Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 09, 1849, Image 2

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A ram( of the Steamer Ilibentia.
emu 11Itaaaf LATER' FROM EU
• ' • ROPE.
Distress in &Smut —Russia and Turkey
—Turkey and the !Hungarians—France
and Rome.
The Steamship Hibernia, Capt. Store,
after a very rough passage across the At.
Untie, arrived at Halifax at 7 o'clock on
teunday evening, bringing one week's la
ter intelligence from Europe. ‘Ve annex
-11 a summary of the intelligence.
ENOIAND....-NOthillg important has trans
pired in England since the sailing of the
IRICIAND.—The conspirators
in Ireland tire extending throughout nil
parts of the island. The local journals
are filled with accounts of the abduction'
of the crops. There is no doubt that in
the southern part of the northern provin
ces there is a general determination on the
part of the peasantry to defraud the land
lords of rent to such an extent as would
seem calculated to consummate the union
of the county.
Thus, with the fearful effect of the pa
tato blight, fever, choler:li and other diseas
es, by which Ireland has been desolated,
seem likely to be far exceeded by the ca- j
larnitous results of the moral pestilence
that is *preaching throughout the land.
Aselct, attended with fatal results, took
pia the 13th, at Kitterhy, in King's
county, where three policemen were kil
le4 and several others seriously- injured.
~ TURKEY AND Ressta.—There is no la
ter news from this important quarter of
the world, in , the European times, the on
. ly paper that has come to hand, and of
course we have got no solution of the dif
ficulty between the Sultan and Emperor]
Nicholas. The general belief, however,l
' among well informed circles in London
and Paris, is that Russia will pocket the
affront rather than provoke a collision
with France and England.
There is a rumor from Paris that in
ennsegnence of the relation in which
Louis Napoleon Blinds with the Czar, he
would gladly throw the support of the na
tion in behalf of Turkey.
A correspondent, writing from Belgrade
on the Ist instant, states that the Ilunga
'Tian refugees were still nt Widdin, ready'
to'set out for the destination they may re
ceive. They were divided into three
camps, an Italian, a Ilungarian, and a Po
one. Each camp is under the order
of a Colonel, and each man receives dilly
rations according to his grade, like British
Prince Alexander, of Servia, had beha-1
ired very well towards the refugees, allow-J
ing then) free passage through his territory.
.and abundance of provisions.
Dem. Dembinski, and several other.,
have not only embraced lalaniism. but'
have entered the Turkish army. The
Porte is said to have appointed the Isle of
Candle as the residence of the Magyars:
FRANCE.—The deliberations of the Na
tional Assembly were almost entirely de
*Med, on the 12th and 13th, to matters
relating to the Roman question. The re
part was decidedly conservative, and at va.
dance with the expressed views of the
President's letter to M. l'hiers.
M. Thiers, in his speech, arrived at ihe
con stun that liberal institutions arain
cOinfatible with the Pope's indefievid
as a temporal Sovereign ; that the Wl
pendent.° and liberty of the people are at
issue. He was of the opinion that theist
ter ought to give way. It is not believed
that his views will be responded to by th
French periple. At a subsequent Ministe-
Ant Council. it was decided that the GOv
eminent would follow exclusively' the pol
icy laid down in the President's lent): on
Roman affairs.
The High Court ofJostice at Versailles
commenced its session on the 12th and]
.are at present engaged in the affair of the
.13th July, during which several tlisrepa
table occurrences took place. I
On the 16th, an aid-de-camp arrived at'
Paris from the Emperor of Russia, char
with a special message to the President
of the Republic.
AUSTRIA AND lIVISOARY.-4110 treaty l
between Auetrin and Prussia, signed at;
Vienna on the 10th ult., provides that Atis-
Iris and Prussia assume the administration
of the central power of the German con
federation, in the name of all the Govern
ments of the Confederation s until the first
of May next year.
Oen. Haynnu, in his admieistration of
military authority, loses no opportunity to j
prmerve the bloody character belonging to j
He has murder d, under the guise
* of aeourt martial. thirteen Hungarian Gen.,
orals who had laid down their arms at the,
aloes of the war.
Count Batheny, Prime Minister of Hun
gary, has also been shot. He had been
sentenced to be hung, but having cut his
throstwith a dagger sent to him by his
wilt, it was impossible to strangle• him,
fall, pierced by bullets from the
Anatrian soldiers.
Several hundred Ilungarian officers,
furnished with passports from Comore,
itesiapassed through Berlin, on their way
Mahe West. Rowe were going to Amer
ea. and Klapka said to be among them,
who have fornied the resolution of cros
sing the Atlantic in company with sever
-4,liundred others.
JIN IIIO ARY.-11Ungary is to be divided
hit° ten districts, each to have its own le
giiilature, and to be chosen by a majority
of the votes of the population.
Roats.—Accounts from Rome are the
reverse of satisfactory. The return of
the Pope is still 'talked about, but when is
still the subject of conjecume.
There has been a mistitxlerstanding be-1
teen one of the Cardinals, and M. de
Connelles—the Frenchman being offend
ed at a letter received front the eclesiastic,
itocoplaining of the number of traitors tol
erated in the eternal city. The points of
ihspute were referred to his Holiness, who
ditappriired of the conduct of the Carib
oo. and threw him overboard.
The brave Garribaldi hasten the Island
agents Nadalina for Giber:liter, whence
Ite willitail for London, and ultimately for'
4 Anew:A And—lncreased Proapta of a
Arriptax Wer—,l Russian Threal—
Aka*, B e.s
NRW Volta, Nor. IL 1819.
The !Cow York Courier and Enquirer,
eirsisit Onornittg. contains the followilig
disomfiat ibpai i.oulfil to Liverpool up to
01111Stalt stir the sailing of the Hibernia :
siSepsaaii boot Parts, dined on Friday
lit OM% sate:—...luring the speech of
Orono, ..0 the Roman qu es-
Itt eh* Naito' a4l.4tortably. an alterea
thoittetiortiQ between" M. 'niers and
/Ws, declined that the fer
ia* 114 isJ4 sisst tile cieetion tefLouis
, r. ".1,4
polcon would be a disgrace to France,
whereupon Thiers demanded satisfaction,
and a duel was immediately fought 'with
pistols, but neither party sustained any
personal injury. The seconds then came
forward and stated that the parties had
dOrte all that honor required, and both
members returned to the Assembly just as
the sitting was adjourning, at 5 o'clock.—
De la Rossiere was the last speaker, and
would continue his address to-day."
The Evenement says that the Rnssion
charge, at Paris, had made known to the
foreign minister that Russia would regard
the entrance of the French fleet into the
Dardanelles as a declaration of war.
The same paper says that orders had
been given to the French fleet to join the
English fleet at Naples.
Arrival of the Washington.
One Day Later.
Later from France—llonaparte and the
.Issembly—Slaughter of Hungarians
—Movement of the Combined Fleeta4—
Probability of a War with Russia, +e.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6, 7 IN K.
The Steamer Washington arrived here
this afternoon from Bremen and South
ampton. She brings London papers of
the 20th Oet., one day later than those by
the Hibernia.
Sho brings also 150 passengers, among
whom is the Hon. R. Rush, late Minister
to France, and Bishop Southgate.
'rho llavre Cotton market, at the latest
dates, was very finn and amigo, and'a (144
titer advance had bap plaer in priees.
It is said Thal the difficulties between
President Butilhrte and the majority of
the National Assembly, have been fully .
Fresh executions have liken plebe in
Hungary, . It is said that semen( th . e 'ern
nobles in the Kingdom - were. 000400 Med
to death. acid that the thirst Inc bietnivros
almost insatiable.
. .
The Turks were busy engaged
ing for war. •
The English Ind Prenoh fleet are on
their way to the Dardanelles, and the in
dications are in favor of hostilities , with
The subjoined communication will be
read with pleasure by thousands in our
State. We have great pleasure in placing
it in our column' :
At the last anniversary of the First Bap
tist Ohnrch Sunday School. Wool Phila
delphia, the Rev. Mr. Hammer, in the
course of his remarks, mentioned thatthe
covernorspf severs/ of the States through
which he had recently travelled, had been
constituted Life Members of the American
Sunday School' Union. by the liberal din
tributietut ,of Sunday School children.
_ At the close of the arrvices, a collection
Of more than fit* dollars was taken up for
the benefit of their town school, and just as
the benediction Ives about to be pronoun
ced. some' one who did not believe that
charily Mould end at home, very ones
pectay rose up and said, he really thought
they . should do something to aid the A
merican Sunday School Union in planting
schools in destitute places, etc. He pro
posed to make. the Pastor of the church
and the Governor of the State, life mem
re q thieSociety, and ot-orace-the noises
' sary amount. $(10, Was secured.
The following letter from - Gov. Johns
ton. accepting the position assigned him
by the kindness and repeat, of his young
friends, will be read with great pleasure
by 'every geod citizen.
EiaCOTlra CRAM wnt,
Hanisbarg, Pa., July 27, 1849.
Ray. T. L. Hamar En, .
Dear Sir :—I have received your kind
letter communicating the gratifying fact
'that the Stint/ay School of the Prat Bap
tist Church, West Philadelphia. have pro
cured for me a Life Membership in the A
merican 'Sunday School Union.
This act of generous kindness .1 shall
ever cherish and remember, and more par
lietilarly so as being the unexpected and
voluntary action of those who tan have no
impure motive. but whose Moughts. like
themativee, partake largely of the kingdom
of Heaven.
In early life it was my fortunate lot to
become a trehoisr, and subsequently a
teacher in a Bundsiy-sehool ; the impres
sions there. reeeived,of the value end im
portance of Seri ptu re lea ruing, h a re increas
ed whit my advance in life. In the dark
hours of worldly trouble, in the Midst of
the storms of human Milstein*, in the bus.
de of life's affairs. or the turmoils of noliti•
cal strife. the good man buds in bisAible
a consolation and contentment that the up-.
learned in its holy leaching' cannot pos
sess. In the day of our tribulation, 'when
the anxieties, thoughta t purposes and de
signs of humanity are closing. and the angel
of death stands ready to usher the spirit to-
to the spirit-land, it is then the devout
reader and follower of the Bible precepts
triumphs in the calmness of his death, un
der a blessed hope ofa bright futurity; while
the uninformed writhes in mental agony
over the doubts and shadows of an uncer
tain destiny.
The Almighty Father conferred upon
hie rebellious children no greater blessing
than the Holy Scriptures, and wanton be
employed in no higher or holier duty,
than in their distribution and teaching to
to his fellow-man.
