Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 20, 1849, Image 2

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    TUIR WILMA LAW. I said sums allowed for the items aforesaid,
As et T 14 111,11. 1110111144 tilittnl triikproviertilialt teretetttidleet3 as #ll7oletimpensitstntr
I , sf they Teaming 4( Oath only as illtadt Iss'liait ffir Ifflanlkee?calts of lltigude :Inapeeebre :
formed. '- - ' ... e I Provirleril 'lf toe the elitneetttto Ite faidito
Set:nista ;Be S'saat . pry lifiginfili 018006 n/ in tally Cale year
nil Mole 0/ - RV/re/tenets/lees of feril Cane I shall not' vx(*eil one hundred andf Ily' iitt l
ei Hi/yea/A of Pennsylvania ire Gaaera{ lars : .41prolided. That should there be
eitereterly met, wee it as hereby Mooed by I lie , organizations in ally brigade in any
the arilhorily of the sense. Tina it Isßall he terear, then - end In that case he *hell receive
the duty of every free able bodied white , ten dollars per company for inspecting the
in rlo:plttsertt between. -iltc-.94eiglititen itrat five - companies. if there - be - five =un
sold fortyletubytPAA4 o ,4* ces.itlvil to this panics in his brigade, a statement of which
roliniteitem`alth rt.,-011 lormlthtt'le firtielile j several expenses the County Treasurer
liintelantfireneutalllY-he cull-:hall make nut and transmit to State Treas.
eelercil a preper y otfool fin...a volunteer urer, together with the balance of the mil
' rettip4iY, 'illtritelirlelliitn all Caalla be "a
sub" ' itary fund, which balance is hereby appro.
' , lmolai ItUifereftlit for service. pneted, to the payment of the state debt :
Streileirlle — Tfixt tilt persons this nnie p rov id e d, That s h ou ld t h e amount dr ".
formed shalt form theinvelSes Into comP" l3- itary fend collected as aforesaid in any.
it , ,, or oot less' thin . thilly rank end'file, and county, be jesufficient to pity the amount
elearicthriiitewti bill e e e e,' i n s ee th e i r ewe by • I Snowed to each company as aforesaid, then
la ivtiVeartltie, Millect and apply their own 4 and in that case the State Treasurer shell
filioaltildieeleittiresi. . • ', •• • pay to tIM County 'treasurer, upon his
.Section 3. That where there arc three official statement, any such deficiency for
or more companies in Any brigade, they, the purpose afbrcsaid, out of the military
shall be formed intohettations and rev; ! fund, together with the expenses and sal
eteht. niiitilig mid+ imnPatilus us may 'bt' i are of she Adjutant General, before the ii
moat 'tunable (Milli CifellillitatlCe '6l locale ,-
J =foresaid bat:lure shall be appropriated for 1
HMI ratlec sol be entitled to elect ouch the payment of the state dcht. 1
tiald otlieere, as are, allowed to the same l Section 11. That it shall be the duty of
terceUf'ireiipiin the' regular army : Pro- the Brigade lespector to attend in person !
eifti.i, that two Cavalry coMpanies, where to every aforesaid organization, and fur- 1
there ankle 'intreett the; can be connected nish the. requisite number of clerks at his
w itli themositall be a battalion i -*a pro
own own expense, make returns of the same to
vided, Thai should there not be three carte- ;the Secretary of the Commonwealth, re
panics in any larigede, , then and in that I ceive and distribute commissions to officers
case the company or companies in the said ! e j ecte d, to make requisition for,, receive
brigade shall elect a Brigadier General, j arid disbursearnis to eaeli company, to take
Brigade inspector, and 'Major General. 39 I a nd preserve secured bonds for their safe
MAR:teal an ahti thirteenth seetien of this Act- j keeping, and annually inspect the same.
f*ltliett:4. :That the uniformed Militia I Section 12. That itshallbe the duty of the
than mee4by t eompanles for training and !Colonel or commanding o ffi cer ofeach regi
ilicipttitenot lase than twice each year , went , and Major or Commanding officer of
at th e discretion of each company, add each battalion, not attached to any regiment,
earth- evitutllion and - regiment shall meet' for on or before the first day of August in each
iriltilialtand anspetetiuti, - not less than once and every year to transmit to the Adjutant
ill each, tat such time and in such order its General a certificate certifying the number
shall be diricte3 by 'the Brigade Inspector, of coinpanies in his command, and their
till all the battalions and regiments shall title, and num b er of members in each clim
letee ' paraded. parry, whih cert ificates. together, with
Section A. That the 'Captain or command- those of Captains of companies not attach
intefficter of each company shall furnish a led to any battalion or regiment, shall'fdrin
copy, ef the soil of said company, under la data for the said Adjutant Generate re
oath .or affirmation, to the County Coro- 1 port of the strength of the military toter) of
toimiorer4, Ni such timeas the assessments tu i. e
Sate. '
id taxes are returned in each and every Section 13. That all theunifornltdcom
rear. design:Ville the lowosilit• ward °a' ponies that shill be organised on or - befere
'borough ill which each member resides and
.the first .111endslyi olden*, one .thousand
furnish at the saute time a certificate to the eight hundred lad forty-nine. shall meet at
coeimanding Officer, of the battalion or re- their usuallaeiref meeting efliald first
gritrieni; who shall transmit the saws to eg o o ar e eli,
nao.Oatatio l l•theArat Monday
the Adjutant General, certifying 10 &het:leak ajlthe iliftvery AM years thereafter, and
tier of members uniformed and belongieg en e l ect i on shell-be held joesth company
to his company-. , few .nne. Brigedier•CienereLenti orle Brigade
Sediun 6. That it shall be the duty of Ina our for" each ' brigede ; aleofor such
thri'Assessor of each township ward ottbo- field. Offeerit as the battalion or reglindni'to '
ronTt, rd filrOi9l. II list to the County•Cem- 'which eacheeneri a ermaye e a e tte e e se e ohm! ,
tinsel/niers fit all male persons residing in. beentideduif the captain or commanding
saideoweehip, ward or borough, ;between offieer of each company shall superintend
the 'ages of twenty-one and forty-five yeere, slid election, and take to his assistance one
for which
,Ite 114 receive rie, a full eten- `or more :members, who t hall be severelly'
retleitll9l4 one cent per person Provi d e d, sworn or affirmed to conduct the said elect
'l'hat the As.sessors shall not return on, their ion fairly and impartially, and make a tree
said lists any persons who they shall now and correct return thereof, and when the
to 'hold suott certificates as are recognized said election shall have been closed and the
he the tenth section of this act ; and all votes counted, the said supertutendeut and
aloreciid persons who are not uniformed his assistants shall make out duplicate re;
and eurulled 'as aforesaid, shall be teasel- turns 'of the same, to be signed by them,
ere d as delinquent militiamen, and subject
stating the number of votes given for each
to a Ellie IA FIFTY CENTS for each year person for the different offices voted for,
Beat Coat delitimmitt remains ununiformed for the battalion or regiment, as well as the
and uneerolled as aforesaid. Brigadier General and Brigade Inspector ;
•Section 1 - - -That the officers, non-corn- cote of the said returns the said superinten-•
mjssiotied officers, musicians and privates dent in each company shall cause to be fil
of,the eleventh reginieent of :Infantry, the let with the papers of the company, and
reeinteM of Voltiguere, the third regiments th other he shall within ten days thereaf
a Dragoons, and all other soldiers enliste d to leliver or cause to be delivered to the
in this stale In detached companies, who 13 e atle Inspector then in commission, who
were mustered-into the service of the Uni- sail ()pen and cast up the saute and shall
tetlithatee,toid who actually, served in the make out one general return of the election
late ,war with Mexico and were honorably of each officer having the highest number
discharged; shall be forever hereafter ex- of votes, and having certified and signed
empiFd front militia duty"; and from per- the same, shall forthwith transmit the same
forming any Miter military duty whatsoev- to the Secretary of the Commonwealth ;
er.lieceptlri time of an invasion, insurrec- and the said Brigade Inspeetor shall imme
tioneereactual war. ' ' diately cause a written certificate and no- l
Section 8. That it shall be the duty of lice to be given to each said persons of his ;
the Count.y.,Cenumissioners, in making out election, and the returns of the election
the duplicate for the collection of state tax- from each company received by said Uri-
es in tee+ and every year, having received gude Inspector shall be flied end preserved I
p the
wrii ll ee, and
ascertad' delinquent mit- of any person interested who may with to
leis-men Within their respective enmities, examine the same. ,
to add said-tiete-cf-fifty-oents teethe amount SECTION 14. Tom the first M today or
of state isle ''tef 'Weidr-sforeiaid delinquent to July then next ensuing, and the first Moil
be coilects.d with the "Came, under the ,same l (jay. in July in every five years thereafter,
ftutfaiiity; atiditi iitt.ieSpeCtS'as.authorized ' shall-be 'the time of election of Major Gen
ie the ease of collection ofeounty retes-and I oral of each divisiun in this Common- 1
leek"! ; „ andeetidCoiMriissionerashall ktiap I Wealth, and all the commissioned officers
a beek en ealtiell shall be entered the amouut of companies, battalions, regiments and 1 1
of.tillee 4 delinquents ascertained as afore- brigades, within the bounds of each dive
said; 'Which: after deducting exouerations,
soon, who shall meet in the county seat in l
in' aecordaiMe With the eighth Section of roaell brigade, which said county sent is
this act, shall the a' separate military fund , T hereby declared to be the place of holding '
the collector beintalltiweeleaut of said fund /st a id' election, shall be entitled to vote fur
Ow same per ern!. as for ctillecting other 1 Major General, and thatehe Brigade In-
Leers, end :my bootie and stationery, as speetor who shall have been elected on
' v eil " the lime °I . the ei n ninissi°ners ne" 1 the first Monthly in June as aforeaaid shall
eirsearily'Ocettpied in military business, to ' superintend said election, assisted by the
be paid out of said fund. Brigadier General or other senior officer
J'er4itoi 9. That le case there be any present, and after counting the votes, du
eeraine Minitel in said warrant who could plicate returns of said election shall be
-hat h e h'and , "r lien' "wit it was let Pr" - made out apd signed by the said Brigade
tical6. Id collect said fine or fines, it shall , 1
Inspector and assistant, stating the mine
be leveed- fur the County thininitaahmors I ber of votes given for Major General ; and
to aittinieister att oath to the Collector that l the said Brigade Inspector shall file one of
be elude diligent march and no such person I said returns in his o ffi ce and transmit the
would be found in his bounds, or that any other to the Secretary of the Common
suCh line' ought not to be or could not bel wealth. "whose duty it shall be, having re
collected, together with all legal certificates, ceived the returns of all the Brigade In
'Molteehitie'lleB shall he o f service as a I specters, to. count and cast up the returns
1' ()Milker of Commisaioned Officer thr any lof each division, and transmit a Major
eeven years before or any live years after I General's commission to the persons hay
the tessalle of this, act, or a eerutleate of a I the highest number of votes in each divi
e worn surgeon of a regiment or two prac- I s i on .
