15 fAIATABLE MEDICIN S. C . ITRE-X0 I'.llr difANNELL'S Magical Pain Extractor, ‘";).: the World's Wonder—pronosnced so 'by ,all who have ever used it—White Inilarnation, Pain in the Back, Weak .Limbs, Tondos' of Sore Foci, and all Bcrofttlotit Sorra are speedily and per miielll.ly Mired by Connell's Magical Pain Extractor; Affections of the Lungs, Agee inee Breast, Tie Dolourcaux, C conic sore Eyes, Blistered Surfaces &e. , Die (litany beneficial in all kinds'of InflaMatory Diseases, such as sore N ipples mut ,Eyes. Sprains, Rheumatism, White 131RkifiteStd . Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Chil blllsoWntrlysipatas, Piles, Ate., will quickly be IhShltted by the application of this salve. Tlibliremadltable intuitive mistresses many virtheirtiniverfotind ih any other anti:lc... l -- 111 M 4 thbitt6sitperfeet power over all pains byltie; positiVely allaying the suffering al molt iminediately Upon its application.— If any disbelieve the statement, we would eatletestly invite them to call and C):31111110 thie ectimit'ous unsolicited certificates of of remarkable cures wrought by this salve. It has (Or months past been sold upon the folio:Avg liberal terms, to wit: if the user was not 'perfectly satisfied, and even dc lighted with its effects, and furtherutore if it did net. fully 411S1Ver our recommenda tions; their money was returned immedi ately at their request. On these terms this absolute heal-all is no w sold : and we simply ask if the public can dasuand any thii4 &ore reasonable ! Kind parent, keep. it otenstantly on hand ; in case of accident by , fire, life may be lust without u ; but by item* all burns are subject to its COG trpl4 airless dm vitals arc destroyed. - ,Caution:-.-No P:1111 Extractor can be goastine unless you find the signature of Comatook dr. Co. on the wrapper to each box. Beware of the counterfeit. .4111EUMIATIS51.—Goinstock's Hew ett'; Nerve and Bone Liniment. and Indian Vegetable Elixir, is warranted to cure any cane of Rheumatism, Gout, Contracted Chordeand Muscles,or stiff.' nintsostrength ctiWitak Limbs, and enable those who inescrippled to walk again. Use this'arr tiplelsod be oared, or go without it and suifalr.; as you please. Certificates of cures by the hundred can he seen at '2l Cortland street, N. York, where this esti cleis sold only genuine. ,HEAFNE.S.--Use Or. McNair's Ac- ; cottons Oil, for the cure o 1 Deafness. Al sa all disagreeable noises,. like the boozing of insects, falling of water, whiz- zing of steam, which are symptoms of ap prozehing deafness. Many persons who Nave been deaf Mr ten or twenty years, awl eonspolled to use car trumpets, have, alle Using one or two bottles, thrown a side these trumpets. being made perfectly *nil. It has cured cases of ten, fifteen, and oven thirty years standing of deafness. ' - Mrsto :Liniment of • the Piles.— The trotS 4 t attacks of the riles are effectually andlierininently cured iii a short time by the use of the genuine Hay's Liniment.— Hundreds of our first citizens throughout theroutikiry .have used this liniment it ith efttnplelP 110c00§.5. Ii is warranted to cure the :lost aggravated case. Afrie cure be effected the money, will be refunded. . For Stale. at the Drug and Book Stereo ,A.MUEL H. BUEHLER. Vollyaburg. Jan. 19, 1849. ~ 511..70 for a whole Summer Suit ( COST; I'ES'7' § P.,INTS.) 'MARCUS SA.3ISON _ - 14 ETURNS thank than to his old em ail" somesa, and informs them and the pulliliqssfierally that he has within a few davit returned froth the cities with a new of CI 17 LC rt3lß GOOD El, of all kinds. Ilia prices are astonishing ly low, and so low that persons at a dile ulnae even would-save money and be - well pild'for their time and trouble in coming to lilt( ,store in Gettysburg, to purchase th*, linnlmer clothing. As be sells for Casas.,and has hut OINE Pates, he has hesitation in publishing a list of his prices- He' purchases for cash, and as his expcn. are'comparatively small, and as he at ten di to his busines himself, he is satisfied an o n protiAs, and is therefore enabled **sell cheaper than an other establishment. Vastirefulattenticm of the public brim i till to the following list of prices : 00.ATS.:--Fine Cloth and Dress, from :Pi to : 1 5.101 : /haloes. trortris2 50 to $6 ; Cloth , Syck, $.1 , 114 IVISB • Lita Summer, 51 to 1 r.lO ; nine Claitlitnatot,43 OD to $5 50 ; Twetxl, $1 25 to $4, bits (lamina, $3 50 to 44 50. PANTS.—Doubir 51i11'11 Comintern, from $2,- Dear $l4 50 ; Biagiolfoti Casahncre, $2 00 to 3 00 ;bummer cloth, $1 25 to $2OO ; Linen Dril- IMU $L 00 to $l 50 ; Catainet, , 01 001o$250;0010 (.301694,11114 eta. to $1 25. litiEBlll.—Silk, from :$1 50 lo $3 00 ; Satin, $llOl rep oo ; Merino and Cashmere, $1 CO to 0,00; mnbaTiott, $1 Oti to stso ; litarseiles, Fits toll 75 ; Casahnere and Cloth 00 to $2.30. In hdtlition, he has for sale Cloves, Sus livedirs, Stocks, Crevats, Saris, Pocket- Iteetilieichiefs, shirts, (a large supply, fesiiti.so AIL loin each) Drawers, a great variety of Under-shirts, &c., &c. Also, a Isoxtetoek of Fancy Goods, Steel Beads, jewelry, Cape, Slouch Hats, Gaiter Shoes, Dieb, Corers, Horse Nets, Pistols, with a fovr_Gothie Thirty-hour and Eight. day .CLOCKS, lie cannot enumerate more iri'thelitnita of an advertisement, bet re rittbisita ALL to call at his Store and exam ine stock, which he is satisfied is the cheapest ever brought to Gettysburg.