VALUABLE MEDICINES. .1‘ Ir UR E—.l•o P.l z CottiNELL'S Nfairical Pain Extractor, the World's Womler--prommnred an by 111 who have ever nerd it—White Swelling, leflamation, Pam in the Back, Wealtlitnkit, Tender Or Sore Fret, and all s cro, r ti ti i is Sores are speedily and per manently gtired by Comiell's Nlagical Pain Extrados; AtTeclions of the Lungs, Ague in the, Vacs, Breast, Tic Doloureaux, Chronic sore Eyes, Blistered Surfaces &c. his equally beneficial in all kinds:of Intlawatory Diseases, inches sore Ni and Ekes. Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling and Ulcers. Bruises, Burns, Chil blains, Erysipelas, Piles, &c., will quickly he relieved by the application of this salve. This remarkable eanitive possesses many virtues never found in any other article.—o It has the most perfect power over all mace by fire, positively allaying the suffers% al. most immediately upon its applicadOn." If any disbelieve the statement, we would earnestly invite them to call and examine the numerous unsolicited ,rertifialeu of of remarkable cures wrought It hat fur months past bean sold upon , the following liberal terms, le wit: irthe User was not perfectly satisfied. and 'even dew. lighted' with its effects, and furthermore if it did not fully answer our recommenda tions, their money was returned immedi ately at their request. On thews ,terms this absolute heal-all is now sold ; and we simply ask if the public cap demand any. thing more reasonable f Kind parent, keep it constantly Goland Licosa. uratsidttit by fire, life_may be lost without it ; but by its use all barns are subject to its con trol,. unless the vitals are destroyed. ' CettOon,---No Pain Extractor , can be genuine unless you find the signature of Cohuttnek & ('to. on the wrapper to each boar= Beware of the counterfeit. allEUMATlSM.—Comstook's How. es'^,tierve and Bone Liniment. and Wien Vegetable Elixir, is warranted** care any cast} ofßheumatism, Gout. Conitleted Chordsand Kuscles,oritiffJointsistrength. en Weak Limbs.' and enable those who are Mippled to walk spin. Use this ar ticle and be cured, or go without it and suffer. as you please' Certificates of curt" by the. hundred can be seen at 21 Costlead stoat, N. York, where this arti cle/114*N genuine. DffsliPMEN.—Use Dr. MeNair's Au cows*. ,011.-ihr. the core St Deafness. Al so. eI.P.UWWW disagreeable noises, like the beanie' gOf ineects: filling of water, whiz zing of suntiteiunhietrate Wpereenfl of ap prelairiliaenite.: Many persons who have beet slearfor ten Or twenty years, and comelad,uriito t ear trtunpos, have, after nsiegtoustAte• lwo AtoUhts.. - thrown a aidaltlet fra.Mlmlai balag made perfectly liouttrser oases' of, ten, fifteen, and'ilynnt yeatistanding deatness. AU of ihe Pllaa`- The — of the Piles are effectually *no -pologiouremis In wshort time.b thoOtiaoLthe..gennuatatay's , Linirnent.--r Ilvdrutlis.,of,our firstcitizens 'through - Oh the.ciiwitar gaiedsed this libiment with .044 1 / 1 4040 06 , stu warranted to cure thermommravated ease. hisitieted the money will be reltitd4 Tot ale at the Drug and Book Stereo( • 1• 4 1 l0_, L , issettrinsuir Jen. 19, 1849. miisitit.aarribrll63 .taIitPREALIPVL COUGH: TH,HPDSOB AIM IN HANG ER-THE 'WORK OF THE DES fROYF.R HAS 04140 N -BEGUN—THE COUGH, OP 011$01001/ON-HATH rbt IT 44: SOUND OP DEATH diaIRWATOU A' MOTHER/a-Year darlion child., yrettgal and "Arty% 14W, is SW PS =.611091/ lac chamber by 'dangerous to 14 pale rbeeiuktrer this% shrunken 64%. 4nOlitt i1i0 4 404014•401tAi tkitfid* gamed utvh hes 4-414, simuisef. lest sepulchral rough pierces TOWGI I I4I4 7011=1040* to OW life, diseaseededeta beesocrushing blight erre the faifjpOspiWist the %bite—your heStie teeth 1"41104101411 of homing you need not despair. There is • bales whisk - will heal the tweedeAbeitin-4t iikfirlNSlllSSilefalirealissir She, Llb. wife of 14fra. H. Aorta, Esiiindi.gispri ttli by Dr. Selrall;of Washing ion.. Hissed M'Clallan of Philmialphia, mod Ikea tail Mom of New York. Her friendik all Iknitight n iss, mast die. She had every ap pearing. of bedsit hi consumptioa. and waspro oomeded se by her phssichuts. Shimmies Bak , saritlArs Lids* aid it eared her. kirstAAIULABItAZITZ. of Bell's Ferry, was alsirdiftild'of Commaption by this Balsam when all eirtt temedhis failed to girt retief—she was Mimed to a skeletosh .Dr. A. C. Castle, Deo tlilleffin Nloodwily,lnis whinnied its Abets in', serettlishere IP other medicine allkirded relief.mbat die. Balsam operated like a charm. DOCrelpierimeeeed ittermiderfol diets is co. MorAiltifew, which it lister Ails of doing.--, Spitting Bloce‘algratog as it Army be, is effect 40 4 naliky.mtrad, Balsam. It hails the rup tured 1& ,. 'blood vessels, and makes the lunge flee4IEN JONES, IOS Eighth avenue, wateifilef — tatetpittf,l4o.eatalltud 'Meth"' °( 5° years atimling,,„.Ap first , dime.gere him more relinfamis all Ilse Mbar stiedicias ballad ever K hakil-Dr: 1i.4.. Bails, Iti Delano! street, gave it 'to d #44441.41 , '. Who Wan leaning . Fader Coo.; somptimeepodte another sorely afilioted with %pin. In both CROW its Often were im• : . ''Oki*nistoring them to comforts* htapese LIT ott oRETIA WELLS, 93 Christie at., Asthma 42 years. ShortaarisUaL • ingsethisedi her at once. and she isoomptrative• ly Jirpl,,hatag enabled to subdue every trisect" aMs Hg is. of this medians. This indeed is the rest remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting 81414 4 We; Consplaints, and all the affietions of the throat, and even Asthma and Conauntss , tittgi, Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle. lgri' Stierman's Cough and Wain Loam gest and Poor Man's Plasters, sold u above. El-. Shaman's Office is at 105 Nassau K.N. Y. 071Por sale by SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, • Glower! .Agent. Odtattberg ; tatty Dr,',Essfromn, Petersburg ; .1. id. Hollinger, Held. Imam.; E, Stehle, Curie Mills; J. At'Enigist, Bendsrsville; J. F. Lower, Ansndtsville; Stick & Wilineralditottnasburg ; T. Sl'lLnight, NrEttight ; A. Scott, C nib tow n ; J. Bri nkerhoff, Fair isek, New Chester; D. M. C. White, Hampton; H. K Miller and Wm. Wolf. East Bstlus; Win. Bittinger, Abbottstovrn ; Lilly & ,stiv Oxford ; .1. Owings, H'Sherrys toed end /damsel Be rl In, Littlestown. Jay 40,1849.