Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 20, 1849, Image 1

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    3111.1 79111;!:;?
04011 i) Olt it
-It ,
---.lllll:otirtety eg.':"Ort
-it IjSfligtrir,
•114,1 l'st;.l,l .11 k'
40.4111.11 ifivn
' 4 :1 1 44 ,6. it. MAULER.
trnitII9IIIII 4 ,IIRtTPRERS, UP I. : ' t L :
7 tv• -1 1' ''ilt AN, • frill Airy.
..,sA he
, t,,,, v.sio, o * '• ,• • , , ' • '‘.
1,4/p, nhap.!'llte lied begins , .
...Iffle ppobir. that ibil night ie peat., , •
,„.,,A,Oftwithw dayastro nigh i ,
~,,hradleina Ntleitt TIP, der the hit* • ,
The valleys catch theiound— ,„ . ,...
.. : .
.5e11e 01 1& 1 11,rjk,( 1 , 44 :0,...,.+4 44 Pg rna ct7. -...t.t , ...,....,
It plemeatheaugh theiading gloom,.
.t. .4 Its Oleg* am-peasant [ecla—
t, And old oppression from in throb*
r ' With; theme sod terror reels;
.All media up their hearts and hands,
, - ,z, blorerfearless and more free,
.. i And load rings out the common about,
...I: No mote we'll bend the knee!
1 ' mm thOthy forge, from lieher's cot,
'''; Proni ploughs thin break the lea,
'.. 'vrems-iironloanut„ from smokfng mines,
" R Prom' ailips that Cleave the tres, --
' One soled Unites aid mightier_
' Sweetie on and ever on ;.
' 'The tyeent's day,'the vassal's work
r '• Are glens, forever gone I
Up. brothers, yp, I and shame the light!
Rejoice, thk;day has come,
When freedom decks the lowest shrine,,
•' '• And pews the pootest home
Rt ia leti e ,tind plidge with strengthening ties
' ' ' ' new botn heart and mind,
' To keep dm tidon and pass it on
'Call of hpman kind.
'I. Rejoice, that ye base broke at length
The strong and heavy, Chain,
-...• Which neither age nor human strength
7 Can hind ye with again ;
...Rsjoice,and *weer ye will•not-bend,
Nor give the guerdon hack.
,Though glistening steel disputes the way,
- . And &MI is on your track I
Pot the "Mar and Danner.
of all other men, em most forlorn,
And, °kitties synth Abut t hid ne'er been born
To tread' life's weary. rugged. winding ways,
Where no height eun Mimes my ehort•lived de's:
For, though they're short, most lengthened do they
A: lite perchince is only huts dream—
Yet, dream or not, whatever life may be,
DAME Fortune hath • tuaile for all hut ma
l'se toiled for yeti's to climb her pettily mount,
Tirakiakinsstt system from her pearly town :
With antious eye T Asir its riplera gleam—
Dame Fortune's sun had gilded o'er the stream
And made my willing fancy faintly hear
The sound of waters gurgling on my ear;
Awl when I loudly thought, "I'm nearly there,"
TAe bubble burst and left me to despair.
And this, alas ! has always been my doom,
To grope my way amid dark sorrow's gloom,
With not a friendly son to lend one ray
To pierce the clouds that an obscure my way.
A - nd so perchance 'twill ever be with me,
i awake in immortality
Dot then, oh ! pitying hope.l trust to thee,
retake me not, to blest eternity.
W. J. •••••
'Clettyeburg, April 14, 1848.
It has been remarked. that the foreho
ditige,of a guilty conscionee are rarely, if ,
ever, fully realized in this life. Threat
cuttio,of a guilty mind pursue it to the last
moment of earthly existence, anti will pro
mice a fearful retribution to be realized
beyond thigravo. “The wicked travel
litth with pain all his days. A dreadful
auuud is in his ears. Ile k noweth that the
day of darkness is ready at hand. Trouble
and anguish shall make him afraid."
The life and death of many a renowned
skeptic, prove that this is no exageration
of the truth. The dread word Ruttiest:,
indicates the fearful reprisals• which con
ecience is.sure to levy upon guilt. The
mestsuceessful course of crime is pot safe
Om' the terrific visitations of this inward
monitor. Condolence may sleep during a
tent coarse of crime, but she .newer dies..
She Will GNAW aciAtN; . The hour of Ca
tautrity,,die moment of 'death, arms her
;with tenfold terns*. , ' •
tither. be not, therefore, a future state
pl retrqoution, ihe last ong of human guilt
la a lie-4 lie for whiclt the creator is re
' aptinsible; We almost tremble at the, lan
guage we have used. though it be but'hy.
pothetical i and we fly to the alternative
in wltichalone,the mind can rest. that Goo
se .trieun—that mandives beyond the grave.
ape that the 14 that perseveree in sin is
hosloillyli top. ruin. which At NIIIIT meet at
, some point of its future existence.
Itilpan nature-:,
eutth tba•toachintaf the Author of human
ntittieW: I ;All 'edit; e perverse in=
nemorl*o'o 3lo lovalithtlo
thietieetimeny, tacit is ,written upon the .
Intfr,PetW .
