Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 27, 1850, Image 2

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    tate from California.
Terrible Riot at Sacramotto Coy.
TIM steamer I'hihutelliia arrived at
New York on Fridny nfirrnonn- : —hringing
dates Irmo Safi Franciseo to the 15th Aug.!
net. Site has on board 0119 tniilitdt (1111 -
lars worth of gold, and bridge 100 P.asseti
A terrible riot, reiniting in death and
much bloodshed, occurred at Sacramento
City lin'tbe WM 'August. leeplicari that
party, amounting to about 00 persons,
calling themselves Squatters—or rather
such—qtrociedeil:to She pr
on ship to release some 01 their enrol-Aug.
Tlftriteteimmedirriely confronted by the
citizens, when a terrible fight ensue 1—
Thu ; Mayor, Mr. Bigelow, was badly
WOOdeitf tiering the iiitrriy. The Citizen
Watiessor and malty others nit both sides
rto'kilkd and wounded. The steame r
Mnron and Manor> were dispatched to
Sim Francisco or troops and assistance. In
flti hinimitrie the Squatters lied herrn' rein
oreed'f nil numbered about eight hundred
stilOns: Lieutenant Gov. McDougle pro=
efilimed martial. 'law, and the City thus re
ramified %Mal the required assistance Was
Ai:tined and the riot finally iitti doWn.
Ina not without serious injury to the tun ,
on both aides.
The' dry seaman had eel in, riffording
fme opportunities for mining operations.
Atinut 10,060 persons were busily engirt.
oil Yt the diggins, all doing very Well.
tends from the U. States were genet
:MY in active demand, and business iii
every Channel promising.
TIM EMIGRANTS To hlusearra bare
beep mostly mechanics, tattlers, Ate,, leer.
i rig a comparative scarcity of' fittrueo.
These last arc generally needed is • plate;
cers.,i,usiead of consumers. The list ,St.
Paulo Register says: •
"No one denies hut we bnre a enil ea
rcilet of pasturing eh Undantly-not a Sin
gle Crop has proved a fink*. In'the favi ,
etiperirnents that hare beeti Dude , with
winter wheat, we challenge the world 'to
surpass hg ; and new that Miles are spring
ing Up. in every direction,' we 'hare no
dthibt but it will he generally ettltivated.—
ln fact.- all the crops of Minesota will
circuital* favorably with those of any Stine
—many will surpass any liking they e•a n
General thymu s "the Austrian butch.
ea be is called, was treated with
greet iediguity. in. landoe.,-recently.--
-The clerk :elan extensive bretvery__obser ,
red .upoo the .trisiteies book:of that es tab
liOment, the name of Morahan ilayuau.
As soon as this fact became kaolin among
the bands employed in the establishment
they raised "the cry of "down' whit the
Austrian butcher and assailed: biro with
hrenias, dirt, 'and other such like weapons,
dWippirig trusses of straw upon hie heed,
and throwing grain and many . - other - aril.'
des upon him. They . thin strtek' his
hit oter his face mid jostled him'about in
all manner of dignified ways,' Until they
had torn altomn all the clothing from his
perscin. After escaping from this estab.
lishmeet, he as met by a party of coal
heavers. who pelted hiin with every toe;
ceicable sort of missileould.draggelk him
idong'on the ground by hie ample beard.
At'illta stage of the prodeedings, .the're.
driebtral General escaped ditto a public
/Muse; contsiatied hirest4f in a closet,
and by this means suceuded in eluding
the.mobitml,. of ciatiree,• further"indigni
ties. -
,GeorrHimmt.r.../kir. U. Johnson. while
ploughitagon. the turn of Joe. Homer, Esq.,
Itest•Ne oi Baltimore, Fattquier coon ty, V i r
giniarfountl a small,earthen pot containing
about:11500 in gold and silvec coin. It had
evidently been , buried for many years,.
Smcitia,-1, - ;ffect Public Executions.
,Steele, a young man aged nineteen
years, residing. near Parkeisburg.
bung himself a few days since. Ho at•
tended the execution of young Green, 'in
Jackson county, after which he had 're.:
peateilly expressed his admiiation ofdeath
by hanging. A singular comment is thiti
upon the effect of public eurmtions.
A ;1111111Lag FOR THE Point =The Papa
has,ordered the mlebration of an I,lnitier.
sal Jubilee, in commemoration of - hit -
torstimi to his donti nions. The time 'sic
be fixed by , the bishops themselves in dif
fyrent parts of the world; it is to iset fif
teen days. and carry plenary indulgence
fir one hundred years
.fora each separate
acromplisliment of the t•et of devotional
ext;reises to'be prescribed by the bishops
iu their several dioceses.
TiNONOIA AND Disumsm.--The Wash
*ton Southern Press , has received by
l'elegraph from . .Macon, Georgia, - a , fail
ropy of the proclamation issued by- Gov.
Towns, of Georgia, ealling n enovention of
the people of Georgia On amount ef the
taloOssioti of California as a State.
The •Prot:lamatinn details the , °rents
contemplated by the Legislature, in their
rreolutions, directing him to calla Convem.
lion. one of which was the admission of
Ottlifornia, and ueronlingly orders: an e=
Melina to be held throughout the State, on
dm 25th of November, to elect delegates ]
to the Convention to assemble- at the rap
itaf cd the State on the 10th day of lieeetn
ber next. •
ENTIRavAOANeN.--Tlie_New 'York Cdu r
irr and Enquirer closes au editorial erticlej
fu drferice of the Gotharuites• Limbrianias
with this florid passage
.i/onor. Inuntr, honor, then we say. lo I
her who sings like the angels—whose int 7
rsty Sass stainless us the snow of liar own
moire lulls--whose charity dtoppedl as
hunulifully. anti yet as gently, as the dew
40,1 goliagil a St. Cecelia,,, the
idol of the rich. and in tioetlitees O. St. The
lessa the servattit of the pour.
Tu Pritormvx lirrram—S ink _ it in the
Wississippi rirtir.Laie!y smite', kegs of
Witt* were lirough i up by bellf
wreck ei the steamer Neptune,
Mink (Went) , piers ago, at;tl it was us sweet
and goal es ever. •
ilaynau. at the last ;icemen*, had arri
ves! at Als4s-eliarelle, suf f ering from the
* oven flogging he received front the Lon
'disynten. Ile was treated. while
Belgium. with silent
i'.l/.k rig STA* ruts.-1 'pwanls of 140
t i lgiti v e stases itessed Utiough Pittsburg
Allnhany during the past week, int
tke4r wow tu. Cansil.a. 'rimy were_ill
10 the teeth, and fete determined
bocure wuuld F rre it der.
sall of 4111114004 414 • 1 as nth . fix
Milli 'AWN 1114 1 1 CO M ," Dad" 'the eit4ereivi4
sisinutiek pienhertit the tom choice et a eree at
li ridgy Evening, Sept. 24 1850,
ton CAIQA cosimi.firop f ty,
sosittrA bIO;WILILIDT or Bock, county.
yoit, mibtroit
=NAV WI, lINTDER,ATniou county
3 . 011111 6 1 t 3111INDIIMSON, Washinzton
For , the itmentimentto the Constl-
Daniel Id. Smyser, ow run term) ,
Wulhuu BFlivaiia. (uspxpirril tenn.)
Thomas; Carson..
William WSherry.
Jacob Oramt.
Frederick Cf. Woirmaa.
kicholan number.
!warner ATTORNEY,
James G. Reed.
Jacob Diehl.
VirAre You Assessed
If not. attend to the matter at Mace. Re
member that your name must be registered
op the Assessor's book at least len ()ups
before the election, or you may loose a
vote. • Let .eyery. voter satisfy himself by
essming the list in person.
CrThe press of advertisements and political
matter just now excludes much of our usual var
iety. The parietal reader will bear with ua for •
,week or two, when we shall be able to eater - for
their tastes as usual.
'UP) Guards, and at 'em
In ten dopy from this day the election will take
pl• Ce. This is the last opportunity, save one,
that will be afforded us to ay anything upon the
subject. The intervening time laShort, but it is
leng enough to secure • Whig victory if our
friends wi4 go to work at once. In order to in
ewe success two or three things ere iadespcn
sable :
1. A POLL mar. Its one half of a battle
to luseithesiaaet etteogth-mbieh -nt be •brouglit
into the field.
TION DISI'RICT, with pod and true men
pledged to see that EVERY WHIG within his
beat votes.
The locorocos are never deficient in this particu
lar: nor are they over-ecrupulous in the discharge
of the duty which the isnitirrii imposes. All
Whip ask irs PAD{ PLAY.
out after delinquents. This is the most irupor•
tent duty of all. Challengers end ticket distrib
utive e.annot polls. After twelve o'.
clack. there should 4e a DOZEN MEN et every
iroll ready to go alter delinquent neighhers. A
strict attention to this important duty ; will save
the State beyond a peruke/store. FELLOW
W RIGS !live one'day to your country.
5. NO SCR'ATCH !KG. Every men whose
nettle is' oh the tieket deservei the support of
et) , Whig 'tithe county. The defeat of one man
will be claimed Se a lowl'oco triumph, sad be her.
aided eV' such throughout the State. Vote the
ever we have a greet Joni of work to Jo, and but
little Ow to do it, in, we begin early and work
with vigor. The jab b) be begun m u ) finished up
the eth of Ortolser is of -vs* magnitude and ins
purism*. Coannerneeit with the sue and KEEP
your, votes before you put them Inaba bidlobbax.
Iris a trick of the lot:educes to smuggle in lacofo-
CO votes under Whig eaPtions.
R. Einallj, POLL ALTOGETHER. If ev
will;,tl9- 46 (hay, OCR WHOLE
tho edit,* of the Star he. atiy thing to nay
against the gentlemen who cemmoire the Democrat
ic intim, why don't he say ill—Compiler,
. nr The AreNtor of the Mar' is not in the ha
bit of iridulging hi perwrailities, and is quite cow
tont that that partieulai species of warfare should
be Wortopointed bj those whose tastes and prede
liehins are more conienial to a Billingegate armor.
idtere. 'There enaugh in the ) 411,07 character of
the lastafaro aualitlates to authorise our owed
lion to their eeetiret e and to deter terry true Whig
front aupportiug them. ,Arul 'Mere was not—no
morbid longing for &Oda wearies-, nor blind
staltary.ohaahl inluee tls ao avow the
poemst abentetet of either thd editor of the ewe
pikr or , the candidate whoa it summit% .1. our
auswet satiohoideri '•• .• • • ,
, vp.c...ftewasyer..-
The gallant brisring-of athictrimd popithir
Whig In the proem eensens, dirseriiimg of all
praise. liVararly urged 4 , Ms Mann as r eau&
date for" the Congrenional eonid.tion, ang.gnik.
