gOin VID SHE MAXING, Tsubscriber re: Tactfully announces m• to the citizens of Geliyaliurg, that he 111 hue commenced the BOOTandSHO.E. AIMELN, It hi t , residence, on §ouiti. Washington street, adjoining that of W. WVIOTSFY, w here he ivill be prepared to fill all orders in hie line. 1 0 01 E4 0011 be visited upon at their rel.- itictigis, tlJesiredl. rjus itthscri bar Myr 5, I . )y strictittiention n:oteineti4, to merit and recitOro a /Wend •hare Of patronnge. , TERMAS 13RIAIGHAN. Gettrelnitir, April MEW !IabWARE k GROCERY bh,n. Fahnp4oak. , RRESPECFPULLY announces to his friends and the public generally,that be has opened a NEW • liardwgre , and 'Graeery Store, in Gettyabtirg. at ..M'Clellanlet Corner." where can be found general impartment:of every thing in hit line: Having examin ed :both the Philaualphin •Baltimors mullet,. he • is enabled to offer btsdgeods at:retlueed prime, and can entifidendy:ne sure them that they can be purchased low. er than they have'sver been ;sold .'beforer lbetateet consists . • • -111mArdware mid Gletterri suok sa nails, cross-cut stirs, planeasad hits, locks, hinges, serews,tithisoli Of ea. ery.disicsipdon. naps and files; saddlery of all varieties, shoemakers' lasts and tools,. morroceoleather and linings;shovels,forks, and a general assortment of TABLE CUTLERY AND- POCKET KNIVES ; . . itkabbyt, every article belonging to list tr . seeli of bps i neva. Also a completes, as-, sorlinent of VLASs, PAINTS, 011.8 & DYE EitTIIrPIZI, and a large, full and' general aasotttoepl oi GROCERIIES, FIRM Owl CEDAR WAREARoltrhifir he lißs seleited with greist caw and°rdit+. chased on the very best ternot,,,thqs ena bling biin"tri sell at such priestess wIU give entire satisfaction. He solicits and hopes, by strict attention to the waste of the'itol* reiseity, to, receive the patronage or ilia /JOHN FAUDJESTOCK.:. Gettysburg, Sept. 14, 1849e-rif, SCARLET LEVER CURED. - ' Effeet cy . !rater 'Xpnotnehild Willoun street; was ta keilenen with' scarlet fever. Theidoktbr ititWat t ice'had been remarkably anyini eliiii/l'and dent:witted roweriiftir pled. kind #nuld do ; all the Cheer he hyd beard audit (bier were fatal, and lie conclided tlt Medicine could` be *tile thin his lniflrltivi4 So in this else 'hti' order.. ettllV4r true!. The liner Mather knew lowritital this fever had Peen, and she thoogiti4 4 l will give my child BrAndreth's Pills and the Gruel." 8o she gave him fOur Rills. Which operated well., The doe forthle outii day was *ask* "told the nig* dry Cbird go 013 with the , water wprel o ?4e , did—and fonf.~o.QE4 ills, PfeCY. die 44etor ordered gruel, and every day the mother StOr.rfivflAlllF‘rta, fisir arika4sik i * law,liule wore. Won a week tbs. child. wse ..The doctor mid that case hadgiven hittst,a lesson,; for the child was simply en. reoY,gffiel. whereis every other carte of egerlet,firres he had had that wham.. he had loworkert he hed puraned stotivp treatment. was satisfied. that nature was t ¢beat physician, aided by stater , gruel: „taigitt bre,addedand annukth's Pills. ' 91Irrike, Drandreth Pills are sold for lb cents drltx:±o,ll.Briodieth i sPriacipalQql4.24l , IC York, end by the following rta' Aigonts:—.lottir M. Stevenson , Get.' tywarrir,/tultainger & Ferree Petersburg; A brams XinvHastersunrn; /I.lWilotead, Ab -1;140tro t D.•M. C. White, Hampton;; sneer. iOO.. Littissuren ; Mary Duncan, Cash., otorli; ties. &H. D. Heary,Ysirfiefd D. J,lltztaltirsunh, East Berlfh; David Newcom evitie; -141:4 •,', [Apia 1850..-3," M. STEVENSON, JOE,, .Ti . iiIIEDLIDIALE DEALER IN . GROCERIES & LIQUORS, - ...-.7.--. 1 Three doors South .. lithe I =- 41 ' Old Bridge,7 - 34int $., f - ' ,IMRRISBURG,, „ - : jkt, 8., for the ocean . t wilatton r • • gtl erchanta and others i s auplffit. c ilujbeFlitode Franklin, and neighboring "unties, has opened an extensive. Whole- *e. Establishment fur the sale of 4,llOese. imand Liquors, as above. With the om., operaticin or a large iniporting honee in 4altimore, he will offer goods here st r the kacue prices of which they can be purcha sed in the city. He respecttully solicits the favor of a call from those wishiug to ptirchaie to satisfy them of his Bruin:falba. ity 4 sell as he promises. The attention of I . titllords is invited to a Jut of choice liquors in store, and for sale at importers' prices. • : i spirt .Orders from a distance promptly fittl, and , goods despatches at city Yriter. 4.145, 1850, 'Po Painters and llousekeepets. Celts Ont Paine. ' TILE undersigned has the pleasure of s announcing to the publics that he bew ittenanalka new PAINT, which, front! ito durability and general exeetlenee..he has tevrned °CEMENT PAINT," and to whit:kite invites the attention of Painters mod others interested. 'thin paint has bemantply . tested by House Pain...no find ether,&nag the past year or two, and, wherever used , has been pronounced su perior, in every respect, to any paint here toteattli, use. The wino:signed has in his possession Eeithiatea from Pailiters and others who hits "}tied it and give it the preference over ft .. tfthei - etwapositions, which he will Ms pieeeitt to exhibit to any who may wish to 'see' fbitereties is respectfully me:44W: the following gentleinen : Robert thmlb o Wse. Paxton, Hun. Geo. Silty o. JS. Rev. Holland, 'l'. Warren,J . Danner. Dr. D. Gilbert, 114101 Denwiddie. J. G. Frey. D. Lashell, 0. A. Buelikm . 1 , s ow. Rimmiipts fur intivridualuse, or rights reeAope,,4ateuties or Stews, can be had e m mo d era t e terms, by application to the ' JOlll 4 l JENKINB Ottiyetwol. fetush ,22. 11360.-1 thetaiett end foram& by the suet- IlltMateAlk latielot ofOARPE'f IND, Terpßemp.---. OHO. ARNOLD. - oitAttqEs it. 