Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 29, 1851, Image 2

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AT mrromusa.
The Whip of Western Pennsylvania
had a mousier convention at Pittsburg,
August 20th. Delegations were there
Irma all parts of the West. The meeting
was largesud the prne !slings harmonious.
The result must be important and useful
to the party when she day ofelection ar
Oen. Joseph Markle. Of 'Westmoreland
was elected President of the convention.—
Other officers were elected and proper
committees appointed. The following
noble letter from Gen. SCOTT was read :
"Witellingtun, Aug. 8, 1851
Graf/men : I have reeei veil your most
complimentary invitation to meet you and
other friends at Pittsburg, on the 20th in
This is em invitation extremely difficult
to resist, and if it were possible, or rather
proper, fur me, considering my position,
to accept, I certainly should be in the
midst of you at the lime you appoint; for
I truly believe, there is not a portion of
America more remarkable for strong arms
and warm hearts, ever ready in the cause
of their country and friends, then the re
gion of Western Pennsylvania.
With thousands of my countrymen na
tive and adopted, of that region. I have
exchanged in peace the warm grasp of
friendship ; and with thousands as-broth
ers, have trod the battle fields of Mexico,
and received their shouts of victory. My
heart, therefore, will be with the meeting
ciu die 20th inst.
1 remain, gentlemen, your friend and
fellow citizen,
8. A. Purviance, Esq., on behalf of the
Committee on Resolutions offered ;he fol-
lowing report, which was unanimously a
The freemen of Western Pennsylvania
in general Mass Convention assembled,
submit to their fellow citizens amber por
tions of the Commonwealth the following
Moires, and earnest anti cordially invitu
their on-operation in carrying the Isamu in
to effiret.
1. Resolved, That General Winfield
Soo* is the first choice of this Co ll een.
tentrattu the people it represents, for the
office of President of the United States at
the hest elect ion.
3. Resolved, That it is the privilege
sod duty of this Convention, to make
known the relllollB which have influenced
them to this decision.
3. Resolved, That the Chief Magistrate
of the American notion should possess
these qualifications-Ist, Devoted attach
ment to the republican institutions of the
country and fidelity to the constitution and
laws. 2.1, Moral and Physical cour
age to discharge all the duties appertain.
ing to, the office in the regulation Mils for
eign and domestic affairs. 3d, Compre
hensive and enlightened views of the for
eign and domestic policy of the country.
4th. Honesty, fidelity, pure republicanism,
and elevated patriotism.
4. Revolved, That we find all these re
quisitesoto necessary to constitute a good
Chief Magistrate; possessed by that fav
orite chieftain, General Winfield Scott.
b. Resolved, Thut the history of our
country since the . war of 1812 until the
present time, furnishes irrefragable testi
mony of the devoted attachment of our
nominee to the institutions, the constitu
tion and laws of the country—on the san
guine battle field, as well as in the civil
council, no name stands mine conspicuous
ly bright. titan that of General Winfield
8. Resolved, That the courage of Gen.
Scott to discharge all and every duty, in
all relations isconsidered by, all men as
undoubtedly true.
7. Resolved, That the delicate and im
juirmitt civil duties enjoined by his gov
ernment upon Gen. Scott, in the affairs
of the Canadian difficulty, in the war with
Mexico, in the reduction of the army, and
iu prescribing for it rides and regulations,
aad.the superior sagacity and soundness
of views displayed in the performance of
them, demonstrate the comprehensive and
enlightened character of his great intellect.
S. Resolved, That his honesty- of pur-
Nee and fidelity are found in the sacred
regard. with which he has at all tunes con
trolled the property of the people placed
in his sharp.
9. Resolved, 'flint the battles of Chip
pewa and Niagara.--of Cerro Gordo and
Magic°. led the blood therein tiled in the
dofetweof the country, attest the patriotism
tied republicanism of our noble chieftain.
10.. Resolved. That the wounded, sof
tering, sed aged soldier, whom couch has
been attended—the sorrowing parent be
reft of offspring whose homes have been
secured, by the heroic Scott, give convin
cing evidence of the humane heart and
pore morality of the great captain of the
.11. Resolved, That the people will es
teem it s pleasure to repay, at the close of
life, by die highest honor of the Republic,
die serv!ees of forty years, faithfully and
always successfully perlornted by Gener
al Scum i,.
12. Resolved, That with his name on
our banners, we cannot fail of success—it
is *Amnia hitherto a;ways bringing victory
and triumph to its (Menders and support
Resolved, That we will use all hon.
orsble means, and pledge ourselves to ae•
live exertion to secure the nomination of
Ge*. &mu, and for that purpose, consti
leteshis entire Convention a vigilant com
mittee , to correspond, and by every other
ficoper means, in carrying these resolves
auto effect.
it &solved, That our present State
Executive, Wm. F. Johnston. is entitled
In the support of this Convention, and all
who stetain its proceedings. for his firm
and annaly Intvcsesey of the claims of Gen. i
.tend to the,Piresideney.
)6. ResolentL l'inst the entire course !
dim. F. Johnston's administration, hisl
patriotic devotion o tits interests of Penn-1
.arylvattisi hie wise and Asitlnul advocacy
of protection to American industry—his
discriasitasting and ststeewth-like p o li c y
its regard to the finances of the Common
wealth—the agenck of his anggestions and
his nellsware in reducing the taste
entiekt luta to the vote at every Pennayt.
seniaa. sad will secure so hint °arms thus
hunk *appals.
16. .111tessitesd, That the experience
iLpaimeal by John Ntrohm, iii regard to our
evade mut public, improvements—his en-
Urged *if well stored utuid—his well
illteasent, Alimiesty of eh:wavier eminently
Miss fur the ale* of Canal Commis
It.eniutHivesi, That this convention re
gards the potter of protertmg the inter.
esti awl labor of Ito. touutry iu the enact-
mont of mantle laws by the National
Government, as being the true ono to de
velopo out resources—to increase our in
dustrial pursuits—afford constant employ
ment and good wsges to our working
population, and dillitse public prosperity
and private happiness shroughout our bor
de f
18. Resolved, That Pennsylvania will
demand a restoration of the protective
policy, and that we will not cease to agi
tate until this system is adopted.
IU. Resolved, That the tariff of 1848
is anti-American, and AIM-Republican, as
is plainly evidenced by its ruinous and
disastrous effects upon the industrial pur
suits of the country, in bringing foreign
pauper labor into direct miff-immediate
competition with our own.
Gov. Johnston was then introduced to
the meeting by Gen. Markle, and deliv
ered one of his impressive, argumenta
tive speeches which invaribly fixes the
attention of an audience, and which will
be remembered in his favor on the second
Tuesday of October.
Hon... John Strohtn succeeded the Go
vernor and made au admirable 'Meech.
He spoke fluently, correotly, and to the
point—saying nothing but whaa was pro
per and necessary. He was.enthusiasti
cally cheered in the entree of his address
and left a very favorable impression upon
his hearers. '
The Philadelphia Ledger, a Free trade
and foreign organ, in an ankle relating to
the depressed state •of manufacture*. and
agriculture in this country, attributes ali
the blame to “paper money," instead al
foreign pauper labor coining into Cotopeti-
Um' with the labor coming dour country.
—lt says :
"Panic has followed panic—revulsion
has succeeded revulsion—spa sift has shock
ed trade—credit has been convultia--the
social labels has Often tottered on the brink
of anarchy—and still the delusion of paper
money has been clung to as a blessing, be
cause it enhances the prices of everything
these high prices crippled industry, by al
lowing the cheap labor of foreign hands ws
supply us wail every species of manulac
tureu goods. We create tho evil that psi;
sies our own industry, and then cry out
for more of the same evil—and a tax on
our neighbor, to make up lin what loss
we may sustain by "paper." If one
thousand dollars will ho required per diem,
im the paper system, to pay the wages of
a factory that could be worked for one hun
dred dollars a day on the specie plan—and
that difference is caused by the high prices
engendered by excessive issues of paper
money—which breaks down the lactory—
who is to blame ? thu country. the govern
ment, or the "paper money 1"
Such is the logic of the locofoco advo
cates at Free Trade. They go fur mak
ing money scarce, so that the wages of the
poor and laboring men, shall be reduced
from one dollar per dayTO TEN CENTS
PER DAY—the Federal Buchanan stand
ard ! The [edger openly advocates this.
The labor of our factories. it says should.,
be reduced NINETY PER CENT; or
' where they now pay one thousand dollars
I per day, they should only pay ONE HUN
DRED DO LLARS.—That would "spread
blessings and benefits over our country."
Yes the "blessing" of hopeless and squa
lid poverty to the working man, and the
"benefit" of cheap fabrics and cheap labor
to the rich ! The "blessing" of making
"the rich richer, and the poor, poorer."
This is a serious consideration for every
American. The effects of the introduc
tion of foreign fabrics, free of duty. upoe.
wages here must strike them with awe,
for the inevitable result must and will be
to reduce the wages of labor to the stand
ard of Europe. which is, as the Ledger
recommends, about ten cents per day.—
i Han Telegraph.
The friends of Col. John Bigler, in Cal
ifornia and Col. William Bigler. in Penn
sylvania, have taken to betting on the
elections. The California Locolocos pro
pose to present their Pennsylvania breth
ren with a Harmer worth 81000, embroi
dered with California gold, provided Cail
forms throws a less majority Mr Col. John,
in proportion to the number of voles cast
than Pennsylvania does for IVilliain 1118.
The State Central Committee have
accepted the bet, and offered the Banner
to the county that throws the largest Loco
vote. It is understood that if Pennsylvania
falls behind, the Democracy of this State
are to present to the California Democra
cy one of the banners carried in the Loco
foci) processions of 1814. having inscribed
on it in black letters—"FOLK, DALLAS
A. Hann GUIs - nos vourowito nv A
PLAIN FACT.—Mr. Bigler says that the
act creating the Sinking . Fund imposed
but one new tax. This is not true. We' Capt. Robert Porter.
have proved it false, and Mr. Bigler and .
This gentleman attended a meeting of the
his friends have not attempted to answer
our articles on the subject. But if these friends of General Scott in Pittsburg, held on the
taxes were rece i ve d wi d er L oce f oco a d.,' evening of the 20th, in Corode & Co.'s warn
ministrations, why did they not pay a mi. ; house. He made a speech in favor of Gen. Scott,
siderable porthin of the State debt ? i and declared that it was his intention to vote for
The Fact is, ALL the taxes imposed in floe. Johnston and the whole Whig ticket. Capt.
the Sinking Fund are new, except three. , Porter bas always, until the present time, acted
They never before existed. But not one with the Opposition. Ile is the son of the late
01 Mem tourhes the Farmers or owners of Judge Porter, a well known and influential citizen
?eat Estate!! It is to Gov. Johnstun's of Pittsburg, and commanded ' the Irish Greens"
paying the during the Mexican war.
great credit that he has been
OR PRODUCING (LASSES ! ! Mr. The opposition, in their desperation, seize hold
Bigler's plan, which was neveradopted, was of every trifle that, by any possible distortion, can
directly the opposite. It proposed to lit- be laid to the prejudice of Gov. dairrirroe, and
crease the Farmer's taxes, and thus pay upon it base their appeals to the Democracy of
the debt. The people can judge between the State. Among other Items it is charged that
the two plans.—Mterishurg ../Imerie an. iGov. ETON drew from the State Tteasury 530
ff ERE ARF: TIIH FRU r —The nu. for mileage. as Speaker of the Senate, shen mat
elot:tan presses claim the credit of the ;ed to Harrisburg to assume the Executive office
SINKING FUND for the lute Gov. Shank after Coe. SeUriK'a death. And this the 'Tom
ato! Col. Bugler. Will they tell the pen- piler" charges as—
pie what amount of the State debt was '•A specimen of meanness without a parallel,
paid off by them ? What amount of too- and equally without authority of law."
ney was drawn jilt() the Treasury by their Now, by reference to the Report of the Audi
recommendations of a Sinking Fund ? for General, it will be seen that Mr. Peelle, the
And how long it would take to wipe out
the State debt by all that either or both of Locofoco speaker of the House, at the lame time,
threw front the State Treasu
ry 577 25 for mileage
in go
these gentlemen ever did to reduce it ? •
ing to Harrisburg to administer the oath of
The people want the practical effects they nf '
ice , o Gov. Johnston. And vet we hear of no
f '
have produced—not the speculations o
the Federal presses. Th ey see anti know denunciation of Mr. Packer fur doing the same
what Gov, Johnston has dime, Gus. Johnston should not
and they thi ng which, it is said,
would like to see, if it is to be seer, w h a t have Ilona. lithe speaker of the House was en
the wisdom of Shunk and Bigler as t com. ',titled to mileage, why not the Speaker of the Sen.
Oohed ? Can't the Buchatianites ehlight-late also I Do the opposition expect to Nabs"' Mt . ]
en them ou this subject I—Ere/wage. Dialer's proves:tit by hickory so bold and palpable?
Friday Evening, Aug. 29,1851.
(Subject to the decision of ■ Whig National Con
John Strohm, of Lancaster.
Richard Coulter, of Westmor'd.
George Chambers, of Franklin.
Joshua W. Comly, of Montour.
William M. Meredith, of Phil'a.
William Jessup, of Susquehanna
Samuel It Russell,
John McGinley.
David Mellinger.
John Scott.
William W. Paxton.
Daniel Plank.
Eden Norris.
Thomas Warren.
Abraham Reever.
'Andrew Maraudlyjr.:-
James Aigham.
I have endeavored to ,do Nay' shay. I hove &-
lowed to advance Peeneilivania 8 internat. I have
demanded /iir her all her Cotestautiosui ►ights. no
matter Who vrineibied or roinploined. Heivelorth.
as heretofore, I ono reedy to do battle in the Orions
rinse of Attire and Truth, and without fear orfou
ror airterid earnestly for the Right.'—liov. John
ston at,Lancestet.
"WE'RE THE BOYS . Of 184011
.arrna 'Rion . , wares
segi-The Committee of • Ariangententa,
appointed to make preparations for the• Mass
Meeting on Tuday next, will meet TEI
EVENING, at 7 o'clock precisely, at the
"Star" Office. Prompt attendance is de
B. SCIIRiVM, Chainntm.
stir The "Committee of Reception" air
pointed to receive Gov: Johnston, are re
quested to meet in the Grand Jury roam
this evening (Friday) at 74 o'clock.
kunctual attendance is desired.
A. K STEVENSON, Chairman.
We may be doing a service to such of our read
ers as dairy to pore's themselves of gooddogner
reotypes of themaelvea or Mends, by calling their
attention tipthe card of Mr. Joan R. Wears*,
who has located himself in this place, and has pro.
c ured a new and superior apparatus, by which he
is enabled to turn out beautiful and Well finished
pictures. Seversl specimens were shown In us a
few days since; which we have no hesitation in
pmuouuring equal to any that we have ever sewn.
Mr. W.'s prices are low, and be gumant6 s hispio•
tures to give' entire satisfaction, or Ifif sharp— ,
which is certainly very fair. Give him a call.
tar We invite attention to the advertiament of
Meagre. Freeman, Hodges do CO.. Now York, in
thieday's paper. Their asamirnent of Faney,Biik
and Millinery goods is very extensire, and is woe.
thy the attention of dealers in their line.
"P T. Barnum, of Jenny Lind and Musem no.
toriety, in s recent speech up North. said be was
an out and out teleufocu, and would rather vote
for the Droll than a Whig, it he were certain the
Devil was a ember mau."—Exchunge. --
Barnum is said to be the "Prince of Humbugs,"
and in the indulgence of his humbugging propen
sity he has betaken himself to .I.ocofocoism. From
the unequivocal character of his devotion, as e
vinced in the above remark. it may fairly be in
ferred that he has come to the rational conclusion
that of all Humbugs
.that have• passed under his
observation, Lenofocoism ranks ••A No. I." His
preference for the Devil over a Whig, would seem
to indicate a conviction, on the part of :Itr. Bar
num, that the two charactersare antagonistic, and
that the former has a closer affinity for Locoroco.
I 6111 than Whigiam. Vice la Barnum !
Wake"np. Whigs, and come along!
/kirThe arrangements for the reception
of4ioV. JOHNSTON are beginning to
assume a definite shape. The information
as to his intended movements is such as to
enable the Committees appointed at the
Connty Meeting now to complete their
arrangements, and to this end it will beno
ticed that a meeting of the Committees has
been called for this evening.
The Governor will be in Chambersburg
on Monday next, on the evening of which
day he will be escorted on his way to this
place as far as Graffenburg, where he will
remain over night. The "Coosa" of that
neighborhood will doubtless be wide awake
and have a grand gathering. A goodly
number will be in attendance from this
On the morning of Tuesday, the Gover
nor will bo maw* to this place, and he
will address our people in the afternoon,
and proceed in the evening to Hanover.—
On Wednead!.7 be will be in York, and
from thence will visit the Eastern counties
of the State.
The County ..0111cee--Falsebeeds.
Although the moon on the part of the can
didates fur the %verist Comm! Officoll has not yet
developed Much Uhl,' it may not be ton early
to put the voters of the county upon their gaud
against the misershle electioneeri ng tricks and
falsehoods which tddiappily, to a greater or lees
&gra, usually ehMacterise political campaigns.
preuroaidiine already thrown oat in comma
lion with several. of our local ideas give aasa
fence that the credunty of our people is to be put
to the brat by political tricksters tbie 6111,rusd it
will be well for out fAends to take warning in time.
- Awed; the atoriontbathave lhoseerly been-pot
dust one has coati to oar ears, to the caret that
Mr. WARREN. tile Whig candidate for County
Treasurer, hair made arranymente to slants ow"
the office of .•Troirmarer-- in other word*, bi
gamist° bivolhir — iltlitrriroTtfir ulficeidircifirrgediFy
a third person. NOW we are authorised to gives
pomadee contradiction' to this rtatement, end to say
that Mr. We anis tits made no such ammgeosents
—.that heAse never thought of doing so—and that,
if elected to the title of Treasures, kr trig snood
to its duties its - o . toitoi.. Whence this story origi
nated, we cannot neit That it has ieceiverl no
mmottertance from Mr. W 'a immediate rival
in the canvas. wri f firel perfectly satisfied. We
know Ir. itnittueiii well, and know him to be a
gentleman of high-toned honor, who would condo..
scowl to no art outtriek to secure his election or to
prejudice his oppoutut. hie sufficient, however,
to know that the story it in circulatiort--and we
have, the authority !flits Warren in giving a pos
itive contradiction.",
Another story his been put in cirertlation
1 0 enlistllihtvinteresta of Maj. SCOTC,
the Whig ca datifiiithe Officer Of Sheriff—vie:
that Mr. Score is in the receipt of a handsome
income from the - office of Brigmle Inspector, a
mounting, as the story runs, to frum $4OO to $5,-
00. But this is a trick which must depend for
IluCCCie entirely upon the ignorance of thaw upon
whom it is attempted to be palmed ; for every
one who will take the trouble to make himself ac
quainted with the Militia Law of the Common
wealth, as revisedby the act of 17 th of April,
1849, will readily see that the whole pay which
the Brigade Inspector fordliii county receives A
Section 10 of 'that act provides that the :Brigade
Inspector shall receive, "as full tompensefitm" for
his serviced, the sum of "010 fur each company
foe inspecting' the suns. Nottlithers are but ram
eoropanies in this county to 'aspect, and of coarse
the Brigade Impeder can receive but 1111/9—and
out of this he hest. provide the requisite uniform,
treating from $lO. to 0100, and pay all the other
espousal Incident 'hi the office ! A profitable
post, truly ! The truth is, that under the present
Militia System Ithe 'Oka of the Brigade Inspector
is worse than a "deed horse" to the incumbent ;
and Maj. Scurry JIM& the poet, simply became
the members of the Volunteer Companies, In this
brigade, to whom be was indebted for previous
favors, urgently solicited him to accept it. lie
much for thee sorry.
Still another one has also reference to Maj.
Scorr. • We understand that it is repreesuled is
some portions of the county that Mr. Score is not
a man of temperate habits—that be indulges free.
ly in intoxicating liquors. 'l'his miserable story
of course a Unfitted to distant portionsof the coun
ty, where a went of personal acquaintance with
the candidate may prevent the brand of falsehood
from being promptly and effectively stamped up
on it. Were Maj. Scor-r personally known to
every voter in the county, as we hope ho will be
before the election comes elf, there would be no
need of contradiction—the vile slander would re
coil, as it ought, upon those who are base enough
to give it circulation. 'There isnot even the shade
of a shadow of truth in it. So far from being a
a man of intemperate habits, we know of no mall
in our continuo' ty who is more guiltless of the
charge than Maj. Scorr. A worthy member of
a worthy Christian denomination iu this place, we
have never heard aught to affect the consistency
of his conduct as such, or to challenge hie reputa
tion as one of our bi...rt and most repecied citizens.
That is a vile slander which charges intemperance
upon Maj. t.cirrr, and' no man will dare to utter
it in a community whore he is personally known.
The game of the opposition must be a desperate
one, to induce a resort to falsehoods so palpable as
those to which we have referred—desperate, to re
sort to them at any time ; but especially, so early
in the canvass.
But "straws show which way the wind Wows,'
and we caution our friends in good tine lobe up
on their ward. "FORE-WARNED—FORE
ITY We are indebted to Col. 8. S. WC
of this place, for a basket of Tomatoes, for which
the donor will accept the thanks of ourself and
`•better-halt." Blessed are they that remember—
the Printer 1
rar Graham's Idegazine, for September, is
handsomely embellished by "The Coquette," "The
Origin . ol the Stocking Loom," "Innocence and
Beauty,"—all capital engravings—and by an
luerstion of an article by Herbert on 'Brant and
Brent 811001 inil.' he contents are from the pens
of 11. T. Conrad, George D. Prentice, Alice Car•
cey, E. Oakes Smith, Alice H. Neal, and other
writer's of equal reputation. Graham is evidently
determined not to be diataaceti is the race by say
his ri eels.
The Cabals Revelation.
The intelligence from Cuba continues to be con
tradictory—SO much so that it is hard to tell where
the truth lies. Some despatches announce the
entire suppression dr the revolutionary movement
and the dispersion of Lopez and his followers,
while others give glowing accounts of uninter.
ropied and brilliant successes by the invaders.—
Under these circumstances, it would be useless to
burden our columns with the contradictory etc.
ries, most of which on both sides era doubtless
much exaggerated. One thing Is certain—that
Lope: and his party landed near Hanna on the
12th instant—that fifty-two of the invaders were
canto/oil in boats by a Spanish vessel of war, on
the morning of the 16th, Ind that eraof the cap
tives were tried by a courtxuartial and shot at Ha
vans, that same day ! Nearly all of them were
A merians, said to ge of respectable families in the
Southern •States, and mostly young men. Col.
Crittenden, nephew of Attorney General Critten
den, was in the party. The name, of the unfor
tunate filly4wo are given in the Spanish papers.
What this party were doing•when captured—
how they got separated from the main party--
and whither they Were gold& are pretty much
matters °reloaded**. Bit we inedible to the be.
lid that Lopes, slier a few slight skirmishes oh
the drat and Micah!' days, mad with a mhos r.
yens on the 16th, and bad his -party soattarad—
some seeking midge among the hilts, and other.
betaking themeelwas to boats with a rise of ma
king for the Florida coastthe leder falling into
the hands of the enemy od the morning of the
16th. On the one hand It L ensionnosdahat Lo
pez has been joined by a large force of native Ca
bans, while other dispitebes state that Iris force
received no acomslime at all, and that the Creole
• population assimsd_ tks Government_ troops. Still
another accoent mentions not only the defeat,
but the capture of Lopez himself. This, however,
is doubtful.
Of coarse, the massacre of the 59 Americans
at Havana has excited cooddersble sensethm in
this country, especially in the chine, and large
meetings have been bald, at which the Spanish
Government was bitterly denounced and 'retalia
tion threatened. At New Orleans, on the 210
hut, a Isms mob detneliebed of the fats
Parris, * Spanish paper, and subsequently attack
ed the officer of the Spa n ish Consul, destroyed the
furniture, and afterwards rental its rage upon the
places of business of sundry Spanish residents of
the city. The consul took refuge in the City Pri
son, which tx mob of about fl4/00 persona sur
rounded, threatening to demolish 'it, Weir the
Consul wee delivered up.
Strongly as our Sealing. may revolt ageism*
the terrible and unnecessary mushy of the
massacre at Havana, and much as our sympa
thies may be excited for dna unfortnetate victims,
we cannot but acknowledge the legal right of the
Cuban authorities to &MUNI the 'prisoners, if
found engaged in an attempt to subvert the gov.
*ernment. All of them must have known that in
uniting their fortunes with Lopes, they went with
their lives hi their hands, and that in prosecuting
the dangerous enterprise they nersirroily forfeited
• all claims to the protection of the American Gov.
eminent. They were so informed in the most un
equivocal terms by the Proclamation of President
Fillmore, while the Cuban authorities gave am ,
pie "warning, ins public manifesto, that those who
should be taken in an expedition easiest the
island would suffer the penalty of death. 11 then,
there be pill any where more than another, it
motley at the door of those miserable demagogues
who have been supplying the American Prows
with false and grossly exaggerated representations
of the disloYsity of the people of the Island of Cu-.
hi and their alledged readiness to unite with an
invading force—and have thus incited the young
men of our country to the prosecution of an en
terprise which has terminated so disastrously.—
I And yet these demagogues, instead of applying
the lemon to themselves will - turn round, all
loudly for retslistion and vengeance, and urge on
still other recklemyonth into the seas, snare.
The events transpiring at Cuba have attracted
the attention of our own government, as will be
7anniby' the allowing from - the National Inge li
pincer of Monday last 3
We are authorized to state that the
steam-frigate, Saranac will be dispatched
forthwith from Norfolk for Havana
with Conimodore Parker, of the Horne
Squadron, on board, who has been instruct
ted to inquire into all the circumstances
attending the capture and execution of the
American citizens recently shot at that
place, and to ascertain the proofs under
which they were put to death, for having
been, as alleged, engaged in an srmeii ex
pedition which invaded the Island. A
full investigation will also be had into the
circumstance of firing at the United States'
mail steamer Falcon by a Spanish cruser.
At the same time that these steps are be.
ing taken, renewed and rigid instructions
will be issued to the civil, military, and
naval officers of the Government, to take
all legal steps, and employ all the means
at their command, to cheil and break up
any armed and illegal expeditions from
the United States against the territortes•ol
friendly Powers, and to seize any vessels
and arrest all persons who may be con
cerned therein ; it being the fixed determi
nation of the Government to maintain its
treaty obligations and in enforce the laws
of the land, the recent violations of which,
in the case of the expeditions of the Pam
pure, has led to such lamentable results
rill"Penator Cmtwairs, of Alabama, at a recent
Democratic Coniention in that State, paid the fol
lowing manly tribute to President Futratiaa.—
It does honor to him who bestowed it, as well as
to him upon whom it was bestowed :
! honor him (the President) for his course,
and if the approbation of a political opponent, who
has at times dune him some wrong, be at all grate
ful to him, let him he assured that not I only,
but thousands of others of my political friends,
heartily thank hint ;or what he has done, and fer
vently thank God that we have hi this cri s is s pat
riot and a statesman at the head of affairs who
knows his duty anti darer/ to perform it."
Win. Bigler and James Buchan-
James Buchanan is the favorite of the flouthorn
Beceudoilists for the Presidency. Wm. Bigler is
James Muchanan's candidate for the office of
Governer of Pennsylvania. IVIr. Bigler's election
would be liken as proof of Mr. Buchanan's
itionfgh and wceold be hailed with delight by
those double.rlyed traitors who have been chilling
Treason to ou r government. Are Pennsylvanians
ready to join hands with ,theee villians 1 If so,
let them elect Wee. Ifigler, and Biereby endorse
James Buchanao.—llar. American.
Journal says that Dauphin county was never / 1 3 e
more sound and healthy political condition than at
the present time, and that the majority for Gover
norJultutston will exceed eleven hundred !
Schuylkill county, on Tuesday morning,
Asnaew Suivrnoaar, aged seventy years,
fell dead, while attending the marriage
ceremony of his daughter.
More •'Lass and-Order.”
We learn from the New York Tribune that a
Fugitive Slave case of some interest came off last
week at buffalo, New York. A Mr. Moore, of
Louisville, Ky., claimed to be the owner of a col
ored men, by name of Daniel, serving as • cook
on one of the steamboats plying to and from Oaf
ale, and deputised a devoted conservator of Law
arid Order named Rear as his agent to secure his
lost property. Rust undertook to discharge the
important duty imposed upon him, and finding
Dan on the boat, in the act of ascending • ladder
to go on deck, proceeded to administer to him a
dose of 'LAW and Order' in the shape of a blow
with a billet of wood on the back of his head
as it emerged from below through the dock, knock
ing him down the ladder upon the but stove in the
cook-room, where he lay senseless, bleeding, and
burning until be ma taken off, badly fried, with
the blood running ficim his nose, mouth and ears.
Tus helpless and stupid, says the Tribune, he
wu carried before Henry K. Smith, U. S. Com
missioner, behms whom it was proved by the wit
ness for the claimant that Dan bad been repeated
ly sent by said claimant into the free State of O
hio, whence he ultimately came away to Buffalo,
so that it was utterly false that he had escaped
from a Stare State, as the constitutional requis
ition onntiniplateh Hiving been sent by his
wader into a Fres Stale, be thus beano, (me, as
bas often been decided by the highest • tribunals,
and couldnot be remanded Into slavery. We
adstake—be could not be so remanded by law,
but ke wall Mr. Henry It Smith, its pursuance
of a law a geed deal lower than any We over holed
ot—namely, his own Will. oernadashrear Smith
'Close) the case with the lolioming whiled Write
to sympathizing blacks In attendance, in allusion
to was shiso,thidthey should go !likely hoses,
as a telegraphic &tali& Athd been *Mt to the
master, Who would probably allow hies to be ran
routed :
"And I have • Am words to sap to the colored
,people bets. If there is no telegesph sent at all.
that slave *ball go beck to Xentnekt to hie peso
ter, according to ley &Onto*. and it coy acs . of
you dare to oppose that Asediokie by brac t # Ol
will be anor DOWN r
if limo Voisin lad Reidy Ormisiiiimeaoih vow
thic.patrint.iprulktitisitly large Medi& besides
sending him *keg, of senamte from every D.
D.,they puttottite. they will evince a melancholy
locket perspicacity knd gratitude.
it tney be proper to state that Rust was sub.*.
quently Bawl $5O in the, Msyor's Court. for the
liarbaretis emelt' npod Din, Writ lbet rirMerel help
the poor kllow who Mu hero jostled into Slaver.
Nor does it cure the outrage upon Justice end
Humanity which ha. hem been Pn9. 1 0141 under
cover of this .Law sad Order" working enact
ment for the recovery of Fugitive Slaves.
Witigi Arnow your Lewder!
wilt be &and to MONT or nia Barra . ,
and will bogies! to hail as coninnion in arum in
the glorious'cams of Antics end Truth the active
and faithful spider', who, without fear or Earn,
intend earnestly foe the Itssurr.--Orre. Anon'
spark at Laurasetr.
To have a noble killer--Wbether it be to nest
an enemy in time of war, or engorge it an Upper
tent politiat conceit in time of prear—le nue ball
We battle. He arouses the enthusing, of the
mum, imparts confidence to the timid, end carries
every thing before him with kmaistible.sway.--
Gov: Joserros is one of those men with whom
there is no ruck word as *fall! The Whip feel
that he Cannot he beaten, while the Incur 'nod
dismayed at the inroads he is meking in their
ranks.' 'Fran the moinnt he was clown to he
the Whig standard boner For another campaign,
he took position in front of the battle, and
has exerted all his power* to farther the ancess
of his petty. For weeks pest he toe held forth
daily to crowds in various actions of the fitsia.--
boldly stinting big opponents fine to face. reply
ing to their slander and freely giving an account
of hissietwardship. He has spoken at Kittanning,
Clarion, Franklin, Warren, Erie, Meadville, But
ler, Bearer, Tinge, and a number of other plates.
and is everywhere received with the most Whim.
mastic demonettationat. He will continue on the
stump if health and strength permit, until the
clots of the campaign.
We hops every Whig throughout Peenylvania,
will imitate the example of our gallant leader.—
There if no use of being Whip unless we are
aorkies and Win Whip—ready to stand op
ferlhe' principles of the party, sea do all in our
Power to mum the success of oar candidates.—
Ye have the inumerind strength to elect every
man on our Plate Ticket, if we choose to exert it
Rally, then, Whip of Penswybriusia—rally one
and all—give a good account of yeemelves at the
i Wog box in October, and Vtc•rone will once
more be the reward of your exertkum.--Resdng
Cr Ex owner M'Downz, oftritgada. died
at bin mildews in Lexington, on Sends, loot
Mr. N'Doweli was ow of the man distinguedeed
nien of the South.
irrTbe /swam= of Cumberland eo.
have nominated the following ticket:—
President Judge. James 11. Graham ; As
sociates. John, Cleodennin. Wm. Kerr;
Assembly, J. E. Bonham, J. C. Dunlap;
Prothonotary, 3. P. Rhoads ; Clerk of the
Courts, Samuel H. Martin ; Register, H.
S. Ritter ; Treasurer, Muses Bricker ; and
Commissioner.• Col. W. Gracey.
rrNew Cuban expeditions, it is re
ported, have sailed from N. Orleans, and
others are to follow from New York and
other places.
7Hon. Luke Woodbury, Locofoco
candidate for Governor of N. Hampshire,
hung himself at his residence in that State
on Wedneiday. He had been unwell fur
several days.
DEXOCRATS FOR Drsuettont.—lt is a sig• ,
nilicant fact that every secessionist who
has been elected to Congress in Alabama,
Tennessee, North Carolina, or through,
out the South, is a Democrat, and all the
secessionist candidate., in Miesissipi, in
which State the election takes place in
October, are Democrats.
number of Spanish troops on the Island of
Cuba is 18,200. Tho force is disposed
of as billows : Eastern department, 33-
00 ; Western. 4200; Central . 5000 ;
Havana, 5700. Of the aggregate force,
16,500 are infantry ; 1050 calvary ; and
650 artilery.
AWFUL CASUALTY.—The Cleaveland
(Ohio) Plain dealer, of Wednesday of
last week, says that on the previous night,
about l 2 o'clock, the dwelling house of
Mr. Rudolph Quacker, a German, residing
at Brighton, about five miles from Cleave
laud was burned to the ground, and, dread
ful to relate, five of his children perished
in the flames.
A FRICAN CorroN.--Eight bales of cot
ton from Monrovia, and twenty bales from
Natal have been received in this country.
being the first shipments of tithe kind from
Africa. The soil and climate are said to
be very favorable for cotton growing, and
some of the native chiefs are beginning to
cultivate it.
[sisrainhire Mir ra .rtaa Len ."
Commonwealth vs,. Wm. Kettlessen and
David Tangert.—Surety of the Pee* on
the oath of Myers. Case dismissed,
and each party ordered to pay tile owtecotirs:
Commonwealth vs. John Slents,--411-•
moult and Battery en the person of A.ntho ,
ny Peters. Bill ignoretf sstd proi,inutoe
ordered to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. ArehibablGlrl.—As
sault and Battery on the pens:Mot Henry
Siplinger. Case submitted to the Cinitt e
and defendant adjudged to pay a furetaltss ,
cents and costs.
Commonwealth vs. &sunk& not. A.-.
Assault and Battery on the psinionrierlil-.
fred Hans. Bill ignored, and the prosecu
tor ordered to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Alfred Haas.—As
sault on the person of Samuel N. Hall,—
Bill ignored, and the prosecutor order- ,
ed to pay the costs.
Commonwealth is. Alfred Haas.—As
sault on the person of John D. Woods.—
Bill ignored and County ordered to pay
the costs.
Commonwealth vs. derendah Shelly, Lew
is Snyder, and Charles Washington—Mali
cious miochief in 'breaking the. leg of a cow
belonging to George Stambaugh. Defend
ants were found Not Guilty, and proseou
tor oniered top*" the Pesti'' t-
Comnionnesithys..Achun tawoi .--
Aliaulton the penten of Thiliert er
diet, not Giallty,:and prottelitel
Pelthe C 011 ts• '
Commonwealth vs. PhilipKriekser.—
Assaiißeitithe ofrahr'„ M pis r.
Verdict, Not G uilty, and rs er
ed to pay the costs.
• Cominamwealth vs. John Bennes and Mar
priaßeamoinittety &AU goods of
Charles ilmdley. Plea, Guilty; and Ion.;
tiiixted tit two months imprisonment iu
the COntitotJAlMid pilinentof costs.
Cointooniveahle re.)lblin A. Shriver.—
BrAY et. the Pen "14 0 04 Affs r •
taidiey. Onto 'all mitten
ordered to piii_tbe
John Suitt va: Wargo arcrim **lPA
cob Georgn Exemshire of Miehaol flarbelo,
deoesse4.--Aation ttk , reetlY<,s; a :Cur
services, alleged hi 'hive red by
plabotifftedmiesiedlnlie i The
Jury found !or the plaintiff $1450/I"ik
motion for a new trial was made, but has
' not been argued.- Brame and R. J. Fish
er for Plaintiff • M'Clean mkt ltrGonaughy
for Defendant",
P. J. Bujae use of Win 1)- EfOrthiicfs.
Charles Wharton,: jr..r"--Atiitri: ijitecirnbr
`ffieiirtimmt of two pnimientrritoteir: Ver
dict for Plaintiff of $567 38.; Cooper and
H, J, . Fisher for plaintiff kfingsarcloyAe
Peter Weikert, jr. vs. John: White „ jr.—
Action on Book Amount. One WitHdOvin
from thojury and Judgment oonfessed in
open Court for amount of debt vandoosis.
M'C lean for plaintiff ; M'Clellati, fbrato
Elisabeth Will vs. Thomas Taylor.—Ac
tion for Slander. The jury mound for the
plaintiff $2,000 damages: Minion. for a
now trial, but not smiled. Boesin,M;Cop
atighy, and U L. Fisher, far plaintiff;
,and Buehler for delanslaitt,
Pemirrtvartie lktstuceiltniki.
The committee to take arratigerneuht,for
the holding of the Pennsylvania State Ag
ricultural Fair, on the 22nd, 334,1m1124th.
of October next, have selected' the field of:
David Hummel, Esq., one mile - abuse.
Harrisburg, for this purptiiie, and adVer
timed for proposals to fence , in 14 sores ;•
they have engaged the tents tilted Xtihe New
York Agriculturil Pair..and madeell!iither
necessary arlingmems for the, holding, of
this exhibition. The executive committee
have also prepared and had printed the
list of prennums to be awarded, end the
mks and regutation to govern the exhibi
tion, which are now being distributed
throughout the State. '
TIM POTATO ROT seems AO be very ex
tensive in New York State, Putausee,
which' looked fine only a week ego.,,are
found blighted, , Many bare commenced
digging them
earlier than usual. with a
view to saving them, if possible; .
seem' to make but litdo if any diffcrepos.
In a few haws. from anti; bitchily bulbs,
they wane away. with distrait h i a , pgwt
unaccountable manner. MOOS Of Ave:po
tatoes which are sold in the Philadelp hia
markets are seriously affected - ri41 , 440
same disease.
CommtwOonvmstion.4--A great North
American Convention of Colored People
is summoned at Toronto, on the 114 12th.
and 111th of September nazi.. In Pined*
and at the Northwest. efforts ;re makrog
for a numerous and efficient deligation.--
One of the main topics of tionsiderntiOn
is expected to be the important question
of colonization. The fugitives Of OM
ads West are to be strongly represented'.
—The following resolntion woe unani
mously adopted by the National •I'rmpev
once Convention, in erosion at Saratoga,
Springs, on Thursday last:
Resolved, That the evils of intempenoee•
cannot be preventod while traffic in intox—
icating liquors, to be used as a bioverage..
is continued; and it is the duty oldie people,
in sell-defence, by legislation, and 'ether
suitable tneasures, to bring such into/to
an end.
Orleans, /lags, 'l3.—=The steamers Fan
ny and Alabama, filled with armed men
and munitions of war, sailed hien night for
Cuba, amidst great enthusiasm. and in de
fiance of the feeble opposition of the 'gov
ernment officers. The Revenue cutter, it
a said intentionally kept out of the *ay: '
NEW ORLEANS, Aug 22.—The rioters
who destroyed the office of the Spanish
paper "La Patria," hold possessien of the
principal streets of the city, and are de
stroying all the Spanish property they
find. The Spanish Consul has been buret
in effigy. The authorities ate doing noth
PROM THP lIALTIMOIIE Iltl?f Of it um"' nAT.
FLOVU AND MLAL.-1110 flour 111(lIket remains.
quiet. A sale of 100 bids. Howard st., at *4.—
Buyers are not olreting over $3 75 for City Mills.
Coin meal 294 a $3 123. Rye flour *8 50.
GRA' 11.—Tho supply 4.f grain i■ very small.
soil the, market quiet. We quote good to prime
red wheat at 70 a 76 cent.; white 75 a p 4 amta.
CUM—yellow 56 cents; white 5I a GO. Ryili 63
a 64 eta. Oats 26 a 32.
throcsarts,—Sales of Rio Coffee at S 4 a Elf
ets;*very choice 9 eta. Sugars and Mollllllllli Oat.
Pativistomi.—The provision market is steady;
'slim of Mess Pork at $l5 874—wine asking $l6;
Prime $l3 60. Bicnii—Stiouhlera 14 asi eta
sides 9.) a 91, and hams 10 a 11. Lard ia
; kegs 11.
Old lite 29th ult.. dt Conn*ago rhypei, br did
flat. Mr. Gar non, Mr. 1./A V A. LINK, of Ox
frial linornship. to Miss ELIZA KlillN,of Mount.
plosmont township.
On the 7th iota., by the Roy Philip Hoyle,
MATRIAS ?OMNI Elt of Att tine county,
to Midi BA BA ItA rbE i of Carroll cOuty.
pn the 9th 'net HENRY 01, l VIVI, sod of
Mt.p&i , U. Miller, of Franklin township, itihd
1 year I t months end 4 days ,
On the 17th fuse.. WILLIAM JACOB, .on
of Mr. Jecob Swisher, Ir., of Cumberland town.
aged 4 years I month and 13 days. Altos
en sognn.lay hut, ALICE LYDIA CATHAR
INE, aged 8 years 2 months end 2( days ; and
on Ronda, DAVID W., aged 10 mouths aod 34
ditys;eltiblnm ol the mune.
' On rho 10th inst., hi AJama,conntr HENRY
ITZANHAHBER, sged 2 yean .4,montbs ami
22 days.
On the 35th {nat. MARY ELIZA BETEL NOR
RECK.deughter of Louis and Lodi, U. Norbeck,
of Mountjay totruhip, aged 11 wrath, & 8 days.
On the 18th inst., at the 'madonna of her un•
tde, Robin Woks, nut Emmitobera,. -Md.; Mao
MARGARET B. porrsitrun.D, aged-18
Stem }n4lo months. The doomed wiu• • mere.
fine of the frubyteriou Ithitost infancy.
lifer piety find modest deportment mete marked by
Ariftwilio hum bor.. In het tut momenta she ox
opreaoalloa &elm to depart and to ;nut her dear
Platlietoond troshior.. gone *dun bar. She now
"400110410.10010064 al ma a death. until the lot
, truptio *kcal! bar to manabas Plepated above.
Pb e' thy silent dumber,,
Ptaterui In the rive to low,
'Vhiat de hio+o *in join out number.
'Theorise mote our sense shall know.
lEnt *ilia Ors Ripe to niaetthoo;
Whitish' data life has dad.
'Thera. la heaven we hope to greet thee,
• Whelps so Anew'', tear is abed.
. , .
.11114r0trii.111 , 71720.31
hiVERS.•of -New Chester.
-Will be in Indepetident Csndidate
for Associate! Jadge of Al:laras ( County at
the ensuing Election.
, Aug. 29. te
New York Importers 86;Iotibtirs.
1111.112131W1r, 80DO drs,
611'46etty oirerA'Oetioeen liroodwity add
_ Naisau _ :near IA& Pott.4"4
"Veto York.
11,111 r, E are receiving, by dailyarrivals
V v from Eurcpe. our Tin sad 'Whiter
assortment of rich, fashionable
Falvey, Silk and Millinery Good&
We respectfully invite all CasbPurcha
sere thprooghly to examine our stock and
prices, and, as interest governs, we feel
confident our guotie_and price( will induce
them to select from our estahlishmeot.*
Particular - attention is devoted to Millinery
Gonda, and many of the articles are man
ufacitirid expressly to our order, ahli can
not be surpassed in beauty, style• and
cheapness. • "
Beaan% Paris Ribbons, for Hat, 'Clap,
Neck and Belt.
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths
and colors.
Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut_ Vel
vets, for Haw. ,
Feathers, American and French Artific
ial Flowers.
Pulfings, and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, large. assortment.
Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Under
sleeves and Cuffs.
Fine' Embroidered Resist. and Hem
stitch Cambria Handkerchief*.
Crapes, biases, Tarletonsallueion and
Cap Laces.
Valenclenes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and
Lisle Thread Laces.
Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread,
Merino Gloves and Mits.
Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Bish
op Lawn, and Jaconet Muslins.
English, French, American and Italian
Aug. 29.-115
vO'CICE is hereby given to all Legs
tees and other persons concerned,
.that the aidosinistrettion -Sccounte of the
, deceasied persons hereinafter mentioned.
will be presented at the Orphans' Court of
Adams county, for confirmation and allow
'nee, on Tuesday Ike lifid day of Sep
tember next. viz t
SOL The first account of Conrail Crem
er, Executor of the last will and testament
of John ()kilter, dikeased.
262. The account of Wm. Riitase, Ad-
Iniitionstor with the will annexed. ofJohn
Hollebaugh, deceased , who was Adminis
trator of the estate of Rosanna Willet, de
' 263. The account ofJohn L. Noel, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Joseph Wain
lischt, Jr. deceased.
264. The first and final account of Isaac
Miller, Administrator of the estate of E-
Inotbeilt Slag* deceased. •
266, The first account of Wm. 11. Bran
don, Executor of the last will and testa
sitent-OfTempletini Brandon, deceased
' ' 'W. 'W. HAMERSLY,
iktgieteek Ofike, Oittribqig;
Aug. $9. 1861 • i •
frIAKE bode' that Phials applied to the
Ja• Judges of the Coors of. Comm on
Piave of Adam, tiounsy, for the Smooth of
the Inaoliatit Leiria( this Commonwes Ith,
thatilmy'have appointed Tuesday
.4Ais tild•day of 89tember next, at the
Couri4ieuso in Gettysburg, at one o'clock,
P. M., for the hearing of me and iny ere&
ittini..6—iirlsbn ;Cud where you May attend if
you see proper.
Aug., OP; J I—at
130fillC.IK has just returned from
• the city of Philadelphia, with one of
I ditalfrietutt most beautiful assortments of
ever brought to this place; and his stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods,
, sass,yaried as it is splendid, and lie takes
.epitelei pride in calling the attention o f the
Ladies of the town anu country thereto,—
His 'goads will compare in style, quality
and variety with any that can be bought
in the eitiee, and to pre this lie only
1 .
asks *call.
He has also laid in a very,fine stuck of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,
`"''whisk he feels confident will please all
' who examine.
His prices he has placed as low as pos.
Bible. believdtg that ..quick sales and
• small profits, it better fur tiOtk buyer and
April 4,1851.—1 f
Classical, Theological, & Literary
H AS just received a new supply of
(floods from the City, and invites the
attention of the public to his present stock of'
Books and Stationery,
of every variety, constituting the largest
and best assortment ever offered in this
market—which will be sold, as usual at
the Lowest RATES.
He has ddnetantly on hand a large
and lei assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS
end STATIONERY, Pen-knives, Gold
Pens, Pencils, Letter Envelopes, Visiting
Cards Motto Wafers, with a variety of
Partly irticlei, to Which' the attention of
purehasers s i opted. ,
The SObstrlbtf Veterni his acknowledg
ment for , the rolig dontinited aind liberal pa
tronage extended tti him, and thinks gist,
in the variety and ekoellence of him present
assortment of Cheap Woks and Stationery.
will be round evidence of a determination
to continue to merit tbat patronage.
(KTArrangements hate been made by
which any Books not ettbfaced in his u
sortmant can be promptly bidered from
the City. •
May 23—tf
. Skelly and Hollebaugh,
RES PEC TFULLY inform their
friends and the public generally,
that they have just returned from the City.
and Ski boir opening "at their establishment
in Sono BALTIMOMI street, near the Die.
mond, (old stand of/. H. Skelly,) the moe
choice selection of •
ever offered in +hie place. embracing
tom& Black, Blue, Bineblack, Green,
Olin end Brown. Mao, French, Doe-
Skin meld
. .
Linen for 'Coati and Pantaloons, kc. ;
whilst their assortment of Fancy
PA'. sr IMO AI,
is decidedly_oethe tithes% kind. Their
Trimmings embrace every thing that may
be required. such as plalh and fancy But
tons, Alpacas, Bilk Berge, plain Bilk,
Ic. They are also getting up a full
assortment of ,'
All the above will be disposed of 'at the
'lowest living rates. for Cash or Caratry
Produce—to prove sohieh they onlytak
di CALL.
litzr.They are also prepared to make
Garments at the shortest notice, and in the
beat manner. When required, they will
turn out an entire suit in twenty four
hour. !
J. H. SKELLY returns his sincere
thanks for the patronage heretofore bes
towed upotChim, and asks its continuance
fur the new firm. Goods bought else
where will be Made up, as usual ; and
when desired, he will assist customers in
making selections at other stores as here
tcr Spring and Summer Fashions for
1851 just received from New• York.
Gettysburg, April 25-1 y
We won't be be:tin selling bargains I
7.. y
D 0 ~1~0
At the Cheap &ore of A.
THE subscriber announces to his nu
merous customers and others, that
he has just received from the Eastern ci
ties, the largest, best and cheapest assort
ment of
Dm floods, Groteriles, and
ever offered in s this place. To test tbis
be invites the attention of all who are de
sirous of purchasing, before calling else
01:7 "To his numerous customers, for
the very liberal patronage bestowed, he
returns his sincere thanks, and trusts that
they will not forget. to call and see his
present unrivalled assortment.
April 18. , -.-tf A. B. KURTZ.
THE Subscribers would respectfully
announce to their friends and the
public, that they have opened a NEW
HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore it..
adjoining the residence of DAVID &DOM,
Gettysburg, in which they are opening a
large and general aasorttnent of
Springs, Axles, Saddlery,
Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings,
Paints, Oils, &Dyestuffs,
u general, incuding every description of
articles in the above line of business—to
which they invite the attention of Coach
makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet
makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the
public generally.
Our stock having been selected with great
care, and purchashed for Cash, we part
ante° (for the Ready Money,) to dispose
of any part of it on as reasonable terms as
they can be purchased any where.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, hnd earnestly solicit a share of
public favor, as wo are determined to es
tablish a character for sell mg Goods at
low prices and doing business on fair prin
Gettysburg, June 18, 1831.—tf.
. 1 W BOOKS.
Harper's Magazine, price 25 cents,
Graham's do.
Godey'sdo. "
Sartain'e do. "
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams County, the sub
scriber, Adminstrator of the Estate of A
DAM GARDNER,Iate of Latitnore town
ship, Adams county, deceased, will sell at
public, sale on the )remises, on
Saturday the 21//z day of September next
the Farm of said deceased, situate in Lati
more township, containing
92 ACM,
mote or leas, of land, and adjoining lands
or Elisabeth Vale, Christian Miller, Jes
se Cook, and others. The iMprove
meets are a two-story
with Ki*hen attached. Bobble ern,
a well of water near the door. Aiwa*
15 Ades 01 this Farm are in first rate
!Beide*, end the saute proportioh in ex•
cellent Timber; the residue beibg Under
cultivation and , good fencing. The t'arm
is well watered
. ; the Bermudian Creek
minting through it near the dwelling, and
Sprints being scattered over the Whole df
if.' There Is Ilse on the premises,
An. Orchard of choice FrUlt.
07This Farm is, located about one mile
from Voris Sulphur Springu, and' will be
found a desirable property.
IXTPersone wishing tome the preMilbs
eon do so by calling on the widbw residing
Attendance will be given and tern*
made known on day of male by .
fly the Court—H. Danwwa►s, CM.
Aug. 22. 1851.-44
frt tiE subscriber will offer et Public
sale on the premises, on
Fridasfihe 12th BvieFsper next, _ _
situate in Boller township, Adams county,
on the road leading front,, the new State
road to Arendtsviille, adjoining lands of
Jonas Roth, Jesse Houck, and others, eon
Forty acres.
The improvements are ilTwer.Slory
' . . Frame lArtatiliet—iciattan
UnUII %Set %OIL -
Double "rime Barn, Smoke House,
Frame Shop, with other outbuildings;
and a large Stone
Formerly Sanrbauglisi on Big Conowago
Creek, with two - pair 'of excellent new
Burns, and two pair of Chapping Stones.
The mill throughout is in first rate repair
—has all the improved machinery, smut
machine, elevators, dm., and has a good
run of profitable custom. Also, a
ecilP7 ) 4111t2,169
in'ffrat rate order, and calculated,ro do a
heavy 'business ; and a one-story Log-
House, to which the Miller resides, with a
Stable belonging thereto. There is also
on the predates.
A young bearing Orchard of
This property Is located in a populous and
healthy neighborhood, and offer. many in
ducements to such prisons as may desire
to purchase a Mill Property. A further
description of the premises is deemed un
necessary, as purchasers are invited to
call upon Daniel Friedt, residing thereon,
who will give all the information required.
ICTA good and sufficient title will be
given, and possession ou the first day of
April 1862.
11C3'IElale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.
M., on said day, when attendance will be
given and terms made known by
BY virtue of an order of Orphans'
Court of Adams county, the subscri
ber. Administrator of the Estate of URI
AH CARBON, late of Menalien town
ship, Adam! county t deceased, will ettpOse.
to Public Bale, - • '
On Saturday, the 201 k of September
at 11 o'clock. A. M., on die premises,
the property of said deceased. situate in
Menallen aud. Butler townships. adjoining
lands of Jacob Smith. Peter Studebaker.
Abraham Slafbaug'h, and others, and con
121 Acres and 29 Per Ches neat.
About 80. Acres are cleared • sad under eel
tivation--the residue being in good thriv
ing Timber. .A good proportion, of ,the
farm is in first-rate Meadow. The im
provements are a LOG,
anion Log Stable , Log Blacksmith Shop,
with Coe Shed, and other out•buildinge.
There is a well of good water at the door,
and a good Spring near the dwelling.—
The Farm is well watered by a Run on
one side and Opposeum Creek on the oth
er. There, is on the premises, on Or
chard of
VITVICM 1121172Uit23322Cp
The Farm lies on the road from Hun•
teratown to Pine Grove, about one mile
front Duttera's Mill, and the same distance
from Appleman's Mill.
pr3"Persons wishing to see the premi
ses can do so by calling on the widow re
siding thereon.
Also, at the same time and place, will
be sold, a large lot of PRIME TIMBER,
prepared for building, hewed and sawed ;
8,000 Oak Shingles, a lot of Chesnut
Posts ; a lot of Pine Boards ; also, One
Horse; a light narrow-wheel Wagon,
Lime Box, Hay Carriage, Threshing Ma
chine, Ploughs, Harrows, Horse-Gears,
and other articles.
Pa' Attendance will be given and taints
mado known on day of sale by
JACOB GROli P, Stitier.
By the Court—H. DENWIDDIE, elk.
Aug. 22, 1851.—ts
ON hand and for sale, a large lot o
fONNETS, Jenny Lind, China Pearl,
Hair and Lace, Hair and Gimps,
and various other style., with Milian Lace
and Unsays, at KURTZ'S.
2WW1530 1 OAIM
TIIE Subscribers, Executors of the
last Will and Testament of George
Rimes, late of New Oxford, Adams court/
ty, deceased, will sell at l'ublic Sale, on
the preinieet,
On IVedniaday, the 10th day of Septem
ber next,
the following described property, to wit :
situated in Huntington township, Adams
county, adjoining !Abdo of Wm. Mundortr,
J. H. Fink, Johtt Keplinger, Wiegman.
and others, containing 102 ACRES and
30,PERCHES of Patented Land. The
Improvements are a
with a one-story Kitchen: a Log Barn,
with sheds and stablint Wagon shad end
corn crib, smoke-hour tu blakkstnith-shop,
and lime-kiln. The 41WhIliug house is on
the cross-roads, about onto mile south-west
of York Sulphur Spring". and convenient
to several Mills. *bold kk Acres, are
covered with good thriving TiMber. and a
bout 10 CVOs in IMO Striadiw. jZy AI.
so, on the 'lame day. *Bibs sold shout
.covered with good , dither, in lots of Rola
5 to 8 acres each, dlnate.tind'lying abtMll
14 wile front the oboist improvements;
and adjoining lends of ~W,tn.
J. H. Fink. Abraham Piekes.and others.
On Maeda. thclith of eeptonben
'situate in Reading township, Meant coun
ty, to wit
No. 1, A Farm, containing 208
Acres and. 82 Patches
of Patented Lind, adjoining lands ohn
-*ones-, Esq.. John — Dtrucan: -
tke town of Hampton, and Farm No. 2
The improvements are a two-story wrath.
er- boarded HOUSE, and itOne-story ki tc h.
en, a spring-house oven - rifeVeir -,- failing
'opting near the door, a litige brick Bank
Barn, wagon shed, COMIIOII, -*Rd other
Outbblldingii. The above Farm his a due
proportion of Timber land and choice Hes•
do*, with a never:failing inseam of water
passing through theiame; It has also 'a
fine bearing Orchard: ---
No. 2. A Farm containing 142
Acres an d Perches
of Patented Land. adjoining the aforesaid
Farm, lands of
. .fob Dicks, Jacob Haines ,
Abraham Chronister, Levi Chronister,
Dr. C. Mishit and others. On this Farm
there are four gootsprings of water. two
of which are convenient to the dwellings.
The Improvement% are a two-story weath.
er-boarded HCHIBE:Iog sPring.hrnise. a
new weatber•boardial Barn, with excellent
stables and sheds. This fans has a good
proportion of Meadow, and about 46 A.
cres of good Tiniber,•hind.
oTho o on Monday, h'eplanrler 15th,
will he otered, on the premises, the rot.
lowin g described
situate in Oxford township: Adams coon.
ty, adjoining lands of De. Men.
_John &waltz, the town lout of New
Oxford, Anthony Ginter, Henry Gilts. and
others, and containing 130 acres and 131
perches of Patented land. About 105 A.
ores of the Tract are cleared, 15 acres of
which are in good Meadow, and the bal
ance, 25 acres, are covered with thriving
Timber. The improvements
area one and a half story
a large ANK BARN, with Wagon-shed,
a stone corn-crib, and gran.
ary. There is 'a never-failing spring near
the dwelling. and a fins thriving OR-
CHARD of choice fruit. The above land,
tiaving been all litnea is in a high state of
cultivation, and the fending is, nearly all
Cheittnbt. rails. .
pzrAlsa, on the same day. Wiil be sold
THREE OUT-LOTS, containing from
one ends half to four ands half Acted
each, adjoining the town of New Oiford.
111:7Forther description of the above
properties is deemed onnessary, as per-
SODS &Mums of viewing them can do so
by calling on either of the Executors or the
tenants residing thereon. Terms of Salt
will be easy. and, will be. made known
on the respective days of sale. Sale to
commence aj 10 o'clock. A. M. of each
of the above named Jays.
WILLIAM D. 111151E8
Aug. 1.-Trts
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of 'Adams county, the subscri
ber. Administrator of the Estate of MI
CHAEL. WILYARD, late of Hamilton.
ban, township. Adams county, deceased,
wilhitpose to Public Sale;
On Friday, the 191 h of September next,
at L o'clock, P. M., on the premises, a
the property of said deceased, situate in
Hamiltonhan township, Adams county,
and adjoining lands of John Hoke and
Henry Martin, and containing
26 Acres more or less.
The Improvements are a TIVO-STORY
(weatherboarded i ) and Log Barn. There
is also a well of good water near the door.
There is also otv the premises, an Orchard
llCT"Persons wishing to view the prem
ises, can do so by calling on the widow
residing thereon. The terms of sale are
as follows : One-ihird of the purchase
money to be paid in cash, on the 1s:of A
pril. 1852, and the residue in twoequal an
nual payments thereafter, falling due on
the Ist day of April, 1853, and 1854. with
out interest until said days of payment.—
Attendance will he given on the day of
sale by the undersigned.
By the Court—H. DENWIDDIE, Ca.
Aug. 22,—ta
Rings and Tassels.
STEEL. Beads, Puree and Reticule
Clasps, Purse Twist, Lily White
Breast Pins, Pearl Buttons, Diaper Pins
Knitting Needles, always on hand at
auzaai TaaacaimQ
/UM: subscriber, Assignee of Inaac
Trimmer, will sell at public sale, on
.111ofidoy, the Eith day of September next,
on the premises, in Paradise township,
York county, Pa., about a quarter of a
mile from East Berlin, 121 miles from
York; and 10 miles from Hanover,
containing 06 Acres and 114 Perches of
Patented Land, adjoining the lands of John
Gum; Daniel lialrenspergar i Esq., and
the Conewago and Beaver Creeks. The
improvements are a large aid handsome
. TWo-Story
With it Ifirge Stone Bank Building, a well
of OW Water with a pimp, near the k itch ,
en thief. A new Bank Barns which far
1410 anti finish ie unsurpassed in the
neighborhood. The land it in a high
state or eultivatihn, under good fences,
ant laid off in convenient fields. An ele.
built of stone{ two stories high, with two
pnir Pf ,butts and two pair of chopping
stones, thy Kiln and Still House. The
machinery in the mill are nearly all new
and in good °rat. A good Log IV each ,
er-hisarded Miller's house. with other con
venient outbuildihis. A leo Two Orchards,
fine bearing choice fruit,"the other recent
ly,planted. The Situation of the above
property is very beautiful as well as Healthy,
atifniiinded by a tine grain-growing coun
try. vilth good roads, &c. Also, on the
said dayivill be sold the following
PlejltSONAl. PlloPciturv,
TO WfT One•ha# Patent Distinct,
One Ildhse ['Argon, b'ne new iiiadow
Roller, Itevei.a/ setts of Scales,a large
• amount of Wheat and Rye by the
• Bushel, together tbith a variety
of other article,.
- Alio, on Totidityahb 91Is day of Stip
(ember. on the pram mete an elegant PARK
of 96 Acres and 40 Perches, situated in
.Hamilton townships, Adams county, and
adjoining lands of Danitil Bender, John
Grove and others; the turnpike, leading
front Berlin to Hanover, passing through
this farm. The improvements are a good
Stone DWELLING HOUSE, a floe
Spring House, with never-failing water.—
A large Briek Bask Barn. with Wagon
chid , an — Ti Crlbe : A4o - a - Teneitt house,
an Orchard with, select fruit, with a vane
ty of other •fruit trees, such as Cherries,
Pia" Putties, Apricots, Plums, &c.—
The fences are in good order and the land
in ..high stem of cultivation, having been
nearly all well limed. In short this form
la one of the most desirable in the country
for beauty of situation, fertility sod com
venience. A further , description is deem
ed uniteessainy, - a. persons wishing to
purchase can gad the, the property by cel•
ling on Mr. lona° Trimmer, residing there
in', or the subscriber near But berlin.
11:711ale .to commence at 1. o'clock in
the afternoon of each day, when the terms
will be made known by
made ;
J.' KUHN, Alnigan,
August iv 1851—ts • •
21j)Y brute Of an order of the Orphans'
Court, of Atlases county, the subscri.
tiers. Athuieistratere of the Estate' of JA
(OI3 HOWARD, late of Mountpleatant
township, Adam. county, deceased, will
ea pose to Public Sale, on iiirte,y, the 24th
- day V Oelober nett, at 2 o'elocit, - P.
on the'rentises, the
of mid deceased, eoeteining 60 ACRES,
more or leas, situate in Mountpleasant tp.,
and adjoining landd of Benjamin Wislir,
Abraham Lot, mid other*, The
' improvements are a twitmitory
with a - one.ainry kitchen and a ,hop st•
mated, a lug stable, and other
logs. About 15 acres are covered with
good thriving timber, the balance being
cleared and under go'od cultivation.—
There is a well of good water convenient
to the dwelling, and the property has a
number of excellent fruit trees on it. It lies
near the lionunglitowu road, about 4 miles
front Gettysburg. .
Attendance will be given and terms made
known on day of sale by
By the Court—H. Duswitiout, Clerk.
Aug. 1. 1851—ve
rpursuanee of the last will and testa.
JIL mein of JAMES G. PAXTON late
of Franklin township, Adams county. de
ceased. I hereby oiler at Private sale.
of said deceased, situate in said township (
containing 140 ACRES, more or less, ad
joining lands of. William White, John
Moor, and others. The improvements
are a
• in • LOG-HOURS
I 090, a IJOIZ Kitchen, a Doubie
Log Ham Wngnn Shed and Stable, and
good Orchard; a good proportion is in Tim
ber and Meadow. The land will be shown
to soy who wish to view it by the subscri
ber residing on the same.
Aug. 15-6 t.
Unprecedented Sactesti of
BrrIERB, the mosspepular Family Med
icine istpa age—used by Physicians 01 high
These Bitters remove all morbid seeretions,
purilp the blood, give tone and rigor lathe diges
tive organs, fortify tha system against all all tu•
lure diserbes, can be taken with safety, at outline
debilitating the patient—being greet - al to the
most delicate stomach, and remarkable for their
cheering, inoigorating, strengthening, and mitt,.
;alit e properties, and an invaluable remedy for the
Circulate, containing the Certificates of te.
marlieble curee, widths high estimation In which
this Medicine is held by the public press can be
had of the Agaente, free. Pike, 60 tents pet
PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 133 Fulton st met, New
York, up stairs.
For bale to Urttyaburg by S. H. tH.I Utt
CLOTHS, Summer Cassimeres, Raffia
netts, Vestige, Cravats. for sale at
CARPETING, and Floor Oil Cloth
can be had re/ low of
April 'lll A. 11. KURTZ,
nir tletue of an order of the Chri
Court of Adams comity, the sorrshi
ber, Exeetoor of the Estate of lob'', , ssl)ht.E, hie of Motoojoy tnarnst),
Adams cotifity t Pa., deceasrd, wtlf eX pthie
to Public Male, on
Saturday the lath day of Septruthet
AT 1 O ' CLOCK, I'. M.,
on the prnmiEws, the
of said deceased. situate in the township
aforesaid, and lying on the turnpike tom]
leading fin nn Oettyslm rg to Baltimore sham
three and a half miles from the former
place. It contains
more or less, well improved, and in the
best order. The improvements are a frame
finished its the hest style, With a tiaek
Building I a frame weather-boarded BARN,
with stabling and threshing floor I also, a
Nash-House, Smolt e-11 onse, and other
outbuildings. The buildings are all new
and in good order. There is a well of
water at tlal house with a new pump in
it. Also, an Oltt; II A RIJ of selected and
grafted fruit, of gloat variety,
The grounds around this property nre
neatly planted and improved. it is beau
tifully located on rising ground, and com
mands nn extensive view of the surround-
Mg country. It is a desirable horne t and
one such as is rarely put into the market.
The premises will be shown to any per
son wishing to view them, by the subserl
ber, residing in the same township, atitl
not far from them, or by the widow, who
fillenpies the house.
Irrl'ossession gi ven on the led of April
hexi, Terme will be made known on the
day of wale hy
By the Court-11. IItiNiVIDDILI. Clerk,
July 25, 1851-4 t
livrottacf 0,41,1(A iqi
B Y' virtue of An order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams contity, the
her, Administrator of the Estate of THOM
AS IWC LEA ItY, deceased, will sell at
at Public Sale, on the premises,
On Saturday the 'cuti (f September new,
WARAiriteLE van
belonging to the ,estate of said deceased,
Iving in Tyrone township, within a mile
of Heidlersburg, on the York and Chain
bersburg road, and adjoining lands of Wm.
Sadler, jr., Wm. Yeiitts, Leonard , bunlap,
John Sadler, (oh Win.) and others,
93 ACRES & 100 PE RcHs )
of good elate land, with about 30 acres in
Timber and a good proportion of meadow
land. The improvements are a
ees Dwelling Hense l
• lathed and plastered inside and Mit.
with a Kitchen attached ; a log Barn, and
a good outbuilding, occupied by the de
ceased as a Saddler's Shop. There is an
excellent well of water, with a pump in it,
at the. Juror, There to an excellent OR
CHARD of choice fruit on the premises.
; Sale to eminence at 10 o'clock, A.
M., of said day. when the terms (which
Will be easy.) will he made known.
By Court—lL DENWIDDIE, Clerk,
Aug. 1, teAL—up
fl y
shine of an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams county, the subscri
ber, Administrator of the Estate of JA.
UOl3 S'PARHY, late of Franklin town
ship, Adams county, Pa., deceased, Will
sell at Public Sale, on
Saturday, the Oth of September nett,
AT 2 o'cLOcK i M., ON THE
the property of said deceased, situate in
the town of Mumnutsburg, and contain
Four awl a half Acres,
neat measure, without Improvements. It
adjoins lots of Jacob Alartin, Abraham
Hart, and others.
Txuato.—One half the ptirelition money
to be paid on the let day of October next,
and the reaidue on the let day of April,
1852, without ititereat,
Administrator of Jacob Starry. decd.
the Court—ll. ihrorempitt, Cltrki
Aug. 1, 1851.-18
AS achled to Ilia usual large gine k or
11 114 101iS & STATIONERY, a large
amiurtuient ,if
of every variety, which will he sold tit
prices that can't be beat.
RPCall awl see Them.
May '23, 11481.
'rimer, desirous of obtaining x tit•h
11l Ore, will do well to eall at FAHN
EBTOCIKK' STORE, and purchase some
of their cheap 081 COOM4, skew jest
received direct from New York. Phiiadel•
phis and Baltimore. 'Ma is the third at•
rival for the springs and are determined
to sell a little tower than ean be purchased
// d 0 NS.
Letlierati, tibw edition
In all the various stytee bl iiindinka,
rAENTIittIII,I bray Wird M tin.
4 1-x - perfintsSUPlDAY,br erm i WED.
DING SUIT. eett eceorntriotletell
their adraniege, by eallidt_st
April 25—.41 SANI/01#1.1%
It Slit IS
A new *a trilliiirt I ie) andi
now stands bilglk-in shOdding is Og
den light of kit* upon the dark deipeiving minds ,
of tile bed.richld&allll aflliCted afith me*. like the'
bursting forth o'f At; congenial ray. of the sun'
upon the cold. disdlei ergimis Of the 1604 tom/
The three letter, wTeith geed' Its pinignitittie
the signification or
RADWArg 177P:AitY
An Ingtanta [mom. retnikly IA? Pal eif all kindly
the very i natant RiaJl ay's Wadi Itegerlapplitilt
iin faiiii•reheving (11111'51%a ate reahLett:
:Wye the moat severe pahai of II licunvaliiirrt,.
1 two, OClllt, Paralysis ; 'fit Dolarear, ike4 ally/
ip - 1114EUMATiem31h Cooed; tegettbeett',/
add. c are.
. 14 •
ALL RIIEIIMATIC tA114,, 1 8.4"...,..
trlifF.Ti BY ItAI)WA I' tlk TVEADY Agri
Ithclinintiern arises from different cefwes, Inif
thWit gengrgity proceeds fronYC4tBr, lecat at it e tor
rohl damp idember. and sleeping in limp 80110 . ..„,
rri . e . iiie. Thig complaint is ifividita hilts two',
cta's'sg.:i ;
the first inflamatory, so' e'all Al Ii cite' tie
sWerling rind infilmmation that ahem% the Piiiiiij. ,„
in the pr its afreeted: second, rttfumie Ithasl n igt.,.:
ism, so i•alleti from t he long crnitirriniert'eot thedie
ease. It is also known as Lumbago', ni pain ON,
the hack; Sciatica', or Funs in the Via or groin;
A iithroJjniti or p'ains in the joints. The: ...ACtite'
Rhtiertialisui enerally terminates iitYci'dine . W.
m.o. soil Isi-comes d r•bronic comidniqi. ,'
A 14:A1.11'11;Tb IIICTURI.:—.. NEW Llati
STEEir t'iNGRAVING,. ;,,
To pro'i:ict the poblit against parehtfaing;eonns
terfeil/1 Of liiittsraf's Chinese Medicated Sot*: IL:
G. liddwriy, the celebrated Chemist of N'eveYstirtet't
has at n .2 ri•ai es perne enane hi the services of one'
of the Arat artists of steel engraving in Aseeriellif.
and still o'n the first of Apia, I 85‘), imme ii.
way's Meditated soup in its new label. itch( *
i innutiftil steel eng Mt int. it teptosenftitilffetittifill
flames of health and !equity, reelinitig ors I fabler'
arid scroll work. on w.lriell are the wettlai'••ll2atli , l
way's Medicated Stiaii . in illinninalgd iefteteA—
On the oppo,ilet-ide of the tablet is jhe (ac.aimile.
signet ore of 11. 11. Itadway. Thgtfttudgpitateet „..
chaste, artistic; nth( decently eireenfeili
AS A 111 , 1 !TIFIEri c (tl 'FITE Nltfilr,'' '"- I •
it.urpasEeletytlitne nil the kiral in tifirivoefif ;
it removes Redness, l'implCS Blotches, Pnetahrtge:
'letters' Rush. It cnies Salt Bfqiin,,Ring,Worting
Sore Heide, Sores; Pustular P,ropfinris. It im
parts health to the skin and beauty lei that gong
plettion. As a Ntirsery and Toilet flt oath a 6
beyond the reach iii Rivalry, nod for shavitig plitr
noses it is the best in ttse. One sake of Kiivi:
Soap will last loder , r than three cakes of tba . ,
sire of any other Itlaii in nee, therefor**
cheapest oral best ibdj in the %%odd, tifEit •
cents. bilge cake in engraved tvrePpets. isitidjhet
signature Of R. G. Itadway iipim 001 . 1111111t*er.
Now through the liarem chambers tharty, ,8141.1 %
Of busy shapes prtiglaim the toilet ritlthtei.- ' 7 ,.
While tome bring helift from Cirdtireife flair;
To dress and beautify their hive!) heir. .'" ' 1
Which makes the !tortilla inf eircasition 1 4 14 0 ti- i
Within the breasts dflitigi'Pure lovn inspire;
TO DREB4 Arco tiV:AI;TIFY THE H,,,0."
it,,,ityny. circu,sian Balm Is beromlng4
‘ 90
popular, in the reort-e of tiiite it Will ithperee4l
1111 other piepiiretitnis th hoe, it twee' Itaktherati
strtligthens the hair, eraditates dalidrbie, anti
makes the hair soh, line, and !.iltftiep. By .gelng
the balm MI per direction; if LOH !unite it,.cusit
bobtiltilly,tr-ettifilitik flame. Price 21 chit,
in large Willes. Nee that Railway fa Cpo, 6 ip , i
on each bottle.
Pliolograp4l( LiktliesBts ltikeit f MP
giterreolype Proteas wills all thccalord
bututiAlly repteifraterl.
J IL WOA VEII, reeptcif u lly sitthotirya
• ces to his old friends and the eitisenii
generally, Of Getlyslintg, !halite lids nom
meneed a Dagnethran Oaliety Ifi the Old
Temperance House in Chattibersbortspo
where. being in possession of ali.the,rdieth
inititovettieht lb the art, he is prepasetl,til
otter his best eitorls to liaise who may, dl
sire pietutes of themselves or tilentltt . ..
He has recently improved his fagitiiy
for Inking miniatures, by the addition 014
splendid nest and en larges) Germittl Cain;
era, matitifseitired by ..iroigilahtlei tlttJ
on," Who are oak notvledged to be, tliap
most celebrated opticians in the world
thus the public: can rest assured that he
is ready to execute pictures hi the bellt
sible manful,
. ,
It need<, but a ferttork In rail the Arlen.
thin of the reader to the regret expressed
by hundreds of not posaeseing an Image 'of
an absent or departed relative or friend.--
LAMB anti Gentlemen are therefore More
respectfully invited to‘embrace ilrefanora
ble opportunity by calling at his Gast' ler.
rent) Gallery and have their mihistireill
takeb. • •
Militattites taken for *l,ik ia OA
a inTios or LockotA, $1,28 to sit.del
Groups proportionably low. OM pieilWitio taken
over at half rite,
When bonvenleht, Willie, *Ming 14 ,
tureir, Id avoid detention, shobld mita
the hottre beforehand, Invalids Wnittitili I a
oh at their resitleneelt o hild likeheellite I
ken 01'dt:tended petsone. . " '''
Pictures taken without regnrii to *suns
er and warranted not to lade: Cali Ili*
examine speeitnentn
/one To. 18511 , . .
INASMUCH as the sireaaris are noW
failing, the Farmers will plena bear IA
mind that at this Establishment they cad
at all times hero their grindirl tiade
short notice and in the best manner.,
soils from a distance. by waiting meal
night ' can take with them lbteir valh
Mai:tared as desired. Tile 6uildlhq hal
been flinch enlarged, and a largo quaddiy
of grab Call now be tee.elVed, ,•,
kr -- 2-Patronide ilii4 estabilsbnierrt..A
has been hunt nt heavy expense, Mrthd
apecial convenience and areonnarxhidad
of the neighborhood end en mined i Crum)
Uernitiny township, Juno 6—zsis
etIhANS are thumerihs "'toy
ivliete i seem ding lb the papetal ehll
we Incline Ili the opinion that iltekle WiU
be n company frbin here, Meatball, MI
(het.° hue head an tihnhaial deiband for
Hats and Cao, Boots And Eiltlet4
at lidutlpftbt CON
our of Centre square,
ICJ - Cail and moo No ettrotaie prises
Look. iiilßl3 I •
43d Acres of Gond Land,
I N Liberty township, A tl i. nl'enunty.
mite from Pelefield t Wien frlos Oak
tysburg. mod five Wit Bilitainrbuti,,:for
mile re , luw,
the pt Clingy
rind AlBit In YoA raid .•
4 ., 'raw
U4Py desert 'll n. Phnotitift - j!!!
fond awl for et MIMIPM
Ware k • tistitaituttit, trtowsilte • the
Post Om*. Lit" 4.
etiObty vasialy *NJ vitylp