-3 m ;RECEIVED and now opening .large ,lal—of • Long and Square SIIAWLS, Turkere do.. which will be soh! lower.than they,have ever been offer ed Sit the county. Ladies cell soon at ,IKuturvs, and examine for yourselves tratisectire, ere too late, one of the hand earnest and most graceful articles that so iiehl enhances the costume. FRESH :IRRIVAL. tirir *mired, superior 11-esla rt1...11 1 : E. Cheese, Lard and Sperm fo d fine Ur, at radapad pri . .Odell JNO. M. STEVENSON. Dat. PROCLAMATION. VIV HERE NS the Hon. DANIEL Dea l' KER. Esq. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said dia. triet—and • Geese,: Sarsse and JAMig M'DrerrY, Bags., Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas'and Genera! Jail Delivery, for the triitof all capital and other offend er, in the county 9f Adams-.4rive issued their • precept, bearing date the Slot day of November id the year of our riCiab one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and to My &Would, for holdhigle CohrtefOtairj. mon Pleas a s,pm,rs, Quarter Stallions of the . Pesch it'd General Jail Delivery, and"Pimit of 'Oyer and Terminer, at Get -41144" on ,Morulay the 21a day of Jan uary nott.-: NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Ceastables within the said County of Adams, that'they be then and there in their t ope r persons. with their Rolls, Records, quisitions, Examinations and other Re membrances, to do those things which to their olfreeht - and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will preset cute against the prisoners that ate or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of • Adams, and to be then and there to pros ecute against them as shall be just. WILLIAM FICHES, Sheriff. 864 rif e Dec. 14, 1849. 5 GOREY'S LADY'S 800 K.... J,r 1860 shall saws& that of 1849. awl exceed all lltnrarines Past, Present and to Come. Tsana—Cssik in advance, postage paid MAGNIFICENT AND EXPENSIVE PRE- MUMS Bubavibms to a doh, or single sabscribers, may choose different engraeines. One copy one year. $3, with any two of the fol owing splendid premium plates :—"Death. led of he Rev. John Wesky,"“Wesley preaching in the OvreeeP Ale hillteelni," "America Guided by Wisdom," I Taylor end OW Whitny" , -Likeness of the Rev. John Wesley," ••Do of his co-laborer, the Rev. Jebn Fletcher,"—the last two, though separate engravings, we count only u see premium. Two copies Ax S 5, and two of the above prints to each subscriber. Five copies for $lO, and an extra copy of the ind'eny two of the above engravings to the person sending the dub. Ekren copies for $2O, and an extra copy of the Book, sod any three- of the above engravings to the person sending the cleb. Any person sending $5 in advance, subscrip tion fur 1860 sal 51, will be entitled to any 4 of the above engravings. MORE AND MOBT LIBERAL. OFFERS. For $2O in advance, ten copies of the Lady's Book wilt be sent, and a copy of either of the a bove magnificent prints sent to each subscriber.— They an, In WI cases, select which they - Awe. For 830 we will send tea copied of the Book, and thirty copies deny of the above engraringa. Basle numbers of the Lady's Book, 35 cents. The above are largositied parlor prints. The "Deathdad of Wesley" contain" many portraits ; "Wesley, preaching in the Ampbiteestre" con tains handfed* of figures, and cost *l5OO to en grins it. "America Guided by Windom" is al very large fine engraving, and cost $l3OO to en grave it. "General Taylor and Old Whitey" is ore of the large s t of she General Taylor prints. and is engraved frontan original painting at a eon Of $l.OOO. The heads of Wesley awl Fletcher are of e-good size for framing. • Premiums are only sent when the subscrip tions are remitted direct to the Publisher. The LADY'S BOOR. for 1850 will contain 'reveal hundred good engravings. Postmasters and alters sending clubs will ob liges:, eery much, by having them all addressed to one tame. It is no inconvenience to them, and will lit a great favor to us. irrTlux town sending us the largest number of mail subscribers for 1850, will be entitled to the Lady's Book for 1851, gratis ; and the nest in natedier each sulmoriber shall receive any one of the above plates. Address, ' Nov. 30. ' L. A. GODES% • ' ' 113 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. 11 .. • _ _ BUEHLER gs PP,CTPOLLY informs his friend and the public generally thst he has now, o 4 hand a large assortment Of TIN WARE of every description, which be will sell at moderate prices--all warranted. Parsee* wishing to purchase at low rates, will do well to call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and put up at 12i cents a foot. MIME dadersighed'hat connoted with hie Casebmaking Establishment a largo Smith Shop, and is prepared to do ALL KIND OF MACKSMITHING, • naciztaxo MUM CARRI 1018; 60GGit8, WAGONS, E 'lle would say, to those who have Horses to shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate hands. which. irith Its personal attention, will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all those who may "favor him with &cell, CARRIAGE & 1111Galf SPRINGS (werranted) will be promptly made to or der at alt tames. • NizrAll kinds of REPAIRING done, both in Wood Ind Iron, at the ovostredue ed prices. • Thankful for pest encouragement, the subscriber fetiches continuance ofpat ronage, and invites his friends to call- st his Establishment in went Chambenburg at., a few doors below thouipion's'llotel ' C. W. NOPPAIAN Gettyrbutg,Gctober LAST NOTICE. THE subectiber hereby notifies those who know themselves to be ,indebr• ed to him over a year, diet he is much in need of money, and respectfully requests such to make payment as soon as possible. T. WARREN. FOR RENT. • ASTORE ROOM, in a very desira hie situation in the country. Posses. sion given the first day of April next.