it-Ong phyieciuns, under oath, that such i SECTION 15. That on the third Monday
iacrbinn , WV nUt capable of performing rail -1 of August, one thousand eight hundred and
tiaty Jury, the said :Couretiasiouers shall I forty-nine, and on the same day every five
glV't INV WWI Collector a credit order, which years': thereafter, an election shall be held
eteill'bte au ample 'voucher for said Cellee. within the bounds of each organized corn
"' itt the"ttletneat of his military account puny for the election of company officers )
n ith the County Treasurer. land the Captain shall appoint two officers
6 " 11°1 " 0 " Thil "huh be the duty of 'Orreettibers of the company to hold said
Thalidrar ' imar c e thatell ' after 'election, who shall be severally sworn or
the final settlement of the Military account 'affirmed to conduct said electiUn fairly and
i ' l vav qu' i lleeterr annually, to Pay over to impartially and to make a true and correct •
the several - Ateeiteete the amount due fur J return thereof, and when the said election I
" riliteli ill d " l i diaa d a * ji b the sixth 100- shall have closed, duplicate returns thereof;
two) and to the Ootatnissirmers in cumpli- shall be made out and signed by said mem-1
a!u"r with the eighth soctioll of dai s act , to beta, one of which shall be filed with the
Aon .ItelitUrtel , or e*oh teatpatiy uniformed papers of the company and the other they
«A organized scepresaid, (which treater- shall cause, within ten days thereafter, to
rr ireettY *anal t i otOlmoY is hereby unboria- be delivered to the Brigade Inspector, who ;
" I ,toalect4 upon d I
m order of the Captain shall snake out onegeneral return for each 1 1
Pi CAtanOkinding °Meer Of said company, battalion or regiment of tlie officers elect- 1
internam of tally dollars. ati every company ed in the several companies thereof, which
td nut tests shim 'thirty men rent file, he shall certify end transmit to the Seere- ;
isn' l mi a loatr 4 Ve d° ll lim Ito each company 'tart). of the Commonwealth, upon which I
ant leis tenth Say rank , end life, being to eommissions . thall issue to the several of- 1
pAy arattOraf - alliti keep np • arinory..end tOfieers elected, and as often as any vacancy '
this vette tit chill tileti he the duty ettlei I ' ors in any of tbe aforesaid offices, by
t'nouty 'flreesoter to pay Over to the !hi- desalt, resignation; or.iitherwite, en el se ,
t:,,A. taaiskotorititylositititsble expense* in- ,tion shall be held to supply the vacancy,
t mired tteitehl 4, Mel is eolleittilt: Millie/ Willett shall be conducted and returned in
pctspotity eta Illiti beirede, amid ht the tweet- all respects as directed for conducting the
atr• tritiesseittetiett at anus alai liecontve- *original election of such efeeers, upon ten
tutettlosst %White" itarti, eterbieb he shall , day. twit* filite the Br= - s iospsietor, by
f or t e
lattosti emotive* etertitiy tug ia done vonian7lurrittee or printed ads* et. or other.
restsdh' =At tihnithe tilt .ssb' 'cinoptay. 1 wisestlitnta, to to tlasliled- Imitersolm. 11
atthesier' 4itveiseh lisattidichWthed Me*. :luck vitality. and the Brigade A wipe r
Ay liodlihikk 4flrtiitPlitiliOpf"*lbill titrierl May . attend' or appoint iny - tither llt pe
! Is
t(:•4 ii iii 4 f ir eitlitit' ! tfil'fiate t iiiiitle" Afore- eon ti' enhdoet 'tech elleatiott; atni, in gm
ease of the inability of the Brigade Inspec
tor toiatteltol in ?ay original election as
aforesaid, kt shad bola*fid :10 he roniitie..t
ed JY Osy,tit person dhum he 'nay ap
point. . N
SECTION iO. .That et/cry person wlio
shall have been uniforifted and enroilled
:did faithfully seived - as a member of any
Volenteer company orerimpanies for five
successive years Mier the passage of this
act, tha-eviaenee of which ■hall be a-eer
tificate taken from the honk of the comp
ny or companies to which lie may have
belonged during said five years, signed by
the Captain or Captains in command at,
the time of giving said' certificate, shall
forever thereafter be exempted from mil
itary duty, except in time of an invasion,
insurrection or actual war..
SECTION 17. That each county in this
Commonwealth be a separate brigade
and shall be numbered in the division tb
which they severally belong by the Brig
ade Inspectors and Brigadier Generals,
who shall be elected on the first Monday
of June, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-nine: Provided, That the city and
county of Philadelphia' shall be diVided
into three brigades, as at present establish
SCOT. IS. That the firm divsionshall con
sistof the city and county of Philadelphia
Second—Bucks, Montgomery and Del
Third—Chester and Lanenster.
Fourth—York and Adams.
Filth—Dauphin, Lebanon and Berko
Sixth—Schuylkill, Carbon and Irlon!oe
Seventh—Nuriharnpion, Pike and Le
Eighth—Northumberland and Unirm.
Ninth—Columbia. Lucerne and •Wyo.
Tenth—Susquehanna and Wayne.
Eleventh--Lyconaing..Chmon and Pot
Elk, Forest. , and
Thirteenth rr - Sullivan, Brad(ord and
'Fourteenth—Juniata, 'Mifflin, Centre,
Ebuttingdun and Clearfield.
Fifteenth -- Cumberland, Perry and
Siateentb—Betlford, Somerset, Cambria ,
and glair.
Elevintiernti..—Westatoreland, Fayette,
Washington and Greene.
Eighteentko—Alleghuny, Armstrong, In
diana and Jefferson. •
Nineteenth—Beaver, Butler, Mereerand,
La wrinee; ' - •
Twetitieth--Crawford, Erie, Venisigti
and.Warrem • : ' , : i
Saserctom. 19.. That, the Nape President
of the United 'States, t he ' officer*, Judicial"
and Executrii, - Or of the
United Stites, the Members of both Houses'
of Congress', and their respective officers,
all C estoM Honae officer! with. their clerks,,,
all, POst-otriceis and Stage lirivers who are
employed in the care and , conveyance of
the mail of the post-offiee of the United
States, all Ferrymen eitpleyed at any fer
ry ou the post roads: all Inspectors-of eta-,
pore, alt Pitons, all Aforio,o° o _. : ac tually , tlt
phioyeti the sea service or en)+, Otg,O,
merchant within the United Sut ter '; t andl
all 'persons ;lion inay be bereafter4iiimpt
dd by any law of the: United Stateispor of '
this State, shall be and herebyare exempt
ed from militia duty.
Scc - rios 20. That it shall be the duly
of the Adjutant General to . prepare and di- 1
gest a complete Military „Code r in ,cen
formity to the true intejt and spirit , or thig ,
act, mai to report th same to Mag i
Legialieure, at the ' commencement of its
session' for which a reasonable - cooperate.:
lion shall he made.
SECTION 21. That all former laws and
and supplements to laws on the subject of
Militia of this Connitonwealth be and the
same are hereby repealed, except such
pars as relate to the Adjeiant General. his
.cluties. salary. ike..,antt ,to
contested elections, and stich as relate to
and regulate Ontirts Martial and the coiling
of the miltiary Into t serviee of the
State ortlnited•Statita. ' ' •' ' '
,Speaker,tf .t4e "Ruse of Repeuetatives:
• 6}teaker of the Senate.
Approired the seventeenth 'day of April;
one thousendeiiht hundrell and forty.etet,
Revenue MIL
OZrA Pill passed the last Legislature
providiiig'additional &Vent of taxation gm
State purposes, With a view' to create' a
sinking fund to be applied to the exile-.
guishinent of the State debt. The Bill tax-.
es all Beer-houses, Eating-houses, Oyster
cellars, &e, aecording to the amount of
soles—those sent's , $5OO and uptvards , to
pay license of $5 .5 ; $lOOO and upwards,
to pay $lO ; $2OOO and upwards 812; and
so on to $20,000, which requires a license
of $2OO.
The price of a license for: a theatre or
circus, in the City or County of Philitdel•
phia i$ fixed at $5OO ; i.t Allegheny coun
ty, $2OO ; and in any other county of tlps
State, $BO. Bowling-saloons,
rooma and Ten-pin-alleys, to pay a license
of $lOO in Philadelphia, and $3O in any
other county in the State.
In addition 10 the license now required
to be taken out by venders of tnerchandize,
all manufacturers, renders, or agents, (ex
cept apothecaries for the sale of simple
medicines,) engaged in the manufacture of
or sale of nostrums, medical compounds or
patent medicines, are to pay a license of 85
upon all sales of from $lOO to 8200; $lO
on sales from $2OO to 8500 ; $3O on sales
from 8500 to $lOOO ; $5O on sales from
91000 to s2ooo—all whose sales exceed
$2OOO, pay_ a tax of $5O, and 3 per cent.
upon alt sales above $2OOO.
Every pew County hereafter formed, is
to pay a tax of $5OO to the Commonwealth.
Distilleries and Breweries pay a tax grad
uated according to the amount of sales, the
tax ralging from $5 to $lOO.
was held on the 25th' inst., in Frankfort, a
general convention of the opponents of per
petual slavery. The citizens of Fayette
county met at Lexington on Saturday week,
and appointed some Thirty delegates. The
meeting was addressed by Hon. 11. Clay
and Rev. R. J. Breckenridge. The latter
gentleman offered resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted, to the effect that as
hereditary . domestic slavery as it exists, is
contrary to the rights of mankind—oppos
ed to the fundamental principles of free
governMent—inconsistent with a state of
sound morality—hostile to the prosperity
of the Commonwealth, it ought not to be
made perpetual ; and that the Convention
about to Meet to amend the Constitution of
the State affords a proper (wash:Mon w hich
steps should be taken to ameliorate the con
dition of •slavery in such way u shill be
found practicable in itself, jut u regards
the muter of slaves, Rod Imiefiew to the
s laves co.
ET T ws uit G.
Friday •;EiTiiing . , April 27; 1849.
center of Chesnut Ar Third streets. "Od
Caffir, Nog. Senn Building; N. Is% coTner T hird k
'Dock streets. Philadelphia . • Twuerson,
' Esq. Soulh-eett corner of Baltimore 4:•,uth
Matimnre—are out authorired Agents tor receii ,
ing Advertisements stud Subscriptions for t'lbe
S t ar and Banner,' entreollecting 'kind rereipting I
for the same. .
11111 1 ;Y
Tlll subscriber, being desirous of closing up his
books,. requests those indebted to him for Sub
scription or Job Vintk, to call end make payment
tvith as little delay a■ possible Bills will he
made out, and payment can be made either to my
self or brother. Aa a ovur ra MUCH sernan, to
meet sundry engagements connected with the sup
port of the office, it is hoped that those interested
will attend to the matter at once
a :,--Last Friday, for the first time since our
connection with the " Star," no paper was iaoued
from this office. A reference to the obituary a..
partment will furnish, It is hoped, a satisfactory
reason to mach al may have been disappointed in
its nos-reception. To compensate, in part, kit
the failure, we accompany to-day's ismer with an
Extra, containing several matters of intemet.alni
0•A portion of the menet for to4lay'a
having. been prepanxi, for last Fridaa'i tranie..!#l
account for the armor doll on the. Brat pay,
from Col.. Frgraiwit., which appear fa the j ,Eatra
!ic.;° ,l lPin,ipil ID+ e!.riPer. liken rrutu.
National htelligeriatr, will be read wit.tia flown-
Themarraiet4 . mel:inciic4;
pii:ttire autted'ag and priaailan.
The " flak**» ,►gialn-•ApNhgc
By an an annoilpetnient in 4ii:dayi fierier, it
will be seen that the "BAKERS" will glee le;
nether entertaltimeoCin the Cous:houtio, , THIS
EVENING. The !ample an nounannent, togalb.
er with the saturants ttiat this will , prehly be
their last ■ppraranci amongst us, should drew fat.
them a full bou. There who were kutanate
enough to be preaiiat at the last Coneert,'Urlirneed
appeal to insure their - Fames agaitif and
eboae •Ititto *hied 41e totOtessus ..tretir '
qatarril bairresstst *trains. No one wtU hereof.
awdesporeNueed a tiekat. Tbiaekctiots of picas,
t!'ttlbot Afferent tram lbw sans oa their recent
Gettystiissil Female. Semhaniet,
The Card of Mt.. end itlim W sat.te a. who
,have taken ebanm of ....
,ket found
rin to- day's paper, proposing to commersos instruc
tions to pupils on the 7th of May next. We
have heretofore made reference to the - superior
attainment" and . goiliricatioits tir that ladle*, hid I
-congtotoletted draftiest& of 'the defilade', upon
ittelectof dos • Huard of Trainees haying encored
llorYietel Atoll Parent Wan desire to "iv.
.tlickdameneta i4benelt of a lit e* ;donation,
without the expensearsd inconveniences of a dis
tant boarding atheol;ean now have their wishes
!'grifillad. Willett's', kis 'the wish and 'intention
of the 'lx:4laselcs wheeler charge the Canon bee bean
committed, to Malta erttyaburgaheir permanent ,
plemsdressirbreet. nod le render the school a per.
own* 'ode, f ppgsllibis. . Is is to to doped that
'"their efrorm wittier p'roteptlly mseotutsa by thaw
interested in the institution. See card fur terms,
'iLas • 'Any additional inflamed= tan be had on
application to Other of the Trusteed, or at the res.
Idliace of :qrs. Wallace, on High street,
New 1111ffilla Law.
A copy"! the new Militia Law will be found
'ln tra-asy'e liver entire. By this ad the absurd
• system of mutual, which bas so long die.
