Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 02, 1848, Image 2

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    „ ,
• lOvarepe.
By arrival of the steamship Hibernia;
at New York, on Saturday, we are placed
en possession of highly important intelli
gence from Europe, of a later daie by one
week, than we had previously' received.
The latest accounts from Liverpool and
London are of the 13th ult., peon.
Thu news from France is very impor
An order had been reeeived at Don
logna, (ruin Paris, to put the whole line of
COW in a state. of defence, and to mount
guns, op ,the detached forts, which are
built a little Way out at sea. The gates
of the upper town are also to be repaired
and fortified. This louks like a prepara
nee tidy , War. ;
Several bloody conflicts have taken
'lllllollllnitireeit the Poles and Prussians.
Owtripf the most importunt points of this
nnes,„i” the declaration of war by Pope
Pius IL agaiust Austria, and that at the
law mamas the situation attic Austrian
army in Italy was very perilous.
Serious skirmishes have taken place
: between the Hungarians and the Jews. 1
,The Danes, it appears, have completely
blockaded the German ports.
, . There 1" nothing important from Ire
ribs blockade by the Danes, of the north
ern port of Germany, in some measure in
terrepted the improvement visible the pre-
Nious week in the manufacturing districts,
for, under the present circumstances, the
trade of Germany is completely suspend
al.. There is, however, reason to hope that
the mediation of England will' soon put a
"hap to - hostilities, and restore the inter
course With the northern ports.
The was iii Italy also operates disadvan
tageinsaily; foraltho ugh France and England
are eager to offer their good offices, there
is a complication of circumstances which'
,render cohjeCture as to the" result difficult.
Notwitlustending these drawbacks, trade
continues to improve. The season pro
istinsit another abundant harvest ; and
skinild this expectation be realized, the
pries,' of breadatuffs are not likely to ad
vance, for another year at least.
Some of the journals announce that the
Pajlt had been deposed, and the republic
AtitipOsted at
_Rome, but the news seems
Ffiattca.-"-I yesterday sent you the re
"tilt ,oe, the election for the intermediate
go..eerning power, which in order to dis-
Ungplah it from the extinct Provisional
government, has assumed the title of "Ex
ecutive Committee of Government." No
one here is surprised at the choice made
by the Asembly. The names chosen had
beeu pat forward as a gouvernmatt de con-
Ciliation, and was accepted as such even
hy many who disapprove of the policy of
hl.Ledru Rollin. The result was, there-
Ore; :eXpeeted. and the names of Lamar
dee, Leifins Rollin, Arago, Gartner Pages.
are precisely 'hove which *-
Wins. (*peeled to find at the head of
iniftor4 Thai what has excited great sus
jails' is the peWition of M. de Lamartine
on the list. Instead of being first as he
has been on many election polls, and is still
theliliitiion of the country, be comes on-
He has fewer, vote] than any.
6111kokatigaits' with the exception of the
ofirojiMar. Leila; Rollin himself. •
Thit *toting far' the . Exeestlvis Com
mittals' tetsdted at folloWe Harsher of
rotes. 794 ; absolute majority; MI ' •
For Arl;Waii -•- - '
'Ludas, - -
The four members having obtained the
rsquired majorities. were proclaimed mem
bers of the Executive Committee.
The knowing named gentlemen em
brace thestew French ministry:
Foreign Affair--M. BasiWe.
• : Rime—iiiik4Chnitert: . '-.. ' . , . ..
• !Nama.4-idaholeire. : . .
.11satice—.4. Orantieux. • %
Public Instrusisious-44. Canto*-
~7 . • _ M. Floeon. ,
. , ~, t • ii 1341,:... , ,, ,
• . ' ..-tr-rr. r........ 1::.
, . rite.--111 Tie t. •' 1
MiiihiA:l#C "ease ' — " "
Interior—Al. RoCurt.
ITALY.—There is fink' pcisitire news
front the sent of war in Italy. 'The !hart
diniiriiii have obtained some advaista.
gee: :, '',.A' rector has reached England of
Vitas* having fallen into the hands of the
troops of Lombardy and Sardinia. It was
certain thatihe Austrians had been driven
from all the points between Vallegio on
the Mincio, and Pontone on the North A
dige, above Verona. The king is repre
sented to have greatly distinguished him
self in action, and to have even condearen
ded to use his sword, and fight like a sol
,IMPORTANT FROM ROME.-..--A report pre.
vailed in Paris, that the Pope, repenting
his late hostility to. Austria, had revolted
his declaration of war; that in consequence
the people had risen en ionise, and depos
ed him from his temporal authority—pla
cing him under restraint in the Castle of
Bt. Angelo.
The Journal des Debals confirms the
above. It appears That Rome has regular
ly rebelled against him, and the probabli
ity is that his Holiness will be deposed as
a temporal prince. In fact, the entire ex
ecutive authority appears to he exerciand
11 , 4110 new ministry, without any control
on Abe part of the Pontiff.
Aturritta.—A fresh ebullition of popular
indignation in this city has been occasion
ed by the (alleged) interference of the arch
bishop in favor of the expelled religious
society of the Liguriaur, a sect affiliated
to the order of Jesuits. It was supposed
that gie arehh4thop war soliciting the gov
ernment to recall the obnoxious religion
ists, lied lot content with disturbing the
slumbers of the , unfortunate prelate, the in
eurgeote shivered the lower casements of
of hie Reface to atoms, and one individual
climbed toe window of the first story, and
to re
4owo the German flag suspended
bitit+r RICICARDT:D.-•- The prejudices oa
account of color, so strong in this country,
do not obtain die world over, and the fol
lowing paragraph from the Cir Minolta
Herald, filenames the benefits conferred
on Afrisee mine by the-great leveller-up--
Education b... The Secretary to the eons.
anion appointed to orris* the laws of
Honduras, is a colored man, a native echo.
maiep. And educated at Oberlin, in this
SUM., .We him well when at that
place t ,and„emi bear vastimosty to his tal
ent.. Urn -tuts oomadesed the ablest man
is hi...4041.-14a same is W. C s Whit
cornft,;„llpik, ashity *tusked to the office
of ElegmligT to $l2OO.
&min for Marts in Afiatairon.--
TA* ' of alliebigooe of ttr Tao
Mai toted a 'hotter lathe Mori pew
pie of Dm sotto, coohotiot upon thOok the
right to oftill!liab to dot openly of Looollo
I 0011104** 0 0 111 1 01141 Dior 6 bell be VXMM7
sod with 114001.
Gem Scott's Reception at N. York
and Philadelphia
In our last we mentioned the arrival of
the war•ivorn Veteran at his home in Eliza
bethtown. On the Monday morning fol
lowing, the whole population turned out
in a mass, amid the waving of flags and
roar of irtillery. There was a grand pro
'cession. a meeting at the town Hall, and
speeches to and from the General. lie
was met in Elizabethtown by a Commit
tee of Home of the most distinguished citi
zens of New York city, who were await
ing his arrival to tender him the invitation
of the authorities of New York to visit and
accept its hospitalities. The General at ,
length yielded to their pressing solicita
tions that would not be denied ; and the
25th inst. was designated as the day for
his visit..
On that day, the •Common Council of ,
New York proceeded on a splendid steam
boat, decorated with flags, to Elisabethport,
where the old Hero was received on board.
The boat then headed again for the oily,
and on coming up the bay, several salutes
were given to the old general front the Is
lands and military posts. On the boat ar
riving at Castle Garden, the General was
received by the acting Mayor, Ahlertnan
Franklin, Mr. Havemeyer being in Balti
more attending the Convention. In reply
to the welcome, General Scot? made .1
brief and pithy speech, thanking the thy
of New York for the honor it hild'entilbr
red on him.
The ceremonies of reception having
been concluded, the. Gensod. am .lw.AW'.
were received by *lewd of bettor es the
part of the military, end, eseerted to the
Battery, to review the troops which wore
the formed in line. , •
After the review thelinked march Wes
commenced up Broaellhity to Chatham
street. through Chatham street tothe-BeW
ery up the Bowery to Astor Plies, thence
to Broadway, down Broadway to Cham
bers street.
. Along thesestreets,the windows 'What ,
conies of the houses and stores Were tilled
with ladies, who appeared fully as enthu
siastic in welcoming the pliant veteran is
the men were. Many *Ahem threw *beim
flowers and boquets to hits,sorosofwhich
be got. The old general was deeply al
fected by the attention shown MM.
Ile remained in New York, ,reeeib4ng
the calls of the citizens eajil Saturday mor
ning, when, having remind se order the
previous evening toialr instantly to
Washington, he depa rtedforth; Smith.—
Ar Philadelphia. he meta mementhusiss
tic impromptu receptiou. he soon is the
boat, to which it Intl undenmunthe was se
arrive, made its appearance. a dense crowd
began to move towardethit whisif. -block
ing up the streets and hailing the venerable
chieftain with omit etnhusiastie
He addressed the assembled multitude from
the boat. Si follows :
u cttiteamy..frienthrosity noun.
tryouts. This . warm welasois.•-this heart
cheering, Ibis more thaw cordial reception,
is really gratifying is the extrame.' 'lf 'I
hate WNW In the eau* of my country,
l have hems more than repaid by the gen.
erous reception I hare reosived-at the hands
of my coustrymen-.4ye„ my brothers—
for I am one of you. and equal with you.-
All that, I have to give yon in return, is an
old 'oldie' s ' heart. It is here. (placing his
hand at his breast,) take all I can give;
aid may Sod bless you all. Farewell!"
•„ The Itatetwat a quarter to three o'clock,
We'd off for. Belumore, amid loud and
bog-continued cheers..
There were a number of beautiful and
affecting incidents connected with this
spontaneous demonstration of Philadelphia I
-.Aim hasty esohange of salutations which'
we bare not time to dwell upon. One we
owned forbear mentioning. Gen. Cad -1
weirder called to sehrts hielate Command.
or., When the two Heroin atm. the roe& i
lumina& of the haseases through
whisk- ninryr bad d p
glorious I
aeldemmente QM" "Mops they had led
*mesh: Woe worms to vinery, they were
overpowered with emotion; amt isculuats.'
rily threw themselves into each other!".
itrate. Omen! Soon embraced ClimAWal
Caderaleder, pawed hint afaclinnately to
his heart, sod wept on brut. The scene
creatulatieep semtation _ J
Milton for Bentoolence.—From the
annual reports of the various Benevolent,
&cities at their recent anniversaries, it
appears that the receipts of the put year
have been considerably in advance of any
former one. The amount received by the
American Bible, Tract, Home Missionary.