I accept with great pleasure the position
assigned to me by the kindness of my
young friends, and shall feel obliged by
the communication of such acceptance to
With sentiments of sincere regard,
• I remain most truly yours.
Ws. F. Joanwroar.
Rev. T. L. Hammer, PMlad'a., Agent of the
Am. 8. Union.
The Emperor of Russia has 17 ships of
the line in the Black sea. The Sultan of
Turkey has 12, nearly all or which were
built by Henry Erkford and Mr. J. F.
Rhodes, or New York, and are among the
most superb specimens of naval architect.
tare in the world.
There are 5,800 Sons of Temperance in
Missouri, nearly 1,200 of whom are in Si.
Louis. Out of the whole number there
were only thirty-five deaths during the
year aiding October Ist. This fact, when
considered in connection with the fearful
scourge which spread throughout that State,
speaks volumes for the Order.
ceording to Mr. Bancroft, the first Pu
ritan settlers of New England are the pa
rents of one third of the population of the
United Suttee. In the first fifteen years.
We time when most of the immigra.
Lion front England took place,
there came
over 21,000 persona. Their descendants
in 1840 were estimated at 4,000,000.
~Each family has multiple:4 on the average
to a thousand souls.
rat %rut 4 BAUM.
Friday Evening, Nov. 9, 1849.
CITY A4l ENC I ES.—E. W. Cs a, Esq. Sun
Building, N. East Corner Third & Dock streets,
Phi/ode/phi° ; and Messrs. Wm. Towline* &
Co., corner of Baltimore & South Calvert streets,
Saitimore--are our authorized Agents forreeeiv
ing Ad vertisenunste wad Subeeriptioe a form Tbs
Star and Banner," and collecting end reeelpdrig
or the same.
0:"We are regoested to state that Rev. Mr.
Ks:gazer wilt preach in the Associate Reformed
Church, in this place; on next Sabbath, at 101 o'-
clock, A. K. •
of dektgates and Mends oldie Christian Sabbath,
from the counties of York, Aflame, Cumberland,
Perry. and . Dauphin, is to assemble In York, on
Wednesday the 28th inst., at 10 o'clock.
Oi"At the meant session of the Lutbersu Byuod
at Montoya. it was determined to establish a Lu
theran Femalefileminary at that place, and a com
mittee was appointed to solicit subscriptions in fur-
Merano* of the object, whose progress, thus far,
we learn, lessee no doubt of their final enemas.
THANKSGIVING DAY.—The Governors of
smarty a 'dotten Stated have already issued
theit , preeldmations designating Thursday, the
29th Mat, la • day at thaakasiving ter the Mee.
ming which Wm beset **yid daring the year.—
Last year them was a very general unanimity in
the selection Oa thanksgiving dsy. The moral
ly s'ublime spectacle was presented of the people
In a large itimbir'oriadependesit sovereigiitlei uni
'dug ht thanksgiving td the Author of all their
blessings FM the'kinduees end are be bad gm.
Moody extended to them. We hope that a sim
ilar unanimity may be observed this year.
reliable eorrespookient of the Bakisnort Pistrio' t,
who it is nriterstood holds an office in one of the
Department% in noticing the report that Mr. MCI-
Faio is going out of the Treasury Department,
discredits it, and also the report that there will be
any, change, for the present at all events, in the
Cabinet. He adds that should a change be
made, some time after the assembling of Con
gress, and Mr. Meredith should retire, no doubt
that sterling man of the people—that whole4oul
edWhig, of great knowledge, wisdom and ex
perience, Thos. M. T. McKenna°, of Washington
county, Pertoylranla, will be tendered a Cabinet
' leading houses in New York City, (rays the Tri
bune) hits tvceired a private letter from a mercan
tile house in Lisbon, containing the information
that the American Government had directed its
Charge to demand of the Portuguese Government
an unequivocal answer to the American claim up.
nu it for spoliatiotur.
The answer was to have ban given by the first
of November, and wu to be conclusive as to the
determination of the Portuguese Government to
pay or resist payment.
RUSSIA AND TURA Y.—W e desire to haz
ard the prediction with regard to the question now
iminent in Europe, touching the relations of Rue
ala and Turkey. In opposition to the general
current of speculation, we predict that Czar Ni.
cholas wiz& sox bath out fronri the position he
hoe taken_conceming the Hungarian and Polish
refugees. Even though crippled in his finances
and weakened by tho heavy losses sustained by
his armies in Hungary, (mainly by Cholera, he
says) he will have the fugitives he has demanded
from the Sublime Porte, or he will resort to the
alternative he has threatened. Possibly Western
diplomacy may find some middle ground (though
we do not see it) between the humiliation of the
Sultan and a Russian war ; but if none such is
RJund Nicholas will draw the sword. Much as
we detest the policy of which he is the embodi
ment, we have learned nothing to justify the be
lief that ho is a bregart or a char . :loan. After de
manding the fugitives with such a superfluity of
bravado, he is not the man to show the white
feather on the first exhibition of by the
Grand Turk. He cannot afford, at this time, to
make himself the laughing stook of Europe, nor
can the cause of despoiling afford to have him
made such. We await with intense anxiety the
developments orate next two weeke—N. I Trib.
A very serious accitlent happened on the Cohno
bia (Pa.) Raihost hat Thursday afternoon. The
locomotive Clarion, with a freight train, was ap-
proaching the Parkersburg station to take in wa
ter, when the coupling part of the train broke.—
Twenty ears, all heavily htden, were this libera
ted, and, doers Wags hem 'downtrard grade, they
ran dawn •by their .own gravity with loonense
speed, They went on se far as the Coatesville
bridge, where they came in collision with another
train which had left Parkensburg fifteen minutes
previously. flush was the force of the shock that
IMMO twelve ears were demolished, and three others
wore driven completely over the bridge. a .
Two men, in the employ of the State, were at
work repairing the nod near the spot, and not
meting the easy coming, on the north track, were
struek by them. One of them, named Linn. was
Instantly killed, his bead being seveted from his
body. The other, named Patton, was seriously
hart and is not eipectod to survive. ft appeare
that the conductors of the care which broke locate
had left the tratn and gene into the hotel; had
even one oftbent been on the train, as both ought
to have been, ha could have need the Weak and
prevented this deatruetion of Inv aid property
LIPE..=-The heavy min of Monday week, caused
a tremendous Rood in Hickory Ran,' tributary of
the Lehigh, in Kidder township, Cohen county,
which caused the creaking of no leas than three
dams, and the destruction of three maw mills; one
belonging to J. & S. Gould, and two to Mahlon
K. Taylor, Esq., and several dwellings. Nor is
this the ward of the eataatrophe--aeren lives
were hit. Gus, a daughter of Mr. Gould—and
the entire family of Mr. West, an enterprising
blacksmith, who Lad settled there some time since
whose dwelling was swept off, with the ex
ception of himself; was drowned. The house of
Mr. Gould was moved some 65 feet from its foun
dation and kit standing in an upright position.
ICYHon. John W. Farrelly, of Crawford coun
ty, has been appointed to the Sixth Autlitorabip
oldie Treutuy, in place of Peter G. Washington,
Col. 8. W. Pierson, of Somerset, has been 0 1 , -
pointed Consul to Buenos Ayres.
Had these appointments awl a few Others of
the same stamp, been made prior to the late elec
tion, a different result might have been effected.
The working Whigs of the State need only some
evidence of sympathy of feeling with them, and
they will battle manfully in support dais admin
istration they have placed in power.
Joan BLAce, D. D., Pastor of the
Reformed Presbyterian Church. Pittsburg, died in
that city on the 25th ult., in the 82d year of his
ofit. Dr. Bleck was an eminent divine, a true
patriot, a truly religious man, aied was revered Ig
We large cougregatioe.
DISGRACEFUL.---A cfisgricelbl and very un
fortunate occurrence transpired in our town on
last Monday night A quarrel arose between a
couple of rowdies, among whom was Mr. Noa■
ihturrs, (a young man well known to our cili
um) who was very mach intoxicated at the time,
the result of which was time Mr. B. Wes knocked
down and otherwise so badly treated as to anion.
ger his ors. K. was onbsoqueuli7 coney/led into
a neighboring home, where ha is now lying with
but little prospect of Ida recovery.
This glair canned la the vicirdtp of the house
occupied by hfre..ftrgetre, where, at a later hoar,
another and a larger party assembled, and attempt
ed to Torre an Marone/ into the house.' We learn
that daring the disturbanoe fire.orms were resorted
to w and that a shot was fiat fired by the oampauts
of the ileum, which was returned by the assailants.
A cry of murder within the house, immediately
after the firing, caused the rioters to withdraw,
which gave the inmates an opportunity to make
'their retreat, which they did from the rear of the
This Mrs. artery is the lame woman, who, a
year or two ago, was indicted for keirPing a diaor
derly house, and sentenced to six months' impris
onment and a fins of 050. Having undergone
this punishment, she PISS spin returned to her
foimer vile occupation, i ind, if poedble, beeps a
more disorderly house than ever. Shall the evil
be allowed to exist any longer t It le exceedingly
strange that in a cosummity such as mina so great
a nuisance should be led for a single day.—
Haw, not the au • . of oar town sufficient
power vested in them t remove such dens of vice
—such harbor* of infa If they have this pow
er, do they not incur a Ifni responsibility in ne.
gl ecting to exercies it I There must be • remedy
somewhere, and it is IC:• time that it be applied.
F? 'A clam of
stop I newspaper on
graph that dispkases
by en exchange es fol
'A certain man hit kis toe against a pebble
atone and fell headlong to the ground. Be was
vetted, and under the .• nee of anger and active
self-sufficiency, be k , old mother earth right
saucily. With import . ble gravity, he looked
to see the "great gl. . totlf dissolved" and come
to naught, But the . . remained, and only his
pour foot was injured . the encounter. This is
the way of man. An rticle appears in a news
paper tunehing him in weak place, and straight
way he sends word to .p his paper. With great
complacency. he looks . to see a crash, when the
c i i
object of his spleen sh cease to be. Poor fool,
ho has only hit his o toe against a world that
Jars not perceptibly f the shock, and injures no
one but himself." _ '
i•Sonhory Americen, W %edited by Henry B. Mas
ser, Esq., wo, althrugh an uncompromising
Locofooo, has yet entail been a firm and consis
tent advocate of the, protective policy, thus
speaks of those belongbag to his own party who
are in favor of the la i fof 18 46 and opposed to
the protection of Ame n industry.
