Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 16, 1848, Image 1

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    .7 1 „
11 41. 1.1
- D. A. IltMl4lt, EDITO
l'OL: "X I X.-111
S. 11. iIfEitLER
lIAS jut received, in addition to his
11, former large stock, a largely increas
ed auortmenl. of
. oSuitooit find- 4gi•'
.. „111OKS
almost every variety of Staud
t olaskil Popular Literature ; also, .
Busk Books Ana stsitiosiery
100 kinds. GOLD PENS, Pencils, Vis
iting and Printing Cards, Card Cues, Ink
stands, Ace.Atc. all of which will, as usual,
d p:r.ll#l7-1E LOWEST - PRP
OCT Arrangements have been made by
which 'anything not included in his mort
al-tint will be promptly ordered from th,e
Gettpiburg, June 2, 1848
3111131.1181.111 LT 4115a1111111
Pr HE subscriber tenders his acknowl-
JR. edgments to the public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of years, and re
spectfully announces that he has just re
ceived, at h,is old established stand in
Chambersburg street, a large and fresh
1111111a101 1 / I Bllol2lnto
Pal nts,Varnish, Dyestuffs I
and every variety of articles usually found
in a Drug store, to which he invites the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they will bo furnished at the most reason
able prices.
Gettysburg, June 2, 1848.
JOHN SHEELEY , of Mountpleasant
township, Adams county, having ex
4icuted a Deed of voluntary Assignment for
;the benefit of creditors, to the undersigned,
+residing in Hountjoy township, notice is
thereby given to all persons indebted to
said Sheeley to make payment without de
lay, and to those having claims to present
tthemproperly authenticated. for setttemen t.
May 5,1848.—0 t
LETTERS of Administration on the
Estate of EVE EvsTEu, late of Con
owago township, deed, having lieen grant
ed to the subserihar, residing in snirl town
ship—Notice is hereby given to all those
indebted to said estate to make payment,
and those hnving claims opon the estate to
present the same, pmperly authenticated,
Tor settlement. JESSE wavrm AN.
May 28, 1848.-13 t r.
&CHICK has just returned from the city
of Philadelphia, with an
New and Fashionable Goods,
Which he will sell
to s certainty. This he will prove to the
satisfaction of any who may call.
Gettysburg, April 7, 1848.
ETTEILS Testamentary on the Es-
JILA tate of Anew HAHN. late of Germany
w nship, deed, having been granted to the
:subscribers, fetiae is hereby given to
All who are indebted to said Estate, to
'make payment without delay, and to those
'having claims to present the same, prop
.etly authenticated, for settlement.
; May s.—ete Executors.
TOts first named Executor resides in
4aernany township—.the latter in Freder
ick...county, Md.
rsigE Account of Moats M. Mazur,
AL CoMmittee Of ABRAHAM ' Krrinnix,
'a . .. 'bibitual drunkard, having been filed in ,
' *he Court of Common Plea; of Adams co.
ky leave of paid Court, and duly confirm
ed,, and the" said Committee having filed
his Petition asking to be4iseharged from
said friamv.-Netice is hereby- given to all
dohs iuterestediu l be and appear at a
court of Ciiintioh Pleas to be held at Get.
A kubb fOilliandaw the 21st day of 44-
I*W ne#, and shot* cause, if any they
hike, arly. said. Committee should not be
otiaishakried : By, the Court,
'• 'fi. B. KURTZ, Proth'y.
PAthauifa.ria °Mac, aggfablug, 2
lone a, t9is..-4t S
Decidedly the I hespest Goods
„In Town !
TTE suisseriber respectfully invites
, thepublic to call and exiiniue his
, 00ns i g tia g of . tlandkerchiefs, Ribbons, Pa
ten), .Muslins, Worsted Binding;•Scarls.
. 401 e-worked Collars, Cravats, (a beau-
J rnl:variety,) Spool Cotton, (all colors;)
Pt:rses and Pocket-books, Suspenders,
Moves, (thegreatest k ind of an assortment)
nose, 'rapes, Whips, Ivory Studs,
POO( arid Agate Buttons, Boot Lacers, Fan
037$µ„ . 4lishop Lawns, Rubino. Lace, Ed
ginsimall,aces, Pins and Needles, Knitting
'4OO. Mixed Cotton Yarn, Wadding,
!bat, Ardnaps and Fringes, Green Gauze
Xtiksurincy Silk Ties, Wooden Moles,
lOVfh# , Linsts, Ailed Pens, (six for a cent!)
t iR be horns is mind, that all the a.
Ws* articles will be disposed of Manly
/IPA portant. cheaper than ever, positively.
Call and examine for youreolvuo, 14 be
. .
