liallimore Advertisements. WArtHIES,JEWELKY, WATCH TOOLS, AM) MATERIALS. *SLAKE ANID „LYON, f„;144:41 , 42 Baltimore sheer, Baltimore, Md. ' y PULD call the attention of country merchants, watch-makers , traders, am ;individuals to their stock of Gold and SdperLever,Lepino, and Verge Watches, Gal.Pfinmilivand Rings and l'%•ir !tinge. Spectacles, Plated and Britan iii*Ware,—Silver Spoons, Castors and Can dle•stiska. and Fancy Goods,—together with a variety of Lunette, Patent, and Plain \Vetch Glasses. Springs, Verges, Jewels, Pliers, Tweezers, Vises, Ste., which they intend to famish as good and as cheap as env other houso in this city or elutobere. larders for Jewelry, Watch. es, or Watch materials. promptly and care fully attended to at No 192 Baltimore at. Baltimore, April 7, 1848.—dm 3. x: °Rex. lON M. OREM OV.OO MERCHANT TAILORS, *RD RtNOLESALE DEALER, IN Chithis, Ca salsrarres,loiitings and Tailors , Trinamite or, *u. 230 MARKET STREET, N. W. CORNER, OF CHARLES, RALTIMON6. A LAIIO6 •ssoß.Tmercr or REX!) Y - MA DE CLOTHING, . • Of Superior 'Qualify. • .OrONE. . Mora 111, 1848.-1 y _lVilliain Kejlholtz, ttenler in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glans Varnish, Putty, and Mixed Paints, of tritetiors, at the loteeat rotes, Corner of Franklin suit Green streets, opposite the Penn'a Avenue, Baltimore. *,43, Wlmama Kaitmucrchavhig had ; at'fitigg Sie,yerienee in Paints, Oils, &c., be- Ottetractioal House and Sign Painter, *Wren ail information, respecting Paints, &e.. gratis. Country Mar iduints aad others supplied on tooderate terms. get . . SO. 1847.—1 y . .7- Philadelphia Ad verliirfteuts WHIG CONVENTIOL I\TO doubt there will be a large lumber 44.14. ofporsons who intend to 'visit PHIL ADELPHIA to attend the great WHIG cartvErrpoN to-be held ott the 7th of tiekt: To all, such the subrcriber , would, attedtion to his large assort woßif.bfilLTS and CAPS, consist- im Wirf 'ewe Black Beaver and Mole- °Mill is Fine Wilma ROCKY Moura.sin Beittfralrlmd GOIOLUIER (very light.) Pi= nanzlK ns Leghtir, Fine Cubourgsoke., lithicl;lllammer'Caps, of every description, *Hitt 'which will be sold 'at the lowest CHARLES OA KFORD. No. 104 Chestnut Street, between Third . May 19.--1 rn and Fourth Ste. Philadelphia. Great National ork. * lifirtory of Me Revolution and Lives of • the Heroes of the War of Independence, . CUOLES J. PSTICRIIOIII. All IdeViat volume with t 8 floe Steel Plate., and aearly SOO beautiful Wood Engravings. .iThis is a splendid book. A valuable adifition to the Historic Literature of our country. We are much mistaken if it does not rank with the works of Irving sod Prescott."—Franiford Herald. "It surpasses any similar work yet of to the American public:'—Neale Gaulle. "It marbe property Considered a popu larised Military History of the Revolution extremely well and judiciously written."— ; North ilmerical. • "The present work on the Revolution aed its Heroes is superior, both in eltent and design, to any that has heretofore come - under our _ "A well connected . iu'vry - of - that e ventful period."-Ledger. "Pemdedly the best popular History of the Revolution and its Heroes, that hasyet been given to the country."--Saturday Evening Post. SZrAGENTS WANTED, to canvas. for the *Wire — elegant Work in every coun ty •and town in the U. States, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. • Price only $3. .Addresa (post mid) WM. A. LEARY, N 0.168 N. second street, Philadelphia. 'May 19, 18411-3 in Philadelphia Wardrobe Lloth ing Emporium, No 103 ammo' weer, between Third & Four* North Side, D'ART':&ants and others visiting the city. I' side establishment may always be Arland a full assortment of GANTLZ -111 I CLOTHING. to suit all tastes and at 4° Wit reasonable prices as will ASTONISH '111.: A ipubfish no Fiat of prices, but will guarantee to sell as low if not lower than those who make mere pretensions. My goods are all purchased at low prices, and made in as good itylrs as can be found in the city. A call is solicited before purcha sing elsewhere, as the Wardrobe is free to *IL . PERIZY lt. McNEILLE• No. 105 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. N. B.—A large stock of piece goods on head. Oarments made to order at the shortest notice. Slay 10. 1848.-3 in Allegheny House, litti 280 MARKET AT. PHILADELPHIA. Tits subscriber (late of abe Washington Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes this method of informing his old friends and she public generally that he has taken 'the above named HOTEL. The House is airy and comfortable, and has been et rnuilvely altered and improved, and the proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus-. anew and a proper care for the comfort of itistuuts, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. The House is situated liery convenient fbr the Travelling Public, .lutroig only two doors above the Harris burg end Pittsburg Depot, and within two Winton walkNof the Baltimore and Read ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre- Terme $1 per day. ' E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor. Sept'. & 1847.-tf 1055irt0ni.55.4-ESALE it4I IficWAREHOUSE, ralor71:: IrET ITMIET, BETWEEN 4TH STII,I.IOLADELIPIIIA. subscriber • respectfully solicits Abe attention of Country 3lerchants erepuerally to snexsminationofa commute OFOCe OF y-utade Clothing, raj extent, vsitcty end wurktnan '‘. 