PIPISSIG calts EsTJTE. .•. : nlf virtue of an alias Order of the On Court of Adams county, die onbuctiber. Administrator of the Estate ol UIRIAR CASSOK. late ol Menallen township, Adam county. deceased, will expose to Sale, On Ilittai the 14th of Noreniber nr.rt, AT I O ' CLOCK, ON THE PREMISES. A 'TRACT OF LAND the &operay of said deceased, Ishukte in MeDollen knd Butler townships. adjoining boils of Jacob Smith, Peter Studebaker, Abraham Slaybaugh, and others, and con- 121 .acres and 29 Perch. is Hest of Pa:ruled Loud. . About 80 acres are cleared and, un der ciultivatinti—the residue being in goixl thriving Timber. A good proportion of the farm is in first-rate Meadow. 'rhe IMPROVEMENTS are a LOG, TWO-STORY HOUSE , 11111111 Log Stable, Log Blacksmith Shop, with Coal shed, and other out-buildings. . There to a well of good water at the dimr, and a good spring near the dwelling.— The Farm is well watered by a Run on one side and Opossum Creek on the other. There is on the premises an orchard of CHOICE Fltill"l'llEES • The Farm lies on the road from lion iersiown to Pine Grove, abootorieftillif from fhittera's Mil:. and the swim distance. from Appleman's Mill. tgrPersons wishing to flee the premis ean do so by calling on the widow re siding thereon. Also, will be sold with the Farm a large Led of Praine Tisubrr, • prepared for Iniiklinp hewed and eawed 8,000 OAK SHINGLES,' and a lot of VINE I3OARTIs. —_ TERMS.--=One-fifth of the purchase money to be_paid on the tat day of April next. when 'aession will be given, with a good title ; the residue of the purchase montlpio be paid in Morainal annual pay ments—Without interest.. The about pro perty will he sold subject to the dower o the widow of John Carson, deceased, in thwasee. JACOB GROUP, Adair. By the (oust.-A. DEN WIDDIE; Clerk. Sept. 28. _ 1851. PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of an order of Orphans' Court of Adams County, the subscriber, Adminintator of the estate of BE NJ AM IN MARS, late of Menallein tp., in said coun ty. deceased. will expose- at Public Sate, on Saturday, the 1.51 h of November, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. on the premises, I *TRACT OF LAND, situate hi Menallen township, A tla ms coun ty, near the road leatlingiriun Bunderoville to Laurel Forge, Adjoining lands of Wm. Wright. John Sowers. Peter Butler anti Win, 11. Wright. containing 6- -ACRES, more-or less ; Ain which are erected a . , ONE-AND-A-HALF-STORY •• Lei HOUSE II 11l I . 1 with a Ititehen attached. There is also . Vitutte Bent, with threshing floor, a small Lo Stable, and other improvements. There is also on the premises, a good spring ot water, and a - 9 ... : . THRIVING . YOUNG API' I.E ORCH Alt D. iri The above property will he sold en -tire, or in two tracts, as may be deemed most desirable. Attendance will he gives and terms Wade known on day of sale by . WM. H. WRIGHT, Adner. By the Court-11. DENVVIDDIE, elk. Oct. 3. 1851—ts VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ..IN pursuance of the last will and testa. lAL went' of JAMES G. PAXTON late of Franklin township, Adams county. 41e ceased. I hereby offer at Private Sale, TIIE FARM, of said deceased. situate in said township. containing 140 ACRES. more or less. ad kitting lands of William While, John ham, sad others. The improvements are a TWO-8 - 11"ORY • a • LOG-HOUSE , a also, a Log Kitchen, a Double Log Barn, Wagnn Shed and Stable. and a good Orchard; a good proportion id in Tim ber and Mestdow. The land will he Shown to any who wish to view it by the subscri ber residing on the same. %V 11.1.1 AM PAXTON, Bee. Aug. 16-6 t. .14W . El HIRDWARE STORE. WIRE Subscribers would respeetfully .announce to their friends and th • that they have opened a NEW 'HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore at., adjoining the residence of DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, in which they are opening a large and general assortment of 111ARDWAIRE, IRON, ISTECL, GROCERIES COUR COACH TRIMMINGS, Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar YVare, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils, & Dyestuffs, - gnaws), incuding every description of !Attlee in the above line of ,bnsinest—to which they invite the attention of Couch. walkers, Blacksmiths. C arpen ters, Cab Wet seekers, Shoemakers, Saddlers,. and the pabbe generally. Um' stock having been selected with greet vare,aagi porrhashed Gar Cavil. we guart Illsiok(Ole the Ready Money.) to dispnee 4int, pin of it on as reasonable terms as thew edit be . perehased any Where. .perileatarty request a call trent anr *Oa; eaterstly solicit a shin* of pittrikt Barer % as we are determined , to es. .11604011. 