Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 17, 1849, Image 3

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CONNELL'S Magical Pain Extractor,
‘-. 1 the World's Wonder—pronounced
so by ell who have ever used it—White
Swelling, Inilamation, Pain in the Back,
Wealt•Linitis, Tender or Sore Feet, and all
Seriirulous Sores are speedily and per
mammtly cured by Connell's Magical Pain
Extractor; Affections of the Lungs, Ague
in the Face, Breast, Tic Doloureaux,
Chronic sore Eyes, Blistered Surfaces
dte. his equally beneficial in all kinds of
Inilantetory Diseases, such as sore Nipples
and Eyes. Sprains, Rheumatism, White
Schilling and Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Chit.
blab's. Erysipelas, Piles, &c., will quickly
be relieved by the application of this salve.
This remarkable sanitive possesses many
virtues never found in any oilier article.—
las themes% perfect power over all pains
byre, positively allaying the suffering al
moat immediately upon its application,—
If any disbelieve the statement, we would
earnestly invite them to call and examine
the numerous unsolicited certificates of
of remarkable cures wrought by this salve.
It has for months past been sold upon the
following liberal terms, to wit: if the neer, ,
was not perfectly satisfied, and oven de-
lighted with its effects,.and furthermore if
it did not fully answer our recommends
lions, their money was returned immedi
ately at their request. On these terms.
this absolute heal-all is no w sold ; ind . we
simply ask if the public can demand any
thing more reasonable ? Kind parent, keep
iLitunatantly on hand ; in case of accident
by fire, life may be lust without it ; but
by its use all burns are subject to its con
trol. unless the vitals are destroyed.
Censtion.—No Pain Extractor can be
genuine unless you fled the signature of
Contstoek & Co. on the wrapper to each.
hoz. Rewire of the counterfeit. •
HIIEUMATI.S.M.—Comatotk's Hew
es' Nerve and Hone Liniment, and Indian
Vegetable Elixir, is warranted to cure any
ease of Rheumatism, Omit, Contracted
Chordastid Muscles,orstifflointa,strengih
en Weak Limbs, and enable -those who
are crippled to walk again. Use this ar
ticle and be cured, or co without it and
suffer, as you please. Certificates of
cures by the hundred can be seen at 21
Cortland street, N. York, where this arti
cle is sold only genuine.
DEAFNESS.—Use Dr. McNair'e Ac-'
caustic Oil, for the cure of Deafness. Al
so, all those disagreeable noises, like the
buzzing of insects, falling of water, whiz
zing of steam, which are symptoms of ati-;
proaching deafness. Many pursuits who
have been deaf for ten or twenty years,'
and - compelled to use ear trumpets, hive;
after using one or two bottles, thrown a
aide these trumpets, being made perfectly
well. It has cured cases of ten, fifteen,
end even thirty years standing of deafness: l
Hays Liniment of the Piles.—The
weretill.facka_of the Piles are effectually . ;
and permanently cured in a SNOrt-time by{
the use of the genuine Hay's Liniment.----
Hundreds of our first citizens throughout
the country have used this liniment with'
complete success. It is warranted to cure
the moat aggravated case.
If no cure be cffeeted the money will be
For Sale at the Drug and Book Store of
Gettysburg, Jan. 19, 1849.
8175 for a whole Summer
Suit ! ! !
110 ETURNS his thanks to his old cos-
All" towers, and informs them and the
public generally that he has within a few
days returned from the cities with a new
supply of
aI7 2ifr .16 3P. 0 , 0 030 Eh
of 311 kinds. His prices are astonishing ,
ly low, and so low that persons at a disi
home even would save money and be well
paid for their time and trouble in coming
to his store in Gettysburg, to purchase
their summer clothing. As he sells for
CASH, and has but ONE PRICE, he has no
hesitation in publishing a list of his prices-
He purchases for cash, and us his expen,
yes are comparatively small, and as he at
tends to his busbies himself, he is satisfied
with small profits, and is therefore enabled
t.isell cheaper than an other establishment.
The careful attention of the public is invi
ted to the following list of prices :
COATS —Fine Cloth and /dregs, from $6 to
$l6 ; Uuriner , from $2 50 to $ 1 1; Cloth Sack.
$4 50 to $8 ; Linen :•tinuner, Situ 1 50 ; Pine
Cashmaret, $3 09 to $5 50 ; Tweed, $1 25 to $4,
50 ; Caerinet, $3 50 to .li4 50.
PA ti TS.—Double Mari, Cinsisitnere, from $2.-
50 to $4 30 ; Single Mill'ed Cassitnere, $2 00 to
3 00 ; summer cloth, $1 25 to $ . 200; Linen Dril
ling, $1 00 to 51 50 ; Ceseinet, $1 00 to $2 60;
Cotton, 621 cts. to $1 25,
11 1C31 . 8.—Silk, from it 50 to *3 00 ; Satin,
$1 50 to *3 50 ; Merino and Cashmere 00 to
$2 00 ; ll onhaaine, *1 04 to $1 60 ; Mambas,
$5O et, to $1 75 ; Cassimere and Cloth $2 00 to
,S 2 50.