...Ap ril 7. S C IIi O K. 1.
PUBLIC, Nemo o.lGli.
A N Examination of thelicbools of the
4- " Borough of Gettysburg will take
place tluring' the preempt month, commut
ing as follows ;
At the School-house of Mica Matilda
Semler', On Monday' Morning the 26th of
June inst, '
At the school-house of Nfr. Robert S.
Paxton, on Monday afternoon folloviing.
At the School-house of Mr. Wm. With
crow, on• Tuesday morning.
At the School-house of . Mr. Thomas
Martin, on Tuesday Afternoon.
At the School-house of Mr. William Bo
gle, on Friday morning and noon.
At the Sehool-konse of Miss _Ann-W.
Curdy, on Thursday afternoon and eve
At the School-house of Miss Sarah G.
Lord, on Wednesday afternnon.
The parents of pupils and the citizens
of the Borough are respectfully invited to
attend. By order of the Board.
H. J. SCHRSINER, Secretary.
June 9, 1848.—td
To Accept or Refuse, 4•c.
iihrsTz of PZNN ta, AT an Orphans
Anans Covers. Court held at Get
tysburg, in and for
•4 cY .O
o• the County of Ad
ams on the 23d day
of May, A. 1).
1848. Before Wil
liam-N. Irvine, Esq.
President, and his Associates, Judges, Etc. assign
ed, dcc.
f N MOTION the Court grant a Rule
til on all the heirs and legal Represen
tatives of GEOROE Woarz,late of Conowa
go township, Adams county, deceased, to
wit : Sarah, intermarried with Michael
Ryder, and now the widow of laid Michael,
residing in the County of Lancaster, Pa. ;
Mary, intermarried with Jacob Ryder,
who is deceased, leaving issue as follows,
to wit: Molly, intermarried with Isaac
Stoner, residing in Lancaster county, Pa. ;
Mary, intermarried with Jacob Peters ; Ca
tharine, intermarried with Henry Mer
man ; Jacob Ryder, jr. ; Sarah, intermar
ried with_ William Ehrhart, and now the
widow of said William; Elizabeth, inter
married with John Ehri.sman ; David Ry
der; John Ryder ; Susanna, intermarried
with Joseph Black, all residing in the coun
ties of Preble and Montgomery, and State
of Ohio ; Jacob Wortz ; Marcus Wertz ;
Peter Wortz, whose share has been as
signed to Jacob Wortz ; Catharine, inter
married with Christian Stouffer, residing
in Columbiana county, and State of Ohio ;
and Henry Wortz,—to he and appear nt
an Orphans Court to be held at Gettysburg,
in and fur the county of Adams, on the
third Monday of August next, to accept or
refuse to accept the Real Estate of the
said deceased, at the valuatiouthade there
of, agreeably to the Intestate Laws of this
May 9,1848.-3 t .
and Engineer seriously Wounded !
D E it known to the world, that the un
dersigned has obtained Letters Pa
tent for an
Improved Machine for Hulling and Clean
ing Clover-seed,
which, for thoroughly performing its work,
in a speedy manner, surpasses any thing
that has ever been presented to the public.
In order to produce a machine that will
meet the wants of the community in every
respect, the Patentee has for several years
applied himself diligently to the task, and
is now enabled to offer a machine worthy
of their consideration.
This machine has only been in opera
tion during the last season, in Cumberland,
York and Adams counties, and has given
entire satisfaction. It is a neat, portable
machine, only weighing
,about 400 lbs.
and of light draught. and can hull and clean
with ease four loads of cloverseed per day,
or one load in two hours. lt, can be con
verted into a common windmill in a mo
ment's time. Persons desiring to per.
chase rights can see the machine 'by- call
jog at my residence in Latimore townehip,
Adaintkounty. Owners , of Clover-mills
would Emd it to their advintageto give nie
a call.
Hundreds of certificates can be given of
its Wilily, and , the satiefactory manner that
it bulls and cleans cloverseed, mind also
timothy Oiled, but I deem it only, necessa
ry to refer to a few individuals at whose
balls the - machitii han . bped exhibited and
fully tested.
riusyrinrros TV. VP.
Ls. MT**, Esq. George Deard 4 'rit En.
Itenjandm - •
J. E. Mercian, Esq., Abraham Livingston,
John Raffsnsirerstr.- Daniel Gardner,
Sebastian BtituU. ; Cyrus Albert.
Tyros! 0. Franklin tp.
Sohn Solt Nvid M'Munlip,
John'?icily, George Su*
John Lohman, r 4!‘..
