Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, February 22, 1850, Image 3

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VirE ave now on hand a cholcd and
••• •fa ' assortment of all descriptions
oVINIWITY. GOODS, Which we olTer
now, itt Pitaii. at remarkably LOW enicits.
Pespoits "Ivjabing bargains in the 'Dry.
Goa* Hue will be sure to be suited by
Calling a t,lrLr.rurlz's Cheap Store.
MERINOIIq, all shades ;
k w amk ;Maine', at 12j, 18 and 25 ets. ;
plain and printed Cashmeres, at 25, 31*
andensents; super black Alpaccas at 20,
252nd 311 cents-40Na Kurtz's.
oetvarying from $3 to $7 50; figured and
black Dress Silks very cheap ; also Blank
ets, Flannels, 'Pickings, dic.,—Krto be
had till Kurtz's.
'rogethisr with an assortment of Cloths,
Cnisimeres, Vestings, Stocks, Cravats,
Gloves; Hosiery, Ate. Ate. We close as
we town, with the wholesome advice and
significant inotto, that if you want bargains
forget not the Cheep and New Pore of
Dec. 2L, 1349. KURTZ'S.
THE subscriber will sell at private sale
the FARM on which lIKNRV HER•
plum jr., now resides, situate in Franklin
township. Adams county, adjoining lands
of King Wilson, Andrew Ilvintzelman,
and others, Containing
:ade i110W3 4 70
more Or ns. The improvements are a
[ilt.; Frame Dwelling House,
-a first-rate LO( BARN, with a
Sprincor good water convenient to the
door. 'There is a fair proportion of Tim
ber and Meadow on the farm, and an ex
cellent Orchard. Persons wishing to as
certain the terms, which will be reasona
ble-wilt sail upon the subscriber. The
peciiiirtY can be viewed on application to
the' latent
Fraklin tp., Julie 1, 18.19.—t1
FASHIONABLE Barber _nd Hair
Dresser, has removed It .0 0 remple"
to the diamond,adjoiningthe County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public
From long experience he flatters
that he can gothroughall the ramifications
ofthetonsoric.aldepartments,with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en.'
tire satisfaction of all who subMit them
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, there fore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage, The sick willbe attended toa
their. private dwellings.
COM MktAgilltt
ESPECTF U LLY i nforme the cit-;
zeus of Gettysburg that he has o
pened an Oyster Saloon, in Chambers
burg street between Paxton's Hat Store
and the Temperance House, where he will
.constantly be prepared tolerve up the
Best Fresh Oysters,
in every style, Fried, Roasted. Stewed,
&e. He invites the patrounge of the pub
lic, and pledges the beat efforts of the es
tablishment to please. Call, gentlemen,
and judge for yourselves.
The subscriber would also respectfully
inform the public that he intends prose
cuting the Tonsorial business in alt its va
ried and various branches.
His razor's good and sharp,
He thaw, your lace without a smart.
Gentlemen, call and see for yourselves.
His sponge is good, his towels ate clean,
And in his shop he's always seen.
Irriie also respectfully informs the
gentlemen that they can at any time have
their boots blacked in the neatest style.—
Gentlemen can also have grease removed
from their clothes.
Gettysburg. Dee. 21,1849.
F. KOEULEIt respectfully ten
goy! dere Lis services to the Public es
Sale Cryer.
Terms moderate. Residenoe. Abbot ,
town, *dams county, Pa., where all let
tere or orders for his services may be ad.
bat. 19, 1949.-4
P. R. Small ¢ Sam' Execution Dalai,
Small, Nu. 4, Jan. Tenni
trading under the firm 11150.
of P. A. &S. Small, an. 23,1850,m0and
and 41Ien Payne, nies considered as,
vs. in Court—Rule for
Carville H. Redding. distribution of the
same on the 26th day of February next.
Nonce to be given by publication fur three
weeks in one newspaper published in Get:
tyaburg. By the Court.
• JOHN PICKING, Prothon'y.
Prothoetetsry's Office, Gettysburg,
Feb. 1, 18110. f
Vir ILL find it to their advantage thrall
at the Store of J. L. (CHICK.
ar¢ Intamine his sunk of Satin Vesting*.
Stodings. Handkerchiefs, Gra
EU Cents Reward.
fmAM away from the service of the
subscriber, on Saturday the 25th ult.
ut 'BO/1110n1 (alias Jobe Lightner,) an
indebted apprentice to the Butchering bus
imps. The afifise reward, hut no thanks,
wilitti . gisdit for Ilia apprehension and re
ut' 19
ti ll,* schecriber. AU persons are
' ' tnned against harboring or em
us acid apprentice, or trusting hint on
CuOintl, -
Gettysburg, Feb. 4. 1850.
,: RENT.
, A
•, : $OOlll, in a very desink-
Vie situation ie the country. l'asaas
, lame, tm first day of Agri! nail*—
, lit•thisiollie.
