Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 05, 1850, Image 3

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    A sit is etrAesire to have my Books
nk. settled with as little delay as possi
ble. I request these indebted to me, either
by Note er t Hook, Account, or otherwise,
to tiOttiemmosnts closed by the tat
ofJenteary nest, as it is not my wish to
add eoete. • ' H E Y
Air . 44
* o n incased in disposing of my
stock"of-Lumber and Tools at my sale in
Mignon last, I determined to have the lum
ber worked into FURNITURE. There
fore, persons wishing furniture will do
well by calling at my Shop, in Carlisle
street, neat my Furniture Room in Ch am
bersburg street, where can be had the best
batgains you ever had, either for Cash
or Country Produce.
Oct. 10. 1819.--tr
tent titriAltriM
LAKES this opportunity , of tendering
to the Public his thanks for the libe
ral encouragement heretofore extended to
to him. and would respectfully remind
them that he still continues to manufacture,
al hie Old stand, in East York street, a few
doors east of the Globe Inn, all kinds of
, Boras."
sock .-
Pr y
Blut wa': Atiporrs4,
her articles usually
together with all
Inade in his line' of business. ,A)! work
slotte,at his establishment will,bo.warram
ed—will be made of the be material and
by the best of workmen.
• From his knowledge of the business the
,inhaerilier flatters himself with the idea
that he is able 'to compete successfully
with any other establishment in the coun
'ty, in the style and quality of his work.
COFFIN S—Mahogany, Cherry, or
Allirshmas:-ssadois the best style, and at the
shortest notice.
Gettysburg. Jan. 18:1850.—tf
HAS just opened a variety of choke
CONFECTIONS, : comprising the
following choice varieties of French can
dies, to wit :
Hon Dons, Sugar Almonds, Preserved Almonds,
Preserved Plum*, Jelly Cakes, Portuguese Drop.,
Comfits, &e. ; also the following medium quali
ties s Cream, Lemon, Vanilla, Horehound, Sour
Drupt„ Mint do., Chocolate do., Mint in Twiw.
"Nue* candy, Cocoa do., Cinamon do., Almond
do., &c. &e-,
with all the usual varieties of Common
Candies; also Ground Nuts, Creamtle.,
Pecan do.. English Walnuts, Filberts, Al
monds ; with choice Raisins, at 'Biennia
per lb.; Prunes at 25 •cents ; Figs,. fresh
,and best quality. at 25 Cents Citron; at
31 cents; Oranges, &c., &c.
April S.
than ever, at the Dry Goods Ernpo : .
rium qf
s. goomonsa CENTRE scip Atm, of:TT ys su*P
THEundersigned, Ifai just received
, an has in store i a very large an&eu
petior stock 'of
Dry Goods, •''
both Fancy , and Staple, suitable for the
coining seasons. Haring purchased our
stock on advents:moue terms, we are pre
pared and determined tivell them at very
great bargains. Our stock, on examina
tion, wilt be found to contain all that is
new and fashionable, comprising a general
variety of
Ladies Drell Bilka, Cashmeres, Alpacas,
Moue' de Lotions, plain and 'figured, "
Linonamstre, do.
MIKIIIOIIO, Bombazines, Gingham',
Mourning, French and Domestic Calicoes,
4c. Acc. Also a full and complete sanety of
Gentlemen's Cloths, Cassi
meres 8t VeSlings tiT,
, - ,
In a word, suffice it to say,at we have
on hand a full and complete stock, whieh
we shall take pleasure in exhibiting to all
who may call. At 'the same time we
would return sincere thanks for the,libe
ral patronage Imatowed,
April s.—am
117rUountry Produce taken in exchange for
11111111171PILD AUL MEI
ipilasmaE rail and examine the largest
&§11,945, that has ever been kept in the
V i Zrtlenlioveltittg every variety of New
eito., and , sold at reduced
raM• "
Striiv and Leghorn Ilats,
*leg the harldll‘ The .Store providing for
the two extreettes is at the old stand, two
Aloes below the Poet Office. Prepara-
Oast:WO Wee male for a huge Spring
cad Summer business.
_was. W. PAX'FON.
wiLis` be made and put up by the
fttittletibel'ortto arillattend prompt
ly tie in Ord4ll4,ltul npon as reasonable
banns as ain't* procured at any establish
. 4
1.6,40 3
03 1 1110.1111 4 . 4 0 excellent article fat.
""; 41 4 14k 41 71 other phym i —itist re
• •
**OljlettlAßE &Nor:
7111118 establishment will now be ear
l_ tied on by
wroanig gem
who take pleasure in being able to announce
to their friends and the public generally that
they bave constantly on hand a very great
variety of
Holloware and Stoves,
including Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skillets,
Pans, Griddles, &e. ; Common Parlor,
Air-tight, and Cooking Stoves—among
them the far-famed HATHAWAY.
To Farmers they would say, they have
on hand an excellent assortment of
Farming lattplesmetelit.
consisting of the renowned Seylor Plough,
Woodcock's and Witherow's, D. Warren's
Patent Windmill, Straw-cutters, &c.
is earried on by the best of workmen.—
They will still cme on the
shop in the South end of the Foundry buil
ding. where. with good workmen and the
eAcellent materials, the neatest fits and
best work will be made. Or - Ladies will
be waited on at their residences.
All the above mentioned articles, with a
great many others not named, will be fur
nished as cheap for cash or country pro
duce as they can be had any where else.
IKTRepairing, of all kinds, done at the
shorts notice.
Gettysburg, April 26, 1850.
WOULD respectfully request all those
having unsettled accounts in his
books, to tall and settle immediately. Af
ter the Ist of July next, his books will be
placed in the hands of an officer for settle
, A
it)ipEms by Lang- girls
A L fellow;,,' two vols.,
new edition-,with Poerna of Bryant, wp.
lis, Mrs. Sigourner, &e.
ahomet and hts Successor's, by Wash
ton Irving, 2 volumes.