Amos Kyoto. "Stook* tyti
Freedom. - • - John. M,ll,tiihny ? , --
Akthont Mtge, • ' Wen: 111 by ,
AbrabonSlghom, ; Ithatiolt ko. • -'
Jame. Ounnjogbook, • ,JohnlTgotoro.v:
Wm. ht'Clearg, ES Dolor, ,
Abtabam Waybkiat. ' Pfelieci.
.It l l PM%)
(IF the very best quality, and different
ll flavors, can be had, times, at
WEAVER'S COnfectiOnary in Chambers
burg street. Families and Pariies 'illbe
Supplied with any desired quantity, at the
shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC
TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and
will be furnished to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.-4
kAP & LETTER PARER, of beauti,
NI quality, for sale ai,
April 7.L.—tf J. L.
. ,
'4j.c• - •
4Ai v.,
By the Court,
• : 4 , 5
From -t he Louisvi ll e JouruatA
SONO. • •
IT It. ensue. ...
AU around and all above thee, -'
In the ivah'd and charmed air,
All things 'woo thee, all things lota thee. '
- Maiden fair I
Gentle zephyrs, verfitme breathing,
Weft to thee their tribute sweet,
And foe thee tjte Sprlnapie were* ,
Garlands meet.
In their caseised.corkreerm.a. •
Songs for thee the fonntsins !name ;
Whatsoe'er the wise carresees
Lisps thy name:'
Greener verdant, brighter blossoms, OC
Wheresoe'er thy, footstep stray,
O'er the earth's enamored bosom
Live alway.
Wheresoe'er thy presence lingers,
Wheresoe'er *brightness boome r -
Fancy - weives, with cunning Angers,
' Sweetest dreams.
And the heart forgetidieCtieier,
Thy young beauty's one delight.
There it dwells, and dwells forever,
Ever bright.
I see the lights of the village
Gleam through the rain and the mist,
And a feeling of udness comes o'er me,
That my soul cannot resist
A feeling of sadness and longing,
Thit is not skin to pain,
And resembles sorrow only
As the mist resembles the rain.
Corns, read to me some poem,
home simple and heartfelt lay,
That shall sooth this testicles felling,
And bani►h the thoughts of day.
Not Gom the grand old muter",
Not from the bards sublime,
Whose distant footsteps echo
Through the corridors of time.
For, lilts strains of martial music,
Their mighty thoughts suggest
Life's endless toil and endeavor,
And to night I long for rest.
Read from some bumbler poet, •
Whose songs gushed from his heart,
As showers from the clouds of summer,
Or tears from the eye-lids start:
Who through long days of labor,
And nights devqid of ease,
Still beard'in his wattle music
Of wonderful melodic'.
Such songs have power to quiet
The restless pulse of care,
And come like the benediction
That follows after prayer.
Then read from the treasured volume
'l'he poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of the poet
The beauty of thy voice.
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the slay,
Shag fold their tents, like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.
Jolts QUINCY ADLMS.—The London
Standard thus remarks on the speeches in
Congress, on the occasion of the death of
this venerable patriot:
"If the speakers whom we have quoted
are representatives of the prevailing spirit
of the United States, there is little cause to
wonder at their prosperity; at all events,
the gentlemen from whose speeches we
have made extracts, have faithfully dischar
ged their duty in sustaining the religious
fettling of their fellow-citizens; and with
such a glorious subject as the religious life
of John Quincy Adams before them, they
have had a great opportunity. Such as he,
"being dead yet speak," and they who
commemorate his worth, do little More
than give a voice to piety and &ell - a Hier
We own that we are humbled when we
reflect that, except it wore Sir Robert In
glis or Lord Ashley—men otherwise dis
tinguished above the reach of sneers by
talents, character and services—scarce any
member of our Retise o(Commons would
dare to speak with the courage with which
'the America► gentlemen have illustrated
that freedom from "that' consummation of
all folly, the fear of man," by confessing
"the fear of God, which is the beginning
of all wisdom." It is thus that a man like
John Quincy. Adams, even. front his grave,
pours blessings upon biscountry."
Ralsonit.—Among„ the many incidents in
the narration of which the usually taciturn
young Ranger was accustomed to beguile
the long and , laborioue night rides of Gen.
Lane in pursuit of thi geerrilleros, I recol
lect the following, which may not be un
interesting to your readers.
"Did I ever tell you," said he one night
as we were riding towards Matamoros, in
a drizzling rain, "about my being
commander or: the forces for our fron
tier, by the Texas CC:ingress 1"
"No ; how was it ?"
