IN the "Matter Of the intended application of JOSEPH BAR. ItEH, for license to keep a Pubtie House in Littleatown, in the township of Germany—it ,beina an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of the township aforesaid, being perso nally acquainted with JOSEPII BARKER, the above named petitioner, and also hav ing a knowledge of the house for which li cense is preyed, do certify that such house is necessary to accommodate tho public and entertain strangers and travellers ; that ho is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that lie is well provi ded with house-room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of tra ieUers and strangers—we, therefore, beg le ire to recommend him for a license atieltably to his petition. John A Renshaw, ,Hpbrahn alyets," - George Myers, Ephraim Swope, J. A. Shah, Ephraim Stonodpber, Benj. Landis, David Mikan, Jacob Wintrode. March 8, 1860.-81 hs the abetter OF the Intended application of BENJAMIN LANDIS, fat license to keep a Public House in the township of Germany. in the county of Adams—it being an old stand. wE, the undersigned, citizens of the township aforesaid, being person ally acquainted with BKNJAIIIIN LANDIS, the above named Petitioner, and also hav ing a knowledge of the house for which License is prayed, do cond . ) , that such house is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travel lers. that he is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house-room and conve niences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. We, there fore, beg leave to recommend him for a li cense agreeably to his petition. N. Shrive', J. A. Shorb, G. A. Bhriver, George Stonesifer, E. F. Shorb, Daniel Klinyel, Jacob Win r, Ephraim Myers, Edwin fiqui; John Eartiati, Joseph limiter, . Ephraim Swope, Pius Seseriager, George Myers, John A. Benthaw, Wm. Lauinger, Alfred P. Starr, E. A. Btoneeipher. March 8,1850.-8 t Lt the 'Matter OF the intended application of JOHN D. BECK. EN, for license to keep a Public House in the town of Petersburg, Huntington township—it being an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of Hun tington township, Adams county, do certify that we are well acquainted with JOHN D. BECKER, the above named peti tioner, and know the house for which li sense is prayed to have been kept for many years as an Inn or Tavern, and that such inn or Tavern is necessary for the accom modation of the public and the entertainment of strangers and travellers, and that the pe titioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided with house-room and conveniences for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers. Witness our hands, Jacob A. Asper, Isaac E. Wierman, John P. Frasier, Benjamin Weaver, John T. Ferree, Joseph A. Wierman, Elias Gardner, Alfred A Wierman, Jacob Shaefer, Wm. 11. Webb, David Lerew, Joseph Weible. March 8,1850.--3 t Jim She Matter OF die intended application of MOSES SMITH for license to keep a Public House in the town ship of Franklin—it being an old ,stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of the township of Franklin aforesaid, beingpereonally acquainted with Moses SMITH. the above named pe:itioner, and al so having a knowledge of the house for which license is prayed, do certify that such house is necessary to accommodate the ptiblivand entertain strangers and trav ellers, and that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house-room and con veniences for the lodging and accom modation of of strangers and travellers.— We. therefore, beg leave to recommend him for a license agreeably to his petition. John Lauver Jueeph Bear George B Stover John Bucher Jamas M'Culkough Samuel Cover James Ewing Henry Knauss Wm Paxton A Duncan John Helot:alma:l Abraham Scott Jacob Mark - Much 9, 1850.-31 In the shatter OF the intended application of GEO. SMITH for license to keep a Public Honse in the town ship of Franklin—it being an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of the township of Franklin, in the coun ty of Adams, being well acquainted with GEORGIE SMITH, the above named petition er, and also haves knowledge of the house for which license is prayed, do certify that such inn or tavern is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travellers,and that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and tempe rance, and that he is well provided with house-room and conveniences for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers. John Hernial George B Stover F 0 Hoffman James Ewing Adam Biesecker Jacob Deardorff Joseph Bear Hugh Gsrreth Jacob Mark John Lauver John Bucher March 8,1800.-3 t Wm Paxtou Iss :he Utter OF tbitintendod oplication of JESSE D. NE W MAN, for license to keep a Public House in the township of Mounqoy—it being an old stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of the township of Mountjoy, in the coun ty of Adams, being well acquainted with Jun D. NEWMAN, the above named peti tioner. and also having a knowledge of the house for which license is prayed, do cer tify that such inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well pro vided with house-room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. We therefore recommend him for a license agreeably to his petition. Joseph Fink Joseph Kell. heiskrick CoMouse Jams H. Collins Jacob Little Almeshae Oarrcr Andrew Sealer Hairy Henn Baltser Bnyder J !lout• Daniel K snyder litarch 8,1850.