Wag Was singlleiWate sr- being aUccemalbleiheihma
warmly entered into the inienms In nipped of the
regular nominee, and Is battling ter the inseentitof
the eat* Whig ticket with a aeal well dimming
the /Initiation of ogler Whigs throughput the cook
ty. AN honor to conduct so noble and pane,
worthy. h.:Wormer reward and incl. oscura 11%
A H IT.—The Fork Ahneeir" In reply Weenie
remarks of the "Compiler" ID regent to "Dirks" in
connection with the coming election, hope, that
the Cam piltr will enteitain its readers with a ear.
mots en the following appropriate text :
"Polk, Dallas. Skunk,
'TARIFF ME' 412 4 "ri.
to lie coneludlkl with an• exhortation an
nir If tha love -of our neighbor u 1 the Coeveiter
Atr vOirielow nodkfateo, 'IW 164611Q$ 164fi p , 414
skarn', bow comes it flail; 44 6141w1 1114 4'
is &vet er. Mr. Maxus/ at the prow time t
Err What are the Issues ?
On next Tuesday a week, fellow citizens of A.
darns county, you *ill spin be called upon to/ex
ercise the right of suffrage, the deems td oast
cherished Political right which the inatitations of
this Republican country present to you ; itind it is
all intpottant that ibis right should be Oltelrelited
intelligently inn with •trrise reference to 1011,01.
fore of your State and Country. What, then,
are the issues to be decided at the approaching o.
kctiun I
First, there is involved in the decision which
you will make at the ballot-box the fate of the A
mendment to ; the. Cosistitstion, 'Nit provide, for
en Elective Judiciary. As thti 1.414U14014 CONrier
very justly remarks, (and ow adopt bit views far
our own,) the principle contained in the amend
ment is sound, end atormendi Moir to every true
Republican. The people are the depo.itories of
political power in this country. and they are ami•
nently fit and capable to select their own officers.,
In most of the :bites of the Union, Judges are e
lected by them, ttel we doubt nut that the princi
pie will' be endorsed' In Pennsylvania by the tri
umphant adoidion of the Amendment to the Con
For the fleet time, we elect the AUDITOR
of our State. Heretofore they wore appointed by
the Governor, bat, in obedience to the principle
just rehire'd to, they are subject to the choice of
the people. Por them aims the Whig party
have men of high charade? and unimpeaehedim
levity, in the tlelJ. Mr. S is the eon of
Pennsylvanhs'a honored Governor, Slams Swe
eps, and possfemes in a large degree the, qualifica
tions mangier fur the office to which he was nom.
Mated. Mr. H sow is well known u cape
, dented in the business of the Land Office, and
bears a high eharactsr for iutelligenea and moral
worth. The Whip of the State owe it to their
patriotic Governor to tied these gentlemen, and
thus give hiett,addeers in whom he can plies full
confiders*. The Governor has done his whole
duty to the State, but he must have the sneers
around him actuated by the same patriotic impul
se', and influenced by the same political principles,
In order to early out fully his policy and meas
ures. het the Whip Drone county then do their
whole duty to the mate Ticket.
We have also TWO 31EMBERSOF CON.
GRESS to elect to represent this District—one
fur the full term, and the other to serve the unei
pierd term of Dr..Nes. In the present emergency
this choice is of the highest importance as it invol
ves the representation in the National Legislature
fur three years. The present Congress has been so
fully occupied with miners pertaining to the
Slavery question, that little orno time has been '
granted to the indesnial interests of the country.
Upon the next Congress will devolve the norm
sity of making the changes in the Tara laws of
the country which are so imperstilely demanded 1
by the people. Pennsylvania his at stake more,
perhaps, than any other State in the confederacy,
and especially arc the eitivms of this great coal ;
and iron State interested in having Protection
for their interests. Shall we elect Meads. Sts rasa
and Mclxsais, and be represented in Congress
by gentlemen ni known Tara chore and princi
ples I Or, shall we have their opponents to mis
represent our feelings, and do violence to our in
terests I This is fur you to determine, :cc to
it, that your decision is such as to secure the voice
of the district in litvor of adequate Protection to A
mericas Industry over the ItllllOUl competition of
European Pauper labor.
The coming Legislature will select a United
States Senator, will district the State for Members
of Congress, and will in all respects have impor
tant duties to perform. Pennsylvania should
have a Senator in Congress to uphold her inter
ests, and we should endeavor to have a fair dis
tricting of Congress. Ibe voice of Adams coun
ty should be heard, through her Representative, in
favor ufsuch a districting of the State, end selec
tion of U. S. Senator, as will secure a fair repro.
mutation of the Whip of Peurisylvania in national
matters, as of right belongs to their portion, strength
and respectability. Remember, that at the last
session of the Legislature, a most iniquitous efEirt
was made to smother the voice of a large portion
of the voting Whig population of the State. This
outrage war defeated for the time ; but the at
tempt may be renewed next winter, in districting
the mate into Congressional districts. It is all
essential then that Adams county be represented
by a true Whig ; , and you can have such an one
in the person of your candidate, Mr. McS
Seeto it that he is sleeted
The rem of the Whig ticket is eminently wor
thy the support of the people. By a harmonious
and united effort, we can carry the day in our
county, and have a coul Ws or eight hundred to
The Locotbee County Convention.
The Locefeco County Convention ennobled
on 3iimday last, endow we predicted, the Gmerril.
in portion of the party nunitered in sufficient
fora , to place in nomination their acknowledg
ed champion and leader. The regular old-line
Democracy, however, were represented in suffi
cient strength to farce a regularr nomination, and
Mr. DAXXEII has to make his appearance before
the people as a regularly nominated party candi
date, and the representative of Locefocoism jar
the canyon now i un. It will be well fur
Whip who may be asked to suppot t him, be *ay
of compliatiera, to bear this fact in mind.
This semi triumph of the Guerrilla interest of
; comae rendered something necessary to reconcile
that portion et the party which has been battling
I against. the Guerrilla system of tactics, and an
(smilingly JOzrEeil- P. Mc DI VIT, a must excel
lent and respected citizen of Liberty township, was
placed in nomination fur Assembly, in place of
Dr. Desztest, resigned. Mr. MrDivir has
been operatiug fur several years with that portion
of his party which preferred an open, honorable
political *afore to the undirhand, diceptive,
errr4n dYliOn. and
,which,nrcineded ;at the previ
oto Qualify Meeting hultneci . ffng the arrange
mann of the Borough self!conatitute,d, leaden jute
pi. IV, are inclined to. suspect, harborer, that
randlute motive beside that ofzeconciling tbo.Anti-
Grtirrilid interest, eniered into the emanltoment
under which *r. Monies+ was put in nomine
tiara—a vain. illicit may hetramid bock to: the
male of the last Cimmeesional Election in .Liber
ty, Carew's% Illonntplemant: and Berwick dbl.'
mitts I 1141 lit onrvir, we presume, will not de
cline this nomination, iilliumgM it is a poor rice
by which the Guerilla faction propose to bny the
peace a their Avels 4 .4firi Compliment of a fibmi
nitlon , toa hopeless post. It remains to ho seen,
however, whether ibis, arrangereent will retuedy
the sad Agra Faux committed by MG DAVI! Xi,
when - lot a candidate for Common
6:Tusaras , ht. Namara, Esq., our candidate
for addreosed the Whigs of Union
spray, at their great mass meeting on the 17th
itist., sad was Must, cordially received. The U
nion Tier speaks le the wannest terms of Mr.
Sit]lll4 speech, es also that of Gov. Jonas Toe,
who was present at the same time.
• elite,. L. Lixieav, of lierritimuli, has tikes
*err of the Litigates oengregetion it Abbott.-
tuna is this cavity.
C'esinity Colittmlellikinfhlr: • 1 ' Joel B. balmier, EOM.
It is never allpindentood thatnem to the Con. /
,The nomination of Mr. DAllaaw by the Law
gremieitial eporqiiit of the ticllgat, thi4oeofecos in I loco County Convention es their candidate for the
ibis ettient, i ndddintetine* attention to the ! uneipiied term of Dr. Na., devolves upon the
Gounti mholiAnies. A r Simerirs'eflint will be ; Whigs of Adams county the necessity of another
luisile OP Mt Whig Illombneet Mid to accom- I vigorous e ff ort to stamp the signet of dialopproba•
oa r
Vish this Purime4illitorttinfsterilarill be Crum-' tinn „rpm the political character with which he
paid 10y hithe hope of-drawing o Whig votes' comas before thent. Aro Mr. Dirmsza, peretinal
from the Apnea of Mr. Gat err. DS upon your , ly, we hays no objection's. A clever citizen, kind
Remo], Whigs! Leon Gasser, the Whig can-' neighbor, and popularofficer, he may be deserving
diddle, is one of the most aubstential men in the I of the unquestionably strong personal popularity
County, and the tent roan Yoo . neerli in the Coon-; which he enjoys among his immediate fellow cit.
ty Beard to 'recur. a fsithlbl and, economical ad.; izens. And in matters purely personal, no one
ministreGan jf the comity Einancire. Porsere4 : would go farther than ourselves to evince our con
ii nicer , u
rfil,;Yrachcal mind, Merit integiityl fidence in him as a man.
end intlezil2hi
,finuneni, together , with anterior i To Mr. Desiree, politiailly, however, we have
business habits, he will make • must excellent very many objeitioina, and therefore oppose his ft.
officer. • Hei hi 4toreover a finer bias Whin who I lectioit. ; 4aw treat in the Penrose of*, V; *Mee.
has dealt heavy and effective blows against Loco- , Asilito*memaatielieW ibweehisfoistet ;11034;Lico
focoism in past contests, that have told in the hes- focoprihrolpkrareattiative. 'too, .144, has
vy one sided majorities which gallant Latimore pritire4 hi! dilliity to'Ms patty by a ualllntniOn•
has time and spin relied up for the Whig ticket. sinent;unara miring &motion of his it
I.ncofocoism halts him for his unwavering der°. ' at ill time and ell all oensalorm—ita ounce .4.
lion to the Whig clues, and hence the effort to ;Is to receive the vote of a single Whig, who be-
beat him. Are you willing to see that effort suc- I ievr■ the arkninistnition of the National Govern-
mufti' 1 If not, let every Whig see to it. that , ernment upon,Whig principles is essential to the
his ticket contains the name of JACOB GRIE , T pr o sp e rity of the country. Possibly no one intli.
for County Commissioner. vidual in the, entire county of Adams has done
more to strengthen and hind together the Loofa
co party than Mr. Ds. . Shrewd, cunning.
and vigilant, his time and services have ever been
at the command of his party ; and, since his con- I
nection with the Locohseco party in 1830, we be- I
lieve he has Never cast a vote in opposition to that I
party at even the most unimportant town election.
All will recollect the determined zeal with which
he entered the canvass in I 840againat Gen. HAL.'
atinv, in 1844 against Dr. minus and HAUNTS
CLAY, and again in 1848 spinal the lamented
TA v um. No one, then, can doubt Mr. D. . 'a;
Locofocoism, nor the sincerity of his devotion ta
Suceemoor to Dr. Nos.
In another column will be found the proceedings
of the Congressional Conferees, by which it will
be seen that Dr. Wu. Wltv•rx, a gallant and
popular Whig of York county, has been placed in
nomination as the Whig camlidate to serve the
unetpired term of , Dr. Nis. After a friendly in
terchange of views by the members of the Con
ference, the right of York county to the nomina
tion (Mr. Sit cafe, the candidate for the full term,
being from Adams) was acknowledged, and Dr.