— Re-sweatier the Variety and One Price Store of, .41.111CUS 5.1.3/SOY, in York street, opposite the Bank. 10...f1e has also on hand Two Second- Irsinfrii BUGG ES,'one CARRIAGE and &MORSE, which he will dispose of on reasonable torn a. 0:7 - 11e has also a.fine sropfof GRASS which he will dispose of. Mny 113, 1840. LUMBER YARD. (IN bend Dud for sale by the subscriber, UV rime quantity of BOARDS, kirtitss suid ft7tile Pine Mountain Boards, A S ina. Chrsinul, and Oak Shingles, Smalling a.• Shingling Laths, Pests. Rails. 4.e., 4.e. of Which will be sold as cheap as pos sible fur the CASH ONLY. Person) wishing Lumber are respectfully inviteU to call *ad sec • 'l'4 l ,s.4ttisburg. lane 8..-rf AidIOC. '11). beIrEVENISON, 4/TOR:VEY AT .1-IW, d ivrt itgAlt, the Centre t.hioare, North 'Court-house, bet west' Smith's 'etctriters, G. E. BUEHLER RESPECTFULLY,informs his friends and the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of TIN fr.9RE of every description, which he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase tit low rah% will do well to call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and pinup at 12i cents a foot. TEA AGENCY. RF:SH TEAS of all kinds—Gunpowder, 7 t . IFMRS, prrial, Young Hyson, and ; Black—of the beet finality, just received and for sale at the Druz and Book Store of • • Ky. These MI are (rem the bottom of Jenkins & Co., Philadelphia, (former)y of Cantu%) and are - tif theritry best quality. S. 11. BUEHLER. TEACHERS, WANTEH.. , tying moo minor. be Obbiberi f ind township will meet' al the house of, Conrad Snyder, tin` Satui•day the ihth of ariptst inst., at 1 o'clock, M., to select EJOHT TEACHERS. (male or female . ,) to take charge or the Public Elchools .10 said terreshiri. • JACOB BEAM qec'y. Auras' 1849---td •11T14 ICES TELIFT VAN', t GEORGE ARNOLP, AT the old and well known. stand, has just received and is pow,. opsning i aa Usual, as large and well selected a stock, of goods. as has been offered to the public at any Banc—enuaisting of Dry Goods 8 Groceries, 2LUMIDINIVitaIIe QUEENSWARE * HOLLOWARE, LEGHORN, STRAW, AND GIMP ( 1 .) S:1 Mal 4 2lla (D'a . all of which have been purchased on the very best terms, and will be sold at prices to suit the times._ , ;He will not misntpre7 sent nor deceive you. by saying th at we can sell goods,'.Thirtv per cent, cheaper" than any 'other establishment. But we will coati& ourselves to , the•plairr feats, and that is, that re will sell any and every. article as ci.eap, if not a little cheaper, ;hurt they can be had . elsewhere. Our. prices are uniform. And 'we warrnnkan Goods sold to be as they are representett Cclr, - 'rite Ladies': attention, particularly, ii invited to a large and very handsome se leition of Silks, and Fancy G ‘ pods genetally. Please give use. call, examine . "djude f?7.3 ; if itiME ARNOLD. 5, 18119.-4tf . ,A 6 04fir , •II T TILIAV A CLU Ladies , wishing to supply them selves with -handsome DRESS GOODS would do well to call at the Store Rial‘and examine his stock, of GLNWIAMS, LAWNS, I,INNN LUSTRE, plain: striped and barred Cambric Mullins, Alpaca:l4 and a good article' 01 Blittk 111 k, Black Gimp and Fringes, Needle -worked Collars, plain and figured Bobinet. a fine lot nf Irish Linens, colored, bleached and unbleached Muslin, Drilling, Brown TabhvCovers,`Cis - rittg - , ardinany er articles too numerous lo mention. I would therefore invite ail to call soon and examine for ehemsalves bolero pnrchasing elsewhere, as I feel confidelll.l4l .1 can please all, both in style and price. Gettysburg, March 30,18496 UMW§ E 3d rise you all. in view of the net 'v. oral propensity •now-a-days' to de sire OARGA/NB, to go and see eat Z11 1 P214,4400 0 0 NEW SPRING GOODS. It is worth a visit, to look at his CALI COES. His whole assortment is well selected, and his Goods are not only ty but cheap. Having beentarrehit“dlite in the season, when city Merehinti Were anxious to sell, they were . obtaihed sit rei , timed prices. His Cotton Gtiatis'ini re.' markably low. Go, then, to STEVEN. SON'S before you purchase, • •-• ' May 18, 1849. ' . D. 111 9 CON A CITY, . . . ./Ittortley at Letw, • OFFICE in the S.. WT,cnrner of the Public Square, one door West of G. Arnold's Store. formerly ocCupied as a Law Office by John ,ill'eanatighy, deo'd. Ile solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to business in hia'profession, : it will be his endeavor •to merit, , confidence and patronage. ocr.D. 311'Cortanouy will also' attend promptly to all business entrusted to him as .9gent and Solicitor for Patents and Pensions. lle has made arrangements, through which he can furnish very desire hie facilities to applicarto, and entirely re here them front the necessity of jounmy , to Washington, on application to !gm - per sonally or by letter. Gettysburg, April 2.-1 f • el OLD PENS AND SILVER PEN kji CMS, (best quality) Card cases, Visiting and Printing Cards, Fancy Note Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Fancy Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps, 4c., ('or. Sale by R. 11. BUEHLER. /MAD. FOR SALE, HERRING, In quantities, and at MACKEREL, prices to suit pur- HAMS. chassis, SIDES, & BY SHOULDERS, J. M. STEVENSON. .otittyabitie May 18, 1849. TAPONETS. sod CAMBRIC and et MULL MUSLIMS, of the Tip-Top kinds, for sale by J. L. RICK. UN hand and for sale by the subscriber *few Cook etovet. Jena 8.