A storla,or Anecdotesof anEntetrpritiel*
• • ,
pond the Rocky Mountains, by Intim..
f.inda, or the Belle of the Cra6l6ol , ,tialei
of Southern life. ,
Mecauly's History England.
Hume's do. gra':
The Mysteries
,of NO I O4 OII I , "Peel'
phis. and Dostoo.'"l
The Steward, a Romance of Real Life.
by the author of Video** Vettr, ittLY
!odium, by George Seed. _
All the Magazines—Blank Resits of ev
ery description, &c, &et:, for drekt-at she
south-east corner of Qentre &Owe. by
N. B.—The subscriber rospeetfully ten
ders his acknowledgments to bis Mawr
ous friends and others...who buesoJibe
rally encouraged :bins fox the pmt. three
years, and hopes, by elose.aisipersonsket
tention to businsti in futufe k to'be able to
retain the patronsioisithberilly bestowed
Getvaborg, Ma 724, 11350. $ f:
Z TZ. Z,iTS.
T HEundersigned respactfulls informs
his friendly and the pablie pacraß,
that he has just nort
manufacured o s supe
Salot of .1 • ~.1 .
. HAT. }
of the best miteri atsa n d latest
St u
style, at his old establ i
shmentsa th
Baltimo street, opposite thellom ler
office, and next door to Wampler's in
ning •Establishment—embraeing ihe (al
lowing : Superior Mole-skin Plush Hats.
Silk, Russia, Fine Fur, and Slouch Hats.
&c., all of which he will sell lost foitiash,
or country produce, it delivered immedi
ately. Furs taken in exchange for Hiat t
J. J. BALDWIN, Agent.
April 26. 1850.
mliE subscriber has the pleasure of au-
R- nonncing to his friends and the pub.
lie generally that he has taken charge of
the large and conveniently located Hotel,
in Chambersburg street, Gettysburg, Pa.,
for a number of years under the care of
JAMES A. THOMPSON, Esq., and widely
and favorably known to the Travelling
Public, as the stopping place of the mail
Stages to and from Baltimore, York, Har
risburg,Cliambersburg, Ilaget sto wn, Fred
erick,and the intermediate towns. The
house has been thoroughly repaired and
refurnished, and mulling will be left un
done in the effort to sustain the high char
acter of the Ilouse and render it worthy
of the patronage of the Travelling Public,
The services of attentive Servants and
careful Ilostlers have been secured. and
every requisite convenience will be guar
antied in all who may be pleased to favor
me with their patronage,
Oct. 1% 1849. •
CI.HATEFUL for the long continued
and steady patronage so liberally ex
tended to him, returns his acknowledg
ments to his friends, and invites their at
tention to his present large assortment of
of every variety,Claissical, The
ological, Literary and Miscellaneous, al
of which will be sold, as usual, at the very
lowest rates.
He has also constantly on hand a law
and follassortment of SCHOOL, BOOKS
and STATIONERY, l'en-Anivea, Gold
Peni f fencils, Letter, Envelopes, Visiting
Cards, Motto Wafers, with a variety of
Faney &nicks, to which the attectioq of
purchasers is invited.
OtrArtangemeuts have been made by
which any . liloolut not Ilmbracetl is his as
sortment can be promptly ordered file
the CRY.
Gettysburg, A, 113 SQ,
Philadelpkia Advertisements
E. 1111CRS JOA'ES,
fi• HO .LE 5. , 21,4 WOO !LEN, WU,
Comb. Looking Glass and
raraciy Store,
' Under ). Sidney ione. Carpet Warehouse.
11:AVING enlarged my store, I have nn
hand and ant constantly mantifnetu
ring dud receiving Ifom the Eastern Stales
and Europe, additions to my Stock?
CEDAR W Alt E.-500 nest Cedar
and 100 nest painted Tubs, 400 barrel and
200 staff Churns, 100 dozen Cedar and 000
dozen painted Pails,2oo doz. Washboards,
100 doz. twat Sugar, and Flour Boxes ;
Spigots, Spoons, and Ladles.
WILLOW W Alt E.-000 nest Mark
et and 200 nest Clothes Baskets, 400 Wil
low coaches, chairs and cradles ; a large
desoriment of French and Donmtic 13aak-
Wire-brooms. 10,000 Shaker Brooms, 200
doz. each wall, paint. scrubbing, shoe and
horse Brushes ; tooth, shaving, cloth and
hair brushes of every style.
COMBS. -2,000 dozen fanny nom*
of various patterns, aide neck, pocket, dres
sing and fine-tooth Combs of variozuestXlas.
LOOKING GLASSES, of pine. Sher
ry, walnut. mahogany, and gilt framOior
all sizes and patterns ; Genuine. Froelich
and English Looking Glua Plesteseff..all
sizes from 7 by 9 up to 72 by,1510--rpoekl
ing insured ot all pares of, the Lluion) f ..l4o-.
gether with a largo eitso_rtmont of Variety ;
Goods too numerous 'to Thu
attention of Merchants. ja_ ettlregull so*
licited to the exantiitatitininti Ivey stoc k, all
0( which will be sold, low foe mutt or city
acceptance, o a 44 tolptif,ipflfe any awnP 6 '
tition that eanild'offiered. .