M'ltvat unanimously put in nomination. The
Doctor lie a gentleman of popular manners and will
poll a strong vote. lie was a Presidential Elector
in 1840 and voted in the Electoral College for
President H• N. In 1848 he was also a
Presidential Elector, and voted in the Electoral
College for the laMetlieti TA TLOII. His selectiun
for these honorable posts evinces the. high regard in
which he is held by those who know him best,
and at the woe time furnishes evidence of his
popularity. With Mr. Ss MC he is thoroughly
American in his views and feelings, and will give
hie influence and vote in favor of Protection to
American Industry. Ile is in every respect deser
ving of a cordial and triumphant support at the
hands of the Whigs of the " Young Guard. - -
Shall ho not receive it
%V find in the ,Vork Republican the following
article in regard to Dr. Wk.% his, to which the
reader's attention is invited
By conference and agreement with our
friends in Ad 31115 (301111ty, this gentleman
has become the candidate to supply the
vaeaney in the representation of this Con
gressional District oceasi 111 l ed by the de
cease of the Hon Ilvanv Nes, which is
to be filled, as the Sheriffs Proclamation
in another column shown, at the ensuing
General Election on the second Tuesday
of October, the Bth pox. Of Dr. Wit.-
vats, his character mid qualifications, it is
scarcely necessary for us to say one word
in this County and Congressional District,
where he has lived all his life, and is so
well known personally rind by reputation
among the people. Uorn in what is now
called Adams County, he received a liber
al education, and has been for inure than
thirty-live years engaged in the arduous
pursuit of a large Medical Practice in this
Horough and surrounding country'. It has
been many years since his fellow citizens
first expressed their contidenee in him in
a political way, Mr after having elected
hiw Corurnor in 1818, they chose him in
1823 to represent them ill the Senate of
the State, from which the demands of his
Professional business compelled him to re
tire before the expiration of his term. Ile
was elected a Member of the Electoral
College in Pennsylvania in 1810 and 1818,
and au those occasions cast his vote for
Harrison and Taylor for President of the
United States. The 'Doctor is a democrat
of the Old School, to whose measures and
princi plea acquired in the days of Madison
and Snyder, he. has ever remained faithful.
Finding them incorporated in the creed of
the Whig Party, he has alivays been found
there with them ; and if elected to Congress,
they will will he the pole star of his public
action. The great patriotic doctrine o
Protection to American Industry has no
firmer and more consistent friend than he;
and such is his high moral and social stand
ing in this community, that the people
will be proud to bestow their suffrages
upon the old and "beloved physician"
who has so often bright comfort and
hooding to their beds of sickness, and
smoothed the passage to the,-grave of de
parted friends op whom death had impres
sed his ineffaceable seal.
"They, (the Democracy of Adams,) in Connec
tion with their brethren of York, have decided that
this District uma be redeemed—th•t a Democrat
lit UST represent them in the next Congress."—
York Gcsettr.
IlTTh•t has Mien the decision of "the Democ
racy for the last half • dozen years; but unfor
tunately the people of the District have not aeon
tit to ratify the decision at the polls. May it not
be so again I
ECYA marked change has suddenly come over
the Compiler, In regard to regular nomination• as
opposed to Coto rdiairm The simple introduc
tion of the word "Guerrilla" into the "Misr' creates
a kind of 'spasmodic. affection scarcely less violent
than the horror which the descriptive appellation
of "Lemforo" first encountered, before familiarity
had rendered the appropriateness of the term so
palpable and clear. Judging from the hearty good
will with Which our neighbor seeks to fling from
hint all imputation of "Guerrillainn," one, unite.
guainted with the "Welts of the trade," might hi
timsf'he led to infer 'that life' Col/Vier bird ail ways
int] constantly battled for regular nominations and
regular partt orgenistitions, !Wha!'ilay
dependent Whigs"' to fide sudden detention of
their ally 1„ , • ,
Loccroco grr.-=-Tbs . lollitssiiss is
. tbe ,Co l it o p e oe cif f s . fo U thin
: r ly 115kel 4 lit s s it IPPoirin die
Conkress--Wm. 11. Kurtz.
Joel B. Danner,
, (unexpired ;Oa.),
Direqor of the Paor- 1 -John Render:
Urns Lancaster •Uniers is doing good aer•
vie* in`the present campaign by its stiniing ap
peals to the Whip of the State to give a Ped
account of themselves at the approaching election.
We have taken the liberty appropriailbg sere.
tel of its articles to our own use, with such *Weis.
tions as were necessary to adapt themtb home
rirMr. Do w Ins completed the census
of fluotihoothau towns*, which allots a popula
tion of 153 u.
his party
Whatever may be Mr. DAINNICII claims to
cleverness as • citizen, we presume no one in the
whole party has more anecessfully estab •
tidied his claims as a bitter, proscriptive partisan
than he. That he should command the support
of the Lei:deco patty—that be should be We/cud
by Imeolocoism—is not at all surprising. nal
lie well deserves. He has labored hard for Loco
km and Locofecois m should work hard for him.
('AN ANY WHIG, however,—any Whig, who
believe* the principles of the Whig party to be the
true basis on which Whig Government should be
administered—VOTE FOR Ma. DANNER TO
where his vote may determine whether Protection
is to be given to American Industry or not, ■ud
whether Whig or Looofoco principles shall pre
vail in the National Administration! We leave
this question to be decided by the White* of A
dams county, at the pulls, believing that it will be
answered as it wap two years ago, and as becomes
the high and well-earned reputation of the •Young
By — Citizens of Adams Coun-
Smvssa 111'11.vAIN are the open
and arotred friends of a TARIFF such as
will protect Pewasykania and her inter-
eats--open her workshops and give em
ployment to her laboring classes.
KURTZ & DANNER are opposed to such
a Tariff—they are in favor of the law now
existing, under the operation of which fur
naces and shops have been closed and the
poor man left without his means of subsis
Next winter this question WILL COME up
in Congress and it Nyn.t. he agitated Own
and in the following term.
For whom will you vote ?
Octnie.r, is already upon our table. It constitutes
No. fof the series of Quarterly Issues, and fully
*twain' the reputation which the previous num
ber" had secured for the work. The leading arti
cle in the present number, from the per. of Rev.
Dr. Seliinuelar, is an able and elaborate discus.
sion of "Church Development on Apostolic prin
ciples," followed by "Delitash on the Epistle to
tire Hebrews," by Prof. Jacobs ; "The Protestant
Principle in, its Relations," by Ray. Dr. Krauth ;
"The Transfiguration" by Rev.:C. P. Krauth,jr.;
"The Evangelical Lutheran Church," by Rev. J.
N. Hoffman; "Paul Gerhard," by Rev. Dr. Mor
ris I anti sundry items of literary and theological
intelligence by he editor. The typographical ex
ecution is in keeping with the previous numbers,
and is quite creditable to Mr. Neuter:we, from
whose press it issues. Published quarterly, at *ll
per annum. C. P. K • ,D. D., Editor, Get
tysburg, Pa.
TaoWe are indebted Id Rev. C. POITna►IRLD
Sasvya, of Winchester, Va., fora copy 'gone
Transfiguration," an interesting and eloquent
Mummify, originally prepared by the author for the
"Evangelical Review," and now published in
pamphlet form. Mr. Krauth is a young and gift
eddivirse in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of
rare inteilectnal abilities', who, althotigh but a few
years have elapsed since he left the walls of his al.
ms ha. alreidy aequiied considerable repu
tation 31 a preacher and writer. The contribu
tions from his pen, which have appeared in the
"Evangelical Review," and other publications of
character, have been characterised by a remarka
ble brilliancy of style, and a general theological
and classical learning, seldom met with in writers
ao ynong. In treating of the wonderful scenes
which have thrown such a halo of glory around
Tabor, n fair opportunity has been offered for test•
ing the ability of the writer, and in the "The Trans
figure'. "we have that ability abundantly "indi
10 - The nomination of Wm. D. Learn, karei.,
as Coliectoi of the Port of Philadelphia, was con.
finned on the 18th inst., by a vote of 38 to 7-10
,Benators shawl.
the House of Representatives at Washington a
'tloPted'an' antenthitent to the Navel Apprepria.
tion Bill,
,abOisbing Bogging in the Nasy, by a
vote If 131 ;tr, 29.
rTCongniss will adjourn on Monday Dort, af•
ter a session often months.
11 1 11 E 4111110,101851 MT.
and'votere willie
membert Alain voting on the A lm a.
mint to the Constitution the tiebet is to be
labelled uArnendmeitt" . ...-and-dePtralted'in
a box separate front the bfilance of the
tickets. Those in favor of the amend
ment, (to elect the judges.) are to vole "A 9 ".
the amendment," those opposed to. "41-
getiltit the Amefidinent."—See the Pam.
phiel Laws of 1850 page 407.
COLTS? Htuturnsar, the Hbngarianpat.
riot, arhotrrised in this country a abort
time since is said to be doings prospitous
busincasasatobacconiat in N.York city.
11CPThe hard work oSa cainpeign usu
ally upon the young fried.'; They lre
abifitionSahatia and willing. if wit word aiire
,that twedy poll in .he 840„ wbultl be ,
intended, through the day, by:ten oung
sen, wiiWould not give a -farthing An he
aaeld of a victory. WllrlicirThe
men of the party take hold of the work ?
'There are too many who think they
have discharged their whole duty when
they have deposited their vote. The re
sult usually, is that the hard work at the
polls iv thrown upon the shoulders of a
few'men.. Thill is not right. After ve
ling. every elector phOuld ucertain wheth
his neighbor has voted, and if not, GO
AFTER HIM. • If every Whig whOfeels
an interest in the'result Of the coming e
lection would do what it is his duty to do,
the result would be just what he would
have it to be. „ .
The men placed on your ticket have 11l
been fairly nominated, and have a . claim
upon your support. Sacrifice for once
the prejudices, the partialities that may
govern you. Give up your own pri vate ,
wishes for the good of all, and VOTE
cees of the principles of your party impe
riously require this course.
pon•SPU MOUS TlCKETS.—Friends !
lie on your guard against any and all de
ceptions of the kind. They are practi
sed every year. They will be thic
Tickets will be in circulation with some
Whig name omitted, and that ofs locoloco
substituted. Keep a sharp lookout for
them, and see that no man is imposed up
on by them.
prEvery good Whig who has n team
should take it with him to the polls. It
would be a pity to lose a vole because no
team could be found to send after it. Af
ter you had voted, be reody to labor in
bringing out other voters. . Do your part
towards bringing in delinquents and so
Securing a rum. vote, that you may go
home certain to hear of a WIIID VW
A FULL. WRIO VOTE.—We hope our
IV hig friends in this county will adopt
measures to secure a FULL vom in , every
election district. Let nut a single Whig
voter be overlooked—sec that all me on
the ground on the day of the election, and
that every Whig vote is pulled. Let noth
ing keep you at home. Should it rain,
turn out like TRUE itr.N and brave the "pelt
ings of the pitiless storm," The issues
involved are of immense importance—the
country calls upon every patriot to do his
duty, and shame to him who falters ! Let
all go to work with cheerful hearts and a
fixed determination to get out a rem.