— Enquire at this office. Dee. 21. 1849.. r:1-vrw-n..”__-, Or 711111110118 'KINDS FOR SALE lIT THIS' OFFICE • • • . _ : XOl ) A 8 it is mr desire to have my Books settled with as little delay as possi ble. I request those indebted to me, either by Note , or Book Account, or otherwise, to have their accounts closed by the lit of Janilary next, L as it is not my wish to add costs.- , • • 'I). HEAGY. ' Asl did not succeed in disposing of my 'trick of Lumber and Tools at my sale in Augudt lastJ deusrminsd to have the lum ber worked into FURNITURE. There fore. parlor.* wishing &esthete wilt , do Well by calling at my Shop in Carlisle street, or at my Furniture Room in Chan). beriburg street, where can be had the best bargains you ever had, either for Cash or Country Produce. D Oct. 19, 1849.-4 NEW ESTABLISIIAIENT. Chairs and Cabinet Furniture LOWER MIN EVER ! D. & J. CIJLP ESPECTFULLY announce to the XL citizens of Adams county that they have entered into copartnership for the manufacture and sale ofall kinds of Chairs and Vabllnet Ferielture, and that they, will always lave on hand, at their Establishment in South Baltimore street, Getivsbnrg, a few doors above Fahnestock'l Store, (the old stand of D. Culp,) a full assortment of CHAIRS, of every variety, such as BOSTON ROCKING. CANE SEAT AND COMMON CHAIRS. Also, SETTEES, of various kinds, painted in imitation of rose-wood, mahog any, satin-wood, walnut, maple, and all fAncy colors. Thev will constantly keep on hand and make ta order, Bureaus, tehlre Tables, Bedsteads, Cup boards, Stands, Dotigh-Troughs, Waslt-Stands, Dining and Breakfast Tables, 4-c. all manufactured by experienced workmen and of the best material, which they will be pleased to furnish to those who may favor them - with their cnstOm on the most teasonable terms. Having supplied them selves with a very large and superior stock of stuff, they have, no. hesitation in assu ring the public that they can furnish work which for cheapness, beauty and durabil ity, cannot be surpassed by tiny other shop in the County. They will also attend to all kinds of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c., upon the •sbortest . notice and most reason able terms. Wall Paper will be furnished —specimens of which can be seen at our establishment. pc:rAll work made and sold by the firm will be warranted. They are deter mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, just to suit the times. The public will consult their interests by giving them n call before purehasingelsewhere. Allkinds of Coun try Produce and Lumber will be taken in part payment for work. Feb. 2,1849.—1 f CAI) 'ION ! WEREAS sundry individuals of late have been trying to monopolize and forestall public opinion ; and whereas the subscriber can at thwresent time chew the largest and best stock of VII XI NS in this County, therefore be it known to all persons interested that the undersigned continues to manufacture at the old stand 41 South Baltimore street, every variety of P.LAIXand CHAIRS, which will be sold on the most accommodating terms for Cash or Produce. My Chairs are made in Gettysburg, and not in "Boston." Howie and Sign Painting attended to- as formerly ; and from long practice and experience in business, the subscriber feels confident that his work will bear the closes tins peetion, because his workmen are of the best that the country can furnish. CABINET WARE, of every variety and of the best quality. will be furnished to Customers, and at all times made to or der. ('All kinds of Lumber taken at fair prices: CHAIR PLANK particularly wanted—something leer than "6000" feet will answer. Feeling thankful for past favors, the subscriber hopes, by attention to business, still to merit a share of public favor. HUGH DENWIUDIE. Getyaburg, March 9, 1849.—tf DIAMOND TONSOR S. R. TIPTON. ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair F Dresser, has removed his" Temple" to the diamond,adjoiningthe County Bei'. dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public , From Long experience he flattere himself that he can go through all the ramifications ofthetonsoricaldepartments, with such an infinite degree of akillaa,willtpeetthe en• tire aiitiiiiiiction of all who subitit them gbiasio she loon ordeal of his rarer., Ile hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and desire,to please, he will merit Ilivweillag , receive hlwral share of public plumme. • Thestoit willbe attended tea their print. dwelhp.. , • , Yikllo. O ,T 4. 4 0, and for sale 14 alarggquantityofßCV RfQARP9, Yellots issit White Pint 3ionntain Ilowds /Axe, Chosinuto and °eh Shingles, Scanning 4' Shine "Alb, ' . Posts. Rails. 4- r / all of which will be sold es obi3ap as pos sible for , the GASH• ONLY, kersotut, tsisbingLumeb r are respectfully invited to call and see. 9EO. dilliOLD. Gettysburg, June , Art OLD PENS ANUS SILVER pRN.. 011 4 S, (beat quality) Card cases, Visiting and Priating Cards, Pane)! Note Paper, Envelopes , Motto Wafers, Fancy Sealing Wax, Letter Stimpa, dr.c„ for sale by S. H. BUEHLER. $4 . 