--tf GEO. ARNOLD, Hallinaore Adverliscauents. . M. Oat:„. W. S. normNs (litEi 1 & HOPK 4 EIZCHANVFAILOR AND WHOLESALE DEAI.LKa In Cloths, Casaimeres, Vrstings & Tailors' Tiim :Sio. 230 Baltimore in., N. W. COf • ucr of Charles, U•LLNuuK A large atelortment of READY MADE eurruaNc4, of superior quility. v. 0)S11:4 ‘lNitiftate Cloth :,roptus up entire—Entrance, south end of the-Store on Charles street. Marsh 80, 1849.—1 y COST 11411: 1114.1,1.. SPRIisIO k SUMMER cLoTinNo, WDOLIISALN. AND RATAIL. /IN hand and for sale, the largest and beet assortment of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very much reduced. co.l Ts. Coats of every variety, embracing all the latest styles. and of an improved cut and make. from 75 els. to 1,2, 8,4, 5,0, 8, 210, and upwards. .P4.IIITALOON S. Paolalocins of all kinds, from 75 cu. to 'l, 1.50, 1.76,2,2.50, and also a very lash ' ionable style, the Lamarti ne stripe, at 3.50, 111, and upwards. • YE STS. Vests of every variety, comprising silk, Satin, Cash mere, Marsei les, Valencia, from 50 eta. 75 cu. SI, $2.50, S3,snd upwards. BOY'S CLOTHING. Alwaygon hand the largest and best as sortment of Buy's Clothing ever offered in this eity. A splendid assortment of Cloths and Cassimera. of the best. make, together with! law and handsome variety ofSILK and MARSEILLES VES:I'INGS, which will.be Made up to order in the best man ner,2o percent. less than the accustomed prices, and hi all cases a neat and beauti ful ht guaranteed. . ' AT COSTUME MALL. Coiner of Prau street and Centre Market apace. H. H. COLE. Ir7s.Attached to the above, is one of the largest sod must extensive.SHlßT FAC TORIES in the - eountry, embracing every vaiiety and'tuake, at - prices which cannot fail to please any one wishing to purchase. crobiE PRICE ONL Yju March 30, 1849.—1 y TER MOST EXTENSIVE stirrer ESTABLISH/11ENT THE riVITED ST.otTES 18 -IT NO. 179 BALTIMORE STREET. NEAR LIGHT, Baltimore, Md. Whore bOO persona am employed, and a stock o 1000 dozen abide *l*ss on band. illpgANin none el) are p • r in H vit E ed ß to B call and examine the largest and best stock of • SHIRTS that has-ever been offered, consisting of all sizes and qualities for MEN AND BOYS, which for style and worknianiship cannot be surpassed. More than usual efforts have been made to render the asitorhnent complete and de sirable in every respect. T. W. BETTON March 2, 1840-,---IY AT THE OLD STAND, BUT lir •if XEllt• .SHOP J. G. FREY WENDERS his acknowledgments to his friends for past favors, and has the pleasure of announcing that he is again located at the old stand, on Washington street, one square south of Thompson's Hotel, where he will be prepared, as here tofore, to do all kinds of Coach, Cloth, Lk. Sign Painting. nice. CARRIAGE REPAIRING done at short notice, and on reasonable terms, for which Country Produce will be taken. The subscriber is thankful for past fa vors, and hopes, by attention to business, -and- it- desire - to - please, to merit and re ceives continuance of public patronage. J. G. FREY. Gettysburg, Jan. 12, 1849.—tf 311C1111.11E11.1111.7 4115 - • subscriber tenders his acknowl "- edgmients to public for the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored for a series of years, and re spectfully announces that he has just re ceived, at his old established stand in Chambersburg street, a large and fresh SUPPLY or Dat l 4S & MEDICINES, it a/30 trna2l944tilfilialp Paints, VllfiliSh, Dyestuffs and every,variety of articles usually found inA Drug Mom, to which he invites the attention of the public, whit amnrances that they. .willhelithallbed at the most reason able price., B. B. BUEHLER. OettY'burft /vac 2 1848. CZTTYSBURG FOUNDRY ad/CIIIXE SHOP. rISHE subseriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally ,that he still continues to carry on the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in ens branch es, at his old establishment, in the Western partuf Gettysburg, where he has constantly on hand all inns of ill 43 St ClPut9 Stile such as Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skilbts, I,Pans,•Griddles, &a.; of all sizes ; also, . STOVES of every size and variety, inclu ding Cummon, Parlor,Air-tight and Cook ing Stoves—among them the far-famed Hathaway.. .To Farmers he would say, he has on hand an exceßeut assortment of • Threehtet% Olfaehines, Hovey's celebrated Strawcutters, the re nowned Seylcr Plows ; also W oodcocks and 'Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters, Shares, &c. • BIACKSHITHING is carried on in its different branches, by the best of work men. • The subscriber has also opened a BOOT & SHOE • Shop in tke South end of the Froundry Building, where, w ith good work men and excellent materials, .the neatest fits and best work will be made: pcy'La dies will be waited on at their residence. All of the above mentioned articles will be furnished as cheap, for Cash or country Produce, as they can .be had any where else. All orders will be promptly attend- ed to. 1 Kr Repairing, of all kinds, done at the short,/ notice. T. WARREN. Oattysbarg, May 1848. CAUTION ! WHEREAS sundryindividuals °flute have been trying to monopoliald and for public opinion i and whereas the suttieritiortati et-theipresetitAlisoehew the burst and best stock of (MORS its this COtelly, therefore be it * known to aY persons immolated that the , dadenrigned 5 001intiaCt&seanu1acturs atAhte tad itind ih &nub Baltimore streetv every variety of P.L411 jr*ated PANY;I" " I 'CORS I which will be sold on the most neeturienollating teems for flash or Proatire. My Clinks are "fluids in Gettysburg, and not in. ".4osfon.", House and Sign Painting attended to as formerly ; and from long practice and experience in business: the subscriber feels confident that his work willbear the closest ituipection, because his workmen ere of the best that the country can furnish. 