Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 06, 1848, Image 1

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~) 'lib 141 11t,1011‘41 VOI!, Jfl 'd
firaitWee:pr sundry,. Wntl Fmk
'`OOt' 0( the
Poitt >if Broinntnir !Mai Coon.'
t ko y ß .-P4u9sylrapisivak; lolllo
, e. / ttpolVr k l 4 . 0 .4y;t SqiurtioN
!hi 141/4 o rioner, ,at 1 ,ce
,elckli,ll: e jn the
Borough ot Bettoburg, the following
ROB Sittnßetkrrit 4
A Tract of Land,
situate in Menalien township, Adams coun
ty, Pa., on the road leading front, fiuttra
burg to Pine Grove Furnace, containens.3o
*etas, tutiltynr lei's. itijoiiting' lands of J.
pi.?',l3,,ithe John Hewitt and others, on
yrititiliiutt.,erecteil tt two-story
rough frtuno • 1
„.k t i r c44/N i; ,11 9 1 , 3 E•
tn RA? E 'fiflpP. There is ,a., Gist
tilie OPrilig of 'Water 'Toi l ette house. and an
"aocelhitit , Orchliid itf Young 'Fruit Trees on
the trelni*est, About 12 attics of this Brain,
first-ratkettestuptAnetier- 7 -the.tudance of
the t itteid is in a gold stair of cu q--
'Wit thil t iiicikarty woald be a iirat-rate sit
iifiin "eof a mechtiniti of any deseription.
Suitfejtind tektite in exesiotiod ate the vitals,
0. ‘y;l.l.ll4,llgwq. •
Allleit, the undivided interest of GEOROE
'`'Lot of Grinind
ittfaill hi Biti BeiOtigh'of Gettysburg, front
ing On. Baltimore - atrtiet, adjoining lot ol
e i f lentfroUriniterhoff# and two public alleya
4m,thp woo!. and north, on.which are erect
ed' a twit-story weatherboarded
P‘VEl4,lriLi 110 USE,
ant onq-etory brit* hack-lm
eel% hCti, Ethi-etbiy tirick Shitp, frame
Stable, with a threshing floor and corn
crib attachrd thereto, an - excellent well of
wt A tey whit a puny in it near the kitchen
tloor, and bas a variety el n a g fruit
trees on 'tltf Tirent ,ti ' '
The' tincliyidill interest of the s:int , in it
Lot of Ground,
Ititutite inlIM hO oughof Gettyttluirtz, bound -
Wintliingtoit and iligh , ,ttireetat; pud a
ituric 410y t cotttaiii* about .11
zed attet taken in e*euntion. as t h e
P I.
IV"Pfingwis Intrcbastrig property al Sherill'a
...h., will have W psy tea per tog. oftito
money uu the day of rude.
h,-ri Opium, uelLY*l'mf,
2; 18918%—td
ltlitithdiactisc'S• Writ or Pori Arias.
111441146 mi and Coliclemustinta heiug
etralsa4tl) tamed' out of -(lsouit uF Ouin
anon Phials of Adams county, Pa.. usid
Inc iireeeL wW he exposed to PuMie
Nate oh flido9 Lk 13th of October, 1848,
1 o'clock., P. M., an the premises iu
Metoullen tnivialkip. the &flouring itmi.l
Estate, b wit;
A '!'tact of Land.,
situate in MeneJtea'tnewship. Adams coun
ty, Pa. containing lti ACRES. more or
less. of First Rate Land. on which are
.rccted a l e Story Log
LiorlltNK House. • •
wit 4 ever} , eotroptience--gond double Leg
bait, a good rwu-Story TAN HOUSE,
-with a first rate Bark-Shed and Birk-Mill
thereon. Also, a Finishing 'Shag. and
Leather Roller, with 16 Lay-away Vats—
the whole of die Vabi, &e., being in the
beat 'condition: There is a Well nf'wster
near the dwelling. and as excellent OW
CHARD of Apples and Peaches. The
land is all cleared—about 8 acres being in
meadow land, and the balance in a fine
state of cultivation.. The Property is in
good order, with a running stream of wa
ter near the Tan-Yard, and adjoins lands
of ,Peumbltudebaker, Nicholas Slay bough,
Jacob Smith. and. Levi Griest, and lies un
the dirtxt road leading from Munterstown
tit, Mrove Furnace, slam' one and a
half milea ?roM.Muttera's Mill, and within
'4)tiVi'llitlf Mile of: Appleman's Mill." Selz
ed and taken execution as the estate of
11agOicit. ' J. N. SMiTII,
NFU 21, .1848.--•td . Coroner.
'istiltLic SALE.
ila n Y.,,viztur. pf a deed of Voluntary .40.:
11 -. ! aigna t tept, fop the benefit of Creditors,
„Ito fp? anted 1,4 y, i l / 4 1311AH411,1,f 4 uAirEss., of
a rvrone tow,pihtn , Adana county, I'a., 1
' wltl'ail:a l i PiAblre Sale, on Saturday 'the
''''7l44l.(t qf October next, at I o'clock, l':
;Il.oin'the preniisee,
4i ,g ... ~. t ; ' ( I ,
1 , A,. r fr4P of 1 44 11 , t , ,
4hB,4TOPerl7,°lol!Ult*inlirert Otuaie in said
gernali!p, adjoining la aof Geo Flick ing
-43T,101in Lehman, and otb'era, find oritain
''ltitril ixcurs of Datenied' Land lt.
' IlaVerrettee told leading Trotn I-linnet - 610*n
"'lnrillbiir Sprint/. about 1-4 of h ofilehlou
41ovilliejikiiiits: 1 ' „ = +r ' ,:
I'lle tinproweiuents are it'ileve and ~
finished t*o-riorrFrame
.....,..±PY.Oling:lNV_lfiel lilt ,
midi a‘collatunderneath4 a gia - ai uj -,
.wealhor , boirdod 43110} 0 4 , plaioteri‘d iintido ;
'• a weithisi , bbattled. Bkrii,li Uri 'Cotit 'tlYilt,
thirfq,Ellielie L lui4'ith4'otitintiltlingit:--
11:4 ' ,Pi ' !,,,W ea or://4 • 14FCALIYeitiet4 to the
door, aid a Sewing or water ,on tbe•preuti:,
~ aes.7ll;e itc re is eA t ri tle si oayt ro ung
'o , -4‘ ' . of titOlodirredrfon'ihtt prembies.
~.• pettroriti , inallt is deaigable•resi
t ,-
o , lllklneei tiding ablaut onedvalf new land itn4.
-,..lisiterincid eiddvationo :., —.O. :,,. , ...,,
(R..,,,illnondance will +be given . and . terms
~, A lado known ou,lho day of Salo by , . ,
, rhti ~ ,, ,ig.,. I , i1b421 1 4 1, DPAULltiltder.
•va.,•1 3 4/4. ) ,1 5 , 10413!rru 1 , -44safiree•
r runic Ma..'