_ t or,
}Lowevor. unbelletiniky o9uttnus to PtiOnk
of ihe,cms9ience.
same to *Praia oriel„ AT:
taintkisy the ingilendoe of `things seen and
ifilnerBltorPthi! , f 4 l never 0)0'0 Ole All ;}
Nadal nature of the soul. may pervert
0 1 43/oytilf &hi, beer it on to thin. ,ort it
seektonr,.eatirely, tranquiliee its iottfttc
tjae msritimeert of the doom that awaits
-tkoir4444, 42 eilisUor3 4 , • 'l
3* 11111/141 YOU . TH.—The . dinarOn,
ovlrinr,rnif'!re early taught.U3 reverence
ikeir After a certain age,' the
child salutes; the father upon entering the
kissing the hand, and he remains
standing until he has permission to sit or
, They are taught from infancy to
itliggiab a ,tender affection for the mother,
tyd;is feature of their character they re
'intigh life. The father commences
to Instruct his son as soon as he i s o f so f.
- 110tt l eagilArt the religion of the Prophet,
ieaegtilf 61m thiKalitnalt or profession 'of
faith and the prayers. lie instructs hint
his food, in what manner
Llilikldress, and how he is to demean him-
Telrio h iiie'Presenee of others. He is
Asiisett. sewer to speak ill of any one, nor
,'much,' never to turn hie hack
uportinnothgr. nor to eat too much, and
**Vet wept ht any assembly.
Taitifollew.ll4 Poems; .401.* toto4 l / 4
it. Mae:Mowed from Mrs. Mcintoikip"Clwom,
and •CPunter. Charon" !filitOu nUtinP* t
fatbor, Is !Miriade.
Thephild'ikilisease use scarlet fere re-,
Tea days. and nights of ever-deepening!
gloom had passed, and in the silent night,
having Instated that Evelyn, whe had her
self 'shown . ioitttritbms of illness 'Through
theday, s hould retire to had, Milken Has
tinge eat alone watching, with tightening
heart the disturhed sleep of the little r•Ye•
'lt was near midnight when that troubled ,
sleep was broken. The child turned from
side to side uneasily, and looked some
what.wildly tiriantid her."
le the mailer with my darlihg I"
asked the father in tones Ofinelting tender
"Where's mamma !—•Eve wants mash
ma to say, Our Father!" •
Elision Hastings' had often contetripla- 1.
ted the beautiful piettire of his child kneel- 1
lug with clasped hands beside heiniiither,!
to lisp her evening prayer, or, since her
illness forbade' her rising freim her bed,
of Evelyn kneeling beside it, taking these!
clasped hands in hers, and listening to
' Eve's softly murmured — Words. . Well he !
knew, thereforeovhat was meant by Eve's •
simple phrase, 'To say our Father.' li
"Mamma is asleep," .he :said ;."when
she awakes we will call her."
"No, no, papa; Eve asleep, then"
"I will call her at once, then, darling,"
and he would have moved, but the hulls
hand was laid on him to arrest him. • •
"No—don't wake poor mamma ; papa,
say Our Father for Eec." .
"Will Eve say it to Papa I Speak,
then, my darling," he said, finding that
though the hands were clasped and the
sweet eyes devoutly closed, Eve remain
ed silent.
"No—Eve too sick, papa—Eve can't
talk so much—papa, kneel clown and say,
Our Father, like mamma did last night—
won't you, papa r
Euston Hastings could not resist that
pleading voice ; and kneeling, he laid
his hand over the clasped ones of his
child, and for the first time since he had
murmured it with childish earnestness in
his mother's enr, his lips gave utterance
to that hallowed form of prayer which was
given to man by a 'Divine Teiteheri At
such an hour, under such circumstances,
it could not be uuered carelessly ; and
Huston Hastings understood its solemn
import—its recognition of God's sover
eignty—its surrender of all things to Him.
He understood it, we say—but he trent•
bled at it. His infidelity was annihilated;
bathe believed as the unreconciled believe,
and his heart almost stood still with fear
awhile. "Thy will he done on earth even
as it is in heaven," fell slowly from his
I ips.
Soothed by his compliance, Eve became
still, and seemed to sleep, but only for , a
few, minutes. Suddenly, in a louder voice
than had been heard within that room for
days, she exclaimed. "Papa—papa—see
there; up there, papa l"
Her eyes were fixed upward, on the
eiling,•tia it seemed to Easton Hastings,
for to him nothing else was SiSible, while
a smile of joy played on her lips, and het
arms ware stretched upwards as to some
"Eve comi,og l" she cried again, "Take
"Will Eve leave papa?" cried Euston
Hastings, while unconsciously he.passed
his ann over her, as if dreading that she'
would really be borne from him.'