4•4litivßel' irdtkß, of every variety and of the best quality. will be furnished to Customers, sod at all times made to tit% der. , 11CrAll kinds of Lumber taken jtt fair - prices C 11A1R PLANK particularly wanted--something lea. than "5000" feet Will ausarer. Feeling thankful for past favors, the sublieriberc-bopes, by attention tti business, still to merit a share of pobli r e favor. HUGH DENWIDDIE. Gettysburg, March 9, 41340. , ,-4 , • NEW 'ESTABLIgnitIENT. Chairs and Patina Furniture LOWAR TARN EVER ! D. & J. CULP RESPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Adams county that they have entered into co-partnership for the manufacture and sale of all kinds of • Chairs and Cabinet Furniture, and that' they will always tare on hand, at their Establishment in South Baltimore street, Gettysburg, a few doors above Fahnestock's Store, (the old stand of D. Culp.) a full tunionment of CHAIRS, of every variety.,auch as BOSTON ROCKING, C.INE .dND COMMON CIMIRS. Also; SETTEES, of various kinds, painted in imitation of rose-Wood, mahog any,. satin-wood, walnut, maple, and all fancy colors. They will constantly keep an hand 'and make to order, • Bureaus. Centre 7'ables, Bedsteads. Oak boards, Stands, Dough-Troughs, !t r ash-Stands, Dining and Ilieakfast Tables, 4•e. all manufactured by experienced workmen and of the best material, which they will be pleased to furnish to those whir may favor them with their custom on the most reasonable terms. Having supplied them. selves with a very large and superior stock of atoll; they have no hesitation in assn. ring the public that they can furnish work which for cheapness, beauty and durabil ity, cannot be surpassed by any other shop in the County. They will also attend to all kinds of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c., upon the shortest notice and moat reason able terms. Wall Paper will be furnished —specimens of which can be seen at our establishment. 10:20kAll work made and sold by the firm will be warranted. They arc deter mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, just to auit the times. The public will consult their interests by giving them a call bef ore purchasing elsew here. All kinds of Coun try Produce and Lumber will be taken in part payment for work. Feb. 2,1849.-1 f C ;;Nar REMOVAL DR, 1, LAWRENCE RILL, • DENTIST, IjAS removed hie office to the building H opposite the Lutheran Church, m ChWmbersburg Nireet, 2, doors east of Mr. Middlerors store 'where he may all times be found ready sad willing to attend to any case within the province of the Den tist. Persons iti Want of full sets of teeth are respeco fully invited to all. REFE#ENCES., 1 , Dr. C. N. Bleixtros F 0 "ReviCl.P. KaAvva, D. D. " D. Holtatzil, Prof . M. Jicoss, .C. A. COMOILL, "H. L. Naxos's. D. GI ; " Wit. M.Rirsoims Rev.. 1.0. WAvvoir,D.D. , . M. L. STOW/M. July 7, 1848. NEW ESTABLISH NI ENT HENRY SMITH, RE§PECTFULLY informs the Mi. sena of Gettysburg, and strangers who may tarry here until their beards grow, that be has opened a new saloon in the shop formerly occupied by JACOB LEIDY, in West York street, ohe door West of Paxton's Ha vs tore, where he intends prose cuting the Tonsorial business in all its va ried and various brinohes.. His razor's poised sharp, He'll shave your lace without a smart. gentlemen, call and see. fot yourselres. 'His sponge is good, his towels are clean, Arid in his shop be'sthysys seem. •. I ocrile" also roiretitilly informs_ tithe gentlemen that thel gut at any can have boots bliekc in the neatest Gentlemen'eatratiO have grease removed • from their clothe', Gettysburg, April 21,'1848. DIAMOND' TONSCiR . 'S. R. TIPTON', "LIA.SHIONABLE Barber and Hair 12 Dresser, has removed hisA , Temple" to the diamond, adjoiningthe County Buil dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public From long experience he flatters himself that he can go throughall the ramifications ofthe tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as willmeet the en tire satisfaction of all who submit them chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well a receive a liberal share of public patrons The lick will be attended to a f their pr vale dwellings. ip A.:11127 ) 3 ihIGIC3L P.,11N EX77?.1C70R (TIIE ORIONAL AND ONLY OiNUI?i13;) BURNS AND SCALDS _ - CHALLENGE the world to prove .that ley MI greener Entire* has ever failed. (wore • its introduction by _me in 118300 in one single isv stence to cure the, worst Burn! and Scales. #9l it Must Artic le: not tlie'lita coed. terjrit clef tltytt lrigornikastbeMarket. ar AlsauTr Teri Itatriefot, 'in Bi end RA", 'Edith .iramerikut , ore, et aeon' la opp plied t it ittas bud .Arahes butt pairr hiewirdentet.. Conetetfeit Extreettwa:be 4 p ft.by "44494 liecdig g r i h t : 4 44 Osgs IP' laertOM thelwirs. ~ry a reltetionS that II fear fa the same virtneurs'idtd Tier *IR hi feditd'ele+ elusive. It does, however, wet' ltb Burns arnliklilditebukilb Olktl k ,V(stap a, Bore and Inflamed Eyrie , sea 411-easeiretreinernal and Painful, inflammation, the name dEfarsetee will be ebitarVed 144411 Wee; Salt flbeprn,ltheirtnatlettl. 