IVIIIO VOTE, and the whole Whig ticket
will be triumphantly elected.
From the York Republican
Of essential importance is the election
of Representatives to Congress in this Dis
trict. Twice has the present House at
Washington choked off every attempt to
modify the destructive Tariff of 1840, so
deeply injurious to the great interests of
Pennsylvania. So urgent is the matter.
however, that it most again and again
come up, and probably at the next session
—if not then certainly in the next congress,
trict has never yetlelected an enemy to Pro
tection. nor a friend to Free-trade. Mr. M'.
CLEAN, during his term, true to the wishes
of his constituents in that particular, made
a speech against the policy of his party. a
dopted in opposition to his vote in 1848.
For this be was victimized by them, but
the people still adhered to the principle of
Protection as was proved in the elections
of 1848 and 1848. The 'same guestionis
pending now, snd made more urgent by
the depressed. and almost ruined. condi
tion of the Iron and Coal business—the
Cotton Manufactures and the Mechanical
and laboring interests of the State. On
the one hand, Messrs. MeILV AIN and
SMYSER, the Whig candidates, are open
and avowedjriends of PROTECTION
and a modification of the existing Tarsi
to relieve those su ff ering interests, while
their opponents, Messrs. Danner and
Kurtz, are boldly and presumptuously sup
ported on FREE-TRADE and ANTI
PROTECTIVE grounds—their friends
ridicule the alleged prostration of business,
and denounce the Whig Tariff Policy as
"the exploded plundering system known
as the Protective 7'ariff." They, in fact,
modestly ask the people to reverse their
own repeated *Woos at the ballot boxes,
and to stultify themselves by abandoning
their settled convictions to follow the will.
o'-the-wisp vagaries of these visionary a
postles of a progress which is destruction.
We feel assured that they will not do it,
and that t the election of. Messrs. ,
VAIN and SMYSER will attest their
continued devotion to the old fashioned
Otr In the U. S. House of Representative'',
lut week, Mr. Hnivarts, of. Petinsylvacia,
gave notice' that he ~ v roitald 'ark leave to
bring in the foilrfwitig bills : ,
A bill m alter d amend the revenue
laws so ,as 10: stroWl r e asonable protection
and encouragement to American labor ;
A bill Ito abOlish Slavery in the Terri.
torrollitahl•' " ' • •
A bill to repeal so much of die Heti; es.
tablishing 140.0u:rift governments in New
Ai !) 4 9 ,, a n f l Vial) Bs recogetzes Itivery in
sa4lerritcgies, anti . 4 4 1 ,4 5*: 4 0 .,.. k ti 0 n'
to reitintry.s)iy•, Stoics into the Union;
bill, to repeat siul anaukthe fugitive
glare law, passed' eptember, 1950.
ykohrTex iit
geftee' Tines' Ad,. Gov.; Bell vAullixf
the bill of the Texan Legislature, to sub,
mit to the people she proptidition of the U,
Biondi for the settletnent bf thir bdOmigy
question, The Legislature sustained the
veto, and adjourned to she third Monday
dry in November. ,
S4!tin:itily iron! Waithington, pays
•I'lre l r i tn4rMinisier, the request
of Mi. We ter, returiaral last night front
New, York had a long conference will,
him, l'lte4bunistess related to Cuba, and
afe antlers:trig that another attempt is Ur
MI made 'Cobs. 'Phu descent it first
title made 'Hayti, for the overthrow of
Faustin Sualoque. '
THE GRUAT Disrmott Mace Tow. at
Natchei; Miss., on the 10th inn , was a
complete failure. Notwithstanding much
time and industry were spent ip gettiptup
the demonstrition, the when,/ untubdi i,l'
persons present was 120. of w 1 . 1? " 1 .1
jority were Opposed ihe ohiect and er.
trained Gory eartilsitv" ;31n speakers
were Col. adore, Geo. Stanton and Geri.
Felitt Hithstop.
CENTRAL A i ILIIIOAD.•-•-WO see by an
advertisement in the Pittsbuig(insane
that all•tha statimurreiosieing videfefi the
line of the 'Pennltyliinla Rada:hid btfWeen
Pittsburg and Johnstown, are to be 'given
to contractors on the 10th of October next.
The whole line will then be under con:.
VW, except a, part of the imountahr se&
tion, for which the Portage Railroad fin
be substituted until it is finished.
The Conferees of Mims and York
counties met at the house of Miehriel
Hoffman, in Abboustosin, on Friday.
Sept. 20. R. G. McCreary was appoint
ed chairman, and H. F. Manes Secre
tary. After a full interchange or opinion,
the following resolutions were agreed up
on. •
I flereas, The 115th Congre-ssional
trict has been deprived of its Represents
tive in the National Legislature. by the
ruthless hand of death: rhereture
Resolved, That we tender our heart.
felt sympathies tu the bereaved family and
relatives of the lamented deceased. and
whose early departure (him this world
we all BO deeply deplore ; and widl" B
mortal body is mouldering in the gtic4,
his name and memory will be fondly cher
ished in the bosoms of his former friends
and fellow citizens.
And, %Vile:rens. in consequenee of liiq
death, we arc called together to select and
place in nomination a proper person to
scrve out the unexpired terin, to be voted
for at the next general election,be it there
Resolved, That we nominate Dr. WM.
MeII.VAIN, of the borough of York.
as a suitable person to fill the vacancy oc
casioned by the death uftlie Roo. H. Ncs,
our late Representative in Congress.
2. That we recommend the candidate
this day selected as one every, way wor
thy the suffrages of the intelligenatuLlur,
depetulnt voters of the District—one who
in public ant: private life, has ever shown
himself honest and capable--the friend of
the poor, and the advocate, as well as rep
resentative, of principles, both in morals
and politics, which tend to promote the
best interests of the Slate and of society at
Mr. EDITOU—This Locofoen candidate
appeared in his gentleman dress at the
"Globe Inn," in Gettysburg, a few days
since. His quarters were the parlor ;
Tit Kim he saw his visitors—had his drink.
able on the table--and gentkusen took a
sip, (seine of them a bruiser, too,) at his
expense. The bar-room and the mechanic's
shop were too common for his broad-cloth
dignity. Did lie mingle with the "Ik.
mocracy." (so-called.) or with our Mechan
ics and Workingmen, as though he was
just their equal, and no better than they !
How is it! This same candidate appear
ed a few days before in Abbututuwn, in
his country dress. There he sat with his
chip hat, (atm one, at that,) old coat, and
trowsalooas pet long enough to tip a "good
morning'to hts boot-tops." Adeath coii,e
ty votes are not thus to be caught. Tuts
is the "Free.tradr,"candidate fur Congress
from York county—hunting voles to caws
against DANIEL M. SMYSEH !,
Q. IN A Coats Si.
Mr. EDIITORtIt would seem front the
croaking. of the editor of the Comeihr and
his correspondent, (some crazy AO. who
signs himself "H,".3 shot the , . fit ar-
ills, ' and .41Loeofitca." are *IL
to be applied to "Democrats.'" . c f
such modest phrases ate deetned harsh.
what think . illfp of supporting a Cahtit
date who, in the midst of a Locofoco kali
fication over the defeat of Henry Clay.
publicly declared--..Shovr mi a whit,
and Pll show you a d—rfrascal 1"
On the 22d inst , at the Two Taverns, by the
Her. William !limier, AIDAX Klima and LTA
Gaors, all of Germany township.
On jw 20th inst., by the flee. Jacob Ziegler,
iss.c A.:WiIItIJIT and Alias Zu SMUTS Pass:,
both of Cumberland township.
On the,, by the peine.llAvie MAIT•
MAN and Miss Ass, M. BlAMSM,bcpdi of Menai
len' torinship: '
On the 14th inst.. at Eaton, Ohio, *ems
Cs an elms, only child .of, Win. O. and M. C.
'Gould, forlornly of this:county, apd I 'ytrar.4
Months, and 2.daya. , • ' ••
On the 20th inst..Mre. Maar Mamas wr Pun.,
consort - 4 . INi* PO4 of; MM rt
se}) 71 yes* 10,n:oaths, end 17 dayi. 1 , • .
Ow; the 2lnt inst,, A A, Ins or . 4.4e°
Norris, of Straban tOsrasltip, ogea 1 Year, time.,
and 8 days.
On the 211.1 inst., in Memllen lownebiy,•Siiirs
non all'alltlii, Sen., aghd about 89 years. .• ;
On the Dth inst., at him residence .0, Jattit," o " -
vine, Woattnorlend county, Ps,,,Gspit. lawn
11 r 410 41 4 1 1 1 id. Ili - 00 , 1 11 1 /4.,111e.1 15
yea% 7 moo serf's dais. ' ' ' - .
,Oh the I fth nii, vein - Ablimitdiwiallf ' AP
, Idatnififskr of Predloridroint ' Mariann , Monsile, ie.
god 1 year, 7 months, and 29 dyne is: <lp. „ i
On the 18th hut., lo MX/Witatinh Jams, kfinst
of son 0 1.4 4 eabm441 , 4 4 0rikt. - . 7 %,
' 9%40. 8 * P,)p• 4V 1 ,4 01 • - r.
kailliitil*Marai,iii Vs *hap. . ktii;u 1
lA* yeeirs t i Oil AO 1441i.J•fam 4104 All If l l l,l
1 ,i3OPtbe iii,lt init., 1111r-Ciiinies'easefoil." if
11Uittlitnbidlownehig,liged *lit IS 'yenta. , 1
On the 2d hist, Thomas thraYnito, awe; of Mr.
Arthur Simone; at TOO", triwnehip aged about
18 years.
'911: ?kindly, in this fitirocrb; lifisi, mie .
4fivi en; tired 'abiost 94 years. ( 11, 111
. Un Burnley last, at his residence in Brolvitiapi.
obit), idler a long illness, Smolt excess. Bp.
On the allle , filyi at his residence in Mount joy
Imsnabip, , • Mr. Wx• entTnny In• Soo, Veda a.
`6661 66:
+ • + On the 16th inst., in Abbottalown, Mr. As.
true HA sckv, surd 3 d year* and 9 torgathji, i,
►llO7l TIM 11•24110t01111111711f 07 11/0111/111UAT
rt,oug. , —Thr epur Inefut se <vary quiet
Howahl it. naannal at S 4 81i. and CitY. Mill •
$4 Th. Cola Mad and Rye done onobanip4.
R AIN.-Supply of all kinds of Drain light. pri.
era am Iblhrons Rid *oat 102 **l 08. White
*boot 1 011 a #1 Its dimity door white I lb a
*1 20. White Cafe 68 a Went' yellow 80
rent., Oats IN aIR cOO% Rya 110 eons.:
ranged Ite m P. 25 to $8 .26
on the hoof, equal to #4.l* a 0.28 net, anil stem.
gin . ; OP gniea.
HZ -4"r of 11aa bags *I V." a $5, 7 5
( *Mate Ori4Ministration on the es
ju of 1 ilastiy.a HARINAX,Iate of Ber
wick botoogh, Adams co. dee'd, having been
grossed to the subscriber, residing in Ber
wick borough. notice is hereby given to
such as are indebted to said estate to make
payment without delay, and those having
claims are requested to present the same,
properly authenticated. for settlement.