Board of Missions, Foreign Evangelical,
Seaman's friend, Protestant, Colonization,
Anti-Slavery, Jews, Institution for the
Blind and General Assembly's Board of
Foreign Missions, is 11.120,818 ; to which'
if the three great Baptist Societies is ad
ded—American and Foreign Bible, Union
Foreign Missionary, and Home Missiona
ry,—the aggregate will be $1,278,951.
stn Important di'mendment.--At
session of the Episopal Convention of
Virginia, an amendment to the canons of
the church passed that body "making it the
duty of every minister of the diocese of
Virginia, to exclude from communion is.
ble all members of the church who were
addicted to gaming and horse-racing, who
should attend public balls, theatrical exhi
bitions, ballet dancing, and the exhibiti onof I
the model artists." This,andotheramend
ments favorably passed upon, will be sub
mitted for the final action of the next Dio
cese Convention, which, it has been resol
ved, shall be held at Richmond.
A Govanstoa Piteminu.—The Grand
Jury of Si. Louis, Mo., has presented the
Governor of that State for the reckless
'manner in which he has seen fit to exer
cise the pardoning power. A list of no
less than fifty convicts pardoned out of the
State Penitentiary, (some cif them notori
ous scoundrels, incarcerateA for murder
&c.) by Governor Edwards, is liven._
This species of Executive favor.quim has
become a source of evil in other g.tates as
well as in Missouri.
lire at Baltimore.—On Sunday after.
noon a destructive fire broke ont in John
Knox's corm* factory, at the corner of Fop
pletoo and Fremont streets, and soon com
municated to many of surrounding tene
ments, of which sixty or more were con
sumed, including Robert J. Baker'. log
wood factory. The whole square, encom
passed by Lexington, Poppleton, Saratoga,
and Come streets, was nearly destroyed.
The buildings were generally small, and'in
habited by poor familiee, who could least
*ford to lose doh- all, as was the case with
many of them. The total loss is probably
11l 60,000.
• Prllon. Hairmact Rorour hie be. Wert.
V. B.,lteeeter from the Stele of Maim*. Mr.
N. Wimp to the Leeoforo eckeel of polities, but
ie $ maw Wilmot ?Me* see. Being power
Wai of foe Mieate he wiq give Wm Pm/4mq
meachttes SOON trouble.
ITHIR BAltifittt
Friday Evening, June 2, 184.
CITY AGENCIES.—V. B. Beaman,- Eaq.
corner of Chesnut & Third streets, and E. W.
Cana. Egg. Sun Building, N. E. Corner Third &
Dock streets, Plistsignhis : and Wx. Tantalise.,
Esq. Southeast corner of Baltimore & South its.,
Be/rissere--are our authorised Agents leirreceiv
ing Advertisements and Subscriptions Orr "The
Star and Banner," and collecting and receipting
fur this same.
4* Woo minty.
John T. thisillsok a( Wawa enossl7.
Thou" M. T. MrLsosiukotWashiocton spumy.
11.114vssulTATiisii — XLECTIM4
1. 3 o4.o.olairkson. / 3 . Real 141 " 1 "‘
0. Jae. P. Preltmono. 14. Wa. Co4or, Sen.
I. Awls 14. basis, le. Wa. 11C1Issins.
4. Thos.-W. Nike% le Ctrs. W. IPAsir,
6 . Duda 0. Hilbert 17. Aist G. Outle t
e. 40401 De4o l l, 'le: nos L Davidson,
7. Joba Buck la.
_44.141 41
A olllk
S. jabs Lodi% 20. Desist FINVir.
S. Jas. 11cluc6uker. A. W. Lassie.
10 Chaim thlair. ss, Riehard irriaa
11. We. IL' Nods,: 'A Thalia* WrIM
12. F*ad. Tyler, 94. S. A: Pontius*.
wag DE!MAIM&
30111ffi1 G. midainiGllT AIR.
Tale TiCILET....the the first page of to
day's paper will be !band the procoodinp of the
Whig County Convention en Monday Wt.--
Mack Whose being hit in the remit by the Mends
Girths several ca ndid ates for the offices of !Sheriff,
Predmeetini ‘ Jlegister, and_ Chain and.the Con.
whim sitting with open do" the Cow !.room
was moll Chef with optimism during the entire
day. Asa metier Maurine, ad the centiliter could'
not be nominated, and woe, who had too readily
relied upon "Promisee," had to be disappointed.— '
We congratulate dm Whig party of the county,
however, on the' harmony which characterised
the proceedinvi of the Convention, and the mu
vend good feeling with which the defeated candi
dates received the result of the nominations. We
have taken some pains to acquaint ourselves of the
feelings of the several unsuccessful candidates, and
freely tender the assurance to the Whigs of the
county that aaaaa aux of them will be imod at
his post in the present campaign, balding, as usual,
for the triumph of Whig principle* AND THE
WHOLE TICKET. The Lorofoos leaden% In
bemuse fbr. bearnburninge and dimensions among
our politic!l friends, as the result of Monday's
precluding*, bent been wofully dieappointed, sad
in thatdisappointment have discovered unmistake-
able evident* of their doom in October nest.
The Tickee, es settled, is nnomartritionahlY a
*Teens ewe. The nomination of Mr. COOPER
for Legielathe will meet with a cordial response
net arty among kip politifel brethren, but among
homy warm personal Mende in dm ranks of our
epponente. The Whigs of the Btats mill ream
aine in hie nomination a determination an the
pert of the Whip Of Adana county to de their ' '
'duty in the Maffei Munk. Although Mr.
Commie is edit absent dem Wee. It is thought by'
'hie Mende that be will made to the wishes Male
Convention and cemint to dm nee cif hie name in '
the dinar.
COL. EPHRAIM SWOPE, the neesinee dn.
Omit, le air ilndwariene, hard-working Mechanie,
Of Germany . knenthip, who has dons good serviee
in the Whig omen His manly bating. after
his dated it Coneentim than years ago, in yield
ing a beaity support to the then anommodel ounsh
dam. evinced the sincerity of his devotion to the
Moen and gained he him hoops of SAM&• The
ounuthwity. sett Mei with which bin• immediate
neighbor *rod his emeninadoes an Monday, may
be regarded ei good MAIM, of hie standing among
those who NkamMisanand indicative albs sham
mapped be will maim Is Oetober.
JOHN PICKING, of East thetins h the am&
date for Prethoootary., A t morscompetent cdlieer•
--a tsar' or betkir Whig r —there is not in the
county. Kany remeM6r tbeeotho
siasin with whke i the mum from Hawilten town.
I ship was noalsst by the same of anises Whigs
in this*Plitee,'en thi right succeeding the *dims
of ISA whin doubt and despendlug M regard to.
the secteies - of an hypaskontimrcion
ty Tidtel weighed hoe* on the Wade of all.*
Par that vote the Whip of the County war' en ,
tirely iudebtet to the nalising exertions el Jews
Plow* sad his Mendel end it is no Mese than
right that the debt of gratitude should be now ea
knowledr4 by his triumphant election to the at
Ace for which . he has been nominated.-,.Honored
and esteemed by his neighbors, his own township
will give him the tallest kind of a vote.
MAJ. RA tARREILY, the nominee for Register
and Recorder, tuu been one of the moat active
and efficient workisg Whip of that noble Whig
district, which has ever proved itaelf true to tbe
cause, and never swerved front the support of the
surtax TICILIT. Although not favored with an
excess of this world's goods, his purse has always
been open, and his time and services ever needy,
when called (or by his political friends. No one
has done more, or suffered more, fur the promotion
of .'he Whig cause in the county. His triumphant
electimm to the office of Register and Recorder,
will be but II proper acknowledgement that those
services• twee been properly appreciated by his
Whig brethren,
Of Mr DEN VVID DIE, the candidate for Clerk
of the Courts, we iwed but say that no man on
the ticket is more desering of a *arm and zealous
support. An eiernplary citizen—a competent of
ticer--* hard-working meelornic, with a large fan&
dependent upon his exenforut,—he merits, as
hewill receive, the unanimous support of the party.
Kr. MORNINGSTAR, of ConOurato township,
was nominated for the office of County Commie.
Monet ; red in selecting him for this rayon With
poet, the Convention paid a fitting compliment to
ida undoubted capacity .ad meths, tategtity.—
Hie. nomination was 'ninety and oucesuinify
urged by hie immediate neighbors, who, knowing
him well, could best apprrriato his worth. He,
•too, has been long and favorably known as one of
the rustling end truest men in the Whir ranks.
"Capable and honest," die ageing gibe county
will be safe in hie hands.,
For Director of the Poor, the Conversion se
lected HENRY BRINKERHOFF. a shrewd.
intelligent Farmer, of flknibett, townehip, wham
prs!emitient fitness for On stager. is undlepoteiL
His name was prominent befits the Conventisn
ism year for the mast odkei He is *lnger, and
will make an excelling Director.
Of MG DURBOR A W, we wtili ohm* say dud
*halt eland fit the Oa* of Auditor. Cow.
Tuition at once notulustedhis wkbnut • diareat
log ids—dill Awl alone see' sks VOllllllOl to kit
CHAII4B HORNIER, the eau/Raw for
Camp, is a NO* of the old Wok" A yang
Men of asedlome Mak , and mule' imilam,
wane MR ea* to saakbag the deist iaidechis.
Hoek Whip adder many, bribe Ticket pen
seated fee your support. Harm Open, no doubt.
- so bass bad pthisnerise 4et dee the tick
et as it denier ft could not boo teen otherwise
than that ionee,•perhapii all, should be dissgpoint
ed. L. thou, the., 'mutual disappointments,*
at MCI !begotten and lag sight cid We ere abont
anteing upon an impintent innate, and it is all es
sential bbst we go into it, dun and united. Next
week-the eandidetes far President and Vise Prod,
aim will bare beet desiguatad, and ens meth
tbs whi P of the "YoWnt 011 std" will be called
upon. to atiCkil4lll deir-artherrondthrimaile• for
Whig principles, with a anal and a will worthy
abut arcisat *on
let ua scut right, then, and propene fin a fedl,
heady, and tusked suppoe et ion Wbig, ticket—
the woes lucre—and NOTHING BUT
o:).Meesrs. hen Q. b, A. Kea 53, and
Jens Siouan, Etat& were an Monday lad ap
pointed Conferees to meet the Conferees limn
York amok!, with instructions to awe the nom/.
nation of DANIEL M. 111MYEIER. Esq.. ea the
Repneesntative in Congress from this district. The
nominatioo I of course, 'object to the cortedr
moos of our Mende in York county; but we be
hove it ie conceded an all heads tint the candidate
this year belongs to us, and have no doubt that
the nomination will be cordially - seceded to by
York county. Mr. &tress's acknowledge/1 abil
ity as • lawyer and Muter, will make him a
prominent and useful member of Congress
GEN. acorr IN NEW YORK —General
Score. in eomphanos with the urgent ulicitatioto
or the - iteltorititte, Visited Niw York on
Thursday week, and met with ow of the most
brilliant and enthusiastic receptions ever witnessed
in that city. The papers estimate the num
bers prearmt in procession and connected with the
imposing display at 200,000! In the midst of
the rejoicings, however, the old hero received an
order frog , Worthington requiring him to repair
immediately to that city. lie accordingly left N.
