"irrIVIGN NOVS. Three Dope later from Europe. The new and , splendid steamship Niag ara arrived at Boston. on the 2d of June, having made this her first trip in twelve days and eighteen hours ! Her news is only three days later than that brought by the United States—never thelesa several of the items possess consid erable intetest. On the whole, the politi eel inteligence is exceedingly favorable. Every friend of liberal principles, law and Order, will rejoice at the triumph.of Lam artine and the overthrow of all ultras and conspirators. The conspiracy discovered at Paris on kineday, the lath of May, to overthrow the French Government, and establish a moVottratty, was most signally defeated. . Bathes. Albert, Moon, Cabet, and other leadOii of the movement have been arrest -411.. The National Guards and the Troops 000,14ine are unanimously with the mod ediltartepublicans; and it is stated that Lam imnei popularity is greater than ever. I, l Jic triumph_ or the goverment is most Ledru Rollin, though a tnem el the existing goverument, was at one 141).arrested on the 15th "because his name Wei cm the list of the pretended new got , - soliiienehut Lamartine became responsi- Ide offiaer who arrested him, for his ettllll4tes, and he was released. , - A j oation in Ireland has re-commenced with the defeat ofgovernment in the recent sitreteutionofO'brien and Meagher. both had been tried and acquitted! The gov aeputetot ip a rnost difficult dilemna. No Irish' Jury will convict any member of Coneiliation or Confederation Hall. The government is powerless—it is defeated and weakened. The acquittal of Mr- Mitchel is already anticipated. The national Reform movement in En tttl ii gaining immense strength in the oilinber and influence of its supporters. It rah first commenced by Cobden, Hume dlit and has since been pushed vigorous ly forWerd. The European news, with the single exception of the extraordinary events in Paris, is not of a very important character. The Swiss diet have re-assembled for the purpose of taking precautionary mess- tires, to prevent the Austrians from forcing s'es_issaire through Switzerland. Tranquility is re-established at Rome.' The ministry is completed to the satiefac don of the public. it is 'wed that the papal nuncia at the COutt of Vienna, has received his passports, and that Austria intends to break entirely with the papal See. THE "BARNBURNERS" & “OLD HUNK• The term Darnburners is known only as significant of a faction in the Democratic party ; but hundreds ask what does it mean; bow did it originate 'the origin of the term barnburner was, we beleive, this: In the State of New York it is well known that politics were for very many years arranged and directed by a clam of men called the .111bany Regency. They held the State offices and parcelled them out as their own domain. Of course this in time begat jealousy and opposition. ' Thiqoung and new members of the party qould' see neither justice nor propriety in this sort of political aristocracy; and many of the old ones, who had fought long Imre- Welinkik took sides with them. This man iftwled, itself in the Legislature. A. radical (Wino was formed, and the great point of diisptite, was, as it has always been, the e tas. "Ah, (said the radicals) what right these old fellows—thesehunkere—to Iniloreier sucking at the public crib, while tte a teat remain for us ?' ft was a sore grievance end a trying time. What could bedopef Nothiogseemed possible. The Bunkers held on with a grip like a vice, They ected most emphatically on the doe trine Mama bird in the hand was worth two in the bush." At length, seeing there lens no chance without force, a leader of the faction rose and said: "Mr. Speaker: I see that the gentle- Men who hold the Regency power have ta ken their ;worse, and are not to be moved by. penult:lion or ejectment: they are no sooner driven out at one corner than they come in at the other. Sir, I see no way to get them out but to serve them as some fellow did the rata. Ile was troubled ex cessivly by rats in his barn: he tried all sorts of ways to get them out; he set traps for them; he got a terrier dog, he sent in a weasel, and he put poison in their way I but all in vain—no sooner did they go out oseside than they came in the other. The traps they would not enter, the poison they would not eat, He resolved what he would do: heed fire to the barn, and burnt borp, rats and all! This is what we will do, sir. In the masterly language of the tonnortsl Jefferson, sir, 'few men die and none resign.' We must try a more sum mary method—we will burn the barn, rata, aid all." The Hunkers understood the game, and • resolved to anticipate a little; so at the next election, when the great chief of the Barn burners(Silas Wright) was nominated, the /Junkets quickly gave him a stab under the filth rib, and laid hint low in political death. ** Vengeance!" then said all the Rarnburners. "Justice to Silas Wright now ,requires that we should immolatie a hecatomb of rats." " The barn mud be burnt l" And it was. Nothing but its ruins remain, whilst hundreds of Honker rats, all nicely, lentil,' expired in the flower of poltt cal martkilltiiii.,--Cincinnati Chronicle. • Fislisat:teCt.uss.—All the male popula latton of Parr are formed into clubs, and Plow it appears the woman have been seiz std with the same gregarious propensity. There was :recently a meeting of the fo liates' club held in one of the theatres, to organise Work fir woman on principles of fraternity, and secure to each at least one hum 4Ser day. Le Droit gives the follow beg aesientet of the affair: " Weald be impossible to describe the blinstatde presented by the dub de femmes, be Titbrsday evening, under the presiden , of ibis Citnyenne We 'freatratlisesn idea of the tumult, the dis eder,litieuproar, which took place. There *tir'iliotEnng but cries, hisses, vociter itiotte, pressing, crushing, even fighting. Thielitediswewnd the glasses were smash . but DO speaker or either sex could ob- it httliN. not seen the Abbe Chute!, rVIM Citoyenne The ani( knell broke up in the midst of tante emir bughter. and was postponed to mogoie Airy , but rumen not tubs admitted niasbertime.". Tait nutty Lutr.—An ittputous me ethilnan in toe or the southern eines has ongiue to rock ers4hr. *rhs Length of the saigianis about ptches. , h shout two wanton pww. yeti eigiosiiv. TNI Naw Yes= Er/INCRUST. THE FRANKING PRIVILEGE & CHEAP POSTAGE: It is well known et Washington that the real objection in members of Congress to giving a system of cheap postage, which, aside from themselves and those for whom they frank, would be hailed wish joy through out the nation, is that it would place them selves on a level with others, as to mail privileges, and the means of a future elec tion. Now, throughout the year, members send and receive, tree, forilfiiiifilalvslrand others whom they choose to conciliate, immense numbers of letters, circulars, hand bills and newspapers; and during the Con gressional session they distribute just as many circulars, pamphlets, documents and volumes, as they choose to print at the public expense (many of them weighing two or three pounds each) ; thus actually occupying a very large portion of their time, besides that of a hundred clerks and others. in folding, directing and franking—often burdening the daily mails with many tons— designed to conciliate political friends of every class and party—thus constituting in fact a national bribery for office. Meanwhile, on the circulars, handbills, transient newspapers, &c. of others, who would compete with them for honorable °Meg., or wish to send for any other . put. pose, they impose tax of three cents, pre paid, and on ordinary letters five or ten cents. In this day of light, if Americans. rather than take the trouble of petitioning, will silently bear this selfish , osurpanoo-and abuse of power, it surely very 111 becomes them to exult in the increasing liberties of Europe. A very similar monopoly of franking, and enormous distribution, through the mail, of favors—bribes—et the public ex pense, was usurped by the British Parlia ment, and held till mill ions of petitions loa ded their tables, and till, indeed.* leading member in the oposition wu forced to say that the demand forpenny postage mid the abolition of franking was universal. Bo strong is the grasp of power, one* gained. But the people there prevailed, as they can here ; and sines equal privileges were given to all, so immense has been the in crease of letter-writingby mail, that it now brings to the British government over all expense, between fourandfivernilKons dollars annually!—though carrying all hail ounce lettere for spenny. and newspapers for nothing. Knowledge, diffinted- through the mail, or otherwise, is power-.-the greatest of all power—and there should be no tax on this wonderful mode of spreading it, except simply so mush as is needful for protect ing the , mail from abusive burdens—which now all result from franking. Let. then petitions like the following be at once poured upon Congteus from ev ery village, and a revolution will be erec ted, more-important to- human improve ment end equal rights than that before which kings andnobles have pissed away ; and the example, started in England, will contribute largely to enlighten_ this nation and the world: To The Zerrerebk laws end Mew of Repratonfa tires a Cognise owastled. The undenisnalrevectlidly request that you will remould' the franking prtrikge, end the patsy - on printed circulars, handbill* and nava paws net ant front the allay of publicstion, at ase ant. prepaid; and redoes ordinary Mar pas tags to the uniform rale of two ants, and that of newspapers and pamphlets in due proportion " JUNI (fa OLD ZACK AND cars Nam—his said, that the night before the hauls of Monterey, a number of the regulars as well as volun teers, were trying to make themselves scarce! When Old Zack heard of this fee ling am o ng r the men, he ordered an old man not at trifles, but who had been found crawling off under very suspicious eircumstaneest to be broht before him. "Why, Borden," said Old Zack,. 