With eyes still fifed,upwarde, and ex
tending her last strength in an effort to rise
from the bed, Eve murmured in broken
tones :--"Papa, come too--mainma—
little' brotlierat - •
The last word Could have been, (Uinta
guiehed only by the intensely listening ear
of love. It , in weigh f and Ewen
Hastings felt' even" While lie Still ciaapedl
hei Cheruliforin, 'add gazed upon,' bar
sweetly smiting face. that his E ve hid,i
-174 ) (1 ° hli,l t , r q rl tfr• ,T 4a l ehe l le e r s l ) l ..
lig 10 with the tetttentoraitee,ot that
last scene full in hilt mind; hevoultiksot had
HOE; - Hereiteforth heaven'aritti
'WA gfellltYit' NrWM,oo,t4 4 l 40493,(3( 4,1
Evni his.oraa hesrt beat longingly , to
see dr: His proud. ',MA, vilmaalltig 'new
rain? , Mid .been;'aiugll l / 4
0:6'41'44 who
of heaves and embus the inhabitants of
,the earth." The Being and Nature upon
which he had hitherto speculated as grand
abstractions, became at once unspeakably
interesting facts. Would He contend with
him in wrath 1 Would He snatch from
him one by one the blessings of his life,
crushing the impious heart which had re
viled His attributes, and denied his exist
ence—or was He 'indeed "so long suffer
ing," no "plenteous in mercy," that He
would prove even to him that His might
was the might of a Saviour
Such were his thoughts, as with still
concentrated. agony be turned from the
grave of his cherished child to watch the
bedside of the suffering Evelyn. she had
, taken the terrible disease from ber little
•C A
L, • •,c.?
Eve+ and say for tainy•daysinowsibic
her cuan,lianger heuhtialtandlategany.-
But nod, was merciful anti Alit huaband
and father! received larr back H from the I
graft: The bait Wfil eft judgailibt
ioditedititi'Wriialtetl: A lenifOtotisnitia
his own upworthinem o mercy-a•
fearithtt he , cotiltl oche heard-rphecli
ad the. cry whicb anguish wonhihave-et4.
toiled from 'Euston iihunings t and •the
first real utterance from his heart to he*.
yen was in the language of thanksgiving,
PERSEVIIRANCE Or kunoso#,-c-Antte4 ,
dent that bappenell Wiwo bulAred pf m 7
original drailrippuu.pearly put s-alaqa to:
reiembecia ornithology•_.l:_thall -relate
it merely to show how• far enthoteiatniiw.
for Aty turothei sante' eatiAleall my perieu•
eennicetty enable the 'Observer of 'n'a=
lure to stirnioimf the nines disheakening
difficulties. I left the villiage of Render.
son, in Kentucky, situated on the yanks
of the Wad; where treiided for several
y ews, for Pi? 44e1,0 ia, o Wttiness. I Oak
ed to all my drawisigs before my depar
ture, placed them carefully in a wooden box,
in charge of a relative. with the injunction
to see that no injury sitotild happen them.
My absence was or several months ;' and
wheit I returned, after having enj flied 'the
pleasure of home for a few days, I inqui
red after my box, and what I was pleascd
to call my treasure. The box was pro
duced stud opened ; but reader, feel for ins
—a pair of Norway rats had taken posses
sion ca the whole, and reared a yoting fam
ily among the gnawed bits of paper which
but a mouth previous represented nearly
a thousand inhabitants of The air! • The
burning heat which instantly rushed
through my brain, was too great to be en 7
(lured, without affecting my whole nervous
system. I slept nut for Several nights,
and the days passed like days of oblivion
—until the animal powers being called into
action, I took up my gun, my hole book,
and my - pencils, and went forth to the
woods as gaily as if nothing had happened.
I felt pleased that I might now make bet
ter drawings than before. And ere a pe
riod not exceeding three years had elapsed
my portfolio was again filled.
QUEEN Etnailszu.—Sir James Macin
tosh, in his defence of Peltier ) puke ,or
Queen Elizabeth's influence over the Eng
lish nation in thew %Porde : • •
"She breathed unto fltent those grand
and powerful sentiments which exalt vul
gar men into heroes—which led them in
to the bustle of their country arwed with'
holy and irresistible coilitisinain, hid' ev
er weer with their shield all the ignoble
interests that base calculation and cue aid
ly selfishness tremble to hazard, and shrink
front defending. A sort of prophetic in.
stinct—if l may so speak—seeme to have
revealed to her the importance of that
great instrument for rousing and guiding
the minds of men, of the effects of which
she' had no experience—which, since her
time, has changed the condition of the
world—but which few modern' statesmen
have thoroughly understood or wisely em
ployed—which is'no doubt connected with
many ridiculous and degrading details—
which has produced, end which may a
gain produce, terrible
. mischiefs. -but the
influence of which must, after, all, be con
sidered as the most certain effect and the
most efficacious cause of civilization--and
whirh; 'whether it be a blessing or a Curse (
is' the most powerful engine that a poliii-'
clan can move 1 meanAe press. It is a ,
curious fart, that, in the year or ArlitAida.