*raced and injured the State, is done away with,
and each mete Citizen subject to militaiy, duty,
rho jogs not' becnine a volunteer, is required to
pay A tax of My conk* per antioin.' A liberal pin ,
tion eithe Auld, teased by the Sees of delinquent
entitle man is timwoinisted , te thivolvtibwri. A.
company nembering 80 'sunhats lif bedded :to ,
draw 41110. eenuelly, and a cowpony e(6O meat•
bete will drew , ST& Bub cintet, *on" 4, flirt*
rate lirlirede, and ejects we Third' ltriipe!ter
and one Ifigadist fienerai---none but the volute.
teem, Ina.seer, ate aititiiicl 10 rite fa itiiimienor-
Secte.• The Brigade 'lnsitinitte it'd Driirediei
1 Ottnetri *ill be tdented on`that tint Nana, or
IJune seat, and every Ire yaw thetealian I.lleett
uneven/' will meat en, the Angel plies a 4" Pertele..
and illii captiiri• rif command)acogicir. grill
duct the (denten. Oa U 1011, 1 ., Monday of .luly,
neat, and every Ave ye I& iherValtar-- r m
the no
miiwiened OMIXTB orarbi ,iston w ill meet al
the county wet of their mallet:die if riga4ks and
elect a Mirjoi °meal: ' On'tiler IWird 'Mbintitylie
August neat, and every Ave`yeep. thereafter, each
COO3lll/4/1 shall meet Our the eleetiotior maven,
A notice' 1 4 4). Bcfnfr, cc!tictcrizt?°, d in;
the Brigade Orden fox thin spring, will be Laund
in another column,
The New Scheel Law.
Among the impudent Acts passed by She, la*
Legibletuni war; one revising and consolidating
the laws of the Commonwealth in regard to Com
mon Schools. We have a copy . of the new Isw
before us,•from which we gather the following
principal alteration/ in the workings of the sys
The annual meetings of the citizens to deter•
mine the amuunt of additional tax to be assessed
for School purposes are abolished, sod power is
given to the Directors to levy a tax suffictent to
keep the Schools open not more than ten months in
each year. The Schools are required to be kept
open at least four months in each year.
The 'freasurer of the school fund is made the
Collector of School taxes. The Collector is to fix
a time and place, when and where he will receive
the School taxes, and is to receive two per cent.
for all collected. If it is not paid at the time desig
nated, the Constable is to collect it.
Sub-Districts are Dot interfered with—where
the Committee of a sub-district and the Directors
disagree in the cruployMent td..a 'teacher, the peo
ple of the sub-district have the right to eleet a
teacher who must, however, have been Grit ex
atniued by the Directors.
All Loonies subject to taxation for State and
County purposes, are made subject to School tax.
The Directors'' shall establish a sufficient num
ber of schools for the education of every individual
between the ages of 5 and 21 in the districts, who
may apply foradmissioo and instruction."
Schools aro to be visited by one or more of the
Directors at least once in each month, the results
of which visits ars to be reported to meetings, end
entered on the minds* of the Board- ,
Teachers applyips, for employment, are , to be
be examined and, if violated, to receive a certifi
cate mating forth tha teraches of learning he or
cap a bl e of teinddenr; whi4 certificate
be firm! by a majority or tb• shingle:4a of Di•
rectors, and no person shall be rroptuyrri or a trot h•
er unihow.. /saving , peeented
: snek certyiratr, tebeh
shall Y; reffineref annually.
ohjects bud mode.'of assessment are fully
preser*d, the tits in no Individual case to be lean
than 611 cesthr. "' ; The annual State opproffriation
of $200,000 is :contintted. • School Directors are
°scalped from
A fiiir copy Of the new Law is to be prepared
by the State Superintendent and forwarded the
Afferent Boards if Directors and t'ou - nty . Com.
rnissi on ns in the State.
THE COURT.--We have a* register of
Court Doings' , ' this wee:, fur the simple reason
that but tibia occurred ib be ragiste7ed. Some in.
formalities in the issuing and rattim,of thri
upon which the Traverse Jury had been drawd,
were taken advantage 01 by the counsel for 8‘7111,'
the individual charged with the murder of Fred
erick Foster, to move that the Venire rind'. the
panel of the Traverse Jury be quashed.—whiett
motion wee sustained by the Court tin. 'Nattier
morning. It may be proper to serthat Abet, itiv
formalities which. in the present.esse, !were very
properly taken advintageof by the prisober,trult
ed from an oversight on the pert of 04844'5M . of
fivers throttle.' whose hands the Vadrilhadiatitild
—an evetelght which airy
marked by lb* Court: cbailebuisair.traellitrjudi.
dal p,rooindinikand lovolliordehopitlyitoioderj
ordinary clicarnstiTers i fair pot fl43oeledto 11
The WO . ) , IsiedlsiOi
tbrermilolloreioali fr:AboslooMilliiikrintaltobri
.DriloWor. indicted for outtinerloonsa lionothrtOrof
or lanik*Ork portho as
to 1161 . 7 4***1 1 . 4 0 .1P4 4 0104410 44 01 11Krinitorm
i nha " 1.11. 1 / 1 14 6 0,1 8 P1N9114! ) 4 # l9 -410'.
rouried • retyligt 4 go!!ty,,aironst Who
on oi4ired to
OVhtF Comsat? Jllleottamc
The Whigs of Allem* reality met it, the Court
an Wortley eventing M ea Oar eall Mita, Coon.
•ty Continithre. tridieleeCifelegetei to the. Whig
State Convention. • H. Sertrt.o two having been
to Oar, thalr. lead I!. G..Ho VW/tall.' fill IP+, ap.:
pohAterl Pecretaryi on inetirre.qt J. 151. , Mresaraxe•
arna a• E q., i t**Pr 4 "'"T9u!! , t ,
, •
Renalrad. That H. J. Sproarara, 'Esq., he Ina
ie hetehi inpftfattet theiteleolte to tepreennt 'Att.
roe larratjt in. the .Whig 'State Climendon at
namehont in tkgpst next, withpowet toappolat
a itshatitelle, ilnecesfarj.
Mearrt'D. M. Bletska, V. A. Ile istAnt, and
Trio VIP wets' appointed .Confareei to
confer with Clottibraes front Frankihi 'comity, ae
to.tho paisetion of a Sonotoral &Hama ta said
Contention, with Down, to Al Taamcia.
• Tbs Legislature, Slits recent session, Palmed a
law for the puoislummt of Arson, whiob Provides
that eny person who shell in the night seessm
wilfully barn any buddies, pile of lomlrer, bands.
rk . i . ;'er" MOM the siiinrile he' horned. shill be
deemed guilty of alson,'lnid shell alien conviction
beledjeot to imprisonment OW a terra' Mt exec.&
ing fitleiee years, arid shall kir ever. thereafter be
&moral incompetent to be im, elector, Jura': or wit
ness, or 4 1 bald toy, Ape of .bonor,tritat or profit ;
and any person attempting to set on fire any build
ins, shill be deemed guilty of Misdemeanor, and
upon ermriedori be Millie% to Uprise:tin:tad tt
held labor a arm net *reeding ten-year*.
lite Est!" poen'
The new It3oo Exemption Law will be fopid
in full in the Extra mrampanyinitodlies paper.
While th: Act peptide all previous exemption
law's, it will be observed that Sect, gd provide' that
property to the amount of s9ou malt be exempt
from levy and-sale on executions or warrants.—
" , excepting sniorrant s s for th tothetion texti."—
This, it striker us, makes pmpertg of all kinds
and of any amount, liable to levy and nit for an
?kid taxes. -
11:771te last wanner from Europe irate
ligeoee fifth/ entire &het of Chador Albert end
the Bantinhens, in•three roeceesive donee.. by the
Aware**, peeler, Ratleeaky. The renter Immo
diptely efter elelleatod is faverof bir eon. North.
era !tali hi now et the, enemy , of the,Austrien Gen-
ri rlia Vibe of Prussia has' been 'redid, by; 'the
Frankfort Asserabfy; taiiiifrOe of Ifitersiseit
a appubiliort bad ahtadi vet fkagr , to tender Mu
the' cframaf Cfradsfaagae.'. Thus two Wpm.
tasulifssafa will, of, funassi, assturially aged. the.
f l" 01' "ff ia " ,lo . 4 EF o PflPi a i ll im The oh.
ration of the King Pirtrap it 1940 upon, as the
triumph Oflibandistn,orer dusita, mud ofPrussis
over Arfitrii,,irbl . rh 'rimy bald Ida gebterai'war be-
Orson dna 1110
Rau& stld Wasairef Bumps tin tfre other:
Ibis amid that an alfisteei Oliensive and deep.
.ire, -h.. ; Wee funned between Russia and it traria
The reties oratesroir, Jeaopkretdinancl, is to 61/11,
ry the 9/spa plittstra Anna, the daughter or
niece of the pupa* /lie/toffs.. Turkey is also
prefierstionstri 're'sist the threatened en
cnitehtiiOitte tit ' • •
&Ilona Pnaci,'Siosith'sind tho nid-of **con
tinoni,lang einaponktively 'quiet, swaiting the do
noarnooi Of conotointo in &sown • Europa • •
ILY'rbierblliiieftible "Doily Niles" bse . 'beeri
span enlarged indlatbareriselmproredog to keep
peus,"irm ittpublisbare remark, with its rapidly.
iWnstAkili FiktiPT4W! TL Ael!I *nut .only:
oqe of the brat printed Dailies in the country. int!
is edited with marked ability. We are pleased to
obseive the O:iiialios of ice growing piOopOrity.:"
. GRAHAM'MAPAZIN4, *aloe op gur
handsomely emhellished i as ateal, and rich in
content" Park Benjamin, J. Bayald Taylor. H.
T—Tuckerin In, 1' 8. Arthur, Lydia Jane'
Pierson, Mrs Embury, Mrs. Osgood,,, eke ; are
among the contributors George R.Grshsat and
J. Bayard Taylor, Editors.
GODF.Y'S LADY'S BOOK, for May,,is up
on our table. The publisher again gives 24
pea of extra matter, making 72 in allomil fur
nishes articles from an unusually long array of,
contributors. The illustration. are numerous, and
well gotten up. Godey seems disposed to Make
good hie promises, and thus far has succeeded.
tains a beautiful mcxxotint by Sartain, after , Roth
einelt's picture of "Ruth and Boac"—& fine line
engraving by (lice and Buttre, from a sketch by
Count D'Orsay, “The Doves,"—lwith other em
bellishments. The table of contents exhibits a
strong array of contributors, including Frederik&
Bremer, Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Ellet, Miss Sedg
wick., Rev. Dr. Durbin, Prof. Hart, Longfellow,
Herbert; &c. •
Fire. at Illeldlertiburfe.
We regreeto learn thit the dwelling-house oc
cupied by CIA. BALTZaR Sa'ruca; in Heidiem
burg, was entirely destroyed by lire an Wednes
day night last—little nr no part of the furOtere
being saved. We did not learn the origin of the
ri"A splendid sword, worth 111400, voted by
the Legislature of Virginia, was p,reeents 4 ? Pre' .
itient'TvrtAin, on Tuesday hist, With'intellestlng
Law altalast Arson.
tacit arotlMew.
lbiropean Anislt's.
atripgrnt hill. relating to intoxicating 'kicks has
hefn pli,.sed by the I.egislititre'orrisronsin, re
persons who would rend of ratail
"syititunneliquors" to give bond to the town
actloottlies, , with three suretie . ,, in one thousand
ditiltint,:.tionditioned to pay all &tillages the cern
mtmitgag individuals may Custalg,hy_ resism: of
such traffic; to support all paupers, widows, and
orphans; pay the expenses of all civil and crimi
nal prosecutions made, growing out of, or justly
attributable tn, such traffic." And it is made the
duty of the officer hobling this bond to deliver it to
"any person who may claim to be injured by said
It is provided that any monied woman may in-
ORlN;hilherbWiiiialdiCasnlt'en any each bond,
all:dimaaas anstilded tuf hem/far ehildien on
accoui:t or such traffic t and the money, when
paid ever 'ea tar, fat tha s tudi
beriettitad . ch 7 fidritt 7 . ' ' t'7
Vtrileritiver'llersin 'thatl baelimit
or village charge, by reason of Inistitietinee, I
auit Vtitititetrw
'on the lioitd Oeisto . 4134 , time fosin itt
the halgt;oeseillinvotittrinir Ugdor ae wilt Person
'sr Psuirlf its bewitnitilS PPNift,ol l l l l3s , .lfiltdAti
*II # 4 , 1 " i lk II OFH 4Piyr4Sisrfss4ff ip (wog,
an'T t On,q l . o l'o°!?,%rrY,T,l4 4, t PO,e,o,PdP,Lhi,
pie bond aold or , , i gave ligpor to the parthr whose
asp are COntidainiefor. 64'44 ereVititts to the
tlf tllir oigatera'' '
• 4shigg iota' data' 'the
,right 4441 :There iiitotalnore eatitonible, Mac
fiple is theiwbble Code:of utaitatsr poliatal
than that which denlaa,,ib4Ai4i4•Sig_4ptAS
p Uis P!"/MX:N l 4l ll ,°fimrtisf,Al J O; POOP
&trier!t of tha cotrauniy. And if the , rum.
iiijtiry, it Is oct right thit
those who pursue it should be held responsible( fiir
the aii , dlig; • ' it do not: wart any injaiy, Neils
will of course be no nsiiiierudilitiO to 'be awrunted.