In addition, he has for sale Gloves, Sus
penders, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Pocket
handkerchiefs,. shirts, (a • large supply,
(ruin 50 cis. *os2 each) Drawers, a great
variety of Under-shirts, &c., &c. Also, a
large stock of Fancy Goods, Steel Beads,
Jewelry, Caps, Slouch Hats, Gaiter Shoes,
Dish Covers, Horse Nets, Pistols, with a
few Gothic Thirty-hour and Eight-day
CLOCKS, lie cannot enumerate more
in the limits of an advertisement, but re
rtneats AU. to rail at his Store and exam
ine his stock, which he is satisfied is the
cheapest ever brought to Gettysburg.—
Remember the Variety and One Price
Morro of ALUMS S3,IISOX, in York
street, opposite the Bank.
to has also on hand Two Seerind
handed BUGGIES, One CARRIAGE and
a HOUSE. which he will dispose of on
reasonable terms. (.0 - Ile has also a fine
crop of GRASS which he will dispose of:
May 18, 1810.
gr N hand and fkpr sale hy the subscriber,
a largequaiitity of RI VE HOARDS,
/Wow and:nits Pins :Willman Boards,
Pine, Chestnut. and Oak Shingles,
Scantling 4. Shingling laths,
Pasta. Rails. h.e., 4.e.
all of which will he sold as cheap as pos
.isible for As CASH ONI.Y. Persons
wishing Lua►her are respectfully invited
to calf and see.
enyeburg, June 8.-11
ArrlD/mm.lT LAW.
4 bPPICE is the Ceuta Square. Nonh
"' et tibb cle#110•40110, 61gIVI)Oil Smith's
owl SerieseeWe emote.
tieufeivi. Pa
W HEREAS the Hon. DANIEL Drs..
KER. Esq. President of the several
Courts of Cot nion Pleas, in the counties
composing the 19th Distriet.and Justice
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the said dis
trict—and GEOFn: Smysiat and JAMES,
ArDIVITT, ENS., Judges of the Courts of
Common Pleas and General Jail Delivery,
for the trial of all capital and other offend
ers in the county of Adams—have issued
their precept, bearing date the 15th day
of January, in the year of our Loan one
' thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and
to we directed, for holding a Court of Com
mon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get
tysburg, on Monday the 201 it day of
nat nr.ri—
all the Justices of tho Peace, the Coroner
and ConstableS within the said County of
Adams, that they he thou and there in their
proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
Inquisittons, Ptaminations and other Re
membrances, to go iliose things which to
their otlicett Mid in' that behalf appertain
to he done, and tdio they who will prose-
Cute agminst the prisoners that are or then
shall be in the Jail of the said County of
Adams, and to be then and. there to pros.
ecute aTnst thorn es shall be just.
Sherif'. Office. Osttysbunr,
July 20, 1849.—te S
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
jii and other persons concerned, that the
Administration Accounts of the deceased
persotts,hereinafter mentioned will be pre
sented at the Orphans' Court of Adams
county, for confirmation and allowance, on
Monday the 20th day of ilugust next :
39. The second accountot Michael liar
ner•and Abraham Hamer. Executors of
the last will and testament of Jacob Har
ner. deceased.
.40. The first and final account of John
Brough, Administrator of the estate of
William Yeasts, deceased.
41. The first and final account of John
Brough and Nancy Walker. Executors of
the butt will and testament of William
Long, deceased.
42. The account of James Bigham, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of
John Digham, deceased.
43. The first and final secountofJames
M'Divitt, Executor of the last will and
testament of Henry M'Di vitt, deceased.
44. The first and final account of Hugh
G. - 80014 - Execntor of the last will and tes
tament of Wm. Guinn, deceased.
45. The first account of John Hoover,
Administrator of the estate of Frederick
Foster, deceased.
48.-The first and final account of Sam
uel Miller. Administrator of the Estate o
John Wilson, deceased.
47. The first and final account of James
D. Pasum. Executor of the last will and
testament of Rev. William Paxton, D. D..
deceased. , •
48. The first account of Joseph Walk
er,Administrator of the Estate of Eliza
bth Walker, deceased.
49. The first and final account of Mi
chael SalL:giver, Executor of the last will
and testament ofJohn Saltzgiver, deceased.
50. v. 'second and final account
h eery Colehouse, Adininistratur, de bun is
not►, with the will annexed, of Adam
Knouff, deceased.
51. The fins and anal account of Win.
B. Brandon, Administrator of the estate of
Thomas ,Brandon. deceased. •
52. The first and final account of Eman
uel Pittner, Executor of the last will and
testament of Christina Glasser, deceased.
53. The first and final account of Henry
Overholser, Executor of the . last, will and
testament of Abraham Orerholser, de
WM. W. HAMERSLY, Register
Register's Office, Gettysburg,' ?
1414 20. 1849. S to
A• 4414 C E _3lllO P.
MIR subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally
that he still continnes to carry on the
FOUNDRY RUSI NESS, in allits branch
es, at his old establishment, in the Western
parka Gettyibum, where he has constantly
on hand all aorta of •
aftVagit ClAiaarie
such as Kettles, Puts, Ovens, Skill.tts,
Pins, Griddleti, die., of all sizes ; also,
STOVES of every size and variety. inclu
ding Common, Parlor, Air-tight and Cook-
HaStoves—among them the far-famed
To Farmers he would say, he has on
hand an excellent assortment.of
Threshing Jrinehines,
Hovey's celebrated Sirs weutters, the re
ttowned Seller Plows ; also Woodcock s
and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters,
Shares, dr,c.