4rYalt elm. Eruption, Sore Maples, Broken triatt,Chilblishis,reVer Sores ' Sorelland - • and all .ekternei inflammation, yield readily to the; all-power6ll, pain subduing, and curative properties of this extraordinary remedy. But mark, it must oe the 011111.1114 Dality. CAUTION. 7 . 21, the pebffe—Baing, edreizant of the- danger tittolluE the use of the Coo ST I SPIRIT Erraser ou, llistinetly declare that I will not hold my-1 self responsible for the effects of any Exthietor, unless the same be procured at my own Depot, 416 Broadway, New York. 236 Chestnut utreet Philadelphia, or from my authorized agents. TO TIRE LAMBS. .and especially to Mothers and Heads of Pew ilits.-The great and 'substantial beneAt that may be derivedi and the .pain and suffering that may be +reviited by, ,the genuine, Dallsg!* .illittial. ,/ Pails ketractoi-, (see printed plunphlet, espechd .),. l, the ankle addressed to alefflersi &a, :ouglit to Make it an inmate of every family. , ife WWII has,.,is many casee,heen preserved. b a meg application of my_ genuine Extractor. I would therefore caution Mothers never tit be Without's box , of It on band, not foie' 'tingle day . ; fer where there are children, accidents will occur. And what is of vast importance, especially to masa it heals the would* without 4 marl ? LIFE SAVED-AWFUL , CASE OF SCAI.DI . . lifheriy&M; Niagara Co, X. Y.,' Vebruai7 2818'48 Mr. Dailey—Dear ' Sir—White my ion, 15 yearn of ag,e, was at work in the skin& _mann factorref L. P. R ose,. he inalltint rgisloidine to slip aint fall int o.a a target-it; Mad' fey the pur pose of boiling blocks preparatory to cutting,— 'rhe blocks had just been removed from the vat containing a large quantity of boiling , water. - He fell forward, scolding both hands and mini, all on ono side, and one leg badly' an d tbe other partially. The sealds were so bad on his aims and kg, that moat of the flesh came off with his garments, and his life was despaired of by both his physicians and friends. Dalle'y'aPitinExtractor was procured as soon as possible (which was in about aix howl) and applied, and which relieved him from all pain, preventing inflammation and swelling, and in a few days eommeneed healing his sores. There appeared a general improvement, so much ro that in three weeks he was removed to his fath er's house, distance about one mile a nd a ; half. We continued the use of the above medicine about two months, and we believe it Was the means, under Providence, of saving his life, and we would cheerfully recommend it in aIJ - aemilar cares, as a safe and invaluable remedy. With sentiments of respect, I remain, dear, sir, your most obedient and hunble servant, ADLAH CLARK, SUSANNAH CLARK, C. E. CLARK. We; the undersigned, being personally erquain• thed will the case of Mr. Clark 's son,' helm re the above statement s übstantrally correct:— Mr. Dewey, Louisa Dewey, J. S. Kelsey, Hen ry B. Pears°, Wm. Evans, E. Clark, L. P. Rose, Ira Newman Wm. Newman. Mary J. Rose. CAindaint—T he Extractor has not as yet in any single instance, failed of curing Cuts, Wounds, and Punctures...-oo matter bow severwl--(see 12 page printed pamphlets) always yield readily to the wonderful properties of this wonderful salve. A. DALLXY, 415 Broadway, N. York, and 235 Chestnut street, Phila , Inventol and Proprietor. C. A. MORRIS & CO., York, Agents for the counties of York and Adams; also for sale by S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, and D. WHITE, Hampton. Gettysburg, May 4,1549.-6 m mpumiMMIIMI - THE undersigned has connected with his Coachmaking Establishment a large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF BLACKiSMITHir a, ,INCLUDINO IRON* CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &C. Ile would say to those who have Horses to sboe,;lhat he has in his employ first-rate hanilisi which; with his persOnal attention, wittiable him to give entire satisfaction to all those who may, firror him with acall. CARRIAGE dr. RUGGY SPRIN G S, , , , )warranted) 'Oho promptly made, to or der at all iiines. 117411 kinds of REPAIRING done, both,itiWiAidarld Ircip, at the, moat, rednc: r:d pricea. gobTlierilifur for, put encouragement, d u ,s ePq. 4l. r sig t ronee and juvites his ,trienos to ,ca l at his Establishment in west Chambereburg et., a fow doors below Thompson's Motel. C. W. HOPPAIAN. bettyaburg, October 15, 1847. To Owners and .Dealers in Horses. tilt MOULD you have a horse that is spavined WV or afflicted with poll evil, grew, humors, sores, quitterbone, bruises, or swellings, or with galled necks or shoulders—procure abd use as directed, a box of Dictv.tr's ANIMAL GALVANIC"CURE-ALL, and you will be satisfied, after the first thorough application, that, your-Ita.roe eau ha cared by the use of this incomparable Ointment. For testimonials mad f all:actions, See . printed pamphlets:` . ' ' • H. DALLEY, invnntor add fitoMietor, 13S , EhMrrnut Phitat, 4V) Broadway, N. Y. C. A. MORRIS & CO., York, Agresti Nib* counties of York and Adams- i also for sale by S. H. Alestyobiorc aid Do WHITE, Am M mo- 4 , !,. I ar 4, ' ' 1 4, i,s .) 