The "Keystone" is own upon the alious and
lobiloxicur doctrine of pibtection to American in
' dustry sod says if they "Democratic members of
1 Congress will adhere tc their integrity the country
will be safe"—from • nilification of the tariff.—
Such sentiments, Mr. eystone, were the CalUlio of
the defeat of the Dem ratic party at the October
and November election of 1848. The sycophan
cy and recklessness o( many papers of the same
party in changingtbkiir opinions in reference to
the Tariff, itn tnediatelj after the passage of the bill
of 1846, disgusted andllrove into the Whig ranks
so many Democrats,.thet the t..eale of the balsoce
was turned. The tariff question was sedulously
excluded from the cititest of 1819, for fear of a
like result. The do ctrine of protection is n't •
federal doctrine. This county and this Congres
sional district are in rofavor of a protective tariff, i
and no one, be he Deaneerator Whig, can receive
their suffrages who isavorredly opposed to this pol
icy. 15 . 0 believe this lobte is in favor of the
twine doctrine. Eva) , lagislattire has passed ruts- 1
°lotions in its favor. Let • Democratic candi
avow oppositionto this policy, and his defeat
is certain. The time has gone by when the peo
ple of Pennsylvania could be whipped into the
traces and mounted upn any platform the sell-con
stituted lenders chow to erect. It is the press, we
are sorry to say, thalnorr wheels and doubles un
der the /ash of executive patronage?'
OUTRAGE IN SPEECH —%r;have often
folt mingled ingot Ind disgust et the language
employed lly declaimemat public meetings
who profesa the Democratic faith, and we have
been equally griped and mortified that intelligent
Americans coultbe found who would listen to
applaud it. Ath recent ratification meeting at
Tammany Hall here was a good deal of this
kind of languastindulged in, and we charitably
expressed the hop that they who uttered it had
unwittingly indolord too freely in the (liquoring)
room below; forwe would rather that a man
shoulAbotioeidatillz,,,,srlaken in a fault than
that he should habitually employ profane and
blasphemous language *GM the mere lora of it.
We suspect, tomes% that we were toocharitable,
for one of the sune emulous poured forth a tirade
before a Loam° gathering, in Brooklyn, in
which were the folio/ring passages, according to
the report thmished ban ci:hangs paper. We
pass over • east &maw of Billingsgate and fus
tian :
They (the Whigs) canner go to Canaria, for
Canada will soon be a part of the Democracy of
this nation, and her epresentatives will take their
places in their rankest Washington. They can
not go to Cuba, for ;moral Taylor called upon
the navy to keep then at Round Lelia Where
win they go I [A mks, 'To ball I'] Certainly
I cannot say whew ; bet e as my/rimed has fired
:heir loration, will my day conseat go io Heave*,
for Old Hidcory mut no Whig ran go
where kit is. [toad Ind repeated cheering.] .dud
if they mere to get thee sad fled Old Hickory Nap
plug, Pork would sag glower pow me doers below;
yea mon be mistakes is the plate "
Now we put it b any decent person, man or
woman—Whig, Democrat, or Abolidonist, ddM
bid or barbarian—simither men who publicly ut
ter or applaud suchrile, blasphemous language,
are the persona who should guide political opinion
in this country. 'Would penons deservedly com
petent to exercise deli lhinctlise patiently listen
to it 1 Igpoken in as Landon, convention, it would
be sneered at es tibabisnd Pointiroo, though
Cane . ; in a 81mit Ward grogguy it might be hur
rahed at by the moat Iltuttit of the drunke n Li/-
mats:B.--X Y case..illar
RU/DMA AND TURKEY.—Three times du
ring the present century the Turks and Russians
have been at war, and each time the former have
been beaten. The la.t•trtie in 1827, when & pow
erful &mien army 'peorMsted the hitherto con
sideredimpremmbli napuotainous bouriens of the
Balkan, captured Adrianople, and dictated igno
minious terms of peaci `under the walls of Don
stentinople. It remains to be seen whether , the
Turks will have amain to Meet their terrible north
ern adversaries for refuting to deliver up the Hun-
Barka rafilres—bat with Prince and England
to back her, they hive net so much to fear as for
OHIO LEGISLATURE , . —The contested
idecdon in Hamilton county is not the only one
which renders the nudority a matter of uncertain
ty. It ePPears that the seats of three Locofoco
members, returned for Coshocton, Guernsey, Jack
son, and Gallia counties, will be ceeteeted by
'Mathla received, at the recent election, fewi:
er votes by more than 25,000 than Were last Ail
givers to Cans Cu.;and this* Looakees can a "Mai
dogaiocralk gift,"
To onf Main! end Asti-Politica lianas.
Stas have entered on my official duties
ihis day, and I thank you, Dentienten, Arr your
expression of loos confidence. I add, et this
time, only the manner of an earnest endeavor to
deserve it. JESSE 1). NEWIIAN.
llteuntoy Winship, Nov. 6, 1849. •
Tax Pennon Lisa.--Tha 'Albany in
a tirade of personal dalmatian, speaks of .
"Secretary Clayton, who proclaims that Slavery
should go "wherever profitable; of Attorney Gen
eral Johnson, who %dame its establisharentin the
new territories by farce; of Collamer, who gives
up the mails. to southern mobs to pilfer."
Secretary Clayton and Attorney General John
son, though living in Slave States, both ename4a
ted their elates many years ago, and Mr. Clayton
sustained and voted for the Wilmot Proviso in the
Senate, when it was defeated by the votes of Cass,
Dickinson and their cronies, into whose camp the
Atlas has lately crawled. M. Clayton saves
proclaimed that Slavery should go 'wherever pro.
fitable ; Mr. Attorney General Johnson neva;
%Triad its establishment in the new territories by
forte.' His sentiments are entirely adverse to
altthis. It was Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia,
a Locofoco, who is now exulting In the hope of
the Atlas party carrying our State, who made the
speech on which this story about 'force' is based.
Mr. Collamer maven gave up the malls to be pil
fered, and never will, but Gen. Jackson and Amos
Kendal did, and the Atlas men were then and
thereafter their e strenvons supporters.
We have only picked duce out of at least •
hundred barefaced falsehoods in the editorials of
the Atlas. They arc a fair sample of the lot Pal
their scoundrelly mannfacturers.---lf Y. 2\ib.
Or By the following, from the loitesieroagh
Whig, it will be seen that lisowscow sebum
ledges his define in Tennessee with candor:
ted, touchy people, who
• • •nt of any petty pare
nt, are cleverly ridiculed
To that same , 4 Old Coon."—Old
hose, we have a few words to address to
you, touching the late elections in Ten
nessee. The elections have resulted in
favor of Trusdale for Governor, Ewing, of
the Nashville District, for Congress, both
anti-coon, and all that you have to boast
of is that the Legislature is coon. We
tried to keep count for a time, but the anti.
coon gains c me in upon us so rapidly that
we gave it up as a bad job, and will try to
poet our hook next week.
Old friend, we are sorry for you. You
went into the contest with your head and
tail up, full of life and joyful expectations !
You have come out of the contest, trop.
ped, bobbed and branded. You look bad,
but seem to hold on to your only reliance.
Tail-hold is a good one, it it is well hold,
and inasmuch as it is about all that is left
of you and your party, you will not need
to be advised to hold on Various rea
sons will be assigned to you, why you
have been thus treated. We tell you that
the true cause is, that your breed has been
; mixing up with foxes, wild -cats, Mexican
wolves, &c., and so crossing the breed of
coons, that it is difficult to tell a real coon
now, when met in a crowd of animals !
The genuine coon blood courses through
the veins of a majority of all the voters of
Tennessee; but seeing that the great coon
den. at Washington, has all sorts of ani
mals in it, and the little dens in all the
country, are tilled up with foxes and prair
ie-dogs who have occupied them for years,
the real coons, who have been " out in the
ramte" all the time, have nothing to fight
fur. And unless the coons at Washington
cane out and show the rings on their tails,
and treat with inure respect the coons in
the "back woods," we predict for you ,
that your generation will become extinct
in 1852 ! That we are not mistaken as
to the causes of your bad fortune, we refer
you to the news from other coon harbors,
as it conies in ! Wu told you this eight
months ago, when you were forsaking
the lead of old coons, whose coonology
had been well tried, and agreeing upon a
compromise, which was to do away all
ditMuctions between coons and foxes,
wolves anti sheep, horses and asses !
RY.—One of the greatest evils of slavery, is that
the slave is precluded from acquiring knowledge
of any kind. His physical powers are fully de
veloped, so as to make the most money out of his
strength, but his mental and moral culture is di,-
regarded as being worthless in the market. The
Macon (Geo.) Messenger objects to the employ
ment of slaves as master mechanics, and in the
course of its argument, makes the following re
voking admission":
"Every attempt, directly or indirectly, to edu
cate the slave, to impart to him intelligence, and
to place him on an equality with white mln, Just
to that extent endangers the institution of slavery.
A distinguished statesman has said that ' nine
tenths of the ideas which we obtain are derived
from our business and social relations, and only
one-tenth from books.' We very properly exclude
the negro from the acquisition in book-knowledge.
Why, then, place him, is a muter workman, in a
position where he is compelled to think, and where
he can so easily acquire information Why ex
clad* him frdm administering drugs, and yet al
low him to have charge of workshops, where he
can manufacture weapons of death at pleasure ! "
I take the responsibility," exclaimed that mor
al hero, (General Jackson.) a I shun all respon
sibility," lathe timid maxim of his Illustrious suc
cessor. —Midas.
Here is another slap at Mr. Polk. Or was it
Mr. Polk who made such a pother over w fifty
four forty," and then asked the Senate what to
do about it I—ibrinsb/ir.
Whip of Vermont, at their late State Conven
tion, unanimously paned a resolution in favor of
"the peaceful annexation" of Canada. A:maas
meeting, having in view the mme object, has been
milled by the Leedom; of Minesma territory.
11:7Col. John W. Forney is spoken of by the
Locokeme in some querten, for Clerk of the
House of Representatives at Washington.
Gen. Leslie Combs is spoken of, on the part of
the Whigs, ha connection with the same mhos.
or A Locofooo editor my" thou the CatElp-fireS
of his patty ars bunting brightly, whereupon the
Limilvillo Jams' retort" that roww:gre won't 's!.
aunt, and noromatends chloride of lime.
Cr On Friday week, a Are broke out in the
Democrat/3 Union office, some dime Orient hones
before daylight, which destroyed an the newspa
per materialein aid establishment except the ma
chine prewom ,
NEW COUNTERFEIT.--Oonatarfait td
bills on the Harrisburg Bank ans in circulation is
the vicinity of Lancaster. They are of leiigr A,
and of various dates.
fiTHorase Bmfth, Esq„ of Poussille, hos been
appointed by. our government Consul to Portugal.
