Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, March 30, 1849, Image 2

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for Marell,referring to u treatise on statics
and, dipwantrit, recently isstoni
Harpers, calla attention to thetbeauty and
fret* ig the ensuing pussego !ant+ lie
rays ' , cannot fail to carry conviction to
ever -candid mind :"
" Lmr the centre of Mice be at 8, the
origin of coordinates, SP— r the radius
tor of the particle at P, P'P—,t/s an el
ement arias path, coinciding with the tan
gearr,-4.- PST•the angle made by the
940 vector with the axis of x, PSP dw
he angle described by the radios vector
inm 10,flaitely ?small time dr, inlvdr
thb' g inerentent or decrement of the tatlins
1141011011.41b040140 litue. Let the Pm he
eacribed with S as a centre, and radius
SP,and the arc on' with the radius Sn=-- !,"
(iertalnly; the a the way to do it;
witke the "area of the sector" is left nut ;
whieliought always to be done, if possible,
whet* : either the increment or decrement
ofAlto sadius-vector equals the .2:-erentent
Plane rectilincar.triangle . at ALI !
ilia &re ".welLstated by a yVylch, wri
te!:in the' glillmtin•g.pass? - ge ; •
';.'!.-1(1161,E boddloortvytki yn troi imhprth
fOtin'yn nets at° iir perfreithrwydd
uipOntf y mac yn Odielionadwy iddo gyr-
- i.A.: l 3fiuswn tiErtv.—A young friend of
miis was undergoing an examination for
atimislion to the bar. Judge 8-- had
pushed his questions pretty closely, but
the candidate was netivr at fault. Finally,
thtf Judge pointeed upon him as follows :
"Suppose that a Boston importer should
come to you with a case like this "—and
hero the Judge went on to state one of the
Most complicated questions that arise in
regard to marine insurance. It was a po
tter. Our friend, intending to practice in
the country, was not " posted up" on this
topic. But he was a Yankee, and he nev
er wee aua loss for an answer. So soon
asihe Judge had summed up Ids case, and
close:ilia with the inquiry, ei Whit - would
on say t " our friend promptly replied,
.I'nFionlil tell him to sit doivn, Sir, until I
could look atlnv books." " The best
thing you could do-;•-the very- then' g you
ought to do," rejoined the Judge, "you
are admitted, Idr."
Bay State has suffered great eirobarrass
went and trouble from the requirertient of
a majority vote, instead of a/ill:runty, as
in this State , —in all her iniportantelections.
Within- the last eight years. there have
been,.in Massachusetts, eighty trials to
lect lumbers of Congress., forty of which
wore extra trials—no choice having been
effected at the first trial. The House of
Representatives has, by. a large majority,
passed a Bill substituting a plurality vote
-thus the highest number, and . riot a ma";
jority of all. the votes polled, will lie-aufk
Cient to elect. .The change iiLfavorable
the Whig pnrty.
Ta s Fauitr or PERS ectrition,,The craf
ty imposters at the head of the-Mormon
deltt!!ion could have derived no Mposefreor',pperstiop than dial affordstl.hyibeir
versecuturs at 'Nay voo and ; elsewhereer—
They are .now rearing.up ..Rgiremit people
in the (ar West. Already the settlement
is established beyond the fear . of any
t.erse ; and the current of emigration' is ,
etrong and steadily increasing. The col-'
ony, on the Lake numbers eight thousand
and is highly prosperous. •Thousand of
new converts.are on their way to the land
•The Sl. Louis' Rtpublican
says : • •
..Those who do not know these people,
or hive not the means of witnesiting the
extent of their proselytism will be surpris
ed at the number who are connecting
themselves with the Mormon Church.—
The persecutions they have met with have
only given them strength, influence and
vympathy ; and the persons who are now
joining them are, in intelligence and pro
perty, above the rank which has usually
been ascribed to their members."
There ie no probability of the passage of
the law restoring capital punishment. No
one has asked fur it except a portion of the
Jurors of Wayne county. On the other
hand, petition after petition has reach
ed here against any alteration of the law.
That forwarded by the Quaker's, attheir
yearly meeting, last month, is well drawu
u,p., Public sentiment favors a long trial
urthe present law, before an attempt is
made to repeal it.--,Detroll ddverl.ccr.
Eatslaud in India.
thtetruthfu I details of the late battle between
the British and the Indian forces under the lia.
jab tiliwens Singh, tivill.tio doubt prove that the
story of the Bombay nlegraph—a paper in the
pay of the East India Company—is hula clum
sy excuse for a dreadful and unexpected over
throw. The British struggle for rho Punjaub
country is Likely. to result in disaster to all its
other India possessions. The natives fight
like devils under a galling tense of English
cruelty, perfidy. and baseness. They were not
intimidated by the bloody capture of Moulton
on the 9d of January, when, for blowing tato
the air their women nod children, Gen. 11 high,
the British commander, compensated his artil
lerymen on the nd. That siege was sustain
otdby; the ezikh Chief hlpolraj, with unprece
delltbil bravery. kw more than a week, ' and
nothing but the explosion alluded to worsted
him at Wit. It splash; that lindannted by this
revere% that tearless chief retired to the open
rountry, and arrayed Itiensell under the banner
of 'the grata insurgent Rajah "Slivvere Singh,
whoeeViiteM have just defeated, (as defeat it
will prove to bas t ) the, British army of Lord
Gough and lien. Phack well—a defeat that re
vialtetil is the billing and wounding of ninety
thta 00106111 And twenty-five hundred men, of
the, British 410 their allies, and the capture of
intiv guni anal ore regimental colors.
Thsiolliieleter the British gomernomeno, in her
doratiotio and foreign policy, is destined. under
Primaidettee. to other rebukes end reverses. A
reteettotittolletioto sad wrong such siahaaner
lerheti wteatose^d in any age, C/101102 be aanc•
till `be the pratetteion alio aspires to colight
tott,mtwit. **Moe mem, and to chromtianiam the ig
stefloot *ad- the 'heathen. A civilization that
elditait its Way to dominion with the sword—
, teligiott fos Mitt, whose diplomacy is
et MIMS /bulged, and witneefumace
V io=
Ilio . , I,4poitilisivitior a cheat
lb. S,i ik tietti - alml loom. ' We Melee that
ittkillallamboemblial he the dual by
" . we wise Italni/ Lemma front British
belt Alsotwo the poweelhet.belonge to
'Ott' . 4ttiittit.,44,:"
• F".,. ; -:-] ,, , 1,11/21.1,10,.!,', r '
" larriftVrtreAMA
/Battle: 7 in flittia—Ahip
wre4k• spf•Lge—Cfrorts
to-Reinstate the.Pooc, &c.
T i heittearnet Canada 'arrived at New York
on the 4.5 th ultimo, With two weeks later dates
. -
from Europe. We 111111 C X. a summary of the
news, which is of considerable importance:—
The cholera is on the wane in England. Tits
whole number of cases is about 11,000; of
which 6,000 proved fatal ; 4,000 recovered,
and the balitnce are under treatment. It has
appeared in the South of Ireland, and several
fatal cases have occurred in Cork and Limerick.
The weather has become spring like.
Trade still languishes in Ireland. The plies
of grain continua to droop week after week. k
great change is in progress throughout the
whole United Kingdom.
The Pope has addressed to the foreign en
voys a protest against the proefernstion of a
Republic at Hoene. In the sitting ofthe Roman
Constituent Assembly, on the 1 2th, the Minis
ter Sterbint, in the name of the Minister of Pi
nonce, presented a bill providing that all eccle
siastical property shall henceforward belong to
the State.
The Pope has published ,a proclamation. ,
warning persons not to purchase !any chnvolv
property that may be offered fur sale by the
Roman Republican Government.
Letters from Rome, of the 94th, announce
that a Neapolitan army of 141,D00 men, vita
approaching the Roman frontier.- Gtm.Buciehi
commands the advance guard of the Neapolitan
. ,
Letters from Romp, to the 24th nit, state
theta corps of seventeen thousand Neapolitan
troops was reported to have arrived within's
few miles of the Roman frontier,• at Pondkia
Rlace not far from Terrecina. About 25,00
oman troops were distributed , bete/lea Rothe
and the same frontier, tinder Garibaldi. All the
Austrian property in Rome has been confiiiiiii
ted, as a retaliation for the contrihations lately
levied by the Austrians, at reiresk On the
the Assembly decreed the confiscation ttf .
the entire properly of the church. The parish
clerks only were to have salaries paid -to thine)
by the Stale. The salaries of all the cardinals,
except five, who continued to reside within the
Roman territory, were suspended.
Austria. it is said, is determined to proceed_
in concert with Naples, to reekons th e Pope,
more especially, as not only the eithblicipaer.
era of Banda and Belgium, bet the Protestant
powers of Rnglant, Prossia'and Wirtembefg,
offer to preserve. the Papal Gatrainmeot in the
interest of Wealth of pow., is Europe. eta
the maintinththie of the prenend peace. It is
calculated that the, appearance on the Roman
territory of an army Of 10,000 inert. would be
sufficient to bring otbout the restoration of the
Pope whhoot (fing shot .
The Epoci, o fßome,of the 25th ult., Oates
from Naples, that the ritiSh Minister, Temple;
had protested against Neapolitan intervention
in the Roman States.
- Lettere from Rome by Vienna, armor**,
that Austria hes offered the Pope eid- en urea
and money. - Thg Czar, has declared himself
In hie firm:. The Perris said to have obtain.•
ed a loan crisis millions of scud' id Russia '
The (rightful wreck of an eilligrant ship has
taken place on our coast, off Harwicke. The
barque Floridian. of folbl tons berthen. E D.
Whiunors, miteter, from Antwetp; for NO* :
York—theipropeny of higsara. E. E. Hurlbut,
/k C 0.,: chartered by-a German' company to
convey emigrants.** irholly:lost on the 99th
alt., and horrible to relate anon board perishcid, '
except three: individuals who were miraeuloue
lyreacued from death. - . .
The details of the late' war-like. Intelligence
from India, are ;of more intereat,lou we at
present maks but * * brief allusion to the subject.
The Bombay roleirvig says 'another Inef.i
4er° l " l 'Millie* with-thir Siklis has occurred on;
the left beak 'of the river 'helm, between the
army Of the Ptinjab. under Lord Gough, and,
the _ .Sikh :lore.. The §lkhe, under Rajah
•Shwere iStigll. A struggle; in which the
Eriftab here to deplore the loss of 99 officers
ailde99oo men killer) and.wounded—retir Vets
- riskarutiont ar`live retrimental . coldrs ,
• , tigkonepay. ~.- • . - - . -- •
, a struggle terminated in. victory, but was
idiogriettCley` fife . light' or the Bengal cavalry'
regiments; acid the retreat, as yetncaroely Mite
isfactorily explained, of two British corps of
'i l 'Ag oo tYl•A struggle which left the contend.
ing hosi 'so weak and shattered, that it was
doubtftst which had aristiiheil the•greatest in
jury front' the conflict, and which yielded' an
few of Maladies of triumph for the shame,
that the ePPontsult took a new position end/red'
a salute in honor of its termination.