Sept. 87.--61 Adm'r.
11* subeeriber will oiler at Publio
on the premises, on
. 11 rdrteiday the 10th of October next,
situate in Straiten township: Adams noun.
tY; Fs.. +heinous mile from Hunteratown,
sad eye mile from the Pine Cnunih, ad•
joie*, leads of Jacob Wagoner. Jacob
Shull, Jacob Osman, and Hugh M'lihen•
nit ciforOaiqiNg
• : 7 - 107 ACRES,
Itlere:or 44111. about 20 Acres of which are
tiondbind, and about 15 acres Meadow,
and; More can Gully be made. The im
provements are a two-story
l 11L HOUSE,
- Lu Frame Barn, with shedding, and
Other ont-buildings ; there is s never-fail
ing -well. of water near tire House, with . a
piathp in it. and a never-failing spring with
in* short distance of the house. There
il, is on the premises. a first-rate r
Apple Orchard,
of' e wee grafted fruit trees ; also pear,
Peach, plum, and cherry trees in abund.
*Rim- , Portions wishing to view the farm
arerequested to call on Mr. George Smith,
residing therein.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. on
said day, when attendance will be given
end the terms made known by
'Sept. 27.--31
A Valuable Property for Sale
at Petersburg, Y. S.
mf House and Lot now occupied by
'Th7fr — in" - ri- • " XaTind. In Peters- -
'burg. (V. 14.,) is this county, opposite the
Ilititheran church, of that ewe, will be dis
posed of at private sale. There is a very
141011 c , small barn, with extensive gratea
ri'ei, a garden and large yard, through
which a beautiful spring of water is Now
int.•—with an acre of ground, more or less,
-djoining the barn, with trait trees on it.
'fermi to suit purchasers.
VEY - Enquire of Mr. WY. GARDNER, at
Vetentburc or of 8. U. liub:umett, at Get
Sept. 27, 1810.-3 t
l~ult lc SALE
On Monday the 30th September
1111 HE subscriber wilt sell at public sale,
on the prenises, that very desirable
property. outshining of
6 Acres
of Land, situate in East Berlin, Atlanta
county, adjoining lands of M. Delicte, J.
Jacobs, Rey. Mr. Deininger and others.—
'rise improvements thereon erected arc a
a two-story frame weather
L " Pl i ti Dwellin g I-louse,
with Kitchen attached, an oat-kitchen.
with a well of water and pump is it under
roof, a stole smoke-house, a large double
Barn, with wagon shed, corn crib, &c.—
There it; also au
011011411 D
of Choice fruit, such as apples, peaches,
pears, plums, tlte. The land is in a high
lista of cultivation, and under good fences.
Persons wishing to view the property
.before the day of sale, can do so, by call
ing on the subscriber residing then:ton.
Sale to commence at I o clock, P. M.
Attendance given and terms made known
Naps. 27.—1 t
Daguerreotype Portraits.
W COLLAMER would respect
-in Cully announce to the Ladies and
Ventleinen of Gettysburg that he has ta
ken rooms at Mr. Mussnon's Temperance
ante!. for e short lime only, and is prepa
red to take Likenesses in a superior man
ner. Hiving evaded himself of the lite
dteautaiprocess, with all other recent int
iroyentents.ln the art, ho is enabled tq en
sale likeneati unsurpassed for richness of
On% '; Strength 'of expression and all the
requisites for making a goad picture.
. i ,
Mere ert triumpbaM me neenion claims,
Hem! kife eeemeepeek qollemer!a frames;
PaVeMe r Pildrese, Friend,, amen the pidenni
.4 ~ 7; s , ININUdid 1 .
Emit %on o wit data; ite limps type milk
Zesteres,oomplailoe.atUtude. attire,,
iitauty's tati 'end* andinealtead'it glom* of
d_ ,
Truly 'Oldebdittnit the litendebed 'itlai*
autstadt WS wittrits own 'doOtatte. -
Thlikkaitt thimea pettisits by IW seddiebt made,
Shisldittlestatt thy' ats. Wltl,lllut abide*. fade:'
'in, •, no ease will any cbarse be
Inadilfi etititit'liltinosi is Aptiwodueetl.
, . ..
i t - % lill411c4" iiitlO, in the 'Kan
reit 'nit 'terns
_ Sept. 20, NO.
iv t 'retteitied & luso: lot, 0" low
4 " 4ogiorti ii eatt Kitt StIC/118, GAFF-
E t• lase& du; also, Gentlemen's
n44la. Oosgrees Goiters
dicoicitS.l - •
f, 4r.411 — AW Po_Tcy!ue, 0,4
i VP Wqrli of an aratnary aim
ti , JII, t colored woman would be Pre.
• . G;;otl oltersolerrand aPrfettifab.:
it* trill be essential hi tho applicant, who
may find nipinniyaent situation in a plea
cant bottle. ilit„7"Enquiro at the "Star"
401/bt.' • . .. '
THE Assessors elected at the last Spring
Election are hereby notified to attend
at the Commissoners' Office In the Bo
rough of Gettysburg, to receive Blank As
sessment Duplicates anti the necessary in
structions, as follows :---The Assessor.
for Union, Oonowago, Berwick, Oxford,
Hamilton, Reading, Mountpleasibt, Ger
many, Straban and Mounijov. Will attend
on Wednesday, the OA of October next
and the Assessors for the Borough. Gum.
berland. Freedom, Liberty, Hamthonban,
Franklin, Butler, Menallen, Tyrone, Hun
tington and Latimore, will attend ott nuts
day, the 10th of October next.
By order of the Commissioners.
J. AUGHINBA win, Clerk..
Sept. 13, 1850.—td
LE'I"FI ItB of Administration on the Es.
tale of Chuang 0. NI'IIAtISNNV, late of
Franklin township, Adams county, Pa.
deceased, having been granted to the sub.
scriber, residing in said township, notice
is hereby given to those indebted to said
estate to make payment, and to those has.
ing -claims • so • present the sarno properly
authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 20.-61
1.1 F. School 'Directors of Franklin
township will meet at the house of
Henry Hartman, in said towui.hip, on Sat
urday, the 51/i of October next, to select
Teachers to take charge of the Public
Schools of the said township. The Com
mittees of the different Schools of that
township are requested to attend.
A BR'M SCOTT, Sec'y.
Sept. 20.-31
Estate of Theodore K. Shaffer, deceaird:
I 4 01"11:11.8 of Administration, on the
estate of TIL EGLI° RE K. 8 H /F.
FEB, late of Gettysburg, Adams coun
ty, l'a., deceased, having been granted to
the subscriber, residing in Gettysburg,
notice is hereby given to all who are indebt
ed to said estate, to make payment without
delay, and to those linvingelaims to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 23.--th Adner.
Estate of Barbara Lifevre, ((calmed.
I ETT ERS Testamentary on the Es-
A tate of BARBARA Lk:V.I46'HE. Late 01 the
Borough of Gettysburg, Pa. deceased, has
ingbeengramed to the subscriber, notice it:
hereby gi von to all who arc indebted to said
Estate, to ma k e paytnen t w i thou ttlelay,and
to those having claims to present the same
properly authenticated, to the subscriber,
residing in said borough, for settlement.
w. W. PAXTON, Ex'r.
Aug. 23.-01
lEWERS Testamentary on die Es
,g tate of /AMES ADAMS, late of Lib
erty tp. Adorns co., deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, notice is hereby
given to all indebted to said estate to make
payment withoutdelay, and to those having
nlaims to present the same for settlement.
to the subscriber, residing in same town
Aug. 23, 1880.-84 _ EX,W,t
.) VED his Hardware and Grocery
Store to the Room recently occupied by
HENRY Sala., on the Sonth West corner
of the Diamond, where he has opened a
much increased assortment of HARD
WARE* GROCERIES, to which the
attention of the Public is invited.
Gettysburg, Sept. 0, 1950.
Of Florence Braid BONNETS,
Colored Chip do.
Misses' Mixed Braid du. - a
Chinn Pearl, do.
Fine Luce do.
Altlidiraide& Jenny Lind do.
Chip end straw Jo.
Palm, Leghorn 4/. Strnw , Hats
which, will be sold as cheap as the cheap.
est. , [April 5.
NOTICE is howebY given to all persons
4, ‘ not to harbor or Wet my daughter,
MARY ANN WISLER, on my account,
as I am determined not to any debts
ber cqntramityr t . , • ,
13EN'Amti Wigut.
Mountpleasant 1850.
I L'oF
HE Membeirr Utitql Lodge N'e.
ate *wilted to attend a stated
tweettiht 64 4 7iteada* evolins o , Oct. tat, at
wtticn time thd nitto'By-Laws will he is ?
keivtip for'sdbptlblf.
is 20.
ALDWIN, sexy.
„ ,
J. 148.1 of Nails just re.
19;00. booted and. for sole by
T HE undersigned has opened an Office
drilla street, next door to the
office, whet° he 'will be found at
all tinitie, prepareA to atwn4 to all business
that may 6c placed in ids hands.
Ceitybhurg, M' 10, 1890.' •
lnl. V 41,11 L E
P.EbAL 1,311111
At Public Salo.
ISHE subscribers, Evocators of the lam
will and tertarnent of Gao. thew,
late of Nett , Oxford, Adonis etiunty.,tieed.
will sell of Public Sale, on thepreintees, on
IPednosday the ski of October nowt,
the following cleneribed property, to wit t
situate in ifuntington township, Adams
county, Pa., adjoining lands 61 . Win. Nun.
dote: J. H. Fink, Weaver tun' other., con.
159 ACRES.
and 100 Perches of Patented bend. The
_ Improvements thereon are a
Rough-cast Dwelling
with 'a one-story Kitchen, a Log Barn,
with Sheds and Stabling, waggon shed and
cora cribs, smokehouse, black-smith shop,
limekiln, and a tenant house and stable.
The Dwelling House is on the cross roads
about one mile south-west of the York
Sulphur Springs, and very convenient to
several Mills. It is also within two Miles
of lime stone, and with a little improve.
meat it would be a very desirable proper
ty. About 40 acres Ire covered with
good and thriving timber, and about 10
acres are in excellent meadow.
.LSO, on Ike same day, mill be sold.
65 Acres of Woodland,
in lots of from 5 to 10 acres, situate and
lying about mile from the above improve
ments, and adjoining lands of Wm. Mun•
dorff, John H. Fink and others.
?LSO, on the premises, on Thursday,
the 3d of October,
Two Valuable 'Karma,
situate in Reading township, Adams coun
ty, Ps.
No. I.—A FARM, containing
208 .HCRES 4. 82 PERCHES
of Patented Land, adjoining lands of John
Brought, Esq.. John Duncan. Job Dicks.
the town of Hampton, and Farm No. 2.
The improvements are a two
story woatherboard
rjn HOUSE,'
ant a one-story Kitchell, a Spring House
over a never-failing spring near the door,
a large Brick Bank Barn, Wagon-shed
and Corn Cribs, and other out-buildings.
The above farm has a due proportion of
Timberland, and choice Meadow, with a
never-failing stream of water passing
through the same. It bee also a fine bear
ing Orchard.
