Swag QviorioN IN ALRAXA—VtoLcrer I ACTION PROPOOED.—Gov. Collier, of Ala-' beam, transmitted to the Legit,latiire'ini the r 22d ult., a letter front Washingtein rimed I by Senator Clemens and all the Ropresen- Satires from that State cxecpi Mr. qobbt calling the attention of the:GOvernor to the condition of things at Washington, and the attempted aggression of the North upon Southern rights, &e,, in the election of a Speaker, and concluding as follows : "We think we are well acquainted with the spirit of ,the people of Alabama, and we belieie that it is their fixed purpose never to submit to the threatened encroach ment on their rights ; that they will nev er submit to any act of the Government of the United States, which excludes slavery from the territory acquired from Mexico, and which is the property of the States of this Union ; that they will never submit to any act of the Government abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia, and that they will demand that the praviaions of the Constitution in regard to their pro perty shall be faithfully observed. We trust that no further aggression will be made upon the rights of the slave-holding States, but we regard the existing state of affairs as so serious that we cannot forbear from making this communication to you." The Governor, in his messago,aceoni- panying this letter, says : "The time for decided action hits *writ ved, and I recommend to the General As sembly to announce the ultimatum of Ala bama upon the great question which now convulses the Union. It is doe, to, our, selves, as well as to the, memory Or OW fathers, that we take the ground which self-respect, !moor, and constitutional*. quality demand. Our position once taken, there can be no footsteps backward." The reading of this message prodoet44 great deal of excitement in the I.egislatant. It was immediately referred - to a speed . committee, who reported a preamble ind series of resolutions, whiott i wive unani mously adoPted. The preamble recounts the threatenened of*" A/ of the South, and encourage' thet meMbere to resist the election of a Speaker video the candidates will give, some pledge' to enable them them to protect Southeen littera% concluding with the following resolutions : Resolved, That in the event of the pas sage of any law by Congress: debarring the Southern States from a jest participa tion in the possession and , esjoymentof the territories of the United States,'we call upon the people of the slatt-holdingetates to meet us in convention for the purpose of taking such actions as our rights max demand. Resolved, That in the event of the Few sage by Congress of any act . eontemphned by the foregoing resolutions, the member!" of Congress from this State qo lotrr pertio. pate in the action of a body , so ritortlf, of our conanutional rights. , , • One of the committee,* Me. Ball, liner these mutations ware adopted, 'asked fror suspension of the rake to allow hien offer another restibition, regoortiOtthe eautisit to ask' of tiie•ciefkey* Oklveek,pni#S all the militatt 'anus helongiagto the Mitit, and to intinFt infinadinto7thei 'Oa* of teen en7iuni. du ty. Bat the Legislature, withough , very positive, da' - o4 arieek ,to bees been 01 as gent a harry to take ta p moss 'as Mr.: the Pnattnixontriurrix Featexo—The N.O. , Ticaynner, *aye :, ‘, • • • • 4T.lte istAxtmation from Santa Fe that the inhabitants were, about to organise a terri toriaFgovernment. had caused the greatest excitement at Austin, Texas. Many were for marching an armed force thither and putting down the rebels, as they were term ed. The Austin Gazette advises delay until the receipt of the President's message, and at all events that the Texans should not precipitate a crisis, or complicate mat ters by violence. It still reiterates a deter mination to have Santa Fe, and says : Rather than surrender to the usurpation of the General Government one inch of our blood-won territory, let every human hab itation in Santa Fe be levelled to the earth, and us, it the necessity of the case requires it, be buried beneath the ruins." You don't stay so? Wonder whose blood it was that won Santa Fe t We have a vivid recollection of reading, in a message of one James K. Polk, an account of the capture of Santa Fe by the Anasti can troops under Gen. Kearney, without ihe shedding of any blood al all, and this 4 event took place eubs e sent to the annex ation of Texas to th 0 led States. If our folks had only knciwn that Santa Fe was all the time a part of Texas, and that they were making war upon their young and Sable sister, they might have saved themselves a deal of ammunition and horse flesh ; but it seems they didn't then knew the difference between Mexicans and TeX ans. Why didn't you tell us this betel*. Mr. Gazette I—N. Y. Tribune. 1 THE UNION It is truly gratifying to observe the ex- Invasions of regard for, and attachment to the Union, which have recently been call ed forth, apparently, in response to the threats of disunion which have lately gone forth from our legislative halls. At a re- cent celebration of the anniversary of the landing of the Plymouth Pilgrims, in Charleston, South Carolina, which has al ways been considered the , hot bed from whence disunion reared its snaky crest, a number of patriotic toasts were proposed, and speeches were made upon the occasion, from which we infer the strongest attach ment to the union of the states. The following toast was proposed : Akh mid South Poles of our (Went/ • Heaven grant that the true cyanamid line between them may be found right speedily. To which Dr. Oilman responded, in an (+lineal speech, in which he strongly ar gued the impossibility of a dissolution of the iYaiut. Dr. Robertson proposed the following : Mr &vertigo .Victies gale Confederacy —Their union twee cemented by the cow intoteed Weal td'the Northern sun and the &Whew, r. My the patriesi at ell i.e. WINN MIA a parties, rise sj see, lied iin,o4lo 011ettilbelii AMP Oil cede touch Ananciest, The President din gave the following yolunteerseptiatent..- . . phi 004 old time of ale leotilderecy —whip Shitth Cap /irto rind NamacAtisetts stand shoulder to ehoulder—ltettliv for our indepeedertee t May. WI reeollUtlien of thosol.tintes serve as a Beacon' LIM g guide' thb Ship of State throtigh t storms that may assail her ; iota a beiveit of safety. Mr. Roberts, of Boston. responded to this toast from the chair. associating Mu. sachusette and South Coffins together, and concluded with— "THE UNION—Now AND ro zzzzz AND INIEPARADLIC." We subjoin sevens' sentiawsnia By J. B. Cambell, Esq.—Daniel Web ster : A tree repreemmithif of laud—a pure patriot and finished scholar; the delimit purity of his Filtidlialliollll he as intimately iamrwo►ealsath'thsKhla tory of oar own times, as 'wino time , of the ancient classics with that,,of Greece and Rome. By Dr. F. ht. Robertson—John C Cat boon r While a true and Ambles saponifies of Southern' tights. he it Mgr Un4 Ay it:•_T.• Streo—llemy Clay r A clear lbei4datateamma sod eloquent Pita riot- - ,maybe out oil upon the troubled amen that now threaten to.angulph our By 8 !Ir.— The Union-The riliqle Ppm: LIM nevi?r Diktevereu by sectional intereets and litelinp. By ' Stantring—Tki:Aiesraph and Shiiiiat they atilt effect a real upity ads riled !idiot Vie'qualm la settled by the phtloeiiplieti. • '• *RAMAT ' AND Untok—Govez norCritscides. of figetneky, in hie remarks on the violent disunioadebetee incitmgrest. niters tlielellowing noble eteditneeis aDear at Kentucky is to Us s lelie is , not our whole • itotiotry. •The Union." , the whole 'Coke, is nor A:wintry, find proud se we justly are of the name of iferituc,k iota we have a hillier and morn far-famed thle—tiult of Ifinerhura eilirm- , -4 name known sad respected throughout the world and which.. where OW we may be. bee 'politer • ,protect us from the despotism of 'emperor or king. , "as ilierty to the Comititution, - Kentucky interchangeably, With the other states, pleditid herself to abide by and support that' Constitution and the Union which it established. If that pledge were her only obligation. it ought to be inviolable. But the Mad of Washington stamped upon it —duel shimmied gloriosa recollections as sociated with its origin—the benefits and blessings is has centered—the grander lopes it now inspires, have, day by day. ;increased our attachment, until the mere moose of plighted faith and allegiance is beet, in rood, gaited, and affectionate MI can entertain , no aliprebenaion for the fate of such a 4'he appecialli of any danger to it would be theligneffor 'relying in ha de tente—the first moment of its peril would WA. moment of its rescue. , I persuade myeelfthattbere will be found id COOMBS. OR the iszeitinf subject which has given rise to thelautartation and alarm, a wise for. 'bearance and a wise patience. that will se cure us front danger; and that the very men who, ins the heat and contention of debate, hive'spoken most boldly the lan guage of defiance and menace to the Union, will not be hindmost in making sacrifices for its preservation." • • "Kentucky is not insensible to the esta te which- have produced so much sensi bility and irritation with her brethern of the southern'States, nor is she without her sympathies' with them. But Übe does not permit herselfto timber 6'18604bl against the Union. She deprecates disowns as the greaten 'calamity; she can we no remedy in k—seeei certainly, for any grievance as.yet complained of onto besrabended. "Kentucky willetand by and abide by the Union to the last, and she will hope that the same bled Providence that enabled oar fatheri .to snake it will enable us to preserve it.,. Our wlWe history has taught, us consoling eallfillence in that providence." A Burr PAIMIAOS Amu Tar. Irrautus 01PABWIlle-431011:41 a project appears to have bete started in London, which has been received with favor. The plea is to connect the: river Ltrato and Pleipi. be mom wilich the gigantic chain of the Cor dilleras digs to a pots of but a few hun dred treiut height. A deputation of the promoters has had an interview on the sob jeet with Lord Palmerston, at the Foreign Mee. His lordship received the project favorably, toptesaW a further interview when the plans were more matured, sod aliplealial his willitigness to consider how far fesiiities might be afforded through the Board of Admiralty to owe:postillion sent oat by the perimeters to explore the district sad survey the line of the proposed *pew ing *mai ma to sea. The plan la et pres ent urOur the troturideration of several par. ties4tal and, inflam of e, some whom. are surged in the trade of those snit t a . iii - onhltheir decision 'prove fa vorable, it is intauded to dispatch forthwith ati engineer, In company with some able assiturottr, to the 'pot. 