• . "‘"'iIf.INSTERIS NOTICE. pvcrriog 'is hereby given to.oll Legit -4.41' toots •itud other persons concerned, that tits Aintiotiotration .drcoutas of the ileormasetl persons hereinafter mentioned, *ill ; Abs pri?rapted at the Orphans' Court of Aihnnsconitty, for confirmation and allow ance. on Illearlay the 231 day of De. ISTIff Wit viz i ; „ 4, 7 L. N', l l firt.X. ttc-tount of. Zephaniah .14rletl, Ay . ininistrator of the estate of re. try,. Zelfinger, late of Atlanta county. de n„. 470 the fiiat aecount of acorge Wolf, Ant 5,14,41114 Es;ecuturs . the last will and leAtitplent of Joseph Bluinger. deceased. The, first account of Wm. Bitting- AN !Met of -the Executors of the last will testament, of Joseph Bittinger, de , 2T4. 'ti l e first account of Joel B. Dan . pet., and 'Robert Sheads. Exectitors n 1 the Jot swill and testament of Peter Sheads, 'deceased: u ,„„278. the first and final arrnunt of Fred and Margaret.' Storgrou. ,41.thstinietratora of the estate of Looser iSliirgepn,•ilreensetl. 278. the first and final rovotiot.of Jo. 'rob'fitardo Atlininistrator of the estate of ,Bartholomew Sullivan, deceased. Thu second and final acenunt of ~Atthe9, Hell. rotor of the estate of Jamesj deceased. 278. 'Pte arc int of Adini Retain and ert. : A ministratore of the , Estate o Jaen ßrh t, deceased. - • M. . lIAMERSIX, .„Register's (*tee, Gettysburg; ? Register. Vise, 2B, 1851. S MORE NEW GOODS. GEORGE ArRNOLD HAS just received from Philadelphia aii additional supply of those cheap Long Shawls. Cloths, Cassineus, Lawns., • Alracca Lusters, Flannels. De f.,stiestirs. Fresh Groceries Ate.,:dto.„ all of , whirls will be sold at very reduced piieta, ~,plessla call. • N- 11.1 would inform my' customers and the piddle generally dual will remove A rtv , Store to Sell's Corner in the !prior. 'WitAre I will be pleased to se all Who may fayer sue with a rail. • - GEORGE ARNOLD. Nev.-28. 1851--•-tf • • . , • She Could nos 1114 egediatly n( der ecgintintence_andisterY prominent member of the Tabernacle. had.; been sorely afflicted with Rheumatism for near IsOttrei sestet ; at the time we are speaking of! she undif not raise herself from the rhpir. One of her friends bad experienced great relief from ; Radw4 . a Ha p Heady Relief in Neuralgia, and recou, niendi4 the old lady to try it ror her Internat. •T ital. tShe tised it according to directions, i,erisibethid with .thp Relief tar fifteen minutes, shiring „that time two bottles were used, nail in v itetrts she meld walk alone ; ware Thapp. du end Ott Hie following Sunday she walked . to Rtkelett: think. • There is not another such a wonderful cure on record. Urea tie* hundred' ruirrehisnE er,rhe Tatierpricle and friends of the I • lady are living witnes•es of the remarkable ef. l tects ef•llledwity a Ready Relief in the cure oil this oreereffiiition in this lady in two hours. Witmer. an we find another such cureAsetfornsed tily a 'other article of the kind. 45,rei il t speed and etficacy it is superior m to every ; `nigierteeily in use, the very moment it is ap • c.Ai t ait begins to ease, the pain and cure the Ms. t't is a Ready Relief for pain; wail true —. blessing to the bedridden and afflicted, it • efflengthens the weal; and nervous, relieves the ....Whited and sutlerets of pain, and cares like magic ~,yore throat. Influenza, Cramps, Spasms, Fie , tillence, Sprains, Sines, Eruptions, Bunts: Scalds, Lumbago. Inflammations, Swellings, Vara lysi.4, Tic Dolereux, Neuralgia, Tooth Acbe Hemicrania, Netvon Head Ache, Eruptions of nnstseitttiri, (infancies, Diseases; Taken inter , -nonhly, it .will. instantly allay the most violent 11i i'ntfilr si,ori,Diarhea, Cure Ossinsps and gholem Morbue, Sup[ ..4iarnrch, Dyspepsia, &e. }airy femi4g.opkto k rf p a bottle of this valuable rem. edyfti 'their boules,'es it will relieve all pains as soon as it is applied. that "the fac 'tia4ri le of RA DWAY & CO. is upon each . bottle. Price 25 Rent skiers,. Shit les. RAD 'PAY'S CHINESE MEDICATED SOAP. Patronized by thousands of indivp ualst through out dti Ihtiles and.. Cameats, giving tbeznost fiat ,teeingonitisfaction to all who have tesedii.. Chem/- tars have wondered at its mysterious effects, and mariy of.thern have endeavored to discover the secreii of hs wotulerlul combination of efficacious brffais and exit acts, which render it so speedy and ' eighteens in the removal of Pimples. Blotches. , Fhtsrules,•Tetter, transforming as if by magic. (..:41049411 11 404: yellow and unhealthy shins, to vett pare and healthy complections. For the cure of Chgriped Herb, rough. cracked and discolored Skin: Salt Rheum, Ringworm. Fr yelpelas, Scurvy and sore Head. Redo ay's Chinese Medicated Soap may truly be called an inestimable treasure. Ertcresencee of the cuticle are speedily removed and cured—the cuticular vessels arc instantly ' clean:fed of all impurthes—the hands, neck, and ' - thee 'present a clean, sweet and healthy appear sure: Look for the label of reel engraving. , way's einsp to be genuine must be enclosed in a label of beautiful steel °flys% ing. and the Allots- Dire 01 R. G. RAD W.Aii* upon each cake. Price 25 cents, large cakes. BV.A.UTIFUL HAIR. Radveny's Greassiin Balm isdho mnst deli- Ci 0 ,14 hair tonic in use. it is better thun Mace,. tar Oil tordritasing the hair, and imparting to the witching ends that bearniful gloss that all ad.nire To the bold' it is linked a trtasure, for it will +;' b►llke Ina grew in bald spots that hare been bald for year. • • ••• • • •LIFE IN THE %IR. Paeb hair in the head possesses a germ of life, L, on *Celt depends the growth and beauty of the bairt as the health of the hotly depends upon the - *nett circulation of the blood. To invigotate the • ilistir,4o•gtve a life principle to this germ, use the . • CIREAntsIA•N BALM prepared by Radway & •Ce.. Chemists of New York. It is put up in large bolting fo: 25 cents, anal makes the hair unit, smooth, Bolt anal glossy. l'iincipal office 162 Fulton street, New York. •••:. urA g entefor the sale of the above articles In &damn enti.dy—S. H. Bilk:111.ER, Viettys• born; Parton* Blythe. Fairfield Airs. C41101111W11; Soerun,ger b Honiara. Littlee:own; , EirredbrralA & Hollinger, Abbotridown Williumu i►'aiJf&e Ca.. East Berlin; D. M.C. Whire,Harrip ton; Makringer & Ferree, Petersburg. Nov. 7,l CA —2lll Illatebtars Vegetable Dyspepsla Billets. ' (Trim lAe N. Y. Neiroporis.) 11'A1.UADLE R EWE DY.—}lutching's Dyspriatis Bitters is universally ark nowlettg led In let the best preparation fur this distressing r • lot, in ; alio. in all cases of gener ,, "*dathatity it is said to act like a charm. This iimgdieine has been fully tested by many of our ' ilieltAnown Chimeric and how established, on its own merits, a character tin +elite and efficacy that is gull mmelled, Nothing can be more surprising Ow* ita invigorating effects m.o.' the whole Rya ham. Dr. _Hutchings. being dreirous that the ` 4 'innithumble should receive the benefit of his val. • phis colatiound, has pieced it et a price within , ' . **eh of all. Constant containing the Certificates of Remark -10.0 lkl'peets anal the high estimation in which this Wegilletylta is held by the public press. can he hid .(the, Aiteeits, free. Price 50 cents per bottle. > 'r ugis in Gettysburg by s. H. Du swam Lidleo) Brims Gemlith, NILKO sad Ratios. Merino's. M. de Ulles Aiwa% Calico**. A W 1.% crOmiti. ova% 84oakiligs. Am, i‘o., VII O **Pi ei • .‘. • tikitt,ll7. ISt' !AAA% FROM THE FIRST D.II.I'OFIIPIIIL NEXT, WEIN STORE-ROOM on the Public Square, now occupied by George Arnold, with Dwelling, Stabling, Ate.. at tached—an excellent business stand. Also, 4 other Dwelling-houses. Also, s; . offiees and Shops' of va iou Also, a Public Hall, for txhibi tions,•Concerts, &c. Icy-Apply to D. &MON AUG HY. Gettysburg, Nov. 7. 1851.—tf HARDWIRE STORE. 11HE Subscribers would respectfully l• announce to their friends and the pnblie..thet they luvve opened a NEW HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore st.. adjoining the residence of Diana ZIEGLER. (4stlyshurg, in which they are opening a large and general assortment of lIAROWARE, IRON, STEEL, GROCERIES ) CUTLERY,' COACH TRIMMINGS, Springs, , Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils, k Dyestuffs, I in general, Wending every description of articles in the above line of business—to which they invite the attention of Coach-, makers, Blacksmiths. Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the public generally. Vitt stock having been selected with great care and puiclitislied for Cash, we gnarl antee,(f..r the Ready Money) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms us they can be purchased any where.. We particularly request a call Imm our _fributisoauLeamcatly solicit a_ share of public faior, as we aro determined to es tablish a character for selling Goods at tow prices and doing business on fair prin ciples • JOEL. B. DANNER, D.\Vll► ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 13,1831.-4. JUST FROM THE CITY. _ SKELLY & lIOLLEBAUGIL ISA V E just received from the city, and are now opening, at their establish ment,in Baltimore street. the best assort ment of Cloths, Cassimerrs. Casaineta, Kentucky—loans atud3weed4.ere4rought to this , place. Also, Vesting. in great va riety, combining plain and fancy Satin, fancy Silk, fancy Merinoes, &e., that can't be heat. The above articles will be fount, to be as ehesp as they are good, and de mand ditiattention of all who desire to purchase ativantagenusly. Oct. 17,1851. MORE NEW GOODS. DAVID MIDDLECOFF HAS now open for examination, the largest. cheapest. and most magnifi 'rent selection of seasonable goods, he has ever had the pleasure of uttering the pub. lic,and to which the attention of purchas ere is respectlblly invited, before buying •elaberhere. Oct. 10-1851. NEW GOODS in GREAT VARIETY at' SVIIIC.I6O.S. T spbscri'wr has just returned from W:111 a very large assortment of . FANCY & DRESS GOODS, as Varied at it is beautiful, to which the attention of the public is invited: 'Crean and exaMine for yourselves. His goods and his prices cannot but please. Oct. 17, 1851. PETROLVatfIe OR, ROCK OIL. A NATURAL REMEDY, procured from a, well 404 feet deep, and pos sessing wonderful curative powers, in dis elites of the chest, wind-pipe and luugs.— Also for the cure of diarrhea. cholera. piles. rheumatisM, gont, asthma, bronchitis, scrofula or king's evil ; also, BURNS & SCALDS, neumigia l tette", ring-worm, ob stinate eruptions of the skin, blotches and pimples on the lace, biles. dealliess, chronic sore eyes, erysipelas, pains in the bones and joints, and all that class of diastole* in which alterative or pnrifying medicines are indicated. p Pat up by S. M. irier, Canal Basin, Pittsburg.' For sale by S. IL BUBBLER; Gettysburg, sole agent for Adams eounly. Gettysburg, Nor. 7,1851.-8 m WHAT 'IS TREASON? V HIS is the question now•a-Jays which has swallower' up all others, even *'Will saltpetre explode ?" ".Who threw that last brick ?" and ..Who struck Billy Patterson ?" It is a hard question to answer, but there is no question whatever. that the largest and best selected stock of BONNET RIBBONS in the county is to be found at KUR'r'Z'S CHEAP COR. NER. Oct. 10. 1851. .1.4.11D1ES DRESS GOODS. SILKS, Merinnes,Thibet Cloths. Lama Twills. Poplins, Paremettas. Alpacas. ,Cashmeres, De !mines, Ginghams, Prints, dm, in every variety of style and quality, and at the very lowest living rates, just re ceived and for sale by D. MIDDLECOFF. 0 .t. 10-1851 BUFF CASSIMERE. IIHE attention of gentlemen is invited to a very superior quality of BUFF CASSIMEItE, at the Establishment of SK MALY dr, 1101. GE BA UGI H, Merchant Tailors, Gettysburg, where may be bound FANCY CASSIMERES. of every vari ety and quality. Groceries and Queensware, together With almost every article in the trade, all of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Produce. 10: "We do not boast, but we wish our friends expressly to understand that we will not be undersold in any article by any establishment in this place or elsewhere.— We buy for CASH and cannot be beat. Gettysburg, Oct. 3, 'sl—if a DESIRABLE assortment ofOV 1;••_, P. S. A few STOVESon hand which COATINGS, such as brown, dra will be,sold eery cheap. eadgrey Beaver Cloths, Petersham loth, 111:POld debts thankfully received. &e.. cheap and good, nobs faun at SKELLY & HOLLEBAUO 'B. Oct. 17, 1851. KEEP WARM. WE 11111 TUB GOODS NOW, AM IN MISTAKE. WM. W. PAX'I'ON has jutt returned from the city with by far the larg est assortment of BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, at CAPS, he has ever had on hand, embracing every variety of style, materiel, worktnanship, Etc, to suit !Adieu, Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, and children of every age. Ladies' Gaiters, " Jenny Linds, g " BMWS, &C. Gentlemen's Kip, " Calf, " Morocco, • " Monroes, 6 Et " BOOts, &c. 5 • He has among his assortment the line Fill style of Moleskin Hat, a beautiful ar ticle of Philadelphia make; also, the new style Black Soft Hats, jurt corning into fashion ; Slouch Hats, of every variety of color, &c. ; also, every variety of cloth, silk, and Linen Caps, dl' the newest style and beat make ; all of which lie will sell very:low for re ady pay. He his made urangetnents to manufac ture any article called for that he has not on band. It ?. Call and examine the goods. W. W. PAXTON. Gettysburg, Oct. 31, 1851. aboiairewmaweaave STORE STILL AHEAD. SFAHNESTOCK & SONS, would 1 . respectfully inform their friends and the public that having greatly enlarged their Store and increased their 'dock of Goods. with additional facilities for pur basing they are now prepared to offer xtranrdivary inducements. to purch . Having just returned Irom New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, with the larg -west,-cheapest and best aelectedstock of Goods ever offered to the public. they in vite their friends to give them a call. It embraces DRY GOODS, Groceries, Queenstoare, hardware, Sa' dlery, Oil and Paints, /he Stuffs, Cedar Ware, 41c.. The Ladies are particularly invited to call and examine their Handsome assort- ment of Dress Goods, Shawls. Bonnet Silks. Velvets and Ribbons, m a:ao an ex ceedingly large .-assortment of Fancy Gonda. &c. For gentlemen's wear they can show the largest and cheapest assortment of Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassinteres, Cassi netts. Kentucky ;leans, Cords, Vestings, and Overcoatinga ever before offered. I)oinestics of every description, and very citeap CIINCEEIES always to be had at the lowest market prices. They are also prepared with the largest stock of HARDWARE in the County to offer inducements to pur chasers and particularly Builders who can be furnished with all their necessary materials, a little lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. Their stock .4 Sadism Shoe Findings. Oils and Paints, Glass, Nails, and Coach trimmings is complete. Dye stuffs and Cedar Ware at the low est rates. All they ask is to give them a call and judge for yourselves. for it is no trouble to show Goods ; hoping by their attention to business to merit as heretofore their usual share of public patronage. Oct. 3--tf NEW GOODS-NEW GOODS! • - First of the SOWN' t Irr The Cheap Corner always ahead with New and Fashionable Goods I THE CAMPAIGN HAS ALREADY OPENED-KEEP THE BALL ROLLING DE LAIN ES—DE LAINES.—Just received the largest lot of M. de Leine, ever offered in this place—which will be sold at prices that will •mausnish the natives." I caie, fast colored, at 121 Ms. 1 64 181 1 22 6 , 10:7•Also, the largest lot of SHAWLS ever brought to town, which will be sold at prices that cannot be beat any where in the County. N. B. We will not weary your pa tience by calling attention to a great,dis. play of articles and promises, but merely add—Money tl.at is really sewed in, making purchases, is much better than all Vre read ,of. Therefore call and secure BAR GAINS, as our stock consists of nearly all the articles kept in the Dry. Goods and Grocery lino. (Cr Don't lorget the place. KURTZ'S CHEAP CORNER. Oct. a, 1881—If NEW GOODS. GEORGE ARNOLD HAS just returned from Philadelphia and Baltimore. and is now opening at the old stand as beautiful and well se emed a stock of Goods u has been offered to the pane at any time, amoug which is a large lot of (112221.11 LP 11ZZ 1 2211670 Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Velvet Cords, Be verteens, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Over coat Cloths, Alpacas (plain and figured of every variety.) Merinoes, Cashmeres, Co burg Cloths, M'Delanes, Silks. Calicoes, Gingliams.LONO ARCM/VARY. SHAWLS of every variety very cheap, Flamtelb, Blank ets, Domestics. Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnet Ribbons, Trimmings, &c. with a large lot of FRESH "Blanks of all kinds for sale at this office. The Philistines are Beaten, and &tmion's ahead again ! WAKE notice that SAMSON'S new stock of fresh purchases are just ar riving and whoever will, may step in and be rigged from head to toe, in a n&at and complete, full suit, at prices that defy all competition! He CAN'T as MCA?! I He boys NY ; Cash, and knows just when, where, how and what to buy. He can please customer. of all ages and classes. He can fit theist all to their satisfaction. Attention, thki, Is directed to his pres ent stock Which he is now forwarding, con tilting of COATS. PANTS AND'V ESTS of Superfine Cloths, Block, Elite. Ate.-- Dress, Frock and Sack Coals, Rounda bouts, Pantaloons of all qualities, colors, prices and sizes. Clothing or SUMMER cLoTits. TWEEDS, LINEN, and other goods.— Every thing needed for autamer wear.— Call and allow is. to shew a suit and we are certain to sell. The old adage says •it's not all gold that glitters." but SAMSON. can show an assortment of JEWELRY, that will enable him to supply all demands in that line ; along side of which you find musical Instruments; Accordion's, Violins and Guitars, and a few CLOCKS of the same good lot he always kept. He has various articles of linen goods, such as shirts, bosoms and collars. Also hintlkerchiefs, suspenders, socks, pen knives and pistols, and a most excellent article of•razors. To protect your horses as well as your selves he he has the largest assortment of FLY NETS ever offered in these parts. All sorts, sizes, colors, shades and shapes, of good'maieriele and low-priced. The public generally are invited to call and test the truth of thestv promises. We have all these things, with many giber ar ticles too numerous to specify. Many a ••notion" you can find at Samson's that you can't get elsewhere. We ask a chance to show our goods.— We offer them for the public accommoda tion,-as -their humble servant. We ask but one price, and that put low to suit the times. jSAMSON'S One price Clothing end Notion Store is just Opposite the bank. Gettysburg, June 27, 1851—tf PHOTOGRAPHS. _IR. WEAVER further tenders his • services in the 4 Dagnerrean art to his friends and the Citizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the patronage heretofore ex tended to him. His Gallery is still open in the old Temperance House in Cham. bersburg street, where he will he pleased to wait upon all those who may wish a likeness of themselves or friends. Hay. ing devoted much time and attention to all improvements in the Photographic art, he has left no expense unspared to obtain the greatest facilities for taking likenesses in the best possible manner ; and he there. fore earnestly hopes that any one wishing a faithful likeness will give hint a speedy call. His rates are so low that even the poorest can avail themselves of a mina tUre. Miniatures taken for 81.25 tnsB,oo " in Pins or Lockets, $1,25 to SS,OO Groups proportionably low. Old pictures taken over at half price. Persons can be assured that no picture will be given out unless full satisfaction is renderiyl. Pictures taken without regard .to weather and warranted not , to lade. Families should engage the hours be fore hand, in order to avoid detention.— Lira:ids waited on at their residences, if desired. Paintings, engravings, land scapes,statuary, machinery, itc., copied accurately. Call and examine specimens—operating hour* from 9 A. M., to 4 P. M. KT Instruction given in the art, on rea aonab:e terms, and up to the highest at• utinmenta now known. Haas Art, triumphant our attention claims, Here life seams speaking from a hundred frames, Belles, Merchants, Statesmen, throng the pictur ed want, Each face, each form. its living type malls; Features, complexion, attitude, attire, Beauty's soft smile and manhood's glance of Bre, Truly reflected from the burnished plate, Astonish life with its own duplicate. Think not these portraits by the sunlight made. !Shaded tho' they are. hill !Ike a shadow lade. No ! when the lips! flesh Indust shall list— When Death's grey film o'spreads the beaming eye— These lila-like pictures. mocking at decay, Will still be fresh and siekl as to-day !" BOOKS! BOOKS! Classical, Theological, Literary & Miscellaneous. S. H. lIVEIILER HAS just received a new supply of 'Goods from the City, and invites the attention of the public to his present s took of Books . and Stationery, of every variety, constituting the largest and best assortment ever offered in this market—which will be sold, as usual at the LOWEST RATES. He has constantly on hand a large and full assortment of 8011001. BOOKS and STATIONERY. Pen-knives, Gold Pens. Pencils, Letter Envelopes, Visiting Cards. Motto Wafers. with a variety of Fancy Articles, to which the attention of purchasers is invited. The subscriber returns his acknowledg ment for the long continued and liberal pa tronage extended to him, and thinks that. in the variety and excellence of his present assortment of Cheap Books and Stationery, will be found eviderice of a determination to continue to merit that patronage. OtrArrangnments have been made by which any Books not embraced in ilia as sortment can be promptly ordered from the City. May 23—tf READY-MADE CLOTHING. CS KELLY & HOI.I.EBAtiGH have on hand a variety of Ready-made Cloth ing, embracing, Black • . Cloth Coats, weed Cost*, Overcoats, Monkey J ackets, and plain black Cassimere and Sat inet Pantaloons ; satin cloth and fancy Vests ; all of which will be disposed of at the lowest living rates. Call and see. - EXTRACT OF 'COFFEE. THE genuine, original EXTRACT OF COFFEE. which has been re cently so exfoneively brought into use as a substitute fbr Coffee, and which recom mends itself by reason of its cheapness as well as its excellence, can be had, at all Imes, a:the Store of S. H. BUEHLER. D. DIVICONAUGAIL ATTORNEY ofir L4o', OFFICE in the South-west corner of . the public square, one door west of George Arnold's. Store, and formerly oc cupied u a Law Office by John M'Con 'rugby. Esq., deceased, Jellerser and Solieftor for Pat•nts and re,nsions, Can furnish very desirable facilities to applicants and entirely relieve them from the emit/ of *jimmy tiv Washington. Krl/.. 00. is prepared to attend to the prosecution of Claims for Bounty Land to Soldiers of the Warof 1812 and others —the selection of choice lands and loam ling their Warrants—procuring Patents and selling Soldiers' lands to the best ad ranter: Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. I, 1800—tf REMO FilL. ALIMANDER ra EIZER I.AKES this method to return his thanks for the liberal patronage here= tofore bestowed upon him, and to inform the public that he has removed his estab lishment to the room adjoining Middlectes Store, and opposite Christ's Church, on Chambersburg street, where he has on hand a very fine assortment of CLOCKS HD WITCHES , Jewelry, Meek Speetae es, and every thing else its his line, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. His stock has recently been enlarged, and he ask. all persons who may want Clocks, NVatch es, Spectacles, Ear-Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Watch Chains and Guards, Watch Keys, &c., &c., to give him a call. Clocks and Watches REPAIRED as usual, at the shortest notice ; also Specta cle Glasses changed. Gettysburg, April 18, 1851—If. OIL-CLOTH FACTORY. TO COACIIIIIS KERS. rIMIE undersigned respectfully announ ces to the Coach makers of Gettys burg and other places, that they have com menced the manufacture of Oil Cloth and Canvass For Coaches, of toe very beet quality, on an extensive scale, which they are prepa red to furnish, wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms. Our Canvass will be found equal in finish and quality to any manufactured in the city. /:3-The subscribers also manufacture, for wholesale or retail, COACH VA R NISH, of a superior quality, to which they invite the attention of Coach-makers and persons wanting to purchase with a view toselling again. They have now on hand, and will constantly keep on hand, a full supply. gomOrders from a distance will be promptly attended to. SAMUEL, J. LITTLE. GEORGE H. LITTLE. March 15, 1850. T TINE OLD Si; TJAD, BUT IN A NEW SHOP .1. G. FREY /FENDERS hiti acknowledgments to hie friends for past favors, and has the pleasure of announcing that he is again located at the old stand, on Washington street, one square south of Thompion's Hotel, where he will be prepared, as here. tofore, to do all kinds of COACH, CLOTH, 4• SIGN PAINT- Otr Carriage Repairing done at short notice, and on reasonable teams, for which Country Produce will be taken. The subscriber is thankful fur past fa vors, and hopes, by attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive a continuance of public patronage. J. G. FREY. Gettysburg. Jan. 12, 1849.—tf NOTICE. THE subscriber, having been appoint ed Administrator of the Estate of JOHN T. FERREE, (of the firm of Holtzinger and Ferree.) late of Hunting ton township, Adams county, deceased, gives notice to all persons who know themselves to be indebted to said deceas• ed, by note, book-account or otherwise, to make immediate payment ; and persons who hold claims against said deceased, are notified to present them, properly authen ticated, for settlement, to the subscriber, who resides in Latimore township, Adams county. ' JOHN WOLFORD, Oct. 31, 1851.--6 t. Relar. - N. B. The business of the firm of H. & F. will he continued as heretofore for a time; the books and accounts of the firm will remain in the hands of the surviving partner. NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of ADAM SOURS, late of Huntington township, Adams county, Pa., decanted, having been granted to the subscriber, who resides in the same town ship, notice is hereby given to ail who are indebted to said estate, to make pay dent without delay, and to those having clams to present the same properly authen ticated, to the:subscriber. fur settlement. WM. R. SADLER, Nov. 21.--et Adner. NOTICE. LETTERS Testadtentary, on the estate of MARTHA MICRO, IMO of Liam Ore tp.. decanted. having been gran ted to the subscriber, residing in Latimore ip., nodce is hereby given to all who are indebted to said estate, to make payment without delay, and to those haring claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN WELSH, Ex'r. Nov. 21411* 1111 WAIL THE subscriber has on hand 'at his 'fin Ware Establishment, in Chem borsburg street, opposite the Post Office, a Large Assortment of Tin Ware, which he will sell on moderate terms.-- prreall and examine for yourselves. March 14. GEO. E. BUEHLER CrOvats mod Contforts. A~BEAUTIFUL assortment of , Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, also Com forts, for sale at SKELLY & 110LIAEBAUGH'S. Oct. 17, 1851 Baltimore Advertisements -vr.—. -T- T --e.--e• : .- -- .• • .... _ —. 4. -111we : ~. - i "mo. e e4freri 11 41117121111 r . e . Ir i a j r . • I , J_'- , i .- , in. -_-_- 4 4 iv SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. COSTUME HALL. Corner of Pratt street and Centre Market Space, Baltimore. rffIHE largest and best stock of READY IL MADE CLOTHING ever offered in Baltimore. Dress, Frock ■nd Sack COATS, all colors, quantities and sixes, from $2.50 to $5.50 andtipwards. PAN TALOONS at $1 to $8.50, and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, plain and plaid CASSIMERES. VESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also a large assortment of BOY'S CLOTHING. Importing our own Cloth direct from Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer induce ments to purchasers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establishment in the U nited States. The proprietors are deter mined to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great attraction, and have now made up more than 50,000 GARMENTS, from the finest quality to the lowest in price. In the Custom Department will always be found the choicest selection of Cloths, Casnmeres and Vesting*, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied. The one price system strictly adhered to. Remember the name and place, corner of Pratt st. and Centre Market Space. • H. H. COLE dr, CO April 11, 1851-1 y 4-vr ACXEREL, &MI WWI, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HA MS & SIDES, SHOULDERS, LA RD, & CHEESE, Clonnontly on hind & .1. Palmer k. CO. Mario et., whoa, Phitadelphin. Oct. 10, 1861.-9 m dyer liseinents Philadripi~ia HOVER'S INK MANUFACTORY, RENOVICD TO No. 144 Race Street, ( Belween fourth and Nth, opposite Crown street,) Philadelphia. WHERE the proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the growing demand for HOVER'S INK. which its wide-spread reputation has crea ted. This Ink is now so well established in the good opinion and confidence of the A merican Public, that it is scarcely neces sary to say any thing in its favor, and the manufacturer taken this opportunity to say that the confidence thus secured shall not be abused. In addition to the various kinds of Wri ting Ink. he also manufactures .ildatnan tine cement for mending Glass and Chi na. as well as t superior Hair Dye; a trial only is necessary to secure their fu ture use, and a Sealing Wax, well adapt ed for Druggist and Bottlers, at a very low price, in large or small quantities. acr Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, No. 144 Race Street, hetwsen 4 aal sth, opposite Crown street, Philadelphia. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK Ik IONI PRE lIENSIVE SUMMARY of UNIVERSAL HISTORY, together with a BIOGRAPHY of DISTINGUISH ED PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome of HEATHEN MYTHOLOGY. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, General ASTRONOMY and PHYSIOLOGY. Adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. E S. JONES & Co., Publishers. . S. W. Corner Fourth and Race Streets, Phil's Teachers and School Committees ad dressing letters to us postpaid, will be fur nished with copies for examination. A full and and complete A seortment of BOOKS and STATIONERY for sale at the lowest prices. May 16, 1851-Iy. New York Advertioemesito \ („mr York Importers & Jobbers. EMI= do CO., 58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nassau street, near the Post-office, New York. WE are receiving, by tinily arrivals from Eurcite, our Fall and Winter assortment of rich, fashionable Fancy, Silk and Millinery Goods. We respectfully invite all Cash Purcha sers thoroughly to examine our stock and prices, and, as interest govern.. we feel confident our goods and prices will induce them to select from our establishme,pt.— Particular attention is devoted to Millinery Goods. and many of the articles are man ufactured expressly to our order, and • .1- not be surpassed in beauty, idyl end cheapness. Beautilul Paris Ribbons, for .st, Cap, Neck and Belt. Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. ' Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Vel vets, for Hats. Feathers, American and French Artific ial Flowers. Puffing., and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, large assoruneni. • Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Under sleeves and Cuff.. ' Fine Embroidered Reviere and Hem siitch Cambric Handkerchiefs. Crapes, Lisses. Tarlaical, Illusion and Cap Laces. Valencienes, Brussels,Thread. Bilk, and Lisle Thread Lacer. Kid, Silk, Sewing Sitk,,,,Liale Thread, Merino Gloves and Mits. Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Bish op Lawn, and bonnet Mullins. English, French, American and Italian StriLILW GOWN. Aug. 29.-111' HOUSE SPOUTING WILL be Mad's) and put up by the subseriber.who wil 'attend prompt y to all orders,and upon as reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish meat in the county. CEO. E BUEHLER. JUST received, few more of those cheap Cloth Sack COATS. Also, some fine Carsimere PANTS.. of every variety, N SAMSON'S. Dr. J. Lawrence Hilt DENTIST, HAS removed his office to the building opposite the' Lutheran Morelli,' is Chambersburg street, 1 doors emit (WIRY. Middleceirs store where he may elf tidies be found ready and willing to attend , (co any case within the, province of the Dsta. , tut. Persons in want of full sets of testily are respeOfolly invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr. C. N. D ea Luce T, i l Reir.C.P.Kaavra,D.l/ 0 D. Maxima. ' Prot. M. hemp's, I D H. 8. Hamra, 0 H. L. HAtresist, 0 D• GILIIIIIIT, .. Wx.M:ltrr LLL . 9 Rev.J.C.WATiox,D. • " M. L. BTarni. , July 7. 1848. FIRE! FIRE! THE Delaware Mutual Safety. Inca ranee Company, Philadelphia, ars now 'doing business on the mums! plan, giving the insured a participation in Or profits of the Company, without liability beyond the premium paid. "Nopremium note. token on which am:anent, are made." The sebscriber, as Agent for the abort/ Company, will make Insurances, either permanent or limited. on property and er ects of every description against loss or damage by fire. SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg, March 1, 1860.—tf t<litT !MUM DAVIDHEAGT TENDERS his asknowlsdgments the poblic for the liberal and stea dy patronage with which he has been fa vored for a series of years ; and respect fully announces to hie former customers and the public enmity, that he has his Shop at present in Chambersburg street— where persons wishing FERN ITURE can be accommodated at very moderate , prices for CASH, PRODUCE and LUM BER; fur which the highest market price will be paid. licrA II Furniture warranted' nt be made of the very best materials, and• by experi enced workmen. =KITE= All orders for Collins will meet With , the same prompt attention se heretofore.. • D. REAGIY. M ARBLE•Y A.RD. STILL continue the marble - ratting hue- Mess at their old stand in Carlisle st., a few doors north of the diamond, Gettys burg, Pa., and will furnish everything in their line, such. as Marble Mantles, Table lops. Monurnenls. 'Tombs, and Head stones, of the finest and handsomest !W -ien and Vermont marble, of which they have jost procured a large stock, and feel competent to drers it in s style which can not but please. The charges, too. will be as low as the city prices. Orders from a distance promptly executed. • June 20, 18118-6 m GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY # JIACILLVIE THIS establishment will now be car vied on by WLILII2I3I CONII6 whotake pleasurein being able to announce to their friends and the public generally that they bave constantly on hand a very great variety of Holloware and Stoves, including Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Pans, Griddles, &c.; Common Parlor, Air-tight, and Cooking Stoves—among them the far-famed HATHAWAY. To Farmers they would say, they have on hand an excellent assortment of • Farrniur implements, consisting of the renowned 8e for Plough, Woodcock's and W itherow'e, D. Warren's Patent W indm ill, Straw-cutters. EL ICKSMITHING is carried on by the beet of workmen.... They will still carry on the BOOT 4. Male shop in the South end ofthe Foundry bull ling, where, with good workmen and the eacellent materials, the neatest fits and best work will be made. 0714idies will be waited on at their residences. All the above mentioned articles, with a great many others not named, will be fur nished as cheap for cash or country pro duce as they can be hail any where else. gotoltepairing,o fal l kinds ,done a I the/ shorts, notice. Gettysburg, April 20, 1850. CIENTI,EINEN who may need a Su perfine SUNDAY, or even a WED. DINO SUIT, can be aceommodated to their advantage, by calling at April 211 , 4-11) SAMSON'S. TiE sTAR AND BANNER, h published every Friday _Evening, in Carlisle street, hoo doors from the Diamond.. by D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER. If paid in advance or within the year 112 per annum—if not paid within the yes 42 60. N• paper discontinued until allay restores are paid= except at the option of the }Alloy. Bingle copies 61 tents. A nature to notify a discontinues, will be regarded as a new engagement. ..11dvertisemenis not exceeding a square bunted Cure timer. for *l.—every subsequent insertion 16 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion...— All adviirtirenients not specially ordered 'tor • given titne will be continued until forbid. A lih• sal reduction will be made to these who sire/lies by the year. Job Frieling of all kinds executed neatly and promptly, and on reasonable terms. _ Letters and Comouwirotiioss to the Editor, (ex cepting such as contar.n Money or Le 1111111411. op new subseribers,) must be ~ay pall to eedire t• some otiontitto. itBaIOVAL. Co fano. H. & W. B. MEALS. TXRX S.