"Well, when I was about fburfben years
'old, I got in the ~ h abit or going with our
spies and fondling trails to find the camps
and villages of the Camanches. In unhurt
time I used to go alone, when the spies
would go no farther, and sometimes sue
needed in finding the enemy and leading
our, ration to their camp. Very 11000 thet
officers employed me as a regular trailor,
and from that time 1 was always in the
woods in Pursuit of the Oamanches, ; and
for a whole year I,havn not slept in a bed,
and.but twice in a. house. Things went
on in t,ttis way till I got to be eighteen or
nineteen -years old, One day, after •an
absence briiiiiiiiiiii*thi,"l.eame into the
ieitteitiqdt:' trad'hi had on a pair of Pan
Oadaloonee—whitillid you itear ?"
0, moccasins," said 116: "A handkei
ch ler around my head—l'd lost
my hafihres months before—"
"Lost your hat—how'd you loOse it ?".
Why, six Camanchea happened to see
me one day and chased me so close that
my hat came off in the race—when they
stopped pursuit I went back, but they had
found it. Well, when I got into the set
tlements they gathered around and began
to tell me I hail been appointed to com
mand all the forces to be raised for the
protection of the frontiers. Of course, I
supposed they were poking .fun„ at my
looks and dress, and was getting mad fast,
when some one handed me u letter con
taining official notice of my appointment.'
I shouldn't have been more surpriiod,. "
he. soutleatly added, I'd been chosen
President of Texas."
; -
i". 41 t
tuf' et fArir Coots:
PeoPlelfeeeralirthink that it is a very
easy matter. Ao stand behind a counter and
retail dirgoods ;tut a ertiek's experienie
iktjat i tios a witnakd merince theelever.
*I 'SW is i*jbb muse ditlitMlt and
'labor'ious , an the Auk of turning a grind•
stone twi r 4 .lieurs` pir day.
The o.; eiirialesinan embodies, in he
dutikinAliceitiiitt fOrtife shrewdness'of
a politietiOttivrpersekslon of a lover, the
"Ociliteniald a Vheiterfield; the patience
oft lob,' bed' the - impudence of a pick.
pocket. :4 there are'ludesmen who make it
a poiet be rto lose a customer. One of
these Ceti en, wild is le 'flamer° in Chat
ham st odt long since, was- called to
show ave fastidious and very fashionable
lady--who "droped in while going to
ery artiole (the kin d t
e rich
gi w= d l e n e g. to - her Bv'
view--4 whole store was ransacked—
nothing en . The costly materials were
stigmata. as "trash"—everything was
' , common, and not fit, -for a lady. She
"guessed e would go to Stewart's."—
The stile n'pretended to be indignant.
"Mad "said he, in a tone of injured
innocence, •I have a very beautiful and
rare piece 1 goods l .-a case which I divi
ded with' 1 Stewart, who is my brother
in-law, bu it would be useless to show it
to you. I hi the only piece in the city."
"Oh,! a wme to see it," she asked, in
an anxious tone; "and," she continued,
"I have no intention of annoying, or of die
paraging Ilit merits of your goods."
The saleeman, who was now watched
in breathless silence by his feUow clerks,
proceeded,. as if with much reluctance,
and with expreations of fear that it would
be injured by getting tumbled, to display•
an ancieet piece of ^vesting, which had
been lying,in the store five years, and was
considered to be unsaleable. The - lady,
examined mid liked it much: That was a
piece of good' worthy to be worn.' How
much witsAt a yard?
"Twenty-two ihillings."
"Oh I that is Very high."
"There.!'.' exclaimed be,, beginning to
fold it up, "I knew you would say that."
"Stay ! stay ! don't be in so great a
horry,!" she.t.ried. "I'll give you twenty
"Madam, you Indult me again."
"Cot me eiff.......:. yards, and you can
make up th deduction on-some velvet
which I reclaim for trimming," almost se
treated the fair shopper. ' -
The salesman, after much persuasion.
sold the lady the vesting, for which they i vain sought-te-get five shillings per!
yard, at the price above indicated. The
profits of the sale, on vesting and velvet,
amounted tt thirty-three dollars, out of
which the` decks were permitted to pay
for a supper °Oyster". The beat of this
brief tale of drl geode is to be told. The
lady had her cloak made, and one or two
of her friends, i delighted with it, bought
the rest of the eating at the same price.
There is a iiral to this anecdote, which
we leave to be i JACO% ered by the ingenuity
of all our lady headers, who occasionally
go shopping.--yew York Paper.