'OM° disgraceful scene immured• on Wednesday last, in the senate et Ohio. Tbs smateeredatat oft e Sumter from Hamilton county was the origin of it. and Mr. Broadest!. the Wbig claimant, was a prominent actor M it. On a rote that was to be tikes, the speaker, (Mr. N. G. Blake, a Whig) directed that Mr. BroadwelPs name should be called. Mr. Whitman called the speaker to order, and insisted that the sergeant at antis shOuld put "that man,' (Mr. Broadwell) out of the chamber. Mr. Payne followed shd mod a paper, which, although neteigned by. dio Speaker, purported to contain a pledge from him that Mr. Johnson, the dssinoen‘se claimpnt of the contested seat, Omskl no ma in it until the question shoukl,be settled by the Senate. The Speaker denied/My knowledge of the paper. Mr. Payne re asserted the charge, and declared that he would no longer set under such a speaker. —Great confusion and excitement , ensued, and before aculing anything, the Sawa adjourned. It is now reported that the democratic Senators intend to withdraw from the senate. !tassel( OF PROM/IL-A girt by the uame llannah Leander recovered a verdict 0f51,700 at St Louis, on the 29th ult., against a Mr. Wilcox, for breach of prom ise of Marriage. 4 ' The New York Mercury is responsi• Me for the following nest pug :' How is it that the trees can put on *Dm draw. with out opening their trunks ?" }'lt is because they Auer eta their sum mer clothing." sx&it& itikitto" GETTIVIMURG. . Nay Evening, Jan. 11, 18- GUY A4itN(111:.4.1.-E, W. CARR, ER BUI Wing, rt. apt Comic Third & Dock St PhilodripiWo ; hlompro. Wx. Timers° Co., corner of Baltimore &South Calvert street's, .18altisnorr--areour authorized Agent. fo r reeei v. iog Advertisements and Subscriptions for "The Star and Banner," and collecting and scripting or the same. terJanur3l.N4o The Met ofJanosry, MO. is close at hand, all effarfaivaemmilegrosobsymsmaka clear conscience, so is as concerns an honorable distils-OW The obligating* itlikildhic immured hi . the panthath et paper, Wk. and other suatotiele the fitig the past Tear, we shall expect all, p o t Jelin, .illoo* *tome to beat Win *lnd and* prepare 10 eosit - 'et 'Oar Wake inifithit a lithe osokild of awes, enultindinor br , thdieripfioas sod *km matters,: hi, math of SS, 00 ryal Mom* which we sue obliged to collect otthw to meet hem demands !pink us; and which it would be 710 hi rag 4 for thou indchlei to pey, ten,* Ilk, so iifiti ',date& 'dins boomer arch coat esen.place Arnim that few pay them ths WS at. teat*. We therefore wish it to be distinctly un daybed dud this is wo she, but a bona fide ba nana nod,* sititternin earnest, tnuler the expects. ,fiat that it will be heeded by all concerned.— Thom , by pass unheeded, may ex pect their Accounts to be planed in the hands of an officer foe collection. Those of our patrons who hare been regular and prompt in their dealings with os.urill accept our thandur e and not mgard this notice as designed for them. It is intended for the benerit of those Who seeni to think that a Printer can lire on air —or what is oparalent doom it fair that we ehoubilaborroar olletsyeam.mnd,inersr heavy ex mum for their impletit, without the slightest poaai bia And 11 all !such we hope Will be heeded, and chid promptly. Burning of the Comity Prison— Two Uses Lost About 3 . o'clock on Monday morning Tait our citizen. were roused from their slumbire by the startling cry of "Fine I" prising from the discov ery that tei, COurity Prilen was on fire. There were but two persons confined in the prison at the time, least Kossatwas and JUNIII Toaam.-both insane, sod confined for mite keeping. The fire is auppmed n have originated in the room of the former, hut in whet manner is not and , never can be known. It was first discovered by a gentlemen residing near the prison, whose atten tion erns attracted by the loud and continued cries of Markman, and who, upon rising from his bed, found the flames already bursting from one of the windows of Musselman's room. From the progress the fire bed made, it ie inferred that it must have been homing for some time—probably an hour. The alarm was of course immediately given; but some delay ensuing before the Sheriff s family (occupying the first story of the building) could be roma, and the advanced hour of the night preventing a prompt gathering of the cid sow diet saes spread rapidly and man envelop ed s large portion of the plan, rendering abor tive all efforts on the part of the firemen and ;ki wis to save any part of the building. The whole interior of the building was burned out, with a portion of the 1360Iiire personal effects, and there remains 'of the County Prison nothing but the burnt and blackened walls. The saddeit put of the dory, however, remains to be told. As soon as an entrance to the build ing was-effected, every possible effort wee made to save the two unfortunate beings confined in it,but in vain. The flames had progressed so far as to render it impossible to reach the room of Al onset. man, reho,it isthought, fella victim td the devouring element before the alarm wee fairly givdn, as his cries Mewed immediately alter the first discovery of the Are. A portion of his burned body was recerered.after the felling in of the building, and the tsunami have since been interred in the came. tare of 81. Jame's church. The dense volume of 'stoke its4og from the burning apartments ren dered it difficult to reach the room in which Toner was confined, such as attempted to enter being driven beck by the suffocating volume of smoke. The poor victim being chained to the door render ed his Miro the more difficult. The body was at length recovered, but his was extinct—every et fistt to restore &ablution failing. No Injury was sustained by the surrounding building, the active axes of the firemen confining the numbs of the devouring element to the prison itself. We were pleased' to notice the pownptness and efficiency with which the efforts of the mem bers of the fins companies were seconded by a number el citizens. not members. There sum as month !semester, a crowd of grown up men who moused p think themselves esempt thous sU obli• Pike to.wolk end stood by with folded arms,in dalging their curiosity. Indeed we observed sev eral instances In which appeals wens made to some of these idled--pmperty bailers, oro—to Wien some of the "shunted theme% but without effect. The wont wick we have for this class of persons, is that, in ease the property awry of them should suffintunately ewer be threatened with fire, the fine companies tiviU do their best to save it. JUDGE LEWM—We understand that, by an arianseasent between Judge Maw and Judge Lewis, of the Lancaster Court, a temporary 51 dasalgo of jeriedietioa has been made, by which the Issuer will . preside at our *preaching January Own. help. Lewis is one of the ablest and most eccemplisbed jurists in the Sito. try Clo Weasels" hut,' /011111 r Esq., the naw County Treasurer, !Wel the rap& eke kndr, and entesal won the duties of his re 'possible post. tr Ou oar drat page will be toned several Le. ablative .and Ctoogressiormal item, crowded out bat week is odor to Bite our laden the bandit of a Deli copy of the Govereo'a tokeemp at art early WTI* Madden et UP Poor, on ToOolloy look onappointod &Post Coszan, SOnvonl. and Do. D. Booncro‘Phylichootp Op AlsiOnown and LUIZ* Daßallt. E•q.tionsiltor so duo Pout lorinnuon J. pooping won wended OPdc., in, ilas song at We. W. Paxton, nnionag. eatitiec tke Ammelpietritediost °Metal, &e, by the Amadeu . ' Art thders, , a few wear as*, rind eta* theitito piire War drum bY elsbk*Figi l 4 4 ),444..Ar• ihookei, corroded liet ottbe drawings, tees one of the atitu ert Ifehatetmesrliddi hp. the bay of I): lectex• eerie rg od9ittyebilic , taWii tediiiiikeEto illy dial Ibe tab °Abe Simi SAW a War: Prinbrii, so advertised by the emiseigiima Dot silo plow.tbe Oblktulty 00 of irbick a!, w*Oswide bee 4 snarl" • 1121rOar.laitommi Mom amiumfauP• mat, A. L. RassitiA. sod Vi r • 4.-0, 11,1 4 11 00ar will sans ow thy** for suudiy Amara, durilip the CrThe Chantsraberg aznrobsel" LM bide disposed of to Memo llntjamin F. Nod mad J. D. Kimmel. Joseph NW Esq. takes claw of die editorial deportment. . • irYT bei "Miners' Journal" end die Reeding ..Journel," both excellent Whig 'pep" came Mr us in oew end elegant type. ' Congressional. - Coompot ties de l l oi l t ime sai l iz e ri of beel ike* dlutsg the plik has not fa Il ed otted e ,,its , havb: thus far L,l O C IA by Of . Vole have , •We Pelof net didateit istt , J.W. F ', yof Its Ma.- 11, the t INC and ,t ad elmimber of oeirie; from Vermont, Whigirlibe Lo eofoco vote is oast for Mr. Forney, who receives 106 and 106 votes—lacking fiveor al: of an elec tion. The Whits ei liltht ( vdted for deriipbeili and subsequently few Foot, bat without being able to r me o t f al f t h t g li rat °° siurriTlL k 'w Z i r i t i h. eta Wlnd. is . to:ouppoit the biome, • a fil, POMP. WNI1 1 0,k!urn• gifulilito "'Pe t th H e latter. ow the linesneilW`e r ii to seed an •eripmfzeikei Willthkii ' eiiith kind: of 'oompromile 'MI cannot Mhos; eisa fit In 100121 , 40 at compitir mire have thus far Ailed. 'On Tonetley, the last balk* otoott—Fotoey 104, Foot es, =wring 20: itootomory to i choirs 109. Is the Senate, on Friday, Mr. Cass galled up hie imeolution to outspend diplomatic intercourse with Austria, and addressed the Senate at length is its support. Mr.. Hale, of New Hampshire, moved to amend by Including Russia, and spoke for soma time with scathing irony upon the dem agoguism which would thus eekstout a weak, im becile nation sea victim against which to hurl Indignant anathemas, end pass by the outrages of other and mere formidable governments., He did not know why Austria should be anathema tized for her efforts to amintain her despotic sway over a rebellions provisos, while the crusades of Ramie against every special of civil liberty, the cruel wars of conquest in India and Algiers wa ted by England . sod Prince, and the shameful subversion of the Eepnblia of Rome by the latter, are unnoticed. If Gen. Caw was sincere in expres sing his patriotic indignation, and would convert the Muttering Congress into a high court for the trial efthe,natieneerltilliaffirldi heitheuld epitome" England, France and, Rusk in his indictment and not pounce down, upon poor, weak. imbecile Ana stria, too imbecile to resent insult and too weak to avenge wrongs. And thee, raid Mr. Hale, after we shall have tried all the stations of Christendom in turn, it would Ulm° more than right that we should eorne down front Oat position and stand a trial also before some court of indignation. Mr. Hale did not know, however, who should try na Certainly none of the nations we had condemned, for they would nut be our peers. Suppose the sovereign of Turkey, who Mr. Cave says has pro ved himself a better Christian than many other powers of the earth, should 'yule constitute a court of indignation to try us. Suppose, also, he should have seen a paper published near this place which announced that men, women and children are bought and sold like cattle in the slave sham bles of this city, the capital of the model Republic, bearing the honored name of the Father of Amer ican liberties. Would it not appear that we had been, and were continuing to be, guilty of oppres sion' great eriddeep — as" any width Austria, Rus sia, or France had committed I Truth and Jus tice would reply in the affirmative, and Mr. Hale feared it would appear that the Sultan of Turkey was not only a better Christian than we, but a bet ter Republican also! On Monday, Mr. CLAY made an able speech in opposition to Mr. Cass' resolution. 