ro• )1114llitER,'APt011,4 , iteadiinado„Clothing, 30 per •bent:pheaper thin ever 1110,soisly yountelvert that “some things sashadone as well as others:' call at %1 .:,,g,e1 11 /0,C0N 914 k. ionipitatte -Clothing oi va riety STORE sagonlifte the 1114Nli o Glettynbunr. 'to,mtit 11 19u will find tfi largest 'etid most aaannmeniotltEXflx MATE 11 , 1;oi•H'IMP ever opened in otti - cornity,;' Aitiliqg for prime that C.gx IM.Or Pia. f the Mies., The stock has bemt, parehaab&in New , York AT AUC :1110N; et CASH prices, and wig be Sold liiitmt thin they have ever heretofore been offered to the public. To test the truth of 1611..,tita1l and examine for yours@lvia, be (oitt.pio rc *hog elsewhere. •• iro.,..efirthient embraces everything in iltts,away - pf , Bore and Men's wear, Ant, Mid @epergne Tweed, Cassinet, Cassimere, 1916htiitiel; 4nd Cloth COATS, CLOAKS, ,and'' l'Ark4; Silk, ,Satin, Cansirnere: ,icrOlq l o l ll. Plain and (story VESTS enro l cravats, wrappers. shirts, hoopla*, mispeudent, gloveti - swekinge, drk. Also, a large variety vit fancy snicks, jewelry. ..spottarles, perfumery. combs, razors, mir p6o: 'nelt it vitas, guitar strings, Indian Itub f bet. Ctratn, &c. if j uu , wani te , sare 50 per cent. in pur chsing your Fall and •Winter clothing. end examine my assortment, I shall Bt yolk out in.* full suit, from head to font. ettesper than ran be furnished at any oth er Store or Establishment, even f they taus[ Le given for nolhinff. Remember .'SAMSON'S Variety - Mute, in York Street% one door east of Kuriz's Hotel. OZPAIao for aale,,on reasonable terms, Iwo /101tSES, a Carriage. Itnekaway, Boggy, Sleighs, Ilarnelta. Saddle, &e.— Aliors Tottiif tirConit, , MARCUS SAMSON. Se pt. 18ft. 22,-4 . . mtp.-gißnDs The Ohl •Sttind still ahead t SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK 'l% A K ES pleasure is informing his friends and customers that he hue huts in Baltimore and Philadelphia and is, EMS , in Nes? York purchasing the 141.110.11:ST. , ClitrIPEST. ¢ MOST , F4BIIIOAI.I.IILE ••: Assortment of Goods, OW* heretofore offered in this county which it now opening at his Old Stand, in IRETTTSIBURO. PA., CONSISTING IN PART OF FRENCII, ENGLISJI, AND AMERICAN 73330 AD 0.110 TIES, filet dr. Beaver Oven:innings, Cashmeres, plain and fancy ; Rirh Satin,Silk, and Yes tie& ; Satinets and Kentucky Jeans, plain, cad fancy t flannel's, Linney, Ticking, hiShen and bleached blushes, a variety of . . new style calicoes, mous de !eines, all gitic eat mad 411 &Aides, gat nil arm tsouuth metes mndWrenela merinoes, plain and fancy al preens and mode, gala pinids, 'Pekin and Tibet *bawls, large blanket and merino° "silii'; ehttit' 'and woolen do., alito plaid elbaking, a large ansurtroent of dress d. ',None% silks, ribbtwot, Meat. gloves and ho *sty,. a, bugs stock of caps, (cloth sad I f', ~...., 4,194/ • _,. 1 1)1, Inert v ,;n,—,iiii ; An, Am.. . AN . EVER BEFORE Rislowzi t I.. , llbirtlemee, lanienswate s rhos Carpeting. * l'ilteaubscritntr deems it unnecessary to l etath'aity'rartitulair quantity of Goods, as .1110 . Wilt shnw for themselves. As to pri- I:, oft Ilualityi they win throw into the euythiug that is NOII I OFFERED SNIPHERE: 4 k 21. ..„.„ I ".A. 1 intends remaining in the Cit -Ou'immti lime, I will send an atlditional - "Per, *Very lbw days. I tender' my ac r p,i,fd,Wjeli t glOtits to my frier and patrons ytiao:ll9flt• and respeotfully ask. Aqui? •ilIDIIPCIt: Or , the slllllo—tlaUgring myself 'Buds fmat long wiper/lame in business and facilities for perehasing these, that 1 can end will art strong 'thdueements to Our. .allskebti ktilleti mean early call. _ C? .ifotTeprde4 . re ;liken in exchange MI tfpWllll , lllll SS prices. t „ .. ' „fiA.,IdUEls FAIINESTOCK. .1-11i4it., $2,-1848.--tf - 1 / 2 44MT 411Ettn, • .1 M. • STEVENSON IritAKINC advanirige of anothei redue ," „Oa in' the prices of Goods, has tbsolight to this place the Cl/BATES-I' : 47.1 SORTAtiENT OF - Dry (hoods, Groceries, !lard - ware, &c. tke. ,trer'qifered to this public. To particular= unnecessary—his stock is full. Pur chasers are requested to call and "exam -Ina the, oods," assured that it will be to their advantage. ~ . .cp..Country Produce dell kinds want- Awk [Nov. 3, 1848. lI:DABILsr_Toc:;-mm e . V HE subscriber tenders his acknowl , ~ 'figments to the public for the liberal 6,114 o,teadY patronage with which he has Atm, favored for a series of years, and re+ eilteetfully announces that he has just re bared, at his old established eland in Vhtteriburaburg street, a large and' fresh purr It.V OV ' IgI r GS It MEDICINES, • alaukate.woyoww9 c , rttihts 'varnish Dyestuffs I • 0 0 every variety of articles usually found krVit Drug store, to which he invites the ; ntierttlent of the public, with assurances that I they' wilt ho,hed at the most reason a* prices, S, 11. BUEHLER, Gettybburg, Juno 4, t 8 . QIIJCk Sales and Short profits ! NEW AND CHEAP MAIZE 1311nallei A. .A.ILNOLD WAKES pleasure in miaowing to the 11 - citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he has just returned from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New . York, with the lar "gee t; cheapest, and most fashionable Meek of E,IIITIRSLT BMW. safbat o. which hanevei been offend in ibis Coon. ty and which he will be able mesa 'shim BO PERCENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEILPEST—AND MUCH LOWER than Goods have been sold in this plan &Won, as 'the most of his goods have been bought AT AUCTION FOR CASH.— He would therefore invite all persons in want of Cheap Goods. to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, as be win spare no pains to please those who may favor him with a call. minis° 1115 STOCK WILL KZ FOVXD 500 pities of Calicoes, 500 0 Blearhed and'arown Moans. 50 N Cheehs and Tidkings, 50 " Braid Cloths, I+lo a Casahneres and Satinets, 'statist ingly cheap, 50' " Striped, Barred and plain Alpae!res all colors, Woolen and Cotton Flannels, all prices indlualities, 50 pieces Ginghams, 20 do. Csrpeting and Oil Cloths, Ladies' Fancy Dien Ounds, a splendid assortment, Dress. Silks, French and German Merinoes, I rish Linens, Shoals, Dress Handkerchiefs, Linen and Silk Pocket-handkerchiefs. Gen. tlemen's Cravats and Scarfs. Hosiery, La. cings, Edgings. White Goods, Black and CoTored 'Silk Fringe. 'Ribbons. Gimps. Arc., in rapt, a general assortment too numerous to mention. - tituoinstatztaa. Rest. New Otleaug.Sugar,best. Rio Coffee. Molasses, different qualities, Tess, Loaf SUgar. Spices, Cigars. Tobacco, &c., • QUEENBWARE. A very large stock of Queensware, and very cheap. Sept. 22. 1848.—tf Cheap ! Cheaper ! Cheapest REPICAM c PILLIE4. at least 40 per cent. a. L. SCZEICIL la AS just returned from the cities with II the largest stock of FANCY Gomm, he has yet offered to the Public, and he dues not hesitate to say that it is the BEST' in town, and the CHEAPEST ! If you don't believe it call and see for yourself; while I shall be gratified, those calling will be profited. My assortment is complete. and purchased at the lowest Cash prices ! The following articles. compriee a portion of my cheap and splendid stock : A Splendid Lot of Bonnet Ribbons' alas, a law assortment of Satin and Mantua Ribbons, Artificial Flowers; Sbawb , Monarin de lain; Thibet. Black Cloth, and I:ashrams; Wool en Comforts, Zephyr Tim, Cap Ribbon; Wax Dolls, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Woolen Yam. Back and Side Combs. Pocket do.. Fine and I. vary do. Hair Pias, Breast Pins and Bracelets, Fancy %IKON Watch Chain; Galan* sad MaYa. Scent Baits. Fancy Soaps, Perrhuldors, Silver Pencil; Plain Gold Ring; Chtlassies Gain:m.B6k ' and Cotton Canvass. Mod therkels. Steel Bs*! Chaim, Ivory sad Steel Knitting Needles, Keit. I ling Seville rum, Mourning Cellars, Gimp Mold Fringe, Black Collo* Hoar, Cotton Spool Thread, thread and cotton edgings and laws t 10•111. beak. and cambric anodises. plain *owed& hi* line% black, and , mode alpaca, flannel. easisasose, mown holland, lima table cloths and towels, boolloCsal• I ins, silk handkerddefir , plain and Swami a:llva%, I k tie*, * mineral valloattwolt of %sea, arowea'a and children's hosiery, gum and cotton awsfordwa ; I silk arrd spools, asbaylasno, hooka sad wpo, part and agile bottoms, i vory sleds, sawing and ea& lerei silk, patent thread, ware black kid glom neeble-worlied cohirs,. Wine kid .glebes, black galloons, Alta n cella* meas. 'tabs spa 4 1 01 ' llng, heir braids, blorting„ watelses, steel bead wt. , fouls" and pewee, bee& sad clasps, pews twist; sings and tassels, sciWou, thiMbles„ chenille, i warted peter* card board, filly white., cologne, hair nil, held &maim tooth bridles. bed lac; car. Nit hlndinir, tins and needles. a isms masoaiarnt of clsildreis's shows, men's and ebilkfren'a cloth and glared &e. CCP' Ladies and grndemen are invited', to call and cunning before purchasing elser i where. an Come one—come all—d ran i FIFTY PER CENT J. L. SCHICK.' Gettyaborg, Sept. 22, 1848.-41 It will be offered in lots, from 6. to 13 lams, or theishole as may suit purcbssent. MORE NEW GOODS AT I ', "'vered: m E th, tv'n. l T r g 4 gatzegazi) ixtzuteu ll i atches Rock-oak, Black-oak and'7l7 - D. MIDDLECOFF !Chestnut. The most of the land is good I farm land. [y.lB just received from Philadelphia a Any person wishing to see the land will II IL splendid assortment of Fashionable •be shown it by calling on the subscriber Fancy and Staple any time before the day of Sale, or on the liALL AND WINTER Iday of Hale, by meeting - him in the morn -0 U oing at Henry Walter's shop, on the Millers ! town road. to which I respectfully invite the attention 1 The terms wiU be made known on the of the public in general, and the Ladies iu i day of Sale by particular, and which I am determined to FREDERICK STOVER , offer cheaper than those who puff and S i Nov. 24, 1048.-3i 5 blast the most, can do. I will sell prints at 2 cents—very handsome ones ; and fast colors at 61, well worth i2i ; and m. d. laines- 10 cents—such as sold recently at 26 cents; alpacas for 12 1-2 cents; Ore gon plaids, 12 1-2 ; muslins at 3 cents per yard, and other goods at proportionate prices. Gettysburg, Oct. I.3.—tf TAILORING.. E. & R. MARTIN, aT the OLD STAND, Northwest cor ner of the Diamond, Gettysburg, ten= der their thanks to their customers for past favors, and respectfully inform the public that they continue to MORE NEW CooDS I Cut and Make all Garments, I in the Gest manner and on reasonable terms. GEORGE ARNOLD !The cutting done, as heretofore, by Ron- Ear PIiARTIN. Fashions regularly reedit , - ti AS just recivetl from Philadelphia a ed, and every effiwt made to scum a good large supply of very superior 1 21 fit and substantial sewing. Gingham:3, and lots of ti and 8 cent Calicoes The subscribers hope, by their long ex together with a great variety of Alpaccas, perience in the business, and renewed ef- M. de lains, Cashmere plaids, Fancy Silks, forts to please, to merit and receive a con &e., &c.,—all of which will be sold as tinuance of the public patronage. •• , cheap as the cheapest, being determined 114:7"The FALL & WINTER MOH not to he undersold by any establishment.' lONS have just been received from the Please call, examine, and judge for your- City.lE. & Airrut selves, Also received, a large lot of GRO- •Irp'All kinds of country 'produce taken C E RIES. very cheap. In exchange for work. ' kileitysburg, Oct. 20, 1818.-41 l Oct. 20, 1818. GETTYSBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ! S, 18.18. FARM FOR SALE. THE trabderiber will sell at Public Sale, IL on Saturday Me 9M day of Decem ber next, at 1 O'clock, P. M., at the bowie of Jean A. Twownow, in the borough of Geitymburg. & Fittat, CORT•ININO •EOb ' 1• • .2.0.0'.A. - o:iTttp. This lane is situated about 1 oft mile from' Gettysburp on the road leading to' mkt• ' Emnutsbutg. There iron it hi . . , Dwelling linusq a Log awble, a Well of VW meter, en °r ebus", a suffiejat quantity of excellent Meadow, sail about 7 acres of Woodland. If desired. that part of the said Farm ly ing East of the Emmitsburg road will be sold separate. This pirt'of it contains a bout 100 aeres.'including the Meadow and Woodland. If the last mentioned part should be' sold aeparate, the part of the Farm lying West of the road will be sold in lota. Terms—one-third of the pur chase money to be paid in hand ; the bal ance in , two equal annual payments with out interest. JAMES COOPER. November 17, 1048.—m ran= roa SAME. THE subscriber oflhnt at Private Sale, on advimageoutt term!, A FARM, situate in Franklin township, Adams cOun ty, .adjoining lands of Robert • Shekley, in 3 miles of Gettysburg, containing 184 Acres and 91 Perches.. There are about 50 Acres of Woodland, and the restunder good cultivation. Them are two Dwelling. Houses on the Farm, a double LOG HAHN, newly covered, with sheds around it: two wells of water, _with a pump in one otthem ; a sufficient quantity of Fruit Trees, such as Apple, Pear, Peach and Cherry. There is Meadow sufficient to make 60 tons of Hay yearly. About 1000 bushels of Lime have been put on the farm, and about 2,000 chesnut rails. This would suit to be divided into two Tracts. beth of clear and wood land. Any person wishing to purchase, will be shown the farm, by Henry 'frostle, residing thereon. GEORGE TROSTLE July 28, 1848.-if VALUABLE PROPERTY Jr PRIVATE SJLE. T HE subseriber will offer at Private Bale, bis property situated on the Western Turnpike, 8 miles west of Ha gerstown, containing _ aio,7trligi of first-rate Slate Land. in a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. The improvements are* It,WINATORT' 4ft] L 0 G .11 o u a one-story do., (formerlly occupied as a toll house.) a good Log Barn. with other mammary buildings. There are also a variety of fruit trees on the premises. ap• plea, peaches, pears and cherries also, a never failing well of water near the door. Any person wishing to purchase a home of the above description will plesse call on the subscriber. residing thereon. who will be pleased to show the same and make knows the terms. • SAMUEL B. GROSS. Dec. 7, 1110IINTAIN-LAND Fon IrrillE Subscriber will -offer at Publics `IL Sale on the premises. on Friday the 15th day of December next. et 10 o'clock, A. M.. a TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in Franklin township. Ad ' sins county. adjoittg lands of Hugh Scott. Conrad Walter, John Mickley, and others. one and altallmiles west al Coushtown, and one mile from Daniel Miokiey's saw-mill, affiliinTg 37 Acres and 153 Perches. .41 0 14ARLE89 AND PREILO SABBATH CONVENTION. A Convention for the promotion ofileabetter observance of the Sabbath, convened, porstrant to public Church, chop. burg, on the 20th of November, 184 St 10 o'clock, A. M. On motion of Ralf. Dr. S. S. Schmucker, the Contentirm was organise:4' - temperatly by apPointing Bev. h. Gluey Chairman. and .Dr. b. Mutant Secretary.. i Ptlyer by the President. ThefollowingDelegittes eppeared,infl took their swats • . ' Geittfan Itsforined Congtegation.--illev Garkast.-John .14yars..SluattelS Pornsy r Gen 'D Middleeoff, David Thoman, Peter Wert, Geo Heck, Geo Fry, I . .,taniel Trimmer. Henry Welty, Peter Raffbitsperget, Christian Benner, Henry'Werts, Wishler, Dr P E Van dersloot, Jacob Benner; Henry Eckert, Ru tlolph Thortian, George Plank. • Methodist Episcopal. -- Rev Horace Holland. 'Rev John Thrush, W W Patton, C W Hoff man, Henry Baisley, Geo Warren, David Lit rile' Daniel Baldwin, David McMillen, John M Brinkerhoff, John Welty, John Culp, Rob% D Armor, Chrietian Hossler,•lonathan Bald win, Thomas Munn; Sohn L Schick. Presbyterian.—Hon Moses McClean. A R Stevenson, Esq, R .0 MOCreary, Esq, H G Harper. AOron Watson, Henry Brinkerhoff', John M Stevenson, Mtn Hoak. lati_Mator... Rev,Dr WiltSolll, Wm M'CUrds. Joseph Samuel S M'Creary, guintio Armstrong, Sam • ro uel Withew. See, Wm King. S Russell. John Brown, Nathaniel Randolph, Harvey Swaney. • Associate Reformed,--Wm Thompson, Hon-, I rY Lott, Thos .1 Cooper. Wm Bogle, Wm H Lott, W Young. J.W Foster. Alex Cunene, Wm Smith, Peter Cownover, Joseph Walker, Wm Walker. St.. James Church,. (Lutheran.).-Hon Geo Smyser, Geo Shryoak, , Andrew Polley. Geo. Swope, A B Kurt:, 0 Weaver, Samuel Wes. ver, Geo Toot. John Plank, Sen., Chrisdan • Rindlaub,. Jacob• Herbst.--Geo Ohritsmart,-H • Saltsgiver, Rev B Keller. ' - - Christ's Church.' (Lutheran.)--Rev Dr. Baugber, Rev Dr Sohmuekav, Rev ProfJaeobs, David Buehler, Dr D Gilbert, A 1) Buehler. W m Boyer. Leotterd•Stoneh.John Gilbert; Jae , Pahnestock, Emanuel Ziegler, Geo Walter ' Sen, Prof Stoever, Rev PTV' Reynolds, Rev John Wtble, Rev Dr•Kninth, Luther, Albert, J 0 Butler. D Eyler, R Pink. Plehr's Church.--Peter Mickley, Jr., Aden' Hebert, Dr I U Fleckennen, GAO Walter, Wm Walter, Jacob Cover, Henry Comfort, Alir'm Scott, Theo McKnight, 'Henry Lady, Henry Mickley, Frederick Stover, Samuel Hercule, Jacob Lady, Joseph Mickley, Samuel Cover, Andrew Heintzelman, Henry Biesecker, Jaceb. Muntorg, Harrison McKnight, Lower Marsh Creek Pre* nn t .ian Church.-. James McCleary. Rev D D Clarke John S Crawford, Wm S Scott, Simnel Knox, J J Kerr,John McGinley,. James Bighorn. Wm Mcullough, Andrew Marehall, . N Patton,, Thos Marshall, James Erring,flugh Mellheny, Israel Irvine, Roberrneobean and Hugk Cul bertson. Millerstown. —James II Marshall t _ Israel Fream, Charles Donaldson. James D Paxton, Wm Hill. Samuel Riker. John McCleery,Jno Riker, Eli Moore, .1 Weldy, Sen, Joseph. Kit tinger. D B Blythe, John Waugh, John Mick ley, Wm Johnston, J Raffensperger, Peter Shively, Wm M Harper, James Marshall, John S Witherow, John Mussalman, Joseph Gel. baoh, Dr D Mahon, James Wilson. Honterstown.—John Dickson, Sen, John N Graft, Col James L Neely, Robert Nielllteriy : Garret Brinkerhoff, Samuel Neely, John Fatty, Jacob King, Armstrong Taaghinbaugh, John Dickson, Jr, Robert King, Robert Bell, Sen. Francis Monfort, David Sehriver. -- Hanover.—Rev C A Hay, Rev J Sechler, Rev Scheimer, Mr Long. Preskyterian CongregiUon, Chombersbarg. Criswell, Jr. ' Greencastle Presbyterian Chnrch,--Ret Wm M Paxton, Revd 11 Agnew, Col D Deatrich, W Crooke, Erg. \ Hat risburg.—Rov Mr Mi!ler, John Johnson. Sliver Spring Presbyterian Church, Comb: county...Ater 'George Morris, Wm Porter.' — Associate Reformed Church, Charabersburg. R Orney, D Bigharn. Reformed Church et "The Hill." Ounningham,.Esq, .1 Cunningharejlr. Patenting Presbyterian church.-?-Wm B Brandon, ]o Mawr. York county.—Sehrt C .boalop, On motion of Rev. Gerhart, Raehal, That all persona present who are friend' of the cause for the Promotion of which this convention has met, be invited to take seats en advhiciry members, On motion of Rev. Dr. Watson. Asobed, That a committee be appointed to eeleot officers for the permanentorganization of the convention. -Whereupon the chait announced the follow+ log aisald committee, via : Dr . Watson, Dr. Sahmueker, Rev. George Hord*, Rev. E. it. Gerhart, Rev. C. A. Hay, D. Bighorn, J. John- Jont, Col. Heidrich, Henry Comfort, R. Cris• *ell, John Dickson, Esq. The eomMittee, atter retiring a tihort time, reported as follows t President) Hon. GPARGE SMYSER, Vice Presidents, • Jowl Dicreion, Son., Col. /klieg D, Niro, Gen. Diem Mfloot.r.ooii, Prof: IN. L. STonvin. Dr. D. jusii) The report wee accepted, and the gentlemen were chosenais officers. Dr. Hilbert asked to be escueed—his request was grankid-;—end A. R.DTIiVENIIOII, Esq., was chosen in his stead. The President not being present, Mr. Dickson the senior Vice President, took the chair. Judge Smyaer appeared in convention, and asked to be excused from serving as President —excused. Several gentlemen having been named, the Hon. Moses McCLcur was elected. litesolved i , That a busineas.committee be ap pointed. The their named the following, viz: Dr, &Anti:taker, Rev. Gracy, Dr. Watson, Rev. Gerhart E ßev. Morris, Prof Stoever, and A. R. Stevenson, Esq. Hon. George Chambers, chairman of acorn mutes appointed at tho last Sabbath Conven tion, made the : • • CRAIIIIERSBURO, Nov. Oh, 1848. To a. Sabbath Ornvention to be assembled at Gettysburg on the pa inst. The• committee appointed by the Sabbath Convention which was assembled at Chain bersburg in January last, to present a memorial to the managers of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, asking a suspension of transportation and travel on their road on the Sabbath, Ramer : That they proceeded to discharge the trust confided to them, by preparing and presenting a memorial on tho subject to the officers of the company ••••••1 copy of which is herewith furnished. To their memorial they received promptly a 'respectful reply, in which, on the part of the eompanYi a desire is expressed to effect that Suspension, as soon as engagements and Pov- ErnMent 'Control would permit. It is acknowl edged that the transportation and travel on the Sabbath on thia road is attended with pecuniary loss and disadvantage to the company. The of the board to the committee accompanies The Committee is pleased further to report, that shortly after the correspondence between thb - elommittee and the officers of the Railroad, One line of cars that had been nin on the Sab bath was discontinued, and has not since been fusion the Sabbath. Very respectfully. GEORGE OfIAMIIE'Rgs _ . . .The report wee accepted and referred, with the dedhenenta accompanying it, to the business committee. ReY. Mr. Millet, Agent of the Philadelphia Sabbath Asseeiatient, on invitation, addressed the convention. Hie remarks were Suspended. and the conventicm adjourned, to meet at I chfook, Prayer by Rev. Mr. Sechict. , ONIE O'CLOCK, P. M. , 'rho cow/ notion re.assombled, and was open , ed with prayer by Rev. Dr. Krautb. The President, Hon. Mosis MuCLEAN, sp. ; peered mid , took his seat, and appropriately returned-his thanks for the honor conferred upon.him. • • , "Tho minutes of the morning dosslon read: 'The. business committee , madd repot add asked leave to sit agaim Leave wee granted and the following 'resolutions were repoged, • a . and'after some medifleations, unanimously 114 ,1i*: • L .. RESOLUTIONS. I. Thattlm religious observance of the Ch ri s dap Salikathom a day. set ;mart, for, rest from labor aridi of the special worship of Almighty Gdd,iti a ditty; diviheryimpoied, and of moral and perpetitaltibligation. (Discussed by ales ars: Waoson,Krauth,Sehmucker, Daugher and Morli!4 - 4;" S. ,That the observanee of the Christian &lb batl* eminently conducive to the existence of enlightened and active piety. [Discussed by Messrs'. OritOr and Jacobs.] 3.- That (he divine! command. " Remember the Sabbath - they tb keep it holy," is not obey ed, unless thb whole time (oxcept so much as Is requited for4/m i 7rformance of works of ne cessity and mercy, is exclusively occupied in such exercises as irectly conduce -to the spir itual and eternal welfare of ourselves and others. (Diseusied by Metiers. Reynolds, Jacobs, Mor ris, Krauth, Hay and Miller.]' 4. That we regard the Sabbath as en impor tant gift of Heaven 4o the laboring portion of the commusity, and ,that: to regatta Par tempt them to tiontinue their secular toils op that Aim, is a gross interference with.:the benevolent pro visions; of the Divine piing in regard to them. (Discuesed hi' Messrs. Grapy and "laugher.); Resolut4onik ikantid were referred beck to the consmiuee k Solle repsrtiod_u oop, at thturron log scallion. I , . Convention adjourned until 6 o'clock, P. M. Prayer by Rey. Mr. Miller. . r • sa o'cLoce, Convention twessembled. Prayer by Reno. Mr.'Morne. .M teems kof the afternoon seesiiin reed and approved.. Dr. Schusuoker,. from the business .comatittee, mad, w Anther report, which was eecepted. , , The Rey. Mr- Miller. *lfilie rem a rks were suspended fifths . "'boUr of adjoinernent In the morning sesstoh, 'by *Olt again addressed the convention. ,, The following resolutions, reported by the business committees, were then taken up separ ately, disowned ' , and with slight•emendments adopted unanintouslY a 4." That as in no , nation the body or the comx mtmity,hei" eier three toe high degree of gen eral ihteltigentie aid Virtue, without the obser- Vane:o'ot the Sebbeth t. end es such general in telligence End virtue are essential to the pros parity and permanence of our free institutions; I tirorefore Patriotism no less than Christianity dells on as to labor to promote, the better obser vance of this holy day. 6." That the documents addressed to this con tention by lion. George Chambers be read to the (konvention. The "memorial" end "reply" referred to in Mr. C.'e report, made at the mor ning. session, were accordingly read. (See sainksensted.) 7. Tied this convention tender their sincere thanks to the committee appointed by the con vention at Chambershurg to memorialize the President and Managers of the Cuntb. Vii. It. R. Co. against running their passenger train.; on the lited's day, for the fidelity and marked ability With Which they have dischirged the duty entrusted to them; and congratulate them on their success in effecting the cessation of one of the Sabbath trains. 0. 'rhat as the use of the public works on the Sabbath is attended with a lamentable deprave- Heti 'of morale in the community residing on the line of them, and does not even secure any per manent pecuniary advantage to individuals, eardpintes, or the commonwealth ; we thelefore earnestly and respectfully request the proper authorities to direct, that these works shall not be ueed on that day ; and we feel fully assured thot the action herein proposed will receive the cordial approbation of the community represen ted in this convention. 9.. 'Chat a committee of five he appointed. re • spectfully to address his Excellency the Gov ernor of this commonwealth, and request him to invite the attention of the Legislature to this subject; and that said committee (should it 1m thought by them necessary) be authorized tc memorialize the Legislature in such manner as they shall think will most effectually secure the end desired. Discussed by Messrs. Reynolds, Miller, Crooks and Ginty, and upon its adoption, the convention appointed the following persons to carry it into evecation, viz: Hon. Heo. Chain• bers, Win. Ileyser, Frederick Smith, Hon. Moses McClean, A. It. Stevenson, Esq. 10. That in their efforts to promote the better observance or the Sabbath, the friends of the cause should take courage from, the success which has already attended their efforts !n dif ferent parts of our land, as well as be urged on in the discharge of their duty by the numerous providential indications of the divine displeas- , wee on the desecration of that holy day. 11. That the ministers of the various religi ous denominations ho earnestly requested to as sign to Sabbath sanctification a prominent place in their public enforcements of moral duties. 1:3. That, as the power of early habit is great, we earnestly exhort parents, sabbath-school teachers, and those who have apprentices com mitted to their care, that they put forth their most strenuous efforts in training the rising generation to a careful performance of its appro priate duties. Advocated by Messrs. Watson, Reynolds, Grucy, Agnew and Miller. 13. That, as many who have suffered the trot penalty of the law, have traced their wicked ha bits to a neglect of this divine institution, we 'flio+ctrtoty. warn all, but ospecisily the young, (to howareUfinditlging in are erroneously ;• ()twittered miltor desecrations ? which directly tend td open viofatinits obis retininttnenthr. Advomited by Messrs. Cleary and Morris. The following resolution was uttaaintously adopted: .That nti the transportation attire mail and the opening of post offices on the Sabbath o: Lord's day, are not only not called for by the public in terests, hut are believed to he in violation of the flongtitutien of the United States; therefore, resolved, ng the sense of this convention. that both should ho discontinued. On motion it wan--Resolved, That a com mittee., consisting of Washineton Crooks, 1144 u. Robert M. Bard, g'9., non. gime' }l'Phurtt, R. (1. M'Creary, Esq., and Wm. W. Paxton, Esq., hp oppointed, to memorialize Congress in relation to Me subject retorted to in theabove resolution. The fatowinq persons constitute the cont. mitten appointed to call the next Annual Sab bath (convention, at such limo and place as they shall determine, to wit: Rev. S. 8, Schroticker, Aitims county. A. R. Stevenson, Figq. 4. 46 Charles A. Morrie, York county. Her. Mr. ilmenion, " " John Voglesond, GA Rev. Robert Gfaop, rranklin county. Vrederick Smith, }sq.. e ßev. John N. ll'offman. Cumberland connty. lion. lames Alack, Perry county. lion. V.' Hummel, Dauphin county. On motion it was--4esolved. that the Rai. ((infer the different newspapers published in the counties here represented. be requested to insett ! the proceedings of this convention. tozether' with the memorial viand reply from the Comb. Val. R. R. Co., in their respective papers. After Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Schinucker,l the convention adjourned. 7 s , The President and Alamigter of the Consket , lend ['alley Railroad Company The subscribers, a committee appointed by the late Sniff/alb Convention assefribled at Chnurthernhurg, respectfully represent: That the convention from which they derived their appointment, was a large and highly re !timetable body of citizens. composed of many delegates from the• counties of Adams, Cum berland, Dauphin. Perry and Franklin; and by their proceedings have borne their testimony to the importance and ohligition of observing the Lorna day, as a ally of rest from all worldly brininess or eniployment; and appointed the' nabscribeis as a committee to Wrens yen, re-i questing that you would misspend the travel of your oars on the Cumberland Valley Railroad company on the Sabbath. As the committee I of the convention, and nn Stockholders of the company of whose affairs you are managers, we respectfully invite your attention to the sub ject. The Sabbath we consider a divine insti tution, by the appointment of the Almighty,' and conneerated:by the observance of a Christ inn people. By Legislative enactment from the' first 'settlement of Pennsylvania, the violation j of the Lord's day by worldly employment or business was subjected to penalties. It is to j ho,remarked, that the first colonists, when preparing to embark for their new settle ment in Pennsylvania, proclaimed an manor the fundamental laws of the colony, ss Tint trery first 'jay If Me week, rolled Me Lard's day, people shall abeninfrom their common da il y la boors" and ono of tho first laws of the first Le gisfeture assembled in the colony, was en act prohibiting Worldly employment end business on the Lord's day, which, with little variation In term*, hag continued the low of the common wealth. until this day. &mind to the Lord's day, as 3 divine insti -1 tution, and submission to the, enactment and and policy of positive law, has induced, I throughout the mailmen wealth, ant observance of the day, that aught to be piainoted,we by all who regent the prosperity of our State, land the morals of its citizens. Our courts of justice and halls of legislation are closed on that (lay. frmn the business of the other days of the week. Public opinion fines not tolerate asserehlien of the people on that day fair any purponiss except tier religious worship, nr religious mod moral instruction. As officers of your corporation, you would not consent meetend Het in the exercise of your eorporate powers on the Sabbath. As the President and illllgerA are not disposed, or do not feel them selves at liberty; to act on that day In the sphere of their corporate capacity, why shall it, by your authority, he imposed on your subor dinates and agents, to be engagad in transport-1 ins; your cars on the Sabbath as they do on other days-- , in violation of law, in corruption of such agents, and to the evil example of the public. The transportation of these ears leads to the desecration or the Sabbath by those em ployed, es well 213 in the travel Induced ; but also interrupts the order, peace and quiet of the day. in our towns and attracting the attention of young and old from its observance, and at times interfering with and disturbing Christian worship ill Ott r churches. Vie deean it unnecessary to enlarge upon the evils attendant on tilia Ira vel, ns they have no doubt been presented to the observation of your intelligent Board. The committee would fur ther represent, that they are informed that the cessation of business during the Sabbath on ea- rime r s Canals and llailroadn in this and other States hue operated to the manifest advantage of all the interests concerned In the trade of those thoroughfares. On the collier railroads of this State business is suspended during the I Sabbath, and nit the Lehigh Cu rani and on the Delatvare Division of the. Stale Canal. Tho committee are also ielonnell that the nrs are not run on any Railroad in the New England States on the Sabbath, except the train froin Now York, which' goes into Boston early on. Sabbath morning. Public opinion has, within the last twoyeara, been strongly' xpressed in several respectable conventions, Within this State, recommending to the Canal Commissioners and the Legisla• ture,the cessation from travel rind transportation on the public works of the State on the Sab• bath, and:memorials subserlhed in many couns ties by great nninbers of eititens have express ed their desire that there should be that cessa tion. The committee suppose. that from the limit ed transportation no tho Cumberland Valley Railroad on the Sabbath, and the disinclination of many porsons to travel on that day, that the business done on the Sabbath in the rumaing of cars cannot be advantageous or profitable to the company; and that to suspend the running of the cars on that day, would not only relieve the conductors, engineers, and firemen, and others, from employ moat on the Sabbath, but be to the pecuniary advantage of the company. If, as managers of the company, you feel yourselves constrained by engagements with other Railroad companies, or as mail carriers, to prosecute the Sabbath travel, unless you are relieved from such obligations to others, we ask you to make knownlour desire to tliscon• tinue the use of your ears on the Sabbath, and give the Christian community the Influence of your opinion in favor of such suspension; and that the public may know with whom the re sponsibility rests, Whether it be any other Railroad company or the Governments agents., 1614 ORGE •CHANII HERS, WILLIAM HEYSER, FREDERICK SMITH. February, 11318. Orrloll Or TUC COMO. Vat. U. R. Co. Carlisle, March 9, 11119. 7b Messrs. Geneve Climber* iriiNess Iltyser, and Freiler'lek Boll4l,oantasitted Gentlemen :—Your memorial has been pre sented to out board, and, as frequently before , has. bees ty subject at ,coeshientlos. This ?Oro IMlLiass rat fit, iNgW SERIES-410. - - ogir lenables me IM m my, dint Arse it steam & doe anber wine Saes not daily appasigke Ow s ia rs i , which spoil awns sow eaveirrie r e mike r s ‘ ,..- ince a tespenstdd desevemer ef As Saha u s a Indeed, there ir 11111, rigehanif aorta wk l y.. twee ntaraffey and 1•14... i., *jump Mir weelly_ery ?editors does Illet &MOE ill Willi Ole a nra TALK and peandhil eheemes are elf . day; while ethers inthormati hy a hicher am purer motive am ediehrecissr die nssime. 