Queen &lizabeth reused to be printed the
first Gazelles that aver appeared in Eng
land ; and I owns when I consider that
tine mode of .rousing a national spirit was
then . absolutely unexampled---that she
could have no assurance of itiefficaey from
the - precedents df FortnerlithetW—l am dii re f old her having recourse to it
as 'One of the most aniacious experiments
—one of the greatest discoveries of intr.
dent genius—.vice Of tie inett4' etiik iiin&
tie~pstionsof fiffute experht*:ihit
find • t •
.4 Simian. - filnitatunt.6-4 1 let* .front
tilettitt'etintiltili 'the iatritnation that the i
new Em peror _ of
framshis , Coart shriste%wier bid.
qinittit'sethieh' fitiltierly reigned 'tit*
bon t ltd of `tint 'l,tond"
+`Aster dinner ' t'he Em ie~ror smokes hie
naniPs.9k Italy, A, !in .inkingnen, int
n° 7 4l °R A t TIT ,5purt,,141 , 11 , 9 Pril b r,r - V
the, Imperial family or koairia waa, !Ter n
known to smoke." Whis appears to
regarded as a portentous sign, of the times..
t. All is lost I " said the Frenchman' when
Roland went to court in etwe-strings in-
stead of buckles.
A PoHalt prince was accustomed to eat ,
ry the picture of his father always in his.
bosom ; and on any
, occasion,
he would look upon it and say ;---"Let
me do nothing unbecoming so excellent
a lather I ".
SLD.-Fitz preens' HuHeck, Esq., the
distinguished poei, who has shown'ayin
toms of insanity for some ten days past, is
now a confirmed lunatic; /and his been
placed by 4is friends la tbe
Bloomingdale. ,
~ . • , . , . ,• .
Palming up Third street, on flab:lo4r Mon tyely 'the sag acity of the canine race,
ise vile attracted by the cry of “sfohtg. ;butyl, are about to tell one which will beat
going;giApe:a:i nag 9t Ofele ,tilehtilh- ,anything df the kind. We have ever seen
Or k
'meets; and entering found* filled, with' s . hesid. 3 —Vihst 'le better, the . incl.
.snotty 'asserfibliage, oattialtiing tint gaffed de line, hiving:actually occurred in' a
'display of goods,, wares and merchan is°, net* jng,c ty.,,l,Was related to us by,
arranged for sale. fictivile, ales i the . rted, a .autw e of,,aatigipisogattils ~,spracity„„,who
'.. watch, a VuiY! 6.l ) , =9oi,t iTi(f)re47..;,were *new the dog. Should this meet (he eye
atic.cessiully ‘,lor.fl}l, 4 (4 . pii4ip . 744 . pl . tIV giutleifiett lathe 'lrehited "It taws,' '
.struck us to ,be far 0 , 4,4140. !Au°, anti_wilt agifilf it'e , riii. 'Air itO:it / :#lerithat; frt
,it 18411 amusing. to. witildia,flte eagerrwaft,bov.lirlegg ecWicli last" Year; an/1 l
.4. .as
with which thwewirtpetiwili sought topos- , 4nindest itod.aneeearptur tinAbtrtgoveratit
see* themselves of the' OW,' objects bf himself. But to lit* itoryivi''Therwrier
their EfiltipetloriV "We'' 4. :%..',. among the of *Midi* 'lrturifttlfirlhehll'oTOingiti"#l
'group an interesting' giriout seventeen eFetiAt , i:-: v oikk i i,44i, ..,, f iroo !f ! ; )7,l k i#
'year° of Age; In faded; yie*eirtiourding. with it the flog 'woald go to the
Thtfrotrarllre lAAVieVilnit , iiti SurW'Mose« llis*o*
ancholy upon 'ile; oel
uiiiut °Obit. 'wohttfierittelharditAkrivarthe'tiseti Ift ,I
, ,
tenant*, Whicht Halted Aline ; 'the
.., ..
was not among those 'olo!ivere;bidding;
but was untloalitedly witialle uhtil'iome .
t tv
article was of e i ttodeliirotie
of possessing.
~ gi,t terii
g A,4ooMieer
offered a miniature and-it locikiso - The
pate girl 'sleeted,. led
. rub totviiirds th e .
counter eaclaimed in, a , 4 e
of deep els
guild' : • ,• ; • : :1 . •
*404 !. doni-W.-Ann . t; sell s emi str4.for,
mercy's sake,' keep them•idittle while lew.
ger. I shall be able to rein thefts. • I
shall indeed." - '' '''-
_"Wtat is bid for theft" continued
the auctioneer.
"Do not bid I" almost* ieked thegirl.
"I had to pawn them to thread for my
little sister ; it iti-rny moil' 's hair which
the locket contains—puo dear mother,
who gave it to me when #l, was dying.
Oh I do not sell it—pray tittet."
It is impossible to descr4e . the sensation
produced by this appealai ing the assem
blage. There was not Mitary bid fiw
the articles ; but we raw n elderly gen
in the.simple garb 'f a:Quaker go
to the desk, and in a fe minutesitfierT
terwards we saw that girl press- his.
hand to her lips, and of eagerly kissing'
something which he li ded to 'her, she
rushed from the room . hill:See* . termi
nated the Sale that day furlhelaudierice
soon. begun to dispers e, the ro. that
mained evincing no•disp iti to possess
themselves of .any. of ;, rtredestaned
pledges" left remling sikitie ~ - --PAtila,
.4....y0ati True , ,Yttn. 7 ik •?- ' -
Cuntoms Feare st Nivrome.—Almost
all animals come its the world covered
with clothing adoitel to their condition.