BLACKSMITHING is carried on in
its different branchea, by the best of work
The subscriber has also opened a
Shop in the South end of the
Froundry Building, where, w i th good work
men and excellent materials, the" neatest
fits and best work will be made. irrLa
dins will be waited on at their residence.
All of the above mentioned articles will
be furnished u cheap, for Cash or country
Produce, as they can be had any where
else. AU orders will be promptly attend
ed to.
otall kinds, done at the
hort.3l notice.
Gettysburg, May 5. 1848.
ESPECTFULL Y,informs his friends
NA and the pohlie generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of 71,1'
WIRE of every description, which he
will sell at moderate priers—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase al tote rates,
will do well to call before purchasing else
gousE SPOUTING will be made
sad put up at I* cents a foot.
(IN hand and for sale by the subscriber
I lir a firw HATHAWAY Cook Peavey.
ne 8.-1( DEO. ARNOLD.
W II E RE AS stmilryindividuals of late
have been trying to monopolize
and lbrestall public opinion; and whereas
the subscriber can at the present time shew
the largest and best stock of CHAIRS in
this Comity. llieniffire be it kuovin to all
persons interested that the undersigned
continues to manufacture at the old stand
in South Baltimore street, every variety of
Li' mid Fi4/✓Ttl: r
which will he sold on the most
accommodating terms for Cash or Produce.
itfy Chairs are made in Gettysburg, and
not in ''Boston."
liou•e and Sign Painting
attended to as formerly ; and from long
practice and experience in business, the
subscriber feels confident that his work
will bear the closest inspection, because his
workmen are of the best that the country
can furnish.
C,l IR INET WARE, of every variety
and pf the - best quality, will be rurnislied
to Customers, and at all times made to or
der. ItCJ'All kinds of Lumber taken at
fair prices : CHAIR PLANK particularly
wanted—.-eometbing less than "5000" feet
will answer.
Feeling thankful for past favors, the
subscriber hopes, by attention to business,
still to merit a share of public favor.
gettysburg, March 9, 1849.—tf
Chairs and Cabinet Furniture
D. & J. CULP
ESPECTFULLY announce to the
111, citizens of Adams county that they
have entered into co-partnership for the
manufacture and sale of all kinds'of
Chair* and Cabinet Furniture,
and that they will always I are on hand,
at their Establishment in South Baltimore
street, Gettysburg, a *few doors above
Fahnestock's Store, (the old stand of D.
Culp,) a full assortment of CHAIRS, of
every variety, such as
- - -
Also, SETTEES, of various kinds,
painted in imitation of rose-wood, mahog
any, satin-wood, walnut, maple, and all
fancy colors. They will constantly keep
on hand, and make to order,
Bureaus, Centre Tables, Bedsteads, Cup
boards, Stands, Dough -Troughs,
Wash-Slands, Dining and
• Breakfast Tables, 4.c.
all manufactured by experienced workmen
and of the best material, which they will
be pleased to furnish to those who may
favor them with their custom on the most
reasonable terms. Having supplied them
selves with a very large and superior stock
of stuff, they have no hesitation in assu
ring the public that they can furnish work
which for cheapness, beauty and durabil
ity, cannot be surpassed by any other shop
in the County. They will also attend
to all kinds of
upon the shortest notice and most reason
able terms. Wall Paper will be furnished
—specimens of which can be seen at our
11:7"All work made and sold by the
firm will be warranted. They are deter
mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, just
to suit the times. The public will consult
their interests by giving them a call before
purchasing elsewhere. A l i nds of Coun
try Produce and Lumber will be taken in
part payment Air work.
Feb. 2, 1849.—tf
H AS removed his office to the building
opposite the Lutheran Church, in
Chambersburg street, 2 doors east of Mr.
Middleeofrs store where he may all times
be found ready and willing to attend to
any case within the province of the Den
tist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth
are respecifully invited to call.
Dr. C. N. Daum:lcor, R00..........111•11TN, D. D.
" D. Nous', Prof. M.J•coos,
"C. A. Coward., "H. L. Bayamon,
ReT.I.C. WAToos, D. D.
c la' ir
July 7, 1848. 1
RESPECTFULLY informs the citi
sena of Gettysburg, and strangers
who may tarry here until their beards grow,
that he has opened a new saloon in the
shop formerly occupied by JACO' LUDY,
in West York street, one door West of
Paxton's Hat -store. where he intends prose
cuting the Tonsorial business in all its va.
vied and various branches.
His razor's good and sharp,
He:11 abase your Mae without a man. '
Gentlemen, call and see for, yourselves.
His sponge is good, his towels are clean,
And in his shop he's always seen.
ICr He also respectfully informs the
gentlemen that they can at any time have
their boots blacked in the neatest style.—
Gentlemen can also have grease removed
from their clothes.
Gettysburg, April 21,1848.
HERRING, In quantities, and a
MACKEREL, prices to suit pur-
HA MS, &
SIDES, chasers,
Gettysburg, May 18, 184IP.
Plain and *lnured Clsups.
TEEL BEADS, Purse Twist, Tassels,
" Silk Canvass, and Reticules, constant
ly on hand and for sale at SCHICK'S.
March 30.
ERY, of all kinds, constantly on hand
and for sate, st the lowest prices, at the
book and Stationery Store of
Ba II buore A dverlisemenSs
I. M. ORRa. W. S. ilonaNs
In Clothe. Carel metes, Vestings & Tailors' Trim
Wogs. Nu. 230 Baltimore et., N . : W. cot , .
am of Charles, BALTIIIIOIIII.