'lor , Inners himself will give universal 4 1A • • while ills reduced scale of pri n., Monts to furebssers inducements eininelubs 'surpassed by say mbar es. iu die U. States. , JACOB RED. indempbt., Mart b 3, 1848-,-3m aa IP nit a)va j Great Hat, Cap, and Fut 138714111LIS11•11EXT, No. 104, CHEStIitIT STREF:T, Pei wen Third and Four(h sired*, P.l L P JIM /MIL•' Advertiser ham constantly on j hand and manufacturing, every des cription of HATS AND CAPS, of the latest and most approved fashions, con sisting of am YOUTHS' HATE, AND CAPS, 111 Eli in great variety, among which is a new article for Spring and Sumener . wear. MILITARY t:HAPEAUX; Caps. dbc.. made according to the Army end Navy regulations, awl for .**eHority of finish and uuderial i Wye getimbeen surpassed. THE SUMMER RAS/LIONS • l' For gentlemen, consisting of I.Me Rocky Mountain Beaver and. Gossamer Hats, (very light) Panama, Leghorn, Fine Co- Lou, ille„ ee. ' kilo' fine Straw, Braid, it Cloth and Cape ; Lidice Riding Hats ......, ~ , 1 q entst e l Y "Iv l". 9 . 1 “, in fact t ps 1h irgeSt asiortaient livii, before (Aired to the Oldie 4 being is low in price as any Hataiblishment in the country, Illrrliatesi descriptive of the 'Fashions will be found in Godey's Lady's Book, and Grillage/1 &lapin's , . ' Remember OAKFORD'S, N 0.1114 °bean ut street, between Thin! and Fourth sustae, Phikidaiphia. March 3.1343.--1 y w. S. 110PIIINS Umbrellas apd to msol§ Cheap, f. WIW:A. DROWN, LIMIIRELLA - AND PARASOL MANUFcIC• IVREA, 86 lIMIXItt ITHEET, PHILADELPHIA. EALERS in Umbrellas and . Parasols, w tubing to purchase handsome goods, of superior quality, cheap, are invited to call it my, Manufactory and Store, No. SO Market street one door below Third street, whete every variety of Umbrellas and Pa rasols are sold cheaper than they can elm where be obtained. A call when yod visit Philadelphia is requested. An examination of my goods will satisfy you that it will be to your in terest to purchase of me. Orders by letter will receive strict atten tion, and goods •selected adapted to your market., March 3.1848.-3 m FRENCH REVOLUTION. rrtYRAN'Fig, as well as Monopolies, oast- fall; so mast prices. That this is a tact can be 'proved by calling at .11•49. 72, NORTH SECONDStreet above Arch, PHILA- , LE *WRAY, !' 4 '. Fine Gold and Sil * —A verWatches,low ' ,- . - er - than . ever offer . 5 , k . ,- -: ed. in the city. Wholesale and Retail. The stock consists in part of Gold and Bilvet Leven"; l'Epines and Quartier Vetches ; Jewelry of the newest and most fashionable patterns. SILVER SPOONS, dte.—Particular attention paid to these articles, the quality of which is No. 1. and workmanship ditto. The establishment of LE HURAY has been well known for FOURTY YEARS, in SECO.ND Street, and has made a char acter which needs no puffing. Silver TEASPOONS as low $4.50 per set— can be made for less if wished. WATCH GLASSES.—PIain. 10 cts ; Patent. 15 ; Lunette, 20 cts ; other articles in propontion. Remember, you- can buy here below any published list of prices in this city or New York. Watch Repairing rirticolarly attended to, and warranted to give aatisfaction. N. B. Old Gold and Sitio r bought for trash or taken in exchanlre'ae(don't,i(orget the No.) 72 North Second street,fabove Arch, Philadelphia. April 21, 1848. [Sept. 3, '47.—ly] THE CHEAPEST AND LARGEST Assortment: et Cold und Sliver wATeit it, t.* IN PHLUIEL WHOLUALr. dL RTAIL. Gold Lever Witehree full Jew bk. elled. 18 caret cue* 935 tot° Gold 1 puss Watchea, tetll jewelled, 10 carat men, • • $25 to ao Silver Lever Watchea, full jewelled, .17to 20 l'Epine " 9 to 12 Quartiles, fine quality, full jewelled, Bto 10 " " common " 5 Gold Pawns, 1.50 Gold Pen, diamond point, bolder and 1.12 Silver Tea Spoons, Silver warranted equal to coin, 4 so With a large assortment of diamond breast pins and diamond-finger rings, which I will sell much cheaper than any store in the city. With a large stock of neek,eurb and lob Omens; ear tinge and every thing in the Watch sad Jewelry line, all of which I am determined to sell cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. lam satisfied with small profit', and quick sales. As for my sto ok of Watcheeeboth gold and silver, I defy, competition ; as re gards quality and quantity, I am prepared to sell them by. the single watch, by the dozen or gross. so that persons can be sure of being suited with a watch out of my extensive stock. Persons, by sending the amount of money which they wish to ex pend. can have goods sent to any part of the United States, West Indies or Canada; or by sending the money to any express office, the money to be paid on the deliv ery of the goods. All I ask is a trial, to convince persons it will be much to their advantage to purchase from me. I guar antee all goods I sell to be what they are represented, or the money will be refund. ed. Please save this advertittenteni, and call at I.EWIS LADOMUB' Cheep Watch and Jewelry Store, 413 MARKET St. above Eleventh. North side, Philadelphia. 11:7•A11 kinds of Watehea imported to order. April 21, 1848.-Om ♦T TILE VA 3CLETT ST OAS In Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, tAN be purchased, as cheap as may J be expected, Steel Bead Reticules and Purees, Beads and Clasps, Purse, Twist, Scissors, Thimbles, ebonite, Flow ers, Cords. Worsted and Worsted Patterns, Card Boards, Combs, Bilk Canvass, Lilly White, Cologne, Hair Oil, Head Dresses, Tooth Brushes, Hooka and Eyes. Bed Lace and Carpet Binding, together with an assortment of JEWELRY. April 7. 4848.—tf, ' PERFUMERY, ;SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, &c. for sale IItLPHIA C. WEAVER. BOOKS ON THE .1•14. Lire bt-tt sold. l2mo. Price, single NAT VAAL& SIC 511F.110E5,,, Iletmy,4ll.f.eents. PUBLLSTULD gg L N., rourica. illke neat olc.i Fowler k. Wells, . t cal and Physiological . 