Though master of the fteld, our levels a
..dratteheA . _,Wilh.b/ood._ and. it..iiolie.itirmi re lied '
universal opinion that two more such vietorlei
would be ritual ruin. No attempt is made
by the English pietas to disguise the fact that
the news from India is of the mostdisestrous
character. • ..
Lord Gough has been proniptly stil►erseded
in the command by Sir Charles Napier, who
was to bavd proceeded to the scene of hada ,
ties on the 20th ult. . .
. .
The French government. continues to gather
strength, and there is evidently a growing dia.,
position on the part of the nation to crush any
attempt at public ditiorder--opon that whole,
the prospects of tranquility aro more &voluble
than they have beenduking the past years
ful Sufferings 'of the Periy!.--A iistipstoh from
St. Lbuts to the Philadelphia Atneridan, states
that an arrival brings Santa Foliates to the Rd
of February. The -Independence Republican
contains letters from New 3lexico, representing
the winter there to have been of unusualseseri
ty. Col. Fremont, whom last accounts left on
his way to California several Miles beyond
Puebla. lost one hundred arid thirty makes In
one night. ,
Being then left on foot , be came to Shot:ono
clubion that it was impossible to proceed firr
they, end finally he deepatched throe me n to
seek the nearest aett/ement and procure sueraw.
'ride party- not returning in twenty dars,,,Col.
Fremont started himself for ,Tans, distint\oo
miles, where he arrived in nine days. Major
Beale immediately despatched a party of dra
goons. with mules and provisions, to relieve
Col. Fremont's men.
Col. Fremont, though match entatilitaiind
worn out by anxiety and the deprivetiehe to
which he had been subjeeted,secompanied the
The sufferings of the party are represented'
to have been so very great that they leer...sea.
reduced to the necessity of feeding upon the
bodies of their ere/tirades.
Mr. Green, who brought this news toil-Inde
pendence, left Santa Fe several days alter its
Later reports say that all of Col. Fremont's
party perished except himself, sod he is badly
, .
Our correspondent at IndeiienJenee° eipres
sea doubts as to the corteetnestof this news,
but we do not see with what 'liaison..
RILEY, THE DESERTER.-4 letter in
the Paiutorkst CArunicle, from one of a party
bound to California, by the way of Mexico, has
the following notico of Col. Riley:—" At Ja
lapa we were called be by Col. Riley, the
Irish deserter, (sn called.) lie is an officer in
the Mexican army, and says be has been un
justly punished by Gen. Newt, as he never
was an Atnerican citizen, nor was he enrolled
in the American army. He came to Mexico on
his own hook, and asked a commission from
Gen. Taylor; was refused, and as his object
was to make money, he joined the Mean:ems,
and after serving in all the battles, was taken
at Cherubusco. lie received two hundred
stripes, the letter I) was burnt in his cheek,
and he imprisoned nine months. He intends
as wan ea Gen. Taylor takes his wet, to apply
to the V. 6. for Tedresa. willed', if his story is
true, he will undoubtedly get. It is said Gen.
Taylor Troyer considered birn a deserter. Ile
Ma fine speeitnen of an Irish gentleman, arid
a friend to all Americans. hie has great influ
ence here, end has helperi many Americans
that were in trouble here. _ Wedined with him
on Sunday sad had a eery pleasant time."
tirmt fAktitkilt
G :r11;11 1U R, G. -• I ,
#riday Evening, March 30, iB4O.
CITY At; ,B. I'acmCßy Eaq.
corner of Chesnut & Third streets, and t, W.
CARR, het. Sun Baihling,N. E. Corner Third
hock ,tteets. Philadelphia ; and War. THOMPSON,
Eiq.South-eitet coiner of Baltimore &tkiuthsts.
Baltimore-4re oar authorized A gent, far reeei
ing Advertisements and Subacriptiona for "The
Star and Banner,' . .and collecting and reeeipting
for the same.
1111111 1 1
1. UMIX,EUMn=I,4„
Tat ii~timo beintsissitutei of daring up his
hooky cogoefel, these indebted ~to ,bins for Out , .
sorption or .1.4 i Work, to call and Mike P•7, , W00t
'Whir null slaty as possible. Sills will be
.111111011 %Kiri intd plyewrat eon be Made tither to My.
Aalf ix betaken—, ~ ita manse: is , winia wanner, to
meet sundry engagements connemed **Albs coup
duct of the office, it is hived that ihose intoreste d
will attend to the manic atlonct
DLANKnew hat of Common,
Execonine and Adminialcators' rieedi Mo rtgagee,
site., just jrt a on Roperior paper, and for sale
at this office.
Irgihs theiletit page of today's pa
per, over the_sinattutt of "Little Rough and
Ready," is from the pen ore writer not unknown
to fame, whose opanibutions to, the literature of
molyed, ant
who occasions Ily; honor's die "Star" as tbomedium
ofeotnniunicaullPeltheilitkinsifite to the
Ths writer is a *lntel; ottlioilo* politician, as well
as a good pod IRO Portia," mooncet.
pato will be found teooeeaies ttable of the officers
elected throughout the county, sk the the Town•
ship elections. It has been compiled from the
official returnsin the office of the Clerk of the
ID — lion. Totes Voormaretumed to his home
• few days Woos, with health somewhat impaired
by clean application to public dues during the
winter. We regret to learn that he has made up
his mind to minors to Pottsville, Schuylkill coun
ty, early Ibis spring.
101/"The Storm en Toesdsy last extended to
the Atlsndc coast, doing considerable damage to
buildings, Telegraph wires, dtc. Twelve span of
the nevi:lLdiecied bridge, near Harrisburg, were
torn away by the wind. It is find that the
shipping along the Atlantic suffered considerably.
1117 The ilsriiwer Spectator says that • copper
mine has lately been eliscinered on the farm of
Henry Gitt, El' 4., near that borough. Ho has
leased It to a gentleman skilful in mining who
Pronounces it eecellent ore.
LEtiIBI.A TlVE.—The bill for completing the
Narili Branch Canal, wu called up in the !louse
on Wednesday, by Mr. Little; and the que,tion
was taken on Mr. Bales amendment sutheeizing
the issue 'uf Small not.s by the Banks, which car
ried—Yeas 43; Nays 42. The bill was then
put upon its final passage, and negatived—Yeas
30, Nays 46.
Mr : Chalk, of Philadelphia. has introduced into
this Senate; a billso abolish the symem of fees
and perquisites of:Shoring, Prothonotariee, Record
ers, Clerks-of Courts, and other county officers,
end make them salaried. officers. There is little
liklibood of itnpaerage..
The Uenerat Schaal Bill passed the House A
eallyin ea Thinadsly, /pith artv.e s t
An a endment uttered try Mr. Niclnitson, repeal
ing the act compelling the non-accepting districts
tb' accept the common seimoraystena, was voted
down—teas 19, Nays 47. Another amendineM,
permitting the nr.n-accepting disaricui to retain
one-ildril of the State taxa collected in the nate,
for three years, for their benefit in erecting school
bonsai, &c, was adopted—Yeas 40, Nays 33,
The bill to establish a General Manufacturing
Late, has heed negatived in the House—Yeas 30,
.Nays 39.
Weiesiti, the projector of the 'hail.
road from the Vieriesippi to the Pacific was in
tianiibtlri Lot week , and sakes's(' the Mem
bers of the Legislature in favor of the • reagibility
of the project, Resolutions were neat dry intro•
ducal into the Legielsture ittferor of the scheme,
and passed unanimously.
PLIGHTS OF FAliCY.—Within the last
few weeks we have had aU sorts of reports of this
and that from Washington, Originating with brain
newspaper correspondents, and we presume
they'will be eicintinned for theirstifleation of gUell
as ant silly enough to place any reliance upon
them,. One, of tiw latest was a report of a Cabi
net Council, at whinh - Messrs. Maring and Ord
lamer announced themselves in favor tt pre.
*captive policy, the other members condemning
ib Mr. Fillmore warl'also 'said to be in favor of
proseription. The Natiostal Whig rays that there
la not *Angie word of trith in the statement from
beginning to end r and that each a tbrmaldisevow
al is due to the eminent gentlemen, whose MINN
have been 'thus unwarrantably dragged Jtsfere the
public to give conntensmne toe piece of sheer
Action,—Daily Mies.
OZrefr. R. R. Powau withdraws tont the
Chamberabing Va/b7 &whiter—the tottiblish
taint pinning line disbands of A. H. 831 , 111,P41.1
who his :been etinitcted'iprith the piper daring
the past pear. Mi. entre - is'a young flan of
fine capacity, *ed.& ready writer. The " Senti
nel," noder, hie ettspidee. Aherne; rather natal
In int I.oenforoieln, has, become reran of the woes
n•idable Piro .1410, le* receive. If
. the Dewar
racy of Franklin know bow to eppreniate a good
paper, they will ;ha the "Sentinel " • liberal pa.
Etientrlt Of U. $. SENA.TOI2B.--The
Senate 'of Wireoulit Itei pissed joint reeohnien
inittruttiett 'them. Seenitorr . endrequeeting their
Repreeentativei in con/rear toptiopome end advo
cate, 'en annesdnsent to the' Tionetitutton eft the
United Stater, triejniy t the people,, instead anise
Legieleturne of the, thfretent Stow, Ow tight to
sleet U. S. Benator4 by tit. gptnerid ticket.
PROSCRIPTION.—ks answer to the Wary
which some of the Locoruco organs Wore atteorpt•
ed to raise at the appointments under t l tte new ed•
ministration, and thoir ridiculous falaidioode - sheet
" martyrs" and "proscriPtion," $ tidier In the
Norfolk Herald publinhes a list of I id 'Whig offi
cers in Washington City alone, who were Mawr
cd during the first (our months of Mr. Polk's reign
of terror, to make room for Locofocos. The quse
Lion naturally arises, should the latter be allowed
to roman. •
GEN. SCOTT.—The Legislature of ,
York has adopted a restitution, withbrit dents or
* dissenting sole, tendering the thanks °fibs State
to Winfield Scot!, for his public services.
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, fur April, Nut
been received, embellished with about 26 distinct
engravings, and containing the usual quantity of
superior reading matter. Terms $9 per annum,
with a copy of the "Lady.' Dollar Newspaper;'
ur 2 °Tin of each for 05.
t i
a le
I Loccltoctos.—Tho py or Joon roliod
.4. ilk. 4mofacesodho Gm and hunt
i ik , , with the
f if) , (haw ' to h t "fey, is ed.
hly Pt byte to a ' from the
e L to x 6earireei 4is fltl‘oll, nd el"
IA p m . iiiini . ty n cad to cry
lOolterip egailar ell& Adm fetretion,
when it is well known that the filii yell of the
whole peek aria kept lip Air the; election Of Mr.