11 1( 4_ BALTIMORE FALL TRADE. To Country Merchants /kr FitieklUes TE undei named merchants, m porters, man. Macrame, and dealers, respectfully unite Meaning the attention of country merchants ytlf (aim visitiiig Baltimote, to 'their latge and va• vied sloe k kof mood., *bleb will be found te tom. Plots,' Sod the prices etr 16* as at any other es• tablishineste in this or any other city. IKPOICS AND STATiON,ERY. Cvisime & BooTata, Dealers is Oteike aisd 4111iMstry, Nu. NW Market street. Opposite Mitoses Street. ,WILLIAM BROWN, IMlrrter,,,Maautattupar, and Dealer in Watches. Fine Jewelry, Silver, Plated ki Ware,asrancy Goods, W Irdewle and Retail. No. *BO itattimore street. ROBERT BROWN & SON, D sir WATONRII & JIMSLIIT, <V' ♦sa Bosraanta Gooea, Cornet e: Market and Calvert streets, Opposite the Museum. CORTLAN & /No. 203 BLIAIIICIRC S Importers and Dealers in Family and Fancy Hardy, are, Table Cutlery Alatad Good*, Bronzed Fanders,dcc. .Shoe Thread Warehouse. ALARRANIE, No. 24 North Cabier 0 street, importers of Shoe Threads. Shoe Tools, and Findings in General, and Manufac turer of Fashionable Lasts, Boot Trees, Shoe Trees, Crimping Boards, etc. J. H. 1 1 1111TEHURST'S SZTLIIGHT DA.QiaalA r G No. 2071 Baltimore street, Baltimore; 77 Main street, Richmond; sycamore street, Petersberg; Main street, Norfork, and Main street, Lynchburg. GEORGE F. BROWN & BROTHER. Waostass.a Datioatafs, N 0.4, Liberty street, Here constantly on hand,' large and desirable trick of • Drug', faint', Oils, Sic., to widen thei write the attention of the trade. T. W. WILLIAMS. LADIES . Friel nein' & SHOE STOUR, Wholesale and Retail, No. 101 Baltimore street, Nearly opposite tl.e'Museum. HENRY J. EIGI3Y, Merchant Tailor, No. 154 and 156 Museum Building, Baltimore street, Splendid Clothing tor Men and Boys TO COUNTRY AILERCIIA PAfal 11•X01$614, WHOLES/Alt RIETAIL. WM HE attention of Country Merchants is M ei& vited to our large assortment of Wall Pa. per, Fire Board Prints, &c., which we oiler at lowest Prices. Curtain Paper—We have the largest and best assortment in the city, and the 100 est price. A call is solicited HOWELL & BROS., Manufacturers, 2117 Baltimore street, between Charles and Light streets ROYSTON BETTS, WitnissALs DlA‘tet, IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 283 Baltimore 'street. Irri large lot of lierseys and Blankets on hand EZRA GATES, No. 221 Baltimore street, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of TRIMMINGS, REGALIA. AND VAIIIKTT 000118 T. W. ItrTTON'S ;SHIRT FACTORY, IVltolesale anti Retail, No. 179 Boliimorr street. 117' A large stock• 01 Gsntlotsisn's Furnishing Goods constantly on hood G. V. KEEN tt, co Nn. 1 ^ Baltimore at., 6 doors ‘Veet of the Bridee pANI:FAcrui:Elt...; and dealers in Tin Mill Sbeet lion Ware; Britannia Block Tin, Willow and Wooden Ware; Stoves, Hardware, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. n. wros. FLiitio, Ldr. CLOTH! Nll Ell roair.w. WhnlelLale 111)11 Retail, No. 131 Baltimore street, Second door we n t of Charles TIN WARE! TIN WARF!!! IrrnEALERS will lind it greatly to their a& ire by calling et my elablishment to select their Tin Ware, as I am selling very low lor cash. ALFRED H. Rk:IP, No. 335 Baltimore street GEORGE K. QUAIL, Fasnionable Hat and Cap Stare, No. 204 Pratt Street, Near Hanover street, I • AS on hand, a large stock of Hata and Caps • of the latest style Also, now opening. a large and select assort mentor Furl, consisting of aTMurris, Boss AND VICTOR I Nts, AU of which will be sold low for rash JOSEPH K. STAPLETON, No. 106 Baltimore Street, OMA NUFACTURES all kinds of Brushes, Bellows. Fishing rods and Taek ln. Ll"Smiths' Bellows made and repaired G. G. FINCH, No. 32 Light street, Wholesale and Retail dealer in STOV ES, ►Lowe, ►oaracn, BARTUS WILKINS, Wholesale and Retail Saddle, !farness. Trunk, ♦/O COLLAR FACTORY, No. 178 Market Street CHARLES BLAKE, • Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, and Watch Materials, WINCIL SSSSS •lIDIZTAIL, No. 192 Baltimore Street J. P. HARTMAN, MINCIIIANT TAILOIII, No. 168 Baltimore street, Between Calvert and Light, LTSuporiorClething ready made A. & J. B. MATHIOT, Gay Street Chair Waferoollll, Nip. 29 Gay Street, Where may be obtained every variety of Fan ty and Wind* Chairs, Rocking Cbairs, Settees, &c. L. JA MUTT, Hits Removed to No. 126 Baltimore **it, American And * (gigged ,Ir aqw and splendid Erick of Men's and Bois Ready-made Clothing. • sit Wholesale spd Re. eriveCl /ha R&kaighei knd Btitionairklio. 92 go i doers, East Ad Bellabry, ere now receiving from New York trade sales a %MS assortment ,of Books, Statloirery, Paper, Blank I3ooks; Alai they wiltsell very low. _„. Mar MARDEN,. • Minufsettge;Pia WIMP*. Deskir Patent Platform .Balances and - Seities'Of - eyiery Becond Chattel si., hetareen Lombard and Pratt. ARMY BROGANS. • 411E011611 No. 94, Pratt Stiset, 3 door East of lituover, IDIAS on hand a tarp assortment of Amoy Uri and other Brogans, for Servants, Men, Wee men, and Boys. , H. DIFF'ENDERFFER, fi/f the firm of R. M'ElDOwney k Cl i - 14) NverEs his friends to their cosiploto taknik meat, of RICH F 41.4 DRY G00Dt3,,W11440- Nii Ro ana ad, t 99 Baltimore street. 800% TRUNK MAlqUitnerOßY, Corner II oc, .Baltimore and Calvert streets, ONstANTLY lon hand 'the'largest mon. rnent in the city of LestherTracelling aid Peaking l'rttnirs,:‘lfslises, Card et,Bap,' tine Whalers& and Retail. October 5,1949.-5 t TILE GREAT REMEDY' FOR AURA'S, CERTIFICATE AND REFERENCES. n iR-A few days since I badly burned one of MO my bands with melted silver, which I was pouring from a crucible. I applied your blaster, of Paip, which at once relieved me , from the ex• cruciating pain, cud worked a complete cure, leaVing no sear. W. S. WOC.D, klyracusa, Dee. 1,'46. BURNED CHILI) CURED Mr. W. L.. Green, formerly Postmaster at Jen lirea Corner'e,N. Lostntea that one of bis 4tild ren fell on a hot stove very baill.y burning hi■ face, and severely injuring one onus eyes. Ton. pey'v Master of Ptah *ea applied, which imme. diately relieved all pain, and effected a cure with. out leaving a sear. TERRIBLE BURN CURED Mr. T. Hughes, employed at the Salamander iron Works in New York, had his arms dread fully burned by the bursting of a furnace, caus ing the skin and flesh to peel offthe arm in large flakes, leaving a shocking and painful sight.— Tonsefe Master ei Pain was used, and the .pain instant)) , stopped, and the arm was speedily cu red without a scar. Messrs. Armory, the pro prietors of the Foundry, certify to these facts Every person should keep this Oidtment by them. ANOTHER BURN CURED Mr. S. Tousey—l have been much pleased with the healing qualities of your Masterof Pain. I send you one of a number of cases in my own family. My little girl, eight years of age while at play in my sitting-room, accidentally tell, resting her whole weight upon the hot stove, for• cing herself back with the hand still on the stove and burning the skin of her hand to a crisp.— One application of your Ointment immediately removed all pain—not a blister was raised—and the next day, althongh the skin was stilt nil sore ness haul been removed. H. BARNS. lkflor sale by SAMUEL IL BUEHLER, General Agent, Gettysburg ; and by Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. S. Hollinger, Heiillersburg; F. Stehle, Centre Mills ; J. M. Kriight, lienderseille; J.F.Lower, A rendtatown; Stick &Witmer. MummasburgJ.WK night, dl'• Knightsville; A. Scott, Cashtcw•n; J. Brinker. huff, Fairfield; 'Luck, New Chester; D. M. C. White, Hampton; H. L. Miller and William Wolf, East Berlin; Wm. Bittinger, Abbottll town ; Lilly & Riley, New Oxford; E. J. Ow. ings, M'Sherrystown ; and Samuel Berlin, Lit• tlestown, Sept. 14, 18411.-3 m The 'Whys' and 'Wherefores.' .THESE are the times in which men look for the doings of the world and general informetierr, to the Press, which is, by-the-by, the true path-finder for bus iness men, as well as those who wish to make evere penny count most for them selves. This being the order of the day, the undersigned wishes to keep with the current, and at the same time give the reader a good hint which path to travel to make his money count most. A few good reasons will satisfy the reader at once why it is that the undersigned will and ran sell any gentleman a suit of ready-made clothing, from tho commonest every-day suit to a tine Sunday and superfine wed ding suit, cheaper than nny other estab lishment. In the firs] place, then, he is able to 'Sell - Cheaper than oilier establish-1 ments, because he is well acquainted with his business. Ile buys and sells for cash, and knows when and where and how to buy his goods. "Goods well bought are halt sold." Even if lie had no advantages °st,r any one in Ilia line of business, he can still undersell them, because he re quires no large profits tq make up for large expenses. Ile attends to his nets himself, and therefore incurs but small expenses, comparatively speaking, in L carrying on the same. Ile sells his goods for cash, and therelbre requires no large profits to make up for loss sustained by credit sales. No one will doubt that the Cash and One-price system together with small profits, is the hest mode of dealing and most advantageoes to the purchaser. If any one doubts this, he will he convin ced of its truth by calling at the Clothing and Variety Store, opposite the Bank, where he will find a large assortment of all kinds of Ready-made Clothing, forinen's 1 1 and boys' wear, together with every arti cle in this line of business—Cloaks, Over Coats, frock, sack, business and dress Coats, Pants and Vests of alit descrip tions, Woolen Under=shirts and drawers, all kinds of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, II and kerchiefs, Silk Goves and Stockings, wrap pers, Caps, lists. together with some fan cy articles—Jewelry, Pistols, knives, and a few Six-shouters, all of which lie will with pleasure exhibit fur examination to those who call upon him. 'Flue prices are such as will satisfy every one that this is the place to buy Fall and Winter Cloth ing. You will be asked hut one price, with but a very small profit. The sub scriber takes this occasion to tender to the public hie thanks for the liberal patronage which he has thus far received, and res pectfully solicits a continuation of the same. Also for sale, a very good and neatly trimmed ROCKAWAY BUGGY, with standing top, and a second-handed Buggy, which will be disposed of very low, either for cash or with a credit of six months, as may suit purchasers. MARCUS SAMSON Sept. 28, 1849. 11111111E1L1ILT - flkd • ►I'HE subscriber tenders his acknowl edgments to the public for the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored for a series of years, and re spectfully announces that he has just re ceived, at his old established stand in Chambersburg street, a large and fresh SUPPLY OP DRUGS & MEDICINES IP&IIIAIRQWE3 1 1101.11410 0 Paints,Varnish,Dyestuffs and every variety of articles tusuallyfound in a Drug stoke, to Which he tames the attention of the public, With assurances that they . will be furnished at the most reason able prices B. H. BUETILER. Gettysburg, June 2, 18418. • HOUSE ErPO7'I9NO WILL be made 'and put up by' the iihscriber,,w atteud prom pi ly to all °Oars; anti .upon reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish meat in the county. ) .‘ Jiegil4Bß. , ALV - F. KOE H L E R respectfully' ten ' • deft 14 1 1 1 ,11 . aritites !by Public at Sale Crier. Terme: *WetMe. 1 litbnottit, Abbott jpirn,,Adaw couniy ! Ap-ithgrit-41,14* tempt °Wage for, ..bie bermes may be id dressed. Oct. 19, 11149.—tf =MrIM FEirgß' AND AGUE. ;V t. „,Pmpleint has three stages. The lint or gillOtalatri comes on every 'J4 bout xi. the tertian, •72 4 4tritodri; andthe quartien, every 4S bouts. Th ate uenetty celled the hot,. the eold, end sweating. . The' symptciens ere •yawning. end Ildretehing; cold hands and,feet; • shrivelltst skin, a small and frequent pulse • and finally.