N 0.2. A Fjk PM, containing
142 3CRE,S 4. 22 PERCHES
iiiPate - niell Land, adjoining the aforesaid
farm, lands of Job Dicks, Jacob Haines,
Abraham Chronister, Levi Chronister, l
Dr. C. Blish, and others. On this Farm
there are four good springs of water, two
of which are convenient to the dwelling.
The improvements are a two-story weath
,. erboardcd
RI Log flpring House, a new weath
erboarded Barn, with excellent Stables and
sheds. This farm has a good proportion
of Meadow, and about 40 acres of good
No. 3.—Three Lots of Ground in the
town of Hampton, fronting on the Carlisle
and Hanover Turnpike, having thereon
erected a two-story rough-cast
110 USE, s • is
Brick Kitchen, Log Stable, and a
neves failing well of water at the kitchen
door. It has also a variety of choice fruit.
This is a very desirable property for a
SILSO, on the protases, on Wedneetkty
the 9th of October.
the fallowing described Property, situate
in Oxford township. adjoining lands of Dr.
Wm. APDrain, John Darnitz, the Town
Lots of New Oxford, Anthony Ginter,
Henry Gitt and others, and containing
130 Acres and 131 Perches,
of . Pateined - Ima. About 105 acres of
the above tract are cleared, 15 acres of
which are in good Meadow. and the bal
ance, 25 acres, arc covered with thriving
al it timber. The improvements are
a one and a half story
a Stone Spring-house, a large Bank Barn,
with wagon shed. corn ()ribs, and grana
ries. There is a never failing spring near
the dwelling—and a tine thriving orchard
of Choice Fruit. The above land. having
been all limed, is in a high state of coke
vstion, and the fencing is nearly all ehes-
nut rails.
/11. SO, on the rause day, will be sold,
containing from I to 41 acres each,
adjoin the town of New Oxford, and the
above Farm. ALSO, about
40 Town Lots,
in said town of New Oxford. And on the
following day, Thursday the 101 h, will
be sold . •
adjoining the York and Gettysburg Turn
pike slid the town of NeW Oxford. A This
tract "sill be sold in tote of from 2 1-2 io 6
Acres, to suit purchasers. ,
A further dasoription.of the above,pro
parties is deemed unnecessary, as persons
desirous of viewing the property can do
cailing'on either Of the Executtna
or the tonahtS residing thereon. •
1/j'Atle to commence at 10 te,chttche on
each of the above days. .
10:7.Terms of sale *Mho easy, which
will be made known 'on the respective
days of sale.
wm. D. HINDS;
. .
A., 8.• kilfidES.
Nex Oxford, Aug. 111.-46 Bx're.
drossge, go I,esKlkrs.
THE .Schoele .11tireitore of Hamilton.
ban Towne* eta meet`at the Pith.
lictlebOof Ottneein Fairfield, on Saturday,
the day 4/ - September next v between
tuntra o It alclocit, M. nal 07clock.
P. M., to employ TIRAOHNRII to take charge
of the several Schools in said .Township.
~ .. JOHN McCI.F.ARY, Secip
September IS, 1850.
WaXTE 0,
2Aliftll BOshelp of OATS, 1,000
5W111.11. Ilushels of (.3074544A1l
500 Buslials.'citilYB, to be iltaiver*Nt
will. in Germany township, for' ya
fair price will be given.
CEO - 111;F. ARNOLD.
In the earns luta by the authority of the Common
voids of Penosylvenie.
WM. F. 4011NSTON.
Govti',w r
,of the said Commonterada, to
Wa. Puma, Esq.. Sheriff of The Coun
ty ie ottloOto— , Eretos ooerrugo :
WilifißgltgAS, a vacancy has happened
v V lithe repreemitation of deli Bute
in OM Hoare of Recnittentatives of the li
nt old States. in 'consequence of the death
of HicYtatr.ifei. elected a member
of the thirty-first Clusgress from the 15th
Congressional district, composed of the
counties of Adam* and York :
Now, therefore. in Pursuance of the Pr,'
visions. in such case made by the Consti
tution of the 1.1. States. and of an Act of
the General Assembly . of this State, passed
the 2d day of July, A. P., 1839, I. We.
F. Jonturrott, being vested with the Este
utile authority of the Bette of Pennsylva
nia, have issued this Writ, hereby com
manding you, the said'William Fiekes. to
hold an Election in the said county of Ad
ams on .Tuesday the Bth day of October.
1850, for choosing a Representative of this
Commonwealth in the Rims. of Repre
sentatives of the United States, to fill the
recency which has happened tut aforesaid,
and 'von are hereby required and enjoined
to hold and conduct the said election, and
make n return thereof in manner and kna
as by law is direeted'and required.
Wren under my hand and the Great Seal of the
State, at Harrisburg. this sixteenth day of Sep
tember, in the year of sat boa was t►osaand
eight hundred and fifty and of the Coreenen
wealth the seventy-fin.
By the Governor.
A. 1,. RUSSET..
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
MOWMOW, therefore, in accordance with the
foregoing Writ, to sue directed, No
tice is hereby given that en Election for
serve the unexpired term of „Hon. HENRY
Nea, dec'd., will be held at the usual pla
ces of holding General Elections, in A
dams county, on ibestiahrihe Bth of Ode-
Ger next, between the hours of 8 A. M.
and 7 P. M., in pursuance of the provis
ions, in such case smile by the Constitu
tion of the United States. and of an Act of
the General Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 2ml
day of July, A. D., 1830.
WM. FICHES, Shot".
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
B.lept. 20 185 U.
WiIE.REAS, by an Act of the lien
. eral. Assembly of the State of Penn
sylvania, passed the 9th day of April. A.
D. 1850, it is provided "that for the pur
pose of ascertaining the sense of the citi
zens of this Commonwealth, in regard to
the adoption or rejection of an amendment
to the Constitution of this Commonwealth
in the second Section of the filth Article
thereof. by prOviding for the election of
the Judges of this Commonwealth by the
people, the Governor of this Common
wealth shall iSIIIIO a writ of election di
rected to the Sheriff of each and every
county of this Commonwealth. command
ing them to give notice, in the usual man
lier, that an election will be held in earl.
of the townships, wards and distrirts there
in, on the second 'Tuesday in October. in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight
I hundred and fifty, for the purpose of de
ciding upon the adoption or rejection of
the said amendment ; which said eke
: don ehall he held at the places, and be
opened and closed at the dine at and within
which the general elections of this Com
monwealth are held, opened and closed :"
Now, therefore, in accordance with a
writ as aforesaid to me directed by the
Governor of the said Commenwealth of
Pennsylvania, bearing date the 12th day of
August, A. D. 1850, I, WILLIAM FICK
ES, Sheriff of the County 'of Adams, here
by give notice that an ELECTION will
be held according to the terms of the Con
s+ tu don, and provisions of the Act of the
General Assembly aforesaid in each of the
townships. boroughs, and districts of Adams
county. on the second Tuesday in October
.next, being the ft thwf October. 1930. for
the purpose or decidin g upon the adoption
or rejection of said amendment.
Sticrirl's Office. Gettysburg, Z
bee. 9, 1850.—te
11111,t8 Inithntion, under the direction of
-IL Miss WALLACK, will be re-opened
on Monday the 2d of September. and con
tinue in two sessions of five months each,
utiol the last of June ; leaving July and
August for vacation instead of May and
.niFt3ll4.—TCll"dilll.7llB per session or five
months ; with extra charges for the Lan
guages, Drawing and Fancy Work. Pu
pil. will be charged from the tints nrea
tering till the end of the session t ism/ no
deductions from the price will be made. ex
cept fit time luOt by the Teacher, or pro
tracte illness of the.pupils.
jtefitrenee Is respectfully opal' is the
R;Bowing gentlemen :
J. De, berson, Nev. Dr. Delsserker,
J. A ompion, Rey. Dr. Danaher . „,
R. srper. Dory. Dr. Kresll4
IM. Yliorner, ' Prot Jacobs, - ,
Hon. Al. M'Clean, Prof- Slaval.
Rey. 1L Miaow.
J. 11: Minter,
'Avg, 30 - , taterch 8,)--ty
HE. firm or CIII.P k ?Am:Tom
having beer disunited hy *rattail con
sent on the ist inst., the sitisairiber nispecs
lidly announces to his friesideartai the pub
lie that he intend' to continue thebrisiness,
in rilit , its bromine, at the- rad sand, in
Chambersburg street, mealy opposite 15-
H. Haeldeestirepuld Book Stors, where
he will be prepared at all diner to 511 an
orders for '
••••4i-it_i! _
opik, rig! , -pp
with promptness ma nn 01120bable lonly4
The submnalent, , willi.dingis big k efforis to
pri•Josimirfiyk., Ram 1..
vorably with any ihaintay be lamed out
Ironixos ol l l lte•AbliitmeßOtod hPPIe 47
attendee* Pimiento to amoris end, meal*
a liberal share of patronage.. .
41110 1 .11016 , 44 1 *, ft
,t' • ' "r --- • •
'• ' .triv R Y di* LOW.
lh the Cehtre Agnate. North
VV of the Vourt-hotote,betweln Smith'
and SerFneoit's corners.
is and by the Act of the Gen.
oral Assembly of this State entitled "Aw
Act 10 nenlate the General I:lonians of this
Commonwealth" enacted on the of July,
IMO. it is ..joined on ore to fliTs.r?blin Mater ,
of such Unction to fie held, and to enumerate in
such notice what Arleen' _ore to be elected: I,
Wtassast Ficus% amnia .of the canny
sow, therefore. hereby girls this pal& Mt*
to tioefer iiare said empty ot Adams, dug 8,
will be held is said assay. on the
Serond Tnesdery of October next .(the lith)
lathe mmetarflikriets tesnposed et the follow
ing tescoships, cis:
In the Firmshotrict, csomensolorthe Beton‘h
M Gettysburg and the township of Cumbedieud,
at the Coats-huts. in Gettyaberg,
In the Second district, composed of the towni ,
ship of nermasy, at the home nor occupied bt
Isnot Tamil, in the two of Littlmaewni Mk the
township of Germany.
In the Thin! district. composed of the town
ship of (Weld, et the bane et widely Miley, in
the town of New Oxford.
In the Fourth district. cosnmsed df the town
ships of Latium/0 and Hentinstem. at the haute
of Wm. Chrossister, in the township of -bunt
In the Fifth district, composed of the totem
ships et Ibuniltobban and Liberty, at the public
seditied-hosee in blillenitown„ , • •
In the Sixth dis' taict, composed of the town.
ship of Hamilton, at the hone now occupied by
Jenne Myers. in the town of Berlin.
In the Seventh district, composed of the tows.
ship of Marino. at the pialibe,ecbool.bonse is
the town of Hendersville. , •
In the Eighth district. composed of the town.
ship a titoilesti. at theftmsen pf Jerob Lti?floor,
in thinten4ontii. .
to the Minds ilstricti eportpMed of the town
ship of Freebies, at the Weis raw occupied , by
Henry Hartman. in said tawashiii.
la the Teeth district, eetoriosed of the
ship of Cdworrago. at the house of . John Bushey,
is )INlarifystown.