A large assortment or READY MADE
CLOTHING, of superior quality.
WAYS abiltlilL9 (Liii2LlAYs
Cloth rooms up stairs—Entrance, south
end of the Store on Charles street.
March 30, 1819.—1 y
COSI &PIE LlvilelE.
ON hand and ler sale, the largest and
best assortment of SPRING and
SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very
much reduced.
CO .4 7' S.
Coats of every variety, embracing all
the latest styles, and of an improved cut
and make, from 75 els. to I, 2,3, 4,5, 0,
8, $lO, and upwards.
Pantaloons of all kinds, from 73 ets. to
1.50, 1.75,2,2.50, and also a very fash
ionable style, the Lamartine stripe, at 3.50,
$4, and upwards.
Vests of every variety, comprising eilk,
Satin,Cashmere,Marseiles, Valencia,fl.on3
50 ets. 75 cot, SI, $2.50,.3, and upwards.
Always on hand the largest and best as
sortment of Boy's Clothing ever offered
in this city.
A splendid assortment of Clotho and
Caasimerea, of the best make, together
with a large and handsome variety of SILK
.will be made up to order in the best man
ner, 20 per cent. less than the accustomed
prices, and in all cases a neat and beauti
ful hi guaranteed,
Corner of Pratt street and Centre Market Space.
H. H. COLE. .
P-7 Attached to the above, is one of the
largest and most extensive SHIRT FAC
TORIES in the country, embracing every
variety and make, at prices which cannot
fail to please any one wishing to purchase.
March 30, 1840.-1 y
Baltimore, Md.
Where 500 persons are employed, and a stock o
1000 dozen shine always on hand.
visiting 1 ;
altinA N Da re 0 T n D E d R S
cull and examine the largest and best stock
of SHIRTS that has ever been offered,
consisting of all sizes, and qualities for
MEN AND BOYS, which for style and
workmanship cannot be surpassed.
More than ussal efforts have been made
to render the assortment complete and de
sirable in every respect.
March 2,1849-1 y
Tr HE undersigned has connected with
11 his Coachmaking Establishment a
large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do
He would say to those who have Horses to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands, which, with his personal attention,
will enable him to give entire satisfaction
to all those who may favor him with a call.
)warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all times.
jAII kinds of REPAIRING done
both in Wood and Iron, at the most reduc
ed prices.
10j Thankful for past encouragement,
the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites his friends to call at
his Establishment in west Chambersburg
at., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847.
To Owners and Dealers in
HOULD you hare a horse that is spavined
WO or afflicted with poll evil, grease, humors,
sores, quitterbune, bruises, or swellings, or with
galled necks or shoulders—procure and use . as
directed, a box of 1)
and you will be satisfied, alter the first thorough
application, that your horse can be cured by the
use of this incomparable Ointment.
For testimonials and directions, see printed
H. DA LLEY, Inventor and Proprietor,
235 Chestnut at, Phila., 414 Broadway, N. Y.
C. A. MORRIS & CO., York, Agents for the
counties of York and Adams; also for sale by
S. IL BUEHLER, Gettysburg, and 11. WHITE,
May 4. 1849.---6 m
IpRESH TEAS of all
kinds--Gunpowder,/in- 11111111
perial, Young firm and • I 4
Blaek—of the best quality, ; rzAs• ai ,
just received and for sale at L ''"" •
the Drug and Book Store of
lll::PThese Teas are from the house of
Jenkins & Co., Philadelphia, (formerly of
Oititteu,) and ire ofihe very beet quality.
FANC Y ARTICLES, Cologne,Soaps
Hair Oils '
Tooth Brushes. Toilet
Brushes, Tooth Powders, &c., &c., for
sale by B. H. BUEHLER
T HE School Directors of Cumberland
township will meet at the house of
Conrad Snyder, on slaurday Me 181 A Qf
August inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., to select
EIGHT TEACHERS, (male or female,)
to take charge of the Public Schools in
said township.
August 2. 1849—td
MS AIL AIL_ 1411T11411._ MIMI
el OLD PENS AND SILVER PEN.CILS, (best quality) Card Cases,
Visiting and Printing Carrie, Fancy Not e
Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Fanc
Sealing Was, Letter Stamps, itc., for sal e
by , N. H. BUEHLER.
CHALI # ENGE the world to prove that say
ginesiour ,Extrartar hal ever tasted (since its
introduction by me in 1539.) in olio single in
stance to co* the *Ora Burns end :colds. But
it milli be the gismiore article. not the vile sems
terfril stiff that is totaling the market.