The Wiscoonsin Bill pesseed-t4e Loglilature
very ,deeided'vote-,—in the Saud.; rlO to 3, and in
thaffauso,S9, to I ; ,
Or Jowl , 11. ,, Ituarras Elehuyiltil
copoty. Pis two appointsd., by GD!. Johastoq
Joopoctor or Loothor o t poudopl4.,
, • o Chttrity, however broad her mantle.
will not; rover ;mambo . falsify ,
theirprofessions, and betray the trust re
poso In thinn an honest and confiding
The late electione in Pennsylvania have
proved the truth of the above.' In 1844,
the Locoforee professeil to be the friends
of 'protection to our own labor, and of the
Tariff of 1842. They openly declared
Polk to be the friend of both; and denoun.
'ced the•Whlgs for suspecting his friend
ship for this Pennsylvania doctrine. But
no entiner Was the election over, bind Polk
.seated In the . Presidential Chair, thee they
espOsed .the cloven toot =— repealed the Ta,
riff of 1842.1-Jopenly denounced protec
tion, and advocated Free Trade. Lo, the
union ! - • •
JACK Aorttiv see in the streeti
quite a immber of getillemen gold diggers
who mounted the California hobby in a
hariy, but are note glad to get riff again.--
They got as far ou their pilgrimage , AP that
terrible half-way house Panama, and there
they had a glimpse of the '.elephent ;" but,
rather *half accompany the animal is faros
El• Dorado, they sensibly concluded Income
back to Gotham again, some of them in the
same vessel which carried them out. Some
or tneajp intiirm us that they are en
tirely cured of the irold fever," and are
• now half disposed to throw away their
“washbowls" and go to work fotran hon.
est living here in a Christian country and
among Christian men.-21r.
Cot.. T. H BgNION._.h is understood
a formidable organization is on foot in
Missouri to prevent the re-election of Col.
Benton to the U. S. Senate, chiefly on the
ground of his position on the slaver• ques
tion.' To counteract this. Col. B. will
visit the principal, points in the State pre
rieus to the next ele'ction, and addrese the,
people in regard to this and other impor
tent matters.
4 ()Fume PROORKISIV6.--:Major Lew.
is Figg, of Nelson county, ky., who claims
to be the rehl and genuine sTecuroseth Kil
ler,' offers himself es a Candidate for the
Consonant? to remodel, the. Constitution of
thst State. He announces that he.will not
only advonate, the eleftlod .iudgestlia
gistValee, by the peoplls,but will
also go fbi the eleetion or Preitthere, &hoer
masters and , Tavermkeepsos.. As to t3her..
ilfa, Constables, &c., he regards them as
nuisances, tied toys he will go, for abolish-
ing them. He considers itiluite
ocratic to grant any set of men exclusive
prisiledges, - merely , re bedevil and harries
other people about paying their debts; "bile!
they never ps.y their awe.
DterassansisOcomtamtes,,,4 very dii.
tressiet astlatiality occurred in. Carroll co.,
Md., on Vi v Apeitday •*mt., 1t appelire that,
while Mr. Joao* Sabrina!, of that coutily,
were abated at the'dianer
table. , tirie` of iris •lons;' *ha pilielettalritt
timeis *ad , giireo..indicatities, of insanity;
41 X- aftivareat..,ill7htplipg. l e a, ;4
room s and returned in , a feel i llißta,iyo i
a dimMe-barrelled - 'Visttil in h is hand, wtth
which he shot Ids brother; teas at the
time, with the . rest of the family, sitting'itt'
the table ; killing , him eltnnat
'Alta „Noting malt who committed the • dee4
was' evidently insane, as no difficulty what
ervoetrh ha d Occured to.excite him aagainst b hie
The Northampton Gazette settee thatthif
Mittsachusetts and California company,
formed at that place, start for their destine.
lion soon, overland, with all the fixings
for establishing a private mint at San Fran-
cisco, With the approbation of the govern
ment. They haveln it Win. Hayden, a
graduate of Yale College, an assayer well
qualified ►n discharge his duties, and ma
chinery capable of coining in °moo a day.
It is their intention (says the Gazetta) to
purchase gold dust at the current prices,
and transform it into coin for ciroulation.
Gen. Caleb Coshing and Robert Ran
dall, Jr., of Massachusetts, it' is said, prow
pose to emigrate to the Territory of Min
esota, there to engage in the iron business,
in connection with a company already
Fr.OUR.--The flour market N firm ; • sale' of
Howard at brando, et $4 50—which is about ;he
settled price. City Mills held at $l4 50. Corn
meal $2 50 a $2 62 Ryo flour 212 81.
GRAILN..;43upply of ill kinds of Grain light, pri
ces unchanged; red, wheat $0 98 a $1 00 • and
white $ll 05 a $ . l 12. 'White COrn' 44'a 45 . cu. ;
yellow 52.. 01114! 94 a 28.. 69 a 67.
f PR0V1 81 0128.7-34erwT'ogit t 00, Pritno
$9 19. Noon—Sides 5 a 64
'Lord Of in bblei,:kuki 1 in kte.u.
FOURTH OF JULY.-011 ifliFf day of rev
tlvity end joy. tvi!en all are prone In in•
Bulge in the good things of life, not tinfre-
quehtly to,excess, let us not forget thy' o
verloading the stomach with food or drink,
especially at this season of the year, is ut.
ten attended with serious cousequenres.--
If any, however, should inadvertently o.
verstep the bounds of prudence, they
should bear in mind that 'Wright's Inglis,"
Vegetable Pills will prevent all evil results'
from impropriety of diet. They „ihcw
()uglily clense the stomach' and Ixiiivelis
from those billions and corrupt humors
which arc the cause of cholic, pains, d i ..
emery, cholera rnorbus, and ,other Ortittin4
dere of the bowels.
}rights' Indian Vegetable Pills' Ski'
aid and improve digestion, and therefore
give health and vigor to the whole frame.
Or Beware of counterfeits ! Purchase from thor
agents only, one or more of 'whom will tie
In each village and town In the United &aim '
genuine Is fur silo by L M. STIK
SON, Bole agent for Gettysburg; and Wholesale
at Dr. Wrigbes Principal Office,l de Rite ads.,
STATE OF Tin TnEnstomminew
Friday, April 19,
Saturday, 14,
,Sunday,.; 16,
Monday, , 16,
•• Tuesday,' ' 17,
_Wednesday, 19;
Thursday, „a 19;,
- FridaY. ". 30.
43stunlay, . 111,
Sunday, 4 . 22.
'tossday, •
'Thursday, . 1 26, ,
On the 241 h e r Rev
8. 8, ilmrstrenn. P.. Prisidentot ths
Mgical Serninary...GettyabutT, MinsFinis*
,Mtenun, Jaushtor of War. Waging ? Eight at
Germantown, Pa.
On the 22J Mat , b Rev. B. !Cellar, hfr: Dan
tat end Mill MASIA 110111. 4 / 4 0/ of
Cumberland township.
On Tuesday -mooning hat, by Rev. Dr. list.
son, Prof. M. L. &mere, of Pennsylvania Cot.
Irv. and Miss Run sarn,'deughter of Jobs afe-
Coneuohy, decesaed.--alt dugs pla t y
On the lath inst, , by the Rev.'B. V. Geold",
Mr. Jolts A Lariat; and Mia• Lawson 11.1Criip
Luta—both dada borough.,
On the IStb4r ,e
Joss Hoor-s •
EIJI* Ili Ere, diUghillf ofi r. Andrew Rudasket
York county.
On the 12th inst., by IkevAlr ' • •P' 44 "lit
kttinorru and Mime Cresturois
both of etomitsburi.
On the lat inst.. by Rey. C. 'Mow s hfrAirtr.
Ori.nze and Mule 0..111A1111q Kntiati:"4lo4
of Menellort toorpthip. , ••
On tho Bth hut. by the wipe, Mr.Jons Maws.
of Berwick township, and Miss Jars Rsoww, at
Memellettlowisthivzr ••;, • -- •• -
On Wednesday weenier. the 16th hrstodter
Incas nf reveraldaya,Mia Cern task' Bellteleire'
wife of Mr. Samuel H. lI ehler,drthiiidaies. end '
daughter of Mt: Abiakerzahrieree
Yore, Ps, aged el ysars.lQ mouths..tei days,
W hen death in rake the socialcirels and sucamontr •
from its midst dross whore superior eordel worth
and excellence have endeared them to sociathand,.
around whom bars been entwined the dewing tow.
dr Is of warm, loving beentsaumetbing More
a mere parsing Dona is challenged at the kuresdet
of affection. Had as at all times may AN/ gee le:Spy
soon which , dcinihries the duty of amigning a
cord to departed worth, it is , s grateful privilege
which enables us, in siitmerity and truth, to record
with it the heart ? , tribute to exalted persons, ex
cellence. Finch ie oer privilege with rdentraw j acit
her whose decease we to-day announce. Called,
upon st en early period of her lik to seder the
/ghoul of bodily &Allegan, few have eulfwedninni.
constantly or more severely from• its trille.—lrwer
still have endured those trite, more eubminively '
or mere uncomplainingly than she. MAIM is:
her allbctionr. peculiarly amiable and kind in dre.
position, and devoted in , her attachments, aelfseens.,
el to fie forgotten and lest' sight of is goad VaidiZ
for others. to the promotion of whom comfort
happiness every wish and effort were directed.
in every relation of life assigned to the demi&
/4—whether as daughter, sister, wife, Wilber Cr .
friend —this diatinguithin4 characteristic of Mod.
new and good will unobtrusively manirested It.
self challenging the confirliterri and esteem eiftbe
entire circle within ,whieb it war bet aritilop to,
move ?MU so moth worth, so much aftection
and goodness. it is hard, eery freed; Bier even lbw
unman& Imre le pert So‘howeass. it Milk
the will of him who "coleteet ell="11Pa•
And` while we brow in mohltifill en WWII
provident* which linee te, it is maw of waft
mion as wig as coueolation to be sortered gat sew
ku has preyed to lei an lAA% hirrepre
gala...end dtat tha diethrsidilthig virtual which
*bone• era radialtitg Wee on golik key, torn
ferred, to a mine lovelyi
. bows. only to nemeer• 1114
'Wane; and tir bingliirg and'brighter lade glee
coming tithe ported ny. • If to here alseilmagnell
faithfully and conscientiously every known duty....
if to bare WPM deeply fondly dertied to
the eines of , tow Madame/ and his alintelt
-cif to, have bowed calmlyatZialtsedy to
the will of Providence as .lev el In orteril
pertiohal . iiperienee and dr la love
manifeeted a full. free, nod enlife e'.nl4eneool
'the religion other gsiriour.—catehined with a 'Wag
life' of Model* Wrath ettobtkaiW,
give the amorsoce - of reorrociliation sod
• Wog 101113 a 96 -7 4 ° I l r e f u i t
dear depirted more than fr , e tblt
that'4ll be. gone to repots* the boom es, keg
Fatima, pal ;add* to the Om* ir .044,41111*
existence, where uctrnipliide sten MT. Pet ea
chriuptitint and meted gilt tune pot OM Wilmot
.; , 1.•
.W M 4%. the pints of all at rein harmony :meg,
Tweii Ltlat,titiva; lien; panda, to iftet ;
Whew the anthem/ ampler. tuOmidoktaill.
Agid-$ 1 4 1 ,4,02 4 1 0f,' / 091#1 , dit o " l oP fsb °
.00, pie p2„i, this_borough. idre: titn
Wiiiiiirrr; wife 'of 'Mr lgioto A. Winniti.' ia
ire dereghter of Win. M'Phersun, req,deomeedi
egad tt,lnita S frets. ,
On the 18th inst., alter s !Mg Minis, Mr. Ai , .
rape ti deo sun bf Fountain Alt, Adams coaretY„
itttlit gG years.
pn, the frame day, at an advaneca age, Wi d ow
Kttv, ortifinklin tOwnship.
' in the seine day, Mr. JACON Astern, of
Franklin township.
Cin Sidurday last, after shbrt illness, DlVni
BLYTHC, Esq., id Miltontown ,
Near linuovor, an Friday last, lk't re , ,Ratitif4
ANN WAOUOM %elf° of Mr. George Waggoner,
and dn agility of Mr. Leonard Bricker, vdeirebeeZ
township; aged about 23 years.
At Hagerstown on Friday morning 60, Dr..
LUTUI,II E. WINTER R, of Washington eountri.
hid., and during lost summer a student of me&
tine in this place. He had just gn)doillsli at
Pennsylvania Medical College in Philadelp4",•,:,
On the 22d —, son of Mr. Henry But
op, jun., of Cumberland township, aged.*
add months
On the 15th awl.. in York, Mre. Samoan PIP;
sort of the late Matthias Bmyper, Eel., datinalade
aged 'Abut 73 yezra.
On *ha llth inot , in Btraban township. NOM'
TINA Dill NIL XIIIIOFF, aged about 55 years., '
On the oth inst. in New Oxford, Mr. 0211191111
RAMIE, aged 79 years 1 and 15 day*. , ," 1..
On the 90th ult.,,in East Berlin, N Jac!. 21P1. 1 "
ter of 1)r David and Jane M e l li nge r ; ' "41
years and 3 month*, and 28 days. ' • ..r di el
In Teamed! county, Blinois,.on the 17th*,
Mrs Mani Rosa, relict of Mr. Conrad RipproW.,
formerly of Gettysburg, at all advanced agiL '•,:"!
DIED, On Sunday, the 151 h rile' a RIG.
goring illness, Mr. Joni A. Mouoit..son
}touch, Eeq, of this Borough, in the S'Ad xeetr,
his age.
The Citelbm• has become so general to eolograo
MA OW, .th* euctt ilMee 9Ban acettl
pnly au A matter of courtesy. Zit there" i.e Ito
*tenets athete the ehaniceor of the giehicarbraiareil
bove convention& . wean, tnurreA, give* ithiff
7, Y. s. IN it.- r.
48 71 • '.89
33 41' SS
gin'• 40
Obi,ss • ,
*? 1$
$3 4t
01 ' 4 3 . i Is
at oi. • .411
46, . 64
2.47. _ • ,
4t.. 44)
46 • .414 - . 15!
to The aline& of worth. A striking example of
this ire bows mill e des lb a hich gives ri'e to (heat
MARS. Illthi iiisnit painful to'sce the young
614 4110 111411 . law Alio; kink with , such dr4til
allethiPo6ollMl opoq the future, thus , ruthlessly
6.2,11V110 ' ' it Ilk: Mdsg is tar more eivere,
..._..."6"., Vifilirdidatone vibe tee just attained the
Wwwwwillotripenbesd, and stands ready to take
111 4 11 V_Weilk. Ahem who era devoting their pow
"lmirilliellad,taind to aseittiness. Particularly
waddligirkiheileatti of Mr. Hooca. From his
weakilibeibeet lerhaddevoted himself to preps•
wilat'keviesan nodal There of life. With a ma
llow god so n ii,* i tti* talents of no ordinary
WOW sud s laudable ambition, he occupied a
gosiningot pedultin in the class with which ha
4 biseollegists coerce, and graduated, with
rain.tilig year 1546, at Pennsylvania Col-
Sege,. Its thee took charge of the High School
itus.hkta/Moegli let ens year, during which' time
Ihr ,nommonged. the study of Medicine. In this
'bid filecwiderialag ardor for sickly . was exhibited,
in nosmigarnme sof which his health became very
mesh hapainid.• Sit he felt unwilling to desiM,. *us& sloe absolute command of his
pluargehuti that A. consented to relinquish his
booimiliniag the peat summer. His coastittgarm
wmaridesuly intim:di, bat at several Wags during
tbo,gginmeir i lio appeared to improve. Dating taw
whine. be was mindned almost minting, to • tin
brinskand whilst gal thought his Winos= wagon*
dm" yet thoerisig nas pumped sootier than wastiwn
titillated. .oallendaymarninmin pinfeet
Was of his fagebies. Weaned, briathod his hat:
iLharir is munch to depion, in Ow loath of air
AlagaiLl Kind. lender and Minithmats hi
slispesidstsr sigarnionsand affable hi bliringei:
noisaia,gnid 4 1 111 i a Minn ailliwitod Sidi hailihmti!
to Ilia ;was to tali, 'blividoodship? •Ho
promitid nmetwtio,liribs faturg.P• villadf bibs=
pefOliioii IS illadditho modysittbeicia . he
onimaints4ldown le sway! vangiblb •itipainattile
cargaria glinistiiwomewaibitheigillidwii as Might
se AGIN* Illaibalig lone. H. le the tint of
, 11 bige,,ol l llod•tigi•dier , gtid when
" .ally for.' iiisaigg bah Sluill Align
grrii ,I Taunt pawn -Mama' sop air unbidden i
. i lle/ 110 14.0.4017,:. Adis lownsititanew hero lost
in,hia by
ii vaisg4 wparnite t And Abe •work Est
be ham apprised *Caw who bid ,Ur to
• st,"lnigliti mirtipsdar Mar." •• ' ' •
Jokillgio.ditagob of consolation in this &Mid,
111 4.11011011 W ,Thera isierwr reason la bellows
gar yams friend "died, iigthatLotri.” . Front Ma
alhiltaill bs ms! soled for big morality and sit.
otsipasKyHut he bawd nos bigAopes gf
galwition. *pan liners lenntlit, i .1, the atimosaint ,
of Ohdist.", es be himself itimpotrtd. liner MS only
misters plow , Freqtsipat : were big •gonvanstirms •
in this lekillit, and be •exprionall himself certain 1
thathiridogina and fewn wage gone. Ha declared
big entire willingness to die. said in big feat, ma. i
maw being asked ift be knew ha 'was , dying.
looking up. .he &inlay angiad v anthig spirit wing- .
id its flight to hawses. • • . • W. • 1
- toomminerreir.
'nos following , reootutioos MOM a dopted by the
Pitilowithotoo 8 6 eloti or ronnoyNanio,Collvio.
ou the 111*.<0;Apri4.1849, in Tepid to the death
of Mr. JONI A. fount
I. Resalved, TAW we have received the intelli.
genes of the afflitlbif ilhitinsatterrorf'nwidenee
In the dough qt":"Afrhrin...t=a graduate
member of eilaroMirkripm . of genuine
S. niaolved. moral and intel
lectual cbaraCiteWitielemoledenul his untiring
seal for the PerMisuulsietfarer uflour society.
_whilst an rietive member, .demind from us,reepect
Ilk hie neMie;lo4ol.olre . for bliminirielciiiitt es.• tb• tirreparable
ken his ntletisma enstoined. • . •
3. Resolved, Thitikour Corresponding Secretary
be instruitisst §eArtimotO copy of Ow ottlere'
olutiowieetterldrillt of the deeetised '
4. Reaolved,,That %ski resolutions be publiatk
ad hi ski m 314140110 aUettisbure and in the
DIED.—At Lafayette, Indiana. Ott thr 11th
init., very, audderitj, of Hemorrhage of the Lungs,
Nis: Ettatrithe 'Oars, Wife of G. X.
Oink,' Eno , that piste.
The subject of this obituary demand*, at the
ban*,of alftxtistny switething mars than s mars
pasang notice. How forcibly dues it lawman up
on our mindethe yoleinh truth that "is the mata
of life we are is death." In the .lull enjoyment of
health, with life's sweetest blessonty blooming
wound her, shielded by all the panoply with which'
lyre end affection could surround, her, ftrm in
faith. straw in. virtue, buoyant with hope, the
toexPeager, of the grata, found end eutemonned her,
home to, pod. 41 out moment radiant with
heeltkand lashed With' life—in the next, bathed
in the vital abeam that Witted kern her longs, and
struggling in them** of death I How solemn
and immodest the teasen I'
?hi 'Wisest of this brief tribute kneW her, wfg,
from childhood; Gentle tam; kind in her charac-
ter, endearing in hap department, affectionate in
her dirpreathro, aim awakened the interest and
won eptintho allectinne of all, who knew tier;
whifie her sini=re hat unobtrunis piety hes. left
her sorrowing friends the Strongest ground* of
_ ,lhop• andnowealatioa. gone to bar beam,
a eliaraciac without a bientish, and a mem
ory einstained bya single painful recollontiun,
thei which is inapircil by her kw.
Om jeir &darn from Washiigloo
. ,
WILL give a second Concert at the
,V I Court House, Gettysburg, 'PHIS
(FRIDAY) EVENING—on which Oo.:
cashing they will introduce a' variety 'or
popUlsr Glees not performed et their For
tner Concert in this , place a kw eveningoi
'rickets 25 cents. Donrs open at '7
Conver to commence at n o'clock.
THE Whip dr the; 136roughaFo re-
POW to mpe4 pt the Aineriemut
fet (4.urtz's) on TO-MORROW • EV,E.
NINO. (filaturday•) at 7; o'olook4 10 nom
inate- candidates for Burgess, Council,
Schad Directo!o,lod 03treet do Road Coin
, I
' , ::cou . liilr 141601111E8. :,
11 4 .* 'orihi
irsiined. grateful for the
. lA — Alroim,a,qdgeoccotla suppo.r.l extend
ed to ihlacibrt. hie 4iende Iwo Vba&a 0,,
again 'lrtifolanabi ithrtaeff a eanilidaie r,
j o
thardlieetif , CotlNTY TREASUR It
fithirobtlerthe'lielion of the Whig dountir
Conaidadtra4arnil respeethilly telitha the
supportruld suffragan of his fellow-citizeita
. 1 . 1 . 1 ' 1 406111 , FAHNESTOCK.
Gearshift., April 27. 1849.—td.
1 .
mbacriber respectfully announ
lOwself to the voters of Adams
coollifi . fae it Candidate foi the office of
POlntlrr TREASURER, (subject to
the,aggikst - gibe Whig County Conven
tion,) end gook, be thankful for the sup
port fititut (spoor citizens.
,cllo‘,Tt!tturgt akinl 27, 1849--to
. 41 ; $ 0 'S 010TACE.
TII itrodersigned, Auditor, appointed
by the Orphsins' Court of Adams
411t 1 111Tilittet didtributton of th e Assette
.144 01; ' Wiof I.A.e STAUB, Adinittinis.
Valr IC 'Aile will attnexed of MARY Bum-
V{ ee, win.attend for that purpose
Idaho tpu o house of Geo.' W. M'Clellan,
in Getty* nr, Pa., on ?ridgy the IBM day
oriMelf. 1 1 1 1.1).1840, at 10 o'cliwk, of which
all PF9o?nii jig° os tutl w • ill take noAl ca.
~ it ~ • • JOX L. 11. DANN EIL
, APril 47, 1819.-14 . Auditor.
r coiurvxicrro
ATOT ICE is hereby given to all Legatees
1 1 1 and other persons concerned, that the
Administration Accounts of the deceased
persons hereinafter mentioned will be pre
sented at 'the Orphans' Court of Adams
county, for confirmation and allowance, on
Tuesday the 22d day of May next :
' The first account of David T. Sneering
er, Administrator of the estate of Anthony
Fleshman, deceased.
The second account of John Shull and
boyid Shull, Administrators of the estate,
of Frederick Shull, deceased.
The fourth and final account of Wm.
H. Lott, acting Executor of The Now 7411
and 'teldirtient df WilheilafasHOUttdetio,
Krite;Adininistrator vf .the estate of. Ann
Wesren,desessed. •,, •-, "
The first and final account of Abiehent
IC rise kdrd in Ititrittor ittlAtbliis • 'licoi, Iv i io
the"will'aidfilind 'Or Irkott 'WOitvei ! de.
he aecouni,,ofuel Beard ited. , :hvy
-- cob Halleigh, , Hsetsitworbftheli't will
and feminine' of B'e " Sitierd; decealid,
! ' 'The titthitint gelid et Alitiferilailifit
istridar of the'eittath of memoH
s oomtr,
, -
deceased:, , ; ~,,- t . ;• ~,.... , ;_. :, ~„ .?
1 'The acetone" OfllifilliantlEimpTrnitce
for titer:este - Of the Hoar Estee 'of ishilmil
M IP,I Yr , 0 911 , • • ' • i_l
"'",fire account •OfJatiiii 6:A0164er - int,
`David E Hollinger. Administrator" of the!
' vehlitc of liksmaiskilcill4we64oitsaved...-1
'he ' , As:l9W* Ottofisomsl4'isoshoiteer,
i Ac4akiorxicrAtafooms4 oilicek• Mum
men, gfe.t l M 4 44l:t: t i e.AI:I :i. 1 , ~" I.
The first. and fola actOtint ;of 'John
Wolford,l'iidiCiiititilat il of.'We''Critate 1$
Ithillavormcdeeedeßip• - • • •,, , , ..",
The Slit *nd final tfettnint bf -.Martin
Steffy, .Administrator of the estate- Peter
Steffy, deMtased. ' .
account or ,rcihas
the estats.OfJitues Spangler,
deceased. . • • • • 1 • ' •
'Fbe second account of Jacob Diehl,
Guardian of John-Diehl, Lavinia. Diehl,
and Daniel Diehl, minor children of Ma
id Diehl, ilecieed
' The-aceount .of Daniel March and Da
vid Executors of the last will and
testament of David March, deceased.
The Stag account of Henry Welty,
A,disinistrat'or 'of 'the estatit „of Hobert
Thowpwin, deceased. . , •,
Ttut fiat account .of Jacob Itlyers and
John Myers, Administrators Of the estate
of Gooter Myers, Jun:, deceased.
- WM. W. 11AMER.8LY, Register.
Register's Office, Ges,Yfbulfr z., to
April 27, 1849.
APRIL 19, 1849. S
To the Conuntitionets tf .ttdathe County
ri ENTIAXEN :--in pursUalice of the title
-IV-second section of an act. entitled 'An Act
for the-regulation and continuance of a sys
tem of Education by Common Schobls;"
passed the 7th day of April. 1849.1 here.
with transmit to you a statement of the
amount to which every ,district in your
county is entitled, out of the annual appro
priation of 9800,000 1 for the year 1860,
as follows :
Districts, ,
Dolls., gts.
Berwick, ••
Conowage,- , •
Cumberhm4 •
SVL $8
Respeettaily 'yours.
viowstiEND HAINES,
Overh4eiidint . of 'Minoan Schcsoic ,
Pursuant IQ laW, we, the undersigneil ,
publish the forgoing.
Adams Coontj.
At t e s t-4. AtraNmriiidoit, Chtik:
FINITE ne and final Adeotint Or i Pitisit
SMIT'II; Agit pr 'the estate and
streets .9( 41HANEPELTER.
has been filed in the Court of Common.
Pleas or Adieus °Minty and-mild Court
has appointed riiesday the Sti trey' V
May next* 6;1 the Cenacin4°P 10 0.4 164 '
coca or i said.acooelit• Pie* cease; to the
contrary be shown: ••
JOHN PICKING. Prothonly. •
Protborista7loilopiklattrieurs, ? I.
!April 17, 1114% ••, 5: • alt*
aqd. 6 o4lunt,9f Mgt
and +Acta of , ZACIGH SH ARRAbit has
been filed •I n the ileum t °amnion ',lean
of fidemspothl;'ahtl eikllltnlit hes+
POD* Viiioat :Of A2ll
next, for {he !lila OFene l s
sakl:atenunti unless anon to•the contrary
be shoran. • '• • • • t •
JOHN plClUNO,Trothon'y.
Prothanoarei 0 11 10 N atitrisdity
April SI, tb4ll'
flint t first an d final acc ount of Iritors.Ss
13Locitaa, Assignee of the estate and
effects of ELI COVER, has been filed in
the Court of Common Pleas of Adams
county ; and said Court has appointed
Tuesday the 22d of May next, for the
emifirmation and allowance of said account,
unless cause to the contrary be shown.
JOHN PICKING, Pruthon'y.
Protbouotary's OIRco, Gettysburg,
April 27, 1849. at'
RongaT Fnumn No. 5, Jipril Term,
vs. 1849.
FRANCIS FISHER. 1840,46108.—The
monies being considered in Court, Rule
granted for the distribution and appropri
ation thereof on the third Monday o/ Su
ed next—notice to be given by publica
tion in one newspaper in the Borough of
GeUysburg, for three wee4ts successively.
By the Court.
• JOHNProthon'Y r '
Prottenotar7'soErier., Dik,ttkr/, . •
A1ri1'47;11149,' " 11•,,
OF GOOD, Wares and , igerch,an
dize, Within the County of Adams,
returned and. classified,by the_undvsigned,
Appraiser of 'Mercantile Taies, j'n accor!,
dance with the act of April 2/d; 1846-40/
the year 1849 :
Ciao/. Design. . Amount.
-s, Borough of ,Geggyaeurg.,
9. Samuel Fahosatock & rSona, $25 00
12.. Deorge Arnold •
• •• .12. 5 0
12. .A.braFisru ,; 12 50
13. David Micialeabfr, , 10 90
I#, 'o3inMo 1011. , '1 . 06
14. lokii..floprettson. 7 04
1411.4Eisoreal.Aldsp. •., .•• ; ,; , .•;7•.00
Illareal Samson, • .• -••• TOO
131 Doid,or,'l(lltiiityr) .` ' le oo
if.' Henry &fir '
14. tittinuel o6
/5 , * 6 'ller t . 17 7 t .09.
14. ‘.l. r;Rwrerice StilciFbli, 00'1
p;.:Crcrigni4 70404iPe
14.:.0 0 64 41411r0.1 1, I I .7
14. Wm. Bt &lily 7 thil
Stra(ign .
4. At)raliam I(l*,' 40
1 4. OktU , Vqffrt a ... , 47
(1 9
1 4 ; 4. 1 0hr040 Merit/41 1 41.
IliesPite tlonek. , (lig. 'lO 40'
4. rAWird.l9(4l)lty,' 21Y10'
‘ Blit*lffllel;:!‘',, 16 SW
Islff 04 71 .
14. it ;4 . ..; 677 - 00
14. mierdliwicks. , I 00-
14.•Gkm4e1Misrokilk, 00
14. 401'1'4 130)1V;iL _
14. flacituetratkei:Jt.'..
14. Jacob Hollipmr,ll 7 00
14. Jaaviii Dittribt: 7 „ oo
14,; ihrie,Clikay'l !. l: , ) l, ,' 7 hi
.? AA
14. Jacob 11)1 e ,„ 00
14. Chiriee'ffpfilikei . ; 7 , 0 0
14. .I:fthn (liq.)
14. William Wolf. - • t•• • • • , .t0
14. John Heagy, • 7 00
14: Jobe Ruff, ' r* -7 00
14. Fiancilftiltlebrand,
1)78111110 tp.•
14. Abraham • .•
14. Thomas J. Cooper,
14. Philip Hann,
14. Jacob Lover,
14. Peter MicklON (Bg.) 10'50
14. Stick At Wltwore, 6. 10 AO
14. Beecher & 40 50
Bansilionban •tp.
15. Jambi Brinkerhoff;
14, Gen. W. Heegy,
14. WriglOy,
14. Jacob
• Liberty 1p
14. Johd Ntinemaker, • •
14. Isaac Riddlemoscr Co.,
12. ttrin. 47,. U. Gardner, (11q.) 18,75,
13. Holminger 41. Ferree •• 15 00
14. Wm. Rittlewell, 00
14. Jacob A. Myers, 7 00
.Lalitnote fp.
. .
14, David Newman. (4.) ,10 60
.O.T ford tp.
13, Jacob Martin, (liq) 16 00
13. Lilly & Riley 16 00
14. Sylvester Fink, 4 ' , 10 50
14. Jubu Clunk. - - 00
14. Win. Biuinger. (liq.) 10 60
14. Eiebelberger & Hollinger " 10. 60
Mourapleataat tp.
13. Miller & Curren!.
14. John Shealy,. (liq.)
Mouatjop tp.
14. William Walker.
Reading tp. •
14. David Kt White. 7 00
14. Jac4 Aughinbaugli, Jr. (lig.) 10 50
14. Henry 11. Smith, 7,.00
Germany 'tp.
18• Henry Sehriver. (lig.) 15 00
18. Sneeringer do Renshaw, 15 . 00
13. George Myers & Son " 15' Q 0
14. Win. C. Stalsinithi 7.00
14. Edward G. Bishop, ~ 7 00
72 16
200 66
200 26
14. Ephraim Horner.
COnawago tp.
IL John Busby. 011.1
14. John Ittisby. "
14. Peter Long, , 10.60=
scr'fliose who sell liquors. and are.
not classed in the abostmlassification. will
p a y f t ilt per geitt,in iticliOoliJkl.hOptUffeTi
ot the riutpeative'dlateaticiithinit.
APPEAL.—Notices . n . erehy given to all
persons interested In the Opve moo and
elessiAentietts that I ' Yitil.hold , l l PPatti
the Coastnission.eve Ofrieos Oillty,abu rift on
Tuesday the 29th day If May next,. toes
iween the hours of I 0 an till o'clock, to heir
all persons thatntay 'Consider' thetndelVes
aggrieved by ilk! ,
sappreitt ' Ors
A pril 27, 1849.--41 ,
trillSithosoost Anfsllible ratostdrever djaeosers
d ed for Au roe, iicabla4Litats.,Bra isms, sprains,
Swellings ; Old Onteas.Obilblailob rrswfted
Scald Head, Salt Rhona', Chapped Hosude,:sore
Lips, .IntiontotlEyeltris.:Ranniug &Area, bias.
tilistelleA Face, Erysipelss, Broken Bncests t lifore
Fait ;Mire 4allsr iliurrs Wads ',gore; Nipples, ,spfr
Neck, Fever bores, Ulcers, Blisters, Iteheaort
Baena, Xentraeoid. Onnds, Alcdebvsi L'lraPala•
arna.Eruptions, Both. esiald Feet sAing- warm* ,
Quinsy, Rheumatism' Enlarged ..loints, Obalaso
doss s ., riststls every tieseription.of naternal-sian
daddrtestion.; It; is an anivermil. remedy., for as
tientat.cliseasea and easualiaiso of every. kind.-r
-forabentsnandc and , abet , axternal
klaciesSi Alter,suo.t , peefear. re 4 iyiuthe;
trOddi 1. aid& , Farrsihnef,WOrkshoPes. 1000drico,
Mane tarieriass;•:Glen Shalom, tnatesotia e.
tittitbs; , Laberera, :Amos, .and ap 01d..c Me. , .
eluoties, , aml .faet. people of all elisies.ciravans ,
stances, and conditions, should crock* tsupplied
with it, ready for any earastsency, as an imme
diate applidaticin:Of:thip .kipease of
Burn or tniikr,'Weifild altvilyelas'ettt Winch suf
fering, and often save life 00 •11146. It possesses
control's:oar ins Severest injuries, brailei over
'ail external intlarntnations, and by its epiptitneil
virtues it acts as Antiseptic, Nervine., A nti-5195.
modic, Anodyne, Emollient, and }leafing, and
is in truth the
ever made. 'I he people ndty rely 'upon it in the
hour 01 pain. It insfandy stops pain of the
reverent burn or ,cald, and prevents ill scar. For
the Elites of !meets, hats, Reptiles, and the (bop.
rand troublesome cutaneous diseases of warm
climates, it is the best article in use. All resi
dents of southern climates shwad keep it on
hand. In fact, it is an article that all mankind
require, and one on which reliance can be placed
in time of need It is put up in tin boxes, and
will retain its virtues for years.
di For saleby
~. ~ r.,q
General Agent, Gettysburg ; and by
Dr. Kauffman, Petersburg; J. S. Hollinger,
Deidlersburg; F. Btahte, Centre Mills ; J. M'
Knight, Bendersvi Ile ; J. F. Lower, A rendtstown ;
Slick RtWirther, Mummabburg; T.M . K night, M . -
Xidghtsville ; A. Scott, Cashrown ; J. Br inker. ,
hoc Fairfield ; E. Zuck, New Cheater; D.
C. White, Hamplonl H. L. Miller and William
Wolf, East Berlin; Wm.: Bittinger, Abbott*.
town ; Lilly & Riley, New Oxford; E. J. Ow.
logs 14'Slierrystown; and Samuel Berlin, Lit,
April 21,18 .
(7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
:'.7 OD '
7 00
10 50
10 50
To the , Afilictedi
'city arises hem exposure to damp or cold; eating
unripe fruit ; sudden suppression of perspire•
tion;,ond somstitnes from peculiar states a litre
Xl7l . he Sugar, Coated Purgative Pills again
Djlientery put to flight by a few
Biegsbridge, September 19, 1845
1)r. C, V. Clickener :
' Dear Sir :.. 7 -,Some time last summer I was
very suddenly seized with an extraordinary
- looseness of the bowels, which continued for
several dale without any Apparent cessation.—
Indeed, the symptoms were. eo violent, that I
scarcely had time to ascertain their carne or
think , 'about applying La ,remedy. I perceived
that my pulse was much more rapid than corn
r9pii• sonlooms I was tormented by immod
eitatalhlist;ikd,iice*Signally, a strong incl ina
tiqn ty vorrkii,•*fthii'lit' hem.% able to raise any
thitiii l•foirrid no difficult y, however, in eating.
ahhoimikas:seeteed, attirsill, to do me no good,
/44$011!gth,Isiii$ rue very fast,. and my stools
leire,.itivarialit,y, Accompunied by .li,charge3 of
bloiicj, , The eprorilAtot ~priived to be dysentery
oftiiii'Veiy'ekfirit type. Ote recommended me
til'-iliillitt'illhyliichkii ; 'another, to try Lee's
POINI while a teireladviied me to try something
1 ow
~,t1 ebeee,,lkowever, to•pr eseribe for myself.
i 1011Weitrd, st ; greets4eat about the, virtues of
?VT. Ply.. l (lllo 4 . :i i ssik i t ble Pills from several
or, m,y, nets, ticirel .fia therefore .coneluded, if
ttieje' tiatt 'du'red'igtlitkil: • thrre was - no triton
1 why they shoold not ' cure me. A close or two
teletilmmosimbedtha lisat:threotechisicin 'was (ser
i Met. I found the mildness of their operations
; 441,tiftt110411104i*Ofneglialant. .this se
turilli, Pie i r?;c: Iliriebek^dt was grad oil,
bits ode 't led 'S ' S 0: - rho, symptoms be
-1 giiii4el illeitfifteri 'We • ' ad 'Or third 'dillie. My
i Strength reddened; ;OW ttin• thine « fourth box
foundLuteinitend Sid tliPiteedstonseiT 'health,
Which has alwayslximalle• nuarkehlylood.....
! - • Yours Truly,
~_ i. ; ..-„ i - t, A 4 NNW, alarii•
11:74 . 0t sale by : §,lll,olEklit, BUEHLER,
. i Li 4 • , . Grail , g ar t
,(fitlelf . flitir i g,; _end by,
Weit'lrrintA..fe r irOt• j. .9.- 1 1OIlleiger,
Heiciteraborg • E. Stidife,Ateritre - 11111Wi . J. M.
!Knight; ', &hie niitilles; ,d iio“ltsbnia relletMAMl is ;
.Ilieq4 Witmer Mu 1 Mittilit T. b 1 RAtt . tt
MlChit‘otitvirle,i ILA° 1 - , Usatlwn ; J:Hrirdr,-.
erhiill;:fairfieslfli,.E. 2 us; , 14 0 , , ,•• heater ; rk:*
C. ttrhit‘s iii‘nipton ; ii; .; Mille and wirfliii,
Wolf, Eist'Berli4 ; Wm: tirin'tei,'.Abbott4lowl);
Lilly,ls tfieity,,New owl E.
~ E. 1. ow itt i o,,,v.,
5b.. 1 11.4,41 3 . 4 and qiii#up ;a4. r . r40,44.1440t9wp,
April'2o,ooll'..-.3M- • • - .
AND toX,WmPilottt, IV igtErEfltDE
ADM NlGtir SwlP:
WHOONN(' Ctitlt'
a°T I MPLAI24/F,. I `
it' l lt
And all. t ash! l t r the- C t,
euvitd bS.Oht7rrolin: 4 =
1 :10 3 tli Oat , ip,Ospoklya, was attached
with bliio'it.follotsed bye dough, pitin in
the Side, •and the hail l'iry thpromilist
suMptitta: !ll4deMployEd'isen of the tett physi.
mane; • they did Nim Tie gtwd, and told blot he
ZiP.4l MVP- ; . • ,
• if cso7l. i.Ciffl9"llsll cOr!S,PilriVrefi by
Shertrian sjlts sant he art( at ICI o'clock it night
to MterHaYee.l32 Puluttn"feeet. and got a boe
Wi3j4erafechlllit . charm, Moppet!' Itti•bleed•
ing and the:: cdngh ! • Ildfove he bad taken one
binde be wall able to hoebout.his wet*. it bad
Ilia dangtiter, rgliding sir 1?7
~)I„yrti ,Asissitte,
can ai test
Miss it t lyOjasugi, Ifilliarmibut , I Vvirtg in
Tenth,itear Fourth"
,steedt; ays-:-"That
she had bdin `trotibleil ''brith a hie rig • cough,
and paindrr Iliethetit.'fot st , ..lcing ,drliielt at
loot hewn, act„ bad, khat,skto yras cob,giye
up her School for mine then ; a yea. Site then
commenielf"tritriik Ritiiam—
whieth anon ttlesiaterkhint symp .1 !She' it
now lam recostultigs,add has resu ed bee haborO
ious,occupation ae,a : teacher.,,
14 YlaAl l3
Mr. JOhn ithli avenue arci 21st Street,
suffered with a cough, raising of phligiri, and
pain in his side. lie enetti 'get
•—• • ,
till he
,tried . tie Ali Healing ,Baliant, which
drove the pain from ode. allayet the cough,
and brought the disease upon - the stria , e. ; and
before Mr had taketil three bottles, litas•entirely
Mn. Begple. a led, onwards ,of 7u, minding
rig Sheriff, het for years' heed slblereto ettetke
of Pletiriste Reuling of Bleed, sivefe "Oftoitero
Shot tneie of Breaat, Nib in bee Head dna vae
lions parts of ber body, , kier friend+ believed
the Xflllealing Bstearn ieliereld he lOW*. of
ell her'ifeinliniiyittptereei shd'lfitte ehe•ll able
toattitnirtoeher , watk... r. ;. - 1 .. 4 I ..' I f
~ ASIILMA44,IIO. W4IPOPI*61. 4 :1011011 , ..
s 4 l. 4 •Lucrettit Wgilfiii ,s Christie 'tree
;Li 8,
treats., li Defence'' , itreet ; "W tv, li, Xoutile, It
Walnut Street, know the velbe orilifiArind - n01;'
elhilk,l°ll l berlPOP 4 , 4 1 :PVA 1 , 1 Nff" , „ifi
seetiat'lnterrttiebAk tatiktit sy 9 weirnotue.
, .
pr,is. 44:ii !I
e 2,5 eeraklnlt V s "lir tad
t i ft' l l e N . 1 0. d 4.' /
iii. PO I * I
sold es Alive,.
PrincipetOdi4lll.344tweh\itQ,liawr York.
lErFor aids by
acilyflgrg) and by
br. Kauffmtri,WtErabirtf; y itffidlalter, Heid
. 1. F. Lprr, Arandtavilfe ; Nina 4
bri'Muth dig fsbar# ;
villa Ic..fteolt,Taabtouverfi'J: Ortnkirbat Flit*
field,g: tutk; Now Chattel:D.l4'o
liampton ; 11. E. Millar, end .Wiaa..,Wolf, , Erin
13.ripvt.Wfa. -fi tisipta, (l 4 . blikoitiaain p; fk,
Riley, Nen? Oaferd . r. J. tiarings, trzbatTi
tired •analrilaranded Harlin; Unarm - Para: •`.
-AkPriltlioidiAllr.l•74o oh :
, tl
rgrEßs,tostantentairr Qn the E s .
.4 tine of PETER Kimik t iiktd of AWOL.'
NV': Ip Adams eutmtt;:ilee'd, • haviy
heed graritedlo this SitbStribSitrigoticii
hert(hy to all. WhO are itiAphtkil to sent
ESataititnift4ROPlVAAltOigu4f l .9 ll q ,lllo .
to thosehaving claim, to prom* thetsanteu
provimay atititentieetedv 1041i6Itstat t etibir,
residing in the saint toifitsittp,' for' ',tittle.
wet tR • ;
):1 4 0 W If t
• Aprtl g 4
uttatcptti . tpti e
A Estate of hiWaTuw Pgwfteos, dec'd,
late of Huntington township, &cp.'s coun
ty, having been granted .to the eabscriber,
residing tn. I4tuniitaburg,•Frederiek coon.
ty, Md., notice is hereby given to those
indented to said Esiate to make payment
without delay,, and those hying claims t o
present the same properly authenticated for
April 27, 18.19,-6t
Y circler of the Adjutant General ctif
the Corn inoowcilth of Pennsylva
nia, I hereby connterinand the order lately
issued by Jun, for Review and Inspection
of this Orlgado. JOHN SCOTT,
Brig. Ins. 2it prig. 5M Div. P. M.
April 27.- 7 -4 t
. .
11144---tir.r" A NEW LOT OF lILANK
Mir DS,' (Common,' and fdi Ex
teutors,'and Administrators' with the' will
anneYed,) Mmlgageit,
,Bottdir, .Ate: t . just
Minted ort stipaiiot rarr, and for,aale at
tyls orick. ( ,- 11 • -'" • •
TIIE subscriber has the pleasure of
announcing to his friends and the
public generally that he has leased the
Public house, formerly kept by Mr. Komi
in Chambersbnrg street, Gettysburg, Pa..
a few doors from the Centre Square.—
The House is pleasantly located, has
every necessary convenience in the way
of Stabling, &c., and will be conducted
on strict TE MPERAN CE principles.—
The subscriber has had some experience
in keeping public houses, and he hopes to
be able to furnish a pleasant and com
fortable " home" to such as may be dis
posed to patronize him.
HENRY S. 1111NN1G11.
Gettysburg, Pa., March 23, 1849.-3 t
Chambersburg" Whig." Uartele "tierald."
and York " Republican in=ert to the •aaaat to
1 and charge " Btar " Office.
THIS Institution for the education of
Young Ladies, will be opened on the
7th of Maly, in High street, Gettysburg.
under the superintendence of Mrs. and
and Miss Wsm.sen ; who will give in
struction in. alt die elementary and higher
branches of an English education ; and in
Music, Drawing, Oriental Tei n Ling, French
and Fancy-work. •
English Studies, fora session of blur
months, $4 to $6
Music, per qr. of eleven weeks,
Drawing, oriental Teintiog, French,
and the various kinds of Fancy
• work, so Shell-work, Wax-work,
! ' • IVOtottki-itorlti'der. $5
, Vhere will be ae examination of the
tioltabl it the olot.e•of each seasion.
April/IL 23.--lan
. .
t j et o te f ra HA O ‘ i A d 4 llll .
Min n
sxua allsoznimrthedeceseatat:
id, lam .of• Huntington township. Adams
countitphairinie been granted to :the sub
seribetvessiding in same township. notice
is heietty tie en wall who are indebted to
istdastate, to 'make payment without de
ltryc end to the.. .having clams to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
April 8.1849:60
.13A-A11033 NOT.
;, •-•
WRINit 'TEAft, .of • yp
kinds..—Guititaanienha- 4
fieried• firsvh.oval
B 1 0;1;77-0 1, •tbe; belt- qiNtlitY.
just retvivad and •Gir sale at. •
13, .
: , Okii•
)1 , I t
li 1 -11 E suln p
iciiberPlers 4isjtikr;old
edgriiiikur totbeouilftit the liberal
4.34. . , tnOrttPilge,r/ th which be has
been f 'rot a settee of years, arid re
epe,,yr ,„y matins khai he his just re
ceive ~ at has ol deatablishsd stand in
Vinunberabitrg atreeti a large and fresh
suir4, or !
bßif4 .ItEDicintS,
Pa 41.111) 7 Diy!? Ors I
and ererfraAgy or snicks uinilly found
in , at Drug *twee to whisk l ha lames the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they will be furnished at the post reason
able prices.
Gettysburg, June 2, IMO.
Cheap fur 11,404 k.
y L. SC El !C K has jolt whetted, per
• tate it rript, s iargif Ind to
t good an
Qsortnuoll of I..adiete tritti : .(lce*wes
loves and' tiOsioxy &wean be produced
in:Getty/bale ,Ata tie splendid lot of Rib
bons and Flowerii4i—all of which will be
sOl4#ldW"lh - ;titey can HE height at any
other 'eteril'
Ontlisdiirrielltlarch 28,=1649.
iIiICKARDINS-Paiesa arida Persuade.
ijA, The plbprietur ol this new and bea`m•
Oh{ confidently recommends
it as paviug l noppitil,iti the world for iin-
TPat Ontll.}irlaifitl•
. 10 and glossy appear
ance to the hair, promoting itsgrow ill and
;and prevailing its falling out. For sale
kir " ?- KELLER KURTZ.
Mrr6, ,
'firtfitiaft, tittle Tripoli,
deef tag aptl burnishi • •
ng all fin
; isited Amalie and Glass surfaces ;
istiels es gold, silver, brass. Etritanium and
aWeit,*snits; window panes, &e.
Ws is Ore, being entirely free
from it4idsonica, or calcareous earth:, and
tlierefore altogether superior to the Italian
Tripoli; so much used in Europe. For
sate bit. KELLER KURTZ.
GARPEN SEEDS.—A fresh supply,
4arratitetl growth of 1818, just re
coi4tl awl for wile by
KELLER K uwrz.
- - Plain and Figured Clasps.
&ITU BEADS, Purse Twist, Tassels,
Bilk canvass, and Reticules, con=tant
ly: on, hand and for sale at SUIIICK*S.
• March 80.
11 El N rrars German regeiabk Cal
tie Powder, prepared by J. F. H.
Heinitsh or son, Lancaster, Pa., sad for
salt at the Bookstore of
•otrnrseußo, PA.
:LIR= , TREES, of all kinds. (grafte
2.7 in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please cal
and judge foryoursekes. `
JL. SCHICK has just received an
• elegant article of SATIN, which he
will sell low. Also, plain and figured Cra
vats and Hankerchiels, • Collars, Suspen
ders, &c. • March 30.
'I h e Marion Rangers will pa
rade at Jacob Trestle's, in Menabeta town
ship, .ott Monday the 7th of Moy next, at
a t 10 o'clock, A. 51., with arms and accuu•
tremoott in complete order,
ANCY A.RTlCl.ES,Cologrte,Sospe
L i. 11,dr Oils, Tooth Brushes. Toilet
Brushes, Tooth Powders, &e., &c., for
sato by S. H. BUEHLER
the best quality, jot,received expl
41.00 - DB, •
- A. their compliments to their hien&
and the *Air.. and would . iaform them
that they are receiving their weal large and
direct from The cavern cities, consisting,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
and a full assortment of every thing in their
line, which they offer to the public much
Lower than they can be purchased else
where in the county.
rpCouutry produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
irr.A large lot of Locust Posts on
hand, which will be disposed of on rea
sonable terms.
April 6, 1849.—tf
HAWING just returned from the cities
of New York. Philadelphia and Bal
timore, with the most choice selection of
GOODS ever offered to the citizens of
Gettysburg and vicinity ; consisting of
a general assortment of
Dry Goods, GI oceries,
Hardware IS* Queinsicesrt,
all having been Felected with care, and
purchased at auction for the CASH, lie
lells confident in saying that he can sell the
than they ever were or can be sold by
any other establishment. lie charges no
thing for showing his goods. Therefore
he int io the public to give him a call be
lore purchasing elsewhere. as he deter
mined to make the 'wires of his goods cor
relpornd with his professions.
April 6, 1848.-31
IILgW 0,0104&,
z ilT PRICES T11.17' C.IX7'
AT die old and well known stand, has
just received and is now opening, as
usual, as large and well selected a stock
of goods, as bas been offered to the public
at any titue--consisting of
Dry Goods Sr, Groceries,
• .!;) 'Si Vtii cN
all of which have been purchased on the
very bast terms, and will be sold at prices
to suit the times. lle will not misrepre
sent nor deceive you_ by saying that we
can sellgoods,..Thirtv per cent. cheaper"
than any other establishment. But we
will confine ourselves to the plain facts,
and that is. that we will sell any and every
article as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than
they can be had elsewhere. Our prices
are uniform. And we warrant all Goods
sold to be as they are represented.
az:erlie Litchia' attention, particularly,
is invited to a large and very handsome se
lection of
Silks, and Fancy Goods
generally. Picase give us a call, examine
and judge for yourselves.
April 5. 1849.—1 f
EVE commenced the manufacture of
•I. CIGARS. in East York street, in
the room formerly occupied by E. Ziegler,
Ilattcr—wheoi they have on hand a large
Their atork embraces the following
MYALUS 'i9.14D13'd170
SNUFF, 4e, ic.. ifre.
Country merchants and others can he sup
plied with Cigars at reduced prices, fur
Cash. All orders will be promptly at
led to. Determined to spare no efforts
to furnish their cingotners with the very
i best arocles in their hue of business, they
hope to merit and receive the patranage of
the public.
Gettysburg, April 6, 1849.—Gm
Tins is to give notice that \ the part•
nership, in the practice of the Law,
heretofore existing between the subscriber
and R. G. AI'CREARY. Esq., has been I ,
ibis day dissolved by mutual consent ; ane,
that all the professional business, in which
the subscriber has been at any time enga•
ged, either ,alone or in partnership with
others. hex been placed in the hands of R.
G. kli'Citemtr. Esq., to be conducted by
him to completion, the said subscriber
having full consdence in his integrity, and
ability to eo so to the satisfaction of all
April 3,1819.-3 m
V j ETTEEtS Testamentary on the-Es
tate of ABRAHAM GITIS le, late of Menal.
len toarn%hip, Adams - county, Pa ~ deceased ;
having been granted to the subscribeta
siding in the said township, they hereby
give notice to all indebted to said Estate
to make payment without delay, and those
having claims to present the same proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
April 6,1849.-6 t• Executors.
Jr A RTIVLtS, TO Ls, &C. for. e4f4
by nt'Vrtt
• , , +44, t,
11 ERE AS sti wndryh ir tis s_qf lajt,
t a
-• • - hate been fry ing
and forestall public upiniets
the subseriber can at the prestiliettdiellbeter'l
the largest and best stuck-of Col4ll l o9llRit
this County, ihkrePtre be it korPrieVitlil
persons interested that the' ungthiii4nt
continues . to mamglientre itt-tikt 4HtliNo l
in South Baltitnute street, every sitiffillPilr
P .1 I X anti .E.1.111C
which will be Fold on the most
accommodating , terma for itaah.or ribdiwiL
My Chairs are made in Gettythsteirois4l7,
not in ~ .40310n." iv t
-•House and Sign Paintint ,4 l.:
attended to as formerly f and fr4M6l'•
practice and experience in' Maine*"
subtcriber feels aonfident that kis wo t rk
will bear the closest inspection, bemuse hitt -
workmen are of the beat that the country
can furnish.
CJiBISE7' RE, of every I'o
and of lite best quality, will be furisiphett;
to Customers, and at all times mails !omi t ,'
der. kinds,of Lumber, takteck4skti
fair prices: C HAAR PLANE particist
wanted—something less than ..150-00," ,
will answer. - •
Feeling thankful for past favors., Ot,,
subsCriber hopeat, by attentionoto bust!? !!!!!!!!
still to merit a share of public favor..,.
Gettysburg, March 9, 1849.—tf , ,
& .riacirEvic sHOF
fr HE subscriber respectfully infergli
his friends and the public generally
that he still continues to carry:lett VIC:
FOUNDRY B U SIN ESS, in all its branch..
es, at his old establishment, in the.Westpra :
parte( Gettysburg, where he bus consandra
on hand all sorts of
Wia I,4lo) s :aMtao
such as Kettles, Pots, Ovena,
Pans, G riddles, &c., of all sizes ;
STOVES of every size and variety, ineitt.::
ding Common, Parlor, Air-tight and . Coojtil
Mg Stoves—among them the far-fuMitr
TO Farmers he would say, he' has on_
hand an excellent assortment of '
Threshing - Ma
Hovey's celebrated Strawcutters, the ru—
nowned Seylcr Plows ; also Woodcock' ; ,,
and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters,
Shares, &c.
BLACKSMITIIING is carried on in ,
its different branches, by the best of work..
t hw The subscriber has also ()puled a ,
Shop in the South end of the, •
Froundry Building, where,w ithgood work. „
men and excellent materials,' the neatest;;
fits and best work will be made. Ilry.l.a
dies will he waited on at their residence.-
AU of the above mentioned articles %val. !
be furnished as cheap, for Cash or country.'
Produce, as they can be had any where
else. All orders will be promptly attend
ed to.
11C Repairing, of all kinds, dono,atSh6
shortn notice.
• T.• ARIEN ; I
. .
Gettysburg, r.llsy 6. 1818.. "
E revolutions throughout Eut'opei,deL
ring the year 1848, have been produce
live of a momentary stagnation in the
merce of the world. Meny repertaita‘it''
reached us, that thousands ()fits' mere - hunts
have failed, and u great number of TILS
ufaetories have been obliged to suspend
their operations. Many have. been look.
ing with an anxious eye towards , oux,hap..
py land of freedom, in order to IWO , 11ke, , ,,
wrecks of their fortunes. Favored by tits.,!,
low duties, established by our govern
ment, they have been able to meet with
a suitable market to dispose of their other. ,
wise worthless goods. A ono other period
since the establishment of our government,.
have our markeis been so glutted 00410
sorts of goods. Hence goods have
dined enormously in prices. het it nub;
be supposed that this will continuettiudi
longer p already we art •informed, by
news brought in the last steamers, !ho t
tranquility is restored and confidence re
established between the different naWoug.of
Europe, and that business has already. se—
vived—consequently, prices of manufactu
ring goods must end will rise again.
Being convinced of this fact.l would in
form my customers, and the public gen
erally, that 1 have just received a very
large assortment of spring and Summer
{Veal ing Oppard, together with I,ltty
usual assortment of fitoelr y, Piney Goodiv
P 4.c. My goods having been pur
chased when, prices
~were, lows* ,*!sail!!
choices the most extensive, L feel confidltiiied
hat I not only can undersell any one 410
this neighborhood—the cities sot sweep/.
ed. My stock being well selected auauf
the hest materials, it cannot fail of giving
entire sutisfitetion to those who will'twocur
me with their calls.
My stock of goods is . large, consistin g
of Men's and Boys' Wearing Appartelo4l
all sizes and qualities and pricesiiitad.thr
mind being made up as to selling eh'elet`
than the cheapest, my terms of sale
only he cash and at only one piiee.
Kt=/' 1 hove also on hand a lot . Of Pin_
O' L, of a superior quality, and very cheap.
Also, a CARRIAGE, and two second.
hand BUGGIES, whicli I will diapciiie of
upon reasonable terms.
March 23, 1849.
LL Ladies wishing io shpply the{'"
selves' with handsome DRP,S64
GOODS woulil do well to call at the *is
of J. L. SC li ICK, and examine his stela bf
plain, striped and barred Cambric Mui4ielkiy.
Alpacca, and a good article ut . •
Black fillk, ' ,
Black Gimp and Fringes, NeedlewerkeC
Collars, plain and figured Bobinetos Soot
!lot of Irish Linens, colored.. blesebeefseakt
unbleached Muslin, Drilling. Blinicallel•
land, Table Covers, Combs, andpany ptil"
er articles too numerous lo nletrikdri:
would therefore invite all to calLitoonled
examine Tor themselves before pitrehiel#
elsewhere, ea I feel confident thst :team
please all, both in style end price. ;IA
Gettysburg, March 80,'1540.• '
cliobi,• BooKs P, 8.
EBY,9lolkinth.oamomim ll
and (or "ale, at tiS4 ,104044 PP' lf I, IMMO
PiPolf.OiSiP.lNLUllitii r ita
' • r 1). t •