In the Fdeenath district, eempleed of the
sownsiiipeof Tyrant, at the bones of &untie! Bad
ler. io
In the Twelfth district, coniposal of the town
ship of ~Mosintjj,at the . house olGeorg,e thryder,'
in said township.
in the Thirteenth district. compered of the
township re Ifountpleasam. at' the house of An,
'bony Smith, in Paid township, situate at the
cross-roads. the one leading from Oxford to the
Two Taverns, the other nom IluitterstOwtt to
In the Fourteenth district. entered, of the
township of Reading. at the public ouse of Ca
kb 11. Hildebrand, in Hampton.
In the Fifteenth district. composed of the Thit
°sigh and Tinsiliship , of Berwick, at the. pablie
school-house in Abbentstsran.
In the Sixteenth district. comMited of the town
ship of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas Mor
o:. in said township.
In the Sesenteenth ilistrtet, composed of the
township of t - Men, at the house of Enoch Late
er. in said township.
In the Eighteenth district. composed of the
township of Butler, at the house of Wm. F.
Eieboltz, in 'Middletown. in said township.
At which time placss will be elected
One Venal Connonisakenee I •
One Auditor General;
One Surveyor General
One Alember of Cowers ;
One &atc Senator ;
One Representative in the State Legialar
Onc eountr Commissio' mu
One I)in:cuw of the Poor;
Ono Auditor;
One Maier AUorney; and
One County Mureeyor.
Particular attemson is directed to the Act of
ixi,e4 the tith.lsy of rehttlary,•l649,
entitled -An Act Manse to toting at elections
the cronines,uf - Adams, It.orit Lan
caster. riaaklitt, Cuinberlana, Bradkiii]; centre,
Greette, and brie; viz:
•-stertion 1. Re it enacted bs the Senate and
'louse at Ilepresentatives of the Commonwealth
of Pentorlsonta in General Assembly met, awl
ri is hereto enacted by the authority at lb.. same,
—that it shall he bond for the qualified voters
of the counties of Adams. Itaisphin, Lancaster,
York. Vranktio. Cumberland. Beano's!, Centre,
Gnerne. and Erie. from and alter the passage of
this art, to vale for all candidates for the various
enirss to he tilted it any election im one slip 13e
ticket - Pomaded. llse of fro which every ran.
dilate is **hr.! tor. shall be designated, as requited
by the existtog laws of this Commonwealth.
--tertian 1. Thai aily fraud Committed by 'any
person voting is the manner lobos* pteetribed
shall be punished as similar frauds are directed
to be punished by tbe exhalant laws of this Com.
And is and by an act of the General Assembly
of this 'dime, passed the 9ct day of July, 114:ttl, it
is directed that the Inopectora and Judged ,be at
the place. of their district on the day of the
General Election aforesaid, at• 11 o'clock in the
terenrion, to do and pectoim the pievei al duties, tp
qtrinid and enjoined on them in and by the same
act. . .•
Ax...—ln and by urtUe of. the 11th of
the act aforesaid, eves)* perten,exeeptingJuibit,lll
of the Peace. rho shall hold any office In ,arr•
peintment7if mill 'or * trust liVher the' gevein
anent of the. united states, 'or 61 , any' lily - hr In
corporated district, whether a evientnissiohed
car, or, OthelllrOPO, • subordinate dhow Gement,
who ia, or atoll be employed, ander tbe,,legisle
tare, executive or judiciary department ef, Una
Of of the United num, or of any city or
incorporated district, and also that every inerhber
of Cowen, anal oar the State Legislate*, and of
the belled or Comma Council of any city, or
Communism of say snemporated distrsch is by
lair incapable of bolding of exercising at the
same time. the oilier or appointment of Judge,
Inspector or Clint of any election of this Com
mom rulth, and that no Judge. Inspector, or
other ink* of ay such election shall be eligible
to any Ake to be then voted for.
Alai be it limber directed, in and bribe act 01
the General Assembly of this state stinesaid,
that one of the Judges of each of the iliffereut
.r cis aforesaid. aria. shall have the charge Of
the certificates of the number of esteii
shall have been Ono Mr each candidate lot the
daring:at offices then WI there votod:forin AIM
ITSF•tlar• districts, shall. inert on , the thied.,day
after the election, which shall be alk•Friday,i4e.
1114 Ochatkreloretuid, at the court how In
the lisimagh elf Getlyili4g. 'then 'and' theee to
make a dais+ wasameai and ceruatate of the mail
bar sAI wow, nhiek Awn hare ban gimes at .the
ifilematt dastrgya Oa crawly, at Mons*, ha
any person or penmen far the others skPlesrigL
' WILLIAM kleg.V.S. t Sisirriff
Sherif "ig O6ar,l6leatrhaag,l • ' "
Dept. V, 159045—1 e • S •'
• 011411011"
itATEIFUL for. tholes"( ,oapitiuusal
and steady Wawa" 4.l l ibfrallY air
tended to him. room!, bis4wictopasitalt
meow to his friendeoteld
_11804af; lAanPat
tention to his present largo assortment of
of emery varie4,Gbalieal. The.
olosiliah.sLiwwwirottd llistOolliketeitia, al
of arbkit wilt he.iohi, s o ma). ikt't4 very
lowest =tee. •
He has also eonslutily mr.handie large'
and full assortment of SCHOOL. HOOKS
and STATIONERY. Peoultitivem.'
Pens.gsgejla,t plpx (
1 70
Cantle,' Illeitto Wire* wfth' rikHely of
F*P7, oo *- 1 " 00 4-11 jh ibeLiC4 a rfi9ft
l i e r c h a i r i „.
64 beei
which any BOoka sot ambrami.o‘ hi. aa
sortment earl be promptly ordered frqf
the City.
Oettyabiarg. April 5, 1850.
- Planes and Plane-lrons.
Planedlrons ran be:found
HIS eatabliiiltment is now k full op
. oration atutealeulated m(1°,211;1002
)r e...
o Triiiding upon *he sttorleat ontier: an&l
in. Ate very ; bii; madme:. flArmora,and
other* -wanting trindinK doneisspeoially
in time of low water. will please Mt , at
thit Flatittilialinntiit, ialtere Clow
nt 'dati'be on
cointlattal ailiflikidi,' 'Min"
.. , - '
81tAlil MILL -- ~ ,
" ''. ' FibtrillVMitt
and loge t ate 4a1P41144;1,19010,0001104
4e C •
ankflunli• i4j if-40Zigi? 411,4-4 1
iS Z 4.4414.,i81,in1i,4411e004141
wil4,4i . li! aViklialimeOtet• l 9o.AfifniC Can
W p
noa owns al 41intea4 ,- Cifosiniandsma
hand and for sale, ~. • ;,,:,,• t
„ 1 .AT 1.1.4 ;,'
wholesale and rota% Fainitrandieopir-1 I
titre Wheat Rye: Oottt' e ltad li t I
wheat Flour, warranted iitiPeridt.
lot of eimimell gyep gorn4 9ols• fffixtstres. I
Bran,'Nfn3rti: stainon',:s". ; ,, i t g :lie had at,
411 .tiflkafj, 1 0P 11 4 9 g1; • 11:1
iliKilfol4lP::ll 3 %.lot , A .
on 410 at aid tintatiffar.9o° u
for nogroptid,l ild tan persons , ;' l.)
the Flour sand Fe' business
rUmniodaied at' all times oh the alforie#
notice, either• with the Flour.
nasanfietured, , lit by baring their Owni
grainigioandi • ' • '
'l'hiabiltablishment hal been eiteeted , in
heavy , impalas for the sptiothiwwtiettlenee ,
anti seemninodatiths of4hti iteighbOillood
mad will he earried nsby tiret4lollol. 0 ' 1
'OP .
i:PC4PC I I4 II i
qu' L pirpPlio I, 4,!llgrctll I
1 3M0t11 , - Nal,MotttMli 9C
lotat% their. Phidulli , 9, 9l/t atk 944 0 aIMPrit
' l °o mt either lila , 1 1 34 1 0.
bast Mariner, anll at all iinies on
p prt,
I natiFe., Pataltas 110011 to, :,sash }
,Oilhtlat , caitt at OA
partlenlarly in a and suasup,Atips; the
streams are low and water- scarce, by
wAi t itlitill # 0 1. 14 11 , M4P thiarsOiriusil
wit t them manufactured as they_may
wish. Thme t Alnkt tkiim i ,Rtitaier in the
i'" 11 197 'l ll iinet, revelre,a9ii M
tlteni,grimtt itfjlPl9kee'
9 4, Y n ”
N.. 11. I
to gi*e, l YßFrf ,l,km li
market ( * Or gram,/ a. aa
all time, be given, car, liy,n 4 Vtorn,
deliwereq l ,„
Locust 311( iv14 4114 , .. 6 .71( .OA,Ar
"OEATAtS .DOittfr',„
tow Witte:l:4lY do' we "heir tibbi
which id 'reentitto • Cotietik lit 'tries Oiled'thkrhts'itt
stage of sickness that a patient can heutelliftia kis
ant Wee. , Mrs. Harrison, insemberiaP the triin
church4'lwl3.aqss; ifabovciWilieLhnsoltibrinnth.
( 1 °4 1 4 1 r" ;!4 °0 !7 tZrrltrwitinr*Pri
sopsl,!i_ When, Il4nior o i isercy,
itidiony's hady Re/Ofteffeiid, n er
or her severe
paint ana.ranorod fief td her' frieitiln ; fitititt
heidlthz..Thin vasty , tinetanV Aid ways. kosityllite
hot' is appliad. its bentifteial istlitaw alit expetierui
cwl .it cloansea,inut, mifies ; ; it
Moil:may allays ißluititpi t redimet,itillsrpmittinus,
and to f siellßigs, /bevel' the most nevem neualgiy."
Ova ease F.RiR„
Ilona, cures Rheurtiat Lunri MO, (Midi ;Pat
:Idris, sprains, strains, spasnse..• ureckto
wafture,. is the side anithecit, sores of MI kinds,
b rui .. es . chaise, sore throat, intimate, tossunattats
coughs, colds, &c. ,
TtritTll l Otlitt:o niqg 'Sf;Cfnile
This torturing affection can be cured in 'on itr
slant, frit/the inornint the R ief touches the
nerve, the pain, it mitigated.. ' „with ific.fhol
ereux end Ilemicrania, Igns and Sick
licallschre.ipllpe, the inlay ' l / 4 1pe amain is
mostitati 11114 t a few minute's you will be
entirely relieved. Taken i"tCflull 1 1-. 4 'OPor:
riNit 'the Most aieit' ptis slid M'anipa, st9p
iomiting sir too Moab parging,'ind hi *Wows
give strength for *bilk MIS, own for pain, Wittig`
tar sickness, ,No.likely, Relief it gonuMeruu
losi signed ,11 1 , 4 u:ka, F. I , f fu n ,ifit! 1140%
Psgf Pao iivigAltof*
Ifttdandf enhanc th? clpytnelthtlfitit
tbttiil • Afrrikloit tVonp;
Favorably thteuitifell Vie hiotbiPf") 4° '
unidd tar Ka
,cisirenteli ; Amd4pdrilfying
31 . 1tipg eitecia theshin, while two), action
ihikficiros •frirvfpry,.vtil
.swihol WpOritiA Item thtniatitY 4)4'
!ITIT.Y - ,t°l*"c/f 0 11 1 , InInaliPitland 040, 4 0 y.
dlostinites'olf ildorso l ;4;4,0 11 10R** ilto,k,AkstrOc•
illidolbrailonsliad olher,ciatatiegy• - erupt Molt
titaitlemeni 'liter 'Shag itig, will lii Te .4114 s it!'
intitationissolitiondertneat lendere
it soli. smooth and pleasant. It is , isissi frset
poisimeuel jre,itatiugleid pernicious ingredients,
and can be toed 4the sauflotiralkiu of the iniani
with the saignitiliPpy results as irpon beauty in
its prime. Each cake is envoloprl in a splendid
lobel or omen ronginvln; mitt the signsuire
11. th i ßkbilllMl on each rake. Price 25' coals.
large aakea. '
The crowning ornament of Beauty is a luxuriant
head of haw.