131 aran all 3i , .. lad “ alleshanoc z Published yearly. Con ta in :S igg idlasamesd descriptions of many of the All of which nary be onferad and arnmanKV INA_rihatiagasiaal characiate living. The . 'llium or the Filmy Tait, by and Rte soVID: hmad sales of which are 20040111 copies. age aniont,Sstl daseiness abeam - ' Zesh gm &me& only SO cents : single '-- z 141 ends. Phrenology - Peered Allignialli • • lea. ass L. x. vain* ititliiite- Ipplied. Accompanied by a Chum MI jp , Annudagetti J ournal bracing a swim Eleatamwry View • Clasedhearr , Hervotail 10 PhrenologY, rbric 4 ogr v ,c r ilb i li wir dic wr alinalaidne'; )Iris To vvi en g ra d ei ng a- t „....... i a ilie, Z o. .... wialb nerlininc au nilin gr iust , 1 1 hii General &egression. To be pal i sYi -- aa- .42r ...-.."'”' __•••=__...".'..". '''. , 0 el artaddr. each number containing thir st e. s. anwasm. w ., 4 01-Itmai llari e ssitsve pages, and illustrated legreati Z ma lles " atz "Imiris midi - —ll trials parennis sof distinguished individuals. • ApPlied to a Imprewensam. • nutar: Terasan ..........._. in advance. no . oi. ad improved ediums. Bilminsid walk, um& cuutur '' — nus Reacue cue, if uri ; nits. 25 engravings. Ihno. Ptiew 50 aim. If iiiviciur ef Moral end Intellectual :sn a g riss physical, aseshil, and isand 1 t jr . ; ,,,,,.,„ mi a - Quarterly Phut:- ay. qualities are tramniaahle , no sate sill est- 0 sei — c . - 1 ' lock ' jearsaL ontaining Essays akeskiss 11Y- How istelwrealle. - leeell inionTheinkto as a depattatent of Phys- i stand the condition" at tic Indy asid nor m . ~5 . ,...-.4 auteacc. esidhittn , its varied and 1 which P icchi " °Slaw gc li wichilcsr wm i l iw wii " - .7 "s—n appikatiolie loth% limit in terestd able impressions es dope asksins. Tin . ~,...i tint Imestiews of social and moral phdoso- 1 s i r e uid al be nec ananuaad " ehisalin i cill by ac iw illeinewsw "",,,,_ — `• thy. as ' * medicine, and the arts --"— 's isaf kit somber will contain 112 Messenger. • , DIR. ANNUM CIIIIIMIL. : jive% bewiniffially "rioted.. with illustra tions. Price per year. in advance, "2. The Principles .f Pliyaielery Liplikod.; am .seat aIUBDELA. ""ine to the In3Prereineat ti rbrialaileal illeal- " Tlie raid.: Their structure, Disease, tal Educatioi, 'rewind' se sidird. %mei 4 ama Tneanneut. with the causes of Early and C4weirealielna " te r 1:1L . 4; Irewalkee ', Deray., With directions in relation to u , Pe i r in tli t , s e irstu . s ._ lm P ener ds„.. .E Irki + .,,, aboeg waehua .,..... ; ' deer care and iteservati„a. l2mo. 11-- --- -- ' Esc kJ with one hundred engravings.— _P. " :MI AP),I.!-- - • 4, elles4lllllloll4 - 603•12 1-2' cents: religion s li r iiiiia le d arleaaii I is I z arr i 11.,. a. !OWLS,. the Natural Theology and Siwalemaings , The p aresudegicid Gu i de : D es i gne d or Phreanla gY . iciekedlia ll an Inue .aninea ' gas' sin use of Students of their own Taught and Duties hicsbared ditrefiy"Y same Containing the first principles of Char compared with 'those eepsimed is illseStras.. . the mitelsoe. Member with an illustrated force, together with a Pberadereard Es - , ,/,, nmse ,.... 4 hymperaments. 25th position of the Doctrines of artsasieSsaw.. v-it-ina.-v--mtuvo. rice 12 I _ 2 cents. Materialism, Holiness. tram. Beiramits. ant TUE star AUTHOR. Punishments. Deprasityr, a Chowsh of p J Pkrersology and Physiolo- Heart, Will, Foreordination. and Wkstsihnin. c co ndensed des crip 1- ..r.y.: entpnoing a Tenth edition. Pries 50 cents. MIMI *Jibe Body and Mind. Also, the ad- Blr THR lIMIRIC AMOR thttimonal dionmenes made by the aid of f Nytiolog,, .linisial wad illimail z _ip- mairesectimmand Neurology. S mal l quarto.' thheof Bodyreserratu and s: f un power i Biestien acm cern inut rinweilgatatne r ederaly wlthi. Pol!kitinetaoltl-i cents. engravings.— With toenty_-_six engravings ea wenit,-- 12mo. Price 50 coats- N. B.—Any work named in this s. Cate- BY Tug astir area Urn mini be ordered and received b - i re- i s ems ef site first mail. at a trifling expense ' 4l. Culture and Pa f eerins e f CI"- t.__ ~ by enclosing in a letter the re crier: including the Illatsl;iritmossof feed.- t. and directing the same. Improved edition. 12ine Prim Silais. paid. le BY 11111. se=a sarnasi. FOWLER b WELLs. Memory and Intellectual befun r. • No 131 Newel* street, ii. York. Applied to Self-Liicssiom aid Juisenelle 1 113FSeedi min. or wawa! bank note*, may be Instruction. Twentieth okra, egaireill anallaned in a inner, and sent by mail to the pub- , and improved. Withtweasymat glagrar Badman. wham ilianamang the podage, in pay went rings. 12mo. Price 50 cents. ,it Artie aSave named works. ■as. L. N. IGWUR. Jane 2, rats. Familiar Lew*, on "pi to anti Phrenology : designed fur tabr lame Ali - Country Merchants can Save Children and Youth, la& hoots and Faia-0 FROM 13 TO 25 PER CENT. ilks. Illustrated with slaty-lime an S us jaY purchasing their Oil Cloths direct wings. §tereotYPed edizioa 6 1243 " L— hum the manufacturers. Price $l. L. N. romrus Marriage: Its 15stoly end Pfsaiose- -; Haereisened a Warehouse. No. 135 North phy with a ph ren app r a an d sweet. above Race, second door logical Exposition of the Fun and 04 . 01 rei CA the Eagle lintel, ILADEL- Qualifications for Happy Mani:ages- 11-Ifth PHIL where they will always keep on editi o n, amply alustr a t t d wills eagr a a law ,_ kneel areemipleie assortment of Patent Elas -12 ow. Price 37i cents. _. Carriage Oil Cloths, 28. 30, 40, 40, 48 DR. J. G. MITICCILICEIL. ' Ira St itiehes wide. Figured, Painted, Education, Founded en to .