* cold shake. irYWho would shiver and shake with this tormenting disease, When the onto effectuat rem. edy may be had for a nni "A trifle I The annex• ed certificate was wholly unsolicited, and the sin cerity of the writer cannot be questioned.. This certifies that my son bad been troubled with the Fever and Ague for the last lour or live yeare.• tie first took it when we lived over in Jerry; and since we came here he bas never knoWn a Well day. Half the time he has not been able to work at his trade ; and as my hue NOM is dead and my only dependent's iron my son's lebors, times have gone pretty herd - with us. Think Gall be has got entirely rid of it at last, and all by the use of Dr, Clickener's won deriul Fuger Pills. If t had only known of then befere. T tionlil have u•allred n hundred Miles rather Ilinh he withent thorn. I thank you heartily, Dr. Clickener. for the good they have done my wort, and you will oblige rue by thanking your Agent. Mr. Kent, for stopping with them at our door. Your bumble Per von t , SUSAN COPLI:Y. Oct. 11, I S 15. Huntington townbli , P , L. 1 . ID For sale by S.CMUI:L H. BUEHLER, ' Genera/Agent, Gettysburg; and: by Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. S. Hollinger Heidlersburg ; E. Stehle, Centre Mills; J. M Knight, Bendersville; J. F. Lower, Armltsville; stiek & Witmer Mummasbarg ; 'P. M'Enight, M'Emightsville; A. Scott, Cnehtown; J. Brink. erhoff, Fairfield; E. Zack, New Chester; D.N. 11. C. White, Hampton; ILL. Millet and William Wolf. East Berlin; Vim. Bittinger, Alibottstoa n ; Lilly & Riley, New Os lord E. J. Owings, :W. Sherrystawn ; :Hid Samuel Berlin, Littlestown. Aug. 24, 1t140.-3m M'ALISTER'S ALL-HEAL- ING OIN'DIENT, ( THE WO R 7, 0' Sal VE,) Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. From the" Rending Eagle." There never, peihaps, was u medicine brought before the public that has in so short a time won !Ile h a reputation as -M 'Allister's A 11-llealing or World's Salve. - Almost every person that has made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured by it of the moat painful Rheuma tism: unovher of the Piles. a third of a tumble. some Pnin in the Side, a fourth of a Swelling ot the Limbs, fee. It it does not give immediate re. lief in every case, it can never do injury, being applied outwardly. A s another 0 Weiler nt the wonderful healing power possessed by this salve. we subjoin the followmg, certificate from n re spectable citizen of Maidencreek township, in this county : "Maidens reek, Tlerks co., Pa., March '47. Mossrs. Ritter & Co.-1 desire to in fortn you that 1 was entirely cured of a severe pain in the back by the urea M Allister's All-Ilealing Salve which 1 purchased from )no. I suffered with it about 20 years, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried various reinedies, which were proscribed for me by physicians and oth er persons without receiving any relief, and at Inat made trial of this salve with a result favoni ble beyond expectation. lam now entirely free from the pain,. and eiijoy at night a sweet and peaceful sleep. I have also wear the halve more for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Your I nOl.l, .101 IN 11()I.I.ENBACII The following is from a- regular Physician of exteirsivs practice in Phandril hin . I hail" for the two last ) ears been in the habit of using your ()int • ment in cases 01 ithel.l3lll ll s ll, , ChilbllllllS and to Tinita rapites, l>cal I }lead.) and thus tar rich the happiest effect. I thick frdm the experiment.. I have made with it, that it riehlv deserves to h e adopted as an article of every day use by Ihepro fusiuu at large. lour's, truly Philadelphia, Pre no, 1 s.t7 James I\l'.\ Mont—Pear sir• I take pleasirre in making fillf,Vl a to yon the great benefit I have received by using vorir Vegetable 011011 , ...111 or Ire \Valid s sale. • hail aui Ulcer. or runtime sore on the ear, of many terra standing , 1 had applied to several phy.ic ran, hot all to fie 110.4.; but tug 11,111 L; your Ointment a few dar .. way rompletely dried rip and well I liar I , :0.0 it fur liti ors. !or is fult•lt I fluid it all excellent article; alto, in all caret orinfiartioration ED %V A fil) 1 1101 IN I certify the above statement is true M C CADMI'S, No 90. Market street, Philadelphia ID - Around the box are directions for using MeALLISTEIt 8 OINTMENT fur SrofvLs, E rysipslos, Teller, Chilblain. Scald Head. Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Brune/mix, Nervous 4liee tinter, Pa Gs, Disease of the Spine, Headache, AIM. ma, Den filers, Ear Ache, Burns. Corns, alt 111,,,u• er of the Skin, 3are Lips, Pimples, kr. , Steellini; of the Limbs, Sores, Rhruntatirns, Piles, ('old Pee, Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast, Toothache, ague in this EWA', 4.e. MOTHICII3 and Nullities knew its value in cn ses of •'swirlien - or Sore Breast. they would not be without it. In such case•. it freely used, ac• cording to the directions around each box, it gives relief in a eeryfeen Inners. urThie ointment is good for any part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In sonic cases it should be applied often. C.ilflT/ON—No Ointment will he genuine unless the name of Jas Its M'ALLIsTICII is writ. ten with a pen on every label. trrFor sale by ms Agents in all the principal towns in the United Stales. JAMES WA LLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Ir.slethcine, PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. US North Third ttreet, Philadelphia. II rrizicE 2f) CENTS PER TION.J-p AGENTS.--S. S. FORNIKT, Gettysburg; Jo seph R. Henry, A bbottmown ; Mutter & Rowe, Emmitsburg; J. W. Schmidt, Hunover ; U. A. Morrie & Co., York; L. Henig, Chan, berrlnt rg. June 15, 1840.