'l'm told you were trying to desert yourcolornyou certainly are. not a man of that stripe 1" "Well Gineral," said the dOwucastsoldier, "to ten you the God's truth, I was, and am sort of skeer'd a little., for they say old Santy's got 'boat fifty thousand the best troops in Mexico, has picked his ground, and will give the boys here the hardest fight any of us ever did... l—flo I thought ther'd be a mighty small chance for our crowd to-morrow, and the bestehen= fora while would be to—." "Well, you go back to your mess, things kook slut/odes. perste to night, but doyour duty Wow row, and if we lose thefight, come and find me, and CU desert arid you." SEMINARY FOR BLACKS IN ■IOKIuAMr- The Legislature of Michigao,at ha Weser. sion, granted a charter to the black psopis of the State, conferring upon them the right toestablish in the county of ILenswee a seminary, in which labor shall be coasbi• ned with learning. Legislature is committing tress. on against Mr. Casa. Don,,t they know he is 01 opinion that— •• Liberty's a thing That don't agree with nimpua." Lewis Cass, when at the court of France, wrote ■letter in which be lauded Louis Philippe to the skies. The Whip of the United States will not be less Republican than their ancient ally, and the expulsion of one Louis will soon be followed by that of the other. The banishment of Monarchy in the one country, cannot otherwise than be foil lowed by the banishment of Monarchist in the °tit er. The Whig feeling pervading Europe will be responded to by that of America.—Piusfrorg Amer ican. rr It is estimated that 600,000 men will take a part in the Presidential election of 1848, who, in 1844, were between the ages or 17 and 21. ' 111 - The Sultan of Turkey has Waned a darns abolithing the alave•marketa throughout his em• BY TELEARAPU.---PEACIE. It is rumored that a combination win entered into finally to-day, through the intervention in part of the carrier of the Card of the Independent Candidate for the Sheriffslty, by which the Loco. loco vote of the county is to be given to Wittiest Flexes (as far as party managers could give it) in consideration of the votes of the Whig friends of Wm. Pica is being given (as far as Whig vote, an be thus sold) to "Joel., the cunning," "the once would be Congressman," and now wonld be Prothonotary. And further, to close the wonders, it is confident. ly asserted that a treaty of Peace was this day ; concluded after long hostilities, between "Jost the ! cunning" and, "Moue, the lawyer," by which Jost is to resign all his claims (to be) to Con grew in favor of Hosts, now his friend, and there fore, to receive the ardent eupport of Moats and his friends for this new object of his modest desire —the ottlee of Prothonotary. Things hating been thus fixed, it ewes that the pasties sat down in the most oonajdacent mood, conident that "all would be right'.--It not Wall thought necemary to trouble the people In so mull a matter. . Qum?. Gettysburg June $, 11148. we AR 4 NMNW, 164 ETTIVSB It G. Friday Evening, June 9, 1848. CITY AGENCIES.—V. B. P Esq. cornet of Chesnut Si Third streets, arid E. W. CARR, Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corner Third SC Dock streets, Ph dodeliAirs ; and Wx. Troxesox, Esq.South-eaot cornecof Baltimore St South Baltimore—are our . aiattirized Agents for mew. log Advertisements LA Subscription■ for "The Star and Banner," and collecting and receipting for the same. GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. mita aaxattlal s tau caul. CommesoM. NER JEJLINDLEIMARTH, Of Mei," Cfreao. John P. tandermn, at Zahmabis sniusq, Thomas M. T. AVlCannanotWasiihnoon county. 1. .1011. G. Claritme, 13. Hump Jainism 3 Jiro. P. Wythevill e 14, Wo.o4ler. St% 3. James M Davie, 18. Wm. Mlnsine. 4. Twos. W. Dab& 16. Oh.. W. Pirther, 6. Daniel O. Hither, 17. And. G. Camila, 6. Jabot Dullish, 18. Thee IL Daridsos, 7: John D. Stasis, , 19. Joseph Mark* IL Job Legalis e 20. Dente Agnew. 9. Joe. tiehasuelter. 111. A. W. Loomis. 10 Charles SAyder, 23. Diehard Irvine, 11. Wm.O. Hurley, Thomas H. Will, 12. Planar Tyler, 04. S. A. Punishes. WHIG COUNTY TICKET. COMMISSIONER, JOHN G. MORNINGSTAR. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, UENRY lIMINKERUOFF,. CORONER, Da. CHARLES HORNER. OUR TICKET—We have received letten boon different seminar of the County, giving us the gratifying ammo* that the Ticket selected by the recent Convention will receive the cordial support of the party. The excitement attendant upon so warmly a contested canvass, in which the strength of the different candidates was so nearly 'quid, and the result of which had very natuntUy occasioned a good deal of disappointment and heart-burnimp among the Fiends oldie unsuccesr• hl candidates, it fast subsiding; and we have suf ficient confidence in the integrity and devotion to principle of the Whigs of Adams county, to feel aerated that in the approaching campaign the par ty will present to our opponents an unbroken front, and on the second Tuesday of October next will mil up such a majority,for the whole ticket as shall do honor even to the Whip of the "Young Guard." A VALUABLE MEMENTO —We find in the National Intelligences the following comiepon deuce, which will be read with the liveliest inter- est. We congratulate our Representative upon being the hectored recipient of so valuable a me. manta The District will Grill proud of one who could win from the widow of Joan Q. Aesiss a tribute so noble : Dew Sir:—An offering of a small memento, containing the hair of my late and es er.lamented husband, as a token of petite& to Dr. Na. for hie tied attention to the . venerable deceased do ting him Shwa (although delayed) will, I trues, rove acceptable ea a gift fr ont the widow of John Q. 'Adams. LOUISA CATHARLNE ADAMS. To Dr. Horny Nu. BOOM IS iblrlillilllNTATlTlll4 U. 8. May 80, 1848. DUI" blintx--.Pleue accept in k y rueful so. knowledgentent Gar your •veeryry elegmet and valuable cad o wn : igold ring, the hair et your husband; and be assured that this (char, of your kind regard, an intenewing from the easeciatious sane led with it, will ever be careful. ly preserved by myself and those who shall come after a sat a priadess Immo% whom value can only be measured by the admiration which the Same and ammeter of Jon, Qv' trc• Maxi will, to the West posterity, ever inspire. %thing you continued health and prosperity, I ham the bowor to be, madam, your sincere Mend and Onetime servant, HENRY NEB. Mrs. Louisa Carat sure AaAxa. ' GBN. CABS.—The•Alexandria (huge says: --*With all dour:repeat kr bitu.(Gess. Cu.) as a gentleman—and we shall, we hope, never fall to treat him With all respect, comietent with the free end full discoed= of his Merits and claims to the Agion fit whit& be is now a candidate—we yot do not iodises to my, that neither in point of talents, aapaity, consistency, or firms* is be worthy of the aloe of President. He has, in thipiassacy,immon knocked bads over bud by Web. stet, End in srataustiskgr - , Moored, over and over spin, by - Calhoun. Ass party man, he has watched the varying phut* of pada, sad el sped his course to writ the tinses--wincming his sells to the popular breesW But no one has or can look to him u s pilot to weather the storm, or Capable ofdirecting the helm of the ship of state, in case of emergencies." GEN. BUTLER.--T hi Union of Saturday devotes over a whole page to a memoir of Gene ral Batts:, written for the occuion by Francis P. Blair; by which it appears that he is the grandson of an Irishman, awn of an odium of the Revolution, a native of Kentucky, a graduate of Transylvania University in that State, and Arst • private and afterwards en officer during the war of 1812. Among his other accomplishments he is said to be a poet, which some one suggests gives him the advantage of being able to write his own songs for the campaign. [ COMMUIFICATIID THE LOCO PLATFORM .- -Resolved, • • That the constitution does not confer upon the general government the power to commence and carry on a general system of internal improve ments.—Balimere Convention. The Constitution is a vell contracted instru ment upon all subjects having reference to the rights and interests of the North.; while it is as ex• pensive as space itself whenever slavery comes up. The general government has no power to "com mence and carry on a general system of internal improvements but it has the power to annex foreign territory, and to "COMIMIIICII and carry on" a war, without the sanction of Congress, to in crease the number of Slave States. DTA newspaper bap bean stetted in Mond- Mlle, in Western Virginia, called tbe Clio* to be devoted to Intencipstion. FOR PRESIDENT, asintissmiTaTivC stiatrs'oits. JAM COOPER. WWI ISPIIMAIN MOPE, PROTHONOTARY, "KIN PICKING. REGISTER AND RECORDER. WM W. NIAMERSLY. CLERK OF THE COURTS, HUGH DENRIDMIL AUDITOR, SAMUEL DIIRBORAW. WAIIIINOTOW, May 29, 1848 . , tirln another column will he found an article, from the N. V. Evangelist, upon the subject of Cheap Postage and the Franking Privilege, to which we invite the attention of the reader. It will not fail to impress the mind of every one with a sense of the propriety and necessity of some change in our Postage Lassa. The Wiliness with lflOtt Conte.' is =loving in thit; meaner, is, we fear, ladioatire of en unwillingness to secede to the almost ensentevekh wish of Use People upon this question. The Franking Privilege bill been abused to such an extent, and prostituted to por poise so vile, that ft is high time that the people demand le Compress ice abolition. We wish that the People in this neighborhood could be a wakened to the impalement pstillottini Contras for itmtml d late action upon this important question. PrOMether foetid/is ofthe country petition have been mans les upon Canvass, whiht but few, if any, liars been sent ftom Adams comely. The iscple of this county are equally Interested in this matter, and should do what they can to have ft ea complidsed. We, thmehm, se beast to those per sons through out the county, who are ihmeabie to a hither redaction of hoer postage, and do mino that perm when sent from the Oboe of pub lication, may be transmitted fuse of postage, the propriety of preparing petitions, 'after the form of the one **Med to the article alluded to, and hav ing them +Armload, or deposited at the most pub lic plenas in their respective neigkohorkOods, for signeturm All that is necemsty far Ihe people to do, to have their wishes acoompliehed, is to plasm. Lit petitions, from all parts of the "Han . try, be poured us upon Congress in such numbers es to tender It hopeesible to mistake public opin ionApanikkLialkjoes, bpd—apsedy Mien_ be seemed. If a ems. of duty will 001 preempt mem bers of Commute advocate a change in our post age laws, a fear of their constituency, and mo tives of self-interest will do it ; for, we opine, no member will dere again to fiece his constituents and ask for their suilbeges, who shall fie known to have , opposed • measure so universally ailed far by the-People. OEN. CASS AND NEW YORK.