••.• 41.....„.. 4 ,4.. ..
• 0 o
l at
&wake*. TieC
t eta.
hr.. ike., for
• ~• S. U. VUIF•014,:llt
( Til E WORL D'S S )
Contains no Aletcury or otlicrlitfineraL
From the'Reading
There never, perhaps, was a medicine brought
before the public that has in so short a time won
such a reputation as-M'Allister's All-Healing or
World's Sake." Almost every person that has
made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One
has been cured by it of tie most painful Rheuma
tism; another of the Piles, a third of a trouble
some Pain in the Side, a fourth of s Swelling of
the Limbs, he. If it does not give immediate re
lief in every ease, it can never do injury, being
applied outwardly. As another evidence of the
wonderful healing powerpossessed by this salve,
we subjoin the following certificate from a re
spectable citizen of .Maidencteek township, in
this county
"Maiden v arerit, Berko co., Pa., March 30, '4 7.
Messrs. Ritter Sr Co.—l desire to inform you
that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the
back by the use of M'Allister's All-Healing Salve
which I purchased from you. I suffered with it
about 20 years, and at night was unable to sleep.
During that time I tried various remedies, which
were prescribed for me by physicians and oth
er persons without receiving any relief, and at
last made trial of this Sake with a result favors.
ble beyond expectation. lam now entirely free
from the pain, and enjoy at night a sweet and
p.3aceful sleep. I have alsokseed the Salve since
for tooth ache and other comraints, with similar
happy resnltt. Your trieno,
The following is from a regular Physician of
extensivs practice in Philadelphia:
James M'Allister—Sir : I have for the two
last years been in the habit of using your Hint.
ment In eases of Rheumatism, Chilblains and in
'Penis Capites, (Scald Head,) and thus far with
the happiest effect. I think from the experiments.
I have made with it, that it richly deserve* to be
adopted as an article of every day use by thepro•
fetsion at large. Your's, truly.
Philadelphia, Pee 30,1947.
James M'Allister—Dear Sir: I take pleaderm
in making known to you the peat benefit thrive
receked by using your Vegetable Ointment or
the World's Salve. I bad an Ulcer, or running
sore on the ear, of many yeans standing; 1 had
applied to several physicians, but all to no par.
pose; but by using your Ointment a few days, it
was completely dried up and well • I hare also
used it for Burns, for which I find it en sumellent
article; also, in all cales of intim:Dietitian.
I certify the above statetnent Ultra*
No 90, Market street. Philadelphia.
ID - Around the box are. directions for using
roil:Wee, Tetter,Ckillklais, Scald Iliad. Sent .41
cbtiosey, Sore ,Tipoe . ‘. ./ tilts. /tilts. 24911nee refifef
tires, Paine, Di:MaSf flag; pins,, ileadoelle, .41mth
ma. Deafitres, Ear sty e, titter. Cariti. an 1 : 64180 '
sr of theStie:Sore Lip*, i b taptisare, 160 1 04' 'of
the .Litvlbs, Born, ShemerisHign; Piles, eitithrert,
Crotp,Sweiled , er Broken.Breasti. Tottarscke• Apo
in the Fact, offe. , • , • , . , , ,
1f :bt at sins and Nulittita i
linew ts ening in ca•
sea of “swollea" or Bare ,Or t; 047 Would not
be with Out it. In etch e' f rntebr. iileit,Ne.
cording to the directions' a odd 'stets beer, it
gi WY relief its a only l:esi hoer& ' . ' '•• .1 " ;• . .
Ernie Ointment-is -good.for-snyytirt-of Ihe
body or limbs whin iniistpsti.- lo some cues it
should be applied ofteys., ____.......
C4UT lON—No ' o,intipolit;rill be genuine
unless ilia 'niche or JAvinf M'Axissiatt le writ
ten with a pen odlifery lelnit. - ' . :
nj - For sale by int 'Agents In all the principal 1
towns in Steil:railed States..
_,' , •, , .
Sole PrOpriettirof tbe above Medicine, i
PRINCIP4.I. OPTICE 'No: 21 North Third
street, PliffieNititifi. -- : -.. .
AGENTS.. 4.3. S. Forese, Gettysburg; Jo
.q gt. Beery% 'Abbottetoeve;,Motter & Rowe.
EtomitetkoriF; Schwa', Hsuover ; C. A.
Morris,& Co., York; I.'. Desig,Chambenburg.
301413, . 1849 --eowiy'
ei IR—A few days firms I badly' burned ore of
tuy 1 ,"4 3411 with Melted, f•ilYer,whicb I was
pourmg fporri a crucible. I applied your Master
of Pain, srlficit at once relieved Ma from the e.•
cruciatiug ;Oh worked ti complete cure,
!gay's! uo scAr. W. B.' WM. D.
Straccrill.Dee. l, '46. Elilversmith.