41, Aerator for , r eelltne OMAR at NOV litriteta and diming holiaess ea fair prin.' , 44110.1* 10Itt U. 11ANNE11, fk V tl) ZISULUIC yawll 11111. -1L I , TOTICIO. forge T. Mark unit In the Court of john N. Mark, Common Pleas of TS Adams Co., Penn. Jacob . DeardorlT and sylvenia, No. 8, Amanda Mark. November Term, 1861, SUMMONS IN IVIRTITION. Adams County, SS. • The Commonwealthcf Penn ft!. Sylvania to the Sherifof said County Gieeting: IF George' Mark and John N. Mark make you tieture of pros ecuting their claim. lb.:Rive command you that you summon by good and lawful stun moners Jacob Deardorff; and Amanda Mark, Into of your comity, so that they be and appear before our Judge, at Gettys burg, at our Cou nty Court of Common Pleas, then to be held on the Seventeenth day of November next (1851,) to show wherefore, whereas they, the said George T. Mark, John N. Mark, and the afore said Jacob Deardorff end Amanda Mirk, together and undivided, do hold all that certain five several matte or parcels of land, situate in the township of Franklin, in the the County of Adnins. the first of said tracts adjoining the lends of Jacob Wa rlord', Peter Comfort, Andrew Hartman, and others, containing eighty-nine acres more or less ; the second parrel,adjoitting lands of Samuel Cover, Jacob Montfort'. and others, containing fimrteen scree more or Ices ; the third tract adjoining lands of Jacob Bough's Heirs, Henry Leidy, and others. containing forty acres inure or less; -the fourth tract adjoining lands of Peter Comfort, Jacob Bittinger, and others, con taining thirty-six acres forty perches and allowance, and the fifth tract adjoining lands of Jacob Deardorff, Solomon Ding amen ; and others, containing fifty-six ne eres and fifty two perches and allowance : the undivided 6-2511 t port whereof belongs to the said George T. Mark, he being le gally sezied Mend; and other undivided s.2sth_part whereof belongs to said John N. Mark, he being legally seized thereof, and other undivided 8.2501 part thereof to Jacob Deardorff tine' of the Defendants, and other undivided 6-25th part thereof to Amanda Mark, the other Defendant ; the same Jacob Deardorff and Amanda Mark, partition thereof between them to be made Octiording to the laws and mistnins of this Commit!' wealth in such' case made and provided;} do gainsay and the stone to be tiontkile_not p_ermit very utijostly and a gainst the same laws and customs (as it is 'said) &e. And have you then and there, the names of those sumnioners and this writ. Witness the honorable Daniel Durkee, President Judge ol lIIIr Court the 30th day of August,A. JOHN PICKING, Proth'y. And now, 1851, Set. 23d, The Court direct service•of the writ to be made upon Arninda Mark, (who Irides out of the County sod State,) by publication in the "Star and Banner," a newspaper publish ed in Gettysburg for six btiei!essive weeks .prior to the return day thereof. By the Court WM. FICKES, Sheri Oct. 3,1851-6 t The Philistines are Beaten, and Samson's .dhead dgain ! /NUKE notice that BAM.SON'S new stock,of fresh purchases are just ar riving and whoever will, may step in and be rigged from head to toe, in 4 neat and complete, full soil, at pricer that dely all competition! HE CAN'T BE BEAT! ! He buys for Cash, and knows just when, where, how and what to buy. He can please customers of all ages and classes. He can tit them all to their satisfaction. Attention, then, is directed to his pres ent stock which he is now forwarding, con sistingof CO A TS, PA NTS AND VESTS of Superfine Cloths, Black, Blue, &c.— Dress o Frock and Sack Coats, Rounda bouts, Pantaloons of all qualities, colors, priceiand _ _ _ Clothing of SUMMER CLOTHS, TWEEDS, lAN EN, and other goods.— Evert thing needed for summer wear.— Call and allow us to chew a suit and wa are certain to sell. The old adage says “it's not all gold that glitters," but SAMSON, can show an assortment of JEWELRY, that will enable him to supply all demands in that line ;,along side of which you find musical Instruments; Accordions, Violins and Guitars, 'and a few CLOCKS of the same good lot he always kept. He has various articles of linen goods, such as shirts. Miming and collars. All.O handkerchiefs. suspenders, socks, pen knives and pistols, and a most excellent article of razors. To protect your horses as well as your selves he he has the largest assortment of FLY 10E7S ever offered in these parts. All Solis, alias, colors, shades and - shapes, of good materials and low-priced. The public generally are invited to call and teat the truth of these promises. We have all these things, with many other ar ticles too numerous to specify. Many a "notion " you - can find it Banasou's that you can% get elsewhere. We ask a chance to show our goods.— We offer them for the public accommoda tion, as theiirhumble servant. We ask OA one price, and that put low to suit the times. • IIt:PSAMSON'S One price, Clothing and Notion &Ore id just Opposite the bank. Gettysburg, June 27, 1851-11 NOTICE. • L.Errmts of tohninistration, on the ILA estate of hetes Swor . a. late of Sire, ban township . Adams cottony deceased having been granted to the subseriberi,re siding in New Oallird, Adanas couoty, notice is, hereby given to all wlto are in debted to Baia estate, to make payment without delay. and to those having claims to present them properly anthentieated for settlement. • JOHN C. ELLIS. Sept 20, 1851.