—The Barnbermer Delegulon to OW Mr Locotwo Con vention have Issued an &Mims, on this subject of the recent nominatiens at Baltimore. which 'het a detailed history of the entire proceedings, arrives at the conclusion that "The Democracy of this State (New York) are thrown back upon the al ternative of either having no regular candidate, or of nominating for themselves through their own legitimate State organization.' They, therefi;e, momunmad that a convention shall be held at Uti ca on the 2341 instant, for the Purpose of receiving the report of the regular Democratic Delegates to the National Convention, and expressing their sen timents in regard to the action of that body, mein ding New York from a participation in its pro oeirdimgs„ and for recommending candidates for the offices of President and Vice President, subject to the decision of the State Convention regularly called for the 13th of September, or to take such other action relating thereto a may seem denim. In the colitis of a leader on the subject, the Poet has the following comments: ..The I:temocrate of New York regard the nom ination of a democratic candidate for the Presiden cy of the United States as not yet made. In this state of things they will do the beet they can : they will esercee their best dee:Mien in the se lection of a man whom they can support, and they will oppose the spurious nomination attempted to be fastened on them by a truncated and packed convention, until the presidential electors of the State shall have been chosen. The people will then have signified their will in this matter we shall then see where the majority lire, and the coo. tests will be at an end." SOUTH CAROLINA AND OEN. CABB . —The Democratic papers of South Carolina con continue to score Gen. Commander for daring to represent that State in the NationatDemocratic Convention. The Charleston Mercury, of the 29th ult., has another lengthy article on the sub ject, and says: "South Carolina stands uncommitted, even lees so than if the Convention had not cast on her the Indignity of aiding an impostor and pretender, knowing him to be such, in mismpresenting her position before her sister States of the Confederacy. "With regard to the nomination of Glen. Cass by the Convention, we need scarcely ay that it is unsatisfactory; and, indeed, of all the name, be. fore that body; his was lad acceptable to the De mocracy of South Carolina:" GEN. CASS IN Tint ARMY.--The Reed ing Journal publishes a letter from a member of one of the Pennsylvania Companies, (tilerjeant GRAM, of that city.) from which we make the following extract, earring to show the estimation in which , the nominee of the late Locofoco Con vention is held by the volunteer" at the army.— Little did those pliant fidlows think that the out rage which Gen. Cass bed been instrumental in perpetrating upon their rights, would be endorsed by the Democretic Convention, by nominating him for the Presidency : "Next let me tell you how Senator Case was treated by the volunteers. You will recollect that we, (or the vedenteles,) were mustered under the art of May, '4B,.by which we were allowed 1113.60 par month for clothing, and in a circular dated August 7th, '47, we were eosin assured of receiv ing the sarne. - . But it mune that Mr. Case, with a good economical bead, aired a bill "to cause the volunteers to be farnidted with clothing in kind, at the game rates asserding to grades, as is provided for the troops °fibs regular army.", Thus yea see he has reduced era pay for clothing from 53.110 tolll.Bo. This, I !oppose, is the coupon maim) we get for fighting oar way to the Capital. As soon as the let Penneybienians received news that this feelers bill had peentd--4Ary ettesuied • Fro," err,. the mein reed 4stsiing re tic y tif :roe end HUNG IN EEPIHY POOR LEW IS 04891 Some Alegre, tousbud by their poll. tics, ordered it to be ad dawn, but tht boys had him in kis /owireettion seen spa; where he hung till evening, mien At tams tekse.doren aid doessrd re air makes" COLD COMFORT.—Th.LoomofWbitK tan hsid • meeting the other amainvo respond the nominations. It was • sibu sair and ex cited no enthusiasm. Thy had a procit and called on CoL Bantam He pas them s cool or caption. A letter-miter s "The call kw Col. Henthm, I am Mkt brOught 'Old Bullion' to an upper window,salre out his thanks for the limo, extended to krin, but the venerable editor of the Talon,' It is said with lan tern in hand, and Hanky as if no rain bed fallen upon him, =claimed, "Come down, Sector, and teU us how Missouri will go 1' " ! is that the editor of the Union Wu. ails I' exclaimed the Senator. 'He reminds u• of old Dlogenes with his lantern. looking Mont the Meseta of Syracuse for an honest man ! Armenia will go right, sir—she i r e always right! Good night, sir ! Good night, gentlemen, ell thank you for the honor you have doe me.' And the company went their way." rarA Washington Correspondent dike New York Tribune thus notices the receptim of the Baltimore nominations at the National Capital: "There ie no heartiness in the response here to CASS'S nomination. The magnates of ti* party look coldly, or warmly hostile, upon it. O,L Ben ton or Mr. Calhoun, surely, will lend it ro coun tenance. The Stu gentleman has been passive throughout the canvass for nomination, be passive during the election : the latter views the whole affair as ridiculous and inconsequent. The representative delegation here say, openly aid de cidedly, that South Carolina will now vile for Gen. TAYLOR, candidate or no candidate f the Whig party." OrMe Charlootori folks on luicuristir* on Onea Cora. Glad Tidings From Mexico !! ! Treaty of Peace Ratified PREPARATIONS FOR EMBARKING THE ARMY! Tr We have, at Met, the pleasure of announc ing 10 our Nader* the cheering and gratifying in tellipnee of the RATIFICATION, by the Maxi cam Coogreem ef the TREATY OF PEACE, by a rt. of 61 to 35. In the other branch of Con tra there watt no dada Writs passage by a much mare decided vote. Orden have been issued, milling in all the out post; of the,Ameriesn gamy. which is expected to maieh for the coast between the Ist and 16th of June. Gen. ?ender F. Smith has been appoint ed to superintend the embarkation of the forces at Yen Gras. The N. American, in announcing thiv gratifying intelligence, makes the following truthflal marks in regard to the War, which has now, In all pro. bability, terminated : "The news le, certainly, of the most agreeable completion ; and the close of the war will be hailed with Universal rejoicing.— After all Its sucessues and the glory with which it has covered our arm% it cannot be denied that the country has long bee* heartily tired of a seentest pursued at an expense of tressuro and blood in& nitaly beyond the value of all the *mom It lass enabled us to conqueror to purchase. It has been a heavy drain on the national prosperity, absorbing all the prate of the peat temporary market so soddenly opened to our agricultural products by European scarclty ; and it has introduced new and dangerous muse* of contention among the people of the United States, from which the wisest l i and best citizens have been disposed to appro. linen& 'Pietist — eta to ihis not the trophies for , which prudent rulers and Intel. Spat communities rush into war ; and, according ly, it is not amonishing that the return of pesos is hailed with equal pleasure by the authorities and people of the U. States. May it be a peace last- ing and haPPy." ®'The statement in regard to Gen. Boort., which has appeared insevaral paper* (originating, we believe, with that eery wile and sagacious car. respondent of the Baltimore Sun, love,) to the st ied that charges of a weever mauve than those which now occupy the attentiou of the Court of Inquiry, would be profaned against him, (among other things, said lon, the manifestation, while is Mexico, of too grmt as souritly for prate!) is said, upon good authority, to be altogether erronious.— What next. lon PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASt3EI , 4- BLY —This body adjourned on Saturdey last, alter a laborious session of fifteen days. During the session, the mass of the Rev. Dr. Skinner was settled, after a most patient investigation. The decision of the Presbytery of Lexington, which had suspended him from the ministry, was revers ed, and he was restored to his full ministerial functions. The marriage question, whether • man may many his wife's sister, came up and elicited some very interesting debates. The as sembly left the mho as it was, and confirmed a decision date Synod of North Carolina, which had sanctioned the suspension of a man who had so married. METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE. —This ecclesiastical body which has just closed its quadrennial session at Pittsburg. after deciding that the boundary line established by the articles of separation with the M. E. Church South some years ago was unconstitutional and void, has di. rected legal counsel to be taken ; and, if favorable to the power to submit it, that the question of a division of the Church property be referred to ar bitrators to be chosen by the Conferences, whose award shall be anal. It has also appointed Rev. Mr. S , Editor of the Christina Adooeote at New York, win Rev. Dr. Botre—Profeemw M'Cu wroci, of Dickinson, Editor or the Methodist Quarterly Review, vin Rev. Dr. Pam', and reappointed the former book writs, &c. IarTaIIOPIIIILVII Fee., & Cu., of the Harris burg Telegraph, have lamed a prospectus for • Campaign paper, to be called “Tait Hoe asastr.," and published weekly, from the Fourth of July until after the Presidential election, at the follow• ing terms :--"Three copies sent to one Post office, for one dollar cash. Seven copies for two dollars Fifteen copies turbot dollars. Twenty copies for fire dollars. Any larger numbers at the same Tate. Single subscriptions, fifty cents. "Ter Bentassess," say the editors, in their prospectus, "ss its name imports, will endeavor to scatter as much confusion and dismay into the ranks of the enemy u the Roble Conqueror of Meese, did at the bombardment of Vera Cruz. It will be *very week charged to the brim with the most effective kind of missiles; and after every weekly explosion we expect to see a bulletin of the killed, wounded and miming issued by the La &Imo leaders, as long as that which their ftiend Banta Anna issued after the glorious NUM of Desna Vida. GEN. CASS% CHICAGO LETTEIL-- There is a general desire, now that Gen. Cass is nominated, to see bib Wier to the Chlosmi Con. maim. It is subjoined, and its pentad will ex cite u much contempt among t h e people as it did at the Convention, were it was received with Lbs• 41111 and derision: DITIOI7, May 39, 1847. Dear Sir am obliged to you for your hind attention in transmitting me an invitation to at. Send the Convention on Internal Improvement, which will meet in Chicago in July. Circum stance", however, will put it out of my power to be priming at that time. I 11112,41er napectfully youro, LEWIS CABS W.J. Whiting. E.q fjf•We find the • I • in pithy pungraph in the Buffalo Republican, an organ of the Bambara. "ffeep it Wine the people that Levis C u . is opposed to harbor improwosgte, and is in fa vor of the extension of slavery ; that he was the apologist and defender of the tyruot, Loots Nile ma, and the reviler of the Pleneh repaid:Was ; that he tabloid to deist the nomination of Nor tin Van Buten, in 18441 and Quit be is not enti tled to the support of the New York Demomay." 