'He sympa thized as much as any gentleman with the unfor tunate Hungarian patriots. and wee prepared to go as far as the farthest in support of any scheme calculated to furnish them support. Dot it was bad policy which the Penal". from Michigan pro- posed to adopt. Instead of imapending diplomat le relations with Austria, he (Mr Clay) would send to that Government some enlightened citizen, who could command the confidence of the country, to sue for Hungary—to plead bee cause, and endea vor to obtain fur her that redress and considera tion which ber wrongs and her bravery were enti tled to. The object of foreign missions was not to benefit the country to which we send represen• rives, but to protect American interests ;bread. It was proposed, because of our abhorrence of Austrian butcheries, and Austria's disregard of Hungarian independence, to famish American merchants and sailors—to deprive our country of whatever advantage might be derived from the di plomatic relations extating between the two coun triee—such a course could be justified by no ar gtunent whatever. Mr. Clay also proceeded to show by cogent ar gument and familiar illustrations, that if the pre cedent for the principle in question were establish ed, there was no limitation, qualification or restric tion as to how Lir, or on what subject, whether re ligioua, more!, or What not, could it net be adopt ed. The course proposed to be pursued wu in direct contradiction to the policy laid down* and followed by Washington, and every administra tion to the present time. If we were to become the censors of nations, where sure we to stop, and why should we look to the cause of Hungary atom I Why not take ep the cause of Ireland, and still more that of unhappy Rome, which had been alluded to 1 In conclusion, Mr. Clay did not think that it became the Senate to take such unnecessary and perilous round as had been proposed, and hoped that the Senate would at once reject the proposi lion without reference or limitation. Oa Tuesday, In the Senate: Hr. Urea , ' pro vented a series of resolutions adopted by the Le (Whiners of Vermont on the subject of Slavery, sad moved that they be printed. A warm de bate ensued, in which Merin. Upham, Mangum, Hale, King, Yates,k Butler, Mason, Berrien, Cal bean, Borland and Chase participated. A mo. lion to lay the resolutions cm the table failed by a vote of 11 to 40. Mr. Chase having secured the floor, the subject was informally passed over, and the Berate took op Mr Cos's non-iatercouse res olution. upon which Mr. Foote addFosed the . Sep ses the balance of the mssioa, of'.course in favor of iL The time of the Howe was occupied in ballot ing for Clerk, without erecting a choice. The Foy (L 044) 108 108 104 109 Foote (Whig) 104. 102 103 98 ficaliming 9 , 18 13 18 Neeemeary to • choice 110 111 111 110 .CHAPLAIN.-On We4rweilei the Rev. O. M. Butler, of the Ephicomil Oisser,ets, wee deleted Obviate to the V. 8. feentan Thor. Was a tie bowers him :ad Mt Goer. , of the Methodi.t Olitucleach Seine on 'the Mh Intl. let. The Vies Presialeat gays the aulanii Iwo in favor of Mr. Butler. Or Vire 1r indebted iri s A, donor, Esq,:the well, known editor of the 61,ti4y'l: book' for a proof impnielori'd pie portrOlt, which Is to *we the iebtairy fits of that Mr Godei haipleiide4 *kir the Lay's . ok for twenty years, during whkti time imdd he hie paid to AtrieriOn writers and sedate no lime than ;100,000 00, and ham 'nitrated hill Magazine to I high rank in popular hem The patrons of the Lady's Book will of course I* rkured in biting put inporommicia of an anthento . nt ont-apg putllisher. 0111 w mtkeding Gnat. end w edmidacted jonmAl of 00 Loopfoe•Domew pelbool, ipp I. re dolma and clotted in I twit' drag". An“e &press a deppni N 1110 Um& if the k Dummy of old Uuka. • Legislative. Me*sr ofienenil , l intert - yet 17 1 altspi4l. twei(Hodear No Nob trant /4si.ifourg, tifil twri c Hon-Zak the u alf,orporta otitis elmniloniee stiind ifs in' aivriana di il e ttn4rs kutve en nonnend. //firdbeel in 113ene' ti, we Awl followllng i ii A P..... —l , \ g , P*e4l-3 , loint fillin9/ Packet.dfabb.r9. lin, MM. Jodietaq—Streeter, Walker, Diem, King, M uhlenberg. Accounts—Ml:Win, Matthias, Ives, Sadler, Fernon. Pensions and Graloities—liankey, Jones, Sad ler. Shimer, Packer. ' Roods' 4 1 1119041 PS.—Issi. tillqo9 8 , wren, 41iUbdA The morn important of the *ems Cotrittese are as fidlows Ways and Maana::+oonlYtartian,, M'Clintaek, Union, Bakes. I:Rockwall, AIIUon, kialioy, Beak Nick'aeon: Judiciary--riorta'i, Cars#n, Oaeyneharo, Pack er. Scepter. Biddle, Rho,. 'MK 8c 11 • nank•—•Loitd,• Stgcl,, Watson, 'Lewis, Porter, Simpson, Morrison, Mowry, Allison. Internal lettprOvementro--Besument, ' Biddle; Hoag Slifer, Brindle, Salem Comae, Wade, Lcet, Walker, brader, Jones, Packer. On Sawnlaj, in the Senate, the difficulty be tween Mr. Putter and the Speaker ties settled by mutual explanations, after'which Means. Packer MI Matthias were added to the Committee on districting the :fiat*. Mr. Conigmacher read it Dill to provide for the election of Peputy Attorney Generale in the sera ral counties. nOth Houses adjourned on Tuesday In honor of the battle of New Orleans. On Wednesday, in the House, Mr. Wilson, of Allegheny, presented potions from citizens of But ler township,. Adams county, prating for an elec tion poll at Eieboltz's. Mr. Bmysor presented pe titions from citizens of same township for an elec tion poll at Ganlner's. Tr We are indebted to Mears. Smyser and Sadler for copies of the Auditor General's Report for the financial year endiag November, 1849, from which we extract the following items of pay ments into the State Treasury, and receipts there from,by Adams county, during the ycar : PAYMRNTS. Gettysburg and Petersburg Turnpike, $B2 54 York and Gettysburg do. 49 51 Tax on Real and Personal Estate, per IL G. Harper, County Treasurer, 12,421 05 Do per D. M'Creary, late Treasurer, 43 00 Tavern Licenses, per R. G. Harper. 504 07 Retailers' do. do. 5 10 Pedlars' do. do. 136 80 Militia Fines, do. 196 41 Tax on Writs, Willa. he., per J. Pick- ing. Prothonotary, 155 rat Do. per A. D. Kurtz, former Prothon'y, 200 54 Do. per J. D. Danner, do. 38 68 Do. per W. W. Hammen.ly, Reg & Rec. 25 00 Collateral lnhentauce Tat, per do. 1,151 01 RECEIPTS John Scott, Brie. Inspector, salary and disbursements, Pensions, Comenoo &boob, Cainceller/ Relief Notre, Abatement of State Tax, rirThough the election of Col. Barr to the Speakership of the Senate (says the Lancaster Tribune) was mainly accomplished by Whig votes, it cannot of course be regarded as a party triumph ; and yet it is a result at which the Whigs, as a par ty, have reason to feel gratitlod. It has secured to them a fair division of the other officers of the House, and in the appoint mont of Committees they have had a just proportion of honors awarded to them. It has also secured to them a fair and lib eral presiding ollicer in place of a bitter and pro scriptive partizan, and has raised up an impassa ble barrier against the system of partizan legisla tion which threatened to deprive the Whig party of its just proportion of representation in the coun cils of the State. Upon the tariff, too,—the cur rency,—alavery,—and other momentous questions, we may now expect to sae the Senate refits:tin the popular voice, instead of that of owre faction, and standing up boldly in dnfence of the rights and interests—the sentiments and feelings—of Pennsylvania. Altogether we regard the election of Col. Bost as a fortunate circumstance, believing as we do that it will exercise a wholesome influ ence upon the legislation of the Session. A GLEAM OF LlGHT.—Those who have perused the snarl message of the Governor, have no doubt been Muck, as we were, with the high. ly improved condition of the finances of the State, as exhibited in the lucid details of that excellent document. The payment of 1421,465.56 of the public debt, daring the year ending on the let of December, 1849, is a fact which marks a new era In the history of Pennsylvania. Our State has been laboring under the weight of an enormous debt for years; and withodt liquidating * single dollar of the principle, it has goon on to increase from year to year, wider the improvidence and recklessness of Loeofcco Administrations, until, under the immediate predecessor of Gov. John ston. it reached the sum of $40,000,000. This was the condition i which the present Whig Ad ministration firundlhe finances of the State ; and Gov. Johnston, with the most ardent and patriotic devotion, immediately addressed himself to the task of .deviaing measurer to arrest the downwind tendency of efflux. Hy the wise and judicious measures which be urged upon the attention of the last Legislature, he has succeeded in not only arresting the rapid accumulation of the public debt, but in putting it in a train of regular and rapid liquidation. The amount received on account of the sinking fund, for the year ending December Ist, 1849, was $227,829.01 ; while the estimated amount fee the year ending Dee. ist, 1050,4 s $371,000. This sum, at the present price of the State, stock, would extinguish more than FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS OP THE STATE DEBT, during the present year. With these gratifying remits already attained, and and in immediate prospect, it iseam to forme that the bugs indebtedness.of the State, should there be a continuance of Whig policy, will, in, a very 'kW years be entirely Tripod away. , Honesty and strict' Winnow, in all the finanead atedrs of the State, directed bY Suitt/Wont and sagacity for which the execrative ie is distingitish. ad, are here wertifsetbig their legitimate hulta.4.— The people Of Peancryhriaia have flaw peeled the dawn of whetter day, apt it only, tincebte,fccr them to be tree , to. the giro Pftd the MO PAD* chides , try which they triumphed in 1848 , In secure to thenteelveetite tasting onset • permanent betreiln of Me polies/' sir . ally' beguit.:--Pennighianici 'Pet arm. fair en the Oentrat Railroad baa been ri d a coo•Acentoper mile. it, le Reid do, Cret Commissioners ate making errellinteetto tt? Ye!" the faro 4* the rbibtielPitill and Cultultbia road reduced to the MM. /Ps* Ths Bard o f r s i r ri9!l (4,1 4, ti j a Couptiß f aircad hive rfilibeil toi)tiolOnue dunday oil rei l pavip be. boon approc,ed its mint oterti*otiiioJeakl badiii Ur* Noreik 4410 . 1 bei t Ohs brit pail M par id i ecriart;bkrariiirl 'dere &ironic' mire mi sr Mt wok pfehoi wpm L dew Mir tor brautibd type. Vadat' of Franklin and Marshall Colleges. 