A Man CA '.-A poor but jolly weav
er, in this city, of many years ago had a
fortune left hi by a distant and wealthy
relative, who N at "off the handle" Eng
land, rather u xpectedly. When the
news came to le poor fellow; as he sat
tlicket-tt r clackeat his loom, ha slopped,
stoak-still, and id
"Well, I sup use I must spend the mo
ney straight."
the fortune, tbme twenty thousand dol
lars, was duly *livid and duly spent—
for, two brief years did the job, and he re
turned to hie loom as poor as a church
mouse, but merry at a cricket, and• work.
ed away again for ha daily bread, perfect
ly' satisfietl with the "good time he had
had," while hit,fortne lasted. Hie friends
called him green, but he laughed at
their gibes, aid worked the harder,--
In'a tweve month's time off popped , ano
therrioh relatitt, and the news, post !taste,
came to the jdly weaver, that be was
again the posseisor of a lisfidsoine 'fortune.
Stopping his losm, and looking sorrotdul
ly stifle letter, - te despondingly 'said
"Gird heavms I is it possible ‘Mal
tru7l ain g r througi all this again."—Botapn
nnif.-titt smal town down gait, there
lives a botcher, a Jack-aVall-trades, and
more particularly noted for his experiments
magnetism: A. halt-witted fel
low,t who lived 'windy 'upon the charity
of the town, inugining one day that he
wan quite ill, qade application to the
butcher for a rinictsV to relieve hint of the
pato4 to hie aloailelt• The, thought fiash
ed upon. the mini of the butcher, that he
was a fit subject for experiment, and ac
cordingly he Meenerixedlim into a pro
found sleep, He , then:mido an incision
into his stomach,nand took out the inwards
to wash them; alter.which, he laid them
down, - and went Into the houie toiert a
needle' Id thread' to sew up the incision.
But on returning, to his astonishment, he
beheld;,art old pow . just leaving the place,
.kaTing eaten theta. In this dilemma, he
seized - a
sheepqml removed its entrails to
the body 9r the Min ; Own closing up the
orifice, he awakened the slumbering sub
ject, who was forthwith “discharged cu
red" Meeting the individual some days
'after, the 'butcher, having some curiosity
tie to the' success of the operation, asked
the chap how he gof along. "Oh, first
rate," said he ; "only I have got such an
infernal hankering after grass!"
"GOOD TIME COMING."—A "hopeful"
contemporary out West thus speculates upon the
coming of that millenial period when justice. will
be meted out to printers as other folks. Hear
There's' a ge t 4 sir coming, hwy., •
A good film coming—
Subscribers shill not wait for duns,
But flood us with their twos and one&
,In the good time coming;
Our advertisers shall increase.
Our patronage grow stronger,
And we, with creditors at patio—
', , Walt--a Isaias longer. ' •
Vb . )? Is 'a lqiini•bank Ikke * typky,, tom!
Ple2iihiPirl6s4islti 'the . Siiting.
The officers as well as sub-officers of
the Russian horse-guards are subjected to
the most rigorous discipline, and are re
,quiNd to execute, on horseback, all the
manuinvres of a theatrical equestrian.
One day an officer of the Lancers was
ring through his exercise before the Grand
Duke. He had performed all the usual
evolutions in a most satisfactory way, un
til, whim a full gallop, he was suddenly
ordered to turn-this horse proved restive t ,
and refinietfto obey either bridle or spur.
The command was repeated in a Own.
dering'voice; and the officer renewed his
efforts to make the horse obey it; but
without effect, - for the fiery animal contin.
add to prance 'about in defiatioe of his ri
der, who was neverthelbss an excellent
I lorgermin"
The rage of the Grand Duke !red vented
itself in furious imprecstions, and all pees
enttretnbled for the conseqeences. “Hilt!"
he eielaimed, and ordered t pyramid of
twelve muskets, with fixed bayonets, to
be erected. The order was instantly o
The officer, who had by this time sub.
dued the restiveness of his horse, was .or
dared to leap the pyramid and the spirit.
ed animal bore his rider safely over it.
Without an interval of delay, the officer
was commanded to repeat the fearful leap,
and to the amazement otell present the
noble horse and his brave rider stood in
safety on the other side of the pyramid,
The Grand-Dulie, exasperated at find
inthimself thus thwarted in his biwbarous
purpose, repeated the order ihe third time.
A general, who happened to be prevent,
now stepped forward and interceded for
the rdon or the officer: Observing that
the horse was exhausted, and that the en
forcement of the 'order would be to doom
both horse and rider to a horrible-death.
This humane•remonstrance was not — oll=
ly disregarded, but was punished with the
immediate •trrest of the general who had
•ihus presumed to rebel. •
The word of cominand was given, and
horse and •rider for the third time °leered
the glittering bayonets.
• Rendered furious by these repeated dii.
appointments, the Grand-duke for the fourth
time the left about I—forward I"
The command was obeyed, and ffie fourth
time the horse leapt the pyramid, and then,
with its-rider, dropped down exhaused.—::
The officer extricated himself front ' the
stilidleAndllostrantinrt, thd harle had
both his forelegs broken.'