0:).A paper. with the title of the "Daily Coco. mercial sun*, ambit to 'be advams of the Becalming principles. hat boon established at Do. yea. kliabipn. A worm syngat4 is fat by $ radian of the Denocray of hfiehlien br their Maharani" brethren of Herr York, end it may male Om. Caw not a little to segue i& a electoral vete of own Stew. [MTh, military Commission which rat at Htgt•, ico to try Lianas. Han, Dutton, and others, of the Penneylvartia Volunteers, accused of burglary and entering a store in that City, has Wand the defend ants guilty, and sentenced them to be hung. Gan. Butler had approved of the sentence, and their invention was to have taken place on the 25th ult. GAMBLING HOUSES.—There are said to be, in Washington, fifty-ono gambling emablishr menti, from the miserable dens in the suburbs to ha fashionable resorts on Pennsylvania Ay*onus. 43E0ROIA.—}1. H. Tssursoir has been elect ed to the mem in Congress oecuiensd by the dab of Mr. Black. CASS AND BUCHANAN.—The Richmond Whig ease:—"[t is understood that Gen. Cam's nomination was the result of i coinbinatian be• tween him and Buchanan. Tho latter to contin ue Booretary of &ate, with Om mashie of sewer 'don. 1117 The Locos have put gunpowder in their ticket to blew it sky high. ?bey have given it, however, a . kangaroo figure by potting the hie set in military rank the lowest In nominatkm : Case lobed a ihigiuiiir:Orterre4 Bidefis Galena, 0" The Washington ihiOU Stye are phased to learn that Gen. Waltham has, with the permiesion of the President, withdrawn 66 re• ignition. It was not his desire to leave the army, god the tindery( his reirtalko was rand mart ly by the necessity of a temposary abeam* from duty." aCTIts life of ib• diotiawriaked !..•vois Cu Is pidg eh' monde or the Lot:atone prom In a taw meths we will afford thew on opportunity to prhst hia each es on atiograiderlindividual. Mlletdown In this Bode was the game of a trueutdoes eadiagratioo hut week. About' Lady houses were deungyol in the best put of the tows. The Ws is estbeided at about two hoe duel 'boogied dollars. DTA pedUon Mil:elating in Ohio, for the removal of the ?fathead Cloramereat from WMM ington to Ohmittneti. Erne steamer Clarksville was burned near Ozarks Wand, on the 27th nit. The Captainjud awn, eight or tat in number, and thirty desk imeengstarwins tat Thresh/a passittgate wens all saved with greet diffiathy. (MTh* Paris correspondent of • London pa. per states that James Rothschild estimates the los. see of the house of Rothschild by the We tavola tion in Europe at tem haeired seams of imams. This is nearly thirty end a half millions of dolleni I lETTbe Steambout H. Kenny, Captain Miller, blew up on the Tombigbee liver, on Sunday the 28th ult. Thirty persons were killed or miming, 12 badly mimed, and 2 saiadad. QThe Section o the Abolition patty known u the Liberty League, held • National Cowen. don at Rochester, N. York, and nominated Gan. err Barra as their candidate for President, and Rer. Charles E. Foote, of Michigan, for Vice Precedent. ID - The trial of Gen. Prawn , bin been ream ad by the Coon Martial now Nitta* at Frederick --all the parties being inneent. or The Berton Time mentions a death in that city float leprosy—finite • taro thing in Amer- o::).Whicti is the ruts* runner, James X. Polk or Gem Worth! Answer—Polk; bemuse Worth could not crud; Santa Alma and Pak Aped Sess. ur Gen. Casa was downbeat by one MI6 ad • rakers, Mr. Bowden of Alabama, at the Baltimore Convention, as "the man who waded up to his knees in British blood, on the frontiers of Canada." Was he sure it was Mood! cOb“The d—l take the hindmost." Poor Dallas ! He has his reward ! Only three votes ! The South may love the treason but they certainly do despise the traitor. STILL THEY COME.—One thousand and seventy-four immigrants arrived at quarantine, N. York, on Thursday last. gjMayor Bs•Toir, of the National luteWismar, Washington, was, on Monday last, molested to the office of Mayor by a very flattering vote. He received nearly 1600 Totes—twice the number polled by his two rival candidates. (CrThe nominaitou of Mr. Coors. fa Assem bly is received with great astiefection by the Prem throughout the Stabs. or Ex-President Vaa BURIN has declared his intention to oppose the election of Gen. Cm's. tar Beta have been mado in Albany that Gen. Cass will not have a majority in any one county in New To& rir It is said that Lamartine is endeavoring to bring about a European Congress, fur the pur• pose of regulating the affairs of Poland, aernsany and Italy, and thus put an end to the eiftaion of Wood. CENTRAL R AILROA D.—The City of Pitts. berg bai subscribed one million of dollars to the Central Railroad. AU doubts relative to the corn• pletion of this great work are now at an end. PAUPERISM IN N. YORK —According to the Report of the Alms HOU. Commissioner of New York, one hundred thousand persons, or one fourth the White population of that city, ere sup• ported wholly or is pert by charity end alms. DTA resolution is before the Senate for the ad journment of Congress, bon the lint Monday in July to the Stet Wedgy in October. \ 4016, 4 THE SHERIPTALTY,—The Curd of Ws. Frazee, announcing himself an Independent Can. &late for the Sherlifelty, was handed in just ea oar paper was being put to pmts. It will be found in om advertisement cohunna. We regret exceed ingly that Mr. Frans has seen proper to tette this course. We cannot undmtand why he rttould turn a deaf ear to ths wishes of his best Mame , , and tette counsel Gun those who, by fates palm alone of sympathy, would only make of him a tool tommontplialt-thair own aelgeh purposes. We tar ire it, because be moat, of asomaity, lose the sympathy and support of those, who, hitherto, bare been him warmest Mind and who, mace other rtreumetances and at another time,- would have bean proud to do battle ht his MUM But we have no room kr comment. THE BARNBURINERB.—The Ilsrabuniers had an immense meeting in Now York City on Thunday evening last. It is said to have beet one ol the largest, most imposing and ambush* tic ever held in tint city. Resolutions were adopted, repadiating the union of the Baltimore Convention, ruadelpmesing the determination to abide by di decision oftheir Convention - so as. semble on the 221 of Jape. J. Vs' &max, O. C.CArcalainse, lisasessaw F. Byrum, and others w e r e present. NA addressed the meeting. COURT OF INQUIRY AT FREDERICK.-- The Court met on Tuesday and proceeded with Gen. Pi llow' s ease. After a discussion of a some what discursive character between Gen. Scott and Pillow, respecting the impeachment of the testi. mon) , of Major Burns, the examination of Gan. Quitman wee commenced, and continned during the sitting. His testimony related principally to the attack upon Chapultepec, and wept to prove that Can. Scott, had expressed a decided prefer ence for the a neck upon that point, while Gen. Pillow, on the other hand, advised in attack u on the works in front of San Antonia. It will bp. e remembered that Gen. Pillow claimed the credit of the Chip ultepec din r for himself. NATIONAL CONVENTION. At o'clock, to Wednesday the Delegates wen posing the Whig National Convention semobled M the galigon of the Chinese Museum, et dolphin. Mr. Hexer Warr*, of Penneylves* data the meetinf, to order, ond, with • view to a lam• Porgy orpolution, on hie motion— The Hon• Joao A. Course, of New Tort, wasnalled to tM - chair. am! Ham. lawn Ram at" of Kentucky, lad loam lhani gaa ., o f obi o , were appointed Seermatioe. The Rer. Mr. 'Ea atwaa. then addressed the throne of Grace in : an impteseive pram The roll of Dskristee was twat allot 'and a fall neptementasion was hand to , he plumps sh ine , all the States, except Booth Carolina and Texas. Mr. King, of Gear* euinnitted a motion that tha Niigata from sash State WA one of their number to &Inn a committed to report popouriont oaken of the Convention. Tbio motion being' unanimously. agreed to-- • • Mr, Kura, from the Comatittes the. meth& ted, subsequently made • report, nominating Ez-Governer MORP.MEAD, of Nortb Cainlina; as president of the Convention, together with tidy' t o r Via Presidents, one from lasch . Btate. On the reassembling of the Convendon. Gov. error M an roads an appropriate and eles anent address, itreeknmeledgement oldie hoc or so fond upon hint in Wog chasm to preside over its deliberations. • The offices, thus reprorted !trying been nen. firmed by the Convention, an adjoernmemt took #I I 4 0 ',094 ! 12 she eftentr)ll._ A question then areal in meta to the laden from Tema. The Whig. Commotion of that fasts, on the 18th nWOOO, appointed thirteen delegates to the Convention, and at spa case time adopted a resolution requesting the delegates from Louisiana to cast elf veto of Tens, hr use the Delegates thus appointed should not be poem& Tbs contingency provided for having eamoned, a difference of opinion we. expreseed es to do right of Texas to transfer her vote to Latish* and on this quehtion s Comod Use was appointed; after which the Convention adjourned till dock next day. In addition to the above, we hem that the members of the Convention had determbesd bold a gamma meeting at ti o'cdeck Jest night, for the purpose of consultation among tlents. As respects the sate of things in the ray Of Philadelphia, net 411 the Commencer, some idea may be keeled from the enjoined letter, written at the moment of the the assembling of the Con,. Mom, and transmuted by Telegraph to the Bottfe mars Patios s PHILADELP7fIA, JUNE 7. 