Kum TIM TSUI Tuv.l
Etalley's Outline Extractor, in Burns and
Scalds, affords immediate relief; as soon u ap
plied ; it cools and draws out the fire and pain in
a few minutes. Counterfeit Extractors. no mat
ter‘ by what name in under what , title they ap
pear, when applied, irrigate end increase Me perm
Try all the imitations that profess to the same
virtues, and the above Tase will be found con
clusive. It does, however, not alone apply to
Burns and Scalds, but in Cuts, Wounds, Sore
and Inflamed Eyes, and all cases of external and
painful inflammation, the samedifferenee will be
Piles, Bruises, &'alt Rheum, Rheumatism Erysip
elas, Eruption, Sore Nipples, Broken
Breast, Chi Ibla ms,Fover Sores
Old Sores and Burns.
and all external inflammation, yield readily to
the all-powerful, pain subduing, and curative
properties of this extraordinary remedy. But
mark, it must be the G'enisins Dailey,
To the public.—Being cognizant of the danger
attending the use of the COON AAAAA IT EXTRACT
ass, I distinctly declare that 1 will not hold my
sell responsible for the effects of any Extractor,
unless the same be procured at my own Depot,
415 Broadway, New York, 235 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, or from my authorized agents. -
.gad especially to Mother. mid Heads of Fern.
ilies.—Tho great and substantial benefit that may
be derived, and the pain and suffering that may
be prevented by the genuine Dalky's Afigicel
Pain Extractor, (see printed pamphlet, especial.
ly the article addressed to Mothers, &c,) ought to
make it an inmate of every family. Life itself
has, in many cases, been preserved by • ready
application of my genuine Extractor. I would
therefore caution Mothers never to be without a
box of it on band, not fore single day ; for where
there are children, accidents will occur. And
whet rs of vast importance, especially to (slabs,
it heals the wounds without a seep
Illeatfiold, Niagara Co., N. F.,
February 28,1848
Mr. Dailey—Dear Sir—While my son, 15
years of age, was at work in the shingle menu.
tactory of L. I'. Rose, he had the misfortune to
slip and fall into • a large vat, used for the pur
pore of boiling blocks preparatory to cutting.—
The blocks hud just been removed from the vat
containing • large quantity of boding water—
He tell torscard, sealuing both hands and arms,
all on one side, and one leg badly and the other
partially, the reside were so bad on his arms
arid let, that most of the flesh came off %lila his
garments, end his hie is ab debpalled of by both
his physicians and Mends.
IHey 's Pain Extractor was procured as soon
as possible (which was in about six hours) and
applied, and which relieved him from all pain,
preventing inflammation arid swelling, and In a
lew days commenced healing his sores. There
I appeared a general improvement, so much so
that in three weeks he was removed to hi t s lath
, ers house, distance about one mile and a ktalf.
We continued the use of the above medicine
about two months, and we believe it was the
means, under Providence, of saving his life, and
we would cheerfully recommend it in all similar
cases, as a sate and invaluable remedy. With
sentiments of respect, I remain, dear, air, your
mos , . obedient and tumble servant,
We, the undersigned, being personally acquain
thed with the case of Mr. Clark's son, belie re the
above statement substantially correct :
Mr. Dewey, Louisa Dewey, J . S. Kelsey, Hen
ry B. l'earse, Km. Evans, E. Clark, L. I'. Rose,
Ira Newman, Wm. Newman, Mary J. Rose.
C'hilbfainc—The Extractor has not as yet in
any single instance, tailed of curing Cuts, Wounds,
and Punctures—nn nuttier how severe--(see 12
page printed pamphlets) always yield readily to
the wonderful properties of this wonderful salve.
A. DALLEY, 415 Broadway, N. York,
and 2J5 Chestnut arrest, Phila ,
Inventor and Proprietor.
C. A. MORRIS A CO, York, Agents for the
counties of York and Adams; also for sale by
S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, and D. WHITE,
Gettysburg, May 4,1549.—0 m
To the Afflicted !
tery arises from exposure to damp or cold; eating
unripe fruit; sudden suppression of perspire.
lion; and sometimes from peculiar states &the
ILEYThe Sugar Coated Purgative Pills again
triumphant' Dysentery put to Hight by a few
Kingebridge, September 19, 1845
Dr. C. V. Clickener:
Dear Sir:—Some time last summer I was
very suddenly seized with an extra ordinary
looseness of the bowels, which continued for
several days without any apparent cessation.—
Indeed, the symptoms were so violent, that I
scarcely had time to ascertain their cause or
think about applying a remedy. 1 perceived
that my pulse was much more rapid than com
mon. Sometimes I was tormented by immod
erate thirst, and, occasionally, a strong incline
tion to vomit, without being able to raise any
thing. I found no difficulty, however, in eating,
although it seemed, after all, to do me no good.
My strength Sailed me very fast, and my stools
were invariably accompanied by discharges of
blood. The complaint proved to be dysentery
of the very worst type. Ore recommended me
to call in a physician ; another, to try Lee's
Pills ; while a third advised me to try something
elm. I chose, however, to prescribe for myself.
I had heard • great deal about the virtues irf
your Sugar, Vegetable Pills from several
of my ne ighbors; and therefore concluded, if
they had cured others, there was no reason
why they - should not core me. A dose or two
soon convinced me that my conclusion Was cor
rect. I found the mildness of their operations
particularly adapted to complaints of this na
ture. The change in any feelings was gradual,
but none the less certain. The Symptoms be
gan to abate after the second or third dose. My
strength returned; and the third or fourth box
found me restored to my acenstomed health,
which bit always been remarkably good.
.j Yours Truly,
07" For sale by SAMUEL H. BUEHLER,
Gemeral.Agnu, GrUysbleg; and by
Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; .1. S. Hollinger
Heidlersburg ; E. Stable, Centre Mills; J. M'
Knight, Eendersville; J. F, Lower,Arendtsvills;
Stick & Witmer Mummasburg MKn ight,
M'Knightsville ; A. Scott. Cashtown ; J. Brink
erhoff, Fairfield E. Zuck, New Chester; D. M.