-3 t GENTLEMEN ' W ILL find it to their advantage torsi! lot the Store of J. L. t3CHICK. - ,, :iirlitansattna his stook of Satin Vesting., .4100‘ thookiegs. Handkerchiefs, Cm 11 1 44014poodere. ic. QRANGEB & LE a MONt3, "No, , 0,4 tom* gustily, nAmsztirs. r '~• _~;~X~~~.;,~ TUE GREAT REMEDY FOR BURNS! CERTIFICATES AND REFERENCES. ellitlK—A few days since I badly burned one of my hands with melted silver, which I was pouring from a crucible. I applied your Master of Pain, which at once relieved me from the ex cruciating pain, eud worked a complete cure. leaving no scar. W. S. WOOD, Syracuse, Dec. 1,'411. • Silversmith. Mr. W. 1.. Green, formerly Postmaster at JOIS Corner's, N. Y., states that one of hill child. ren fell on a hot stove. very badly burning Ai face, and severely injuring one of his eyes. Tou cey's Master of Pain was applied, which imme diately relieved all pain, and effected a cure with out leaving a 'ear. _ Mfr T. Hughes, employed at the Salamander Iron Works in New York, had his arms dread fully burned by the bursting of a furnace, caus ing the skin and flesh to peel offthe arm in large flakes, leaving a shocking and painful sight.— Tousey's Master of Pain was used, and the pain instantly slopped, Ind the arm was speedily cu red without a scar. Messrs. Armory, the pro prietors of the Foundry, certify to these facts.— Every person should keep this Ointment by them. Wm. Atlilherrf. Rufus C. Swope, Wm. Lansimpw, George A. Shrive', George Btonesifer, Mr S. Tousey—l have been much pleased with the healing qualities of yosr Mesterof Pain. I send you one of a number of cases in my own family. My little girl, eightyears of age while at play in my sitting•room, accidentally fell, resting her whole weight upon the hot stove, for cing herself back with the hanl still on the stove and burning the skin of her hand to a crisp.— One application of your Ointment immediately removed all pain—not a blister was raised--and the next day, although the skinwas stiff, all sore ness had been removed. H. BARNS. LTFor sale by SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, Genera i-Agent,Gettysburg ; and by Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. 8. Hollinger, Heidlersburg; E. Stehle, Centre Mills ; J. M. Knight, Bendersv ille ; J. F. Lower, A rendtstown; Stick &Witmer, Mummasburg;T.M'K night, M'. Knightsville; A. Scott, Csshtcwn; J. Brinker hoff, Fairfield; E. Zuck, New Chester; D. M. C. White, Hampton; H. L. Miller and William Wolf, East Berlin; Wm. Bittinger, Abbott► town; Lilly & Riley, New Oxford; E. J. Ow ings, M'Sherryalown ; and Samuel Berlin, Lib tlestown. Sept. 14,1849.-3 m THE undersigned has conneted with his Coachmaking Establishment large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do IRONING CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, 'Le would say to those who have Horses to shoe, that lie has in his employ fiist-rate hands, which,-with his person - Et anemia'', will enable him to give satire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call, CARRIAGE & BUGGY SPRINGS (warranted) will be promptly mode to or der at all times. W7' All kinds of REPAIRING_ done. both in Wood and Iron, at the moetreduc ed prices. iipmThankful for past encouragement, the subscriber solicits a continuance ofpat ronage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in west Chamberstitug st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel C. W. HOFFMAN. Gett)isburg,OctoberlB, 1847. JOSEPH WILLEY, IMPORT= AND DEAIAR IN TORSION AND Hardware, Bar Iran. Ire. THE subscriber, for. the accommoda tion of the country trade, has con nected an with his Hardware Store. Consumers o Hardware and Iron on the Reistertown, Westminster, Hanover, Frederic Liber ty, York and Gettysburg Roe*, will find his location No. 102, Franklin street, Baltimore, ' opposite the Golden Horse Hotel, 2ldoors from Howard street, more convenient than any other store for the adjoining country trade, and a great saving to country pur chasers of time and labor in proceeding to the wharves or lower part of the city for their supplies. His Iron Warehouse has been estate- Fished for the express purpose of accom modating this trade, and he engages to sell nothing but a superior Iron, every bar of which is rolled in Baltimore from Mary land Pigs, bearing the stamp, "Baltimore City Works," as an evidence of its genu ineness, as Maryland Iron meriting Mary land encouragement, employing Maryland labor, and fostered by Maryland capital, superior to most and equal to any other Iron manufactured in the U. States. If not found as here represented every bar may be returned, the subscriber paying costs of carriage. His horse S'soe Nail Rods are warrant ed equal to the Sweet Nail Rod and bear ing the severest tests of the hammer,- Few Horses cast their shoes from Nails made from die article, they likewise be ing returnable with draw back if not an swering their recommendation. New York• Ground Wagon Boxes, E liptic Springs, Iron Axles, Blacksmith's Bellows, ail kinds of Wagon Chains, Close Linked Pittsburg Patterns, Blister Steel from Stveed's Iron, all sizes Round Iron for chains, and almost every article used farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, wheel rights, and cabinet makers. March 8, 1850.—54 L.ETTERS of Administration on the ALAEs tate of JOSEPH TAYLOR, late of Menallen township, Adams co., Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the subscri bers—Notice is hereby given to all per sons indebted to said Estate to make pay ment without delay, and to those having claims against the same to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, to the subscribers, residing in the same town ship. WM. D. TAYLOR, ALEX. D. TAYLOR, March 8,1850.-6 t Adm'rs ATFOTIONEEMNO. JF. KOEHLER respectfully ten • dery Lis services to the Public at Sale Cryer. Terms moderate. Residence, Abbotr town Adams county, Pa., where all let ters or orders for his services may be ad dressed. Oct. 19„ 1849.—1 FANCY ART ICUS, Cologne. Soaps Hair Oils. Tooth Brushes. Toilet Brushes. Tooth Powders. se., Icaw sale by O. H. BUERLF.R DURNED CHILD CURED TERRIBLE BURN CURED ANOTHER BURN CURED ALL KINDS Of BLACKSMITHING, lEEE= 111m . S_T BAD. DOMBSTIO Iron Warehouse NOTICE. Philadelphia Advertisement UT/OX: MASON'S CHALLENGE BLACKING. THE immense and steadily increasing demand for the celebrated ALISON'S CHALLENGE BLACK ING, has induced numerous unprincipled per sons to attempt an imitation of his Box Label, varying it slightly, with a view to evade the law, but at thesame time design ed to impose upon the universal confidence of consumers, in favor of Mason's Black ing ; and as the counterfeit bears no re semblance to the original, except in the label, and has none of its good properties, Country Merchants, when ordering black. lug, should be careful to ask for "Mason's Original Challenge Blacking," which is sold by all respectable wholesale Dealers, in every City in the United States. JAS. S. MASON & CO. March I, 1850.-4 t Philadelphia. E. 111 CMS JONES, WHOLE SALE WOODEN, WIL. LOW WARE, BROOM, BRUSH, Comb, Looking Wan and rariety Store. No. 18, NORTH! SECOND *REM PHILADELPHIA, Under .1. Sidney Jones' Carpet Wombats's. HAVING enlarged my store, litave on hand and am coustantly mannfitetn ring and receiving from the Eastern States and Europe, additions to my Stock. CEDAR WARE.-500 nest Cedar and 100 nest painted Tubs, 400 barrel and 200 staff Churns, 100 dozen Cedar and 800 dozen painted Pails, 200 doz. Washboards; 100 doz. nest Sugar, and Flour Boxes ; Spigots, Spoons, and Ladles. WILLOW WARE.-800 nest Mark et and 200 nest Clothes Baskets. 400 Wil low coaches. chairs and cradles; a large dssortment of French and Domestic Bask ets. BROOMS AND BRUSH ES.-1 Q,OOO Wire-brooms, 10,000 Shaker Broome, 200 doz. each wall, paint, scrubbing, shoe and horse Brushes ; tooth, shaving, cloth and hair brushes of every style. COMBS.-2,000 dozen fancy combs, of various pattons,sideneok, pocket, dree sing and line-tooth Combo; of various styles. LOOKING GLASSES, of pine; cher ry, walnut, mahogany, and gilt frame, of all sizes and patterns ; German, French and English Lookirg Glass Plates of all sizes from 7 by 9 up to 72 by 120—:pack ing insured to all parts of the Union)—to gather with a largo assortment of Variety Goods too numerous to mention. The attention of Merchants is respectfully so licited to the examination of my stock, all of which will be sold low for cash or city acceptance, so as to anticipate any compe tition Mkt can hiroffered. March 1,1860.-12 m James *Wotan as Co., IMPORTERS OF Fl•ench, and German Goods, No. 198 Market Street, ABOVE FOURTH STREET, VP STAIRS. PHILADELPHIA. Needles, Stay Binding, dewing Silk, Pins, Carpet do. Thimbles, Tapes, Coat do. Bodkins, Cords, Flannel do. Hooks & Eyes, Galloons, Quality do. Zephyr Worsted, Buttons, Furniture do. Patent Thread, Tailors' Twist, Pun e Twist, Wire Ribbons, Silk, Cotton, and Linen Cerium. Gloves, hosiery, shirts and drawers, corn forts, infants' socks, children's gaiters suspender., woolen yarn and a great sari ety of Staple and Fancy Trimmings. March I. 1850.-lizt Front. St. Wire Manufactory. SIEVE, RIDDLE, SCREEN, & WIRE CLOTH MANUFACTORY, NO. 46, NORTH FOVRTII ST., Coiner of Com Arch b's Alley. between Market and streets. PH ILA DELPH lA. MIRE subscribers continue to manufac. -EL lure, of a superior quality, all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Wire work, such as Sieves, Riddles, Screens, &c.. for all kinda of Grain, Seeds. Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Brickdust, &a. Founders' Sieves of a superior qualityconstantly on hand. Also, safes,. Wire Dish , Covers, Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catch ors, &c., CYLINDERS COVERED in the best manner., ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORIC e r such as cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering, Flower Stands, Trainers, Trel lis Work for Grape Vines, Atc. Also, Wire Fencing of every description. Orders thankfully received and prompt. ly executed by WATSON & OOX. , Feb. 22, 1849.-3 m Paper! Paper! Paper! No. 91 Bank street, between Market and Ches- nut, and 2d and ad CRIME Subscribers beg leave to call theatten gas tion of country buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers, white and as sorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, &c. Bain engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, they solicit orders from Printers (or any given size, which will be furnished at short no tice and at fair prices. Market price either in cash or trade paid for Rags. DUCKETT & KNIGHT, Sept. 14, 1840-1 y No. 21 Bank st. To Physicians. Druggists, and Country Merchants. WO. J. N. KEELER and BRO., most re d,'" spectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French ,German and American DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oile, Dye Stuffs, Glassware, Perfumery, Patent Medi cines, &c. Having opened a new store No. 294 Market street,'with a full supply of Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit Country Deal ers to examine our stock before purchasing else where, promising one and all who may feel dis posed to extend us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as'any other house in the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine qual ity of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite Druggists and Country Merchants, who may wish to become Agentsfor Dr. Keekr's celebrated Family Medicine,, (stand ard and popular medicines,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectfully remain, J. N. KEELF.R & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. MI Market st. Philadelphia, Sept. L 4, 1849—1 y Druggists, Physicians, blerch- ants, and others, irtx WANT OF HERBS, ROOTS, PLANTS, &16 Extracts, Ointments, Vegetable Medicines, are invited to call at the HERB STORE, No. 38 North SIXTH street, between Market & Arch streets, Philadelphia, where are coastaatly kept a large uaortoseot of every art oar line, which will be sold on better terms than at any other establishment in the City. The utmost care is taken in the raising, pre paring, and putting up all articles sold by us. The Herbs, Roots, hr., are neatly put up in pressed packages oft oz., llb., Db., and I lb. The Vegetable Extracts are put up in jars of various sizes, and are warranted to be equal, if not superior, to any in the market. The Botanical and Thompsonian preparations are put up in the neatest manner, with directions for use. CU - Particular attention is called to our con centrated Extracts of Vanilla and Lemon, for 8a• voring purpose's, Essential Oils and fragrant We ten, Pure trround Spices and Powdered Articles of ere,y.kind, sold in bulk, or in canisters ex pressly for family use. The importance of pure and reliable Medicine is every day being observed and appreciated by the Medical Profession, Apothecaries. and com munity at large. That the practitioner should be able to calculate with certainty upon the effect of the medicines be administers is of eminent importance to him and his patients. Always keeping this point in view, we trust those who purchase or use our articles will have no cause of disappointment. TILDEN 111 CO, Proprietors of the Botanic Garden, New Lebanon, N. Y. C.D. KNIGHT, Agent, No. 38 N. Bth at. Phila. Sept. 14.1849-8 m • ALLSTER'S ALL-HEAL- ING* OINTMENT, (TUB WORLE P 84111,PE,) Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. From the "Reading Eagle." Thera finvslre perhaps, was a medicine brought before the public that bas in so short • time won such a reputation as "M'Allister's All-Healing or World's Salve." Almost every person that has madetrial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured by it of the most painfu I Rheuma tism; umber of the Piles, a third of a trouble:- 841 Pa Pain in,the Side, • fourth of a Swelling of the Limbs, &c. It it does not give immediate re lief in every case, it can never do injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of the wonderful healing power possessed by this salve, ,we subjoin the following certificate from • re erictsble citisea of Maidencreek township, in this county "Mehhaethek, Berke co., Pa., March 30, '47. Messrs. Ritter & Co.-1 desire to inform you that - I was attired) , cured of a severe pain in the back by the the of M'Al I ister's Salve which I perclased from you. I suffered with it about 20 years end at night wu unable to sleep. During that time I tried 'various remedies, which were prescribed hr me by physicians and oth er persons withott receiving any relief, and at last made trial of this Salve with a result favors. ble beyond expectation. lam now entirely free from the pain, and ejoy at night i sweet and peaceful sleep. I have also used the Salve since for tooth acheand other complaints, with similar happy results. Your tread, JOHN HOLLF.NBACH The following is from t regular Physician of extensive practice in Philadelphia: James M'Allister—Sir I have for the two last years been in the habit of using your Oint ment in aim of Rheumatism, Chilblains and in Tenia Capites, (Scald Head,) and thus tar with the happiest effect. 1 think from the experiment. I have made with it, that it richly deserves to be adopted as an article of everyday use by the pro hasion at large. Yours, truly, 8 BELL, 111 D Philadelphia, Dee 30, 1847. James M'Allister—Lear Sir: I take pleasure in making known to you the great benefit 1 have received by using your Vegetable Ointment or the World's Salve. I- lad au Ulcer. or running sore on the ear, of many years standing; I had applied to seve red phyicians, but all to no pug. pose; but by using youi Ointment a few days, it was completely dried up and well I have also used it for Burns, for whi:h 1 find it an excellent ankle; also, in all cuesof inflammation iIDWARD THORN I certify the above stattment is true M C CADMUS, No 90, Market street, Philadelphia. ID - Around the box are lirections for using McALLIOTER'S 01,1TMLIT for &rafts/a, E rysipelas, Teller, Chilblain, Staid Head. bore Eyes Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronelitis, Nervous afier Lions, Pains, Disease of the Spew, 'hada ch., asih ma, Deafness, Ear ache, Burn% Corns, all Diseas es of the Skin, Sore Lips, Fleapits, 4c., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Fret, Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast Toothache, llgue in the Fare, 4r. ((Montana and Nowlin* knew its value in ea ses of "swollen" or Sore Breast,they would not be without it. In such cases, if freely used, ac cording to the directions around each box, it gives relief in a very few /wars, lETThis Ointment is good foruny part of the body or limbs when Inflamed. In some eases it should be applied often. C4UTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of Limas WA:ads:in is writ. ten with a pen on every label. IrrFor sale by my Agents in all the principal towns in the United States. JAMES McA LUSTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Medicine, PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. 28 North Third street, Philadelphia. 87PRICE 25 CENTS PER 80X.43 AGENTS.—S. S. Fauns, Gettysburg; Jo seph R. Henry, Abbottstown ; Mutter & Rowe, Emmitsburg; J. W. Schmidt, Hanover; C. A. Morris & Co., York; L. Denig,Chamberiburg. June 15, 1842.—eowly .06 1I 111 F G. E. BUEHLER RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of TIN WARE of every description, which he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase at low rates, will do well to call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTINO will be made and put up at 124 cents a foot. 31310.11E111.111LtIGINO T HE subscriber tenders his acknowl edgments to the public for the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored foi a series of years, and re spectfully announces that he has just re ceived, at his old established stand in Chambersburg street, a large and fresh SUPPLY OF DRUGS & MEDICINES, 1g IPtaaarv.wwwiLurqa D Paints,Varnish,Dyestuffs and every variety of articles usuallyfound in a Drug store, to which he invites the attention of the public, with assurances that they wilt be furnished at the most reason able prices. S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, June 2, 1848. SLLJ!WLSI SIM 11P.L ! NEW ARRIVAL! PLAID LONG SHAWLS at $7 50 44 II 44 5 50 BAY STATE 4, 5 00 and from that down. Also, a fine lot of Cashmeres. 0;:r Ladies, call at KURTZ' Corner before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 80, 1849. Plain and Figured Clasps. STEEL BEADS, Purse Twist, Pamela Silk Canvass. and &denies, consume y on bud aid for sale at SCHICIM Baltimore Adveretisments. WEST'S GENUINE ETHERIAL OIL, OR BURNING FLUID. CWEST, No. 13, 15 & 17 Sharp • street, Baltimore, is constantly man ufacturing Etherial, Camphine and Pine- Oil. Also, 95 per cent. Alchohol, which he is prepared to supply to whole-sale dealers on the lowest terms. C. W. is also manufacturing LAMPS of every description, of the most appro. ved styles for burning Etherial, Lard or Oil, all of.: which are offered at pri re which cahoot fail to please. Feb. 8. 1830.-8 m . M. Oasig. W. S. "forms OREM & HOPKIN_ _ l B MERCHANT TAILOR AND WHOLESALE • DEALERS In Cloths, Dassimeres, Vesting, & Tailors' Trim nano. No, 2210 HaDimino it., N. W. cor• DOT of Chades, BALTIIIIOIIZ. A large assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, of superior quality. ORM Cloth rooms up stalts--Entranee, south end of tke Store tut flharles street. • h 80, 1849.--)y COSTUME HALL. COIL OF PRATT ST.& CENTRE MARKET SPACE, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. THE Proprietor of the above establish meat would respectfully inform the citizens of Baltimore and vicinity, that he has received from Europe the FALL AND WINTER FASHIDNBI together with a noh , assortment of rods adapted to the coming season, comistmg of Superfine French, Gersnan and English Goths, Castor Beaver*, Pilots, and Pelitot Coating, A new article for Oversacks and Business Coats. Also, a splendid assortment of 11-nick and EnglieA Cauimeres and Doe-Skins, of the most desirable styles imported this season. RICH VESTINGS—We have and are constantly receiving new styles of Vesting', consisting of plain and figured Silks and Woolen Velvets, figured and striped CasAnteres, Silks, Satins and Valencia*, of all shades and colors. Our CUSTOM WORK is cut and made in the best man ner—and as regards style and workman ship, is warranted to give entire satisfac tion, and at greatly reduced prices. READY-MADE C LOTHIN sons in want of Ready-made Clothing are particularly invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture all qualities of FASHION ABLE CLOTHING. And our assort ment of that article is at all times large, which offers to purchasers a great induce ment of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the City. We have on hand and are constantly manufacturing Garments of every variety, from the best materials, in the most ap proved styles, for Fall and Winter Wear, CONSISTING OF Surtout, Sack and PeMot Overcoat*, Of all colors, qualities and sizes, from $2 50 4 50 4 75, 6 50 and upwards. BOYS' SACK & OVERCOATS.— A. large assortment of Boys' Sack and Overcoats, 20 per cent. less than the usual prices. SUPERFINE FROCK AND DRESS COATS, made from German and French Cloths, in the latest fashion. A large stock of Tweed Coats, Pants and Vests. We have a large assortment of Tweed Frocks and Sacks. A New Article— Forest Sackii, for Stormy weather. Pan taloons, from Super French Doeskins.— BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, of every variety of Shade and Color, at 81, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50;3, 3 50, and upwards. VESTS, made from Rich Velvets, Sa tins, Cashmeres and Valencies, and at all prices. JRemember name and place, corner of Frail and Centre Marketnree. S) H. H. COLE. Nov. 23, 1849.—1 y SHIRTS at wholesale, SHIRTS C ARS, • o fro OmLLIIBL to $ 24 per doze l n t 84 per dozen. Manufactured and sold at 179 Bevri- YORE STaierr, between Light and Calvert. MEN'S and BOYS' Shirts, Cotton and Linen, on hand and constantly making, all sizes—plain and fancy. perßernember the name and 179 Baltimore Street, Fourth door below Light. Oct. 28, 1849.-4 m BETTON. RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OF THE HAIR, BY Id. Wise and don, of Vs. ♦ CARD. MWISE Br, SON, finding it impos • sible to attend personally to the great number of daily applications, from all sections of the Union, for their remedy for baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR TONIC, have found it necessary to ap point a General Travelling Agent, to via tt different cities and towns throughout the United States, vesting him with authority to appoint sub-agents, use and vend the Hair Tonic and to apply the BESTOW ATIVE, an d: to put them into the hands of those he may appoint to operate wherever a sufficient number of patients in any town or n*hborhood shall be obtained. Capt. Geonon Casein.. of Fauquier county, Va., is alone authorised to act as General Travelling Agent, with the powers above indicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedily u possible, Me principal cities and towns of the Union. N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the HAIR TON IC (which cleanses the head of dandruff, strengthens and invigorates the hair, and prevents it also from falling off,) for the region of country most contiguous to his operations ; or it may always be obtained, at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of the Union, by addressing the proprietors M. WISE & SON, Richmond, Va. KTPrice $0 per dozen cash. Six bot tles for ss—or one dollar single bottle. Dec. 7,1340.-1 y STOVES. ON hand and for eale,—cheap—a lot of STOVES, among which are a few HATHAWAY COOK STOVES. Sept. 7.—tf GEO. ARNOLD. FRESH ARRIVAL. . JUST received, superior &eah Macho rel, N. E. Cheese, Lard and Sperm Oil, G. R. and Fine Salt, at reduced pri ces, for sale by JNO. M. STEVENSON. HEADACHE pioreeds from a foul stomach costiveness, and various other causes, It is some' times accompanied by nausea. Keep the system thorougly cleansed by a tines ly use of the sugarcoated Purgative Pills, and I Headache will never molest you. DR. 8. P. TOWNSEND'S Dr. Clickener : SARSAPARILLA. wood•r and Blessing of the Age. The %est estrasrolimary Itediriot to the Worht *'hl. Salmi is put up to Quest Bellies ; It is as times cheaper, pleasanter, and wanwited Superior to arty sold. It wares dimes* without vomiting, pulp% sioksaLug, or debilitating the Mien,. Tim greet beauty and superiority et this danaperil. le over all other Idedioures is, wbU* it eradicates dip. iMme, it invigorate the body. It is ewe of the very beet ammo AND SUNMAN SIILDICINra ern knows 1 It not only peailles the whole hydra end etrengthme the person, but It Green, new, pure Inglob blood a power pommeled by no other Med e. And to thin lies Um (rand secret nits wonder. MINIOOIIOII. It Yee perbrind Wanda the let two yenta wore than on hundred thenewl mesa" wren oases of disuse., St beak eO,OOO mere mosidered incoroble. It Me aimed the lime of wore than 16,000 oldhken the thrall past maws. 100,000 awes et diewerall De INUIT alma weal of Ifornmui Beierigin De. • P. TelPissernee aarespatilla linlgoestas the whole system permanently. To those who have lost their muscular energy, by the sabots of *Wain*, or Indiscretion committed in youth, or the azeoudve dulgenoe of the passions, and brought on by physical pamiretkut of the nervous system, laseande, seat of ambition, fainting senudione, premature decay and decline, hadealmy toward that fatal disease. Communp tion, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy This Musaparille M Dr implant to any INVIGORATING CORDIAL. As It renews and invigorates the system (tree gravity to the limbs, and strength to the seaseOmsystem in a mod eatraordmup &gam Conaateapeben Caere& Closers sad Strength's. Coneueepboa sea be amid ikeesehttts, Cesesiaeptime, Liver Cori, COM, Catarrh, C•• .eratAasa, apritho4 • 111•44, der*. sae la the Chas, Meth; Rash, Nig i 8•••• u, D(/' /lark or Pralasa Zspactorratires, ,Patie ha tea Shia iv.. Mee bias sad ewe he semi. littaad. llm & P. Tewoasso—l verily bellisre your Raw pedals has bean the a 114112, through Providanos, of saving my life. I hare for emend yeti" had a bad Cough. It booms wort* sod worse. At led I raised large quantities of blood, bad might sweats, sad was gaudy debilitated sad reduced, and did not aspect to rim 1 bare only said your eareaparilla * short time, and there has a wonderful change Was wrought is ow Ima sow able to wait oil am die *Ay. I raise no blood. and ay sough hu It was Poo res well =that I us thenkfal gm- these melts Yost servant. Wht. RUUbI.. ite Cathodal/4d Wrist atilt Iltatil De. IL P. Toneseito, not having tested ►M Dena wills la lame of Fite, of 00111111. aver reeteemonded It, and wee surprised to melee the knowing from ma Intelligent cad nepoctable Fulmer In 'Widths;lies County : ruffle; ategust I & 1847. Da. & P. Townsmen—Dear Sir I hare a little girl, memo years of age, who has been several yowl alllicted with Pita ; we tried aloud step thing km mimeo her, bat without ;at last. althea we droll' &ad no recommendation in your circulars cases like hers, we thought, ea she wu In very delicate health, we would gine her some of your Bersaparilla, and are thewe did. for it not only restored her strength, but has bad no -minus ." •, pleurae and surprise. She is hat becoming rugged mod healthy for which we feel gratel4l. Toms respectftilly, JOHN SUTLER, Ja. Medicines Da. S. F. Townsman'. Sureaparilla I. e sovereiro end speedy mire for locipient Consumption, Burma new ?mimeos Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, Co. Uremia, Leucorihme, or Whites, obstructed or /1111celt Idenstruation, Incontinence of Unne, or is voluntary discharge thereof, and for the general pros,. tuition of the system—no Nutter whether the result of inherent mese or causes, produced by irregularity , Illness or accident. Nothing can be nun surprising than its invigorating elthate on the human frame. persons all weakness and Inland% from taking It, et mace become robust and MI of energy under its In. dunce. It imandlately countersuit& the nerveleo peas of the finial* flume, which is the greet mote of Serrenness. It will not be expected of us, in oust of so delicate a nature.' to *tidbit multitudes of tufae performed, but we ran assure the Mated, thud hum and■ of cease bore been reported to us. Thousands of CONS when thatllles here luso oritlioistchildren, after tithe a few ,bottialLortitht Javalaable Medicine. here been blessed with line, healthy othpring. Great Hissing to Mothers and alsildiren: It Is the safe.* and most effectual medicine for purifying the system, and relieving the sufferings at. tendant upon childbirth ever discovered. It strength. en both the mother and the child, parents pain and dimes& incnnues and enriches the ; those who base used it, think it is indispensable. It is highly use- ful both bekire and alter confinement, se it prevents dinning attendant upon childbirth—in Coati. ernes Piles, Cramps, tPansßing of the Feet, aDespondeney. Heartburn b'omiting, Pala in the Back and Lions. False Pains, Hemorrhage, and in rerunning the micro Hone and equalising the circulation. It has no equal The great beauty of this medklive ix, it is always sate and the mot delicate use it mon eucc•mtully, s eq Paw emu require say other medicine, in some • little Cuter Oil, or Magnesia is useful. Exercise In the Open alr, and light food with this medicine, will always secure • safe end easy conamesaant illasesammtlima. Blackwell . * bland, Sept. :4,1547. Da. 8. P. Toweesmo—Dear Sir: I have suffered ter nbly for nine years with the Rheumatism considers hie of the time I could not eat, sleep or walk I bar: the utmost distressing pains, awl mv limbs were ter ribly swollen. I hare used kin botiles of your Sam peg e, and they bare done me more San one thou nod dollars worth of gond, I am so murk better—in deed I am entirely relieved. Yon are at liberty w use this for the benefit of thesfAicted. .Yours respectfully, JAMIS CU/CHINOS The Rev. Jokn Seger Of Jersey City, an old and highly respcctablio clergy own of the Baptist Denciinivation, banded In the Sol lowing certificate at Dr. P. Townsend's odic.. speaks kw ItielL D& & tTeerrissmo—Dear eir: I Ili conetwilned to . . . give you • statement of the bonsai I derived from nsing your Samoyedile, believing, by en doing, I shell render a benefit to throe who Si. suffering ss ben bun. I was reduced for mug mouths by tbe Duper** so much that it was with much &Nulty kir me to walk or keep about. I bad also a tatter, which covered the most put of my bud—which war extremely tomblunme and sore ; It got to be about • scab. I used quite s number of remedies for both the complaints, bet received little or no hapset, until I took year konmparilla, which, through the kindness of Providence, has tutored me to more than my awl health, am 1 son now enjoying better than I have for • maker of years. lam new NI leen of age. l lien it to be ea Invaluable medicine, add recommend it to my numerous atueeintances, which is very large, es I have bun • Weider a great many poen I hope this huts sketch may be as much benekt to yea •• your medkJne hastome. July JOHN KOLA, Jimmy City. NellMdlh* cNrpw. The follow*, wee emit to our Arent Ii Rahway, by the Hem J. O. TDNIDOK of the Metltedld gybe°. psi Church—ewe of the meet leaned end mewled to the conneetkot—ead Ie soother erideeoe of the was andel Wats of Dr. L t. Towitreadb densperlila es pit system. Tamils Peassow—ilevist Ow was Mime peek es yeti ma swank a:psrirmd sleet emeriti debility of my system, ntlmdd with °outwit sad slis Imitates et my throe sad Maga I was, at your laNa ,os, sad Is eosemsonos of bawls( road Captain Mama% ds• aided Whimsy la Os behalf, 'Moms! tOOr. 11.1 1 . Towaseadb kulimed Banaparfils. I tried it, U . lbw, some late bops than le the emeldesee of Its saving elliesoinas bet lam booed la wader now as sekaowledga, that 1 bad ad Wed It loafs before I bee wlo eumwisoarlts winery effects i awl I may sew !kb Captain Malmo; Vast I would sot be with. eat on say oossiderstklm" It bet dose me mem pod Man any previous remiedy I km* Ivied, sad it Ills stateasiat is &used by yon of sagmestasee, yos bare my full consent to make It ps Rahway, /utast ad, MT. 3. 1) TUNIfION. 1101110FIDLA CI7IIIIED. Tide certificate sonchnively penes that this Ssr.* hMleas perfect control over the nest °intimate ine of the blood Than meow send is one house is espeeetedente& Tim, Children. Da. S. F. Vewurassio—Dear Sirs I hive the phismire to inform you that throe of my children here boos serail of the kw/kW by the us of your excellent stedielas. Tbay ware eillicied eery severely with bed Saws; hats teien ealy 'bur bottles .;it look Wen sway, tor which I awl ;myself under ins' oldlirstlea. Very nispestlbUy, ISAAC W. MAIN, Is Wooden& MEC= 01' I , IIMOIAIM. Dn. V. Tewirezeo Ia almost daily reosirin orders Dm Physicist", le different park at the Velma This le to Catty that we, the usderelgeed, PhyM. alias of the Cityof Albany, hare to rowneroas awe" prescribed. Dr. IL P. Towson:id% lanwperllla, arid Imo Iles, lt.t oltat be as. of the most saleable propitiator* le the wea. A. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. IL D. DRUMM, M. D. P. E. EL/dENDORP, M. D. Albany, April I, 180. AOlNTS.—lteddlog It Ca, No. 8 Itateetreet, sea Mrs. K. Kidder, No 100 Courbstreet, Dorton ; Samuel NW, Jr., Lowell; Henry Pratt, Be lem; Jamas K ,‘Q" Dales R Worcestar; k Gault, Concord ; J. Son, Providence •, and by Druggist, and Men amigo generally throughout the United Matso, West Indies, and the Canadu. Principal Once S9l Nassau street, New York, In the building komerly occupied by the Sou. Bop. Churck El7 - For sale, wholesale and retail, by C. A. MORRIS & CO., York, Pa., agents for York and Adams counties. Bold also by SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Da. vid Newcomer, Bragtown; Dr. D White, Hamp ton ; J. R. Henry, Abhottstown; Jacob Margin Oxford ; Wm. Wolf, Eamt Berlin; Dr. Win. R. &more, York Springs. August 10, 1849.—1 y GIMP ! FRINGE ! SILK! ir L. SCHICK has just received a • fine assortment of Gimps and Frin ges, and a good "tilde of Black Silk. CONSTANTLY on band also; Chaim Steel Beads, Rings and Tassels Twilit, Me.. by J. L. SCHICK. CURE FOR HEAD-ACHE. For a great many years I scarcely ever knew what it was to be without a Headache of SOITIS kind or other ; and, perhaps, I should not, even now, if circumstances had not lead me to use your Sngar•Coated Pills. Being considerably troubled with dyspepsia I was induced, by the advice of a friend, to make a trial of them, rind see if they would afford me any relief. I hod previously dieted in every possible way I could think of; but it was all to no purpose. I lift off drinking tea and coffee, and drip* nothing but cold water. Now and then I took a does of' salts or Castor Oil. These would mimes me for a short time; but my bowels would become. tighter alter it, and my head would ache more violently than ever. It took but one box of your pills to convince me that they were the very medicine needed. Their operation was so mild and gentle, it was really a pleasure to take them. At first, the pain in my head was considerably moderated.. It wouldcrceasionally pass of alto gether, and then return again at longer and long er intervals, until, finally, it disappeared entirely. By this time (I had now taken about 8 boxes) brand my digeetion perfectly healthy and natural my appetite remarkably good, and at times Ina-• ned to be voracious. I was now convinced that the oral ycaase of my headache was, the disor dcrso condition of my stomach and bowel!. I have never had the slightest headache since. Truly Yours, LAWRENCE DAV, Plainfield, N. Jersey, Sept. 1, 1845. 11:7 - For sale by SAMUEL H. BUEHLER; OrarralAgent, Gettysburg ; and br Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. S. Hollinger Heidlersburg ; E. Stable, Centre Mills; J. M. Knight, Beadereville; J. F.Lower,Amultreille• Stick & Witmer Mumuttoburg ; T. M'Knight, M'Knightsville; A. Scott, Cashtown ; .1. Brink erhoff, Fairfield; E. Zack, New Chester ; M. C. White, Hampton ; H.L. Miller and William Wolf, East Berlin ; S m. Abbottstown Lilly & Riley, New Oxford ; E. J. Oseiuys,br Sherry 'towel ; and Samuel Berlin, Littlestown. Jan. 85,1850.-3 m 60,000 VICTIMS EVERY YEAR Fall a Prey to Consumption. Asthma and Raising Blood. Hectic Fever and Night Sweat/. MRS. ADAMS, 10th street, Harlem, suffer ed a year with a cough, pain in the chest, night sweats, and all the aggravated symptoms of Con sumption nothing relieved her till she tried Sherman's Balsam—+half a bottel cured bar. ULCERATED LUNGS AND LIVER. M. E. T. Lawrence, Jackson street, Brook lyn, after years of sußbring, and treated by ve nous physicians, waapronounced incurableftcon ulcerated lungs Ind liver. DYING, as was supposed, be tried the Balsam ; its effects were most miraculous ; two bottler cured him. PLEURISY AND CONSUMPTION. - . Mrs. Haggai, residing at 88 Sheritstreet, TO years old, has been subject to attacks of pleurisy and consumptive coughs for years. The Balsam has saved her from very great suffering. ASTHMA AND CONSUMPI lON. • L. J. Beals, ID Delaney street, gave it to his sister-in law who had been an invalid tor years from asthma ; to another - cr — RfaidiFial - iiiii curs sumption. It relieved them at once, so that they travelled several hundred miles. SPITTING BLOOD Is 'twee alarming. It leads to the worst kind of Consumption, and unless arrested in time is generally fatal. Sherman's All-Healing Balsam is the best remedy known; it heals the wound ed or ruptured blood vessels of the lungs, and thereby effects a permanent cure, while other remedies only stop the blood for the time. A few doses of this Balsam will satisfy the most skeptical that it is the medicine required. It has been successful in many came, and that, too, where they had run into a rapid decline, or, es more generally eapressed,"HASTY CONSUMP TION." Young persons. or those of middleage, are more subject to these attacks than the aged. Price 55 cts. and $t per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges and Poor Man's Plasters, sold as above. Principal Office, 108 Nassau -street, New-York. Ili^Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozen ges, and Poor Man's Plasters, sold as above. Dr. Sherman's Office is at lOU Nassau st. N. Y.. ECTFor sale by HAMUEL H. BUEHLER, General ..11;sut. Gettysburg ; and by Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg ; J. H. Hollinger, lipid lersburg ; E. Stehle, Centre Mills; .1. MiCnight. Bendersvi Ile ; .1. F. Lower, Arendtsville ; Stick tic Witmer, Mumrossburg ; T. Id'ltnigtit,MlCnitht ville ; A. Hcott,Cubtown ; J. Brinkerhoff, Fair field; E. Zuck, New Chester; D. M. C. White, Hampton; H. E. Miller and Wm. Wolf, East Berlin; Wm. Bittinger, Abbottstown ; Lilly & Riley, New Oxford ; E. J. Owings, WSherrys towd ; and Samuel Littlestown. Jan. 25,1850.-3 m DROPSY OF TR2 HEAD CORRIL—A poor child, a boy about two years old, was giv en up to die. The parents, neighbor, and doctors. had no hopes of his recovery.— For several days kus 'brasthing bad been short and death-Wte • and, in tact, those around him supposed another night would be his last. In this stage of the case, an aunt of the child was sent for, with whom the little sufferer was s great favorite.— This lady having arrived, and being seated asked a few question* as to the eaWition of the child's bowels, and then expressed the opinion that Brandreth's Pills were capa ble of saving its life. She was so in earn est in her remarks, that her advice was followed from the moment. She gave him two pills at once and followed them up with more in about an boor ; she crushed the pills, and gave them in molasses, wash ing them down with a little tea. The ef fect was surprising ; in six hours she had given him over 12 pills, and the discharges were of the most malignant nature. Suf fice it to say, that in 611 y-two hour* she had given him filly-two pills, and all the alatiningaymptoms had entirely disappear ed. He is now well, and, though before a weakly child, he is now strong : be is, in fact, re-made. ' EFThe Brandreth Pills are sold for VI cents. whoa at Dr.B.Brandreth'sPrincipal Oflce,l4 I Broadway, N. York, and by the following duty. authorised Agents:--John M. Stavenson, Get tysbnrg ; Holtsinimr & Ferree Petersburg; A bustlers Xing, Hanterstown; A.M'Farland, Ab boUstown ; D. AL 0. White, Hampton Baser ingot & Co. Littlestown ; Mary Duncan,Cash. town ; Geo. W. &H. D. Hese,Feirdld ; D. J.R. Aulabaugh, East Berlin; David Newsom er, Mechanicsville; Sam'l Shir Man ove r . THE STAR AND BANNER: hpubliehed every idayEvening,in lhp in County Buildnag, above the Repater and Recorder's o . flice, by D. A. At C. H. BUEHLER. TIMMS. If paid in advance or within tie year, $$ ries annum—if not paid within the year, $2 50. no, paper discontinued until all immune' ire raid-- except at the option of the Editor. Single copies, 8} cents. A failure to notify a discontinua:to will be regarded as a new cogagement. Advertisements not exceeding a square inserted , bees times for $1.,-every subsequent insert,ion IS cents. Longer ones in the same proportion...- All advertisements not specially ordered for • given time, will be continued until forbid. A Übe eml reduction will be made to those whoadrerds• by the year. Job Printing of all binds executed neatly and, dromptly, and en reasonable terms. Letters and Corneartnireeione to the Editor, (rpg ()opting such as contain Money or the napalm* now aubaeribenta must be inST 141$ in odor SS owe Elan. 11,1850.