184 g. The city is full tooverflowing with pets. ple from ail part* of the Union. Every hotel is crowded,. and the citizens hare, with an unbounded* heepitality,opened their doors and spread their sables for the ammo modation of the delegates. *: The scene yesterday evening fir Chest nut street was animuting beyond' anything we have ever had here in Phihnklphie since the glorious days of 1770, when kern Independence Hail went forth that great charter of American liberty. the Decline lion of Independence, Tlieusendtropert thousands of people, of ages and sexes , and conditions, were there, and all were animated by the same glorious spirit which mot ed our fathers in the days elite Rev olution—the determination so mese the Government of the coantiy from the hands that had abused its trusts. It does sem impossible that such a party, moved by such impulses, caning to sueeeed in their patriotic efforts. 'There were three politic meettugs held last night—one composed of the advocates of the nomination of HRNalf Cut; one for Gen. Scorr: and one fur Gen. Tart.oa. They were all billy attended. The friends of Gen. Taylor met in Independence Square which, from its association*, was the prin cipal point ofattmction. The large square was crowded to excess—not less than twenty thousand people being present.— The enthusiasm exceeded even that shown in 1840, and, from the spirit which pre vailed at each of the meetings. dm best re sults are expected from the deliberations of the Convention to-day. The members hare nearly all assembled. end present a body of men who, to the Oro ofeven the common observer. hare Intel ligence,, manliness, and character stamped upon them. I have never seen a finer bo dv of men, physicaly, mumbled, and of them the country has cause to be proud. The galleries, which hare been appro priated to the public, an/densely crowd•ds and thousand are in Manifests; unable to obtain an entrance. The whole scene is animating and fall of patriotism, showing the derouon of the .eo Is to the real cause. MARRIED, Oa the 11th alt. by the Ray. John Mich, Mr. Joan RIOS and Mims Eastmain. Oman—all el this county. On the 15111 nit. by tbessone, kir Joan Risen. sou, of Dauphin Genial, and Mho Mon/sewn Awn Tames, of Cumberland county. On the 11041 nit, by Rev. E. V. Gaut, Mr. Ilitsamein lintalvsai, High Mhetiff of Attune county, and Mks Mama, daughter at Mr. Rory Lorry, of this lamb. OA the oth hiss, by the same, Mr. Jaanleeent cond. Mks Re au Omen—both of Ilkontjoy townithip. OA the oth last. by the ante, Mr. has MAIM. LIT and Miss Jiisstaa. L • an—both of Mongol township. DIED, On thelth of May, Mr. listurees grtmeris. of Cowing* township, in titelath you of* sp. At the residence of her son straw, WM. F. Loeb. in Chulaetown. Jefferecto meaty. Vs, Ott Wednesday main. %Ina . ultimo, )4g*. C4TIO! ARUM Id eas, 000110111 of Mr. Yoko /411114,1111.01110111. ed, in the nth year of her IP. Mts. itorae sante of Adams county. PL from which sis en moved a number of years since, end where es still bar a large conendors she had Mss sllaw• .d theirtivitigeOf living to a good old ap, and bad grossing by around her rand oltUdrar and pat pond children. Mm. M. possessed' of those excellencies of the heart, those sahib traits of character, which generate warm sad isst. leg attachmamt—ouch is were hit by them wits knew her beet. Though bar demise wet srs religion had disairrted the angel of *EA all his terrors and made bright and glorioul bar Weil fume time to identity. There will be a stated Meeting of the Blue Dick Company, at the Engine,honee, to-morrow evening at 0 o'clock. P. M. The meeting it intend.. ad for Drfl!. Q. HORNER, HOC' . SREIRITtrALTT. Fau.ow Crusatis :—Encouraged by numerous friends, I hereby announce my self a candidate for the !Maritally at th. ensuing election, pledging myself, if elect ed, to discharge the duties incumbent lothp beat of my judgement and ability. WILLIAM FIORE 8. Reading township, June 0, 1140,44 SINERIFFALTIr! F*LLO* C rnzaNe :—At the earnest so licitadon of a number of my friends, I of fer myself as anINDEPEN DENT CAN DIDATE for the office of Sheriff of Ad ams county. and respectfully solicit your inerages. Should Ibe elected, I pledge my best efforts to the discharge of the du ties of the office. JONAS ROTH. Manahan township, June 9, 1848. EXAMINATION OF THE PVIiLIC SCHO.OIIGII. AN Examination of the Schools of the Borough of Gettysburg will take place during the preeint month, common- W.' as follows : • At the School-house of Mies Matilda Beandan, on Mosider Morning the 20th of June inst. • At the school-house of Mr. Robert B. Paxton, on Monday afternoon following. At the Bohool.houre of Mr. Wm. With row, on Tuesday morning. At the Elebool.house of Mr. Thomas Martin, on Tuesday Afternoon. At the *Mot-house of Mr. William Bo gle, on Wednesday morning and noon. At the Sehool-bone of Miss Ann M'. Curdy, on Thursday afternoon and eve- Ding. Al the School-house of Miss Sarah 0 Lord, on Friday afternoon and evening. The parents of pupils and the citizens of the Borough are respectfully invited to wend. By order of the Board. H. J. Bonntenna, &cretory. Sane 9, 11140; wt 8. - ' ESTATE OP GEORGE To Accept or Reuse, te. sTATs or WWWWW airs•, - 1 AT an Orphans ALAIN Ceorrr. Court heldat De rin a nd for e r t ntyof Ad ams on the SU day • of May, A. D. 184 e. Before Wil liam N. Irvine, Esq. President, and his Associates, Judges, &e. assign ad, dke. UN MOTION the Court grant a Rule on all the heirs and legal Represee tad"), of 01001011 WORTl,lete of Conowa go township, Aden* county, deoessed, to wit: Sarah, intermarried with Michael Ryder, and now the widow of said Michael, residing in the County of Lancaster, Pa. ; Mary, intermarried with Jacob Ryder, who is deceased, leaving issue as follow a, to wit : Molly, intermarried with Isaac stoner, residing in Lancaster county, Pa. ; Mary, intermarried with Jacob Peters ; Ca /henna, intermarried with Henry Fier man ; Jacob Ryder,jr. ; Sarah, intermar ried with William Ehrhart, and now the widow of said William ; Elizabeth, inter married with John Ehrisman ; David Ry der; John Ryder ; Susanna, intermarried with Joseph Black, all residing in the coun ties of Preble and Montgomery, and State of Ohio ; Jacob Wort: ; Marcus Wortz ; Peter Warts, whose share has been as signed to Jacob Wertz ; Catharine, inter married with Christian Statiffer, residing in Columbiana county, and State of Ohio ; and Henry Worts,—to be and appear at an Orphans Court to be held at Gettysburg, in and for the county of Adams, on the third Monday of August next, to accept or refuse to accept the Real Estate of the said deceased, at the valuation made there of, agreeably to the Intestate Laws' of this Commonwealth. By the Court, WM. S. HAMILTON, Clerk 14*y 9, 1848.—at SCHOOL ACCOUNT OF THE BailorGs' FOR ISIB-9. A. D. BUEHLER. En.. Treasurer of the School Fund of the Borough of Gettysburg. for the School year ending June let, 1848. REGEIPTB. Amount received from JAllllollllmotts, late Treasurer, at last settlement $6O 73 Amount received from country pupils, 2 50 Am't received by Treasurer from State A ppropietion for School year 1848, - A ra't Tax levied for 184$ and paid to Tresurer by John Brown, Collector, Am't Judgment against John Sleets, Outstanding tar in hands of John Jenkins. for 1844, 17 87 " Q. Armstrong, for 1846, 553 94 " H. Welty, fur 1847, 347 56 EXPiNDITURES; By Orders issued to Treasurer. TUITION. Mr. John A. Houck, " T. Ditterhoe. 196 00 a Wm. Witherow, 140 00 " R. S. Natoli. " T. Martin. Jesse Sibb, Min. Lord, " A. M'Onnly. " M. Scantin, ' a E. Heath. • PENT ONSOBOOL NOUSE& rahnestock, (in trust) 1647, 864 00 Robert G. Harper, " 164 T, 10 00 rata Waikari, " 1348, 24 00 Wood, *id CO*, to imbdr7 -1 4 " . pinions, 195 72 Furniture for &boob, 41 85 Repair offlehoe-botriosiCloining • illehookiooneoi Broom, Book ^ andinindi3!isoidontal oven. ,4141 18 Holding Election aad pay of Oili- • room Pititintud Blanks, 1612 25 Oartabadlnglet In bunts of J. Janklea, 11144, 17 67 Q. Arrnatteng, 1646, 324 24 H. Welly, 1847, 11 66 Judgoesit against J . Mans* 164 60 By releases alk)wad J. Brown, 17 62 ai Peer 'Bolted 1. Brown, se se Balance in Trawlurat's ha:l6as last aattlocleels ' 31 4 Jo hanky oertify that the foregoiog amount of ALIMANDIR D. BMWLtR, Esq. Treasurer. bag beep examined by us and fund mem% D. 111"CONAUGAN, H. J. lemaatese. Ele&Y. • June 9,1118.-3 t Decidedly the I heapest Goods THE subscriber respectfully invites the public to call and examine his NEW FANCY GOODS consisting of Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Pa per, divalins, - Worsted Binding, Scarfs. Needle-worked. Collars, Cravats, (a beau tiful variety,) Spool Cotton, (all colors,) Purses and Pocket-books c.4 Suspenders, Gloves, (thegreatest kind of arissiortment) Mitts, Hose, Tapes. Whips, Ivory Studs, Peer and Agate Buttons: Boot Lacers, Fan cy Net. Bishop Lawns, Bobinet Lsee. Ed png and Laces, Pins sad Needles. Knitting Cotton, Mixed Cotton Yarn, Wadding. Black Gimps sod Fringes. Green Gauss Veils, Fancy Silk Ties. Wooden Moles, Cotton Laps, Steel Pens, (six for a cent I) &c., &c. Let it be borne in mind, that all the a bove articles will be disposed of twenty. fine percent. cheaper than ever, positively. Call and examine for yourselves, and be convinced. April 7. , J. L. SCHICK. OF the very bestAuality,"and afferent flavors, can be had. at all times, at WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers burg street. ibmilies and Parties will be supplied with any desired quantity, at the shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC TIONS of all• kinds always on hand, and will be furnished to order on reasonable terms. • • • . Gettysburg, July 23.—tf , WORTZ, DEC'D t r im Account of Moss■ M. Netts, Committee of ABLIIIMI KITCHIEN, a habitual drunkard, having been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams co. by leave of asid. Court, and duly confirm ed, and the said, Committee having filed his Petition asking to be discharged front said trust--Notice, is hereby given to all persona interested to be and appear at a Court of Common Pleas to be held st Get tysburg, on Monday the 21 st day of du gust next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Committee should not be discharged. By the Court, A. B. KURTZ, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Gettysburg, June 2, t1348.-3t' ANOTHER ARRIVAL. :CHICK has just returned from the city of Philadelphia, with an EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF New and Fashionable Goods, Which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, to a certainty. This he will prove to the satisfaction of any who may call. Gettysburg, April 7. 