York on Saturday morning, and arrived at PEWS
delphia at noon, where a large ettneoune of pet,n
pie assembled to receive him. As the boat hove
in sight, on which the General was a passenger,
the crowd could no longer restrain their enthusiasm
and the instant the tall, commanding figure of old
Ehippews wee discovered, the plaudits became
deafening. The General wits then escorted from
the New York to the Baltimore boat, where he
delivered a brief address to the people, and thanked
them for their cordial reception. The conduct of
the adroidetretion in thus tearing Gem Scott away
from the bosom of hie kindly, almost as awn Baba
had rejoined them, is nne4 and heartless in the
extreme, and cannot be too severely censured—
But It is only in keeping with its whole course
with regard to the gallant heroes of the Mexican
War, Taylor and Scott. The people will remedy
all these things before long. -
was received with marked distinction and main
siesta on his arrival at Beldame. Although arri
ving at midnight, en hammer crowd was In wait
ing. who escorted him to the United Stem Hotel,
where be addressed them in a few remarks__
He expreseed his sense of the hostriudity of Balti
more, and alluded to the kindness damn him du
ring hi illness - there, esosequent upon his wound
received daring the war of 111111.
An istenreting inaideut occurred attar the car
may of reception was over. He was asked
whether it was tune that the Ida had deserted in
large numbers in Malice. He uneauhrmallp de
nied the chop, end said they fought Family, and
were true to the last. The Waahington parea .
speak of the General's arrival there on Batarday.
A loge ~am of eithrene greeted him, sad the
wood enthusiasm was manidritird.
LIPTbe Coast of Iquiry. iN the Pillow ton,
nisilowablaid tl Faded* rill4at Toooday lost
—pressat, tM woubwo of So Mout, lien. Stott
aad ahal rut dry oassraillieses. lien. Pillow
Wog debited lit Nyasa days oo M. router by in.
disposition, Glen. Sow and Ms suite 14 no Tow
day fa , Waabbaklota, to retina orlon Pillow makes
his appoorsow.
OREGON 111.41 TARS.—Che Monday Jut
the President tranainined t Massey. to Conireee.
tinagenoing official intelligence "et tbr War that
W Wake out in Orsini Torristo wino, au
Whiese and Indio" and wing Conon, tomtits
precept pm:Melon for the ‘olieney. bY
a territorial' government i Ateptimint t . anditallaur-
Ming the tubing of . en inlations volunteer knee
for dee 4am - di 'imbi ideipiikur.of Of inhabitant&
The message was reirried 'the Conusdnese as
Military Affairs in both Hahn,
ADJOUSNMENT.--IsAii . ll. tt: Monts, as
Tuesday. Mr: Attidein,°amid a joint
rasolution that Pnskime itilass• and the
Speeikir thi time adis' mu their yearmeive
Homes on tits dot Monday is /sip to moot again
on the Ana Monday in October.
QT Thom or ow head* "40 en, int
the seletios of Plirsinekiyikeitettured to tho .1
books published by rewsapi & Walla" of Nine
York, which may be towel* eueaes sebum
IPTiss Convention in Philadelphia nest Snook
will no dead attract thither a number amens,
from Ode rMilltibmitood. We invite the mantissa
death to the Philadelphia Advertisements it to.
day's paper.
't Gen. Cu. resigned hisseet in the U. 8. Sea,
on Monday hut. He will be *axiom to reams
it again, alter the elections in November.
LOOK OUT !—Counterfeit Ave dollar Nils
upon the Washington County Bank are in circu
lation. The Cashier's name is signed J. Van
Lear, and the President's J. R. Dal. The mu
ine have John Van Lear, Jr. Cashier. and him B.
DaU, President. Paper bad and apparently alter
ed from some other note. It is a quarter of an
inch wider and five-eights longer than tint genuine
Any one who had ever seen the geniiLae ititikl
not be deceived.
11:7 - Gen. Woirit's letter, in which he announ
ced his conversion to ultra Locorocoism, secured
for him 6 votes in the Baltimore Convention!
®'The Commissioners of Allegheny County
an about hogshead* 04000,000 towards the coin.
?Idiom of the mat Capra) Railroad.
Lost week we announced, in • pialswipl, thi nom-
Marino of O. Car as rho Lacafironiandidst•
for Prosidant. The nook was sonooldished by
whesally Winning Bre wan of Nwt Yitit, and
issendbiscs &hob Awn Boob Carolina
In Not the:Andes II eon of tort Stain The fal
louts( sniff's ergoinp :• , , •
a 24 th
Lean Cusp . 1 1 26 1113 I Sd
511 .1 4
Jame Dawhasok 66 64 41 33
Levi Woodbuty. 63 68 51 38
Jaha Calbout. 9 0 0 0
W. J. R 8 6 0 1
Om IL Wu. 4 3 6 0
William 0. Bo* 0 O s 0 3
Taal, !SA 11111 *B3 284
Normandy tot eldiar s (4da Una) 170, or too
thirds at AO Mak was cot Gan. Cams remed
ial, the rogoinia camber, was dookoml dm, .regu
lar coadidoir for 1048. Goa. Bernak, of Ken
tacky, was mabomsornody oormituard for Vice Plea
The New Ted Tribute!, is commenting on the
neadostion ad Gee. 08114 reeserim know
se oder caudidate crept Palk himself, whom we
&old have welcomed co the alma more beadily.
We Mien set to iodinate the strength of our op
ponents, buture eteeontident that if tbej can elect
Gee. Cosa tbsty could deo any body, James K.
Polk 'away. Incepted. He hoe no the good for
tune enjoyd• by his immediate predecessor of be
ing very haperfectly known. His adinMistritiois
Cl mu bourn AlSinkin the Itiordomedibr many
you, is remeashmed, and will bit down to hate
fiessilar more 'profitable to ideal!' disk advantage
sae or honomble to the coantif.' His tregligenes
Ise loaapaelty while flacrotiuy of War wax one
ds paaandal awash reetrokry came of the
inemtortd, *um sad mint prodigal war which
urea predated (sr yeses against the Seminoles of
of Plotida. Eris sioophsosey, to Linda Philfippe,
while Kidder to Trance, will not soon be forgot
ten, and happily the evidence of that sycophancy,
in the shape of his published *Frown, its Kial
Court, and fitivernment,'. has taken an enduring
shape, and can neither be denied nor perverted.—
His atrocious caltunniss en the crashed but still
struggling advocates of European Liberation wilt
rise ie judgement against him now that the cause
of Democracy has there triumphed over the cal
umnies be sided to propagate; wherein the ex
cesses and diabolism of • few among the French
Republicans were artfully put forward as exhibit•
ing truly the character of them BH. This is Des
potism's oldest trick, but he is one of its moat re.
cent . thernments. The work and the workman
were nicely fitted to each other.
Returning to this country in 1841, Gen. Clue
soon attar acquired the seat he has since filled in
the U. 8. Senate, and no one hes sines done more
evil in our National Councils, or done it with
more glaring selfish intent, than he has. Of the
Texas iniquity and the consequent War. there
bee been no more headlong and unscrupulous
champion, though we believe it can be proved that
just before he wrote his published letter in favor of
annexation, which rendered him Van Burro's mod
tOrmitiabie antagonist at Baltimore fouryears ago, '
he wrote One as decidedly against annexation, end
on the broadest grounds of general hostility. Bat
this of course, has never troubled .hint since ho
swallowed it.
Bo soon as his party had completely regained
power by the election of Polk, he proclaimed a
War with England for Oregon 'inevitable," and
did his best, to render it so. He fought to the last
the Treaty whereby the Oregon Boundary 1111/114#
tled, still clamoring for 54° 40', even at the cost
of War. This was by no means his first effort to
embroil the ciiontry in that neartet. Arid the
whole le impelled by the most sordid, selfish cal-
ealstion. He knows what are the worst passions
of the worst class, and be Is the rely man to clam-
bar eagerly and smilingly into the window of the
White House over ■ hundred thousand bleeding
corpse, of men slain that his ambition might be
On the great question of Free Soil against 81a
way Extension his coons has been base beyond
example. He was originelly (and the proof ex-
lid) an avowed champion of Fr,. &U. Ewen
whoa be mated against the proposition is the but
Congress, he deelased himself denoted to the pin-
ttiplo, bet this was Dot the prow duo to 'dim it,
-it was improper to legislate on an abstraction,
&c. Thin be stood bit a low itiontbe, ',bon
to ! oat canes his letter to Tennessee. eating •
his fanner words, sod avowing himself a convert
to the flootbern dodging', that Slavery may be le-
gaily established in any tenitorial acquisition o
this ecluatry by the man fact at a agsvebakter's
thawing to migrate thither ! 8. **gnat sa in
gams of sposmogy sad hasspisry has rusty or
arm boss known, sod we bald that esery. advs.
ad. of Free WI sod Tess Le#Ner should vote emen
for Joba 0. Calhoun, if the detection of-Car mad
Dot othemiee ha be pigmented. Defeated he can
Ma must be.'
OEN. CABB IN N. YORK.—Tbs amino.
Goa of Can has met with the most War
denentistion by the mane of the "Barnbetmlag"
patios of the Deena:nig la New York, who
phinly aamonnee their detenninstioa not only not
to give him their support, bet be welt for his do.
defeat. The Albany Mies, sae of the Wan or
pas tides Barnimmem says that New Ye* hod
no wise In the Convention, and snotty aloolatal
its nomination.
Tb. Trey Budget- mehor Leeitto•xl organ—
Was*, name of lobo A. Dix for Presidesd. esti
soya :
"A convention at Baltimore, to Whet's
•settos the people looked with imehe interest'
has nominatedVen. Case fur the Presiden
cy. Whin the news reached here it fell
like a dull, dead weight upon all ' closes
except the Whigs.
GlThe Baltimore Conironthan has Ilecew-
PlWhed a Out which will lees be roman!
hered among the remarkable*septa in the
political history of the country. It has .
broken up the democratic petty of the
nation !
"The representative of a parish meet
hill of hell Pepe tut wit taunt votes in Ape
convention, while the greelllied• . er• New
York was wholly disfranchised. We
doubrnot the Deinomsey of this State will
be presented with a candidate worthy of
"PP I3 O-",
The New trOtk Globe. Was WIWI ewes pal
eel school. says
leveled hi
s•Lewis Cass
: wig west from fifty to
one hundred thousand votes of carrying
the,Electeral ticket of New York. The
man who thinks otherwise, knows little of
the popular indignation respecting the out
rage committed on the New York Demo
cracy. A revolution in parties is at hand.,
The honest of all parties will come togeth
er, and the democracy of the Union will
become purified."