I Pnitt..ontiM th, few Wlitio whickwere left in
office bilitei, were made 4. riciims of the (Mao.
Moor The American nye:
IThe poderation 'Weights marked, the
tlinfluerofthd edw AdMinlstritlion his not
407, 9 940.): 11 0 euterY4tf certain journals
whose columns abound with such phrases
ea " Proact4tieri," :if vietinnt," . the
!mine." the working of the ale." "chop.
ping off heads ", and the . like. These are
terms of daily use, and have get to he 5 0
'Mitch a part . of the Political vernacular as
.to be of longer regarded as fignistive.
Considering the source from which such
.04.-utica POW. the sensative mind is.lotieh
ell, These claitnants of sympathy. these
ministers of Woe, who express such bor.
tor al the idea' of proscription. - are pe'ett.
'hourly entitled to mmsideration from the
fact .that tlie'ly are speaking in behalf of a
pnrty that never proscribes. How forci
ble is their appeal ! They call upon their
friends'in office to stay there—as long as
they can. One the posses.
sion of a good place, has ',smite a hero
..annonriciag magnaaiinously..-that he
would do sn; and a cettainournal has Mr'
viveal some retuititseences of the saving of
the Caitlin - I by declaring that it would put
out its neck like an old Roman, rather
than leave its nest.
It is the beautiful propriety of the thing
to which, we invite the reader's attention
—the - admirable consistency. SATAN re
bilking SIN never rose to a loftier attitude
of the •sublitam. Passing the hounds oT
ordinary impudence ; the demeanor of
this outraged patriotism ascends to the
height of a most imposing effrontery. It
ig poetical in the boldness of its fanciful
conception; it illustrates the picturesque
of pqlitics. tbe rhapsody of humbug.
The Black Ilussareof proscription con
verted into meek wayfaring pilgrims ; po
litical adventurers, who have become place. '
men, turned suddenly into patriots ; de.
vourers of spoils, the harmless and tender
nurslings of the Treasury. Such a meta
morphosis has not been seen since the
days of Om, who tells how a hunter be
came a stag, and that JUPITER himself was
disguised - in a shower of gold. -
It will be borne in mind that the new
Adminisiration has not made itself liable ,
to the charge of proscription in any sense ;
but it is also to be remembered that the
ejection from office, or the refusal to re. ,
appoint men whose sole or chief claim to
place is founded upon the doctrine of
"spoils," is not proscription. Quite the
contrary. It is the very sort of reform I
which the times require, and which good
men will approve. Not, indeed, that the
places of ouch be filled by new incumbents !
upon the ground of the same doctrine ; but
by men honest, capable and faithful, who
are respected for their worth, and whose
occupancy of office will impart as notch
respectability to the place as the place may
confer distinction on the occupant.
Among the Acts tetenlly passed by the
Legislature, and approved by the Govern or . we
..ssars.44lhtlkfl,, stllnswoon
to Adams cotaity
See. 4. That. hereafter, whenever the
Commissioners of the cronies et Franklin
or Adams, exonerate any collertor of the
State or county taxes, from the collection
of his duplicate, they shall cause their
Clerk to enter is a book to be immured by
them, the name of the Collector exonera
ted, the name of the person whose tax is
exonerated..the amount of said tax, and
whether due on County, State or State per
sonal, and the amount due on each, and
also _tbe reason- why they have granted
such exoneration, which entries shall be
signed by the ComniissionerS present, as.
sensing at the same time, and attested by
their Clerk,
Sec. 3. It shall also be the duty of the
said Commissioners to keep a hook, in
which they shall open accounts against
the es vein! Collectors of County and State
taxes by then appointed, charging- the said
Collectors, in separate accounts, with the
amount of taxesssaessed in their respect.
ive districts fir County or for State pur
poses, as the same appears uponthe du.
Sac. 8. It shall also be the dots , of the
the Treasurer of said Counties of Frank
lin and Adams. to. give duplicate receipts
to each of ,ail Collectors, foeall payments
made to him on Count); or State team
specifying the amount paid on each, and
it shall thereupon be the duty of the said
Collector, imetediately to deposit one of
said receipt. with the Cominissionens of
said County, and until he shall do so he
shall not be' entitled an his duplicate for
the amount so , aid to said Treasurer.
Lair An indivislisel nomad John W. 1111Thenson,
charged with stewing a home in Alexandria on
the rfth inat., wy arrested within a few mike of
this place on Eirturday last, having this horse in
his possession. Alter an examination, he was
committed to jail,to *wait the regnialtion of the
Governor of Virgisia.--Cmposiler.
11:THon. Disaiitix A. DUPLACIII, the Atneri.
can Charge Jr Akaites 'la BogoM, died M "tha t
!hoary,` in In aptipleetle
Hr. Sidle* was a prominent and lalluential att
ain aillorthemi ehmsylvanim and for i mangier
etyma minianaleil the tusetne xlioltivt In Con.
gram. His death was unimmially lamented by On
natives, end thosael his mouptrymen nt,
as li'Veitfilion be 'me home.
,ANOVE# I MR I4I / 1 0- -
.Thl n P4Pe
state gad on Muiwhy last two eons of Mr, hew ;
Strickler, of egad V ima 1 r .ter.
playing With a 6* of O'doider wbicli *hid Nen
placed in the 'Weir rehidenee: 'Toy
wine Immo the' polder ignited,• blowing err the
root albs hotter, gad otherwise/Riming duo build.
inS• *lsl7s saboagh beaky
burned, were not otherwise injured.
mit i s ',wail t!ikt, CoI. It Allah Id
Washington feel no sterehensions as to the . sa f ety , ..
of Col. PrinnOnt and mod of his party. por
tion adios intelligence lately recelired Louie,
they think is correct, but not the whole of
They ars inclined to disbelieve the worst features
U:rit boiler in the Cotton Factory of the Meanie.
Fife, at Alleging, Pa., exploded on Monday
reducing the bullring to a mass of 'ruins, which
took Ike, and, with 'wend adjoining buildings,
won consumed. Some 25 persons wore engaged
in the building at ;the tune, air of whom were
known to be killed. The inhere worcirions or loss
injured. Mr. Jamie Fife, hie daughtir and sista,
a nephew, so f • Sim Vitale), were among the
. .. .. ..
Tam STATE or Eitorn.—The political
as 1 ottha lfuro ' horitols iiiiienli - to
d ketstrgigiin. tits is qt, 7.711
gi prom e Hof liplet
. r some
um 'loitoine. i A tiiii it! Italic) affairs,
ho ester, ate fts „MA, worse,Of possi
blet than they vat bee sloes Iht first
Inftriirst dire ;evolutionary storm on the
Continent, over a twelvemonth , ago. The
Pope is still at Geste, where, from present
appearances, he is likely to be permitted
to• stay as long as he chooses ; but reports
gaipgronutilhip,Ahsre f is to be a coalition
oreother i ofthe pew/14'11w his restoration
to , Paine. . •he bold move. l
n 3 P I B , Nicholas of Russia Is. making skh
his thirty or forty ihousand soldiers, gives
an intense importance le the movements
in that , quarter. "The. Treaty of 1815,"
says. the Autocrat, "must be preserved ;"
snd hence, the various changes Continen
tal'Ewro-pe has been of late undergoing,
from the line of policy that waslaid down
in the memorable convention of crowned
heads at Vienna, are to receive no counte
nance in him' or his. .
let from father Matthew to M. Alton, Esq., of
Pittsburg, dated at Cork, Feb. 94 1849, publish
ed in the Pittsburg Gazette of Monday lest, this
grezt Apostle of Temparsoos asps: •
"Now that the position of:lreland bears
aliiighter pri)spect, and that my health
is sufficiently re-established, to permit me,
without risk, to ewes the Atlantic, I pro
pose myself that long desired privilege in
April. During the ensuing month of May,
I hope for the happiness of seein g i you
and my other friends in Pittsburg.'
Whig alludes to the fact that on the lest
night of the session, the General Appro
priatitin Bill came near being lost, and
says :
""it is suspected that the opposers of the
bill desired to kill it, in order to force an
extra session. When this idea was broach
ed to Glen. Taylor, we learn that it gave
him not the slightest uneasiness. lie re
marked, that the Legislature had ifupreine
rontrol over the subject ; that if it did not
pass the Appropriation Hill, he should on
ly be obliged to put the Executive Gov
ernment on abort allou'anee ; and that if
it came to this it would be no inconveni
ence to him, as lie was used to short al
ville Banner of the 17th announces the re
appearance of the cholera in that city.—
Four deaths had recently occurred from
that disease. The Louisville Journal, of
the 20th, says
"The New Orleans steamers of the past
two or three days have again brought the
Cholera up the river. The Bride un her
fast trip had a large number of eases, four
teen of whist) proved fatal. On the Geo.
IVashington, previous to her arrival at
Memphis, there were fifteen deaths, and on
the Creole three deaths.
At the last New Orleans dates the weath
er was very hot and sultry, causing sick
partiruturky among , ettngrains, to be
alarmingly prevalent.
letters from un board the steamer California,
as she neared San Francisco, represent
the state of things there as perfectly revolt
ing, --according to the accounts received a
long the toast. The diggers collected in
San Francisco during the rainy season,
had given themselves up to gambling and
drinking. These letters also confirm_ the
apprehended trouble with the foreigners,
u hu were all armed, and whom the Amer
ieans on board the California had deter
mined should not go to mining. The de
sertion of the steamer's crew, also, is con
fidently spoken of, on the plea that their
lime is out. Some had already refused
to work. The uniformity of the letters
on these snhjects, gives more than ordina
ry force to their statements.
Nawsramits.--The following, from the
Liverpool Mercury, is not inapplicable to
many persons in this part of the world,
and to such we recommend its careful pe
Every subscriber, thinks the paper is
printed for his special benefit, and if there
is nothing in it that twits him, it must be
stopped—it is good for nothing. Some
people look over the deaths and marriages,
and actually complain of the editor if bet
few people ha his vicinity have been so
fortunate as to get married, or so unfortu
nate as to die. An editor should have
such things in his paper whether they oc
cur or not. Just as many subscribers as
au editor may have, just so many different
tastes has he to consult. One wants stories
and poetry ; another abhors all this. The
politician wants nothing but politics. One
must have something smart; another some
thing sound: One likes anecdptes, fun
and frolic ; and the next
,door neighbor
wonder: that a man Of centre will put such'
stuff in .a paper. We onlywish that every
man, woman and ohitd who roads a pawl
were compelled but .one single : month to,
edit one. They Would 'find that it is not
quite so easy a manai as they at nest i
posed it to be. " ' '
irrThe U• S. Finale miljoyined on Friday lust.
NOT, Tat/L-4M rimer that Towitaasio
HAYMIS had J; 1 40 1 1.4 big nee. as Oestatary of
that!, is not ;enact.
Tat OlittAT Buix BATtLZ.-.4t is said
the„great ,battle ibidt tha , Sikhap on the
loolt,plaixt near, or as some
say, on the identical grinmd, which, 2,000
years ago, formed the battle• fi eltrof Alex
ander and Itycclina... ; • ;, r •
'Etriarato 4 f4ciai.—AVe notice thal ex
periment. have recently been fried in fen
der', which have proved very istisfeeterily
thim,eleotric light may be . applied to, the il
lumination of cities, light-houses, 4tc.—
The light has been raised upon the Duke
of York's column and other eminences,
and reflected in various directions with
the most brilliant effect.
Tax COAL BUSIIEL—The Legislature
of Pennsylvania has just passed an act es
tablishing a measure of bituminous coal,
the bushel of which shall be 2,088 cubic
inches—or in other words—five pecks of
the Wiuehestcr or common grain measure.
yrro New York Tribittmeiiiihtf Sinew
§igt4ulit of the experimintit this
meohlhe ma Tuesday. ,
hibition of the m of r
bjelpee. atrial locomoti ode
/day afternoon ig the xeh and
rfectly or
1 spindle-shaped balloon, made of gold-beat
-1 er s akin,.was about ten feet long, to which
was suspended a steam-engine in miniature,
weighing—fire, water: 4stiOniplitoi-L--
about three or four pounds. Notwithstand
ing its diminutive sae, the engine turned,
the light padle-wheels of the machine with
ease, and kept in motion as long as the via
ter Jested. t Tine nsdderrentseet 40111 ths
helium!. in a At, , started from
the eas t ern door of t al e ßotutitii, and went
up stettifilY,'tiroPelled the'engine, in a
reguftir gyration to the root—making two
full circles on' its ' way. Here, a weight
having been attached. it descended in a spi
ral, following the eat of the rudder, and
landed safely. This experiment was re
pented a seeond thrie With a like result,
and so farm flying' in a quiet atmosphere
goes, the locomotive was fully success
ful. It remains to be soon whether a
large machine, aim ilarly constructed, would
safely resist the violent commotions of the
open air. There was a large number of
persona present yesterday, who testified,
by, a hearty applause, their opinion of the
- • - ROTATION IN OFFICE.—At s meeting of
the citizens of Seekoult. Brintol county,
Masa., on Monday week, P. T., A bell, Esq.,
was re-elected Town Clerk, an office of,
considerable responsibility and importance!
in that State. The Pawtucket Chronicle
.states that Mr. Ahell and his father have
been annually re-elected to the office for
nearly half a century—the . father for
thirty-six years receiving the entire vote of
both political' parties, and the son for the
last twelve years. This is rotation from
father to son I
Crescent publishes the report of a commit
tee appointed for the purpose of ascertain
ing number of deaths by Asiatic cholera
which occurred among the Sone of Tempe
rance in that city, and the adjoining towns,
during the recent epedetnic. The com
mittee state that there are twelve hundred
and forty-three members of the dif f erent
divisions in New Orleans, Lafayette, Al
giers, and Gretna. In these divisions
three deaths only occurred, and in some of
them not a case of cholera took place.—
Of those who died, one had been a mem
ber but a week, another less than a month,
and the third was a watchman who was
much exposed. The proportion of deaths
in the city was fifteen to every thousand
souls, while in the Sons of Temperance
the proportion was one in mom than each
four hundred members.
Dears 'Es —A pious old negro, while
saving grace at the table, not only used to
ask a blessing on all he had upon his hoard,
but would ales petition to have sime de
ficient dishes supplied. One day it was
known that Cato was nut of potatoes, and
suspecting that he would pray for the
seine at dinner, a wag provided himself
with it small measure of the vegetables,
and stole under the window, near which
stood the tattle of our colored Christian ;
soon Cato drew tip a chair and commenced :
"Oh, mesas J e ord 1 will now dy provi
dent kindness condescend to bless evert•
dog before us ; and be pleased to stow op•
on us just a few Caters—and all de praise,"
—(here the potatoes were dashed upon
the table breaking plates and upsetting the
mustard pot,) "Dent's cm, mason Lord !"
cried Cato, "only jiat luff 'etr, down a lit
tle easier next time !"
those remarkable cases of presutiment, or
"second sight," that have occurred at in
tervals to the confusion of all human ere
ulation in every age of the world, hits just
been brought to our knowledge in this
city. The daughter of a highly respecta
ble family, a child of some twelve yearn,
who had been ill of fever for some days,
told her parents in a paroxysm of delirium
'in Monday evening, that her brother, who
was on board the packet ship Devonshire,
coining from London, was then within
twenty miles of home, and had with him
sundry presents for them, specify in among
other things five books with -red covers,
gilt edges, dm The vessel arrived the
[text (yesterday) morning, and the return
of the brother with the specified presents
verified the truth of her marvellous im
pression. When the brother entered her
chamber she recognized him at once, and
on the instant interrbgated him-eoneerning
the presents which she said she had dream
ed ; when he colirmed her prediction in
every particular. She then immediately
relapsed into delirium —Newark Daily
ddrertiser. •
Ames Company et Chicopee, Mass., have
just completed a magnificent sword, by or
der of the Virginia Legtelature, far Gen.
Taylor. It is the richest and most cele
brated finished production of the kind yet
brought nitt by thafeminent company, and
is a lit .present to the General, whose pru
dence mid. abilities won for hintself so high.
renown in the fiat campaign of the MexPl
can War. Theltilt of the sword is of so
lid gold, richly chased ; the scabbardis of
sliver, thickly plated with gold, and ado -
ed with heavy gold mountings.. The whole
1 13 MN - aces 800 penny weights ufgold. The
value of the sword is 1111000. The scab-
Likud has the folloWing engraved inscrip
:-.-:..Presented by Virginia to hertlit.
tingttished . son, Major General 'Zachary
Taylor, for his- gallant and good , orindinst
at Palo Alto, Resaca dele,Palms,,Monte ?
rey, and Buena Vista.'
Legieltitoni'of New Yoilt ha r e dateimined
to exterminate all "law
,Istin" front legal
PrPefie4 41 8 . _ Pis , ague, of .thio., raayg,
mem wag eaep. in jhe court of Cowi:to
Pleas, in blevv - Vork City , hy the'ricital - of
a reatent'sust of the' Assembly, which soya :
"Witeru4defittm4snt iu. *bang, to loop the
Staie. whereby, the,tighte ,of the plaintiff
maybe ntpaired an eider of olio Go, may
be graitled,•and this shall be a substituie
for ths writ heretofore known es the writ
of'oe e;gat.' " The new legal , expression
"No (lo" called up such .a ludicrnua sew
elation of ideas from the vulgar significa
tion hitherto attached to it, that the whole
bar burst into laughter.
SENATOR WRITCOMII.--lt has been gen
erally believed that Gov. Whitcomb, re
cently elected to till Mr. Hannegan's place_
in the U. S. Senate, 'is a Free boiler.--
The Union avouches that so far from har
k* any sympathy with the Free Soil par
ty, he regards it as wisehievnus in its do.
signs, and hostile to the best interests of
the country.
A i
r recordo m a death, by en nothrtimac t
'ciao orirni Ther member of the Hoch
family, ' gichrnond township. A p n ,„,..
living so of the late Joel'lloelt. (wt,,,„
death by Ilill from a wagon, was antiont.•
cisd sev I weeks ago) about 12 yea r r u f
' age, had hei misfortune, un Tuesday, th e
Ifth inst .; 'While riding a horn employed
in propelling a threshing-machine, 40 1,11
into the wheel-work of the machine, whit - t
!mini ill rapid tuotion„ tots the flesh em u .
pletely Aline of the legs; below the knee,
and fractured the bone, before he could be
extricated. He survived .yilil n t lay,
in excruciating 20444- witinAles tput am
end to his sullinnis.
•-•.' Provideime tanntiii'Vhilie inarketrnitt
this familytas the. peculiar; object of its af
flictive dispensations. ,About sa, year ago,
Mr. Samuel Hoch lost hia life by falling
from a hay-wagon; lost winter, the barn
of Mr. Joel Hoch, with all its valuable
ontents, was burnt to the grotind t a few
weeks since, Mr.Aloch himself fell front
a hay-wagon, and was instantly killed;
and now the above sad, accident occurs, to
add to the sorrowful record.—Reading
Benton has commenced a serious attack
on the late administration. in reference to
the Protocol to the Mexican Treaty. He
attempts to prove that the Protocol Firece
ded the ratification of the Treaty by the
Mexican Vongress. and.not. subsequent to
it, as appeared by Mr. Polk in his message.
He gives two reasons for his present
course: first, because the dignity of the
senate should be asserted ; and, secondly.
that we owe it to the credit of the country
to treat a weaker nation, like Mexico, with
magnanimity. He maintains that ;he
Treaty would never have been - ratified by
Mexico, without the Protocol, and that the
signing of the instrument was a monstrous
assumption of power on the part of the
Commissioners. He also agreed that the
Protocol is in direct contravention of the
Treaty, and vitiates those portions of it
to which it refers. He charger! Mr. Polk
and his Administratival . with direct false
The Loco Senators are boiling with in
dignation at this expose. They declare
that Mr. Benton is making the, Protocol and
Free Soil a bridge to carry him over the
stream that divides the two p arties.
To DRIVE AWAY Rare.—Mr. Charles
Pierce, of Milton, pounded up potash snit
strewed it around their holes, and rubbed
some on the sides of the board. and un—
der parts where they 4.-aine through. The
next night he heard squenkinglimeog them,
which he supposed was (*mm the caustic
nature of the potash that got among their
hair, or on their bare feet. They disap
peared, and he has not been troubled with
them since that time, which was neatly a
year ago.-- &eon Cultivator.:
THAT'S THE FIUVRS.—The newest fi g .
ure we have seen as to the value of the
gold mines, is arrived at by one of the
writers from that region. wis . a. aussibipties
Suthad the Sailer, by 'Limn Monehatuten,
and midi the Arabian Nights to the pre
duet, and 'hen says even this ipso a "ear
eumstance."—Chicage Journal.
A YouTilrer. CH treeta-alltat‘ra.--Bever ,
al attempts have lately been made lot Bea
ton, to burn the Park Street 'blurb, and a
boy named Wm. Weaver, only ten years
old, was caught inside on Friday night, itit;
plying fire with waste paper. Since his
arrest, the boy has confessed that lie set
on lire the livery stable of Wm. Prescott.
on the 17ili instant. He is said to have
been a remarkably gond boy at school.
His father and a friend became his bail in
113,500 on the two charges.
The number of votes cast in Vertomat
on the License question was 34,471—z0r
which for license 11,110; Against 23,861.
So Vermont is to be without taverns for a
TROITOLIS is CALllrClentAr.4 letter from
on board the steamship California. at Ma
zatlan, Feb. 15th, !eye :
"1 anticipate that there will be mac+ ex;
eitement, and perhaps something more se
rious, growing out of the fact of so many
lot eiguers going to the place. Gen. Smith
signified to those on board the steamer.
that on their arrival, they would not be al—
lowed to go on the public lands. They
are generally armed, and I think that some
serious work will take place between them
and the American population."
NATURAL CURIORITT.—The editor of this
Denton (Md.) Journal was shewn, a (awe
days ago, a kitten with six legs. The an %
Until is perfect in ovary other% respect, each
the extra legs are fair and the usual aim
and appearance, situated shout midway.
this belly. it died a few days after its,
ORA. - -TIS West Tennessee Whig tan
yarn upon a farmer in that part of the State,,
who, to make a speculation, pip a large.
stone in oue of his hogsheads of tobacco,.
and forwarded it to Ins commission mer,
chant al Now (Means, ilirecting his mar,
chant there to send him a barrel of snipe..
•By accident or otherwise the Mono imp
discovered. The merchant took the amps.
from the tobacco and put it into Aim ham*
of auger before he weighed it, put op the ,
head and sent it back to,the,mhacco mam,
in the course of time, and 'Ad i os my at
word about the 'Mae. But , he found it beK,
fore, he had used np store than half of OW
sugar. lle,got lour Gents lutd boughSpirt
back at eight, without daring to sumpelets•
the.Ptxor , privilege of .grumbling AI, oft , '
hundred per cent. *duet* price 104
Purchue , Dishoneety le not elwArt u tillk
boot policy." ,; „ ." •
'uthie di,
It; AND Loss es Live.:.. ,
storm on Tuettday night, 6 large thresitto
-17 brick house situated in t iliceinna Street,
Baltimore,''*is destroyed by fire. :The
building wu moulded five or ail Ger..
manliamilles: Three or theinmatee. Mr;
John Tater, his 'with, and child, who
copied Doom..ih the third story, were oh.'
able to escape,' end perished in the fiarnet.'
E. a. 61REACRAFT, late a member 904'
Pennsylvania Senate, from Wasbingilim s
diet) there on Tuesday last
on Friday held to hail at• Philadelphia its
*4OO, on a charge of libel, in aeim!hitil
scurrilous valentine to a nother woman,
. Friladiot Lou of Lillie.
Oa the eight of tiattorday, thel7Th l nhi
mo, thellleigire Royal, io illieg4Wil(Scot .
hind,) took fire in the upper gallery, from
• leakage in the gat Pipes. .0 1 ! fire ' was
soon extinguished ;.bussuch was the alarm
oldie people that in the rubli to get Out
sixty-five, persons Perished. The panic
was principallyin the uppergaUery, where
there onrit'aliicout'ilie hundred people, the
ptioe4odutission being three pence. • The
"'torahs - shed down'the'stalts in the terror
. 4nixine...undefined calamity, and fell over
one another at the , foot,'; thereby making a
lOirkside of i compact masts of proatrate
r human beings against the only means of
.egrets.: Andependent of the preset.° of hu
man beings upon each 'other, this flight of
stair. soon become a second black hole of
Calcutta, from die iutensity of the heat.—
The weak' were trampled down by the
sttong, the latter only to be trampled down
in turn by the furious crowd in the re .
The noise of the stifled cries and ails,
i l
and die struggles for life which came from
this horrid staircase, were most agonizing.
Belief to the living was finally obtained
by cutting through the partition. By 9
o'clock, all the room, in the Garrick Ho-
Ml, near the .theatre, were .. .filled with the
.dead. They generally exhibited a placid
aspect, and seemed as if death had been
.caused by pressure on the heart.
The were many painful cases; one was
that of a poor woman who found her hus
band and two childreu among the dead—
one of the latter a girl only three years of
age. Sixty-five were taken out dead ;
several died on the way the hospital, and
.many of the wounded will probably die.
• egraphic news by the Canada, it was men
tioned that the bark Floridian, of N. York,
&um Antwerp, was lost, with nearly two
(hundred passengers. The vessel sailed
for New York about the last of February.
(Her passengers comprised young respect
able German agricultural laborers, with
'Their wives and families, and many grades
of mechanics. Amongst the number on
hboard were from fifty to sixty women, and
'between twenty and thirty children. of dif
ferent ages. The ship was worked by a
.erow of nearly twenty, part of whom were
.flugliiiimen. She encountered very heavy
awember, and struck about 8 o'clock, on
'Weidoesday afternoon, 7th inst., with Ire
.attendous force.
Within a few minutes of the vessel strik
ling, the water broke into her hull with much
'impetuosity, blowing up the hatchways,
'weeping many of the poor creatures over
!boast!, while others were drowning in their
!births, being unable to rise, from the effects
•of ass sickness. Captain Whiunore per
ceiviug• the inevitable destruction of the
ship.igsve orders to his men to launch the
boats. /The first boat broke adrift the
momeot•she was launched, and it is said
.capsized.directly with two men that were
;in it. .The.moment the second boat was
lowered, ithe .Captain jumped into it with
Mrs. Whitmore (his wife.) This led to
a despesate ash towards the craft. Some
twenty or thirty poor breaiures, men and
women. leaped from the quarter-deck of
:the foundering ship iuto the boat. The
result was, that it was instantly capsized,
and the whole party were instantaueously
lost. There being mow 'no possible means
of escape left (or those on hoard, the crew
took to die rigging, to which they lashed
-themselves, and upwards of a hundred of
idle emigrants congregated on the quarter
. deck. Here they.hed not been more than
~an hour.hefarothehhip broke in two amid
ships. .I'lielnaitunaist fell over the side
• with a fearful crash, and a trementlous sea
carried away the imitate of the quarter
. deck, with the mass ter human beings on
it. A' frightful shriek filled the air, and
the next moment themnfortunate creatures
were sees struggling •in the deep. By
great efforts sight or.ten were rescued by
the moo who had secured themselves in the
rigging, and, alas: wily to meet with a
.Mure horrible death, All except four
, froze to, death before rescue came.
Toe .Gate Commo.—The steamship
Falcon bum New York for C'hagres,tituolt•
.ed at she bar, below New Orleans on the
18th lust. She reports the steamer Isth
mina at Havana front Chagres on the 14th,
with intelligence that a brig had arrived at
Panama from San Francisco, and reported
that, the steamer California would leave for
Panama in a few days with $5,000,000 in
gold dust..
isotoseros, WitAK Nravaa, LowNeu
.or erarre. &c.—Wright's Indian rein
foqiMl area natural, and therefore a
.certain cure for all kinds of nervous disea
se, jomause they completely cleanse the
stomach and bowels of those billious and
.corrupt humors which cot only paralyse
.and weiken the digestive organs, but are
the cameo of weelkAarvoot low 'Pill". 4 "'
Weight's Indian Vegetable Pais are also
diftiet:pitiffiei of the and Ihirofore
not °Mr impart health and cheerfidness to
the mind, , buoalseogive. new lite add vigoi
ClP P Bowark•feenatmfbfte! Pineal/ft from tbe
anent, ;she 4*lclet of 'Whom will be found
in sash yew end toWn-ia the--united Maim:
Tile,form* , Otejtatst, Of. *TS YAW
BON, a Sown fct ustlysliaro ti end Wholeeeli
a t Wright's Prissiest fidlcts,loCitace*woo
t?hil*d 1p t •
111 0 0.fCI 0 0.
; 4 anwher of the enbeeriber i e barks are
„ca. 'te. the 11411111 of 'genitalia& of the
•teette nelshbosbod I and mile
gloats* Amore itobliged to aik that they '
imr Married without delay. The genii*
men harietrotintee of the Congressional
VA requested to return them forth,
Much -so, 1849. •
d mir..A few Cords of Good
WOOD wanted at this officio in payment
4of subscriptions immediately.
gyp" - the best guslity, just reeeired and
• --
lur Wit by H. li. BUMMER.
Duat)ra tug rAia,arksz.
.• • "'T,A.L2,r. N. 9, v. it;
Friday, March 13, - .1Q...' 61. 41
Saturday, .. .... 114 . 4, . - ', 38 56 51'
Sunday, .. '6' $5, ',.' 44_ 62 41
Monday, a 20..,... 22. ,'" ~ ..., 47 84
:e B a l 7. - " :.17, .. Ail 39 33,
edneaday, 28, . 34. ' 4;1,
Thunsday,- a . • , 211, , 49 ~ ' I(t.' i i '`' .., io
viten Tea oovestiont ritternwerperfleAr.
SERF CA i rr i tr-rsriOos ranged from *250
to $4 50 on the hoof, equal to 8115 00 and $8 25
net, avenging 48 50 gross. •
iIOCIB-4topply small, and sales IWO,* are ma
Mug at 85 IA per+loolbin. , , . ,
FOUR.—The dour motet depreawel t. oaks
HOward inky:l4,st $4 86 7 -which is &Boot the
settled price. City Mills held at *4 82. Corn
meal $2 40 rig 80. Rye done $3 31.,
GRAlN.—Supply of all kindeofdriin fight, pri
em unchanged ; red wheat Isl 00 a E. 06 ; and
white $1 10 asl 15. White Corn 44 a4B ets..;
yellow 40. (hue 25 a 28. Rya 68 a 60.
PROVISION ea: Pork $ll 00 .'0 Prime
$lO 00. Bacon—Sides '5 a 61 cents; Hann
7i a 9 cents. Lard oi andli linkers.
On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Martin Lohr,
daughter of Daniel Diehl, Esg near New Oilbrd.
On Wednesday the Ytrt inst.. by the Rev. D.
D. Clark, Mr. Wm Doting, •nd'Miia Scesx Axx
Funitin—both of this county.
On the Bth inst., hy, the Rev. Brittle; Mr.
Joint Kt:N Le, end Mies C:ATU•111111S E. e3cuai
v an—both of Ty.roue" township.
On the '47th Wet., by the Rev. Dr. Watson,
daughter er Mr. Alias° motifort—ill of atrabibri tp.
At Mann, Pe., on the 2?d inst., by the Rev.
F. Ruthreutr, Mr. PAUL WA/MILLER, and Mist
ELlssartu, daughter of Res. F. Ruthreutr, (for
merly of riettyeborg.)
In Lancaster, on the 21st inst., by Rev. D. H.
Emerson, CHAlLnaßcraucrraridHasars,ia
E ,R., youngest daughter of Henry Y. I:Haymaker,
Esq., all of York county.
At Hanover. on 22d inst., CR &LIU BA II ITS.
infant 1011 of Nov. Charles A. Hay, aged 7 cuouths
and 17 dam
On the 14th inst.. Mrs. Msanstest
wife of Mr. Abraham Hull, of Union township,
aged 4$ years.
On the 24th inst., Mrs.- COLLIES, wife
of Mr. limes Collins,of Mounkjoy township.
On the 15th last, DAVI n, infant mon of Mr.
Conrad Eckert, aged I ycar, months and 21
On the 26th of February, in East Berlin, Mr.
FaKt,aica 11641911.11, ill th e S9tli.year of his age.
0.1 the 2a most., Abbottstown,duilt.pit, infunt
eon of Mr. Joseph Weil.
On the 16th inst., 8 - ,ant Tif tOn4LrVA, infant
daughter of Mr. Joseph filen tr., of Conowago fp.
At Philadelphia, on the 22d inst., after a lung
illness, Bev. Hasa! K. WILIIO%, formerly of this
county, and send the late Capt. David Wilson.
of Ilamiltuuban township, in the 69th year of hia
THERE are but few persons, compar
atively speaking, at this season of the
Year. but who are suffering. noire or less,
with Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarse
ness. dr like complaints, caused by the
sudden changes of or exposure to the
weather. To all those who are thus af
flicted, and who may read this advertise
ment, we would recommend Hiss's Ex
rEcrultsvr as the most effectual remedy
ever offered to the public. No faintly
should be without a bottle of it in their
house, as a timely administration of it
would prevent much suffering. Hundreds
who have used it, say' they would not be
without it were the price ten times the
amount that it is, and who is it that does
not think more of health, the source of our
happiness, than of wealth ? Delay not
Meru to procure a bottle at once, and you
will never regret that you tried it.
Toe Gitertsrs has the words "Rossi Erperto
r ant , improved, Baltimore, Md.," blown in the
glass, and the initials ".I. F. R." stamped on the
the meal. Each bunk. hereafter, will be envel
oped is • w • on which is the far
'Mute argnature of the proprietor, withal.* win - eh
it is couoterfert. l'iepared only by
Druggist. Reltimurc, 11d
For sale %I SA MC} L H. BUEHLER, Get
tysburg; Dr. H. W. Kauffman, York Springer
Geo. W. Heagy,
(01't ace 54.1 rents per bottle.
March 30. 1540.--ti.
Cheap for t ash.
ejir l .. SCHICK has just received, per
• hat arrival. as large and as good an
assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Gloves and Hosiery as ran be produced
in Gettysburg. Also a splendid lot of Rib
bons and Flnwers-.-all of which will be
sold as low as they can be bought at any
other store in town.
Gettysburg, March 20, 1848.
LL Ladies wishing to supply them.
:11 selves with handsome DRESS
GOODS would do well to call ut the Store
L:SC DICK, and examine his stock ef
plain, striped and barred Cambric Muslius,
Alpacca, and a good article of
Black Silk,
Black Gimp and Fringes, Needle-worked
Collars, plain and agured Bobinet, a fine
lot of Irish Linens, Folored, bleached a n d
unbleached Muslin, Drilling, Brown Hol
land; Table Covers, Combs, and many uth-,
er articles too numerous lo mention. I
would therefore invite all to call soon and
examepe for themselves before purchasing
elsewhere, as I feel confident that I call
please all, both in style and price.
Gettysburg, March 30, 1849.
,EINiitTSHI3 ,
German Vegetable Pat
li e 'Ptitoder, prepared by J. F. H,
widish or eon, Loncaeutr, Pa., aid for
sale of the .Bookstore of ..- • ' .. . •
Jnfount Eagle' Tripoli,
OR cleansing• and buthishing‘all tier
Jihad Metall° and OW" Surfaces ;
tiuoh{aa gold, silver; brass, Britaniums and
street wares, svintiow panesoihet,..
Viii Tripoli ispare,beingentirely free
from aoidei mica, or caleareoun eirthor; and
therefore altogether superior U the jtaliett
Tripoli, so touch .t
sale by • .11C/EIJ*4 'KURTZ:.
(1 ARDEN $144P40--* . fristrOPPlY
warranted Wirth 'Ol. 1019, lust
salved and for sale by ' '
e:, .4 1 1Tictrf ,Tovs,k, for Edo
perior ENGLINH CHEESE, just
opened at STEVENSON'S.
ERY, of all kintle.noustantly on hand
and for sale, at the lowest prices, at the
Bunk and Stationery Store of
Dec. 10. S: IL BUEHLER:.
Alonzo Johnston's New Store,
kb. ;10krkijkb'oNDir1keyr,!
A Arw. libor•abavo btadipt..
listl e . r A A . ; i lH U N F D l o 3 i 7 V i :f i l r A i rl i tt, Try =
' ' Curtains and ' Veniffs'', Blinds, of
all differeni sixea t varying ijy price
'final Six Oink. to Twenty-Dallare a piece.
All she new styles of every. descriptten of
patterns, and of the latest.fashions of dif•
ferent colors, and a variety of Trimmings
.ofxll kinds.
Also, be a ettifulllßLE At. CIfIttLOTII
in patterns and in pieces,
...oa Cloths for
floors, Patent Coach Curtains for. Wagon
Covers . of a very superior article, ■oy
width, double or single; of the finest fin
ish, and a splendid assortment of CLOCK
fr7 , old Blinds painted and trimmed
over, to look equal to'fiew, at very little
expense, or taken in exchange for new.
Has'on hand the largest and most com
plete assortment of the above articles, at
25 per cent. cheaper than any other estab
lishment in the city, wholesale and retail,
at reduced prices. •
111:7" Merchants and others ere invited
to call before purchasing elsewhere, as it
will be to their advantage.
o.7Any of the above goods made to or
der, or carefully packed, so that they can
he sent any distance without injury. Oth
er Manufacturers supplied with Slats,
Fronts, Heads, or Pullers - at the lowest
March 30, 1849.—1 y
J. M. OREM. W. S. llonuss.
llitEill & HOPKiNs.
In Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings & Tailors' rpicia.'
No. 230 Baltimore at., fi. W. eon
Der of Chaxles, BA LTI MORK.
A large assortment of READY MADE
CLO'T'HING, of superior quality.
Cloth morns up stairs---Entrance, south
cud of the Store on Charles street.
Marc h 30, 1840.—1 y
/AN hand and for sale, the largest and
jr hest assortment of SPRING and
SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very
much reduced.
C 0 TS.
Coats of every variety, embracing all
the latest styles. and of an improved rut
and make, from 78 cts. to 1,2, 3, 4, 5,8,
8, *lO, and upwards.
Pantaloons of all kinds, from 75 Ms. to
1, 1.50, 1.75,2, 2 50 and also a very fash
ionable ifiatimartimi . it iliTeTat 3.50,
$l, and upwards.
Vests of every variety, comprising silk.
Satin, Cashmere, Marseiles, Valencia, from
50 cts. 75 08,111, *2.50, *3, and upwards.
Always on hand the largest and best as
sortment of Boy's Clothing ever offered
in this city.
A splendid assortment of Cloths and
Cassimeres, of the best make, together
with a large and handsome variety of SILK
will be made up to order in the best man
nur, 20 per cent. less than the accustomed
prices, and in all cases a neat and beauti
ful ht guaranteed.
Corner of Prau street ■nd Centre Market Space.
Attached to the above, is one of the
largest and moat extensive SIIIRT FAC
TORIES in the country, embracing every
variety and make, at prices which cannot
fail to please any one wishing to purchase.
March 30, I 049.—1 y
JL. SCHICK has just received an
• elegant article of SATIN, which he
will sell low. Also, plain and figured Cra
vats and Ilankerehiefs, Collars, Suspen
ders, &e. March 80.
Plaits and Figured Chums.
&TEEL BEADS. Purse Twist, Tassels,
Silk Canvass, and Hein -Wes, constant.
ly on lend and for sale at SCHICK'S.
March 30.
-11 LAN I).—Harpers' cheap edition,
Vol. • 1, just received, price Kr cts. per vet:
For sale at the Bookstore of
March 30.
I4WARD! S Palma Omuta Pomade.
The proprietor eCtliis new and..beau
urn' preparation, confidently recommends
it as having no equal in the world for im
parting a . heautiful, soft Mid glossy appear
ance to the hair, promoting itsgrbwth and
and preventing its falling out. • sale
March O.
- NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
- 1 - 11 and other persons concerned, that the,
Administration Acedunts of the deoeitsed
persons hereinafter mentioned will be pre
sented at the Orphans' Court of Adams
county, for confirmatioh end allowance, on
Monday the 16th ditty Of Nell nett :
The first accountol PeterEPley, Exec
utorof Peter Melhelm,-dixteutsed: - • •
The guardian account of line Weagly,
Guardian of ftiontteville.Bearil. • '
The account of Jnhn Bereaw, .Admin
istrator of Thomas Snotrilbe,.deeeased. •
The account of.. Wrolllank, , Ezeoutor
ofJaccib Guise, deceased. .
The final account of %Vm. Rex and Ge%
Rex, Administrators , of John Rex, deceas4
TbU first and ...ApUl papcpitit of 10,441
0. r" r4l, Adaunis o4 4r of Rufus !I All '
decias i ed. , i
Thb final . iceoliitt. of Peinieljiiiie and
Andrew'' M. Deitr4orti: 40EnigterittPri , or .
Peter Rurtv,er,"tltittriPit4 .l
Th ` etriii. ll .ceatiut 9(1 1 ,; 01 1 8 *Iland , If . ,
ob sagiii, esii§pi.prp of HenryH Aot!,de. 1
he &at 11000 rt :Qt S. S. soroulker,
txmiutar of Elizabeth Sieenhergen. de.
ceased, , , . ~r .
TIM first account .
to Andrew
,Rife. gx,
eoutor of John Rife, deceased.
The account of Joho•Rostetter, Execu
tor of Peter Grid; deciwifiti•
ie first add 'Ana) account of ' rsaito
Staub; Administrator of !glory Bishop,
The that account of Robert Smith, Ex
ecutor of Wolter Smith, deceased, '
wst. W. HAMR,IttILY, Register.
Itegiater's Office, Gettysburg,
March 14, 1F t 9.
CO.St 11.41 E II ILL.
THE subscriber has the pleasure of
announcing to his friends and the
publicgenerally that he has leased the
Public, Mau se, formerly kept by Mr. Rums
in harpbars burg street, Gettysburg, Pa.,
a few doors frout,the Centre Square,
The House is pleasantly located, has
every necessary convenience in the way
of Stebilec drio,,,etbd•wilFbe Coaoaahsti
on strict W,EftiPERAWCE principles.—
The sobsctibie his had !We experience
in keepi oriesblio houies, and be litiper
be - able to. furnish a pleasant and' caul
(*enable .4 home !' , 141 such as maybe dis
posed to patronize him.
Geoyeburg,•Pa.. March 23, 1849.-3 t
0 hat hiker/o+olfb Whig," Carihile "HtirakV,
and York " Rapabliran " inatot to th e ainowat or
$1 and charge "Mar" Oboe. -
IN THE NittTTER of the intended appilostion
of Davies Enecran, to keep a publin house
in Franklin 101144; Adams county—a being
en old stand: •
WE, the undersigned, eitieens etthe
township, of : Franklin aforesaid, be
lt* personally acquainted with DANIIIL
Beocon. the ttßove &tattled Petitionefrand
also having a'knOwledge of the house for
which license is prayed, do heridiy certify,
that such hoot, is necessary to accommo
date the puUic and entertain strangen+ail
and travellers. that 'he is a Peraell of Semi
repute for ho'Pesty and temperance, and
that he fiWelf . jirotiicled with hotnie l iiiiiin
and convenience! for the lodging end se,
commodation of strangers and travellers.
We, therefore. Veg leave to recommend
him for a license, agreeably to his peti
John Knnnse, Henry Knoture,
nielWeWman, Peter Kime,
Gorge Baum, Mesa Rattenaperpr,
Bernard Deardorff,. Levi *Wit •
Joseph DahMey, John D. Becker, ,
John Lauver, David 11 I Hardie. •
F. G. Hoffman, March 23, 1849.;—.3t.•
THE Philoenathean and Phrenakos
rnian Societies of Pennsylvania Col
lege will hold their Annual Literary CON.
TEST, in Christ's Church, ort the eve.'
ning of the 18th of April. The exercises
will consist of Essays, Orations and a Dc-,
bate on the following question : Pub
lic Education preferable to a Private?."
KTThe friends of Literature, and the
public generally are invited to attend.
of she
March 23.—td
THE revolutions throughout Eti rope,du
ring the year 1848, have been produc
tive of a momentary stagnation in the coal
t merce of the world. Many reports have
reached us, that thousands dila merchants
have failed, and a great number of its man=
ufactories have been obliged to suspend
, their operations. Many have been look
ing with an anxious eye towys our hap
jpy land of freedom, in order to save the
j wrecks of their fortunes. Favored by the
low duties, established sly our govern
ment, they have been able to meet with
a suitable market to dispose of their other-
Iwise worthless goods. Al no other period
since the establishment of our government,
have our markets been so glutted with all
sorts of goods. Hence goods have de
clined enormously in prices. Let it cot
be supposed that this will continue much,
longer ; already we are informed, by the
news brought in the last steamers, that
tranquility is restored and confidence re
established between the different nations of
Europe, and that 'business-has -already re=
vived—consequently, prices of manufactu
ring goods must and will rise again.
Being convinced of this fact, I would im
form my customers, and the public gen
erally, that 1 have just received a, very
large assortment of Spring rout Summer
Wearing Apparel, together with my
usual assortment of fersehy i .Fltncy Goods,
Pistols, 4-e. My goods having been pur
chased when prices were lowest and
choices the most exteniitie, • l feel confideet
hat I not only can undersell any one in
this aeighbothopd.... t he cities not except. ;
ed. My stock being well selected and of
the best materiiils, it cannot fall of giving
entire shfisfact ion, to those' who Will honor
the with their calls.
. My ;stock of goods is large, consisting,
of Meri t s and. Boy!' Wearing Apparel, of
all sizes and iittMitii and prices ; and my
mind being maddiip as to selling cheaper
thaU the Cheapest, my tamps of,sale
only be cash and at only one price.
art-I have also on hand a lot of PINE,
OIL, o[4 superior quality, and very cheap.
Also, a CARRIAGE, and two second
hand BUGGIES, which I will dispotio;of
upon reasonable terms.
March 23, 1849.
NOTICE le hereby given that a tax
of three per tent. has been duly att
sessed on the. Cumberland Valley Mu
tual Protection Company, the payment
whereof will be required to,be paid to an
agent, authorized.; to reteive the same, of
whom notice shall be given. '
. • A. Go MILLER. Secretary.
, Ye*llia* Blind & litlsidialw Shads
1 Mininglect Per,. ' '
, WARDED the first and highest Med,
al. et the New York; Baltimore and
• hiladelphlatihibitiontr, &rale etipeirioi-
Hy of ,hist blinds: with tonliribint confirm
&once in his ananufasture,) take thipetten
l'An 1 . 14 „ Fi s _u "'kir' , Ict his Allu s riM wn t9l L-
000 utiouw'rf Darr?* ann.yritt shop With
fancy ind'p a nTrunniinge, of new, styles
and ecilotve. 'Algid', ii , large and general
assortment of transparent Wihdow Shades,
nll of whicb,he'*lll sell at the lowest Dash
prier*. ' ' " .
g... 7. Old blind/ painted and tri m to
look equal to new.
111:7"llealers supplied on liberal terms.
The citizeue of Adam' county are res
pectfully invited to call before buying else
where--confident of pleasing all. ' '
March 23, 1840.-3 m .
Somell;ing for She
Frost' rant of RIBBONS & F
ERS, for sale at
I T HE subscriber has this day associated
j - 0 - with himself his two sons, JAMES
the mercantile business, which will be
I hereafter conducted under the firm of
I hereby tender my thanks to the public
generally for the liberal encouragement ex
tended towards me, and respectfully solicit
a continuance of their favors to the new
IIC7•All persons indebted to me will
tall and settle their accounts, as I must
have my business closed without delay.
Gettysburg, lad. 1, 1849. 8: F.
THE Undersigned hereby inform the
public that they have the •
LARGEST cups -BE .57 4:4'I,4CTED
4 70 CAT the, .
and hope by felling - ',Meal,. end attending
to business, tor - 110e - ai eotythotenee 'Of; , the
public, few,
. .
• .. .
Gettysburg .414-'11•;1848,!.--tf
Mari. is XIEWSH O P
(1 - . 'FRET •
his frterdi L tor, k it pont, 4611,"holl
the 01184re : of plinoviteivg that again
located at the old - anted; on Wasitingtoe
strain, one square soitth - Of Tbdotitoit's'
Hotel, where lie 'wilt be' tips - red ashsre
iittiire, to do atl nso
oach, Cloth it Sin"' Painting.
at abort notice,. and on reasonable iterate,
for which Country 'Produce Will be taken:
The subscriber is thankful forpairt,fa:
vora, and hopes, by attention to business,
and a desire to, please, to merit, and cfei.
calve a continuance, of publie patronage.
Gettyaburg, lan. 12, 1240.1-41.
.207 Main street, Plinio, N.
Ifinß. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lithontrip
ti c Mixture,- a celebrated medicine-which
has made
is now introduced into this section. The
limits Man advertisement, will not permit ranee
tended entice of this remedy; .we have only to
say it has for its agents in the U. States and Can
ticles a large numbef of educated
in high professionaratanding, who male a gen•
eral use cf i t in their practice in the following
iiseaber •
and disease% of the Urinary Organs, Plies and all
disease* of ihe blood, derangements of the Liver,
&c., and all general diseases. of the genet. It is
particularly requested that all who contemplate
the use of this Article, or nho desire information
respecting it,.
of 3 2 peg s, which Agents whose names si e below
will gladly give mil.. This book treats upon
the meth:A of cure—explains the peculiar pro•
parties of the ,article. end also the dimwits it
has been used for over this country and Europe
for tour years with such perfect amt. Over Is
*lama( testimony from, the highest quarters will
be found. with • ' . •
which'can be written to by any one interested and
the parties will answer pod mild edinmunications
tErEe particular and , I
1 1.0 1 irklr E./tut: 4l l
as no other inch pamphlet has ever been seen .The
evidence of the power of this , medicine over all
diseases is guaranteed by parimosof well knows
standing ih society. • •
Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Pries *2
tot au oa., t sl for 12 or., the larger being the
cheapest. Every bottle has.
written on the direelinns, &c. See r amptilet,p.
28. Prepared by Ur. O. C. I intern, and sold at
principal *Thee; 207 Main street, Buffaki,'N.
Otriees devoted to sale of this ankle siewastrate
132 Nassau, New York, and earner of Esse: and
Washington, Salem, Mass and .by all Druggiats
throughout this country and Canada, •
LrAoanes....-8. H. BUEHLER, Gettysbned
East Berlin; WM. BERLlN.,Lianover; JOSEPH-
R. HENRY, Abbottstosin: •c •
March 21, 1042.--4 y; . .
HAS removed bid race to th.9, l MgdißS
opposite the Lutheran. Mrureb,
Chambersburgstreet, 2 doors east of Mrr
Middlecoff's store where he may all times
be found ready and wilting to attend to
any case witbje the tioroiince of the 'Den
tist. pargonik in Witflt Pr NU sets °tooth
are respectfully invited to call.
Dr. C. N. Dimmest', Relr.C.P.Kuoirpr,D:D.
" D. Howries, ' PtOf.'M, Limos,.
I. O. 'A. Co ore, Lt, • "' M 1/4 BAVO in Wg'
"D. Drumm, • " • Wk. Ili.lisirtaresur
Rev. LC. Warsaw, D. D.. e
July 7, 1848. ' .'
Gettysburg' Female Seininary.
HIS Institatjio:cor OttiCslpcatiou of
T'onni Lltdi:o l 4 Of ttiPani4 nn
7th of 414,y. igkAligh , Otnett OcilY 6 burg.
under the superintendence of Mrs, and
and lifilie ,, Wattialis4 who. Will give 4o
iitruction in all the elementary, and higher
hrsucklet of SP Butlish eduation ; mid in
Music, DrawirgqPgintingicFceatil. and
Fancy-work. --
,8 . ,11 7 17L18,i4 FRENCH 4 , GERMAN
No. 8, Bank stred, Philadelphia.
stay Binding, Sewing Bilk,
'Pins, • Carpet do. Patent 'Phread,
Tapes, Coat do. Tailone Twist,
Curds, • Flannel do. Thimbles,
Galloons, Quality do. Welkin'.
Fluniture do. Purse Twist,
lim•kidt Zyes Wire Ribbons, Zephyr Worsted
Rile, Cotton, end qinnen Can Vim,
Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers, Comforts,
Infants , Bockb, C.bildreos' Gaiters,.
Stuspenders, Woolcn Yarn. and a great variety •
ej MULL MUSLINS, of the Tip4op
kinds, for sale by J. - L. 'SCHICK.
i'VETHEREAS the lion, Wit. N. IR
VINE, Esq. President of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties
composing the 19th District, and Justice
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the'said dis
trict---and GEORGE SMVS}:R and J/011:9
AVD/VITT, Esqs., Judges of the Couru of
Common Pleas and General Jail Delivery,
for the trial of all capital and other offend
ers in the county of Adame--have issued
their precept, bearing date the 15th day
of January, in the year of our LORD one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and
to me directed, for holding a Court of Com
mon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get
yeburg, on Monday the 16th day of . 1 1pril
all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner
lend Colistables within the said County of
'Adams, that they be then and there in their
proper persons, with their Bolls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations and other Re
membrances, to do those things which to
their offices and in that behalf appertain
tolki done, and also they who will prose
cute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be iu the Jail of the said County of
Adams, and to be then and there to pros
ecutusgaitist them as shall be just.,
Sheriff's °Mee, Gettysburg,
Mira D 1049.—tc
Ire founded upon the principle that nearly all
diseases arise from, the same causes, or that a
trtorbel. coodition of the liter, stomach and bow
ellOriirdiapaies the systbm to met) class of dia.
yue. When these important functions become
obstructed with superabundance ot bile and vis•
cid . roattar, liature ceases to rultil her proper co
fleen It is then that the blood becomes impure
bruises the secretive organs of the bier, vi hose
ofilweria is',lo, separate the worreout principle of
thig Vital Suid are r-o Linger lit for their °thee,
aniftintwasted part of the blood continues t her e.
tote -in eiteulatiou and becomes diffused
thmitshottl die whole:system. Thus tilled with
infections humors the body is. made li a ble to
sieltnessi . chanemit is exposed to a soil.
deo change in the weather, a bad cold or con
sumption would be the result—it in the vicinity
gleconlaillatla disorders, it would imbibe the
infeetlemr: • , •
Ds. Barons's Goan. AIM Sites' Plitt*, al
though pleasant to take and innocent in opera
tion. is this "Moir, titi elliinf medicine in the
World, to remove the bile and vieeid
from the system,snd to restore the liver, sten-l
och bad bowels: to the' performance of their pro
iMe•functinirs, thereby rendering the blood pure,
iiildivesting.tile .. Aystem• from all morbid and
infeCtioos . , 110311 v remove
every disessit,Mowever longstanding, and end4w
the system with health. strength and vigor.
A circular giving'* full explanation of the
two-4okt setibri oftbe.Gord sad Silver Pillt, can
be-inikettbesgent•gratte. • • Prite only tib cents
per box, containingbOth kinds; and for sale at
the genentl-Depot,•No: 2, Cedrtland street. New
York it endi 11
n Gettysburg by S. .BUEHLEK
ittlf."l9; 11349.-.-.8m.. • •
rr Ht sohemiber u purchased the en.
.llLtirc.interest in the Book Accounts
of the 'firm of THOMAS WARRKN &
Co., and .requeitivell persona indebted to
said 'firm to 'conte 'forward immediately
and close theleaceotinte. It is hoped that
thogi in, ' O O 3 OO will attend to the matter
or Or Wore ,the tat day of *Sprit next, as
Sflier , that perk/44m. hooks will be placed
in the,hinds or officer for collection.
'Ai I '4lli in want of Money, I have
to rattueit that all persons' indebted to me,
of long standing, (on my own books) will
make immediate paymentortheir accounts.
Gattysbiwg, March 10. 1849.
1111r—niP. 'es
PrtlE subscriber, intending to leave
Gettysburg shortly. is desirous of
closing up hie books immediately. All
personstherefpre, indebted to him for
760-ES-tir*heriville, are requested to make
,paymetiA, op, or before the first day If .4-
.pril rtttsl as slier that period he will be
compelled to leave his books in the hands
of en Officer for collection. He hopes
that . hie friends will attend to the matter at
once. 13., SCHRIVER.
Gettysburg Miircli 1849.
Blank [Soaks:
SHE undersigned would . respectfully
Jt. intorin hhr nytheriatts customers, that
he . tsifi) 041,P large variety of halt- bo un d
gAartoe pi* do,, I)enti, Medi
um, Day and Lodger Account Books,
'Memorandum and Past Books, to which
their attention ie insited, and 'which are
soli) on 'such iiirifis as cannot fail to please.
in addition to the books named above;enr
*welt Fempriiies all the popuhir
of the day-IMA as tie various editions
of Spelling Books; the various series of
reading ,books o English, dictionaries and
grammaret- the works on Arithmetic,
peography;'Rhetoric,'"Eloctitirin, Logic.
C . oltiniptign . ,,„ ; # 441114 ; geomotry. . Sur
veying, Mensuration, Brewing, Book
k eepingoHistory, Biography; Natural Phi
losophy, Chemistry. Betsey, 'Mineralogy,
Nithirel'Histriry;'PhYMeleigy, Astronomy,
letidierivaltnil Moral Philosophy, Politi
-40:-E49410:1X, french , " growlers, Dic
tionaries, Readers, &e., and all the various
German, Latin,,greek and Spanish school
and Classical books, with a variety of the
standard works of the day, in the depart
mettle Of Literituie, Science and Art; to
gether with' Every .Briick of Stationery
now . in use, all fur sale at the lowest cash ,
U7 - Particular attention will also be
paid to all orders, thiongh COUNTRY
MERCHANTS, and others, for Law,'
Medical and Misceilandois Books,' ,Stn.
for public and private libraries, and no ef
will be spared to complete all such
orders, on the most reasonable terms.,
Bookseller & Stationer,
Opposite the Bank, and few doors east of
Kurtz'a Hotel:
rfilHE 'subscriber has jolt received the
best quality of MOLASSES SYR-
R P, which he offers at 50 cents a gallon ;
new •crop, N. 0. MOLASSES, a fine ar
tide ; do. S. 11. MOLASSES ; superior
winter-strained LARD OIL, as clear as wa
ter, at 111.00-and a general assortment of
Dry goods and Groceries, "at prices to
Suit the times."
RUIT TREES, of all kinda. (graft*
r in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonablo terms. Please cal
and judge for
,t ourselves. • •
. 7,-s:.rlef
NEW ESTA inistutitbiT.
Chair 4 and Cabinet Furnitim
LOll ER 771.01 N EYES! **4-'
D. & J. CULP
R EB' ECTFULLY stnecienee b Akl
citizen' of Adams roomy , ghat they
have entered into co-pennerehip fee the
manufacture and sale of ail kind* of .
Chain, and Cabinet iilienitare,
and that they will always have or hand,
at their Establishment in South Haltintore
street, Gettysburg, a few doors above
Pahnestocles Store, (the old nand of D.
Colp,) a fog assortment of CIIA4IIS, of
every variety, such As
Alen, SET'rEES, of varieue kifitte,
painted in imitation of ruse•Wood,matior
any, satin-wood, walow, maple & and 'all
fancy colors. wits eonitantly keep
on hand and make to order,
Bureaus. (-entre Tables, . Bedsteads, Cup
boards, Stands, Doughf:Troughs i ,-r
trash-Stands, Dining and
Breakfast Tables, ke.
all manufactured by experienced wroTktnen
and of the bast material, which they
be pleased to furnish to those .who msy
favor them with their custom on the most
reaSonable terms. Having supplied them
selves with a very large and superior stock•
of stuff, they have no hesitation in stssue
ring the pnblic that they eau tarnish work--
which for cheapness, beauty autfslafriMil
'ity, cannot be surpassed by any other shop
in the County. They will also attsod
to all kinds of
upon the shortest notice and most Omura
abletenns. Wall Paper will be furidabed
—specimens of which can be seen at our
',III work made and sold by the
firm will be warranted. They are deter.
mined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, just
to suit the times. The pohlie will cousult
their interests by giving them a call before
purrhasingelsewliere. Al/ kiwis of Cotter
try Produce and Lumber will be taketa its
part payment fur work.
Fell. 2, 1849.—tf
WHEREAS sundry individuals et bills,
• bare been trying to monopokeis,
and forestall public opinion; end wbetees
the subscriber can at the present tiine vhrw
the largest and best stock of CH A:IBS in
this County. therefore be it known to,stli
persona interested that the undersigned •
continues to manufacture at the old stand .
in South Baltimore street. every variety of
PAM/Xand Ace.l.VC 1
which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms for Cash or Prodni.e. ,
illy Chairs are made in Gettysburg: cud,
not in “Boslon."
House anti Sign Painting
attended to as formerly ; and from long'
practice and experience in business, the
subscriber feels confident that his work
will bear the closest inspection, because hi"
workmen are of the beat that the country
can furnish. •
C.911/NET if of every variet y
and of the beet quality, will he rim:imbed
to Customers, and at all times mine to tir
der. All kinds of ',timber taken, st
fair prices: CH AIR PLANK particularly
svanted—something less than -5000" fha
will answer. . . ' 1' • '
Feeling thankful for past favors, the --
subscriber hopes, by attention to husitietis,
still to merit a share of public favor.
Gettysburg, March 9, 1849.—kf
C. 9 It NET Jll,l
GRVrEFUL for the liberal : abate of
patronage he hats heretof6re ritcerved,
takes this methiid of respeetfillly inform
ing the public, that he still continues hta
business of
at the old stand, in South Baltimore sleek,
Gettyshfirg, Second Square, where he 4
prepared to furnish - every variety of
Bureaus,.Cenlre and Dining Tintilespfled-
Steada, Cupboards, !Turk, ll'ash and
Candle Stands, ke, 4-e4
in a neat, substantial, workmanlike man
lier, at prices to suit the times.
jtj•Ilo is always prepared to make
according to order, and at the shortest no
tice. Having a good and handsome Hearse
he ran convey corpses to any bestial growl'
at the lowest rate.
BER. and silk inds of COtrtir-
TRY PRODUCE taken in exchange (of
Gettysburg, Feb. S. I 849.
Sillier F:ST A BIAS II 111 ENT
Hallimore, Md.
Where 500 persona are employed, and a Meek of
1000 dozen shirts alr.sys on band.
AND O'l'li e lrl irri t
call and examine the largest and best ittock
of SFUIR'PS that has ever been offered.
consisting of all sizes and qualities
MEN AND iIOYS, which for . style'aie
workmanship candot be aurpesseil..
More than usual effortehave.been mai-- -
to relider the assortment complete 400 de=
eirsble in every respect.
w. Brxritqc,',
• March t, 113411 1 y
'I I IIIE School Directors of ?m i ni*
I township will meet st tits hitisfto l :tti
lissom HART. in said
Mondrytho 91k• Of. vi r el,,,tl ek, •
p. se., to relent MO* o 16 /44 6 1 0 4 0 14
of the Public &boob,' inissid tow&t it
By order of dm &inf. A
Itlatefs 23, 180.--31
• vAßrowir
TOR 14*f: Tiiii 0174101,
::N.PjµF j s:lyrvr~ w.*