Largest
and Cheapest assortment 01 . Black and
Faney Cloths, Cassimeres, soul Vestings,
Tweed 4. Kent, loans, Cords. Valencias,
Cotionailes, and Pants Stull of every var
iety. Also, Ready Made Linen Coats,
A fine aseortinent of .[,onsets, Bonne
Ribbons, ArtifieiAle, Fans, and Drees Trini
niingq of every variety,
Lates' Slams,
PAW, Panama rind Leghorn Hats,
Domestics of all kinds and Fiera,
“roceres, cheaper than ever,
Ql/(11b ware, Dye littAls, anti Cedar
1V are, &r.. &r.
The attesilion ul the public is also direct
ed in our very large and general assort
meat of
,6e.1 iS rw0 , *(,44 9
the largest Block ever ()tiered, which will
be null very low. Also, ilie,r eutopluto
Sock of
SHOE 17.\/iI:Vi;S.
OILS 4- P.ILV (11-IcS
and rem' l'arirty if Coach
_ ........
We ask our Friesiilo to give us u call
and examine our Stoek. to, we flitter our
selves that we can please flie.lll as hereto
fore in l'retty and Cheap Goods.
111:Mtl J.
The Richest and most varied
assortment of
14;9 - 1•:it brought to this place has just
m- 41 brio rt•I'CIA 4i( ICK, and is
now iliviting at 164 Stole in South Italti-
1411611 r Is Invited to e:111
!mot ml rris lul t• as
Auimig well he felted
1; , •r;144! (le Al
I ;.o l,l )nzities.thiwlialps, l-=•
:oi , l olbrio, illuains, and
111 riety. Also,
c Ler Trtn, eaBst.rEyrrs,
111 . 1 . (1S, CW1111.144 n, N40:0'1'11
Vrt.tillgS of all San,, iCr
111 sdn rt :4;erlc is vein large, and tin
all in his
r•; 'l'.1;1 and judi,!,. for vnurse!ves—in
liri.i,ll! 1.1 l c gutfliS
It ti a. I F5:2.
11. TiLZVA 0 .. . V
t the Farmers' Cheap Corncr.
1 . .1:1Z 17. 11.. t, rult:nivil from
- 111 -• 13 ,1‘1,1, , ,n , itli a
:Ito' kit . -ir . 1 .14‘11.1 41 - 1 1 , 11,,g ,11111 1• 1 1.1 -
n:. r 1; e 11:% Ow
art IL. I;er,,re L . rifie.,
,• r y ks, SAL ins, Plain and
,21,1,•11 A ip.kritS, %V NIIPIIB (IV
1, Sdlt I iSslll . , 1.10r:Ply, 111 in
❑r,,i 14 , ..11f AI4IIAI al:Ante,
Tlekti,g,. J.A%
in git..ll
and toilmi Panto stuff . .
31 prici.s. A
liant:soinv at•burtinem ul Goods lur
;!;11 :1 4 aa
A very large lot of Ctirpet varying in
priers filial 12,) to 181.00 per yard. Call
and look at lilylll, if you %ram to buy ur
not •ut trouble to show our goods.
Our assortment of Qitecniware is admit
ted to be the cheapest In the country ; we
tire receiving a Dirge addition to our form
er stock. Glass wart. of every description,
Direct from the inanufaeturcrs.
Groceries! Groceries !
A very full assortment NV C;roeerles—:
the best lip I+ tigar and levy toffee in 'own;
also ninks%es, teas, pepper, siareh, spices.,
Ste.. :ill very cheap. Wanted in exchange
for goods 13tiner, Lard, Hags. Eats, Hams
Sides, Shoulders, Soap, &e., lur which
Ole highet , t price will he given. kci--.11
you want to save money. KURTZ'S
Cheap corner is the place to do it.
Gettysburg, April 16, 1852—tf
Very large supply of TIN
A w ARE on !laud and for
sale, at Buehler'sTin and Sheet
Iron Establishment, Opposite the
Post-office, which will be sold
at low prices.
1131 LEASE call and see the NRW FMK
n of Summer HATS aiml CAPS. jiist
received from Philadelphia, anJ now °lam
ina'. at prices In suit the times ; aho,
BOOTS and SHOES, of every variety
and price, al - aka tial and Shoe Store of
Gettysburg, April 2.
Beautiful Dress Goods for Ladies.