,Match ;
aro.' 41i: arcmaisa. BT.,
Comer of Comb's Alley, batinian'llarket and
• Arai sinew
• lilitLA,hatiNtAl • '
THAfllure, iz
Ot ti l lOOPl sumps , q uality, mps quality, kinds
of Pliii&tnd 'Joining Will! *ork, such
as &eons. litidatest lkoressis,'443., for all
kW* fitaipAlssis; Snimit , SW*, Bait?,
§ llll ,vb.Brickthist.. --.PIPOIrK gliftwitis
superiorof a quntity AOestintlf on hand.
safes.. Wire Dish -,ComerPera
lirli,tngSml l "4 64 W 1 B Park CPeh"
MIT* ikei t
ono pa'sr cointri in, thi , best ani t osr.
!MENTAL 'wird! ,
nets as cages, Nur -ry , penile
s - ,
lib o 'fo • • ' • -
denottpo6: l :
Or4ers thantralli nroPrini
llyptecnieni by
''t *rracm*, COX. .
f' • •
Paper!- Nfier ! 'Paper y ! ,
1e , R , 1 two. ,
jkaii r iet
asa ,
73 iutouidihrivif34l streets,
, .
rinaaileamit .
Subscribers heg leave to cell the 0n.0..
Awry( CAUntry buyers to their rosortment
of peyote, entbraang the dilkrelet varieties' of
Prledne Hirdeniue, Writing, Envelope, and
-Wrapping papers, Tissue' repair, white and as
errnped ecdors.nlro Bonnet ond Box Boerda,'&e.
Being engaged in the mancifacture eJ printing
Paßeltri they,eollcit otdera from Printers for any
given ills , vrhith trikbe'lurniahed at .short no
tice and at fair prime:
, Market .price .either in rub or trade Yield tin
Sept. 14, 1849—1 y .Ifq. Yt Bookui.
To i ilPtiff'lauta . . ihpsephs and
Country Merchants.
Ar1ia., , 1. , fr. ltßkit.R ' and ilito.,. titgia
.lW- speattntlyi ' lot Pay *Malibu to itiair ftbsh
inOCKaldialle From+ Jiierassa satAistertnut
_ Op# 4o4 0 5 lai• chtnnicalat eoints, Oils;
igh,.179.*. x t op.piartm,di.
c ies opeo • newdart NO. ZIA
MOW littiett,'wide a full 'iwpriii or tkreigi and
Illedialiawpww raspettfalho sotiti vet:Pantry ilNial.
ers to Illt&Mill• our stock before purchisiegalw
p , Ponaisling OM and sU Whosiaay hid dia.;
. aIFM I4 ,d4. OP kin!! flattlaMei fa;llSkallela
enititoe Drugs and Medictses,mt aefitberil terms
U sty 'other IMMO.' ii th e City, Ind to faithfully
0/neatest!' ardent ^intimated tti us pitialPtig and
with dispatch.
Qae of the pregibitaira %Ong itsegular physil
chin, allerds !dupla guaratite4ol,apaganaied4ual.
ity of all articles sold at their establishment.
We, liturite,Aad
iml lgp
Martell.; litt *pm w , A r
DK Xat s teribrtileir Path; s, a and.
Eli and Maier „mplifiCipea,),t9 forvr, a 4 tippir a d.,
dress. Ellolkging am ipiadoiligb h ifsalirs, we
respectfully remain. ;
ii• "t
. nzailer s'n sir irt , " :
ial EsegerFlitiot, iOroi." jipe ciO
JIA izins of, pettyidkorg, and !triumph
who may, tarry here ling( Asir, hestriis
grow; that 1113 has opened . ; stf,w,rmitrisitt its
West York street, betwee*el ; Teimint•
ranee' Rouse and' Easton Hal Btrixf,
where he intends pross!eut the Nora
nNrial business in' 01 its !it stlii• 7 ottgOill
His razor's good and abov, " • .
Ho II shave your face Without ' '
Gentlemen, call aml see ineymillelves,
His sponge is good, his towels are demi,'
And in his shop he's always seess., l * -
Ile also respectfully informs thegentlp•
men that they can atlst• any time have
their boots blacked in the neatest style.
Gentlemen can also here grease resioved
from their clothes.
Dec. 17.11840. • '1 •
J' F. K OEHL E R respectfully ten
• ders Lis services to the Public as
Sale Cryer.. ' 7
Terms moderate. Residence, Abbotts.
town Adams county, Pa., where an let
ters or orders for his services may be ad
Oct. 19, 1849.—tf
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
JUST received a largelot of Ladies'
Morocco and Kid SHOES, GAIT
ERS, &c.; Misses do; also, Gentlemen's
coarse and fine Boots, Congress Gaiters
Pumps. &c., at
FFICE in the Centre 'Sqnare, North
oldie Coert•houtte, between Smith'
and Stevenson'a comm.
Hans awl Bacon.
APitifdE article of IMCON, 11A MS,
Shoulders, just received and fur
sale at lIAMERSLY'S,
Baltimore AdVerlisements.
THE Proprietor of the above establish
ment would respectfully inform the
citizens of Baltimore and vicinity, that he
has rereived,from Europe !hit
Fall: AND' WitI*Ek• IPASMONs :
together with, a rich assortment pfspeda
adapted to the coming Selma, ronsititlig of
Stiperlitee French, German, and; English
Cloths, Castor ' fienterS, Pildlil'iitiii
' NNW Coatbit.' ' " ' '
'knew article fi' Otersack's and Antigess
Coate: Along . ' a"splehdid intiortinerti, of
Fretrik 'arid . .4/elish' ciinairiiero end
' ' ' " bor-Siint; • ''' ' ' ' , '
of the molt 'dieirlsille Wyk,' IMAorted 'this I
season. )ItICI VESTIN964-L-We'llave
ma aturr6lllitly learnt igOli if : of
V ir' i rMtna,4 4f g aiw t o
•, , f eis, figur e , „ a nd
rgsa AU 4:, Soh,: 'atina'aind
4c4F"To ,-
of nit i , deate an" colony Our bpirrOm
- Niggic iiiclil4,4iiiidOP ls e *X - o# ll `
1 ner—ati4 ait retitle style anti vrorkpan
iv =
'ship; is'itviri' ted . tn give entiO saustac.
titlitiln4 V I itstlY reduced prices. '
eons in want of Ready-pude Clothing are
partieularlyjolooff;tt eidl and examine
our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
we manufacture illquelitiesofFfniEWN.
•ADLE ouoTtimo. .And nut short•
mem of dna article is at all time* faitrei
which offers us purchasers a great induce:
mein of peoenitiog an articia'of s 41tuality
which cannot beobtained in soy Other
Clothing Esesblishinest in the City. -,
W. fusee- on • 'baud and are constantly
1 manufacturing Garicehts of every variety,
1 1 froin the best Materitils, MI tbe most ap
played styles, for' Fall and Winter Wier,
comairrOso or
Surtolgif tatiskploNercoalt.
Of a ll adoia.oilalitiiiW Sling", rinar *2 ao
450 4 VI, 550 aad upwards.s , 'III
boys , shoK, At. Oir,ERCOA TB.—
tlingo aS oo o l Thens ,4I Dore, Sueli:and
!era: 4 00,20 per. peat; lessAan the usual
coPre. lode From Gentian and Fronk'
-Cleths..itt—the. , ..latintl. filahiliti:—Llauge.
stock of Tweed Coats Pants and Vests.
We have a hap ertment of Tweed
Franks , and back s. 11 i t New Artie--
FOrelit Sicee, tor'S y weather . Paw
taloons, Neu
,Sueer nutelt-Doeskins.—
PANTS, of 'every' 'Hey of Shade and
Color, at el, I 50; i I 5,2, 2 tto, a,,3 50,
and upWards. ,
VESTS, made fro Rich Rich Velvets , Sa
tin., Caihmeres and aleeeies, and at all
".Remember -name
na m
Pratt and Cenlr4
and plait.. corner of
Narkel Space.
11. H. COL);.
Nov. 23, 184*..-4
.. Shirt Establishment. , ~,
. o E of tho mrso ex-
STi 1 R F T S tens e in " 1.4 Braid
.1 1
$ l.l l it NO* i 79 Baliimore
st., , where 500 persons
are employed. en *lock of 1000 dozen
of Shirts always ti hand ; stile andqual
ities imitable for all gist of ihe Union. Mer
chants mist, cohere visiting Baltimore are
invited to call anifizsmine tbs largess. and
best assortment of shirts that bill ever been
offered in this sit . consistiw of all sizes
and quali§it,An ' ' a . t hich, for
str i a an ivaims ip, °A °44 . $ . surpas
aLf .. VP* v0 1 44% 3 ,4 4 2 1% te 'Olen
made to render thaessortment or 8 H IterS,
C04+4844, 14nsien and Rpfep4 D # RA W
ERB. Complete rind, deisirableltitive7 re
siiiiti' t w: tgrro :4
, '179' 0 , hilikdoefiserii* iv
tiedi ,L i g ht. ht:
March 201 , 118151--Ayi hi '',
,Dibt 11 1 , .0111 g 1 ir Q K AND
t •
`tirlifg *Wilber, for th i iiidommedit
-21-1 tldtlt tif tl a eciinnt 'lrani hie `ntip
tieciditivir ; t 4 .
Iron WsitihOnge'''
with his Hardware Store. Consuniers of
Hasibeltreterid liabokit th 6 tßeistetttown,
Westosiaker, Hanover, Frederick Liber.
tv. York and Gettysburg Roads, will find
Iris locatimyS I. I i o
1,02. Pranlais streq r , 4iiitiniqa,„ •
40' OW' Wi'o4den , lliiree 116teWilitre
from moilie?iiiiiiilinfthan
in other tore ter dieittgliiiillik.iiiuntry
a'iteat to pnr r
chasers 4tirie slide labo r
idriltivr6t 'part of the City for
iheir • p)
. "Hittniliareh4e'll6.l be/ri 6'1;12'6.
Belied for the ezpresilurpnee of, accom
*Aatinf thin Uitale,'ldid he iptessesto sou
OVerY'hni, if
Ifrltich led in Baltimore i j roin siary
'l2o' "111' 'bearing the 'itarimi,"Biltihnora
"C ," evidence of its genu
lienblik aMeryllind Iron Meriting Mary ,. land encouragement; employing Maryland
laVor, and fostered by Maryland capital,
superidr to most and equal to any other
Iron manufactured in the U. Stales. If
not found as here represented every bar
may be returned, tho 'subscriber psllig
costs of carriage.
His Horse Shoe Nail Rods are warrant
ed equal to the Sweet Nail Rod and hear
ing the severest tests of the hammer.—
Few Horses cast their shoes from Nails
made from this article, they likewise' be
ing returnable with drawback if riot :to
wering their recommend anon.
New York Ground Wagon Boxes. E
liptic Springs. , Iroo Axles. Blacksmith's
Bellows, all kinds of Wagon Chantal Close
Linked ,Pitteburg • Patterns. Blister feel
from Sweed's Iron, all sizes Round Iron
for chains, and almost every article used
farmers, idacksmiths: carpenters, wheel
rights, and cabinet makers.
March a; 1850.---64 • ' ' • •
Wire and Hen, .of VP. 9
i .
M"r WISE & ON, findin g impqa-
Mi• 'sidle to altelid personally to the
great number of daily implications, from
all suctions of the Union, for their remedy
for baldness, and fur their celebrated II A IR
TON IC, have found it nereseary to ap
point a General Travelling Ilgenl, to vis
it different cities and towns throughout the
United Slates, vesting him with authority
to appoint sub-agents, use and vend the
flair Tonic, and
. to apply the RESTOR
ATIVE, and to put diem into the hands of
thoie he may appoint to operate wherever
a sufficient number of patients iri any
town or neighborhoot) shall be obtained.
capt Giconon umorzwr, 'of Fatiquior
county, li alone'authorized
t r act as
General Travelling Agent, with tb powers
diet, O. may be expected to visit, ci
'speedily as possiVl‘, the principal cities
and towns ok the 114 ion. ,
tr,"o:loitit: Celferijitli *Willa have
o 4 Mild a full suppV6l thii IlilAigl'ON-'
`,l?i,whielt cleanses Altp kiadel diUdruir,
:stiongthens aild;tit t igiliefesdhe hidr, aid
pruvAtnts it ars'o'll!ttm '., feign; off,)' for the
', -rVt of country , MMA mo goons to his
t o lions ;or it rriiilt be ogtained
f - '
'at .-wh olesale , and lough AO any, art of
'do' trnion, by liMktise ng'gie proprietors
M. 'WISE At.:S11011 , ichmond, Va.
1 0: 4 3 - Pekefi9 per do an rash. Six bot
'lles for 1165—tit one 001 er single b o ttle.
' bee. 7. 130.1—i q ' '
' ili 'l3F.?4rtilY.},l ki 3 OTEL,
corner - of Pennsylvania ilVerAkee sod St
Street, and Repining St.
Mary's College,
Baltimore, wrist .
lESSE HARRETSOfII, , ,Iate ;of ;
lir re,. informs his friends that he has
,taken ; the above well-known Hotel, for-
Merl) , " kept by . „Manz Fisher, and more re:
candy by Isaac W illiamson, where he is
pt./pared to accuutntotlate,thm% cwhn may
patronize him in a maner that cannottfail
,tu,give setk(setion. , kb! ,CHAUfteRS
.are furnished in the most complete end
; comfortable manner; the. OAR is provi
deti with the choiceat liquors . attd other, re=
.freehments, and OM, STABLItiCi. will at
,all times be attended by the must careful
,attentlants. ' „
The stand is calculated in an eminent
degree for :IV 4tOON ERS & DROVERS.
24 . 1 $ flea the. largest nod inust.euttrunient
y atrt f ;;1 that section ♦l . the city. anti the
Stabling col Shedding are of the Wet end
most commodiotts..
It is his init.:l6
0a to psy, strict , . at
tention to his business, and to do every
thing in his power tu render his guests
comfortable, and he respecifelly solicits a
roll from his friends sadihe
Baltimore. May 3.,16150,-2mit3 50:
%VIE nridersigned'har "connoted with
' his Coachmaking Establishment a
large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do
Ile would say to , thou who have Horses to
shoe, that he has in his eidploy first-rate
hands,,witich, with i hi t o personal attention,
will enable him to give entire satisfaction
to all thosewho may favor him with a call,
(warfaatedpailtbe promptly made to or
der at All limes.
prAll kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in,Wood and Iron, at the most rbduc
ed prices.
Icy•Thankfol for past encouragement,
the anbecriber sof Whoa continuance ofpat
ronage, and invites hid friendW to tall at
hisiEutablishroent in west 'hatiobersburg
st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel
7' 0 ; W. HOFFMAN.
Ge ttyirbergt October lb, 11147.
JICII4.IIIIBLAILTaiii - illiar
fir tit ,pubsexiber tenders his acknowl:
adiatents to the public fop the liberal
end sAq4ily patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of yeas, and re
spectfully announces that he has just re
ceived, at his old established stand in
Chamberebp farge and fresh
( DR ITGes tc.
11'&843114.113MlitaftlEllpo '
rittnti4V,Oilith;R i StAlMl l
sadAtvery, , variety , off ertieles neesillyfound
in a Drwvatores to which ha invitee the
Rittoullkto of tho publ is owithnswranees that
.they ill be fti rails hed nkthe most reason..
able •priceavri • .1 „ • .
18,0-11., , 8UEH LER.
fkityabusgr May; a„istio.i,tr.
t' re f o ' r an
, *, poßcing: fluißelg?!“
.01iiisirSlitt h aIllef 1 1 '4 I . l6 wtAi s kno •
large and fashionable asiortinempf
which he woff for irspitmination.
withir till,sle earnestly
solidi o:nihilism* Of Malt pf,ronste
troi,44etti-t I,r
4eW and ; OretatSroien4 .
A. 1). KURTZ - NI ,
ju*nOilggl stalwripply of novo'
and SIhMMCE S sonsisting
' gegfietilieittt s3loliP' olasiei;
Far, a pritftli Oodivt,
real, Salt, Cliiiest, Oil L s •pecolitie, Rice,
&c., &v. 4 .IO:ISENBW' Kg. of, every
variety, which will be sold uncommonly
low. 0:7 - '1'hett veniembff, to secure bar
gains, be sure you call at KURTZ'S cheap
Corner, S. S.VbitSr Centre Square.
leinebashed every Friday Evening, in
Carlisle street, .two doors from the
„R. 4. 44 it, j 3 V E Ij LE R.
repaid in adiahceor 'within the year lsl per
'annum—Lif not paid within the yes' ns2 00. No
paper diacontinned nutil.allarreareges are paid—
,existpt et, the option of the Editor ! . Single Copies
cents. A failure to notify, a discoutiuttene
will be regarded ill new engagement,
larieriberrients n ot exceeding a ig4ufire Inserted
Three tithes for sl—every subsequent insertion
25 cents. Longer ones in the sumo proportion.—
All advertisements not specially ordered for a
given thrte,,will be continued until forbid. A Jibe
erel reductive gill be made to those whoadvertise
by the year.
Jot 'Printing of all kinds executed neatly and
dromptly, and on reasonable terms.
Letters and Cummisnirennix to the Editor, (ex
empting ouch as contain Money or the A*, of
now subscribers,) must be tear teas Al* to
accUse,l4ooll3l. •
G 110 e Ell. I 1 4 :S & Luttic)ns,
•„, Three doors South of the
. Old liridge, Front St.,
11.11? It I SE UR G.
M. S., for Me accommodation of
'JP • t ferehants and others in Dauphin,
Cumberland, Franklin, and neighboring
counties, has opened an extensive. Whole
sale Establishment fur the isle of Grocer
ies and Liquors, its above. With the co
operation bf a largo importing honse in
Ilithlmorti, he will offer goods here it the
same; which , they can ha
.p t irch a :,
sed;ia,the city. He ,respeettully,
'Ma favor. of a;call from those wishing to
.purchatowm, satisfy them ot bis satire ebil 7 ,
ityibcoodius tie promises: I The attention
kirpkiunorailo tovitod: to' a lot of ithOice
1i4064 (tt*r4l,abit for sale at. importer.'
from a thatamee Ipromptly,
, tilledi•moksiode.fiespatahed•at city prices,
Feb. 8, 18110
To Painters and Housekeepers.
Cesne le 8 Paint.
THE undersigned has the pleasure of
announcing to the public that he has
invented St new PAINT, which, front its
durabdityand general excellence, he Las
termed, , 06 KENT , PAINT," and to
which he invites the attention of Painters ,
and others interested. This paint has
tip amply tested by House Painters and
°There, during the, past year or twit, and,
wherever used,. has. teen prsnonnced, au.
perior, in every respect, to, any paint here,
tofore in use.
The undersigned has in his possession
certificates from Painters and others who,
have used hand give it the preference over
all, other, compositions, which he will be
pleased to exhibit to any who may whih
to see them. , Reference is respectfully
made to the following gentlemen : Robert
Sinith, Wm.'W. Paxton, Hon. Geo, Smy
set, Deo. Swope, Rev, H. Holland,
Warren. . : J„ ; 12. Danner. Dr. D. Gilbert,
Hugh Denwiddie, J. G. Frey, D. Lashell,
D.A. Buehler.
irr Receipts for ihd ividual use, or rights
for shops, counties or States, can be had
on moderate -terms, by application to the
Match 22. 1860.—i1
THE subseliber has the pteetwie of
announcing to his friend* that hetes
again ref overed hie health sulliiient In re
sume the practice of
and will be pleased to attend to all order!, ,
connected with . ` his profession, limb as
cleansing, pulling. plugging Cod in;
seining 'Teeth. Having the
,benefit of a
number of years practice. be feels con&
.dent of beingable to render full satisfaction'
to all who may favor him , with their pa..'
I:7 6 lefeitillite is respectfully made to
the following, (madmen ,
pr. 8 . higlOrr. nort.tii Welton,
Dr, 1:1. Oiliwt, Prot fikverr,
pr. N. c..l*ltiebv, Rev. At. schmuck:lr.
br. D. Horner, Rev. Or. Rougher, ,
Dr. C. gamer, 4101/, Jacob ZAttelor.
The subscriber- ha, removed hie real.
dance to the home formerly oecupied• by'
Rev. Mr, aertmit, in $. RaltimOrtouritet,
few doors abotWFaltutiitOrk i e itOre.
March lb,
(JOE retnoted his office to the building
KJ! ppposite the ,Lrithertin 'aura, in
Cluirribertiburg street. 2 dPors essloi,Mr.
Middieroire,store where he may ellrimes
be found reedy end willing attend' to
any rase Withhi the province ofthelffen•
in o wnofrali sate griseth
are reSpeieTtity invite 1:11 Ca.
Dr. O. !f.DITATICTIT, I.B46".C.P.Kaauve,D.D
D. ' , Piet: M. Jacek*,
" C. A.,Ootreizz, f'IL L. DIUONIIII,
D.Ozombir, I ft WA.Mits
Rev./.C. Wyries, D.D. At. ISTiitysi.
.3dlV.7i 1848.11
, aria eaters •
V IVIIO wish a good article of B.IITIN
vIF • VESTING, Gilk cravats, blind
kerchiefs, suspenders, gloves, stoekings,
thtssimers, &c., 'cart be supplied at-,the
oue-price store or
April 5.
Table Covers.
ERS, cheap, just arrived and for
sale at KURTZIi Cheap Corner.
t'iItACKERS, of various kinds, such as
II ) Boston, Navy, Water, Butter, Sugar,
Soda and Dyspepsia Crackers, for sale at
lIAMERSLY'S Variety Store.
I'UST received and for vale by the sutl
er scriber, a large lot of CARPETING,
very cheap. GEO. ARNOLD.
a large supply, and superior quality
just opened at HAMERSLY'S.
LADIES call and see a fine assortment
CORNER. • [April 26.
JUST RECEIVED and for sale lull
assortment Crass and Gralrileitthes ;
also 'Snathe, Rakes; Forks kc.,
Wender wed Blessing of Ms Age: .
77,1 wet ter... Users Makin. fa kg 'Meal.
Tills Extract it put op In gout Doings i it t itx
' oloterst, piessantsri wsresnied 'espintor to soy
add. It aim Miaow without vomiting, mem.
oiakdolog, or dotdallabir the MOM, ,
The putt beset, end ouporiolity of tido Iddigaste•
. 11 . ( Nut ID 44/soo btotliodowto, while It 011ik1110•0 OW.
.1 1 1,14 it blaityondos the body. It to ono dew yary bon
bayou h It slot Nay pistil's the *haul Oaten
and otrodelbeas Use p. but It 1 1821 4 8, ofilk
and tjah blood o power posoused by no Othir Med .
blank 11
Add In lldo Iles the viand 41011* Mai trisodon
NI moos". It WO Perfoneted wit** the tastlwoorl.
acre than ono haddrad thousand comic!' seism ems
of &HOW at leirttonkado w.m too~od Ineartblo.
yt boo mad the Ay as (o,prd. than DIAN !eltd#lll . Nth.
ANN pest mu.
mope dome '9rirenit 4otlms
Da. S. , P. Toorossooki trfedklU. botigersios the
wit* ay••••k peneirl7. To Mos% vr ben Jost
their tassittsr stop tor the .sit` otoiliditis, or
ladisorotioo ootabit ht tiro* ft Abo ishoosstris hr
dulgsnoa 01 . the passbook sad brought on by physical
jwrestitiittbei (tithe liorrens *Meta{ elb, 'IMO{ of
osoliboo, &Wins sirootipos. rtnWnn Ossay„ pod
death* Mistiming toward that kw Owes* Cohnitop.
tier; psi be ostitely toakprot by tble plosoubroo•4l7.
21114 !". 0 f4 la SITP4IOr to soy
P1V1. 4 4 0 W / ? / K a i VPI WIAL • • •
As IS mews asmi toligorstos the tystoskglass
I motil ity
lot thi thsbh WO Wok& Iloilo modot 117 a tal c •
, -
CIMINO etriPool/111. 011.11131,100111 . can be mond
Newll4l4 MI. 'Mow Direr. eenin
. P66ll,ll e re.
II ahe 16 C .' n ati, Mate &Mg Shiqm4s,
Ade pmlare 1.0 Pow Ai As INA
him tor
1 .71440uri0n , „,
Da. S. P. Tiewsimuois , :-1 eerily Whore yak hem
penile Pa Was the meson through Providintez w it
aping toy' Ilfe. hare for moth At
had It
Conk it WPM. wormene: At last 01l
• large quantities if, blotidi beg nigbf, airy*, 5$ pas
greatly debilitated and redoseAnail did not espiot to
live. 1 hare only amillour lamparlfiee salt
end then
.LM.e woodpile% *Mtge hem ammo%
is. I eat now able tO Wall all o ar the My' IMMe
ao blood, eind my Mesh hes ink at..: Poe eta all
imagine that l u kankfal ler theserila wo lizt
'Makin when. Whtlittlellet;
f! PllllPllelt MIMI% ' '
Da. S. P. rOMIIIIMi. :net ,himiray hated kik Ilinstm
grUh in ram of rite, of mime. "env moompophril
It, and war supirlead to tombs the Ibnoirbig holism
intelligent am. reepootoblo Mum la konsilworm
Cmoty i ,
Ambler. Agouti It 1110.
Da. 1 t T.wwwww-Desr tut I ham a link OIL
iti a gg s ram all age, who
_t=n ow sre ry ,7l l 4r4
Pits mod
_12,01, piths= wimp ; et leen orpha
Minima lo your Pro is Nu litim
horn new 001111111, ea kw tom la Wily dobeetisheskii..
we amid glee bermes of 7°Or 44" 6 ITS.
glad we din Sir it start r e
b4l B . NI/
17.• hae bad ao maul Ow Oka P pity, great
pitman aad aumpolem lie le lhat bitooodig rigged.
sad healthy Sir *VA we NW ennead. ' • - r
Tow reopostbally, JOHN AUT.IIII,
Tormosies Samporillii le a irrr trig*
and y etre kr laorykat thinimayalink
sem Maybe* DOA tS:10( ,Woollh
Umber, PINS. Lemon or NAltim, 666trucled er
/Ikea IllenetftiMm' I ado be DAM wr to.
volentuy discharge tip*, end for the wets! pate.
Intim of the eyftwit--tio Patter Whether the rerun
of laimeat mom or maiiiMprohmed by iniegollatity.
4 `.'
Femme all gelthere end helialeba. brae 104 11 01 / II
muie become robust end fall of en•try under to in ,
guseen It bemediallelp ettunteresterthe
ease of thelmente floes, athieh-h‘ffrygne
littenneet It will not be *apse* in ALM own of
es debate a eiture, kt exhibit eeettiestbse• tune
=but weassure the ellgliteed„==
eases here hula repertillte
44' cam whets Nether MM i bee* eillaset 0111400 M.
eller using a her bottles of this invalviebli M.dhdW.
hove hese Mewed with fen Inselthy
Orient Illieedies Ile Mabee" skin. tiletlatieen
It is the miaset and mat .cute seedicrise .he
purifying the 'system, and relieving the sullitrietim at
. burdens upon ehildblrth ever diesimensd. Itittemitin
ens both the mother end the child, Merritt Peke 1 . 4
thine., increases and enriched,' the bad ; Heise rho
base Used a. think It is inslispensehle, it is highly tim
id both before and after coneneuient, se it prevents
dkesses attendant upon sthildidbirthin itteetileeme
Men Vamps, Swilling at the Ifeet. Deeptied , may.
Heartburn Vomiting, Vein in the Deck and L i me.
ltilse ham , Hemorrhage, and lb regulating Hie seers
tines end equalhing the chests** It has se eyed.
The great beauty of the ramtiente fs, it is always SP*
end the wet dellesite ore it 1111051.recroleUy. very
few cues ruglike • any other medicine in seem a
little Gester Oil, or Magnesia Is useful. hasten* in
the open sir, and light Pod with this medieems,
idea's seems s cab
,ritel, ;my ensnarement.
Ifiljeememedlimem „ ,
Dlenbmits blood, 15,414; 114.