On Batiiiiti4 Aii4o 'October nti . xt.
ltd. be are`tie(l at Outtiry,.
• on the posmimesi the Ilea' Foliate
of ROBERT .1110hIPSON: late of e
deeersed, , eenaisting of a
.• r1'40,0 1, O. 4.krivp,':-
'knot° in (limibbtinini lowhabip, Admits
1 1~~~. II .~: tt. .t(
totinty, Pe.,l on the toadlealioff trots 1310-
.W 147 Taneyyripiltplu n g too of
on. ill. Cooper Issiott monists align,
'l l O I Piiitetioll, and btOesii--eoritaii3ing
moil;moil; or 113111 i. '1 an Sid' la well eret Mr
ver indlittiothy,! and *lnd& good fencing.
It elm conveniently ,be' divided into „
and will be sold in lots or In one tract, as
'nay suit purchisors. •
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, P.
when attendance will be given and terms
made kliown by
JAMES A . I'}fo P SON,
for Robert T. Said,• Wm. H. Robertson end Wl*
Wm - hIL-Templemm sod *dot hoirs,of
ten Thompson.
Sept. 224 1848.-L-te
a I P U1i.144 bettili•
HY virtue of ah Order of the Orphans'
Court of Adams County, the subscri
ber, Administrator of the . Estate of BAR
slimy:mar Sum.tvssi, taloa( Oxford town
'ship, Adapts county, Pa., deceased, will
sell 'at Public Sale. on Saturday the 21st
day of October next, at 1 o'clock, I'. M.,
on the premises, •
./S, Tract . of. Land,
the property of said demoted situate :in
said township, adl doing lands of Wm.
Jenkins, Janice h 1 Barren and. others, Con
more +or leap. The improventa are
: A TwoLsToßir
Weather - boasded House,
a AA 4:Aller-boarded Back-building, a
.I.og lima and other necessary Outbuild
ings. There is an
of good fruit on the, premises, and a
Spring of Water; also a Well of water
conrenientio the door.—
It - 7 There will also be sold at the same
t alO of CORN AND OATS by the
Attendance will be given, and terms
math , known on the- day of sale by
Sept. 15, 18 iiihninisfrater.
On Tuesday the lith of October ',ext.
111) vinuo of an Order of the Orphans'
Jill Court of Admits county, the subscri
ber; Administrator of the Estate of As.
oisw GUSSMAN, late of Mountpleasant
township. Adams county, deeeneed, will sell
'at Poblualo, m 10 o'clock A. M., on the
A Tract of Land,
the property of said deceased, situate in
said township, adjoining lands of John
Eckenrode, John Felix, George Carl, and
others, and containing
5 4 ACRES,
more or leas. The improveareuts are a
s doiihile Leg BIM. sad other Outbuildings.
There Well of Oster convenient to
the door. and an excellent ORCHARD on
the promisee.
41,30, at the tame time, will be sold
a vancty of Personal Property of acid de
ceased, consisting of
41010111011 FT NW go
Young Cattle, Hogs. Sheep, Hay by the
ton ; Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Potatoes,
and Apples, by the bushel ; a lot of Corn
fodder, a lot of Lime, a lot of Boards,
Beds and Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Pots,
Kettles, and other articles of Household
and Kitchen Furniture.
Attendance will bb given and terms
made known on the day of Sale by
Sot. 15, 1848.-1 a
Valuable Ri;al Estate.
On Thltrap4 , the 191/1 of October ri,ext,
►'/IHE :subooriber will sell at Public
Sale, on the premises, the valuable
u,.}' ARI Dr! •
on which he while',/, iiiinitte in Hamilton
ban towaship,, Atlanta county, and adjoin
ing land iof i Jacob. Raffensperger, Mrs.
Stewart, John Eiker, heir of Martin New
and John Bowers. The Farm con
ti a cola
mom or los, and and is , located in one of
the. most, desirable • lions or the county.
' . ' • • • n milestimsi Fair
field. The land is well improved, and
has Liine'stmie ottit, which can be made
available-Tor ,
"Aerie are cleared, AO fialanee being eoier
ed' With thriving 'thbber. The Improve
manta are a two-story log
' ifrokeitt.vo ,
L a one-story TE NA N
I T lUS , a Mink Horn, lowerpert atone
lens! upper tart log,, Clover Mill, and
'other nntbu hfingii. There arti,two Wells
'of 'Watei, r one bear thielling, the nth
ioriiiiaethei idiot& Vous6:' 'The Parm is
welt *steed', hivihrtutiningivister'imov
ery field hut rfnet' • There it alto a • fine
thotcp Fruit Trees
on* Pretoilies% Proper P
portion of the !'arm:is in TIMBER and
L'•ICA,IOW. It is the Granite rock land.
There Is also on the Patna a GOI'PER
111/NE, whieh has I:ten opened, the oar
Yielding as high as 30 per cent. , •
rrThe aboVe 'Property will be sold
entire or divided; may suit purchasers.
Sale to commence' at l o'clock, P. M.,
when atkenthince will be given and the
terms made known by.
Sept. 29, 18-18.—ts
• • 4 .11i 10 .: ol
' . •91 T tit UR PA . ,'PR DAY .0 GT I t
• . RING a 7
' 74 I,: 4 • • 4 I 1
BY v irtu° P f VI Order, of
Court ofolll
0,, comity, the Sub
scriber, Trustee, 'appointed by the Court
iforeiaid, of tint Meted/tints iii'Clacou
y, late of Hamillonbiti tOunishili o Mame
coupty, deceased, will sejkat Public pale,
on the preinioes, on , •
Friday the 20th dad' of October next,
AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. X.,
The Valuable'Farm of said deceas' 4,
C O N TA I ?4,1 jhl,o
- moresit , less p , of, patenteti, land, situate in
Ramiltonban township, Adams county,
*Pa:, - 5 - 1 - 4111.611'Wettrbt"GettylltMl' -ad
joining lands of the heirs of James G. Fax
•ton, Wm. White, Hugh Wllhenny, and
others. ; The Improyeunexas are ~ st, large '
Twei-sthry WeatherlP4AVboarded
• s
I double log Bern, other im
provements, a•well of 'avater'riear 'the door,
a good' never-failing spring of irulphui wa
ter near the house. . , There arc also en the
Farm aTenant-hous e and Stable., There
are abont 120 acres of this Farm cleared,
of which 25 or 30 acres ire is goa Mead
ow, the balance . (,about 110 aeres)'is
bcrlaud. Tho hasterp part of•ithe above
Farm is bounded by West .Marsh Creek.
ocr.The above property is 801 l located,
in a healthy and kood noightrerhood, and
worthy the attention of Fanners•wiahing to
purchase. property. will be abown,
to persons widilog to view it, by . Hugh
F. Nl' (4.lto'ihr. ri•s•idi lig on the premlses.
W11.1,1:1 . .11 KING, Trustee.