'LEMONS "war, "superior !raft 1 141, 0.111.04 al MILEASLys. COMPOUND Exvitlici , or SARSAPAMILZA. The most Wonderful Medicine of the AglS t 1,500,000 BOTTLES. MdIItrrACTIAP:D mi. Subslse Is put up In quart Mottlask soul hue soured sums* Chou, 'OW O quie,of 04' 003 , Distuies within the l s* Toe Ilreeve.—none Is gins . aides, I. P. EXPOSEi - - ST RIGADIntth.THS VOLLOWINth AFFIDAVIT —the Public will learn the orals, orrather where the !. 'recipe Aw antking the mist they tell Old Or. Jar.* Towomod'a Sereeparille, came hose—and will be able In judge which is the genuine end original, sod or the honest et the men who snapkyled la yelling It as the original Dr. Towassud:s hamper*. Dr. & P Townsend was the original proprietor avid hthentm nt DR. To/mead's tiersaperilin. end bar medicine b gaoled a reputation that no other remedy ever gained. H. manufactured over one million of bottles last year, and is menulacturing at present WO bailee pr day We use more Bengaline and yellow Dori In OUT *debilitates,' each day, than all the other Sarsaparilla Mwsso l 4 oll l l th 0 1, 1".. 1 " h4 IO4 IPAI Pam 4 111 . r'l"64‘ Min - 41f . RIM wan..., A ' se xvio. ...itel.72.l , ra i irrt:r.v4ia swots,' Ikea , soy deat me. m * tens - Drunk sad C ' 'That some Use la the latter pert a.M , e . g air r I %Kathie*, IBA, aam by the name el hoa r yr)* tit Ogg 11••• ...• a hat alld pitiable ' mg lama depended, al the house of Mr. Thompson: Na a ileosestiseld4 where dips. - matt Wanted, ad altssested depOsneat 10.0/566 h 66 • . tailor bY *bah to make a ify rep of earaparille. , Deponent farther mirk that-he .basest. sestaiated 'la Tootootod at the oats of Theodor* Foster Las honk *.Polaitter; with *how stal desk That aid Toweesnd badi6o.6alittelil SSMC'S'S/ 01.4r.a lions with de respeotieg las menulitehin of an . Jacob T Nabbed Wm sat mkt Or Mane riga That sat Te stated he was at Saimaa. had yea and Jew mot At br bad baber—aud make row money, in order to La *my MO: deye, end amt. if llanaparille under the tamed Tear . wad sold so !Hu. sad* masa asserwsi *ads by, 1, he toad see ao eases *by he. Alight not saki sonsethileg out a ill? „ (his moms Wog Toureesaa , if he get a ses to maw a map% and u ap,* laulecthr* ft leas van ; Delemint - ia ens a the meavermitlons asked mid Tow wend .If=d i l oo llaidat to Or. 6. P. Townsend, to whisk he that he lama Pr. ili ir,:Tsmtetend salad be Aolmella igtof he should apanese*. Ant that he did not core for blur, as helmet leased a empatsmeakiti whet ales who email thrash the reseasibtamanuet et oapial—sead was Sell= to daft! llama *Sand ii a y Ink& ti=gher O mad m, that plasma to Ma masa oeli'Towniend, le Inas a Naas lot the euenuaetaset Of :=1 lt , el=ratillt, esal gave it a hies. A Sod .To that he wonted to teak" spetelinei to.ashtbit' es his miners fa their ea he waked to Vary , them hi emery thazi a m=y l itt i rtadix=id Two/mesa Web' lea were *WO wets - .. to Nitre . soome site sled shape am Dr. & P. Town. elna.s, sad thonent.' at ths, avast a said Jacob T0w.1404 weal. SO the sari of Dr. S. I... Townsend, and omitted ow of his labels. Ana elliaatat Pother aye, (ha he bat balm ham* tOenduerity, Waves the lyres of &iraperille , aid ld Jacob Toerniendh, is made after the recipe her. ed by defenses* a Jacob Tomes* as akereseLL And farther deponent with not. • • • WILLIAM ARIFISTRONO. Illomm to befog, INN this fah LI'S( May, IBM C. S. WOODHULL. ' .3tayor 4 . the City of New Tait , 1 1% os'" P r I PROOF` ! II- I'' , .-- thoro; Pt; % ) barsaperille.' , The . IrrkP 8 " *. e, 41 .!,!:-..,. 24 , 140,1, . 111 11 11 .0 11 : 1 , : . ri „ , 0 pi=tinee bream ' se ili=-4 orwx4am tin, , .M --- i - i'ih7. end *melanin to be aseepeaun Wed in mro i i i t r y. et lot by tbps Doctor Idesie4 elf aftreterb fat wren] years sod to tit. plowed then _bp_Chapp k Townsend, thvasant propr ib torn Since :e B w r lror w ki te w nsite keep,. .tote, ae : i d atterir id tViiie u. bossiness that tentimsalates at that point. The mass factory b in this city, and Is nominated by the Janke prtnor, Mr. Ciapp—howe ail thentedialee is nianalho. tura . I Per at Der Ohms have any Idea of the smothst this istedlehM that Y insaufactured end sold &midis the Wee la this country, it is shipped tethe Canada., Shut India Minds, Smith Amadeu, end even to En voy% in emmidemble quantities. At the sesnuthelory they employ a Mama epginq besides a hirp number of Ewa, wawa tuel gild, In the prerenitho of the 1 ""Wille• A. 0. 4 4 1. bsissit Wag, Ds; fank reel for ithipmerd, over donee par day, or nearly tMe The is ecitoirembes quantity. The pest We t h e Medicine hes acquired, kth is doted h tiumberofinento get up imitations, and Mete I. et the prereot time, Other medkines for lath thee arethiled "1/&.Toweeeldhi Sanstpuillsb One la psi. tkaler started • shortlthe ego in New York, is cad " Old Doctor Jeeob Towneisedb SeMisperills," and sP parentirwitho view by- 411htat advertising, sad the usual remedies resor te d to le aheh erode, to eppropri. sie the named Pr. & P. Townsand's great remedy, and thu. gain all the adventeges resulting from the popularity of the Male wlik& - he TKO llcquired for It, by years of patient "end expensive labors. Dr. & P. Townsend, formeriy,er tics city, is is weD knows here, Is the inventor and ,original proprietor of the medicine "lumiwn' r "Dr. Tow amines Eanaparille," ag ir w=th u ti t ite per=w S tig i vr i tt i tesm en tia to mill • FROM THE New Turk DO7 Wilma** (gy. W. published so advertisement inadvertently some limo above Met Aid Noshes to Dr.iit. P. Teem. send, who is the original proprietor of the pre of guisparilla known as Dr. Townsend's.