-6 t Rdministralor. NOTICE. jEWERS 'restamentary on the estate A of FELIX ORNER SEE, late of Men ellen tp., Atlantis co. dec'd. having been meted to the subscriber, residing in Men alien township, notice is hereby. given to such as are indebted to said estate tolneke payment without delay, and those huving claims are requested 'to present the same, properiyauthenticated, hit Settlement. ORNER. • 8e0.'20.-411 • Executor. Mr Wed IF every description. co nstentiy o gland and for sale at SUEIII.ER's Tit ware Establishment, opposite! the Poet Unice. [Unt 00111ftere Adveriisenicats . S?RINQ AND SUMMER CLOTHING - bOSTUME -BALI.. Corner of Pratt street and Centre Mirka , Space,' Baltimore. , F HE largeat and best stock of READY 0 . MADE CLOTHING ever offered in Baltimore. Dress, Frock and Sack COATS, all colors, quantities and sizes, from St 50 to $5.50 and u pwards. PAN. TAI.OONS at $1 to $3.60, and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, plain and. plaid CASSIMERES. VESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also a large assortment of BOY'S CLOTHIN G. Importing our own Cloth direct from Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer induce mentos to purchasers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establishment in the U nited States. The proprietors are deter mined to make the 1V holesale looms the point of great attraction, and have now made up more than 50,000 G A RAI from the finest quality to the lowest in price. In the Custom Department will always he found the choicest selection of Cloths, Caasimeres and Uestings, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied. The one price system strictly adhered to. Remember the name and place, corner of Pratt et. and Centre Market Spare. H. H. COLE & CO April 11,1851—1 y UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. rimE NEXT session will begin on -m- Wednesday, the 15th of October, 1851, and close tat March, 1852. Nathan H. Smith, M. It., Surgery. Wni. E. A. Aiken, M. D., Chemistry and Pharmacy. Samuel Chew, M. D., Therapeutics, Materia Medlin and Hygiene. ineeph Roby, M. D., Anatomy and Phvaiology. iVni. Power, M. D., Theory and Prac tice or Medicine. Richard H. Thomas, AL D., Nikki/Wry and Diseases of Women and Chddreah Cmorge W. Miltenberger,, M. D., Pa thological Anatomy. The most ample opportunities for the prosecution of Practical Anatomy at ainod era to expense. Clinical lectures four times n week, by Piolessors Smith rind Power, in the Bal timore Library ; with the privilege oflai ly visits to itwwards, without charge to the student for the ticket. Fees Mr ice Lectures $9O to $O5 Prac tical A nation y $10; Mai-tit:Mahon $5; Graduation $2O. WILLIAM E. A. AIKEN, Dean Baltimore, Aug. 8-43 rxrAocEnEL, gig.NITA Constanily on lointl 4A LMON, HERRINUS, PORK, HAMS& siOES, sHOULDERS, LARD. & J. Palmer & Co., Market it., whirl, Plieberld ph Oct 10, 18.51.-3rn Atlverlisementm AGENTS WANTED, H USINESS MEN to take the excht i.-." sire agency (for a Ctffinty nr ('oun ties) for the sale oldie GERMANWASH ING FLUID, being an article nowt. cheap er and easier ttl use thnn snap. and is wnr ranteti to perfeetly cleanse all kinds of clothing, containing. no Potash. Soda-ash, spirits of Turpentine, Ammonia, Acids, or any article whatever, that will in any man ner inure the finest fabric or the flesh.— It is an article which, when once introdu ced constant sales can he made with large profits to the Agent. For lull particulars regarding prices, terms, &c. address (pus' paid) In I. P. HOYT & CO. No. 20 South 'Fifth St., Philadelphia. July 25. 3m NEW AND POPULAR SODOM, BOOK CiOMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY °I UNIVERSAL. HISTORY, together with a BIOGRAPHY ot DISTINGUISH ED PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome of HEATHEN MYTHOLOGY, NATURAL. PHILOSOPHY. General ASTRONOMY and PHYSIOLOGY. Adopted and used in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. El): !ONES & Co., Publishers. S. W. Corner Fourth and User Winos, Phil's Teachers and School Committees ad dressing letters to us post paid. will be fur nished with copies for examination. A hill and and complete Assortment of BOOKS and STATIONERY fur sale at the lowest prices. May? 16, 1851-Iy. HOVER'S INK MANUFACTORY, REMOVED TO No. 144 Knee Street, (Between Iburlh and 'ph, opposite Crown streeld Philadelphia. WHERE the proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the growing demand for MOVER'S INK, which its wide-spread reputation has crea ted. This Ink is now so well established in the good opinion and confidence of the A merican Public, that it is scarcely neces sary to say any thing in its favor, and the mathfacturer takes this opportunity to say that the confidence thus secured shall not be abused. In addition to the earlobe kinds of Wri ting Ink, he also manufactures .Rdanum. line remelt! Or mending Gloss and Chi na, as well ad s superior Hair Dye; a trial'Only is necessary to secure their fu ture use, and Nialing Mix, well adapt ed for Druggist and Routers, at a very low price, i» large or small quantities. p- Orders'addeessed to 'JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, No. 144 Rona Street, Women 4 and sth, opposite brown sweat, Philadelphia. " 11,1;; T.l BUT. IN :A NEW SHOP. 0. FRgY /TENDERS hie acknowledgments has his friends for , past favors, and has the pleneure of announcing that he is again located at the old stand; on Washington street, one square south of Thompon's Hotel, whore he will be prepared, as here• tofore, to do all kinds of COACH, CLOTH,, it SIGN PRINT- OtrCarriage Repairing done at abort notice, and on reasonable teams, for which Country rrotioce will be taken. 