. Se;
A Chance for Fanners !
On ,Stilun:lay, the 214 V (Mahe! next',
I, X N virtufofinn Order of the Orphans'
kJ Court of Adams 'bounty, thel.!4uh
scriber, Adminhitrator of the Esiath of
SA NIUE!. JACOBS, late' 'al Hamilton
township, Adams county, Pm, &ceased,
will sell at Public Sale, at • l l'elock, A..
M., on the premises, the valuable
of said dCeeased, situate in Hamilton town
ship, Adams county. I'a.. about 2 miles
from East Berlin, 'on Beaver Creek, and
adjoins litdds of john GNAT, Peter Del
lone, Jdhn Jadolnt, Pins Fink, iittd others,
age A1C9242100
more or lees, of patented land. The Im
proiements are a large TWO-STORY
Brick .House,
All 40 feet front, with a Back
building, a Weaver's 'Shop, a
large stone Horn, 70 feet front, a Wagon
Shed, Spring House, and other Outbuild
ings. There are two spring' of water on
the premises, one near the House ; , also,
of choice Fruit of aU kinds. AP
plea, Peaches, Pears, Six. A
bout 50 Acres are in first-rate TIM It
—the balance cleared and under good cul
tivation, with a full proportion offirst-rate
Meadow. This filet is susceptible of di
vision, and will be sold entire or in par
eels, as may suit purehssers.
A L 8 0, .81 the same time and' place,
situate partly io Paradise township, York
county, and Hamilton township,
Adams county. about 1-2 mile from the.
above tract, adjoining lands of John Groff,
Isaac Trimmer, and others, and containing
36 ACRES. ,
more or less, of patented land. The
provoments are a Two-Story
$71'0.1 E.llO 814
with a FULLING MILL and u
CARD MACHINE, a good Darn, and
other Outbuildings ; about 4 Acores are in
good Timber; the balance cleared and un
der cultivation, with a sufficiency of Mea
dow. There is on the premises =excel
lent ORCHARD of good fruit.
p:rTlie above properties arc valuable,
being well located, and are worthy of the
attention of Farmers and Capitalists, who
desire tp make a good investment. At
tendanc,e will. be given and,the terms,inade
known on the day of Sale by
Sept 29, 1848.—te * Adm'r.
3,4441 434cz1+reb
lIE subst.riiier offers a( private sale,
that valuable propertY Situate in Mt.
Pletixant township, Adams edunty, Ira.,
within Aires intle:CoLOttisbrug; On 1h •
road' leading flom Manor ' to Gettysba rg,.
adjoining lands of Abrahatit 'Weyer. the
.heirs of Geo. Spangler,' arid Others, eon-
wining . •, . .-, t o ,
100 41CRE8 , - 1,:
of Lind, umoltof winch is in a. good<stato
of cultivation and ondor-good *woo,
te i Fogli
of Apples and Peaches_ on, ,, th' , r
premises:* , Thelesprorctitentarato
' • ' ' t kitintic S:rinta "
dwelling House,
with agood Kitchon Mulched,
a double,log Barn, with other 00 0 40 4 1 1'4
and near the dour two wells of eactille t
water, with pumps.
Persons wishing to see the property wilt
call on Mr. Andrew Wilt, living on -the
premises, or George W. M'Olellant Esq.,
residing in Gettystturg, or• the enbecrilier.
scr If the property is not sold on or be
fore die:firstday_ of. '''Veurinber 141, it
will be RENTED. Perms will , be such
unto edit purchaecre. . ,
p'' M'SUERRY r
L1'1616,44 Adams Cu., Aug. 4, '4l3—ts
""`OUIt Lirfpt"nbv.
When the !tweeting kink** Natbir
Round 'hoot our grit here 14 • •
cosueslor 4eldost horkonlp ,
bonding humbly to the 4tb,
Anti *it'll heists diktat 410 y, ' •
Ana lirhht cheek' aged retied show*, •
This the prayer britiftenthigtitly,
Toth° 800rete of ligitt,pud lore; ,
"Mies my permits, 0 0 , trey,fetber
Bless my little, sister dceu.; ,
While I itengf r11°,1"1 slumbers,
'He thy peril angele
Bhoold morning'' Amine beer greet tee,
Beaming brightly from the skies,
Thine the eye of !eye 10 meqt me,
In the paths of Pprodise."
Now a glad. good night "Jui glees us,
And ho goalie jt, with "Lig!
-- Ilatightlffaitnhly taWoaraiii 4 v,ed
In an hour so hati4f Mos. •
•Now our anus shoat biwnrannthing,
One fond kW* berpro he !Imp;
Soon we hear his gentle bresthipg
ha a slumber calm Mad deep.
A Voice from Mount Vernon,
PerhiPi theirpead tolerating "eerie, 'l6 'which
the present Polideal canvass his given rise, *al
prwierifed on Wednesday ilternoon bud, at , a Bar
'hatme Alotandria eounty--:reeently . reltided "h);
C emitters from the Distriet of Celt:atria to tho
of Virginla—w herea large conipany of both po
litical parties, and of both sores, partook of a sornp
woos repast at writ spreadiables. Mr. Ilintlith,
the first representntive of the , eoltsty in the State
'Legislature, Mr. Brady and WI).. toidlotinsion
having spoken, Mr. Upton, President of We kast,
intreducod the venerable step-son of tiers. Wash
ington, asciaos Wamitnerrnit Past Ccrirrti,
hale;finclooking gentleman of the Olden time; eighty
years of age; who his boen fortiyears the leading'
orator of the country for the now of Ireland', c
inancipetiork Mr. Untie stepped forty arJ, and
Ina rich, frill toned voice, spoke as folkinte, hold
ing his auditors spell-bound "hr admiration;
at sit& intervals where liporitinbotts aPplainsci
would break forth :
Fllloto-toon hymen Muf Priendif—You
flee before you on. this joyous occasion', ad
old man with whitened Woks and a bald
head, who wsifi horn ht3ro ja,tive infancy
of your botfittq, indfitts grbtorni , up with, it,
in your midst, iind seellit become vigor
ous, and.strong, and , powerful, while he
become old and eofeebled--ond , yet,
strang e a s it may appear„this old man has
never cast a yote,in „Although
ppssesaing the necessary free-hold qualiti
eittion to entitle me to vote in eoverol
ties, had my residence not been t io,die
District of Delti:do, yet, owing to an in
judicious and unjust law, I have had no
privilege of giving a vot..
And now 'that that inestiriuthle priVilege,
the right of suffrage, has come within my
reach, anti 1 aerial:out lo ilvAilmyself of it,
•you will see an old graneyather east , his
maiden route 1 •
I . •
We area nation of freemen, the proud
est, the most prosperous anti happy in-the
world.. .Our system of government, and
our institutions are admirable, conceived
by wise heads, and Unproved upon, here
and. there, by good men. It becomes, ua
all to cherish a fond love and regard for
our beloved country. We should try, to
keep the union and harmony of the States
in good preservation, and look well to the
character of those'whoni we Select tegtiide
the destinies of the Republic; • '
.It has been objected to military men,
that they are not suitable persona! toplace
at the header a civil government... I think
otherwise. My experience teaches one
that there is nothing- to fear-from the just
ambition of a military. man. at the head oil
the nation.. .1 think millitary men, are, the . '
best to command. for . Mey Arst,.le,arn to
obey. Gentlemen may tliflpr abou.t Glen:
Jackson, but I believe he wrei a true pa.
triot, and that he would havO given tha last
di-op of his heart's blond to have saved and
preserved the Union and its libertiei; had•
the personal sacrifice been rectiiireil.' . 1
No,' no.--the old' orator before you has
lived a long time in this Republic, and has
sot yet seen the time to fear to have a' mil-.
itaryman placed at the head of affairs 1.
In abou,t among the Presidential.
caudidatee to decide which- POO sliall,re.
ceive my suffrage, it will-be my aim lo,ac
leer the best man. I. have already. seen'.
ned their clailos. The lathe/pi Chagas*
was a higlimitirded officer in the . ol d con
tinental army. The father of Giro. I'aylur
wan brave and meritorious office'r id. the,
RerblutiOn. Gen. flutter also eciMeit final
'good Meek:
In •Milting my choice, tshall pay regard
to the "services which' each candidate has
rendered to the; country, snd I shall refett
the honest man, who Ims.been error ready
to peril his life in the.dofouce of his coun
try, preferring the tented field..and, the hard
ground, for his , whoa. his., wuntry
calls for Ids services, to • him, wbp prefers
wealth ant( luxury, and htuoges open .silk
en couches. in perftened oharnbc ‘ p,,, I
give .my vole cheerfiillyfor Arles(
Vaeliary Taylor: And when ; 1 (lersit.
it in the ballot box on the Tilt ofNOvem
'her next, that vote will hailliinWtheirt
dreel **leo' of Mount 'Pertiore I=-LELoog
Oontidited applsime With seireolr tr dry.
•.; -"" '
But, my eetintiyinent ' the Setting suit,
, ettibleinatteof Id departing'. kimi n
ritotigytin, and idtboalshed me thid I must
Joie/Witty rtimarki.;l reap God protect and
preserve our beloved county i as) itslOh
over the rulers whom. the people may select
loguidelti detithileis ';,; 7:1
• ‘ , lrbtesiiitys tho.lhddsoore Pstriat,itewhose cor r
restwidstit,ivo-ireindetest for the ' , overtop*
this•Writertiblesitivivlng maruher . •or thd Welkin*
ibit t lamitii,tAhaflleft4fittfs. , Vhsldsittotti*Y i lkor
fib* hostiles& I PAN,* witasseit s s , tebiethfitliss
*dna: ''lthieunol its Inns iinnionot OeetwirlArish
iistim Murat etufaltsost gietkiiia to Ws eisatrYl
!Simi f" ttt• AI, t:t t •'t t't
Three hearty cheeni were girea Ibt Taykir sod
Pilhuart,and data time Owe for quoits 'the old
wan ekliont X audition the company diaper*.
A achiadmaster, who had ati Anyelirate
144 t!f , talking, to himself When alone,
.Vari allitetl what motive ho could have,in
talltiug t,o himself. Jonathan replied'thai
he had ttvo good substantial reasons : In
le lll 4 Place: be liked to talk to a sensi
b man ; and in the next place,' he liked
to hear a mart of sense talk. ""
; , .1
, Ali i WI WI :1111 Iltril
, i tftexa.thelsottsvNlelabirniU l ,4) 9/ 110 Wco 1
"A LITTL tiipgrwg i gArr , A I § tigli o .l r afri,,,„.r ef ;
to our column. the following comet from a oyeech
...The folkoriat &warm inasionaloi waft Anew id 414 , ( hr ta r •
.... delivered oy 1 t le ti t 14th Inst.—
publication. We Ito- It tasintradrvisiultsir wart . ~..,....i iitur ,
'it is LI 6aß6' i t tidinflitiY ;Of ilkh hug teen I
tio;wrtire, in Wifahltioh bfieariorik,fitNits taizmar , „,,,,,,,, 4 . 1 .,.., „ ~,,,x „ „ 1
4 441 4 4 hi 4004 4 0 1 4 1 : 4 ,40a4 2,0 0 w Y aa i t e ll 1 , 1 1 1 1 wij , gLabra e" ' :
rift dia. k air ' t. emtcleao on i
446 Britiatailar , 9f.lB4l.: . t ,1. •, 0 0;:: ,,, t t Aratt l ii Via ht , tM . e. aalianYti '
' ' ' ,• . .
TO TH€ PIJIIItIO. "1.0 1 . ''' , t Ml : ' 1I v t 77: 1 - T - 1 : 6 '4l '
lt Ur inillednlipirted Oat" kll the Oil- '''' l ' . """ el A ' . 1411411114 .WA I
i d ‘ ,,, ~ tottotOkyolionsis thicknormitagicontaining,
unteers kttached to compenyy , p. t ,, Sam iTz bletl a kenit zr a l t Tivistmllt_riolt ,... .rah ,_
, le
. It
Nagle, a ilhaliiihlNiAili eri t 0 Pennlylvs-,
Ma, were Opridittlii"dititeilledfibi bi t Gen. 1 , l'aV, " rw ' v ,!' tv TufTF" I,
, ~ ,
Zachary • Tityltir tor iletidatz-LWe;ihe .q...t_ . • ,11r,r iO. ll ~a t ed . „,,f ti‘ , l o l )3l U'' , 11 in
undersigned; members of tald'ethipoily, 1 1,1gIFPUorjr,"k i !e r• ~ , t Vrilitscf# l, lvnt
do' declare said 'report tb lar false, Itilittrre 9 ' 19 ,_ 91149 * 01 , 14 ta 8 na4 l . l •Nit ilkillicit,ili,
will give Geri. Taylor. ouroupiiort fi rriedid '.., 11( 9,71 9 ": 421911 g re e 0 Plotal a _, d. Illu. , im ll i„nn. l . ll- ,
0011 C 8 WWI Wilt WWI' , IVICSIk 0, ,
office. '. Heim • a man • thaVireversaireitderip, 7' "
ntir-willireri--- —..— —....,....,.44-1.8...... t. §, Bl 1 1\1q+ 4 t Y lb: m ri b ,fa f t : Z '
' 1 Pd./ D"teY , ' „ Le t,, Rll.t „„,' l " '''''' ' 4 'lti"4lc It ' I '' vl ik4 l llfit e lloti l
g e m / l ithe( ' l e '''"'"' o „. l , 7 ` l " - Vile ?NM 'iilAtidli', Y . belltieit thili:lhi l
Julio !i r eY ' eD4 ' ' '` T A m e nin ro sr , war was uncalled for, unnessary,ikkriliVre.:'
• 1 ' Chigoe Elt:rittialif4' 'lnchabtligNalf," .l 1010 , 1111k/114101001111.11; AO tallith ilocto tooa ' I
Singleton 1;10E14 ~ I SAW trePPle Po `t , roads al. ali",lialleStiletientsuatilft necessary:
_Dania! Uttappell ~ iisoßk:it.lilb94 l lb , ' . ompltoo, tith, thowirt,toot owl mi,r,kotici
' James 4 1. 1 ir. Sands, elms; serge% 1 . '
' 'Reuben olttiiiiiin, " ' 'BirinAr tillaidirlait ; young countrymen o ours whcO, II II,WIPIY,
flew tu thestandard of their country, yet t
Boni. Sloth • ' • ~• Lt.flaviard'lldkr,l :
John Hays v I •,, qrkimi: waiiiiins, niffilkvfilliptatsAtuesibite 944%.0 flit
William wocinger , , , , irnmogerotingc, General in Cfiler,ol'UTrirlityrfdr a_piomp't
We :also, picdgi; ,sesen ,miughem, t ikt.he' lihdikWi l ,froSliPtliirtiliftoff tot Milieu'.
cOmpany resit)* „ic other . ctitmlitet,„nho And Tiffht*'elih• f a ntitilek ark: to , tehi c h '
expressed themselves, rOP • C I ?. X'SVII?: I iiiii% it4lNyhollttdeltrly stitreihr th e
home, strongly in Cavor t of Ge.n„ aI
ylor. 'VW Iklegkattivls Vberbrftillnetnisiceits fol.
Cape. Nagle, out Orinbilves or ellkiCyt a. Oatmeal A atitggeeei; smiled. that bi ur d'
'and a member; foe %aslant "Vrhteh ' , Shire lataLstal4abadiug—atoys.ando. th sitAliss , eitit
satisfactory to his comrades, declineilYign- sans of a ,wook loatt distracted ringsr..itc-; '
i ng th e p a p er ...4 o *h Q f wpm will•rjte for spuktioolorowooliodNon iradeCoott,6 l l.4 6 ."'
,Unit. Tay10r._,,.,._, --,. i—, ~ i ,:, , - ,,, , ,), 2 ,,,. - ' ifiVritatinilir* 1 4a.i.elitieT
Fuer mt..attlyvt have OR v i rl4V" , r-41 1 4 ,3 11 0 , FWMIII. tl .VA fiklit , o9c l 9oo.l ll .
P°litlcal, ,PrmorleaSt iMe 1 11„Mitt!?,Y 1 /1 14- :. NM fit, Zit. " I ,l} l 4 l fii' lig.
f r
which will stunt up as follows,; tors; 8.. 1 , i f! ;fir, ref; t cs• sal t
Wink. numbei icturn4 . i
.. rip dt4 i p 1 4 1 4 fi ati i olffilfii*et
Avow.' ror , Tit ) l.,„ '' '''3l ' ' l ' iii Y"lf fit' Mk IHkli . B, , ''slinl' *PO- '
Huee•no yoke, , .-+ , ' "4," '" 4 ' . aythiort CO i Ilialliltatilil 1 iiitleti. 1 ' Anti' %Old'
Unknown, , „ .2 ~, .' :V? Ykots; Witiii • lAtiiiittf, 4int ti bride are
toy to Invade our own abil,irldfnattbiNt'hae
iheteakise.tbigllr-bei , 4louloteovlhosilmeel'
ond.atun lerbioothotheabli. ~t illowomth Nadia'
cant oo'roopood tochapph soseatiloontio i a*
4rgitotosodlntaipoorthy .431 . itegloot.iouillt
On%4l4*(4.4f9rmiorings • MinlilPlol4 u!:,
efligkilib4r.Wialr"Slitk - file j,
JOlfill A , ,,a 4 l,4 9 Prefitlttle Y,
EN . Pe., 9 „PiimliTYPAth Ali . ;NNW /14111 1 R.
P*lins,P9oo9 , .lo? WM IMO* witch 1,
ri >tri ~,...1 ~, if itArtilyir, " mAiligka", -'i
1 I.O,}I,44IIEMPIIRtr rtflinfiti
' r a t A -1
• • • • A ,
Balance for'Ciss sad iburTairlifof'lB4lli
The obevnlncledi IbewmMbrrtind!m.Aborr of
ilho company who returned I ho t ah: • 1, • *
Erom the Glutei% 1141;r:
41004E.WRIPIK1 1 )1411111 4 E.
TO TUE Pumto.r,We,,the,unsierdignea r ,
being hcretoipte suppowtera `4 ll )VzPoz,
crtic party,".and qow refusing to,,,gtwporf i
the nominees of the Anitirnor,e (lonKention t
hereby'vtMture to give our reieens for kV
We arc the consistent stitiport&i the '
Protective policy, and have 'battled Poi t4tat'
policy before the Tariff WO Was' liasseti.
—which Tariff we have lookiduliwn'ildthd
host that has ever been adopted 'by the 4,,
merican Government. •Weqkettnetibio
political parties tekingan active' part in this.
Iregielsturo, spinet
at two successive, scusiittalcinstrauting oar
members in Voumat, U. 8.
,Senate to go againat i my,Altarati9Nig said
,Tariff, and in favor of lbn rikctiveßoli
c, ; and in.'44 Vve feud nearly the
ISerriottatie pattern of 'the (g.`feast
of fennailvadia) of
4 42. We had it oni"fil "brie , barneni,,ind
we bed the assitrailbes of 'MAC *het 'titight
to know the sentimentkortter'ilitt Candi
dates for, Presidept awl Vice
tltdt'thdY'welq'itrrnlyent l iti . Trptyatile
poliey. In there' btie'dittpott
in diaprite, tind'thit 'efitt,Vlfillirivit *idling%
friend'of the Tariff dr4211-"Beih t pir a
claimed tile honorriret. throu'l 0,
conejoded it was tlithloottims of lita..pact ;
and Mr. PollOs, Inaugural. Midges% ebb -
ed to usv acwe thought, alai the.Pxotestitge
policy, would ncitiba disturbed. ~Bnt Abe
course.of 04 0 441MilliatildirOt.ift a,,short
time proved. to JO ~ t hat a ditroralik =rm
wits about lo!ba 44 43 1 1 . Mrt Polk,,Aghltio
Messages, thereafmr,,snowrl.hiti, hopwity
to an ProtectiOn,, and tolrfus that, Or in
&airy n trY did niiitiOndProtegion s ,
and whatrrotactitin theiti'viati balite rreigi
Trade Tariff of '4B, WArdOi'interlddil 'for
that - purpose therelbre' fhe MkilfthWenlild be
Content."t'h'en we Mend the Datifderittio
Parket% of Penneyleenis. ehenging"their
course on , the , Tariff iteration end-deep
; ping , over to the rote ,Tratie Tariff ef !de
Ana going the. full, length. 'for 'the
Free Trade policy- .. Ard,ta . cap.. the
Max. 41 1 .0 , litl4iluelvf-ignvenlippt *chore
the principles of the patty should be
knowa v atitimthare therwerennown, pas•
sod resolutions , in favor ,, of Free Trade.;
and Gen,:tass, am the candidate; of-the
party, endorsee, these resolutions end tells
of , it elected. hi t will carrY /bent out ;Oh •
4ea9ot.his.,obili4iosr tAillf,tru
support lgo.a;r°r - P,11 4 0,11;tY I rr
himself an e party that nominate him,
are pledged to oppose what vin'etinenfOr to
be out imareetip„ps.ffalirsagte interests of
otlutre., would, be ,nottirgo l ek.,9a.r. t osnvio.
lions of duty
we cCurder Tl° P c3 .l9tT i9 :? t y
Porting die rime nicatiorp to 4frt to me
Were all for - in V. rnwAini; tvu 'will
'gait that to the
numbers a riittn2l 'an" tilde tend' 'the
"Sanic* . itintation,
result of their detibitYik =tlfthedoettini of
The Trade in ifs broadosvptineiplea, ita
novrpransulgitalitbc the Demearetle , peaty ,
eiionlrb sueeemil,na Mr. be eleeted,
;it then becomes! the .sittledt polity might
country, and , there can. be no sppead d at
look IVrsyearat, te, tome, ittrrigan iii
now pkes*A‘thoo l PrillPiPAtto Mil . 1 0k
upon it as an end, to , too. rsqlSctlefi,,VpVe • Y
to which we cannot consent at tine
We look -upervit: in this wityvilattlowht
wait .Remoneatio, ',4i4t.ithoutil, be
AItAtsPITIA iit;,o4 4 .k.nand tberefore, oil'
oklye Philadelphia
opy , en i tton,„hepeving that, thC, , otOu„and
the party, that cum, posed. that Co nvention
are, the most favorable to the 'Protective
'o44'; we think they have shoivn.'tliem
selitett ne in the, last thret rears at lthat.
' We' therdlbrelutend to gird our support
to the nomintesnf that Convention. '\Vo,,
view, the matter ;tow as a party question,
supported uo where or by no party, but by
the #l9ttii party only.
eltris,tian J'etrick KetV,`
lidotgi.W Arnold, 'ttaturtit
/1111i011'FlOelbill, ' Adam Mobil,'
tieutuel DA D. H. Sellada.
Jotm D. 14,re, . 10 142. C. Kale. • ,
Thatisa 11 Meer., Mathias
Jamas Mariana. • ' I - • '
• " .
is 11 . 1 . ' r'
'7tt 1 i•b • •Ir tit I , , :1•, 'bt!.. • , :•.,1)••• 1••••Vi.i. all
,t,,, ..
jill)•!,!•: 1••1:,. 4t).1,'••1• 1..4. .1 , 8 to.:11.0!:1,.. -
-•••4~ ••••,14 1.,•1
• . . 01 , f fIF '1 , ,, , r1t..:11i Ii!
1+•:131 )1$ ,• 1..0111 Nmpi q 1fER1E . 15 „,„. Nt . 7 , 0.
P ji r, F 1.; ilil , lli)g.tikffr:ll . l 1.1;1; Viitft lirr.
, p , note, llJo • I
it4cMi C OXA „tliat 140WiLi91A +nu
lyrtri i
iliam 1.. n- st.ltla 1.. sit
. , liiirlurtlneter. - w , fi;( lltigiiiile4 lll
na ii4 l 4lnit Iliiiigr! are liViliklatiatigt,
1 ittilz L i, :t il,„„. , . INFI r.rfr. AtOnwini , I 1
4 , '4 4 ' ' ' ) litufietiih itil.
1 . . • ' • vs
1 ... . ittery+ - T.... .IRMOdilliik VW los .1,
Ana. L et nitem i e, itt.3 ) it ~.,lidi ii r.,
SchoolmasteravWhothwas the amo .
of his 14 .1 f1.A1,1.11W .1
.qns.nlAbbarttnbtety•nhostsand dollani..
I...*Anolinhittil 1 How Hie a? Kiln ry apil,
what amoygt bf ' ' is a locofoco tr,",
fitted to;'i'idorii . tde'llbages and pl 1,,
form of theillt • 4 7it t
Arts. 'ill i 4 114 r. . ~.
schoatnoilAr e I ,46ipopittal. evidence 4,
firm faitkiniteffil i winciples, to hil t!
office 4(l s ,ystars i pid,leibagi, salaries and;
stealings4o,theottwoootflatifla million 4
dolls= toi :itot. It . n ti i ;1,11'1! , I
Jitu., , . '
. 0
t 9chbalittitiftit) o . libwitnittylrations pe, .
day were palitqfeisistiOass; besides tlin;
stealiilitit.,Polims9l. it zit , 11.
2n&seizutr. tit ffell:1:171;•; 1
NW () I 6 I Mita (nth( "done nag,
day is vpmapArliilt,qp)i ed to ?
na, 016—.4 I, Mi.() of the Caba l
stripe ti typsoia44;4 All w tlatphickens hn.
can steal. 1%
~aSaheaksafien; ;r- Iltd a Otto Zoller si,
right ip.defflouwl wpr..fewlisb,44.ooo4or , ,
Polflier• foritCßlfilll cali4filis in ilitlitYMOltOt !
'f41.4410.1. 1 , 0 , , ~,.'.l .'r .1.1,...; i - , it,. 1 , 4,1114r7 1 ,
41 1
. 1041 . .I. l 4 l4: Nykri i i t. a.c 11./ rili .. V 1 r.1..1,00t, . '
oOpfrOOfiec. , OW O9 4. 1011414 . :0111 , 11118 .1
Ana. "di, the ifnet rtmaig.' , 1 7
shopinrst ! r. Who btifktilr ;flit phic)4
en v i gigrr r ~-yli kw... ..i ~,,,,,o , „- 1 .
.9ns. Joe BennVi."' '"' 'in"' " "''' "" ' r.,
.. 4dioasnimilbrat !A l icia°, 4 1 4 Li I 'V I • i
• ~ .44s.oahhIP1101*Jelillitvt(AP144W,hollt
Abe .c , riwthigiatlrAP l 4.44,F4ol4uPhig%
,10 OM 1f1r5.0.4 4 40.4 A B4 (64"via to ~106
0ni,,"1, 1 9, , gn , wt. 191 Ars.
1t34y,,.„ pi i , titl count !, . of
the ialuel) "Vn 'llais,'li kfi‘l " lintl,
'h'itftetr fi tia l I s iiiwtime hiliikAntl,
kheiii`tel 'lid F rei itillidf iirrkZei, take,
~ iiit tr e to f i gn iy : lll3. l , 5a.0..1111 . ,
. ' &a eibiiiiilo. '"lt
llll"diiiitit" rtiyilor •
ever receive any stealfilifalit"tliindtants•
ances,ti q ..) ~...t.,1.iil ••' •. P. 1 ,1 1 ,11 ? " Ti ..1
1 414", 0... Allighinliti . . l ;ll ,ol • 4. !IA .t. boa v.
q-,'6'490 9 4/04(444
w,b.)mtAinfACf.•PM'Olth.4ilii4o4b 4 I'd
'shall he eiceiVOIEV, I v .in d .;) A ti 1,, • • s. 9
'lns. Elegant.. rit. wi lt ' fla k e oxide ,
oxide ,
Ith tffirdifingli lit( wii: , pleft'io. l .olll . %teas do
Itinsielftddittrenttitsraliy;abOlirnittly , hint
lc haw pd lei , Past ((too ,‘, littivdtsliaall)kreW"
electing Cass, will establish:olw' prShei pie(
that the s t rafirtgalrett legal incNepoo of-,
i i;,.....,- .11: - . t , ll li , l
-,k .77340•
it , .1171 , 0:# .. ill - ,•............... I , 'oll 1111 , 0180.,. ,‘,.
, •110 61 06+:4 Stme4, 4 61 1 Tbilwrogit)•hitertrim
kin , therkstuinp koVeritylkiti
Heimitousees , ta spikointnientoi 9l Wok
hef *anis' doe -1 pima* of 'lleasmesinew.
.iinaL cholla/Igoe Ignicaciao opeOlas to
,14;111r, ,Ir:sitiNe, editor oftheNiks
berg Vrt:inti'.) entii el, c wt e k 'hi, a
street tight, is the third
eilitpfipl dial paper tliat t pit44 Jul! life in
the same wave
• MAIMING THE 1301;4310.- 0 .4:43tiinneratie `
editor out west, recently avowed histleier.:
mititttion lo,"mark," the. bolth's fitirm Gen.
Cava to Gen.dllaylor, in a certain , district.
Ho get as high nN 31a andtiteu bolted
elf.—r Commonsucalik•
'._ , 7 , i ' , , ,, it+M ner:ll ,- ; - ~ , ;t, t . •o , 1:: 4 , 1 • ,i, 'i' 6
ir7,r,f,41 iiewarVilii e l l i lf 9, i _ u iVl' 31- eh , 48
1 *Joint mwile. 01
1N ,l)ppvii pr. (yet> oc,,p y,, is
li r %% nu liiivi,'. gititotigilf,'lti dIS*4III% 40 a illsHicali
or 'at leAsrhArik 1134te,Iit: l i)i'lli•C'bit tarirkii fue,ll,Okin'firkrtal l ifrittrit f f;estiv•W
card pil l y t iart v hors§ yuctgke . , l l4 4 ;ll4 l „lrlisififft, MI I+llllktil jililitiffdeOliiit i gri
I t
f o rget tt ni illiAntre •, t h e 1,,.„ 1 ,,-.:l l 4lFolletailit'selGrArditilifiWi l *Alli
'et; eutidliltlie ' fdi' 1%0 t r6liildfli,l'lvflo 6 iliii/R.' ; ' 4 111i , .1V11 4A A telliolit airy/014,05t e,
tends hutall iiiciis i otitAtiiiiluyi' !! I' '. l -' - 1 —Litriesidtoi4 fifer'.'"" '" ' ' ""' '''''''
/ 4',.
,14;•,111,1: .
Elssn• 1. s s , , flu
i , v 1 , 1 ith"oo#4,
'7'N'ltort' f "ItAtit4..A. Iliotaiiii',4ll6ll/(sa
.t, r, fl,,s t i,s
~, r , .. 0116 , tl
iiiir9flf, :,Oeretfir'il st,torl y ttpc,cep
, tp,,fte
recent )Vlltig. ,Mate Cuouvolgion i of"„xhat
State. and; in *lac nitreW; of iuntlid.thfe fol
iiiiwing''utteedi AO, 411(0(r:ill ttelof 'ool'ollll
- plant %thrill ' (le n! TA vi4ii• I i s4;ott
~.(10.flijoinon., wn !tat d licartliutlw (SIWSO
of thui Contentiom and sw(- ha Net Iterinit in
our Rations place, before that Allet)eatkent
osseathicd., a Brent dilti said a4OOl the -plst
forum; that the different porno* haNe4ada 4o
fore lihe cotintry,. Ur have, hears of the
Ilaltinuste plallorrn and Of , thos,,Sulifiln
platform, end itslias been , sletkila; charge
against the NVlng party thsfrotlieli ;hive
etoutinaual I n caoilidalo ,00 ~ pia ilerth
•no platform: INiAvr. folkoWsicilisAmoostlio
'milieu t which 1 would ,retroilumentl,. you
01, 'Argue under; these yeircemideneesc is
tiapitily ,iilootirmed i bv , au) nicidest ifbielt
peen t roll , in,ithiS, comet y, Some "want ego,
ethi oun 141cfbnob flit' front u paesenEre
eillinue:l i/l'betgoorf people, ill, tnie of,the
wwna i lislfit (TattitY 'knee were ealitt& ap
en 10 settleaelcrgyman. s'Ehey heudite
gietts 'candidates ; at last% they ~wort l'elilect
ly sittietietl With one whom tbuy had tried
forktis ehoettitne• Tbearratigemeutawere
,alole for the otdioallnil. t , Twit good pious
menthers of Altos plitirch were *elected 'on
Aux' emuntittne 4
~ 'lliere was residing, in
,thet ,towtt •si, the same titres• a,, Wiliest,
ettaigitufor9'ord, plitiwagoluitssea,naplein.
.prebubly not Ner . k, much vereetl in the awl
maniesisnd windings/of , theology, or, Apo
logiCal twins, Tlits.conitnitlet , convened;
the quesouu was at once . Agitated onsetliat
plailetut 468 clergy moil' s humid/belay:lood.,,l believe, was; in foot allicestit
bride, timothy' , (if the Saybrook plutfotm.
*nes t disputing a few. ,notmenta;•uputv,lie
Istittitte,tltl49 honpat-htra ried, seleea patio, was
etitolttin,t4K-09e9ht-Ate. tiettelitta• .%ttOn
',hie* oPlriforrno° ° • twit' l the',: fltholl :Ode
AViewke•owilletl, •dm I.:timbritlge , .oc Soy -
hvook4,-,,;!1, ,lia,aw nothing Or• your, *hit
. W1'4 1 1.410 )0111m 'tits consinsitio9."