= paraisst hsve.weedn , tbe pest km months mimed or competted themselves with a UM by the name Of Tereaserl rho wt op • seemilein• mad Celts it by the suns name. medicine was admired In 771. Teams, as the *y ip , Lc adiertisement also =matter tory to the aberacter of .11W. Inland Mat of his medicine. We regret it appeared, and Ise jostles to the Dr. make this elm 141 " ism: Tilt • RIM ball MORI Slot - Da. Trinement ealtreordiaary advartleamentmliish armapies make priest la, Hum mill out Mett4 mum. Dr. S. F. Ilvenumad, mbelg u t li Veld i r Wirier of Dr. Tortemere W Sc. *mod draw 10 Oink erber• he hes ker mese. allears, le dgring lanseaglibuejossais al lees Om Mar imadratt maim of nareapermare day, sod eves OM erommem goartity 4••• sot simply the 4;1=0. N 6 medleine aver =l , : o unie. s =PE . 88 4titaap Pr n a :Vii t riLt *zoo, slide has lam me Mar 'fork hod her etre t z w in th e mad Gear inky other 110,41114, end WWII that lt ls the cheapest neverdsing !redoes. T is nieditints_ilt Ileipl , ll , lt4 to the Canodas, West In. Him Heath Ramps, Lta . ,Modellemble meamittes, end is coming tato general as* la those conatetes, as wall as Imre. . *tnd.io Dime* and,Othere. that a* eareaparith dm tea awl "MOW Dr. Townsend's dienrapi OM betabreed li7ll.l:Sermatad, trommiD *alb ' • p aea n mriadise, the eurZT. ; hips ant .woald be paint 4 1 ! Slieb namatt damp Deed —mon me Deeps* el artaidantltyprabti DM barna Po9ila Att, 041 .7 _lhmea= l l46 - 11.iic Oniimpeoptit'surbWrire not well Wormed, attalmee sot read DIN, and pot our advettiseumnta hose been erwif i titat ,NIA," men mh eertiee their leedb Dernampida,“ that it mum, M corm, rlitehL • It le lare thm, oar yaw litt i •aeseineattell aemethe 011111$ osarket or Da yeant, '' • . dtltr aided, rte imatriveds* So piths Mt en the manse. • • a 10 4 3 P. 11 4 art N aot and Dever . attisfipted to Inat=:ll: 9 oS' labbb 'Pita raters plea Dad tthet kor the meet mai. 'flier Hy they. do not wish the people Us)* Meet Dareeparllk to ours, °S am eame" tie tahttitr decnisathe public, thayq at Use ewe meek flat theisi tee Old Dr. 11wnsend'a as& endleamer to asks the people ap.V 4 ""r levy rzg3. tares, for the put ten years, ea ' al Which ,bar,reitt .. l repuhstion,wbit4 no other ow-41m e which D a Dam, trillainosv, unprincipled tailood ••• We hare commenced Cr 40 , alleirotr 4 „; kra Omega. We wish It lobe understood. , et tee Old no rotation to Dr. Townsend what/oar. la aside " rertisernents and ukroulera tlnt7 t tiath = et gross falsehoods trouritinig Dr. a. Palneß.eporte. Oar opponents bare published la the payers, Net Dr. a. Townaend we. deed. Thiethef send in Us* agents about the country, who report that walnuts given up badness, Ito. kn. The pnblic shoeld4l4o their suiard, and not be dc:abre4 by thus swirlei* pled roan ?Mire of 'Rersoeirl.—Attor the It s v embr i IBA Dr. S. P. Townsend'. New York 011104 Brill b• In the South Deptist Church. No. 89 Neseitu.streg i which is now undergoing • thorough c will be fitted for the better accommodatkas= pro. prieton end the public. Take perliceher Notice.—No flareeparlit• le i mains end original Dr. Townseadk flanagasitlsioun signed by B. P. Townsend. AiMKT.. Redding lk Co., No. t elateetneet, end Mrs. K. Kidder, No. 100 Court-street, Bodoni &aid Kidder, Jr., Lowell ; Henry Pratt , S a l em; fames 11. Omen, Worcester; Allison k Gault, Cawood; J. Rakh 111. Bon, Providence • and by Druggists and Mee ghstits generelly throngliout the United Illatet. Welt Weis arid the Canadair. ID - For sale, wholesale and retail, by C. A. hiolllllB & CO., York, Pa., agents fur York and Adams counties. Sold also by SAMUEL H. BUEIILER, Gettysburg; Da rid Newcomer, Bragtown; Dr. D Male, Hathp ton ; J. It. Henry, Abboitutowit; Jacob Marlin Oxford ; Rnr. Wolf, East Berlin; ,Dr. Wnr. B. Stew ,rt, York 1 4 prings. August 10, 1849.—1 y IVIED CURRANTS—a prime arti just received by the subscriber ; also a lot of fresh Figs, Raisins. ace. W. W. HAMERSLY. VR/tOKENS, of various kinds, such u Boston. NavYt %UM. jigger, t*tigair, Soda and. Dyspepsia Cratikers, for sale at lIAMESSIare Variety Rom I riatiiskOik WHO tf* L SA L E WO IV, IL _ LOW WARE,4*OOAI.#HSISH, Comb", LooMps• Massitnd risefily *lOOO, No. 18, NORTH SECOND STREET. PIIII.2ItiELPHIA, Under 1. Sidney Jaen' Carpet Warehouse. HAVING enlarged my store, 1 have nn hand and am esenstantly -inanufactu ring and receiving from the Eastern States and Europe, additions to my Stock. CEPAR WAHL-500 nest Cedar and 100 nest painteilTubs, 400 barrel and 'lOO staff Churns, 100 doxenCedar and 000 dozen painted Pails,2oo doz. Washboards, 100 duz. nest Sugar, and Flour Boxes ; Spiews, Spoons, and Ladles. WILLOW W A RE.-800 nest Mark et and 200 nest elOilliAlßasketa,4oo Wil low coaches, chairs and cradles ; a large damn - intent of French and Domestic Bask ets. BROOMS AND BRUSIIES.-10,000 Wire-brooms, 10,000 Shaker Brooms, 200 doz. each wall, paint, scrubbing, shoe and horse Brushes ; tooth, shaving, cloth and hair brushes of every style. 00M BS.-2,900 dozen fancy combs, of various patterns, side neck, pock et, dres sing and tine-tooth Comb. of variousstyles. LOOKING G LASSES, of pine, cher .ry, walnut, mahogany, and gilt frame, of all sizes and patterns ; German. French and English Looking . Glass Plates of all sizes from 7 by 9 up to 72 by 120—paek ing insured to all parts of the Union)—to gethee with alargo assortment of - Vitriety . Goods too numerous to mention. The attention of Merchants is respectfully so licited to the examination Of my stock, all 'uf sold low:for cash (Welty acceptanCe. so as to anticipate any compe tition dill can he allied. march 1. 1850.-1203 lorciht St. Vitiie iiiitnUfaCtory. SIEVE, RIDDLE, SCREEN, & WIRE CLOTII MINCFACTORY, N0.'46, NORTH FOURTH ST., Corner of Coontb's Ailey, between Market and Arch streets, PMAADKLPHIA. THE subscribers continue to manufac lure, of a superior quality. all kinds of Plain and Ornaments! Wire work, such as Sieves, Riddles, Screens, &c., for all kinds of Grain, Seeds. Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Brickdust, &c. Pounders' Sieves of a superior quality constantly on hand. Also, safes, %Vire Dish Covers, Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire fur Spark Catch. ers, &c., CYLINDERS COVERED In the best manner. ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK. such as cages; Nursery -Fenders, Garden Bordering. Flower Stands, Trainers,Trel lie- Work for Grape Vines, &c. Also, Wire Fencing of every description. Orders thankfully received and prompt. ly executed by WATSON & COX Feb. 22, 1849.-3 m Paper! Toper! Paper! No. 21 Bank street, between Market and Chas nat, and 21.1 and 3c streets, 171:1311=3EM 1711 HE Subscribers be leave to call the atten tion of country buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers, white and as. sorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, &c. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, they solicit orders horn Printers (or any given site, which will be furnished at short no tice arid at fair prices. Market price either in cash or tradepaid for Rags. DUCKETT & KNIGHT, Sept. 14, 1842-1 y No. 21 Bank at. To Physicians. Druggists, and Country Merchants. J. N..KEe.,LER and BRO., most re spectlully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French .German and American DRUGB. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Muffs, Glassware, Perfumery, Patent Metli• eines, 44. Having opened a new store No. 514 Market street, with a full supply of Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit Country Deal. era to examine our stock before purchasing else where, promising one and all who may feel dis posed to extend us thr it patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to hiithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, Words ample guarantee of the genuine qual ity of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite Druggists and Country Merchants. who may wish. to become Agents for Dr. Keeke s reltbrated tamily Medicines, (stand ard and popular .medieinei,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectfully remain, • J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market at. Philadelphia. 8ept.,1144.154%—iy NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ==l /MEND , Y 111 311T1lt ja..SP kUTF LLY informs the eiti iaens of ginty'lbmg, and strangers who may-terry 'herd until their beards grow, that be has opened a new saloon in West. York 'street, between the Tempe ranee House end' • Paxton's Hat 'fhore, where he intimds "prosmenthig the Totisod rial business in all its "Varimi and various branihes.•' •"' • lii. issues abod•anit sharp, • Belt share your , tame without a swatt. Gentlemen, call and see for yourselves, H 44 ats la , llbaci;.llistioaels are clean, And in sp his shop hi's always Heals° respmaully inform 'liege • men tluketlikty' tea. at ate May time hatte their boots, blacked - in the,,Desteet style. Geetleined lilifo l bei* trine rettioval from their elothes. ' • - 'Dee. 17, Alllolllolllllllllp3ftio F. KOEHL ER respectfully ten sr • %den I.ii services to the Public u 'leCrier. Term!' moderate. Residence. Abhona towp Adams county, Pa., where all let tere or ordem for his services may be ad dressed. Oct. 19, 1849.—tf HOUSE SPOUTING WILL be made and put the subscriber,who willittend prompt ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish ment in the county. OE O.E BUEHLER. WHITE WHEAT FLOUR—also a good article of Family Flour, white and yellow Corn Meal. Buckwheat Meal, Feed, ittc..---a full alsortment 7 for sale W. W. lIAMERSLY. COD FISH—a prime article—for sale at HAMERSLY'S. Also, No. 1 Mackerel, Scotch Herron', Crackers of various kinds, Cheese, &c., &c. AVALISMII3I4I4IO.OIm. • INQ, 011tirMNT , . Contates no,/fleresio or other Miner 4. cIifirALLAITERIS ALIcaRALING OINT 'o MINT. containing no mercury or other Mineral, hiebeen,well attested during the , lest sixteen years, and more than one million boxes having been sold within the fait four years, shows it is fast coming into public favor ; it may be said truly this is the "Family Friend: . For tumors, ulcore,and all kinds of sores, it has no equal. TETTER—There is nothing better for the curs of Tetter. BURNS—It is one of the best things in the world for blirna. (Se directions for using It.) PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by the ointment. It never tails of giving relief for the Piles. If:Korn'as and Neiman knew its value in ca ses of'swollen'' or Ohre Breast, they vi ould not be without it. In such cases, if freely used, ac• cording to the directions around each box, it gives relief in a rtryirtu Amos. ID - Around the box are directions for using rrfrA ',LISTER'S OINTMENT/or Srofsda, E rust/midi, Titter, Chablato, Sru Id Head. Sort Eyes quinsy, Sart Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous .Affec lions, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Headache, Asth ma, Deo/miss, Ear Ache, Berea, Corns, all Dianna. u of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, ife., Smelling of the Limbs, Sores ,Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Creep, Swelled or Broken Breast, Toothache, Ague is the Fare, ire. RHEUMATISM—It removes, almost imme• diately the inflammation and swelling, and the pair. erases. Read the directions mound the box. ADACIIE.—The adve has eared persona of the head•ache; who had it regularly every week for twelve years, so severe aa to cause vomiting. SCA LIM EA D—We have cured cues which have actually defied every known remedy and theskill of from fifteen to twenty physicians.