1848. y ETTERS Testamentary on the Es- LI tate of ADAM HAHN. late of Germany township, dec'd, having been granted to the subscribers, notice is hereby given to all who are indebted to said Estate, to make payment without delay, and to those having claims to present the same, prop erly uudienttemed, for settlement. ANDREW IlAilN, H F.SSON, May s.—Ot* Executor,. Tile first n•tni.d Expentnr resides in Germany township—Ow latier to F.-cder ink county, Nld. OfIN SITEELEY, of Monnt l ite;.lir township. Adams county. li.v.itt2' rx ert;ted a Deed of videntary of far the benefit of erek!itors. to :h;• illitietsigsvd, residing in Mouittjoy township, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Sheeley to make payment without de lay, and to those having claims to present then► properly authenticated, forsettletnent. SAMUEL DURBORAW. May 5,1848.-6 t • 283 50 `NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of Eva Everett, late of Con. owago township, dec'd, having been grant ed to the subscriber, residing in said town ship--Notice is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims upon the estate to present the same, properly authenticated, for settlement. JESSE WALTMAN. May 26, 1848.-61 Schn'r. 1124 9 1U 80 12505 65 BOOKS & STATIONERY S. 11. BUEHLER HAS just received, in addition to his „ former large stock, wistwely increas ed assortment of Classical, Theological, School, and Mis cellaneous BOOKS, --------- embracing almost every variety of Stand ard and Popular Literature ; also, Blank Books and Stationery of all kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils, Vis iting and Printing Cards, Card Cues, Ink stands, dte. dm., all of which will, as usual, be sold oZT.II7' THE LOWEST PRI CES. Ir.krrangements have been made by which anything not included in his assort ment will be promptly ordered from the Cities. Gettyabuirg, /one St, 1848. $l6O 00 180 00 60 00 80 00 6S 60 138 00 08 00 88 26 $1167 76 $llB 00 311111.18111-ICTIIGEIIIIIIO , 1 11 1 11 E itibiariber tenders his acknovrl edgments to the public for the liberal sad steady patronage with which he has been favored for a series of years. and re specifully announces that he has just re eeivid, at his' old established stand in Chambasburyg strut. a large and fresh SUPPLY OF DRUGS & MEDICINES, IP.AallikrittilDlNlVMlllll9 Painto,Varnish, Dyestuffs* and svery.seriety of articles usually found in a Dru‘ etore. to which he invites the attention of the public, with assurances that thint, will be furnished at the most reason able prices. 8, H. 10.1F.11Lp. Gettysburg, June 2,1848. 11l 4$ 42505 66 411. 7 1rD Mai .11.1W'0 T 1 11ER 1 TUST reeeired at STEVENSON'S, another Imply of fine, fresh HER. RING and SHAD, for sale row. _ May $6, 1448. In Town ! ASSORTMENT OF Onikik, NOTICE. ITOTIOI3. NOTICE. Country Merchants can Save FROM 15 TO 25 PER CENT. B y purchasing their Oil Cloths direct from the manufacturers. Potter & Carmichael Have opened a Warebouse,No. 135 North Third street, above Race, second door month of the Eagle Hotel, PHILADEL PHIA. where they will always keep on hand a complete assortment of Patent 'Elas tic Carriage Oil Cloths, 28, 36,40. 46, 48 slid 54 inches wide.' Figured, Paidind, and Plain, on the inside, on Muslin. Linen and Drilling. Two oil Cloths of the most desirable patterns. 36, 40, 46 and 54 inches wide. Floor Oil Cloths, from 28 inches ip 21 feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style of patters, all of their own manufacture. 111:-.7•Tntrisparent Window Shades, Carpets, &c. All goods .varrant• ed. ' [June 2,1848-3 m GREAT BUSTIFICATION OF STEAM WORKS I and Engineer seriously Wounded 11111 E it known to the world, that the un it, dersigued hu obtained Letters Pa tent for an Improved Machine fo r Hulling and Clean ing Clover-seed, which, for thoroUghly performing its work, in a speedy manner, surpasses any thing that has ever been presented to the public. In order to produce a machine that will meet the wants of the community in every respect, the Patentee has for several years vpplied himself diligently *cola taski_Mid is now enabled to offer a machine worthy of their consideration. This machine has only been in opera tion during the last season, in Cumberland, York and Adams counties, and has given entire satisfaction. It is a neat, portable machine, only weighing about 400 lbs. and of light draught, and can hull and clean with ease four loads of cloverseed per day, or one load in brio hours. It can be con verted into a common windmill in a mo ment's time. - Persons desiring to pur chase rights can see_ the machine by call ing at my residence irgaitimore township, Adams county. Owners of Clover-mills would find it to their advantage to give me a call. Hundreds of certificates can be given of its utility, and the satisfactory manner that it hulls and cleans cloverseed, and also timothy reed, but I deem it only necessa ry to refer to a few individuals at whose barns the machine has been exhibited and fully tested. HUNTIMITON TP. LATIMOIII Tr. Jas. M'Elwee, Eaq. Genrge Deardorff, Eng. Benjamin' Shelly, William Wright, J. E. Wierman, Esig., Abraham Livingston, John Raffensperger, Daniel Gsxlner, Sebastian Mimi!. Cyrus Albert. Tyrone ty. Franklin tp. Sohn Bolin, David M'Mardie, John Neely, George Smith, John Lehman, A. Heintzlemsn, Egg. Amos Myers. Servile', fp. • Freedom. Jahn M'llhenny, Abraham Krise, Win. M'llhenny. A Lanham Higham, Reading rp. James Cunningham, John Tudor, Wm. M'Cleavy, Eli Deter, Abraham Wsybright. William Picket'. GEORGE GARDNER. May 26, 1848. AT TAR VARIETY STORE Lt Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, g i AN be purchased, as cheap as may II 1 be espeeted, Steel Bead Retiettles and Purses, Beads and Clasps, Purse Twist, Scissors, Thimlilcs, Chenile, Flow ers, Cords, Worsted and Worsted Patterns, C.lrd Boards, Combs. Silk Can , asB. Lilly W title, Cologne, Mot Oil, Bead Brushes, Hooks and Bed Lace and Carpct Biptling, together with an s.siirtmen of.IF;IVELB V. Apra 7. 1818.—ti tit.GISTi.3 AND ItLCuF.DEfi, Ti the free 04(1 Independent Voters of Adams County T the earnest solicitation of many 1, friends, I am induced to offer my self as an Independent candidate for RE GISTER & RECORDER of Adams county. Should I be elected, I shall feel under many obligaions to the public, and shall endeavor to discharge the duties of ths office to the best of my ability. WM. F. WALTER. Sttaban tp., April 7, 1818—tf. Whoever wants a First-rate TIME-PIECE CAN be accommodated by calling at FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab lishment, in Chambersburg street, Gettys burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24 hour and 8 day CLOCKS have just been received from the City. They are of the best manufacture; and will be warranted. Give us a call—they will be sold cheap. Jewelry, Watch-Giards, vir ATCU Chains, Keye, Spectacles v v arc. &c. can always be had at the Clock do Watch Establishment of F.X.FRAZER. Inicileilejniforbalho /AN hand and for sale, a lot of Travel ing Bags and Baskets, very handy and cheap. J. L. SCHICK. Aseille-worked Collars. THP, attention of the Ladies is respect fully asked to an extensive and beau tiful variety of Needle-worked Collars, which I have just received from Philadel phia. Determined not to be out-done in selling low, I assure the Ladies that they can purchase Collars at the lowest rates possible. ' J. L. SCHICK. &MIMI? 6,71C1/21/8381100 A Pew boxes, best qualiiy, ENGLISH CHEESE; also, 01-fashioned thick SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES, only 97i cents. a few barrels very superior N. O.Molasmea, for baste, just :wonted at STEVENSON'S. , May 26 1840. jEkWATCHES, of all kinds, will be Cleaned and repaired, 41 the shopeet notice, at FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Establiehtnent,in Gettysburg July 16,1647. , • tf • IVI g • ithrTS. ALARGE. uriorinient,...4ki, cheap rim comfortable-4gst received an , for nle bT J. L. SCHICK, April 7, 1848. FANO,It AR.TI °LES, OctioginaSoaps T4oth *Ni lo %mobile, Tooth. Pirwaere. &c.. &a., flr sialp by , S. , IL BUEllt , fl AP &LE'rrEICPAP ER, of belted. V)-41 . 'qualityrfai "pie ;it April 7.—lf HICK'S. THE GREAT CONVENTION Of Parciazers of Eregant and Cheap CLOTHING, AT Prices extremely low, is still in sea. sion at the Philadelphia Wardrobe, 103 CHESNUT STREET. The ses sion of this Convention is conducted with unparalleled harmony, and the amount of business,done is immense. The Presi dent—P. N. •INMlVeille; assisted by numerous Vico Presidents, presides with great efficiency y and the Treasurer is kept constantly busy with receiving money.— The delegates to this Convention are in tits of delight, and have unanimously con sented to nominate P. R. 114'NEILtE as 0131411RAL TAYLOR. of the U. States. If esivry one of the 100,- 000 patrons of the Philadelphia Wardrobe should vote for him—P. R.'M'Neills will prove a most troublesome customer loath er Presidential competitors. We are happy to. say that at this Con vention all sets of Delegates are received, and no-party men's money is accounted just as gond as any body's money. This maignanitnity is highly extraordinary. June 2,1848--2 t . .; TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OF ROSS'S EXPECTORANT. . - A - 11HE following certificate, which was recent. ly received by the proprietor from a lady in Frederick, gives conelusiye proof of the aka. cy of Roes's Expectorant in relieving tbe ed over all other preparations. Read and judge for yourselves. F latb April 19th, Arr. J - r: - Bair , . Sta—My oldest daughterhis been afflicted for about three years with sore Nbrost and enlarge. ment of the Tonsils, and tor the year, so great was the swelling, that she was unable to sleep more than half an hour at a time, without being compelled to insert the linger, In her throat and opening it, for the purpose of breathing. I had tried every, thing that was recommended, and em pl eyed Physicians both here and in Baltimore. but they gave no relief, (they co*d relieve her only by applying the lance, but she would not consent,) and it continwed in that state until her case was made known to your agent in this place, who promptly furnished the Expectorant, and after tieing four bottles,'her throat is almost entirety cured. No one could scarcely believe the benefit derived from using it, but those who saw the state in which her throat was before using the Expectorant, and the appearance now. There are several persons, known to your agent, who have watched the progress of the medicine during its use, who are willing to testify to the truth of this statement whose namea.can he bad by calling on him. I have also used the Expec torant in cases of Colds, &c., in my family, and can confidently recommend it. PRUDENCE BENTZ. CAUTION Tia GINUTIC has the words "Ross's Esper• torant—lmproved—Ballinsore, Md ' blown in the glass, and the initials "J. F. R.' stamped on the seal. Each bottle hereafter will be enveloped in A Naw W a, printed from a copper-plate engraved ezpressly for the proprietor on which will appear the facsimile of my written signa ture. Prepared and sold by JAS. F. ROSS, Druggist. Baltimore Md. For Pale by B. H. BUEHLER., Gettysburg and Dr. W. R. STEWART, Petersburg, (Y. S. June 2,1848-17 rrllruggists and Merchants wishing the Age'. ey of this medicine, where there are none, will have it sent to them by addressing, port paid, the Proprietor, and giving approved ' reference. BR,ILVDRETH'S PILLS have a prin ciple in them similar, or which accords with, and truly strengthens the purify ing principle of the blood. READ AND UNDI..RTAND. RitINC/PLIi. OF LIEF., that subtle and invisible priciple which animates the human frame. and whore seat is in the blood. i' one of the most impenetrable secrets ol the Cies tor. We cannot comprehend his principle.but :A know that it is in the b.oorl for lI vie DS• CRY.A,S 1 , 10/11 111 tl.O e dr eiaa-e the Liss trail, 11 'vie .C.r ldood the,buily, LAI l.io ceas ir e illosi believe '.what the •criptures say or :his subject ; no one rin doubt it. 