01 tit eav eI. ~ ' 0 4. , ' ii '' ' - is 4 , ~,..OM rites j . ISOioi li i 'readied, SO 4 4 ' late iiiiial. se large and 'a. ' kd' 'an 'Orinterit of Ladies' erid Gentleinen's Gloves and, Hosiery lab can be produced iii Getiyilburg. Also it splendid lot of Itihr bons and Flowers—all of which will be sold as low as they can be bought at any other store in town. Gettysburg, March 26, 1840. HOUSE. SPOUTING WILL be made and put up by, the subscriber,who willattend prompt ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish ment in the county. GEO. E. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, October 15, 1847. FANCYARTICLES,CoIogne,Soaps Hair Oils, Tooth Brushes. Toilet Bruelle2s.,TOotti Powders, &c. &c. for sahrby =- " — S. H. BUEHI,Pat II'ALISTER'S A LL-HEAL- G OIN'l 11 ENT, (THE WORLD'S Sait,VE.) Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. ' From the "Reading Eagle." 'itre haver, perhaps, was a medicine brought beforrthe rabbi." that has in 10 abort h lime *on antis *reputation as kVA II i stet '1 All-Heeling- or W. 4 4,rld'a Salve.'" .Almost every persons thethas made WI) of it /malts warmly Waits praise. O. has been cared by it of the moat painful Rheuma tism; another of the Piles, a third of • trouble- Wine Paid %Abe Side,. fourth dra Swelling of this I,imbi, &a. It It does per give Immediate rto. lid in every case, it can never do injury, beteg eppilid QatwarttlY. As sipother.evidntge of the TaatrtYilralint Pawt,rimuweltimdby thjewdre o We Subjoin the foilowing certifteale fekx insectabte citizen of blakdencreek toriWrp, In thie.koenty•W , • • '• '• t adAsideits reel& Berk. cos, !Lillian& 30, 0.11:1 Messrs. Ritter &Co.-1 destrmto inform.yeo that} al* alOtelvintred of a Never pain kthe back by tbe amp( too•Sitlye whiett rporchlUsank6M yea: I suffered with' it about Sito yearsand at night *as linable to sleet,. Dueingthat Nile I tried'varioue remedies, which Were prescribed forme by .physiciuna , sod, oth. er, persons without receiving say relief, and at lad made trial of this Salve with a result farora t , ale beyond expectation. ram Al ow enurely treig from the pain, and enjoy •at night a awed Mid peaeeibl sleep. 1 have also used the Bilve slime for tdoth ;whetted othercomplaints, happy manna. Your friend, JOHN HOLLENIIACH. . The fbllowihg la from a uar Physician of extensive practice in Philadelphia: ' Jatpes hrAllisteor: 1 hav for' the Iwo hut year* bob in thir Mkt o sing your Clint. ment in cases of Rheumatism, Chilblains,and in imiaCapites, (Scald Heed,) and that far with the happiest effect, I ihink from the experimehis hare inade'with it; that at richly; disisteei to be adopted ai an artfeleorteery tlet'ON by ,hetarti fitssion at large. Your e, truly, . . Iit.BRLL, fd D Philadelphia, Dec 110,1847. James M'Allister —Dear Sir. I take pleased's' in making known'tallAs* tbeirdat benefit I have received by using your - Vegetable Ointment - or the World's Seim ./ had an Ulcer, or 'rtimilmg sore on ,the ear. of many years standing; /„.` , bad implied to , several physicians, but all to no - ptir. pone; but by using your Ointment rt . few days, - lt web completely dried up and /quire alio used it for Burns, for which& Bud 'lt an utcollerst article; also, in all eases ofinfiammatios EDWARD THORN I certify the above statement is true . . M C No 90, Market street, Philadelphia. RY'Amund the box are directiorit for using MeALLISTER'S OINTMENT* 'SOofula, E rysipelas, Teller, Cuilblain", Scald Head. Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Nervosa fifer, lions, Pass, Diseaseaf the Spine, Headache, .asth ma, Deafness, Ear .4clie, lonia, Corns, all Discos. I es of Me Skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, ¢ro Surffing of 1 the Lisishs, Sores,• Rheumatism, Pita egld Rid, I Croup, &roiled or Broken Breast, Tixithathe, Apar in the Pane, Sr. If Morelos and Nouns knew its wade lnc.. see of , "swollen" or Bore Brenal, they would not be without it. In such caera,• if trimly used, sr-, cording to the directions around each box, it gives relief in a eery few hours. lErThis Ointment is good for any part of the body nr•limhs when inflamed. In some cases it should be applied often. - CAI:MN—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of JAMES NVALLIArriII is writ ten with a pen on every label. LID - For sale by ms Agents in all the principal towns in the United Stoles. JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Medicine, PRINCIPAL. OFFICE No. IS North Third street, Philadelphia. iTYPRICE 25 CENTS PER 80X.,,rr AGENTS.--.. 5. S. FORMBY, Gettysburg; Jo seph It. Henry, Ablxotstois n ; Molter & Rune, }:mantsburg; J. W. Schmidt, Hanover; C. A. Morris Itc C9.,.York; L. Denig,Ohambersburg. June IS, 1/342.,--eowly IBARNUM'S MUSEUM, CORNER OF CHESNUT & SEVENTH STS PHILADELPHIA. "For this hate science sought, on weary wing, By shore and sea, each mute and living thing." filiAltHE Proprietor of the American Museum, 0.16 N. York, having immense facilities at bis command, ha► opened this Magnificent Eats!). lishment in order to tarnish a pleasant, chute, and instructive place amusement for FAMI• LIES, CHILDREN and others, and especially to persons from the NEIGHBORING TOWNS, when visiting the city. Theeditice is large,nity and comfortable, and hu been fitted up with a degree of costly elegance unsurpassed in the world. He bas also filled it with the best selection of curiosities that could be gathered from all sec. tions of the globe; and his facilities