Mr. S. is well qulalified to discharge the duties of
the station.
arm,. Greeley, of the New York Tribune.
Meseta $lOO for the 'benefit of the "striking
lore" is Beaton.
CFA mesmerist fataltiscovored 0119 of a
woman at Rt. Lou*, for Rialatatiog lo der aftlic- .
Skim by suoimensing.
Buaetver..-41, Washington correspon•
dent of the Baltimore American, some time
since, disclosed a circumstance which ws
consider more disgraceful to our country
than anything that bas erer occurred in it.
He says:
"The* same selfish and corrupt -spirit
has marked every means used by the eine
mies of the Administration in their oppo
sition to it. Discarding everything like
princiPle they have descended to the pet
ty guerrilla system of personal abuse.—
One falsehood has scarcely been nailed to
the counter before another of the same
spurious coin is uttered from this rich
mint of mendacity. No act of the Presi
dent or of a member of his Cabinet, wheth
er public or private, has any merit in their
estimation. Even the former kindness of
the Secretary of State to a worthy and
talented editor—his old personal friend—
has been perverted by the Union and its
allies into an act of grossest corruption.--
They stop at no falsehood however mean
—no calumny however malignant—no lan
guage however vile and viturperative. Con
temptible scribblers such as "Heroic Age,"
not contented with abusing the President
in the public prints, have even INVADED
AND INSULT. Nor do they stop even
here. The LADIES of the Presidential
mansion have had addressed to them al
most daily, letters containing the moat of
fensive end obscene language which a
fiend can indite. until they can scarcely
dare to open; any letter which is not from
a well known si:d familiar hand. Such a
mode of warfare mad possibly seem justi
fiable to those whose moral sense is blunt
ed by the determination to oppoie the Ad
ministration, whether right or wroDg." till
the bitter end ; " but honest and well
meaning men of all parties cannot but cot?-
demn a course so shocking to decency and
dividual has been placed before the public
in an important light, since the threatened
rupture between Turkey and Russia, we
take the following interesting picture of
him, from the journal of Lieut. Lynch, who
I was with the late "Dead Sea Exqedition"
"He is a man, young in years, but evident
ly of impaired and delicate constitution.
His wearied and spiritless air was unreliev
ed by any indication of intellectual energy.
My feelings saddened as I looked upon the
monarch, and I thought of Montezuma.—
Evidently like a Northen clime his year of
life had known two seasons only, and had
leaped at once froni youth to imbecility.
His smile was one of the sweetest I had ever
looked upon ; his voice the most melodi-1
ous I had ever heard ; his manner was gen
tleness itself, and everything about him be
spoke a kind and amiable disposition. lie is!
said to be very affectionate, to his mother in
especial, and is generous to the extreme of,
prodigality. But there is that indescribably
sad expression of his countenance, which is
thought to indicate an early death. A pre
sentiment ul theroverthrow of his country,
seems to pervade and depress his spirits.
In truth, like Damocles, this descendant of
the caliphs sits beneath a sus peoded fate.
Through him, the souls of mighty monarchs
who have gone before, seem to brood over
the impending fate of an empire which once
extended from the Atlantic to the Ganges,
from the Caucasus to the Indian Ocean."
Two MURS NIVRDERS.—Ere the echoes
of the sentence consigning the Nortllford
murderer to the scaffold have died away
we are again obliged to chronicle the death.
by redlianded violence, of two more citiens
of this county. The last victims were•two
aged English people, Mr. Charles Smith
and his wile, who have been for some time
the sole occupants of the solitary house
situated upon the brow of East Rock, a
short distance from the northeasterly city
'buns. It seems that they have been
missing from their residence since Mon
day of this week, on -which day the ap
pearance of the house indicated that two
guests must have been expected to dinner.
The table was spread for four, and over
au extinguished fire a pot hung containing
corned beef. A boiled cabbage wia in a
dish upon the hearth. The continued ab
sence of Mr. and Mrs. Smith induced a
search, which terminated in finding the bo
dies of the old man and his wife. They
had evidently' been decoyed from their
house and brutally butchered.
The corpses were found a short distance
from the footpath leading from the top of the
rock to the "Turner House." that of Mrs.
Smith with the face down and a fracture
on the back part of the head, apparently
caused by a blow from an axe. A little in
advance of the body of the woman was that
of her husband, lying on the back, with a
horrid wound on the forehead, probably in
flicted by the edge of the same weapon
with which the woman was murdered. Mr.
Smith was well over eighty years of age,
and served for many years in the army of
the Duke of Wellington, in the peninsular
war, and other campaigns. An inquest ,
was held, and the verdict of the Jury was, '
"That they came to their death by vie.
lance inflicted upon them by some per
son or persons unknown."
We are informed that the house bad the
marks of having been tbororghly searched
for plunder, though the ruffians did not suc
ceed in getting hold of 1130 or $4O, which
has since been taken from a bed by those
engaged in a judicial investigation of the
sad affair. From this it would seem that
plunder must have been the object of the
perpetrators of the homicide.—New Haven
(Conn.) Palladium.
AND HUBRANDO.--111 the town of West
Bradford, Pa., there is an old chnrelt-yard
in which stand seven tomb -atones, side by
side 4 covering the remains of the Hon. Na
thaniel Thurston and his six wives. They
stand in order ae follows : Mre. Betiey
Thurston-,died Nov. 25, 179,0, aged 3i ;
Mrs. Martha Thurston—died May 12,
'799, aged 32 ; Mrs. Huldah •E'hurstott—
died Sept. 8; 1801, aged 24 ; Mrs. ..01a
ries& Thurston—died Nov. 19, 1803, aged
88 ; Mrs. Martha Thuraton--died July
27, 1804, aged 25 ; Mrs, Mary Thurston
March 3 1808, aged 27 ; Hon Na
thaniel Thurston—died in Lansingburg.
N. Y., Oct. 21, 1811, aged pg.
This case hardly beats a more modern
one we know 01, a little nearer hOme. A
deacon in one of our most prominent
churches in this city, and his amiable bet
ter-half, form a queer instance in matri
mony. The deacon is the fifth husband
or the lady, while the lady is the deacon's
fourth wife I Beat that, who can.—Con
ttectieut paper. • •
. .
We have gratifying news from the New York
Elections. Notwithstanding the hue coalition
b e t ween the pro-elavery and anti-alavary wings re
Locofocoism, the s Wkigo or Non York Ohy, con
trary to expectation, have nobly triumphed—hay.
ing given their candidates for State onion nearly
200 majority, and electing the entire tickel o —.
The returns from the Counties look favorable...—.
Such of the Whig Slate nominations as were
placed on the ticket are certainly sleeted '
aryl there is bat little donbt of the election of the
whole ticket.
NEW JERSEY.—The result of theelection
fin members of. the Sista Legislature is as Gil
tOws the House, 29 Whigs and 90 Dew.
clans ; Senate, 10 Whigs and 0 Democrats. In
this state the lines were not distinctly drawn on
national politics. The election being only for
members of the Assembly and some county offi
cers, the Democracy successfully exerted them.
selves in making some capital out otthe local
question of the railroad monopoly, concerning
which there has lately been much excitement
throughout the State.
stand, from Reading Journal, that a eeriness
riot occurred in that city on Monday eve
ning, the 22d tilt., at the conclusion of the
performances of Spalding and Rogers' Cir
cus, between the attache* of that concern
and the more rowdy portion of the
citizens. There are varacua accounts
with regard to the origin of the frame—one
that the attack was premeditated on the
part of the Reading Whop', and another
that the men belonging to the circus man
ifested a bullying spirit and provoked the
attack by several acts of violence. Row,
ever the affair originated, it some to have
been quite a serious one. lo the melee
stones were thrown, mynas _NA ropes
cut, wagons battered and head. bruised...-.
The circus men finally resorted to fire-.
arms ; one or two shots were discharged
without effect, and a man. Samuel Frets,
was so severely beaten with the but end
of a musket that he is not expected to re,
T.,. New York Globe, (lam) says that
the news of the defeat of the Whigs in Penn
sylvania, produced such a spirit of ven•
geance at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, thlt
orders were immediately given to dis
charge one hundred democrats from em.
ployment—which was accordingly done.
We are glad of it—happy to learn that
a defeat has accomplished what a victory
could not. If the Whigs can have the lo
cos turned out, and the whole administra
tion of the government changed by slaying
al home, what's the use of voting. A dis
covery, this is—and we hope the Whigs
will improve on it.—Chennhersburg if
scientific paper says : Let a vessel sail
east around the world,' and arrive in port
on Thursday, according to „their reckon
ing. On the following day let the crew
land ; they will find it Thursday onshore.
On the next day let them board a vessel
which has just arrived from a cruise round
the word, sailing in a westerly direction.
and they will again find it Thursday at
hoard that ship. It is thus possible IA
find three Thursdays in one week.
Da sin Tema THE BITE 0/ A EAT.----Phil—
ip Petena, a young man, died,. few Jaya
ago, near Easton, Pa., from the effect of a
bite of a rat. About two weeks previous
the rat bit him in the chin. flis face af
terwards became very much swollen, and,
notwithstanding the prompt applliance of
every remedy that his physician could aug
gest, he died in the greatest agony.
journal says the single ite:n of cigars for
the Comm o n Council of that city. from
May Ist, 1848, to Diovember Ist, 1849, is
two thousand nine Tiundretl and sixty-two
dollars ! The present generation of coun—
cillors show themselves true descendants.
of their Dutch ancestors.
LEADEN Lusos.—The Erie (la.) Ob—
server informs us that in a sheep recently
killed near that place, the lungs were found
to contain half a pound of lead in a shape
resembling a tree. The animal was ap
parently in a good condition, and the lungs
not diseased or injured by their load.
LARGE CROP.-At the late *grimalkin"
fair held in Licking county:, Ohio, a pre.
rnium was awarded to Gen.. T. W. Wil
son, for the best crop of corn. his product
being 184 brishels per acre,, on a fitrin of
400 acres. None of his competitors raja.
ed less than 100 per we.
must be regarded as thing by juries
to get a pair of lawyers oeetwieruilly in their
clutches, In New Xork, Nat week. au
lawyer brought another before a jury for
spitting in his face-. Verthst,for
The national debt. of Austria
1848, about one hundred and flee mil
lions sterling; the ware which have db•-
located almost every province of her dd.-
minion, must have enormously augment
ed her liabilities.
poTivrogs_veseels are daily arriving.
from the British Provinces, loaded with,
potatoes. Before, for a year or , taro, in,
consequence of the rot, this has been
rare event.—Boston Trettiellgr.