1 , 4 k t a N r !Ski alto, the Truselaws.sef.Tratklils Cid wo,l2ll,l t . t.d Laminar, made at ofercwrivito the Tree of !Baseball College ' in erel li bUslit to ii two institutions in Awe id ibis 4. stitullodi thus blended in ore o rtysof Lapairtel. An the Std law., the Ifilw sbali'L'olfeips met at ChamblYrdPutirer whiffler the proposition, and after a session of nearly three days, during which the reasons for and against were fully discussed, it was decided to accept it, on condition that some not very important mod ificationswould be agreed to by the Trustees of Franklin College. The latter institution, although not in existence for some years past, we believe is hi'poiii titt . or iiareitita 'lna 'Other "wietinsib V% neigbborhoed, of Lancaster, mounting to about $50,000, which . would of cour s e become the pro-. derty of the 4oint Institution., By thq priginal charter it is provided thitt one-third of the Board of Trustees shall be of the' Lutberan Church, one third German Reformed, and the other third to be composed of citizens 'generally.. By the act of union, it is proposed to yield this latter third to the German Reformed Church, so that in future the Lutheran Church shall have one-third of the Trustees, Professors, &c., and the German Reform-. ed Church the other two-thirds. The Trustees of Franklin College are to meet in a few days to make a final decision in the matter. EPA new volume of the "Horne Journal," edit ed by George P. Morris and N. P. Willis, coon. menced with the new year. Such as desire t lit erary weekly free from the trash which eharae terhwe the "mammoth" self puffing City weeklies, should subscribe for the Home Journal. It is the beet literary paper on•our exchange list TgneinLß ACOIDENTO-000 of those heart rending casualties, which have be come too frequent of late on t h a, railroads of this and all the other States, occurred on Thursday last, on the Central road, be tween Duncannon and the Baileysburg station, abont a mile and a half this side of the latter. The . conductor of the burden train, contrary to the schedule of time for leaving, either ignorant of the orders, or disregarding them, left'the station this side of Bailey's, expecting, it is supposed, to reach there, before the passenger train should arrive. The consequence was a collision, by. which Mr, Wisely, an engi neer and superintendent on the road, had his hack broken, cauding his death in about an hour. Mr. Hawn, a conductor or en gineer of the passenger train, had one foot smashed, and the other leg badly bro hen. Mr. Heisely, at the time of the ac cident, which happened In passing a curve, was on the platform, arid the engineer with him, for the purpose-of having a more-crit ical view of the road. If the conduetorpf the burden train has not escaped it is hoped that justice will be done to him, which cannot be, unless he gets a taste of the penitentiary:- Mr. Heisely, whose death was thus caus ed, was a moat excellent young man, and of the highest promise for usefulness and honor.—Harrisburg Telegraph. $14,981 61 757 80 120 00 2.989 50 1,700 00 621 05 $5,588 4l ANOTHER SuiciDE.-+►lVe learn that Mr. Robert Cameron, a highly respectable cit izen of Lower Chanceford township in York county, committed suicide by shoot ing himself, on the 27th ultimo. Ile left home with his gun. for the purpose of shooting at a target, as he alleged, and was shortly afterwards found dead a short dis tance front the house, with the contents of his gun lodged in his breast. Front the situation of his gun and the position of his body, it was apparent that it was his inten tion to commit the deed. It is said that he labored under partial insanity for some time. THE PUBLIC Leans.—From the report of the Commisioner of the General Land Office, it appears that during the past year upwards of six millions of acros of land were advertised for sale, mod more than six and a half millions are prepared for market. a great part of which will be pro claimed during the ensuing year. The re port shows that the quantity of land disposed of in 1847, by warrants equivalent to cash, amounts to 83,596,25108, and in 1848 to $5,482,815 26. In the first three months of 1819 it amounts to $4,597,63726; show ing that the increase in the amount of land disposed of keeps pace with the in crease of population, and the consequent wants of the community. UNHAPPY FAMILY.—The *tree sisters, residing near Harrisburg, Pa., who were seduced by one DE. Mi!ls, and for which he is now incarcerated in the State Prison, have each become the mother of a fine boy. LlDERlA.—Accounts from Liberia to Nov. Bth represent the condition of the colony as very prosperous. The crops of rice were very abundant. The govern ment of the colony has incurred very heavy expenses lately, principally by the expedition against New Cestera, which cost about 141,000. This has exhausted the Treasury and prevented the payment of debts incurred in the purchase of land from the natives. To liquidate these, aid is earnestly solicited from the United Stang' and elsewhere. Nothing but the want of money retards the securing of Gallinas and all lying between the Northwest bovin dary of the Republic and Sierra Leone.— Glowing accounts are given of the rrivkvals of religion, principally in the MsJanslist churches. Nearly two hundred have uni tea with the hutches, among w. , l lo ai are from thirty to forty native Africrins. 741 r J. Woven, better known as "Mr. done Brown," of the House of Representatives, ba a addressed a letter to his constituents, declining a re election to congress. GENERAL BANKING LA W.—Petions are in circulation praying the Legislature to pass a General, Banking law similario , that in operation in New York. The system Which prevails hr•Neit York gives great satisfaction to the businewo cominunity in dud Suite and we think might with safety be introduced here. The,petidone haye Al ready received the eignatores,of many of Promineitt chit edii.ll.Pfitahtog Afar- . , PERSONAL LIABILITY ... -43lOCKhONION the banki in New lurk me now indiv nally responsible soothe amount of their re apeetive *hares, in,istddition 'to the shares thetnielves, for slit hb dale and liabilities contracted bY'll)e* In thi, ease , of an in eolvtinei of any nits . 0 . 0401 1 1.410kWi ire, by, ibe, constimtion, entitled to payment over all otheeneceditown above pro- Ivieion. are Etlike ippliebblei to fhb Bafets Ilkind'arnkr toitt teiloreolladittf: ' `The , Centrid 'Roamed' Oars now run e$ far as McVelwo, ti , slvii'irtifeii the other Ado of Lewistown. The roadie stinnhly sadist** "fitognthiniftowilra i West. 'end the Directors' are being every - moue co,dnelie,the •road ph:Wei:Ake as tut: as /it la compleifd. • . „ Voila° Macutar..—The liarrisburg Key acme petites the erection, in the Pennsyl v4nia Heins of Representatives, of an io• gonious time-saving machine. It is rag edt. "the Vo . Poplin or Legislative Tele ggspli." 1 practical operation is 'has de s filled. Ite introduction of a similar c hi n e in the lower House of Compe te , d greally4acilitate its her' ..Ily this invention the members are all enabled to vote at once, by the nse of wires which pass. from their desks through the floor of the hall, na concentratin g at point beneath a side of the clerk's desk, pass up through the,floor to a hendsiamedr constructed box, in yor hie* the printed lilts ofyeas and nays are placed. There are Ciro Vika td - etieli desk. lIJ priSsing on ono of theta, the list of yeas and nays are pierced on the yea side. and by using die oilier the nay side is pointed. The whole vote may thus be taken in an instant, and as many as may be convenient. marked at the same time. The clerk then rads the vote from the list in the same manner as he does after a call of the yeas and nay.. when the house ImirrichoW evey member has voted. The merit claimed ler it is the saving of time in taking the yeas and nays:" AN HONORS/11 TOWN. -- SuSehil, Conn, has been the birth of 4 congressmen, ti gov ernors of Vermont, 2 governors of Penn sylvania, I governorof Connecticut,' gov ernor of Ohio, 2 postmaster generals. 2 judges of the superior court of Ohio, judge of the supreme court of Vermont. 1 general in the French war, I judge WI the county court. COLIZATION CAUSE.--A friend ofAfriea. B. C. Stanton, late of Minim, has left a legacy of some eight thousand dollars in the American colonization Society, for tiss purposes of lineation in Liberia. A wag on hearing that a chimney sweep had given up busness. expressed his amon iahment. for he thoughtthe holiness soared him completely. DROPSY OP TOR HEAD (Como.—A poor child, a boy about two years old, was gir. en up to die. The parents, neighbors and doctors. had no hopes of his recovery__ For several days his breathing had been short and death-like ; and., in fact, those around him supposed another night would be his last. In this stage of the ease-. an aunt of the child was sent for, with whom the little sufferer was a great favorite.-- This lady having arrived, and being seated asked a few questions as to the condition of the child's bowels, and then expressed the opinion that Brandreth's Fills were capa ble of saving its life. She was so in earn est in her remarks, that her advice was followed from the moment. She gave him two pills at once and followed them up with more in about an hour ; she crashed the pills, and gave them in molasses, wash ing them down with a little tea. The ef fect was surprising ; in six hours she had given him over 12 pills. and the disclaims% were of the most malignant nature. Suf fice it to say, that in fifty-two hours she had given him fifty-two pills. and an the alarming symptoms had entirely disappear ed. lie is now well, and. though before a weakly child, he is now strong he is, in fact, re-made. ILTThe Brandreth Pills are sold for 'IS cents perbox at D r.B. Brandretlea Principe l 01See. eS t Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly authorized Airents:—John M. Steven... G e t_ tvahurg; Holtainser & Ferree, Petersburg; A braham King, Hanteratown; A.MlTadaad.Ab bottstown; D. M. C White. Hampton; gores ineer & Co.. Littlestown; Mary Duncan. Cash town; Goo. W. &II D. ilemry.Pairtield ; J. H. ulidev ugh, East Berlin; Paeimi Newcom er, Mechanicsville; Sam't Shirk. Hanover. [Jan. 11. 11450. BALTDIORE M !MLR ET. £1.01:1L--The floor market is fall; sake of Howard et /wands, at $1 75—which is shoot rho settled price. City Mills bell at the mine. Cara meal $3 25 as 3 25 Rye floter $3 00. GRA IN.-Sopply of all kinds of Grain Refit_ pri ers as follow.: red wheat! 00. 1111 01 ; and white $1 03 asl 08. White Cone 47 a 49 ess. yellow 50 a 51. Oats 29 a 31. Rye 55 a 58. CATTI.SI.-11100 head of bevies ogres& Mate scales yesterday. of which 1.000 wens said to sty butchers at prices ranging from $1 00 to $3 50 per 100 its., on the hoof, eland to $4 80 •$8 75 net. flOGS.