ElAoPlaUltke•Jim ii 1.- ,'I i ;. , ~1.,
tre4l#l6W/wi l feili)w , ortio.esae if .iLliewiek
614'Whok ilie,Sidge,Vidal do al the .000kilig
viiiiion Lon i ,what plutforauhey wilktleet
f„ilun n 'i'gylnx,l der answer , to them le Rim
1111101theignewer:given,by the retyrepolaitt
4 1 ,6 4 * oosowiog t , I know nothlegoof the
/10ffalopletform tit the Balticaore plaits/9m ;
oteohhitniiiron the.constitution—upon ithat
he will stele/. atpott that he• will atlininiStee
'9 feet titattionts'l • ,:i sssi'l
't .“10 14 siriT idu i" ) ) . I ,,,,i nt t4ir bi n ' • 1 ',
''• l iirt;,..iipi,;4o;ilJ„k, irc;in the nu a,
' • 'q,,ititintr: it ern' no.eti 'and Mr:
,C. I IP. Miami
iirelimfte lid utdt tb. siand I ' , k o ' l
,_ o 4ooPilliiithlii Wes" ' 'Phe Mr.tir , i6HWir
' 1! ifliftio•itutlunire "The preersit wit frith
s • ftwc well ai m the Nlexioo is, socettatite
-199990, of this Mired in its oilgiwrun
tiolltfte, _pot it b„,, itist in its chffeete . r,punl
uu2p, anal , Iwitai ord.' d e ted nt bin n Its ofrielts:'
-.2;flhkiiViso ifei,'eo. —t. iafer 1%. Adorn f .
If they Ala not hate each other bn) eorfbally
Merserer.'N'llii'lluren and 'Mating could nfor'look
' oadthitlterlin the fite without toughing it the in
idopikk,' owl/volition' they otvupy before the!cionditry.
rrful;3 l g/Cograrr ~, , ,
~ ~
a l TnilYettliO lit lIW --
,T.At a 4,,5t *big;
IN iiiMintrot Port Flurehmn, nem l'erre'Hilatr,
tbdialie, did Atledle wthg incident. is tklited , by ilvor
mirpoodtilbof the binder Journal i ; vs‘t I" , • J .
If 00Y. Leidler made•n most haiptrytail
thessir;•,antt 'particularly gritillyangs . tiethis
iIIIV Mg rite:were. ' lie deptetedilartite /Amu
ghoWinvg enform, the *Ayr') ate& vortheioling
Ilillresety,snliti the many ernintrit tfeldrlica
• ' diptypolun...ll'64 l .lor for the sl'iresteterwy.
IWhiMbepeatkidg of OW , gallant -defamed of
Itipig-flatrisan; kr then Lient; TAylor; Lind
thioltirtivio little band of .soldteri; nu inci-
Anil vitairrild which I cannot; omit men 1 venerable lady was present,
eslvel'hess'lnothe ;Fort at she tint!' , 011ie
higui nnd:nssieted in innititititg Itnillnill for
OW oollklionk •'While CI &v. 1..' wiis olvvvl
- owpoh itho almost foVloni ho to of , the
gattois,"and. piy log 0 , high 4411144 iie eve irr
etinttlikyllw, the ~ o ld Indy became much
excited, anti with tears streaming &mutter
tibleekst 'Vista' hethients andicried obt in a,lonta...(illtry ;us (itelitand everlas ,
hie% Stank& settlers: rleyfor. , ' ' iglia effect
wrfilmetiletriet , inw. show that teentttip
001WebehritlItitutle title end of filo Indira
tiltitirtesri tb P s.• - 1 , ; .• ir ruff
° ' l lr iot tn,` i'a4; tclie witiiile
t - . ,r., / 3,,,,i „, „ ,,..
i g f i ti aylor I pio s pi,,,, ~'
(IT 90C14 e d ,1,',111',T l' ,( '1', 1 1 1 !' . en 4. i- 11 ? 05 '"e -
P,74I, I FAttiIY,I II C I , tj, 1 1"1 1 01Y 11 , , l e l eirk.‘ ) ,^ l.'
1) _Bol o
, (mental ( to i1 1 y,,, to
60 RpNill , ll7)r.. t! , .91:,1111 1 ‘ l?eil. 'the
~cf s pew,,snys. , iii reply c s--:•!,!!'t c upoy i my
,J91:11, sknuiders tlie resputooTlility pt' the
teV" , 9f , tliet 1 L'?" is in '9 ,( I 'l'',V„." !1111 that
t i ong u i ti( it; . , i nip ii re Ra red io i st:l4 by
i dle etnetequetwes in their length and_
t is l a 1 . , .length r.s
PrAit 15', 1,,,
P. 411; ''''Act scliaricattm Alert:ere ilssiovs,
ntp6rn tosilisnitt's :1 Hilton tyto Tlf:1;f;T:1 V
(IA MI iftlAtil (0N1Nll'll;Eils/111318111 , l . '
Sl'llitliittlN, iIy'AVIJIt 4:1I?; lilltleeilltll,-
MlJ'l',', Illtt)It ISO, 4 kit. Psi( l'so 1;0'1A It s•
istC,ill'.4'll , illY Xis:l4l,lF /httitiiii/.,11 Y
L'ONtittlitist •, • . le .., ii, ~ .1
riiVils'ni• •ilill'•.'il'Astik'n '1 .11 ,011i.L- 1 1'wit
("citi4te t tl, i'ttil't etigualiktl 'i it in ititty ? on
Nterntlsll 7 4;''''n'llit `it, ti'n'ts ei r de ' II ee,
Nt..i y'lliiiti," cii., ',AM ituil itiq ht , si..
aik, '0 iiii4l ~‘ •il tailiTtuqutib': of 'pi/02111y
yHtlit[ilt; t at ay; 'slioj t lid 'WO4, iiiiite , (l
A iirei de l ; 4 A! riillgtVi,"
t ‘t , l i ril' li lilktill, the
'gall' c.iqruig fifilioqv ju iihie, , o' las li‘rt;
ilte' •
‘v du nII ' tvia Af x jiic ic (1 iO , tirrit4, l lineettily
EON, „ThiiB then' detl'in till-Ali% idllere
lie s i,oilibi,Atif, the ball ha% mg taken el
lint itit Mill i he t cab /L ilc o ms still
Preat ung ill the art aeconims, 4tit prite pot
1 oinNet,e, ,ty Y,itc., ; ~p is, , lf , • I 1..1
l''' 'Nfilin,:einitiv SS/04;114: 2 -We Wiiiw- in*
P 'f'Ol.thed that Ml' Albedriy lot& 'Joust
M. 'Jou
I,' Nfatitlida4' eaidti to '1100dr:oh ;in 00001.
' loWing'lnaluU , r'': licti:iif.ngiigerl it'll digging
.'a ‘ieli 'll4 filr.'llnetdeberget,'Sbeett Mlle"
beloW 11„litoitsr ; it , apffears' that. Ithather
f.llrilt • I,
01 ,03110 W - 031 A
ir 41* 10
•,. ~i) 1711 , i it tetil 9V,
AZ , 114, 1 1•111. ,M10:011.'
I 7 de:•Pj49•l Itim ,
„:a 1.1 6•Cii v.414, - ,41
•,1 mew...
Ir 011 ,, it •tif itt.t>;',l.;