--tow I y TEA AGENCY. FRESH TEAS of all kinds—Gunpowder, Irn- r 'le' penal, Young Ilygon, and Black—of the hest quality, ' 3 VIL just received and for sale el -- • the Drug and Book Store of licrThese Teas nre from the house of Jenkins & Co., Philadelphia, (formerly of Canton,) and are of the very best quality. S. H. BUEHLER. SILKS—now opening a splendid assort ►? tnent of those rich CHANGEABLE SILKS, Chameleon Silks, Chameleon Stripe Arnture v Satin Du Chene, besides a great *ariety 6f Black Silks,' which Will be sold 20 per cent. cheaper than at any other establishment in td,Wlt "' • A. '8 BUlrq. TEE STAR , AND BA NNER, Is publisAedevery Friday Ev.cniag,in the County Atri/diniVabotre thelieguaer And Recorder's Office, by D. &C. 11. 111 TE HLE4., Itnaid in advanea or wit in the year, s2 4 per anbuist—df not paid within the year, $2 410. paper discontinued until all arroinigas eta rt thcoption of tba Editor.' 8 4 1 21 a copies cants ! failure to notify dittoputitinkna wbe =tied a new obgagerderit.. " • Jae , erstenot eiceng a square Inserted %seri lintel 'for' 411.-- l evary subsequent insertion d&oantp idingsrlones intim same proPorticaut.:. All adrartioutooros . our! apecially• ordered !foil a give Arne ( prill let centinned,until forbid. A Übe eral * retitiedon will be madit .o Anse whasdrartiss by the year. Job Priori!" 0811 kind? executed : neatly and Kunz:la ind'on4dbla Volum, , and Osamu to the 24.1110r,(4. OlptinVlOch it ten tillforuty vette names of errlidornitirus.) roust bourse! rare IA aide. to cure attention. SARSAP.AItILLA, ♦Vonder end, 111e0411g of •tibo AR?,. TM PIM ern - dor/bun, Abilif in? in Ms 11, Tine }:street is put np In gnarl Dottie. 4 II , mlOO cheaper, *Monte r, end warranted nspestior to nor sold. It cures disease without vomiting, pinging, 'Sickening, or debilitating }he , }'he greet hese t y and euperierit fhb' kern peril, klsorar.Al 4 l.oset hin ee lieth las Visite it eskaitPltts'afa ease, It invigorate. the body.' It t. one of tile %cry lunt , , AND 51.:5151k1I01}: DP iVor intro; It not chfly' Sysaltni and strengthens the penon, but A creates, usep,ZT end rich blood 4 • 'ow rr I.octol•ea by uo wel t er N t Hee, And lo this'll*. the grand tearer of Its we, ful sonnet It beep...formed within Ike lest i"" 7..r5• • Inhro than one hundred thousentreu re, of .e's ore e of dire..., at 188. t, 50,000 were asunideted 'ilcurattless II be. scrod the lioni of more than 15,00 0 children try three past semen.. 100,1106 ease. neater/era* Debility and wan" of Nervous Energy. DR. 8. P. Terßep.'. Sareiparllta In:horsier the art olesistatai usimerhistly. To those aqui hese Mai their inthOular energy, by the yfects of Ittetiietke. Indiscretion nominated in youth, Cr the exressite Or of. the paintbox, and lornight on by I,hribrid printration.of the nervous eystrin, lanitmle, %stud ambition, feinting senistins, premature iltvay dentine, hastening toward that late! disease, ibiniump tion, elm be entirely restored by this pleasaat ruipedy. This Sarsaparilla Is far superior to any • DIVIGOItATITIO CORDIAL, Asti rens WO sod Invigorates the ey stem, fires ar thltr to the limbs, and strength to the mu outs . stein in • meet extraordinary degree. Consuhisptlon Cured. Clnme end Illcenaieent. Conwomplinn can no curiki Iliorechitis, Coostorytion, I,iner Cum/ lona, 1414 ta Carrit, Coughs, .letboa, Sriffine gi/re• IA• CANI, Ilrflie Phut., Nis 1 8t0r41.. 4..11 or Prlfsise Pzperiortuion, Pain in ale 4., 1... !wan Isla coo 6. ssW'cg 8.1104. believe your Spam. Da. ft. P. Tnwearr.o-1 verily parilh has bean the mean., through Pray idenre, of saving my life. I have for several yen had • 14 Cough, It became memo andmorm. Al hut I rais e large enantlflet of blood, ho amid meets. and vre‘ ;neatly debilitated and reduced, and dad mu extent to lire, I have only used your Etaraamillla • 1111011 time, end there 'hue a wonderful ',hangs been wrought in me. lan nowstile to walk all olor the city I c•i. *♦ no blood, mud miy cough lice left me. Vmu rail not), Imagine that 1 am thankful for these results. k 101 l obedient t. ItUSSI,L, to Cal.herioa•st r. TonNor•Ls not boring kilted his Sane. parllla is en. or FOt or CllllllO, never recommendC.l It, and win surprbieti to receive the following fnvvo sy Intelligent and respectable Farmer in IVestcl.cstur Count) Feriae*, .4 Suet IA lull. Do. B. P. Townnwo—Dear the I have e little girl. twirin years of age, who has been several 3 eery afflicted with )Its; wo triad *beat mese thieic her, but without Sigloo.ll ; at hlSt I And no recommerulnUonlo yourcfrculars t resses hku hen, we thought, as she wa. In very dellente health, w• would give her Woe of y - nur Bartaparilia, Sal into glad we did, for It llot only restored her .11Weigt14, bat she has had no return of the Vito, to our very great pleasure and surprise. She Is fast becoming tugged and healthy for which we feel gridefill Tours respectfully, Jtllt Da. 8. r. Tetras. alt.ll Barsaparill• in a iii - te.relgn and eredy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrel. mean rotations Uteri, or Felling of the Womb. I iiin• fivenen, rilra Lannivrflura, or Whites. °tote-meted or Moult Menstruetion. Incontinence of Urine, or los voluntary discharge thereof, and for Ow pros• tretion of the ev eteno—no *natter whether slur resell M Inherent muse or 0114•0., produced by irregularity, Illness or accident. Nothing con be mole so, prising that its invigorating effects . on the hasten frame. l'emosui %at:akum and lassitude, front taking it, at once became robust and Pall of energy snider Ils in iletebee. It immediately counteracts the lies-selves neas of the female frame. which it the great CAW!' of Barrennese. It will not be expeeted of ns, in Div delicate a nature. to e•bilid certificates of cities p erformed. but we ran manure the afflicted, that hun d red. of ease. hare benen reported in as. tb-ueends of ea.. where fernibev have 'teen