—Svles of live hogs at $4 50 a Si 7S per ton Iba., prices firm. P R OVISIONB. Mess Pert 61075 and Prime 4119 50. Baron--Sides 6 cents; Hams 74 a 10; Shoulders 51 a 51. Lard 7in bble., Bad 71 is kevi—fiat little doles% HARR] ED. On tbr 25th nit, by Rev. J. libiA, Gannon Allston Mitts' and Mita Unbar= Boasts, both of this county. On the 3u inst. hy the MIMI% Jew, itsionran.et Cumherbnil county, and Miss ELJIMISTIR Gen- DIN, or this county. On the 27th nh., by the Rev. J. L. Mori_ We. HENRY ever anst Mine Massa Pietas—heds et this county. DIED. On the 2rl iniM LACIII Comma am. deargbarr of Dr. R. H. 1100.1% of Casarreiar• Comber Mod county, am 4 5 years sad 10 mentba. On the 25th .1k ah Nos: Ohio, Ism. Hama- Jr., fmoserly pf this empty, aced 23 years. On the 27th ult. at ellunrwsbary. Yoh ireemq. of pulmonary disease. Jun swami Rams, has • ow dent of Pa. Coils 's, is Oho 1104 your lii ap. A meeting of the Philomathwan Society a Paw sylvania College being ealled,we receiiing theaad. intelligence of the death of ewe of its active M 11111111• here, Mr. humans llivrea, who depasind this life - at the nothimet of lie Father, wear Vierewelkery,, York county, Pa:, a eamamittee war appeared to. draught rawhides", Motive to the decemeo et ear brother, and to have them pabfwhed in the Lm. them Observer and the men of Yost ad Get tyabarg. Themfone, litoolved, That we, as knew sealrete met ateuttaareof the ease eseiete, sisemeity lemeet death of Ma. Reid, a taiddiel kited eeLlie* es teemed brattier. Reached, not ws Jleplr apogrehho whh Weaved Permits and Work who Iliow ahoes. dlo• rived of a dutiful moo, whom Wended mom of usefuloesa n they vrowyant of tiff Lead two boas aw*naled so prosohnely. &Weed, nal we amity to tia drroder sf sir seemed fellhiir aorsiew, as orne of sir mews towseeptiewatio; mod haveley, ~as Mir' ,Ogr,spd snub IWa it erpoligiar ist raimil vantage. IldseWlN MA f way OP Mina wbetasoie fair *Ow io. of gle, Pod mad yress--whe rpm ea • dna kihri. toutoa 1144 glide, beswitliid misr ly alroalb. whoa br eamekted. _ Bonolni. mat, aims. Imp wati amomPr iy6.o ahocadim Sisk botessi Sy im• Wow rypAtteek . or irstuAymidlaysk Iwo oodoile• hisflOdo Poopioo_dmi„, wit of OsPioo omniposint, riehosiklit' AA asioroo doo wont etbli yininmt" j" Rprobsd WO IS IMAM ilw.-uSaff *Jr irogioll* lll o l Wits!rni g iaY . Theta ewe ibeas sesslitiper—• r ef wat l l l olF Or l i=" 11 r P le r . " 6l DANIEL CIAWVILIC' , •DS. LIMENRINGI. W. A. STECKEL Swim( nompifor rime espy Comxciscairsa. List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at °Myr ' burg. January • Al—Arnold John, Artist Dagsiitolan Any, Anderson Robert. It—Brown Wm. DoeL, fret!. Baldwin C A, Bushey 'View's', Bricker Samtivl, Bair Elizabeth, ninon' Abram, Brovvr,' It John; Shock Nelion, 2, Andrew, 2, Bininger Jacob. Ci—:-Cot John, Chianti Xrchiliattl,f Cole Abram'Rev., Cupp John It. —Degroll Catharine, Diehl Samuel. —Ecurd Maris, Eakens Clifton, Eb- ert John. r—Fleberger Catharine,Freyberger P. Sophie,Fiscal Freling John , Fiscal Michal. 6—Gochtnan Jacob, Greenbaugh John L, 'Gibson Easter. 11-11aner Louisa, 2, Hershey Henry, ILA:thins Joseph, [locator Daniel, Hardin° George, Herberg John. 3—Jimnson David. J W. Krise Louisa, Krim David, Kirtzman H. --Leas Magdalena, Lou Henry, Lew is Samuel, Lightner Isaac, !Attie W Geo, Lou Elizabeth, Logan L Samuel. M—M'Evcry M Thomas, Myers Jas. Moose Levi, Miller Susanna, Miles Na than. M'Cleary Janice, M'Donnel David, M'Gatty William, Mating Jacob, Monfort David, Melhorn Jacob, M'Kinnoy Robert, m'Clellan Samuel, Miller John, sen. N—Noble James, Newcomer David. o—Orient George, Ofrndorti Mathias, Oakridge Academy. r—Peacely J Elenor, Parson Malinda. rt —Rathvon John, Rantlnlph Nathan iel, Rumel John, Rainer B. Frederick, Rei ley Louisa, 2. B—Sheets David, Jr., Stallsmith C. Louisa, Swarch Michael, Swope D H. Schwartz Jacob, Sampson Henry, Stover G W, Slonecker Maria, Settle William, Smith 3. Frederick, Stubs A Catharine, Sharp Samuel, Stover Eliza. T—Tate George, Truckey C E Mrs, Tomas Frances. Vir —Welch John, NVeisenseel Maria Eva, Weaver John, Wilson George, Wag goner Susanna. lr —Young Barney, Ycagy Adam. Z—Zimmerman Aire'', 2. A.. D. BUEHLER, P. M. Kir - Persons calling for letters in the a bove List, will please say they have been advertised. Jan 1 l , 1880,-3t NOTICE. THE person who took from Lumber Yard a Lot of Locust Posts will please call and pay for thorn, and take no more without permission. I hereby give notice that I do not consider any person at liberty to take lumber of any kind from the yard, without first calling. upon.xne,7-- You can at all times be waited upon. This may save exposure. Jan. 11, 1850.-31 NOTICE. THE subscriber has always on hand at his slaughter-house a supply of fresh VEAL and other Meat. Persons desiring it can be regularly supplied. NICHOLAS CODORI. Jan. 11, 1850.-3 t Blue Dicks—Wake up! rum: regular Annual meeting of the 11 ..lilac Dick Fire Company," will be held at the Engine Room TO-MORROW EVENING, at 6f . , o'clock. As an Elec- lion for Officers and other important busi nese will he attended to, it is hoped tha every meinker will be found in prompt at tendanee. Jan. 11. 1850-1 t NEW 11ARDWARE & GROCERY STORE. John Fahnestock 111) ESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a NEW Hardware and Grocery Store, in Gettysburg, at "M'Clellan's Corner," where can be found a general assortment of every thing in his line. Having examin ed both the Philadelphia and Baltimore markets, ho is enabled to offer his goods at reduced prices. and can confidently as sure them that they can be purchased low er than they have ever been sold before. His stock consists of Hardware and Cutlery, such as nails, cross-cut saws, planes and tits, locks, hinges, screws, chisels of ev .ery description, rasps and tiles, saddlery of all varieties, shoemakers' lasts and tools, tnorroccoleather and linings, shovels, forks, and a general assortment of TABLE CUTLERY AND POCKET KNIVES; in short. ever article belonging to tha branch of butatess. Also a complete as soriment of GLASS, I'AINTB, OILS & DYE STUFFS, and a large, full and general assortment u GROCERIES, FISII, and CEDAR WARE, ill of which he has selected with great care and pur chased on the very best terms, thus ena bling him to sell at such prices as will give entire satisfaction. 110 solicits and hopes, by strict attention to the wants of the com munity, to receive the patronage of the public. JOHN FA HNESTOCK. , Gettysburg, Sept. 14, LB49.—tf LARGE lo' of Ribbons and Flow /11 ers just received and for sale by Oct. 5. J. L. SCHICK. sunerovAL. 'DR. J. LAWRENCE HILL, DENTIST, nAs removed his office to the building opposite the Lutheran Church, io Chambersiburg "treat, 2 doors out of Mr. Afiddiernit's store where ho all times .be fouad ready , and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Den r'tist. Petians in want of full sets otteeth are vispeofolly invited to call. REFERENCES. , ih..C. N:Bmituoim, 1 Rev.C.O. KaArre, RD " D. Hourss,Prof. M. hooss,' '• 0 . 4. 9 , ,,,,,,, r4 , •• IL L. BOIGIIIIIII, •• D. di aa inT, ~ W m. 14.Rsirsous 1 :ail', J. O. WaltlON,D.D.ff M. L Itiscavni. Jtolv 7. 18411. . • • ' w w ILL,aild4fie th itnatant:we to call it the Store of J. L. SCRUM, end eratrina-bia.atnak of Satin Veadqe, ()14 ”eit it'sbakitart Ifindterehiefe, Ctit•• vetai Suiitehdene; FOR R ENT, • 7 4 11 k OFFICE Connected with the property of Rev, pr. Krauth, in S. Blltimore s s street, corner of high street—for- I merly occupied by Drs. Gilbert and Cow gill. Also, a Blacksmith Shop on Weet Middle street. FOR SJgLE, a largo quantity of Earth and Grave/. Enquire of U. MoCONAUGIIY. Gottysburg, Jam 2, 1850-31 Relate of George Neff, deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the Es tate of GEORGIC Na,y, late of the borough of Gettysburg. Pa.idec'd. having been granted to the subscriber, notice is hereby given to all who are indebted to said Estate, to make payment withoutdelay, and to those having claims to present the same, properly authenticated, to the subscriber, residing in said borough, for settlement. VALENTINE WARNER, Jan. 2, 1850-81 NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees AA and other persons concerned, that the Administration Accounts of the deceased persons hereinafter mentioned will be pre sented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, on Monday the 21st of January next : 88. I nt) first and final account of Sam uel Gilliland and Thomas N. Dicks, Ad ministrators of Margaret Gilliland, (wid ow,) deceased. 87 99 The first and final account of Sam uel Gilliland and Thomas N. Dicks, Ad ministrators of Wm. F. Gilliland, dec'd. 88. The first and final account of Geo. Cole and John Cole, Executors of George Cole, sen., deceased. . . WM. W. lIAMERSLY,Registcr Register's Office, Gettysburg, Dec. 28, 1849.—td 6. I N pursuance of a writ of Venditiani Expomis, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Salo on Saturday the 12114 of January next, at I o'clock, P. M., at the Court house, in Gettysburg, L 1 Zifebte (0.:40 1.14.1)30 2 0q),, situate in Ilunterstown, Straban township, being the North-east corner of the public square, adjoining lots of Abraham King, J. F. Felty and Josiah Woods, improved with a two-story Brick Dwelling House, ' i ii: suitable for any kind of public business. with a frame stable and a well ul water on the premises.—Seized and taken in execution as the estate of MARY WAL TER. \VM. FICKES, Sheriff. Dec. 28, 1848.—td GEO. ARNOLD TIIE Commissioneis of Adams county hereby give notice that they have fix ed upon the following times and places for the holding of Appeals in the several town ships and boroughs in the county, when and where they will attend to hear Appeals between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M. and 3 P. M. : For the townships of Mountjoy, Germs ny and Union, at the house of Joseph Bar ker, in Littlestown, on Monday the 28th o January next. For the townships of Conowago and Mountpleasant, at the house 9f Peter Smith iu Mountpleaaant, on Tuesday the 29th of January next. For the townships of Oxford and Ber wick, at the house of Mrs. Miley, in New Oxford, on 1V eduesday the 30th of Janu ary next. For the townships of llamilton & Read ing, at the house of Israel Yount, in Hamp ton, on Thursday the 31st day of January next. For the townships of Huntington, Lati more and Tyrone, at the house of John M. Ege, iu Petersbug, on Friday the let of February next. For the townships of Hamiltonban and Liberty, at the house of Isaac Robinson, in Millerstown, on Monday the 4th day of February next, For the townnship of Franklin, at the house of Moses Smith, in Cashtown, on Tuesday the sth of February next. For the township of Menalien, at the house of Wm. Eicholtz, in Middletown, on Wednesday the 6th of February next. For the townships of Freedom and Stra ban, at the Commissioners' Office, in Get tysburg, on Thursday the 7th day of Feb ruary next. For the township of Cumberland and borough of Gettysburg, at the Commis sioners' Office, in Gettysburg, on Friday the Bth of February next. JACOB KING, J. G. MORNINGSTAR, JOHN MUSSELMAN, JR Attest—J. Aeolis Nissuan, Clerk. Nom'es. Dec. 28, 1840—td LAW PARTNERSIUP. Tun undersigned have entered into part nership for the Practice of the Law in the several Courts of Adams county.— Office in South Baltimore a treat, three doors South of the Court-house, the same here tofore occupied by D. M. Slurries. All business entrusted to their care attended to with fidelity and despatch. DANIEL M. SIMYSER, WILLIAM M'SHERRY. N. IL During my absence this winter at Harrisburg, Mr. M'Sherry is also au thorized to attend to my old unfinished bus iness, and will be in constant communi cation with me relative to the same. . DANIEL M. SMYSER. Dee. 21, 1840.-3 m CT"Hinever Spectator" ipswt three months, mire coo, ard.charge this *es. , EVERIAtt . rigHEItE beings number ojgood F i ume . 