The New York Evening Poet of Saturday an
nounces that the . regular Democratic Delegates
from New York to the Baltimore Conventiot
have resolved to call a Convention of the Demo
cracy of that B:ate. to he held on the 22d of June
for the porpoise of nominating a candidate for the
Presidency in the eh/ewe of any nomination by
the Baltimore Convention.
PROSPECTS.—ThepIew Origami pepen of the
flat have intelligence from Vera Cruz to . the lath
ult.. announcing the gratifying fact of the almost
amnia ratification of the Treaty of Peace by
Pierian' Coupes., The British 'Carrier primed
at Vera Cons on the .acaniag if lb. 15th. kin
the city at Maxi" and sarrtaihat Clemilasmaia
was elecied President by an almost Unanimous
'vole, and that Pure r Pane was appointed Chief
Justin of the Republic.
The dateefrom the city of Mexico an to
Convene had Axed on the I6th Mat. as the day
Ear taking the vote on the treaty, and it was gene•
rally supposed that the question upon it willbe
nearly unanimous, *A there were only about fifteen
of the members who were against It, and thiy
posed it merely on amount of the withdrairial of
our troop' from that quarter.
Paa♦ t PIMA, in St lertellir 1131111Mtif to Cow
grew, strebuously advocated' the titillation" cif the
Treaty. He tab' a bold imadilon, and declared'
every thing to be secondary to the question oft:ems
'olr war.
Gen. Xsoarry left Vern Cm on the 14th inet.
for the city of hinsioo, and on the fullorrhtg day
1,204 men, under the command of Col. Romer,
left for the emus deetination:
miserable truckling to the Slave interest, in cods*
to secure the Presidents' nomination, has utterly
blasted his prospects mnong the freemen of the
Hanka seems that he is not iiimltto faro Much
ib llaltiruora Convention that Mr. Owe wouM
be nominated cm the 4th ballot, the debigatoalkom
Alabama, Florida, and Gloorgittretheed to vote;
and immediately afterthenomitiaticm of Mt. Cipss,.
Mr. Yeacy, tithe former State t rose end affirmed
that Mr. Cass could not ready, the support of the
South, without a further explicit avowal of his ad
hesion to Southern rights. Mr. Y. said that the
nominee had not a particle of personal popularity
in either Alabama, Giorgio', or Elouth Carolina,
yid that the delegate from the latter State, in
casting the vote of t3outh Carolina kir him, 'at
corned a fearful responsibility."
CY.--The National Intelligence, publishes an
extract kora a Wier to • private ipeettiemen boo
Heavy Clay, as follows :
"I performed a reluctant duty in acqui
escing to the submission of my name to
the consideration of the Philadelphia Con
vention. Whatever the issue may be, I
have thereby secured myself against all
responsibility, and all just reproaches, and
shall be content."
TH ER JONATHAN.--Wilson & Co. , of New
York, have sent as a copy of their Jubilee Broth.
re Jonathan, just issued in commemoration of the
glorious fourth. It is a sheet of the largest di
enensions and filled with inagnificent engravings:
some of the most prominent of which are a Mex
ican Battle Scene, covering a surface of seven
square feet, executed with taste and spirit Rom
an original design—four portraits, the she of life,
of distinguished American statesmen—e!even orig
inal designs by the great French artist, G , I
Illustrating the "Masquerade Ball in Paris'—s
file simile of the original Rough Draft of the De
claratinn of Independence, with all the alterations
made in committee, in the band writing of each.
These, together with forty or fifty other spirited
engravings of the finest description, Tales, Po
ama,'Sketches, &c., make one of the most valua
ble of the Brother Jonathan yet lamed. Every
body should have a copy. The price is only 121
cents, or 10 copies are sent by mail for one dollar.
WRITING INK—We are indebted to Messrs.
Z11181[1( dr. Co., of Philadelphia, fora bottle.of their
.Excehdor Ink." It runs freely front the pen..-
an essential property in all good writing Rua,—
and slime every evidence of being ajitiperior arti.
cle. It is warrantnd not to corrode metalic pen'.
For Sale in Gettysburg by K
Kr nernias K. 1).•i• ha" been appointed by
the American Sunday :-chool Union to visit and
organize Sabbath Schools during the present sum
mer. in the counties at Adams. Franklin, and
Bedford. He will carry with him the publica
tions of the Union. Address . 11110111•11 K Davie,
WHO WANTS A WlFE?—Thera were
lately (our thousand girls at a picnic in Lowell,
ice' A Division of the order of the Sons of Tem
perance, we understand, is about to be organised
in Lituestown, in this county.
oft A. .1. Oast, Esq., has beOri nominated for
Congress by the Whigs of the Somerset district,
to succeed Hon. Asuman STIMAIT. Mr. 0. is
a young man of fine talents, and will make an
excellent M. C. s,
rirThe Whigs of Keine have nominated Er.
L. HAMLI■ for Governor.
Important Croon Forope.'
inz:T.The steamer U. Mates arrived at
N. York on Wednesday with Liverpool
dates to the 17th , ult. The news from
France is highly important.
A bold attempt had been made by the
partizaos of Ledru Rolilin, Louis Blanc,
&c., to overthrow the Conservative Gov.
eminent. A mob of about 60,000
sons went to the place of meeting of the
National Assembly, and, rushing into the
room, dispersed the members, and annoint
ced a new Government, composed of
Httepail, Louie Blanc, Ledru- RolL
lin, &a. The National (laud and troops
of the line, however, remained true to the
Government, and rallying to lu support
sood succeeded itt intimidating and, dia
persfog the mob. The Assembly then
resumed its deliberations, and carried *We
cies at impeachment for high treason s- Gen. Commis, Unapt, Htgleell
, Amboy, and the other leaders of the mob
movement. Paris wax in a fever of exciter
meat. and it was said ,Lacuartine was ra
pidly loosing. hi. Control over the messes. : ,
The intelligences& the imprisonment of
the Pope was unfounded, *though a eerie
one misunderstanding had arisen between
his Holiness and his itubjecas. The, latter
upon learning hitt . unwillingness to mai •
with the other Italian States in expelling
the Austrians from Italy, rose en masse,
and demanded that the War be declared.
A committee was appointed to wait oa his
Holiness, and demand a new ministry com.
posed entirely of laity and a separation of
the temporal and religious departments of
Government. These demands were being
reluctantly acceded to.
A great battle had been fought between
the Austrians and the Italian troops under
Charles Albert before Verona, which re
sulted in favor of the latter.
FROM, MEXICO.—Late intelligence kern
Mexico speaks rather unfitsorably of the peace
prospects• Herera had not been elected j'vesklent,
and it was said the opposition to the frothy was in.
a:7l'h° Washington correspondent of thee Haiti•
more Bun says that (ho, TA TLOX will appear leck
lone tits Court of inquiry at Fredwiek in a few
Ths Erie ,Bank.—Th e Erie Gazette
'at p
4 9 7 1 1 .,; - r—"tba notes of this Bank are taken
ar by our merchants and buainess men
the Thy
in Ruston Mercantile Journal,. of
,March! i 25. 18418, gives the following nu-
AM. of the most popular remedy of the
WILD Cutesy Bauton.--We speak in
praise of Whiter's Balsam of Wild OherrY,
bees, 1120 i l t t ociere A wltt Out krwledge
of the atlidei that is one of the best in
the market gor the comphdets for which it
is recommended,
This med icin 0, coin ing horn sush sii•tes
peetsble rune and carefully gippi lfe d
an *tperiCtieed 'OCA
•reesived,by the public:with confidence.—
Its efficacy has been proved in many oh
deists •eases of diseases and its fame has
rapidly emended. It has been extensive-
Itwd in every port or the country, par
tieffittly in th e Middle and Northern
States t and strong testimony 'free intelli
gent and highly respectable persona, has
been aildua..d in Owns of ito merits se a re
medy for colds and conghik affieetione of
the cheat, diseased liver and dyspepsio.
None genuine unless signed L 'Burrs
on the wrapper..
(.I.7Fcrr *ls by SAMUEL. H. BUEH
LER, only Agent foe Gettysburg.
June 9, 111411.-.-414
..aatocaniuxra Datnimitxrx ESTAMI
xi!tqataT t rtXfittnges..
Hash Ilsarav 'CLAY, .rifitipi F.stah
listaneut for the
.purpose or hiving a da
guerreotype taken, Opfer/aid &making
opinions on this hvorlat plate of theubeau
ty and fashion" or Philadelphie, and vast
numbers ,of firmware mart to it to' pro
cure a good. Daguerreotym The Propri
etors will mike every exertions to extend
the long established frame of this well known
establishment. Family groopes, Geoupes
of Children, and single portraits °fill sizes
are executed equally. well. •
FLOUR.—'l'l). dour market it deli; males of
some 300 bbl. Minoan! .street bramds at $6 60,
which prim holders an firm in asking. The rw
nolo' and supply are light. City Mills is held at
415 75. Salm Of Corermearit $ll - 37f •$2 50:
Rye dour 13 75.
GRAIN—The mcelpb of grain continua small
some small sales of good to prime red . wheat at $l.-
10 • $1 28; ordinary to good at $1 28 •$1 39 ;
white for family flour at $1 60 asl lip. White
Com 40 • 42 ms.; yellow 45 a 48. Osb 30 8 35 % ;
Rye 79 a 75. Cloverseed $3 50 •$4 0 0- Flax
seed $1 15 $1 25.
PROVISIONS.—No gptcial change in pricer.
Meal Polity...Us at *lO 25, and Prune at *8 2 e•
*8 25. Mew Bed tsl2 00. N 0.1,89 sn* $lO.
flacon—Sides and Shoulder* at 84 a 44 a Hama
8a B. Lard—key bald at 7 • 7}, and Ma. 8 aft.
On Tuesday morning last. at Locus. Level, by
the Rev. Dr. Zacharias, Mr. thrill Cement, Esq.,
of Lewistown. Pa, and Miss Etowsost 'M., daugh•
ter of Valentine Adams, TAT; Of dm vicininiry of
Frederick, Md
On the 11th ult by the Rev. J. Fohl, Mr. Jas.
attua Mans, utd Mite Meta A. Hauer, both
of this county.
On the 234 ult by tbo Rev. E. V.Golfiert, Mr.
JOHN l'A XTON, and Mrs. thrust Wow's—both
of Carroll county, 31(1.
On the sbth un-. by the awe. Mr. &mom
WI LW 1/1.. and Mies JULIA ANN LILIN•111)—both
of Frederick county, Md.
Near Bender's Church, on du 14th ult. Mr.
lAcos Doran, aged 61 years, 1 month and 13
On the 26th ult. Mr. Hixir Einar. of Cum
berland tow ship, agcd 84 years and 4 days.
lIAS just received. in addition to his
former large stock, a largely increas
ed assortment of
Classical, Theological.