NEW style of fancy dross goods, Which
Can ' t fail to pleiise the taste of .ony
who wish protty'and cheap goods. Also,
a fine- assorttooot of. Mourning dress
goods, jost received at
Parasols and Umbrellas
ti all sizeo, find styles, for
‘Folle at dig lowettprreq.' bi
D. httoDLECOrg,
, .
l'lB a moat revolting' erire, and Gs ..lalartistsear
al hand some id our ciliation will beisuilltsl!,r
on to diseli.irge high sad responalbis 'tloSetkas
judges of evidei',ee and.tarts that May .be proven
Itelbee them. As their verdict will iieeetewrily 'be
final, it should be based upon truth.•justiest and
facts. 8o should our vertli4ta always he based,
whether in matters concerning life, liberty, or pro
petty ,or in business matters. Every fa moth.
or. son, 0114 daughter is interested whore they can
buy to the best advantage ; and we thereniro say
to them, that it is for their interest to call and
Ready-made Clothing and Vari
ety Store,
in Gettysburg, niters. (Mods Are sold cheaper than
at any other establishment—notatrithstainiing'all
the talk of others ationt".chesper than lire cheap
est." '.30 per cent. cheaper," ore, If sou doubt
this—or that lie dolled competition either iu (4a.
t),lturg or Moen here---just give him a call one
antialy y nurse!
. 1 here are those, who, prompted by toqfl,th mri.
tiara. antnetimea decry lioarly-made Clothing. as
being defectively made up or made out of damned
materials. This may du to blirki the unthinking,
but not those who will lake the trouble to exam
ine my large 7issortiliolit or Ronde I invite Kelt
denten to call anti say whetheiAhey lily.. not paid
an high as *g and $lO per yard for sloths het
tPr than that in my roots, which are made up too
by a regular ;New York tailor OresSiolinity an
article tout prov e defective, b u t where. ie the met
chant has never .4,1 a lacer iii cloth, CSllSi
culiroe, or moslio, ahirL aid not turn out
to be isel. It is imposailda to prevent this alle
griller, even with the beet of judges.
Tilire is said to I , e Melo.). snit IllOrlee iv Pad 10
Is. time. ivo they ate, if property am-lied. And
bruit l ea Ibe ~eciet of ley atuilih to sell Rooth %
lower than any body else. Instead 14 . running 'ICI
the and spendieg a lets , days in 'tinnily Put..
rhos. goods at market triers. I opera! as many
e 0,1,A and ecru loofahs as other. de days—thus
Wiling to roletlitage. Willi care, sod frequently
at ohnost half the market pr era. Hence I ant
etiabbld to sell lite saint, goods to my enstorners
emelt loner than ethers, and frequently one-hall
lawn r.
r ;„1„ 1 4;,,„ two-price system. by which
otw rrtjOireol to pay 11l or toper Coot.
Mote !ban other. coy Roods JoVVIV (O the
lowest mnrk, nad' ha v hut rttlY a, the par.
chaser oviy rely upon below 110110141 y dosit.wlth,
It is very eitoy to put %fictitious %sloe oh goods.
and then nllow cosuaorts I. t'i...14; " Jo% In u fair
value occasiolinlly. but wlwrit ‘ hat is done it is jinni
to look out !— there in something wrong, Ohe
;lire nod small profits is the_iay-fsivitutlArge
0) Arm.
My present stork consiet. of every seasonable
article (hot hrhoign to Manna 1110 1111,1 . Ciall
t.1.!1 . ' her with n very I, ge sorely "of F.Nt,:r
1 71,1 0 Os, JcwelrY, Aexerdeuto., Violins. Revolvers,
nod other I.i.toln, Clucks, Trunk., Carpet-Dati..
Violin end (dotter &e., all of which will
ta , ht nt wieen to eutiafy tiny ressonstda mho
that NttiON'N in the ',lnce to buy the gheopeel
goodn. Thanking toy friends and ettatonvere for
twit poet pa trrage r end hutting to ment it con
iiiinance it the same by lk to , t let adherence to the
OVa rums principle, I invite-them te.gitrie ITC 8
coil at iny .ore, upposita the linok, in Getividtorg.
M A :-2.1.3114 SAMSON.
April 111, 1852.
,Cid= CE©!EfAv/LEB. ..
IF BE undersigned re,peet hilly nennend
-1- CS 1.1 the l'lttZellb of 4liurg. and
its lhat he has eummeneed the
t r.4 / _\ . 114 Oli }jl3.lS I, L SS,
in all lit, t ried helm hr s, in Imo of the rooms
hr .li'l ,nunv!flitiN adjoining the
1,• lit Sol, 1 . 1111p ,. r.1111 . 1.! /LIU.
111 , 1 , 1•., 111. it hV n rtrirt allrnlirgl 1111111.,
m 1 . 1 .1 And revatve a share of public
pall iiit.t4l
ti - 7-Give us n
Latest Fashouus have just bl . rll received
April 16, 1652-Iy.