Grapes are said to decresse in flavor•
and richness the further they are remo
ved from the ground. This has bean the
result of the experience of the Gomm,
Judge Hart. of Cincinnati, lately ceased
the .* criminal box 'Y to be taken out , ef
court, on the ground that man
to be disgraced before be is fonmA gpAx.
of crime.
filliovosit3Avo Ototteeitd 0411'sitere Oaf*
Stock was muchascid op asccstm of the #aitiojt
Fund in Philadelphia, on Monday wilsk, nut(
is Clov..l3bustott's SkiminititaktiOtt 8c 4 41,4 4 . 11111 t,
the work of min the State Debt.
CrThe Prodder of ON Borqualtenne Muth but
committed. 0 3 ,juil, in 8041 000 0 A WI
on IT 1 11 •Iteti charge of defahretior. It is reported
that $85,000 of *II fru# of itt? 11,18 k
counted for:
urn,. boaae igeops the Betarehanna,* at
Bradford, Pa tiot a-Gra on the 94th ult. One
. ,
span was ermuteted before it war put out.
ca'John C. Pare., inuntlYtnitn carpenter. of
St. !.,ou6, ' has fallen heir to an estate in Penney'.
wank liaised at trom $lOO,OOO to $2O 0,000.
0:7-The cholera has reappeared at En. Gene•
vieve, Mo., and is quite prevalent and fatal..
stated that Power's •Greek Slave" his
been purchased by the Smithsonian bad:
Houma Cont.—Double Murder--
The Perpetrator to be Burned
,Loop. Nos. revolting case
of rape and murder took place the other
day, near Palmyra. A negro belonging
to Mr. Glasscock committed violence on
Miss Bright, in interesting little girl, 14
years of age, and then murdered her. For
fear of being detected, the inhuman mon
ster turned round and killed her brother,
aged 11 years. The wretch has been ar
rested, and will be burned alive on Fri.
day. .
Young Berni. who was snot in St
Louis by the French brothers fdontesenieu
is much better, and hopes are entertained
of his recoirery.
6111001111 Ki Acoineet.---.Last evening,
about. 5 o'clock, the tall spire of the Sec
ond Presbyterian Church, in the Fifth
Wad, suddenly fell with a tremendous
crash, striking a German workman who
was standing near the building, mangling
his body In such a frightful manner that
his life is despaired of. One of his legs
has since been amputated. The spire had
just been completed. and the scaffolding
. removed but a short time before the acci
dent conned.-- Wheeling Gazelle.
.00;Atm) Pitorston.—Mr. Charles L.
Reason, an artist of New York, has been
sleeted professor in Central College, at
MoGrawsville (N. Y.,) of which Rev. C.
7. Grosvenor, formerly of this city, Pres
ddent. she first gentleman of color
who has been sleeted to a College profes
sorship in this country. A correspond
,ent of the Christian Contributor speaks of
his inaugural oration as being "full of clear,
,compliehensive, philosophical thought.
.clothed in a neat and classical dress."—
Utica Gazette.
J. Mertz, of Frederick, Md., who sailed
from Boston on the 20th of April last as a
Miesionary. co India, arrived at Madras,
on the lath of August last, having been
four months on the voyage. He was sent
out by the Lutheran Foreign Missionary
society, who intend sending three others
to the same destination. (
John W. !Larkins, in a letter to Zion's
Herald. contradicts a report that one 01
the original six Washingtonians of Balti
more had returned to his cups. He says
all who are living remain steadfast to the
Paul Cosunnaux.—The following, by
Miss E. P. Drown, of Meriden, was ad.
judged thawst by the committee:--"Why
is the Great Russian Bear, Nicholas, like
a half-starved fox ? Because he's got
Hung(a)ry, and wants Turkey."—New
Haven Register.
Bauts.s.—The Portsmouth (Va.) Pilot
publishes the births as they occur in that
place, under the line from Tupper: •'A
babe in a hulise is a well-spring of pleas-
'Hon. HENRY CLAY arrived at Baltimore
on'Wedneaday afternoon, and was to hare left for
Philadelphia yesterday.
Comma &see View ; An individual
only wishes to know the right way to pur
sue it ; and there are none, were it surely
made known how LIFE might be prolong.
ed, and illaituru recovered, who would
not adopt the plan. Evidence is required
that the right way is discovered. This is
what those sulTeriug from sickness want to
be satisfied about. For who is so foolish as
nut to enjoy all the health his hotly is ca
pable of? Who is there that would not
live, when his experience can so much
benefit himself and family 1 It is a mel
ancholy fact, that a very large proportion
of the most useful members of society die
between the ages of thirty and forty. How
tnany widow natal helpless orphans have
,'been the consequence of mank ind not ha
ving in their own power the means of res
toring health when lost.
XXI. Isniscarnoss.—All kinds and
•maaaer of sickness arising from the follies
-of youth are cured by these Pills. From
two ts sir pills must be taken dilly, and a
.cure is warranted. If much pain is exper
,ieneed, /Mak several times a day flaxseed
tea. Us!l caves this tea assists the cure.
Pray far grace afterwards.
CYThe Braadreth Pills are sold for 25 cents
pathos at Dr.B. B randreth'sPrincipa I Office, 241
Broadway, N. Y • rk, and by the following duly
amtborised Ages ohn M. Stevenson, Get
tysburg; . Q , Ferree, Petersburg; A
braham K , Mail^" town; A. M'Farland,
bottatawn; D. M. O. White, Hampton; Sneer
inger•dt Co.. Llttleatown ; Mary Duncan, Cash
; town.; Dew. W. & H. D. Heap , Fairfield ; D.
J.H. Aulabaagh, East Berlin; David Newcom
.et, Mischialeaville; Baal Shirk, lbw over.
[Nov. Si: : 1840.
CM Wednesday the 7th inst., in the Presbyterian
ekasch, Rahway, N. J., by Rev. Mr. lmbrie, Ds
vta ,A. Bvawes,of the "Star and Banner," Get-
Pa., and Miss Pasant' J. (iv roar. of the
foram plata.
On the Rtb Wet by Asa Rev. B. Keller, Mr.
Daunt lawvaa, of Adams county, and Mist
Reasons Tnetra, of York county.
On the Stith ult., by Rev. Mr. Sechler, Daum
larrta and MIAs A SHISH, Kon.nousz, both of
Ade* taint~.
.0a the 80 .alt, by **same, Msraz AS Hoer
and Mir &mecca Deese, both of Adams
• Oh the 24th ult., by Rev. Mr. Delninger, Mo.
tit Ti 0.11.11 and Looms ANS A Hosataa. both
Ad this county.
OR* n t olt., by Rev. S. Outeline, /aeon
Winne and Wu DISSOMIST Oars, All of Ad
ems noway:
Oft ihn 1114.. by Rev. Mr. Da Neckar, Joni
pima, Of IdiaffSSOWD, and Mal MAST WSUSISSt
,pl 00210111117 township.
•On,_•Aa 1111 h ult.. by Rev. J. Fold, Liman
•W. ultininnief Gennany township, and Miss
B atritt 4l3 .ll42it*lntt, of Mountpkasanttown
On the OM eh., ltr i tehn C. Ellis, Esq., Baur
sax; it now MA; of Now. Ottford,, and Moe Mum
Lana #444, °vit..
' • •
On Ole With .ult, 1111111, DAZI/11. MILO;
44 Teitti,t'mlo4t4s ►' 114 Ark
On4he tith tilt-, 'Miligitetown, Mts. Maze
Joanna, spjl &rut SQ,Yeaq.
On the Seth nit, lu'Vel^cennty;Ohlo, after
a lent indsevinelltneto,Mta tlja mirror Wilma.
einuenl'Or Juane • White,' lath of Adams county,
PIC. aged 73 Yrt:Em
In . liittleetown, on the 4th iaiet., Lortru,
is int of
____. . •
TE %shoal . Directors of Cumberland
. township will meet at the public house
d CONNADATIMIR in the borough of Get.
harm os Saturday, November 2414
1" for the purpose ,of receiting applies.
to for she_ teaching 9f the several
pc loots ki the township.
By order of the Board,
Nov. p.-at
rgogr was g Avringolll ROW 01/ WZDNIUMAIk
FLOUR.--The flour market is firm; sales of
Howard it blinds, at $5 00—which is about the
fettled price, (pity Mills held et $5. 00.. Car. 4
m eal $3 25 as 3 25 Rye flour $3 00.
ORADL—Supphy of all kinds of farainlighl. pPr
cell as follows : red wheat $1 04 alit% 06'• and
white 01 08 4sl 19. White Corn 02a d cts.l
yellow 68 a 04. Oats 80 a 52. Rye 58' aM.
(CATTLE.-2005 head ahem. offered .tthe
scales yesterday, of which 750 we sold to city
butchers at prices ranging from 1,2 00 w $3.00
per 100 lbs., on the hoof, equal to 414 00 allll4
75 net.
HOGS.—Sales of Ilya hop at $4 25 a g 4 76
per 100 the.. price' firm.
PROVISIONS.- 7 XI eu Pork $1076 and Prime
$9 50. Bacon—Sides S cehts ; Hams 7' a 10
Shoulders 5,4 • 51. Lard 7lp Ibis., and 71 in
kegs:—but little doing.
At the Old Stand,
Vorth West Corner of
the Uia►hond,
'ENDER their thanks to
ink customers for their
tot favors, and respect-
Ily inform the public
that they continue to
Cut anti Make all Garments,
in the best manner and on reasonable
terms. The Cutting done, as heretofore,
by Roam. Mairriu. Fashions regularly
received, and every effort made to secure
a good fit and substantial sewing. The
subsoribers hope, by their long experience
in business, and renewed efforts to please,
to merit and receive a continuance of the
public patronage.
FaU and Frillier Fashions
have just been received from the City.
giCrAll kinds of Country Produce ta
ken in exchange for work.
WANTED, immediately, a Journey
man Tailor. Also, an Apprentice
to learn the Tailoring Business. One
from the country would be preferred.
Oct. 10, 18 19.--tf
IL BUEHLER respectfully announ
"• ces to his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has recently made a ,large
addition to his former full supply of all
kinds of
Classical, School &
• . •
BOOKS, • -
together with a general assortment of vTA.-
VON ERY, for schools and private uses
—all of which will be sold at the very low
est prices.
Gettysburg, Oct. 26, 1649.
West Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg,
THE subscriber respectfully inform
the Citizens of Gettysburg and the
public generally that he has opened a
New Pottery,
at the end of \Vest Chambersburg street,
where he will be prepared to supply or
ders (wholesale and retail) for CROCKS,
POTS, and all kinds of Earthenware, on
the most reasonable terms. The atten
tion of the public is invited to his estate.
I ish ment, and orders for W are respectfully
soli cited.
October 2t, 1549.-3t*
li' .101MOIP.
I'HE subscriber respectfully informs
IL his friends and the public generally
that he still continues to carry on the
FOUNDRY B USINESS, in allits branch
es, at his old establishment, in the Western
partof Gettysburg, where he has constantly
on hand all sorts of
such as Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skillits,
Pans, Griddles, Ate., of all sizes ; also,
STOVES of every size and variety, inclu
ding Common, Parlor,Air-tight and Cook
ing Stoves—among them the far-famed
To Farmers he would say. he has on
hand an excellent assortment of
Threshing s'Uochines.
Hovey's celebrated Strawcuttere, the re
nowned Seylcr Plows ; also Woodcock
and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters,
Shares, &c.
BLACKSMITHING is carried on in
its different branches, by the best of work
The subscriber has also ()puled a
Shop in the South end of the
Froun :ry Building, where,w ith good work
meu and excellent materials, the neatest
fits and best work will be made. IC?'La
dies will be waited on at their residence.
All of the above mentioned articles will
be furnished as cheap, for Cash or country
Produce, as they can be had any where
else. All order@ will be promptly attend
ed to.
ocrßepairing, of all kinds, done at the
shorts' notice.
Gettysburg, May 5. 1848.
xo TfC.E.
retta* of Admiaistration , on the estate
J of DANIEL USWN, deceased, late
of Mountjoy township, Adams , coipty,
Pa.. having been granted to the subscri
ber, residing in Mountjoy township. notice
is luireby given to all who are indebted to
said estate, to make payment without de
lay, and Mama, having claim to present
them properly authenticated for settleMent.
WM. I.UHNS, Adm . r.
Nov. 2,11149.-8111 •
TAOONETS, 'end 'CA M B RIC end
elf MULL MUSLINS, of the Tip't'op
kinds, for sale by, O. L. SCHICK.
FFICE in the Centre Sqnare, North
of the Court-house, between Smith's
aud Stevenson's 'corners.
• tiettitiburg, •
WILL be made art put up by the
V V subscriber,who T ill attend prompt;
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms u can be procuro at any establish
CEO. E. rill.EH/41.
NPR 114045. - ,,,
UAn just returned,. from Philadelphia,
and is now opening a large cock of
Cassinets, dards, jeans, .
Mode Colori. Black and Pito:do,
Calicoeti, Oinghalru, Itfmnoes,
English French Striped
Plaid and Plain Cashmeres, Ribbons,
Plostnelt. Blankitsi.
all of which have been pniehased in Phil
adelphia on the very best terms, and will
be sold as cheap as any other esiablish
ment can offer them. Please call, exam
ine and judge for yourselves.
P. S. Country Produce taken in es.
change for Goode at Cash prices.
O:7A lot of STOVES on hand, which
will be sold cheap.
Sept, 28, 1840.—tf
THE subscriber tenders his acknowls
edgemonta to his friends and the pub•
lie for the liberal patronage hitherto ex
tended to him„ and respegtfully Infortite
them that he has just received from the
Cities a spendid assortment of new Goods,
comprising in part e fine stock of
Muslins, Irish Linens,
&a., all of which will be cold at the low
est cash prices.
The subscriber deems it unnecessary to
enumerate the different articles which
comprise his stock. He would therefore
earnestly invite all to call and examine for
themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Gettysburg, Sept, 28, 1849.—tf:
viIHE undersigned respectfully informs
11, his friends and the public generally.
that he has opened a STORE, on the
South-cast corner of die Diornond; (the
building lately used as a Hotel,) where can
be found a
ntit oioNs,t
"for the FA LI, & WINTER Trade, such as
Cassinete, Satinets, Vesting- , ,
Cords, Silks,
Mous. ale Laines. Cashmeres, hlpareas,
Calicoes. Muslim, Flannels, Fluid
Linsey's, Sh a wls, Craval s, Hand
kerchiefs, (;'ores, Ribbons,
Pin Aces, Drees, Ed
gings, 4.c., 4-c.
CAPS, &e.
As it would require too much time and
space to enumerate all the names and va
rieies of Goods in un advertisement, we
Say to all, you will he welcome at any
ti m e to ca ll and give a thorough examina
tion, as it will afford us great pleasure in
showing whit we have.
poc.COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in
exchange for Goods.
By strict attention to business, and a de
sire to give satisfaction, I hope to merit
and receive a share of patronage of LW
public generally,
Gettysburg, Sept. 21, 1849.—tf
S r o i £.
John Fahnvstock
RESPECTFULLY announces to his
• friends and the public generally,that
ho has opened a NEW
Hardware and Grocery Store,
in Gettysburg, at "IWClellan's Corner,"
where can be found i general assortment of
every thing in his line. Having examin
ed both the Philadelphia and Baltimore
markets, he is enabled to offer los goods
at reduced pried', and can confidently as
sure them that they can be purchased low
er than they have ever been sold before.
His stock consists of
Hardware and Outten,.
such as nails, cross-cut saws, planes and
bits, locks, hinges, screws, chisels of ev.
cry description, rasps and files, saddlery
of all varieties, shoemakers' lasts and tools,
m orrocco leather and linings, shovels, forks,
and a general assortment of
in short, ever• article belonging to that
branch of business. Also a complete as
sortment of GLASS,
and a large, full and general assortment of
FISH, and CEDAR' WARE, all of which
he has selected with great care and pur
chased on the very best terms, thus,ena
bling him to sell at such pricis as will give
entire satisfaction. He solicits and hopes,
by strict auentlon to the wants of the com
munity, to receive the patronage of the
Gettysburg, Sept. 14, 1849.—tf
HE subscriber will Sell at privateetde
JIL the FARM on which liacar Hoe
elixir, Jr., now,residessituate in , Franklin
township. ..Atlanta county, .adjoining lands
of King ,WilirM4 AdreW Retutzeltnatt,
and others, containing
awl Qa.4011124
more or .lesa. The improvements .tire a
Ifil Frame Dwelling,
`-' a first-rate LOG BARN, with a
Spring of good water convenien to the
door. There is a fair proportion of Tim
ber and Meadow on the farm, a an ex
cellent Orchard. Persons wishing to ait=
certain the terms, which will be reasona
ble will sail upon the subscriber. The
property can be viewed on application to
the tenant
Franklin tp,,,Ton9 J r 1,049.--if
, .._...
[remnant atm. BY JAB. A. rliolesoll.3 ,
. •
/THE subscriber has the pleasure of an
111:nopycing to his frioodelnul the pub
lfegonevallY'nhsti . he'lithi taken chariot of
the largkinttionsiitileniliv 7,l ocoted otel.
in CLhettibernhort I4rtitt ft_eltJ l l‘47ll,o*.f.
for, a nuMber , .
yeare lue cr. ,or
I . llolllPedlis, Esq., and w i dely
and faSontldy'lhttotiri . to tho jr§vaiNg
ati the atoppjet , Place the mil,
Sieges to and f ro m ,flaitimore,'lfork; Han.
rip burg, Ohambersbnrg, Hagerstown, Fred:
crick, and the intermediate - towns: The
.house has been 'lttorwri,ghly repairer! and
refurnished, end nothing, will he lot tin=
I done in the effort toinistaut the high char
actor of the. House end render it worthy
of the patronage Of the Travelling Public..
The services of 'attentive Servants end
careful Hostler!. Itaia . boen secured, flnd
every reaulsite cmivitidenee will begoar
ended to all who may ha pleosed to favor
their petronage.
Oct. 12, 1849.
THE subscriber offers at Private Bale,
oil advantageous terms,
• A !Patna) .
situate in Franklin township, Allem' coun
ty, adjoining plods offlobert Shekly,'Wm.
Bailey, and WM. ThiMilton, within three
miles of Gettysburg, containing
- 1
S 4 Aere.i!" - andr9l 'Perches: .- -
There are shorn '5O "scree of' Woodland,
and the rest under good cultivation. There
are two
; Dwelling Houses
; 7-• , no the •Farm, a double LOG
BARN, newly covered. with sheds around
it ; two wells of water. with a pump•in
one of thorn; a softeient quantity of Fruit
Trees, such as Apple, Pear, Peach and
'Cherry. There is Meadow sufficient to
make 00 tons of Hoy yearly. About 1500
bushels of Lime have been put on the (arm,
and about.2,ooo Chesnut rails.
This would suit to be divided into two
Tracts, both of clear .and wood land.
Any person wishing to purchase. will
be shown the farm, by Henry Trostle, re
: siding thereon. GEO. TROS'PLE,
July 27, 1840
a. 4Lk & tk. E Er AOA
VRIVSP.4 8.4 E,
rrIIE subscriber offers at Private Sale
1 the FARM, on which iteresitles,
uate in Liberty township, Atlnns county,
(Carrell's Tract,) lying upelt the public
cross-roads, leading from Cint)sburg to
Waynesburg, and from Ltuatitsimrg to
Fairfield, containing-
300 au C. 9 o
more or loss. of patented !an ti . of which
200 Acres-are cleared and inn good state
of cultivation. The balance is covered
with the very best Tinilvtr. There is a
good proportion Of Meadow. The
provements are a two tort'
; i ROI; (311-CA
•1 Dwelling I limse,
with. the hack-bitildiug itgachui. a huge
Barn, (part Irlune and part lig) wagon
shed, corn-crib, and other out; ildiugs.--
i s
There is a peter-failing well of -tiler, with
a pomp in it, convenient to the i or. The
farm is well supplied with minting water.
The fencing is good, And the fluku is in the
very best order.
JOSEPH utlvrEn.
Aug. 21, 1840.—tf
NOTICE is hereby given to afil,ega tees
and other persons coneerne4,that the
Administration Accounts of Ilia toecased
persons hereinafter mentioned will be pre..
seated at the Orphans' Court ofAdams
county, for confirmation and allci*lnce, on
Monday the linh day of Novembe? next :
05. The first accountof AndrewPollay,
Guardian of Anna Mary Zeeket, Jane
Polley Zecker, and Wm. Woodbudi Zeck
er, mtuor children of Chritrtian Zecker,
66. The brat account etf....baht-Vis ,
ler and Jacob Wisler. Etecutort of the
last will and testament of John Vialer,
67. 'rile first and 6nal account orJecob
Mark, it dministpttorof the osuie of Pater
Mark. deceased.
68. The first account of Wok. W. Pax
ton, Executor of the last will Ond• testa
ment of Elizabeth Keech,"tate,of the Bor
ough of Gettysburg, deceued.
GU- The account of Janie* King, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Stephen King,
late of Germany township, deettased.
70. The first and anal account of, Wm.
R. Sadler, Administrator of the estate of
Levi Miller, Jr,. deceased.
71. Thee-fintt account of Peter Regime.,
berger, sem, Guardian of. Julia Ann Cuip
and Gee.. W. Culp, minor chillfen of Ja-
cob Culp, deceased.
'n. The Arai and final aeonunt of John
Frazer. Executor of the last,.will and LIG
tament.of Phebe Min n igh, decejed.
73. The' first and final acconntof Samuel
Sadler, Administeator de bolds nen Cum tor;
lament() amtexo,of Antlionv Smitxer,dee'd.
74. Tho firsyaceoust of John Adair and
Win. W. Paxton. Executors of the last
will and testament of Hannah Adair, dee'd.
75. The first and final- recount of Geo.
Wilann, Executor of the last will and
testament of William Chit*. decid.
76. Th. ? , aecount of Ableihmk Ad.
ministrefer de' heels bohl'Nfltli the will
annexed. ei_James
wM. W. HAMEA4,I4B4,,kir.
Registeer Office:Pittysburt, ,
Oct.' 6 24, met t
.ItEfittritaigh;c.: i*;
41li , LAWRENGE slLl`k
: . • • DENTISTi.. •
lAS removed his taw•tweet building,
: 1441 ) , Opposite •the Lutheran' Church. itt
Chatabeesburg tweet, 2 &lois, east of Mr.
Middlecors store where he may all times
be fotindleady and willing to attend to
any case within the provltute of the Den
tist. Persons, in want of full sets of teeth
are respectfully invited to eall.
Dr. C. N. BanLuextr, I Rev.C.P•Ks.roirn,D.D
" D. HOUXIII, Prof. M. JAcoss,
" C. A. COW 911.16, 1 "
H. L. BAckessa,
.. D. O
,T, " WM. M•RAT/10111/1
Rev. LP. WATSON, D.D." 11f. Jr. Itramsvi ,
,Tuly 7, 1848,
... i
,Ballimore Ailterelistneatts.
f. M. OREN.. ' W. 8. Horinss
IA Cloths, Gasslmeres, Vesting. 4c Tailors' Tiim
ming*. No. 230 Baltimore st., N. W. cor-
net of C4lirles, Ha LTIIIIOII
*go asaortrioni of RPADY TIDE
VlOTiltlig, of superior quality.
Q 041 Ippavis 031[1340
cloth rooms, o f hairs ---11tri t nee, south
sad of the fibre on Charles sliree t ,
March $O, .
0u is Vito n of f . 84D-110.
1` lit r f eciniel will contraticeitp*:
1 .cfay the 28th of Qdpber; and con
tinue until the 15th of March ensuing,
Chemistry! and PhartlitiCy . *Artif, p. A
'Ai tivn,*ll•L' IX; is 1f...'1).' ' ''' • '
Surgery—Nii*.lir it. Smi'irit:', ''' i
Thecapeutici,Arateritt:MetliCa and Hygi
, ene—Eismusi, Ciiew,.M. I).
Anatomy and.l'hysiology;-Joszen Rotor,
M. i). •r- - ' ' --- ' ' .. ''''
Theory and Peselfce of, itedieltie.—We. .
Powng, M. 1)." ~, , .• : , . '
Midwifery and Diseases of *omen and
Children-olitostaawkLiCurntatti M. D.
Lecturer on Pathology and Doinkonstnikit
_of Anatomy-411;n. W: . llltivattittroint.,
trietinction in 'Clinical llifetlielde lia
Clinical Surgery every 4y .at the ilsld,-
more Infirmary, opposite the Medical Col
-1 lege. The rootna .6* ptictiMd anatomy
will be opened , October lit,_ tidder the
charge of the detnOnsh.attir. ' Teeit tar*
entire course *RV' CiittaSiOble'' tilt
maybe ;Atoll - 34in the'ilitirilik,_•Or#o,4 -,
Il il
cal College, for 112,118. AO 10.5 0 Per Wee t
. . WILL;A* E. At Artist,.
Dian if tbe.rsoulty,• , ;
_Sept. 21, 1849..-113. • '• - • "I
and Wipter Ciothingo
Corner of Pratt 4?reef anal qfpgre Afar*
, kit Sp ace,
Comprising the bee t . and largest 'Welt of
READY . MAREinr. ! :; er ft ING,
, .P RICES agRudIRD. .11retie, Frook,
Sack, 804 and Overcilatr t all. colors,
qualities and sizes—front $2.. 1 40, 4401 4 -
75, 5.50 and upwards. •
PANTALOONS of warier French
cut and finish, at'SL, 1.60, 1.711, 2 . ;
1.50 and upwardsetpbracing all stylei.
"Fancy and Plain Cassimeres.
VESTS, erubraging livery variety, at
corresponding prices. , , . •
A large assortment of Hoye' Sark; and
OVerconts 20 per cent. less than the usual
Also, a large stock of 3Lo . rus of ev
ery shade and quality, and .every 'variety
ways on hand. which.wil! be made up to
order in the beat and moat fashionable
style at the shortest notice-and upon the
most reacaniable; terms. Having — one of
the most able and eapetieneed Cittters, a
good lit is always guaranteed..
Remember the name and place Cor
ner of Pratt. atraet and Centre Market
Space. '
• 11. 11. COLE,
Oat. 215,
SHIRTS at wholesale,
S HJRT S from 41111 to $24 per dozen.
OOLI.LA RS, fruni $1 to
*4 per (Wen.
Manufactured and sold at 170 Dual-
MORE STREET, between Light and Calvert.
%IEN'S and BOYS' Shins, Cotton and
Linen, on hand and constantly making, all
sizes—plain and fancy.
11.L.7" Remember the name and
j7O Baltimore Street,
Fourth door below Light
Oct. 20, 1849.-4 m BETI'ON.
No. 2, N. LIBERTY 111., B&LTINORE,
in. Window Glass, •Paints, Oil,
Varnishes, Brushes, Turpentine, Bronzes,
&et. Artists' materials, and a full
complete assortment of DaerreotYPit
stock, of Cases, rlatus, Chemicals, 4c,,
at the very lowest *prices.
Sept. 14. 11348.--Im
Philadelphia Advertise*mut'
Dinggists, Physicians, Africk%
ants, and others, •
rle% Extracts, Ointments, vegetable' Medicines,
&c., are invited to call el the HERB STORE,
No. 38 North SIXTH street, between Market &
Arch streets, PhiliidelPlim, where are constantly
kept a large assortment of article is our
line, which will be sold on better terms than at
any other establiebtahntin the City.
The utmost cede 'slakes i n k's* 'raising, pre.
paring, and pug - natural artitleiroldlifni.
The Herbs, , Rootsi &e., are neatly put up in
pressed paelteget ot Lux:, lib.
The Vegetable Extrenin are put up in jars of
various aim*. sAttans,scurtnited ta to equal, if
not toperiar to any in the market.
The Aelhaiani end Thom peonian pinpointing%
are put up ia tbn neatest unuliteriwilit directions
(I..rParticular'attention is thalted to' our eon.
centrated Extnicts,of yinilla and Lemon, for da
voriug purpotts gssinilal Oils and fragrant Wa
ters, Pur ':.,round ignioes skid Powdentd Articles
clever) , kind; OW in bulk, of In canisters ez•
prosily for family Usti•
The importance of pore and telisblelfedicinet
is every day beintitaw:vod end, appreciated by
the edinsi• PrO i 01), A,Rottwearles. and corn
naunitr altlirgit. , at.'the practitioMir isbould
be able to calculate with cettuinti upon the elect
of die auditions hicutmiisistent it Or 'eniiisint
inverting* to him tiod 3 billintlentul tAlwlya
keeping this point in view, we trust thou who
purchase or use alleles Will have no cause
of disappointment:. & CO,,
• Ptopriiet' on of the Botenit Ckinteli, , Now
, . • . Lebanon. N. Y.' • •
C. jii,lENlOlga&lloof4NO.. 3 fNi OftiAtv
Sept. 14.1849-4 d '
Paper! Paper 1 Paper
N 6. t Be. ak atm% between Market and Cho
nut, end ld PO 3d stmta,
intaaustra le. •
Align Subseribers beg key to call the atten
tion of country buyers to their assortment
of papers, embracing the different varieties of
Printing, lierdwars, Writing, Envelope, and
Wrapping,papers, Tissue papers, white and as
sorted colors, aka Bonnet and Box Boards, &c.
. . .
tieing ongijeed in the manufacture of printing
papers, tbey'w.licit orders from Printers for any
given size, which will be furnished at short no
tice and at fair. prices.
Market price either in rash or trade paid for
Sept. 14, 1849—1 y No. 21 Bank It.
To Physicians. Druggists; and
Country IVlcrehants.
%IR. J. N. HE ELER and IMO, moat 're
, islW spectfully solicit Attention to their fteSh
~. ,to* of Ellisk Fres IStattn > 414,90,9
"I{ 11
.4 9 #7,
DRUGS, friedicirres, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stuffs, Glassware, Petfumety, Patent Medi
cines, Afc. Having opened a new store No. X 94
Maryut street„ with a full supply of Drugs And
Medicines, we respectfully solicit Country Deal
ers to examine our stock before purchasing else
whe{e, prpcnising one and all who may feel dis
posed to extend us their patronage, to sell them
genuine Drtip end Medicines, on as liberal terms
as any other house in the City, and to faithfully
execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and,
with dispatch.
One ill the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, Words ample guarantee of the genuine qual
ity at Fat articles sold at their establishment.
We' especially Invite Drhggists and Country
Marelisats,.whn Ins) , wish to become Agents for
Dr. Keelerts celebrated Fussily Medicines, (stand
ard sad popular medicines,) to forward their ad
dress. Solicitipg the patronage of dealers, we
respectfully remain,
- .lltheleidalh Druggists, No. 994 Market st.
Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1849-1 y
BUT .I.lle .WElliv" SHOP.:
lENDERS his acknowledgments to
his friends for past favors, and has
iLe ileastire of announcing that he is again
locailti 'it the old stand, on Washington
Street, one square south of Thompson's
were he will he preparvtl, as here
tocore, An do all kiutis of
Loacii i .Cloth,& Siam Painting.
et kehortatitice, and on reasonable terms,
for. Which Country Produce will be taken.
The •sabecriber is thankful far past fa
may and •hopee, by attention to business,
and is desire to please, to merit and re
coiling continuance of public patronage.
Jan. 12, 1849.—tf
Chairs and Cabinet Furniture
i• Q#4ll ThrlN .EVE t li I
DESPOCTFULLY announce to the
AIL qt.:ions / of 4 , datite county that they
hate - entered Into co-partnership for the
niaboraeldreind eaglet:llan kinds of
ggiall".arndt,C4bhatpt Furniture,
aid, that,_ . theg wiltalvrays 1 eve on hand,
at their E,stebliebotent in South Baltimore
street,, qcttysbUrg,. * few doors above
fattneettsc)o4„filtore, 4llie old stand of I).
Culp,)i h ll
~ utortmeekcf CHAIRS, of
ivery it rerittly i stichvite
4047 0 _1 1 1,: 4 Qcxilv . P. cdice I L
, v - .44YR,:,0 PAPAW, "cimißs,
.row , 4401'4E4 , of Veriotiii kinds,
paused *issdlauwof ruse-wood, mahog
any, laiip-wogi,. .: walu+tt, 1 1 14 Pies and all
fgucy ;Oars, ~fhpnr beep
01 040 ail MekttV osder,
Ottsa,4B. 4.R4tre OW4, .804stAiik, Qup
.ogrds.. 0440. Pous!vivouglm!
441ung, and
TaiteP,4e. •
all niano factored by experienced worlt men
eltd 9 1 4 10 ' bAlt insieFtill, which they will
be pleased to Itlitpil!h loi thapp.who may
lallitthenrii*O4 o ffitteso Pn.the most
reasonable term*. Having supplied then,-
setve* sjer i tlfgreettol Warrior stool(
of atoll; they have no beiliation in 'assu
ring the pohlick that krie,icau.fornieh work
which for bheapiletis, beauty thustpl
ity, cannot be lerpastled by 'any other 11(90
to the. CoutVP — Th i r %!111 also attend`
to all kinds a '
neon the IthOrtest notiee:en4 most'rettecoM ,
ablit terms. win riper Will hs'ittretehhtt
—speeintenk of whipb. , ftniwiiieviot Oar
establishment. • •
lICPMI work roar%
, intrliolld by the
firm will be werrallte4. They ai3o doter,
minedio dell of
,cheap lbe 'cheeriest, just
to suit the thin*. : The public 'rill consult
their interests bygiying,them tt eall , befere
pereheeiDgeleewhere. iAllkiedeofCeue
try.Produsevl tiember will-ho taken in
part pay l aient,for work ' ,
Feb. 2, 1849.—tf
WIIEREA.S sundryindivicluals of late
,Illalr(ftn4rftue 4nonepoliae
l lndf ci n i s talt iP 4 O li f wPini9a ; and whereas
the ettheeribpr cep at the prosent time shew
IllkAramtolist*t.*Polt , of Cll 14R8 in
Ihrtl.cteanty,,abevefore bra it known to all
PelyarMa iNereated Oat the undersigned
fpnAiine..lo oranufaature at the phi slam]
in. „itleuthi,Baiiimpre street, every variety of
PlitillifX4sed:/ r
wiucli Plold , ou the moat •
am.orprao%haing tame for (las h or Produce.
44TY,CMairW,arra wade in Gettysburg, and
Wwk . h l l,”4oafor4 i ! •
House and 'Sign Painting
attended to - Ate fgrottgly ; and , from long
.practice aiui4ipatieries to ntainess, the
eulpserjber feels confident that his work
I wittbesethe iSloiesitinspection, because his
workifien alia.df the'bost that the country
can fartiish:
C:NAIN.A'T WSRE , of every variety
and olhei beet quality, will be furnished
to Onettnnets; and at all times made to or
gan:: OZPiAII kinds of Lumber taken at
Nair prices: CJIAJR. Pl e ANli particularly
'wanted—sonsething lees Than , •5000" feet
;trill inewser.
.1 1 Seling thankful' for past favors, the
subatriber hopes, by attention to business,
still ininerit a share of public favor.
'Gettysburg, March 9, 18.19.--,41
F: kOEIII, L R respectfully ten-
OUP' aers his s ervices to the Public as
Sale Uryer.
Tams moderate. Residence, Abbots.
town, Adams county, fa:, where all let
ters or orders for his services may be ad
Oct. 19, 1949.—tf
I ONSTANTLY on band also, Clasps,
V.) Steel Beads, Rings and Tassels,
Twists, etc., by
Oct. 6
Plain and "Figured Clamps.
fal TEEL ULM, PUllle Twist, 'Fusels,
" Silk Canvass, and Reticules, constant
ly on bawl and for sale at SCHICK'S.
Pi? Mrs Pifick
. .
1 114/11.ERE4,` , Gon.• . .
VV ' KEE, E.,. e.aidc,ntof t ke,aeve
Courts of Crimmon Pleas, ih the eenanthoi
composing the 19th Diltriet, and littptre n
of the Courts of Oyer and Verinltieti; ind
General Jail Delivery, for 'het trial of all
capital and other offenders in the sartrdift
trict—and GEORGE SEMIS*. EGO' trilialli,
M'Divcrr, Esp., Judges of the ccatmots'i
1 Common Pleas and GeneraiJail DelieeityV
for the trial of all capital and other Pfel* , ` l
stain the county of Adanaa----hatieleineil •
their precept, hearing date the 224"4119b ! w•
of August, in the year of on Le!tn one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nipean4.,,
to me directed, for holding a Cot ofycrt fi lr
mon Pleas and General quarter i3eijiitrini.?
of the Peace and General Jail lielitiniY;''
and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get
tysburg, on Monday the 101 A day ' oflllip.n
vernber next,— - • - , r :AI,I
all the Justices el, the Peace, !her, Cptipoll
and Constables within the saki q9ucliy.R - , , ,,
Adams, that they he then and there fkiliesti i.
proper persons, with.their Itelle r Eegork,,
Inquisitions, Examinations and, other it , I , A
membranres, to do those thingal4tif :, 8
their elliceS and in that helial(apper .
~, t ,
to he done, and also they Whertyill prp v)
cute against the prisoners that are of sthel) .
shall be in the Jail of the Said County el
Adams, and to be then and thetert6 pitoi.,F•
e. cote against them airshall be just. Am*.
ES, 'l,llo
shelift's otter, Octly•rourg,/ : • ',; '24,# ,
. 9et..19, IRO. ' 5
ETTFTIS Testamentary o:titellitc.)
IA tate of GEORGE Ft„eaous, Itite, 04
Muunjoy, tp. Adams co.. dec d, tuning
been granted to the subscriber, noliteir
hereby given to all who ate indelitetti6 elk P
Estate, to make payment witkouttlelsOilitt'
to those having claims to present Ow alikkr
properly authenticated, to the subbetibitr t
residing in same township, for oettkormins•
Oct. 26, 11349.—ft•
(IN hand and for sale by the subs.,
15 a large quantity ofIUVER POA!Do
Fellow and Irlite Pine Mountain PO:A
Pine, rhestnut, and Oak AS'hingtet; :
Scantling Mangling Laths,• .
Posts. Rails.4.e. " . t
all of which will' he sold as cheap as intoil g !
Bible for the CASH ONLY. Perpoli , a:
wishing Lumber artr respectfully itiv:ile4
to call and
June actteshnig, ft.-r•lt •-
undersigned has conneteill**
his Coachmaking Establishrasint*
large tihop, and is•4
lie wbuld'say to those who have lioniisltt l
shoe, that he has in his 'employiret-rittf
hands, which, with his personal 'attenoClo;
will enable him to give entire datislite:tinit
to , all those who may favor him with It
(warranted) will be promptly made' io
der tit all times.
prr.AII kinds of REPAIRING' deur,'
both in Wood and Iron, at the most retitle;
ed prices.
tir7Thanit ful for past encouragement,
the Stiberriber solicits a continuance 61Pat4
ronage, and invites his friends to 'On, at
his EstabliehMent in west Chamberstmrt
O n a few doors below l'hompson'o'HitteN
(t. W. H OFFMA N,
Gettysburg,Oetober 15, 1847.
To Owners and Deniers -ill'
' • • HorScs.
nuann yOu lime a horve.that in, sryiyined
R.., or afflicted' with poll evil, greivg, burnoes t
sores. quitterbone, brlllFefi. or swelrings, pYwith
galled necks or shoulders,--procule and utict‘lui
directed. a bnx DALLF
and you will he satudied, after the first thorouih,
applieution, that your hono can by gnta by Os
use of this inrompatalde Ointment.
For te.stimopials and diteelion4 eke' priPi4
N. DA LLEY, Inventor and Proprietor,'
`,.'35 Chestnut ht., Phila., 413 .13rottdwag.itklri
C. J. MOl{Rls / 4 4 to., York, Agents IRA*
countio of York and Adams; also for, sale, by,
S. H. HUEHLER, Gettybborg,ilna
May 4,1840.-6 m
ESPECTPII LLY . infornis Crieo
it and the public generally that
now on hand a large assortment 41
fr.IIRE, of every description, tvlitch he
w ill sell at moderate prices,—al
Persons wishing to purchase (4/, few rules,
iv ill do well to call before purchasing else,
1.10 US.E O UT, r w bpi 4 4
ar,td put up ai jn, cepts
()N hand and for tae,-,-schevr,l : l4,
UP of STOVES. Pmong which sr" 4 ,
few HATHAWAY COOK sToyCtir „
Sept. 7.—tf GEO. ARI,19,111);'
2 4 ,
• 0 IMP ! FRINGE! . S TE W''t :7 "'
1,. iSCEIICK has just re ' id: s'
e o fine assortment of Gimps ' Triti
gel, and a good article oi Bla* Silk. ' ' ''.'
S pnr 011001. 110.01(S &DID STAMW__,2
, o f all ki.nds,pottstantlY 9%.*!!!
and for sale, al lite lower! prite4 *VON;
book and Stationery Store of , ~;,: );)
il ir... k o
Dec. 10. S. H. 1111 E
LAA ROE lot' of Itibtx il
era just received and i
s.for .iitthierto.:
Oct. 1.• L4lOO f '"
FRES'II JERI 1 1f.ktisZ%
'I LUST rocoiyed,*PerWA:m 4
.. rel, N. E. GhliWalt
Oil. G Aft"' q / 1.• jni;.—. it •
5 for sabilbir, ,
'3 :
. . :44151.011444710161V0Z
, ~ ....45, ! ,04 • r .
Ad. 1 4: ' - " .:' , .71:: A i t AO:
PR oCleitMigtl9N.
. ~tii`4