C. White, Hampton; H. L. Miller and William
Wolf, East Berlin ; Wen. Bi flinger,. A bbottatown ;
Lilly & Riley, New Oxlord ; Z. .1. Owings, Sherryalown ; and Samuel Berlin, Littleatewn.
April SO, 111149.—Mcs
XX/ ILL be made and put up by the
subscriber,who willattend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon u reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
ment in the county.
Gettysburg, GEO. E.
October 15, 1847. BUEHLER.
Chrop for Cash.
T IE L. SOHIC has just received, per
• late arrival, as large and as good an
assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Gloves and Hosiery as can be produced
in Gettysburg. Also a splendid lot of Rib.
bone and Flowers—all of which will be
sold as low as they can be bought at any
other store in town.
Gettysburg, March 26, 1849.
MULL MUSLINS, of the Tip-Toe
kinds, for sale by J. L. SCHICK.
(71113 LINE,)
Contains no Mercury or other Mineral.
From the "Reading Eagle.'
There never, perhaps, was a medicine brought
before the public that has in so short a time *ow
such a reputation as "M'Allister's A I I.Healing or
World's Salve." Almost every person that has
made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One
has been cured by it of the most painful Itheurila
tism ; smother of the Pile; a third of a trouble
some Pain in the Side, a (Mirth of a Swelling of
the Limbs, firc. If it does not give immediate re
lief in every cue, it can never do injury, being
applied outwardly. As another evidence of the
wonderfld healing power possessed by this salve,
we subjoin the following certificate from a re. '
spectable Citizen of Maidencreek township, in
this county:
"Maidenereek, Berke co., Pa., March 30, '47.
Meagre. Ritter & Co.-1 desire to inform you
that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the
back by the useof M'Allister's Salve
which I purchased from yen. I suffered with it
about 20 years, and at night was unable to sleep.
During that time I tried various remedies, which
were prescribed for me by physicians 'and oth
er persons without receiving any relief, and at
last made trial of this Salve with a result fa%ora
ble beyond expectation. lam now entirely free
from the pain, and enjoy at night ■ sweet and
peaceful sleep. I have also need the Salve since
for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar
happy remits. Your friend,
The following is from a regular Physician of
extensive practice in Philadelphia:
James M'Allister—Sir : I bare for the two
last yeara been in the habit of using your Otnt•
ment in cases of Rheumatism, Chilblain. and in
Tenia Capita', (Scald Head,) and thus far with
the happiest affect. I think from the experiments
I have mad* with it, that It richly dimity.. to be
adopted as an article of every day use by the pro ;
fesaton at large. Your's, truly,
l De 30, 1847,
James NPAllister Ph — i Hearadelphi Bir a, I
take pleasure
in making known to you the great benefit I have
received by using your Vegetable Ointment or
the World'aBalve. I had an Ulcer, or running
sore on the ear, of many years standing; 1 bad
applied to several physicians, but all to no pur.
pose; but by using your Ointment a few days, it
was completely dried up and well 1 have also
used it for Burns, for which I find it an exeellent
stickle; also, in all cases of inflammation
I certify the above statement is true
No 90, Market street, Philadelphia.
IrrAmund the box are directions for using
51cALEISTER'S OINTMENT for Scrofula, E
rystpelam, Tetter, &laid Brod. Sore Esc's,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, N'errous .4ifer.
flow, Pains, Duruse of the Spine, Headache, 4arh
-010, ntollllllB, Ell,' Horns, ('urns, all billeal•
es of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pottitlel. br., Swelling of
flit Limbs, times, Ithrumatani, Piles, Cold Feel,
Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast, l'oathache,
in the Flue, 4.r.
It Norris and NVIIIIKS knew its value in ca•
sea of "swollen" or Bore Breast, they would not
he without it. In such cases, if treely used, ac•
cording to . the directions around each box, it
gives relief in a otryfne hours.
gg - This Ointment is good for any part of the
body or limbs when inflamed. In some cases it
should be applied often.
C.RIT/ON—No Ointment will be genuine
unless the name of JAM RS .M . ALLIIiTER is writ.
ten with a pen on every label. •
tErFor sale by my Agents in all the principal
towns in the United States.
Sole Proprietor of the alto. e Medicine.
PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. :28 North Third
rtreet, Philadelphia.
Et PRICE vr, CEN'T'S PER 80X.,,cg
AGENTS.-8. 8. FOIKNEY, Gettysburg; Jo
seph R. Henry, Abbottstown; Molter & Rowe,
Emmitsburg; J. W. Schmidt, Hanover; C. A.
Morris & Co., York; L. Denig,Chambersburg.
June 15, 1849.--eowly
'For this hate science sought, on weary wing,
By shore and sea, each mute and living thing."
AIL HE Proprietor of the American Museum,
N. York, having immense Jardine' at his
command, has opened this Magnificent Estab
lishment in order to humid' a pleasant, chaste,
and instructive place o: amusement tor FAMI.
LIES, CHILDREN and others, and especially
to persons from the NEIGHBORING TOWNS,
when visiting the city. The edifice is large. airy
and comfortable, and has been fitted up with a
degree of costly elegance unsurpassed in the
He has also filled it with the beat selection of
curiosities that could be gathered from all sec
tions of the globe; and his facilities for adding to
this mammoth collection are greater than any
other individual enjoys. He has • correspond
ence with Agents and Naturalists travelling in
all parts of the world, whose sole business it is
to procure every thing curious and wonderful,
end let the expense be great or small he will con
stantly add to this unequalled cabinet, as singu
lar and interesting developments are made in the
kingdom of nature.