for adding to this roesnissoth collection are mower than any other itatividtial enjoys. He has a correspond. once with Agents and Naturalists travelling in all parts of the world, whose sole business It is to procure every thing curious and wonderful, and let the expense be grad ow small he will con. Mainly add to this unequalled cabinet, as tango. lar and interesting developments are made in the Itimpicun of nature. In addition to this; the' splendid LECTURE ROOM will be the scene of most instructive, mu sical, entertaining and agreeable perfermannse. This , apartruentmill steedmmodate from i two to three thousand. It la finished in a style 'open. or to the best British or Americus Musenam, end is wel t ! edapted.to,the eorri{ost of slaters. ' Ainiing the perritinont'attrictions 9f the Muse. um, and to be seen at ill hoursossi • LIVING.OIAPITS 111 the larigirstimilmnilloot LIVING ORANG OUTANGS, ENORMOUS RNRPENTSciSCRIP.TUILK STATUARY, GlnuPai Axe repreamniag . THE INTEMPF.RATI: FAMILt • Tbe Great French Scriptural Plliiktings of the • Dthier, and Cabs Wild Air IfLwdt/ THE. AUTOMATON W R ITE R, the most astounding piece of mechanism in the word. Gland Cosmorama, Pitney Ghuis Blowing, Statues, Portraits', and HALF A MILLION OF CURIOSITIES. The inquiring rnillfon come not here in vain, They learn, nhey laugh, approve, and come again. The Exhibitions and Performances in the LEC TURE ROOM consist of Panoramas, Diorartias- Yankee Stories, and Imitations by that Comic • Genius, GREAT WESTERN, Comic Songs, Legerdemain and Ventriloquism. Negro Delinea tions, EJectricai Experiment*, Sic,. The Manager pledgee !angel( that no :pin:Waal word or vulgar, gesture is ever introduced here, and that nothing a. ever •esiso or heard •which could be objected to by the moral and religious portion Of 3ba nenimuoi. fact,. he be the FAMIL I( Tatiana where !kl quity attend wiltbplitiatue and prOfiti'accippanied by.their Vidtheti; SW6111; WIV4S and' Children. ' The Chickeritg GRAND 11KNVFORTIE need here it from thia , Wive EdWariCL: Walker No. 161Minftthnflitnime*'," t' The "Msiensin it ciPen every daY in the ear, erietir ftit o'eltick, A. M. ti ll to P. lt.• . Binh regulations are satablished add en foreedusemder„it perfectly safe and pleasantly, Ladies and Children to visit the Museum in , the DAYTIME, though unaccompanied by gentle men. Exhibition, and Performances intim Lec ture Rabin TWICE every day, and dieter on Holideye. • ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, Nett tiod extraordinary Attractions will be it troddiled, and perfotmances take place at inter vals throughout the day and evening.• • Juno i, 1849.-3 m . FOR GENTLEMEN. J L. SCHICK has just received an • elegant article of SATIN, which be will sell low. Also, plain and figured Cra vats and Rani:orchids, Collars, Suspen ders,&c. March 30. 18.&BELLAL NURSERY. GETTYSBURG', PA ILI RUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafts in the root,) can be had of the . sub scriber on reasonable terms. Please cal a ad jud;c for yourselves, C. W. ROTTMAN. ' - 7N lof er m seine has her been inaialwerai ,to the public that has met with swalL As g., paralleled success, as Dr. Sovit's •OlrseT e s t a Iti.6 Piaci—having been huf yeas* ber m, . the Pubtle, and' the tilVertising 6414,0 with mom cstlier trieditfuei, yet' th.seylniVeliriii4., ad their wariest° every fiat,. in theAliiodsadi Cessadae., , They, lave,absoluiely begewsel Standard Medicine of the 'day, lietryi sme :purely vegetable and ao admirably compounded thus Whant All#o kg , 440,1 1 -4410' Ahoy t *peed ily, u ter (1101611, .4!ropter tOptlituliong, loot Isfilsoue diseeints. and rube p taken . In eetlall doissetbe,is 'dperate' likq a cholla . ; siphn the Meer delitisie s nerviss•fiesnale, and fravre' raked numbers from their beds after all °thee Pt mud i•• had felled, Ne litre refer so but few of the ma. ny miraculous; cures effected by the use of said Pills. • tkfistif Rntland. Jef ferson Co., N. T., was cured; after sbo had been minced to hed.s years, OritirBpinal 'Disease led' A Walesa( the Lungs: The bill of her reeullsr physician Cllr. Johnsoo, of Clay,) had automated; to $OOO. Sea Circular. Scrofula end Nervous Debility.—Mrs. Down, of Clay, Y., was cured of Dyspepesa, Nervous debility aad ficrofulotie Affection ot the Bead, after she had beep Confined six months and all. other medicines bid failed, Cesigit''end ConneimptiONeurerl.—W,m. 'Scotty, of Pickering, C. W., was cured of a severe Cough after kis, kid Often !warmed to r. his bed Joe a long time, and Wes given up by bre "Pllyeicians. He bad,olled Most, of t : o3CAtigh jdedrO git Al the day, end' waft iuppos i by,bis hisesis aed,phySi. 04411; to lie lirjiti last Magee piCarnaniSton .Dpapio# l l. A. B: Ormsliy.efqyyncifie, .. was op* pf AYepsisia,, , so ere vem *coot te ke aids to work for two roar s, Wm, Smith ,off' COO.; #is cured of a ieeere, ease of Dyspepsia, Cciativeoese and NerVoiis debility, of yeats standing,alterexpend ing large solve of money to.' Ito fatillolku 4e" Circulars. , • PRA% Pires,—Assiph L. 'Leonard, Of Avon, Y, was cured of a severe ease of Bleeding Piles of a number of years standing, after, usiag , a variety of Pile medicines without effect. ' s rldra. Willlamion, BethleheM, N. J.,' af dieted. for thirty years with disease of tie thee and atornach, a fewdoses ed these Ate 'caret, het- John Darfing;of WesttOrd,Oswegiti ee, N. Y.. was greatly benelitted in a ease of Asthma and difficult,y of breathing, by the too of these Pills, SeeirsC'eriio of Piles.