1100 ACRES
!Jz.o) italjP2.4
ff - TIY virtue ~1 n (keret: of the ()rpharts'
" court of Franklin eitlilltV, 411111 an
Order I/1 the ()I 11 1 1;1118 t Of Atlatnx
eonn.y thereupon, do, suh , criherq. Atlmin
i,troorsorOw E. 4 ate 01'.1()SE1)11 CIIAM
HERS, late n 1 the Borough ./1 Chnitiberq
b.rg. in the of Franklin, Pa.,.(.1e
ei.ii..11, will rspo3e at public sale, :It the
1 11 11/1111 . . 111/tl , l . ul 1) iviil (..(;rner.
enbnrp Springs,") iu Franklin lown•ltip,
Ad.,ms coiliiiy. Orly the 14th day
J . iltly next, at II o'clock, A. M., the
following ileberilinfl
5',// U.,1111,E
.11aR, 13.5021 co,
bite the property of said deceased, to wit :
alt those Tracts of Woodland,
situate in die South Mountain, on the
headwaters of the Shippenshurg Branch
of the Conoeoeheagne creek, in Menallen
end Franklin townships, Adams county,
hounded by thin County line, lends of Da
vid Iligham, Thaddeus Stevens and oth
t•rs, containing
1100 ACRES,
more or lea's ; on which nru erected
TWO 0- 1
r .,,5 : AND fq:vERAL
and other improve,tients. There are in
dientions of the existence ot iroti-ote ill
ulitindance on tide land.
lkirTlie property will be sold entire,
or in parcels, as may suit porehitsers.—
The terms will be made known 00 the
day of sale by
By the Crnrrt—EDi Norms, Clerk.
April 15, 1852.—td
THA ItiK FT for past favors , respect.
~,-f ultr form their friends and the
pit die, that, tav cinitinue the TA MOH
IN G business, at the old .stand, and solicit
continuance of the public patronage.—,
Garments made in the slimiest thus , pos
sible. 1/3'The s New York end ),'hiladel
phis Fall an ( ' II infer Fashion; have just
betel received.
At Greatly .Reduced Prices.
THE subscriber has just returneilfrom
Philatlelpitia, with a heavy stuck of ;
seniciturbie.gootis, which has beau selected
with great care, in reference to prices,
quality,,and wants of the conunonity, aria
which for variety anti cheapness, he ilat
tem -hiltself, is any iithei
stock in the Cciunty. • Particularattention
is Weis:the i n eismintidii. •
No charge ler shovritik
April ith.-tri
. D. 11i1iD.1.114C0147..
The GreataS Illetorical f qadj o k
, - legeiriail,priat Of theitge4 l if
In Connnernoration of that matt impel , .
,lantWent in the dlnierican Revolution,
- frlterltritieh eurretulerinit tlieii it
their• - •defeat at forktourn, Viigirekt.
October. 1781. •... ' I!
Till E Engraiing Is 'executed 'hy l'iltti
.m. tier. Vallanee, gearner &Oct:. frinft
an original drawing by .1. F.‘Heitstlti•Oliti
published by Ilenjarrs in Tanner, Efigriftiki
Philadelphia. 'll4l size ,er 04 print 44+
hp 34 inelleo• entd watt erigittelly pUblIell•
ed to Subecriberk et Ilititk die sheet.
. ,
TAO rititTettV.—ili the ,flros laStit
plan ere exhibited three , litigtS grotips of
the Prinelind (Alec"; whe. were prettent at,
the transaction, with.e. 4440 likeness of
lo the first grontile been'Ogneral iissh
inatnn, Gen. Roettsdthean, Gem' Lirtfinti:
(;ul. Hamilton an* old ferret! everktiima
template the scene, Rini thee intrettnti tiffit
the florae of Gen. Nistaltington.'""' 1 ) 0';
In the second group, are Ailfericen' NO
French oflieers ;.Geherel.Ktml:Berrettirje.
Wilson. the Deka , ' do Lutiinst ihd , llo
Maenads tie La Fayette; ),
. 2 ',: -(1 Leda
The third group Itf. ilescriptfite'et 414 1
British surrendering' •their• semi. ' ` fitirtl
Cornwallis, General O'Hare. Ontromninhe
Simmons. Colonel Tarlton, with awit'llinti
era cot off, Lietttento . nt VAltmet4talph-Ab
prortimbie, Lieutenant: Colonel Dundee,
Lord Chew ton. &e. , Lorat Comitallisirip."
pen re , presenting his sword to., the first
Clenerni °dicer he ittilittli bllklnkellOt
IV ritilittietee is , pointed not to hint. Se the
only person to whoin he is to surreivier K
his sword: " ' ' ' 1 '
On the heights atid - fr -T t The distaiii are
the different armies :mil crovitia'nf ijiteGt.
tors. The House of Secretary 'ilriltinit. 4
occupied . by Lord boraWallisniut bis skiff:
whielt Wei bombarded and picieett'oeltk
halls ; the 'Marquis de Li 3~iyel4.- Alivitt—
rprnirked Mat 'heti were cariylng dig e llf;
for 'ilia dinner of Loill'eorOVvillititi"o - : i t
knee of (lettered Vltaillingtou to eerie * Whir
a dish of lids own conking, and inene i ht i * , : x
ly utter several boinbahels fell ' 'o4'.
i i 1
runfin'tlholabli,t, t;tid 4Ountitur Sod ', --
dis,-tersed the party. ' ' ' •' "'•' l
THE Altranifir.- 2 -Cht The left Is erWattit
. a monument its honor of those illusiiiiiii-1
Iteroes•who eacritieed their IreesOnittkildr,"
tunes'to insure to their eitisenic tlie.."Liba
ens. and intlepernictice' , they nowiret44. ',
Published at 4 'W
3by m:11: Uwe; Phil .C•.
1 aticiphia, and In behint At the otlce of ‘ Mel , '
I •.Americnit Courier," No. 141' °helmet/
I Street, Philadelphia, ei piemiums-tii On&
CrJ'A liberal dideeent tO Agente: - -
April 16, 1852-66.
Located Bought and sold.•_
I HAVE sr- 1 00 . To IN}
1,1711.1. paw the hilphest —. 1 % 1 041
" in' CAt4ii. fi~rwa~raois;'and wt ,t a u
warrants for soldiers.. Persons , ollMilig tt;
buy I,:out tVarranis, or I,d, oiro,pri,rare-
%V It N nt the 7 ; iftwest priees . entl
on the hest landsolki'aittua)
tion, also furnishing:: 44triptitiri or , tinq
timber, &e.. in Illinois, laws, •Wisotinstar
and in all the Westernj igl
t,tes; haVinitatt2
crone locating AgeitTa. eau •
Apply personally or bydetterio •
.. • kfeCONA.U.G-H.Yi
C• W. Corner of the Diamond, Getlyiburg. ;!
April 9.-2 in.
fittu &farming
. .
would most •respeetfullx,
Morin their frielidtt - tdi,
he public generalty. :at
hey hate entered :IMO'
iartnership to Carry' en the
Tailoring linstinem,
n all its. branches, 14
.hey will be glad to.aor
commodate customers, at their, estallikilis. South Baltimore street, (oltlittultk
of Jacob Sheads,) next door to Schick.'s k,.
and nearly opposite Falinestock's. Thew :
charges will be moderate. and all garments . '
warranted to tii. They ask a trial, feeling
confident that their work willplease: -
Kr Country produce taken in exchange
for work.
The FASHIONS _for. the,Spring a4d
Summer have been receivtd. ,
Omysburg, April O. 1852—lyt .
%so courisrair 114211ROVA*0
r IIIE undersigned have jug), opened .ed
extensive and general essortweet.of
CRII3;ET3];:t 9 IIE.AB 3 IJIQUORSi dr,Cs
No 143 North Third - litreetiabovo
Race Sreet,
IVltere Country Merchants will hod it to
their interest to , eall, as they arolleternalna'
ed to sell so 009, that buyer. need not
pi any fur: her. in any instatunt.. •
They desire to call especial attention td.
a tine lot of
All fresh. that will commend theineultheir
to the most particular.
-( cram A.rim extr,
Nn. i 43 Mirth Third 44.#
April 9.-3 w. ' •
~~0 fitO
I .
ErTERS of Administrationtiff the
I j es t a t e of SAMVS4 A.
IV *.ifivmirt.
of esonins ter, Carroll County,, 14,„
deed, having been grunted to the sjilaspe!-,
ber,.• residing; Veit) , *(giiiiikioo iii
hereby given. to Fl.loh aa , are 1 11 4 . 0 / 01 04
said estate to make, payment i , sitttO;tti
lay, and tltoso busing etal6a ore 111,00 Y
ed to present the sung pinierlY
eated, for settlement.
April 9, Hat..,
, .
.61nrertiati. rat' witsigusA;
Fog 1853..-ipttiiiiillad by GretileyAgiod
WElrallit — rou.laiiii%a large aeftluce
of valuable aud ihthlitetieg itatislics of the
( . ..ensus, Fleetion Returns, 1 •ar...9f,c7f,
gross, die.. fur seta, i 2 r'ertti Vet' r
Feb. o.] ' 8. IL TRlEffriß
liitlßDOWE4Ditied.iroal TOO 10118 M
Pik* reduced 10.04 rigdgiresSmeg
prick .114*titistabl. 4u0ti0rve..46 , b;10111.0" ;
revised by Brightly, price ertly $4, a t, 0 24, 4