111 * in the neighborhood of Gettysburg, whioh the proprietors •are anxious to dis pose of, and the - tmdersigtied having been appointed Agent therefor, Optima wish. lug to purchase desirable rums will find it, to their advantage to address Me under signed who wil promptly attend to all let tere addresiled to him. Residence; South liiiltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. • • F. E. 'VANDERSI,,OOT. Dec. 14, 184ct—tg • • 'LEM N ittircHred clasps. STEEL BEADS .Pepe Teruo, Tassels, Bilk 'Coven, and Reticulesosonstasi• ht on hand and for isle at 801110 Wee NOTICE. REGISTER'S NOTICE. SHERIFF'S SALE. Tax Appeals. reIBOLVIV 1 r ON VIE VERY GREJIT RIRGRINS NOW OFFERED 47' KURTZ'S NEW' STORE t • WE have now on hand a choice and V.I. MIL asiortment of allJesetipticins of W whick we offer now, as naval, at remarkably Low ratans. Persons wishing bargains in the Dry Goods line will be inre to be suited by , calling at ocrKurt,z's Cheap Store. FRENCH MERINOVA, all shades ; figured Detainee, at 12i, 181 and 25 eta.; plain and printed Cashmeres. at 25.311 and 1171, cents ; super black Alpacas. at 20, 25 and 87e cents-000'ot Kurts'e. SPLENDID LONG SHAWLS, at pri ces varying from •8 los7 50; figured and black Dress Silky very cheap ; also Blank ets, Flannels. Ticking., &c.,-.-1.:7•lo Le /tad at Kurtz's. Together with an assortment of Clothe, Caee►meree, Vestings, Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. &c. We close as we began, with the wholesome advice and significant motto, that if you want bargains forget not the Cheap and New Store of Dec. 21, 1948. KURTZ'S. .710 TIC E. r 4 etters of Administration, on the estate I of DANIEL HAWN, deceased, late of Mountjoy township, Adams county, Pa., having been granted to theseubscri ber, residing in Mountjoy township, notice is hereby given to all who are indebted to said estate, to make payment without de lay, and to those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM. KUHNS, Adm'r. Nov. 2,1349.-6 t• $2 50 REWARD. QTRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, in Gettysburg, on the Ist of January, A SETTER DOG, about nine months old—color white, with very small liver-colored spots, which render him of a dirty appearance—ears long, and of a light red color. The above reward will be paid to any person who will ruturn the said dog, or furnish information that will enable the subscriber to get possession of him. The dog was last seen in the neigh borhood of IWllhenny's Mill on the prem ises of Win. Paxton. I). KEN DLE HART. Jan. 4, 1850. REMOVAL. The Cheap Book Store of KELLER KURTZ Has been removed to the South-east cor ner of the Centre Square, adjoining the Store of A. B. Kurtz. Gettysburg, Jan. A, 1950. Irdwrion T ETTERS of Administration de be nia non, with the will annexed, on the estate of MARGARET KITC lIEN, late of Reading townitip, Adams co., deed., having been granted to the subscriber re siding in Straban township, he hereby gives notice to all indebted to said Estate to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims to present the same proper ly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL. VANOESDEL. Nov. 30, 1849-0 t Adru'r. NOTICILL LETTERS of Administration onthe Estate Of MAGDALENA BAIRD, late of Freedom to wns h p, Adams con nty, Pa.,de ceased, having been granted to the subscri bers—Notice is heresy given to all per sons indebted to said Estate to make pay ment without delay, and to those having claims against the same to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, to the subscribers, residing in Liberty town- ship. SAMUEL BAIRD, Nov. 23, 1849.-60 diciners FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, on advantageous terms, _ i 4Ms /PA= 9/ situate in Franklin township, Adams coun ty, adjoining lands of Robert Shekly, Wm. Bailey, and Win. Hamilton, within three miles of Gettysburg, containing 184 Acres and 91 Perches. There aro about 50 Acres of Woodland. and the rest under good cultivation. There • are two Dwelling Houses on the Farm, a double LOG BARN, newly covered, with sheds around it ; two wells of water, with a pump in one of them ; a sufficient quantity of Fruit Trees, such as Apple, Pear, Peach and Cherry. There is Meadow sufficient to make 60 tons of Hay yearly. About 1500 bushels of Lime have been put on tho farm, and about 2,000 Chesnut rails. This would suit to be divided into two Tracts, both of clear and wood land. Any person wishing to purchase, will be shown the farm, by Henry Trostle. re siding thereon. GEO. TItOSTLE. July 27, 1849-4 m FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber will sell at private sale the FARM on which HENRY Ilea- Burr, jr., now resides, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, adjoining lands of King Wilson, Andrew Heintzelman, and others, containing ' - UWS aaliti2stine more or lees. The improvement. are a TWO-STORY kTWO-STORY Frame Dwelling House, a first-rate LOG BARN, with a Spring of good water convenient to the door. There is a fair proportion of Tim ber and Meadow , on the farm, anal an ex cellent Orchard. ,Pervons wishing to as certain the terms, which will be reasona ble will, eali eree.•the sebeeor The propbrty can be ' Viewed' on app esfipn.to the tenant , ' • • , • HENRY HERSHEYi gen Franklin tp„Jnnet,lB49.—tf CHOOL BOOKS AND STATION ERIN of all lilliih4oonstantly on hand and for sale, at the lowest prices, at the book and'StationitiheiiiA of Dee. 10. S. if. BUM-11XL FOWANNT: ‘‘ A .811 14:1A1M, &owe CierOiony*;Aciiktifii"Cot; • , GEO.' fitNOLD: Nov. II I 1849. STata - [romessam Kam Inc; SM. a., recntramj fir HE subscriber hal the pleasure of > - - 11 ; ponncing 0111the'lie*' Jits goneralbr. dolt the :largo and cattnetiO ll4 ,i!Nm..ted Oct in Chambeniburg streeti uott)tooorg. Pao for a number ofyears under the care of JAIN es A. TininersoN,' l lEig'4''lnid ; widely and favorably kneern . Travelling Public, as the stopping. p'a'ce of the mail Stages to and•from Baltimore, York, Ear ris b u rg, Cha m be rsbu rg, Hagerstown, Fred erick, and the lettit4nTiatio; 'towns. The house has been thcirOughit repaired : and refurnished, and itothbig . #lll'be left utt done in the' efroreto snit* the high cbar seter of the House and render it worthy of the patronage of the Travelling Public. 1 The services of attentive'flervantLand careful Settlers haveWatt* mitred. and every requisite conioniebbe Will he guar antied to all who may be pleased to favor me with their•patronage.• JOHN L. TATE. Oct. 12, 1840. . ' GETTYSBURG VOUNDRY IP, 4141C711.4 4 .6 *OOP.. subecriber reareetMly intent* IL his friends and the ,public generally that he still continues to carry, on the FOUNDRY BUSlNESS,inallits branch es, at his old establishment, lit the Western pa rho I G ettvsburg; where he has constantly on hand all sorts of at U 7) at VOW Ma • such as Kettles, Pow, Ovens, Skillets, Pans, Griddles, tke., of all sizes ; also, STOVES of every size and 'variety, inclu ding Common, Parlor, Air-tigh t and Cook ing Stoves—among them the far-famed llathatvays. To Farmers ho would say. ho has on hand an excellent assartitient of Threshing JPlaehin es, Hovey's celebrated PltitiVieUtters, the re nowned Seylcr Plows ; also Woodcock s and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters, Shareq, BLAcKsmrruusro is carried on in its different branches, by the beat of work men. t o The subscriber has also opened a B(U)T & SIME Shop in the South end of the Froundry Building.where,with good wok mon and excellent materials, the neatest fits and best work will be made. it-La dies will be waited on at their resldetteb. All of the above mentioned articles will be furnished as cheap, for Cash or country Produce, as they can be had any where else. All orders will be promptly attend ed to. . __ ory'Repairing, of all Linda, done at the short 39 notice. T. WARRFN. Gettysburg, May 5. 1848. QUM MQ,011.: II FINRY SMITH, 111 ESPECTFULLY informs the cit zens of Gettysburg that he has o pened an Oyster Saloon, in Chambers burg street between Paxton's Hat Store. and the Temperance House, where he will constantly be prepared to serve up the Best Fresh Oysters, in every style, Fried, Roasted, Stewed, &c. lie invites the putronageof the pith lic, and pledges the best efforts of the es tablishment to please. Call gendumen, and judge for yourselves. The subscriber would also respectfully inform the public that he intends prose cuting the Tonsorial business in all its va ried and various branches. • His razor's good and sharp, He'll shave your lace without a smart. Gentlemen, call and see for yourselves. His sponge is good, his towels are clean; : And in his shop he's shiny' seen PCPHe also respectfully informs the gentlemen that they can at any time have their boots blacked in the neatest style.— Gentlemen ran also have grease removed from their clothe's. HENRY SMITH. Gettysburg, Dec. 21, 1849. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. THE subscriber has in his possession an invaluable receipt for making SOFT SOAP, which he now offers to the public at a very insignificent and extraor dinarily low price. A very superior-and elegant article of soft soap can be made by this receipt, without Fat, Ashes or Ley. and one barrel of it boiled in the incredi ble short apace of ONE HOUR, and at a cost not exceeding Sevenlyfive Cents to the barrel. . This Soap will be warranted superior for washing and other purposes, to any made in the nsual manner, and if not found as warranted, the ',Money will be reftinded io all wha bough treekiiPts. Heads of families and others will do well to give this matter their attention, as it will prove a great saving of labor and ex pense. No person will be permitted to sell receipts unless authorized hy me. JOHN MEIXEL. Price One Dealer; 9:7'Receipts can be had of SOL(WON POWERS Nov. 23, 1849. Gettysburg $OOll,S2t THE subscriber tenders hie acknowl edgements to hie friends and the pub he for the liberal patronage hitherto ex tended to him, and respectfully Inf niti. them that he has just received from' the . Cities a spendid tournament of new Goods, comprising in pen a fine stook of isHAWLS, QINGMA"t; REI.JINES, GLOW: "Slltg'ollllllg RIB BOA FLAW t$ c 0, 1 1 44 1 0 , Muslins, Irish Linensi fir, ; &c.. al[' of Which' will be sold arthelow est clash prices. , The etlbmitiber deems „ it tienceninucTio ‘ anunterate the different articles which comprise hitviteisk.'He who'd therefore earnestly invite Mlle call'and emmilhe for themselves bathe Ipurehishie ektreheii. .1 • v 1 3 Q1114 0 *; fitittystnirg, Sp pi, 2,8, M. STEVENSON ties , just receilied, nßiot 611ottisattrStoehi1ir Few. Long Reet- 1 42_ ktriet , quilitys'yhicko OeS/411 ' City i;ul see. , " u'"."4 . , FANO ARTlOLES,Oologne,Soaps s Uair nods'. Bruh 4 4rroilet Brushes, Toed% Powders, DLO: j{ dro. , , Or ids by 'B4l, ,11311EUT,,ER Baltimore Adveretismento. _1 6 , , . I. likcPkOt , W. S. norictiss ghtiM 4e, HOPKINS. liEfilM,reititoß, AND WHOLESALE, • ~ • DEALORS - •• In Vi•tbsegirTali*Trip' . is ' . iso tiettifiltifei .t.,•1 1 41: 4 04 we: Orallneo o 4 .l3 • l V o 9 4l K _ _ A large assortment- of -READY MADE ',CLOTHlNGvolauptirius ' O I 9 CP8134183 (010111Yre; e - Chith - mettle of suii i--Entrgheo,somli 'eh)" it( the Store Oit' Charles itreet:' March 80, 18.49.