'the lite of the II , rli e• raf•TIC•I.I rto the eLoon , —There Cr'.r be ~o tot...taro. lion this subject i so we most then be also convinced that an) tuitig which im pedes the circulation of the blood must depress in beat dowel the principle at Lite, and make the body subject to receive injury (ruin the principle of corruptibility implanted in the human frame. We cannot deny it. There is in every created being a principle of corruptibility, as well as a principle of animation. It is when this corrupt ibility becomes too powerful for the Lira Pain• circa or Blood, that disease commences. It is not because it does exist but because it becomes ACT/VS ; in some it has taken an bundled years to develops itself; in some, it has decome para mount belore birth, and the child is still-born.— The constitution of the child depends upton its parsons; he receives from them the principle of his life, and also that which will Lltimately destroy him, and when of age be trausun.a them to hie children. Thus we see that in the same body is the principle of life and also of corruptibility. And it is only by due attention in some bodies that health can be isecored.by artificial modes Of assist. ing the functions of life to throw off the occasion. accumulations elf corruptibility, which entered*e would overpower the principle life, belore the individual had reached to the full period of his existence, according to the principle of life with in him. For, in order that men should arrive at • that petiole( life called old age; a perfect balance mot exist between the principle of life and the principle of. corruptibility. When the fi&stance is in favor of the principle of lire, we observe the energy of character with edmiHtion. And I have no doubt that just in proportion as the life principle predominates is the energy both of body and mind. By the use of proper Medicine this can always be secured until a good old age. The principle of corruption• is subject to the influence of many causes of vitiation. it is, there fore, necessary that we be provided' with ample means to prevent injury front' it; or in eons.- mience of this visitation that putridity would be produced which would destroy the individual Sr. he had arrived at that period of life which he would have done from the principle of life which was in him. ,Now, to accomplish this, we must prevent an acensfulation of those humors which bear down the principle oflifir. Do not wait for an a ttack of sickneelLbut on lliefinit appearitice of the snafu_ Mimt_naltut AlPitotiono to expel him from the body. This is the object al- ways attained by those who use Basseterre's IPst.s.s. Thousaols who have kept their beds for years have been restored by the pee of this medi cine. They are as harmless as a pm* ef,bread yet all powerful for the removal of disease wheth er throttle or recerit, ideotious, or otherwise.— By theme of Briusdreth's Pills, the blood Is grad. nally purified, and Wool* too ittong for ill in3* pediments to itti free coursei,and they the , body is rostorattio perfect health' and usolultmos. The idea of two spirits, the one good and thit Other evil, haiing power over Map, fa thus given a corporeatapplication aod, what le better, we know - how to assist the good . mineiple,the blood, to conquer but humors, and thus produce health Ind cheerfulness, where before there was nothing but sadness and despair. o::).The Bmndreth Pills are sold for 28 Gents per box at Dr. B. Brantketh's Principal Office, 241 Brandeis'', N. York, and by the following duly authorised Agents M. Stevenson de Co., Get qabrug ; T. B. M'Creary, Petersburg Abraham Maar Hanterstown; A. M'Parland, Abbittstown; D. M. Q, Whits, Hampton; Bneerinpr Littlestaim ; Mary Duncan, Cashtown ; Geo. W. Her, Fairfield ;3.H. A ulabaugh, East Berlin; D. Newpmer Mechanicsville; earn'l Shirk, Han over. [ June 2, 1848. GOLD PENS AND SILVER PEN CILS,, {best quality). Card Cases, Visiting and Printing Cards, Fancy Note Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Fancy Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps. Are., for sale by • , S. 11. BURULER. Theitaiber 10, TAILORING. E./5 R. MARTIN, ,D STAND, North-west to Diamond, Gettysburg, coder their thanks to their irtomera for past favors, id respectfully inform the iblie that they continuoto 'ut and Make all Garments, . the best manner and on !asonable terms. The fitting done, u heretofore, by ROUST Warm. 0... - Fashions regu larly received, and every effort made to se cure a good fit and substantial sewing. The subscribers hope, by their long ex periince in the business, and renewed ef forts to please, to merit and receive a con tinuance of public patronege. Otr Tne SPRING FASOIONS have jopt been received from the City. 14A.RTIN. ICPAII kinds of Country Produce ta ken in ezehange for work. • " April 7, 1848.—tf URTNEESIIIPI.IISSOLYVY; THE Partnership existing betwaii the subscribers, was dissolved by mu• tual consent, on the first day of April,lB4ll. .1. 11. SKELLY, EMANUEL FISHER. J. H. SKELLY ' O n TILL continues to carry on the Tail -1- oriagbusineas, Stanti, near ly opposite the Post Office, Zino he 3e prepared to execute all work in his line with promptness end dispatch. He re turns his thanks to the public for the generous support he his hitherto received, and hopes. by attention to huskies., to mer it a continuance of the public patronage. ,gcrAll work done at his shop will be warranted to fit. Gettysburg, May 12.—tf GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY .11JCIIIXE SHOP. rl . ‘ll.E subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he still continues to can* on the FOU N DRY BUSINESS, in stilts branch es, at his old establishment, in the Western part of Gettysburg; where hetes constantly on hand all sorts of at 44b .73 ariPAUIS e such as Kettles. Pete. Ovens, Skillets. Paps, Griddles, &c., of all sizes ; also, STOVES of every size and variety k inoln- Ain" Common, Parlor, Air-tight and Cook ing Stoves—among them the far-famed Hat haways. To Farmers he would say. he has on' hand au excellent assortment of , 1 Threshing Machines. Hovey's celebrated Sirs wcutters, the re nowned Seyler Plows; also Woodcock's and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutters, Shares, &c. _.- 01,ACKSMITH114G is carried on in• its different branches, by the best of work men.' tb.The subscriber has also opened a BOOT & SHOE Shop in the South end of the Froundry Building, where, with good work men and excellent materials, the neatest fits and best work will be made. IzZPLa dies will be waited on at their residence. All of the above mentioned articles will be furnished as cheap. for Cash or °country Produce, as they can be had any where else. All orders will be promptly attend ed to. 11C7`Repairing, of all kinds, done at the short 3et notice, T. WARDEN Gettysburg, May 5. 4848. BURNT OUT, BUT AT IT AGAIN PAINTING. eIIHE subscriber takes this method of j_ informing his friends and thipublie. that he is now located in the Alley between North Washington and Carlisle streets, im mediately in the rear of D. Middlemen Store, where he will be proparedi as here tofore, to do all kinds of , oach, Cloth, & Sign Painting 100°.CARRIAGE REPAIRING done at short notice, and on reasonable terms, for which Country Produce will be. taken. The subscriber is thankful for past fa vors, and' hopes, by attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and re• ceive a continuance of public patronage. J, G. FREY: Gettysburg,•May B.—tf REMO rJL. 11 BOOTS & SE.OES.L •D. Kendlehaft OULD most respettfelly inform w w his friends end the public in gene ral, that he has removed hie BOOT Ak, SHOE • Establishment to the house for many Yuan oecupied by D. Lrrms, a. a Midler'. Shop, (opposite the Post office, Ind in the immediate vicinity of Patuntirroce's Store) in South Baltimore Street, when he will be happy to attend to those who may pa tronize him as heretofore. Thankful for put I►rors,the eeheeriber solicit a continuance of the patronage here tofore so liberidly extended to D. RENDLEII.I.II.T. Gettysburg, April 1848.—Elm NOTICE. PPROPOSALSwiII •be received for "Building a Stone Church, 35 feat by 45 feet, near the pid one, (Roek Chapel,) a short distance from Eleidlersburg, on Sat. urday the 11th of June, at 1 o'clock.— Those wishing to undertake ougkt to meet the Building Commute.. on that day, in person. It will be given out to the lowest end bean bidder, who will be expected to finish - the house. ISAAC SADLER, MICHAEL PESTLE, THOS. M'CLEARY, WM. R. SADLER, JOHN L. SADLER, SOLOMON BENDER. May 18,1848.