1. The subscriber is thankfill for past fa• vors,,and hopes, by attention .to business, and a deeire to please, to merit and reedive. a continuance of public patronage. J. G. FREY. Gettysburg, Jan. 12, 1849.--rtf D. ,M,CONAVGBY, ATTORNEY AT law, OFFICE in the South-wadi. corner of the public square, one door welt of George Arnold's Store, and formerly oc cupied as a Law Office by /On M'Con sughy, Esq., deceased, Attorney and Solicitor for Patents and Pensions, Can furnish very desirable facilities to applicants and entirely relieve them from the necessity of a journey to Washington. Irr D. McC. is prepared to attend to the prosecution of . Claims for Bounty Land to Soldiers of the War of 1812 and others —the selection of choice lands and loca ting their Weirranfs—procuring Patents and selling Soldiers' lands to the best ad vantage. Apply to hint personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. I,lBso—tf Diamond Tonsors—New Firm. eryton 13rotigr, FASHIO ABLE BARBERS AND HAIR DREBsERS, CAN at all times he found prepared to attend to the culls of the people, at the Temple. in the Diamond. adjoining the County pudding. From Lnng expe rience they flatter themselves that they can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department, with such an infinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of their razors. They hope, therefore, that by their attention to busi nese. and a desire to please, they will mer it as well as receive,a liberal share of pub lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. New York Importers &Jobbers. FREZOKA2II, HOBOES a CO., 58 Liberty aired, between Broadway and Nassau street, near the Post-office, New Fork. WE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Eon pe, our Fall and Winter assortment of rich, fashionable Fancy, Silk and Millinery Goods. We respectfully invite all Cash Purcha sers thoroughly to exionine our stock and prices, and, as interest governs. we feel confident our, goods and prices will induce them to select from our establishment.— Particular attention is devoted to Millinery Goods, and many of the articles are man ufactured expressly to our order, and • -1- not be surpassed in beauty, styl and cheapness. Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for at, Cap, Neck and Belt. Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. =Mill Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Vel vets, for Hays. Feathers, Anierican and French Artific ial Flowers. Ptitiings, nnd Cap Trt mrninaq. Dress Tricitiiittigs, large ast,ortinent I Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Under sleeves and Cuffs. Fine Embroidered Reviere and Hem stitch Cambric Hanilkeriihiels. Crapes, l.isses, Tarletons, Illusion and Cap Laces. Valeiir lows. Brussels,Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread Laces. Kid, Silk. Sewing Silk. Lisle Thread, Mt!rlftll (411IVCS and Mits. Fiore(' and Plain Swiss, Book, Bish op Lawn, and Jacollei. English, French, Anierican and Italian STRAW GOODS. Aug. 29.-65 BUSHNELL'S riEttkitAin PAtriTt ASuperior article of Mineral Paint. warranted equal to any Paint ever before offered to the public for painting on Wood, Brick, Stone, Iron, Tin, or any substance which is exposed to 'Weather, Water, or the Atmosphere. It is proof againxi Fire, Wafer, AND UNCHANGEABLE IN ITS COLOR. It mixes readily with Oil or Compositios and is a beautiful dark brown or free-stone color. This Paint received the Premium at the Neu , Fork State Fair, Held at Albany in 1850, in competition with the Ohio Fire-Proof Paint, and sev eral other kinds of Mineral Paint, as being superior to anything of the kind now in use. We the undersigned, having seen and used Mineral Paint, can safely recom mend it to the public as being an article superior to any Mineral Paint ever before offered for use ; it is not unpleasant to use, like the scour Ohio Paint which is harped about the country so much, but mixes up with oil like pure white lead. 'lt is sold at half the price of common paint, and we believe where the color is desirsbl e, it is worth twice as much, and as a Fire, Weather,or Water proof Paint, we think it cannot be surpassed by anything in the Paint line now in use. L Mason, Painter. James l'omlinson.Esq John Phelps, do John Tomlinson, Esq 1) 13 Gleason, de H Brown, Esq James Moore, do 813 Stoddard, T Manning. dot Li W Stoddard, 1, Joslin, do 8 P Doolittle, N P Wilbur, E W Dodge, D Joan, . - Oneida Depot, OM. 30th, 1850. Mr. Bushwell, Dear Sir : We hare used, with in the past month, some 2,000 lbs. of your Miner al'Paint, in painting ears, ear houses, and freight houses upon our road, and we eon safely recom mend it as • eery superior, durable and cheap ar ticle of Paint. HEMAN •PHEI.Pb.. Superintendent of the Syracuse & Utica R. R. Mr Husaren. Dear air t 1 have used for the Syn cope & Utica R. R. Company, over a tort ottyour Mineral Paint, and I god upon. ueing it tote far preferable to the Oil Paint, or any other kind now in use. t can also reeortnnend it as being Napo rior to White Lead for any kind of.out don mint ing. as it appease lobe impenioue to Water, and unchangeable in color. HORACE JOHNSON. Painter for S. & U. R. R. Co. Albany, Dec. 1, Isaff Mr. Duman : Dear Sir : Having wed a consid eraWe quantity of your Mineral Paint, to painting brick and wooden houses, the past season, I have taken extra pains to try and test it in various ways, from Its trial and comp:notion I pin war. rant It to be durable both inDuality and color; it mires beautifully with oild-plints very rare— and for 'ithip or boat painting, I think there has no Witter paint ever been introduced. I hive used considerable of it with water and glue o:imposi tion, rut coarse, cheap piloting. and it avowed' any thing I niter saw. Truly , Yours, ' THOH. a. JOSIN. Nouse Painter.. Numerous other certificates in hands of 41gcnis viltieb will be 'Mown to dealers, . ' irrq'llis Paint is, for sale by tit 11. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, Met Anent for Adiall County. Get lysburg,July owl liVather , CERTIFICATES. John Allen, 0 Perks, N Dyer, 1110 KS! BOOKS! Classical, Theoogical, Literary & Miscellaneous. 11. It. BUFULER 11A8 just received a new supply of Goods from the City, and invites the attention of the public to his presentstock of Books ,and Stationery, IMO of every variety, oonstituting the largest and best assortment ever offered in this market—which will be sold, as usual at the LOWEST RATES. He has constantly on hand a large and full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY, Pen-knives, Gold Pens, Pencils, Letter Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Motto Wafers, with a variety of Fancy Articles, to which the attention of purchasers is invited. The subscriber returns his acknowledg ment for the long , continued and liberal pa tronage extended to him, and thinks that, in the variety and excellence of his present assortment of Cheap Books and Stationery, will be found evidence of a determination to continue to merit that patronage. o:7Arrangements have been made by which any Books not embraced in hie as sortment can be promptly ordered from the City. May 23—if GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY . & .11.1CILIXE THIS establishment will now be car ried on by V 571,13.111 gein whotako pleasit re in being able to announce to their friends and the public generally that they have constantly on hand a very great variety of Holloware and Stoves, including Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Pans, Griddles, di,c. ; Common Parlor, Air-tight, and Cooking Stoves—among them the far-famed HATHAWAY. To Farmers they would say, they have on hand an excellent assortment of Fartass ins plilsoni consistingof the renowned Sevior Plough, Woodcock's and Witherow's, 1). Warren's Patent W indmlll, Straw-cutters, &e. BL ‘CKSIIITHING is curried on by the best of workmen.— They will still carry on the 80 . 07' 4. SHOE shop in the South end of the Foundry buil ding, where, with good workmen and the excellent materials, the neatest tits and best work will be made. oz:7 - Ladies will be waited on at their residences. All the above mentioned articles, with a great many others not named, will be fur nished as cheap for cash or country pro duce as they can be had any where else. irf-Repairing ,o fal I kinds ,done atthe shorog M•tice. Gettysburg, April 26, 1850. 4:51,144 REMOVAL. Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, DENTI&I7, VI AS removed his office to the building opposite the Lutheran Church, in Chambersburg street, 2 doors east of Mr. Middlecoli's store where he may all times be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Den tist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth are respeofully invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr. C. N. 13 it it LUCIt T, I Re‘.C.P.K KAUTH , D. D '• D. Holtz's", I Prof. M. JActuili, H. S. HUHU, I " H. L. BAU.IIIIR, •• D• (111.1111 RT, I " WX.M.HRTNOLDN ROY J.C.WATRON,D.D." M. L. STERVIR. July 7, 1948. at&K.RIA.‘, DAVID lIEAGY TENDERS his acknowledgments to the public for the liberal and stea dy patronage with which he has been fa vored for a series of years ; and respect fully announces to his former customers and the public generally, that he has his Shop at present in Chambcrehurg street— whore persons wishing FURNITURE can be accommodated at very moderate prices for CASH, PRODUCE and.LUM DER, for which the highest market price will be paid. pr - jmAll Furniture warranted to he made of the very beat materials, and by experi enced workmen. ea Mug. All orders for Coffins will meet with the same prompt attention as heretofore. D. HEAGY. TM MAIL . r i IHE subscriber has on hand at his JR- Tin Ware Establishment, in Chem bersburg street, opposite the Post Office. a Large Assortment of Tin Ware, which *will sell on moderate terms.- 0:74;811 and examine for yourselves. March 14. GEO. E. BUEHLER THE STAR AND BANNER. Is published 'every Friday 'Beenilig, in Carlisle street, two doors from the Diansord. by D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER. VERM.II. paid in advent:kr or within.the year 4 112 pet annum—if nokppid within tiro yet 142 M. No paper discontinued until al I erreereges are except it the option oldie Edittir. Single copier 61 cents. A failure to notify a discontinuanc will be regarded as 'a new engagement. ..idnentionnents not exceeding a square inserted t tree thues for *l---rvery subsequent insertion !IS cents. Longer ones in the same proportion,— advertisements not specially ordered tot a g iven time Will'he continued until forbid. A lihe rill reduction will by made to those who advertiaa by the yam. • Job Printiyr of all kinds executed neatly and . promptly, an oti rearonable terms. Letters and Contwitnirations to the Editor, Oz• eepting such as contain Money or re names of DOW subscribe:o,j must be. POST Calm in otter to eenre attention. LIKENESSES. Photographic Likenesses fake by Da gaerreotype Prowls with all the colors of nature bearnifully represented. R. WEAVER respectfully announ. *- eas to his old friends and the citizens generally, of Geuysburg, that he has com menced a Daguerrean Gallery in the Old Temperance House in Chambersburg et., where, being in possession of all thereeent improvement in ,the art, he is prepared to offer his best efforts to those who may de sire pictures of themselves or friends. He has recently improved his facility for taking,miniatures,,by the addition of a splendid new and enlarged German Cam era, manufactured by “Voigtlander and Son," who are acknowledged to be the most celebrated opticians in the world ; thus the public can rest assured that he is ready to execute pictures iu the beat pos sible manner. It needs but a remark to call the atten tion of the reader to the regret expressed by hundreds of not possessing an image of an absent or departed relative or friend.— Ladies anti Gentlemen are therefore most respectfully invited to embrace thefavora ble opportunity by calling at hisDaguer rean Gallery and have their miniatures taken. Ministerss taken for $1,25 to $B,OO in Pins or Lockets, $1,25 to $3,00 Groups proportionably low. Old pictures taken over at half price. When convenient, families wishing pic tures, to avoid detention, should engage the hours beforehand. Invalids waited up on at their residences, and likenesses ta ken of deceased persons. Pictures taken without regard to weath er and warranted not to lade. Call and examine specimens. Oz7 - Instruetion given in the art, on rea sonnb:e terms. June 20, 1851 OIL-CLOTH FACTORY. TO CORCILIMKERS 1 1 11 E undersigned respectfully rinnotm! 1 ces to the Coach makers of Gettys burg and other places, that they have com menced the manufacture of Oil Cloth and Canvass For Coaches, of the very best quality, on an extensive scale, which they are prepa red to furnish, wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable arms. Our Canvass will be found equal in finish and quality to any manufactured in the city. orrThe subscribers also manufacture, for wholesale or retail, COACH VAR NISH, of a superior quality, to which they invite the attention of Coach-makers and persons. wanting to purchase with a view to selling again. They have now on hand, and u ill constantly keep on hand, a full supply. 111:3"OrdCrs from a distance will be promptly attended to. SAMIJEI. J. LITTLE, GEORGE 11. LITTLE. March 15, 1850. A new and brilliant light has lately arisen and now stands high in the horizon, shedding its got den light of hope upon the dark despairing minds of the bed-ridden and afflicted with pain, like the bursting forth of the congenial ra3s of the sun upon the cold dismal regions of the frigid zone. 'Hie three letters which head this pairgraph is the signification of RA DWAY^B READY RELIEF. An Instantaneous remedy for Pains of all kinds, the very Instant Ruda ay's Ready Relief is applied, its pain-rettev Mg inali;ies are realized. it VI /II re here the most severe pains of ft heurnatitmi. Lum bago, Gout, Paralysis, Tic Dolormiz,&c., in a few minutes. IirRIIEUMATISII—Its Cause, Treatment and Cure. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CURED BY RADWAYIt READY RELIEF. Rheumatism arises from different causes, but most generally proceeds from Colds, exposure to told damp weather, and sleeping in damp apart ments. This complaint is divided into two classes ; the first inflarnatory, so called from the swelling and inflammation that attends the pains, in the parts affected; second, Chronic Rheumat ism, so called front the long continuance of the dm ease. It is also known as Lumbago, or pain in the hack; Sciatica, or pains an the hip or groin; Anthrotlynia or pains in the joints. The Acute Rhuemalism generally terminates into one of these and becomes a chronic complaint. A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE-A NEW LABEL STEEL ENGRAVING To protect the public against purchasing coun terfeite of Railway's Chinese Medicated Soar, R. G. Railway, the celebrated Chemist of New 1 ork, has at a great expense engaged the services of one of the first artists of steel engraving in America, and will on the first of April, hifiti, issue Rail way's Medicated soap in its new label. It is a beautiful steel engraving, it represents two female figures of health and beauty, reclining on a tablet and scroll work. on which are the words "Rail way's Medicated &tip" in illuminated letters.— On the opposite side of the tablet is the facsimile signature of R. G. Railway. The design is neat chute, artistic, and elegantly executed. AS A BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN It surpasses everything of the kind in the world, it removes Redness, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Tetters' Rash. It cures Salt Reum, Ring Worm, Sore Heads, Bores, Pustular Eruption. It im parts health to the skin and beauty to the con plexidn. Asa Nursery and Toilet Soap, it is beyond the reach of Rivalry, and for shaving pur poses it is the best in use. One sake of Radway's Soap will last longer than three cakes of the same size of any other Soap in use, therefore it is the cheapest and lint soap in the world. Price 25 cents, large cakes in engraved wrappers, and the signature of R. G. Railway upon each wrapper. Now through the Harem chambers many lights Of busy shapes proclaim the toilet rights— While some bring balm from Ci ia's fair, To dress and beautify_ their lovely Hair, Which makes the maid, of Circassian sires Within the breasts of kings pure love inspire. TO DRESS AND BEAUTIFY THE HAIR Radway's Circassian Balm is becoming quite popular, in the course of time it will sopercede all other preparations,in use, it cures baldness, strengthens the hair, eradicates dandruff, and makes the hair soft, fine, and glossy. By using the balm as per direction, it will meg., it curl beautifully,resembling nature. Price 25 cents, in la*. bottles. Bee that Railway & Co., is up on each bottle. rir Aren t a for the sale of the above articles in Adana con.ity—S. H. BUEHLER, Getty": burg; Paxton ¢ Dirks, Fairfield ; Mr.. AMOS% Cuhtown; fltuvriefer Renskere, Littlestovin ; Ridielbaegk& Holinsger, Abbottstown; William Wolf & Cp., East Berlin; D. M. C. Whire,liamp. ton; Heltsbier & Form, Petersburg. Aug. 1,1851-11 m ' 10-000 SEGAVII4, of various lands and quality. just received and for sale at •the lowest prices. by G. W. E. BLESSING, at Weevils's old stand seat door to the . Eagle Hotel. Sept. 19, 1861—tr. ALEX. It. STEVENSON, ' 4TTOI4IIBY 4T LAW, OFFICE in the Centre Stinate,Nortit ILP of the Court-house ,betweeli Smith' and Stevenson's corners. GENTLEMEN who may need Su poste(' SUNDAY, oreven a WED DING SUFI% can be aolommodatotl to Choir advantage; by oilliotat' • April 26—ti] SAMSON'S. REMO V4L. AlarrEdiirDEß PRAZZIR TAKES this' method to return his thanks for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon him, and to inform the public that lie has removed his estab lishment to the room adjoining Middlecoff's Store, and opposite Christ's Church, on Chatitbersburg street, where he has OD hand a very fine assortment of CLOCKS BD 'WATCHES, Lk Jewelry, 419049, Spectacles, and every thing else in his line, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. His stock has recently been enlarged, and he asks all persons who may want Clocks, Watch es, Spectacles, Ear-Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Watch Chains and Guards, Watch Keys, dec., &c., give him a call. Clocks and Watchev "REPAIRED as usual, at the shortest notice ; also Specta cle Glasses changed. Gettysburg, April 18, 1861—If. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. The Original and Truly Genuine. 1011r0 article hut Dal ley's Ginunsit Exraarton Atll can cheek the inflammation instantly and allay the mins from the worst browns and welds in from one to fifteen minutes. In cotillions of cases where it has been tried, it has never 'nee been known to fail I It stands intallible, and a lone ! It doe* not alone draw out the pain and inflammation, but cures the wounds I/17110V? scans ! I will forfeit $lO,OOO if any other article, no matter whet its name, can perform the same functions, as ■re reported in my eight page Pamphlets—" The Hague street explosion" case. The Extractor is equally efficacious in curing Piles, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, old sad inveterate Sores, sore and inflamed Eyes, Felon, sores Nip ples and all cutaneous and (external) ialllMl3ll - Diseases. I hold myself responsible for the troth of eve ry word advanced in my printed circulars. IMPORTANT CHANGE AND CAUTION. D•LLAT . II3I•DICAL PAIN EITNACTON in a new wrapper and boxes much enlarged. Counterfeits of Dailey's Extractor in the old wrapper, flood the market. Avoid it as you would poison, for its application is as dangerous. .Mind the emblems on the new envelope; Tits miat.s, Sox, ISICAPENT, DONA. LION AND EAALK. Buy only of my authorized agents, and the new size,and you will avoid all danger and imposi tion. 11:7 - Bee planted circulars DALtEY'S ANIMAL GALVANIC. Will positively and effectually cure Humors, Gulls, Swellings, Stains, Broken Knees,Quiter bone, Bruises a n d Bone Spavin. 