— One man told us tinkt alter having spent $3OO on his children without any benefit, a few boxes of this ointment cured them; and so with mr♦py others. The following testimonial was given by the celebrated Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the great medical work entitled, "The American practice of Medicine and Family Physician ;" the distinguishing merits of which have been sm. predated and recognized by nine sovereigns of Europe: "Raving been made acquainted with the in redients which compose M'Allister's Althea]. rag Ointment, and having prescribed and tested t in my private practice, I have no hesitation in saying or certifying that it is a Vegitable Remedy containing no mineral substance what ever; that its ingredients, combined as they are, and used as directed by the proprietor, are not only harmless, but of great value, being a truly scientific remedy of great power ; and I cheer fully recommend it as a compound which has done mach good, :and which is adapted to the cure of a great variety of cases. Though I have never either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medicines, regard tor the truly honest, conscientious and humane character of the proprietor of this ointment, and the value or his discovery, obliges me to say thus much re garding it. W. BEACH, M.D. New York, April 22, 1846. ID - This Ointment is good for any part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In sonic cases it should be applied often. CAUr/OAr—NO - Ointment will be genuine unless the name of Janes Nt'Accierria in writ- ten with a pen on everilabel. tErFor sale by my Agents in allthe principal towns in the United Stales. JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Medicine. PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. 28 North Third street, Philadelphia. a:TPRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX..rp AGENTS.—S. 8. Foarsse, Gettysburg; Jo seph R. Henry, Abbottstown; ;Hotter & Rowe, Eminitsburg; J. W. Hchmiiit, Hanoser ; C. A. Morris & Co., York; L. Denig,Chasubersburg. June 15, 1849.—e0w ly REMOVAL. DR. J. LAWRENCE lIILL, DENTiST, HAS removed his o ffi ce to the building opposite the Lutheran Church, in Chambersburg street. 2 doors east of Mr. Middlecoff's store where he may all times be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Den tist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth are respectfully invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr. C. N. BsoLucor, I Rev.C.P.KaAum, D.D " D. HORNS'S, Prof. M. J•coos, " C. A. CowoiLL, " H. L. HAVONZII, " D. OILIIIIIIT, " Wx•M.Hr.TwoLno Rev. LC. WaTsoN,D.D." M. L. BTatris. July 7. 1848. AGAIN AT WORK ! ATTEND TO YOUR TEETH! THE subscriber has the pleasure of announcing to his friends that he has again recovered his health sufficient to re sume the practice of Dental Surgery, and will be pleased to attend to all orders connected with his profession, such as cleansing, filing, pulling, plugging and in serting Teeth. Having the benefit of a number of years practice, he feels confi dent of beingable to render full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pa. tronage. WO'Reference is respectfully made to the following gentlemen : Dr. H. 8. Huber, Hon. M. M'Cleen, Dr. D. Gilbert, Prof. M. L. Skewer, Dr. N, : U. Darlqcbg, Hey. Dr. ekhmucker, Dr. D. Horner, Rev. Dr. Baug,ber, Dr. C. Horner, ` lw. Jacob Ziegler. The' iubscriber•hai removed his resi dence to the haulm formerly occupied by Rev. Mr, Gerhart, in 8. Oshimore street, a few doors above Fahnestock's more. F. E. y01;0E884001: March 15, 1850.1-4 P i I 4 111 .44 , F .- , • *VOL Tits? WARE WARE ! GEO. E. BUEHLER RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public that he con tinues to manufacture and has now on hand LARGE STOCK OF TIN WARE. at hie Establishment in Chambershurg street, nearly opposite the Post Office—. where he will be pleased to fill orders promptly and upon the moat reasonable terms. April 12. • FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. H. BUEIILER has just received s L large supply of fresh GARDEN SEED S, of every varipty, from the cel berated Shaker Gardens in New York. Gettysburg, Feb. 16, 1860. C EDAR WARE, such Tube , Buckets, &c. Also Buksts, Toys, Rugs, Mau, &c., (or sale at lIAMERSLY'S. Da Mandril Aivertiierseate. • e = UTTIVITTIOTIVI • • lAN. ' COS'ICU 3114_1 HALL. COW OF PRATT ST.& CENTRE MARKET SPACE, CLOTIIINO WAREHOUSE. THE Proprietor of the above establish ment would respectfully inform the citizens of Baltimore and vicinity, that he has received from Europe the FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS together with a rich assortment of goods adapted to the coming season, consisting of Superfine French, German and English Cloths, Castor Beavers, Pilots, and Pelitot Coating, A new article for Oversacks and Business Coats. Also, a splendid assortment of French and English Cassimeres and Doe-Skins. of the most desirable styles imported this season. RICH VESTINGS—We have and are constantly receiving new styles of Vesting., consisting of plain and figured Silks and If Velvets, figured and striped Cashmeres, Sias, Satins and Valencias, of all shades and colors. Oor CUSTOM WORK is cut and made in the best man. ner—and as regards style and workman. ship, is warranted to give entire satisfac tion, and at greatly reduced prices. READY-MADE C LOTH ING.—Per sons in want of Ready-made Clothing are particularly invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture all qualitiesof FASHION ABLE CLOTHING. And our assort ment of that article is at all times large, which offers to purchasers a great induce ment of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the City. We have on hand and are constantly manufacturing Garments of every variety, from the best materials, in the most ap proved styles, for Fall and Winter. Near, CONSISTINO d► Surtord, Sack and PeMot' Overcoats, Of all colors, qualities and sizes, from 50 4 50 4 75, 5 50 and upwards. _ _ BOYS' SACK fi, OVERCOATS.— A large assortment of Boys' Sack and Overcoats, 20 per cent. less than the usual prices. SUPERFINE FROCK AND DRESS COATS, made from German and French Cloths, in the latest fashion. A large stock of Tweed Coats, Pants and Vests. We have a large assortment of Tweed Frocks and Sacks. A New Article— Forest Sacks, for Stormy weather. Pan taloons. from Super French Doeskins.— BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, of every variety of Shade and Color, at 81, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50,3, 3 50, and upwards. VESTS, made from Rich Velvets, Sa tins, Cashmeres and Valencies, and at all prices. ildmßemember name and place, corner o Frail and Centre Market Spare. 11. 11. COLE. Nov. 23, 1849.—1 y Shirt Establishmelit. SHIRT S ONE of tho most ex tensive in the Un!ied States, No. 179 Baltimore at., where 500 persons are employed, and a stock of 1000 dozen of Shirts always on hand ; style and qual ities suitable for all parts of the Union. Mer chants and others visiting Baltimore are invited to call and examine the largest and best assortment of shirts that has ever been offered in this city, consisting of all sizes and quality, for men and boys, which, for style and workmanship, cannot be surpas sed. More than usual effort has been made to render the assortment of SHIRTS, )I,LARS.Linnen and Cotton DRAW ERS, complete and desirable in every re spect. T. BE'rroN, 179 Baltimore street, near Light. March 29, 1860.--ly WEST EA D JOSEPH WILLEY. NIPORTNU AND DNALKR IN FOREIGN AND DORIMITIO Hardware, Bar Iron, d'e.• THE subscriber, for the accommoda tion of the country trade, has con nected an Iron Warehouse with Ids Hardware Store. Consumers of Hardware and Iron on the Reistertown, Westminster, Hanover, Frederick, Liber, ty, York and Gettysburg Roads, will find his location No. 102, Franklin street, Baltimore, opposite the Golden Horse Hotel,2 doors from Howard street, more convenient than any other store (or the adjoining country trade, and a great saving to country pur chasers of time and labor in proceeding to the wharves or lower part of the pity for their supplies. His Iron Warehouse has been estab lished for the' express purpose of accom modating this trade, and he engages to sell nothing bet ',superior Iron. every bar of which is rolled in Baltimore from Mary land Pigs, bearing the /Julep, "Baltimore City Works." as an evidence of its genu ineness, as Maryland Iron meriting Mary land encouragement, employinr Maijlatel labor, and fostered by Maryland! capital; superior to most and 'equal' to any other Iron manufactured in' the U. Stites. not found as het* represented every bar may be returtiedi the subscriber pitying costs of carriage. His Horse Shoe Nail Rods are warrant ed equal to the Sweet Nail Rod and bear ing the severest teats of the hammere... Few Horses cast their shoes from Nail* made front this article, they likewise be ing returnable with drawback if net to wering their recommend talon. New York Ground Wagon Boxes, Fe liptic Springs, Iron Axles, Blacksmith's Bellows, all kinds of Wagon Chains, Close Linked Pittsburg Pattern'', Blisug Steel , from Sweed's Iron, all sizes Round 'roil for chains, and almost every article used farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, wheel rights, and cabinet makers. March 8, 1860.-84 RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OY THE HAIR, BY 111. *lse amid lon, or Va. A CARD. MWISE & SON. finding it impoe * Bible to attend personally to the greatreleibet • of . 'far apptielliormr. front all eeedoes of she Union, for their remedy for baldnesa t and for their celebrated HAIR TONIC, have found it necessary td ap point a General Travelling digent,ev it different cities and towns throughoot the United States, vesting him with authority to appoint subagents, use and vend the Hair Tonio. and to apply the RESTOR ATIVE, and to put them into the hands of those he may appoint to operate wherever a sufficient number of patients in any town or neighborhood shall be obtained. Capt. Geonov. CALvestr, of Fauquier county. Va., is alone authorised to act as General Travelling Agent, with the powers above indicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedily as possible, the principal cities and towns of the Union. N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the HAIR TON IC (which cleanses the head of dandruff, strengthens and invigorates the hair, an prevents it also from falling off,) for the region of country most contiguous to hie operations ; or it may always be obtained, at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of the Union, by addressing the proprietors M. WISE & SON, Richmond, Va. KrPrice. SD per dozen cacti. Six bo des for ss—or one dollar single bottle. Dee, 7, 1349.--ly BEE-HIVE HOTEL; Corner of Pennsylvania jivenue and S. Afary's Street, and adjoining St. Mary's College, Baltimore, Aid. JESSE GARRETSON, late of York, Pa., informs his friends that he his taken the above well-known Hotel, for merly kept by Adam Fisher, and more re. cently by Isaac Williamson, where he is prepared to accommodate those who may patronize him in a maner that cannot fail to give satisfaction. His CHAMBERS are furnished in the most complete and comfortable manner; the BAR is provi ded with the choicest liquors and other re freshments. and the STA BLING will at all times be attended by the most careful attendants. The stand is calculated in an eminent degree for WAGONERS & DROVERS. as it has the largest and moat convenient yard in that section of the city. and the Stabling and Shedding are of the best and most commodious. It is his intention •to pay strict at tention to his business, and to do s every thing in his power to render his guests comfortable, and he respectully solicits a call from his friends and the public. Baltimore. May 3, 1850.-2ms3 50. THE undersigned has conneled with his Coachmaking Establishment a large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF BLACKNIIITHING, INCLUDING HONING CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, AG, Ile would say to those who have Horses to shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate hands, which, with his personal attention, will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call, CARRIAGE & BUGGY SPRINGS (warranted) will be promptly made to or der at all times. 'f All kinds of REPAIRING done, both in Wood and Iron, at the mostreduc ed prices. KrThankful for past encouragement, the subacribersolicits a continuance orpat ronage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in west Chambersburg st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel C. W. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, October 15,1847. X AEI& 1111.3 GINN • /ME subscriber tenders his acknowl edgments to the public for the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored for a series of years, and re spectfully announces that he has just re ceived, at his old established stand in Chambersburg street, a large and fresh SUPPLY Or DRUGS & MEDICINES, It Wliialifitw43lll(l/0a11214 Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffs and every variety of articles usuallyfound in a Drug store, to which he invites the attention of the public, with ainturanees that they will be furnished at the most reason able pricell. S. H. BUEHLER Ge.tysburg, May 8, 1850.—,-tf. FOR THE LADIES. A B. KURTZ has the pleasure of an xx.• pouncing to his numerous ,Lady Customers, that he has now ip store, a large and fashionable assortment of GOODS, which he now offers for their examination, With a 'desire to please all, he earnestly , macho a continuance of their patrottage and favors. New and Fresh Groceries. A. B. KURTZ AS just received a large supply of neer' ' land fresh GROCERIES, consisting of agar-house and Syrup Moluses, SU ff. gar;' a' prime article and cheap, 'Coffee, Teal, Salt, Cheese, Oils, Chocolate, Alet4, &it., &e. ' QUEENS WARE, 'of every Vitriol:, which' 'will be sold 'uncommonly . kite.' kt - Then remember, to secure bar- . IPtibe* be sure you call at it URTZ'S cheap Canter, S. E. Corner Centre Square. 'THE .STAR AND BANNER.: • piibliiiied . etiery Friday Evening, in 'Carlisle sired, Iwo doors from The D. Diamond. by D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER. TERMS. If paid in advance or within the year,llll per annum—if not paid within the yet 401.6 Q. No paper discOntinued until all 'oil:lamps are paid— e ceptaftbe option of the Editor. 8141 e copies Qi Cents. - A (*entire to notify ■ 'discondnuane will be regarded as a new engagement. 4dorrrisnotents not exceeding a square inserted three timer for i6l—every subsequent insertion 15 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion.— All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time, will be continued until forbid. A lib. eras reduction will be made to those whoadvertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and dromptly, and on reasonable terms. Letters and COMMllniestioru to the Editor, (ex cepting such as contain Money or the names of new subscribers,) must be /err 'AID in ordsii to mars attsnion. For the Removal and . Permanent Care or all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of Ihne• Complaints which are carload by en Wa rangal, weakened or unhealthy condition of the 1111ERVOIDS SYSTEM. Thie hosunful and convenient application of the ay*. tad.," powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has been pronounced by diatinytuiehed phveicisin, both in Europe and the United State, to ihe meet vanistato sainliensel discovory 41. Am. Dr. °BRISTLE'S GALVANIO Bur MAGNETIC FLUID, used with the mil prefect ll meth, 1/110.1101 la o ne wn ot 0111NBIRAL DICSICI41111.1r; Israngebenbag le. realumsl body, Orin rarloar orplM, and FITS, Invlooralltlro rash* systina, mop , la TS, CRAMP, PARAJAIII sod PALSY. DYSPEP SIA or INDIGESTION, RIM MATISM, ACUTE sod' CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY. LUTSAOO, DLAF-• NESS NERVOUS TREMORS, PA PITATION or THE HEART , APOPLEXY. NEDRA GIA, PAINS kr. tie SIDE sod CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, sod CURVATURE of Go SPINE, tor. COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFI CIENCY Or NERVOUS-fed PHYSICAL EMMY, sod ell NERVOUS DISEASES, which omplifilmis ads how en. simple conse—sassly, ♦ Derangement of the Ifieoroul grails& ry- In NLRVOUS COISIMAINTIVD ma atoll eines Aurelio Os ihrresa far they weaken lie steal ener sriee et the amid, prostrated pNemi w6ll. nude the Areltrleg, ri indesnee of 1344eas. Is 4 as appears by this beaatibsi and wenderhtl *ovary, the *sheeted panel and ensekonsed tellbror neared to fer•or health, amok, slutieity and ergot. The great peaullehtly end eheellemmee of Dr. Christie's Galvanic Guativaa, la the that that they emit ash eve &sue ratio* -ht phew the easel mete et dreg- Mpg sad yakking the patient , till übud.d Nature deka Dope only ender the Infliction Thew streeistee for whole mot." wenn flio dim of lee !teed, promote it, trerdiews., sal *my 4* dm gighirst injury ansdrr say eirmaieweea. Mere their totredasUes Is We Veiled Metes, aely tens jean Mace, more thee 60,000 Persons 1nC10.1114 all ogee dame' and conditions, smote whisk wen • Wry number of Isdnsu wbe ent peesslierly Ob ject So Nervous Comp/WRY, bare been pi vv. +l")4,l,timo vri:l trAM.I.I t ..1 Wm all bops of relief bud boon given up sad ovary' Wog Moo boon idol to rata! TO illustrate the use of the GALVANIC MELT,. suppose the cue of a pinion saluted with that keno of clvillseSon, DYSPEPSIA, or soy other ehionic or Nerv— ous Disorder. In ordinary aims, stimeleate are back which, by their eotiols OR the monies end mad* of the stomach, *Sera um but which Neve the relent In a lower slam, sad with Wend familtise, sitar the action thus emitted has ceased. Now this with the enact molting from the applicatio=t u a . GALVANIC DELT. 'rake a Dyspeptle era the worse eirepteam elan attack and simply li. the Belt mound the bo4y, mil the Magnetic Fluid as directed. Is a abort Period the ►noeseible perspiration will ect cis the positive element the Nell thereby causing a Oak venni airawkitiew widish will pose ewe° thiesegouse, end • thence beak solo to the positive, thus keeping up II con tinuous Galvankeiroulatioa throughout the 'Mons Thus the net NMn cams el DIfsPEPSIA are PERMA NENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS II OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE or YEARS. CERTIFICATES' AND TESTIENIALS Of the meet Undoubted Character, From all pens of tba Country recta be gamq rellialent to ill erer7 column In thia gaper: AN EXTRAORDINARY OASE I hick cortclutively prove. that " Truth is stranger than Fiction." CURS OF Rheumatism, Bronchitis and Dpspepsts. REV. DR. LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN of Now Jenoy, of distinguished attainments lad cashed input:o4os : SIDNICT, New Merry, July lk 1648. Do A. H. Comma—Dear kir: You wwh to know of me whet bu been tho result lu my own rem of the eppl4 action 01 THE GALVANIC DELT AND NECKLACE. My reply H es follows : For about twenty rare I had been suffering from Dye. peplos. Every year the eymptome became worse, nor could I oblate permanent relief from may roomy! snedkal treatment whatever. About fourteen yean mince, in con. eequence of frequent exposure to the weather, In the dip charge of my padoral duties', I became subject to • nevem Chronic Rheumatiem, which for year after year, mowed me indescribable anguish. Farther t is the winter c '4O and '4O, in consequence of preaching a gnat deal In my own and various tither churches In tide region, I wee attacked by th• Bronchitis, which moo became so severe as to require an immediate suspension of my peatond Islam My nervous slime wee mut bleverghty prostrated. and ae my Bronchitis harem worse, so also did my Dye. pep and Rheumatic affection—thus 'mincing that thou disorders were connected with rich other through the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole ploanew ceps's there seemed to be no remedial agent which coati reach and recuperate my Nervosa System averythiag that I bad triad for this purpose had completely Ailed: At tart I was led by my hien& to eaamtne rime lege. tloos, and (though with no vary sanguine h e of Overt seciency,) I determined to try the effect of the application , of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with Oa MAGNETIC FLUID. This tem In June, _1044k Ti ITOI.I/11.110IT, IN TWO OAT. MIT DVITIMIA was POMP; IP BIGIIT PATS I IMP 111.POLPPTI1 RI $U /AV PPP. Lamm ; nee 11/k•P I wore emotive 111001.1 marina es aocetwrr er THE Beencwrrm ; 'ant NO knee. r u azie su ara i rx: : 0 1 1. sma i asa LeLess_ imperilment 1F77 f hare recommended tie DELT and FLUID to = Walleye Iwo likewise suffering from Neentigle tiona Thor here hied them, owl trims, essuart. I OSLISIIS, IP ..... OP/IL I sa,, &at sial tin nimotaint Ym. Rinr.RT W a . LAMM& DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC, NECZLACZ . Is seed for ectunpleints ellett the Throat or Heal, moth ee Ineuninetkon of rqg the Thom Herren* end Sick Headed's, blizineer of the Heed, Neemer . the Floe, Ileaqz Roaring In the Mari. which 'he Stine Nene% Nellreottle eon plaint, called The none. Pa* and Paralysis. AM physicians acknowledge that these terrible &mesa are caused by a Atfietewer .1 Aroma /Sawn la tb• &fleeted limbs Da. 014 1 . 4 Tig'. 0 0 /"4110 ttKi" "( 1 / 1 supply this deficient power, sod • caliphs aid astir owe is Ikea erected. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Ara bunt of out aervle•ln eases of Cone 'Wens or Plel, npmmodM Complaints, ma, immaki Plerroor AlMlinof of the HOd and upr eatrsieJthse. Also Patsy .M . runlysis, and ail Amason asseed bp a *midway at Mower Nerreant "Aptly, ia Nolan .*.o wpm* . the toodt. . , Tic Macon awl Ilrandex Thus dretitaa R 44 rogionpUbite foosaar gel vacated lb t i lto optoo Nook** kw load. ilboit, sad the rh.M bete di upon odbolod 111 1 4 1 / 6 1,1MM1 t onoltaaioot MSS FAILS • Nosy . bamodrod Cortaloolos Ss" all pato of th* ssta eay of Ss metgtp IMOnieW ma be, illoaNN timpanist • ill. No Soablo Mrseveigumie NW& ow. 0 y . aircuparira GAL gam ..danctirs, witt ite ;itil weirs by So aboot.fooble rod SSW% with aka epos and oalbty.. Is easy Now i d= p 11 ._.; db. loadlay Solt sae lo My* yboodoo w vooy , gig basalt fit 007 Pt , am* gon'lM • ; 51;171 7 1/0/ "Ca I . 'fbir ' Donis 14 Civil Ipaeb, 111• Tho stash* an sesouaidod . ihtS sad phi% NallaNdolo MN, . 16 0 1 4 PAPITIrIiLAR, ' 0A171101 1 4 luk• Avon awillarfitii fiat Wiraikei 046,14.4. 1 D.. c. ' vainnuimk: -. 4/11101AaL 110" for sale in Gettysburg, Pow by thi . autborited Agent, ; SAMUEL, H. WUEPILER•'` January'lB,'lBsll,;—.lyefile .•Table " ' APULL and exiellidot itosoitront Alf ooromcm add euperiot.Tabloeudriry,. 11poons,Arm., for ialo,ot, HAMER/MIPS Combs ! Coliths AFINE assortment of COMBS just received by J. L. SCHICK. IiaTONE & Earthen Ware, of all' kinds . - " for stale by HAMEilEttlf.. lane 1 Fans ALarge variety 0( FANS. just Reoeis ed and offered to tho LA* KURTZ'S Cheap Corm.