School, and Alia-
embracing almbst every variety of Stand—
ard and Popular Literature ; Oa°,
Blank Books pad Stationery
of all kinds, GOLD' PENS, Pencils, Vis
iting and Printing Cards, Card Cases, Ink
stands, die. 6t c., all of which will, as usual,
be sold 1107.47' THE LOWEST PRI—
Arrangements have been made by
which anything not included in his assort—
ment will be promptly orderedliom the
Gettysburg, June 2,184 t.
'ountry Merchants can Save'
Hy purchasing their 011 Cloths direc
miry froth the manufacturers.
,Patter & Carsestehart
Have opened a Wareheuse,No. MIS North.
Third street, above Rase, mond door
eolith of the Eagkr Hotel, PHILAILEL , -
PHU, where duty' win dwaye keep on
httffiel I complete amartmena of Patent Elm- ,
110 H 14 81 19 Oil OW* *llll. 40..411.48
amid 4 holm wide. figured, Paint 6 d,
and Plain, on die inside. ow kitielim Lines ,
and Drilling. Table 011 OlOthe of the
- mostileeintble patterns. 86,140,116/nid 114. •
itteliei wide..." 'rose Oil Ol•timi t
lichee to l het wide' well 901.011. 11 9 eta
the newton style of patters, ad of their owe
manufacture. 147. Transparent Window ,
'lElhatho. Carpeta t Itto. All imode werriectin.
'ed. • Alai 2, 1222-146 •
Of Pyrrha** V Elegant orsd Cho,
A f Nees eireemely tow; is 'aline*
at the 'Philadelphia Wardrobe.,
sion of 'this Confention la conducted
with uiipsralleled harmony, end the *Mount ;
of ktuoineee din* it immense. ' The Praia
dent—P. A'. assisted
nurneroud Vice 'Presidents, presides with
greatefficiency ; and the Treasurer is kepi
constantly busy with receiving money.
The delegates to this Convention are in
fits of delight, and have unanimously son.
seated to nominate P. R. M'NEIL,LE as
CalnatSaa T.a..ZLOP.
of the U. States. If every \ ese of the 100,-
000 patrons of the Philadelphia Wardrobe
should vote for him—P. R. WNeille will
prove a most troublesome customer to oth.
er Presidential competitors.
We are happy to say that at this Con,
vention all sets of Delegates aro received.
and no•party men's money is accounted
just as nod as any body's money. This
magnanimity is highly extraordinary.
Juno 2, MB—%
Al' & LETTER PAPER, of beauty
11.)• ful quality, for sale at '
April 7.-tf J. L. SCHICK'S.
JIM MIL 1117 Eli? MAP •
/RUE subscriber tenders bin acknowi
-111 odime ti to the public fur the liberal
and steady patronage with which he hat
been favored for a series of years, and re
aptictfally sonoencea that he has just re
ceived, at his old established stand in
Chainlititatifig fresh
nutria. Or
'Paints, Varuioi, Dyestuffs
'and every variety of gtticles usually foiled
in a Drug store, to .which be invites the
attention of the piddle, with assatanees that
they will be fusnished it the most reason
able prices.
Gettysbattr, .Time 2, 1848.
iriNHE Acitiouot. of Mesas M. Narvik',
- 01, Committee of kinsitsis Ktromtft,
-a habitual drunkard, having been filed in
the gour.tof 00mnscm Pleas of Adams cat.
by leave of id. Court, and dulyaentirro
wd„ and the said Committee ha lt filed
4sis Padden' asking to be discharged from
said trust—Notice is hereby given to all
persons Interested to be st,titi appear at a
Curt of Commoa . Pleas to be field at Ca.
tyiburg, On Monday the 21st day of .9u
pat next, and show Cause, • if aay• they
haveywhy said. Otiumiuse shott4 sot be
discharged. By the Court, '
'A. B. KURTZ, Proth'y:
Prothoootarts Oaks, thetyarri,
• Jan.!, ‘114...-411 • '
anal lagiator ,seriously Wounded !
. . ,
'IIII,E It known to the world, that the un
dersigned has obtained Letters Pa.
linprivcd Illachine for Hulling and Clean*
ing Clover-iced,
which, for thoroughly performing its work,
spiedy. moaner, surpasses any, thing
thOgiiterAmen presented to,the
r to-produce a machine that will
meetthe wants of the community in every
respeol. the Patentee has for several years
applied himself diligently to the task, and
is now enabled to offer a machine worthy
of their consideration.
This machine has only been in opera
tion during the last season, in Cumberland,
York and Adams counties, and has given
entire satisfaction. It is a neat, portable
machine. only weighing about 400 lbs.
and of light draught. and can hull and clean
with ease four loads of cloverseed per day,
or one load in two hours. It can be con
verted into a common windmill in a mo
ment's time. Persons desiring to pur
chase rights can see the machine by call
ing at my residbnce in Latimore township,
Adams county. Owners of Clover-mills
would find it to their advantage to give me
a call.
Hundreds of certificates can be given of
its utility, and the satisfactory manner that
,it hulls and cleans cloverseed, and also
.timothy reed, but l deem it only necessa.
, ry to refer to a few individuals at whose
barns the machine has been exhibited and
fully tested.
Jas WEIWee, flag. George Deardorff, EM.
Benjamim Shrilly, William Wright,
J. E. Wiermon. Esq„ Abraham Livingston,
Jahn Reirenspergee, Daniel (knitter,
Cyrus Albert
Sebastian Sntsell
George Sm ith,
A. HeintzJetties, Bag
John M'llhenny,
ittantlitg tp.
Tyrone tp.
Sohn Bolin,
John Neely, .
John Lohman,
Amos Nlyera.
Abraham Kti-e,
Abraham Bighorn,
Junius Ounnirighour, ion Tudor,
Win. WCleary, Eli !Mar,
Abraham Waybriaba. William Fiches.
Mny 26, lif4B.
IP-WHO M (13:5314,211/113:4'.04
AFow boxes. besignality, ENGLISH
CHEESE ; also, old-fashioned thick
37i cents, a few barrels very superior N.
0. Molasses, for bakers, just received at
May 20, 1848.
la Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, ,
CAN be purchased, as cheap as may
he expected, Steel Bead Reticule.
and Purees, Beads and Clasps. Purse
Twist, Scissors, Thimbles. Chen ile. Flow
ers, Cords, Worsted and Worsted Patterns,
Card Boards, Corobs, Silk Canvass, Lilly
White, Cologne, Hair Oil, Head Dresses,
'foods. Brushes, Hooks and Eyes, Bed
hien and Carpet Binding. together with an
assortment of JEWELRY.
April 184111.—tf
Vir.ANCLIES, of all kinds,
will be cleaned and repaired, at•the
• ortest notice, ' at FRAZER'S Clock
Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg.
July 16, 1847 '
. ,
. , summielt nAms.
sib LLRGE seeortieent,—er , ehe or
isoniferield•—just received ed for
by 5. L. SCHICK.
Arri1.7.,.18,41. . , . r.-, , ,
-1,7 ER) 0 pfal4 n4socinuninnly on bind
and fpF*lll4A iountit Prices, audio
fool and Stationiory Stare of
Den.", R. H. lIII . EfILER.
Celeste, Cured Baton. •
/111: =i *mired 4 11 11seitr - Maris,"eari
And , .nbukienr, just rem 'eel and fbr sale
,very. et VENISIONTI:
May SO, 1813.
AS IMVIP - 110111101? ONO TRIM I
Rl,Abotkor stinky of jute, fresh HER.
N O ZARA far iLts w:
m`v is4s,
IIIILIkE one of the best assortments of
40fotres and Mocking* (just from the
city) sorer offered in this Borough. fryers
don't believe it, call and be convinced ; and
that beauty of 'the matter is, they will be
sold itl;;3ost for nothing. .
1 AItIcY A,RTlCLES,Cologne,Soaps
Hair Oils, Tooth Brushea. Toilet
Brushes, Tooth Powders, kc., tko., for
male by S. 11. BUEHLER.
Perfumery, Soap, Re. •
ARTICLES. TOYS, &c. for sale
H E following certificate, which Inn remit
dab ly received by the proprietor from a lady
is Frederick, Sties conclusive proof of tie tame
cy of Ross. Espeetontat in mlievioutbe alliet
ad over all alba preparations. Reap sad jodp
lay yourselves. . _
Rattassisms, April 11th, 11148.
Y..r F. Raw
Sta—My oldest daughter has been afflicted for
shunt three years with sore threat and enlarge.
meat of the Tonsils, and for the year, se great
was the swelling, that she tan mahl• to sleep
more than half aslant at • time, withnst befog
compelled to invert the herr Is. bit throat and
opening it, for the remota of breathing. 1 bad
tried every thing that was santunmeadal, and
em played . Physician. both %arousal In Baltimore.
but they gave no relief, (they could relieve her
only by applying the lance, bet she would not
consent,) and It condoned is bat state until her
cage was made knows to your agent in this
place, who promptly famished the Expectorant,
end after suing fear bottles, her thmat is almost
entirely caned. No one could stareely believe
the benefirdedved front minglOtut thole wall
sew the stare in which her threat was heron
using the Expectorant, and the appearance now.
Theta are several persona, known to year agent,
who hive watched the progress of the medicine
during,ite use, who are willing s o testify to the
troth of this statement whea t n a m e s can be bad
by Calling op him. 1 have aliei used the ExPee•
' , Mat in ewes of Colds, ire., in my family, and
can confidently recommend ir,
Tea Caserrre has the wordie.Rea's Erprc.'
tarsal-.. 1 liattirmer. Old blown in dm
glass, smd it r ate pd en the
seal: Duch bottle hereafter will be enveloped in,
A New Viors's, printed from a coppar a plete
enighrred expressly for the proprietor on which
will appear the for-singfr of my written signa
ture. Prepared and .old by JAS. F. ROSS.
‘l:tragrist. 'Baltimore Md.
Tnr cede by /1-.--11,1317EfILE-It Etettearrire.
and Dr. W. 11. STF.WART, PotersburlL (Y. S.)
'line 2, 1218--ty.
trrDroggistv grid Merebants wishing the Agen
t!, Of this medicine. where there are none, will
have it sent to them by addressing: post paid, the
Proprietor, end giving approved rekrence.
11RdiNDRETH'S PILLS hare a prin
eipk in them similar, or which accords
with, and truly strengthens the purify
- ing principle of the blood.