INIon is all exceptio i because he can clothe
himself. He is no , lowever the only ex
ception—nor is he te only animal diatom%
clothe itself. TheLsrvre or grub of that
species of moth' % ich is collet! "clothe's
moth," monufamil, as soon es it comes
into the 'world, a cit of hair or wool, and
for the protection 1 its tender skin, lines
it with silk. ,Thie a curious end singe
larfact. If this cwas the insect's nat
ural Coveting ; it w Id grow with the in
sect's growth—hot is artificial, and some
provision, therefor rtittiCbit 'Made for its
enlargement, ati ti'e ob increases in eine.'
If additional length ly In" required, lie
took wtiuld •be sea he covering being
cylentirical, all thn oukI• be n e c essar y,
would indeed very ilyheeffected by ad
ding* ring ortwn ' e toil iir the bottom.
But the coat must b iden,d, and this' is
an operation ,whit; not no easily4er:
1 formed 7 -,bill the lit inecel, es. if ,it had,
learned, the art, of , , ring, eecompliahee
its object with equal roast] success.. Is'
begins as amexperi• .d Asttrkmew would
do, by making two , me on each side,'
in order to give adds al richt, and then
introduces two slips tlielre ninierrof, ~
to fin up the same sp —lit it foresees—
or at least stettatif i . i—shit.if the
slits' were meths on isitt i froni;ontreikl
'to thrfotherlt iamb; `c t sittiafill Mil
--li proceeds; there ',''': th;Catitfait: itifl l u
at drat Siitliits",gerai' ; el;ch ifde' 'cirili I
belt. VW , 4Yvf,thllai r ds 1 4i! , sr4Yriglioe41
theenlargement of 1,1 , it proceeds in.
like linstnner.tle eitisiilt.etheer usWltst ,
criore , eould , kwtioheintilfel sailisist-m.l
Attd'llevit 'oleseititi ll't It eperetfrottLit-)
, perfilithed; not hYliin r; 4 ldr:ii itiliif
li i7:l:A l iC : ‘il i T#4,4fir nA 7464 . t ir ,it i e,;, ll‘ #:#
sits first !‘kl!llillki".. ~:4 , PI, 42 1 ) , c I i rTAR!!
1 sailonwithir i4:1 1 414 1 lik; 1-10-rrs I ° ta!ST
it ,* •y •ttrtnedr t , ,
„ Es;ilV , M4NiClia*Pito l 4l: l
yeses old ,welekenseejesileeetms,Leak.
FtMatte Austere. in As ter
than in any °diet rileiniiktfloileiynteng
latltEe kite itif iittffittetitirth to estiy on
qutie serious flirtations
•+When 1 am dead. soul will return
toTrance, and dwell le • hearts of the
French people, like dor in the clouds
orrinaien, and throb vceneeleas Mein
new revolutions."—Yeen.
During the reign of ty VIII, which
lasted thirty-eight yeinu fewer than
72,000 persons were tnted, being at
the 'rate of 1304 per en, ' •
**Gentlemen," said idlord to a late
and noisy party in hisloom, the oth
er; night "we have all 13 enough for to
night; but whether ytiittli eo 'or not,
1. for one, intend, to shtl;' The pram•
- su?a vpidea,
' . day, seen ninny a tough
piece of paper" ,and the dog .wauldr •
i4,!*!'O7PARI P l l 4 Sit4M , Fti l OlRl
and await his cent's' worth Of meat. The,'
dog beteg. al. regiffet,:erteliitervganerilly
,got I pretty liberal slice and went off itint
tented. ' One d'ay 'kb iieni to' lili'eii{it~e,
at the, alattthß/4: end itaTe.ltiak 1 49 1 404*
stand that his dlnneediedirtived., Ateelog
the , dog's uheas'ineisi'he Ilibeght het-10'4d
List him watt awhile,;, whereupon thedhg
'elicit . pieee'asiper, 'and 66'644 off
in, *ha .4i!et l 3o l l'.ot, tha 408444.: -At. ar*
ving at the stall at whit:bite weeiegularty.
saved, he lidd his
stepped forward fur his eitpPli'df
The market-man tilt off and gave him hip
supply and .off be Ted. The man stoop.
ed to pick tip his money, when lot there
was nothing but a piece of paper: He re
lated the circumstance to the. owner, who,
lon the seat day offered the dog a cent to
buy his dinner with, but the dog would
not take it. He then ettemptell to cell the
dog to the market•house,' but it was•no. .
and for writhe be ,could ,. not, be mO4, to,
go to the market. For the absolute Irtith.,
of this.story •we 'Vouch: Those; who ilia.
helievd .
may risk end mistier tide
knowing theaCtlort be*
theft.. why may he „riot : eheet.l
s our mind,. indicate 'the itnprovatient hack
dent 'tohis coMpaniunthiti with
Boston Museum. ' • 'r
LUNATIC& ',' ,' ‘- ' I -I •
1 /
, . •
- There are some were inlereethl tare*
orsiniiiie it,i ' liti.liViiicllk'?.ol l ? VO lr t ' i
Talatu.l. Z4ew Yoalt. Oneuld wqma.4,44,
a fine classic face, claims to her ehelVliit
which originally breathed upon dump"
to this' she sometimes adds thiitsheib4e
Bright and Morning iiar', # ;''Bite:iitilliSt
the room with a ..4 . .tilti constantjy,chtsPstt
to her boitotn, ands* times ultetribe meet
pathetic and beautiful language.- • ~,
A gentleinan who pnee:clir . ti hilted lbr
hie literary iet/uiittnieuW,, liftsgines hirit.
self a king, and has
,Magaificent SchfliP6lA
for gbierning 'the • world. i,!.. . • I
Oile-pre!ty w1 , 16' ;rent crazy (Mtn
iliqphintrizept love, will converse on
many : subjecs rationahy. She was ,eitt•
gaged to be married. hut a difference of re•
ligion induced' ihii.relativesinf her lover to
break oil the matlh, and she ; poor girl,
had her mind
Oue min has re ' ‘l:caiit4 a far
chaegiog. etot -.vreeelAtoto•obatete, ; thproby
keeping in the , eorourrionehenesey which ,
would iiiherWise'go to
Another has been bylbrnetrack , wro n g=
'Chi atom remarkable num In the Asy.
him itl'oSponlard‘l4 powerful min, six
feet Wilt, With iMiti black eyes
aki ,o ,, ,th?, 0 4 18 p t l'XY , . Per i "' '
cation PI , Ole demonists ; triontioneteln ..she
Beriptureao!«.. whom no,Manesield,bind.V
He'lwea'ts'is' clothes, kiwith.fittpaildeffetl'
`•eite' l whiSh
a1F,44"4 Of, PPCP . ~04.1;1
plays a powerful mind' unhinged-p.. 0 nowest
He-hdr'!ieen la
shioti• antra pititar;,ainfrilittaki
trit'inntati4iii 4 ih+o4llc;iiiii'At 14'
e 0104.4411,414 thiply MIVA OI `f
,s 4.4iihok'Lld'y eihh"kid I tly hie
[cipher A - u5:440,0g bei
,k4tlOdid; juiai4od
h vio it i o ylculpt i v * p pi m p 1... A What
110eVet ytivostidothacrissus should do unto
you; Wu' rif tteletidio there'
• Funturr or •A')lfsultO Bor.--During.
gietlethannd lady
• 9`-• • ' B '
tterit o etroug, . ,Under Convoy,
40 *OttPt lediett : ltis.wife died whi lsl
on their passage, andleft two infant child.
ren t ke eherge of whom fell to a negro
boy, seveuteen years , of age. During the
voyage, the gentleman, on some account,
left' the ship and went on board the com
modor'e's vessel, which was then in corn.
pany,, intending, no doubt, to return to his
children. • During this interval they ex
perienced a terrible storm, which reduced
the ship in which the children remained,
to a sinking state. A boat was despatched
from the commodore's to save , as many of
the passengers and crew as possible,—
Having almost filled the boat, there was
but just room, as the sailor said, for the
two infants, or for the negro boy, but not
for the three, The boy did not hesitato
moment; but placing ,the twoinfants•in
the boat' s he said, ...Pell Massa that Cuffy
bSs dime 'big duty." The faithful negro
was Quickly lost in the stortn,,Srliiliii the
two infants, through his devoted and he
roic conduct, were restored to their anx
ious parent.
Queen Charlotte, who heard of this ex
traordinary circumstance, requested Han
nah Moore to write a poem upon it, hut
site begged to be excused, saying, " That
no art could embellish an act so noble !"
'Twig on 'a cold autumnal night,
A dismal one to view ;
park cloth's 'obscured fair Venus' light,
And not a star appeared in eight,
. - A 4 the thick forest through,
ii AlNgti es--as usual, "blue"—
; , Beat homeward, "tacking" left and right
When all at once tio•brou,4ht up" right
itgalnet on Old died yew ;
At which he "rounded to,"
And 'squaring off," ss if for fight,
4ihrtd with in oath, I sha'nt indite, • •
"e--rr internal scoundrel, you
, I'll tick you, black or white'
'''Jtv , t then ribose him flew,
An owl, which ton a branch did light,
A few feet o'er the boozy aright,
• And then commenced "To who—
, Tu cahoot—Tu•whoot—l'u-whoot I"
, 'Ciuortt Wait% "Do you think to fright
A fellow of my weight and height
With your Ter-whoot-er whoo,
Yen cursed bngeboo I
• 'An Ify•u're Beelzebub, its quite
-Onthigleszary you should light,
Foi./tlegginti aint your "due" ,
Lilky money matters are all right
Ponder paid ini-;-honot bright."
Then the owl withdrew, •
Andlelragglatetiiiksd lw,
ant there are nhaps Oat might. r•
siughl , out WA 'MAO i1i110341 Ale*
4411.4141.04'5k1e5d0 i
y know lobo,
ETTINO ''rpm TRR • WRCIlta ' NOR
' 'SY tow alma,'
A few mouths Jib tticie atTivad . thi
quiet city of Poctlarid, a home speeimea
of the genus tombs .ht I packet, all ,the
way Gum l'oaaramaquoddy, Upettgoialc
ashore, he enquired!ttitt *ay tb ihertfelrii
eat public , luMaa,:
!lOW directli.litliltateedta 41e Oar , heiia
ha landed. +1 e r I r
, . .
Oppothe the Ithel , tif thar4whitt Mattis
thi t ‘..itlii'ditlfeii - ' tt: i ': l 'Ati 114' 'Pdr'-,
;.; pii
•F.' l .! , ?rr..._ L
;front pf !ghttht,4o6 surntotkuitti Al .A. ailing
gilt apt 01141 4legin.N Autbothe latter our trav
eller WitlifeClill'Oeit* Ai handl 'end,
beviti p !,4o : 9"*#,, l #o . - ,, iiit.y . :Aiii nearest
' tcit . mtrntittilolt;ol:tatterd,to heto the SUrvey.
,ie• tlepatiotette 'threw,. hie luggage
liktiest4ltetttotnek'ssized;tu arm ohai.,
st,ilAl***o,lflie& lilt' pie.. '' Drool!'
i4ol,Api ' '4 44g4 lio kited forth
4,,w4 I:.
edit , itiehapigotaihotokooeketlyhie , hut , over
hteiittotil4bniukt oultuttiefitieti tolniff away
iti'i•ltlieOlio iiiiiiiit:' :4 '' .' " .' ' "'
-,-,i, .1 :r :1 iw....rtit9 'l.=: i , , 1::.f. ! ..
:T , PAPSY,f/IiT4P 2 M4 l!''' b i p e dl TA une f .4
s-comel,'44‘lo9lprklded,#o !ft itlor ,rho
, (ingot:of tidy teems without intruding tin.
petititibleltiiititiMit 'lliitlififiilithed lark
~Pt;li:". . ,iii:A oi4iolistjAr,oo.4oot4'.i'
''!e cilA ITol.rti;'; • d : ,. .,"4 1,•: '-..1; , i './..•
PACalii lisy.insbur.'.! : • , -. ! ! ~ , • ' , i . ' , ret . i
? l a, Hpw ; 1 01 , 11i ii nner. ?44 . ,,,, : ,, .. . 1' ..,,,
.:;:#!; 14.:.iii;•07., ..,,..,
,t,,. -7 7 .7 ,
,•..Dianer. , 7.„„ f. .,:. i .: ~4„,,, i: , ~, 4„
, pWe•ditit it israMi tontlniett•'the ;stir
'gym', '•diiiptiliitti' theititingfili error.
1 4 4 4 iv i Wt4.,1 ' ' fii ..i V , 0 4+ 4,i,10.0 : 1 i :
:, .!.. 7. Oat 1 fti.e.sfitt: Man t ',,, (allintog the
landlord )', , •'• • • . • ' • '
wi The oOltettei it In the next room, sir,"
italtithifig i ret4ihittettiveidr ;'and our down
sUsitei:liiinielliiiityy Moved himself into
. , ~
# l ..‘ o ol 4l 9l9eiA•partniect. toting his lug- 1
gags along at lie went. , Having laid down
hlir i ltrips; he litepped . up' to the counter,
Whiri BMW a pitcher and tumbler for the
use ; of the room. ,The cashier looked at
him an -iiimant,'-erhett the stranger broke
sileitet :e , :i ..,, .t-. , :Li. •t.: , ,
. ,
•0444 1 14thi iAlot4 l ) l ed
iccoutiton44 :•r.;. t•. • • •- ,
. : a, /04ittleibrandpendoetateri Its Ideals."
liiirLiitiatterlii he sittiposed
'liith):o 13,, 4. he owed , forward;
t -e• t 1
andjutithirity. thaw — erred ,the collector of
:the Tort *mud asleep in his,easy chair.—
Steppingup to hint, he gave him a most
toneereiniontous bloW u'polt the back, end
shouted et the top of his voice :
Bello! old feller—how are ye 1 1,
say, ode hoes--how d'e do 1."
" Sir ! " exclaimed•the collector.
" Glad to see yer. Two toddies, bpr.
keeper! Brandy-and -water for me—woo'
do yer. drink, 'squire?"
" Sir !" continued the collector again,
imagining himself the victim or some hor
rid dream.
"Come, come, old, feller! wake up. -
added his tormentor bringing down his
huge maulers again between the collector's
shoulders, and well nigh knocking the
breath entirely from his body.
"There's some mistake here, sir," said
the collector, springing hack.
" Not a bit us , it, old rusty ; I know you•
jest like an inkatan."
" I don't remember—really—"
" Yia you dsu :wren. But nett
what yer goin to take?"
Do you know where yoti are, sir ?".
inquired the collector, suiiposing . the,min
to be a i lunatic, whom ,be had better.gell
of as easily' as possible... •
"Me ? Banter:: In . Pertlen'...;Zegle
Cotrpe House. You're 'Ole ilralse.: ' the,
I 9-101, soutl--w
14 .1 4
Two Do LA** Ati
INE'OI tfitt)l4).'Bl;,,,'
We're bound to hey a 'driak hst
drove hie thumb and forefinger k tbs gtol4
lector's ribs with so muoh good *amen
that he nearly finished his busiarsi ' for
Excuse me, sir hut—"
..No, air-ee. No backin'. soot, °ln
squilboy —l've seen you go it afore, yet
know. Come, barkeeper, tote sent tboi
licker. All mumehum, yer know. 'lin"-
stan'—.4gain the law to sell brandy in.