In addition to this, the splendid LECTURE
ROOM will be the scene of meet instructive, mu
sical, entertaining and agreeable performances.
This apartment will accommodate from two to
three thousand. It is finished in a style superi.
or to the best British or American Museums, and
is well adapted to the comfort of ',loiters.
Among the permanent attractions of the Muse
um, and to be seen at all hours, are
the largest and smallest in the world.
Groupe, size of lite, representing
The Great French Scriptural Paintings of the
Deluge, and Cain curd his Family.
the most astounding piece of mechanism in the
word. Grand Cosmorama, Fancy Glass Blowing,
Statues, Portraits, and
The inquiring million come not here in vain,
They learn, they laugh, approve, and come again.
The Exhibitions and Performances in the LEC
TURE ROOM consist of Panoramas, Dioramas.
Yankee Stories, and Imitations by that Comic
Genius, GREAT WESTERN, Comic Songs,
Legerdemain and Ventriloquism. Negro Delinea
tions, Electrical Experiments, &c. Ac. The
Manager pledges himself that no profane word
or vulgar gesture is ever introduced hem., and
that nothing is ever seen or beard which could
be objected to by the moral and religipus portion
of the community. In fact, he Intends this to
be the FAMILY resort, where all may attend
with pleasure and profit, accompanied by their .
Brothers, Sisters, Wives anti Children. :The
Chickeriog GRAND PIANO FORTE used hese
is from the Ware Room of Edward L. Walker
No. 180, under the Museum.
The Museum is open every day in the year,
except the Sabbath, from 7 o'clock, A.M. till 10
P. M. Such regulations are established and en
forced u render it perfectly safe arid pleasant for
Ladies and Children to visit the Museum : in the
DAYTIME, though unaccompanied by gentle
men. Exhibitions and Performances in the Lee.
lure Room TWICE every day, and oftener on
New and extraordinary Attractions will be in:.
troduced, and performsnces take place at inter
vals throughout the day and evening.
June 8,1840.-3 m .
i r L. SCHICK bee just received an
6 .
• elegant article of SATIN, which he
will'aell low. Also, plain and figured Cra
vats and Hankerchiefs, Collars, Suspen
dere, &c. March 30.
JRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafts
in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please eel
and judge for yourselves.
.-';i. ORIENT ~ L . _ ni ~.'
.._ _
• ~L ...............
. ' r"
71, s ovE Ft FjeN!
WO oilier medicine has et er been introduced
to the public that has met with such un
paralleled success, as Dr. t'Ol7Ll6ll OMISNTAL
BALK Puts,—having been but six year, before
the public, and the advertising matt, compared
with most other meditineok, yet thvy have
ed their wait Into every State in the Union and
Canada. they have absolutely become the
Standard Medicine of the day. They are purely
vegetable find so admirably compounded that
when taken in large doses they speedily cure
acute diseases, on the strongest constitutions,
such as billions diseases, and when taken in
small doses they operate like a charm, upon the
most delicate, nervous female, and have raked
numbers from their beds after all other remedies
had failed. We here refer to but few (tithe ma
ny miraculous cures effected by the use of said
Spiel affection.— A nna Wood, of Rutland, Jef
ferson Co., N. Y., was cured, alter she had been
confined to bed 5 years, with Spinal disease and
Ahrens of the Lungs. The bill of her regular
physician (Dr. Johnson, of Clay,) had amounted
to $OOO. bee Circular.
Strain& end Nervous Debilily.—Mrs. Down, of
Clay, N. Y., was cured of Dyspepsia, Nervous
debility and Scrofulous Afibction of the Dead,
after she bee been confined six months and all
other medicines had failed.
Conk end Conssiniption Cared.—Vl'm. Bently,
of Pickering, C. W.. was cured ofa severe Cough
after he had been confined to his bed for a long
time, and was given up by his physicians. Ile
had used most of the Cough Medicines of the
day, and was supposed, by his friends and physi
cians, to be in the last stages of Consumption
Dyspeptic—A. B. F. Ormsby, of Syracuse, N.
Y., was cured of Dyspepsia. so severe as not to
be able to work for two years.
Wm. of Greenwich, Coon., was cured
of a severe case of Dyspepsia, Costiveness and
Nervous debility, of years standing, after expend
ing large sums of money to no purpose. he,
Bleeding Pikt.--Asaph L. Leonard, of Avon,
N. Y., was cured of a severe case of Bleeding
Piles of a number of years standing, after using
• variety of Pile medicines without effect.
Mrs. Williamson, of Bethlehem, N.J., was af
flicted for thirty years with disease of the chest
and stomach, a few dosewol these pills cured her.
John Darling, of Westford, Des ego co., N. Y.,
was greatly benefited in a case of Asthma and
difficulty of breathing, by the use of these pills.
Severe Can of Piles,—John Bolton, of Hart
wick, Otsego co., N. Y., was cured of • severe
case of Piles and extreme costiveness of long and
painful duration. Who would not sacrifice a
ew shillings to be relieved froni so distressing a
Wm. folockbridge, of Sodus Point, N. Y., WAS
cured of Cough, Nervous Debility, and general
derangement of the digestive organs. De bad
been sick for years, and spent hundreds of &dials
to get relief, but to no purpo.e, and was so dis
couraged he could hardly be persuaded to take
the Pills.
The above are all cases in which all other rem
}diet failed to cure or give relies. Many of the
-Name character might be publit•hed it we had
space. For particulars see the Botanic nstitute,
which can be had of agents.
As there are spurious Pills in circulation calla
ed Oriental or Sovereign Balm, ))re sure to see be
fore you boy that the name of "DR. E. L. SOULE
& CO.,' is on the face et the boxes. blithe other
can be genuine. We ate not aware that any one
oho is making a spurious article has yet dated to
make use of our name ; but some of them hare
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy
our Circular■, Certificates, &c. Unless the pub
lic are careful when they purchase, they will be
ET For sale by S. H. BUEHLElLGettyr.burg ;
Holtzinger & Ferree, Petertburg ; J. A ulabaugh,
Hampton; Wm. sa, olf, East Berlin; I).
conamer, Bragtown ; J. B. Beery. Abboubtown;
John Busby, nbbeirtstoa burner' Berlin,
Littlestwn ; Witmore & Stirk, Miimmasburg ;
J. Brinkerhoff Fairfield; Abel T. Wright, Ben
dersville; Lilly & lieily, New °Void ; Jesse
Cline, Tyrone township; John b. Hollinger,
Heidlersburg; Wm. Wirt Cu.,llanover
Berlin, Hanover.
Gettysburg, May 4,1649. 2 wern—• (
the most infallible remedy e%er discover
/1j ed for Burns, Scalds, tuts, Bruises, sprains
Swellings, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frosted Limbs
Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Sore
Lips,lnflamed Eyelids, Running Sores, Piles,
Sweled Face, Erysipelas, Broken Breasts, Sore
Feet, Sore Legs, Sore Head, Sure Nipples, Stiff
Neck, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Blisters, Itch, Sun
Burns, Contracted Cords, Blotches, Pimples.
Corns, Eruptions, Scald Feet, Ring-worm,
Quinsy, Rheumatism, Enlarged Joints, Chalet.,
&c., &c., and every description of external in
flammation. It is an universal remedy ter ex
ternal diseases• and casualities of every kind.—
For the wounds and other external dictates of
Horses, it is the most perfect remedy in the
world. All Families, Workshops,Foussiries,
Manufactories, Glass Blowers, urnareinen,
Smiths, Laborers, Masons , and all other Me
chinks, and in fact people of all classes, eireum
stances, and conditions, should ever be supplied
with it, ready ler any emergency, as ma ions's&
diets application of this throment, in ease of
Burn or Scald, would always prevent much suf
fering, and often save lift or hash. It pot
control over the severest injuries by ire, over
all external inflammations, arid by Its combined
virtues it acts as Antiseptic, Nervine, Anti-Spas
modic, Anodyne, Emollient, and Bealiag, and
is in truth the
ever made. The people may rely upon it in th•
hour of pain. It instantly slops ;sin of the
severest burn or scald, and pimento all *car. For
the Bites of Insects, Bugs, Reptiles, sad the thou
sand troublesome cutaneous diseases of warns
climates, it is the beat article in use. All resi
dents of southern climates should keep it our
hand. In fact, it is an article that all mankind
require, and oneon which reliance can be placer"
in time of need. It is put up In tin boxes, and
will retain its virtues for years.
LrFor sale by •
OruroMgesit, Gettysburg ; and by
Dr. Eauffinan, Petersburg; J. IS. Bollinger,
Heidlersburg; E. Stehle, Centro ;.1. M"
Knight, Bendersvi Ile ; J. F. Lower, A rendtstown.;
Stick &Witmer, Mummasburg; T.M'K night, M'-
Knigirtsville; A. Scott, Caaldown ; J. Brinker.
bon; Fairfield; E. Zuck, New Chester; D. M.
C. White; Hampton; H. L. Miller and Williams
Wolf, But Berlin; Wm. Bitting's, Abbott*.
town • Lilly & Riley , New Oxford; E. .1, Ow.
ins*, M'Sberryetown ; in( lancet Berlin,' Lite
April 97,1849.-8 m
12 Barrels, Fresh Berri*
JIM 1111 10/1•111 AMP p lIAi/4
At 118900 per Dbl.
hpubliskedevel,.priday.eveningan 14.
County Building, above the Register
and Recorder':rec., by
D. A. & C. H. B EHLER.
If paid in advance or within the year, 62 per
annum—if not paid within the year, $2 LO. No
paper discontinued until all artearagee are paid- r
except at the option of the Editor. Stine. copra" ,
-611 cents. A failure to notify a diamond/mat%
will be regarded as a new engagement.
.ddeertisemenrs not exceeding a square insert*,
three times for *l—every eubeerisent insertion
26 cents. Longer once is the POllle proNorlie,i +-
All advertisements not specially ordered. Mr
given time, will he continued until forbid. A Übe
eral reduction will be made to thou, wboad‘clitto
by the year.
Job Fria/log of all kinds extruded needy god
promptly, and on reasonable terms:
Letters end Cononuoiratoms to am Editor, (rm.
oopting such as rowan. Money or the MINIM
new aubseribers,) wuel its rust COY iu ardor tot
• ecure allentiuss,
Dr. E. L. Soule S. Co.