4 - ERHE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE, that inobtle
thile and invisible priciple which animates the
human fraine, and whose seat is in the blood, is
one of the most impenetrable secrets of the Crea
tor. We cannot comprehend his principle, but
we know that it is in the blood, tor if we as
cis/MC the amount of blood in the body, we de
crease the PSINCIPLI or urn: and that, if we
draw all the blood from the body, that life ceas
es we must believe *hat the Scriptures say
en this subject, no one can doubt it. The life of
the Beth is OMPOATI in the ewes !—Tbere
can be no mistake upon this subject ; so we must
then be also convinced that anything which im
pedes the circulation of the blood must depress
or bear down the principle of Life, and make the
body subject to receive injury from the principle
of corruptibility Implanted in the human frame.
We cannot deny it. There is in every created
beisg a
_principle of corraptibility, as *sell as a
principle of animation: It is when this corrupt
ibility becomes too powerful for the Live Pain-
Cling or Blood, that disease commences. It is
not because it does exist but became it becomes
arrive ' • in some it has taken an hundred years
to develope itself; in some, it has decome para
mount before birth, and the child is still-born.--
l'hi constitution of the child depends upon its
parecrit; he receives from them the principle of
and also that which will t lttmately de
disfroy him, and when of age he transept.' them
to his children.
Thu% we see that in the same body is the
principle of life and also of corruptibility. And
it Is only by due attention in some bodies that
health tan be secured by artificial modes otassist
mg the functions of life to throw off the occasion
aoeurnirla bons of corruptibilit, , which oteerwise
would overpower the principle o: life, before the
individual bad reached to the full period ot his
existence, according to the principle of life with
in bus. For, in order that men should anise at
that period of life called old age, a perfect balance
est Ilitist between the principle ot hie and the
principle of corruptibility. When the balance
is in favor of the principle of lire, we observe the
energy of character with admiration. And I
have no doubt tha• just in proportion as the file
Pflriel pie predominates is the energy both of
body and mind. By the use of proper medicine
this tan always be secured until a good old age.
The principle of corruption is subject to the
indueneeof many causes of vitiation. It is, there
fore, necessary that we be presided with ample
means to prevent injury frbm it or in comet
quefice of this visitation that putridity would be
produced which would destroy the individual ere
be bad arrived at that period of life which he
would have done from the pnneiple of life which
was in him. Now, to accomplish this, we must
prevent an accumulation of those humors which
bear down the principle of life. Do not wait for
an attack of sickness. but on the first appearance
of the enemy mist nature in bee operations to
expel him from the body. This is the object al
ways attained -by those who use BilAwbarrieS
Prixa. Thousands who - bait. kept their beds for
years have been restored bj the me of this medi
cine. They are as hamlets as a piece of bread
yet all powerful for the removal of disease wheth
er chronic or recent, indiction., or ode/Iroise.—
By theme of Brandreth's Pills, the blood is grad
ually purified, and becomes too strong for all im
pediments to its free course, and thus the body
is'restored to perfect health and usefulness. The
idea of two sprits, the ono good and the other
evil, having power over man, is thus given a
kVidreal application ; and, what is better, we
vi lunette assist the good principle, the blood,
meotiquer bad humors, and thus produce health
and cheerfulness, where before there was nothing
but Minas and despair.
01011te Brander& Pills ire sold for 25 cent.
per her et Dr. D. Drudretles Office, 241
Moubrey, N. York end by the le&wioir duly
aelSottorl At :—.J. 34 Stenos= é Co., Get.
WCtiery, Petereborg Abraham
Honterattion; MlTerleod. Abloolletout
D. IL 0. Wham. Hampton; enetehopr at Fink
Litilietrnro ; Nary Duncan. Culdowo ; Geo. W.
Nap, PaGild J. 11. Solihull*. Bad BMW*
'IL Neweauter Xerhardesellie ; Sun Hisr.
'empr. , imp 1, 1848.
gialICK hal just returned from the city
9 • 7 of rbibtdelphist, with an
airman msowntswr or
New and Fashionable Goods,
Which As mill ull
•to E sorteinty. lids he will prove to the
eitlafaetion of any who may call. _
QttlYsburg,. April 7.1848.-
Aveedle-workosit Cellars.
111118 'Motion of the Ladies is respect.
AL fully asked to in extensive and beau-
tiful variety of Neetllarrorked Collars,
which I have pat *mired from Philadel-
Phic Dilertntned not to be out-dome in
aelliog low, I galore the Ladies that they
csi purchase Collars at the lowest rates
poseible. J. L. 13011101 E.
71," the Res and Independent Voter. of
Adams County.
T this earnest solicitation of many
triends. I ate induced to oder my
self as an Independent candidate for RE
county. Should Ibe elected, I shall feel
under many obligaines to the public. and
Shall endeavor to discharge the duties of
the office to tile best of my ability.
Stiabaii;tp., April 7, 1818—tf.
W•wler * Wells,
111 N. York.
An of which may be ordered and received by
Warn of the nate eau, by ,enclosing the requi
site /11111100A4 and directing 's above.
PArenology Proved, illustrated, and
Appikied. Accompanied by a Chia?, em
bracing a concise Elementary View of
Phrenology, with forty-three illustrative
eugravinp. Thirty-Midi edition, culler
ad and improved. 12mo. Price *1 00.
IT O.M. 110111.21.
Hereditary Descent: its Laws and Facts
Applied to Haitian Improvement. A new
and improved edition. Illustrated with
25 engravings. 12mo. Trice 50 cents.
"That the physical, mental, and moral
qualities are transmissible. no one will de
ny. How important, then, that we under-
AAA lb@ conditions of the , body and mind,
which produce either favorable or unfavor
able impression, on the . ytt unborn. The
importance of this subject is immense, and
should be examined' by all."—Lilintry
Messenger. •
DR. Axmtlew antler
The Principles of Physiology Applied
to the Improvement of Physical and Men
tal Educatio.t. To which is added, Notes
and Observations, by 0. 8. Fowler.—
From the improved Edinburg edition :
with illustrations. (Ivo. Price 76 cents.
Religion, Natural and Revealed : or
the - blatural Theology and Moral Bearings
of PhilecologY. including. the Doctrines
Taught and Duties Inculcated thereby,
compared With thoseenjoinedin the Scrip
tuns, godlike with a Phrenologictd Ei
psition of the Doctrines of a Future State.
Materialism, Holiness, Sins. Rewards,
Punishments. Depravity, a Change of
Heart, Will, Foreordination, and Fatalism.
Tenth edition. Price 50 cents.
Physiology, Anima/ and Menial
plied to the Preservation and Restoration
of Health of Body and of Power of Mind.
With twenty-six engravings on wood.-
12mo. Price 50 cents.
Self Cidture and Perfection qf Char.
oder: including the Management of Youth.
Improved edition. 12mo Price 60 cm.
Memory and Intellectual Improvement
Applied to Self-Education and Juvenile
Instruction. Twentieth edition, enlarged
and improved. With twenty-six engra
vings. 12mo. Price 50 cents.
Farnifiar Lessons on Physiology and
Phrenology : designed for the use of
Children and Youth, in Schools and Fam
ilies. Illustrated with sixty-five engra
vings. Stereotyped edition. 12rno.—
Price sl. •t
Marriage: Its History and Philoso
phy: with a Phrenological and Physio
logical Exposition of the runctions and
Qualifications for Happy Marriages. 12th
edition, Imply illustrated with engravings.
12 mo. Price 87j cents. .
Education, founded on the Nature of
Man: with an Appendix, by S. R. Wells;
containing an illustrated description of the
Temperaments, and a brief analysis of all
the Phrenological Organs. With a por
trait of the author. 12ino. Price 50
Lectures on the Philosophy of Mesme
rism and Clairvoyance : with instruc
tions in its process and practical applica
tion. Illustrated with a likeness of the
author in the act of producing magnetic
sleep. New and elargod edition. 12ino.
Cheap edition, only 25 cents.
Human Rights and their Political
Guaranties : founded on the Moral and
Intellectual Laws of our Being. Phrenol
ogy adopted as the true pilau:Thy of mind.
With Notes and Appendix, by George
Comb.. New and enlarged edition.—
Price 50 cents.
or Mr. Hurlbut is now Judge of the
Supreme Court in the city of New York.
Fascination : of the Plalosoeh.y of
Charming : Illustrating the Principles
of Life in connection with Spirit and Mat
ter. 12mo. Improved and stereotyped.
Beautifully illmtrited in the highest style
of the art. Prite only 40 cents..
1.. N. POWL2 R.
Symbolical Head and Phrenological
Head in a MIT firm. Designed to con
vey at one view the natural language of
each organ of the mind. Price 26 cis.
Nu. aim
Woman : lier 'Eduedion and influ
ence with a general Introduction by biro.
C. M. Kirkland. Illustrated with thirteen
portraits of distinguished women. 12mo.
Price 40 cents. • •
Sober and notperate Life• with
Notes and Ilinstrations, by John Burdell,
Dentist. Containing directions as to the
quantity of food necessary to prolong life
to an hundred years. Illmo. With nu
merous illustrations, and a likeness of the
author. Price 25 cents.
J 17111711 LII.IIIIO. N. D.. r. R. a.
Chemihiry .dlpplied to Physiology,
Agricidliere, and Comnierce : with addi
ilDliS by Dr. /obi Gardner.' Large whim.
vv. Best edition, paper, only 20 cents,
0. I.
"Low aid "inntatif.: applied to the
IMprovement ol °Miming ; including im
portant direction's od
,stygpit!dons to lov
ers and the married, concerning the stron
gest ties and the most sacred and mornen
touseelatipas of life. 12mo. Illustrated.
Price 25 cents.
Anadimes. : or Evils and Remedies
of Encesnaive and Perverted Sexuality ;
*biding warning and advice to the Mar
rind end Single. Being a Supplement to
"Love and Parentage." 12mo. Price
12i cent,.
Temperance and TigfiNacing Found
ed on the Lime Of Lire, as detelciped by
the sciences of Phionelogy and Physiolo
; showing the injOrioue effects of mho-
Want!, and thb arils Maimed on the hu
maeconstitation, by compressing the or
gans of animal 'life. Illustrated with ap
propriate engravings. Bro. Price 121
cents. .
Metrinumy : or, Phrenology and Phys
iology Applied to the selection of Congenial
Companion for Life. Including direc
tions to the married for living together af
fectionately and happily. Illuatrated.. , —
Octavo. Price 23 cents.
AY Tux sou suTuon.
Synoprif of Phrenology: designed for
the use of Practical Phrenologists. Am
ply Illustrated. Of which 175,000 cop-
its have been sold. 12mo. Pries, single
copy, 51 cents.
The Phrenological and Physiological
di/manar : Published 'yearly. Contain
ing illustrated descriptions of many of the
most distinguished characters living. The
annual sales of which are 200,000 copies.
Price, per doses, only 50 cents : single
copy ei cents.
..Onseeicim ?Arenalagiad Journal and
Afiseellany Devoted to Phrenology,
Physiology, Naguetism,Self-Improvement
and General Progression. To be publish
ed monthly, each number containing thir
ty:lwa large aararo par, and illustrated
with portraits of distinguished individuals.