The countenance of the officer was dead
ly pale, his eyes started wildly, and his
knees shook under him. - •
A deadly silence prevailed as he advan
ced to the Grand-Duke, and 'laying his
sword at his highness's feet, he thanked
him in a flittering voice for the honor be
had enjoyed in the Emperor's service.--
"1 take back your sword," said the Grand
Duke gloomily, "and are yon not tenant of
what may be the consequente of this un
dutiful conduct towards me 1"
The officer was Bent to the guar&hOuse.
He subsequently disappeared, and no trace
of him could he discovered.
This scene took place iti St. Petersburg,
and the facts are proved by the evidence
of creditable eye-witneases.
Incinewr.—A fashionable yoting lady'
recently met her plain old grandmother at
the Springs. The old lady's heart was
filled with innocence and simplicilay,and
her ideas of fashion never anent beyond a
straight coat and plain cap. W hen. there.
lore, she met her dear grandchild, the first
timefor-many years, and saw her &disfig
ured invalid; she was shocked and alitiost
fainted. When her emotion had'a little
subsided, she turned with tears in her eyes,
and said, “Margaret, honey, thee may get
well; but indeed I fear the 'waters will
never cure thee of this dreadful thing,
(laying her hand on Margaret's fashiona
ble bustk.) 0 I how awlnl thee must feel
about it.'
PURMITORY versus Mitransonv.--By
thi-way, themghost of the deported", re
'hinds me of Joe Kellyie - ghost - coming to
his wife. "Molly," says he, "ts
I'm in pu.
gitory at this present," says he. "AM
what sort of a' place is -it r says she.—
°Fair," says he, "it's' a sort of half-way
house between you and heaven," says J4c,
"and I stead it mighty airy atter laving
you," says he.,--Knikerbocker.
Timm o; YEAR'. Woast FOR A Butte.
—ln the year 1272 due wages , of a laboring
mitt were less than four etints a day, while
the priCe of a Bible at' theltante period was
$lBO. A common laborer in those days
must toil on inddstriously for thirteen long
year's if he would possess a copy of the
word of God! Now the earnings of half
a day will pay theorist of a beautifully prin
ted copy , of the sacred oracles! What a
contrast! Whelan illustration of the pow•
er of the press!
Temptation is thrown, to a greater or less
'degrite, in the .path of every coati' He,
therefore, that would successfully resist,
should be well established in the principles
and precepts, of the Bible.
There is nothing by which have through
life more profited than by the just observa
tion, the good opinion, and the sincere and
gentle encouragement of amible and sensi
ble woman.
Good nature ib the very air of a good
mind, the sign of a large and generous soul,
and the peculiar soil in which ;virtue pros
Richness of dress contribute nothing to a
man of sense, but rather makes his settee
inquired into. The more the body is set
pif, the mind appears the less.
Eloquence is of two' kinds : that of the
heart which is called divine; the other ex
ternal, and, merely the organ of conceits,
thoughts and sophistry. •
Unprofitable eloquence is like the cy
press, which is great and tall, but boars no
Reprove thy frieodprivatelyi comktitied ,
A good console:toe is the best law.
From the Baltimore Patriot
Ile comes, he comes, from the field of his glory,
And millions his triumphs proclaim :
Afresh let his name be written in story—
Afresh on the tablet of fame.
He comes in his triumph, and victory's wreath
Is bright on the brow of its chief,
Undim'd by a tear, for mercy's sweet breath
Did warm into birth every leaf.
Let the flag of the stars be flung to the gale ;
From mountain to sea let it wave;
Though envy asperse, and foul malice assail,
The brave will honor the brave.
Let the cannon's deep roar and the trumpet's wild
Re-echo through forest and glen;
Let Bornflres be kindled on height and on bill—
We honor the noblest of men.
All'welcome, great chieftain I thy country is up,
And deep from her heart bide you come I
She spreads wide the banquet, and Alla high the cup,
To welcome her warrior home.
When those who so basely have struck at thy name
Shall all in their graves lie forgot,
FUll proudly she'll point to the garland of fame,
Still fresh on the brow of her SCOTT !
A correspondent of the National Era
says that he translated the following arti er
de front the Magazine Universal, publish
n Paris. As the scene of the story is
placed is Washington, it,Would not be very
difficult to ascertain whether it be'fact or
I arktabout to recount .
story, whicn,
like many _others of the' same kind, Mr.