W. Oreen,fornierly Pirefunsiderat Jos
lin's Y., stolen that one of his child•
ran fell en' a.brit store, very badly hii
face, 'IA severely injuring one of hie ',lel. Tort
..ey's blasts:. °Chin *iiiiPplied; tehieb tome
dietely'rtlfetedell pain, and effected a cure with-
out leaving sister.
Mr. T. Hughes, employed at the Salaniaider
Iron Works in New York, had his arms dregs!.
fully barna by the bursting or i furnace; anis•
ing the skin and Ilesti , to peel of the arm in large
dillies. leavings shocking and. painful sight.--
Tousey's Master of Pain wit used, and the pain
instantly slopped, and the arm was speedily cu
red without a scar. M . Armory, the pro
prietors of the Foundry, certify to these frets.—
Every person should keep id is Oi nt rnent by tbent
Mr SA:massy—l have been much ;pleased
with the healing qualities (dyads Masterof fain
I hau d you one of a number amines in Totowa
family. My little girl, eigh(years °fags while
at play in my sitting-roora, accidentally frill,
testing her whole weight upon the hot stove‘fire
cing herself back with the band stilton thongs , *
and burning the akin of ber hand to ..crisp.-
One application of your Ointment immediately
1131% owed all pairt—not a blister was raised-.-end
the neat day, althongh the skin ins stiff, all sore.
nesa had been removed. H. BARNS.
tJ'For iwle by
GanfralAgiuti, Osuystirrg; and by
Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. B. Hollinger,
Heullersburg; E. Stehle, Centre Mills; J. M.
Enigbt, Bendersville; J .F.Lower, A rendtstown;
Stick &Winner. Mummasburg;T.WE nigbt,M'.
Kaightiwille; A. Scott, Cashlown; J. Brinker•
hod: ,Paideld; E. Zuck, New Chester; O. M.
C. White, Hampton; H.L. Miller and William
Wolf, East . Berliu; Ww.. Dittiager, Abbott*
town; Lilly Jls Riley, New Oxford; E. J. Ow
ings, Wgherrystown ; and Samuel Berlin,
Sept. 14, 1819.—Stu
. _
4 '
HAS removed his o ffi ce to the building
opposite the Lutheran Church, iu
Chambereburg street, 2 doors east of Mr.
Middlecoff's store where he may all times
be found ready and willing to attend to
any case within the province of the Den
tist. Persons in want °Hull sets of teeth
are respecifully invited to call.
Dr. C. N. BiaLucHT, I Rev.C.P.Koarre,D.D
D. Holism I Prof. M.3•COBS,
"C. A. COWUILL, 1 " L.
Rev. LC. NV ATsox, D.D." M. L. Esviarza•
July 7, 1848.
rrHE person who took from Lumber
Yard a Lot of Locust Posta will
pleats call and pay for them, and take no
more without permission. I hereby give
notion that I do noteonsider any person at
liberty to take lumber of any kind from
the yard. wllbota Ant nailing upon me.—
You eon stall times be wailed upon. This
gasy save exposure.
Jan. 11, 1850.-111
Philadelphia Advertiaementol Baltimore Adverelisments.
Paper ! Paper ! Paper ! WEST'S
No. 21 Bank street, between :truk!? and CLes-
nut, and 2J and 3d streets,
OLE HE Subscribers beg lease to call the alien
lion of country buyers to their asiorirrent
of papers, embracing the different .arieties rf
Printing, Hardware, Writing. I:rwerpe, and
IViapping papers, Tissue paper.. uh. e aid at—
sorted colors, also Bonnet ane. Lex Beaidf..&c.
Selig engage,' in the manufacture of printinst
papers, they solicit orders horn Printers for any
given size, which will be furnished, at short no
tice and at fair prices.
Market price either in cash or trade paid for
Sept. 14, IS49—ly No. 21 Bank at.
Druggists, Physicians, Merch
ants, and others,
Extracts, Ointments, Vegetable 'Medicines,
fro.,are invited to call at the HEBB STORE,
No. 38 North SIXTH street, between Market &
A re h streets, Philadelphia, where are virtual,
kept a larg e assortment of vital article is our
line, whi ch mill he sold on better terms than - at
any other establishment in the City. ,
The utmost care is taken in the raising, 'pre
paring, and petting up all articles sold byes.
The Herbs, Roots, &c., are neatly pat ap is
pressed packages of 1 ox, }lb, 11b., and 11b. .
The Vegetable Extracts are pat op in jeni 'of
various sizes, and are warranted equal, if
not superior, to any in the statket.
The Botanical sad Thesnpoonias pnepanninns
are put up in the neatest msaiser,withdamentions
for use.