Dn. U. P. Timmentos--D•ar Sir; I hive unfired leo
!Sly ler ohm, yeas with the Rheumatism • temirma•
hie of the time I tonedil not eat, aimp AP w;aii i had
yelotsont dioramesg l e l , noll4i i l l ito ri =
paWWII. IMD bet a
t . r . =112, 4 0" . „ . .,500 i 11eb 1 19*.aingtZ
till li risTedilrely• 'NUM./iv:4rat Monty to
use this be the Irma& at the odliirbot
, .
your. nopeettally, JAMES. CUMMING&
Vim Zee. Ardis lore - :
Of YerroY CitY, to tail bid 111017 rimiiiiitaid• 'low '
Win of Se lisplibt .Demoulmilloe; boodiot So thenbl.
lowing cod/Iraq ot Inil if , ir., sr.!** ..,0,-. is.
0 410 . 1 hf '"beli•
DC I. P. loot
hex rigrimidimmitts.
iri va.,
Mee spa *t soma of afik molt b dindsK,frown
r ~., . WWII's, try go &Mb 1
mil* a bum* Gam who ofirstailisig es it
• to bona 1 woo rodentell.Dor way sopa. by tho
yrimppiti, to MEIN th* it taro with toottildliniky
wrRS Alit Walk at Iltn. lbw& A ha di Obits
hich covered the IMId pottar vii.lomall—wll4ll we
eatmaislonWollia• we 2 .pottle, I. famish
a ac•ti, wilts i avolkeir itopt In WS
the odio Rot sheittod IM entbobeeert. gala
I Utah your Bereaparina. which, illu Se hisubure
tit' troirkieseo, by 'entered So MO nettivollinisony Wool
Aoiltlit 6 0 1 Aill. raw ivilktilig Woo aril boom iltv 6
number ot
year. lan new fejeaveSropt. Ibm
U... it tit I. sit involatable imellehr, owl nroolisdest
It. w 7 anintootto
is ofoloal t talletest wbatlt 111 In,
holm 'T have biro' a sr r peg 11110 . 1107 ',OIL
I hope this hasty sketch way be as me* WSW a 'oats ram iliediolos boo to sr._ •
'Jelly 'AL lea. Some' szor.ik . brmiy csi.,
'. ' lieumituit ethirionsfe.
Tito fotiowitag wan sent , Oh •bler Avail •ito Itabouty;
by De crab—cis. (1.111 ; 1911.01ft plf RS yothadial
' pat niu of um Wilt Imilel MA espe,ated ho
the coMmictiOn—and I.outodier itriditodo it Mr wow
&idol *Wets of Dr. U. I. Town/waft Ilimerintiti ank
lb gates.
Farm. O ti numor'44ilaviiii for INN tint* post, al 7•••
ern aware experienoef great general deby W sy
ado* attentod WS adosteal and sbesitap isitoliam•
or my throat ond
ez, at your batons% owl ie.
tiimovittio rof bati Mid CaMain blase% do
aided stony in ita iodised to ' Dr. U. P:
Towns In irohnied ranapaala. 1 it, 1 or
l'es% skill ib the hays than id th• eitalißi tried
f teta• Of It.
proving recoolors ; but I as boos)
ilv ennidar now to
sknowlodie, that I hod not tiled it MS 1 14-
rin td ettpttisocti Ito filittarreettotir laid I • lOotc,
say; whit Captain Mamas "thatiodaold not WO,
eat 4 ow no cantifilistion." It Is.
a y LlSd " b7 4 ,
V01 . 4-" r t i rpE s'' t i
. it
you have ay bill at to saki Ii . •
• iiamuny, mos* adi 1841. , J. . .IUNIIKI* ,
Thla cottlilattit tuoittatailvely vane that 1140, Simi
= I I Criosa. "`" = " 7.l..rd °° 1? "" ...
host* irbirelitilwrin& -• •
• .• ' Atlirmi Mildew., • )
IMensoitimoL-Doar sir i I lave dos Owen
4: 1= 4"4114"1" :17 "riki L
Aiken tbLeabreg e l Aly °447B,l l: 4"=7 7:l
them amay, br which t rod vv.
otkUsalioa. Very riperetfidly,
[0.4147 W. CRAIN, 11110160111444 1
''. 0 1 .441001R .
. Or Paingol,olll .
D44?Ppirripips ja almost dilly, pcolskisedas
tram 11,11*411, * Pins it **NO**.
Thht is tir emelt Mat we, Me. upersigaii, !bp&
aim g bi ti.Tz r.
, c ...., 617 i v:2=mm
= , to be one of the most val a: FllMl7lillakieThini.
the marim*. .
R. P. init.itio.,4l P.
. - ' ' \ , J. WILSON, M. D.' ''' '
- • ' • .. IL I. MOON, .M. M .
Albany, Atihil I, 100
A K id der,
k Co, No. 8 Intliestredil
Mrs t. Kidder, Me 11l Court-street, illbellbb
Klibler, Jr., Lowell& Henry hulk Ihtlekti dll.
Greek Wkreeeter; Allieon k Gault, Co It&
Dien It Son, Presidents; and by Drlarg am =
cheats grawirelly throughout the U
Indian end the Cansdas.
Prinelpal Olken Nunn street, NOW Natal ,
building formerly occupied by the 808:8146
UT rot sale, wholesale and, netai,l, hy , A•
MORRIR do CO ., York, Pa., agetita fol' ; ork
and Adams counties. Sold also by.
SAM UE I, 11, BUEHLER, Goltylbarg i.,Da
vid Newcomer, Dregtown ; Dr. Dfilile. thipp
too ; .T. li. Henr y , Abbnnetown; ~Jacob MOM'
Oxford ; Wm. Wolf, East Bortin4 Dr. Wow R.,
Stewart, York Springs. . ,i .
August 10, 1849. 7 -1 y , ,
DRIED CURRANTS—a prime arti
de, just received by the subieribir
also a let otireaft Figs, Raisins,
Art 0100 U Lip. re of Nails just
1 ceived and for aaJ.
1011 N FAIINEstocK.
et lerrovis