% ,r sad Plana, on die inside, on Muslin, Linen .Ilan: withan Appendix, kry Weil.; mai Dritlier. Table Oil Cloths of the containing an illustrated tlescriiinotani atur wan desaralde petterns. 36, 40. 16 and 51 Teinperainents, and a brief mall-sat sdalii icr.6 wide. floor Oil Cloths, from 2tl the Phrenological Organs. Wain a re- illf4JtV so 24 feet wide, well seasoned, and trait of the author. 12um reise Sal 61 . TieWC , FI Nlyit• of pa ners, all of their own cents. meander - lure. fla'"Transparent Window Rev. rows emu WM. Sara Ica, Carpet', Lc. .111 goals xarrant- Lrctures on the Phi osoithy of ifesearr- es LJune 2,1848-3 m thin and C airroyeatee : with sitinur- solo D'aistid. 63 " in iu p rocess and P rjruirei a n Lar4 " - lIREE AeTmts wanted to circulate a dim. Illustrated with a likeness *if stbe srundier of New and Popular Works author in the act of c ueing envniitur ca AA monis- For further particulars sleep. New and elarged eihnota. =nu 2.1 Book : sio ie re o f Cheap edition, only 25 mass. KELLER El U Jaz. )LIDO II- Human Rights end aria Poilinsll ENO Ir LLME 11 T H. 3 T Guaranties : founded on the Mani add itt:111 RrA r & CO. Intellectual Laws dour Being. Pheettell- H IVE REMOVED from 192 Market ogy adopted as the true pilesophy di mind sirert„ au their New, Splendid and With Notes and Appendix, by Coeur Combe. New and eithigied etEntato.,--- llowornse Estailishneent to be k now nas the Price 50 cents. Tower Hall Clothing Bazaar, (Kr Mr. Hurlbut is Row Juikar al ear . Supreme Court in the city of Lew Twit -4 IIZTVICZN Irtirlril AND SIXTH, DR. JOHN D. 11111151 LAN. Fascination : or the P hiosoplig 1 1 Charming : Illustrating doe Pinomples. Menem-arum Aida neltictanee in pro of Life in connection with Sprain and m.o.- —} g atin g '-loaf is any wry might appear IrL l2mo. Improved and sreseneeped. ide de mad bombastic exaggeration of L ` 4.1f:fill!) . illustrated in the *tam some no the trade, but vrill beg leave to • . the art. Pee only 40 centus wiser die folloaring notice fom one of our L. N. lITY.IJEIL. CiRY Symbolied flsad az a ••{Par of the greenest curiosities that our form. Mamma as•rvs- 253165 10 the "mailer , is BEN vey at one view the mannal hoginge as NETT & COS great clothing Aare, No. each organ of the mind. Ram 25 as. IS2M.L - terstreet,betweetiFfth and Sixth, nes. nato.. '' eine' b has bees styled "Tower Hall," ;roman Ahmain ad ha m . &am des pear ±6aisb of the front. The erwe with a general L m a sid i m , b balking es an immense one, containing C. M. Kirkland. Illustrated withillomen itimmen caparisons rooms, all of which are portraits of dissimilated mamms llitma.• rilected welt revery variety of seasonable Price 40 cents. groments. arranged in the most perfect or- LOCI, COIm dew mad negidardy. The proprietors take .1 Sober and Temperate Life: wig:; Irug *moss is showing their building Notes and Illustrations, by leis panda„ and cessents to the citizens. particularly Dentist. Containing ifnections as as de, socultrok, and so those coming from the quantity of food necessary en podeng lie, ensuitsy. We know of no place more to an hundred yeas. 'With IratillY at a meroui West:alio' as, and a Friezes of die -1161 25. 15140 , --3ifi author. Price 25 cents- limns wow at. on. a. ' 1 mjunaugnizugg. aernistry dppiheit to Physisisgy. ligriessitare, and Cantmertr: with addi tions by Dr. John Gardner. Lange otsa ro. Best edition, paper, attly Zr man. 1 o. s. YOUrtilL. Love and Posentoge • oppirsoll so dm : . Improvement of Offspring ; ank-' portant directions and wggraaiswa so lasi era and the marriedl„ cooesemang the suroo-, or= maillernigHaed has connected with gest ties and the most smontdawd smaiara-: 111 his C.wichastaking Establishment a tons relations of life. Ikea. Bliesinaoh, bete &alb Shop. and is prepared to do Pities $5 tests. ALE azaias Or ST TUB sass JUMBIBIE; lIELACKS.VI ITIIING, Anurtiorness or Es awl Remake ENCIMMIXO of Ezetwitsive sad Pavvenad SesawEity =IR 12105110101181111, WAGONS, &C. including warning and aerie so des allaa-!Illo would say to those who have Horses to rigid and Single. Be* a 645,Palossot shoe. dot he has in his employ first-rate """ve end Plinag age• " 1211.6 Pte"' lank 11141ELITital his personal attention, 1211 cents. h Ira email& iiirto_give entire satisfaction IT TUT sass inning. so al dime who allay favor him whit a call. Tensperonteand 7TRAPhiriagr. Fans & 1 CARRIAGE is OUGGY SPRINGS, ed on the Laws of Lik. a diewdayad by t i (w a rd' wall he promptly made to or. the sciences of Phreamiogy and q der at ail knee. BY ; showing the lePoriema logaraiet ICPAII kinds of REPAIRING done, ulnas, and the evils libeled ow the is-!; bosh is Broodsod iron, at the most redue. man constitution, by conareorkg the as-h' ad prim, gene of animal life' analligallavs i r h aP.rllll2•Tbsoltiel for past encouragement, propriate engravings. Sin.. ,Prres 124. due swhaankerstaheitasa continuance ofpat cents, nasare. wail invites his friends to call at Sr vire alarm arenow.. Eilbiliarnikaitast is west Chambersburg Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Pliays-:. s e, a g esr d ams below Thpmpson's Hotel. i °logy A pplied to th e selection. of Cancroid C. W. HOFFMAN. Companions for Life. Including due '.O Gettysiirtirg, October 15, 1847. lions to the married for living together ad- , fectionately and happily. Illastraard.,—.). GARDEN SEEDS, Octavo. Price 25 cents. :ar RANTED Growth of 1847, in BY rue sot= ATIIBOU. every variety. just received, and Synopsis of Phrenology: desigotell for ' I kr sale at the Bookstore of the use of Practical Phrenolegiaer. Aso4 KELLER KURTZ. ply Illustrated. Of which 1714/1/ 1 0 ear Km* 17,1545. roller at. Caroni-chat: FO. 12 mAILIKET STREET, D SPEPSI