(D .- Pardeelar snootier, is called to our con
centrated Extracts of Vanillaind Lamm, for &-
roving porposs , 44gasasstiol °Mimi grigroot Wa
tern, Pure ianitund i!vicro turd Ponrderog Articles
or every kind, "old . hrbnlL r 4a wasdaanto eat
[warily tar . family tam, • -
The importance of pato and reliable Mediate
is every day being °beamed and appreciald by
the. Medical 'PreTitiehini Apbtbscaries. lid com
munity at law: That ter proetitionet •shedli
be abia to esilettlato with owtainty wpm tie effect
oldie imoliciamtegan aidmigioarra is of eminent
importance MR kqin And his Indicate. Athwart
keeling' this point in view, we most those wins
purchase or use oar tattirres — Will hare tin cause
or disaPPAI, Mint. TiLDEN.t. co.,
rrpprieters the Botanic Garden, New
t Lebw.. PI. I
C. DI ItlttGin', Agent, N0...16N. 6th st.
Sept. 14:18/9-616
Phpioians. Druggists, and
Country Merchants.
L.E..EEELER and BRO., most re
spectfully attention to their flesh
stock of Englieb, Pre& .Gewasaarand America*
- DRUGS. Medicines, Clurcrilciels, - railer*. Dile,
Ohl Stank, Gloomiest*, Petfirattryi Patent Med*
Fillese Art. Easing opened a new More No. Xt4
A/irked street, with a full supply of Drrßs and
Medicines, we respeetfelly solicit Comity Deal
ere In examine our 'kick befote patch/pang are-
Where; promising one and 'all who n.ay iiel dis
posed to extendtis dish patronage, tomil them
genuine Drugs and Mediciam,on as liberal tern..
as any otbstr house in the City, and to faithfull y
,exement all-order* eounemad us promptly and
with dispatch.
941 of the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, steeds amide go-mantra of the genuine qual
ity of all articles Feld artheii estableehment.
._We especially Maim Dumps** and Conairy
Merchants. a leo may Mak to become Agents toe
Dr. Keeler'* celebrated Paereity Neeheirser. (stand
ard and popular merlieines r ) to forward thew ad
dress, Soliciting the patronage of dealers, tie
respectfully tetrad*,
, J. .N.-HEELER & BRO_,
Wholesale Druggist*, No. .94 Marked at.
belt. I-1. 144 V—iy
JNE undersigned has connect! n ith
his Coaehmaking Establil•hmt•nt a
large Smith Shop. and is prepared to do
Ile would say to those who have Horses to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands; which. with his personal mien:ion,
enable him to give entire satisfaction
to all those who may favor him with a call,
(warranted) will be promptly made to ar
tier at aft times.
Jr?'All. kinds of REPAIRING dode,
both in llfood and Iron, at the most redue
ed prices: _
ir:rThankful for past encouragement,
the subseriber solicits a. coutiossoce of pat•
ronage r end. invites bit friends so call at
his Establishment in west Chambersburg
slew doors below Thompson's Hotel
.• • O. W. HOIFF.HAN.
Pettysboryg, October 16,1847.
..._ It
--- i
. ______._
ES PE CTFULLY informs his friend
Lt - and the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TIP.'
WARE of every description. which he
will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at low rates,
will do well to call before purehasingelse
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put opal 121 emits a foot.
- - -
VrHE •subseriber tenders his acknowl
edgments to the public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of years, and re
spectfully announces that he has jest re
ceived, at his old . established stand in
ebambersburg street, a large and fresh
adidSl4-t`liti - .2[90`.1 1 .39 3
and every variety of articles usuallyfound
in a Drag store, to which he invites the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they will be furnished at the most reason
able prices.
Gettysburg, June 2, 1848.
LETTERS of Administration, with the
will aonexed, on the mum of GEO.
BAKER, dec'd. late of Mountpleasant tp.,
Adams co., having been granted to the sub
scriber, residing is Mountjoy ip., notice
is hereby given to all who are indebted to
said estate, to make payment without de
lay, and to those having claims to present
them properly authentkated for settlement.
Feb. 1, 1860.—.110
CR'ES'T. No. 13, 15 & 17 Sharp
• street. Baltimore, is constantly man
ufacturing Etherial, Camphine and Pine-
Oil. Also, 95 per cent. Aleholiol, which lie
is prepared to supply to whole-sale dodoes
on the lowest terms.
C. W. is also mannfactunng LAMPS
of every description, of the moit,appco
red styles for burning Etherial..Lard,ca
Oil, all of which are offered. at Drive'
which cannot fail to please. ' •
Feb. 8. 18110.-6-3 m
I . M. Onits. W. S. 11oPitThe
OREM & IP:Witt / 48 4
IDEALEfitB • r
In Cloths, Camilakeresfiestlngt&T ' ailors'Trlnk
Way- -Nis.l34) ilattieiore coo.