1 •-whereftirr. dr Lwl Ahmed the &nod& dirge and Ardlneml a_^' I mei armendy MIL dome. fore. drat if it dependol AMP ape ai r mit, ( the naming ow L.sagilay :holderrs,ll st it • does not_ We hoer beta hie la a my last and important diens ef mud aramms I The &emissary& a & caumeils this; art ail titmegit. we bare a/assay emareasirsaap hp dud i mem who his dm andipect inelhimpe. ear mil and wish as fise.mss ear tiaiim on thanary. it 6. me me with that sempaassi which either yew Of areesdhl Jet The WI. , Jen is win a pilaw gme, hart MR die emamasp pm , seas &dinghies elf no num wig. While. therefore, we ail ate so pidaythe greatro prissy and religintsseines s ft, ef atte — Ohs object we have ha sem.. we ahead amt impec that they who niteLe awl enamor tie arms. as men as we are,. and snag lb - WE as we as. 161. *den they erase es art : . it lamellar . ties and the esdne s ef pe - ma. elihtery already ha wominea, wine& we cams as sensibly feel. Yon wall set miemesol es to intimate that de ;sat mossal inning *MA per vades popular *phase stioalli anew am at all shoe ; on thee eontzerjr, *e is mat analeitdm se say, that some pint vs di not yet Ihrpirepteledl he which , the Gaveramene =Wit he nailed to art in perfect obedoraes as &Ws her. Wlememiher titer thou keep holy die fradhseas gilat-* We need only aid, that Sr heandily appeaser of the mineipirs arm wreath year isiiimg art *hereby to attiett pale .pa s s as die point; and that lathe smanspearmat ordeal/hies of our road, we will rear he weak es word Gar to any rereadsw whin* is is atiethyste Ile dm precept, *.la, it ides *het desstaser eflandh!" I air, with sempert. Tear diedierga motes t. Fllgark. WATT A, Po" THE lOirS6 SOISES. 31ZA.C. aa. marmot There are gems on alir Okla. yelp I rnother--there team oihaguish ow liar eheek--ami wan and pailki is die hwe thy tremulous lip t The kik of joy has gone out from shine rpm, Mad ibeir Tide are weighed down by de heary kcal aif sorrow. I Num fair the Olaf smes were wont to greet lit' miats hest low. stifled sittrbings, s aIIT tkm for maositatin of a se-a-sheld, atone mewill sire mar ear. *non art bereft. raw thother --thou art bereft of a near-Este Sir.slus ores dear er to thee than thine owe. The hale snow-drop tree fleeted in tear %mow is fa ded and w uttered ;—ca gm, b.. Jalapa away from the statis earths sif alirr 'amiagii-. crown, and meet it is thas stadweass mod weeping shrraldi new he *Mr_ But lead me to the• destemed mem, where reposes at& al earth dint is mew Est to thee of what trig eta ittrieriWted and dear. Lead me to the spat *brie for days. lose and weary days. shoo bast suet. Imbrsug bark that young: Life bona the ernre--sasor ghee', with the pitiless angel of death. misull thy wild pre-airings, eatald so louger be at toted —mud the- cold drops of adiforialt. which felt from has dwt wings as trey waved heavily - arrxnns9 thee. orseasimed doe livingsteark.acretryttital eras day. Sun lift no the firrievaar„ eattaia and let in the eits, , rfial swithqrsr. for darker/a be- , cornetts not a seem Etie lila& frame tasut aside the snowy earretri* fame die Arne brow, that I may kat& are messe wpm the dear dvarvol. 111! and Cedes* smEtttta ly- I had likened dot doe foluatps of the ite-str.syer maithesil with deashe tion ; and. beheld t. Lamers are sproug mp a round throw S I had lowletill far die ohms ly traces oilier wisherimr Seem : sad ha I beauty and Slibeille..* ate ad dot II What !, (..Es come. pat *beeper_ and spite wilt ti pot ',Nat is so pissio4hassaifid !. See tipsin its pl.seirl beer a unmake--oh t. sweet. er than the modes of tidy!--as matiag. Ay, gaze avail it 21 6111111 wallet game sip on the i.ce of an ang:4l; dar it is doe sig net which fir-vien kat* has iimptemed gym its ow ie. *eating it fnw immormiker- Gras revereivty, fir ee is the ardatneal glary of that uncbxe.ted striae whets beams from the brow of the Banned . ars/ is die Egli that spint-tanfl where thy dada pet Este* and wateth ben the eonaing- Dry sip der tears. tooth:tr. aid ;Sad die tire sir thy regirsi,or thy litter iieses,aid weep no more !!---Coireassue. A sirs dud , a oar= silk kit o ynung. lady 1112ef, Otalking is d a Milk whirh she won.. bati betrev kf.ep, isigit or ili giniHer you tb *wk." revinedi the hatity. ant*. shetriii be awn hwy."' was the O. lan's resraws., "if yew waif tire it to me as it is, with gorwassyissitiesiritr Further dtpaminsi atich TALI' IS.IN CNcmrnriasame parka' chinches it IA the Cum 4sqpieue die men from the worms". 3diefirynaa ing interrupted try: LAI triZin4;itiorped shyrrt ; when a isi•mrmi. ever few ilhe her or of her sex. anise and ski; ••Irwee ger. erenee, the noioe is um mane se' .- much the beturr,7 andirensi the prim*, wilt be the snarler wove" Theodore Moth, dis ftheitsma aka sad the Prince of wags, whets very young was prevented fur sdavissient is the Illantesimily. The Chatutelloravetved the lost. 3111 with much gravity astteal ILK& Wile WAS 011047 to sips the thirty-eine snide& , ft'rest.siss i " "forty, if you please:" Tax Lasssr Lleates-e--.-1111zass kr Lek Hate," shams ato sureihis mile ie fence as he sews s 11,8sepeuissigresselik ing. ••Iluzza Saw .IselleiNis„*" slow lie reply. "Mare 604" "PS- dr b.y •rm hum fin` yew Lniseise, sea I ail Ihr mint r Went a plume' enuomonsen% Mir! beano in pone ere ned leer err norm* finibend. Ifs prime figura, as pie sine to trampk ea res airmoismark. When is helot s camiellt ,siwer—shito it ems int Pi,. Another teirsospieresumml hobo Al. eaverrd at Ctiaktoo Ilash h Was sew os ikesq#A :