—lohl 'Bolted:" Orniii. wick, Otsego co., N. Y„ trap mired of a serve case of Piles Sod extreme costiveness of long af painful duration. Who would not sacrifice ji ew shillings to be relieved from so distressing fomolaint, 'f 1' - Was goo s • •, cured of Cough, Natrona Debility, and gene-al derangement of the digestive organs. ile had been sick for years, end spent . hundreds of dollars to get relief but to no pwrpose, sod was so 'di.- noursicil be could hardly be persuaded to take the Pills. The above are all came in which all other ern edies failed to cure or give relict. blany of the some character might be published it we had spare. For particulars see the Botanic ostitute, which can bad of agents. BZW•RI Or Co MIL As time are spurious Pills in circulation call. ed Oriental or I , overeign Balm, be sure to sce be fore you buy that the name of unit. E. L. E 01.7 & C 0.," is on the face ef the boxes. None vibe's can be geuuine. We are not aware that any tate who is making a spurious article has yet dated to make 111 , 0 of our name ; but some ni them bat bad the impudence to imitate our boxesrand copy our Circulars, Certificates, &c. Unless the pub lic are caretul w hen they purchase, they Nrll be dec e ived. 117 For sate by S. H. BITCH LER,Gettysturg ; Holisinger & Ferree, Petersburg • J. Aultahstog . car t East &Ulla fsfm eommer,Brogtown ; J. K. Berry, • Abbottirct'u n ; John Busby, ItChherrystos. n ; muel Littlestwn ; Witmore & Stiek. Ntuninsashui g; J. BrinkerhoF, Fairfield; Abel T. Wii,gbt, deraville; Lilly & Reily, New °Vold ; Jesia Cline, Tyrone township; John S. Holliugrr, ilenliersburg Wm. Wirt & Co., Hauo%eri It M. Berlin, Hanover. Gettysburg, NE) 4,1E40 fvt n MOST COMPLETE Ext LIM AL BEN ever made. ibe people may rely upon it 111 the hour of pain. It iiisiusitly stops pais of the severest burn or scald, and pianos all star. For the bites of billets, Bugs, Reptiles, and the thou sand troublesome cutaneous diseases of warm climates, it is the best article in use. All resi ft-wits of southern climates sbonlil "keep it on hand. In fact, it is an article that all mankind require, and one on which reliance can be p4wed in time of need. It is pat op in tin bores. and will retain its virtues for years. • LrFor sale by SAMUEL B. BIIEHL.EIL Ossimeldinst,Mitsbers; and by Dr. Kaufman, Peteribusli J. 8. Ji°llinOr. Heidlersburg ; E. Stehle, Centre Milli ; J. Al' Knight, Bendersville; J . F. Lower, A reedtstown ; Stick &Witmer. Muminasburg; TICK night, Ad'. Knightsville ; A: Scott, Casliterrai J: holt ; E. Zeck. New Chester; D. M. C. Wb,ite, Hampton; Miller and William Weir, Elul Berlin; Win. littimges, town; Lilry & Riley, New thflird J . into, Mlberrystows3 and &loser tarp, Lit. tlestown. 1 • April 17, TOUSEY'S•MASTERIerfa, ir i pq ti.. ~,,,ii inallibli renticiii.everAllrcrner lir a foe Borne, Beside, Cite, Briniseeßgrtrifas Swellings, Old Sores,Chilblains, !hinted Liisits Scold Head, Silt Itheiin, Chapped Hands, Sore Lips, - lalatood • Zysilids, Running Sores, riles, Swelled Fsee, Erysipelas, Broken Britain, Sore Feet, Sore Legs, Sore. Head, Sere Nipples, Stir Neck, Fevei Sited, Elleire, filistoli,llltrii, Sun Burns, Contracted Cords, Wm flies, limples. Corns, Eruptions, Boib, Scald Feet ,lking•wprrn, Quinsy, Rheumatiern, Enlarged Joints, (biter, &e., &c., and every deccription of external in flammation. It is an universal remedy for ex ternal diseases and easualities of every kind For the wounds and other external dial arc, of Hones, it is the most perfect remedy in the world. All Families, Workshops, Foundries, Manufactories, - Glass Bliosers. Furnace-min, Smiths, Laborers, Mesons ' and all.cithwr Me chanics, and in fact people of all dieter, circum stances, and conditions, should ever be ruppliid with it, randy fit any.emergeacy, anea home dintr application of this Ointment. in tare of MOM 0Fq 6 c141 1 ,, W 14114 plays Previst goichdog filifog,iild,pftepi.iape..l' ror 410, Ii .Poole.rfs lernitial'avdt tbe 14 keykr :injuries 'by ire, oibr all external inilornmalionis;dirdity its combined Yilleffi i1,f 41 )1 1 . 1 f, AgiqPlic t NerFill, dpiilPpits ziibilti,',Avo of, 914 ; 1,40 BeOpito ppd., lir iii 7 ,trutlfe. ' ' ' itkei6liettib6 1,144 , 1260*. - 434 70k $A* , mikesper ma: • . , Eft• J M. • 'flit 'STAR . AND hpublished every Friday Evenini,an the .Cmin(yliiiilding, above itie Reitideg. - and Recordees Office, by, .D. A. 4r, C. H. U.E.11 mer.u.see. e. If paid in advance or within the year, fill pa annum—if not paid within the year, $2 50. No paper discontinued until all arrearager air/peg— except at the option of the Editor. Single'copies -6 cents. A failure to notify a discontineano will be regarded as a new engagement. , aldverttatments not, exceeding a Nasty inset:led throe time s for Cl—every subsequent insertion 25 cents. Longer once in the manic pioportionr— All adsertisemente not specially ordered lb► a given time, will he continued until forbid. AMe reel reduction will be made to thou , whosdrertiso ,by the year. J o b printing of all kinds exeruled nestiy and promptly, and on reasonable terms, , Letters and Cummunirations to the Lditor. (ex. copting inch a. contain Money or the naves or new anbacribers,) mut 6c rug* ruY ikoider b. accura atteinion.