'air atOltariii,Siximnist: — •
A lair'
. issoriaietkiTot,l3,,EADt. NAPE
CIA7I'IIOIO, 9t.iimiterscir,
Cloth tomes , it stais*--Entitifice, south
end el rmattee'stroot,
*7"h ttp. ISO
COs Pi kJ E. HALL.
ILL Proprietor of the above
4"‘ moat wouU respectfully inform the
citioena of Baltimore and vicinity, that he
las sereired from Europe the
member with a rush assortment of coals
olapied to the coming season, consisting of
Stryterfrne French. Gerson and English
Cloths, Castor Benoit', Pads. and
Paluot 'Noting,
A new article for Overiacks and Business
Qom—Also, a splendid assortment of
French and English Cashmeres and
of the most desirable styles imported this
season. RICH VESt IN Gf3— We have
and are constantly remising new styles of
Vesting., consisting of plain and figured
Silks and Woolen Velvets, figured and
striped Cashmeres, Silks, bating and
alai shades and colors. Our CUSTOM
WORK is cut and made in the best man
ner--and as regards style and workman
ship. is warranted .to give entire satisfac
tion. and at greedy reduced prices.
sons in want of Ready-made Clothing are
particuLuly.invited. to call and examine
our mock before purchasing elsewhere, as
ure manufacture all cotalitics of FASHION.
ABLE t:LOTIIING. Aud our assort.
oteuti-of dud-article -is at• all -times large,
which offers to purchasers a great
of procuring an article of a quality
which cannot be obtained, in any other
Clothing Establishment in the City.
We have. ow hand and are constantly
manufacturing Garments of every variety,
from the beat materials, in the most ap
proved styles, for Fall and Winter Wear,
Surtout. Suck and Pc find Overcoat,.
Of all colors, qualities and sizes, from $2 50
4 50 4 73, 5 50 and upwards :
_ . _
A large assortment of Boys' Sack and
Overcoats, 20 per cent. less than the usual
COATS, made from German and French
Cloths; in the Lifeit fashion. A large
stock of Tweed Coats, Pants and Vests.
We have a large assortment of Tweed
Frocks and Sacks. A New Article—
Forr.t Sacks, fur Stormy weather. Pan
taloons, from Super French Doeskins.—
PANTS, of every variety of Shade and
Color, at 81,1 50; 1 75, 2, 2 50,!, 3 50,
and upwards.
VESTS, made from Rich Velvets; Sa..
tins. d.:ashmereit.aud Nalencles, and at all
Remember name and place 4 corner of
Frail and Centre Markel Space._
Nov. 23, y 349.-1
SHIRTS at wholesale,
STF,T hom *8 to 824 per dram).
COLLLARS, (ruin 411 to
. ,
$4 per dozen.
llilanufacteW4 and, sold at 179 BALl'S
mons Smarr, between Light and Calvert.
MEN'S and Boys', shins Cotton and
Linen. on band and constagoly tasking, all
sizes.—plain and fanny-
Remember the name and
179 Baltimore Street,
Fourth door below Light.
Oct. 28, 1849.-4 m BETTON.
IL WIIe and Son, of Va.
Aim WISE & SON, finding it impos
sible to attend personally to the
great number of daily applications, from
all sections of the Hilton. for their remedy
for baldness, and far their celebrated HAIR
TONIC, have (quad it necessary to ap
point a General Draoelling 4genl, to vis
it different cities add lawns throughout the
United States, vesting WO with authority
to appoint sub-agentd,,lise and Vend die
iiihtierudee . and to 'a p ply. the 'RESTOII.
LlNE;andiolatt;thearinto the hands of
those he aurappoint to operate , wherever
a sufficient umber of patients 'in any
town or neighborhood shall be obtained.:
Capt.. lazoitoz Cat,vaar, of Fauquier
county. Va., is alone authorized to. Let u
General Travelling Agent, with the powers
above indicated.
Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as
speedily as possible, the principal cities
and towns of the Union.
N. H. Capt. Calvert will always have
on band a full supply of the HAIR TON
IC (which cleanses the head of dandruf f
strengthens and invigorates. the hair,:and
prevents it also from falling off,) for the
region of country most coutiguoue to his
operations ; or it may always be obtained,
at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of
the Union, by addressing the proprietors
M. WISE & SON, Richmond, Va.
0:7 - Price SO per dozen cash. Six bot
tles for *s—or one dollar single bottle.
Dec. 7,1340.-1 y
ON hand and for aale,— cheap —a lot
of STOVES, among which are a
Sept. 7.—tf GEO. ARNOLD.
J I.3ST received, superior Fresh Macka
rd, N. E. Clouse. Lard and Sperm
Oil. G. A. and lint Salt, at ratiuced pri
ces, for sale by
Receipts and Expenditures of Adams Co, for 1849.
AOREEABLY to en Act of AuemblY entitled an "An Act t.
. of the respective counties to puhliehi Staieinint 'of ihe R
elopers of Taxes of said county, do REJORT as follows, 'viz
January, 1850—. both days inclusivai '• '' '
B. G. Harper, Esq. Treasurer and Coanalsaloppr ,
. ,
' - - - - - - 0 1:4 4- . ell.
TootitstandinCountjo Tim litUt4o4 4 R 4014 4 i 10 1 44 • •
i ' - itird .'
ositi:iti ° Liail Ccl ivot tP lieu rtE tim iiilast'settlement, 2222 28 '
Cool Adm. and Lofts guessed f.c 1849, nil :
Rohnigh of Gettysburg,, . 5882•40 . , . ,
' a« ' Quit Rents. ' ___ll7B 00 • f
Cu mbeOlind Towpolxip• ' • 70 6 ' ./2 '
Gerniany 4.
Berwick so 3M 29 .3
Ilumington - - ' ll .‘ ' ' 09 9 4 9
Latimore " 4 4 9 A'? .
Hatniiiinban H, 772 96
Libetiq ' ' « 4 02 20
;fismiltnit ; • « , 657 Ot
'Miiiiallen oo • 941' 32
.816batit , .4 " ' 790 453
Franklin' " ' 766 47
quaowago : MI 569 76 -• '
Tyrone• " 379 44
Moutitjoy , " 490 ,17
Mountplesserit ig 689 '46
Reading, ,•• 874 70 .
Freedom ii - 806 60
Oxford « , 688 . 90
Union o 616 54
12,364 81
021 06 '
To abatement on State Tax at Harrisburg.
Cash received from D. Bohriver, Coroner's Fees
for Inquest.
04 for sale of Boards, Berlin Bridge.
Jury verdicts and fines from Sheriff,
•' "
from H. benwiddie.
" From D. C. Brinkerhoff, Coroner's fees for
Court Coats from F. W. Koebler's estate,
Additional Tax for 1849,
Cash received from -Mr. Robinson for Bridge sub
scription, near Chapel,
$17,206 23
. . . ,
11:7* The outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents appears to
be in the hands of the following Collectors, viz:
1848. John Carpenter,
1848. John 0. Frey,
Daniel Our,
" Abraham NVaybright,
1849. John Brown,
• Since paid in full. t Since paid in part. 2,533,38
Menallen, Straban. Franklin, hfountjoy, Freedom, and Union
'cownahips had paid off their duplicates in lull before the set
WE, the undersigned, duly elected Auditors to settle and adjust the Public Accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners of
said County, and having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to law, REPORT the following to be a general statement of
said Account from the second day of January, A. D., 1849, to the seventh day of January; 1850, both days inclusive :
R. G. Harper, Esq., Treasurer, and the Commissioners. in account with the County of Adams.
To outstanding Tar and Quit Rents tit last seulemcut, 1870 60
Balance on band at last • settlement, 2222 28
Cash received from Mr. Robinson on Bridge subscrip-
11. IL COLE.
tion,2B 00
Amount 'of Tax and Quit Rent assessed for 1849, 12,364 81
Abatement onState Tax at Ilarrieburg, 631 05
Cash received from D. Sehriver, expenses of Inquest, 17 52
611 for sale of Boards, (Berlin Bridge,) 38 19
41 Jury verdicts from Sheriff, 80 00
64 Fines and Jury Fees from U. Denwiddie, 14 00
$. from 'D. C. Brinkerhoff, expenses of
Inquest,, 17 44
F. W. Koehler's estate, (Court costs,) 16 02
Additional Tax for 1840,• 12 42
WE, the undersigned, Auditors of the Couaty.of Adams, Pennsylvania, elected and alcFn,iit,rauaßce of lag?, REPOT,
that we inet, aid audit, settle a nd adjust, according 40 law, the:,Acconniott ;he 'rfeasurii arid pq Commissioners of said coun
ty, corn Enencing on the second day of January,ll349;and ending on tits seventh day of 'January; 1850, both dayipclusive ; that
said account, as settled above and entered of record iii Bettleinant-book, in the coonnisssioners' Office, of diatom cottaly, is correct,
and that we find a balance due to the County of Adams, by IL G. Ii agent; Esq..'Treasurer of,said county, in /sob, iiiiivensyinlgin
Dollars and Eighty-eight Coati, and in outstanding taxes, T wenty-fivo Hundred and Thirty-ibree dollars sad Thirty-three Clonal.
A.W. 1111AG1$14. .
ud ft fit the County
i d li n ., • ,
Gettysburg, Feb. I,` 850.-4 t
IITOTIOE is herby given to all Legatees
/I and oilier pehons concerned, that the
Administration Accounts of the deeeased
persons hereinafter mentioned will , be pre
sented at the Orphans! Poort fif Lams
county, for confirmation and allowance, on
Tuesday /be 20th of .19tpruciritni#
89. • The dna end final Account of Wm,
Plank, Allhfinilitrator 'of Elizabeth Guiseii
deceased. • •
90. The Account of George Robinette,
ExeicutoiOf Martin Gardner, deceased.
91. The first and final Account of John
Brough, Esq., Administrator of Peter D
Huh's, deceased. '
93. The first and final Account of Rob.
ert Wllbenny and Robert K., M'llhenny,
I Executors of Wm. M'llhenny, deceased,
who was ohe of the Executors of Robert
WlLenny. dec'd.
94. The first and final Account of Ja
cob Cover. Executor of the last will and
testameot of Elizabeth Rhea, deceased.
fib. The first Account of Michael Lev.
insane, Administrator of Alloways Miller,
96. The second and final Account of
George Jacobs and David Jacobs, Adinin 7
istratur of Samuel Jacobs, deceased.
97, The first and final Account of Jacob
Deardorff, Administrator of Solomon Bin
gamau, deceased.
98, The Account of Abraham Spangler,
Admin'r of John Wm. Spengler, dee'd.
99. The first and final Account of flou
ry Rice, Administrator of Jacob P. Hartz.
ell. deceased.
100. The Account of Michael Ilultf,
Executor of Jacob Hold; deceased.
WM. W. liAMEßBLY,Register.
Register's Offies,Gettysburg,
Feb. I, 11450.-44
Freedom. $l4 85
Borough of Gettysburg. 52 36
Conowsgo, 73 86
Freedom, 38 36
Borough of Gettysburg,
Quit Rents, 132 54
Cumberland,} 230 12
Germany, 107 76
Berwick,* 34 29
Iluntiugton s t 438.49
Latimore,t 220 17
llsmiltonbun,• 158 96
Liberty. , 132 76
Conowago,t 206 86
Tyrone, 49 84
Moon tpleasant, 183 49
Heading,• 111 70
Oxford,• ZO 90
Daniel Polly,
Andrew M'Sherry,
laaac Wolf,
Elias Gardner,
Adam Gardner,
James Wilson,
John Eiker, .
John Dellone,
Jacob Adams,
John Conrod,
John M'Masier,
John King,
Francis Felix,
17 52
86 19
86 00
14 00
4&311112Vali11 9 1112A1PcIDU320
$17,256 23
Alow4ys ,. sumET,HING
WI . HE Manufacture of trattind.Steel,
.41L1f all its' saviour , branoliel, including: ta
description' of Woori,Cutting, Qtal-Dig;.
ging, and.-the birthing of ClittiouiCand
Cot& i • the 'digging and: roasting of bon
ore,,the builduitruid manigemintef Blatt
Foresees, tune., by:, Frederiak Overman,
- Mining Engineer, With' I,4olwrotui cope.
iittg‘ut Wri have alsoust rethlied
Lynch's Narrative of the United Stites
Expedition, to the River Jordan and the
Dead Bea, with numerous maps and illus.
tuitions, at 82.75. The American Fruit
Culturist, with directions for the( propaga
tion and.culture of Fruit Trees in the nur
sery, orchard and garden, with descrip
tions of the principal American and For
eign varieties, by John J. Thomas—em.
beilished with 300 accurate figures. Price
81 50. The - Whig Almanac for 1850, a
useful docuMent for every person, only
12i centi. The Southern Harmony,
price 75 cents.
liCrNew Music, a fresh supply. Any
n.. sie not included in our assortment will
be •emptly ordered.
At. he late standard and miscellaneous
as. we. as cheap publications, received
regularl) •Is issued from the press.
Blank Books of all kinds, including
Ledkerii, Day Books and all the various
books used in the counting room.
Pori Folios, Letter Paper, by the quire
or ream, 'at very low prices, Inkstands,
Sealing Wax,:Wafers, Letter and Note
Envelopes, in great valiety, anti all the va
rious articles of stationery at the moat rea
sonable cash prices. oz'Remember the
Cheap Book Store, South East Corner of
Centre Square.
Raise County Ram and Lelia'," requiring the Commieslefeere
- Slonitd Day of January, 1849 to thn aavenitt day [of
. . • '
;In aCCPW Oh the Coyilly of A.dome,.islfelkol4,
By orders eq opt pojWlousf,
By itidithiginil Nettling Public' t• •
`E. W. Stable, Auditor. apPbinted by. the 'Omni•te
' ' iltdit Publid ANON •
Public rilriiitleg and ilkinitt.
Atlertsciii; Pah• ,,
Clerks'a pay,
:I . F.UIOIIIv. 'Poor-lutute,
FOA tilOitlpo• • •
'Prikihenotary'e, Register's, and Clerk of ' ur
flognpacrees,' ' • '" ' 1011 11
1 440 alii%ages and dintige views, ' ,960 87
Abatement to Collectors of five par ' 0116
RePO l II; Prima and Public Beildings , ' 183 45
Counsel fee teLotinunissioners, 40 00
busies and Oonstahle fees for,comailiting prompt, • 43 22
H. Sahrivr and pay full' tor Cilhoviigo
Ott, near Chapel, t
11 SPaldl pay in tuft for 'Bridge aeroie Allittray, V s • -
Creek, • 114.3 00
Sheriee hills of Court,Costs, , 615 V
Grand Jury anti' Tip / Staves pay, 1849, O2
asneraPJury and Tija Staves pay, 11149.• ~ 0: 1 74 4
Quit. Rentspild Geo: Mines dile up 'to lit Ja1 . ey,1135 . 0 , '2 BO
Postage and Statibnery tot office, 51 23
Dockets and torpaiiing Dockets in Protkonputry'o
• ' and Registers offices,;.• , 63 . 88
Jailer's fees for keeping prisoners, 302. 84
Wood for-Public Butfdiqs, 4'lBl .00
Court Cry Or's pay, 86' 00
A. Heintzelmart,Commissioner's pay, 174, 50
Jacob King, " 169 . 60
John G. Morningstar, " . 180.50
'Paz refuiided, 88.29
Coroner's and Justices' Fees for Inqubitions, ' ' 95.20
Medical attendance en Prisoners, • 24' 75
Wocifl and sawing for Court-house and office, 5, 87
J. Aughinbaugh in trust for hobblesond boats. An prison, 16.00
Geo. Arnold for 2 stoves for Court-house, 25.00
Interest paid oh Notes, 4.90
Officers' pay fur Spring Election, 395 91
Officers' pay for General Election, ' 403 30
Repairs at Bridges, 583,50
Coustablere fees for Spring Elections,. „ 97.58
Wni. Makes, Sheriff, susuinuning juries, - 70 75
1)i:odors of the Poor, pay, 80 - 00
Certificate of Constables returns, . 90 30
Ezonerations to Collectors, 176 ,34
Collectors' Fees, SI 8 22
Outatanding.Tax and Quit renu,
Balance in hands of Treasurer,
• .
IN TESTIMONY that the foregoing state m ent of Receipts
. • tilid Expenditures, exhibited at the Wits of the Trea
f..— . surer of said county, is a correct and true copy. as ta
ken from and compared - with the original remaining
in the books of this office,—we have hereunto amour
hands and affixed the seal of said office, at Gettys
burg, the 7th day of January. A. D., one thousand eight hund
red. andiifty. JACOB KING,
Attest—J. AUCIIIIMIIAI7OII, Clerk. Conunissioners
By Constable.' Returns, 1849,
Exoneration. for 1849,
•A for 1849,
Fees for 1848,
" for 1849,
Outstanding Tax for /13411,
and Quit Rents for 1848,
•4 I' for 114 V,
Disbursements on county orders, •
Treasurer% salary,
Balance dud by Treasurer,
' r tii-Y , °tag o
i sANPiI#9 I IY 904a1u. 1
and for Sate% id' ms to priceol,t the
book end tital.innery,.,repr
Deis. 01- • Bo Ausritaß.
Halms srownim
tisitroilihrtm drily:the
ly to all otidern; Ind
tort& ar Can inbtruW , tit' .. ti#
meet in the °minty.. '
• ' , 'GE
T . L. 'BOl - 110K Gds:' jeer reneiVeo . a
• fine intim:Went Of Maps' Ptin
gee, and a kne.ll artiole'til Blatt'
JLARGE lot A3f Awl F . ) iir*
ere just received aild tor
00. J: L. SCHICK.
THE STAR ASY'llorigt„
Ispublishedevery ,y° ,
Counqi Building; above'lhe'Regiioi
and Recorder's Office, by. .
D. A. C. I# B 1-11 .
Tionetts: •
If paid in advance or within the yesr, ist ppesee
annum—if not paid within the year, 02 Ott 'no.
paper discontinued until all ermines ere paid..
eximpt at the option of (he Editor. Siullie,CPPrea,
131 cents. A failure to notify a, discoxiLnurix",
will bo regarded as a new engagement ,
Alvertintments not exceeding* square 'hearted'
throe times for thi—avety eubsequent•lnsettloia:
25 cents, Longer ones in the same propottlan,—.l
All advertisements nut specially ordered lor.
given time, will be continucd,until foFbid,, A lib*.
oral reduction will be made to thaw wboaslinottime
by the year.
Job Prirlibeg of all hinds executed meetly star
promptly, and on reasonable terww,
Leiters end Comalunicaticas to the Editor, (es
piing surh , as contain Menu or the m ews of
w aubacrihere,) must he roar PAID iu 0464 11 0 6 .
urrr sttsnion.
33 00
- 27, 00
, 22*
)00 00
40 29
2,533 33
$17,256 23
0 9 80
90 02
82 . 71
280 '57
2h 'O5
14 0
1114 . 103
235 J 90
13002 90
78 88
217422 23