—td Building Committee, Warden IP Flower See do, OF ever variety, from the celebrated SIIA Gardeue, New Lebanon, N. York,--aleo RISLEY'S Garden and Flower Seeds—juat received and for sale at the Drug and, Book Store of S. H. BUZIILEIL Geppburg„,lifarqb 17, 1048, SHERIFF'S SALE. IN pursuance of a writ of l'enditioni Bxponat, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, 'Penn sylvania, and to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale on Riday the 23d day of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Court-house, in the Borough of Gettys burg, the following Real Estate, to wit : No. Tract of Land situate in Liberty t3synahip, Adams coun ty, Pa., containing 179 JICRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Shultz, Hugh Sweeney and others, on which are erected a ONZ AND A HALF STORY . z f oa ' ti 11.1 M DWELLING HOUSE , - and other out-bnildings. About 15 Acres of this tract is cleared and in a state of cul tivation ; the residue is covered with good timber. No. 2—A. Tract of Land, adjoining the aforesaid, containing . SO JICRES, more or hate, being principally Timber or Mountain land. • No. .9—A. Tract of Land situate is Liberty township, Adams coun ty, Pa., containing 980 4C RES, more or less, adjoining lands ofJobn Flohr, per. Earguirom and _others-, l niso being Timber or Mountain Lend. No. 4-A Tract of Land situate in Hamihaat= township, Adams county, Pa., containing 60 4CRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Runtime Dirt% titterer & 06., and being west of the uVirginia•Mille" of Mrs. Mary Myers —also Timber or Mountain Land. The first above mentioned three Tracts being/mind and levied on as the proper ty of Sanust. and Joss Durum, and the fourth and lest Traet'heittit seized and lev ied on u the property of Jowl DOPItoRN. Kr Pomo phi property at Sharill'a sale, will to pay taper ewe. dew protium maw= die day afar ail.. BENJAMIIIO BCHRIVER,BIIMIIIIP ElhairrOMotiOarkai, ) May 19, nag. ATTEND TO YOUR TEETE Dr. F. E. VanderslOot smmeott DIINTIO, RESPECTFULLY informs the Citi iirstriof Gettysburg and vicinity that he is prepared to perform every.operation appertaining to his Profession, such as cleansing. • filing, plugging and inserting Teeth, fro& a single tooth to a full set. An experience of More than twelve years in the Profession he trusts will enable him to operate to the entire satisfaction -of those who may wish his services. All work will be warranted. For his place of residence enquire at the store of Samuel Fahnestock. Reference is respectfully made to the fol lowing gentlemen i 1 Km Dr. achatuaaa, Rev. Prof. Dategher, Dr. D. Homer, Dr. D. Gilbert,_ Prot Prot 11. Haupt, Rai. E. V. Gerhart, Dr. C. N. Borioeby, Prof. M. L. Slaver, Gettysburg, Oct. 9,1847—1 y J. Lawrence Hill, M. D., DExtirsr, IlEsToPitEal s T er F wi li ce L st Y th o e fi c e i rs o h n is i op ffsGet tysburg and surronnding country. is prepared to attend to all cues 'usually en trusted to the Dentist, and hropts, , by attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to please all who Easy, see fit to entrust their teethinhis bands. Kr Office, second door above Forry's Hotel, 8. Baltimore street. Gettysburg, July 211.—tf D. AIWN A UGHY; Altonsty or inut, Ark FFIOE in the O. W. corner . of-the 110 Public Square, one door Wert of G. Antold's Store. formerly. occupied as a Law Office by John M'Oonangby, deed. He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to burins', in his profession. it will be his endeavor to madly confidence and patronage. . ' pc3 O •D. lif l Oorruouv will also attend promptly to all business entrusted to him as Age* and Solitilor for Patents and Pensions. He bar made arrangements, through which be can fitrnish very desire ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re lieve them from the necessity of a journey to Washington. on application to him per sonally or by letter. Gettysburg, April 11.—tf ALEX. B. STEVENIWN, ATTORNEY atT niFFICE in tbe Centre eqnstie, North ‘-r of the Court l honse. between Smith's and therensou's corners. Gettysburg, Pa.. A CERTAIN CttRE TOR THE PILES Dr: Clair ten AANDIAN Vegetable Met Remedy, is a dome, tic preparation, which lies beau toed with en the sneessirfot many years. Being en Internal medicine, it has a decided preference over outward apPiessions e which &rebut palliatives and not cu ratives. =This medicine tete upon the diseased parts, producing healthy action and a permanent ciare—weses wa WAIRANT,OIII RIVVIIIV Till KO. Citiold, wkolesale and retail, by RowANn & WALTON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Phila., and by S. R. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. 131t finger, Abbottatmen ; Lilley & Riley, Oxford, and. Cooper,Franklin tp. [Atig.6, '47-1y SOUSE SPOUTING. WILL be made and put up by the subscriber, who will attend prompt ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish ment in the county. GEO. E. BITEIILER. Gettysburg, October 15, 1847. ' ILVER AND GERMAN SILVER L PENCILS, VIOLIN STRINGS, &0., of best quality, can alwas be had at the Fancy Store of C, W EAVER. Useful and Ornamental. MA NS in the greatest abundance, at al most any and every price, can be had at Schiek's Variety Store. Warm weath er is coming on.—therefore call coon. April 7, 18480.--tf PRA NUTS, FILBERTS, AL. MONDS, &c., of the beat quality to he Itedat tlie•Oopfeetioeary of C. WEAYUR. Co-Partnership in the Cabinet- Making Business. 111 1 111 E subicribers hare entered late Partnership in the Cabin4,lomA* business, at the old stand of Henry Ger lach, in South Baltimore street, appetite Winebrenner's Tannery— where they Will always liars on hand, and be prepared to make, to order, Sideboards, Secretaries, Dressing Bu reaus, Tables, Bedsteads. ;Fmk Work and CA mdle-sl ands, • and, in short, every ankle belonging to the above business. They will also have on hand CHAIRS of all varieties. p■AIL orders for COFFIN!! Wended to with the utmost promptness. The subscribers assure dee public, that all work purchased of them will be of the neatest and m oat durable character. They superintend themselves the construction of every article, thus being assured thatboth material and workmanship "can't be beat." Their terms are exceedingly ntwionsbla, as may be learned by giving theme call. ir:pCountry produce taken In etchings for work. HENRY GARLACH, DANIEL TRIMMER: Gettysburg, Jan. 28. THIS WAY FOR BARHAINS.IN Cabinet Furniture ! RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that ha continues to keep on hand, at his Cab inet-making Establishment, in East York street, Gettysburg. Pa., a large assortment of all kinds of CABINET rgelstrgac, OUCH Al Mahogany, Cherry and Maple BU REAUS, Plain and Fancy, French kedf-French BEDSTEADS,. Centre, Dining 4. Breakfast TABLES, Cup-boards, Irorkstands, Candlestands, .As my Furniture it manufactured by myself for regular customers, and troller Auction purpose*, the public may rely up on its being, what it purports to be, of fash ionable style, and best material and work manship. Housekeepers and others, desiring new and GOOD Furniture, will do well to give me a call before purchasing olsewhere. C' OFFINS made to order, at all times. GEO. H. SWOPE. Gettysburg, Feb. 18, 1848.—tf RA DIV AY 'S CHIN ESE 'MEDICATED SOAPl—Patronlzed by thousands of individu. its throughout the United States and Canada', giving the most flattering satisfaction to all who have used it. Chemists have vroodrued at ate mysterious effects. and many of them base my deavored to discover the secret of its wonderful combination of efficacious balms and extracts, which render it an speedy and eltleueinifs In the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Fostules, Tenet, transforming, as if by magic, dark, sallow, yel low and unhealthy skins, to soft,rnooth, fair, pure and healthy complexions. For the cure of Ckapped Flesh, Rough, Crorkrd and ,Disoolered Scat Rheum, Ring Worm, F.rysipelas, Searcy, end hart head, RA DW Al" 8 CHINESE MEDI CATED SOAP mav truly be called an ineatima ble Immure. Escrescences of the Cuticle ate apedily removed and cured—the cuticular vessels are instantly c:eaused of all impurities—tte bands, neck and face present a beautiful, clean, sweet and healthy appearance. For Sassing, gentlemen will find this Soo a gnat desidentnm, it produces a rich, creamy lather, softens the beaid, and renders the skin smooth and pliable. For Ckoning Teeth. Red. way's Soap is superior to paste or powder it makes the teeth white and beautiful, sweetens the breath and protects the gums from scurf. As • genets) Miles goap, it superior to French end English - Soaps. it is entirely free from irritating Ingredients—it is purely balsamic and soothing tnthe,skin. . „ Each cake, to be genuine, mart bi signed R G. Raderay. J. & R. G. RADWAI, 2 Courtland St., N. Y Sold in Gettysburg by 8. H. BUF.HLER. ?larch 31, 16413,-2m ACattairA AvicE;9?novr *Lall WESTERN NEW YORK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. la R. G. O. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lithontrip. ' tic Mixture, a celebrated medicine, which hu mode GREAT CURES IN ALL DIREASEP, Is now introduced into this section. The limits of an adrertitement will not ;minit ann• tended notice of this remedy ,• we hare onlz to say it his for its agents in the U. States Cud lan. adas a large number of educated MEDICAL PRACTITIONEBB In high profeasional standing, Nho niche a gen eral use of it io their practice in the IA ovriog diseases: DROPSY, GR AVEL, and diseases of OA Urinary Organs, Piles ant all diseases of the Wood, derangements of tht Lt.ri atf and all general direaseb of the systrm. It $ particularly r equested that al! w•he eanteinplute the use' of this article, or who desire infoionatios respecting it, WILL OBTAIN A PAMPHLET of 32 pages, which Agents whose name, are below gladly give away. This book treats upon toe method of cure--explains the peculiar pro vert,es of the article, and also the *URSA* it hes. been used for Over this country and tterspe for four years with such perfect diet User ld pages of testimony from the highest quartet► Wilt be found with NAMES. PLACES AND PATES: which can be written to by any one innereeled. Mei the parties will answer post paid ccosionuniviitiouth RTEe particular and AtSK FOR THE rAmpirL}v, as no other such Pamphlet has ever beet area. Tire evidence of the power of this medicine weer ell diseapet is guaranteed by prevails of well keels• standing in society. Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz. border , . Prieso2 for 80 oz., $1 for 12 ez., The larrer being the cheapest. Every bottle has "GI. C. VAUGHN" written on the dineciinns, &c. ses parnOttat, 28. Prepared by Dr. G. C. A aiaghn, and sold principal bffice, 207 Main street. t Ueda, Offices devoted to sale of this article siesairgigir 132 Nassau, New York, and t other 51 Drava and Washington, Salem, Masa, and by all 80111011 1 throughout this country entltUrnada. ILTAnzwrs.—S. H. 81,11 , 111.,E11. Gettrabany JACOB MARTIN. New Clatnrd; East Berlin; WM. lIEBLIN,Hanoter ;JObtfilli R. HEN HY , Abbottatown. • March 8, 1848.-17 opt viattara 1111 4 4.• 4 •e` FOR SW Ar r Arrnic,. -