Terms, per year, in advance, only $l.
Magazmo of Moral arid iniellectual
Science, and Edinburgh Quarterly Phre
nological Journal. Qontaining Essays
upon Phrenology as a department of Phys
iological science, ekhibiting•ite relied ind
important a ppl icatiotilflerthe most interest
ing questions of social and moral philosti
;thy. 'to legislation, medicine, and the arta
of life. Each number' will contain 112
pages, beautifully printed, with illustra
tions. Price per year, in , advance, *2.
DR. /0112 C 111111APALL.DiNTIST.
The 7'edh: Their ,atrnemre, Diseare„
and Treatment, with.the CllOllOl ot Early
Decay. With diretions in relation - to
their care' and preacgiatinti. I itmo.
1 1 161 1 1400.10 p.lst l l4Pdvid engravings
Cheaiadition, facetna.
iowtirt: '
The Phsenolexil Guide s• Designed
for the use 'of Biffatits tif their own her
acute. Centigram the first principles e
the science, together with an 'illustrated
description of the temperaments. 115th
edition. : 12mo. Price 12 1-4 cents.
11l Tllll SAM AUTHOR
Synopsis of Phrenology and Phytiolo
gy Comprising a condensed descrip
tion of the Body and Mind, Also, the ad
ditional discoveries made by iiio aid of
magnetism and Neurology. Small piers°.
Illustrated with fOrtytwo engravings.=
Price only IS 1.2 cents.
N. 8.J.-Any work named is this Cata
logue may be ordered and received by to
turn of the dm Mail. at a trilling expense
for postage, by enekerisi hi a letter the re
quisite amount, and dine*/ the same.
post paid, to
No 121 Nummalbust,N. Yak.
Igr Small aia, sr among bank imam may be
enclosed in • letter, and sent by mail to the pub
lishers, without incresing the moimm, upeyment
for either at the shore wind winks.
June 2, 1948.
PILLS are founded epos the priori* that near
ly all diseases arise from the same causes, or that
a morbid condition at the lbw, B s o o l4l Chi sad b 0 1 .1 4,
predisposes the system ler every elan of disease.
When these imPuctellit Allidifiles become obstruct.
ed with superabundance of Ida and viscid mat
ter, Nature ceases to fulfil her proper office. It
a then that the blood becomes impure, because
the secretive organs of the liver, whose office it
is to separate the worn-out principle of this vital
fluid are no longer fat for their of and the
wasted part or - the blood' continties therefore in
its circulation and becomes diffused throughout
the whate•system. - ' Ilms filled- with itoreettops
humours the body it made 'Able to sickness. If,
by chance, it is exposed to a sudden change in the
weather, a bad cold or consumption would be the
result—if iiLthe vicinity of contagious disorders,
it would imbibe the-infection. • .
Dr. Halsey's Gold and Saner Pails, elthoug
pleasant to take and innocent OA operation, in the
most excittlfebt 'll5 - edfclne iii the %weir!: fo remove
the bile and viscid matter horn the system, and
to restore the liver, stomach and bowela, to the
performance of their proper functloits, theruby
rendering the blood pure, and Airmen' the sys
tem from all morbid and _infectious humors,
which will finally remove every diseare.however
long standing, and endow the syitrm with health,
strength and vigor.
A circular givint!a full explanation of the two
fold action of the Gold sad Otiveit Pills, can be had
of the agent.grat is. Price onlyocents per box.
containing both kinds, and lot sale at the general.
Depot, No. 2 Courtlandt street. New York, and
in Gettysburg by S. H. BUEHLER.
April 7,1848.-2 m
Decidedly the ( heapest °pods
In Town I
r'HE subscriber respectfully . invites
I the public to call and•exitanue his
consisting of Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Pa
per. Muslin% Worsted Hipding; Scarfs,
Needle-Worked Collars, Craves', (a beau
tiful variety,) Spool Cotton, (ail colors,)
Purses and Pooket-books. — Suipenders,
Gloves, (thegreatest kind of an assortment)
Mitts, Hose, Tapes, Whips, Ivory Studs,
Pear and Agate Buttons. Boot Lacers.ran
cy Net, Bishop Lawns, Robinet Lace, gd
gintand Laces, Pins and Needles, Knjtfing
Cotton. Mixed Cotton Yarn, Wedding,
Black Gimps and Fringes, Green Gauze
Veils, Fancy Silk Ties, Wooden Moles,
Cotton Laps, Steel Pens, (six for a cent I)
&e.,do. •
Lt it be borne in mind, tbat all the a
bove articles will be chopoxed .of twenty
five permit. cheaper than ever, positively.
Call and examine for yeurselyps , and e
April 7. J. L. SCHICK.
„Ole very 13 4;11 14 0 Wood; thiterent
tumors, can EA Emu. at all limes; tit
WEAVER'S Confectionary hi Clutilbera.
burg street. homilies Mid Parties will be
supplied with any desired quantity, at the
shortest notice. CAKESand CONFEC
TIONS of all kinds always on hind, and
will be furnished to order on reiumnalile
Gettysburg, July 211.--tf
CMS. (best quality). card Cases,
Visiting and Printing Cards. Fancy Note
Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Fancy
Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps, dm., for sale
December 10. ' ,
Whoever •
wants a First-rate
(lAN be *ccominodatet by milling
PRAXER'S Clock As Watch &tab
lishment, in Cbambersburg.stsest, Gettys
burg, next door to Mr. Buebler's Drug
Store—.where: a new lot of beautiful 24
hour and El day CLOCKS have just been
received from the' City. They are of the
best manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give ua a call—they will be sold cheap.
WATCH Chains, Keys, Spectacles
&c. &c. can always be had at the
Clock 4 Watch Establishment of
ON hand and for sale, a lot Of Travel
ing Bags and Baskets, very handy
and cheap. J. L. SCHICK..
TE Partnership existing between the
subscribers, was itisiolied b e mo t
teal coreut, on di' Aria xt dav of April. 1848. .
• n. eux.
TILL cautious* to any, on the Tall
oring bosinese et the 0,14 Blvd, near
ly opposite the Post Ottie,'where he is
prepared to execute all Workrui his llne
with promptness - dispatch,. He re
turns his thanks to the poblio for the
generous support he hae hithertoteetarid4
sod hopes, by attention to husiosiwortnit4
it a cootiouance of the public, patronage.
P:7 7 A1l work done at his slop will bto
warranted to fit.
Gettysburg, goy IL—tf
ri MILE subscriber respectfully' informs
his friend. end the public generally.
that he still continues to, carry on the
FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in allita branch•
es, at his old establishment, in the Weston'
partol Gettysburg, where he has constaatly
on hand all sorts of
112 Val ft) 10°11723 9
such as Kettles, Pots, Ovens, Skillets,
Pans, Griddles, mike, of all sizes t, also,
STOVES of every size and variety, inclu
ding Common: Parlor, Air-tight and Cook
ing Stoves—among them the Warned
To Farmers he would lay. he has on
hand an excellent assortment of -
, Threshing Machlnet,
Hovey's celebrated Stniwcotters; - the re
nowned Sayler Plows; also Woodcock's
and Witherow's ; also Points, Cutts*
Shares, tib.
BLACKSMITHING is carried on'in
its different branches; by the best of workk
ILThe subssriber has also opened a
Shop in the Stmth end of -the
Frou ',dry Building, w here. with good*.
men' and excellent materials, We nosiest
fits and best work will be rnade t ' ild'La
dies will be waited on at 'holt residAllOo.,
All of the above mentioned articles will
be furnished as cheap, for Cash or country
Produce, as they can be had any where
else. All orders will be promptly attesel.•
ed to.
11:7°Repairing, of all kinds, done at.the
Iliortua notice.
Gettysburg, May 5. 4848. ,
BUT AT. iT 'Aci-A. IN I,
SHE subscriber taken this method:of
j_ informing his friends end the-public.
that he is now located in the Alley beiwpen
North Washington and Carlislistreets,
mediately in the tear of D..Middlsoors
Store, where he will be preparel arkikeOl.
tofore, to do all kinds of
• t , *4-1
Coach, Cloth, Sc. Sign Tainting.
at -short notice, and'on reasomibie amuse
for which Country Produce eidffifr takiew
The subscribes is thankftifithr flars4a•
Ar 9 ro, and hopes. by 'attention 10 4141401 1 4
and .a desire to please, to ,meritiand.;re
calve a continuance of public paltonsga.
J. G,
Gettysburg, May B.—tf
Azzinorwei: •
D. Kendlehart
f, 4 itlLD'most respeettelli . isithritt,
Irly his trip,* mid this putolip. la 0407.
'rah that he has rettin!eikb,ike ,
a, mak •
Establishinent to the honsisfor many you:.
occupied by D. lams, ati is Sadler%
Shop. copposits the Post otos% mid in the
immediate vicinity of Fannsierotteelkore)
in South Baltimore sweets. where he will
be happy to attend to thee* who may p..
trona* him as hareiciforel . •
Thankful for past &soil. lhosnbeeribit
solieit a continuance of the how
tutor. so liberally sumo he
Gauyaburg, April 7. 1848.—.110 • .
iiiROPOSALB will Am received for
jr Building a Stone Church, 35 feet by
45 feet. near the old one, (Rock Chapel.)
a short distance from Heidlersburg, on Sat
urday the 11th of June, at 1 ecluck.--
Those wishing to undertake ought to meet
"the Building Commiue. on that day, in
person. It will be given oat to the lowest
and best bidder, who will be expected to
finish the house.
May 19,1048,—td Building Committee
Barden dt Flower Seems,
OF every variety, from the celebrated
SHAKER Gardens, New Lebanon,
N. York,—also RISLEY'S Garden and
Flower Seeds—just received and for sale
at the Drug and Rook Store of
Gettysburg, March 17, 1818.
IN pursuance of a writ of / enditioni
Exponal, issued out of the Cooit of
Common Pleas of Adams county, Penn.;
sylvania, and to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale onFriday the '23d day!
of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the!
Court-house, in the Borough of, Geitys- I
burg, the following Real Estate, to wit :
No. I—A Tract of Land
situate in Liberty township, Adams coon-1
ty, Pa., containing •
179 41CRES,
Innis or less, adjoining lands of Joseph!
Shultz, 'Hugh Sweeney and Others, on
*bid) are erected a
Ar 4 6 .6
- Oicstber ont•bnifilings. About 15 Acres
of this trait is eleared 'and in a state of col-
Ovation I the residue is coveted with good
Tract of Land,
adjoitting'the abretaid, containing
' '5O 411C/11168,
more or lets , being principally Timper or
•' %,'Tiant of Land
*situate in Liberttpawn ! hip, Adams
• ..;:siso.etnts, • -
more or**, adjoiaing lands of John Flohr,
John. Fargnion, and others—also Wing
Timber, or Mountain Land.
No. 4—A Tract of Land
situate in-Hanilltonban township, Adams
county,"Pa., containing
60 ditCRES,
'more or lees, adjoining lands of Barnabas
Disin, Reeser & lip., and being west of
the "Virginia Mills" of Mrs. Mary Myers
--also nuttier or Mountain Land.
The first above mentioned three Tracts
being 'dual and levied on as the proper
ty of Barnum and JOHN DUPHORN. and the
'fourth and kit 'Praet being seised and lev
ied ou as the property of JOHN DUPHORS.
111rPosnone putchsein property at Sheriff's
_sate, will lave to pay tea per um!. of the waft*
money fin the day of atlas, -
Shanira Opp, (hoyabuti, td
May, IP, row., s
' .. • .
, .. .......
• Dr F. t Vimiteistiof
'•. - .
a propyr, .
L 1 . 1( informs the Citi
zens of Gettysburg' and vicinity that
he is prepared to perform every operation
appertainibutiti. his,.l ) tggssion, such as
cleansing, filing, plugging and inserting
Teeth, &bin atingle tooth toe full set. An
experienki of more than twelve years in
the Profariiioin lii *lgo will et:istrie him to
operate tit the e a dre satisiaction of those
who may !visit his services. All work will
be warranted., : Tor his place of residence
enquire at Meath& of Samuel faluicatock.
Reference 'la reispeethilly Made to the fol.
lovilideginitleaten : . ~.
Rev Dr. Schusyckes, lN Rev. Prof, RaoslAr, .
' ,D. Rorripi, , Dr. D 2 Gilbert,
Prot H. Han" 'Rs?. D. Y. Gettiart, '
Dr. C. N. Berluthy, Prot. M. L. stover,' t
Gintysbdrge Oct. DT,' 1 - 8414%. , 1y - , .. •
S. Lawrence flab - M. D.,
n ESFECTPUCtIaY. offars,bis proles.
Ile gotta) simian Who oitistuts, of Get
tysburg and our:044(11m country, Ile is
prepered to.ittepd to, ell eases usually en.
- trusted to the Dentist, sad hopes,,by strict
ausatioa to,Deatisui to,bs•shks to
please all who may dtto, stitsust,sheir
teeth rOia 04 , (Ace, woad door
above Pony's Hotel, S. Baltimore strew.
Gettysburg, July_ .
allefitey at 'Leto,
FPI" Ok Vil';corner of the
PabliuSquare, one door, West of G.
Arnehts Elmre.,,fOrnierly occupied as a
Law Office by John M'Conanghy. des d.
110 solicits, and by prompt and faithftil at
tention, w(lnosinews la his pitotesaion. it w ill
be his endeavor to .
.merit, confidence and
p3mu, 31-'oo4ismowr will also attend
007:5 to entrusted to him
sp .4 Ad Solicitor for Patents and
PAIWboir4L lie. has 'made arrangements.
throws. Isiah he cab furnish very desire
to tipPlicants; and entirely re
pert ;bent front the.necessity of a journey
to Weelthsgion;on applicatiOn to him per•
spnill4bt by letter. ' •
Ge &Arm Aprif
• apitatmrir Litt -
P IC id ~hli
Ceture_ ,8411,1klorth
of die ebdrii4l`buse. bet Ween Smith's
and Sitiveitdp!i l oorper..
Dr. 41:1111bn'R
SNQIAN Vegetablel'iles Rernedy,Se a dorms
tic Preparation, which bu beeu -used withen
tire sneer", for many years. Being an- laterite
espdieine, It Isiaa decided preference over outwerd
,applications, which are bet palliatives sad not cu.
relive, This , medicine acts upon the diseased
pans, producing healthy action and a palming/it
glre--yalCI wI WAXIILAPIT,OII iittAD Tat XO.
WIT. .
CPSold, 'wholesale and retail, by ROW AND &
WALTOIII, Proprietors, 370 Market street, Phila.,
•od by 8. IL BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Win. Bit.
tiolysr. Abbottitpwn ; Lilley ASc Riley, Oxlorti, and
T. J. cooper, Franklin t [A ug. 0, '4 7 ly
WILL be made and put up by the
subscriber. who will attend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon us reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
ment in the county.
Gt..o. E. BUEHLER.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847.
&c., of beet quall.ty, can alwris be had at
the Fancy Store of C. WEAVER.
Useful mid Or►en»eeeital.
1 4 1 AN S in the greatest abundance, at 111-
AL most any and every price. can be had
at Schick's Variety Store. Warm weath
er is coming o"n—tberefOre call aoou.
April 7, 11148.—tf
MONDS, dkc., of the hest quality
tikbe had at the COnfeetiantuy of
Ufa-Partnership in the Cabinet
/1100E1;4 Bushiess.,
THE sobseribOrs Itaw'entered into
Partnership in the Cabinet-making
business. at;tke old stand of Tinny G.
laeh, in South Baltimore street. oppotiite
Wifiebrenner's Tannery—where they will .
always have on hand, and be prepared in
Make. to order,
Sideboards. Seerelaries. bresibir• 11u-
Tema, Tables, Iledsirads. Wash.
Work and Candle-stands.
aid, in short. every article belonging. to
the above business. They wild also haver
on hand C HAIRS of all varieties.
iir - 7All orders for COFFINS attended
to with the utmost promptneve.
The subscribers assure the public. that
all work purchased Of them will be of the
neatest and most durable character. They
supciintend themselves the construction
of every article, thus being assured that limit
material and w ork inanship"can't be beat."
'their terms are exceedingly reasoneble,
as may be learned by giving them n call.
licr Country produce taken fh exchange
Gettyabargo lam 28.
CAbini.t Furniture !
c." -
R E a S n i t ; ELI' F p U u
b L I
c Ar g i e n i rt i ! R h i endss ti f , r , i t L.
continues to keep on hand, at his Cab
inet-making Establishment, iu East York
street. gettyaburg. Pa., a large assortneut.
of all kinds of CABINET
IMitatTgit.k z ,
. , .
Mahogany, Cherry told Maple BU
' REBUS. Plain and Fancy, French
' • On:If-French lIEDSTE.S I DS,
. • Centre, Dining 4. Breakfast
T.ditLES, Cup-boards,
'Worketands, Candlestands. 4.c„
As my Furniture is manufactured by
mYitelf for regular customers, and not for
purposes, the public may rely pp
m! iid being. what it purports to be, of fash
ionable style; and best material and work
Housekeepers and others, desiring new
'and 'GOOD Furniture, will do well to give
ma call before purchasing olsewhcre.
ICr C 0 I'l'l N S mado to order, at
all !knee.' GEO. 11. SWOPE.
Gcttyshurg, Feb. 18, 1848.—tf
SOAP—Patronised by thousand'. of individu
alethroughout the United States and Cauedee,
giving the most flattering satisfaction to all who
hive used it. Chemists have wondered at na
' toyetefious effects, and many of them have en.
desistfrod to discover the secret of its uondertut
combination of efficacious balms and extract.,
which relickrit at speedy and efficacious in the
renfileal of Pimples, Blotches. Pustules, 'fetter.
transforming, as if by magic, dark, sallow, yet.
low and unhealthy skins, to atilt. smooth, lair.
puneand healthy complexions. For the cnrc of
. Cleopped Flesh, Rough, Cracked and Dieeolotrel
AtiN,Salt itheuni. Ring ;Corm, Erriperas, &wry,
atlld Sore head, RA DW 'IS CHIN BSI: MEDI.
'CATP.I) SOAP may truly he called an iiieetinna
isle *risme. Excrescences of the Cuticle am
atardlly removed and cured—the cuticular
are instantly eransed of all impurities
hand'. neck and face present a beamittil, ch,an.
sweet and healthy appearance.
Fir Shoring, gentlemen will find Ibis Fon' a.
great deeideramm. it produces a rich. creamy
hither', softens the braid, and renders the skiff
smooth and pliable. For elequitige Ted& Its.f.
way's Sbalt is superior to paste or ponder. it
makes the teeth white and beautiful. "success* t I e
breath and protects the gams from cruel. As
general Toilet Soap. it superior to French and
Englisli Soaps, it is entirely free bum iniftilig,a,
iogrediemse--it is purely balsamic and booth's g
to the skin. •
''Each cake, to be genuine.-must be 3 iKned 11.
G. Radway. • J, It. G. RADWAy.
2 Courtland t.t. N. Y.
Sold in f,etty.hur6 by .S. H. BUEHLER.
. March 11, 1548.-2 m
.0 OD
207 Main street, Rialto, N.Y.
ir w ,R. G. C. VAUGIINS VegetableLittiontrit
eihr tic Mixture, a celebrated ineiliiine tibia&
hi - now introduced into this section. 'lto
- Renate oleo adterttientent will nut permit an ex•
Tended mike of this remedy ; we hale only to
say-it'll*, for its'agents in the U. Ltates sod Cat-•
edissialarge number of educated • '••
in•high. Tiralessional standing, a ho- make a gro•
oral ote of it in their practice in the following
lad disearot. of the Urinary Organs, Piles •ad ell
diweEti of the blood, derangements of the Lin et,
&e., and all general diseases 01 theeystrat. It i
fiarlicularly requested that al! who roatempt.we
the use of this article, or who desire informattuai
respecting it,
of 33 pairs, which Agents whose names sae below
will gladly give away. This book treats upon
toe crisithoil of cure—explains the peculiar lon
perties of the article, and also the rlieraies it
has been used for over this country and Europe
for lour years with such periect effect. (her lit
pages of testimony from the highest gumless will
be found with
which can be w fitten to by any one interested, and
the parties will answer pat paid conrinunkutimz.
IFYBe particular and
as no other such pamphlet has two, Wen
evidence of the power of this medicine cnei
diseases is guaranteed by perverir of well lineup
standing in society. •
Put up in 30 on.. and 12 bottles. Price le.:
for 30 oz., $1 for 12 oz., the larger being tie
cheapest. Every battle bra
written on the diiaelinrui, Ae. see pamphlet,. Ir
is. Prepared by tor. G, C. N neigh% and sold sr
prioopol omen, 207 Main street, $4llO, 'Y
Offices devoted to sole of tkis article ractitsisste
132 ffaeodo. New York, and corner of Earn !Ad
Washington, Salern, Mass . and by all Un►[Gtt'
thrOughout this country and Canada. •
47 - Amirpers.—sl W. f1JE112.1411. 41,14,4 01 01.
JACOB 51ARTirt, New OXforli;
F.ast rlin ; M.l3l:BlAN.llauto or al s cro. ni
R. HENRY, Abbottstows
March 8. 1848.—ty
alimr...AwrliNT - aw go 4.
, OF %.111101'S fOrgillfg •
FOll S.ZLE .17' 7711 S fIi'FICE.: