Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 15, 1848, Image 1

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10.CotteedivetPiolt.DMI'LasT 'Week.]
liothi l agp ink reirird the onward progress of
, our r , aini v io npatpreveati es from assuming and
imaietriniftctiteArityao among nations, but a
experience of the past, and a
re ,; a naria'o te an unwise public policy. We
have peat clotted a foreign war by an honedable
liettdcdlida SAW Mildewed neceaiary and rmaeOldia
bbstfei.sjeldiesaion itif the national righte and
h im a l s• ilrate present condition of the country
le serflike its some, reaper ta toilet which existed
immadistely • eller the close , of ,the war with
Great 'Britain in IHIS, and the occasion is
deemed to, bari proper.ono to take a retrospect
of the itilesuree of pubfic'policy,tvlhich fel lowed
that war. There • was at that period of our
lestory - e deriarturel from out. earlier polity.—
The enlargement of the powers of the federal !
goirerantem by eonstrudien which obtained was
not saarranted by nay just interpretation of the
empititutipn. A ,few
,yearn after the clone e
that war. a series of measures was adopted !
Valted 'and combined, constititted taint
Willutermed byllior authors end adVocittes the
a. 41, woken aystern.'?
The introltictieu of the new policy was for t
time leveret' by the condition of the country ;
FiSt the heavy debt which had been contracted
during the war; by the depression of the public
swede.; by. the deranged state of the financesand
tits seirreney t and by the ournitiercial and pecu
iniary embarrassment which extensively pre
vailed. Truise were not the telly causes which
ied In Its establiehnrient. The events of the
-war with Great lit - eats, and the einharrains
leen ts which had attended its proseenti ~, had
11 , ft'int this minds of many of our statesmen the
impression that our government was not strong
flflpipgh..afid that 10 wield its resources Success
ill great emergencies, end especially in
war, more rower should be concentrated in its
bands. '1 hie inererised mower they did not
seek to obtain hy the legitimate and presorilied
medee—en amendment ut the centailuttii—but
by candrull , o ‘ They saw 6f01 , 13(11111UlltA in the
o h) . wo rld I,,, se d u pon iiilrtrent orders sock;
t:y, and tio emiatitUted as to throw the whole
power of intthins into the hariel4 of a fevi. who
taxed sini controlled the many without respon
sibility or restraint. In that tarrunginuein they
conceived the, strength of nations in war con
sisie.d. There was also something fascinating
iti the cafe. luxury, and Aiaplay of the higher
orders, who drew their affialth from the toil of`
the laboring mihiohas.. Thu authors of the aye
tent drizie,their ideas of political economy from
what they had witnessed in fitirope, mut par;
tialthitly in Great' Britain: They had viewed
the enormoussrealth eoncentrated in few hands,
and had wive the opiturder of the overgrown es
tf..4ohingras of tin mistocracy which was up
held by the ri strietive iroliey. They forgot to
liteltdrikvit epee the poorer C 13,1005 of the Eng
lish population, open whom , daily and yearly
I t ho r the great estahlsshinents they so much
miniiteil were silk:lines' and supported. They
faileittu perceive that the smuttily-fed and half
tclaid operatives were nut only in object poverty,
het were hound in chains of oppressive likaVi
vide. 'fop the benefit of favored classes, who
Were the exclusive objects of the care of the
, ht, was init . possible to,re.constmet society in
the IJoiled ;_• 4 Lites ttitou the European plan.—
hieM there Was u written coustitution, by which
orders andlitles were not recognised or tolera
ted. A' system of measures was therefore de•
%lead, c iteulateil,. if wit intended, to wi tinlraw
power gradually and silently from the States
and the 111:1100 oh' t h e people, and by rimmtruelion
appflAo)4tri o u r geVettittietit to the Europe:to
models, substitutioq nn aristocracy of wealth
forth it ni - ortleM and titles.
Without r, dieting upon the dissimilarity of
our institutions, and of tho condition of our
people.and these ut Clamps, they conceived the
vain, itipt, of building up in the United States a
eysteot similar to that which they a , l titre,
elenitt. Great Britain It et a national kink of
liter e tpittl, in. whose' haat a was concentrated
the.vantrolliteg monetary Mad Gnaauial power of
the notion; au institution w lel d i 11 , 4 al we st k
ly power, and exerting vast hill Jew(' upon ail
010 Oltenia..las or trade, and upon the policy of
the 'griverrim. , nt itself. Great Britain hail en
eneresoes public+ dell, uni it had become a part
alter Pithlie poltey to regard. Mari as a public
blessing." GI Mat Britain had also a restrictive
Orley, which plaited fetters and burdens on
(MAW,: and trammeled the pre.' active industry
of the Milli of the nation. By her combined
system of policy, the landlords and other prop
terty-layliders wereprotected and enriched by dill
enormous tato' which were levied upon the
Wee of the 'toiletry for their advantage.
imitating this fontign policy, the first step
iniestablisiting the new system in the United
states was the creation of a natioual bank. Nut
forepeenpr the dangerous power and countless
cells which such an institotion tnight entail on
the Ciiiintry, nth perceiving the eniineXiOn Which
iltalsll3•dettignadlo fear-histwesan.the bank and
tho.otherhigauchea of the miscalled "Ainerioan
eyrsol,"„ hat . flteling the embarrassments of
rethe treasury , an of the business of the country,
.ebliegilubitt Open this war, smite of one states
/ben who hall held different and sound views
were itulweed so yield, their scruples, and, in
deed, settled convictions of its unconstitution
iiiity,tand to give it their sanction, its an exile
41tent which they vainly' lieped might produce
fait Irtaislit' moat 'uttfbrturrate error, as the
eutelequent htstory and final catastrophe of that
dump ruu is rel corrupt inatitutiop have ub ntl ant
ly,provod.,The bank, with its 'tauten:Ns brunch
es ramified into the States; soon brought ma
ny bfiheactii6 p oflllc9l ihdcomittercial men in
different settions of the country into the relation
oidebtera to itoami dependants upomit, for pe
clikitrY,Alipre .thus .diftitsioff. 0 1 /ought:tut , the
itopriof society ,a great number of, individuals
o poiker and influence to give' tone to . ptiblie
opinion, and to act iwooncert idlentlifof emer
genstyvt .frbe , c4inipt , powet mf smith It political
aingtnewis.,no ,longerlt, gown. of .spegilstion,
/myna * 6 ,4 ispin ip# eur . 9rOl? ilnliderff tie ,
but most avail" in t e viewed struggles of
1115V-tiALl'it to the pnblie Will,
Nettimiiiiiidbiii , Aittletoi and peel dtht/Piesi dtint.
-OW ilVirbdUle*as lllarblie brutish of thenew
ifysteas,..l4. 'more than 8 / 1 10,-
0V11 0 99 4001,14 11 1414.,if flo l ;4(tbff 14 5 111441k 1
ithq i epiny ?I,op.authdnoi the new syelppa,so4
yd2a speedy payment as esatintiarto
Iff,,,f4;o9•lyntt4eA t upert Afsjoon
'ail nolo eV! ? I N fillet thp dOL
k: ilif." * lt', l ffil li allmettruiltljliatidnal
f4lli,lllldffilnd' iiiettlised+thinfloidnedestinfy
OP aniallailyt t ct I.,:it ~ , 4‘ ~. :..; ha 1 , ,,1 1 trm
Ano , noon* hal IMIONI4411L•ylltlit 014.4 mi
4411 1 0.R1,114C4'4 1 /1 1 ;fa 4, IW 9ole.w i l ti , 4/ Mr
I. ' t Vgir 114
t: tDiduNt li kg
' 1 ilt u aa e i pbelitiflattite
et ants liPlki'llin dilfir rekftlili irk
PIN' IF ninifidtotialib befieintallylntsdei/...
Mk eldelliwunta.lradiitheinfove,' Tailed uttlerlfile
PM/MOW isnlnfehraiwt pretext at aWswens to
, it ' 9 1 1 41003e9 in_, ll 4 , Prill, ,14,,0ur
' 'I 1 ' 'PAtfiliqt I°' CO 6 11 950 theta I
1 , ' 0 the main fell ippon 'labor, was iqr 1
.. tritlik tliktrer w nu paid It. This
rfrilhil4iillifti inVoleed a perinevehip bi
t*blllitfil_lasibeetimelet'stini the favored element
ota-the IfdimaiWnraetdalnip the proceed* of the tax
isiaptiMini on *Woke buttoned, and the latter the
lilll l l l 3. 2 llokricrt fat ,aienlar articles nrutlueetl at
pip, aatisod, by suctax. It fs o'byteut, that
fie 'portion to be received by the favored elasse4
would, as a general rule, be Increased in pro-I
' .fi:();) VI/Ett,';ii....l ) ~,f irr -
' i rll 3 f; I f. it s 4 ' •;:' l ' 7; ~ .'i t .i ii. ' i
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liel illi i ' l ;If if) I , , 71 ill 111 0/ /I 1 , .r./ I lEi
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. •ilr). 1,. ! 1 ,1 :1 (il , lfi •r, _i I 1.. f 61,4 i 'll I -I, ',II I; .1...,M1.
portion en i t h e i snass es dem ra t es o f lea. ire pos-, viohieli cOnstitil ed so essenhata branch . of this
ed. and 4 hainished,as those mins were reduced ceinhirted sytittint tifitudieures, *iiiitot 'a new ,
to die revenue standard required hy . the wants' Measure, and Strad itti'cionstittitiodallty hid been
of thegovernment., The rates reoutnid to Pro- sanotioned.hensuse shank ,had.batin chartered,
duce a aufflitiont reVeline For the ordinary ex- ia liglirltail,itsd.retteiee4 tile elgardel signature 1
pendituree of governinent; 'for • tiodessaty par- fof Presideet Witehitigtoo. A few facts
poses, were not likely to , give to the, private yelidn , the Pit '*sight to Which thiti precedent.
patterns in this scheme.proftle sofficient to l'ehodld.tia entitled as boiling' upon the 'question,
tindery their cupidity; arid hence a variety of of minatitutiodality. '-* - ' .... , • ,
expedients and pretekts were r esorted to for , Great divisioo 'of opinion upon the suidect
the purpose' of !enlargirig'ihrieapendltures, end .existed in Congraa., It , is well knewn that
thereby creating a necessity for keeping tip a President 'Washington entertained serious
high protective tariff. 'Fins kfftte of this policy deubts . bdth ne teethe 'conetitntionality alfitex-w
was to interpose artificial relitrititiona upon the pedieney of the measures and whilethe bill was
natural ceuree of the business and trade of the hefore him for bits official .approval or disap
country, and to advance the interests of large prove', ea ,gre?,c went therm deubtin that ho re
capitaltats and wonopollsor at, the expense of quired "the opia ton in,wriffifir of die members
the great Mass of the peOple; who were taxed to dif his eableet to aid him in arriving at a dUci
inerease their wealth. , Sion.'His cabinet . gave their Opinion, and
Anothdr Manc h of this . sys ' rein seer - s eoittfrre- Were divkleci epee:the stubjetit---Genewil.Ham
hensivis scheme of internal linprevementei 'cups- ,itten beingdin favor ef. and Mr... Jefferson and
ble of indefinite enlurgemeet , and ,su ffi cient to Dlr. Randolph bet
, 00posed to the cotistitu‘
swallow up us ninny millions annually aatiould tioniilrty Lai d of the batik. It is
be exacted . from the fqreign cornnaerce of the 'well knonhi, Slim, that PreeittentiWailtington
country. This was kconvenient and tweessa• retained , the bill. from' Monday the 14th; When
ry adjunct tifthe protective tariff. It was Lobe it.was,preeented to tim.tantil Friday, the 25th'
the great absorbent Of aitY tenpins which mifrlit of February—dieieg the last moistentlemitted
at any time accumelatele the treasury, and of hint by the constitution to deliberate, when he
the tuxes levied on the'people, not for nommen- hnallit yielded 7 iB it his reluctant" 'assent, and
ry revenue purposes, buffer the avowed object gave it his eigthutire 4 hie certain i thet ottint°
of affording, protection Co the favored classes. oaths fl3d of ..Februarpo-beinir the minth , day
Auxiltary to the same end, if it was not an falter tite,hili a!ae prueonted to hits -4 10 had'a r - .
essential part of the system itself, was the rived at no satis factory conclusion; for ou that
scheme which, at a later period, obtained, for I day he addressed a note to General Ilatnilton,
distributing the pia-odds of the Sales of the in which he informs him that "this bi
11l was.
public lands among the States. Other expedi- I pregented to me by the joint oommittee C
ant* were devised to take money out of the i grass at I,tl , o'clock OD Monday, the 14th in
treasury. and prevent its coming in from try I stand" and he requested his opinion "to,w,liat
other source than the protective tariff. 11,6 1 precise period, by lege r . interpretation of the
authors and supporters of the system Were the constitution, can the President retain it in his
advocates of the largest expeedlttnes, whether possession, ' oefore it becomes a ' by the
fur necessary or espritl purpoees or not, because lapse. of ten days." If the proper eoBBlllle..
, the larger the expendttitres the greater mesa the him, was, that the day on which the bill was
pretext for high tates in the form of protective I presented . to the President, and the day on
duties. 1 which his action was had upon it, were both
Those several measore Were sustained byl to be counted inclusive, then the time dllos'ed
popular names and plausible arguments b him, within which it Wbuld be competent for
which thousamls were deluded. The b an k I him to return it to the House :in which if oriel
; was represented to he an indespensable fiscal, rutted with hie, objections, would expire on
stood ter the government; Was to ended's ex.' Thursday ? the filth of .Februery. Qett. Ilan'-
, e r ie „ g „,,, and to regulate „and furnish a soun d thou on the same day returned an answer, in
currency. a l ways , an d everyw h ere of uniform which he states: "1 give it Ms my opinion that
i y ,d„„ . The protective tariff was to g i ve stn- you have ten days, exclusive of that on which
, ployment to "American labor” at advanced poi- the bill was delivered to you, and Sundays;
ens; was to protect "home industry," and fur- hence. 1n the preaent case, if it is returned on
yeah a steady market for the firmer. Internal Friday, it will be in tints.' Elithis construe
improvements were to bring trade into every don, which the President adopted, he pined
neighborhood and enhance the value of every • ariother day foodetiberation, and it was' not an- .
antis property. The distribution of the land tit the astii of Februaly that lie signed the bill;
money was to enrich the States, finish tht•ir thus affording conclurire proof t h at he had .at
public works, plant schools throughout' their last obtained his own consent to sign it not
borders, and relieve them from taxation. But without great and almost insuperable difficulty.
the fact, that for every dollar taken Out of the Additional light has been recently shed upon
I treasury for these objecei a meet' larger sum the serious doubts which het had on the sub-
Was transferred from' the pockets of the peop l e jtet, amounting at one time to u conviction that
to the invored classes, was carefully concealed,[ II was his duty to withhold his appreyal of the
as was also the tendency if not the ultimate bill. This is found among the manuseriptpa-
I peat 'of 5f r, Madison, hutlioriiedto be ptirchas
design of the systein to build up MI aristocracy
of wealth, to control the masses of society. and
led for the use of the government by an act of
monopolize the political power of the country.' the last session of (3 1)nifsess4 non - mos for the
The several branches of this system were so ' first time aceeesible, to die public. Frorailtese
intimately blended togotiter, that in their opens• papers, it appears that Presidept Weshington,
lien eaoh sustained and strengthened the nth- while be yet held - the hank bill in his heeds,
era. Their joint operation was, to. add pew actually requested Mr. Madison, at that time a
member of the House of Itepreeenratives; to
burdens of tAtatioo and to encourage a largely
iticreaied and wasteful expenditure of pu bli c prepare the draught of a veto message for him.
Mr. Madison, at hits request, did. prepare the
money. It wits the interest of the bank that
draught of such a messag e , and sent it to hint on
the revenue collected and the disbursements
~,,,,k , I , y i j i , ge ,„,.„„„.„ i should be large, be., the Ilst of February, 1791. A copy of this
use, being the depository of the public mond (Molise' drought, in Mr. Madison's own hand
cy,ey the larger the amount, thre greater Would b e wriling, carefully preserved by bin, and
the bank profits by its use. It was the interest is among the papers lately purchased by Cull
er the favors: e1,14.4ini, who were enriched by Kress. it is preceded by a note, written on the
same sheet, which is also in Mr.
the, protective tari ff , to have the rates of thatM a dison's 1
protection as high as possible; for the higher hand-writlngoind is as follows:
those rates, the greater would he their advan- " February r list, 1791. Copy of a paper
tago. It was.,the interest of the people of all made out a sent to the President at his re
these suctions and localities who expected to quest, to be reedy in ease his judgment should
ho benefited by expenditures for internal im- finally decide agaiust the bill, for incorporating
movement:olot the amount collected should be the natioual bauk, the bill being theet . ,,befure
as large as possible, to the end that the sum him."
disbursed might also be the larger. The States Among the objections assigned in this pa
being the beneficiaries in the distribution of per to the bill, and which were submitted for
the lend money, had an interest in having the the consideration of the President, era the lid- 1
rates of eta imposed by the protective tariff lowing: ,
large enough to yield a eutlicieot revenue from " I object to the bill, localise it is an essen-
that source to meet the wants of the govern- toil principle or the governinent, that 'powers
inent, without disturbing or taking from them not deiegated by the Constitntion °Minot be'
the land hind; so that each of the branches eon• rightfully exercised.; , because the power pro-
saluting the system had a common interest in posed , by the bill to be exercieed is nut express-
swelling the public expenditures. They had a ly delegated, and because I cannot satiety nay
direct iuterest in maintaining the public debt um self that it'reaults iron an express power lay
patd, and ineteasing its amount, because this fair and safe rules of
would produce an annual increased drain npon The weight of the precedent of the bank' of
the treasury, to the amount of the interest, and 1791, and the sanction of the great name ,, ,af
ninder augmented taxes necessary. The opera' Washington which has been so often invoked
unit and necessary effect of the whole system in its support, are greatly weakened by the
were, to encourage large and extravagant ex- development of these facts. The experiment
peteliturt s, and thereby to increase the public of that bank satisfied the country that'is ought
patronage, and maintain a rich anti splendid not to be continued, and at the end of twouty
government at die expense of a taxeAl and ins- years Congress refused to nes:heron it. It
povettstied people. i would here bruit fortuuate fur the country, and
It is maiiiiiist that this scheme of enlarged 'saved thousands from bankruptcy and '
taxation and expenditures, had it continued to had otir pubic Men of I eil G resi st ed u
(etthe r teiTt:
prevail, mast soon have converted the govern-, porary pressure of the times upon our financial
ment of the LI nicm, intended by its framers to end pecuniary interests, and refused to-charter
W/' a plain, cheap, and shot" confederation of tar second bank.. -Of this the camnuy became
States, united together for common resection. abundantly, eatiefied, and at the close of its
and chArgesl with a few specific duties, relatitil twenty years' duration '
as in the case uf the first
chiefly to Our foreign affairs, into a conaol W ceased ine bank, it also ceased to exist. Under the re-.
empire, deli Wiring the States of their reserved pasted blows of President Jackson, itreeled and
rights, and the. people of their list' power and fell, and a SUbBL4IIIOIII,BI4BBIO, to aligner a sign
control its the administration of their govern- Bar institution was arrested by the vete of Pre
inert. In this manner the whole form and sident Tyler . '
character or the government would he changed, . , i te . .. J -
a .r.. ? Madison, inreldiog , his,
, signature to the!
not by an amendment of the constitution, but by
Mier of 1815, di eo upon the ground or the
resorting to an unwarrantsble and unauthorised
respect due to prece' dente; and, to he stelae
construction of that instrument. quently declared, "the Bank of the United
The indirect mode of levying the taxes by a
duty on impons,.. prem i ss, •d ie , tours of the States, though, out .the original, question, held
to be ueconstitutional, received die Executive
mature "
people from readily perceiving the amount they I
pay, and has enabled the few who are thus en •
tidied, rind who seek to wield the political I tis probable that neither the bank of 1971,
ower ,
nor that of 18,1. p. would have tome chartered but
p of the country, to deceive and delude
them. were th e lazes collected by odi t for the etnbartassments of theloverement in its
finanoes , the derangement of themarrentY and
levy upon the people, lie is 'the caoe in the '
States, thie would not occur. the pecuniary pressure which exiateda-tlitt find
T he,
whole system wai resiited rrent its in- the ec 'N'equ ee ri 0.411 4' lifer of the Mapletion,
quidd 4 the iteetnitt, the cooequoriey, of the tea of.
Ciptiod try many' of oar ablest statittnnen, Mime 141.. Both welt reso r ted to kn'thel delesi6
, of witont :doubted iteneontaiintiotudity end its .hope that they would . reiterdpnblie credit;' trial
expediently', while othera,belieyed .4 tvaa,„in
'IP 't°,. hr/29/leai A )Agm4 and thingerausie- !Word ie hef
, to eke gemmen4 end to the has
fraction on the contititution. . hea r 011 the onantreN„ , , , , ~ , ,
That a national bank, a protecttve tariff, lovi. ' . h,"? dour Pahlie melt who opposed the
.ed mite:oga Ab l e meeting ,wooded, Inn (ern). whd?licintl,hllin;llYSlOlta Otits ranumemmulant,
a te l e it ii r e ib e, ot T e e t 7 c l y f t tb i t
ri r c n !i tic l i t'P it t o e r ve t r it ' i m ee t l' e ,:ly ti i l t e e ;LA. ,fiatgtj'w"gi d i u 'ij :l u f g cl nt re wl l }ll pa f?r :arcuaTolt int
ts hide, a nii , Wiest Moat ft lir illtitt%a 'ilijiiiy tiiihe
public , hindkimentaitidresvlttietit ihelvittant
,beet.intereets , ofitise , oonntly: , .tilkor IC derieg , of
a the constitution; twouldt aped thiv ulaturtiat
1. ie system was cautblisheti,, ,JAl?stscitosie.l l ii•
,apnaiderstion, eettimin,heelear. „Itip,retneajoi. • X l O /1 1 .1 1 fheAr,,Wiee,SyllallelssWoustamheededs:ned
ble that no one of these measures, involvheij m ar ra t
that its pineilbsi operation wag unequal
seek momentond.temtinquetideei' is ' ititheilz
.b .
__ express .....401.4c1...u0 th e, eeththith4 mndierilust.iten dillbWiatlidttlollielif Wilt count
tii 7 ; l 7i' Aii 7: o ; , 9 tr omp
. 7;:i dmt. 41, oe be.; ‘Aryoptil upon.ths,peophii su l ts& ittiAlltfltritht
ng Ittlylleriry ,Ited i g e rcippr (ilt.the,exinpiAnkor, .41.11Plnkl/Kt MI Wereeweilly tingileelitnthav fi t ter
tep tne,inoney p s ovrer,apd,c,prichgtthe
6 ilpkilita pri*eis 'graillidif hY;tlin &Maki'. 1 . 4 •1 1 ,, ,
.e,Vittss 0( 4111'40, , Tern4taglAd Airertint:ed
ot tld en itt sed , Vliti ,
to ile i i i hr to lt y y tastri , iiiidele ri i, th lit etn eh' . it is h ase itirbeii ived n thi „ 6 l " l " . " th t thwli , ytaii, , e , emt k. l ,: keiet.theineire
from,juirrull ' , these( ihoesinsia-i .14 ' t h e ' minV" iliteened'Oall'id' 4o thiller the
tution w i f w, !gu tt y an d w h o m , os eeto o AiettliehritandAte-pusr,ponetied • •olltsvindeney
design dio lei war/ant-Ts( heininceiv4'ht at *ork i fr'f re ' i t t ° ' 44l tinate° l 9 l 4 44lo nintrbaned' o n
tatth,Jmutense posesm.woultl havir:beenitift by 'lF** and w . fl iNe '"''' th ' 6 " ei ''' etilun4 ""!'
t h e, foumni of tho oßmotet i go
.tif miTe,ift r eltce .,•stne coring mina 'sway - in surbgeverenientl ...11l
eel and dinihtfut constructional had been '.,_ 9411 " Inignn,,_ainnik„,
and nwnnY ikowert i wlilch misled
intended to einilbe tt t o fideMl'giletieri: ',' .„ ) ;P ° P, bo u i 7, o , l 7, ‘ ",: oio . l ttillind 126 ti. '
meet, it is but titre
to conelsde that it -"'''' -- r -- r --- •"‘ .:
. '''
I ~l' '
would have been done by plain anduriequivocul Under the' pern,iefonit'tvark*ofitila: coie- ,
grants, This was not done ;• but the whole Pitied epicene er ineasuree, die country witneas.
stritetere of which the " American system" oil eltertotte seasons' a temporary AppilMel
eonsisted, fan reared on no other or betters prosperity'; or 'ridden: and disastrous centrum ,
foundation than forced implications and infer- I ehl retmlsions; of unpreheticutod,ductuatiou pf
(meets of power , which Its authors hammed ' prices, and deptesaien of tho greet intaiests of
might be deduocil by construction from the cue • agricultere, navigation and doinuteme, of gene I
silintion. , i evil pecuniary suffering, u ml• of . hual bankrupt-
Out it has been urged that the national bank, ,cy of thousands. After a severe struggle eif. .
..-1 ,-- "111111p1PRP ,
, . . •
,1;1ir.1....1 tow! '6olutt t o
11 1. 514)itgli
!,, •.,• it IDAT'"74
O,,grrYSBURG, rA,I . . •,,.
VEIitNG - 'DE CEMBER , iSP pB' 8. , Pli Vti , Sit , '.l 101111 P, • I'm
• '
:11l •I,lt!lit
4 krrAittatte Arit jut.
mote than a tibilltee ;if a .century, the spite*
was oveithrown.-+
Whe band.bae bean succeeded by a uvula*
system of finance. ,conducted, and controlled
solely' by the government. The constitutional'
dulieney'hae Beim' teetered ; the 'public' Cradle
maintained unimpaired, Oven in' period of
orei Ira war ; and-rint`whbleceutat7 hes-becotod
Bath/6Pd , that Inualis t .nationsl pr State. are, not
necessary se fiscal agents of the, goverutnent.
Reviinue'duties have taken' die elace oftlie pro.;
motive tatiff.' Tht 4 fliairibution of thd money
desired folio *beluga :of the vitplie lands has
been abandoned, and the corrupting system of
internal improvements, it is hoped, has been,
effectually checkiVil. • •
It is hot doubte4 that if this whole train of
,measures designed .to, take wealth from, the
many, and betitow, ttepon,the few, were to pre.-
veil, the efiect woul4 be to change the entire
ciltinicter of thii'goVeinffient. One only danger
+erne ins. It itrthertied' netione of that branch of
hit' system, whichcensista ittintetnal improve='
meets, holding out, ps ,it dueSt . - 11 4acerllent 4
to the people of partihular sections arid localltien
to 'Onthatlt the government in th'c'm ivithout
stoppingito calculate convieqiien
res. This bmnehofthellystemis so intimate
ly combined and linked with thitothers, that
as surely as 'tn 'eft& is pioddeiqf by an ads,
quinceause, if it is tab° resuscitated and revived
and firmly established, .It requires tie sagaci
ty to foresee that it will necessarily and. speed I.
ly draw atter it the re-establishment of a nation
al batik, the ieViVal'or a protective, tariff', the
distribution of the' land money, and not only
the postponement to the distant future of the,
payment of the present national debt, but its
annual iiierease,,
' I entertain tile eoleme conviction, that if the
internal int proveinent 'branch of the "American
system" he not firinly Vet isted at this time, the
whole aeries of measures composing it will be
speedily re-established,, end the 'country be
thrown bisck. from Its present high state of pros
pelity, which the existing policy has produced;
sill be destined again to witness all the ,evils ;
ceminereisl revulvtons, depression of prices,
and pecuniary enibarrassments, through_ Which
tVe have passed 'datibethe last 25 years.
'Vo guard spinet 'consequences so ruinous,
is an _object of high national. importance, in
volving in my judgment, the continued prosper-.
ity of the country.
I have felt it to be an imperative oblige
lion to withheld my constitutional sanction
from two hills which had passed the two
Houses of Oongress,,,involting the Orirtbiple
of the internal improvement branch of the'"A-
tnerikaa'sOltion,'l itatl-conflicting. in titeir pro
visions with the views bare expressed..
This power conferred upon the President by
the Cuinstittition, I have on, three occasions der
mg My adnilnistration of the execuitSe rietrart
ment ofthe'government, 'deemed it toy duty to
exercise; and on the last ocesifien of tasking to
Congress on 'anneal communication '"of the
state of the .1./ Mon," it is not deemed inapprd.
priate to ,review the, principles and considers.
none whigh governed my notion. ..I deem this
the more necessary, tietmuse t aller the lapse or
nearly siiity•years since the adoption of the eon
minuti), the prOpriety of the exercise of this
undoubted .6 on ri to ti wer by' the P mei •
, dent has•for -the first-tterte tiVen drawn-Serb. j
onsly in question by &portion of my fellow.eiti-
The constitution provides that " every bill which
,shall have passed tie House of Representatives
and the t3enate shall, before it boconies a il{W, bo
pie-stinted to the President of the Unwed. Stostat
if he approve, he tholl sign it, but if not, he dud/
return it With his objections, to that house in which
it shall hem originated, who shall enter the bb.
jrctions at large on their journal and pa:word to
reconsider it."
The preservation of tite constitution from in
fraction is the President's highest duty. He is
biiend tb 'discharge that duty, at whatever hazard' .
of incurring the diepleasure of those iato may dif- ;
fey with hint iu opinion, Hate how:idle discharge
it, iuo well by Ins obligations to ilie people wile
have clothed him with Its exalted abet, as by his
oath of office, which he'may not tlisretortd. Nor
.are the obligations.of the President in any dagire
leWhed be the prevalence ui eiines dUrerent front
his own in one or hotb houses of c:ongrces. It is
10**Itine'hasty and inchnsiderato 'legislation that
bets requited to check; but it;sit any' nine
mess shall, often o.l)parelilly full dekballitiOrb re
solve on Measure* which he decuis subversive of .
the constitution, or of the vital interests of the
Country, it is his solemn ditty to stand in the
breach and resist them. The President it bound
to approve, Of disapprove, every • bill which ,passes
COnfees and is presented to hihu , for his laws
totes. The constitution makes tine his duty, and
he eannotesespe it if he wiluld. ''fle hi/ DO elec.
tins. In deciding upon any hilt tit/nlaid to
him, be must exercise his own best judgment If
he cannot approve the constitution , commands,
him to return the bill to the House in which it
originated, with his objection/; and if he kit to do
this !within ten drys, (Sundays excepted,) it shall
becume a law without hie signature. • Hight or
wrong he maybe overruled by a vote of two-thirds
of each House; and, in that event, the bill bev
'cornea a low without his sanction. It objec
tions he net thus overruled, the subject is' only
postponed, and is referred to the States and the
peophiter their cotieldenition'attil'decleiba.; , The
President's, p.iwer negotive merely, anikaot sr.
lrmaiiVe. can enact no law. .rtt c
filet thiterati, of his Withholding his approval of a
bill. , plised by Congress, re & the ' erkting ,
IMO to remain unchanged, and thedelay. odeasion.
" is °Pt; that milked to Viable the ntates end'
tieopte to consider Red act Upon the subject in
"the &triton of arida whit will carry out,
their Wishes and 'instructions. "'Any attempt '
count the 'President to yield his isanctiouto•lneet
tires which he cannot eppreve, would, be,o viola
' non of the spirit of the constitution, Paipahle and
•flagrant; ' and if succereful, would break 'dlovei,
the independence of the easeutiveshipantreent, • end.,
; esis4l the President, „elected by the people, and
.000.4 rontiti;tine with power to defend
their tile mere Int l pro majorityof
obgrensr A eUrrendet, on hit part, olltie Ow
' emeriti' which , the constitutiob has ;invested ;his .
would Street practical siteration or ,that
instrument,, Tcrs.°4ciilB the ;
sources efiindinent.
nuthies of consideration/ which may
'•induee;entigretu to pass tiny bill; thi Pretrident
l• cast horn nothing to do. He must Orations thew
ittk,.t's Plles efi.hte'Svnt, , ,lend ; 10elthially,141 Abe
pried - COI Circa of thelyneitsyted mile!) getepered
with the constitution or the public good.
,•;• bee ,benallergliill'by thine 'arliti`blijilet to
,the•Sfs*e4. ( tikunduth i dold PitusittitiooaLme..
er,that it !umiak 111 renrceetaanve
' the ''diflatlitY the peopri' to goVern
; mmalire body, than ;iitithooluglevaesanaiMvenasq,
CRPONACWOCuI 0%1 . 1 4 IMllegite.Main
Ilk*" .de,llqlll4ll'lffPr'
'ro'iriiiiise the fiilleteS , oti Gn i it econly
necessary to hittslider ti4tritine' kite bleaditey..
of 9 4 r VMPlit,, p url. 49 E," s 096 ' 1 401W, esa•
0 14 4 14. cpcy4f 4. 14?. , ,t,PA , ...',r,t±g la.tiomp 1».
recd rho ittio eft,rera eo,:on)ir
nate, .antlaeftara lielepentlent DOVoI ,
• tiliPBk eta rißpAoll they 4i4 notdose that
c racier. They clothed Abe ii;deroi,feserunient
etrititni Wvvens; roof rptierved alt others, in..„
"iludinetintir 'Clan sovereignty, tO thehiseldes.—
They guarded their OWA It•ighte as Melia and' the
• riikhtst of tbecpeople, by the very linaltstlona whi c h
they itkorportitd e into the tederal eunatitution,•
Iterehy the different depute/ants oftlie general
government were checks upon coat other.
the rnajorit. govern, /ein, is a general prieciple,
controverted by hone; but they must goVerll
canllnt to the ;constitution, and not according to
an utidedned soul wino/ruined dierrellon• whereby
hey wry oppress lite tuittorny,
.t' ill~:.:lLLll2l'y.Si'::
. I /.. , laiii ` 4 /111i/ 94i)11 is / i . a.. .
Thi'toiklpllli of tiler eirerriEttathilitii Veittilinif, Arm mg ener i bghggpmegy.ggmengonn,6,,,,,
to the -feet tint titer Islay be esmroultrimisleil l fh t legry,chgtegorkote s y . Vi t eyle n t„ nntr z u
9Ati that Ikelitetireffi4tVi v tlfr4l ll4 4 f x , t al
ievivmo in . 6 . 0 t e d,:r17 fc 44
ecutire, may . b mistalum 0,1: 4 tip . ° {le i °, m l a ii •ii hip t ap„t: r h .i
itetinti hylinprOper'itiotiVie y Buie iflitteo aii ,
H.., , ~, j I,
interposed thter4e aieriehleitivierf tee leere irehicii itiehinalidiltilifilbt ~ I . . I
~man be Paseed,hyltheit public agenteertrilleloreP: 11 , iithillt iillifn .13614 iftlficirtihteitti tlitit 'an' set
,reeentiktipoket4llls.4l ,l *s&iettterAF • pieleillapeilligsehriPletteeltekee!'ekteAte*tteit it
c7'9 1 1 1 9, theiLm`r°ll Bt P ted i 3 A 5,%11 1 (2f,
so f' aatainashatinardtbsimolitiloniill.l• A nolytp . rity
itentiithies,_ . r ii LRAM; ibl aVrecliiiit or the i „ is tib i p „ J oo n infoliersleated tresnetit inane of {.• 0117
&mei. " The peOple earibyithiniceefialteig.ii 7 j ra Veu s t erta %woo l , g,pdif wejority piths!.
cy mega no hemp non tenth* ..Holisesetitemunii9J ir, , elkopet k inl, t o visa /ass, ,ft migh ill s p-.
tttirettAtente4 l 44, l ,l4le t kel.b mar cia WO efi l iitidra Wililtoitini Of lle'diese,Atshves,'
senate •no can both toter,without the . • ifikithrBti Viiigles'lrßniller hibliiiitlish half or,
ciirieniti of The ' Pr6bleht; it . .. iotid' . llraki-liiiiiiii tn.niiAnuin ili n nnisreh t sai n ii,iai vi t i nil ene e ,-,41 4 ,1,1.
of both Hthflik .1 . . '"'. '' ..‘.' :" ' ...
"' ' "':_ .ft'ese itibill by a majority of a mingle vote, and in
31eppil#Airshanteefverii , therm*, ba.feueleg that ease a fracUon MOM than one-fourth of the.
Mtradmire t,r4e*,f(l4l°XsPMP.,9kel°9l°Yl' ,lissiebalir AN .t4l4olB44oParsmdsli be repittiented
of the in rmities or their representativesk iii . , ~ upk . by
,tihrlit„lfy ~,,,,,,,„,,,elA,Ao4..itsppec) that
I delimit/ It tti , ttAnii . tupigilitererfeithibliMl ' ile7 Ihe same ld mpg t pa by. a majerity,,of one,
have fbectie-theer ihuttieetwittiAlbeuletto if ttitstelinfiiftliti'Mfht ,10fiffibield'of Ilie• 1/0// , '
silkiest, thoneette Of MAY *,,trop, oftmenor*Hn• atom from the filleeitemegirtheteat Su dii wangle
hipOkil, ittitV o 449M iIiiPME9,O9,O; 1,49ft.r° 1 1 genetteofealle4ll4.4llllllo l PlitkebtLif Alistttootott
ishneas end faction h ate oven taught to tem a • i n ti lii forit l i rooesped i to Iniftvp She .0404,60
1 Minder this web btelieds, iliiiliiiWifirteeerii. 'moo a t ieth4agi n i n ,,,, I t , *un ix 6,- na „ b . ,
I went liwthlrtdat's4 oil fitboic . " l " l h ' l4 __„_.nide'r'illi lo .! thiiiedukiior'aithithei frtritVeditia hitrithi huilba: .
1 oflAri4.:htti , ;thelmt . 0 4roliChri•AMIllilnwilwital NI easel leepiteehrodheele doe ihseeettf liiiprinenta
people of the wisdom of the check. which, they tires, and containing leas then ene,sigmenth Of
have, impoetsi, and o f tho,miTiri , itO r Prrvln . ! ill,. whalekipilin i 0 r , 0101 ,1 States.
theta• •
them Oirki4 lll iM 4 : ' • i d a n i ; f Thi1i51a99: 1 4 14 9,, - si :ilT 4 'il e ?Orf ac k '
The truelheary of our isyeakerfe •Ildift ye -v ro v e A t a 1 0 ,
ohre .
AV Abe acts or.domees O(OMM* offeßeneetitiwtir o t . 404,3 ti t hitriA " f/ n ßi,',i,6i.,) i &
T es' h ii e f c tle t4 go 4 v l e m rnm' iP e t :t r , "fl in oriA b c sSi r l i V!'! l{ l4Pli tl t mt Pe ll i T, , Iviillig" Bheuni, o i n di te‘ l"l" reilleil f tlibellt bli" ruh r te ar sirth e' ' ll : j e te l l :
ermi us beddrrleiil+d, gild' dhluill std 0141 Milky ~..0
ism 4
ipowitot jog
ihopi* ;
cows , ow
butt f the•people getneldenclighlistoe.fien *earies fit l inioNAt n apt,olleonsitegt,oentirtence,,, his be-
tion.ditfersittk, flew, that. Of; , tho ir, lroftro 44 !"i" :4l4 . , rcA t ily biA A s' l 7Ale 111V 13 ‘1 1 7nR.P . r.d i i nds '
(bey sir , offeet tti their , mipiTlell,gt,laqt{fM.hhFir titlop oy oF . :Up t.pisOulinii. upon w 14,11 all I
public ei:rriintit; ' 1 he chef Its which tun peep* %ea,.
ini r mi " .°*lll4j O blie.l6 "" i ' rtil thb'llthi l 46l) C'S looted 1114'Veleht. 4 iliettf drib* num , billoottot,
We Aided iil ' Mill hfikdiks,l64e tem,
the constitution; ere tile 'beak Ovideriee Of thine ce-
_,_, woe , wed zu,r_r___, have ivar.
"417. 14LIFIr.guYernu*" ' TialAngW ` 44llth t; I . o 7 ,Z;F i rlitfie Mlclif! tbill4=ll7a.i n l Matty'rt;Titari
men whom thoy,
,cleFl lePft'Ati• ?Ptlieudeir -- -0, . firktof hiis:toti, fill. filetin , Fiene"
like indrinttlesi and passions sititi themselves; and „„ roverto „,. n „ d ia I T muortant right of
rev to -'hi trusted wititiite bailiff treittided'tql et! , ' .Eui,i. , ih47.;`4, a t ,.
... 1'a,„;,,, ~,,ii of .
ordinate authdrieleiriandiedistilmionni , lholtetione, to - a m At ha at - W toip o sa i, r., it i or Tg oi , ~.r . l a ,.
'Who gut! , hoe , WilAtetathiAlte.4o44 lll Pli4C,.. 4 ,sl Iptuedpfgeltisith:itn4lllll.
et* Iffho:iteeed 7.
goon for the lest thirtx,Plra -‘,41 ~itr IPAot, "A !lig tha anuebtartneeenstitto firm ainutirenu...
EnaWe at ho histories us which dihasurca ' n ot de-
, 1 , 009 , 1 4 114 , 14. a ! Ah,joi.„, ;Om mem beim or
wandeti . try .lll #'l 4 thlieit o tiikhoi 4 e'llk 6 'earthisil I 'M House of ite teeeete,Olet ttni 9k104,4 Plu''
who wit' Aleqy that hi tini..titiotergovairinmiutie by T om .an not lities of 11 ,ritera in
rei 4o ,, 4int , o o ,P* o l.4.4idtigiututkPlo4l4o4 doroiNK - A, .4,04 • v ii,ipiadyi6,„ that
goutm of tr is ijeneml Interest, nanke
. hare ,berp, ii t h, twini iiiik 4 i f iki t yl r 4akla , by i
'ettititeiett . iiiii'artiteriiitiltsitWieirieut l APll . l , tebit*OlVtitele wag tilthdipettpleftilitilltellvltelv:
' ed.
end debt4 ' 4"llited " nlibb .,_." l* __H t4iti"ini eel logrtherstimatitptoioil•A /Mali J. ti do ,r 4 ,
- 1 4 ,4 r . .en5 411 . ,1104 ' 4ll ' 9l ' ili " ."."" ' . " . "' 611 I 6' l
t i ),Ift Ow pritsiplai baobab& ors tliv Jort rid. Id firAtti;(
% . )" 3 ''''i . '''.. ' .'" l '' 4011.141144,14 0 1441 4 , 4 4ett0va5iti Amino billahak
Alter so mut.- ..gererne v t cannot assay] they , ..... ~ , . 011, _ „
ere 1
abeohno'untheetild piSwer'ilniihTfrifid , hilfilii or, !'!? A ti fpllt ',P i !, . ITli Ali P 4 Lor tho
ariroite'oot-or TopooooomoiowtAttiovinlo *atilt, tail e tiO ' . n ta 49111 , ,, , ,cr . e
n rfil n r t e. y rr:
4,. .
ofthe poopk.for eelf.gowenanantoritioit bistienit t , kitty ma tt„, Int l
el l uityvii 4 B
I hr
mg in its broNeitt tectcyCle l ft; WNIc lk! 1 ,` 1 ,0111 1 ,4 1 1 41 '.! , 4001 . 1 6 11 ;444, atokilied i worititn; ni e l,itni.S'
th t° 6l /7;: iireoe the
t f tit ru t l v e r.. t „ w t,, 18 `,?! / ,!'..!!' 1 , 1 ,. 4 ,', Mi n ,4 `', b r mii i ,i,i_w i w_ ese&ii_despe . reh ts ehittedt .
ow. tti . eie y
.. 17 . 1f it :
The'peopte; torthettonalitutienr-hOl, COMMillda 41 4 414,e •Afrite.lo,ll4ll44/1111 .p
. 104
k li ',
°O+Plin l fiilo l4 si i'Vgliftifinhtilb a. hY "ItY
eil the ratsideut,as outahla OW. huvairoas4B l 4E4,lß;t l ,,,, oo e,,,,,mAgy v t,u 1 ,,, 1 , 070
‘ ,„ 4:
Od th,e lcOM,tlife t.'2"4 ° C l iTriii'y e MP'islYA"' „b„„i t gti l f i dlnill ' 0/1 1 ';)est.,,C:
emits them. Wit Thiyhiiie ea to him in o'9, ~ „„...„ , ~, , ~,,,
_,. 0r ,,, ,,,
constitution, which they rtilltiiiiii' Nelhiflt cite a
~1 2 0 = _,,,,,,,_„,1 7 _.71,_,,2',„_,°,1 2, ,
*name oath toeeppktottitelebartettlim4l l lo tli' r,"!• l =27 l :7 ; ;47.7; i n t e r. ti Z it : ° 7: 1 7 1 . 8 72:
ktogioP tn:isbleit it ,erialuartedPlaUft.hit ebloslinus." 1 "7_7 1 ""
Wu ^ll#l WI&
1u withholdlog fro rit itinekroreleml,eignftirte , enNr.iillrelic tiro ,R
or poxilrin 4 1
he is executing the Wilf ell he peotte conshlut .IE J O NV k o ' , 4: . I • ' Ii tk , ,Ilieb-1
tionatlretpreeeed, ilia' kriiktViellid thoNiiiiiii kliat, i f i r,,,!,, : ner dz. e :a 9. 7T__ ~
1, e
passed. it..,• iiiill4ll ils pnomvpsd AO baimosocuot, 4 16 "Vr. ,17 1 ° Wig is3 "4l ) i t , ii , : i tg i zi i, ,
',tie. 1 , 4 th e , PQP4Ifr YFiti. 4 l l i t tle#l4/•WAP . *,4 l.d i si h r b mp h ; ifigmboseitt, aquatkitad) to title leel: 1 ,
"d t r "gli 84
brile" ° ir rn " ; Y " St. i'l . ' AtJ IC' • fiNfticiittifildticid'itil
'rid y the eithstitution tit" rit4 ICit 100. '''A '4iiii. °w e igh, .111 jpet
~ . 1
which 1 1 " 4 / 0111 b ' llbvite or tolittloovitotivoi othi bo ,l l.64trittrintimit , theoPitttittenialAklitlltied
Vticeled bY the *n 1 6.4 ,11,4 1 Ros . bilitioge 4 bYithnhtlettatiii 110ti'llovittiliatiiiti ( bPlel oiyeas;
Semite ot,tY be rCjec4,4l by ‘4 1 3 o°u se•v , Ai l ' : 11 4 , eliny ' icr'ipebiete AntritifilKii tretiid.iligittticoh
case Lb, respFcloo kkoMem) tllelpill thet veto p?WOf . ft ,..1..u..„ 1440 1 0/1 ..t0r hirrili k itp. , Tei f f • e s !
on the other. ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' .
,''''' , r
AM . - ifiVierflen:
tlongre* snit seett - HOWP itirelortgresof - heirltil,,iitt 1ffi1," 714 ' _ .,
ii wr ther'Phttldthit
under the conetitution,P, check opcinithe Poutisfenlytillteiltittleb refill oW-T l -. . ,
and he, by Me power of the,euellksi ive4,e,ch i eelt I are enninittithinti I . :ltinerante& •••eithlOh 'INV
1 1 041 "
upon' Congress. When lite President i rit . eono-, ; ,. 19 ii it
. t i ii t o spl,, h Atq i i ip, O li i i? ryas's will
monde montsmeis to doniorsa; Ilectiva*Y4 IA 'alit 'i, ' i. 4 ; l c a `t e ph oilt„ II? gmi t ymo 3 ,
teeet'stoleeen • feem 4 his opiiiionsogireohilied 4 1, 1 tV i ° '' 1.13 1 6 „,"'". 0 4,1 4 &ef die m9ii•df
their ferte., WA idethirt hitilAttille.rlynrioP 4, 1 ,a1LN 'I
, . . 4 .1. '.. 1 -0 7 .11 ' 111 ID 'MI .1 1 .k. I
prove them if Raised by I3ohgt•ss. . If 11,6 pool
~0 !l i mits eton e , onattnpiscßriflphinf,pt
4 ,
14 ~, 1 ~,
without din, consideration, th has tietin'icillileijoel, Terse ' 11$,Oi llti ,' tk i pivmosci t lysi Ipk
by . improper or eonttpt itteithibt .Ifllintli• any ef , Sin cee.„ ,p e p op e ,,mg tivwcyr yeAti iti v
otherusuas Congress;ureitherhouse of Wore* Ar n n , i t .. i ,
8 r IY'l 00 e l e s,4tr riMitirßi er y`
6. jar I: IL rA , 31 .3 li t. • . ,
Akk i ll , thirg.Wilillhirl4.4QPo o 444oe/ fax.rf--,0 , k!)c,41u110911 4 01 ) ‘ , 941 4 1 0 p i ., 9 ~.y. o g Aquotr-;
o eo upon ht. recommendations : and mi?!-,!- , lhrt4 • • 1 4 14 %
and there is ho ilppent from their dikr4ton,liot to, , ranee
~ ~1,,, i . ',57, ~ Vi d FAMtilk l i t it i ti l p
the , peoPle, at the .. There 'ant opAipet., 01 , 1 iF! 11 ,Iiit? }M 915 1 11. fr gPillWi ; flit, .
elorka Aspen the Exeeutter, wiled% rintarimeeed by 'S t arves! an l equal 'representation witlm
. ise:
ihoonßuyAtiop,, 4.140 to,Aios to larger Slates in the Senate I and iliey e-'
them, or, to what them removal. I t ta eguallipu- wood: I. Allii /110/1311d , hly .41 . theilewirtftbseed'
ikortant that trio . cbtVitittiti(iiial chec ks'Otte ilise-• 7,.,
.c,... cese,apoli tbefelgpraittod a k i eri t
Attlee upon the leifelettve tetattelr Mutuld be pro: '", . ""s 1
441,10 mono ether, that they idieuld , belapPro-'
. . .
If it be said limb the ispreechk. l iY4Rin tb II, POP''
ular branch 'Of Congress are clhtsen dire ctly by 1
the people, his ansvieriif, 'the Pbopie Ado the,
President. , If both bouseillopresunt the - Skates
end the. propithao &with, Rrprition4,...Mut Was:
1 ident represents! in ;the executive tlepattruppt i tite`
whole pcoPle bribe Unit4ltitates, fis each warps.,
'bet of the tegiblatiVe depahibitit'ibPritiehte Poo'
hone. of them.. , . , 't ,• ,• • ~. H .. ' I. L ,
The doctrine o f nostrictionmponlegialatisis anti,
executive power, whik a .we 4 vottied politic upin-
iOn is ettabfed within a reasonable time to acteott
!Plish ha ends, has miitio'hur`citirritty'aiblit'lk hod
has , operied to us a career af Omer alai happiriese
to which ell other nationv,haYs.houn Otalltsiltrila 1 '
In the exercise of thepower
. 91 fist veptylie
President le reiettineibla Mk OblY to an enlightened
ptiblte'opinion, but to' the people ',Alba Ilvittiler IT
nionovitoziected,hint, so . the repeosantativelsih
the int1i4 03 0 0 b,1f444 1 9 Wbo-,fliiror.w, ll l4Oirt'L ill
opinion, are responsible to, the 'rattle otPartieu•
lot Statkweoedlitriets; WhO'ciniipelid AM,' 'mil*,
l i tire cOnstildeunies. .' TO glen' , the Polesldent , NM ;
exercise of this power, wouldohe4o,Vbpeaktbrit
provision of tiu? emistinttion whietisopfera
. it up.
on hint. To chars that 16 . eieretse uquly con)
teola We iegishitiec ' *lll, lit' {u ' etiMPlliiii 'tif 'the
constitution itself.' ‘ ~ . •-• ,--- - tt• -.,,,!,,-, lalv ;
If the psesitlentist sop he,ohjectedoto.upposhe
',frOtb.l4,thaVf chfb!aP4 tOi vi lktf i b°,lWWißttilit: i
1 upon the same PrineiPit; trio ripe' y o( !Tempe*.
, lotion 61' Wet thlites 'ln . ' ttiB" , e6 ito , item& 1
Iho , stricken , out .of , the .emmuitudont .t.Pholitelne
lof a equator kom-,Dralawasa los equal, ifeigakt in
!deciding, upon the most tinfnrAttA nosnreiv,witb,
'the vote of a seriatim' frOin' ri - 4 4 York; endyet the.
one ripa‘euentS & State' c'rintainitig; 64 4 6141110641k'
existitarapportioemilnt , of , repnwientatieSsiin :the
Hopes 10,1kgritsentatives, ,but o cupelthirtplivarth
part of thepopula j tion,of the otttsr.
stittikiimat comprdmkat Of Ihtilgriniik; a majorio
MIKA hotly 'frnhi titti aniatithreihtelsititirlibillit'less 1
titan one.fitinotinuf ties peapie ofithd On ibmt o Witkre , I
Tarthirty Ounce; skids, 'l4 44l4 l.r'itbo, eY A II ITAPIK' i
„ton /neat ocqeprsirkt i ativ i ca ttrli inr,,it t c ), _ ,
Tea and 'thirty memhors lii 'Mb opie of itepri. ..'"I' l
•tittlitiL 1 i' '. ' '..--- ...' i-'l.''' >. r-,:,.. 1,,1 •,,,, ~,
~. liattoen;of the eatrilles , t3littee are leptreantudj I u ,
that,4401,4 1, by • bPf.. Oki 1 1}9 1 09fr 0 1 404 1 -lik '
intuiton% how these States constitute a majority of
'tile bibbetesq , bto ithaetthulTbestidentimityfirikon. 1
ussinsi iv latulattruto.Cougroer, and wag ressive.the
itcliOnt sitti/INNIAI tappers than V4%01,0044
the goose of littpreeenitifiveil; anti of, all the sp-
Idohrboido'llie AhieVitiitait'tOlAAl4 'gide than
1 tharsofourtini oftliss,vi.hiiie pepulalitib , ottho UM
deli Oudot i And xltliwkime"ure: way •Is•""'"
Ootycttroyctho t tifn, s ta,falropi thesmaller Ntates.
one; It as presumed, can be ,andll ready to change
the organisation of the lienato on this account, et
to strike that body practically out of existence, by
`tequiring that its action shall be Conformed to the
:yr ig 440 inore.nuutttroue branch. ,
.„,Upen the Nino principle that the veto of the
President should be practically abolished, the pow.
cr itieVicel'retident to give the eu.ting cute
upon an equal division of the Senate tibiald tat/s.
bolished also. ''ho Vice President exercises thd
~to power nscffectnally by rejecting a Ltill by his
tasting vole ? as the President dowi by r . ofkwims to
approve and sign it. This pqwer has been exer
cised by the Vice President iii a few inatances,ilia
nutiht important of which Was the rejection of the
bill to reeks/ter the bank attic Whet' Nudes in
1841. It way happen that a bill laity be ',Jawed
by a large majority of the l!ouaat of Iteprc.,euta-
,t;rm ricw A n sp aga ul
• /111: '1 .? , ‘I 11,1)
I vet by - Ow , Wein de ni,..ur, truly:di . bits cob:
11( 1 914am mid* contrary stortivitbstsidiAing;
; by a vote or. Iwoltbirdsitif .both theaties.l- 1 .
'ilYclon , ll,4o, condition .alley' Inn* curViht
1 in*As tom A . port WI tbos•compattlelosionli
OHO !rove ;their goilelt4li Titloh Ivorl WWI . '
....AAA! lodging POtiomits aJ
,galuscibe wili, of,tholwilois,peopiciof lupsr..
dicuitir,Snaiii * ,solkogeinsi. th,onsteo obis
ffleoaturammlaillitatepreslmtlitWns 4 , ) I&uwf 1
epos pried loud AV onght , ,Jatitio ibotilltaniest i
.04§4 1 1 ,, U4v.itawotAltik.4 4oin4qtry ii if
..0 0 , L'AVoldsila 0101 sppriricilitoriitilbollid'
be passed by a vote of twikliitiklittl'ollith
lifiWOOt 1 , ,b0 Lille blifia POO; kmlamot thit.
Pm riviidw4.4s_lkitmeNocilgccOonntm
. kiitackkfulflirviccui.ottrln , 4, if, hicimigoionli
i _ke,itgopatidt,,lijkiheAtfrito4o4l6llll+lolov,
spr,fp,iiftoxiifoicc.ji in wiinotc,PPOwitiblieferli- i
Jpo . t 41.111m9tritis k ,4 w001cit004.. 3 4011 fR r 441 0 1 1- 1
,Pr4viik4 PIO aV4eokM• 11/ 1 4 , .."'04 bOil V I
Amigo. v i icintionr. of 1190.,504Witi0A4i196111.111!0 . ,
444044 44fittge Wi 3 N44, 4Folgtc , l4irtiomPty • 1
1 , kim iy4ifatin44l l 9vattom, ipooptilligitanii-
A4iiL 4 9.011./lallitChfilliaof.Art. caCtinifAtiqib.t.)
,iFt wiTt Is APl4944opolumwilJo fontorat-
494 timdrmieir,wilit.mbisili. 46y4rxiodomt.
meif 4 9*0 1 1449, 8 40 3 ,119 visuiv,l4oo
A9PiPtiO9 0k.,1411,f/Pitef , Petter#4lo4v4wil
iffWAVl , F9nsikiPt4t9! liii4o4.Ayrologop -
of the government would be silently effect.
9, q , flPfl :tit }. l Y/0 11 ". 40 rliiiiiViitrti t 4
u, l / 444
.1!lvili „PM Nef 4 Pitcr AT4 AQw.V.r,lol44:,siWir
1 Nitlal.4.o , 1494Pilft, :,I. '..) , ~• ~, , i .'i
1 11 s Vißk_. Mltl)49l( l4 o l pjhet),Suotss
11 ilk,lll. v Pr9 , l'4, 14, et,,l ,, AY ileclartn ,aOll
I" ' ,'l l .49rdai'Flila llEWP4 l „ ) (oggqiiii pp§r t ed, with
I ' . 'Oqiicfiktlit Mg qW..§P.11 1 414 tite.l l A4tle
%, 'A ff llilOPMflit eltti My 4pigpv a I, 9f lite
FirX B l l 4lt!loik.l. l lumps t i onsi uliO l vpid ; : ,*od
Xi'f. PiANto, 0 . i.ft '1?Ivs.ollillt4 Call. hr .10p p d,
) , ( 4,- 4 , will, be illopoeeo , to 0,1,[11) ibis.h ig lief t
,11,10 at, tril?pital uoLlsr the coopot.ottou, of
,14 ec . linow lodged. inotetsr-it: 11.!1.1wer. flt , -
etrairtry , Witte to its iu4,pttockt.tottst:wykow
iiot i i,t.,f individuals., . , -1,. - •,. ~
Eok,tbe s ame ritiatttin.lisat ,thoexp e ntiv e
veto should, according Abit Maurine Main
tained, be rendered nugatory and lie. ex
ringed' friitu tile er
Of the clourt ishotlid tie :ieitider'ed
Ind be expunged, beeMise : it
legislative and executive will,,ppnd bcq
the 'ex`ercist of nni`di yoWei' by the
may he regurdod 'ay bent in eoitilitit , Witli
kW eAtPaelly .tri the poopiu to govern dhem- '
Is wort; retoou fur:
this power I lf 11th, Court from dye
ciinstittitiOn"than i4tie is' that
itiolltioaof the Iliti.4sitteilt, beetabie tUHt
Cif the (lefurvir.tinal. and emotion*
be reversed, curt .though,, hoth,hottoos, if
Cuogreb., and Wt: Pre4itivut bhoultl be utt
- T. , - I ITO .11
!! :iiiT
, „ „,11
';11. e . .:ll , VONsib
;fp.. o?.11 4111f.:,11,1
nitihtllltit iti , oppielitiOr it tittilltellallier
4465 ni rho* fre oVenittiedSy at
twe-thinlls of ',nth holialeffbi•Cl'on-
Art198,..0r by' thet peAple , 114; voile";
bbviatts that , tit reat4'vetHabellits ,
'of their emo.rdinate branches'nfithielgtiVern
-1 rial—mnst'he in'the'etiaitiNto atilt lap- ,
prep rettn 'poivers'. theltseettartottlhilther
breitteli:lte'deprivOd;tiliptiBrddlOdnih ,
lernut . opory oithnr nti.ehticlittutniottio
iat ite, the' pre ponders Hie - of'thd'hiitet *ill
become tl to proportionata:' and • ibatitil4ng,
'acrd ihonthers impotent:few thaucibiltiplish
ment of the Oka; °hied* frlrllitinittleithey
.mere ; Org-anintdvaitilhety4trey
by. tonstitintan,. they :'lstltAegeiher
'harmoniously for the!publie good: rlifithe
execdtive;and the•jurdieUrsi; ditri
ved of the teonititittionsil 'pnitiererinVieSteil
in them, and 'of their.; doe' pTripinrtinltifilthe
•equilihrluth of the systerountro
;cid, and leentedhlatiott, w iiN'lhe er
nieinus Winn ensite-.‘ii•innistillda
,tion of uncheeltedi despotic povirevii trArer
;tiara ay majorities of the legislittivehintwe h.
l'he eiteentive;ltigishnive, and :pitfalls!,
Each ctinstinttes a'separate latilbrdritite
oldie - government ; 'lllKhnt tit is
independent of the others. In the 'Perlin.-
mance ;n1 their respeetitie duties ender the
1 constitution, neither can, in itslegitimate
1 action, control the ID ; They etiehlart
upon their several reaponsibilitierid
t respective' spheres ; but if the; doeirtnes
Mow maintained he roirect,tthe 'legislative
;and Iliejtidieinry Moat becorreclseticrttli.
:nate to With the legislative and: the'eltticii
ti me ; 'atid time the whole powerl ofthegov
;enitnent; hOtnergett hi si siaglelde
partmenud ;IV believer; ; ;eye!, ;thlrtifiall
necur,;ou'r glorious system'ef welliregula
-ledisefigovernotentlwlll ciumbleititweeins
i‘p-tin-lat,;suctetleded,;tirstAiy Anti
;Coati Ity , suottereliyior .despotism;; I , llam
itairtasne; ;belie v thiii'doetrinels!the
sentimeidirel - thii Athericirirpehplei and4lll
- period *bide; ;remising in
which it- trill he my fluty; to! arlitrinisteelthe
I.ltl l, l l llPtiVel higintrOment, it - ho, Any aim
: yy.lpalglaju its independence. sod de nt heige
*men that, without infriug,ingopontilietpeel
ers,nr.iltitis of either of the other detwirt
:ineol a*, ~„
or lbw
I.PX4rosgikl by the . hrtii and most illuritsieus
.pt.ttty .preAleemotorf, nudity lino
ile!lsoks prnettdiul. sue
trati i tnipf Mir govern meta l and, it is believ
, 9,1, m tio instance pr to the pub
,,hp,tiltereet. ; inner: beeui,end; there
danger that iterer.eall.W;nbuB
- J'resident ntitl,.ever tlesire,,on
-itincesssrily,, to, place his opinion•ittoppo
risitiri to that .ii;Congress. ,tal
,teaFis.,.itt;ierui th le power
opiy, ca.stts , ivl litreaottvietibitChtlike
itlq mallet 01.81011 duty E
eidettge, ,; Indeed.. there is,ntore den/44115t
411 1 11'residee frt int Ile / 0 P1101 111 .11e.118; Parisi
eliyesn4e,artit WOW in nellisiort
groom, way ftitito exore,ise it itt cllBiPP,utittre
lintipreiitnvitiattinof the,eunitittition
Reptippoin,thrt ,public gem); inity,demsuil
die eye: exercise, it, untie
it , : he writ* I : h>,re adminiatored
the executive department PI . gworti
' I scgl4 B ll,l ll l4i;i o PKlttot , 4wistiens of
• r NNW', iljrc l k •:tual detriestie. have,
4rimeikvpmov4icb..*:#ll4. my , duty in it; t.
it,tty tru1y.,;8814,, that:llly
•sdnintipshration t has,. fallen, illl o ll 1888041111
1 110 1 41 i it botte felt most sensibly dig weight
4 1 1 1 Pc 1 01101 , 14r 1 11 111 1 1 1 11 1i 11 4 1 e 8 devoiveillnient
usn., NilAtittin,litikubject, than she pe1t
,i1:9411;004, the( vniteritig -fame. nod pertsa
' t.tNi pyo,l p ty; pi; 'Ay, COO ry, bolo !pstr
-4+4441, tktekettometiowiltif my:owtl best,
,otlitl• nu
giuielit Present and -
Atqlbligterptititt !W M', (11f; tike public
ikettey, iteatitteined. eltd ,the, *tea-
Amps Absopii frotn thus to time recommend
/8114;1)/8y; 1111 8 e teedeill to
,advance or, retard
ilitejoiblitt,pro,sperity at home. and to ele
3t,vata dttiiress the : estimate. of ,uur. *a
,uhrood.,• .• ,
1;144 1, 436g the, bteot•tegf ilte4lutigittY
mpn: 4;uktu iielibcpoiuill. Mt your .pittseant.
importimt session, my ardent hope tit..drt
hertimuy mitt cotteord, you
guided to wise results, i.htl
as ryin , y rethitiqtlo 010 happiness, the !trp
cif.,etid 'the glory, of our betyved •Comitry,..
1 - 01i,Yiiniiroirtiec
. • ••
"Vinite't eftb tie HAY, Libirr
igfrs. quite heed of hearing; fteing
Pobibelti iolvaneed inyeliepit ilitif4b
lernl.yttiti Wild A itolinielsisH. - tiftwNived a
'ittl l / 4 0 Ode ;andi knew' hew td get it tpV
Ityilik ititd Iliti•angteil 'a jb Piker ( 91Id the'yotiiig
'Weil , A Ad' ilAiiidelik!we4c , '6ll an' hand
the 'lest ( iv ss (lelYeral,
et. Obi ‘
' oi tun in popp t'
' old dettron , lo,' deb hew' Ifni widow' fa
[4lol,- ',Ellis was a wet blanket 'iron' inet•-
j elmOnt,atol the deaepin he lintlgOitiilll.3lol
- She Wieh
iiik; he weilld still he stit'cliatitiftg
°hilltop?, aboveend things bele*: Hitt bt•
tune-bye he gets nji tie depart. ' I 'U desetift,
.th'ltt" l / 4 10,"'keid 111%, they
going liefhre teal 'Voile stop nil tief, Web s%
'lthe (*aeon', se spiongifttigeil i
teplied;. ,1 We l 1 1 1 . 1tilitte thifilelbdt
I as the Bilks will lilit expia-kline'hoihtlibi
:, Gore daiii." •1` What . did he say,lsialir 1"
.ea the had /Au aestirieg.
s tver--, , . he plays be Pied etittraltuyt„ephlte
folltsexpeet lieniephulime ditektliortly
hew. deaf youpido grow.;. tuuthele,l%,P,lol4,
.wisliwriline sonny ether (law ilepatiait hew
Jim, wart pia ressitl'ol4 8 0 6theteilk au
h ahe litiwittl• the r iteacvor, )“SteterL , l/01'•
I that.” bald the deacon, nap laaptinidfiadolleek
hoinit;•...she'll Livid,hsmnasyl thavoglivlifie
p%vamtnt.", ,
1 ,
4 . • . - :.. ~ t, kl.„How.i Jo , e
inAeni,,or M. ulAve-r i pet,
fled to leatit `l`ii,ipil44444/4gliiit . i iv;
44 1 440
or We(fneetViiiffst, tfillk Tr, ¶
olliiript.4l id imprvie. '1
url., Ili'
ever, c'upilueil lii toiim t • sof ill'
61C, . ' •
:, FATAL licuriginos.+44 40400 MO
*Alta. i 7.1 t.„ whit" * ' : • NO
pothistotry.!* mitorberbil a. '
,* '
tooliorioa i *lw. *ay .'iiiit; aemilholt=
hauoityrhititOwlthielbOciaisill 1104