without children, after using a Ire bottler of this Invalnable have been blessed with One, healthy offspring. Great Blessing to Mothers And Children. It is the seest ■m.l most effectual mrdirimr for polif3lng the syetem, end relieving the mitten:l4s at• lei/distil trent cluldbitill et cr duce; ere& It streog,tls en. both the mother and the dal, pier rifts pain and disease, inc. osscs find emiches the food ; dose nave used it, thnat it If 1101.14.1111:11iiit. It us 110.: ills 11l both before moil eller emititiement. as it pit... rots locates attendant rhild•ltirth—in curt., Piles, tromps, Se elling of the heel, Despondency. I eartburn, Vomiting, Pain In the Beek and Liii.ia„ I. alms Plank liesontrbage, and In regulaung the *erre lions and rim eirentaiiiii. It hal no e.iftl. The prat beauty at this medicine ie,si 14 SIN II) sale, sod the most iichr•te use it nosst suer.., lull,. very few CV,. require sae other medicine, I. %,,,• little 1 tutor Oil, or 'Magnesia Is useful. Ext.e the oven and light food with this medicine. rill Muss) secure • sale and O.) S BELL, M D Da. R. T. Tneseosti—ltrar Mir I lime' m4err•l ter rILIJ Ott nine trap with the Ithett 1,10 of thr 1000 I c,0141 u.. 1 41....1 or IA I I utin...l .11.1“..,1ng pum., ood oty were tor. rdly to ollen I hone lire.' tout bottles 01 y Kiel the) e done me inert. lion. thou. sand .14,1131.) worth of 1k04.1, I ikru oe inn I. I•••Ite r n. deed I am entirely relieved. Von ere id I 1... t) to 1.1.1 dd. for the benefit of the .11Iedr.l. Yours taspectittlly, JdllLa CINIIII 1.% It (11' Jenny' fit.. an old and highly restevetal.le rlerge mw of the 11,11.t0d Detionti.tion, handed ut the lowing rertllloote at Dr. b. P. Towtteteud's o gle It speaks for 'tee Da. S. P. Towassem—Dear Sir lam constrained to glee you a abstemeat of the benefit I dem ed train using your SlSlVlT,Sitillik believing, by so doing, I shall render a benefit to three V. bo era s•Sertng as hare boor I was reducea ter many months by the Dyspepsia, se Mach that . it was with murk dftlaulsy for me to Whit, or keep about. I had also n better, which Covered the nllO.ll pill( 0( my lount- , whith wag extremely troublesome and .re • it got to be almost a scab. fused quite it number a remedies for both the complaints, but teethed little or no berient. until took your harseparills, *hie., through the Liminess of Trovidence, has restored me to more than my usual health. ms I am now enjoy ins better than I loos for • nuntbor y can. I sin now ISO years of ago I be. Here it to be an Invaluable nuadierneamt rwommeud It to my numerous acquaintances, a loch s eery large, its I here teen ■ nth ttttt er a groat many :s ears. hope this hasty sketch may be as much benefit to ou as y tar medicine has to me. July 11, 1,17. JOHN SUER, Jersey The following teas sent to mar Agent in Rahway, by the her. J. to. TUN ISUN. of the Nit.t6e.lnt k or, pal Church—one of the most learned soil respeeted In the connection—and is another ei dente of the am,. aerial effects of Ur. K. P. Tuts suniturs hanapsrills on the system. Velkao P is—Having for some time past, as you are aware, experienced gnat general debility of my !system, attended with constant and alarming irritation am, throat .1A lunr, I was, at your instsucc, suet in Consequence of having mad Certain Me Lean's de. wiled testimony in its behalf. 'minced to ti y Dr. 0. P. Townsend's far-famed Warraparilla. I tried It, I con fess, more In doe hope than in the notofidence of its proving efilicimious ; but I am house In condor now to acknowledge, that I had not tiled It long before I he. gnu to experience Its salutary effect*: end I may maw say, with Captain hiclean, "Oust I would net be with. out it on any considemtkut," It has ddne Tie more good than any pmelous remedy I have tried. and If ibis abatement Is deemed by you pf any Importance, you have my full consent to mak• It polite. Rahway, Angola 3d, 1847. 1. O. TUNISON. CURED. This certificate concludvely prove& that this nan,. patina has perfect control over the most theunate diereses of the Wood. Three persona cured su one haute u unprecedented. De. S. P. Tommevrte—Deer Sir t I have the gleam re to inform you that three of my children have been ettred of the ecrofuls by the nee of yonr excellent medicine. They were allusted very .rturrl) with bed bore.; twee token, only lour bottle. ; It took them away, fo whloh I feel myself eerier greet obilgaticui. Very niipecifully. Da. 17. P. TOWNIIIIRTM HI almost dull• leceirieK order. from Ph,.{clans In dttlerent pulse( the U Thus ie to Pep lf,t that we, the waters* m,l. Ph, es. dans of th. ettiot Albeit, have le Cl4ple prescribed Dr P. Townsends • Parbararilla. and Pere It to be otorair tbemod valiaablo propsratious to the market. ' • Albany, April 1, 1847 Armor si—Ateddlos kprs, No, Natotetrwit. ar 4 Kim kidder,. No Ho COol . ool[l, irowess • Anise' Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry holt &Wpm Jm"'' e. Weise, Worcester; Allison IL Goan. e^orrinl . Mach Ili Body ,reddened,. lusil °NOP AupiiiilipiA,Wlo?o,4 ll 4ly , 4144 ftd camas; kiiio l in de b , 11101esalt 4. Retail 4ehtlur Monti re. 4770101#X: AST .414 1 K, • FFICIA Ahe,Vßettre Sqnare, era% of.tbe .oourtrbouae , ItetweeD Sin th' and Bun:enmities oeitgere. ,G 1 I SILK SCHICK. has just let:sive( a ej • fine assortment of Ginttnt ,Frin• geti. ands wind rtrfiele of Plsek Silk. O ,wr-r- • !, N ; and :fur sale s -cilloip— r o l o t of :131TP.V.ESi litamaig • whic,h axa a few iu . rit A WAY (.:001i, ;WOVE*. Illtpl. 7.-1( (EO; AliN01.1): OPONFOUND ORTIMACT OF Pits' Fits!! WIWI( Female Modldnee ItheimulatlAtn The Ite'r. John .Beger Mc thaellot V terogrensw. Three 06!M»* IBAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wocater..t. oranows OP PEVISIOIAIIiB. M. D. 'J. 39 Al N. M. D. R. 4. /01100.1 M • E Y RIiIidiSRDORK Dl. D •ST;OV.fI.,! ;i