11. DALLF.Y, Sole inventor nod proprietor, General Depot,lls Brooch,. ay, N. V. Q ry-For safe by S. H. BUEHLER, Hettysbovg, Witmer and Stick, Mainntasburg ; 3. F. Lowe, Arretultarille ; John MrKnighl, Bettdemille D. M. C. White, Hampton ; W. Woll, Berlin ; Jacob Geiaelinan, Abbottalown ; J. Busby, Mc rSherrystoarn. May 23, 1851—ly Price Reduced ! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC BEEIMMES Large Bottle.—Only One Dollar. The Proprietor of the firm Anuniran Remo " Vuttunteo V torrt•ta Liguont gar - rlr MIX 71,11. X." Wangled by the urgent tonetrnetong of AI Ageing, *roughest the Unitonl gum sad Canada, ban note Reduced the Price of hie popular and well known article; and form tido date. app ro ti o th. M wtll N.( op hat owe seta only.— hal comer bailee : —tic. retail price will be ONE DOLLAR. The public may rest moored that do character of the Me" chit, on rtnnsth r and tundra propodies WILL IMIL•111 WIC AAAAAA and the lama ewe will be bedewed to pa paring it as heretofore. As this medicine. under ne waged prim. .el be purchaeed by time who hate no, hitherto mode thameleet aerimineed with ito vino., the pmprietor weeld beg to intimate that hie article it out to be clawed with the toot amoode of ''/Itemodies of the day ;" h claim for itself • ender Ilegfixdr power. is all dimmer. thee arm preponehien itfore tilt mortal; and has samained ilea for eight yarn by its egoist.. medical thin... and. until this redaction. commanded &eh& the price of any other article In thirliro. NOTICI PARMA, LLLLL this article este with peat MAL In power and certaintr. edam the rd Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and a other atom, upon the moor action of which 8.. ..+ broith &pond. Thin modish= ha • jonly high roper me I serdir fig Drop:, and Gravel, end all dream of that ram It may be relied wpm wire the Petal/eat shalom ha abandoned hi. patine. sad fee then distemiair dinem. more earially DROTOT, the rear it.. amid eannaly end pertly measured It. At am tamed pan it a easily obtained by all. and the trad am port the ankle to be the Cheapeet lisdkdae Le the World! ar Plow ult kw pamphlets— dm MIMI Mil than away May ormwala were minas mot of marioam, (I. Maur so MA medkal matter) vabrabio for bouldrold parpoon, and width will me, many dollars tor roar to mornimal ironesilesWiwn Timm mint. aw banalsomi to male Um bank of mad value, amide from ha obarmiar am on admithing modion for tint awalkim. tM mniatorty la farm of winsb, I. Um form of Mum flora all parts of Ma roman. loaf he . 61 • 11 tr" Vaashre• Yommtabia Llthootriptis Anatmme Gem Aammicaut Rowdy. now kw rob l quit Mums at II mach. mall haul.. at 60 atm mob. No email Warm will lo lamed altar Ma meant week h &pond of. Nock's] Odko. Babb, N. Y., 101 Maio Ihromm. G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholoralo and Rama by OLCOTT Hailllllol l l • CO.. 1117 Hablen Lane. Now York City. N. R.—Ail Warm (mac plop Is. aglow sod drlM with whom Mt tramatm bindooms) mat be pot pall. in be stskoim will be atom to Mr. AGENTI3—S. H. Bumbler, Gettysburg ; Jacob Martin, Oxford ; Wm. Wolf, East Berlin ; Jo seph R. Henry, Abbottotown ; J. B. Cook, Fay etteville ; Lewis Denig, Chambersburi ; William Berlin, Hanover. Oct. 18. 18110. FIRE I FIRE i THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insu rance Company, Philadelphia, are sow doing business on the mutual plan, giving the insured a participation in the profits of the Company, without liability beyond the premium paid. “Noprernitms notes taken on which assannenfi are made." The subeariber, as Agent for the above Company, will make Insurances, either permanent or limited, on property and er ects of every description against loss or damage by fire. SAMUEL EAHNESTO , CK. Gettysburg, Minch 1,1850.—d WILMBIAVIiII &RD. U. & W. B. MEALS• ,TILL continue the marble-cutting hos iness at their old stand in Carlisle at., a few doors north of the diamond, Gettys burg, Pa., and will furnish everything In their line, such as Marble Mantles' Table tops, Monuments, Tombs, and Head stones, of the finest and handsomest Ital ian and Vermont marble, of which they have just procured a large stoek, and . feel competent to drera it in a style which can not but please. The charges, too, will.be an low as the city prices.: Orders trews drtance promptly executed. June 20, 1113413-743 m