--I' 1ir,13. 41 1J1111E A L CPR. OF PR AyT t3T.Bc I OENTRB 8 P A CE, CLIMIThar WIEEMIO USE. WIRE Proprietor of the , ahmte establish. • moot would ioespectfelly ihfbrui the eitittene -Biltintore And vicinity. that* has tiot4tivid:frOtiv Europe the , ' FALL •AND WINTER FAIIHIONS tagerthet with II •-rich essorlment aoudads adapted le tile coming seattothtettailitintt of Superfinifrieratchr , Gernum and Enotlish • .Clughsileastor,Beavers. PUots.anui-.. Pelitot Coating;: , A new allele fai Overpacks and Business Coats. Also, a rEl l efulid oussottmonV of March and Eng ' Cassimeres and t of the most desirable styles imported this ses,eml. • 1 IPH VOMNPki r —lNfi lobe and are cottoning reoeiving mm411,1;103 of Vestingo, consisting of plain and figured Silks and fi'oolen Velvets, „figured and striped Cashns4es,Silks, Salina and Valmicitts; atoll shades and colors. Our CUSTOM WORK ileut and made in - the - best anuo ner--and as vegan's, style and workman. ship, is .warranteil•to giro *Wife, 'Wain tjon, and at , greatly redacted prices. . hi READY- APE C LOTHING;44.re r ,- sons in want of beady-made Clothlog are particularly invited to call anti extunins our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture all qualities of FASHION ABLE CLOTHING. And our assort ment of that article itt at all times large, which offers to purchasers a groat induce ment of procuring an snide of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the Oity. , We have on hand and are consta ntly manufacturing Garments of every valioty, from the beet materials, in the most ap proved styles. for Fall and Wintqr Wear, CONOISTISO OF Swims!, .Sack anii•Pelitot Overcoat*, Oto II colors, qualities and i zes, from $250 .4 50 4 75. 5 50 and upwards, BOYS' SACK & OVERCOATS.-7 A large assortment of Iloye s Sack and Overcoats, 20 per cont. less than the uspal prices. • SUPERFINE FROCK AND DRESS GOATS, made from German and French „ , ,Cluths.,. in . the. latest fashiou.. :4 large Stock of Tweed Coitus., Pants a nd eats. We have a largo assortment-of Twee Frocks and Sacks. A New Article— Forest Sacks, for Stormy , weather. Pan. saloons, from Super French Doeskins.— BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, of every variety of Shade. and Color, at $l, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50. #3,[ 3 00, and upwards: VESTS, made from Rich Velvets, Bs. tins. Cashmeres and Valuucies, and gtall prices. • AL.7"Remember name and Once, corner o i l Pratt and Centre Markel 'pace. Nov. 23, 1849.-4 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. FACUI.IT Or PilYslp, s rf : of 1 B , l9t—'slJ. fir I - IE IsPeillres will commence on Mon- I day Ilse 29th of OciAcr, and cup tinue until the 15th of Mardi ensuing. Chemistry and Pharmary—Ww. E. A AIKEN. M. D., L. L. D. Surgery—Nal-lift IL Sigma. Therapeutics, Meteria Medica and Hygi ene---SAXUAL Citaw, M. D. Anatomy and Physiology-lostru ROBIN M. D. Theory and" Practice of Medidine.—Wir. Poseita,lit. P. 1, '6 Miderifitry and Diseases of Women and :Q}tli~ren—Htc~tntta li. Taws, M. D. Itmoterer on Pathology and 'Demonstrator of Anatomy—Gen. W . M rprett se smut. Instruction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery every day at the Balti more Infirmary, opposite the Medical Col lege. The rooms , ter practical anatomy will' be opened October let, under the charge of the demonstrator. Fees for the entire. course $9O. Comfortable board may be obtained in the vicinity of the Med ea! College, for $2.59 to $3.50 per week. WILLIAX E. A. Autism • Awe of the faculty. Sept. 21, 1849.-09 .., . . BEURTS a; wholesale, SHlRTitem 110,to $24 par dozen. S COLLLARS, from $1 to S 4 per dozen. Manufactured and sold at 179 134uvrt moan Brans's., between Light and Calvert. MEN'S and BOYS' Shins, Cotton and Linen, on hand and constantly making, all sizes—plain and fancy. • p.33.llemember the name and 179 Baltimore Street, Fourth door below Light.' Oct. 20, 1849.-4 m BETTON. RESTORATION AND,PAESERV,+TION THE HAIR. BY . 4 'ise and Solt, of CARO. filar WISE & SON, findingg , it iitipo mit • aible to attend personally to the great number of , daily applieatious i knit all 'sections of the Union, for their remedy or baldness, and for their celebrated'HAlß TONIC. have found it necessity to tip: point a General. Trvielling ofeentilo As. ii'different cities and totrulthrotighbut ibe United States, vesting 'high with 'atithority to appoint sub4gents,' `use and 'Tend the Hair Todie,‘ind to apply the HESTOIL. •ATlVE.'imd to put then:chit° the baedeof those he may appoibt to operate tibesever a sufficient number of tients in arty town 4100rhoili (4 1, filufned.. IdlP'Sbuquter county..Va.,,is alone hutliorised to act as 'Gullet the above Capt. V. r may be' impeded to viellris speedily es possibtiii• the . 'ptitieipsd , iiities and teemed( the Union: N. B. Capt. Calvert will 'always hate. on heads full sepPly of the. HAlk' TON IC , (which kikailliesithi heed el •tiendtuff, .strengtbimai end -invigorates. did hilt; sill prevents it also from falling of f ) for Me of *Malty . most mintiguous to his operations ; or it rosy ultimo be obtained. at wholesale, and forwarded to any part o 'die Union; b y addressing the proprietors M. WISE & SON; Riclimontl: Va. OtirPrice 110 per dozen • Six kit den for 4W--or one dolls; sio4ht, Vac. 7, 1 3 41K — .1 1 Y. • - 0. • Philadelphia Adverliseinenlm _ Paper ! Paper ! Paper ! No. 21 Bank street, between Market and Cher out, and 2d and ad streets, Subacribera bed leave to call the atten. ;ion olcountry buyers to their assortment Or papers, toritbracing the different varieties of Printingr' Efirdware, Writing, Envelope, and Wriappingiaspers,lreitue papers, white and 114 sorted rotors, also , flonhet and Box Board*. rac. , engaged, in the mapufectitre of printleg PlPS e rtry, ordem (rpm. Printer; for, any evert Ire *bleb Will be furnished at short no. Veit d Om. • .Viatkft Meer eitherjinrash'riftesdirreld ler Repo f , " DUCKEIV , Pc•KNIGIiTi 4ept.,14; • No 4 1 , lies* Druggtatir, , Physician/ I Merah. Wtits; : aild'tdthet" , . •".'y t vf A. 2,r, gegoo, t ,i9PTl!,.r,[ , AtiTA. kaaracte, undreamt., egelinte hatelkihina, lia.;arekinfltal hi at ) i 6 MEDI 'STUBS, gs Korth St rill street, betardlrirket Arch rlrietri, Phlisdel 6ii, *Wei* iti , iiinittitiatly kept a kitgo inisortmibt,of every eletiellt 40 ;Gar lien, Thivb 94,totter limirctbiu!.4t any otherastablialantrit in the pk r . The f aiUnilat tate is taken in the pre. pikieo, tint pititllg livid bx tik '"I The 11eibe; Reoir,'&o..-ireeneatly PO alp 'hi prensaatt paielanea ' , rum, lib., ilia; and lib,'•,- .:ThieVeaelithre•Ettraets araputontiln jam pr rirkwa.'idso, and are ariarranted .to be equal, •if not IlugerWrr.io Iho market , toteal and ,Tkontpeonlan ptellaratfiall ate fat lip ian in'the uraireit'aiknner,Yeith direction* for ''• ,• , /1 1 , ,, , • , 1,, • 117 - Partieelaristreailon kr called ;to our nen eentratedilettattabfirenillaalgt R•Orrigro, for fla voring Esseroel (World ftnirnnut,We tiers, Pure ...round Spices ani itervroisped,A slides of eve.) , kind, wild in bulk, or ia cuisine. ex pressly The importance of pore eta rellibfe Medicine hi menial) , being lobes:Ted ..id appreitiated , 4 the; Medics! Prefessioni .Apethokaties sod VlM munity at large. ,l'ipat Jilt practitioner should be able to calculate with milder,- upon the effect of this mediciaes,he sdlatinietere 4,egineni importanhe to hlm and *Patients. 'Afweys krieldng opoi point is vitly wt.irMthl 4 0#? purchare or use our eOl4l, will have no cause of disappointment.; , nEtp,k;N ,& Proprotpia Oar. en o Lebanon, . ' C. P. KNIGHT, 'Agent, Pli,,flgi` st Sept. 14.1 940 6tp , . 111 I)riLg - Q. 4• yszoi . l l / I , a. ‘" 18t Countity - Mer6 i hitrits.. N, KEELER cud most „rer spectiully solicit attention to their freak' 'lock of Kngluh, Erench,.German andA,Minienn DitirGtt. Irle‘lirines„ Chemirsis,Jellartlet ,Oily Oya Stuffs, Glassware, Perfumery,. Nent..41.01.5 ones, Acc. Hewing opened,' SAW 49r14/1 4 400 Market street, with is, tell .tosppla, of PAugt.ll l l4 Medicines, we respectfullysoliciLltountry..Peal era to. ',canine our. stock befoul .puic,htuttagelets. where, promising one and all who Parke, Wilt posed to extend us, their pat ro nage.- to sell them genuine Drugs end Medicines,' ones librial terms as any other house in the (;itysend,to.gaithfully execute all ardent entrneunt IS , ut PcoMAYsaull with dieftlitCll. . ,5. , Otse,ot, the Piniwietorei.belng .02 0 .417:0111 - cias i atl44o ampleguarinteeer theitinsuinpqual r ity of all articles sold at their,eatithlishopent.d; We especially, invite, Druggintkhot.Cqnqtry Nterebautf, mika may, wish to“bicome AggalliShf Dr. Pekr'f vslibrafrd Family - Nesliiritsra, (lltsUll ard and popular medichies,),to thriven] their ad- dress„ Soliciting the patronage of ,tinaliwsve totspectfully remain, . . . Wholesale pruggi r op, so, 44,14ar Philatielphin..Sept. 14, 5. “ AT THE OLD STAND' n Cr ift• di .V.EW &riot.: J. 0, TREY 111 ENDERS hia acknowledgments, to 415 ' his friends for past favors, and has the pleasure of announcinglthat frets ligain located at the old stand, on Washington street, one square south" of Tliomeson's Hotel, where he will be prepared, as here tofore. to do all {wide of , . Coach, Cloth, & Plign Painting. oci-C4li,glAG 'REPATRING done at short notice, lind ftni reasonable terms, for which Country Produce will 10 jeken, fOlte4Mlrilicribet Is thankful fig pi!iila reni, and hopeii.44-altltit tr i l l '. and, st, desire taideaina, ei sa k e6e ant re c 1 474 0 9 114 40 3 °, P 4I /1 )14 °""V• i:. •-, ';', , ~ 41441 05 1 4i 14 40 . i 9 .:41:` ,4 -,,;=-'4k - „, it it, rize i'm ft DED , 'l' • I ,g4k . 1 . * . 7-- , HAI'S' AND tUi' 11 . 1 ;1 tit :'l ',12//iVala 6 agifage , WM. Vtr. PAXTON • HAB conunimeed . the liDell ° dr trtfoE Businesti, with HATS di CAPS, and has now on hands a large and corn cte assortment of HATS ANW VAT'S, DOTS AND 1 '4%0E4, ' of every des'?;,,.. nitre for men, wo men and ehild p i t ~will sell at low prices . , . jilt if,',/ ioi Ilind exam ine the Stbeto Goodir.'lt is'not neces sary to describe minutely, for—Rematnber that every article that , can make the heed and teat comfortable and handsome, in v all seasons of the veer can he had at his Store, two thmslbel,qw?P9ss44,oo. Very' au Alin eat 'York' and Philadelphia S ilk" and eaver limit con- stonily oo hand. Gett sburg, 'Oct. 19, 18i0.---te IL IL COLE. To. Owners , and Dealers in 6*...D T ‘yi.ba.vickorp. e or icted with poll eeil; T iMare, 'humors, saree/qurstertidnit, braises:be affellthis, or with galled necks or shoulders—proatimisind 1510 05 dirft •ll9 4lMX4 0111 40151 . 11 I • Nilbt4tl 04. 1, V41i 1 C• 6 / 1 1RAttar and you will be satisfied, atter the first ,thorpnals application, that your bore, cm) be c ured by .the dale Of inetmpatible l Ointnient,' Fortasllasealila' 'Add stiretiktiel, , See'printed 0141 1 Phlotia • . ."Pi.i I r " r• , . U:Pikarart SavollimPlind Proprietor, it 14 , 14, .40 Cy~. a, 'York, Agents for the arilaties l Of ularld'Adatpshaleo sal by 14. H. BOEHM , Gittystitirt;ittia D. WHITE, Hampton. May 4, i 4 I'' t., 49 4 4 741 / 1 4, • lir,ErtEltc46l 4 Ad r iiiiitifrittion on the es iite CllittirrlAN ZECKEIt, Gettyabrirg, Adams•county, deed, hating been granted to the subscriber re !tiding—in saute place. notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and to those hiving claims, to present the satne prop erly authenticated for settlentent. JAS. P. FAUNESTOCK, Dec. 7. 1840—at Adm'r. cti - .)NtigrAN'FLY ottjtand itistNOleepe A k i Steel Beath. Rings and Teasels i Tina*, es., by J. 4. iruHR.A. ID:, PE II - ...V,. I ‘b•-• 6 ' .p... tr. 11111 Hi ? '''' " 1 1 ,y u MLA 4. 11 . X • OFFICE MANurAC Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOVAID EXTRACT OP BARSAPARILLA JUO%t IYundcrfol Medicine or the Age, „1,500,000 BOTTLIS MANIJFACTURKD YEARLY. %lite llfettle/Ina is put up In t.tuart Mattes and hat eared more than 1, - . 100;000 Oasis of . Chronic Diseaso, I,lllllollii Albs but Telt Yearn—None tatilesadnis , , aligned by N. P. TOWNIOICAIIa. ,•. EXPOSE. ItEADIISI3 THE FOL.I.OIt'DI AFFIDAVIT ttica , Ptiblid will learn die origin, or rather when the !whelps. for snaking the stud they roll Old Dr. Jenson FlSlVinolorPs Serniparille, came fn,m— nod will be .Me Isbindgeeellioli. is for genelne origins], and nr the honesty of the men Who are employed in selling it no tin .nhiglikil Dr, Toe. n•rnila Sornipetrilla. Dr. B. P. Tparnseed was Ike original proprietor and Inventor of DY. Tbdharhnl, 'tfineaparilla. and hi. 1110dieille had giftiOn reeititatimi.tka] no other remedy ever gained. IF npinefsetnred over one million ol bottles last year, Ind* kintitibiebt Ong et peasant noon bottles Per day nna wire ,Psinapanlia and Yellow Dock In our aajbliihenent each day, Sian all Ike other Sarsaparilla Intratirlietinseit , in Die world.' Mottled Drike, In& " 110. i n • THE AFFIDAVIT; City and (*minty of Nan• Tort!, es 'Anartnmgo, of the said City, bring duly o w omh ooth i llepro• and nay that ho is a practicel pro' and (Amulet. That mine time In the latter pub or.kloy, of firet of Juno, late , a man by Wiesen* of j A 7 ti pa Toilworn!. who at tit.tt tme we a book and. • ph lel peddler, eallssi upon deponent, at the brooms ef Tkompom, No. 41 lindson-etrect, where dope., mut boaided, and requested demote t to write him a reel by which to snake a hymn of sarsaparillt. Deposee further sari, that he became acquainted with Towiterld at the °dire of Theodore Foster, baq., Book, Publithor, with whom aid Townsend • dWt. That said rossinend bed had frequent COOTOTIM IIein with deponent teapectin the manufacture of ha ' el Sareaparilta to ho to ld under the mime pf Dr. • Townsend. "rowneend staid he was an Mt malt and - ' ' - pgqg sad wee pot ft fir hard labor—sod wished ha teak* home 'money, In order to live easy In his hid days, end that. If thuesparilla under the seismal Town. tend sold- so well, and so much money was made by .thing could hes tsn rennin why he might not make' got of tOG, (Ins name lowing Towosembh lf ha could at s capable person to prepare recipe, ellidlissibuflftUes him. Pepe mat in one eflhe Ourersallens salted said Townsend ifhe wan related' - to Dr: I.Y. TOsetsiead, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. 8. r: TOWaltanderould be down - on WM alto ko atissid tomntertee. But thet be dhl not oar* for 114:ot t et hehidlortnint a eu-partnership with mon who Ps*sk the fftltillite amount of capital--and was well preynuid defend himself against soy sttaek Shag might Welded* on hint. • ,Doopept farther soya (het pursuant to the rosined te Ma JIMA Vrrantsend. he 'wrote a recipe for the laltasibetera of -a BYrop of Parnptrilla, an d gave it le ' • ikehitt Slid ; Townsend observed that he waatid to unit* thee* ai airldhit to hie partners tot their opersfal i slabs Wished to gratify them in every,tblog, . Ps ... 181 Y tUrnbthed all the capital-4dd Townson,' .1. 0 tnadd a t i s sa leet that ' We bottle. they were to use were • to he Lkr and shape as Dr. 8. P. Town. , 'id•pchwat. at the request of said Jacob rowswerad, went lo the Once of. Dr. S. P. Townsend. and procaredontsof his labels. , sAid'deponithi Ilitthee toys, that he boa been leibran • ed and verily believe. the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, told as (IldJacob Toyrpsend's, is male suer the recipe fur,. Mist toptdOprostat, to :Noah Towratead, as albresehL stud ftist)tinidgeoreyat sap not • - ' ' WItI.IANT Iwottsp,hisfeststeAklabith day of Mei, Isla. C. 8. WOODHULL. •> z i , -Nhirie of the City of New INA. - 1' I . • PROOF I! PROOF ! ! Hem M_Droicoosalusivo that Dr. 8. P. Townsend% tairsapistillale the original Tho following U from gae 0 , " Wilma Aspect ablsi papers hi this iltata , ,-, ~ ~ __, , . FROM TRIP. ". ' ' ' iminr" r. yenning Jiernal. " 3.. -'• MI Tereingaiend i n Elarenparilla. ; ineeeprobervitr km beau so powder • remedy sr remit deedi ,as Dr. Townsenda's Oansperille, .IMNlired`oll lly. arid - continua te be mannfie. - - ' 3, 1 Wilt et. PM .by the Doctar,blenself, end M N ' jet , , sevelid years end to the present time, :Or Clapp lisTirensend, the present propneten dint* tu i crtterbrat i t, the Doctor .end l ► b. r . =l4 : hut irl at that point. The mane, to' in l city, Is conducted by theft:inlet t,i, - dier.igr. D . pp—he all thi♦medicine le manatem •• ,' Pier 'dr 'di eMselts bees any Idea of the amount or .thismedkdoe'OM Itmandemtered and mid' . &elide* 1 , tat ia tifi tk itellt il l i gt i t t r 4 Ait a rtl, d is i ndeite C a s t i o a lt2 ' rope, In considerable gyantities, , At the rearinfottotr. - they employ a steam engine, *ides s Norge number 'et me& WeeldWinut ginte, he the prepersttion trf the medicine, making Mmes, printing, Iso , and tarn o ut. ~ nand y tv c shipmept, over 400 dozen per day, or nearly ,OW Meisel ~ Tads lean entwoneue ettaidity. , 1 The great ode tlie met i d l tdpe Ann aeauleed. bee Op • 4C1470d • number °Met to op Ofilta tibnis, and there la at the present lsmej o p t medicinal fur oak, Ufa ere called. Dr. Towneend`s Sanapatillte One In pun Ocular !k started a shoreline, ago in New York. is celled it,Q o elorAgerlb ,Wegneend's Samapard op, PWWilf lichits , rialgebpitint of adverthd than aig. ta Ne li the usual remedies resorted to 1p such effort.. to apprepri aleltbiknimlocif Dr, 0. I . .,Totrosendi great'.noisedy, pi UL gain et the edentates resulting from the M i. " . o nw neant which - he bee acquired WA . _y pada of theist -Area' eripeative labor* Dr. &P. Towirelds; ty of OM city, se Is well knows Mira id the,inrentor and original proprietor of theft medicine. known 'er . Dr. Townsend's BellorPsitpect and we think those pinion* Whoto ate attempting n 414* IThe*ily the genuine, should be imposed. . , *iv Tjig O rt i saU riribmwh • , ..frpe Wit !while - bed eur *dr dAlsement iniUlrertsedly %rhea. that did injustice to Dr. IL P. Tows. se who le Unoriginal proprietor of the prepenition id' known u Dr. Townsend% Other parties„harti within the pest raw menthe engaged eir • Onerseetsd themselves with a man by the SWIM of. j o r i = 6. l !W I C toTetrineedict.nue ed ibny Iridium ea Ike arlghsal, On This advertisement slim rVsuttee deroatory to the charec_ter of Dry rovosti d atd , th at of I ustice lls Led i t e ir ine sisk r u = . FROM THE IISW 'fork Doily item extriordioary advertbeinutathka recap u an entire pege of the Sue, will not escape notice. Dr. B. P. Townsend, who Is the original pro. Ftarof Dr. Townsend." Banstwills, and Whose of e il jals t 1;1 ° 4 r ;ni w n . h e s m e l b ' net : e s. e ll s i % Te e : NO laimillink fur hundred dozen of Sarsoperills per knead aeon this gnomon.; quantity does nut supply the denslued. No piedierne ever gained so great a =Wit , tu Al l s trzia g m r tio l n s ig the Me oat arzsc4lll:od he IMO paid Ow New York o dun for advertising, la the mat four years, over dto,ooo, and he acknowledges that It is the cheapest advertising he hex bed done. This Medicine is Imported to the Canada'. West In. dim.. South .Arnerica and Europe, In considerable quainter!, and Is coming Into general use in those katatiik - as win is here. ewl miler.. breggiets sod others that *ell Barespuilla tbr the minim and origival Pr. Townsend's gummiest).* that le hot signed by li. P. Totensend, commits a fend, mid awlodbM tie customers. Men that would be pay of such in act, would commit any other bend -lad oo Druggist of common intelligence but ktgows. Oudotini Is the only genuine. Old Jacob Townsend. Mom* pee* who are not well infoemed, and bums mot reed the paper+, and not seen our edvertieemente, have been lad to suppme that becaush them men ed • earths* their ;tuft as "O ld Jacob Townsend". that It avast,nt ovate, be the original. It is Ws than one gear slime time commenced to make their madltdne. Oars has been In the market over ten years. This Old Jacob Townsend. are endeavoring to palm off on the public a• by old Ityalcian, 11.3. Na is not • regular educated PkyalCien, end. never attempted to manufacture a wed. (Gina until these men hired him for the one of They. Miley do not wish the people to be. iior• th at their , parille la ours, or the rams--hut tetterie derwe the public, they at the same time assoM that their 4 le 'the Old Dr. Townsend, and the original I end endeavor to make the people believe that the stugthey manufacture, le the Dr. 'lbernsenWe Sarsaparilla that has performed so many nosiderfthl Mires tp the put ten pun, and which hes gamed it munition .which no other anotw Me es enjoyed— which is as hoc, vlihtinoust unprincthied falpeimod. We hire • oonunenced suns against these men lot damp: wish 'globs understood, that the °Minim iatto Welke to Dr. Townsend whatever. in their ad vegratuthe end circulars, they publish a number of gran teluboods respecting Dr. Townsend, whkh we Wllll not notion. Pelee Reports. gee dniponsits havepublished in the ripen, that Dr. 11: TWerssend we. dead. This they send to that Felntivetiout the eiluntly, who report that we have ungi business, Ws. Itc. The public should be en r guard, and not be deceived by these tingle* *Amer. Karim' aJ'firmorst—After the first of September, 1141 k Dr. O. P. Townsend'. New York Oflice will be hthit !heath Iteptht Church. No. St Nassau street, wla now undergoing a thorough change, and RID be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro prlettei and the public. particular Malec —No Sarsaparilla p the reenhei end original Dr. Townsend's Sansaparille, kin allied by 8. P. Townsend. AACATlL—Redding lk Co., No. S State.strwet, aM MM. E. Kidder, No. tee Cmartetraet. Moto& ; genial Rieder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Pratt Salem; Jamie Si Omen, Worcsater Allison k Omit. Coecoldt . Belch k Son. Providence ; and by Druggists end Met. chant* generally throughout the United Illekes. ' ladles and the Canadas. Wirer Sale In Gettysburg'. of • S. H. BUEHLER, Wholesale 4- Retail agent for Adams tit ALEX. R. S'II.I4IVENSO.II4 - T TORN.F; 11T LAW, OFFICE in the Centre Sqnare,Noetat of the Court-house, between Sinitie and Stevetwou'e corners. GIMP I FRINGE ! SII,IC!' L. EICHICK hue just seesived a • fine aseurtineut of Giaiiiiiiedfrin ges,end synod wriiele.ot . 3.4.717 aims.