Portlan'—but we know poi up."„
You have mistaken your quartemait."
Eh "
.. This is the custom house."
"The wot."
" Custom• house." ;
" Cne—eh 1" continued the dietetic:fitted
raveltiti. endeavoring 'to get OW Thititg
hrough hie head--.. 'truths coffee !tattier!
No, sir."
Why, I seen the eagle over the top—
they tole me head of the wharf—tavern—.
an' you say Rain% a public house I"
" No, sir."
" Wit-I never 1 " said the chop•fallen ,
traveller, gathering up his duds. Looking
about him to be satisfied of his *trot. , he
concluded, by inquiring what was the mei
;perm,„ He was infurtned that there was
nag to psy... . ,
r Ofitl;.old fellow, a totatake iua hay.
)ify,''--'l'priOnaicly,'• maid the collector.
"Wal, (,wouldn't, ha' blieved $ could
ha' made sick a blunder "—and then in
itiating that thew haul eraowd should gout
_ 1 44 tufts *literal drink," which was qt.
.dectumi hi secured his luggage and hast.
tranioaed, to the no small gratification
•nfehogerarnmant officials, who had been
raetitilititly "tattled from their customary
, .
lints* 'Otit.—An aged minister wit
Or the first time at the ptiblic
' , sepia° of a congregation in Georgia who'
hadtseen accustomed to having 1110 ohymns
lined," as it is termed. The venerahts
man could not see distinctly, and deligneti
to dispense with' the singing.
,To" an
nounce his purpose, he arose and said:
My eyes are dim, T cannot sec"
And immediately the choristers commen.
cad singing the line to the tune of t. Old
Hundred." Surprise and mortification
'rendered the minister almosit afiechleat.
but he managed to stammer out— ,
I meant but en apology."
Title line waa immediately song by the
congregation, and the minister, notv quite
excited, exclaimed—
uForboar: I pray, Alp 4441 dini k "
But the singing proceeded. and the coup
let was finished by his troubled and , bs.
tieching explanation—
do not mean to read a hymn"
• twenge as it may seem, this was also
ung with much energy, and the worthy
.oldgentleman actually sat down in despair.
-*Bdriton Bee.
Snavymento Diggins, Oct. 30,43.
lowly Moses I Tim, as soon as you
read this bit of a note corns out at worm.
Right fornenst me where I sit cumpoithig
over this letther, there's a forteutibt he,
got for the mere sinking. The iambs is
all gook! powther. Och If. you could
only see :how beautiful it shines the
sun. An' thin the depth of it. It goiit`
chile down to the centre of the world.—.
The mountains, Tim, has rains. and ivory
vain is full of the eireulatin' majittrn.--
Wouldn't you like to bleed them' V81:18;
ould boy ! We've no horses here, 'yes
mules, and as soon as one ov the bays.
gets a load he puts it on the back or the
donkey and carries it to the rts sr:yet:
The as sayers, ye see, is . the jlntletnediS
informs us whether the gooid is the tale,
stuff, or only iron piraties. • You .see
there's a desavin kind of goold they call
piraties. Its an invenshun of the Mita
sarpint, and if s yses put it into thei fire:it
vanishes in a thick smoke, wid an , eau.
nel smell of sulfir. lleven be about us
It is a find healthy resin is the . Backry:
There' 8 no disease cep l. the shalk: '
ing ager , and the fits come 'on first
whin there's yny silthing to be done. As.
soon Bs one o the boys gets the shake un
him be just puts the eiftlisr in his fists..
and he'll make a entail fortin afore the
tremble's off ov him.
We're all raletlernmierats out here,
While Urn writing Mr , this limber on the
side, ov my hat--bad luck to the: crown
there's to eaniee one of the captina
ov the Ice tor. York reelisha 'wsehtell
gook' in the Sackrymouto • withnutaterreett
o' breeches on hint, scent' your present*.
Even the mithinaries dig like ,begthrettert
all the week,.and deliver telly totpreasin i
discoursekto the Hay thewon
enusness of inummon on altundayi. :' rbe
Nuns, is incensed in Otialtsy wit/ dwelt* r,
fulness ov riches, and retie it elope.. 4 , ,;
Remember • tne. to. ,Biddy, the f dabs'. ,
an' tell her if *he'll Fiet , the bt7eeehae , tore.
her she can make hope* re, rnoorti .
for , ske knows how 10 mice that ePttrkro.bri ,
it'ssWsinr: tliggite the gaeldrtuoriatutiot,
'surf in , Out sited bow nett*, •
either cousin', in be; naEnrandotity.ftir
sir.or s,pro b yeaat might e. ,;„
P•11191 1 1#11 1 814/8884,1
PIA 044,4 v , ,
colosty toneiigh.yorsAinoll: