Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 29, 1849, Image 2

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    TR kr:N.S4OM FOREIGN 1*.q%.53.5.,e
-t 4 4 .0 BY TIM CaNd64,,
Th e cholera bait become Aitekprovilmit
in Paris, anti also hi Presbnit (Austrian
lialgary.) Thirly deaths itel'airis4 the
owl age out of fatty cases. .
Mr. Rigby, Ministr4 of. dm UAitrvl
Hums to Rasta, arrived at 'Paris on the
4th ; instant.
It is stated on the aittliorits , of a let
ter from Rt. Petersburg, that'the Ruet , iiit
Minister of Finance lutareipiested the house
of Rothschild to raise a loan of 30,000,-
000 slllter4uhles.: - ,
The ship Jane stifled from Liverpool on
the ithitestant, with twelve missionaries
for Africa, ,
'rhe ocean steamer, Washington, Cap
tain Thiyil, arrived at Cowes on Tuesday,
June sth. -
Thirtyl-thtee persons lost their lives by
the explmans of a colliery at the Hebburu
nettr Newcastle, June sth.
Letters from Cyprus :immunity that the
had mole dreadful havoc among
the weirs.
Tut 13Y-Kivunr TIIK FRIMCII.-lAlliS
Phillippo has, not been talked of much late
ly. You have heard of his poverty and of
his debts, 1 have now in my possession
the most indisputahle evidence that his is
still the richest private individual in the
know n world. His agent in Ne,w York,
M- Lafarge, has bought for hint in houses,
stocks, shares, Ate., property producing an
annual income of ten millions of fraricsi-7
It is perfeeily useless for any of his friends
to deny this fact, perfectly well known on
the ; New York Exchange,—Paris (.'or.
Gholow Daily Mail.
CHOLERA Ar PARIS.—The Cholera is
again on the increase in Paris. This is
ascribed M the excessive heat of the weath
er. The hospitals arc full of patients anti
the deaths are in a larger proportion than
ever to the number of persons attacked.—
The treatment is still uncertain, medicines
succeeding Well in some eases have no ef
fect in others. HI forty patients about
thirty die. The epidemic is spreading in
to the surrounding villages. At Batignol
les the mortality is said to be fearful.—
Two of the new Assembly have already ,
Tim Eartinott nF Russ's, previous to
his departure from St: Petersburg, convok
ed the Russian and Polish Bishops, and
addressed them in an impressive and se
vere manner, warning them of innovations
and the fatal tendency of the age, assuring
them that he would use the whole of his
power "to dent the title of infidelity and
burg Borten-Halle has a letter from St.
Petersburg, dated May 21, which says dull
on the night oldie Bth the sons of the most
distinguished families were arrested by the
police. Above a hundred were seized—
some say from two hundred to three bun
dreil. It is 'armed that the conspiracy
which caused this measure was Commu
oist and Socialist. Among the young men
arrested a large proportion were officers of
the Guard and young noblemen employed
in the Department of the Interior and in
diplomatic affairs. The police discharged
his office with the greatest brutality. M.
Kaschkin was dragged trout his bed while
dying in the midst of his weeping relatives.
The individuals seized were at first im
prisoned in the fortress of St. Petersburg,
and were subsequently tranferred to the
barracks at Cronstadt. The Russians
say that the design was to assassinate the
The last sitting of the German Parliament
at Frankfort took place on the 30th
when nuue of the ministers were present.
A motion of the committee of salety was
then read, admitted to the debate, discus
sed, dividettupon, and carried with a ma
jority of 71 votes against 04. The mo
tion was, that the House should withdraw
from Frankfort, and continue its sitting at
Stuttgart, in Wurtemberg. When this
resolution was passed, the speaker, addres
sing the House, protested that the resolution
was quite unnessary, and resigned his of
fice and seat. Herr Lowe (of Calhe) then
took the chair, and the House adjourned
to meet at Stuttgart. A proclamation has
been issued by the speaker and clerks of
the Parliament, inviting the members to
moet at Stuttgart 011 the 4th instant. It
was expected at Frankfurt that from 70 to
SO members would obey the summons.—
The Kolner Keitung publishes an official
correspondenee, in which the archduke
regent, in reply to communications from
the Prussian government, declares that he
will only consult the interest of Germany
in fixing the time when he may resign,
and will permit no power on earth to force
him from the post entrusted to him.
—The insurrection maintains its ground
in Baden and the Palatine. In a battle
with the Hessian troops at Heppenhenn,
the' Republicans drove their antagonists
from the field in disorder. In W urtem
berg a revolution is it»minent. In Pala
tine the insurgents have retaken Worms.
The Grand Duke of Bader, by a pro.
clammier', dated Frankfort, the 21st lust,
declares null all the measures of the Pro
visional Government, announces that Im
perial wimps are about to enter the Duchy,
and he promises an amnesty to all, except
the chiefs who may have taken part in the
insurreetion, provided they make a volun
tary submission before any combat with
the troupe ;than take place.
:rho Cologne Duzette announces that
the troops of ElCetoral Hessee have refus
ed to mart+ against the insurgents of the
Grand Duchy of Baden.
lkiAilut AND Privets's:se—Accounts
from ilsollsarg of the sth instant, stale that
on the2lst ult., the Prussians under Prince
tilatilkailni were surprised and defeated at
AridiutM by the Danish hussars. The
Wince Was napturml, having sustained se
rious wounds, with several other officers.
T. 4 'Wotan troops had many killed,
wounded and taken prisoners ; they also
Wit' 15 horses. The Danes had 9 killetl
and 1* wounded.
Como .Darouson nr Hons.-I'lle fol
ktWing Imo a New York letter of Thurs
day, *bows what Inwards are run daily in
dna eily. by the going at largo of innunier
obit hap j,t this macula
.• puha* books to-day record a la
inchient. Law last evening, a Mr.
Hairy was crossing an open lot to the up-
Prir POI et Atilt lol• whets he observed
aceitiNd lode throwing what appeared to
be Vet tiodir isf i, Chdd. 011 going to the
j_lieeer he found his suspicions correet,—.
1101 1001 eaten toff the head, and
atorrAreeomolor of the eateries was boxed
uptitelleitifi Web**ohne cane, in order, if have it identified. The child
*reel Itn Maw Uwe about *ix months
r whey t,o shocking. the awula
' l O 4 the twerto randy raver*."
trllittirs of fElleVireiptkil esti 1 1 03.1 x•
airvivildriiit cf,lific Nov iVo{it licrilit, ibii
ting (401 Naihville, "tinder +O, of tee,, hot,
gilt:l4l.y inprcitipitz partirtilail or in, 124 h.tini,
of rtt.tx•l'rritleot lie rave: ..:-.
Ilaving taken Up his abode here. Ille ex - -
President gave himsell up to the improve.
"Melds of the grounds; and was seen every
day about his dwelling. aiding and direct
ing the workmen he bad employed. Now
overlooking a carpenter, now giving in
structinns to a gardener, often attended by
Mrs. Polk, whose exquisite taste constitu
ted the element of every improvement.—
It is not a fortnight since that I,saw him
on his lawn,directing some men who weru.,
removing decaying cedars. I was struck
with his erect and healthful bearing, and
the active energy of his manner, which
(gave promise of long life. His flowing
grey locks alone made him appear beyond
the middle age of life. lie seemed in full
1 health. The next day being rainy, he re-
I mained within, and began to arrange his
!large library ; and the labor of reaching
books from the floor and placing them on
I the shelves, brought on fatigue and slight
fever, which the next day assumed the eliar
;Icier of disease in the form of chfcmie di
arrhtra, which was with hint a eompkint
of many years' standing, and readily. indu
ced upon his system by airy overexertion,.
For the three first days, his friends felt
no alarm. But the disease baffling their
skill, (and for skilful physicians Nashville'
will compare with the first cities in the
Union,) Hr. Hay, his brother-in-law, and
family physician for 20 years., watssent
for from Columbia. But the skill and ex-.
perience of this gentleman, aided by the
highest medical talent, proved of no avail.
Mr. Polk continued gradually to sink from
day to day. The disease waseheekedatp
on him four days before his death, but his
constitution was so weakened, that there
did not remain recuperative energy Imo
in the system for healthy re action. ti
sunk away so slowly and iitsensiblyi-thit
it was eight flours before he died, Am' dm'
heavy death respirations commenced.....-
lie died without a struggle, simply Few
ing to breathe, as when deep and quiet ,.
sleep falls upon a weary man:—
About half an hour preceding his death,
his venerable mother entered 'the room,
and kneeling by his bedside, offered up a
beautiful prayer to the "king of kip and
lord of lords," committing the soul o f her
son to his holy keeping.' The scone was
strikingly impressive. Najaf Polk, the
President's bratbery was also by his,bed=
side, with othor mondwimpf 014. 4in ily . .. ,
Upon die coffin,was a Olin saver ,phile.,
with these Words I . - ' '
• .t.' lE.•POLK.
Bout Nirrairern, 1703.
Utcn luxe 15,,1849.
The WAY ilea i ehdaloik. 'An . " e.ho•
ble drawing rooms are shrouded in black,
and every window in inventing with black
scarfs of crape. The tall whim columns .
of the majestic portico facing the south are
completely shrouded in black. giOnt a
solemnly majestic and funereal aspect to
the Presidential mansion.
The funeral took place at font o'clock
this afternoon, masonic ceremonies being
first performed in the dints/Mg room over
the body. Lie was babited itt e plain suit
of black, and a copy of the Constiution cif
the United States was placed tat his feet.
Before being taken to the cemenry. the body
was hermetieislly soldered widths a copper
coffin. • .
Prom the hOuse the Iliturral Cotter*,
which was very large, all placet of busi
ness being closed by' order of liar good
whig Mayor. prinseeditil Ito the Methodist
.Churchit Wherevalier: services
performed, by the Rev. Mr .
. llit'Ferren,,it
was conveyed to .the : eemetry followed
,by a vast concourse Of Citizens. ThebielY
was deposited is the Grundy vinh,ietriptvg
rarily ; bet it will soon be:y=010411o*
vault on the lawn of the ex•Presidesillial
mansion, where a willow now stinds,nual
over it will be erected a statelyntarbletwa
otaph. Mr. Polk,•by Will, the evening be:.
fore his death, gave the lawn to the Sate
in perpetuity, (or this purpose.
Mr. Polk sent for the Rev. Dr.. Edgar, of
the Presbyterian Church, seven dayi be
fore his death, desiring to Ite'barillsed by
him. Ile said to hint impiesiively
"Sir, if I hod suspected twentyyears
ago that I
should come to my death•bed:
unprepared, it would have made, me st
wretched man ; yet I am about Jodie, and
have not made preparation.' I have not
even been baptiaed. 'Tell - me,' idr, can
there be any ground fur a toss; that skim..
led to hope r'
The Rev. Dr. made known to , him the
assurance and promises of the goipel
mercifully run parallel with man's life. '
• Mr. l'olk then remarked, that he had
been prevented from baptism in infancy by
smile accidental occurrence, that he tad
been several times strongly inclined to be
baptised (hiring his adniinistration, but that
the cares and perplexities of public MOW
ly gave him time for the preparation
quisite, mid so procrastieation had ripeasil
into inaction, when it was now almost too,
late to act. In his conversation with the
Rev. clergyman, Mr. Polk evinced great
knowledge of the Scriptures, which, he
said, lie had read a great deal, and deeply
reverenced, as I)ivine truth ; in a word,
lie was, theoretically, a Christian.
The conversation fatiguing Mr. Polk too
much for him to be then baptized, it was
postponed, to take place the next evening ;
but in the interval the ex-I'retident recol
lected that when he was governor and liv
ed here, lie used to hold up many argu
with the Rev. Mr. MeFerren, the
talented and popular Methodist minister
of the place, his warm personal and polit
ical friend, and that lie had promised him
that when he did embrace Christianity,
that he, the Rev. Mr. MeFerren, should
baptize hint. lie, therefore, sent for the
Rev. Dr. Edgar, made known his ohliga
iion, and expressed his intention to be bap
tized by his friend, the Methodist minis
ter. The sante day, the venerable Mrs.
Polk, mother of the ex-President, a very
pious Presbyterian lady, arrived from her
residence, forty miles distant, accompanied
by her own pastor, hoping that her distin
guished eon would consent to be baptized
by him.
"Mother," said the dying ex-President,
taking her affectionately by the hand, "I
have never in my life disobeyed you, but
you, must yield to your son now, and grat
ify my wishes. I must be baptized by the
Rev. Mr. MeFerrell."
lIM mother, wise as she is pious, did not
hesitate to give tier ethment,and in presence
of the Rev. Dr. Edgar, and the Rev. Mr.
Mack, of Columbia. the ex-President re
ceived the rite of baptism at the hands of
the Rev. Mr. MeFerren.
Mr. Polk has died worth about one hun
-61_41 thousand dollars, the bulk of which
is settled upon his amiable wife, who, it is
to be hoped, will long make this city her
abode—mu ornament to its society, fur
-.11 tips 4 / 1 , praise her...
Tbe l rympitWs Utur people are do:
iss liar tli 'kayo 111lntariaiss in
:Mrtigh/elegaipsittes rertrhelnting f
of AuttpiS mid Russii. 'The last ate
liaringtrouglitdie - 14ortnation that an
my of th'elatter;iiiiiiirw;ring 215,000 men,
had marched to the support of Austria, the
following abridgment of an article in the
Nortlp American. setting forth the resour
ces of the Hungarians and their country,
may be of intereso,2)"etir 0004 it, •I
The Ifuterary of the resent day forms
pairof Abitit timg.
bOUnlieli on the mst 63 , 44,104 lietmany
—north by Galiele,:from *tick itiis•amt
stated by the' ClatpailheanAluttesainet—
east by TratiSylserntis slid %Huh* end'
south by Turlttly Stii4j)6i . tivid Crock,
Its present 'Ortj:titisW 6440 6
square -miles. . Thus tt te,fteartyOrtmit ,441
as the Slate of Nee! Noritv u•
It contains 1,307,17* 140 • 88 4 5 60 8 4. 5 0°
families, 5,017,209 undek, 0,470,000 ,fe
males. Total •popolstinn /9,000,209. P Of
these about 6,500,00046 i Roffistrigirisil•
ire, about 2,000;000d dieUietk Churth,
about 1,000,000 isithere,tut., 2,00, 04 *
Calvin is ts, 250,4* Jews and Us regular
army is 50,000, men, , , .
Buda is thecapital i itandanpontherigta
bank of the Assoubinamti has 25,000 •in.
habitants. It waves!, the relit/sines( of
the King* of Moiety; has6ll:ls2ktrlitti l
was :kW. VIA
years it was contesieu.isetwittoi,thein an
the Christians, and it was 6rially, 'erten
'dared toihki 'attack 1080, WI% Boat
houses were destroyed by : fire, but they
have been replackl WA unproved build
side of the Danube, is Peath, which is gut
largest city to %korai. It is wol( built,
containing tinny elegant I publl 'buildhigs
and mansions of she 'Hungarian nobility.
Its University is one of , the oboes Aridity
etshmed on the continent of Europe, tout
this city Pauli contains above 00,000 in
habitants ; it is about 140 miles southeast
- • "
of Vienna. •
Throughout Hungary the , Elelavonian
population are the most numerous and
performs the most servile kinde of labor.
The Magyars--the original Hungarians—
though generally illiterate, are a spirited
and intelligent race. fond of active employ
ment and • military lite+svoiding, as
much as possible, either labor Pr
in 1837 there Were in Hungary .not lees
than 259,618 privileges' noblemen. The
.nuthba shift that time hes etinsidetibly
Increased. They pay no taxes, and are
thus. very burtheasome, and groatly; re
tard the advancement of the mostgenfrally,
'krill° kingdom in Europe, which also
suffers much from the want of good roads
and cheap transportation.
Stainair Exenurio.-11r. Robinson, of
Franklin, Ky, in a speech delivered in the
late Emancipatioh Convention at Frank.
fort, Ky., hit off the defenders of slavery in
that State with a good deal of humor and
'rite - opposition to oar views is inren
,siderable, if tire have a fair hearing.—
There aro but few who admire the slave
ry,of Kentucky ; and with many. of that
'few a.,scutirueot rather Men a princi
ple. Their birth-plece is Old. Virginia—
Mere' the y spent their youth. Slavery
wan there, and everything in Virginia was
perfect. You know, sir, the strength of
this feeling among Virginians. The erni
gnuit from even those portions of it which
slavery has desolated—from the eastern
sand hills- 7 where the people subsist one
half of the pear on fish and oysterti, and
the other half on past recollections--amid
all the fertility of the )Neat—.sighs fit the
saudhilla and fish and oymem of Old 7irir
others this love of slavery is
neither a sentiment nor a principle—they,
from mere habit, cry out against us, aboli.
tioo 1 danger to property !!.4..stad Abe,
Who cry loudest are those who never had
a negro to abolish ; and unless their hati•
its of industry shall vaadytehange, never
will; while 'the largest Ortidn raise the
bossed cry merely for 'political effect, and
,for km of men party interests."
Tim Betrutta following
lettee from the lifon. Adam Ferrie, of Mon
loud, which we tntl' in the Drew York
Coturnereial, is given by that paper as
bearing strong terniniOny in favor of tbe
leged eMeacy'of sulphnr'in chnfera:
Moseteest, June 13, 1840.
Dear fiir :—I received youri of this
date, and have no heaitation ia.aorrobcaia
dorwhat you.say naltomy having visited
the elude's,. she4e is 452 and for .
the purpose of seeing that the attendenti
and nurses did their duty to . tbit ppor Sof
feet:riot pathinti: 1 Went among 'Otero
without fear, having impregnated my body
with sulphur. ~Ussitte tp my irkaidigi°l
- Stirling, Esq., of Elinbarnet, neer,
Glasgow, having assured 'me that after be
ingthirty-fiie years in 'lndia, in - the Medi
cal department, to thelead of which' he
had been raised, he had never known i Mn
instance of , any person being seized-with,
cholera why had ptd.his body into that
state ; and that, even after the disease had
seized them, by dosing them with sulphur
and charcoal in the powdered state, it very
generally operated as a cure. I may add
that my family and a vast number of my
friends and acquaintances, who followed
this prescription, all escaped the malady,
while about a tenth part of the population
of this city were carried off by it. There
are hundreds living hero who can corrob
orate what I here state. During the nine
teen years that I gratuitously visited the
emigrant sheds, administering to the com
fort of the sick as far as in my power, I
uniformly kept myself in said state, by
which, under the protection of God, I have
been preserved in life, while multitudes of
persons not a tenth part so much exposed
to the various infections prevailing there,
were carried otr.
I remain, very respectfully, your bum
ble servant, ADAM FERULE..
T. Alexander Urquhart, tsq.
'far.ns or INDIA..—Mt. Maegowan;
sionary to• China, has sent. over to the
American Institute seeds of the plant from
which the Chinese make their grass cloth
--something like silk and linen . ; the' seeds
of the tallow - tree, from the berries of
which the chinese make their candles, and
the seeds of another tree, from the berries
of which they manufacture lamp oil. If
all these seeds grow and thrive here, their
introduction into our country will be very
" Gentleman," is a name often 'bestow
ed on a well dressetl blackguard, and with
held from its right owner, who only wears
quAtticattuu to hr heart
_ , Arm 4 Et/iffri.E.ll.,
. . iGIEAvy H lilt 44:
1 ' ____. - c
rid* ,vot g Ja n e 2 , 1849.
r f ) 6
•_. my Gioict s.-4.11: PA XI, Esq.
• o kGkesinit 4114 d-streets , nit E. W.
Cues, Esq. Sun Huililing, N. E. Corner Third &
Dock streets, i'Ailadelphis ; e rid Wm. Trion coon,
F.sq. South east corner of Balt i More AI Soothers.
Baltimore—are' dill authibtited Agefata Intrieciv,
ing Advertisements and :Subscriptions for "The
Star and Danner,' ' and collecting and rereipting
r for, tliesatna. •
,-4,-- , -4
Cam we are request:el to announce that the
-tiOsseeier ibis *ter tell) be eimaim. Wednesday ,
flesh ttri.4tt af , Jtrlp
The Meicharitiiof i i i4ndarg (it. /1.) will 'alai;
cheated,' litore'ti4%4 dot.
,r7URTII..;'-Artitet tts &t in,
sine! Inman fora mime oelehtatien of the
"Fou r th;' on Wetitieetl4 Aezi; in this Nem--
Dwddestiestrai ale and plealsuie per.
ties. the Bont etTliaspeeitmi e and Owls* et Teter
peranrelleeign having a demoastestiehtla the:fat
replis 004 Order.. .4 ,le,eelseeted that the Pxr
ford. Helmer, end X.itd9doun DP/lateen nilk ` b e
PrOlOrl ; ' llO that If tlte . day he fii%roreble a hind
some 4,04 may'
Wort will tlifie the'Dill' at 10 o'eleek..A. 11C;
warred to ihelletitatt Ohara, Where
the' pechwatlon:ofladettendoect will be wad by:
Ww.. 11 .41 4 .4141.44,4111, end•in Atithine dAtlix•
ereithy . Mr./149in A, rum. 01:lha•TAX
lclaiMY. t he err:i4 l l t° 11° .. I1°° " 1 09#0 b Y
Music from the Gays ILSdp Dead" after ,
rich the prtieslion . wilt rekwin; Tau throigh
the' Principal Aerate Oft& town; tl . thett repair
to the w Washielitun 80hn.," where Dinner will
be sewed up, and the awnsd quantity of r ding,"
dti " be • attended to., The procsamion erid final
under the enders 9f col, 8. 8. ; Chief
Manddl, and fiewny Prism J. Ts use Lt. and .
lion car D. Anne% Astishints.
itimportiutt tp. Tetuitteets I
Adjutant General lawn, hes issued a circular
in regard to the late pet of Assembly requiring all
new Volunteer Curies to use the Duces or Undress
Uniform of the U. 'States Army. The Adjutant
'General has ins& armnimments by which the
Tinnier can he hid for the very low piked *9.76.
`and disinter for 05,50, and will cheerfully attend
goall oaks* which may hewn to him, at the Adj.
Gemming oilice ot at Harrieburg. No charge for
these services will be mails at the orrice. Adj.
Gen. "nor's is entitled .t• the gratitude of the
country for his etforts is re t ire the Volunteer sys•
tem, which will no' doubt rapidly advance over the
the Commonwealth, to the new impuire thus
given to it. . •
la We take this occasion to ray to the young
men of our laprough„ rebore military ardor hu me
what Olued. ip aßProilannoe of the .failure which
has attended their °fruits on seveiral occasions
heretolare to Organise's 'military company, that
sow M a favorable time fur a renewal of their ef
63rbi. The main attack in the way of thf orget..
iution of a company heretofore, soothe expense
of equipment. . This difficulty hal been obviated
by the new arrangement of the Adjutant General
by which a lull utkifore, moy be obtained fur less
than one half of what it would have cost formerly.
Iloen uniforms—the dress and undress—can be
hail Or emisitleraltily fest than ave of the gay, but
inappropriate ebd useless uniforuis so generally
adopted hitherto by voltuiteer companies. Is
there not sufficient ancoursigement here to ..try
again.!" Surely, no one too is dispoood to unite
himself with a. military company, would hesitate
at the trifling expense of iffl for •full equipment
the very best, too, be it remenilieted. Should
there be any (and no doubt there are some) who
would be disposed lo attach themselves to a com
pany, but whom circumstances would not justify
even this trifling expense to such the tax might be
rendeeed still lighter, by attitrihotions which, with
a proper effort, could be *dieted (rod thous of our
citizens whom,elthoughfiteetably disposed toward.
the company, circumstances might prevent from
joining it. A handaume net might, with • little
exertion, be collected in this way. But there is
another very Important eonsiikration which should
btrof itself a stamina inducement to more in this
matter--ind that is, that a goopeny of, My men
Is entitled .to draw from the State annually the
mon ,of min* dollars. This !total mere than de
fray Am ineidental expenses of the company du
ring the year, so that the only =penile to be in.
curved woad be the eon of equipment. Sorely,
there 'abundant enemnagement in the prevision
of now law to Woos on young imm to make
another and more wigwam Wed to amomplish the
dawitealsiajle‘ Let the 001 i he made, and we
linpdiet that euretwa will this time attend it.
B" The intone bat of the last week* wade
die wthieet ermined' lif tho , Freas all OUR the
country.. Friday last at every where attained to
have been the hottest day of the seaecnt--The wer
airy having been on that Jay higher than at any
time since the II th Jane, 1848, which will
long be remembered al the +tot Sunarry." A con
siderable hes of life has bites occasiosed by the
alteeriVO heat—in almost empty city and town
record •being made of deathe , from esun•stroke,"
dfriwkinli c o ld wilier, 4c., The New ,York "Fri.
buns deverilies the west* u lolkows
el'ihe sun is in fiery Capricorn, and
1 oOks' down on us Ili' With his
fiercest power, The'lfitiMiltga are
dry and exhausting :-.-the noon. ate what
ovens of motionless bent, and theaveti l s
ings, though they bring ns shadow, have
no den upon their wings. The sun goes
down every day"times fail of topper, in'
the midst of a dull, teat hate; propheitbfof
the morrow's fervors.- The rttlheermometer.
no Friday stood at 117.degregy ii Om, OffiCe
of this paper—even •hotter "him the pre.
vious day. This ad hi fink sheet fiit
trrrion. RsrasiijJaverian
rota, hei arriverfla ht. Pink uni 6.60 the mile
tomary proclamation, admairlint the' orranita:
lion ot:the territorial lonriannteat, nocimnPanka
by the art pf , 1 1;ompreeeshating there% On kW
arrival, he went to speed a short tin. with Han.
H. IL Sibley, the late repressniatito in Congress.
He wu rereirai In duo form by the troops at Vast
ECT"ll . rindy and. water" is roc:nonleaded in
some of the papers as a cholera preventive. The
New York Tribune tells us how to mix the ingre-
Monte, ex thus :—To a bucket full of fresh tqiring
watet take ihree drops of brandy, mix the ingre
dients, thin take out a tear:poen full of the mix
ture, rinse ouLthe bucket and fill it again with
water, adding the ton-spoon-ful saved tom the
tin: bucket. The liquid is then ready for use.!
11A.PithiOME DONA'FION.—The Hun.) ill
BUCHAN•N has made a donation of $4,000 to the
city of Lancaster, tho money to be securely in
vestedoind the imerest accruing then:on to be ,p
-applied by the City Councils to the annual pur
chase of wood and coal for the use of poor and in
digdot female■ of the city of Lancaster during the
winter aeawp. The Councils have of course to.
espied the donation.
Q_l Mr. Burros has been Dominus(' for Presi.
dent, by a Cuusentiun in LA: county, lows
.The Public Warkl. - I ACULDDNT AND 1.081 , OF__ L2f 4 l l F: „c'
Theriaptilell !tryst() spialidlp e es-}-1414lidilk FALLS.—We 41,11 to nn
rears i rse dho te s t pinions nithiked on t pub. teleimvphieje s telt to the Bu ff alo elm hal
lie w° 4 46 \ ill a Pen 'rein, ot llis sin 1' 4p Ailvertist4, ' nil the particulars it- elinellteli
r im
politica si c thy, Cal ilard;as full al a tiepin' ingot* Falls on Thu erhnruir i o ,
f ot a
"1 th fire ppm wn viti,, no sit- ( po i' 1 NIAOARA FALLS, Ine 24. / 1
tion iat film tigt t e late e \of sc a a ening at a (lustier bas Ire 80'4
large- tto vegan sun n clot ;Write a party of latlierimi-gethint
which the public works have, fur some men were visiting Luna Island, among
time back, been managed, and in some ea- whom were the lady and little daughter of
see to direct frauds. Ilad a skillful and Mr. De Forest, and young (Thus. C. Adding
economical course been pursued, in milord ton, and several others, and while the I it
to them, the -treasury would now be in a do girl was standing on the very brink of
boquitairdilkoq• ,b)r,ai 'loot two hundred the river, and only some 20 feet from the
thbhiland Abases. 1 Tidal is in truth, a low Falls, and holding by thu hand of a yonng
eriusam.:! , . . . gentleman, whose name I have not learned,
Tim people 1.414 hail: satisieil that the young kftlitighin ennui up add 'said 'Oil
public workk have been lard by the loolfueo per- fully, " I'mgraing tolhviisr4oa hh" Mth- ,
1 l l' , w h ie4 hi e 41° 1' 1 ' 0 1 4 ' 4 *tin i.e °ell yen ing-liar-lightly on the shoulder 7 ,whon she
o w, „an instrument of corruption. ei mum . sprang forward with a sullicient force .to
I A ssam enaroy unmannered
,with the polities Or slip from the hand of the young gchtliman
personal worth of ti n ~i,in Whig cand id ate i im wild hold her. • • •
cant i tle ii linirsic , lner, . it . mu i v 1 Lod th e m l l ,O . SIM was instantly. followed by , Adding.
• Pfe an , , . 111 •tos who caught her, and in the effort was
applying the proper correctlre last fall. If Mr. '
, 1 , , ~_ ~., ..
ho hu e h - 1 i nc . bb y or Prustraleu oyine tome or me water, th row.,
Longstreth, Iv , hoen P TR" II P a
.. ing the little girl at the same limo, so near
attending Milks detieefor nearly *year pant, wetter air shore that the young, gentlemen who
ruin doldadanit UnlePremdail' P 00561 " 018 " 'hod her by the hand 'neatly caught her,
tardy juetice, to recieni the. Peet. election; would but lost his balance, only saving himself ,
0 1 ±Ittluir ilw3 9lll * j 3 "1 4 the teTlisite clement, of .by catching hold of moms bosh on shore.
thorough and practimd retoim. And as the Key. In an instant young Addington and the lit.
:cone hi, been so candid in Its addrissloia as to tie girl were swept over the falls.
the iniertansgeracM . of the'public works, we &Off • No human eirtirt could avail • thorn. A
it wilt sinf inset upowmi ,16;fig 00,:..- single moment throw them beyond the
The law myt. 4 4 it snail too tho May of the Le' Da l reach of•all mortal aid. . Young Addington
c 0m000 ,„,,,,,, lc , Arena seen. e tet „ tete m a et . . wax a young man of excellent character.,
Motion,. by per,. al , eventioation, to the general of high mid; gpperus impulses. -. no w ady,
thw only sou of the bereaved family rend
and " 4144 " 11"1 "" 4 "" "Id rrPliq ' 1464 grief now here—their
public works." Mr. Lonestreth monis comply . . . .
• . fe•intense--no overt nue ever east
with the law. The people are Pitying l ' in " a 1.6- such a gloom over our village. The body
erd salary for errsoroil servieoe Which he hes boin o f t h e h i d e g i r l h as just been reeoverod,
uAehte to ' , mai% ain ' ''c 84, 1 4 ember last.' The Cle' and will be sent to Buffalo by this after
nal Board has beed for eciehe Mho peat utterly die- n o o n ' s tr a i n ,
organised and ineffieient in eoniegnenee ofhis in- Miss Annette De Forrest was a very in
ability tortured. its sessiooe; the public works (cresting child, about nine years of age.—
must necoreerity be either mewled or mimosa- Mr. Addington was tweutpone; be was
aged in the absence data controlling power as- the son of S. 11. Addington, Esq., for tea ,
erteci by the ,Board over thenuineroua employers; ny years a resident of Buffalo
and the Slats treasury will ultimately feel the
loss in the shape of increased appropriations and
diminished receipts. By ill twins Mr. Long
Ninth ought to tesign, end we hope that the Key
stone will not throw nsirlo its censorial robes null
his Refonn 'hell have been etrumplished.—Lana-
caster nouns.
The Canal Boned.
A meeting of the Canal Board was appointed
to be held last week in Philadelphia. Hen. Pow
er, the President of the . beard. agendcet, Mr.
Painter did not make his appearance, and owing
to his continued ill health, Mr. Longstreth was
unable to sweet!. How long is this state of affairs
to exist in this body f How long are the interests
of the:l . Bl,lde tersalier for want of the attention of
her public officers, Whom she payeto attend them?
Judge Imegatetth is rich, and does not require the
salary, and certainly cannot regard it as as ob
}ea. We rosilylbink that a pepper regard Am the
Interests of the Commonwealth ought to induce
him to resign, and let a Commissioner be appoint
ed who can attend to the business. We trust he
will sec the propriety of doing so before long.
lar We learn from the Bedford Gazette, that
Mr. Drum, ox-Postmaster of Greensburg, whose
removal excited the sympathy of the entire Loco
foce'party, was a candidate'for ant important Mike
before the recent !Aram° Crinveinirm of Neat.
moreland County. Our readers will no doubt
conclude that" he was nominated be acclamation.
But emit to not the fact ; be was hy, that
body of sympathize's. The Locofixxr leaders of
Westmoreland County by this act, have establish
ed a reputation for consummate ityporrity that $a
tan hinuieN might envy.
ert Lintel► was tried in New Orleans on the 15th
inst., for the murder of his young and beautiful
wife. on the 7th of April. The jury, after an *b
uena of five minutest, brought In a verdict of pea
ty, withina capital ratirkimewt. Jealeary memo to
have been in this, as in many similar oases, the
Tourion vrhich prompted the murderous act.—
They had 'parted a few menths,afteemarriaie.
CHOLERA PHENOMENA.—dry a letter in
the New York . Putt, from Pr. McCall, of Nash
ville, respecting the_ rrrages of the cholera in that
city, it is specially remarked that the epidemic
there has Moen attended with an animal timeline
of lightning, • and appeared lobe Contagion:xi the
sink contrary, in both particulars, having pared
to he the mac co the'Atlantic sesiteard.
GREAT FOOT RACE.—Today,lhereM to
be, over the Union coarre,'New York. a fest not
for $7BO. Pedestrians love i parts ofilie Stale
are pouring in, and among them are two Indians
front:Buffalo. The witumn of the prise will here
to travel eleven miles within an hour—a feat
worth double 8714/ the., hoi weather:
, THE LOCUSTFI-The Pittsburgh Casette of
Thursday last
r says . ! "We paid a visit to the coun
try in the early part of last week, and were really,
surprised at the toun fleas millions oltoensta Whirl
swarm in all directions-
, The ',Mode maiiund With
their not unpleasant' hum, and the torah*
which they en* off; on asetnninx their singe, W
here ist great quantities on. the Wieser
On Fade,' morn•
log Isteh a man named Daniel Klatieltoe war foiond
!filt en ti)e . treek'ef*Bakintere sod B uel 4 lo.
henna Relkoeknhent. e x melee now 016.14,Fe.
where he 411 Wilde inteikated, with one thigh ,
and both ioet,bedly framored . —York ..folmeme.
WI% um, Planted to 11:ernfrog the 11t1 ti more
Bun, that the Itier. Somme' M'lllvaux, Paine
of IC 2. dwelt, at. Metre tfil4;(iod Seiner:
ty dVali 16*y who rdr more dill, two 'itotimi
bil tieen,ionsbed by typeda lbstet,fhieslabistoit
eatisldy ream* IStrat hit Wow. •
'66106 ona
scrittelf by Di: Bran us a cunitlied eilekta
toM4I-4kas Iwo Wail Waite inilabiaiieous
in ordinary, sues of cholera mot "., • t,
rirA •ttanend on the &Atli Of irati.
Praia/eat Padilla to be delivered in Iffaishinittana
on the Dsh °flatly, by, itesatcarleotn
MTh' latest intelligence troth Limingtorrns
present Cassius M. CLAW 10 110 011 W ortlaiugee
from the wound received in the reasons, ;with
Mr. Tenses. 'the latter daai .4w Lagcc ng, s
few hours in extreme agony,
Blade, agent Gar the Zoord.
tional Education, pawed through Ehlowo ort . tha
I th inst.„ with Wawa young lollies4,We;
they aro to establish achools in bilincUaa.
4r110156 EDWARD BTAIIIa he s been wain*.
ted for Congress by the Whigs of the Eighth Dis
trict of Nurat Carolina. Mr. 8. has always ham)
a staunch Whig, and will no doubt remise& hand
some majority.
lloascs GaLFaa■ delivered on address to
he Sons of Temperance, at Somerville, N. .1., on
he 25th Mgt.
0:3•Our ncighbors of Twit are nuking orange
mental to have their tewti'llghted with gat The
whole arnisint of Stock, (400 shares, at $3O a
short,) waif subst.rtlittl Ut leas than ar hour.
isville Journal of the 1.9111 has a telegraphic
despatell from Lexington, saying that the
current reports concerning the affair be
tween Capt. Cassius M. Clay and Cyrus
Turner, Esq., are of such a varied nature
that it will net he fair to give such deduc
tions as may be drawn from them either
in connection or separately. The follow
ing more full account of the affair is from
the Maysville Eagle :
"A terrible and fatal recontre occurred
at Foxtown, Madison county, Ky., on Fri
day evening_ last„-between Capt. Passius
M. Clay and Cyrus Turner, a "inenibeior
the Legislature last winter from that coun
ty. The particulars, as we learn them by
passengers in the stage, are these : Mr.
Clay, while making an emancipation
speech, was called "a il—d liar" by some
one in the crowd. He rushed Stem the
stand in the direction of the voice, and
was met
.by Turner, who snapped his
pistol three times at Clay, Clay's pistol
also snapped twice, whets he threw it down,
drew his bowie knife, and at the first blow
ripped open Turner's abdomen. AsTurner
was falling, Clay raised his knife to strike
again, when his arm was caught and held,
and a dirk knife plunged into his breast by
some one in the crowd. Turner sent
word to Clay afterwards that he would
tell him who stabbed him, in ease both re
covered—otherwise he would not tell him.
Other accounts say it was Turner, and not
a third person, who stabbed Clay.
The Louisville Courier, in referring to
these contradictory reports, says, that all
accounts agree in exonerating Mr. Clay
from any blame in •the matter, and repre
sent him as having been grossly insulted
and imposed on. Mr. Clay's wound, we
learn, is not so serious as was at first
prehended, and ha will probably recover
from it in a few weeks, It is said that
Mr. Turner averred a short time.before his
death, that he did not stab Mr. Clay and
he did not know who did.
chokoll bins been fearfully on the increase in the
North and West. At New York, tbo report of
the Hoard of. Health on Tuesday, was the most
unfavorable that had been • made up to that time.
The dumber of came reported was 73, of Which
98 Were fatal: At Camden, N. J., thertr wen! 20
owe bn Tuesday, with 7 deaths.
At Nashville, the manes of the choler* are
represented as frightful—on the Mb all business
was suspended. There were 30 to 40 deaths per
day, endr to proportion to population, the mortali
ty would equal .500
. per day in New York.
Al St. 'Louis, June 27th, twelve Cemeteries re
ported one hundred and twenty one intetnients,
of whieh<one hundred were from cholera. The
total number of interments for the week ending
Runday. wale:wen hundred and sixty-three, of
which five hundred and eight-nine were from
cholera ; under four years of Aga one hundred and
sixty. It la supposed thaterany have been buried
in private ground! around the city and vicinity,
wkswedesthe have never been reported,
The country around St. Louis is very sickly ; hun
dreds tirieri died, independent of those 'eroded i;y
ceinteteriet in the city.
,fof3ll. WINFIRLD Eit'OTT, it io
said, islying very ill of chronic diarrhea;
at West '
6::74The f;tevaese at New' Orfealit bei
been chided atittet.
ozrA fearfurtira has been taking fur
some-tittle in the ,-witiods of New lima.
wick, deetrayingdwellings, santinilleyhtm.
bet,; And,in enemies sill PrOte !nil/
near, Bt. AtedoWit,This fires werS sag
raging pn the 2511 1 inst. ' ''' '
!him pf the eau ofleteperattie 144leen lull,
qiintied et i , oui; uthOii.‘,' • 'inotei the lfite or
Itt. Pidttivititoti, Me. 1, item or Tompotoode...;=
Mil Welt* bhitiett dub. OAR fa *helot*
CPAtintahttert` fa edit the topic et 'decennia
fie hfootreal t Canada.. his favored by tho Press
of the pity . oressally, lull a paper is about to be
etarted rucetusively for the purpose of advocating
:Nplatis,.---Edward W. MeGaughy has
been nominated as the Whig candidate for
Oougress h the VII district, lately repre
sented' by Mr. Thompson. Mr. Mc-
Gaughey was unsuccessful as a can didate
forth* Govornoiship of Mi nesota, owing
to the U. S. Senate, but his prospects now
indicate entire success, the district having
given Oen. Taylor 1,098 clear majority.
eontence of death against Messrs. Smith
O'Brien, Thos. Francis Meagher, 'Per
rone() Bellow M'Manus, and Patrick
Donohue, has been commuted to transpor
tation for lifr., and they would shortly he
ettuveyed to Sythitty, oil board the 'Mount
lituwat Elplutt.tuue.
AN,Nr.:x.vricer,rkaik r„..._
Th , e....airmikly paper publi.hed
Cie rented thi following wirings 'Wei:bent :
Uq Frith* lust,at the ordinary vexation
• eliity ioncil, one of.the members
prt Mil a m lion the nature of width we
are' ignorant, but which another member
obj aid to, reniarking at the same time
that in three months we would be Amer
icans. Hereupon. the member who bast
brought forwrl„the motion, criminal the
hall, and adintitiatertid a tremendous blow
to his opponent, which prostrated him on
the floor. The war spirit then cononuni
calmd to others, and dr combat` threantnied
to become general, when the Mayor called
in OW petteerwho put aniend-se the-guar
re' and cittottid the . „
A Washington letter in the N. Y. lOW.
nal of Commerce (writes thelstOmirillt
prediction, the . origimilpf whieh;..p Leg o ,
is copied from s. book in- the. libretty- of
the A uguitiniao genre:it; et Rothe; publish
" Before the middle of ihe , XlX , eentoryi.
seditious will be Er:Cited every whem ns
Europe ; Republics will iirise icin e will
be put to death, logethei with's4 nobility
and ecclesiastics; end be rellipoe 1111
desert their convents. Famine. pestilence.
and earthquakes wiH spread' desolation o•-•
ver many cities. Rome will lose her scep
tre by the invasion of false philosopher*.
—The Pope will-be insoles captive by his
own people, and the Church of God-wilt
be placed under tribute, divested of its
temporal possessions. in a short tiros
there will be no Pope, A prince from the
North will overrun Europe with a great
army, destroy the republics, and eatermi:
irate all rebels. lii. awortl., wielded by
Clod, will vigorously defend the Church of
(71trist, uphold the orthodoi faith, and sub
due the Mshontetan power. A new pas
tor, the final ono will come by a heavenly
sign from the shore, in simplicity of heart
and in the doctrine of Christ, and peace
will be restored to the world."
Tue Sut.euva SPECIYIC.—There is till
much attention bestowed upon the di/true
sion of the alleged virtues of sulphur as a
specific for cholera. One fact, however,
is brought before the attention of the pub
lic, which would indiente that it does nut
possess any superiority over other disin
fecting agents. In 1837 the cholera raged
in the island of Sicily; a voleadic country.
largely productive of brimstone, ang the
people, impressed with its purifyincqual
iiies, kept it burning in their streets and
squares. Sulphur was administered in
every form, and yet. in Palerno
within six weeks, upwards of twenty-two
thousand persons died of
.cholera, seven..
teen thousand of whom died in eleven
days. This, being a fact, mit throw a
damper upon The advocates of the sulphur
remedy Neverthelee, it may have differ+
ent effects upon a system in this country
and eliinate.—Columbia Telegraph.
CIMERA 13 TUN W CRT.--.Actenents.
from St. Louis, of Jnne 26, stale that the
weather still continues very warm. The
river continues to rise. There is no abate
ment in the progress of the cholera. The .
deaths average 100 per tiny.
Eight cemeteries reported on Saturday
seventy-five chnlera interments, and eight
een from other diseases. On Sunday eight
cemeteries reported ninty-three cholera in
terments, and sixteen from other diseases.
The cholera prevails to an alarming ex
tent on the Upper Miasissippi-22 posses.
gers on hoard the steamer Uncle Toby.
died with cholera between St. Louis and
Oque Awka.
The student is making fearful striae*
among the Shawnee and Delaware taws
of Indians. They are deserting and bun -
lug their villages.
Three thieves named Cottingham, Wat
son and Brown. desperate characters. made
their escape from' the Calaboose in St.
Louis, on the morning of the ateleh Mat.
COTtleili A DISINVECTANT.--Il may he
well to remind people, in these times. that
the odor of roasting coffee is a most pow-
crful disinfecting agent. Take a red hot
kernels with a few keeis of coffee upon it.
and it will remove the most offensive odor
arising from' decayed matter or from any
other source; a fact worth knowing where
the cholera prevails. A gentleman who
has thOroughly tested this quality in ror
fee, assures us there is no mistake as to
the virtues astribed.
The editor of the Ohio Statesman un
dertakes to call the late seUeders from the
LocofocO party,
..Dionortoni or their couniTy'sinui."
The line, however, as printed iu his pa
per, reeds.
" Deserters of their country's trash."
Types arc sometimes limiest even when
editors arc not.—Louisville Journal."
IK:rOn the . (lay that Ex-President Polk
died, the cholera raged to an alarming ex
tent at Nashville. The Gazette of Samar-
IdaY glaYs ,
'lle scourge seems to be at its zenith in
this city—h reigns supreme. Yesterday
wan a melancholy day—lor all our citizens
sympathize 'with the sufhwing or4tsfairle
ed. Death did ila work inmany hinnies.
Such 'a state of things cannot last
and we hope to he able in a few days to
annetittlein diaappelianee' frOm oor
We could not ascertain the ,annnbor of
cases, yesteixlay r -Aut•think, theogh t obopit
SQ. of *hem 43 died: The attacks were
singniarl • fafardirnig the eattrn day: - ' •
.141PIALit ANRVIATIOVIr-Wi 1611111
the' Clain *netts) by a tends' ti Sam
flit taliftanla eamlinty'nakibi'
left' Parii; Texas, (41 iit ntimber.,) wesstalk
•killad hut one at the Croat ThabererlaY"
thaCetaanche Indiana.. We also as bb
41te Ckmetaw Telegraph that .even! pis.
'ea of the Port . Smith Company nitre int
off itid murdered by the Comanches 4 aid
that theta Indians say it is their isiteadaas.
as soon as the California "sterols UP
out of the way, to attack the Cherokee atal
Choctaw tribes.
Accounts from Texas confirm the Pain
ful run► the desonction of Captain t
Veach's company , of California emigrants
by the !odious'. Out 'of thirty Vienions
composing the company, only four weir..
ki t to toll the an d talc of misfortunes.
which befell their companions. •
Bishop Hughes of New York has issusdi
a circular, designating Sunday next for a
general collection throughout his Diocese
for the relief and support of Pius IX irt his
present struggle against the Roinsn
ans. at Leghorn and Bologna, amass, them
selves by tanking a 1111111:1H &Sint in the two licrsurrs nee seep
togcthur they arc at Laws :a I ‘ O 4 ttilAV
AD”.,: i tiiiitt. it'o
,4 yl y 9 . ti . •.•
John 11. Dill, of Auburn, New York.
writes to the' Albanyjith*A
ary last , " thef t lie beers 'botilitt' at thht
place, by men 'froin New Yor and 1301 . -
ton, from, November 18. 1618.. to 'linuaryl
18,1849, 2m0.,4,398 dressed hop.weigh-'
ing 1.139.628 pgunde-o-making 56 tons,
1582 lbs., which at the average of *5 per
100 lbs., aritounts to 350,000 10. They
have abro'botight 16 tons of poultry, at 7
cents a ,pound—making 0100 paid for
ibis article. This shows .a gross amount
paid main this city : by eastern men, of
003.1160 10. (or articles produced in this
rout 4. 'This titian fro:lm the RailrOad.—
There are now about 300 head feeding
hers for the Eastern market. This pork,
beef acrd poultry business will continue to
inentase !Mtn year to year, them is no
knowing to what extent. '
E. c..Frottt, of &mecca Lake, dated
March.' 1849, ..speaking of the change . l
Nought about by the opening of the New
York and Erie Railroad to Binghamton,
says r•—•.l4e Brat Visible effect upon the
pries and new demand created in this sec ,
tied, Was neticed by the pinvhase, by a
used front the east, of great numbers of
turkeys. geese and chickens. at an advance .
of twenty-five cents per pair' on turkeys.
They were taken some 60 miles to 13ing
hansp1on and earned through alive. Large
quantities of fresh pork have rased here
hum Steuben, Yates and Ontario counties.
lor.New -York by .thatroad, as slim butter.
lard, dm. Fat cattle, too, have been bought
in this re gi on and sent through on this
road. The Hon. A. 8. Dickinson alone
sends 30 head each week. Fat sheep are
now being collected near here, to be sent
by railroad.. Heretofore our cattle w ere
drives 'a long distance' to market ; and
wheat, butter and wool during canal navi
gation. Now our , whole spent is chan
ged to one infinitely better. Much farm
ing land has changed hands at advanced
prices within 8 and 10 miles of the new
Major Noah, in his • Sunday Times
Las a rentionicenea of early travel :
- We remember dropping in once to see '
Mr. Crawford, of Georgia, who' was our
Minister at Paris, and being told that he
was espeeted frotu Courtin a few minutes
we took alMok and awaited his return.—
The,door opened shortly, and iv walked
the Ambassador, • a cracker planter,' bedi
zened with gold lace, with a sword and
cocked hat—a stout men, als.r.who felt
and looked as if he were in armor. We
gazed a moment, and both broke out into
a simultaneous burst of laughter. A fter
having made two or three turns around the
rooms, he called his faithful black, and
said, • Here, take off my harness! • "
from New Orleans, on the 22d inst., says
the Indians arc still committing great dep
redations on the Texan frontier. Major
Vitihora, with six companies of infantry.
had left San Antonio to operate against
them. Is all, five hundred emigrants to
California have been killed by the Indiana
in Mexico. The cholera is raging violent
ly in the interior towns of Nlexico.
laves CORPL►IBT is generally accom
panied with pain in the right side, extend
ing to the top of the shoulder ; variable
appetite, occasionally a disordered stomach ,
yellow tinge of the skin and oyes, and of
ten a swelling over the region of the liver,
together with other symptoms of a corrupt
state of the blood.
;Fright* indian Vegetable Pills will
be found one of the very best medicines in
the world for the cure of all diseases of the
Liver; because they expel from the body
those morbid humors which, when deposi
trd upon this important organ, are the cause
of every variety of Liver Complaint.—
From three to ax of the above named pills,
taken on going to bed, will, in a short time,
give such manifest relief, that no persuasion
will be necessary to induce a persveranee
in their use, until the liver is restored to
healthy action.
re Sewage of counterfeits! Purchase from the
agents only, one
_at mere of whom will be found
is ea* enlace and town in the United States.
The genuitie is for tale by J.M. STEVEN
SON, Salo agent fur Clettystnag ; and Wholesale
at Dr. Wright's Principal °Him I 6 Race Street,
IMMO Tilt OAILTIVOIIi Of Witiftll,llDAT.
PlAnrit.--The dour market is quiet; sales of
Howard sit brawls, at $4 43—which is about the
waded price. City Mills held at 04 75. Corn
woad 52.60 as 2 75 Rye dour $3 00.
G RA IN.--Ouppiy of all kinds of 'Grain light:pri
ces as &limas : red wheat $0 96 a. 21 0 0 i and
whits 111 00 aSt 05. White Corn 54a 65 Oa. ;
yellow 55. Oats '26a IS. Rye 65 • 50.
PRO VISION B.—Mess Pork $llOO, and Prime
- 1 60 00. Bacon--Sides 6 • 15,i cents; Hama
a 4 cents. Lard ui in bbls., and 7i in kegs.
-triday, Awe 22,
:ashen/bay. " 23,
Jileaday, • 24,
" 25 .
Tway, • 2 6 ,
Widow*.' 27,
" 26,
.010 tho 12th iitot. by Roo. J. P. Gentian, Psos. ,
teat of Ss. yinorot do Paul'sDaltioome ,
iquitazi, late of this plio, rod Miss
:Trait Ass WiLsioe,'of Carroll eoimty, Md.
Oa the UM' utt.i'by. 11,4. Geo. W. Showiest!,
Karroursiind Mier I • E., daugh
ter-41f Mr. William' M`llvoitt.--'both of Litlestown.
On thaernie day, iui.ittlertoirn, by Rev. J. M ,
Biairepienalissa W. laleitaani and Mime Cr..A
Anti‘tharle.badi of Frederick coaDay,
00 the 1101b-inato, by Rev. B. Keller 4 Femme
ace IYra►*otar Proem arid Mbai. Maas Ann
Errata. bolt of Oaniberiend !township.
Ihs leth inst. Jsent4Cause', of htermihm
in the 84th yam othinagit.
estroorelatal 'calmly, Pa , • on the 10thinst.
Mllll. 6111111111A111 IA JIMMIALII. rad Of NW' 40.
thidlgapipal, of %enunt, to, the 61/11 year
The' ?Ohi'biltn
:=„ rip, still emigrated with het father, at
1. Moan, at an early age, o . Nteiftieid•
On the 7th tot. in this twenty, him MAIM
C. *sere ' ails Mr .' Moses eietit,. aged; 411
keen, Inenttes and 4 day,'
0014•106 hot, in Metalline tovrnehip,. WU.
• ills.Mricurts„ 'eked $2 years, months • amid
'raut imiletelbai.imitm desirous of eloping up tie
lkodus regorge - these 'indebted to him for dub
ass4libti' Or Job Work, to call and make payment
with 41 little delay , as possible. Bina will ho
tide mat; and payment eon be made either to my.
self or beaker. 'AI Noss. r Is urea NMI:PiII, to
am/et sawd!y enssaemems voniiretell ‘‘itit the Htl 11 •
poet of the it it hopeA *Litt
win attend to that. maw' 00,
rin HE aubetlibirr, intends to, remove
2 1, to the West, •*lll 1611 tiOPOillf)
Sulu the valuable
.. - plAk. - Fili
on which he resider; itituater in 'Frederick
county, Md.', two nilley emit ' Of,' Enuttint
burg, near the tnaitt mail "tram tomtits
burg. to Baltimoro. part 4 the tract extend
ing to the road. ' .The Farm contains
124, ,Wes
more or Idittl; and is located in ono of the'
most deftly,* seCtlime of gut 61.1fItY. The
laud iii;:well improved, and is ,itt a, find
state Otcuitiration ; about 16 or 18. Acres
are in good TIMBER , with a fair proper.
tion of - MEADOW v *bait 13 acres are'
well 'limed. The - Feria is
. nntler good
fencing, atout . one-half . being 'Chestnut
rails,. The improvements are * genre
- nient two T story. rough-must •
. ~
((Our rnoma en each story.) with
a brick Kitchen and Smoke-house, a large
brick , Barn, with water is the barn-yard
to supply the etobk, a good Corncrib. and
a Blacksmith Btop. The re arc two Wells
of Water,
onem :
ear the, Kitchen door.-
The The is also ou the premises a fine young
. .
Of Chr)fce Fhuft Trees.
There is a six acre Mountain
lot, which will be sold with the Farm% if
desired. fir Persona wishing to view
the Farm, or ascertain the terms, which
will be reasonable, can do so by calling
on the subscriber.
Frederick county% Md., June 29—If
lc, F. and T. V. & T.
ri members of "Adams Division,
II No. 214, Sons of Temperance," ini
connection with ..Duyspring' Section, No,
66, Cadets of Temperance, design cele
brating ,the approaching Anniversary of
our National independence by a full Rega
lia Procession, Dinner. &e. The Pro
cession will form at the Division Room, at
10 o'clock, A. M. r and, after marching
through the several streets, will repair to
the German Reformed Church, where the
Declaration of Independence will he read
and an Address delivered by members of
the Order. After which the Procession
will reform, and proceed to , the "Wash
ton House," 'There Dinner will be serv
ed till at 1 o'clock. • • •
G. W. P. Simms and G. S. PIcKANDI,
o(the Grand Division, have been invited
to attend, and it is hnp9d they will be pre
sent. Brethren connected with neighbor
ing Divisions in good standing are invited
to unite wish us in the celebration, clothed
in the regalia of the Order. The invita
tion to participate in the celebration is al
so cordially, extended to the friends of
Temperance generally.
1). A. !Mailer,. E. W. Stahl°
Solomon Powers, J. H. Skelly,
I). Tratcll, I%J. Troiall,
Gee. E. Bringmon, 11. M'Oonoughy,
Wm. B. M'Clullau, R. G. M'Crenry,
J. A uginbaugh, War. H. Sell.
Committee of Arrangement.
Gettysburg, Juno 22, 1849.
TO TEM L1M,11 4 4 ., ,,
WE advise you all, in view of the nat
ural propensity .now-a-days' to de
sire BARGAINS. to go and see
167 ti l 1P 3 2/./P.460 0 .21
It is worth a visit, to look at his CALI.
COES. His whole assortment is well
%elected, and his Gooda•are not only pret
ty but cheep. Having been purchased late
in the season, when city merchants were
anxious to sell, they were obtained at re
duced prices. His Cowin Goods are re
markably low. Go, then, to STEVEN
SON'S before you purchase.
May 18, 1849.
'T the old and well known stand, has
just received and is now opening, as
usual, as large and well selected a stock
of goods, as has been offered to the public
at any titne—consistihg of
Dry Goods Si. Groceries,
all of .which have been purchased on the
vary best term., and will be sold at prices
to suit the times. Ho will not misrepre
sent nor deceive you by saying that wo
can bell goods, "Thirty per cent. cheaper"
then spy ether establialunent, Hut We
will confine ourselves to the plain facts,
and that is, that we will sell any and every
article as el.eap,if not abide cheaper, than
they can be had elsewhere.. Our ptices
are uniform. And we warrant all Goods
sold to be tie they are'represented.
Ogr'i'he lAMB' attention, particularly,
is invited toetlarge and very handsome se
lection of- • • "
7. a. m. 2, P. N. 9, r. m.
73 92 76
72 93 76
69 89 72
66 86 72
' 72 66 01
75 68 74
Id!Mot goad cFwfloy ,Goody
generall / y. guru 'P
us 1 . sisniine
audjo,u)ge' ior.ypur ,
obilllitsll4o R%rtatir Tante Diceißßnis FOR
Oir .
Qe4tlemen s e Wear,.
*kWh; wiH IidId.PHEAP,. fityond dli
preeide ii. tin has prOtta al 2 crnts,
Muslin 2, bingAams; Lawns, checks and
Ticking." at a lip. Also Silks, Lin. I,ua
(ma, Okulidi.4, togother with
a fine lot of Black. Goods. Also,
D. A. III'L1ILL;1;
IRW) 641RPt
BE IQ E 4 IT 1
la AS just opettent a:large and general
I.IIL, asaortrofmt of SEASONABLE
Bonnets, *laic, Boots, Shoes; I'ar
7"Poreous wishing cheap Goods. n
lir,l-rate 1111;1111y, ;W . rospectftilly ittvitct
to 0311 and.jtidg-c fur thciuselvvs.
May I, ltift).—ll
81; ;ft . :4 :iv,tfOt :,$044.00:
• '• s u iv !,
tbat, tw;Cf4:,
:11111.11CU9 rOAMSON
WrittlaiS•hia l as tl to hi>i 91d
- toineemwed informs them end, the
pubiie generaltr that he has within a few
dayerdattleit from the cities with a new
supply of
ar-aht z' ao6 D. et,
of all kinds. His prices are aittnti4fitr
Iy low, slid IoW that, periods at' a die.
tones ,even Would iavo 'money and be well
paid tonalaeir time; and trouble in owning
to his, store in Gettysburg, to purchase
their summer , elothing. As he sells for
CASI,I, n" but onir it PRICE bp has no
holitatiOn pu"blioliing p r es
purchase" for cash,,and es IA expen.
spare eemliarativelytinudlrand as ho at
tends, to his buoines hinweltilteis Minified
with small profits, 'edit, therefore endbled
to nell cheiper than, an other establiiih
This Usi•eful atieuttott pl"the 0100 tkinri
tedro the followini list at ptiOst
COATB,6.lriact MO& end Dram, from *6 to
$lO Defines. , from .2 00 to ; 4346 tuck..
s4'so to So ;'Chen Btimtder, Of 6o 1 Sit ; Mee
Cantimare4,lsll OU to 0660'; TwOMI; $ll5 to $4,
60 ; •Comines, $8 , 50 to *4 no.'
PANTIC—Diume MiNuarsimere, fawn 02,-
60 to'.4 50 ; 51theitMill'iod - Cimolment, $2 00 to
800 I nammer elottli $146 to 02110 Linen Drit ,
ling, $1 00 to Itt 60
' Corodnet, 131 110 to .11 50
Cotton, 8111, cis. to $l. 25.
vrors.—sok, from $3l 60 to .3 00 ; 'Sado,
$1 ao to $3 50 ; meiine and eiminieridnt 00 to
12 ; 03mtmaims, int 00 to *1 501 Itiametko,
$5O eta to $1 75 ; Qamitnure and Cloth $lOO to '
$2 60. _
In addition, he has for selo Gloves, Sus
penders, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Pocket
handkerchiefs, shirts, (a large supply;
from 50 eta. to 412 each) Drawers, a great'
variety of Under-614W, dcc., Ate. Also, a
large stock of Fancy Goods Steel Heads,
Jewelry, Caps, Slouch fiats , Shoes,
Dish Covers, Horse Nets, Pistols, with a
few Gothic Thirty-hour and Eight-day
CLOCKS, He cannot enumerate more
in the limits of an adiertisement, but re
quests ALL to call at his Stoic and exam
' ino Ids stock. which he M satisfied is the
cheapest ever brought to Gettysburg.—
Remember the Variety and One Price
Store of MRCVS 5311150 N, In York
street, opposite the Bank.
perlie has also on baud Two Second
handed BUGGIES, one le ARRIA GE and
a HORSE, which he will dispose of on
reasonable terms. o* - He has also a fine
crop of GRASS which lie will dispose of.
May 18, 1849.
ALL Ladies wishing to supply them
selves • with handsome DRESS
GOODS would do well to call at the Store
Or.l. L. SC LUCE:OIM examine his stock of
plain,•striped and barred Cambric Muslim,
Alpacca, and a good article of
Black Silk,
Black Gimp and Fringes, Needle-worked
Collars, plain and figured Bobinet, a fine
lot of Irish Linens, colored, bleached and
unbleached Muslin, Drilling, Brown Hol
land, 'fable Covers, Combs, and many oth
er articles too numerous •to Incriqua. I
would therefore invite all to call soon and
examine for themselves before purchasing
elsewhere, as I feel - confident that I can
pleaaolll, both in style and prize .
Gettysburg, March 30,1840.
311:11011911-11ETIGiallYsi •
f i rliE subscriber tenders his tieknowl
edgments to the public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of years, and re
spectfully announces, that he has just re
calved, at his old established stand in
Chambersburg street, a large and fresh
seem of
Paints,Varnish, Dyestuff's Ai
and every variety of articles banally found
in a Drug store, to which ho invites the
attention dale public, with assurances that
they %ill be furnished at the most reason
able prices.
Gettysburg, June 2, 1848.
THE snhscriber will sell at private sale
the FARM on which HENRY Hui
jr., now resides, situate in Franklin
township, Adams county, adjoining lands
of King Wilson, Andrew Heimzelman,
and others, containing
U.4rit 410 420111a0
more or less. The improvements ate a
ti Frame Dvvellingliouse,
a first-rate LOG BARN, with a
Spring of good water convenient to the
door. There is a fair proportion of Tim
ber and Meadow on the , farm, and an ex
cellent Orchard. Persons, wishing to as
certain the terms, which will be reasona
ble will call upon the 'subscriber, The
property can be viewed on epplitatiOn to
the 'tenant
HENRY ,HtitSlarS, Sen.
Franklin tp.,June 1, 1849.-r-tt.
$5 -1133W.41111.
TRAYEO away' from the subscriber,
0 residing in 'Mountjoy townsieprAd
imi cotinty, about'3 miles from
,r , •
the one a sorrel, 3 year old , sod the other,
it bay, 1 year , old. Theabose rewartiwill
be ftven to any portion informing me of
thetr whereabouts. • r •
June 'l, 1840.-I=3o • •
QOllOOl.llOOO Ailts sT4t no -
kaY. otaitkOdli. eetoitendY eu hand
and for eat% at, the lotoma priceil at the
Book and Stationerratoreof •
Gp.LP PENS 4ND sltvElt PEN
qI/18t . beat quality) ,Card Cases,
Visiting and Printing Cards, Fancy Note
Paper,'Envelopes; Motto Wafers, Fancy
BealiorWax, Letter Bumps, ate., for sale
by • R. H. BUEHLER.
HERRING. In quantities, and at
MACKEREL, prices to suit intr.
DAMS, chasers,
SIDES, & ;
Gettysburg, May IS, 1849.
A NCY A RTlCLES'i,Cologno,Soaps
(lair Oils, Tooth Brushes. Toilet
Brushes, TUUtil Pow& rs.Cr,, &,e for
axle bt S. it. 1113E111,1M
i fit
.F.' T.' ,V TO.01.4111: NAIIE N7'
, 9 , iliCl,o 87' 1 ,11; TIO A', I
„' : '' '-' . :''...- , --•—•`' • •
, Iltipire.444b;,,lie Setints i and Huuiejg
I.Rer-6604#: As (.. motatcestkilket •
Penni 0 o era i - 4it GOV , ' I,o6 B anbt§ Igt,,e
That 'dm CotsLitntidei -thi s• 'Compel+
vreafittlin amended ilTifir howl . *bals ,
of the fish strtieht,,:lo)thss, it sliall eesd as
follows : The Judges of the fupreme .
Court, of theiteteml CdO is 'of Coohnb
Pleas. and of suelfcitlidi Cain, Of Record
as 'are or'sliall he eittifilkitted by hiti,Stalt
be elected by the' itlitifilled 'electors ot the'
CottotionWealthlit thiliiiintier following:
to 'wit : The Itillgetille the Scipietat
Court by the qtialitlid u abettors of 'the
Commonwealth at luta., The
fodt Prepitil
Judges of the its ve\-SlVie of Comitid ,
pleas and of sneh'clthilelOottris rif 'needle
as are or shall be,lpv ha', and
ell other Judges *O at4 M lit Be' ' learned in
. the -law. by 6 . 1 , 1 4 , fl4 l o oe d e le el °l' i 9 C'
hC , XlisPanO v is (liatrinfft rilf*hich . 1 1 nY'e
. ere to prattle vie act Ateges. , Aett Oa
I t
Associate udgee, of t . Itelii of Caintismt
Pleas by. die quer 41 electors .ef the,
I Coundes „,respectively t ,The .fudges of
[ the,Supreme Court shaikhold their offiges
feethe term of fifteen Vial if the( elyill:
44__LM164beltAve thebrit,l;!, , eil: , , etthjeit
Ito tuise,salottnent Iroiria rovi go ; fur . ;
subsequent to the , fSeec . eleelion - :1 'Op;
[ President Judges of tbe,Neeral;Couris at
Common Pleas, and ofin4, 43 ther ' ta tirtis ,
of 'Record as are or shall be estalilished'hy
11w, and ell,pther linlipe required to be
learned in the law, sball i ftold AIudrAAUSII
for the term of ten years, if they 'iliall So
long behave themselves well. The Asso
ciate Judges of Alm —nurse of -Common
Pleas shall hold: tliiir li-for -Atte term
A fe
of fi ve years, it ' writing behave
themselves we 42 '" whom shall be
commissioned , tiY • * 9 - '•e . . titor, but for
any reasonable rattle itiltiiii Shall not be
'sufficient grounds of, impeachment die.
Governor shall, remove.any of diem pa the
address of two-thirdq_pf each bra* sof
the Legislature. ', The }rat election "hall
I take place at die genewil: election af,this
Comflioniveilfh'next trier the adoption of
this amendment, aid 'the:commissions of
all the Judges who may be then in office
shall expire on the 'that Monday of Decem
ber folloWing, when the terms of the neW
judges shall commence.' The persons
who shall then be elected Judges of the
Supreme Court 011111116 V their officee as
follows : one di 'diem 'for three years, / one
for six years, one• fbr , tdne years, one for
twelve years, and one for fifteen years ;'the
term of each to be decided by lot by the
said judges as soon Mier the election as
convenient, and the result certified by
them to the Goiernor,lhat the Commie
'ions they he ignited lo Seeordence therefor
The Judge whisse commission will first ex
pire shall 'be Chieflustice during his term,
and therestiter eseh jedge whose commis
sion shall first expire shall in turn be the
Chief Justice, 'add if ivio' or more corn
missions sliallexpire on the same day, the
judges . holding them • shill' decide ;by' lot
which shall be the Chief Justice. Any va
cancies. happening by death, resignation
or otherwise, in any_of the said Courts, I
shall be filled by appointment by the Gov
ernor, to continue till : thefirst Monday of'
December succeeding the next general'
election. • The Judges of the Supreme.
Court, and the l'rcaidciss of the several'
Courts of Common Pleas, shall, stelated
times, receive for their, services an ass-
quote compensation, flied ,by, law,
which shall not be diminished during their
continuance in office, but they shall receive
on fees or perquisites of Unice nor hold any
other office of profit under this CoMmon
wealth, or under the government of the U.
States, or any other Suite of ibis 'Union.:
The Judges of die Supreme, q 94 o,durin g
their • continuance' in office ,shall reside ,
within.this Commonwealtliotted, the 4 0 5
Judges.during their continuance in ofhce
shali reside within the dititrio, , or county
for which the,y.ware respectively elec,ted..
W11,144.M F. rie,cli,Nll.
ticalter or the Rowe or lteptiial.bisu l
'GI OltoP,' DAR E,
• SposakerWtlid Sen'ate:
• In LA , Senile, Mat 4 the 1;0,4849.
Regolved, 'Chat this Resolution pass:-...1
=yeas 21. • Nays B.' • •--
Extract from the Joamat.
be the House of Rryireiregattom April .24 1819.
Resoisttd, :nal this• Retioiution-passe—
Yeas blEt. 'Naye,26. .
ninety , ' hum the Jewel.
WM. ClOrli.
! fgt.
fre t 'l .
ritc,X Aril sth, 1849. A. L. HUBBELL,
Dep. Bee. of the Coin
Puniulivania u
I do certiy that the above ancl foregoing
is a true and correct copy of lite, Qrtginal
Resoltnion of fiso gaiters! ,it,sseothly, en
titled “Resolution relative • le ;an arneod
. noun of• she Constitutioni" , thq stone
remains on fi le its this citu• .
,111 testitnogytcherttof,l have
• herentitO Bet mY, hand anti coos.
\ ed to be eltize4 0 1 6 1 e. 4 el the
Secretary's, cam illerrieknirk
tbte,elevenskilay. Pt J,UIIO, Au
nt? thousand clibt huntlred
and fnfty-ulne.
• • - TOWNISEINP 14411010,
Aocr'y of the fjanitrust‘wialth:
4 . 'l' Oriiiii'OiliiriaTti 4 ' '''' ,
, Risolittiiii.oNtn , 'lBBi , eitlitiO ••Rasal*
%ion' refaillif Id sinlemendinent , of the Gen
stithtiini”. was Vivid a third 4hise.i , . Oa • the
*notion liviii the Senate girlie . to, Abe. reti.
elntion:t '; me 'Tens sind:,lNsys:ware ft
kelViseeeabll)l'qtb . the Vonstituticou, , aid
**nail fbikivrisi , ahr : -" .117';V 3 k , ) : 4 ,; , Yf
• '"Velii4-44414% :Ilise, Brariawl,erabb, . Cue
nimhssui rorotbei wpm JP Josvitenfie,
, h 1
Jfelik-*/"Matthili M..Y.t * , • * Chard° ,
01444r•A1P , Si•yoll, • mg• iSeirriltt
- rya— 11. lirst, Drum,. , her, Wag,
Kintigintlesti - :sod Dassayllipeatuir—saL
'. Sulthuf question. *ea deeidedila . the silt
firinatlveir ',: .''' .. .• ', . v:: . ~. ~
!submit ei sees..Hoinai it Runtemisitrieryrzo•
Shall the resolution pas* I , : ,:rhe, year
arid' haya were takenii#reeabliti the pro
visions of the tenth article of the Conan
tution.vadd.are, es follows, Tits :, .. .
Yeas—Mcssra.,Glileen J. na il , illa v i d - .1.41387•4
Craig Biddle, P a Itur i illoom, David ',ti. Bole,
Thomas K. Bull, Jacob Cort, Jotrn H. Diciii, Na
thaniel & Elliott, Joseph Emory,,Ltavld ip, g a b.
elman, William Evans, John Fungoid, Samuel
Foguly, Joseph W. Fisher, Henry M. Fuller,
Thomas those, Robert Hansom, George I'. H ens
zeYs Thomas J. Herring. Joseph Higgins, Charles
Wortat,Joitoph 11, Hower, R o b er t ki„ iz , un „i mm
P. Laird, Abraham latinherion, James J. Lewis,
.lamas W. Long, Jacob ItiVartney, John F. NV
conogii, Hugh WM e, Jolty Ml.auglilin, Ads in
Martin, trammel Mars, John C. Myers, Edward
Niekleson, Stewart Pearce, .lone, Porter...:lniry
C. l'rait, Aloiii.o Rohl , . t 4orge Rupley,'llieollote
ryni tn. I.l..Mitril Z",. :',1.10114,,, r, r 4 sinuel r•eibr•ri,
i 4ohia !... , ha,p, C11[1,41.11 r•loir I , Thoul, C :-‘1,,,t,
Jergmiah.U. stubh.olortelioph l4 4l
Isoasskirelilsr, TPi13 3 4 , 94" 11 1S ,1 .1. q41111
Nicholas Thorn, A runah Witsles, !-tirittrl s -
rids, A lonzo 1. Wilcox, Motel Zeris4
I'. Packer, Bpesket,-siir. is• r,. • •-•
Pisryi—Nteents. Augustus KAlorrtin:Devid
11..lounnev. David Ensue, iissooilitl. Sor.*Poi.JohlA
}colon, Wits Goosige r liciosais.Wkispiihilolsn
D. llosvloo, 3Viililug Henry, Jatne.4 r
ileph La bough. Aiibert.t. Little, dehn 8. We a l:
'Wont, John
WM. MeeetinbnlP Vellue A. Otto,-Willlini Y.
RuinetiOuhs W.Rouetterry4 Job* Bolinthinterav
41. Rundle Smith, John Bingth.John Sootier, U.S.
,and Ihtitt • V: AVOILLILILL.-1- 28 -
4 140 the question was, dateeininpd ttllte, i
Viirteatire. •
.• DOSLOO' 91144 Itsl44 ll l4'r;
frts 4 1849 g
RealostLTANtA,"... • ' •
• de - ceitiltio titietlie Atom
, t forgegeittritfli end correct
cOpy , e. itsteNl*
'A•'-' ken ohtlifißeiniintida r;litive
• ' ; VIM; intending* of the Coati
luiieri," nit nni;the 100
nail - 6/ the 'twli,litintevef 'OW Oentrilll4.
Jeintilf trf cod& eilrweehlii ifor the sea
" skin of 1849. • '• •tr. -•• •
'Witness my, haWd ihrt isettillfresiit °f r.
the' ISO diyorsilitnikonirtkissekind
eight huottreit•gfir bw •
D 4tali
• 1, • " &CM* loathe CRientiAsnieelth. , •
• ,•• listrliburig; iutt*22; .1E411...110 .,1 • •
r5)11.04 1L ACCOUN t
IE&01? T
poßouGis. 4pr ipprleiHti tle .
~„ , • , 7
:8. D. litigi-11,E14
count with
'Borough of Ottrt - kpfnmg irm!'•
1 816, to Juice I, r 40,
'rolltalanot in handl of 414easolore ,,
June 1,1848:'!' - -- , :1id5 , ..-0-$l ll 48
To 0u1.#1.1014 Taxall foul/A, H i ;
limids of J 0,4,30444 , 17 67
Balance of . I)tillitete'lbc Mil' in- •
hand. 8284,91
-Du. for 41,41,111 - 11amfiiiflif.* 41 i0 82,10
Judgement aguinet John 81etiO4* .164 80
Taxes ursessed for , the' year coffin
Juno' *,,handt dl.,Geol
Frey, . . . , 3727 47.
Cash from .State ApprOpriation for .
1848-0, „ 20114;
, ,
Cash from Wm. Witherow, (Tea) .85
Tuition frorn -If
Do. from Wm. °tipster, - 7 00 . ,
I Cadh received from peak of Gettywo
' burg, (loath) 200 00.
Amount due Treasurer, June 1;'40,)01'29
By Orders issued onTreasurer, vie.:
Mition: T. R. Bitterline, $l3O 00
R. 200 0.0
Wm.Witherow, 200.0 15' .
~ T. Martia, , „. 70 00 .
Jesse Sibb, .24. 00
Wm. U. Witherow, la 00
Wm. Bogle, 203 10
Mile Lard,
" Miss M'Quilly, 200' 00', •
Miss geaniap, . 0 0 ,
Mrs. beec h. , . •4d .00
Rent of Sc.!4 /louse,: , , • 44 .4
S. Fahnos t toclA (in trust,) fif 00
IL o,lfarper„ ‘., .30:00 . ,
-—:sl4 00
Sundry persons, for' wood, 1013'00
Globes and' Mattel intitrttineintsi, II 221
Rnpairs and Oleaneing of (School' i -
I 110 , &014 . Furniture, dti.,'. Al - • oftv
Cutting of Wood, and °deer inel- ' • ' I ,
dental expenses, , 41 41
Printing, Blanks, Ate., '. 22.75?
D. M.Smyser, Esq. Attorney's fee, 20 00
D. lil'econstighy, Attorsey'slees
io suit, callevtions, and mover , .
aneing, ~ . , 20 50
H. J. Sehreineroitationary, light, . . ,
fuel, &e..
Releases to John. Brown,. , 05
Releases and pepeentage to Ruin,;..,_ ~
tin Arinittuniti: , .. .113,73
Do. to lienry.Welty, •1, ~, ~I 1, 00
Releases to Geo. Frey, 5 87
IBalance or Iluplicate for 1848 ; ,!)_,,
1 in hatpis of Geo ! ,Ftey; ... P 0,7, 05
. herelw certify dint 14 romping
arcount of A.. 0. Ile Ili H It. TersiqurellNJlMl.
been examined and
. seiderl. and ; the
is correct.
/D^ I*PqN.4 I VtIY/
June 15, 1049- 0 3 t. A ti."
Q 0 Barrels, Fresh ilerrini,
, atm. itasnovAiß• *l l ll-gt!•/9 4 -: 11 4 1 •Lt..1
At 1101 Per 1101111• .
June 0,1049,, : ,
vir nEßEAtih e approac h of the pilot.
v IF, erirequires that the most efficient
means should`lie adoptedtn remove from
midst all'iniPurilies which - might Otiose
or promote disease : Be it' enactedby
the rain Council ot the'Botoitich l' Get
tysburg, add it is httteby' enacted by the
authority °Plat same;slrlbli it inflierson,
or persons, awning or - oentipying any 'lot
otlicound or premises within the Borough
of blettysburgv shall suffer any mud, extra.
ment, garbage, dirt, stagnant water, or oth.
or Skit. from *hid( May twieewny ,eau-
.via. offensilm. or ~ injuritiosio tho.eititeue
of said Borough, to accumulate or remain
on the,potnitisestin said Borough, so Own..
ed or oittratied,. esery , mph person or. per.
ions, so f olre K t and being tree( Onft
viePAbeShie olpirgesspl' t ' Wed Bor.
Roili. i .flioi r4roltikit ili4, fur every such
°trace, the Imnqf hiuy dolliis, together
with t4ceits, of redihving, the said annoy
-14110,1 141(f 02, Ffiolile K . oroseoution,
lautilsit :lune 7, 1840.
'''. • . i)4,7010 ITEAGY, President.
4.tiii,l-41. Pri4kN4iii?iy, Clerk.
' ' lutie 8, 1840-L-iit - '' " •' '
S•nwhisry's Odra
N' hind sill side by 'the subscriber,
a few HATHAWAY Gook :loves.
111ABSLL , A.
ußurr TREES; Of all kinds, (grafts
r thd can bit had of the enb
scriber on reasooiible terms. Please cal
and judge for yourselves.
DEEDS, (Common, stud for Ex
eieutors, ant Administrators with the will
annexed,) Mortgages, Bonds, Ate., just.
printed on superior paper, and in sale at
th ttl ollice.
FOR E .17' THIS orlyc
7\IBA FttiliJAVE , NIUSEIJII I . •• 11
cibp,,NgAt,pv (Ai r• - ..z,N ry 5... ST:VI:N . 111 ;:rs,l
t•For this halo science sought, oh weary wing, I ,
By bhote atilt sea, etch mine and living thine."
411111E,Proprielor of the Ameriean Mineum,
is& - N.NOrk, having immense . facilities a t his
command, has opened this Magnificent E. 1.1,
lishment in order to liftnish it ph- A .: an t, H.,.
ind 14struiti%e place of amusement ter 1 , .% MI,
ttIES, CHILDREN and others; and inpectally
le persons Item the N crutitiolo NG TOWNS',
when visitinglhecity: ' The edifier is large. airy
and ennifortable, Sal Aura been fitted up with a
degree of coatly , elegance unsurpassed in the
world. t • .
c. He has also filled it with the best selection of
tiuriosities this -co!ild be gathered from all sec
tions of the 'el ftetVlitailtirt raellttiea for adding to
this mammoth collection are grraiel' than any
i other' indiViadal "eisioy a, lie' hat a cot regpolut.
vest with Agents and Naturalists travelling in
ill eagle of the' world. an hone hole business it in
to pcneure every thing carious and nontletfol,'
and !tithe expense be Treat in small he will con-
Il_tantlyindilitt , this unequalled cabinet, as sitigit• '
Ipr and interceding developments ale mode in the
k,ingdom of nature. - .
linadaßticin to this. the Pplentlid I.ECTIJRR
lIIOq I 4I, will be she scime of moat inet met i yr, mu
nicatienlerfalnifig and wgiet 4 iible perrortnances.
Thislaptirtnimh will ueeinnmoilate (rein in o to
three thousand. It ii finished in a style MI petit.
or to the best 'British or American Museimn, soul
in WO siiirsed to the commit of ri.iters.
Among Ile pertrmsteat attractions of iliC Muse
aim, Ind I be seen at all hours, are
the largest anil smallest in the world.
6, 4 0.0py, size of lite, representing
'the INeat. Frenth' Sciiptural bf the
>r - )kingr. lewd t' awl Int Foludy:
the .meslashiunding piece 01 Mechanism in the
word. Grand Cosmorama, Fancy Glass Blowing,
Manses, Port:nits,. and
Thtinquinng minion come not here in vain,
They learn, thet .bnigh. Approve, and conic again:
The Exliibltlons rued Pei.'orinancei in the LEC
TURE sROOM consist of Pa.-tor:lmes, Dioramas.
Yerikoe. Stettin, and. Imitations by that Comic
Genitik,OßEA;C INES'IELIN, Comic Songs,
Legerdemain and Veliti iloquisn:. Isi . ...*gm Del inea.
tions, Electrical Experiments, Xc. &c.
'Manager pledges himself that no profane word
or. vuTtai geetoni Prefer introduced bele, and
Abed othing is ever seen or heard which c o.nlil
,heobjectisillohy the motel and religious portioir
01 the eirtmettinitY-'. incle he intends this to
b e t h e . F,A#ll.lf r sisort,- where nil. may attend
with plsastnis laid. I , 4ol4..,ecompanied by their
Brothers, Staten,' 'ives 'and Children. The
ch i cket i n g G MO} b NO FORTE used home
fa from the Ware Hoorn of 'Edward L. Walker
No. lO tt , under the Museum: ' -
The Museum is open every day in the year,
except the Sibbidr; front 't oeloek, A. M, till f o
P. M 'Sdetts'Alelittketerillr:ltalustabiished pad en •
forced as render, it-perfectly safe slid pleasrint for
Ladies and Children to visit the Museum in the
DAY.TIME; 'though.thateollopenied by gentle.
men. Exhibitione and Performances in the Lee.-
"ire Roam PPP* eveltY„daykand oftener on,
,Holidays. „
F013 . 11T11 OE JULY,
New Cud ekt nOrdiiiiry'Attrewtiotra *III be in.
tr edueeit i lanillperfentsences take place at inter
vets theoeghtitheleedaynad.evening.
. 9 0 4 .4;4 . • , , .
'es,ettt 91
( DNS' WO L MP NJ it, PE,
Contains no Mercury or other Mineral.
From the "Weeding Eagle."
There never, perhaps, wiui a medicine brought
before the public that has in so short a time won
such a reputation as "WAllistet's All-Healing or
World's Slivf." ,A 41 1 ,84 orrery t Pgric'n that has
made tifil oritlepeakilicesrrnlyinlts praise; One
has been ennsd by ll of the moat painful *lleums.
tism ; antrilyf of pie Piles, a, third of ,a trouble.
some Pain' thle s'ide,"li - fourth of a Swelling 01
the.Wrilbsole.4titliOft 4fairtinitediiile re
lief .in every ease, it can never do injury, being
appliednutwardly. - AI another 'evidence of the
wonderful healing Poteer possessed by this tuft re.
we subjoin tbe'tinkrwing certificate from a re
spettilble Of hiaidencreek township, in
this county
aNfaidedeneettileritit co., Pm, March 30; '47..
Meseta. Hittite h &lire to ihform you
that I was entitle," Small of a Sweet* pain in the
boar 8Y .the inure MtAlliget s AllzHealing stare
which 1 purchased froisyou..tsneered with it
'shoot On yensi Indult tnen was unable to sleep.
Otnint thatilotell tried warions remedies, tv hieh
were prreieiibud foe ami:heihyaldians and dth.
el* persons without say relief, end at
hurt 'Midi Dial at thliSsilre with result (Omni.
ble beyond expectatidai , ' 1 •Irn now entirely free
fermi thir 0411,% and 'enjoy at nighr a Sweet end
poittend slop. , 4 tam aloe tutu the halve since
rot 1401 V -echo Mai itther complaints, , with similar
. ' ttnir friend ,
OHN ,.
et tidb''~lbY
The follosria* is from a-regular Physician of
eictiniiva piiintia-e; in Plitildtdistia: • -
James Ti•Alliacer=9ir ti f have for the two
last - yearalawin in lb* titbit yosir Chat-
Meet' in eadaeoPitthetneadMM, Chilblains and , in
'Venial Capita", (Staid Head,)'and thus hit with
the happiast air*. ' 1 thinhlfiekallte expetitiesta
1 Mon made With' it, Mat it riehiy desetieda letbi
adopted as ari artithrotemiry day nieyy theism
fesaWn at futile. Your's,- truly, r,-,,,,
• • •••• • • •Philiderphia,Flee l 3ooBPti
Jamie l'Allister—lhair Sheri lake
in making known tb'yeii Nhis gresibeWthil b!v
retleivied by Niers yosnyNtigrifabie-tlintniettfor
'the -World'alßolve. :I Won Uleirs' 4l Plilaik l s
sore on thirear, inartYliats' irtatiding ; i list
a pplied to s e veid 111114 ,, puir•
pose; but by using yoniOintment s few days, It
was completely dried up end well: fitly, also
used it for &Aoki far strhichrthad Alt ari•inteellmif
article; also, in IR easels
I ceitifttbst isbovaldatement.iitme •• • ;•'
• • • ; CADMtlit •
No . oo,Maritetstreer, Philadelphia.
DETAttrand stboboa AM :directions 'for 'using
34cALLItITEIP8 PINT MENTfor ScrefeilitZE
' ryeipeies, TWO', aklblaftsi &aid Om* lift Ettei4
grisoir, Bore Threet,.Brusehitie, Nervosa Ape
elms. Pates, Disease of the spros, Headache, Asth
ma; diseefiress, /tar At*. limns, Cents, all Theme
s* of the kr., Smiling of
Me Limbo, alarm Rhsanurtism, ['ilex, Cold Yeti,
Crory, illioidlof or Broken Ernie, Toothache, Joe
is the Face, dee
d kliew its value in ca
ses of “sivolJeu" or Sore Breast, they would not
be without it. In such cases, if steely used, se ,
cording to the directions around each box, it
gives relief in a very far hours.
11:7Tbia Ointment is good tor any part of the
lardy.or limbs when indatrsl. In aortic carta it
should be applied °Reit.
CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine
unless *the mime of Loots hi'Ar.s.urrarr writ.
ten with a pen on every label.
87-Fur sale by my Agents in all the principal
towns in the United States.
Rule Proprietor of the above Malicine,
street, Philadelphia.
AGE:PiTB.--S. S. FOWILI. liettybburg;
seph K., Henry, Abboustown ; 3totter & Rowe
Enimitshurg ; J. W. Sehmi•tt, Hanover C. A
Morris & Co., York; L. Denig,Charnbersburg.
June 1.5, 19.—eow y
tJ..SCIIICK has just waived an
' l "'
elegant article of SATIN, which he
will sell low. . Also, plain awl figured Cra
vats and ilaniteruhiefs, Collars, Suepen
licit. ite
Plain and Pigiirinl
`t El, BEADS, Purse Twist, Tassels,
O's Silk Carivuuri, and Retirtilmeturlitant ,
ly on hand and for sale at SCIIIVIti,'S.
• March 30. ;
I AC( )ti ETS, :not 'CI A 1111 111 1 1 :sod
0111 M I'l.l, M 1181. INS, ol" the Tip-Top
kiwi.. for hale by .1. 1„
o' • - c iS .81ML, M
March 3
Chairs and Cabinet - Furniture. ►
LOWER TlidAT EVER . / • "'''
1). & .1. CULP
111 , 17 i. 1: 1 C : 1 ,,
1 1 f 1 : 9
have entered into coletritle relit p. fqr Ilia
manufacture and sale nf nil kinds
tlialo• and Cabinet Furniture,
and that they ‘VIII always I : ttwe on hand.
at their Establishment in South Baltimore
street, Clettysburg, a lew doors above
Falinestock'o Store, (the old stand.
('nip,) a full assortment of CliAlit4o-uf
every - variety, merii
BOSTON ROCKlNu,c.,bik.
9.V1l COMMON Cll.llllB
sETTEEs, of various
painted in imitation of rose.wootl, reahort
noy, satin•wooil. walnut, inutile, atiCall
Caney rotors. They will constantly keep.
on hand and make to order, t't
hareaus. Gen'r'e Tables, Bedsteads; Csrpif„
boards, Stands, Dough-Trpagles,•
Wash-Stands, Dining and
Breakfast Tables, 4.e.
all manufactured by eYperienced- workmen
and of the brat material, which they will
be pleased to furnish to those who
favor them with their custom on the most
reasonable terms. 'Having supplied 1110111
selves with a very large and superior sloelf
of stuff, they have no hesitation in mg?: „
ring the public that they can furnish; work •
which for cheapness, beauty and durabil
ity, cannot be surpassed by any other shop ,
in the County. They will also attend .
to all kinds of
JIA:\GING, &c,
upon the shortest nonce and most Mutton- .
able terms. Wall Paper will be furnished'
.isotupecimens of which can be seen at uu►
It_rAll work made and sold by th•
lint will be warranted. They are deter-
Mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest ; juit'-
to Buff the ninon. The public will consult
their interests by giving them a call befine
purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Corm
try Produce and Lumber will be taken In'
part payment for work.
Feb. 2, 1849.—:f •
WHEREAS sundryindividuals of late'
have been trying to monopolize!
and forestall public opinion ; and whereas
the subscriber eau at the present timesheir'
the largest and best stock of CHAIRS it!
this County, therefore be . it known to all
•persons interested that the undersigned
continues to manufacture et the . ~
old stand
in South Baltimore street, every variety of
P.L.I X mid re I Ire le'
which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms for (*ash or Produce,'
. Chairs are made in GetlBburg, and
not in ."Huston."
House and Sign
attended to as formerly ; and from lung
practice and experience in business. the
subscriber feels confident that his work
will bear the closest inspection, because 'his
workmen are of the best that the country
Call furnish.
II'ATE, of every vnriety
and of the best quality, will be furnished
to Customers, and at all times made to or
der. 'All kinds of Lumber taken nt
fair prices : CIIAIIR PLANK particularly
wanted—something less than .013000"' feet
will answer. • ~ ,
Feeling Amaini for past farorS, the'
subscriber hopes. by attention to business,
still to merit a share of public favor..
Gettysburg, March 9, 1849.-11 ' •'''
HAVE commenced the manufacture of
CIGARS in East York street, in'
ithertitim formerly occupied b% E. Ziegler,
Rutter—where they have on hand a large
Their stock embraces the following : •
!8V3111 1 2 WALintart34o
." • SNUFF, ¢e., 4e.. er.
cittintry merchants and others can be so
01lett with Cigars at reduced prices, for
Nth. All orders wit' be promptly 'st
ied ,to. Determined to ;pare no effort,
to' furnish their costomets with the eery
best articles in their line of business, they
hope to merit and receive the patratisge of
the public.
Gettysburg, April 0,1049.-6 to •
. . DE.lfilliglf,
HAS removed his o ffi ce to the buildint
opposite the Lutheran
. Cltureh,'in
Chambersburg street. 2 doors east of. Mr.
Middleceff's store where he may all times
be found ready and willing to attend to
any ease within the province of time Wei !
tist. ' Persons in want of full sets of teeth
are respee.fully invited to call.
Dr. C. N. Ditor.vvor,l H
Prof. v.c.P.KIWIPII,D.D.
.•D. Howl KR, M. J.vuss.
C. A. Uowiii.c, " H. I..llAl:oars,
u I.),Liii.aarr, .. Wx•H-115z5 4 F 4 ! , .,
Rev. J. e. NV AT.ON, D. D. ,
July 7, 1818.
rvitEsii 'll. l / 1 8 of 4 el
kin d s 1)- •
perk/ , Ftiftair sayi
the beta qualill • =
just received attt l rors W $ 1
the I)riug and Hoek Bic
Tests are Alm the hrottot rir
Jenkins 41, Co., ithitndetphib,
('Autoik,l and are tir die vCr'sr hem 4tesifity.
n: if ti Leff..
b i rd 13, 1,19.
wp. O. KVIT.