' Railway's Circassian lialni.
IVarranted the hest flair Tonic now in use for
dressing and beautifying the hair. It cleanses'
the scalp from Deodriitr, ieepa it clean, turn
'curvy, baldness Ind earn' on the besil,atopatte
bait from billing out,, tenders , it ,stronsi4inni
smooth and glossy, A'emons who have haat their
hair by iiekneas 'Will And a ti4ol" [dile intidoir i n
thistaltni . 'ft "alsiglees it Calif and beautiful
color mid prevents it from turning grey. It is
sold in large baiklea (or 25 cenu per bottle, and
is warranted tWOstlntle . Ottparsegia in use. It
will not soil or the Apart fabric.
None genui I Me of R A DWI. T
& CO. k*,1 4 ..:0 , ,, ,
IV" Agents fatllK . '.
.f: . above article,
in Adams lec jo att,,, -. :,,,,q 1 i It, Gettri•
burg; Pa in,. 'i - . ;Mrs. Deere*.
caslitown; Bneeriteger,# . ftemsiostey Litt
Riictiistamtidianfriter; Abliotistotiiii; . p I
Welt lisersiilistsiterlint IA Ilf. C. hl'aite;Ha
A9n4Niskiripainili iferrec, Itetentburg,.. _ .1. .I
Sept. 6, 11350-4tia ;,i ; ,.
ke tiki—die ,? z
11L . '41, 74- Jai -,im- ath 41 - , a•
/pH filnittetsigned ieiPectilkit* ,info irB MI Itieeithrinditin Otiblin gentitnu)•,',
ant !Wit itietlispefliettiteita,eopyrior
.r., 6, 1„. , ~, ~
.„ „, ~ ~,
•-- • 4-44 beat Miterialit end latest
elyiti;;' at' me bid . eitahlislittlient ih Sot4h
Baltimore street, opposite the tlimipiler
cillifittli:inid' next ilifori to Witnpler's Tin.
ditfeßstablitilniiietif—mnbracing the fol
lOwil t r'Stiperior Mole-skin flush Hats,
filllki' timid*, Fiite.,Fo, and Slouch Hats,
41k64 tirr or oritiof 4 will sell low tor cash,
or uce, it delivered immedi
ately. Pure tA-en in exoninge for Hats.
J. J. BALDWIN, Agent.
April 26.-iasOi
PASSED at the , last . session of the+ Le
gialitture of PennsYlvanta,'ltave been
received •at this Office, and aro ready far
distribution to those authorized to receive
atom. t i
, .YORN PICKING. Protky I r
p ro ' l l ow it i ,ty'r Office. Get- i •
• tyzoi c , Sept. 11 0;
amo. E. BUEHLER t
tESPEITFUT4.I:vonottrTiIt otitis
rtrielikla and 11 a: '170)14c thai
tinuce to qtanufaCtureind ham now tyi iipnd„
at his
,Eatehliehtnetti in Chaniltavilloorg
st!Onf• noarly opposite the limo (11prom-
Where he will he pleased to Alf .nrthira
ptotiiptty and upon the gloat re:no:Watt e.
tering. ,
11:11rnanufm, Pd:
Gtitira lee Gapitai, 11175,f)(10:,
Rates as..lias any other good ,Compitty, tho
I ' ' Sistrio.
1111 Nib company respectfully volts the,
attention of the public to site. csiltiouN
lug title:lnt:lgal which they are.emililetl to
01Tur to pursuits desirous of insuring tl{eit•
! , t l all the profits of the Company are
vides! soinuallv among the life in hers in
scrip dividends, bearitir interest, payable in'
csah,at the and Of each year.
Premiums tin life policies may he pelii.;
enntinqyt t ?sem i-annually or quarterly i.'oni
when'tlivy• amount to $5O anti opwartls' 4 .
thermay.lle paid ung-lislt in cash and the
balance by note at 12 months. ~:• •
Wives may insure the lives of their hus
bands, or husbands may insure their own
rives intpvlit ty,:theirvvives and . cliillitreti ,
thus securing to their families a stun bie
cfisdTtolfk inintiot'resch in'the event 0t4t46
rhiaitt'intitliiiiiitoeney of the hush:incl.
1 - " 'L. Ttl It , Pees't:'
"t6i*Jatiiiihietit'snd information 'ltirttisli- 4
ea* who is tlid regular'
agent at Gettysburg,.
• 1c1 . 111,1,E1t, KIJA'rZ.
• lloitrakit' it. the tinris
pnn n y's regularly authorized 11Icdicpj
uaithi.‘ \
Juncrt6;l4so:- 4 -1k •
T ,710tIblvig,?re Satctit
COrripanf l Philadelphia. nre
notA :business on the mntoal plan.
a' participation in the
pr r l'irlite-tompatry. *litmus haldlity
bey; Attu prentitim paid. ..Noprerniuni
Pon* (4en. on which, cociostiacsAiii.4 e
Thlt'stibiti . rifier; as Agent for the alinve
eurnpupy, will make
PrtneNtrntt Pr:limited. ,property
obi t vely deseription'ilgainst pi
", • '
March I, 1851 i.--tr "
• , ...
;""New' 'and Fresh Groccria.
'''' A' 0 • KliitTZ _
I. 4 1 ,1 f.s ~, ' ' ' ,l i I
, illtS jufAreceivetl a large so pplyefuew
I,roul,!tfluill 0 liOCl4 ltl If.S; consissiug
of , ustlr-huutai autl Syrup. Alolassea. liti
orscp p
. .prAtue article and cheap, COlinQ i
9. e 4 f1V1 8 4 111 P 01(1.31 4 / 1 Ode, Cllo4olate. flirt.
614.. *et ... QA.iE,Ii NS W A li. E, of usury.
rariiity.,whisb will be sold uncommonly,
10, 111 4., ICir Then renteutlier, to secure buri
gaitta.he attre,yitu call Ist IC U li'l'icti cheep
quotes, g. : p, corner Ceittre Square.; ~
-7 ii - mlb - triii - C - if:*l:•.: 7 iir -7 Tir E - iiii 1.6'77'
•iiimer sincerthrreetilement of Attier;en'.
Wild-Cherirrhite been known hr posefiX'
Villrytircipartatat• medical virtues. Every .
body drueso ibis tart. but nobody k twig.
hotirto Orme its esseinis I properties. -u=
Sterytooiltar gives 1V ild Cherry Ina to
Imr tidbit** fur worms. for (.014, ;mil -the
'lntuit every xlisease ; the adults thromelt
mit 0111450uniry are in liar habit of making'
a!etamponsnd syrup of Wild 01,erry' bark,
and ellierMtgredients, to he•used in spring
mien Inititloto to' complaints itteiderit , r 4
that clismpifulseabon. it is foetid WV' o:i4
periment that the wild. cherry fods'aiiiitW
even fa itiere inspirtetii , nnalitiesthritt wax
aieritied ii. rtirthe tirai 'aiageatierite
inotitokot; Amloot, no matter hew
eitughs, Liver Complabais.tita.,
it is palmed to he the. beat metheitie known
to man. 1)r. Wistar's Ilarsain of' Wild
Cherry. ixit chewiest extract, combined
with a similar extract front Tar. wiiirlt can
Immo* ilp . vs*, its poti ; miring,
Pul))) 00 ArY dOni!Nnft in 'ltintnni.evoMYAVlPtt
atter our bmi i t physicieneemilil dianwmprit,l
tupluniVhed fsenlly. , and, hul ilte44-
6 .coplintt.,tlMt Wipiar•ti, Balsion ihk
t illrrttMV l P es .l l priori* heretofore ow.
kitows Envoi medical, men. , (..
10 ,, Notte genuine unless signed, by 14
OVIVII.un the wrapper. For In.le by S., it
zut.E.R. Druggist, Gettysburg., ,
:M.LAAAtP) TO)NAlite'.
81 iik'TON, F45.1110A14111.11 1141idizik
iti*P; fit ,alhitnes be 1001111 prevnneii,tia
ttend the vane of rite a
iltp,rgifyi(r, in 1111;
Comity BUiltlings. F,rotri loticcminhienvo.
hp Iht,tjorA; himself that 1)e cam h
y4l;tfic Kanlificatunts of the . ,
with.tsuch au iMinitce thtrcim .4 still. nts
will meet with the emirs itatetgatitiett a al
wito:fflay submit their Otitis to ilos kyles or..
deal el his razor. Ile tomes, therwittes. that
ky,4is attention to Iteatitisess‘ateJ themitato
ItlePttut h 4 will mocit as witill t :to omit/v.4
ibaral share of public potoutoits.
sick- will be attemlett to at floats pvivau3
Is published every Friel's, Eceetiapviel
Carlisle sired, Iwo doors frogs Phls'.
Diamond. by.
D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER.
TICIII.MiI. , ~ t
If paid in advance or wilit in the yeet.sllpN
atinutil--if not'paid within the yes tilej :A' 4-- ril•
piper ilimenutititted until ell art remits Inv raid..•
esimyt ut the option of the•l'ditee. • klioalosolliieal
6 cents.,, A failure to ,notify a illscoatiwomso
will be ; rogarileil 11 , 4 a Few eagagraiont. :„ ~• ~
Ade/rip : vanes not exCeedlllll A iroputroinvirSimk
t tree timer for :$l-- , beiry skubmiquot loter4va
tE. cents. Longer ones in the same proportsols•em
ail ativertisenteuto hot specially ordered !or a
Vivo ] time will bo continued_uotil forbid. A litts
rut reduction will bewails r R o them Abe Istisertiiiss
i.e Pf#limg , iff,filli 1 1 .0 46 1e11ig 1 001 114 * 1 7. 1 11
by the year. ' ,:,rt,, ,, ~11 '. . rti , ,
dillitiptA, mai Oa, romsomOdo
Oft teresti, 4 IF
'lid' 'C'40#1111.411 1 4114 idd
o plik t iorer iv votitain' Afiiil6 o f
*ew sulsserinera,) must be motoco . ela'iiir"
mum Oilllll4lo. . Ili ! ' ! 4( s/-