Art-- find and all Diseases of the Mornisch and . Bowels. fYEIPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its conseinenees, 7 —An eminent Profe ssor says: 0 1ft-bitty arises in persons who lead either a - very eedintary or Irregular life. Although not regarded as a fatal di sease, yet; if neglected, it may bring on in curable Melancholy - . Jaundice, Madness, Vertigo, Malay, and Apoplexy. A great singulanty attendant on it Is, that it may and often does continue a great length of time without any remission of the limp torus.. CAUSES:—Grief and uneasiness, of mind, intense study, profuse evacuations, execs! in velvety, excessive use of apir lions liquors,' te*, tobacco, opium and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o ver distention of the stomach, adei ciency in the secretion of the bile or gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp 'air, are the chief causes of this disease. SYMPTO3IB.---toss of appetite, nau sea, heart-burn, acidity and fetid eructa tions, gnawing of the stomach when emp ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed sleep. TREATMENT.—DR. A LLB N' S VEGETABLE COMPOUND has nev e' failed in affording immediate relief and a radical cure for this disease. Principal Otlice, No. 77 N. Eighth at., east aide; Philadelphia. For site yt Get tysburg by S. S. FORNEY. July 30, 1847.—1 y Dr. C. W. Appleton's Celebrated Remedy FOIL DEAFNESS, Mb Al NS in, and discharge of mattet from, the *6 ear, together with all other unpleasant symp toms, which either accompany or announce ap proaching Deafness. This ant aluable medicine in the result of a long and faithfully pursued course of experiments instituted with the mole tiew to iliscot el (it possible) ■ certain, and. at the same time, a sale remedy for this dreadfully afflicting disorder, and after being exterisit ely used in the private practice of the subscriber during the last eight years, in very numerous cases with the most remarkable success, iirstow offered to the public, for the benefit of those who, from distance or other causes, cannot have the personal attention of the proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy'. and in the firm belief that it will ,not disappoint the expectations of those who mai hayeoccasion for its eec ; in short, that it is the most VALUA BLE, article ever °dried to the public for this di sease. cc ,- For .ale in Gettysburr. by S. H. BUEHLER, in Abbwtsiown by Wis. Brr-rimintn. in Oxford byLti.vt & Rnrr. and in Frankhn township by MUNI As. J. COO, It R. [Aug. 6, 1547-1 ROWAND'S CARMINATIVE SYRUP fry S a certain cure for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cho leia Morbos, Bowel Complaints. /tic., he , as thousands' wit I certify who have tested its chines within the few months it has peen offered to the public. Ite,ul the Certificate of Dr Ross, a high ly respectable phydician of Philadelphia: “(:?ililetmen —I cheerfully hear testimony to the enoil etTects of your CARMINATIVE SY ft after having been cured of IrtiOtri severe attack. of Diarrhea, within the last few months. Being opposed to grAca[ar in any form. it took much persuasion from a !Fiend, a ho keeps it In his house as a-famiLy medicine, • to induce me to make use. of IT. He spoke so contidenPy, I gore it a trial; and I was not slow to make a trial of it. on the second attack. trig been 'rites etl so soon on the first. I hate presacri bed the cartliklialus e Syrup to a Meat or ely of toy p r • irnls, and I am pleased to sat. o same g effects. You are at fiber It to ti-e this as you oleos.. Your s No, I' I'. S. IZOISY. .11. n. ',de 111 Ge , lye,burg H. IA: Eli R, in Ahnot t”, ISv ISt rriNna.u. rn .Ixford Lit LT : 1 / 4 LIT, and in Frwailnr, coaau~tup by Taw.," as J. Colorlll. Dr. Cullen's Indian Urgelatle Sprrifir For Female Complaints. Ail inediocc is fast taking the place oteve- E4s ry prept:ation heretoinre used for diseases arising from %Veakness or other causes. All that is necessary to secure th•s medicine a place in the Domesti: l'ractice of et ery family. when such a medicine is needed, is a t rial. It speaks n 411 , 4 ,11 is innocent in its operation, and no injury can a rise from its use at any time. /'For sale. wholesale ar:d retail, by Row as & WA 'Tom. Proprietors. 376' 2Harket st. Phila. and by S. 1l BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bittinger, A bbnitstow ; Lilly ak Riley. Ox ford, and by T. J . Cooper, Franklin tp. (Aug. 6, '47—ty ZSABELLA NURSERY. GETTYSBURU, PA rßurr TREES, of all kinds, (graftc in the root,) can he had of the sub scriber on reasonable terms. Please cal sod judge for yourselves. C. W. HOFFMAN. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. HENRY SMITH, RESPECTFULLY informs the citi zens of Gettysburg, and strangers who may tarry here until their beards grow, that he has opened a new saloon in the shop formerly occupied by ham Nucor, in West York street, one door West of Pazton'allat-store, where he intends prose cuting the Tonsorial business in all its va ried and various branches. Ilis razor's good and sharp, Hell shave your lace without a amen. Gentlemen, call and see for yourselves. His sponge is good. his towels ate clean, And in his shop he's always seen. ICI' He also respectfully informs the gentlemen that they can at any time have theirboota_blacked in the neatest style.— Gentlemen hen also have grease removed from- their clothes. Mary Ann Smith RESPECTFULLY informs the ladies of Gettysburg that she has furnished the room adjoining the above, where she intends prosecuting Shampooing and removing dandruff, in which her friends have been pleased to accord to her the palm of supe riority. She will also attend to removing grease from ladies' apparel. Gettysburg, April 21, 1848. HI t MOI4H TONSOR S. IL' TIPTON. FASHIONABLE Barber, and Hair Dresser, has removed his “Temple" to the diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where he Can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public From long experience he natters himself that be can go through all the rtiluificatkons of the tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as will meet the , en tire satisfaction of all who submit theni. rhino to the keen ordeal of his razor. i ge hopes; therefore, that by attention to litPli; ness and a= desire to please, he will mirk as well sa receive a liberal share ofgaidlo patronage. The sick will be attended toe their private dwellings. BONNE TA & HAT FINE lot of fashionable Summer A HATS and BONNETS are just o pened at STEVENSON'S, at reduced prices, where is now offered a full assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens warp, &c., &c.. May 26, ISM TO THE AFFLICTED ! Corrip9 . und Medicated Candy vOß the Cure of Colds, Coughs,tpit , ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Pains and °prominent, of the breast, .and all otber Psltnonaty complaints, and other - diseases which have a tendency to produce. Consumption. 1 ,411 serves also as an effectual. clearer of the voice. , This Candy is entirely a vegetable Pa; wane!), the principal ingredients ben*. Hare-hound, Wild Cherry% Sarsaparilla, Boneset, Elecempane, Liqudrice, Flax seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and will, if taken in time, relieve the system front those distressing afflictions that tend to Consumption. One • great advantage •in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the public not being imposed upon by • the enormously high prices which are generally exacted for Patent and other medical Preparations. Each package contains directions. Call; and try it! Prepared and sold at the Confection and Variety store of. the Subscriber in West York street, one squire from the Court house, and next door to 'rhompson's Ho tel. It can also be had of the following a gents-- S. H. Buehler and S. S. Forney, Gettysburg; J. Brinkerhof f Penfield; Mrs. Duncan, Cashtown ; J. Lower, Arrendtstown ; Peter Mickley, Mum masburg ; D. Kauffman, Bendertville; J. Burk holder. BenderaelUe; Stable, UutMtow s Mill ; J.S. Hollinger, tleidlersburg Henry. Abbotts town ; Sborb and Johnson, Emmitsburg. C. WEAVER. Gettysburg, Dec. 17, 1847. I'ri7T7MWTTT.Pg I MI THE. MOST EFFECITA I. OF ALL KNOWN REM EmEs. Dr, Drake's Panacea, The only radical cure for Consumption! T A Lzd) remove. and permanently cURIS all Jag. all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood—viz.: Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheu• matism,Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, or Pestules on the lace, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'fetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms,: Sciatica or Lumbago, diseases arising from an injudicious me of Mercury, Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in life: also Chronic Constitutional sDisordets. In this medicine several innneent but very po tent articles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compound entirely different in its char acter and properties from any other preparation, and um ivalled in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It should he in the hands of every person, who, by business, or gener al course of life, is predisposed to the very many aliments that render life a Curse, instead ola bless pig. and so often result in death. FOR SCROFULA. Dr. Drake's ?Wares is re commended as a certain cure. Not one instance of its failure 11115 ever occurred when freely used It cures the disease and at the same time imparts %Igor to the whole system. Scrofulous persons can never pay too much attention to the state of their blood, Its purification should he their first aim ; kit perseverclM will accomplish a cure of teen lareduary disease.. FUR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. scurvy. Scorbutic Ailectnnis, Tumors, White Swelling, Erysipelas, Ulcets, Cancers, Running Sores, scabs and Riles, Dr. Drake's Iliskicea camod'he ton high ly extolled ; it searches ourlise very root of the disease, and by removing it from a system,makes a cure certain and permanent. IN oh:Es rioN.—No inettioine perhare has es so been d I sco ve red which gives no much tone to the stomach and ca.,ses the secretion or health s a tnejuice to i!ecoinpose the loud as Di Dial,'s Panacea. Rill EU t'I'IM —Dr. Drake's Panacea is u sed with the greatest success in (then omit- Com plaints, espesially such as are al/10111C. II ellfts by driving out all impurities and foul 11.1100f1 hinh have accumulated in the sy -tem. which are the rau•e of Rheumatism, cont,and sue! of the join's. Other remedies sometimes glee temporary relief, this entirely erarlic ales the di, ease from the system. en en ‘c hen the limbs and hones are if yeast lolly swollen. I'OVjU\iI'CIUN can tie cured. Coughs. Ca tarrh, Bronchitts, :spitting of Blood. Asthma. Dif ficult or protuse Expectoration, Hectic Night Saran', Pain in the side, &n., hale bran clued, and can he a ith as much certainty as, an) other simple disease. A specific has long been sought for but in %sin until the discovery of Dr Drake's Panacea. It is mild and sate but certain and efficacious in its operation, and cannot possi bly injure the most delicate constitution. We would earnestly recommend those afflicted to give it a trial—and we hell ve they will not base occa sion to regret it. The system is cleansed and s•rengthened the ulcers on the lungs are heated. and the patients gradually regain their usual health and strength. Read the follow ing testimony Phtladr/pAio, Dde. 14th, 1847. DIAII Sift --In reply to your question respect ing the use ot Dr. Drakes Panacea, I will say, that although a perfect disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure tar nU diseases, howmfer val uable it may be in certain conditions of the sys tom, still I have believed that a cure for Con sumption would be discovered sooner or later. and curiosity led me to try your medicine in toe very inveterate cases. They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be eor.xoaaaT cossdmr. TION, and abandoned by them as tenure/de. One of the, per-one had been wider the treatment ot several very able practitioners for a number of years, and they said she had "old fashirmed Con sumption combined with Scrofula," and that ■he might linger for sometime, but could not be per. manently relieved. In both cases the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying. Only lour or five bottles were used by one of the persona before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. I will only add that familiar as lam with consumption by inheritance and by exten sive observation as a study; and knowing also the injurious effects Istinine cases out of ten of tar, boneset, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of many of the expectorants and sedatives, I should never have recommended the use of Dr. Drake's Panacea if I had not been acquainted with the ingredients. Suffice it to say that these are recommended by osAr most popular and scion tine physicians, andl s 'faUtheir present combined state form probably the best alterative that has ever been made. The cure is in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in France a few years ago by one of her most eminent wri• tees on medicine, and now established by Bets which admit of no dispute. Very respectfully yours, L. C. GUNN. To use the language of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea is always salutary in its effects—never injurious. It is got in Opiate.—it is dot an Ex pectorant. It is not intended to lull the invalid into a fatal .sidurity. rt is a great . remedy —a grand healing and curative compound, the goat and only remedy which medical science and skill has yet produced for the , treatment of Ai* bailer to unconquerable I.nalady. And no person afflict ed with this dreadfal disease, will hi just tehim• self and his friends if he go down to the grave without testing ita virtual. A single bottle, in most clues, will produce a lkvorable change in the condition or any patient, however low." TO TUE LADlES..—Ladiesof pale cemplex. ion and erinsotriptive titbits, and such al are de bilitated by those.obstructions Which female* are liable to, are restored hy the use of a bottle or two, to bloom inid viger. It it ,loy far the best remedy ever dilcovered 'far Weekly children, and such as have tad human t ; being pleasant, they tike it.' It immediately restores the appetite; strength iutdcolor. - - - • • • -• Nothing cap be mere surpriiing than its invig. orating effects on the human frame. P*llol.llsll we a kness and lassitude before , taking il, at one, become rotnitt and full of energy undo!' its awe. It immediately counteract, the nerreleim. nem of the female frame. CAUTIONti-Be careful end sr. that, you get the genuine Dr, DasKi's Psxsess— it boa the signature of Geo. F. &tones on the wrapper -end also the name "Da. Desires Psesesa, Pans." blown in the glass. Prepared only by STORVII& Co.Druggiste, No 21 North Sixth street,Phila., and for sale by S. H. BUEHLER Gettysburg, COOK & ZELLER, Blereersburg. Mon 18411.—1 y • • • Stanton's External Remedy, CaLLti. irtiV S 111 now suffreosally acknowkdged to be the INFALLIBLE For'Rheummusns, bpi nalA ffections,Contractions of the Muicles, Sore Threat and,QulnsY. 111- enesiOld Ulcers, Pains la the Back and Cheet,Ague in the Breast Ind fait, . • Tooth-Ache. Siiraitis,:itruisesi I l l i eu milSartikeroup, F i t z oatird'Opet apg ati , . . , ervott•4)4o,l,4 Ho s. IThrrli tlhilfilENT is eusteinipg,a notori , t om ` atiesitielled . by Any ieinedl, rol-tuna tio peeling to.giva 4141 repetition, it hue been tor , bolus, time silently aiaiLishilly.iiecuring It, and now , ben ets beneficial. elici t s Imise been imperlimitid by so many, the expresaionaof grat itOdsare tf de mo ph. have been muds whole looms, istedecirous that the afflicted should no hangar remain Ignorant of its invilinlible and infallible efficacy. Mr. Geo.f.,,ldtanton, the Proprietor, is con stantly receiving testimoglels of benefits recei,ed from ltd use, Ind many of the cures it has effected almost belief. In one case a child had v been a eripple rot right yea - 4,, tia,ing wienehed ethit spinci,l•hen at the age of two yeara; by a tall 'from • chair. hledieel liege/tent piled, but four bottleeof the Liniment reitottd hied to`iiirtngth, and he aow joins with his playaisted in their youthTul gambols, robust as th e . hcalthtest o them ' and only a shush hurnFon' his back to re rnindhisit of his early sufferings. Price 25 cents per bottle. The Aurae* 'Friend. STANTON'S PAPIWEY-OINTMV.NT, CRNOWLEDOEO to be the most valuable Mb remedy that bee yet been discovered, and,Telied jarllh epnGde pee, b alkwhe may have occasion for its use in eases of MILK FEVER, AGUE IN THE BREAST, SORE NIPPLES, ke. Thiaoinimeni is particularly intended for those complaint. that Mothers ire liable to during the wrong us infants, and may be truly celled "The Norse s Friend. Price cts per box. C I; STANTON, Propiiitor, Sing Sing, New York. Sold by S. 11. Bnehler and S. S. Army, Get tysburg; Won. My, East Berlin ; A. 21P- Arland, Abboustown ; Lilly and IWeyy Oxford ; Jacob auk:hang*, ilfaMptein E. Zuck, New Chester; King. Han fenstown ; liollzinger Fem. Peters burg. (Y. 8.); G. ll'. Ileum Fairfield. Jan. 7,18.13.-4 m CULLEN'S hidings regetuble AP evilest ea, (a) OWAND & WALTON invite attention to 4:0., the following advertisement: PR. CU I.LEN EVER VICTORIOUS ! Asa proof of the emstintieci , sneers. of MILLE:NS INDIAN 1r Eta IABLE PANA CEA. we refer to s few of the many Certificates in our possession for cures perforated by this great Perifier. Copt. T. L. Sanders, Constable of South Mul berry Ward, cured of Busber's Itch. Mr. J P. Reese s child, Nu. b 3 North Seventh street, cured of hereditary Teller, w hich towered its entire body. Mr 51. 211'r:teas' ehild. No. 3SO Merkel street stillyted with Scrotirlei frOulits birth. :% . Ir. R. W. )laxweil„ Grape Court, Markm et., above Eighth, cored of Scrofula, had fnawteese open u!ceis upon his body at the time he cam menced taking the medicine. Miss Christiana Sande. Wert Prrnee street. be tween Peach and Willow sts . near the Sehoylkill clued of Scrofula ; had soared eight years: her head was -u touch affected that tea and coffee, pags out at her ear—this is U strong race. Capt. Juhn K. Bart-lay, N 0.400 Market street, Philadelphia, cured Dl Scroliflous Sore Leg of yews standing. This ta-e is cell known to ma ny Of 0,,r best idly smut., kw have frequently adti•ed ilflli.llla . ion. Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr.. No. 5 Jefferson, west of z‘chlit I kill sixth street, below Locust. This was undoubtedly one of the must rases of scrufkos net cured, and In certified to by many OS our hest physicians awl cleigyoseu and also by Joseph Barbour, No. I Short Corm, emit from "I . ..cleth street, above Bate, cured of Seri:ollou* 'ore Throat to eight yeatestanding. Mr J. IL. child, N0..134 rlotk street, Philadelphia. Mr. Michael Dory. No. ?fi North Freer (at P. lit ady iv. C 0..) Philadelphia, tused sd Tel ler of lO eaty live years. Mr. Pleincoing, No. 24(1 Washington sheet, I..ctaevoi highth and Ninth, Philadelphia, eureil of Eryaipelal afoul years, which deitsuy emi the llerh IC the hone. , William Harker, cured of Scrofula This rase had been In the hospital many months and du chanted as incurable—he la now well and mar be seen daily at our ochre. MI. David Kirgan, Muddy Creek, Hamilton County, Ohio, cured of Scrofula. This was • rely severe ease, and Kirgao says that could rno ney'prerent, he would not undergo this same al diction for Ten Tholisurid Dollars, and yet he was Cured for a few dollars by TOr. Cullen's Vegetable Panacea. ' Mr. John W. Hazleton, of :gullies Hill, rifw Jersey, eared of Tetter of over ten y ea• s stand ing, with a few bottles of the Parses% Mr John Broeken, Germantown. at the age of oil years, was cured of a violent Totter, that had Goo bled him fur eighteen years. Mrs. E r e Siscoe, No. 43 South streethetwecn Third and Fourth, from Schuylkill, cured of le ver Sorra on bet aricles, after suffering pi ell e yearn with them. Mrs. S. ii A 2 year/ Male. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Foster, Second st., !bur' doors above Washington at.. was cured of's Totter on her leg, which had troubled her fourteen years. Mr. Hiram Ridge, Attleboro, .Bache county Pa., cured of halt Rheum. This we bad beta pronounced incurable k y some 14 or 14 physi cians of the first standing—es a last Teatilt I ad recourse to CoLIZBI'II rani mu, and was eared completely in a few months, after inhering 17 years—the disease bad covered almost his 'WIT* person. Mr. Mules Otis, late of Parisb street, now of Manayank, cured of Tetter of 5 years in heads end feet. • • Mr.. Mel lon Grubb, Juniper street.neer Fpnire, cured of F.crofulous ulcers on the .shoulders, which had defied the doctors mons then* year. Afflicted reader, seed to our Office sod. get these Certillestee, rTOM which yen will leers the extraordinary ishrings of these persons, as 'Asa as the mode of erne. - .Sold, Wholesale and lets% by RINIPASII s row, Proprietors, q7d Markin grow, Philadelpli a, sad by the following Agents: 8:IL - Buehler; Gettyrßorg. Wm. Bittinger, Abbottatown. LWv 4. Nfprd. T, Copper, rrAnklin tp. May 5,18413.--2 m (August 6,111.7.) Jarril Tli,a4 difJl 4 o TRAM JUST received at sTaysimporre, another supply of APS; face)! OZR. RING and 817.10.4withirow. May VII, 18-413. THE STAR' AND, erg z /*pb/liked,. •PKI' iy i 5044,4 114 Colifily ;44411hiltiiiita i g"id,l4l:4 lr. 1 Vieiaoly - DAVID.A. BITRIIVER; "`" ' ' e , \--- •fristgriririov.u.v...vp 1, •,. 1r paid in adypneomr,-4th i lnKhe year, s2.y es annum—if notliald With 'MI the y ear, $9 51). ); ‘ u psperdiscontinues uatilailarresragei are gild-- except at the opt ionathe.Editor. , fliaglelropiea ei mats. ,-A kilare to notify la dincontiguanao win be Tslardett sea new engagement . • • 4fdttertismosar notemeeeding a egoist lailerfeti three times for 01—every subsequent iseervo % 94 cents., , Longsr ones in tiresome pvelurrrio c All advertisements sot specially ordered for a given time, will be continued until fothid, A liberal reduction will be made to those Who 44- verties by the year. • Job Printing of all kinds exe rutet! neatly link promptly, and on reason able terms, • Letters and Comumoirotionocothe telitOr, (ex % eepting such as contain Money or the nereari of 'OM sub•crobarg,) must be POST 1.111, if 14( .. INVOI 4401169 n, . . . .. T, pi ... . . .