Thomasen, a missionary, hos lately told
in &public meeting held on the subject of
A young physician, of much merit and
knowledge, triada a journey from his na
tive-town in "One ofthe Northeru States, to
a town in Mississippi. 'Phi, young man
whose name was Wallis, took lodgings in
furnished house. The mistress of it, a
young woman about twenty years old, in.
spiredin:ltim the most ardent love. Al
though the color of the young woman was
not the purist white, the doctor having nn
prejudice ,against the colored race, offered
her his hand, , whielt was accepted. The
marriage, took place •almost secretly, and
the happy couple went soon afterwards to
establish themselves in Washington, in the
District ot.C.elurabia.
They had, hot beets there , long. where
they lived peaceably and 'retired, when
one morning an individual. tvha had 011
the appearance , of a gentleman, presented
himself at Dr. Wallis% under the pretence
of business. The conversation proceed
ed; when' - the stranger addresied the fol
lowing indiscreet question to the doctor
"Dld you Whig 'wininin from the
South,, air t','
"Nash. ; Id 4 not understand you."
"flow I" rejoinedlhe stranger, "did not
yoir wife'come With 'you froin,),dississip-
Pi ?" ' • 'l.
"I believe'slie was horn in that , coun
try," said the doctor.
Well, your es you call her, is
my slave ; and unless you pay CleirOM(;*
ruediately, nine hundred Mitt! her
purchase, I will advertise her to-morrow
as a runaway slave. 'ln test, nisei, worth
a thousand dollars at leastl hot as You
have married her, I will abate something."
"Your slave l" excluimedlhe astonish
ed doctor, "that is impissibtt."
.4 Whether you believe me or not," cried
,the other, "you must live her up. or pay
,the money. lf, in twenty four hours, the
money Is not slut to ray hotel, IV promise
you, my dear sir, that 'you will see ithe
'name of Mrs. Wallis in the newspapers,
as that of a fugl}ive skive."
As sopn sq#le man was gone. the doc
tor went. to hismile, whose good qualities,
virtues, and graces, rendered her dear to
him. •
"My .dear angel," said he, ' , when we
were married were you a slave 1"
4•Yes,. I was," sho e confessed, at the
same time shedding abundant tears.
“Why did you not tell me before the
ceremony was performed?"
did not it.' Could I have ex
pected you would huve allied yourself to a
now I know it, I will give tho
*ins hundred dollars required, for I love
you too much to consent to a separation."
During this short dialogue, Mrs. Wallis
was laboring under the most lively agita
tiOn. She asked her husband to describe
the appearance of the claimant, which he
dill as exactly us possible; then he asked
her whether the description answered to
that of her ancient master.
"Yes," mud she, casting down her eyes ;
"he is more than my master—he is my
The editor of the Burlington (Vt.) Free
Press perpetrates the following at the
close of a. paragraph, touching the merits
of the immortal Gen. Bombastes Pillow.
"We hang our harps upon the wilier,
Whene'er we think of Gideon Piller,
The man who digs, fur Polk and Marcy,
His ditch and breast-works irics v•aur."
that goes to law, nine things are requisite:
—ln the first place, a good deal of money
—secondly a good deal of patience—third
ly a good cause—fourthly, a good Attor
ney—fifthly, a good counsel--sixthly. good
evidence—seve Oily, a good J u ry—eighth
ly,a good Judge—and ninthly good luck."
Let the chain of second causes be ever
so long, the 'first link is always in God's
' Kindness in the heart is a gem of the
first magnitude. whoever possesses this
trait will sail smoothly over the oceean of
life, leaving behind a memory that will
never cease to be cherished.
'froth overcontes railhead, and suspic
ion cannot live before perfect frankness.
Why is a young lady, that's receiving the
attention of a gentleman, like a lady who
sends relief to Ireland
“flekase. her heart goes Pity Pat.
A Spanish poet, ceiebrating the black
eyes 'of hirmistresr, dechaeg, in thrqu'itinV
style of his age, that theylverere At Mourn:i
ing fur the murders they had committed.
• •
At 9 o'clock the , convention was called
to order by. the President, sod the Rev. A.
ATWOOD, of the Methodist Churcb, per
formed the devotional exercises before en
tering upon the business of the day.
The first bulkiest of Consequence pre
sented was by Mr. T. B. King, of Geor
gia, from the Committee on Credentials,
(to which were referred the credentials of
members respecting which disputes might
arise,) who submitted the following reso
lutions :
Resolved, that the majority of the delegates from
States not fully represented be authorised to sots
for the districts from which there are no daleples,
and be authorised to fill vacancies.
Resolved, that the follovaing gentlemen an,
spites of tho Whip of Louisiana, haying bean
duly appointed by • Whig Convention of that
State—Lafayette Saunders, Samuel J. Peters, C.
M. Conrad, B. Winchester, C. Itullitt, G. B. Dun
can, W. Brashear, J. M. 'Wray, J. Ritchie, P.
And whereas the above delegation have selected
six of their number to emit the vote of said State for
President and V. President of the U. States, to wit:
Lafayette Sanders, J. Peters, C. M. Conrad, B.
Winchester, C. Bullitt, and G. B. Duncan,
Resolved, that the siz delegates be recognized by
the Whig Convention as duly empowered to act
as the representatives of the Whigs of Louisiana
in the Convention.
Resolved, that Col. Willistn 11. Russell. of Me.
souri, givo the vote to which his district is entitled
on the floor of the Convention.
Resolved, that the delegations from all the
States be requested to select the number of dale.
Wes to which each State is entitled to repnesent
said State on the floor, and that tha alternates, or
over delegates, have seats provided for them u
Resolved, that, in consequence of the absence
of the delegates appointed by the Whigs of 'Texas,
the delegation from Louisiana be empowered to
cast the vote of the State of Texas, and that J.
Wray, C. Dullitt, James Ritchie, and Y. 'Maher be
admitted as delegates lima Texas.
The President announced that the rear)-
. lotions would be taken up separately, and
the first question was stated to be on the
first resolution, giving to the delegates from
States the right to vote fur districts-from
which there are no delegates:
Ma. Johnston, of Pennsylvania, spoke
in opposition to that resolutiun. Lie hyped
.they would not have in this Convention a
repetition of the scene which was whiten
ed in the Convention of- their opponents
Baltimore. Ile wished not to ace a
General Commander here, giving the
votes of an entire State by which he had not
been sent as a delegate to represent her ;
but yet this resolution would give power
to a single individual to assume such po
sition, if it should be concurred in. Each
State was entitled to as many delegates as
she had Representatives and Senators in
Congress ; and he was in fiver of dull
State casting her votes, and no more, pro
vided her people have had interest enough
in the proceedings of the Couvention to
send the requisite number of delegates.—
But if any States were not Whig enough
to send delegate here, he thought it was
rather too much power to place to the
hods of any one inan to allow him to
speak the voice of a soverign State of this
U won. This was not democratic doctrine,
Ind he could not assent to this resolution.
Mr. Bryan, of South Carolina. said a
men to every word the gentleman from
Pennsylvania had uttered. lie did not
wish to be a General Commander. lje
did not desire to see one district appoint
delegates for every district of a State. He
came from the Charleston district of South.
Caroltnia, and he denied the right of that
district to appoint delegates for any: other.
The Charleston district could act but foe
herself, and what a district could riot dis.
surely her delegate had HO right to do.—
It would be unequal and grossly unjust to
sanction such a principle. lie wished. to
have but one vote. (Applause.) He
claimed one, and should not attempt togive
Mr. Hilliard, of Alabama, supported the
resolution of the cotninittee. 'He had to
objection that, where there were vacancies,
they should be filled by the delegations:—
The gentleman from Pentisylsonia was
not opposed to this, hA believed ; he only
objected to one man casting the' votes 'of
many. But how was a State to speak
here? Some basis should he established.
If there were vacancies in districts the
other delegates should fill them, and who
could say that those gentlemen misrepre
sentee their State? It was objected to in
the case of Gen. Commander that he did
not represent the wishes of the State; that
was a fact, but if one man represented' the
views of his State fully, he was in favor of
letting that than be heard for his State. '
Mr. Landon, of Alabama, differed froth
his colleague. The division Ur; his °Wit
State admonished him of the evil of elloW
ing delegates to fill vacancies. There Were
two districts of the State of .Alsbatne-thit
had held no meetings and appiiinte4 no
delegates to this Convention.; but the Al*.
barna delegatiou here had- Undertaken - to
assign some surplus delegates' told, there
vacancies. The principle etse,wripter
He knew there were great oblectioniCet
the best to Conventions t and.if they WM
et' them or expected them exertshisedhp
fiefsl influence on the public nfind •
must be guarded against impuritrtuti
juitiee they must have no ~ C oureasedir.
ing" there. He drew a compelisooll.
tWeee.this Convention and Corighespi . gl
which. delegations having scats thieving
no autbeirity to fill vacancies.'
Ciemage said he Terme/04 d 701 0 1,,
4th cougressiostal district of Boildl 1 . ) . 11.11v
1144-r-that which Gin. Comresteler ter*
f1A1114 , 4 in the Baltimore Conreestiolt,
htl ,Ohould not awaits to. repreeellt
I tire thaw. Ile cOneurred ie the Nest *Me
expressed by his calker*. ,